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October 20, 2017, 5:16 pm Women in the Qur'an
September 26, 2018, 11:55 am Women in Art & Pop: On BAD FEMINIST and Representation
April 5, 2021, 10:30 pm What Habeas Petitions Revealed About Marriage in the 19th Century
April 3, 2021, 10:57 am Warm or Competent: Perceptions of Gender and How They Influence Consent to Search Situations
April 3, 2021, 10:43 am Warm or Competent: Perceptions of Gender
May 3, 2021, 10:15 am Sunita Jain Award - Jamaica Baldwin
April 26, 2017, 1:55 pm Student Reflection: Isabel Salas
March 22, 2018, 4:38 pm SciPop Talks - The Science of Self: How Gender Bias & Mindsets Influence the Inner Scientist
May 7, 2014, 10:48 pm School Bullying in the Lives of Girls and Boys
May 7, 2014, 10:50 pm School Bullying in the Lives of Girls and Boys
May 7, 2014, 10:53 pm School Bullying in the Lives of Girls and Boys
July 29, 2024, 12:31 pm Pronouns 101