Media Instance Resource

Resource URI{id}


All xml extra xml elements for media will be outputed to JSON with a '(namespace)_(key)':'(value)' pattern. These elements include, but are not limited to: geo infomration, itunes details, media details, and boxee information. These values will only display if they are set.

Resource Properties

Property Description JSON XML
id int: A numerical id for the media. 1
url URL: A url to the actual media file. 1
link URL: The url to the media file on Media Hub. 1 1
title Text: The title of the media. 1 1
description Text: The descripton of the media. 1 1
length Int: The size of the media file in bytes. 1
image URL: A url to the image of the midea. 1
type TEXT: The type of media. 1
author Text: The author of the media. 1
pubDate Date: The date the media was published. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 1 1
dateupdated Date: The date the media was last updated. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 1
lastBuildDate Date: The date and time that the feed was last built. 1
docs URL: Link to RSS specification 1
generator Text: Name and version of the generator used to generate the channel. 1
managingEditor Text: Details about the managing Editor. 1
webMaster Text: Details about the webmaster. 1
ttl Int: The maximum number of minutes the chanel has to live before referesing from the source. 1





    "id": 1,
    "url": "https:\/\/\/uploads\/ucomm\/av\/video\/podcasts\/20100607_JazzInJune.mp4",
    "title": "Jazz In June Time Lapse",
    "description": "<p>Time lapse of the crowd at Jazz In June.<\/p>",
    "length": 7145215,
    "image": "https:\/\/\/media\/1\/image",
    "type": "video\/mp4",
    "author": "University Communications",
    "link": "https:\/\/\/media\/1",
    "pubDate": "2011-03-25 08:59:40",
    "dateupdated": null,
    "embed": "\n\n<div style=\"padding-top: 56.25%; overflow: hidden; position:relative; -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1;\">\n  <iframe\n    style=\"bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; border: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%;\"\n    src=\"https:\/\/\/media\/1?format=iframe&autoplay=0\"\n    title=\"Video Player:  Jazz In June Time Lapse\"\n    allowfullscreen\n  ><\/iframe>\n<\/div>",
    "media_content url=\"http:\/\/\/ucomm\/ucomm\/av\/video\/podcasts\/20100607_JazzInJune.mp4\" fileSize=\"7145215\" type=\"video\/mp4\" lang=\"en\" width=\"640\" height=\"480\"": "",
    "media_copyright": "2010 University of Nebraska Lincoln",
    "media_thumbnail url=\"http:\/\/\/thumbnails.php?\"": ""

Format Information

The following is a list of formats used in MediaHub.