MODULE 3: Biosecurity principles and practices
Dr. Don Reynolds
In this module the first five of the 14 National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Biosecurity Principles are covered. Common biosecurity management practices and strategies related to the principles are provided.
Included: Biosecurity responsibility, training, line of separation, perimeter buffer area, and personnel. (21 min.)
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- [00:00:02.510]Hello. I'm Dr. Don Reynolds,
- [00:00:04.219]professor and poultry veterinarian at the
- [00:00:06.559]University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
- [00:00:08.489]and welcome to the Big Red Biosecurity
- [00:00:10.779]Program for poultry.
- [00:00:12.799]This is Biosecurity Training Module 3:
- [00:00:15.769]Biosecurity Principles and Practices.
- [00:00:18.569]In this module we will be reviewing the
- [00:00:21.769]first 5 of the 14 National Poultry
- [00:00:23.859]Improvement Plan, N-P-I-P, biosecurity
- [00:00:27.299]principles, and providing samples of
- [00:00:29.488]management practices and strategies
- [00:00:31.678]to comply with these principles.
- [00:00:33.578]For more information, we refer you to the
- [00:00:36.548]resource on the
- [00:00:40.478]website as seen on this slide.
- [00:00:44.898]These are the 14 biosecurity principles.
- [00:00:47.678]Today we will be reviewing the first five.
- [00:00:50.924]Biosecurity Principle Number 1:
- [00:00:53.754]Biosecurity Responsibility. [Clears throat] Excuse me.
- [00:00:58.194]The biosecurity coordinator is responsible
- [00:01:00.604]for the development, the implementation,
- [00:01:03.014]the maintenance and ongoing effectiveness of
- [00:01:05.634]the biosecurity program. Depending on the
- [00:01:08.104]type and size of poultry operation, the
- [00:01:10.144]biosecurity coordinator's responsibility
- [00:01:12.414]would be at the farm, production site,
- [00:01:14.604]production complex or company level.
- [00:01:16.824]The biosecurity coordinator should be
- [00:01:17.934]knowledgeable in the principles of biosecurity.
- [00:01:20.554]The biosecurity coordinator, along with the
- [00:01:23.014]personnel and caretakers on the farm and
- [00:01:25.434]production sties are responsible for the
- [00:01:27.704]implementation of the biosecurity program.
- [00:01:30.204]The biosecurity coordinator should review
- [00:01:32.644]the biosecurity program at least once
- [00:01:34.824]during each calendar year and make
- [00:01:36.974]revisions as necessary.
- [00:01:38.384]The audit guidelines for
- [00:01:39.854]for the biosecurity responsibility.
- [00:01:42.334]Is there a biosecurity coordinator?
- [00:01:45.114]If so, please provide their name.
- [00:01:47.024]Is there a site-specific biosecurity plan?
- [00:01:50.114]Site-specific biosecurity plans can be defined
- [00:01:53.024]as either farm specific or complex-wide specific.
- [00:01:56.164]Supporting documentation that is requested
- [00:01:58.714]should reflect farm-specific or complex-wide
- [00:02:01.384]specific, as appropriate.
- [00:02:02.874]Is the biosecurity coordinator knowledeable
- [00:02:05.384]in the principles of biosecurity?
- [00:02:07.354]The biosecurity coordinator must be able to
- [00:02:09.854]describe and interpret their company's
- [00:02:12.084]biosecurity program and how it meets the
- [00:02:14.484]requirements of the N-P-I-P
- [00:02:16.184]biosecurity principles.
- [00:02:17.564]Does the biosecurity coordinator review the
- [00:02:20.064]biosecurity plan at least once during each
- [00:02:22.454]calendar year and make revisions as
- [00:02:24.594]necessary? The biosecurity coordinator
- [00:02:26.834]must be able to provide recorded dates in
- [00:02:29.224]which annual reviews were made and evidence
- [00:02:31.894]of revisions to the biosecurity plan, if any
- [00:02:34.234]were necessary.
- [00:02:36.324]Does the biosecurity plan indicate there
- [00:02:38.634]will be a review by the biosecurity
- [00:02:40.634]coordinator in periods of heightened risk
- [00:02:42.984]of disease transmission?
- [00:02:44.494]Documentation of compliance, including
- [00:02:46.814]evidence of a discussion during periods of
- [00:02:49.234]heightened risk can take any form. For
- [00:02:51.464]example, emails, letters, memos, phone logs,
- [00:02:54.064]text messages, etc. It is the responsibility
- [00:02:56.984]of the biosecurity coordinator to clearly
- [00:02:59.904]define and communicate the "period of
- [00:03:02.654]heightened risk" in the biosecurity plan.
- [00:03:07.334]Each site should have a coordinator and a
- [00:03:10.694]plan. If an entity has a coordinator and a plan,
- [00:03:14.794]it can be audited. If an entity doesn't have
- [00:03:17.184]either one, who's responsible for biosecurity?
- [00:03:20.314]Whoever is responsible should be audited.
- [00:03:23.304]Recommend working with big entities first.
- [00:03:25.814]They should be responsible, especially if
- [00:03:28.114]their supply depends on contractors or
- [00:03:30.374]purchased product. They need to protect
- [00:03:32.724]that supply. A memorandum of understanding,
- [00:03:35.984]or M-O-U, between the state O-S-A. O-S-A
- [00:03:39.774]means official state agency--may be needed
- [00:03:42.884]for multistate entities, similar to those
- [00:03:45.124]used for hatchery and laboratory inspections.
- [00:03:47.974]Here are key points to remember
- [00:03:50.534]about the biosecurity responsibility in
- [00:03:53.914]Principle 1.
- [00:03:55.534]Documentation is key. Remember, if it's not
- [00:03:59.584]written down, that is documented, then it
- [00:04:01.974]didn't happen. Traditional log books are
- [00:04:05.044]acceptable. Examples: sign-in, sign-out logs.
- [00:04:08.384]Other forms such as electronic access,
- [00:04:10.624]video, etc., are also acceptable.
- [00:04:13.734]Everyone on the premise should know
- [00:04:16.664]the identity and role of the
- [00:04:18.494]biosecurity coordinator.
- [00:04:21.157]Annual biosecurity programs / plans need
- [00:04:23.617]to be reviewed at least once annually, when
- [00:04:26.827]circumstances--for example threat levels--
- [00:04:29.457]change. Documentation may include minutes
- [00:04:32.887]of meetings or discussions, notes and
- [00:04:35.147]addendums to biosecurity programs and
- [00:04:37.537]plans--remember, date and initial these--
- [00:04:40.197]email, text messages, correspondence,
- [00:04:43.917]memorandums, letters, phone records, etc.
- [00:04:48.557]Biosecurity Principle 2: Training.
- [00:04:51.827]The biosecurity program should include
- [00:04:54.197]training materials that cover both farm
- [00:04:56.507]site-specific procedures as well as
- [00:04:58.487]premise-wide and / or company-wide procedures
- [00:05:02.187]as appropriate. All poultry owners and
- [00:05:04.417]caretakers that regularly enter the perimeter
- [00:05:06.967]buffer area must complete this training.
- [00:05:09.317]The training must be done at least once
- [00:05:11.677]per calendar year and documented. New
- [00:05:14.057]poultry caretakers should be trained at hire.
- [00:05:16.847]Training records should be retained, as
- [00:05:19.187]stated in Title 9-C-F-R 145.12b and
- [00:05:24.627]146.11e.
- [00:05:30.195]Guidelines for training.
- [00:05:31.725]Does the biosecurity program include
- [00:05:33.895]training materials that cover both farm
- [00:05:36.235]site-specific procedures as well as company
- [00:05:38.935]and / or complex-wide site-specific
- [00:05:41.145]procedures as applicable?
- [00:05:42.735]Do all poultry owners and caretakers that
- [00:05:45.125]regularly enter the perimeter buffer area,
- [00:05:47.505]P-B-A, complete this training? Supporting
- [00:05:49.945]documentation. Example, training logs,
- [00:05:54.255]training completion sheets, sign-in sheets,
- [00:05:56.655]certificates of completion, etc., should be
- [00:05:59.055]provided.
- [00:06:00.345]Has the training been completed at least
- [00:06:02.665]once per calendar year and documented?
- [00:06:05.105]Supporting documentation. Example,
- [00:06:07.275]training logs, training completion sheets,
- [00:06:09.705]sign-in-sheets, certificates of completion, etc.,
- [00:06:12.285]should be provided.
- [00:06:13.555]Are new poultry caretakers trained at hire?
- [00:06:16.055]Supporting documentation, training logs,
- [00:06:18.395]training completion sheets, sign-in sheets,
- [00:06:20.805]certificates of completion, etc.,
- [00:06:22.635]should be provided.
- [00:06:23.935]Are training records retained as stated in
- [00:06:26.315]9C-F-R 145.12b and146.11e?
- [00:06:30.315]Records must maintained for at least three years.
- [00:06:35.945]Key points to remember about biosecurity
- [00:06:38.395]Principle Number 2: Training.
- [00:06:41.405]Documentation is key. A written biosecurity
- [00:06:45.125]program or plan, that is a manual, specific
- [00:06:47.545]for the site is recommended. All personnel
- [00:06:50.055]should be familiar with the biosecurity
- [00:06:52.315]manual and its contents. All personnel should
- [00:06:54.985]know where to find the biosecurity manual
- [00:06:57.505]and a copy kept on site.
- [00:07:00.065]All personnel that enter the site perimeter
- [00:07:02.495]buffer area should have biosecurity training.
- [00:07:05.555]Training should be immediate upon hire.
- [00:07:08.245]Training should be completed annually.
- [00:07:11.465]Initial and annual training should be
- [00:07:13.940]documented. Who was trained, who provided
- [00:07:16.830]the training, what was covered--this should
- [00:07:19.350]be specific to the site--training logs,
- [00:07:22.200]certificates of completion, etc., should be
- [00:07:24.810]retained. Training records must be
- [00:07:27.160]retained for at least three years.
- [00:07:31.425]Biosecurity Principle 3: Line of Separation
- [00:07:35.425]or L-O-S. The line of separation is a
- [00:07:37.875]functional line separating the poultry
- [00:07:40.045]house or houses and the poultry inside
- [00:07:42.315]from exposure to potential disease sources.
- [00:07:45.185]Generally, it is defined by the walls of
- [00:07:47.385]the poultry building with practical
- [00:07:49.355]deviations to account for entry points,
- [00:07:51.545]structural aspects or outside access
- [00:07:53.815]area. The site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:07:56.429]should describe or illustrate the boundraries
- [00:07:58.989]of the L-O-S and clearly outline the
- [00:08:01.019]procedures to be followed when caretakers,
- [00:08:03.529]visitors or suppliers cross it.
- [00:08:05.559]For poultry enclosed in outdoor pens,
- [00:08:08.119]similar principles for the L-O-S can be
- [00:08:10.289]applied for defining and controlling the
- [00:08:12.549]L-O-S for each pen. In this circumstance,
- [00:08:15.049]the walls of the outdoor pens would provide
- [00:08:18.264]a template for defining the
- [00:08:19.914]lines of separation to be
- [00:08:21.434]used when entering or exiting the pens.
- [00:08:23.954]For poultry with non-enclosed outdoor
- [00:08:26.184]access, the L-O-S is recommended but not
- [00:08:28.644]required. Further, in an emergency disease
- [00:08:31.334]state where the transmissible disease risk
- [00:08:34.384]is heightened, it is highly recommended to
- [00:08:36.854]enclose all poultry and enforce a line of
- [00:08:39.144]separation.
- [00:08:41.614]Audit guidelines. Does the site-specific
- [00:08:44.584]biosecurity plan describe or illustrate the
- [00:08:47.044]boundaries of the L-O-S?
- [00:08:48.944]If not, please explain.
- [00:08:50.840]Provide a diagram, map and/or a detailed
- [00:08:53.230]description if the line of separation.
- [00:08:55.320]The L-O-S is recommended but not required
- [00:08:57.870]for poultry with unenclosed outdoor access,
- [00:09:00.370]but is highly recommended during
- [00:09:02.390]periods of heightened risk.
- [00:09:04.040]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:09:06.480]clearly outline procedures to be followed
- [00:09:08.850]when caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:09:11.210]cross the L-O-S?
- [00:09:12.630]Provide the procedure:
- [00:09:14.050]written instructions, signage,
- [00:09:15.850]training videos, etc.-- to be followed
- [00:09:18.750]by caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:09:20.860]to cross the line of separation.
- [00:09:24.220]Here is a diagram outlining
- [00:09:27.440]a broiler / turkey farm
- [00:09:28.830]and the lines of separation,
- [00:09:30.570]as you can see here in the red.
- [00:09:32.380]The light blue is the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:09:38.345]This is a diagram of a table-egg complex.
- [00:09:41.365]Again, the walls of the building
- [00:09:43.965]are delineating in the red
- [00:09:45.495]the lines of separation,
- [00:09:47.035]the light blue being the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:09:52.411]Line of separation--enclosed outdoor pens.
- [00:09:55.181]For poultry enclosed in outdoor pens,
- [00:09:57.551]similar principles for the lines of separation
- [00:10:00.021]can be applied for defining and controlling
- [00:10:02.471]the L-O-S for each pen.
- [00:10:03.991]In this circumstance, the walls
- [00:10:05.871]of the outdoor pens would provide a
- [00:10:08.031]template for defining the L-O-S to be used
- [00:10:10.451]when entering or exiting the pens.
- [00:10:14.482]For poultry with non-enclosed outdoor
- [00:10:16.742]access, line of separation is recommended
- [00:10:19.342]but not required.
- [00:10:20.992]Further, in an emergency disease state where
- [00:10:23.612]the transmissible disease risk is heightened,
- [00:10:26.122]it is highly recommended
- [00:10:27.662]to enclose all poultry and enforce
- [00:10:29.662]a line of separation.
- [00:10:33.912]Guidelines. Audit guidelines on the
- [00:10:35.942]line of separation.
- [00:10:37.192]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:10:39.802]describe or illustrate the boundaries
- [00:10:42.202]of the line of separation? Yes or no.
- [00:10:45.203]If no, please explain. Provide a diagram,
- [00:10:47.523]map and/or a detailed description
- [00:10:49.513]of the line of separation.
- [00:10:51.073]Line of separation is recommended but not
- [00:10:53.563]required for poultry with
- [00:10:55.073]unenclosed outdoor access, but is
- [00:10:57.083]highly recommended during periods of
- [00:10:59.343]heightened risk.
- [00:11:00.503]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:11:02.693]clearly outline procedures to be followed
- [00:11:05.033]when caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:11:07.203]cross the L-O-S, yes or no?
- [00:11:09.633]Provide the procedures. Example,
- [00:11:11.973]written instructions, signage,
- [00:11:13.723]training videos, etc., to be followed by
- [00:11:15.953]caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:11:17.823]to cross the line of separation.
- [00:11:21.253]Here are key points to remember about
- [00:11:25.633]line of separation biosecurity principle.
- [00:11:29.378]Define, identify the line of separation, the L-O-S.
- [00:11:33.378]A map or diagram is recommended.
- [00:11:36.028]This should be included
- [00:11:37.558]in a biosecurity manual.
- [00:11:39.108]Where and how to obtain a map or diagram?
- [00:11:42.148]Perhaps you have building or
- [00:11:43.908]construction plans that are retained
- [00:11:47.908]from the original building site.
- [00:11:50.048]Perhaps you can go to Google Earth or
- [00:11:53.068]a commercial photographer or video producer
- [00:11:56.589]can be implemented.
- [00:11:58.449]For instance, an aerial photographer
- [00:12:00.629]where they fly over with airplanes
- [00:12:02.789]and take pictures, or drone technology.
- [00:12:05.279]Actually on our website we have some
- [00:12:07.649]examples of drone technology providing
- [00:12:10.529]excellent images of poultry complexes.
- [00:12:13.808]Procedures for crossing the line of separation.
- [00:12:16.888]Include in your site-specific training.
- [00:12:20.423]Include both the entry and the exit.
- [00:12:23.313]Include site personnel, suppliers and visitors.
- [00:12:27.143]Written in biosecurity manual. This is a
- [00:12:30.123]standard operating procedure, again that
- [00:12:33.443]needs to be written and documented in your
- [00:12:36.153]biosecurity manual. And remember,
- [00:12:38.963]signage is very helpful.
- [00:12:42.201]Outdoor poultry.
- [00:12:44.431]Pens, walls or sides of pens can define the
- [00:12:46.871]line of separation.
- [00:12:48.141]Nonenclosed poultry, the line of separation
- [00:12:51.191]is not required; however, in an
- [00:12:53.071]emergency situation the biosecurty plan
- [00:12:56.041]should include a way to enclose birds
- [00:12:58.720]and enforce a line of separation.
- [00:13:03.460]Biosecurity Principle 4.
- [00:13:05.730]The perimeter buffer area (PBA).
- [00:13:07.908]The perimiter buffer area is a functional
- [00:13:10.420]zone surrounding the poultry house or
- [00:13:12.650]poultry raising area that separates them from
- [00:13:15.230]areas unrelated to poultry production on that
- [00:13:17.820]site and or adjoining properties.
- [00:13:19.720]It is comprised of the poultry houses and
- [00:13:22.070]poultry raising areas as well as nearby
- [00:13:24.270]structures and high-traffic areas involved
- [00:13:26.620]in the daily function of the poultry farm.
- [00:13:28.960]This would usually include,
- [00:13:30.570]but not be limited to,
- [00:13:31.910]such things as feed bins, manure sheds,
- [00:13:34.200]composting areas, egg rooms,
- [00:13:35.990]generators, pump rooms, etc.
- [00:13:37.800]The site-specific biosecurity plan should
- [00:13:40.100]describe or illustrate the
- [00:13:41.610]boundaries of the PBA
- [00:13:43.000]and clearly outline the procedures that
- [00:13:45.250]caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:13:47.130]must follow when entering and leaving
- [00:13:49.390]the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:13:50.990]Guidelines.
- [00:13:51.850]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:13:54.970]describe or illustrate the boundaries of the
- [00:13:57.460]perimeter buffer area?
- [00:13:59.480]Provide a diagram, map and or a detailed
- [00:14:02.790]description of the PBA.
- [00:14:04.910]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:14:07.800]clearly outline the procedures to be followed
- [00:14:10.340]by caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:14:12.450]when entering and leaving the
- [00:14:14.320]perimeter buffer area.
- [00:14:16.150]Provide the procedures. Examples: written
- [00:14:18.610]instructions, signage, training videos, etc.
- [00:14:20.980]to be followed by caretakers, visitors or
- [00:14:23.250]suppliers when entering and leaving the PBA.
- [00:14:26.845]Here's a diagram showing a poultry complex,
- [00:14:32.045]and the outline in yellow is outlining
- [00:14:34.965]the perimeter buffer area, which is in
- [00:14:37.345]blue here, the light blue.
- [00:14:41.391]The perimeter buffer area is a functional zone
- [00:14:44.001]surrounding the poultry houses or
- [00:14:46.011]poultry raising area that separates them
- [00:14:48.341]from areas unrelated to poultry production
- [00:14:50.831]on that site and or adjoining properties.
- [00:14:53.111]It is comprised of the poultry houses and
- [00:14:55.491]poultry raising areas as well as
- [00:14:57.331]nearby structures and high-traffic areas
- [00:14:59.631]involved in the daily function of the
- [00:15:01.711]poultry farm.
- [00:15:02.641]This would usually include but not be limited to
- [00:15:05.301]such things as feed bins, manure sheds,
- [00:15:07.611]composting areas, egg rooms,
- [00:15:09.431]generators, pump rooms, etc.
- [00:15:11.241]The site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:15:13.161]should describe or illustrate
- [00:15:14.851]the boundaries of the PBA and
- [00:15:16.701]clearly outline the procedures that
- [00:15:18.741]caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:15:20.601]must follow when entering and leaving
- [00:15:22.851]the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:15:24.501]Here's a typical turkey / broiler farm diagram.
- [00:15:27.331]And again, showing the outline of the
- [00:15:29.941]perimeter buffer area in blue.
- [00:15:33.461]Here it is for a table-egg complex, again
- [00:15:38.001]outlining in yellow the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:15:43.296]So audit guidelines.
- [00:15:45.116]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:15:47.576]describe or illustrate the
- [00:15:49.076]boundaries of the PBA? Yes or no.
- [00:15:51.216]Provide a diagram, map and or a detailed
- [00:15:53.796]description of the PBA.
- [00:15:55.526]Does the site-specific biosecurity plan
- [00:15:57.896]clearly outline the procedures to be followed
- [00:16:00.453]by caretakers, visitors or suppliers
- [00:16:02.443]when entering and leaving the PBA? Yes or no.
- [00:16:05.073]Provide the procedures. Example, written
- [00:16:07.433]instructions, signage, training videos, etc.,
- [00:16:09.903]to be followed by caretakers, visitors or
- [00:16:12.163]suppliers when entering and leaving the PBA.
- [00:16:17.418]Here are key points
- [00:16:18.668]to remember about the perimeter buffer area
- [00:16:21.568]biosecurity principle.
- [00:16:23.948]Define / identify the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:16:27.628]So a map or a diagram of your complex
- [00:16:29.898]is recommended.
- [00:16:31.108]This map or diagram should be included
- [00:16:33.418]in the biosecurity manual.
- [00:16:35.388]Where do you get such a map or diagram?
- [00:16:37.968]Again, if the original building or
- [00:16:39.818]construction plans are available, this
- [00:16:41.928]might be a source. If not, perhaps
- [00:16:43.978]Google Earth or commercial photography or
- [00:16:47.358]video such as aerieal photographers
- [00:16:50.558]or drone technology.
- [00:16:51.988]Procedures for entering and exiting
- [00:16:54.458]the perimeter buffer area should include
- [00:16:57.828]site-specific training, should include
- [00:17:00.248]both entry and exit procedures,
- [00:17:02.618]include site personnel and suppliers and visitors,
- [00:17:05.708]be written in your biosecurity manual as
- [00:17:08.495]S-O-P, standard operating procedure,
- [00:17:11.195]and, again, signage is very helpful.
- [00:17:15.466]Biosecurity Principle 5: Personnel.
- [00:17:18.486]The biosecurity program and or the
- [00:17:20.596]site-specific biosecurity plan should include
- [00:17:23.272]provisions specifically addressing
- [00:17:25.562]procedures and biosecurity
- [00:17:27.352]personal protective equipment, P-P-E,
- [00:17:31.282]for site-dedicated personnel.
- [00:17:33.142]The plan should likewaise address
- [00:17:35.142]the procedures and biosecurity P-P-E
- [00:17:37.272]for non-farm personnel.
- [00:17:38.762]The plan should also specify procedures
- [00:17:41.062]which all personnel having had recent
- [00:17:43.262]contact with other poultry or avian
- [00:17:45.322]species should follow before re-entering the
- [00:17:47.842]perimeter buffer area.
- [00:17:51.130]Audit guidelines for personnel.
- [00:17:53.410]Does the biosecurity program and or
- [00:17:55.840]site-specific biosecurity plan include
- [00:17:58.266]provisions specifically addressing
- [00:18:00.226]procedures and biosecurity personal protective
- [00:18:02.956]equipment for site-dedicated personnel?
- [00:18:06.336]P-P-E should be described in the biosecurity plan for
- [00:18:09.866]each type of production facility.
- [00:18:12.446]Does the biosecurity program and or
- [00:18:14.836]site-specific biosecurity plan address
- [00:18:16.975]the procedures and biosecurity P-P-E for
- [00:18:19.745]non-farm personnel?
- [00:18:21.745]P-P-E should be described in the
- [00:18:23.645]biosecurity plan for each type of production
- [00:18:26.165]facility or non-farm personnel.
- [00:18:28.005]Does the biosecurity program and or
- [00:18:30.185]site-specific biosecurity plan specify
- [00:18:32.895]procedures which all personnel
- [00:18:35.205]having had recent contact
- [00:18:36.805]with other poultry or avian
- [00:18:38.445]species should follow before
- [00:18:40.175]re-entering the P-B-A?
- [00:18:41.575]Supporting documents. Supporting documentation.
- [00:18:44.485]Examples: signed statements, acknowledgement
- [00:18:47.235]forms, visitor log-in, signed policy documents, etc.
- [00:18:50.345]should be provided.
- [00:18:52.855]Key points to remember about
- [00:18:55.355]biosecurity Principle 5: Personnel.
- [00:18:59.845]Define and identify those points of entry and
- [00:19:03.095]exit for all personnel.
- [00:19:05.355]Again, a map or diagram is recommended, and
- [00:19:08.065]this should be included in the
- [00:19:09.835]biosecurity manual.
- [00:19:11.855]Procedures for entering and exiting.
- [00:19:14.385]Personal protective equipment, P-P-E.
- [00:19:17.355]These should be specified for each
- [00:19:19.605]entry and exit point.
- [00:19:21.665]The type of P-P-E specified. Examples: disposable
- [00:19:25.165]boots, washable boots, head gear, coveralls, etc,
- [00:19:30.065]should be specified in your biosecurity manual.
- [00:19:34.445]The location of where they're provided.
- [00:19:36.695]And the location of where you put on your P-P-E,
- [00:19:39.445]the donning location. Or the doffing, where you
- [00:19:42.145]take off your P-P-E is important.
- [00:19:45.065]It is also important to properly dispose
- [00:19:48.145]and or recycle the used P-P-E.
- [00:19:51.095]To include all site personnel, suppliers
- [00:19:54.535]and visitors in the written procedures.
- [00:19:58.175]All of these need to be written in the
- [00:20:00.295]biosecurity manual.
- [00:20:02.055]Again, signage is very helpful.
- [00:20:07.370]Previous or recent contact with other poultry.
- [00:20:10.530]Written procedure on the time requirements.
- [00:20:14.630]For example, if someone goes to a poultry show
- [00:20:18.410]you may require at least 48 hours without any
- [00:20:22.530]exposure to poultry before they can
- [00:20:24.610]re-enter the perimeter buffer area.
- [00:20:27.000]Written procedures on
- [00:20:28.430]site personnel owning birds, including
- [00:20:31.760]pet birds.
- [00:20:33.330]Supporting documentation, example,
- [00:20:35.580]sign-in logs, for all site personnel, service
- [00:20:38.170]personnel and visitors.
- [00:20:42.950]This ends Module 3. Thank you very much.
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