SPED 846 Zoom 1 2018
Mackenzie Savaiano
Zoom Class recording from August 20, 2018
Searchable Transcript
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- [00:00:02.330]So welcome to SPED 846, Foundations of Visual Impairments.
- [00:00:09.620]About half of you are in the visual impairment program,
- [00:00:13.860]and about half of you are in the deaf education program,
- [00:00:18.200]and all of you are interested in
- [00:00:22.060]sensory disabilities of one type or another.
- [00:00:24.900]Chandler, hello.
- [00:00:28.475]So we all have something in common,
- [00:00:33.840]and we all need to know how to collaborate with one another,
- [00:00:36.310]which is why you're all in this class together.
- [00:00:39.240]And a lot of you are going to be in SPED 872
- [00:00:44.010]together as well, so not all of you.
- [00:00:46.750]Some of you are in that now,
- [00:00:48.050]some of you are in that at another time.
- [00:00:50.500]It's totally fine.
- [00:00:53.460]Today, all I wanna make sure is
- [00:00:55.530]that you feel comfortable with the syllabus for our class,
- [00:00:58.600]that you understand how the Canvas site is laid out,
- [00:01:01.950]and that you have an opportunity to ask me
- [00:01:05.320]any questions that you might have
- [00:01:07.070]about what the semester is going to be like.
- [00:01:10.350]So that's what we're doing.
- [00:01:12.130]So the way I have Zoom set up is most of you are muted.
- [00:01:16.910]So if you start talking to me, I cannot hear you
- [00:01:19.512]unless you unmute, but I am monitoring chat,
- [00:01:23.400]so if for some reason, your microphone's not working
- [00:01:25.840]for any reason, you can type in that chat bar
- [00:01:28.080]and it will alert me, and we can do all of that.
- [00:01:31.460]But let's get to it.
- [00:01:33.260]So I'm sharing the screen and then
- [00:01:35.050]making it much bigger for our syllabus.
- [00:01:39.200]You'll notice that there's a highlight for any changes
- [00:01:42.900]that have been made after a certain date
- [00:01:45.810]will be highlighted in yellow.
- [00:01:47.330]And that's not because I'm gonna change stuff willy-nilly.
- [00:01:49.971]I'm not gonna do that, it's just the idea that
- [00:01:55.720]things have happened before where I have
- [00:01:57.590]done math incorrectly and someone points it out to me,
- [00:02:00.370]and so I fix the total number of points.
- [00:02:03.140]Or I've inadvertently scheduled a Zoom
- [00:02:06.033]for like Thanksgiving Day, and someone's like,
- [00:02:08.430]hey Mackenzie, that's a terrible idea, can we change that,
- [00:02:11.320]and I will, and I'll highlight it,
- [00:02:13.520]I'll send out an announcement
- [00:02:14.950]and I will send out an email as well.
- [00:02:18.220]So it's not that meant like I'm just gonna be changing
- [00:02:21.230]the expectations, that won't be happening.
- [00:02:24.130]I just can't control certain things with dates
- [00:02:27.500]or my mathematic abilities, so that's kind of it.
- [00:02:32.720]We do have a graduate assistant
- [00:02:35.350]for this class, who is Susan Pope.
- [00:02:38.110]Susan is chewing right now, so I'm not
- [00:02:39.720]going to make her talk, but Susan is my doctoral student,
- [00:02:44.010]and she was a teacher of students with visual impairments
- [00:02:47.840]in Omaha Public Schools and then she was
- [00:02:50.480]the director of the Nebraska Instructional Resources Center
- [00:02:54.500]before coming to me to pursue her doctoral program.
- [00:02:58.640]So she is just gonna be helping out,
- [00:03:01.000]so if you ever have any questions,
- [00:03:03.350]you can certainly ask either or both of us.
- [00:03:09.120]We meet frequently, so we'll be able to respond to you.
- [00:03:14.380]I'm not gonna go through this and read all of this to you,
- [00:03:17.550]that's kind of a waste of your time and my time.
- [00:03:20.600]You can do that, hopefully you've gone through this already.
- [00:03:24.240]I'm just gonna highlight those things that I think are
- [00:03:26.350]very important, which is this is an online course,
- [00:03:29.880]but it is not a self-paced course.
- [00:03:33.090]The entire course is not open to you at the moment.
- [00:03:36.920]A huge portion of this course is discussion-based,
- [00:03:41.255]either as a whole class or within smaller groups,
- [00:03:45.450]just to allow for richer conversations.
- [00:03:49.300]We're kind of a large class, if everyone tried to talk
- [00:03:51.640]to everyone, it would become redundant at a certain point.
- [00:03:55.460]So the smaller groups are gonna be so you can also
- [00:03:57.990]have these tighter, richer conversations
- [00:04:00.790]that you don't feel like you're repeating
- [00:04:02.410]what other people have already written.
- [00:04:05.230]So in order to have those rich conversations,
- [00:04:07.370]you all have to be reading the same thing
- [00:04:09.100]around roughly the same time and be in discussion board
- [00:04:13.160]at the same time, responding to one another.
- [00:04:15.990]So I will be releasing modules ahead out time,
- [00:04:20.400]just because I know you are all working,
- [00:04:22.280]and so your Monday to Friday is pretty packed.
- [00:04:25.190]So I do understand that you are going to be utilizing
- [00:04:27.930]a lot of your evenings and maybe early mornings,
- [00:04:31.060]if you're an early riser or weekend time
- [00:04:33.240]to accomplish a lot of these tasks.
- [00:04:35.030]So anything that's due, you will have access to it
- [00:04:39.640]the week before so that you have time
- [00:04:41.970]over the weekend and on nights and things like that
- [00:04:44.410]to read, to do quizzes, things like that.
- [00:04:50.360]Within the week, you have that flexibility.
- [00:04:57.300]Is the link on the recent Canvas announcement working?
- [00:05:00.060]I don't know, but if you
- [00:05:05.960]have your textbook, the question
- [00:05:08.210]was about registering for the AFB website.
- [00:05:11.750]It has information
- [00:05:16.140]on the inside where it said important notice,
- [00:05:19.180]and then it has the information about how to register
- [00:05:22.630]for the AFB e-learning site.
- [00:05:26.000]So if that link isn't working,
- [00:05:28.730]I'll go in there and fix it,
- [00:05:32.540]but until then, you can follow
- [00:05:34.410]the instructions in your textbook to register,
- [00:05:36.710]but I'll go in and make sure that that works.
- [00:05:42.470]Due dates are typically going to be on Fridays,
- [00:05:45.270]on Sundays, and on Mondays, depending on the assignment.
- [00:05:49.120]Discussion boards have posts due on Fridays and Sundays,
- [00:05:53.810]and then any larger assignments are due on Mondays.
- [00:05:56.710]Just kind of treating this as our class time,
- [00:06:00.630]assignments would normally be due
- [00:06:02.310]during class time, so they're due on Mondays.
- [00:06:06.740]So however you want to accomplish
- [00:06:08.730]your tasks within the week,
- [00:06:10.110]as long as you hit those marks, that's fine.
- [00:06:14.870]I check a lot of email, so that's always
- [00:06:18.330]the best way to reach me.
- [00:06:19.770]I have an office phone, I have a voice mail
- [00:06:24.840]that directs it to my email, but email is always
- [00:06:27.395]an easier way to get a faster response from me.
- [00:06:33.100]Your required textbook, like I just held up,
- [00:06:35.990]is this purple Foundations of Education.
- [00:06:39.160]There is a volume one and a volume two.
- [00:06:40.850]For this class, you only need volume one.
- [00:06:43.460]It is the third edition, the second edition is no good here.
- [00:06:48.530]The second edition is old, the differences
- [00:06:52.400]between the second and third edition are huge.
- [00:06:55.779]So it won't be comparable, so if you have
- [00:06:59.920]the second edition, you really do need
- [00:07:01.770]to find the third edition.
- [00:07:09.579]Let's see, I have a lot of supplemental
- [00:07:11.870]readings within there, it's organized,
- [00:07:17.145]the course is organized into six modules
- [00:07:20.010]related to sort of terminology and background,
- [00:07:24.160]the role and responsibility of a TVI,
- [00:07:26.690]expanded core curriculum, which we're
- [00:07:28.360]going to spend a ton of time on
- [00:07:30.330]because it is sort of the big takeaway for this class,
- [00:07:34.550]talking about working across the age range.
- [00:07:37.690]Both of these programs, deaf education
- [00:07:40.010]or teaching students with visual impairments,
- [00:07:42.290]they are both birth through 21 endorsements
- [00:07:45.860]in the state of Nebraska and in most other states.
- [00:07:49.490]And that's quite a range of ages to work with.
- [00:07:52.200]It's likely that you feel really comfortable
- [00:07:54.690]within one of three age ranges,
- [00:07:58.100]either that early childhood, birth to five,
- [00:08:00.560]or the school age, five to, well it usually
- [00:08:04.890]would be elementary or good with that elementary age,
- [00:08:07.100]or you're good with that secondary age.
- [00:08:08.930]Rarely does someone come into either of these programs
- [00:08:12.250]saying, yeah, I can work the an infant
- [00:08:14.400]or I can work with a 21 year old.
- [00:08:16.140]I know how to do all of that stuff.
- [00:08:18.860]So by the time you're done with this course,
- [00:08:22.520]you'll have a little bit of an idea how the development
- [00:08:26.410]of the visual system works across that time,
- [00:08:28.700]what the TVI does at all of those different stages,
- [00:08:32.480]but you'll learn a lot more about each of those
- [00:08:37.210]different age ranges within your particular program.
- [00:08:41.100]We're gonna talk psychosocial,
- [00:08:42.800]we're gonna talk multicultural,
- [00:08:44.490]and then we're gonna talk additional disabilities.
- [00:08:46.810]So that's kind of how the course is set up,
- [00:08:49.530]and then you'll earn your points,
- [00:08:51.700]you'll show me your learning in the class
- [00:08:54.390]through these eight activities.
- [00:08:58.020]There will be discussion boards,
- [00:09:00.310]there will be weekly quizzes, there will be,
- [00:09:04.170]skipping to eight, attendance in these classes,
- [00:09:08.190]and then there are one, two, three, four, five
- [00:09:15.370]different assignments ranging from kind of small to big
- [00:09:19.000]across time that you'll complete.
- [00:09:22.440]So we're gonna talk about these.
- [00:09:25.280]Before we keep going, to earn points in the Zoom,
- [00:09:29.330]because we are a big class and sometimes
- [00:09:32.160]people might come in late or people might leave,
- [00:09:36.510]I do record the classes, so you can earn those five points,
- [00:09:42.070]even if you had to leave early
- [00:09:43.730]or come in late or if you weren't here at all,
- [00:09:47.690]as long as you watch the Zoom and complete the activity,
- [00:09:52.550]and the activity will always be given at some point
- [00:09:55.680]during the recording, but you'll never know when
- [00:10:00.630]because I want you to watch the recording.
- [00:10:02.790]I don't want you to look at the beginning or skip to the end
- [00:10:06.130]and so it will always appear at some point
- [00:10:08.330]in time along the way, so it's good
- [00:10:12.180]to have the recording 'cause then if you missed it,
- [00:10:14.090]even if you were here, you can always
- [00:10:15.660]go back and hear what it is.
- [00:10:18.160]Yes, I will be posting the Zooms on Canvas
- [00:10:21.920]after they're recorded, so you'll have access to them.
- [00:10:26.880]I post them in an announcements,
- [00:10:28.420]so that you should get a notification regarding its posting.
- [00:10:32.830]So moving along, we have sort of the
- [00:10:39.960]weekly topic within the modules,
- [00:10:43.860]just so you can keep track, see that there's a discussion.
- [00:10:47.900]All of these say small groups, they're not all small groups.
- [00:10:50.010]Some of them will be full-class discussion,
- [00:10:53.530]and then the Zoom dates, I've already changed one
- [00:10:57.530]and I put an announcement out, I realized I put
- [00:10:59.380]a Wednesday on there randomly.
- [00:11:01.210]That's not when we have meetings,
- [00:11:03.750]so I made sure to rectify that.
- [00:11:07.330]Your due dates for assignments are over on the right.
- [00:11:10.610]So whenever you have an assignment due, it's listed there,
- [00:11:14.280]and you should receive notifications through Canvas as well
- [00:11:17.520]when you have upcoming assignments due.
- [00:11:20.840]So this is kind of a nice one page guide.
- [00:11:25.057]I recommend if you're a digital person,
- [00:11:29.770]that you still print this page out somewhere or put it
- [00:11:33.520]wherever you look at dates, calendars, things like that
- [00:11:38.000]'cause this is kind of the guide for class.
- [00:11:42.530]Then let's talk details.
- [00:11:45.380]So every week there's a discussion board.
- [00:11:48.110]There's always two parts, part A is always your post,
- [00:11:52.350]your very first post, and then part B
- [00:11:55.210]is always responding to other people.
- [00:11:59.050]So you will be required to respond to at least
- [00:12:03.330]two of your peers, but I do want
- [00:12:06.120]to highlight the fact that I really hope
- [00:12:08.670]that these don't feel like busywork to you.
- [00:12:11.830]I've spent a lot of time putting discussion boards together
- [00:12:14.780]that apply to daily life and that I think are meaningful
- [00:12:22.480]related to the readings and the content of the week.
- [00:12:26.550]So I really do want to encourage conversation,
- [00:12:29.660]which means that if you make a post
- [00:12:32.550]and then someone responds to you and asks you a question,
- [00:12:36.080]even if you have already made your two requisite responses,
- [00:12:40.040]I hope you will check in, see that someone's asked
- [00:12:44.070]you a question and respond to their question,
- [00:12:47.450]answer their question, or be like, oh, I don't know,
- [00:12:49.340]that's a great question and then people can chime in.
- [00:12:53.292]I will be in your discussion boards,
- [00:12:55.890]Susan will be in your discussion boards,
- [00:12:57.790]so if there's something that's like an actual
- [00:13:00.280]like I don't know the answer,
- [00:13:01.840]but I really would like to know,
- [00:13:03.670]we'll be in there filling in gaps
- [00:13:05.920]because obviously you're not experts in this field.
- [00:13:09.290]You might be working as a TVI right now,
- [00:13:11.870]but if you are, you're very new at it,
- [00:13:14.370]and a lot of you aren't in the field of visual impairments
- [00:13:16.960]at all so the purpose of the discussion boards
- [00:13:19.210]isn't for you guys to just be making up the answers,
- [00:13:23.590]it's just to be sharing your experiences,
- [00:13:26.340]responding to specific prompts that I have provided,
- [00:13:29.410]and then having fun conversations,
- [00:13:32.190]sharing resources, asking questions.
- [00:13:34.370]So if you follow the guidelines in this rubric
- [00:13:37.560]under proficient, and that your posts are on time,
- [00:13:41.330]you refer to the readings, you add information
- [00:13:44.170]from readings, from personal experience
- [00:13:46.420]that substantially expands on the discussion,
- [00:13:49.850]and that you have something at the end
- [00:13:52.490]that like someone could build off of,
- [00:13:57.000]then you will get all five points for your original post.
- [00:14:00.210]If your response to a peer builds on their comment,
- [00:14:03.860]adds new information, asks for new information,
- [00:14:06.810]continues the discussion,
- [00:14:08.230]and you do that for at least two people,
- [00:14:11.700]then you will get those five points,
- [00:14:16.610]and this should be kind of an easy 10 points for you.
- [00:14:21.530]Make sure you manage your time well.
- [00:14:23.510]Your posts will always be due by a Friday,
- [00:14:26.360]and then your responses will always be due by a Sunday.
- [00:14:31.460]Okay, are there any questions about the discussion boards?
- [00:14:34.360]They make up a large portion of our class.
- [00:14:37.520]No, the introductions don't count.
- [00:14:39.100]The introductions were just kind of so that
- [00:14:41.640]we didn't have to do it here in Zoom, really.
- [00:14:47.800]I just like to respond to everybody, it's fun for me,
- [00:14:55.070]but that was a good question.
- [00:14:59.900]Your weekly quizzes, and I've made a change here as well
- [00:15:03.180]that hopefully will make sense and you'll appreciate.
- [00:15:07.940]We'll have a weekly quiz, they're very short.
- [00:15:10.420]They are worth five points.
- [00:15:13.060]They will be a maximum of five questions.
- [00:15:16.120]Sometimes it might be shorter.
- [00:15:17.830]You might have a question that's worth more than one point.
- [00:15:20.510]They are entirely based on your readings,
- [00:15:23.800]and there are no trick questions.
- [00:15:25.410]If you've done the reading, it should be very easy.
- [00:15:28.090]You can use your chapters,
- [00:15:30.160]you can use any notes you've taken, but it will be timed.
- [00:15:34.790]You will have 15 minutes to complete the quiz,
- [00:15:38.530]to complete those five questions or less.
- [00:15:45.993]So I do recommend you do it after you've done the reading
- [00:15:48.060]because otherwise, you won't be able
- [00:15:49.480]to get that done within the time.
- [00:15:51.830]The reasons for this is that you have to reference
- [00:15:54.900]the readings in your discussion boards,
- [00:15:56.800]which means you have to complete those readings
- [00:15:58.860]before Friday, and in order to guarantee that,
- [00:16:03.420]and also for me it have a measure that you have
- [00:16:05.510]actually completed the task that I have set you
- [00:16:08.450]in doing the readings, we have these quizzes.
- [00:16:12.695]They are due by Friday, and I had originally,
- [00:16:15.260]if you printed this out when it was first posted,
- [00:16:17.870]originally said that I would open them on Monday.
- [00:16:20.830]As I thought more about that, I realized
- [00:16:22.680]that by opening it Monday and having it due by Friday,
- [00:16:25.790]I really was forcing you to do it
- [00:16:28.970]during evenings or early mornings,
- [00:16:30.860]and so I thought I would open it on Sundays,
- [00:16:35.610]so that you at least have a little time.
- [00:16:37.600]So it will open super early, like 12:00 a.m. Sunday,
- [00:16:43.680]and you'll have to take it by Friday at midnight.
- [00:16:48.890]The October Zoom is now October 8th.
- [00:16:52.870]So this is all available in Canvas.
- [00:16:59.290]Yes, so the quizzes will be labeled as quizzes,
- [00:17:03.600]and they will only be available to you
- [00:17:07.580]when they're open and published.
- [00:17:09.610]So the only one that's really available
- [00:17:11.410]right now is week one.
- [00:17:14.250]So if something like that happens and it closes you out,
- [00:17:19.570]it should have like a are you sure kind of a thing,
- [00:17:22.840]like when you click on the quiz, it'll explain the quiz,
- [00:17:26.100]and then it will have an option for you
- [00:17:29.580]to like click start quiz or something like that.
- [00:17:32.740]Your view is a little bit different than mine,
- [00:17:34.760]but if you do run into any issues, let me know.
- [00:17:40.370]Yes, I can do that.
- [00:17:41.780]So Mallory asked if I can post,
- [00:17:43.827]have the quizzes available on Saturday.
- [00:17:47.090]I'm fine with that, I can do that.
- [00:17:49.370]What I didn't want to do is make it too
- [00:17:53.350]convoluted with, well, you're still finishing up the week
- [00:17:56.150]before's discussion, but doing the quiz for the next week,
- [00:18:01.220]but I'll let you guys manage your own time.
- [00:18:04.632]So I'll change that.
- [00:18:15.530]So those are quizzes, questions on quizzes.
- [00:18:23.250]Sweet, future Zooms I will require you
- [00:18:26.380]to engage with me a little bit.
- [00:18:29.049]Some of this is kind of like if you don't have a question,
- [00:18:30.460]you don't have a question, and that's fine.
- [00:18:33.410]Who's who and what's what, so this is your first
- [00:18:37.920]kind of non-discussion-based, non-quiz assignment.
- [00:18:41.860]It's gonna be due next week, yep, next week,
- [00:18:46.340]and it's kind of a simple internet research kind of a thing.
- [00:18:50.880]In your first reading for this class,
- [00:18:55.010]you're reading a lot about different people,
- [00:18:57.850]different dates, different important names
- [00:19:00.440]and places and whatnot, and so this assignment is really
- [00:19:05.846]to distill that down to the really important acronyms
- [00:19:10.400]you need to know, the really important people in the field,
- [00:19:14.370]past and present, to make sure that you know
- [00:19:18.520]how to find that information out.
- [00:19:20.680]So this assignment is a list of names,
- [00:19:25.080]a list of acronyms, and your job will be
- [00:19:27.770]to provide a brief explanation of what this acronym means,
- [00:19:33.040]as well as what it is.
- [00:19:36.070]I'll show the example that's in there.
- [00:19:40.490]Do not copy, paste, that's plagiarism.
- [00:19:44.870]If you're going to quote something,
- [00:19:46.380]put it in quotations and provide a citation.
- [00:19:51.110]Again, after we go through the syllabus,
- [00:19:53.200]I will show you what I mean from all of that.
- [00:19:56.530]Katie asked, would you like that
- [00:19:58.190]submitted as a Word document, a pdf?
- [00:20:00.420]So online in Canvas, there's a Word document
- [00:20:04.210]that you can download and type in,
- [00:20:06.070]and you can upload that as a Word document or however
- [00:20:10.200]you would like, so however it's easiest for you to complete
- [00:20:13.460]this assignment, you can submit it that way.
- [00:20:19.330]Your next assignment will be due
- [00:20:22.037]September 17th and that's the Iris Module.
- [00:20:25.420]You can get started on this at any point.
- [00:20:28.110]The Iris Center, how many of you
- [00:20:30.470]are familiar with The Iris Center?
- [00:20:34.290]Any of you thumbs up, thumbs down?
- [00:20:37.650]Okay, so I'm seeing a few thumbs up, and just as many,
- [00:20:42.020]if not more, thumbs down or shaking of heads.
- [00:20:44.290]So The Iris Center is an amazing resource,
- [00:20:47.660]not just for visual impairment.
- [00:20:48.960]Actually it's got very little on visual impairments,
- [00:20:51.590]but The Iris Center is an amazing resource
- [00:20:53.860]for special education resources generally.
- [00:20:56.430]They have a lot of new things about MTSS
- [00:20:59.180]related to math, related to reading.
- [00:21:03.550]They have a lot of interesting things related to behavior,
- [00:21:06.440]learning disabilities, really anything you might
- [00:21:09.370]want to know about related to special education.
- [00:21:12.110]And then some of their resources are set up
- [00:21:13.980]in a nice little module that you can
- [00:21:16.080]work through at your own pace,
- [00:21:18.700]in quotation marks, as long as it's done by September 17th.
- [00:21:22.465]So they have this wonderful module
- [00:21:25.340]about serving students with visual impairments
- [00:21:27.307]and the importance of collaboration,
- [00:21:29.640]and it's from the perspective of a general education
- [00:21:32.250]classroom teacher who all of a sudden has students
- [00:21:35.020]with visual impairments in her classroom,
- [00:21:37.180]and who are all of these people on the team now,
- [00:21:39.730]and what am I supposed to do.
- [00:21:42.149]So it's set up in a really nice way,
- [00:21:45.090]and so by September 17th, you'll need to go through
- [00:21:49.520]that module and complete their five assessment items
- [00:21:53.890]that are at the end of the module and submit that
- [00:21:56.510]to us on Canvas, just as proof that you went
- [00:22:00.020]through that module and learned that content.
- [00:22:04.410]Questions about Iris?
- [00:22:10.220]I'm gonna just reiterate here, it's called
- [00:22:13.840]Serving Students with Visual Impairments:
- [00:22:16.040]The Importance of Collaboration
- [00:22:17.740]because Iris Center does have more than one module
- [00:22:21.240]related to visual impairments,
- [00:22:23.230]so make sure you're doing the right one.
- [00:22:25.580]So double check it with the syllabus,
- [00:22:28.010]just to make sure you're in the right place.
- [00:22:31.811]Uncontracted braille, this is not due
- [00:22:35.140]until the very end of the semester.
- [00:22:37.980]So you can go through it as you like.
- [00:22:43.760]It is an online resource
- [00:22:49.230]for learning the braille code.
- [00:22:51.870]It uses your computer keyboard as a six key entry,
- [00:22:58.480]and it will teach you what that means
- [00:23:01.340]and how to do it and set your keyboard up.
- [00:23:04.710]And you're going to complete lessons one though three.
- [00:23:08.380]Lessons one though three are the alphabet.
- [00:23:13.830]Mariah took the braille class already.
- [00:23:15.960]This is gonna be a piece of cake.
- [00:23:18.840]Jennifer did too, so you guys are
- [00:23:21.710]gonna have an easy peasy time.
- [00:23:24.875]And some of you, I think, have mentioned that you're doing
- [00:23:27.210]this already for work, so again, easy peasy.
- [00:23:32.370]They break it up like A through,
- [00:23:34.390]it's like they break the alphabet up into just three
- [00:23:36.930]equal parts, so you're working on different letters
- [00:23:39.610]in lesson one, lesson two, and lesson three.
- [00:23:42.220]You practice, you practice reading,
- [00:23:46.320]and you practice writing, and if you get it right,
- [00:23:49.120]it gets you a little message that says congratulations.
- [00:23:52.230]I think all you need to do is take
- [00:23:55.220]a screenshot of the message.
- [00:23:57.130]So I have included that in the syllabus.
- [00:23:59.380]You do the thing, it says congratulations, you did it.
- [00:24:02.530]Just take a screenshot of that,
- [00:24:05.450]and then when you've completed all of the lessons,
- [00:24:07.730]just upload those screenshots and that is your 30 points.
- [00:24:11.710]If you complete it before December 14th,
- [00:24:14.660]upload it before December 14th.
- [00:24:16.950]If you wait until the end to get it completed,
- [00:24:19.460]just needs to be uploaded by December 14th.
- [00:24:22.500]I will put in a plug a few times
- [00:24:24.590]throughout the semester for those of you
- [00:24:26.410]who are in the visual impairment preparation program
- [00:24:30.890]because those of you who are in the VI program,
- [00:24:34.490]and will be taking the braille class in the spring,
- [00:24:38.550]I recommend that even when you finish lesson three,
- [00:24:41.660]just keep going, okay, just keep going
- [00:24:45.400]because it will really help you
- [00:24:47.760]be in a good starting spot for spring.
- [00:24:52.900]And Mariah and Jennifer can be like yes, yes it will.
- [00:24:58.400]Questions about uncontracted braille through UEB online?
- [00:25:04.815]I'll mention this again along the semester
- [00:25:05.950]because it's easy to forget about things
- [00:25:07.840]that aren't due until the very end.
- [00:25:13.790]Is everybody still with me, you guys still okay, good.
- [00:25:18.200]It's late, it's you know, it's good,
- [00:25:23.360]it's good, we're good.
- [00:25:27.720]ECC Resource Notebook, I love this.
- [00:25:32.130]This is like my favorite thing.
- [00:25:34.970]You're going to develop a digital resource
- [00:25:39.690]for the Expanded Core Curriculum.
- [00:25:41.410]This won't make much sense to you now because many of you
- [00:25:44.460]don't know what the Expanded Core Curriculum is.
- [00:25:47.658]We're gonna learn about that and then this
- [00:25:50.060]will make a lot more sense, but essentially,
- [00:25:53.420]the Expanded Core Curriculum
- [00:25:55.440]is a disability specific
- [00:26:01.360]set of skills that students should learn.
- [00:26:05.150]It was created for students with visual impairments,
- [00:26:07.540]but as you learn about it, I think
- [00:26:09.070]you will see that a lot of these areas
- [00:26:10.910]are just applicable to really anybody.
- [00:26:16.460]I will name them in a moment.
- [00:26:19.280]Thank you Emma, I was about to ask.
- [00:26:20.950]Natasha asks ballpark figure of the UEB modules,
- [00:26:24.460]and Emma's saying about 45 minutes to an hour per lesson.
- [00:26:29.040]I would say if you are not familiar with braille at all,
- [00:26:32.640]it might take you a little bit longer
- [00:26:34.480]'cause you'll go back and forth a little bit.
- [00:26:36.250]So I would give yourself maybe a little bit longer
- [00:26:42.140]than that, maybe an hour and a half to two hours,
- [00:26:44.270]just to make sure you're not leaving
- [00:26:48.580]yourself less time at the end there.
- [00:26:51.920]So Expanded Core Curriculum, no you don't
- [00:26:54.270]have to complete them all in one setting.
- [00:26:56.630]It will save your work as you go.
- [00:26:59.920]So for the ECC Resource Notebook, you're going to create
- [00:27:03.920]a space for each of nine areas of the Expanded Core,
- [00:27:07.780]and you're going to accumulate resources in each area.
- [00:27:11.590]For those of you in the visual impairment program,
- [00:27:14.110]it's hopefully something that you will then
- [00:27:16.650]keep adding to as you go along,
- [00:27:19.930]as you are working as a TVI, and I think those of you
- [00:27:23.840]in the deaf ed program, what you'll see
- [00:27:25.730]is that there's also an expanded core for deaf ed
- [00:27:28.590]that I think started in, I want to say, Iowa,
- [00:27:31.700]a lot of stuff starts in Iowa,
- [00:27:34.860]and so you will be able to create your resource notebook
- [00:27:39.430]around that set of Expanded Core Curriculum.
- [00:27:42.590]Again I want everything we do to be applicable.
- [00:27:48.530]I want you to be able to use this,
- [00:27:50.560]and honestly, you wouldn't be able to use
- [00:27:52.500]something with braille all of the time.
- [00:27:54.360]So I want it to be something that you can go out and use.
- [00:27:58.580]So either way, whichever Expanded Core Curriculum
- [00:28:01.630]you're using, you're going to complete
- [00:28:05.000]one full section of it by October 22nd.
- [00:28:08.420]You're gonna submit it for feedback,
- [00:28:11.880]and then you're going to revise,
- [00:28:14.900]and then you're going to add another section for part two.
- [00:28:19.760]You're going to submit the section that you revised,
- [00:28:22.720]along with one resource for each
- [00:28:25.830]of the remaining activities, sorry not activities,
- [00:28:30.900]for each of the remaining areas, pardon,
- [00:28:33.860]and submit that by November 12th.
- [00:28:36.470]You will get feedback on that.
- [00:28:38.270]And then your final submission is due December 12th.
- [00:28:41.370]So by the time, when you submit your first section
- [00:28:45.130]in October, you're gonna be like I have no idea
- [00:28:47.090]if I did this right Mackenzie.
- [00:28:49.266]I will tell you whether you did or not,
- [00:28:51.350]and then you will feel much better when you submit
- [00:28:53.380]part two in November and then by the time you submit
- [00:28:56.410]the final thing, you'll be like I got this.
- [00:28:58.382]You can create it in whatever format you would like to.
- [00:29:03.220]People have created OneNote things, Google Drive things,
- [00:29:06.530]Dropbox things, they've done it just in Microsoft Word,
- [00:29:10.240]they've created a pdf portfolio.
- [00:29:15.530]So whatever makes sense for you to have and use
- [00:29:20.370]is the way that you should set it up, okay?
- [00:29:23.930]We'll talk a lot more about this before part one is due.
- [00:29:29.010]The ECC contents are going to be in a module on the ECC.
- [00:29:35.450]So there's some content in your textbook related
- [00:29:38.900]to the Extended Core Curriculum for visual impairments,
- [00:29:41.850]and then I will also post the ECC for DHH.
- [00:29:46.170]I love acronyms, you will too.
- [00:29:50.410]So I will post that in Canvas.
- [00:29:52.870]This isn't something that you need to worry about just yet
- [00:29:55.890]'cause as far as I'm concerned,
- [00:29:57.680]I'm just assuming that none of you
- [00:29:59.420]know what the Expanded Core is right now,
- [00:30:01.477]and I'm gonna teach you even though I know that a lot of you
- [00:30:04.790]at least know pieces and parts of it.
- [00:30:08.490]You will have more questions about
- [00:30:10.530]the ECC Resource Notebook as the semester goes along,
- [00:30:13.950]so I'm gonna encourage you to wait
- [00:30:16.140]because I don't expect you to be able to start
- [00:30:18.770]working on this yet, so we'll talk about this again later.
- [00:30:22.230]Just kind of remember that you have
- [00:30:24.050]those due dates along the way.
- [00:30:26.720]Then the last thing is an ECC paper.
- [00:30:30.240]So in module three, we're gonna go through all the areas
- [00:30:34.530]of the Expanded Core Curriculum and during that module,
- [00:30:39.120]you're going to feel drawn towards an area.
- [00:30:43.140]For this paper, we are going to stick to the Expanded Core
- [00:30:46.900]Curriculum for students with visual impairments.
- [00:30:50.616]So your notebook, you can use DHH for your paper.
- [00:30:53.560]I am going to ask you to think
- [00:30:55.280]about students with visual impairments
- [00:30:57.330]for the Foundations in Visual Impairments course.
- [00:31:00.660]You're gonna feel drawn to an area
- [00:31:02.910]'cause you're gonna be like oh yeah,
- [00:31:04.070]I see that all the time in my students or whatnot.
- [00:31:07.250]And you're going to learn more
- [00:31:09.100]about what's been written in that area.
- [00:31:13.180]I'm going to make some videos showing
- [00:31:15.810]how to use the UNL library resources
- [00:31:18.490]'cause you'll be required to use
- [00:31:19.890]the UNL library resources for this paper.
- [00:31:24.260]It's going to be around a 10 to 15 page paper.
- [00:31:27.750]That sounds maybe big, maybe small,
- [00:31:30.130]I'm not sure what kind of writers you are,
- [00:31:32.480]but I assure you it will go by very fast.
- [00:31:35.630]It is a double spaced paper, so this is not
- [00:31:37.810]a single spaced 10 to 15 pages,
- [00:31:40.400]and it will include your reference page,
- [00:31:42.540]which is page unto itself, so like really, this is
- [00:31:45.650]like a nine to 14 page paper.
- [00:31:49.020]We're gonna talk more about this once we know
- [00:31:52.110]what the Expanded Core is and once you've picked your areas.
- [00:31:56.320]It is something where you are going to have
- [00:31:57.920]to notify me of your area and I'm gonna make sure
- [00:32:00.870]that you're not all doing the same area.
- [00:32:02.950]That's very unlikely, but we are
- [00:32:04.670]gonna make sure it's spread out.
- [00:32:06.560]So they'll be a process for that
- [00:32:08.230]once we get to module three, and the paper
- [00:32:12.480]will really just be about an overview of that area
- [00:32:18.090]and what has been done in that area related
- [00:32:22.050]to students with visual impairments in the last 10 years.
- [00:32:25.930]Part of what you're going to learn in the writing
- [00:32:28.610]of this paper is that not a lot is done
- [00:32:32.310]in the research related to students with visual impairments.
- [00:32:36.830]You'll do a lot of searching for things,
- [00:32:39.140]going I thought there would be more, and then you'll
- [00:32:41.930]write it out what you have found, and it'll be fun.
- [00:32:47.990]And then my idea, which it will be voluntary,
- [00:32:53.930]I don't know how you all feel about your own writing,
- [00:32:57.110]would be that at the end, when those are all done,
- [00:33:01.750]I would be able to put them in a shared file,
- [00:33:04.140]and share them with all of you,
- [00:33:05.420]so that you then have information
- [00:33:07.730]about all these different ECC areas.
- [00:33:10.800]Something we have to do in our teaching is justify
- [00:33:13.470]these strategies that we're using,
- [00:33:15.510]high-leverage practices are a big thing right now,
- [00:33:18.360]evidence-based practices have been
- [00:33:19.763]a thing for quite some time,
- [00:33:21.180]and a lot of what we face in the field of visual impairments
- [00:33:25.000]are a lack of evidence-based practices to use
- [00:33:29.380]with our high-leverage practices.
- [00:33:31.210]So these papers can be really helpful for trying to share
- [00:33:35.340]with administrators kind of what is available,
- [00:33:37.730]what I out there, things like that.
- [00:33:40.850]You'll notice that the paper itself
- [00:33:43.190]is due December 10th and that you can submit
- [00:33:48.070]a draft for extra credit by November 20th.
- [00:33:51.000]This does not need to be a finished draft.
- [00:33:53.500]This can be a draft in whatever state it is in
- [00:33:56.090]by November 20th, just with the idea that
- [00:33:58.530]hey, you've started your paper before the week it's due.
- [00:34:02.413]So if you submit a draft, you will receive five
- [00:34:06.070]extra credit points towards the paper.
- [00:34:10.030]The paper is typically graded on a curve
- [00:34:15.380]because it's probably been a while
- [00:34:19.600]since you have had to write a 10 to 15 page paper
- [00:34:22.430]for a class, I would imagine,
- [00:34:24.560]or maybe you wrote one last year, I don't know.
- [00:34:27.720]But either way, it's not something we do daily.
- [00:34:31.690]And so, it's typically graded on a curve,
- [00:34:34.740]so you don't have to freak about this rubric
- [00:34:36.770]you're going to see next,
- [00:34:37.810]but this is how your paper will be graded.
- [00:34:40.830]I like rubrics, they're important to me,
- [00:34:44.520]and it's important to me that they're used correctly.
- [00:34:47.630]So the correct way to use a rubric is not that
- [00:34:51.920]it's a grade out of a hundred,
- [00:34:53.800]but it's where you're supposed to be at this point in time.
- [00:34:58.819]So at the point in time that you are finishing that paper,
- [00:35:02.390]you will be done with this semester,
- [00:35:05.360]so you will have kind of supposedly learned everything
- [00:35:08.580]in the course that you're supposed to learn,
- [00:35:10.830]but this is still like one of the first classes
- [00:35:13.410]you're taking in the program.
- [00:35:16.080]So I'm not expecting you to be accomplished.
- [00:35:19.370]I'm not actually expecting you to have fives here.
- [00:35:24.730]I'm expecting you to be getting
- [00:35:26.270]threes and fours, emergent and proficient,
- [00:35:30.210]but if I gave you emergent or proficient,
- [00:35:32.770]and then we're like you got a 70,
- [00:35:34.830]you'd feel like you did horribly,
- [00:35:37.000]and that's why it's a rubric and not a grade,
- [00:35:39.240]that's why it's curved.
- [00:35:41.870]Hopefully that will make more sense
- [00:35:43.300]when it actually happens, but I just want
- [00:35:45.660]to set out from the beginning,
- [00:35:48.020]my expectation on this rubric is that you will be
- [00:35:52.090]at an emergent or a proficient level
- [00:35:54.520]for the majority of these categories.
- [00:35:57.774]If you're accomplished, that's gonna be really exemplary,
- [00:36:01.950]but I'm going to assume that most of you
- [00:36:04.900]are going to be emergent or proficient in these areas.
- [00:36:09.720]And that's why it's graded on a curve.
- [00:36:13.748]You're gonna hear me say that so many other times,
- [00:36:15.250]and it won't matter because we'll get to the end
- [00:36:17.730]of the semester, and you'll still be like ah.
- [00:36:21.010]And then the attendance and participation,
- [00:36:23.690]so for today's class, what I would like you to do
- [00:36:29.400]to earn the five attendance participation points for Zoom
- [00:36:34.570]is to shoot me an email and tell me
- [00:36:42.670]one thing, and a specific thing please,
- [00:36:46.230]not kind of a vague, broad,
- [00:36:48.070]but one specific thing that you really want to know
- [00:36:54.350]about students with visual impairments,
- [00:36:56.980]something you want to learn from this class,
- [00:37:00.900]and the second thing, something
- [00:37:03.490]you would really like to learn
- [00:37:07.723]from your peers in this class.
- [00:37:12.380]So let's differentiate that.
- [00:37:14.520]So one thing you're hoping to learn from me
- [00:37:17.340]and the content that I have provided and will be providing
- [00:37:21.640]and one thing that you really hope to learn from your peers.
- [00:37:26.624]So shoot me that in an email,
- [00:37:27.830]and you have five points for being here.
- [00:37:33.170]Sometimes I might see who's here
- [00:37:36.187]and be able to do it, but there's a lot of you,
- [00:37:38.950]and so I don't trust myself to make sure
- [00:37:40.810]that I have actually checked off everybody who's here.
- [00:37:43.840]So this is much more fun for me and it assures me
- [00:37:47.900]that people who aren't here watch the videos as well.
- [00:37:52.080]So I'm gonna stop sharing that syllabus,
- [00:37:54.660]and I'm going to go to our Canvas course.
- [00:37:57.670]How are we feeling so far?
- [00:38:02.748]You're like super pumped, you're like this
- [00:38:04.178]will be like the best semester, yeah, okay good.
- [00:38:10.730]I think so too, it's gonna be great.
- [00:38:16.240]You're seeing six, you're not seeing some people.
- [00:38:19.910]So there are one, two, three, four, five,
- [00:38:23.330]times one, two, three, four, five.
- [00:38:25.220]There are about 25 of us here today.
- [00:38:29.250]In the top right, you have two options for viewing,
- [00:38:33.010]something called speaker view,
- [00:38:34.770]and something called something else,
- [00:38:36.640]something called gallery view.
- [00:38:39.590]If you click on gallery view, then you will be able to see
- [00:38:43.100]all these little different squares of people.
- [00:38:46.460]If that's more intimidating, do what you want to do.
- [00:38:49.600]I like seeing you all here, it's super fun.
- [00:38:53.657]Going to...
- [00:39:00.580]Share screen, Foundations of Visual Impairment.
- [00:39:06.238]Ah, I hate when I do that.
- [00:39:11.960]No problem, okay can everyone see
- [00:39:15.530]our Canvas shared site now?
- [00:39:20.210]Is it big enough?
- [00:39:23.860]It's okay-ish, okay, let me...
- [00:39:30.123]There we go, that's at least a little bit better.
- [00:39:31.990]So right now, we're in my view,
- [00:39:33.940]so it will look a little bit different than
- [00:39:36.410]what you see since we're in instructor view,
- [00:39:39.750]but it will look roughly the same as what you see.
- [00:39:44.441]Our home page is the syllabus.
- [00:39:45.720]When I post an announcement, it shows
- [00:39:47.910]at the top center of our page.
- [00:39:50.840]If you've set up your notifications,
- [00:39:52.800]it will also shoot you a text or email
- [00:39:55.360]or whatever you have set it up to do for you.
- [00:40:00.145]I like redundancy, sometimes if I post an announcement,
- [00:40:04.780]I might also send you an email,
- [00:40:06.460]so I apologize in advance if you get
- [00:40:09.190]a few extra notifications.
- [00:40:11.340]I'd rather you get a few extra than none,
- [00:40:15.120]so just apologies ahead of time.
- [00:40:19.420]At the bottom, when assignments and modules
- [00:40:23.210]have been posted or published, you'll be able to see them
- [00:40:26.890]in your course summary at the bottom.
- [00:40:29.170]The reason that I can see a lot more than you
- [00:40:31.300]is because I haven't published all of this yet.
- [00:40:33.850]I like to control the pacing of the class,
- [00:40:36.860]and so like I said, I will make things available
- [00:40:39.520]the week ahead of time, but not too much more than that
- [00:40:44.440]because I know there's some of you
- [00:40:46.310]who if you could would just do all of the readings
- [00:40:48.700]and whatever you could sort of right now
- [00:40:51.400]before the year gets too busy,
- [00:40:54.500]and I really do value the discussions that you have
- [00:40:57.900]and I really wanna make sure that you're all
- [00:40:59.960]in the same moments in your readings and the content.
- [00:41:04.180]So that's your home page.
- [00:41:05.700]The modules are where the magic happens,
- [00:41:08.210]so things that are green are the things
- [00:41:10.640]that you can see right now.
- [00:41:13.210]So you can see all of week one,
- [00:41:16.690]including your who's who assignment that is due next week.
- [00:41:22.410]I'm going to first look at week one.
- [00:41:25.860]Everything will be set up in a similar manner.
- [00:41:28.440]Things that are there for you to read will say read.
- [00:41:31.500]If there's something for you to review or watch
- [00:41:35.060]or do or any other verb, that verb will be here,
- [00:41:39.120]and then the information related to it.
- [00:41:42.180]This is just a really funny video that I like
- [00:41:44.640]that the Nebraska Commission for the Blind
- [00:41:47.130]made a while ago that's like a nice intro,
- [00:41:51.770]goes along with the chapter reading, and then at the bottom,
- [00:41:55.370]it will have links to your discussions
- [00:41:57.930]and anything that's coming up.
- [00:42:00.130]It could be a submit, it could be a reminder,
- [00:42:02.750]I use different words, like verbs.
- [00:42:06.090]There's a lot of redundancy built in here.
- [00:42:08.290]I can click on 1.1 Discussion Board and get there.
- [00:42:11.730]I can click on these Next buttons
- [00:42:13.850]that are on the bottom right and I can
- [00:42:15.590]go through the module that way.
- [00:42:17.780]I can go back up to the top,
- [00:42:19.550]and click on discussions and get there.
- [00:42:22.350]It's set up in a way so that you should be able to find
- [00:42:26.060]whatever you need to get to without
- [00:42:28.790]having to go through a lot of different pages.
- [00:42:33.533]So hopefully, you find Canvas easy to navigate.
- [00:42:38.720]So every page that's called Week 1 topic, Week 2 topic
- [00:42:44.280]will be set up in a very similar way.
- [00:42:47.960]Your discussions will all be set up in a similar way
- [00:42:50.860]as well, so I opened the 1.1 discussion board,
- [00:42:56.250]and notice this one is a small group discussion,
- [00:42:59.750]and there's one, two, three, four, five
- [00:43:02.160]discussion groups, so there are
- [00:43:03.630]about five people in each group.
- [00:43:07.150]So that's when there's a discussion board
- [00:43:10.130]that I feel like could get redundant,
- [00:43:12.850]I'm gonna do it in a small group
- [00:43:14.880]so that you have a better conversation
- [00:43:17.480]than trying to talk to 24 other people.
- [00:43:20.200]That can get tedious.
- [00:43:22.170]So this week's discussion board
- [00:43:24.930]is just about some myths and misconceptions.
- [00:43:28.369]I always think it's really fun to talk to people
- [00:43:31.540]about the myths and misconceptions
- [00:43:33.300]related to blindness and visual impairment
- [00:43:35.900]because people read them and go how could anyone do that,
- [00:43:40.490]and then they talk to someone or they talk to a student
- [00:43:43.140]or they really think about things that they have done,
- [00:43:45.800]and they're like, I did that.
- [00:43:48.410]I will never forget, there's a teacher of students
- [00:43:50.990]with visual impairments, she's in Kansas.
- [00:43:54.000]She is wonderful, and when she took this class,
- [00:43:56.730]she like, Mackenzie, I do that thing,
- [00:43:59.580]where I talk louder to him.
- [00:44:01.740]He's blind, he doesn't need me to talk louder to him.
- [00:44:06.990]So she went to this student, who'd she been working with,
- [00:44:09.740]and she's like, how come you never said anything to me?
- [00:44:11.587]And he was like, I thought it was funny.
- [00:44:14.970]And so he just never said anything.
- [00:44:17.040]So you get to hear stories like that
- [00:44:19.330]when you talk to people about these myths and misconceptions
- [00:44:22.180]because you might read them and you go,
- [00:44:23.680]there's no way anyone really does any of these things,
- [00:44:26.300]but they do and it's not because
- [00:44:29.080]of any ill will or ill intent, it's just like,
- [00:44:31.680]I never stopped to think about what I was doing,
- [00:44:34.820]I just never stopped to think.
- [00:44:36.410]So we're stopping and we're thinking.
- [00:44:38.310]But all of the discussion boards
- [00:44:39.700]are going to be set up in this similar way.
- [00:44:42.600]It will let you know if it's
- [00:44:43.770]a small group or a whole class.
- [00:44:46.170]It's gonna have a little bit of background
- [00:44:48.160]about why I'm making you do this.
- [00:44:50.240]It's gonna tell you what to do for part A,
- [00:44:52.810]which is your original post,
- [00:44:54.610]and it's gonna remind you to respond to your peers
- [00:44:57.300]about something for part B, which is the response part.
- [00:45:01.540]It's really important for you to make sure
- [00:45:03.530]that if I have a prompt like this,
- [00:45:06.740]where I'm saying you have to include one, two, and three,
- [00:45:10.960]that you include one, two, and three.
- [00:45:14.300]It has happened before where people are like,
- [00:45:16.320]oh man, I have a really great experience
- [00:45:18.550]to share on this topic, and it's a really great post,
- [00:45:22.360]it just doesn't address one, two, and three,
- [00:45:27.240]and you're gonna lose points if you don't
- [00:45:29.150]address every aspect of the prompt,
- [00:45:31.510]as well as referencing back to readings.
- [00:45:36.995]So make sure you reference back
- [00:45:38.160]to a reading in your original post.
- [00:45:42.120]You don't have to do that in your response to your peers,
- [00:45:47.750]just in your first post, okay?
- [00:45:51.941]Does that make sense?
- [00:45:55.030]Going back to a module, I'm gonna skip the quiz,
- [00:45:59.840]well I'll show you sort of just this is what I see,
- [00:46:04.640]but you'll see this quiz covers content,
- [00:46:07.170]it will remind you the chapter or chapters
- [00:46:10.950]or name of the article that you read
- [00:46:13.970]to make sure if you wanna have notes or hard copies
- [00:46:17.270]of anything available, that you have things available.
- [00:46:20.790]It reminds you that it's five points,
- [00:46:22.630]that it's timed, that it's open 'til Friday at midnight
- [00:46:26.070]and it closes, it closes at midnight.
- [00:46:28.840]If you do not take the quiz by Fridays at midnight,
- [00:46:33.010]you will have zero out of five for that quiz.
- [00:46:41.660]Let's see, they'll all be set up in the same way,
- [00:46:44.130]so for discussion posts, it's set up as a thread,
- [00:46:50.550]so I'll go into introductions
- [00:46:52.890]because that's a good way to show.
- [00:46:56.369]So Zach, you're just here because you posted after me,
- [00:47:00.780]so when someone posts and you reply to their posts,
- [00:47:05.270]it will connect, it will do a thread,
- [00:47:08.150]and so you don't have to label your replies.
- [00:47:11.210]I'll be able to see them as replies
- [00:47:14.190]to someone's original post.
- [00:47:16.970]And I actually have the ability,
- [00:47:18.954]I won't be able to show you here,
- [00:47:22.460]but what I have the ability to do
- [00:47:24.190]is go into something called Speed Grader
- [00:47:27.670]and what Speed Grader does is after I've read
- [00:47:30.660]through an entire discussion, Speed Grader
- [00:47:33.330]will show me just your posts.
- [00:47:36.980]So it will remove your posts from the full discussion,
- [00:47:39.990]and I'll be able to count your responses.
- [00:47:49.920]We're gonna look at the who's who now.
- [00:47:57.362]I'm gonna download it.
- [00:48:00.104]So if you wanna download any of these,
- [00:48:01.490]you can click on this little arrow
- [00:48:03.170]to the right of the title and click download,
- [00:48:08.990]and it will open, but I have to stop my sharing
- [00:48:12.290]'cause I was just sharing my internet browser.
- [00:48:17.730]Here we go, so now you should be able
- [00:48:19.670]to see the who's who assignment,
- [00:48:23.060]and this is what you will see in the assignment in Canvas
- [00:48:26.310]and this is what you will see when you download it.
- [00:48:29.950]For acronyms, you identify the acronym
- [00:48:33.170]and provide a short explanation of what the acronym mean.
- [00:48:37.840]For people, just tell me why they're important
- [00:48:41.599]specifically to the field of visual impairment,
- [00:48:45.410]and you must include a citation or a link.
- [00:48:48.950]So I have included examples.
- [00:48:50.950]For example, MDT, that is an important acronym
- [00:48:55.740]to know in the field of special education.
- [00:48:57.950]It stands for multidisciplinary team, that's one point.
- [00:49:04.625]So what is a multidisciplinary team?
- [00:49:05.850]It's a group of professionals
- [00:49:07.900]responsible for determining eligibility.
- [00:49:11.320]I got that from this website, there's my other point.
- [00:49:19.443]So IEP, IESP, IDEA,
- [00:49:23.360]NIMAC, ECC, right?
- [00:49:26.160]If you rewatch this, you can fill out ECC.
- [00:49:30.930]Important people, past and present,
- [00:49:33.510]so who is Valentin, I can never pronounce
- [00:49:36.300]this man's last name, so I'm just gonna call him Valentin.
- [00:49:40.120]But he founded the first school for the blind in Paris,
- [00:49:42.810]and I know that because it's in my textbook on page five.
- [00:49:47.540]You don't have to do a full APA citation here,
- [00:49:51.153]Holbrook, McCarthy, Kamei-Hannan, page five, all that jazz.
- [00:49:55.490]I know what your textbook is.
- [00:49:57.600]Textbook page five is fine with me.
- [00:49:59.680]If you find it on a website, just make sure that whatever
- [00:50:02.450]you put in text is not copy, pasted from the website.
- [00:50:08.360]I don't need a full bio, I just need the highlight,
- [00:50:12.070]and then in parenthesis, the website that you got it from.
- [00:50:15.710]I will click on the website to see what it says.
- [00:50:20.520]So you've got about 15 people, past and present,
- [00:50:24.620]some names hopefully you recognize,
- [00:50:26.980]like Louis Braille, Helen Keller.
- [00:50:29.610]Some names you might not recognize, Abraham Nemeth,
- [00:50:33.560]Laura Bridgman, but you should, and you will,
- [00:50:37.020]and then some like Haben Girma, Erik Weihenmayer,
- [00:50:40.670]they're alive and they're important.
- [00:50:43.370]So I wanna make sure you know who they are.
- [00:50:47.000]Service providers, I don't have an example here
- [00:50:50.160]because you do the same exact thing as up
- [00:50:52.540]with any acronym, tell me what the acronym
- [00:50:55.500]stands for, tell me a little bit about what it means,
- [00:50:59.040]and then where you got it from.
- [00:51:00.810]So for these three service providers,
- [00:51:03.150]just tell me what TVI stands for and then
- [00:51:05.880]like what does a TVI do briefly, like one line.
- [00:51:12.550]Same for these specialized assessments,
- [00:51:15.630]and then for organizations, I did provide
- [00:51:18.310]another example because it's sometimes difficult
- [00:51:21.140]to summarize what an organization or publication does,
- [00:51:26.110]and so I've given you an example here.
- [00:51:29.108]BANA stands for the Braille Authority of North America,
- [00:51:31.930]and they are an organization that updates the braille codes
- [00:51:37.330]for North America, really the United States.
- [00:51:39.880]Canada has their own, so it's a little bit of a misnomer.
- [00:51:43.840]And I got this from Braille Authority,
- [00:51:45.570]so it could help you to click on this link
- [00:51:48.989]to see how I took this and turned it
- [00:51:52.220]into my own words for this assignment.
- [00:51:55.890]So you have 11 of those, and do you want us to put it
- [00:52:01.730]in our own words and your own citations?
- [00:52:05.140]Yes, those three don't count.
- [00:52:07.450]You can leave mine in there for the examples.
- [00:52:11.410]You're only responsible for the remaining acronyms,
- [00:52:15.648]people, and organizations, publications.
- [00:52:20.230]So are there questions about that?
- [00:52:25.440]This shouldn't take a very long time.
- [00:52:29.590]What you wanna make sure that you do
- [00:52:31.700]when you're doing your internet research,
- [00:52:34.450]well first, do the readings first.
- [00:52:37.000]A lot of this shows up in the chapter reading.
- [00:52:40.710]After you do that, especially for the people,
- [00:52:44.330]make sure that you are finding a person
- [00:52:47.640]related to the field of visual impairment.
- [00:52:49.900]I cannot guarantee that there's not like a Diane Wormsley
- [00:52:53.700]out there who's like a tennis player or something like that.
- [00:52:57.040]She's not, if she is, that's great.
- [00:52:59.270]She's not the one I'm talking about.
- [00:53:00.920]So if you google something, and you're like,
- [00:53:04.580]a source like this, that's weird,
- [00:53:07.780]why is this person listed here?
- [00:53:09.790]It's probably not the right person.
- [00:53:12.310]Feel free to email Susan or I and be like, I found this,
- [00:53:16.660]it doesn't seem right, is it, and we will tell you.
- [00:53:20.210]It's not a trick, I'm not trying to trick you
- [00:53:24.750]into putting the wrong person down or something like that.
- [00:53:28.400]So feel free to double check before you submit,
- [00:53:32.830]and it's due on the 27th, which is next Monday.
- [00:53:37.410]So that's your first assignment, just
- [00:53:39.380]kind of a broad strokes of the field of visual impairment.
- [00:53:43.490]You are correct that the reading assignment
- [00:53:45.580]for this module is chapter two.
- [00:53:47.570]I don't like the order they did it in.
- [00:53:49.240]I wanted to do it in a different order,
- [00:53:51.290]chapter two, then chapter one.
- [00:53:53.530]So that's that, I'm thinking is there anything else
- [00:53:58.140]in here, in Canvas, that you need to know.
- [00:54:02.070]I don't think so.
- [00:54:05.340]If you have questions for me about anything,
- [00:54:12.390]you can feel free to email.
- [00:54:16.150]Susan's reminding you,
- [00:54:17.240]don't forget about that AFB e-learning.
- [00:54:21.220]Yes, Jodi, thank you, thank you, thank you.
- [00:54:24.270]Jodi said to show you how to submit
- [00:54:28.780]an assignment in Canvas, and that is super important.
- [00:54:33.640]So for those of you who might have life events happening,
- [00:54:38.070]and want to schedule maybe something
- [00:54:43.310]outside of what the current deadlines are,
- [00:54:46.730]just shoot me an email and I will respond to you there.
- [00:54:55.270]Oh great question, okay.
- [00:54:57.010]I'm gonna do Jodi's question first,
- [00:54:58.890]then Mallory, I will address your question.
- [00:55:01.060]So let me go back here, get out of here.
- [00:55:05.880]I'm gonna go into student view, so that you can see
- [00:55:08.260]what it looks like for you.
- [00:55:11.460]So when you go to an assignment,
- [00:55:15.400]I'm gonna click on the who's who.
- [00:55:19.040]There's a red button here that says submit assignments.
- [00:55:22.970]You're gonna click on that red button,
- [00:55:24.960]and it's gonna give you some options.
- [00:55:27.300]The two options here are file upload or box.
- [00:55:32.340]So the box is like Dropbox,
- [00:55:38.160]but it's specific to UNL.
- [00:55:39.610]It's how I've embedded all of those documents.
- [00:55:43.830]You can create a box account with your UNL email address.
- [00:55:48.620]You are not required to, it's very easy for you
- [00:55:51.940]to download this document, put your answers in,
- [00:55:56.560]save it, and upload it here.
- [00:55:59.370]So you browse, you'll pick your file, you'll open it,
- [00:56:05.120]and then you click the red submit assignments.
- [00:56:07.780]And I will see that something has been submitted.
- [00:56:12.085]So every assignment will have that file upload option.
- [00:56:16.110]The ECC Notebook, what you might choose to do instead
- [00:56:22.100]if you're doing it in a OneNote or a Google Drive
- [00:56:25.760]or something like that, is to just email me
- [00:56:28.840]the shared link so that I can see it.
- [00:56:31.460]There won't really be something for you to upload.
- [00:56:33.880]We'll get there when we get there.
- [00:56:36.520]So Mallory's question was when is participation
- [00:56:39.448]due for the five points for Zoom.
- [00:56:42.820]So your participation assignments are
- [00:56:45.040]always gonna be due at the end of the week.
- [00:56:48.300]Feel free to do it immediately when we end class,
- [00:56:51.310]things are fresh in your mind, but again,
- [00:56:53.610]I'm always gonna try to give you a weekend in order to have
- [00:56:58.730]a little more time to get stuff done.
- [00:57:00.530]So as long as it's submitted by the end of the day Sunday,
- [00:57:04.810]it will count, and why don't I add that in here.
- [00:57:11.160]All participation will be due by the Sunday,
- [00:57:17.970]what makes sense, the Sunday of the Zoom?
- [00:57:21.090]Following the Zoom. Does that make sense?
- [00:57:23.240]I'm gonna write it, the Sunday of the Zoom,
- [00:57:26.260]and then I'll highlight that, so that's in your syllabus
- [00:57:28.670]as a reminder now as well.
- [00:57:33.970]Oh, and the second part of the question,
- [00:57:35.600]Word, pdf page, I mean you can just type it
- [00:57:38.170]into the email, that's fine.
- [00:57:40.230]If you wanna write it out separately in a Word document
- [00:57:42.600]or something, feel free to do that as well.
- [00:57:47.870]Yes, AFB, so AFB, in your textbook there's
- [00:57:54.610]a place here with an important notice
- [00:57:57.440]that actually explains how to go onto the AFB
- [00:58:00.904]e-learning site and create your free account there.
- [00:58:06.760]It does have lots of resources, free,
- [00:58:12.250]it doesn't have the full text of the chapters,
- [00:58:14.410]but it does have free outlines of all of the chapters.
- [00:58:19.720]Then the way that we'll be using it in this course
- [00:58:23.360]is for some of the discussion boards,
- [00:58:25.660]we'll be doing some of the activities from there.
- [00:58:30.840]And there are some resources in there that will
- [00:58:34.640]be embedded throughout the modules.
- [00:58:37.700]So like, what they did in this third edition
- [00:58:40.300]is they linked it with some videos and some internet content
- [00:58:44.720]and so we're not gonna use all of it,
- [00:58:46.740]but it is there for you to view and use,
- [00:58:49.800]but occasionally, I will link to those resources
- [00:58:53.860]and you'll want to have that user name
- [00:58:55.640]available to log into that.
- [00:59:01.410]Other questions about the syllabus,
- [00:59:04.140]about the class, about assignments, about whatever?
- [00:59:15.040]Okay, then
- [00:59:20.638]I'm only one minute shy of our seven o'clock for tonight.
- [00:59:23.778]So day one is always a little shorter.
- [00:59:28.120]Our future Zooms, please expect to go to 7:30.
- [00:59:31.480]I think you can tell, I like to talk,
- [00:59:33.760]and so it's super easy for me to keep going,
- [00:59:37.450]but I will do a good job this semester
- [00:59:41.500]of stopping at 7:30, and I promise.
- [00:59:44.780]So have a great night, don't forget
- [00:59:47.780]your Zoom participation assignment.
- [00:59:55.110]Sometimes the recording will download quickly and
- [00:59:59.250]get captioned quickly, and sometimes it doesn't,
- [01:00:02.540]I don't know the difference between when it does
- [01:00:04.740]and when it doesn't, so always assume that the recording
- [01:00:07.820]will be available the next day, not immediately after.
- [01:00:11.780]Okay, I will hang out here for a minute
- [01:00:15.280]if anyone has questions they don't want recorded,
- [01:00:18.350]I'm stopping the record.
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