2018-03-09 Tech Talks: How to Host a Website
Mitchell Clark & Sam Flint
Mitchell talks about how to host a website by spinning up a Virtual Private Server and installing the proper programs while Sam talks about how to create the proper DNS records to point a domain TLD to the right place.
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- [00:00:08.256]Hi, welcome to (OS)2G, once again. Uh,
- [00:00:10.286]in case you didn't know, my name is Mitch
- [00:00:12.154]um, and today what we're going to be talking about
- [00:00:14.595]is how to actually get hosting for a website.
- [00:00:16.643]Uh, show of hands,
- [00:00:17.533]how many people here bothered to create their own website at some point?
- [00:00:21.428]Pretty good showing, uh
- [00:00:22.468]but there are a lot of people who probably are interested
- [00:00:24.638]in trying to do that kind of stuff, and haven't
- [00:00:26.732]or, don't really don't know what they're doing or how to do it.
- [00:00:29.673]So, uh, in the long run
- [00:00:31.163]we'll also be covering how to actually build a website
- [00:00:33.123]and that's gonna be in about two weeks
- [00:00:34.803]but for today I want to at least show you guys
- [00:00:36.923]how to do the hosting portion.
- [00:00:39.741]So, caveat before I begin,
- [00:00:42.753]you do not have to do this
- [00:00:43.893]the way that I do this.
- [00:00:45.289]I am doing this because it is
- [00:00:46.946]pretty straight forward, cheap,
- [00:00:48.476]and Digital Ocean has really good documentation.
- [00:00:51.337]So, we all know that in order to have a website
- [00:00:54.007]you have to have a server for that website, right?
- [00:00:56.751]Yes, ok. Cool. Sweet. So,
- [00:00:58.381]We are using Digital Ocean because,
- [00:01:00.451]everybody and their mother uses it
- [00:01:01.921]and it's $5 to have a server that's enough.
- [00:01:04.011]So, um, if we, by the way,
- [00:01:07.741]in case you guys forget all the stuff,
- [00:01:09.791]or you just don't feel like tuning in,
- [00:01:11.181]there is a lovely little guide on our wiki,
- [00:01:13.111]it's not very extensive. Uh, it really doesn't
- [00:01:15.081]get into all the fun stuff, so, uh,
- [00:01:17.271]down here at the bottom you'll see
- [00:01:18.531]that there's, uh, a pretty useful follow up,
- [00:01:20.631]uh, I think it's this one right here,
- [00:01:22.681]that explains why you want to install the full
- [00:01:24.711]LAMP server stack, um,
- [00:01:27.996]but, just for today, we're covering
- [00:01:29.686]the bare essentials necessary for
- [00:01:31.066]you to have a running web server
- [00:01:32.866]with your stuff on it.
- [00:01:35.192]So firsts things first, uh, you gotta
- [00:01:36.862]acquire a domain, and like it says right here,
- [00:01:38.692]that's Sam's party, not my business.
- [00:01:40.462]Um, but, getting the server itself is kind of
- [00:01:43.312]a key element, so you can write a lot
- [00:01:44.802]of the software on your own local machine
- [00:01:46.282]if you feel like it. But, that's not smart.
- [00:01:48.692]Cuz then you leave all those ports available
- [00:01:50.614]and open to anybody that's interested in
- [00:01:52.784]sending you, uh, fun thing's in the mail, and we
- [00:01:55.484]don't want that. So, we go over here
- [00:01:58.274]to Digital Ocean, and if we take a look at this,
- [00:02:00.884]you can see that I have purchased the $5/mo
- [00:02:03.944]droplet that's really not all that impressive,
- [00:02:05.964]and I just rebuilt it and I'll do it again
- [00:02:07.904]just for the sake of it. Um, this droplet
- [00:02:10.324]using uh, Debian 9.3. The reason
- [00:02:12.374]I decided to use Debain it cuz, setting
- [00:02:14.964]up a web server on Debian is, easy.
- [00:02:18.513]It, it's about as easy as it gets, so this is
- [00:02:20.483]literally like 5 commands all said and done.
- [00:02:22.561]I just wan't to walk you guys through this,
- [00:02:23.733]so that we have it recorded and people can
- [00:02:25.143]see it in the future if they want to do this
- [00:02:26.853]themselves. Um, so once we have this,
- [00:02:30.853]right, once it's done rebuilding, I have to
- [00:02:33.433]actually access it and there's our IPv4 address,
- [00:02:36.573]so I go and I pull up PuTTY here and I go, uh,
- [00:02:40.123]
- [00:02:46.843]SSH
- [00:02:48.553]and it says,
- [00:02:50.663]"Who am I?" and I say, "I don't care,"
- [00:02:52.737]and I will log in as root...
- [00:02:54.077]Ok, so once we're here, right?
- [00:02:55.777]That's great, but, now I clearly have
- [00:02:58.647]nothing, so I have to fix that.
- [00:03:01.638]And if we follow along with the little
- [00:03:03.028]guide, right? So, we created a droplet,
- [00:03:06.930]and once we created the droplet and we got
- [00:03:09.150]SSH access, by the way, if you wanted to do
- [00:03:11.150]SSH keys, or user accounts, now would be
- [00:03:13.110]the time. The reason why you would want
- [00:03:14.470]to do that, you don't want to always
- [00:03:15.540]want to be logging in as root, that is bad
- [00:03:17.050]security practice. So, we can walk through
- [00:03:19.450]how to make a user, and all that "jazz"
- [00:03:20.910]at a later point in time, but for now,
- [00:03:23.130]you should know that. So, now,
- [00:03:26.095]now that we have this, we have to actually
- [00:03:28.155]uh, put the right stuff on it, so, let me
- [00:03:32.835]move this out of the way so that I can
- [00:03:34.435]make sure that everything that's on
- [00:03:35.865]this guide is correct, cuz I checked
- [00:03:37.105]everything but I don't like when I'm a lier.
- [00:03:41.305]Yup, cool. So, normally you have
- [00:03:43.995]to put "sudo" here, but because I, I am
- [00:03:46.855]'root,' I don't need to worry about that,
- [00:03:48.585]So it updates, that's great, once we
- [00:03:51.735]update the server, um, then we have
- [00:03:53.695]to actually apply the updates,
- [00:03:54.785]then we install Apache, and we're done.
- [00:03:57.616]It is really that easy. Now that said,
- [00:04:00.266]the actual configuring of the website
- [00:04:02.026]is where all the magic happens, we'll get
- [00:04:03.356]to that in two weeks, but this is all
- [00:04:04.596]it takes to have your own website
- [00:04:06.456]actually do stuff. Uh, so, once we have that,
- [00:04:09.216]we do, "apt-get upgrade" the system.
- [00:04:16.420]Oh, I should've put "yes," whatever.
- [00:04:19.952]Doo-de-lit-do, and then,
- [00:04:21.482]"apt install apache2"
- [00:04:25.798]Sam: Make sure to install PHP also.
- [00:04:29.074]Oh, you should do that, that's why I linked
- [00:04:32.164]to the LAMP server, but I just wanted to
- [00:04:33.604]keep this as short and sweet as possible.
- [00:04:35.824]Cuz you do need PHP if you want to do
- [00:04:37.424]anything, it wont work without PHP,
- [00:04:40.214]but now, at minimum, if I go here
- [00:04:44.064]to the domain that
- [00:04:44.944]I already have my stuff parked at,
- [00:04:46.977]congratulations, you now have a
- [00:04:49.057]web server running, and if you say you
- [00:04:50.417]want to hack it, you can do that, uh
- [00:04:52.846]you can port scan it, I honestly was thinking
- [00:04:55.386]about turning this into a "zen map guide"
- [00:04:57.496]but that's ok. Um, anyways, yeah, so that's
- [00:05:01.026]literally it, making a website isn't as
- [00:05:02.856]complicated as you'd thing it is, I mean,
- [00:05:04.566]this is only the front half of the battle,
- [00:05:06.416]now you gotta make your site, but
- [00:05:07.796]that's how easy it is to do all the hosting,
- [00:05:09.976]and get all that done, and make sure
- [00:05:11.356]that it works, so.
- [00:05:12.716]Sam: Alright, so once you have a
- [00:05:15.186]connection, or once you have a
- [00:05:16.896]web server set up, you wan't to have
- [00:05:19.076]it on a nice, pretty, uh, name, right?
- [00:05:23.007]You don't want to tell people,
- [00:05:23.987]"Oh, yeah, my website's 192.168.whatever.whatever"
- [00:05:28.172]so instead, you're gonna use a domain name.
- [00:05:30.752]Audience member: ""
- [00:05:34.157]Sam: So, uh, sorry it's gonna take me moment
- [00:05:36.507]to get hooked up, once you have a
- [00:05:39.167]domain name purchased, I'm not gonna
- [00:05:40.417]walk through that because that's
- [00:05:42.157]pretty simple, uh, the big thing is just
- [00:05:43.907]finding one can be a bit hard, uh, and
- [00:05:47.057]there are, uh, people who hoard domains,
- [00:05:49.617]Mitchell: Do you wan't me to just give you
- [00:05:50.487]the IP address for the server?
- [00:05:51.537]Sam: Yes I'm gonna have you do that
- [00:05:52.397]in a seccond.
- [00:05:52.927]Mitchell: That works.
- [00:05:53.457]Sam: So once you do that, you'll purchase
- [00:05:54.997]your domain, and I need to find, uh,
- [00:06:00.334]find the once I purchased, uh, I have way
- [00:06:03.444]too many, um, so, go into that, and,
- [00:06:10.438]hey look, I want it to go some place,
- [00:06:16.434]ok cool. So you have options like,
- [00:06:19.584]"redirect domain" those will let it
- [00:06:21.354]redirect to some place else, uh,
- [00:06:23.974]but what you need to do, is you need
- [00:06:26.124]to set up a DNS entry. If you're just using
- [00:06:29.574]plain NameCheap or whatever, they should
- [00:06:32.244]have a pretty easy way of doing that,
- [00:06:34.496]all you have to do, is add a new record
- [00:06:39.998]of type, "A," "A" is a standard IP address
- [00:06:45.298]record. It's, we're putting it at "@," "@"
- [00:06:50.218]is just the domain itself and then, give
- [00:06:52.688]it an IP address.
- [00:06:54.148]Hey Mitch, what's the IP address?
- [00:06:56.191]Mitch: 146.
- [00:06:57.111]Sam: 146.
- [00:06:59.671]Mitch: 185
- [00:07:01.151]Sam: 185.
- [00:07:02.491]Mitch: 147
- [00:07:03.391]Sam: 147.
- [00:07:06.081]Mitch: 193
- [00:07:07.011]Sam: 193, alrighty, so,
- [00:07:10.491]Audience member: You're going to redirect
- [00:07:11.311]the entire OS2G to it?
- [00:07:12.887]Sam: No, this is os2g.org no os2g.club.
- [00:07:16.761]laughs
- [00:07:20.275]Get rid of the old, uh, records, and now
- [00:07:31.185]if we try
- [00:07:36.331]os2g.org, well it's gonna take
- [00:07:38.491]a little while. So you guys know,
- [00:07:40.311]when you enter stuff into DNS it
- [00:07:42.231]can take up to 24 hours for it to
- [00:07:43.811]propagate across the entirety of the world,
- [00:07:46.246]uh, so, esentially, as of right now os2g.org
- [00:07:51.156]has a value, it just takes a little while.
- [00:07:55.790]So, that's pretty much it as DNS goes,
- [00:07:59.790]or basic DNS. Alrighty, thank you.
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