2018 Nebraska Cover Crop Conference - Segment 5 - Farmer Panel
Deloris Pittman
There are many benefits to utilizing cover crops, such as improved soil heath and reduced erosion. It’s the details of how and what to do that can present challenges. The Nebraska Cover Crop Conference provides information to growers who are in a corn/soybean rotation and assist them in understanding the value of cover crops. This segment includes the following presentations: Farmer Panel - Discussion with growers, landowners, and consultants.
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- [00:00:15.440]Okay.
- [00:00:19.110]Hold your questions for the remaining questions for Keith.
- [00:00:22.750]We're gonna have a panel of speakers now.
- [00:00:25.450]Kelly and Lee if you would stand up here.
- [00:00:31.330]Dan.
- [00:00:35.284]I've asked Mike McDonald here on our advisory committee,
- [00:00:37.870]to go through all the comments
- [00:00:39.820]you wrote down on your registration form
- [00:00:41.720]and we'll try to cover these as best we can.
- [00:00:45.210]By the panel members.
- [00:00:50.410]How do you figure return on investment, panel?
- [00:00:59.020]I think there's a couple ways to figure that.
- [00:01:02.570]You need to look at both
- [00:01:03.450]short term and long term returns on investment.
- [00:01:07.330]Short term return on investment,
- [00:01:09.079]it's very, very simple for anyone that has livestock.
- [00:01:12.536]I assume you're talking about
- [00:01:14.111]the cost of the cover crop investment.
- [00:01:17.150]It's easy to justify that with cattle
- [00:01:19.140]because you can easily get $20, $30,
- [00:01:22.480]whatever your seed and seeding costs.
- [00:01:24.650]It's very simple to get that back with cattle.
- [00:01:27.280]But, the guy that doesn't have cattle,
- [00:01:28.540]I think the biggest thing is looking at the weed control.
- [00:01:30.860]You look at some of the pictures
- [00:01:32.300]that many of us have been showing,
- [00:01:34.320]$15 to $20 to cover crop seed
- [00:01:37.490]and it saves you one or two sprayer passes,
- [00:01:40.150]that's not hard to do the math on that.
- [00:01:43.120]Then, the long term benefits.
- [00:01:44.310]Of course, we could talk for the next week
- [00:01:47.190]about soil health benefits there.
- [00:01:50.859]Next question.
- [00:01:53.480]What is the basic dollars and cents
- [00:01:57.889]in using cover crops before corn
- [00:02:01.190]versus cover crops before soybeans?
- [00:02:08.090]Basic dollars and cents.
- [00:02:10.460]Basically, what are you,
- [00:02:12.150]what's it costing you for your cover crops before corn
- [00:02:15.100]and what's it costing you
- [00:02:16.706]for soybean cover crops?
- [00:02:19.220]At this point and time
- [00:02:20.053]in my corn-bean rotation with cereal rye as my base mix,
- [00:02:23.890]it's $6, $7 bucks with planting and termination costs.
- [00:02:29.267]About the same on either one.
- [00:02:32.170]Okay, less than $10.
- [00:02:33.851]What's that?
- [00:02:35.540]Less than $10.
- [00:02:36.780]Okay, Keith?
- [00:02:39.058]If you're just doing rye, then yes, that's true.
- [00:02:43.120]If you're gonna add hairy vetch, hairy vetch is expensive.
- [00:02:46.350]Expect that cost to go way up.
- [00:02:48.420]Again, the return on investment there would be about
- [00:02:51.670]the nitrogen that you can produce.
- [00:02:53.980]The pictures I showed there of Jerry, the organic farmer,
- [00:02:57.191]he had probably $50 an acre of hairy vetch seed on that.
- [00:03:01.980]But he got 150 pounds of nitrogen.
- [00:03:04.495]I wished my nitrogen bill
- [00:03:06.730]for my irrigated corn was $50 bucks.
- [00:03:09.434]At first, I thought, man he's spending a lot on cover crops,
- [00:03:13.060]then I thought, I'm spending a lot on fertilizer.
- [00:03:16.765]Again, you gotta look at that.
- [00:03:19.377]Any time you add a legume, you're gonna add a lot of expense
- [00:03:23.750]to your cover crop mix.
- [00:03:25.490]So you have to let it grow long enough to do it's job.
- [00:03:29.510]Do not plant hairy vetch
- [00:03:31.500]if you gotta be the first guy in your neighborhood
- [00:03:33.280]to plant corn.
- [00:03:34.230]It's not gonna work.
- [00:03:35.180]You gotta let it grow, to get the money back out of it.
- [00:03:40.869]Another one would be,
- [00:03:43.770]depending on what NRD you're in and NR sales funding,
- [00:03:46.560]it costs me $2 a seed to cover crop
- [00:03:49.255]because I hired someone to do it
- [00:03:51.620]and the seed cost in the lower corn
- [00:03:53.350]has a three-year program up to 80 acres,
- [00:03:56.070]if you haven't done cover crops before.
- [00:03:57.890]At least on 80 acres, would be 240 acres,
- [00:04:01.930]it's gonna be relatively cheap.
- [00:04:03.570]They have a cost share for both single specie mix
- [00:04:05.930]and multiple species.
- [00:04:07.462]It's a really easy way, if your in that NRD, anyway,
- [00:04:10.040]to get started with it at a really low cost.
- [00:04:14.988]Standing here in the back of the room
- [00:04:16.170]with Steve Knox, Nebraska Crop Improvement Association.
- [00:04:19.070]Steve's got an important message he wants to share
- [00:04:21.100]with all of us, Steve.
- [00:04:23.330]Thanks Keith.
- [00:04:24.640]With the popularity of cover crops,
- [00:04:29.150]most producers are entrepreneurs and so
- [00:04:32.880]they think, I have some extra rye, I have some extra wheat,
- [00:04:38.150]so I think I'll just sell that as cover crop seed.
- [00:04:42.960]Once you take a commodity
- [00:04:44.910]and say your gonna sell it as seed,
- [00:04:47.920]the Nebraska Department of Ag
- [00:04:49.770]has something to say about that.
- [00:04:51.900]The seed is regulated in Nebraska
- [00:04:56.330]and to sell seed you need a permit from
- [00:04:58.790]the Nebraska Department of Ag.
- [00:05:01.570]That's your first step.
- [00:05:03.910]Then, also, to sell seed, you must have
- [00:05:06.956]a germ test done on it, you must have a purity done on it
- [00:05:12.400]and a nocuous weed exam done on it.
- [00:05:15.730]Then you must put a label on that seed to sell it.
- [00:05:20.120]There are a lot of restrictions.
- [00:05:21.900]Mitch Coffin from the Department of Ag
- [00:05:23.820]is in charge of the seed division.
- [00:05:27.130]We've been doing a lot of
- [00:05:30.380]education on what it takes to become a seed grower.
- [00:05:33.867]That was just
- [00:05:35.577]some pertinent information that I
- [00:05:38.730]asked Keith that I could share today.
- [00:05:40.990]If you got any questions, you can contact Mitch Coffin
- [00:05:43.460]or myself at Nebraska Crop Improvement.
- [00:05:45.660]Thank you, Keith.
- [00:05:47.600]Thank you, Steve.
- [00:05:49.280]Any other questions in the audience for the panel or?
- [00:05:53.224]I'll just add one thing onto what Steve said.
- [00:05:56.720]If you're gonna go to all that.
- [00:05:58.736]You're obviously gonna have to get that seed clean
- [00:06:01.760]to get rid of the foreign matter and the weed seeds.
- [00:06:05.760]It is illegal to clean rye in a cleaning system
- [00:06:09.070]that also does wheat.
- [00:06:10.770]If you wanna do this
- [00:06:11.730]and you wanna find someone to clean it for ya,
- [00:06:13.440]it's probably gonna be difficult
- [00:06:15.030]because most seed cleaners are doing certified seed weed.
- [00:06:18.550]They cannot touch your rye.
- [00:06:20.761]Just keep that in mind if you wanna go down that path.
- [00:06:24.560]It's good path to go down if you do everything right,
- [00:06:27.940]but you cannot clean seed weed and rye
- [00:06:30.834]in the same equipment.
- [00:06:34.980]Miller's got his planting
- [00:06:36.220]third of our acres to wheat
- [00:06:39.690]and now what do we do with our rye seed?
- [00:06:43.219]It would be a good opportunity
- [00:06:45.080]for somebody to buy a portable cleaner
- [00:06:46.680]and go around and clean everybody's rye.
- [00:06:48.820]It's not gonna be me.
- [00:06:49.653]But it would be a good opportunity for someone.
- [00:06:52.720]Here's a good question.
- [00:06:53.750]What cover crops are best
- [00:06:56.420]to help make potassium and other nutrient available?
- [00:07:00.580]Any research done on that or any experience?
- [00:07:09.169]I don't know that much about potassium.
- [00:07:12.480]We farm in soils that would never add potassium
- [00:07:15.720]so we never worried about it.
- [00:07:17.970]I do know that buckwheat is extremely good
- [00:07:20.770]at freeing up phosphorous.
- [00:07:22.300]So that's something good to consider.
- [00:07:24.536]Most of these nutrients,
- [00:07:26.730]whether it be phosphorous or potassium or
- [00:07:29.260]iron or boran or manganese.
- [00:07:31.030]All of these are gonna become more available
- [00:07:33.720]as your soil becomes more biologically active.
- [00:07:37.550]It sounds a little trite.
- [00:07:41.960]The more diversity you get,
- [00:07:43.880]you'll get the freeing up of all of these things.
- [00:07:47.329]Focus on getting as much diversity into your system.
- [00:07:50.840]Get living rites out there as often as possible.
- [00:07:55.960]These things will become available.
- [00:07:57.990]The more diversity you get
- [00:07:59.150]the more diversity of minerals becoming available,
- [00:08:03.870]I think you'll get.
- [00:08:04.703]What do you guys see in north Nebraska.
- [00:08:06.360]I got one thing to add to that.
- [00:08:08.260]When you're thinking about fertilizer release
- [00:08:09.990]and that type of stuff,
- [00:08:11.200]think about it as an inheritance and not an allowance.
- [00:08:14.303]I would say the same thing is true of your legumes.
- [00:08:16.830]You don't get it til they're dead.
- [00:08:18.651]That's really when you get it.
- [00:08:21.040]The plants aren't out there
- [00:08:22.260]just giving the stuff freely away,
- [00:08:24.190]they're out there to compete
- [00:08:25.250]and collect these nutrients for their own good.
- [00:08:27.860]That's how you're getting it.
- [00:08:28.930]You're getting it as an inheritance, not an allowance.
- [00:08:32.250]Good point.
- [00:08:34.020]Something as potassium.
- [00:08:35.541]Most of the potassium that we're taking up as plants
- [00:08:38.350]is actually in the actual biomass,
- [00:08:40.510]not necessarily on the seed you remove.
- [00:08:42.070]If you think about a corn plant,
- [00:08:43.380]most of that's in the plant itself.
- [00:08:45.420]That potassium in the plant
- [00:08:46.760]is leeched out of the plant fairly quickly.
- [00:08:48.870]But we can pick up differences
- [00:08:50.330]if you've soil sampled right at maturity,
- [00:08:52.930]right after versus the following spring.
- [00:08:55.360]You're gonna see the soil test potassium differences.
- [00:08:58.390]It does come out of the plant, but it's not instant.
- [00:09:02.491]It does take a little bit of time.
- [00:09:04.160]And that's where you pay a super huge penalty
- [00:09:06.710]for bailing that up and hauling it away.
- [00:09:09.441]People just don't understand
- [00:09:11.760]how many dollars worth of nutrients
- [00:09:13.462]they're hauling to the feed lot when they're doing that.
- [00:09:17.430]How do you balance your workload
- [00:09:18.960]with using cover crops?
- [00:09:21.077](panel laughing)
- [00:09:27.149]That's where the
- [00:09:28.000]air seeder comes in handy.
- [00:09:30.490]I didn't think about 15 inch rows.
- [00:09:33.400]Whenever it gets three or four inches high,
- [00:09:35.700]you can't tell the difference.
- [00:09:39.507]The excess there is not nearly as great.
- [00:09:45.730]It's just commitment.
- [00:09:47.880]You gotta get in there.
- [00:09:50.000]Like in the corn-bean rotation
- [00:09:51.470]that we're talking about a lot.
- [00:09:53.230]You have limited biological time
- [00:09:55.400]so the seed has to be cleaned and ready
- [00:09:58.660]and the drill has to be hitting the field
- [00:10:00.640]either same day or next day.
- [00:10:03.970]You just change your management.
- [00:10:05.870]A lot of the farmers that I talk to
- [00:10:07.810]give me the argument they don't have time to do cover crops,
- [00:10:12.257]I ask them
- [00:10:13.430]how many years out of five do you get done harvesting
- [00:10:15.890]and go, "Geez, I could've combined another quarter."
- [00:10:19.620]Go get some more ground to farm.
- [00:10:21.774]That's the time you could be
- [00:10:23.164]committed to doing your cover crops.
- [00:10:25.469]A lot of people say,
- [00:10:27.630]Well, I don't have a drill
- [00:10:29.000]and based on what I've seen and heard,
- [00:10:31.349]aerial seeding is sporadic.
- [00:10:35.840]Maybe as we go across the river here in Nebraska
- [00:10:38.940]and you move west, you don't have center pivots,
- [00:10:42.730]it's a hit/miss thing, but I don't have a drill.
- [00:10:46.410]Well, now John Deer has a plate.
- [00:10:49.240]So if you've got a 15 inch row John Deere planter.
- [00:10:53.022]Is Jerry Menchal still here?
- [00:10:55.340]Jerry, you wanna say something about that?
- [00:10:58.270]Let me get up to you.
- [00:11:01.020]While Keith has mentioned that,
- [00:11:02.370]I get calls all the time at the county level
- [00:11:04.450]about is there somebody
- [00:11:05.460]that could custom drill cover crops for me?
- [00:11:08.030]Unfortunately, there's only one or two guys
- [00:11:10.320]and they get pretty busy, pretty fast.
- [00:11:12.620]If you're at a point, you're either in your career
- [00:11:16.320]beginning, middle or end, I think there's huge opportunities
- [00:11:18.845]to have a small business venture outside
- [00:11:22.290]of retiring from farming or coming back to the farm new.
- [00:11:25.490]If you're trying to leverage someone coming back
- [00:11:27.640]to add custom drilling as an operation
- [00:11:30.160]because I don't have enough people on that
- [00:11:32.764]in Washington County that are custom doing it.
- [00:11:35.137]Many NRDs have contractor lists.
- [00:11:38.030]If you know of someone that is starting that business,
- [00:11:41.269]get that information out
- [00:11:43.520]and the NRDs gonna have that database
- [00:11:46.080]and we can get people hooked up that way.
- [00:11:48.790]Go 'head Jerry.
- [00:11:50.290]I've been planting soybeans
- [00:11:52.410]and 50 inch rows since 1995.
- [00:11:56.130]Planted cover crops with a drill, also, for about four years
- [00:12:00.380]and then last spring we took a chance, bought a used
- [00:12:03.669]John Deere split row 15 inch planter
- [00:12:07.690]and ordered the cover crop plates
- [00:12:09.470]that you see out there on the table
- [00:12:11.800]and we took a chance, but honest to God, it worked.
- [00:12:17.950]Soybeans are the best thing I've had over drill
- [00:12:21.150]because it's a planter that's reasons are obvious.
- [00:12:23.980]But the cover crop and cereal rye, that worked.
- [00:12:28.350]We had a few acres that demanded two species so we chose
- [00:12:32.550]radish and cereal rye and it worked for that too.
- [00:12:37.170]I don't know about any of the other species
- [00:12:39.310]that you can mention, because they're as long as your arm,
- [00:12:42.600]but cereal rye and cereal rye with radish, with that plate,
- [00:12:48.230]works and the only moisture that cover crop had,
- [00:12:53.260]which went on right after the combine left the field,
- [00:12:56.950]was when it snowed.
- [00:12:58.970]In other words, it had no moisture,
- [00:13:01.330]but yet, because it was a planter,
- [00:13:03.114]even though it was planted shallow because it's cover crop,
- [00:13:06.490]we have a nice stand.
- [00:13:08.163]I'm quite pleased with it.
- [00:13:09.880]Not that I'm advertising for John Deere, by the way,
- [00:13:12.010]but it worked for us.
- [00:13:14.374]Thank you Jerry.
- [00:13:18.130]We've had good luck
- [00:13:18.963]with putting it on with fertilizer.
- [00:13:21.665]We go both ways.
- [00:13:24.110]Okay.
- [00:13:25.740]That worked real well and it's real fast.
- [00:13:28.630]Gene Furrier yesterday had a good point too
- [00:13:31.830]with that wheat delay after harvest.
- [00:13:33.990]There's a lot of moisture
- [00:13:35.080]that can transition out of your soil profile
- [00:13:38.930]when you take all the canopy of the crop off the field.
- [00:13:42.500]That first week you can lose a lot of soil moisture
- [00:13:45.949]in that area that you wanna put that seed in.
- [00:13:48.709]It's about getting there as quickly as you can.
- [00:13:52.360]I think, Keith, you mentioned,
- [00:13:54.090]it's not too late, ever, to plant cereal rye.
- [00:13:57.580]I got a slide, in the slides I was looping
- [00:14:01.090]and I was trying to find it here while we were setting up
- [00:14:03.570]by Todd Cavan and his brother are seeding cereal rye
- [00:14:09.628]and there's snow on the drill.
- [00:14:12.331]It was the last day
- [00:14:14.360]that you could get the drill in the ground.
- [00:14:17.187]It's happy in the ground, on a day like today,
- [00:14:21.010]it's really happy and it's gonna germinate
- [00:14:24.510]and start growing when that soil temperature
- [00:14:26.920]is in the low 30s.
- [00:14:29.260]The thing with rye is
- [00:14:30.093]because it's so cold tolerant,
- [00:14:32.000]most winters it always maintains greenness to it.
- [00:14:36.380]If it's green and if the temperature is above freezing,
- [00:14:39.680]I believe that it's photosynthesizing.
- [00:14:42.290]It may be at a fairly slow rate,
- [00:14:44.330]but I believe it's putting some carbon into the ground
- [00:14:47.072]whereas a lot of guys wanna use
- [00:14:49.730]benra weed or something for a cheap cover crop.
- [00:14:52.770]That weed's completely brown dormant.
- [00:14:54.520]It is not gonna be doing that.
- [00:14:56.470]It's not gonna break dormancy nearly as fast as rye.
- [00:15:00.761]Rye is powerful in the fact that
- [00:15:03.820]it just photosynthesizes
- [00:15:05.910]though much, much colder weather
- [00:15:07.240]than anything else I've ever seen.
- [00:15:09.240]I wanna add something from North Dakota
- [00:15:11.010]about the rye.
- [00:15:12.100]You can see that any day you want to.
- [00:15:13.940]I had a grower go out and, just for fun,
- [00:15:17.860]left the drill and seeded and go out every week
- [00:15:20.300]and he started on the first of October
- [00:15:22.410]and he went all the way through to the 10th of December
- [00:15:24.230]in North Dakota.
- [00:15:25.950]By Thanksgiving time the drills no longer in the ground.
- [00:15:28.476]Just, kinda, scratched on the surface of ryed naan.
- [00:15:31.480]It all grew.
- [00:15:33.475]It all grew.
- [00:15:34.550]It grew better the earlier you planted it.
- [00:15:37.450]You could see the difference all the way through.
- [00:15:39.452]In our situation it didn't go enough for us,
- [00:15:42.360]because we're planting so quickly.
- [00:15:44.083]Once we got past about 15th of October, but it works.
- [00:15:49.310]I'm talking about soils,
- [00:15:51.050]folks our water pipes are eight feet in the ground.
- [00:15:56.110]I wanna actually add too,
- [00:15:58.010]in the early days
- [00:15:58.843]when I was just doing the annual water way type thing,
- [00:16:02.760]I shaped and seeded a water way
- [00:16:05.450]and the next day it snowed and it kept snowing.
- [00:16:07.876]That flow area was filled with three feet of snow,
- [00:16:11.420]when it melted off the next spring,
- [00:16:13.140]that rye was green and growing.
- [00:16:15.069]Snow was gone, and like Keith said, it's gonna grow for ya.
- [00:16:20.371]Okay, next question.
- [00:16:22.541]This is to anyone who wants to take this.
- [00:16:26.335]How do you sell and promote the use of cover crops
- [00:16:29.810]with the mindset now, because the commodity prices
- [00:16:35.892]to spend $35 an acre.
- [00:16:39.536]Don't spend $35 an acre.
- [00:16:43.599](panel laughs)
- [00:16:45.536]At the very bottom of the whole thing is,
- [00:16:48.960]in 2004 when those storms hit and I said
- [00:16:52.390]I needed to augment that soybean ground,
- [00:16:55.170]it's something because it's getting away from me.
- [00:16:58.129]The number one reason I started doing cover crops
- [00:17:00.940]was erosion control.
- [00:17:02.820]With that, then we get to start talking about
- [00:17:04.940]all the other benefits we've talked about across the panel.
- [00:17:10.688]I would come back to the,
- [00:17:12.494]if it can save you a spraying, how much is that worth?
- [00:17:15.890]That's a huge thing.
- [00:17:17.580]The other thing I tell people,
- [00:17:18.610]if they talk low commodity prices,
- [00:17:21.499]if they have cattle, I will tell them there has never been
- [00:17:24.720]a better time to not plant corn.
- [00:17:27.812]What are you having to lose?
- [00:17:29.500]What's the opportunity cost of not planting corn?
- [00:17:32.110]Extremely low.
- [00:17:33.870]We've got guys everyday, calling and they're talking about
- [00:17:37.650]taking some of their worst ground out of corn production,
- [00:17:40.920]or soybean production,
- [00:17:42.400]cause it's the least productive ground they have anyway,
- [00:17:44.770]and they're just gonna do a year-long grazing program on it.
- [00:17:48.680]They don't really have that much to lose
- [00:17:50.390]and they know that right now cattle look better on paper
- [00:17:54.000]than anything else.
- [00:17:55.600]For the guys that don't have cattle,
- [00:17:57.750]I think you gotta go back
- [00:17:58.610]to look at the weed control aspect.
- [00:18:02.240]I think a lot of the benefits
- [00:18:05.440]that we can't measure, we can't put a price on them.
- [00:18:09.120]Every year that you have it.
- [00:18:10.677]We have 10 years, we have a lot more benefits
- [00:18:14.049]and I just got a call from the university, from Iowa State
- [00:18:18.630]saying that they got the results of our research plots
- [00:18:22.297]and that last year the corn was 19 bushel per acre advantage
- [00:18:28.430]and this year the beans were 12 bushel advantage.
- [00:18:31.576]They also said that the cover crop plots
- [00:18:36.620]had 38% more earthworms than the non.
- [00:18:40.950]The ones that's not cover crops.
- [00:18:44.300]Lee?
- [00:18:45.133]The other thing that you're losing,
- [00:18:46.020]that you're not counting is your soil,
- [00:18:49.010]all the nutrients that are in your soil.
- [00:18:51.640]We've done some of this SNERD analysis on that soil
- [00:18:54.630]at the end of the field.
- [00:18:56.100]Understand that the best soil is not in that snow.
- [00:18:59.760]The clay particles are up in the air
- [00:19:01.240]like I showed in the wind.
- [00:19:03.224]Often times that soil is coming at
- [00:19:05.650]22 to 25 parts per million in phosphorus,
- [00:19:08.690]300 to 500 parts per million of potassium
- [00:19:12.140]and high levels of nitrogen as well,
- [00:19:14.010]but the nitrogen varies a lot more.
- [00:19:15.460]You go back to that same field,
- [00:19:17.070]a lot of times we test between 5 to 7 parts per million
- [00:19:19.620]in the phosphorous and anywhere from 200 to 300 a K.
- [00:19:22.975]Think about how much that phosphorous is worth.
- [00:19:25.370]These guys are talking about build their organic matter.
- [00:19:27.210]I think one of the things that helping them
- [00:19:28.490]build organic matter is they're not losing it,
- [00:19:30.604]it's not blowing away.
- [00:19:33.591]Where we're standing, the soil type we have here,
- [00:19:37.160]there's a higher level of phosphorous in the subsoil
- [00:19:39.980]than there is in the surface soil.
- [00:19:42.700]This isn't true everywhere,
- [00:19:44.010]but this particular soil type, that's the case.
- [00:19:46.660]If you're growing cover crops, you're bringing some of that
- [00:19:50.488]phosphorous up to the surface.
- [00:19:54.340]I just go along with the soil loss standpoint.
- [00:19:56.976]One of the main other areas that covers
- [00:19:59.844]precision ag data management.
- [00:20:00.677]When you look at yield monitor data
- [00:20:02.310]and profitability analysis within the field,
- [00:20:04.850]it's the areas that, at least in eastern Nebraska,
- [00:20:07.190]where historically we've lost top soil.
- [00:20:09.900]If we could add that back ,the amount of bushels,
- [00:20:12.610]you're not just talking 20 bushels back,
- [00:20:14.770]you're talking 50, 75 bushels an acre back,
- [00:20:17.970]if we could have changed things over the last 100 years.
- [00:20:20.550]Look forward to the next generations
- [00:20:23.940]that there's value you're maybe giving to somebody else,
- [00:20:26.370]not yourself.
- [00:20:28.285]We left earlier
- [00:20:29.770]when Keith was trying to sell us magic beans, right?
- [00:20:32.797](panel laughs)
- [00:20:34.440]The cool thing about it, especially on the livestock guys
- [00:20:38.470]taking their marginal cropland out of production,
- [00:20:41.890]and planting cover crops on it.
- [00:20:43.160]The beauty of the cover crops is they seem to show the most
- [00:20:47.270]production or the most improvement on the nastier soil
- [00:20:51.640]you put it in.
- [00:20:52.790]There's a very perceivable gain in all the soil health.
- [00:20:59.430]Not being on the economic to go along with that.
- [00:21:02.130]Just so we do spatially, variable other things.
- [00:21:05.000]Certain fields might benefit more from cover crops
- [00:21:07.430]than others, just like you said.
- [00:21:08.885]It's not a all or nothing
- [00:21:10.290]like we've talked about several times a day.
- [00:21:12.588]Let's give our panel and our speakers today
- [00:21:16.800]a nice round of applause again.
- [00:21:18.570]Thank you very much
- [00:21:19.916](audience applauds)
- [00:21:21.610]for your insight and sharing your experience.
- [00:21:24.843]We have a few door prizes here.
- [00:21:29.290]Yet, I still have another book to give away,
- [00:21:31.950]Larry Dolph from Malmul.
- [00:21:34.330]Larry, if you'll come up and grab that.
- [00:21:37.404]Before you leave today,
- [00:21:40.194]make sure you fill out your evaluation
- [00:21:43.260]and leave it at your chair there, that'd be fine.
- [00:21:45.800]Again, I'd like to thank the
- [00:21:47.980]Nebraska Soybean Checkoff Board
- [00:21:49.930]and the Lower Plain North NRD
- [00:21:51.430]and the USDA Serve program for their support today.
- [00:21:55.630]Thanks to all of you.
- [00:21:58.110]Best in the year to come.
- [00:22:00.230]If we can help you down the road, I think,
- [00:22:01.758]not just myself, but everybody up here in front today
- [00:22:06.420]is just a phone call or email way.
- [00:22:08.350]Thank you very much and Godspeed.
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