PED Talks: February 8, 2018
University Procurement Services
This is the Zoom recording for the PED Talks meeting that took place on February 8, 2018
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- [00:00:07.820]We're just going to start and see if
- [00:00:10.690]this actually works for those who are zooming in.
- [00:00:13.240]Okay, good.
- [00:00:15.720]Good good afternoon I'm Maggie Witt.
- [00:00:19.780]Welcome, how is everyone today?
- [00:00:23.290]Okay, good thanks.
- [00:00:24.530]We're streaming live I think.
- [00:00:27.550]Am I correct?
- [00:00:28.383]I've got I've got Lieutenant Uhura over here,
- [00:00:32.370]actually Lieutenant Luthor.
- [00:00:34.912]So the wonderful methods of modern technology we have.
- [00:00:41.520]I'm Maggie Witt and I I'm uh I'm here representing
- [00:00:46.098]actually this team right here against the wall
- [00:00:49.910]those of you online...
- [00:00:51.330]How's the volume by the way Sarah?
- [00:00:54.220]Is the volume okay?
- [00:00:55.160]Okay, good.
- [00:00:56.920]We're gonna go ahead and get started because I know
- [00:00:59.700]that they'll be a flow group maybe you're here on your
- [00:01:01.190]lunch maybe not but we appreciate you being here.
- [00:01:04.570]Just to get started, I'm the director of
- [00:01:07.550]Procurement Strategic Sourcing.
- [00:01:10.200]All things bought and actually resold and repurposed
- [00:01:17.100]for the University, the Lincoln campus.
- [00:01:19.890]I also recently inherited new responsibilities
- [00:01:22.860]here at the University of Nebraska to help transform
- [00:01:27.515]the University and the procurement operations for the
- [00:01:31.460]University.
- [00:01:32.540]I'll talk about that in a second.
- [00:01:34.090]But really I just, to state the obvious, I just I'm
- [00:01:38.470]gonna say something here, two words, things change.
- [00:01:42.130]Would everyone agree with me on that?
- [00:01:44.920]And like it or, not they change and BRT or not,
- [00:01:51.700]they change so whether you like that acronym or not.
- [00:01:55.340]I'm not here to talk about the BRT, you may have
- [00:01:58.080]a question or two about what's going on with that.
- [00:02:00.890]I am chairing a committee related to that.
- [00:02:04.162]What I want to talk about today and what this group
- [00:02:07.650]is here to talk to you about is procurement and our
- [00:02:10.980]inventory management operations and how we have
- [00:02:13.453]we've operated in that mindset all along.
- [00:02:17.640]Process transformation, business transformation, savings
- [00:02:20.548]efficiency, variety of other things, what we do for
- [00:02:24.020]the University.
- [00:02:24.853]We're here to educate you on that.
- [00:02:26.770]So really want to help you understand who we are,
- [00:02:29.670]what we do.
- [00:02:32.360]Okay, I want to make sure I wasn't doing something up there.
- [00:02:34.820]So, I want it, we're going to talk to you about
- [00:02:37.030]it the procurement...
- [00:02:38.770]Some of you may know us as purchasing, it's it's
- [00:02:42.360]basically the same thing.
- [00:02:43.910]It's kind of, procurement is seen as a phrase
- [00:02:46.840]that's more timely or relevant.
- [00:02:49.890]Some some of us who are geeks about the whole phraseology
- [00:02:55.250]of prefer to say supply chain.
- [00:02:57.550]You may hear that phrase too.
- [00:02:58.870]The University here has a degree program in supply
- [00:03:01.520]chain by the way.
- [00:03:02.780]If you happen to know Professor Chen and any of
- [00:03:05.350]other educators in the College of Business, say hi.
- [00:03:09.680]I actually do speak at a few of his classes
- [00:03:12.370]and sit in and some of those and some of the our
- [00:03:14.690]team actually help out with those as well.
- [00:03:17.530]We like to trade notes and and mentor students as well.
- [00:03:22.590]We also represent inventory surplus and asset management
- [00:03:25.740]so if you think about the lifecycle of goods that we
- [00:03:28.240]purchase and use on the campus, they go somewhere
- [00:03:32.160]when they're done or when they're not so done, right.
- [00:03:35.930]And anything that has value.
- [00:03:37.400]So anything that has to be used and consumed within the,
- [00:03:40.455]you know, within our operations we're responsible for it.
- [00:03:44.350]If you've visited our website...
- [00:03:46.530]Raise your hand.
- [00:03:48.860]Has anybody seen it and have you seen our new mission?
- [00:03:53.090]Our statement on there says we make the university run.
- [00:03:57.430]Sort of means that we're just the we help facilitate
- [00:04:01.300]the payment and processing of those types of things.
- [00:04:04.610]Hope that message rings true.
- [00:04:07.040]I can talk, answer questions about recent changes
- [00:04:10.490]to our organization.
- [00:04:11.580]We also have added the payables operations to our
- [00:04:15.120]organization.
- [00:04:16.880]We'll probably talk more in depth about that that.
- [00:04:19.590]We will talk more in depth in future PED talks.
- [00:04:22.744]Today we're just here to introduce you to the team
- [00:04:24.560]procurement and inventory management.
- [00:04:26.490]And then I can also talk a little bit about UI procurement
- [00:04:29.780]structure, just a broad perspective on that but I don't
- [00:04:33.870]want to lose perspective on what we want to talk
- [00:04:35.960]about about the Lincoln Campus today but if there
- [00:04:38.530]are any specific questions you have about that we
- [00:04:41.170]are creating a U-wide, university-wide procurement
- [00:04:47.070]operation.
- [00:04:48.330]That basically how we're wording it, how we're phrasing
- [00:04:52.820]it is four doorways into one organization.
- [00:04:57.030]So there will be a footprint on every campus supporting
- [00:05:00.700]procurement and payables.
- [00:05:02.640]It just may not look the same on every single campus
- [00:05:05.580]but organizationally we're realigning ourselves to be
- [00:05:08.730]the most efficient operation for the university
- [00:05:11.540]to support everything in a consistent manner.
- [00:05:14.350]And the truth is we do things differently in many cases
- [00:05:17.890]on the different campuses so the goal is to streamline
- [00:05:20.850]our operations and find ways to become more efficient.
- [00:05:25.830]So I think it's a good time to introduce the group.
- [00:05:30.350]So let's go ahead and get up, line up.
- [00:05:34.696]This looks like a lineup now.
- [00:05:35.940]So if you've seen any of these suspicious characters
- [00:05:38.720]anywhere and you're near its procurement operation
- [00:05:42.510]or across the...
- [00:05:43.540]So I'm gonna just pass the pass the microphone down
- [00:05:46.870]and we'll just go ahead and everybody's gonna tell you
- [00:05:49.520]who they are and what they're responsible for okay.
- [00:05:51.660]Do I have enough room here?
- [00:05:52.950]Come on, this way, keep going.
- [00:05:57.350]I I made them do this.
- [00:05:58.790]No, not really, this is their idea.
- [00:06:03.825]Good afternoon, I'm Roger Spiehs.
- [00:06:05.080]I'm actually 7'2" but I got stuck next to John so I hope
- [00:06:09.920]everybody can hear me.
- [00:06:11.745]I'm a ballery Colt anyway...
- [00:06:12.830]Assistant Director for Procurement Services.
- [00:06:15.480]Been with university a little over 30 plus years.
- [00:06:18.690]Started out with more hair, a little less gray but have
- [00:06:22.240]had a what wide range of commodities over that time.
- [00:06:25.010]It's been a great run.
- [00:06:26.760]Work a lot with cost per copy program, off supplies
- [00:06:29.730]we started as a prime vendor supplier program back in 1999.
- [00:06:32.732]For those of you have been here and custodial supplies,
- [00:06:37.690]work a lot with athletics .
- [00:06:39.173]Recent project has been the Husker vision screens.
- [00:06:42.837]Had the opportunity work with some great people over
- [00:06:44.020]there and implementing that.
- [00:06:46.188]So next time you go to the stadium that was that was one
- [00:06:48.540]of the projects that we kind of get involved in as
- [00:06:50.690]a group sometimes.
- [00:06:53.450]I'm John Lohmeier.
- [00:06:54.520]I have the privilege of being the manager and managing
- [00:06:56.750]the Inventory Asset Surplus department however most
- [00:07:00.700]people on campus just simply referred to me
- [00:07:02.660]as the inventory guy.
- [00:07:06.610]I'm Jill Rogman with Inventory
- [00:07:08.260]and I specialized in surplus sales and fixed asset
- [00:07:11.480]management.
- [00:07:14.040]I'm Julie Snyder, formerly Dexter.
- [00:07:16.930]So some of you might be going who's that person.
- [00:07:21.360]When I was first assigned working on contracts we had,
- [00:07:25.890]you know, a hotel agreement here, a speaker agreement
- [00:07:29.140]there, and I kind of filled in in other places.
- [00:07:31.810]Well this year the team is expanded.
- [00:07:33.780]We are a team of three.
- [00:07:35.290]We probably need at least another person.
- [00:07:37.290]We're working on that but we have done already in this
- [00:07:41.410]fiscal year over 750 contracts.
- [00:07:45.080]So we've been quite busy.
- [00:07:48.790]One of the things that I've been doing to kind of align
- [00:07:51.160]and and get everybody on the compliance bandwagon
- [00:07:55.520]and on compliance with not only the Board of Regents
- [00:07:59.220]policy and the state statutes is working on workflows
- [00:08:03.430]and getting policies put out there so that everybody knows
- [00:08:05.752]how to be compliant.
- [00:08:10.470]I'm Julie Hopp.
- [00:08:11.440]As part of the contracts team, I'm going to be working
- [00:08:14.711]mostly with the standard agreement that is for all
- [00:08:19.270]expenditures and the fee for service template that is
- [00:08:25.570]when a department brings in revenue.
- [00:08:28.010]I like contracts because every day it's something new.
- [00:08:32.130]This year I got to do a contract for um the feeding
- [00:08:36.820]and care of captive, Oh captive rearing and reintroduction
- [00:08:41.510]of the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle and the various food
- [00:08:46.480]sources that were required to take care of that.
- [00:08:51.651][Jessica Mehrhoff] Hi, I'm Jessica Mehrhoff.
- [00:08:52.810]I'm the newest member of the UNL procurement team.
- [00:08:56.680]I am on the contracts team of Julie and Julie and I handle
- [00:09:01.650]primarily IT contracts.
- [00:09:03.810]I work with ITS and they do a pretty strict security
- [00:09:10.740]review, as we all know security is very important these days
- [00:09:14.080]so they go through their security reviews first and then I
- [00:09:17.680]take a look at the contract language related to state
- [00:09:20.930]statutes, Board of Regents policy, etc.
- [00:09:26.430]Hello my name is Dustin Kotik
- [00:09:27.920]and I have the honour of managing the facilities
- [00:09:31.450]related commodities for our campuses as well as all
- [00:09:34.900]construction and maintenance that happens on our campus.
- [00:09:40.050]Hi, I'm Sara Luthor and I have the
- [00:09:42.500]honour of purchasing all of the furniture that we put into
- [00:09:46.710]our new buildings and our renovated buildings.
- [00:09:49.880]So for example, for the people that are here in this
- [00:09:52.194]room right now, I purchased the chairs and the tables
- [00:09:54.670]that are in this room and if I go anywhere else on campus
- [00:09:57.590]I can tell you where those chairs came from, what price
- [00:10:01.190]they were, who you can buy them from, and if they've held
- [00:10:03.580]up really well.
- [00:10:05.490]I also help with securing the contracts for the food,
- [00:10:10.210]for primarily housing but to feed the students here
- [00:10:13.840]on campus.
- [00:10:16.170]Hi my name is Martha Young and I manage
- [00:10:19.110]the eSHOP help desk and we are missing my supervisor
- [00:10:24.100]Nicole McCoid who is the manager of the
- [00:10:26.730]e-procurement system.
- [00:10:28.030]So looking forward to her coming back soon.
- [00:10:31.040]Most of you know me, just somebody to call if you
- [00:10:33.752]have a question so...
- [00:10:37.140]Hello, I'm Scott Stremick.
- [00:10:38.440]I'm the Senior IT Sourcing Manager for the University.
- [00:10:41.710]I oversee all IT procurement for the step for all
- [00:10:46.040]campuses and also the staff that we utilize for that.
- [00:10:51.810]Hi, I'm Sue Cuddeback and I'm
- [00:10:54.552]with Scott on the IT procurement team.
- [00:10:56.210]Claudette is not here today.
- [00:10:57.700]She's out with the flu but she does hardware.
- [00:11:00.380]My primary commodity is software so I do all the
- [00:11:02.970]purchasing and distribution for all four campuses.
- [00:11:07.000]It's formally known as UNL software and if you haven't
- [00:11:09.190]heard it's now called NEWARE, that's spelt N-E-W-A-R-E.
- [00:11:15.610]I'm Hollis Anderson and I'm the
- [00:11:18.030]Scientific Sourcing Specialist.
- [00:11:20.100]I handle all of the scientific equipment purchases
- [00:11:24.700]and manage the supply contracts for the labs.
- [00:11:27.800]Also handle up for masks and gas or gas cylinders
- [00:11:33.580]and the liquid nitrogen's and the other liquids like that
- [00:11:36.147]and also buy some electronics.
- [00:11:41.587]Hi, I'm Mikki Sandin and I love to
- [00:11:43.610]communicate with the campus.
- [00:11:45.320]S o any kind of communications you get from our
- [00:11:47.310]procurement team is probably somehow going to come
- [00:11:49.670]from me including the invitations here, the newsletters
- [00:11:52.950]we do on a quarterly basis, and then we also have
- [00:11:55.730]our websites.
- [00:11:57.360]I also unfortunate enough, I have to be now a new trainer,
- [00:12:03.705]I mean in training to do what a lot of these people do.
- [00:12:05.084]So when I accepted my job at procurement two years ago
- [00:12:07.450]I had no idea what that word meant.
- [00:12:09.020]So I've learned a lot in two years and now I'm working
- [00:12:12.550]on bids and helping with contracts and all that
- [00:12:15.400]exciting stuff.
- [00:12:17.342]So anyway thank you all for being here.
- [00:12:19.820]I just put myself here at the period
- [00:12:21.870]or the exclamation point at the end of that line
- [00:12:24.040]because I just wanted to talk to you a little bit
- [00:12:25.860]about the numbers.
- [00:12:28.147]So if just looking at this campus, you could,
- [00:12:30.490]this is always fun to me though the team probably
- [00:12:34.050]didn't add it up but I did.
- [00:12:36.360]We represent nearly 230 years of experience in
- [00:12:42.500]procurement alone, standing before you today.
- [00:12:45.560]Procurement, contract management, inventory management.
- [00:12:48.580]That's that's a lot of experience working for you today.
- [00:12:52.140]We're a very busy group.
- [00:12:53.650]I can tell you how to benchmark this against other
- [00:12:56.030]groups that I've worked with and in higher ed.
- [00:12:58.523]It's uh it's phenomenal and if you take this beyond
- [00:13:03.920]this particular campus alone and extend it to the
- [00:13:06.470]other campuses which we are doing right now,
- [00:13:09.272]we push 350 years of experience.
- [00:13:13.180]So we are the flagship campus and so we've had the
- [00:13:18.010]luxury and the leadership prior to my being here.
- [00:13:22.599]I've only been at the University for shy of a couple of
- [00:13:24.792]years so these people have been my trainers in higher
- [00:13:27.800]education.
- [00:13:29.754]I'm new to higher ed but we we've really had the luxury
- [00:13:33.912]and the leadership to help develop a team that's so well
- [00:13:36.381]well versed in supporting the University.
- [00:13:38.880]But we have a lot to learn so we thank you for being here
- [00:13:41.071]to help us help you understand how we support the
- [00:13:44.570]University and what's changing.
- [00:13:46.649]Number of eSHOP PO's were close to reaching 500,000 purchase
- [00:13:52.190]orders.
- [00:13:53.023]We're not there yet but we're almost there.
- [00:13:54.730]That's just eSHOP.
- [00:13:56.000]That doesn't even touch, you know, the mainframe SAP system.
- [00:13:59.880]But the eSHOP system, for those of you who are familiar
- [00:14:02.840]with it if you've heard that phrase, that's the
- [00:14:05.160]e-procurement system we use and we're talking about
- [00:14:07.910]really maximizing that as part of the BRT and then if
- [00:14:12.500]you you know you heard the contracts...
- [00:14:14.670]But I think a really big number that a lot of people
- [00:14:17.490]don't know about, over the years we save a lot of money
- [00:14:20.988]for the University.
- [00:14:22.780]And we don't keep the money, we don't pocket money anywhere,
- [00:14:25.511]we just that's our jobs, saving money, finding ways to
- [00:14:31.540]divert savings, avoiding cost for the universities
- [00:14:35.310]so that people can do other things with it or just not
- [00:14:39.110]spend it in the first place.
- [00:14:41.000]So over the last five years we saved about 20.2 million
- [00:14:45.890]dollars by person that equates to about 1.3 roughly
- [00:14:49.923]1.275 million dollars per heads standing before you today.
- [00:14:56.000]I think they deserve a round of applause for that.
- [00:14:59.810]So I'll let them go ahead and get started but thank you.
- [00:15:03.677]I think the show is now theirs.
- [00:15:06.390]So who's up next?
- [00:15:09.550]all right.
- [00:15:22.580]We're the contracts team and we just
- [00:15:24.810]come up with some little blurbs about what you're going
- [00:15:28.430]to, what you see up here.
- [00:15:30.800]This is just a preview to March's PED talk where I think
- [00:15:36.578]we are scheduled.
- [00:15:38.060]It's not written in stone but we're we're scheduled
- [00:15:40.040]to do more in-depth talking about contracts and so we
- [00:15:45.700]really value your questions and input too because we want
- [00:15:49.760]to be as helpful as we can, it will streamline the process
- [00:15:52.300]but I'll let Julie start.
- [00:15:56.420]Well the contracts team worked closely
- [00:16:01.231]with University General Counsel.
- [00:16:02.890]We developed three contract templates.
- [00:16:05.860]They include the standard agreement that is for any
- [00:16:09.500]expenditure.
- [00:16:10.980]This includes speakers, any type of expenditure.
- [00:16:14.530]We just go with one template for that.
- [00:16:17.520]The fee for service template which is for revenue
- [00:16:20.250]that your department may generate by doing work
- [00:16:23.000]outside of your department.
- [00:16:25.590]And we also have an addendum that has some very important
- [00:16:29.390]clauses determined by General Counsel.
- [00:16:32.950]If we cannot get a supplier to be willing to use our
- [00:16:37.850]paper, our template will add the addendum to that
- [00:16:41.480]agreement to get it become in compliance with the state
- [00:16:47.100]statutes and the Board of Regents policies.
- [00:16:50.350]Compliance is the reason we use the templates but the
- [00:16:53.970]templates are your route to streamline the
- [00:16:58.786]signature process.
- [00:16:59.660]If it's on a template we don't have to have multiple
- [00:17:04.360]back-and-forths by email that's just what it is.
- [00:17:08.170]They're available in a box folder.
- [00:17:10.310]We strongly suggest that you retrieve the templates,
- [00:17:13.720]a new one, each time you start a contract because we
- [00:17:19.076]can't tell you when the laws are gonna change or when
- [00:17:21.340]board policy is going to change so please don't download
- [00:17:24.710]it to your desktop and contact any member of us,
- [00:17:28.359]the email up there, and we will get you the link
- [00:17:33.503]to the folder.
- [00:17:34.528]Thank you.
- [00:17:38.510]Who signs contracts for the University?
- [00:17:42.946]It's a big question.
- [00:17:44.720]This simple question links to probably one of the most
- [00:17:48.352]misunderstood policies on campus.
- [00:17:50.440]There is a document on the Business and Finance website
- [00:17:52.440]that defines who has signature authority at the U.
- [00:17:57.210]We encourage people to go view it and ask us questions
- [00:18:00.230]that they might have.
- [00:18:01.940]This document is kind of like the contract templates
- [00:18:04.730]that Julie was just talking about.
- [00:18:06.240]It's best not to download it because it does change.
- [00:18:10.780]And now I'm gonna give you Jessica and it's a good
- [00:18:13.080]thing that her name starts with J or we wouldn't been
- [00:18:15.350]able to hire her.
- [00:18:18.070]Three J's, J team.
- [00:18:23.090]This web's or this email address,
- [00:18:25.010], goes to all three of us.
- [00:18:27.198]So that we can cover for each other when someone is
- [00:18:31.940]out of the office.
- [00:18:32.773]That's the email address that you should use to send
- [00:18:35.680]contract requests and if you would be so kind to include
- [00:18:40.241]in the subject line of your email a the contract name
- [00:18:46.990]which is typically going to be the vendor or the
- [00:18:49.310]contractors name and your department name, that'll help
- [00:18:53.100]us streamline the process.
- [00:18:56.470]Please also make sure when you send your email
- [00:18:59.610]to include all relevant documents so that's gonna include
- [00:19:03.130]a statement of work and a quote from a supplier.
- [00:19:05.540]Thank you.
- [00:19:29.622]Now we'll take questions at the end
- [00:19:31.384]of our presentation today so if you have some in the room
- [00:19:33.540]we'll answer them directly and then we'll also answer the
- [00:19:35.580]ones online if you're participating away from the
- [00:19:38.960]room today so...
- [00:19:41.370]Facilities, that's that's my love on campus.
- [00:19:45.020]There's a ton of construction and maintenance that goes
- [00:19:47.950]on in our campus every single day.
- [00:19:50.580]The changes that we've occurred just through my 25 years
- [00:19:54.670]on campus has been phenomenal.
- [00:19:56.790]And I'm very appreciative of having a hand in a lot of
- [00:20:03.280]that change on campus.
- [00:20:04.920]So as our contracts team did say, one thing they didn't
- [00:20:08.130]mention, is there are of course contracts that are
- [00:20:10.920]associated with facilities, construction, and maintenance
- [00:20:14.270]on campus.
- [00:20:15.610]And those all go through our facilities planning the
- [00:20:19.550]construction department directed by Mark Miller
- [00:20:22.584]and then we have several campus representatives that
- [00:20:27.007]are authorized to do smaller projects on campus as well
- [00:20:30.319]that we call unit price construction.
- [00:20:33.510]Ultimately, they are able to solicit quotations from
- [00:20:36.912]local contractors that are on our approved list
- [00:20:39.768]and then once they get to a full contract execution
- [00:20:43.690]that gets signed by Mark Miller as well.
- [00:20:46.270]Also with facilities, I deal with electrical supplies,
- [00:20:51.608]plumbing supplies, custodial supplies, basically
- [00:20:55.820]anything that has to do with day-to-day function
- [00:20:58.300]of the facilities on our campus.
- [00:20:59.870]And I'm proud to be a member of the team of procurement
- [00:21:03.320]services and will in some future sessions will kind of get
- [00:21:07.810]into our our bid processes and all that later but for now
- [00:21:13.060]I'll hand it off to Hollis to talk about lab supplies.
- [00:21:18.570]As I mentioned, I'm in the scientific arena
- [00:21:21.490]and I buy well first of all the scientific purchasing
- [00:21:27.410]of equipment and supplies.
- [00:21:29.670]That's one of the three largest purchasing groups
- [00:21:35.420]in the university along with the construction and IT.
- [00:21:39.820]In in a given year that changed them year to year
- [00:21:44.207]but that's probably between ten and fifteen million dollars.
- [00:21:46.690]But it's been a you know a great joy for me to help people.
- [00:21:50.440]I help people with sole sources.
- [00:21:55.520]If we have equipment that's over $150,000 we have to go
- [00:22:00.314]to the Vice-Chancellor for Business and Finance for
- [00:22:03.054]sign off and now and then we get something there's over
- [00:22:05.620]$400,000 whether it's bid or sole source and we have
- [00:22:09.860]to go to the Board of Regents.
- [00:22:11.320]So I help facilitate that.
- [00:22:21.131]I mentioned the maths and gasps.
- [00:22:24.009]That's a fairly new program as far as delivery that we
- [00:22:25.060]started in July.
- [00:22:27.180]I helped release and facilitate that.
- [00:22:30.567]I also mentioned electronics and I also buy a few
- [00:22:34.675]instruments now and then for the for the music and the band.
- [00:22:40.910]We'll turn over to Scott.
- [00:22:44.660]I'm Scott Stremick again and I oversee the IT
- [00:22:46.800]procurement staff for all of the universities.
- [00:22:50.380]My group actually oversees not only the UNL campus
- [00:22:53.900]but we also envelope and take care of Kearney, the Med
- [00:22:58.010]Center, and also Omaha.
- [00:23:00.270]So my team is basically myself, Claudette who's not here,
- [00:23:03.890]and Sue Cuddeback.
- [00:23:05.220]We manage all of the day-to-day procurement for hardware,
- [00:23:09.050]software, and AV technologies.
- [00:23:12.290]We also oversee eksu, it said, that NEWARE software store
- [00:23:16.130]that's on eSHOP.
- [00:23:18.788]We also oversee all IT vendors, all IT formal bids,
- [00:23:21.890]and also all IT contract negotiations.
- [00:23:25.550]Our group also takes care of any other.
- [00:23:28.600]We take care of all of the faculty, the staff, and primarily
- [00:23:32.560]ITS is the one who is our main customer for software needs,
- [00:23:37.490]hardware needs, and everything.
- [00:23:38.580]So that's my group.
- [00:23:39.900]I think sometime in the fall, I think my group will
- [00:23:41.880]actually go a lot more in-depth into what we do
- [00:23:44.590]and some of the workflow processes and stuff that
- [00:23:47.740]our group has put together for not only faculty
- [00:23:51.580]and staff but for all the students as far as how
- [00:23:54.350]software goes and what we want to do.
- [00:23:55.870]So thank you.
- [00:24:13.820]Okay so eSHOP and everything.
- [00:24:16.620]Well I'll give you a little bit of a just a brief
- [00:24:18.870]little historical background on it.
- [00:24:21.676]I'm assuming hopefully at this point in time everybody
- [00:24:23.860]is familiar with the shop platform but a number of years
- [00:24:25.159]ago from her back to SAT there you know he kind of did
- [00:24:31.465]a requisition to one vendor supply is he had to do
- [00:24:33.310]another one.
- [00:24:36.123]There wasn't really a whole lot of accountability built
- [00:24:37.624]into the system auditability.
- [00:24:40.901]So with with we start searching around, came up with the
- [00:24:43.390]shop system back in 2012 right April 2012 and we started
- [00:24:47.484]with about 3,000 buyers and we're up to about a little over
- [00:24:53.120]18,000 suppliers today and growing.
- [00:24:57.350]It was really meant to be and hopefully is a one-stop
- [00:25:01.700]shop platform you can punch out to various catalogs.
- [00:25:05.039]We try to have just as many suppliers.
- [00:25:07.820]We're constantly adding based upon your input as far
- [00:25:10.490]as what we can add in eSHOP to make your life a little bit
- [00:25:12.890]easier.
- [00:25:15.164]You can place multiple orders at one point in time,
- [00:25:17.180]off a different cost object.
- [00:25:18.860]And it's really a complete flexible system.
- [00:25:21.930]There's different roles within each shop.
- [00:25:23.520]If you're not familiar with the roles in there,
- [00:25:26.270]there's the shopper role which basically is what it is
- [00:25:29.910]the shopper can go out and shop but they cannot fully
- [00:25:33.490]fulfill or process the order that has to go to the next
- [00:25:36.630]level which is the requester and Martha works with this
- [00:25:39.030]all the time.
- [00:25:40.871]So if I keep looking at her to make sure I don't mess up
- [00:25:42.010]but there is a requester the requests were going and signed
- [00:25:44.980]like the costs off do you get any funding needs,
- [00:25:47.640]check over maybe what the shoppers done,
- [00:25:49.330]ask for any questions.
- [00:25:51.473]From there on it gets sent to an approver.
- [00:25:53.100]The approver makes the the final review and everything
- [00:25:55.700]and officially approves it.
- [00:25:56.970]Again this provides a in years past we didn't have that
- [00:26:00.640]type of auto function to it people who some people weren't
- [00:26:03.390]involved and from a funding standpoint everything's there
- [00:26:06.320]in snapshot now.
- [00:26:08.280]So eSHOP is just I mean like that I've been here for a long
- [00:26:11.040]time provides so much information, it's growing, and it
- [00:26:13.919]really is the future of our business and in the future of
- [00:26:19.280]helping you guys get stuff in a timely manner.
- [00:26:23.265]I mean back in the old days paper requisitions you just
- [00:26:25.891]coming from Monday you're lucky if you've got your order
- [00:26:28.322]for post-it notes the following the following Monday.
- [00:26:30.520]So now you place orders today most time though they're
- [00:26:33.544]they're here in eSHOP the next day or on your desk.
- [00:26:37.670]Next level is a approval not creation.
- [00:26:40.320]I think this came out pretty much the survey that we did.
- [00:26:43.470]That as much as we'd like to we cannot create purchase
- [00:26:47.234]orders in our system.
- [00:26:49.784]Every now and then we get you know calls you know someone's
- [00:26:52.130]out of the office and everything and and we try to help
- [00:26:54.750]out and and offer alternatives and everything but I really
- [00:26:58.010]again you look at from an August standpoint it's really
- [00:27:00.350]not not a best interest best practices to do that.
- [00:27:03.630]So we've built in the in the four levels and that provides
- [00:27:08.820]that that process to go through.
- [00:27:12.610]What was I gonna say here?
- [00:27:14.550]Oh far as a user now, I want to show just got a couple
- [00:27:17.250]quick numbers, I know Maggie talked, we've done, you did,
- [00:27:22.010]he did because that was pretty much my main plug.
- [00:27:25.540]In addition to Maggie's comments like I said we have
- [00:27:28.740]approximately 18,000 suppliers in eSHOP now.
- [00:27:31.570]If you have requests we do have a strategic team that
- [00:27:35.364]works constantly on adding new suppliers based upon
- [00:27:40.020]what total spend is, what we feel is applicable to that
- [00:27:42.980]category it needs to be added for the best of campus
- [00:27:45.270]and will be started look at it as we've talked about
- [00:27:48.330]from four campuses.
- [00:27:50.560]We may be buying some stuff at Kearney that we're buying
- [00:27:54.157]here that we're buying and you know but we've never
- [00:27:55.130]we've never group that all together.
- [00:27:56.770]So the strategic team that that we have in place will
- [00:27:59.560]be refining will delve a lot into those and hopefully
- [00:28:03.610]make some better buys for everybody in the future.
- [00:28:08.611]The we've got a just about 2700 eSHOP users on the system.
- [00:28:12.102]That's a pretty good number that people are using it daily.
- [00:28:14.742]Keeps Martha busy with phone calls.
- [00:28:18.770]Of the requisition to come through we processed
- [00:28:21.570]approximately over 50,000 orders last year.
- [00:28:24.140]95% of those are processed within 24 hours.
- [00:28:27.470]I go back two years ago it takes a week for just for paper
- [00:28:29.950]requisition to get to our desktop.
- [00:28:32.231]85% of those are processed the same day.
- [00:28:34.788]So it really is efficient platform and there's a ton of
- [00:28:39.930]information Nicole and Martha have done a great job of
- [00:28:43.960]putting all that stuff out there on the website.
- [00:28:46.580]You're certainly free or free to call them at any time.
- [00:28:49.510]They're great to talk to and will walk you through anything
- [00:28:51.707]that you have a question on.
- [00:28:54.424]I will turn it over to you.
- [00:28:56.314]Okay he's brought the our eSHOP website up.
- [00:29:00.110]I just wanted to talk to you about the purchasing decision
- [00:29:02.870]tree and this was actually a collaboration
- [00:29:05.340]between accounting and procurement so that we could
- [00:29:09.360]provide a guideline for you.
- [00:29:11.450]I'm sorry it's under shopping and purchasing decision tree.
- [00:29:14.557]We do have a PDF version or else there is an interactive
- [00:29:18.810]version as well that you can answer questions and go through
- [00:29:21.970]that and again that's on and it's just a
- [00:29:24.204]guideline to help you to know the multiple methods that you
- [00:29:32.040]have to use for purchasing.
- [00:29:33.810]Which one you should use and then I also just wanted to
- [00:29:37.630]discuss we won't go through that but the help desk and our
- [00:29:42.576]help desk is available Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00
- [00:29:47.104]and the phone number there is 402-472-2126 and option two
- [00:29:55.792]and that will get you to the help desk and we also have a
- [00:30:00.590] both Nicole and I manage that.
- [00:30:06.640]And so we try to answer your calls within that same day
- [00:30:10.940]and don't always but that's our goal is to get back to
- [00:30:14.400]you that same day and if you can't get ahold of one
- [00:30:20.300]of us go ahead and leave a message if you need an
- [00:30:22.900]immediate answer.
- [00:30:23.880]We have a wealth knowledge with our buyers and people
- [00:30:29.570]within our department contact them directly.
- [00:30:32.700]They encourage you to contact them and at the end of
- [00:30:36.410]the session I believe that Mikki is going to pull up our
- [00:30:39.040]team directory and that will show you from our procurement
- [00:30:42.010]website all the commodities that they cover and how to get
- [00:30:45.944]ahold of them.
- [00:30:47.720]So thank you.
- [00:31:02.390]Hi, Jill and I would like to spend the next
- [00:31:04.420]few minutes going over the two main areas of our department
- [00:31:07.220]which are surplus and asset management.
- [00:31:09.598]Touching base first on the on the surplus part.
- [00:31:12.580]We can help you guys out in a couple of different ways.
- [00:31:15.180]The first being the acquiring of surplus.
- [00:31:18.200]The second being the helping you get started on the disposal
- [00:31:21.058]of the surplus that you have in your department.
- [00:31:23.810]On the acquiring part, that's made possible through our
- [00:31:27.180]weekly inventory open houses held at our facility out of
- [00:31:30.160]North 48.
- [00:31:32.600]This is where departments can come in and purchase good
- [00:31:35.005]used equipment, good used furniture for really low prices
- [00:31:38.424]you know maybe instead of buying a brand new piece
- [00:31:41.690]or something.
- [00:31:43.780]Majority of the items in our warehouse are twenty dollars
- [00:31:46.260]or less.
- [00:31:48.238]I mean when you think about that in comparison to a new
- [00:31:51.121]item possibly dollars chair reverses or $500 for a new one,
- [00:31:54.650]there's comparable savings there.
- [00:31:57.262]I'm a statistical guy so I thought I'd share a good
- [00:32:00.180]statistic with you.
- [00:32:01.170]Last calendar year we recycled over 1,500 individual items.
- [00:32:04.765]If we used to come up with an estimated cost savings per
- [00:32:09.630]item there again a ten dollar chair versus maybe a five
- [00:32:13.635]hundred dollar chair multiplied that by these 15 hundred
- [00:32:16.210]items estimated price of two hundred for new one we've saved
- [00:32:22.259]the university over a quarter million dollars just in 12
- [00:32:23.470]months.
- [00:32:24.510]I find that as a incredible statistic.
- [00:32:27.489]The other part of the the surplus is the disposal of surplus
- [00:32:31.120]and I said we could get you started on that and that's done
- [00:32:33.930]through going to our website,
- [00:32:37.360]filling out what we referred to as a request to pick up
- [00:32:39.990]surplus excess property and then sending this to our moving
- [00:32:43.330]services people.
- [00:32:45.020]Now I'm not going to stand up here and take credit for
- [00:32:48.089]all all the efforts these folks do but just a
- [00:32:50.202]staggering stat on their behalf is these three individuals
- [00:32:52.860]of moving services picked up over 17,600 individual items
- [00:32:56.960]last calendar year.
- [00:32:59.464]Mow I'm a pass the mic onto who I always introduce
- [00:33:01.504]is the brains of the operation, brains.
- [00:33:03.545]I just want to talk to you a little bit
- [00:33:12.740]about the sale of surplus that I handle.
- [00:33:15.006]Oftentimes we have departments that have equipment
- [00:33:18.400]that's still valuable but maybe aren't able to trade
- [00:33:22.270]it into a supplier and don't know necessarily what to
- [00:33:26.006]do with it and where they can go with it.
- [00:33:28.440]I provide an outlet for that.
- [00:33:33.535]We we list on an internal surplus flyer equipment
- [00:33:37.990]that departments have for sale and we list that to
- [00:33:40.842]every single department including all campuses and that
- [00:33:45.350]gives them the option to sell that to another department
- [00:33:48.003]or another campus.
- [00:33:50.650]If that doesn't happen if there's no interest internally
- [00:33:53.624]we can move on to a public sale and currently I am utilizing
- [00:33:59.592]Craigslist,, and still a sealed bid process
- [00:34:03.374]as outlets to do that.
- [00:34:08.120]Our most popular outlet is
- [00:34:11.900]It is an online auction site very similar to eBay
- [00:34:16.024]and we started that in 2013 and since then we have
- [00:34:22.880]brought in over a quarter million dollars.
- [00:34:26.000]And that that's phenomenal because that money goes all
- [00:34:30.010]back to the departments so that's a big deal.
- [00:34:33.457]One of the other main processes that I want to talk to
- [00:34:34.461]you about is our fixed assets and our asset management
- [00:34:40.516]fixed assets are defined as long-term tangible property
- [00:34:46.440]owned by the university that cannot be easily converted
- [00:34:50.480]to cash.
- [00:34:51.860]This is equipment that will carry a life expectancy of at
- [00:34:54.820]least one year and costs $5,000 or more on a monthly basis.
- [00:35:02.270]I review reports that tell me all of the purchases that
- [00:35:06.950]happened the prior month and we go through and we review to
- [00:35:10.650]see what equipment and what purchases should be created
- [00:35:13.640]as assets.
- [00:35:19.140]Once I create those assets in our system then we assign
- [00:35:24.600]UNL ID numbers and those are the little metal tags
- [00:35:28.120]that you get in your department.
- [00:35:30.800]We send those out and ask you to attach those tags
- [00:35:34.470]to the equipment that way we are establishing a tracking
- [00:35:38.145]service or tracking way to track the equipment.
- [00:35:39.141]Now since Jill's explained what a fixed
- [00:35:49.300]asset is why and how we create them.
- [00:35:52.220]I want to touch base on probably the most frequent question
- [00:35:54.850]I get asked at the University doing this job.
- [00:35:57.560]Why do we spend so much time tracking these assets?
- [00:36:01.530]I'm gonna give you four very quick answers to that.
- [00:36:03.790]Number one there's nearly 13,000 fixed assets
- [00:36:06.960]listed on campus with a combined value of over
- [00:36:10.570]330 million dollars.
- [00:36:13.820]Number two this falls under the Board of Regents policies
- [00:36:16.672]of financial reporting.
- [00:36:20.850]Number three and it seems to be quite more frequently
- [00:36:23.220]every year is to satisfy the inquiries we give from
- [00:36:26.640]our state and fellow auditors.
- [00:36:28.910]And number four it's just responsible folks.
- [00:36:31.530]It's good a good accountability, it's a good practice.
- [00:36:35.490]If the University of Nebraska is three hundred and thirty
- [00:36:37.810]three million dollars was the movable fix assets
- [00:36:40.930]we better be able to be accountable for them
- [00:36:43.530]and this this being in this position as long as I have
- [00:36:47.090]I feel we do this very well and when I say we I'm
- [00:36:49.776]not talking John.
- [00:36:51.100]I'm not talking to you.
- [00:36:52.933]I'm not talking Jill and John.
- [00:36:54.803]I'm talking to us as a unit because when we sent all these
- [00:36:56.970]reports out for auditing purposes the the the cooperation
- [00:37:00.840]we get from you the department's is just overwhelming.
- [00:37:04.090]We never have any issues with anybody and I just want to
- [00:37:06.880]make sure that you know how much I appreciate that
- [00:37:09.144]because that makes our job better.
- [00:37:12.239]Looks like we're our times.
- [00:37:14.060]We're going to pass this on to the next people.
- [00:37:15.840]Please review our website at
- [00:37:20.437]Jill and I any questions and anything we love here
- [00:37:22.882]from you guys.
- [00:37:24.120]Thanks.
- [00:37:31.910]All right so there are also a number of
- [00:37:34.010]additional support processes we managed to help the
- [00:37:36.524]university in their day to day operations.
- [00:37:39.880]So kind of a long list here but just odds and ends.
- [00:37:42.720]So LB 429 was passed a couple years ago which requires that
- [00:37:47.229]all contracts and purchase orders by a state agency are
- [00:37:51.460]uploaded to a central database that the public can access
- [00:37:55.320]to see those contracts and purchase orders.
- [00:37:58.744]So because of that we created the Nebraska contract
- [00:38:01.944]system so departments on campus are responsible for
- [00:38:06.370]uploading all of their contracts that they are able to
- [00:38:09.920]sign that are under the procurement thresholds that would
- [00:38:12.734]require them to go to the contracts team and then also our
- [00:38:17.284]in line with signature Authority.
- [00:38:20.150]So those are loaded by the departments into the contract
- [00:38:23.610]system and then that automatically uploads them to the
- [00:38:26.171]state website.
- [00:38:28.920]eSHOP and SAP training those are offered monthly.
- [00:38:32.820]You can sign up online through the UNL training site
- [00:38:36.050]or there's also a link on the eSHOP website to sign up
- [00:38:38.853]for either one of those.
- [00:38:42.843]Certificates of insurance these are required for all
- [00:38:44.633]suppliers who are either physically stepping on campus
- [00:38:48.929]or if they are electronically accessing our infrastructure.
- [00:38:54.624]We need to have those to help with liability and we also
- [00:39:00.930]have a database on our website that shows the active
- [00:39:04.140]certificates of insurance as well electronic bidding.
- [00:39:08.300]We started doing this back in 2012.
- [00:39:11.370]Our system is called eBID and it is it has lots of
- [00:39:16.590]efficiencies in there.
- [00:39:19.259]It also gives us the ability to publish bids more easily
- [00:39:22.100]to a large amount of suppliers.
- [00:39:24.690]They receive notifications electronically through
- [00:39:26.910]the system, they submit everything electronically,
- [00:39:29.980]and then we're able to take those electronic documents
- [00:39:32.510]and share those with our evaluation committees very easily
- [00:39:36.570]as well whereas in the past you for example a furniture
- [00:39:40.160]bid you would have five binders that would stack about
- [00:39:44.195]two three feet high for each supplier and then that would
- [00:39:47.296]go to the evaluation committee.
- [00:39:49.550]So now it's all done electronically which is really nice.
- [00:39:52.820]Through that same system we also have a contract database.
- [00:39:57.546]So departments typically that have large numbers of
- [00:40:01.383]contracts are utilizing this portion of the database.
- [00:40:03.918]Board of Regents policies.
- [00:40:06.220]We follow a number of the Board of Regents policies for
- [00:40:10.089]purchasing.
- [00:40:11.590]These help frame our daily processes which include
- [00:40:15.190]signature authority and also the formal bid threshold
- [00:40:17.790]s that we need to follow.
- [00:40:19.060]These are also listed on our website.
- [00:40:23.864]The public has the opportunity to do a public records
- [00:40:26.840]request which allows them to review documents.
- [00:40:29.958]Typically this is done for bid purposes.
- [00:40:35.460]So if they want to see the bid responses for Dustin's
- [00:40:39.940]plumbing bid then they can put in a request and see the
- [00:40:42.907]results that were turned in.
- [00:40:46.260]If any requests for public records need to funnel
- [00:40:50.170]through procurement if it's in regards to a bid or a
- [00:40:52.850]purchase order that type of thing if you have any issues
- [00:40:58.410]with suppliers we're here to help with that as well.
- [00:41:01.420]So if you have a supplier that you're working with that
- [00:41:04.770]has a history of unresponsiveness or they're doing a
- [00:41:09.730]incorrect fulfillment on an order or they're sending you
- [00:41:13.703]defective product routinely we are here to help with that.
- [00:41:17.868]We can help correct it or find alternate solutions
- [00:41:20.650]alternate suppliers that you could go to to purchase
- [00:41:25.928]those items but we also do want to hear about the
- [00:41:28.419]suppliers that you guys are working with that are
- [00:41:30.602]doing a great job as well because we want to make sure
- [00:41:33.482]that we maintain those relationships with those suppliers.
- [00:41:35.450]So the good and the bad we want to hear both.
- [00:41:38.120]And then lastly our suppliers showcase.
- [00:41:40.750]We hold this here on the UNL campus every October.
- [00:41:44.018]This next year it'll be on Tuesday October 16th.
- [00:41:47.080]It's here in the Union.
- [00:41:48.220]It's a great opportunity to meet a lot of different
- [00:41:51.470]suppliers.
- [00:41:53.039]We typically have about 80 of them that are here
- [00:41:54.980]and past couple years we've gotten over 500 University
- [00:41:58.671]employees that are there so it's a great way to meet
- [00:42:02.720]suppliers face to face that you deal with on
- [00:42:04.750]a regular basis.
- [00:42:06.732]It's also a nice time to see people from other entities
- [00:42:09.209]here on campus too.
- [00:42:12.050]We will be having a supplier showcase in the Omaha area
- [00:42:16.248]for UNMC and UNO this year in March and then we also
- [00:42:19.706]host a scientific showcase here on campus that's typically
- [00:42:25.820]in the spring and it takes place over at the Beetle Center.
- [00:42:39.090]All right so like I said I do the
- [00:42:41.674]communications is one of my roles.
- [00:42:43.410]And so we do have four different web sites that all have
- [00:42:46.510]to do with procurement.
- [00:42:48.526]You've heard about all of them.
- [00:42:50.084]There's the different ones if you're actually on our
- [00:42:51.410]procurement website which we're going to put up in just a
- [00:42:53.410]minute it has a box for each one.
- [00:42:56.040]So please do use that.
- [00:42:57.920]I think a lot of people know eSHOP to punch out too
- [00:43:00.505]but you don't know that we have an eSHOP website
- [00:43:02.481]sometimes or a lot of people have never looked at that.
- [00:43:05.850]There's a ton of resources on there so another project
- [00:43:08.777]I'm working on is for as Maggie alluded to we are going
- [00:43:12.342]to one procurement system for the entire University.
- [00:43:15.671]So we are developing a U-wide procurement website that will
- [00:43:19.062]be our main portal with all of our you know policies
- [00:43:21.415]and different processes so that is going to change a
- [00:43:24.732]little bit here in the near future and the other
- [00:43:27.763]campus websites will kind of maybe lessen.
- [00:43:33.997]We haven't figured all that out yet but we're
- [00:43:37.900]excited for it.
- [00:43:39.832]And I also do newsletters.
- [00:43:41.652]If any of you do not receive our newsletters
- [00:43:43.544]please let us know because we'd love to get you
- [00:43:45.759]on that that's a quarterly newsletter that just a
- [00:43:47.997]lot of great information about procurement processes.
- [00:43:50.545]It always has a meet our team.
- [00:43:52.602]This last month was Dustin so and on our website you can
- [00:43:54.361]go down and find those newsletters and then the
- [00:43:57.596]eSHOP resources.
- [00:43:59.665]Martha talked a little bit about that they're broken down
- [00:44:04.225]by the different roles in eSHOP.
- [00:44:06.750]So those are really nice depending on what your role is
- [00:44:11.301]you can go in and find those resources.
- [00:44:12.851]So and then just as promised we said we would let you
- [00:44:18.855]know what our next topics and sessions are gonna be.
- [00:44:19.880]We're gonna do these PED talks every month now and we're
- [00:44:23.500]gonna go back and forth between East Campus and city.
- [00:44:25.290]So here are our proposed topics and where they will be.
- [00:44:30.740]We will put out notifications with exact rooms and times.
- [00:44:35.281]Now next month is going to be at East Campus.
- [00:44:38.150]The contracts team is going to really get into the weeds
- [00:44:40.780]of everything about contracts and your questions
- [00:44:43.905]and things and we will always bring a few other answers
- [00:44:46.580]to some of the questions we get out throughout the month
- [00:44:49.820]as well too.
- [00:44:50.653]But the East Campus one will be in the morning.
- [00:44:52.880]I believe it's at 10:30 and in the Cottonwood room.
- [00:44:55.560]So and again just all of this really came out of the
- [00:45:00.360]survey that we did last fall.
- [00:45:02.270]I hope that all of you had a chance to fill that out
- [00:45:05.240]and there was a lot of questions and really good feedback
- [00:45:09.504]and we really do appreciate that because sometimes these
- [00:45:12.211]like I said I didn't even really know what procurement was
- [00:45:14.560]when I came over here.
- [00:45:16.377]There's a lot of details that can be confusing so our our
- [00:45:18.722]department really wants to be very customer oriented.
- [00:45:23.290]We want to help you with whatever we can and like Maggie
- [00:45:26.600]said there's a lot of experience to just draw from
- [00:45:29.130]so don't ever be afraid to give us a call and let us know
- [00:45:31.099]what you're what you're thinking of.
- [00:45:33.730]So now we're gonna have just a little question-and-answer
- [00:45:36.790]period here and hopefully our zoom participants have has
- [00:45:40.446]anybody send in some questions through the chat feel free
- [00:45:50.817]to just raise your hand or stand up if you want to and they
- [00:45:52.208]will bring the microphone to you if you have a question
- [00:45:59.670]you'd like to ask.
- [00:46:07.630]So the one of the questions that we
- [00:46:11.509]got from online, is there a timetable?
- [00:46:13.730]This is towards contracts, is there a timetable for the
- [00:46:16.140]PDF version of the addendum for the standard expense
- [00:46:19.902]agreement?
- [00:46:31.089]This is Julie um we are working on SLA's
- [00:46:32.095]currently.
- [00:46:36.020]Hi, we're working on SLA's.
- [00:46:42.371]I wish I could say that there was there was a magic
- [00:46:46.161]number but there really isn't.
- [00:46:51.950]If you're using the templates that is going to make it a
- [00:46:54.961]lot quicker obviously if you're working with a supplier
- [00:46:59.155]that we've worked with before that sometimes makes it a
- [00:47:03.618]lot quicker.
- [00:47:17.094]Ben, I will give you a call and we can have kind of an
- [00:47:22.870]offline conversation and and I and I would really appreciate
- [00:47:28.280]it too to kind of know where we need to address things
- [00:47:32.174]as as we get ready to present next month so yeah.
- [00:47:37.617]I'm gonna ask my group cuz we're kind of winging
- [00:47:42.700]it here folks.
- [00:47:43.550]We wanted this to be conversations.
- [00:47:46.000]I'd like to be able to provide feedback on all these
- [00:47:48.300]questions to everyone Q&A so that you'll all have access
- [00:47:51.138]to the information so if we answer these and you know
- [00:47:55.410]if we take anything off line we'll be happy to share
- [00:47:58.161]so we'll document our FAQ's as a result of our conversations
- [00:48:02.294]okay.
- [00:48:04.170]So I don't want anybody to think we're not
- [00:48:05.610]going to share that information because as we're
- [00:48:08.390]building processes what's going on with the contracts
- [00:48:11.630]area besides the fact that contracts and templates
- [00:48:14.934]can change our organization is going through transformation
- [00:48:18.116]and the contracts program the contracts model
- [00:48:21.950]is evolving like the IT procurement organization
- [00:48:26.100]has evolved to support one IT.
- [00:48:28.480]The rest of our teams are evolving to support the rest
- [00:48:31.750]of the university.
- [00:48:33.664]So facilities Dustin didn't say it but he'll talk about it
- [00:48:36.270]in his presentation he's supporting multiple campuses.
- [00:48:39.470]So those kinds of things are gonna continue to change.
- [00:48:45.076]all right Jill this is gonna be for you.
- [00:48:47.170]So there's a question where do we find the links to
- [00:48:49.070]Craigslist?
- [00:48:52.163](technical issues)
- [00:49:32.982]And on the links somebody has them if they want
- [00:49:38.562]to sell there's a template that I send to them asking
- [00:49:40.988]pieces of then that I need to basically create those ads
- [00:49:46.249]and then I ask for pictures as well.
- [00:49:49.050]And then I'm in full communication with the department
- [00:49:51.420]all the time letting them know when the when the
- [00:49:54.430]listing is added and when it expires so that they know
- [00:49:58.460]if it was sold if it was and how it all worked out
- [00:50:02.160]and what it was sold for.
- [00:50:04.090]So I'm in full communication all the time but I usually
- [00:50:07.320]handle listing that those ads.
- [00:50:16.830]Um any other questions in the room?
- [00:50:19.838]You have any cards?
- [00:50:22.819]Sorry I didn't I didn't write out
- [00:50:28.310]a card um we use eSHOP a lot in engineering and we would
- [00:50:32.990]like to be able even more one of the things that holds us
- [00:50:37.010]up is the fact that Amazon is not available.
- [00:50:39.630]A lot of our people, Amazon, Alibaba, a lot of our people
- [00:50:43.484]use vendors like that.
- [00:50:48.350]Any timetable as to when Amazon will be in the eSHOP?
- [00:50:51.697]Thank you I didn't get your name I'm sorry.
- [00:50:59.570]And oh hi Susan it's nice to meet you.
- [00:51:03.110]Okay so the Amazon time line.
- [00:51:05.177]In fact that was just a topic from a conference that
- [00:51:09.060]I just left in Las Vegas this week.
- [00:51:11.930]Higher education is the word is I'm sorry for the pause
- [00:51:20.640]but the long pause is meant for impact.
- [00:51:24.947]Let me back up the University of Nebraska is in testing mode
- [00:51:30.060]we've been waiting for some technology enhancements to our
- [00:51:34.180]eSHOP platform for those of you that have worked with eSHOP
- [00:51:37.090]enough you know that it's powered by SciQuest which is now
- [00:51:39.610]known as Jagger.
- [00:51:40.930]Don't try to keep up with it it'll drive you crazy
- [00:51:43.330]but Ja gger did step up and created some enhancements
- [00:51:46.716]to the technology that give us better control.
- [00:51:51.270]Which is really what you need when you're using
- [00:51:53.650]a tool like Amazon.
- [00:51:56.150]We are not opposed to Amazon per se as a business but as
- [00:52:00.190]a marketplace the challenges with Amazon in a business
- [00:52:03.810]environment are huge.
- [00:52:07.260]The impact of buying from companies that haven't been
- [00:52:10.060]bedded that are third party entities that we don't have
- [00:52:15.674]the ability to have return policies or guarantee
- [00:52:21.300]you know they're there from we can't guarantee
- [00:52:23.750]the third world entities that they're procuring from
- [00:52:27.640]or whether or not you're getting something that is not
- [00:52:30.292]where you can return it to.
- [00:52:32.560]There's just so many pitfalls that our other higher
- [00:52:36.182]education peers have experienced and we're learning
- [00:52:39.378]from, the stories are far too many for me to regale here.
- [00:52:42.719]So what we're testing right now is in short a curation
- [00:52:46.942]flag process and there are several people against
- [00:52:52.650]as well and on the other campuses that are working
- [00:52:54.810]on that right now, we're hoping with Julie David's.
- [00:52:58.310]Many of you might know Julie, she's kind of spearheading
- [00:53:00.610]this with Jagger and we're hoping to implement that.
- [00:53:04.180]I would say I'm looking maybe two months maybe two months.
- [00:53:09.550]We've got a contract that we can potentially sign.
- [00:53:13.920]It is it needs changes though it's it's a higher education
- [00:53:18.951]contract that's out in the market it's a you know it's a I
- [00:53:22.209]guess we call it a consortium agreement or something of that
- [00:53:25.750]nature I'm trying to get some terms in it so that we can
- [00:53:28.177]also leverage their MTurk program for those of you that
- [00:53:29.748]have any research or crowd funding requirements.
- [00:53:36.400]Anyone familiar with crowdfunding?
- [00:53:39.440]That is an EM Turk MTurk is a program that is offered
- [00:53:43.860]through Amazon where you can hire people to do things
- [00:53:49.190]like if you need to pay some a person a developer to do
- [00:53:52.390]something and you're just looking for someone on the
- [00:53:55.010]internet who can do you know 10 hours of web programming
- [00:53:59.920]or something like that.
- [00:54:01.430]It's really low cost service human capital sourcing
- [00:54:05.242]on a very cost effective method and right now we've
- [00:54:09.210]got you know a lot of unusual ways people are trying
- [00:54:12.570]to pay for that.
- [00:54:13.403]So we're trying to get that built into the agreement
- [00:54:15.860]and they're being resistant so if and I think Amazon's
- [00:54:19.785]a interesting organization.
- [00:54:23.730]We're just the best way to describe it is this is a
- [00:54:26.910]unit within an Amazon it's not very mature they're
- [00:54:29.393]their Higher Education Group is not very mature they're
- [00:54:33.390]basically the biggest challenge we have is if Amazon
- [00:54:36.770]doesn't see it becoming successful they'll just cut it
- [00:54:39.750]off like a like a limb that doesn't work and then we'll
- [00:54:42.481]be floating out in the burries without anything and then
- [00:54:44.909]next thing you know we won't have a solution.
- [00:54:47.281]Alibaba we haven't even begun to approach international yet.
- [00:54:51.520]I know I worked with them when I was at ConAgra and at
- [00:54:58.270]Staples I wasn't extremely confident with the programs
- [00:55:03.010]that we have with them there in fact we had better
- [00:55:05.200]sourcing arrangements through our large international
- [00:55:08.950]partners than we did through those organizations themselves.
- [00:55:13.570]That doesn't mean it's not off that it's off the table
- [00:55:16.270]Susan I don't want you to think that so.
- [00:55:18.825]It's just I'm thinking of where our faculty go
- [00:55:25.013]and they say please buy me this and those are the
- [00:55:28.090]things that we see I think a lot of our faculty are more
- [00:55:31.133]familiar with Alibaba then possibly Amazon so the main
- [00:55:34.422]reason I ask is because it takes more time to reconcile a
- [00:55:42.130]p-card charge than it does for us to process an eSHOP
- [00:55:46.610]PO so time savings it's just more efficient if we can use
- [00:55:49.765]it free shots.
- [00:55:51.640]So I'd like to add the word ghost card to
- [00:55:54.270]your vocabulary and when we do switch to an Amazon
- [00:55:58.575]situation we will be deploying that and then when
- [00:56:02.600]I start talking about new enhancements with our process
- [00:56:06.310]transformation we are looking at ways in our new shop
- [00:56:11.090]maximization model which is part of our transformation we
- [00:56:13.472]want to utilize ghost card payment processing on the backend
- [00:56:19.660]of our hire prime catalog vendors.
- [00:56:23.768]So there's going to be some enhancements that make order
- [00:56:26.030]processing and even within eSHOP easier.
- [00:56:28.820]It's not coming tomorrow but it's coming it's coming
- [00:56:32.250]rapidly so I urge you to follow our information on our BRT
- [00:56:38.370]transformation page again I promised I wasn't going to talk
- [00:56:42.200]too much about that but I do want you to know this team is
- [00:56:46.200]responsible for a lot of that so they're the ideas started
- [00:56:50.840]there I'm just here to help facilitate that.
- [00:56:54.930]Um other questions?
- [00:56:58.960]Okay at least other at least offer ships and shipping
- [00:57:04.470]and sold by Amazon through Jagger I can't and I'm not
- [00:57:07.300]sure yeah I'm trying to clarify the question though at
- [00:57:14.770]least offer shipping and sold by Amazon through Jagger
- [00:57:18.050]ask shopping.
- [00:57:20.120]If that individual could please email me directly
- [00:57:23.320]I'd appreciate it because I'm I'm having trouble
- [00:57:26.040]understanding the question if you don't mind and my email
- [00:57:29.542]is or pick your
- [00:57:40.977]pick your pleasure.
- [00:57:44.980]Alright so another question for inventory,
- [00:57:47.180]could the web web auction links be put on the inventory
- [00:57:49.970]website in the future and then the exact way to search for
- [00:57:52.874]UNL items in those websites would also be helpful.
- [00:57:55.923]Yeah I can definitely post those links on our
- [00:58:01.440]website with access to view what's for sale but as far as
- [00:58:05.926]still listing any items for sale I still have to maintain
- [00:58:11.770]that role but they'd be able to see it then.
- [00:58:15.840]So yeah I will definitely work on that.
- [00:58:19.700]And then last last question so the question is
- [00:58:25.430]where are things at with the contract management system
- [00:58:28.720]in eBID and that, Cybill do you want to maybe get a
- [00:58:36.650]little more specific?
- [00:58:40.510]I would support that, this is Maggie, do you mean Cybill,
- [00:58:42.033]if you mean retention of the contract management system
- [00:58:48.081]or deployment of the contract management system?
- [00:58:54.490]Okay okay so simple let me be clear the eBID system is
- [00:59:04.310]managed is run by a technology called ion wave and ion wave
- [00:59:08.640]is by the way I believe in the simple is best model or the
- [00:59:15.100]simplest is best model so Iown wave and and I have a
- [00:59:19.479]background in e-business technology for those of you
- [00:59:21.570]don't know my background, 34 years in procurement and much
- [00:59:24.789]of that I've spent around for business process
- [00:59:30.110]transformation projects for different companies with ERP
- [00:59:34.039]systems and a procurement and I built a couple too.
- [00:59:36.090]So Ion wave is a very healthy system.
- [00:59:40.210]It does certain things very well.
- [00:59:42.390]It doesn't manage the contract flow it just holds contracts.
- [00:59:47.830]So we like it, it's simple, it's a good repository
- [00:59:52.431]but it doesn't process a contract the flow
- [00:59:57.100]so at the University we're right now evaluating that
- [01:00:00.660]to determine if that's the best use for the university
- [01:00:04.220]going forward and I'm working right now with actually
- [01:00:07.850]with senior leadership in Varner and with our contracts
- [01:00:12.595]team to ensure that that's what we want to continue to do.
- [01:00:15.690]We're also assessing that even with the state to make
- [01:00:18.797]sure that we're in compliance.
- [01:00:21.280]So to be honest with you that is also part of our civil
- [01:00:25.530]and answer your question we're going to use it for another
- [01:00:29.610]three, two and a half years and because that's how long our
- [01:00:33.420]contract will go and as far as requiring its use
- [01:00:36.467]yes we may be looking for other vendors as part of
- [01:00:42.280]our BRT vendor software.
- [01:00:45.950]Yes so does that answer your question?
- [01:00:49.670]All right I know that's it okay and I know we're at time.
- [01:00:53.567]So for those of you, if anybody have any other questions
- [01:00:56.850]in the room that you didn't get answered
- [01:01:02.409]did you get what you came for?
- [01:01:05.870]There's more we're going to do this again.
- [01:01:07.712]So we would like to have you back.
- [01:01:08.724]We might have cookies.
- [01:01:10.830]That might help okay.
- [01:01:12.510]We want to talk about other topics so if you don't see
- [01:01:16.700]what you want up here I mean we're basing this off
- [01:01:19.128]of feedback from the surveys but I'm telling you the
- [01:01:23.070]ideas came from the feedback that you gave us we want
- [01:01:25.477]to keep you informed and we don't want to we don't we
- [01:01:30.723]want to help you understand where we're going and how
- [01:01:32.590]we can help you so.
- [01:01:34.506]Thank you.
- [01:01:40.120]We will send out a survey to all of you and we'd love
- [01:01:42.670]your feedback and UNL procurement as our email address.
- [01:01:47.730]For the zoom people if you did not come, you didn't
- [01:01:50.530]get a little earbud.
- [01:01:52.100]Feel free to send me your address and we'll send you
- [01:01:55.153]the PED Talks ear buds in the campus mail.
- [01:01:59.264]Thanks everyone!
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