Lancaster County ARES Storm Spotters
Ed Holloway
Instructions for Lancaster County ARES Storm Spotters
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- [00:00:00.592]Thanks to everybody for coming out and
- [00:00:02.044]spending your afternoon and morning with us here.
- [00:00:04.879]My name is Ed Kaiser ORPT and I'm
- [00:00:07.114]the president of the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club this year
- [00:00:11.186]and newly appointed EC for Lancaster County,
- [00:00:15.058]and first off we we gave Reynolds an award
- [00:00:18.675]and I'd just like to thank him once more for
- [00:00:21.268]all he's done to help me transition
- [00:00:23.287]and make the transition smooth,
- [00:00:25.249]and hopefully your retirement and the little white balls
- [00:00:29.211]that you're going to go kick around fields
- [00:00:30.654]will look well.
- [00:00:31.487]You can't hear me?
- [00:00:32.738](muffled chatter)
- [00:00:37.451](laughing)
- [00:00:42.614]These guys are getting me.
- [00:00:45.174]Okay.
- [00:00:47.002]Quite a bit of changes in ARES for Lancaster County.
- [00:00:52.946]Since I was appointed we started a new process
- [00:00:56.448]to streamline things,
- [00:00:59.202]to make things easier for you,
- [00:01:02.087]to make things easier for us with respect to
- [00:01:05.001]collection of data,
- [00:01:06.841]and knowing where we can put you out in the field.
- [00:01:09.840]We've got some other information we're going to feed you.
- [00:01:12.074]We've added two new spots or points this year,
- [00:01:17.267].24 and .67,
- [00:01:19.688]and those are in your storm spotter packet
- [00:01:22.996]that will come out to you and an email for any of those,
- [00:01:25.935]or all of you who have signed up, and attended today,
- [00:01:30.659]and shown us that you've attended.
- [00:01:32.292]First off we'll try and get those out to you,
- [00:01:34.579]and then anybody else who wishes to have one
- [00:01:36.712]can send an email to myself or Aaron,
- [00:01:39.151]and 0ADR and we'll get to that storm spotter package.
- [00:01:43.040]So for those of you who have not registered,
- [00:01:45.788]and let us know that you're attending today,
- [00:01:49.060]you can go to a brand new website
- [00:01:50.872]that we've made specifically for ARES,
- [00:01:53.737]and down here in the bottom of the front page,
- [00:01:56.876]there's a place for you to put your call sign,
- [00:01:58.657]your first name, and your last name,
- [00:02:00.227]just to let us know that you're attending today,
- [00:02:02.727]and you can do that at any time.
- [00:02:03.946]The website is very active and ready to go.
- [00:02:06.611]On this website you're going to find a lot of other data.
- [00:02:09.140]I populated this thing in about two and a half months.
- [00:02:13.464]Lots of work, stress, and energy have went into this.
- [00:02:16.746]Lots of help from Greg KT0K and 0ADR.
- [00:02:20.262]The folks on our AEC, all my AECs that are out here.
- [00:02:24.434]This has been a very rapid transition for us and move,
- [00:02:28.870]and I want to thank everybody for all that you've done
- [00:02:32.951]to make this happen and come to fruition.
- [00:02:35.240]I don't think we would be here today
- [00:02:36.641]had it not been for each one of you guys,
- [00:02:38.420]and what you've brought to the table.
- [00:02:40.584]So with that a lot of this presentation
- [00:02:44.638]that you're going to see today is very similar in nature
- [00:02:47.045]to what you've seen in the past,
- [00:02:48.247]because I was under tight time constraints
- [00:02:50.824]to get this PowerPoint presentation put together,
- [00:02:53.121]so I used a lot of what Reynolds is done because
- [00:02:56.548]let's face it 44 years it worked.
- [00:02:58.834]If it ain't broke don't fix it right.
- [00:03:01.272]So you're going to see some additions.
- [00:03:02.410]You're going to see some changes.
- [00:03:04.147]Don't have to be an LARC member
- [00:03:07.644]to be out here.
- [00:03:08.884]You don't have to be an active person in
- [00:03:11.793]LARC public service.
- [00:03:14.246]You don't have to be a SKYWARN veteran.
- [00:03:16.245]You could be in a newbie being trained today.
- [00:03:20.128]You don't have to be a QCWA member,
- [00:03:22.065]though I don't even know how to get that.
- [00:03:24.655]Be 25 years?
- [00:03:26.179]I past that.
- [00:03:27.533]I could be a quarter-century guy.
- [00:03:30.429]You don't have to have a general
- [00:03:31.614]and you don't have to be an extra.
- [00:03:34.039]All we ask is it to be involved with
- [00:03:36.466]Amateur Radio Emergency Services,
- [00:03:40.043]have a radio and a license would be a good thing
- [00:03:42.909]for us to put you on a point.
- [00:03:48.239]I'll have to write your name on the chalkboard.
- [00:03:50.832](muffled chatter) (laughing)
- [00:03:51.968]Last year in 2016 we had a 103 people attended the training.
- [00:03:57.728]Was that at Harden Hall?
- [00:03:59.008]Is that where that was?
- [00:04:00.580]I was busy working on a repeater that day and so,
- [00:04:03.772]just like Michael and 0FER was working on them today.
- [00:04:07.126]160 spotters are now or now have the state credentials.
- [00:04:12.385]We were called out three times last year.
- [00:04:14.348]One of which everybody's familiar with.
- [00:04:16.996]At least my insurance man is very familiar with mine,
- [00:04:19.852]May 9th.
- [00:04:20.687]61%, 61 people
- [00:04:23.622]responded and came out to at least one of them.
- [00:04:26.459]A total of 776.33 hours of volunteer service,
- [00:04:32.586]and they logged 2,277.7 miles
- [00:04:36.548]in three call-outs.
- [00:04:38.843]Let's hope we don't have to do that this year,
- [00:04:40.449]but you should be prepared to do it now.
- [00:04:44.533]Here's your new ARES organization.
- [00:04:46.727]This is the organization that
- [00:04:49.117]you'll see a significant change in folks,
- [00:04:51.921]and as I call these folks out if you wouldn't
- [00:04:54.178]mind standing so people can get an eyeball on you.
- [00:04:57.571]Ron Mayhew KE0BHQ,
- [00:05:00.357]primary backup net control operator.
- [00:05:02.915]He'll also be handling other stuff like the SKYWARN test,
- [00:05:06.374]that we're, the siren test
- [00:05:08.030]that we're doing.
- [00:05:10.008]I believe in delegation and and moving things around
- [00:05:12.771]because that's how you become a team,
- [00:05:16.154]and we need to make a team out of it
- [00:05:20.934]as there's a lot to do.
- [00:05:22.523]I've realized in the last three months that I'm not
- [00:05:25.068]a granular of sand in the shoes that you carried men.
- [00:05:28.893]So and that's not blowing smoke either.
- [00:05:32.702]Ron May, or I said Ron.
- [00:05:33.960]Myron Coleman NG0M up here
- [00:05:37.194]will be our secondary net control operator backup.
- [00:05:40.585]Greg Brown KT0K,
- [00:05:42.418]who chose to take last because
- [00:05:44.973]he says I'd rather be the last in the line.
- [00:05:48.040](laughing)
- [00:05:49.686]Okay we'll put your last in line,
- [00:05:51.585]but you are getting my radio when I go out of town, so.
- [00:05:55.446]Troy Schurmann KE0TAS,
- [00:05:58.141]right up here to back,
- [00:05:59.786]and Myron both will be at EOC again.
- [00:06:02.882]We've done a lot of work with communication with the EOC
- [00:06:07.314]and setting up that team.
- [00:06:09.173]We've got a new position on board and
- [00:06:12.221]I can't thank him enough for everything he's done.
- [00:06:15.451]Brother you made it happen, Aaron Rogge N0ADR
- [00:06:19.078]as administrative and IT support.
- [00:06:21.178]He's helping out with the website, the software that we use,
- [00:06:23.789]the master database that that we collect
- [00:06:26.044]all your information and put it into.
- [00:06:28.299]Aaron has worked very feverishly and hard to make it happen.
- [00:06:32.473]So thank you.
- [00:06:34.618]Rod Hutt I didn't see him in here.
- [00:06:36.037]Rod are you in here somewhere?
- [00:06:38.065]I didn't, I missed Rod today.
- [00:06:40.032]Bob Mitchell.
- [00:06:42.532]There he is.
- [00:06:43.672]Bob takes care of all the hospitals and media,
- [00:06:47.012]and he just spent three days out traipsing from one hospital
- [00:06:50.164]to another hospital to another hospital to another hospital
- [00:06:54.539]to some of those radio places,
- [00:06:56.982]and checked them all out and fortunately all those systems
- [00:07:00.373]are up and running with the exception of the two,
- [00:07:04.017]Surgical Hospital and Brian East.
- [00:07:08.253]Now last year in your storm spotters packet,
- [00:07:12.563]the information was given that you would need to have
- [00:07:14.538]a handheld and cross band this year.
- [00:07:17.190]You will again until we can get those
- [00:07:19.933]systems fixed and repaired,
- [00:07:21.596]and Bob is totally hoppy on top of that.
- [00:07:24.821]Thanks Bob, appreciate all you're doing.
- [00:07:27.423]Repeater systems, I'm still going to take care of
- [00:07:29.587]the K0KKV76 repeater.
- [00:07:32.769]Michael Ruhrdanz at 0FER will back me up.
- [00:07:37.335]Our warning officers Roark.
- [00:07:38.834]I thought I saw you here,
- [00:07:40.632]will be the guy popping the tones on the repeater
- [00:07:42.748]putting it into storm watch mode,
- [00:07:44.804]and we're going to you're going to have
- [00:07:46.525]some new information coming with respect to that.
- [00:07:49.204]Mike Wasserstein is your backup also.
- [00:07:52.373]I didn't see Mike here today.
- [00:07:53.639]Is he not here today?
- [00:07:55.083]Okay.
- [00:07:56.455]He was in the hospital if I saw him.
- [00:07:58.740]Let's hope he gets better.
- [00:08:01.009]During the inclement weather,
- [00:08:02.580]of course we want you to monitor your local media.
- [00:08:06.085]Fill up your gas tanks.
- [00:08:07.134]Keep them ready to go.
- [00:08:08.689]If you can tell I'm trying to roll through this
- [00:08:10.213]because I know y'all are tired
- [00:08:11.845]and there's a steak sitting at home waiting for me so,
- [00:08:16.356]but there's a lot of other data that we'd like to give you.
- [00:08:19.004]Follow the weather, sign up for your watches,
- [00:08:20.788]your warnings.
- [00:08:22.159]Get those apps, get them on your cell phone,
- [00:08:26.395]and whenever there's a storm watch posted
- [00:08:30.524]monitor K0KKV 146 76 minus,
- [00:08:35.320]and 85 146.85 yes.
- [00:08:40.299](muffled chatter)
- [00:08:46.860]What do you mean alert tones?
- [00:08:47.693]You mean text messaging?
- [00:08:48.963]Yes. Certainly.
- [00:08:50.475]For those who wish to have it.
- [00:08:51.956]You're on page 10, I'm still on five.
- [00:08:54.559]That's alright Ricky.
- [00:08:55.472](laughing)
- [00:09:00.379]Okay, the point evaluation was done,
- [00:09:03.548]and it was done by both Troy KE0TAS,
- [00:09:08.285]Mark Hosking and Jim David Saber.
- [00:09:10.374]They went out to each one of the sites.
- [00:09:11.594]I don't know how exactly,
- [00:09:13.100]how many miles they drove this time,
- [00:09:15.038]or how many the Troy did.
- [00:09:16.836]Troy do you got a number?
- [00:09:23.171]Roughly 300.
- [00:09:24.254]Send me that in an email, I need to keep track of those,
- [00:09:27.058]those miles, and the amount of time that you put in.
- [00:09:30.093]This year the EOC has added two more points.
- [00:09:33.672]One is an old number which turned into 4.3 or 43,
- [00:09:37.908]and now we've got a new one 24,
- [00:09:40.729]it's at just north of 134th and Alvo Road.
- [00:09:46.005]By the way all of this data is in your new
- [00:09:47.865]storm spotter packet that will come out tomorrow.
- [00:09:51.657]So you don't have to take any notes because it's all there.
- [00:09:54.918]You got a new point, 67.
- [00:09:56.685]It's just south of a 150th and in Garden Street,
- [00:09:59.446]that's just west of Bennett,
- [00:10:01.610]and so I've traveled to both of those sites
- [00:10:05.419]very early this morning.
- [00:10:06.484]I didn't see a whole lot because it was very dark,
- [00:10:09.015]but I did go to both of those sites and look at 'em.
- [00:10:11.680]As a matter of fact I went to all the sites
- [00:10:13.965]before I came down here.
- [00:10:17.366]Moved a few points a couple of them 15 and 62.
- [00:10:21.920]Those notes are in your storm spotters packet.
- [00:10:26.354]If it came out in blue they'll be in blue
- [00:10:28.642]just underneath the point itself.
- [00:10:30.623]Navigational notes for 22 and 59,
- [00:10:34.322]and those navigational notes are bold.
- [00:10:38.497]Just lets you know essentially that you can't
- [00:10:40.219]depart from the site going eastbound from this direction,
- [00:10:43.388]because you might get stuck,
- [00:10:45.108]and we don't want to send Troy out
- [00:10:46.270]with his four wheel drive,
- [00:10:47.946]'cause you made the point we're going to send you
- [00:10:50.365]to fix 'em.
- [00:10:52.875]Here's your new map for 2017, made by Troy.
- [00:10:57.595]Greg is currently in the process of building another one
- [00:11:00.191]that's a little colorized version.
- [00:11:01.641]I kind of like color,
- [00:11:02.586]but this is the most current
- [00:11:06.559]up-to-date map, carrying all the new points.
- [00:11:09.513]You'll see them encircled in black for the two new points,
- [00:11:13.266]and I'm probably,
- [00:11:15.978]and I talked to John in 0RHL.
- [00:11:18.294]John's very knowledgeable in the weather base,
- [00:11:21.478]and I've asked John to pick up that 24 point on
- [00:11:24.681]the first, second, third, so that I can get his opinion
- [00:11:27.289]of that particular point and what he thinks,
- [00:11:30.580]and so we may have to have somebody go to his normal spot,
- [00:11:34.645]but we'll see how he likes 24.
- [00:11:35.893]If he likes it better, it might be closer to home right?
- [00:11:38.835](muffled chatter)
- [00:11:42.144]That's right there's no big ditches and roadways
- [00:11:43.986]with water over the road in your way there on this one.
- [00:11:47.307]So this is all in your storm spotter packet.
- [00:11:50.660]The support points Bryan East, Bryan West,
- [00:11:53.565]Saint Elizabeth's,
- [00:11:54.944]Madonna Rehabilitation Center,
- [00:11:56.572]Nebraska Heart, Surgical Center,
- [00:11:58.642]Lincoln Regional Center still.
- [00:12:00.442]All of these points are still available.
- [00:12:02.210]KFOR, KLIN, KLKN-TV, KOLN/KGIN- TV also.
- [00:12:08.676]Those support points are still there.
- [00:12:10.927]All of the information that you need
- [00:12:13.091]at each one of those points is in your packet.
- [00:12:16.461]So when I email these things out to you
- [00:12:19.722]make sure you get a copy of it, print it.
- [00:12:22.098]If you'd want a printed copy
- [00:12:23.684]or you can't print it yourself,
- [00:12:25.312]let me know, I'll be more than happy to supply that,
- [00:12:27.994]and we'll either get it in the mail
- [00:12:29.962]or we'll meet up with you somewhere.
- [00:12:34.790]Hospitals, media, other Lincoln/Lancaster County
- [00:12:37.014]Operations Center, or EOC,
- [00:12:39.643]the airport, National Weather Service in Valley,
- [00:12:42.160]and newly installed when was it two years ago, UNOPD.
- [00:12:47.371]UNOPD's on-site so not too bad.
- [00:12:51.885]Here's your calling tree.
- [00:12:52.966]This is how it works when EOC requests
- [00:12:56.319]that we go out on point and
- [00:13:00.075]feed them some data as to what's happening out there,
- [00:13:04.309]I'm first in line to get the call out.
- [00:13:06.989]If for some reason I'm not here.
- [00:13:08.810]It goes to Ron.
- [00:13:11.304]Ron has the software, he's fully capable of running that.
- [00:13:15.644]Each one of these net control operators
- [00:13:18.313]has experience in running a net.
- [00:13:20.338]They know what they're doing and
- [00:13:22.865]the flow of data will be seamless,
- [00:13:26.539]and so Gregg KT0K will be next in line
- [00:13:30.107]if Myron is going down to EOC.
- [00:13:33.886]If Myron is not going down to EOC
- [00:13:35.622]then he would be next before Greg.
- [00:13:38.680]If we get to this point.
- [00:13:40.635]If like I said earlier I'm out of town,
- [00:13:42.967]Greg will have the radio that's issued to ARES
- [00:13:46.273]and our club LARC from the EOC,
- [00:13:51.105]and he'll be able to communicate back and forth with them.
- [00:13:54.623]Ron has the other radio.
- [00:13:56.801]There's two other folks in the room, Ron,
- [00:13:58.490]let's see Reynolds you're a deputy.
- [00:14:00.611]You have a radio we can communicate,
- [00:14:01.873]and John N0HR,
- [00:14:04.268]KR0P my bad.
- [00:14:05.987]He has another radio that we can communicate with him
- [00:14:08.931]as a deputy director from his home.
- [00:14:12.448]Use KOLN TV weather for your alert, your watches,
- [00:14:15.544]and your warnings, now on the web site.
- [00:14:19.545]We have radar up here, there's a radar page.
- [00:14:22.048]You can go look at it and you can see it.
- [00:14:24.791]You can see when there's something bubbles popping up as
- [00:14:27.229]Reynolds so eloquently said,
- [00:14:28.734]the little red bubbles popping up.
- [00:14:30.989]When they come out you'll be able to see that.
- [00:14:32.726]That's all on the website ready for you.
- [00:14:36.066]We'll use cell phone text messaging
- [00:14:39.001]to notify you of a call out,
- [00:14:41.064]as is them done in the past and
- [00:14:44.508]let you know if we need you and then
- [00:14:47.128]if you're coming all the way from Nebraska City,
- [00:14:51.383]that's a long jaunt man.
- [00:14:55.692]Okay, that's why we asked for your cell phone carrier.
- [00:14:59.715]Certain techniques in sending out that message to you,
- [00:15:03.842]the
- [00:15:07.744]is after my phone number or the at sign.
- [00:15:11.475]but we'll only use that for those of you folks
- [00:15:15.041]that would like to have that,
- [00:15:16.508]as has been done in the past,
- [00:15:17.907]we'll continue that same tradition.
- [00:15:21.641]Assignments,
- [00:15:23.591]and this leads into the next couple of slides,
- [00:15:26.365]because we're streamlining how we do things with respect to
- [00:15:31.546]POC notifications of
- [00:15:35.251]the status of a particular point.
- [00:15:38.024]I use Randy K0NC as an example here because
- [00:15:40.810]I don't know if it's 64 or 65
- [00:15:43.264]that he would normally go to,
- [00:15:44.515]but we are doing now instead of the 10 minute fax
- [00:15:49.892]status update, it's real time from the website.
- [00:15:53.885]So our net control operators are plugged into the website
- [00:15:57.955]in a private page that can't be manipulated
- [00:16:00.406]by the outside public but yet it affects the viewing
- [00:16:04.142]of another page that EOC is going to be viewing,
- [00:16:07.311]and it shows all of the spotter points,
- [00:16:10.083]and as we take that site from a secured position or status
- [00:16:15.540]to an assigned, it just drops up and it says
- [00:16:18.801]the site is signed.
- [00:16:20.306]It's real-time bam, hit the refresh button you're there.
- [00:16:22.914]As we show you on point, it goes to on point.
- [00:16:27.271]What this does is streamlines and saves time.
- [00:16:33.243]If for some reason something is popping up
- [00:16:35.451]in the southwest side of the county
- [00:16:36.894]and we've got somebody at 51,
- [00:16:39.373]but yet we don't have anybody at 501,
- [00:16:41.479]but they're assigned and they happen to show up,
- [00:16:43.538]and in that split second Jim's down there
- [00:16:46.189]and he's looking at the map
- [00:16:47.147]and he's looking at the radar,
- [00:16:48.353]and he goes I'd really like to know what's going on up here
- [00:16:51.035]but I'm not seeing that that point is secured,
- [00:16:53.717]or that I have somebody on point.
- [00:16:57.235]Now he will.
- [00:16:58.788]Now he can send down the message through Troy
- [00:17:02.146]at net control there at EOC.
- [00:17:05.224]Hey give me an overview of what's happening in five land.
- [00:17:09.338]So that is exactly what EEOC is seeing.
- [00:17:14.195]So when we ask you to make 64 a part of your call sign
- [00:17:19.273]in the example in the earlier page,
- [00:17:21.892]K0NC64 on point,
- [00:17:25.753]the board that EEOC is seeing
- [00:17:28.418]is nothing more than a big map
- [00:17:30.538]with red yellow and green dots
- [00:17:32.563]to indicate what status that point is.
- [00:17:38.140]They're not listening to a call sign.
- [00:17:40.205]They're listening to the point number,
- [00:17:42.033]because that's what they're seeing on the map.
- [00:17:44.075]So it's easy for me to go and say,
- [00:17:47.031]Greg I'm going to assign you 11
- [00:17:51.481]or 12 whichever one you want,
- [00:17:56.652]and as soon as I assign him to 11 on my page,
- [00:18:00.576]it drops down to an assigned.
- [00:18:02.357]Okay now EOC sees that that point has been assigned,
- [00:18:05.378]there's somebody on the way.
- [00:18:07.265]We're not going to send you or assign you a point
- [00:18:11.147]unless you are ready.
- [00:18:12.125]So as done in the past don't check in
- [00:18:14.489]unless you are ready to be assigned a point
- [00:18:18.359]of someplace in the county.
- [00:18:19.926]This is what EOC see is going to see.
- [00:18:21.619]They're going to make their decisions based off of this
- [00:18:23.614]live page,
- [00:18:25.491]and so it's taken a lot of coding,
- [00:18:28.886]and I crashed it at 3:30 this morning,
- [00:18:30.745]but I'm working on getting back up so.
- [00:18:33.915]I'm not a programmer okay, but I made this site work.
- [00:18:39.354]Primary repeater systems K0KKV.
- [00:18:43.174]What's new about KKV this year?
- [00:18:45.765]Michael and 0FER has added
- [00:18:48.017]a UHF repeater to 76
- [00:18:51.189]and linked it in full time.
- [00:18:53.123]It's located currently at Old Father, 442.7
- [00:18:58.290]and it requires 146.2 CTCSS encode tone
- [00:19:04.142]to get into the repeater and open it up.
- [00:19:06.702]There's a lot of high power transmitters up there so
- [00:19:09.770]we locked it down.
- [00:19:10.603]It's not a closed repeater, you can use it
- [00:19:13.065]if you're a net control operator on any normal
- [00:19:16.418]Sunday through Saturday ARESnet and you're downtown Michael
- [00:19:21.819]and you still like to run a net on Monday nights,
- [00:19:24.403]you're welcome to use your handheld
- [00:19:25.817]from the north side of the building
- [00:19:26.693]you're going to be living in
- [00:19:27.866]because you're within line-of-sight of that repeater
- [00:19:30.215]which is linked 100% full-time to 76.
- [00:19:35.030]Secondary backup repeater is K0SIL 147.195.
- [00:19:40.543]These assignments were chosen by me this year.
- [00:19:44.338]I didn't look at anybody else's tests.
- [00:19:46.611]I went out to each point myself and did I field analysis
- [00:19:50.571]of how well those repeaters were doing
- [00:19:52.706]with either a handheld or signal level meter
- [00:19:55.554]or any other device I could use to hear the repeater
- [00:19:58.954]on just a little small wire coming off
- [00:20:00.734]of my center conductor,
- [00:20:02.394]and so N0FER is going to be your secondary backup repeater.
- [00:20:06.878]That's 147.24 plus.
- [00:20:09.895]K0LNER or the 85 machine will be
- [00:20:15.538]last in that, in that list of backup repeaters.
- [00:20:19.577]Primary UHF repeater for talk around.
- [00:20:23.188]That meaning you're on point and you want to communicate
- [00:20:25.792]with somebody on another point.
- [00:20:27.472]Please don't do it on 76.
- [00:20:29.923]Go over to 443.0.
- [00:20:32.696]It's a very robust repeater with ample county wide coverage.
- [00:20:38.517]It's located at Nine Mile Prairie
- [00:20:40.272]out in the northwestern quadrant of the city,
- [00:20:43.076]and I've tested it all the way out to York,
- [00:20:46.001]and as far east as Gretna,
- [00:20:49.476]far south is Wymore and as far north as Freemont,
- [00:20:54.928]and that repeater really works well for UHF.
- [00:20:59.502]Secondary UHF repeater 444.1 W0DMS.
- [00:21:04.879]Neither of those require CTCSS tone,
- [00:21:07.561]however
- [00:21:11.388]at some point in time there may be one put on there.
- [00:21:14.100]We'll update you if that happens.
- [00:21:17.588]Repeater modes done is they have been done in the past.
- [00:21:21.077]Normal 100 Hertz tone when we're in a SKYWARN watch mode,
- [00:21:26.060]or we're in normal everyday let's get on the repeater,
- [00:21:29.504]which by the way we need more activity on 76,
- [00:21:32.674]so keep your hand out let's just let you know yeah.
- [00:21:35.843]Tuesday night net for sure definitely.
- [00:21:39.266]There's no beep, no,
- [00:21:40.116](mimicking repeater tone)
- [00:21:42.598]we go to ask a SHYWARN Watch when Roark pops the tones
- [00:21:45.480]to let us know that there's some inclement weather
- [00:21:47.349]headed our way.
- [00:21:50.087]We still have the 100 hertz tone.
- [00:21:51.656]We have a courtesy message in one second of hang time
- [00:21:54.290]on the repeater transmitter and you will hear the,
- [00:21:57.050](mimicking repeater tone)
- [00:21:59.712]at the end of each ID
- [00:22:01.208]and of course it changes the ID from a voice ID to CWID.
- [00:22:05.977]We go into a watch,
- [00:22:08.113]what you've heard in the past I don't know how many years,
- [00:22:10.560]what's it been 20 years?
- [00:22:11.962]17 years?
- [00:22:13.621]SKYWARN Watch or SKYWARN net starting,
- [00:22:17.400]because we do so many other types of nets,
- [00:22:19.886]I moved it to ARES net starting at
- [00:22:24.714]and it gives the time.
- [00:22:27.427]First it'll change the tone to 123 hertz.
- [00:22:30.335]It comes up with the 767 tones, DTMF,
- [00:22:33.929]for those of you that like to have DTMF tone coated squelch
- [00:22:36.752]to open up your radio and you can go to sleep
- [00:22:39.173]and not listen to the chatter,
- [00:22:41.886]and then it doesn't go
- [00:22:42.969](mimicking repeater tone)
- [00:22:45.560]just my bad, and actually,
- [00:22:48.435](mimicking repeater tone)
- [00:22:50.558]so WX when we go into a SKY or a ARES net mode.
- [00:22:57.748]We do other Nets.
- [00:22:59.348]Y2K net.
- [00:23:01.682]Some of those other Nets that aren't
- [00:23:04.163]inclement weather related and so I thought it best
- [00:23:06.924]to change that to an Amateur Radio Emergency Services net,
- [00:23:10.472]and so both K0KKV and K0LNE repeaters
- [00:23:16.524]will be doing this with the exception,
- [00:23:19.541]the 85 machine does not change CTCSS tone.
- [00:23:24.143]I believe they put a tone on it,
- [00:23:25.555]but I gotta verify with Blaine of a 100 Hertz.
- [00:23:30.678]All your storm spotter packets like I said,
- [00:23:32.889]they're readily available.
- [00:23:34.457]I've got to make one insignificant change to the
- [00:23:38.602]CTCSS tone on the UHF repeater,
- [00:23:41.901]contain all your instructions, a new letter from me,
- [00:23:45.866]year 2007 points, the JPEG map, driving directions,
- [00:23:49.950]GPS coordinates the new points are included,
- [00:23:52.723]the ARES organization contact information,
- [00:23:56.224]frequencies to monitor, weather words,
- [00:23:58.714]your same words for WXM20,
- [00:24:01.135]and your field resource manual from the ARRL.
- [00:24:06.861]When we're out there and we're on our ports, our points and,
- [00:24:11.575]that way one way,
- [00:24:13.583]and we're asking you when you first show up,
- [00:24:17.974]be precise, be direct.
- [00:24:22.382]Let us know wind direction, gusts, precipitation
- [00:24:25.778]beginning or ending, hail beginning and ending,
- [00:24:28.856]definitely the time frame, size,
- [00:24:30.855]wall clouds, lower rings, rotations, et cetera.
- [00:24:35.885]Only report what is equal to or more important than
- [00:24:39.906]your last report telling me that you've got horizontal rain
- [00:24:43.716]in this one and a light dusting in the next report.
- [00:24:48.485]Okay, you can let us know if the if the net is dragging,
- [00:24:52.784]there's nothing really happening,
- [00:24:54.471]and you want to pop up and give a report
- [00:24:56.015]that you're seeing sun over Hallam
- [00:24:58.252]and you're seeing darkness over Lincoln,
- [00:25:00.902]we pretty much already know that,
- [00:25:03.251]but you're welcome to make that report if you'd like
- [00:25:05.704]if there's no other activity on the repeater,
- [00:25:07.901]because some people like Greg need to be woke up,
- [00:25:11.584]he told me, I can't use you.
- [00:25:15.228]Expect the unexpected.
- [00:25:19.960]Report anything unusual.
- [00:25:21.393]If you're here in a little rattle,
- [00:25:23.935](mimicking rattling)
- [00:25:25.629]that's either a squirrel or it's a snake.
- [00:25:29.457]Don't climb in the ditch man if you need to,
- [00:25:31.430]'cause either the squirrel is going to bite you,
- [00:25:33.735]or the snakes going to wrap on ya.
- [00:25:37.068]Any abnormal or unexpected aroma's.
- [00:25:42.173]It could be something, take for instance a,
- [00:25:46.487]a silo has fallen or a grain bin has fallen over,
- [00:25:49.809]and now you have something coming your direction,
- [00:25:53.662]or you've got an anhydrous tank that the wind has come up
- [00:25:56.664]and decided to send your way and it's opened up.
- [00:25:59.377](muffled chatter)
- [00:26:00.925]Huh?
- [00:26:02.827]Meth labs?
- [00:26:04.472]You're not smoking meth are ya?
- [00:26:05.995](laughing)
- [00:26:09.854]Actually he brings up a great point.
- [00:26:12.414]He is good isn't he.
- [00:26:14.789]When you're out there and you're driving
- [00:26:16.110]down that country road,
- [00:26:17.897]I mean pay attention to what's on either side of the road.
- [00:26:20.449]I mean a lot of these tweakers if you will,
- [00:26:24.443]they will find farm field entrances
- [00:26:27.569]and they go down into the creek beds
- [00:26:29.198]or they go down into a fence line,
- [00:26:31.196]and they build meth labs or drug labs.
- [00:26:36.744]I even found a still, they were doing alcohol.
- [00:26:38.812]It was pretty good too.
- [00:26:39.814](laughing)
- [00:26:44.145]I mean I seen 140 proof in my time but 160.
- [00:26:47.985]That pretty much dropped to my knees.
- [00:26:50.027]Good stuff.
- [00:26:52.600]And again you know the normal check phrase,
- [00:26:55.488]if you've got somebody pull up behind your vehicle,
- [00:26:57.550]we see this a lot,
- [00:27:00.308]until last year I was always at the repeater,
- [00:27:03.436]I never really went out to a site,
- [00:27:06.070]but I always felt it was my duty
- [00:27:08.417]to go to the repeater system,
- [00:27:10.301]and make sure that we had no issues.
- [00:27:12.586]That the repeater if it did fail,
- [00:27:14.369]I could be right there on site fixing it
- [00:27:16.688]and have you back up,
- [00:27:18.181]and so far for 17 or 18 years it worked,
- [00:27:23.240]until last year, well last year I had to go out on a point.
- [00:27:27.061]I couldn't go to the repeater and I sustained
- [00:27:30.445]$6,800 damage to my truck.
- [00:27:33.737]So now you know why I'm the EC.
- [00:27:36.083]I'm not going on point no more, that's you guys.
- [00:27:38.278](laughing)
- [00:27:42.118]No, I understand, and so you know.
- [00:27:46.524]Some folks have I've talked to already have said,
- [00:27:49.432]you know I just got a brand spanking new car,
- [00:27:51.504]I can't see taking it out there.
- [00:27:52.995]Can you send me to a hospital?
- [00:27:54.448]You know if a hospital point is opened up,
- [00:27:57.555]and I need somebody to go there yeah,
- [00:27:59.306]but just because you got a brand new car,
- [00:28:02.475]I'd say go down and buy you old Datsun you know
- [00:28:04.801]and maybe use that or an old pickup truck.
- [00:28:07.959]Chevy's are great to beat up on you know.
- [00:28:10.106](laughing)
- [00:28:13.049]You get that Ford, now we're going to have to have
- [00:28:14.546]a discussion.
- [00:28:16.362]If you go and we get you called out there,
- [00:28:19.610]which we want to see people check in and ready to go
- [00:28:22.749]at a moment's notice,
- [00:28:24.913]don't take your family.
- [00:28:27.151]It's not a picnic.
- [00:28:28.723]Last year when I was backing the trailer down into the,
- [00:28:32.941]this does you just how wrong I am,
- [00:28:37.300]I had a trailer hooked up to the back of my truck,
- [00:28:39.555]and it had all of my band gear in it.
- [00:28:42.211]You know.
- [00:28:43.728]A lot of band gear.
- [00:28:45.528]I backed the trailer underneath that awning.
- [00:28:48.319]I left the truck out in the damn hail.
- [00:28:51.227]Truck can be replaced.
- [00:28:52.233]You can't replace the 21 inch sub woofer
- [00:28:53.835]that was made back in the 60s, and so,
- [00:28:58.254]priorities, and so, watch the skies not your toys alright.
- [00:29:04.225]So we've got this great website and it's got
- [00:29:05.978]lots of features on there.
- [00:29:07.745]When we got your on point there's no sense in sitting
- [00:29:09.543]there watching the radar so,
- [00:29:11.328]if you need to see it and there's really not much
- [00:29:16.296]going on, you know check it,
- [00:29:17.942]but put your phone back down.
- [00:29:19.557]Don't do it.
- [00:29:20.390]Computers, smartphones, take your eyes off the sky,
- [00:29:23.732]and it takes you off of what we want you to be looking for,
- [00:29:27.095]and so when Ron is sitting there,
- [00:29:29.841]and he gets a little private message from Troy that says,
- [00:29:33.119]hey I need to see what's happening on that new point at 24,
- [00:29:36.759]I know that John's not going to have
- [00:29:37.789]a cell phone in his ear.
- [00:29:41.220]I don't know about Ed being on 43.
- [00:29:43.318]You might be looking at their radar
- [00:29:44.620]to see how come that sun's over there
- [00:29:46.157]and a black spot over here.
- [00:29:47.363]I'm looking to going back home and so
- [00:29:50.715]pay attention to what's going on around you.
- [00:29:52.976]Make sure that you're always
- [00:29:56.038]in connection with your environment.
- [00:29:59.147]You know your escape routes.
- [00:30:00.596]You know what's happening around you.
- [00:30:03.048]You know, you know who's up behind you,
- [00:30:05.930]who's down the road down here,
- [00:30:07.636]that way if you need to make a fast exit you can.
- [00:30:12.535]Let's have some basic equipment,
- [00:30:16.563]either in your car and a duffel bag.
- [00:30:18.378]I got mine in the back of my truck.
- [00:30:23.680]Water, snacks, hey man Doritos they work great,
- [00:30:29.011]a flashlight I got one of them Baofeng handhelds.
- [00:30:31.969]Cost me 30 bucks man.
- [00:30:33.154]It's got a great little flashlight on it.
- [00:30:35.261]I found that out when it died my battery the first time.
- [00:30:39.114]Get one that the button doesn't stick past the
- [00:30:41.844]doggone PTTT.
- [00:30:44.069]Boots just in case you got to push yourself
- [00:30:46.080]back out of the ditch,
- [00:30:48.427]or your trailer out of a horse canopy,
- [00:30:52.341]and then of course those like me more snacks.
- [00:30:55.654]So I like the Mike and Ike's Red Rageous,
- [00:30:59.356]just for anybody that knows.
- [00:31:02.400]I take bribes.
- [00:31:03.561](laughing)
- [00:31:06.182]Remember that if a tornado strikes anywhere in this county,
- [00:31:10.358]we are going to automatically roll into
- [00:31:12.537]post disaster relief.
- [00:31:14.472]Okay, each one of the net control operators has protocol
- [00:31:19.759]in their AEC manual that lets them know
- [00:31:22.975]what we need to do.
- [00:31:24.330]Whether we need to split this net and have
- [00:31:28.129]two nets going to make this happen,
- [00:31:30.576]south sides, north side, east side, west side
- [00:31:33.532]to accommodate all of the traffic
- [00:31:36.138]that needs to be passed to EOC, we may do that.
- [00:31:40.133]Coincidentally if I'm running the net on 76,
- [00:31:43.912]Ron will simultaneously be running the net on both 24 and 85
- [00:31:48.951]navigational.
- [00:31:50.475]He will be listening on both of those frequencies
- [00:31:52.976]to help you make it to your spot,
- [00:31:55.290]and if for some reason I need to go potty
- [00:31:57.504]he'll take over 76.
- [00:32:00.309]The way that I've designed this procedure
- [00:32:04.484]or made the procedure come back together
- [00:32:07.824]is that Ron will be running a net at the same time I am,
- [00:32:12.561]and that way if for some reason I go down
- [00:32:15.330]or I'm out, or have to leave,
- [00:32:18.290]he can take the net and still have access to EEOC
- [00:32:22.039]and feed them the same data that I was
- [00:32:24.433]seamlessly and flawlessly
- [00:32:27.464]and you guys won't even know that we've done it
- [00:32:29.536]with the exception of the guy that's talking to you,
- [00:32:32.205]and so Greg has that,
- [00:32:34.961]Myron will have as soon as I get with him,
- [00:32:38.056]and so,
- [00:32:40.189]back up are our responsibilities we're back up for 911,
- [00:32:45.383]or a staff incident command.
- [00:32:47.181]Some of those stuff.
- [00:32:48.936]We can assign our operators to medical facilities
- [00:32:51.753]for the Red Cross,
- [00:32:53.795]and we can do damage assessment preliminary,
- [00:32:57.300]and then we forward that on that data
- [00:32:59.298]and we collect all of this.
- [00:33:02.633]Lookie here.
- [00:33:04.733]Some of the other requirements that we ask of you.
- [00:33:07.418]This particular one is the FEMA online courses.
- [00:33:10.648]This here is your website,,
- [00:33:15.464]and you can go do all of these online courses
- [00:33:18.481]simply by clicking on those links,
- [00:33:20.858]and it's all available for you right here,
- [00:33:26.937]per LB 573.
- [00:33:28.582]Some of the spotters exams that were done today,
- [00:33:31.250]by the way we had quite a few, thank you,
- [00:33:34.901]and I believe we've had well over 130
- [00:33:37.936]people sign in today so far.
- [00:33:40.461]Just on paper, not what have done on the line.
- [00:33:44.407]Role of the SKYWARN spotter, SKYWARN convective basics.
- [00:33:48.372]That's all available right there on the website.
- [00:33:51.620]Please if you will because I'm not familiar
- [00:33:54.101]with everybody's email addresses,
- [00:33:58.612]put your name in when you set up your account
- [00:34:00.532]with these folks, so that it when I go
- [00:34:02.712]to update the database I got a name to work with
- [00:34:06.455]until I familiarize myself and memorize your email address.
- [00:34:10.252]At 560 people in the database,
- [00:34:12.487]I believe it's highly unlikely I'm going to,
- [00:34:14.697]you know, memorize all of your email addresses,
- [00:34:17.714]but I'm pretty good so far.
- [00:34:19.918]Where is Gene Levitt at?
- [00:34:22.754]Now you spelled your own email wrong.
- [00:34:26.474](laughing)
- [00:34:28.486]But I figured it out.
- [00:34:29.795]I knew it was you,
- [00:34:31.167]only because your hubby did one with the,
- [00:34:33.410]added one to his.
- [00:34:35.006]You can do this all online over at any
- [00:34:40.566]And of course we want you to attend today's
- [00:34:42.261]spotter training,
- [00:34:43.540]and that written examination that we talked about,
- [00:34:47.929]15 question test,
- [00:34:50.367]you can now do online on the website itself.
- [00:34:54.390]Just click on the spotter exam,
- [00:34:57.146]and the same questions that you had today in your,
- [00:35:01.430]are right there too.
- [00:35:03.256]I'll look at all of those entries at the end of the day,
- [00:35:06.855]and then I update the database.
- [00:35:09.306]It's all there.
- [00:35:10.390]By the way there's also ARES membership form
- [00:35:14.104]that you can fill out.
- [00:35:15.553]All of the data that you did in your short form
- [00:35:17.644]that we printed and had you do here,
- [00:35:19.960]the long form is online and you can do that.
- [00:35:23.282]It just pops up a little message that lets you know
- [00:35:25.763]that your entries have been submitted, thank you.
- [00:35:28.463]It won't send you an email because I'm not about that.
- [00:35:31.384]My email has increased in the last two and a half months
- [00:35:33.948]to well over 300 emails a day.
- [00:35:37.643]Thank you Reynolds.
- [00:35:39.074](laughing)
- [00:35:41.859]All the forwards from the MED-ED and UR that you guys do,
- [00:35:46.370]if you didn't put my name
- [00:35:50.561]as your teacher/supervisor,
- [00:35:52.422]or to just send it to me, it went to Reynolds.
- [00:35:56.672]Reynolds compiled it.
- [00:35:58.592]Once a week and then send it to me.
- [00:36:03.546]I've had a lot of fun with that.
- [00:36:05.222](laughing)
- [00:36:06.746]Especially the multiple ones, but I,
- [00:36:09.868]I am getting the data and though I haven't responded
- [00:36:13.144]to some of you, trust me I've got your data
- [00:36:15.994]if you put it in there, and if you have any questions,
- [00:36:18.964]or want to know if the database has been updated,
- [00:36:21.466]just call me, send me an email,
- [00:36:23.325]
- [00:36:25.533]and we'll respond to you as quickly as we can.
- [00:36:29.187]Here you go,
- [00:36:30.792]role of the SKYWARN spotter.
- [00:36:32.956]Again SKYWARN spotter convective basics,
- [00:36:36.003]do that all here, click on it,
- [00:36:38.516]make sure you put my call sign in there
- [00:36:41.228]so I can get that data.
- [00:36:44.922]Then you get this certificate that comes to you.
- [00:36:48.407]That's 2012.
- [00:36:50.433]Where is Ken at?
- [00:36:52.635]You're a little late buddy.
- [00:36:54.320]It's time to take it again.
- [00:36:55.537](muffled chatter)
- [00:36:57.548]Yeah he needs to renew.
- [00:36:58.824]Every three years okay.
- [00:37:00.931](muffled chatter)
- [00:37:05.823]Hmm.
- [00:37:08.093]I know.
- [00:37:09.251]But they send me the the notification
- [00:37:12.377]that you've taken the test again and passed it.
- [00:37:15.178]I can collect your certificates and keep it in a file
- [00:37:18.851]and send them to you for your own printing,
- [00:37:21.655]or I can just take the data that you passed it.
- [00:37:25.360]The certificate is always nice to have though.
- [00:37:30.846]How many in here are not hams.
- [00:37:36.088]Ever thought about getting a license?
- [00:37:38.112](muffled chatter) (laughing)
- [00:37:43.781]Aaron Roggi right up here,
- [00:37:46.249]and I gotta beg of you okay,
- [00:37:48.291]because he got his wife to do some teaching.
- [00:37:52.728]I've been married 26 years,
- [00:37:54.221]for me to get my wife to do anything is pretty good.
- [00:37:58.684]Aaron got his wife to do some teaching okay.
- [00:38:02.188]They're going to start doing a technician class
- [00:38:06.376]4-18, that's a Tuesday night,
- [00:38:08.619]6:30-9:30
- [00:38:10.252]and every Tuesday thereafter
- [00:38:12.063]continuing through May 23rd.
- [00:38:15.019]If you'd like to go down,
- [00:38:16.146]there's no pre-registration required.
- [00:38:18.798]There's no fee, it's free.
- [00:38:20.674]Just show up on the first night
- [00:38:22.577]and Aaron will get you fixed up,
- [00:38:25.107]and then when you're done, we can get you out here,
- [00:38:29.817]and so get you on a point.
- [00:38:33.030]Of course that's all sponsored by
- [00:38:34.145]the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club.
- [00:38:35.791]So if you're not a member of the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
- [00:38:39.156]it's a mere 20 bucks, and we'd love to have you
- [00:38:42.750]join us and support us.
- [00:38:44.019]Become a pride certified spotter,
- [00:38:47.551]and then you can be there.
- [00:38:49.424]That brings me to the end of my presentation
- [00:38:51.665]for my first year.
- [00:38:53.355]So I'll open the floor to questions.
- [00:38:55.305](applauding)
- [00:38:57.040]John Dale.
- [00:38:57.873](muffled chatter)
- [00:39:03.789]It is.
- [00:39:08.232]Let me go back to the page.
- [00:39:11.746]If you look up here at the top column,
- [00:39:14.460]across the top tabs it says spotter exam.
- [00:39:17.704](muffled chatter)
- [00:39:20.097]Huh?
- [00:39:23.051]I can move it over here if you want to have it
- [00:39:25.060]in the link section.
- [00:39:27.179]Okay.
- [00:39:29.085]Myron.
- [00:39:30.946]I just wanted to remind everybody that
- [00:39:32.440]because the generosity...
- [00:39:33.439](muffled chatter)
- [00:39:49.074]I had a question about that,
- [00:39:50.310]because I wanted to actually put that
- [00:39:52.850]online.
- [00:39:54.895]Can I take a feed from you? Yeah.
- [00:39:57.592]Okay.
- [00:39:58.425]The Chancellor's University
- [00:40:00.375](muffled chatter)
- [00:40:06.299]Are you, are you passing the 123 hertz tone
- [00:40:08.756]because I'd only like to stream it when we're in a net.
- [00:40:11.512]No, it's always on.
- [00:40:13.998]Alright, sir.
- [00:40:16.584](muffled chatter)
- [00:40:27.621]For the spotter exam yes.
- [00:40:29.402]Your UART and MED-ED you can take every year,
- [00:40:32.280]and I suggest that you do because they do change it up,
- [00:40:34.783]and actually for any of you that have taken
- [00:40:37.313]the spotter exam the last few years,
- [00:40:39.489]next year it will be new.
- [00:40:42.219]I took Reynolds test from last year
- [00:40:44.213]and just put it in to save myself some time,
- [00:40:48.036]to write that code took quite a bit,
- [00:40:50.871]but we got it in there and wanted to make sure
- [00:40:53.678]that you were aware that this is all available
- [00:40:57.052]to you now online.
- [00:40:59.511](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:05.245]It's not mandatory to take the UART and role of the SKYWARN.
- [00:41:10.014]I do suggest it.
- [00:41:10.991]It is mandatory to take every three years
- [00:41:12.833]the credentials test or the spotters exam
- [00:41:16.020]that we give right here at training.
- [00:41:18.214](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:22.237]Yes ma'am.
- [00:41:23.291](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:28.868]Is it 18, yeah it is 18.
- [00:41:35.433]I don't know, what's the, what's the laws on the ride along?
- [00:41:38.711](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:43.953]That's 18 and over still, okay, yes sir.
- [00:41:47.153](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:51.268]What are you doing in Nebraska man?
- [00:41:53.227](muffled chatter)
- [00:41:57.068]Sweet, well thanks for coming.
- [00:41:58.961](muffled chatter)
- [00:42:51.415]So... (muffled chatter)
- [00:43:21.919]Well.
- [00:43:24.551]If you're on an amateur frequency
- [00:43:26.257]and you're checking into our net, okay,
- [00:43:30.464]it's only common sense for me to be reluctant
- [00:43:35.711]to take the report, because I don't know you.
- [00:43:38.511]You're not trained through our facility.
- [00:43:41.675]I don't know that you've got that degree in meteorology.
- [00:43:44.947]All I know is there's a new call sign checking into my net.
- [00:43:48.359]Now our software will allow me to add that call sign
- [00:43:52.540]to my net and I can quickly go to Google or
- [00:43:56.270]ARRL and I can do a search on your call sign
- [00:43:59.225]and find out who you are,
- [00:44:00.552]but it isn't going to tell me your educational background.
- [00:44:02.724]No, no I just--
- [00:44:05.899]I take your, I can take your report.
- [00:44:07.509]The nice thing about that is
- [00:44:08.856]is that I've got triangulation capabilities
- [00:44:10.602]with all the other people out on their points
- [00:44:12.858]to verify what you're saying.
- [00:44:15.474](muffled chatter)
- [00:44:52.324]I think I've got the perfect cure for you man,
- [00:44:54.620]give me your call sign, you're name, and your information
- [00:44:57.587]go to the website any,
- [00:44:59.958]click on that tab that says ARES membership
- [00:45:03.622]and fill it out if you're living locally now,
- [00:45:06.289](muffled chatter)
- [00:45:10.242]Do it anyway and then when we, when we,
- [00:45:12.353]when you come through and you pop in on a storm net.
- [00:45:15.284]Hey it'll pop up, we'll know who you are.
- [00:45:17.096]Cool.
- [00:45:17.929]Greg.
- [00:45:18.762](muffled chatter)
- [00:45:45.877]Oh no, never.
- [00:46:12.850]Yeah, we'll check you in.
- [00:46:16.385]I might tell you to go to another frequency
- [00:46:18.092]and continue but...
- [00:46:20.526]Question.
- [00:46:21.791](muffled chatter)
- [00:46:37.045]Still in the state of Nebraska.
- [00:46:38.518]That's right.
- [00:46:47.139]They're not going to know who you are
- [00:46:48.153]unless you're registered with their organization.
- [00:46:50.639]Yeah and since they're a state park...
- [00:46:53.662](muffled chatter)
- [00:46:55.099]No.
- [00:46:56.877]We are, I talked to David Savor about this.
- [00:47:00.503]The reenactment of the ID badges and at this point in time
- [00:47:06.086]it's just not,
- [00:47:08.397]it's not it's not something that's going to happen.
- [00:47:11.370](muffled chatter)
- [00:47:15.066]I could tell them I'm goofy too.
- [00:47:17.093]They'd probably believed me though right?
- [00:47:18.604](chuckling) (muffled chatter)
- [00:47:22.082]Uh-huh,
- [00:47:23.455]and you can prove that.
- [00:47:24.532]You can have them call me or send me an email,
- [00:47:27.188]and I'll certainly say that yeah he's passed the test.
- [00:47:32.948]Yeah, sure, be happy to reply to any emails that are sent.
- [00:47:36.874]You bet.
- [00:47:38.599]Yes.
- [00:47:40.109]On this site, do you have to check in or
- [00:47:43.792]log in on that?
- [00:47:45.123]No, the site is not a site where you will log in
- [00:47:48.643]and build an account.
- [00:47:51.168]We certainly don't want to have to make you give me
- [00:47:53.997]all your, you're giving me all your personal data
- [00:47:56.272]anyway over here.
- [00:47:57.532]Any any information that we're asking for on that membership
- [00:48:00.839]is all public knowledge anyway.
- [00:48:02.901]Okay.
- [00:48:03.896]You can find it just by simply googling you
- [00:48:06.473]but you're not going to build an account,
- [00:48:07.879]so no you won't log in.
- [00:48:09.621]So in other words to verify that you got...
- [00:48:12.663](muffled chatter)
- [00:48:16.163]No.
- [00:48:17.463]No, because as soon as you hit the submit button
- [00:48:19.952]it sends me a message and tells me that.
- [00:48:22.951]But I've already taken 'em,
- [00:48:24.110]but I didn't have your address.
- [00:48:27.483]Didn't matter, if you're doing it on this site,
- [00:48:30.403]that's a server in my basement.
- [00:48:32.714]I know,
- [00:48:35.573]and as long as you don't put in a phony callsign Laura,
- [00:48:37.992]now I'm going to be watching you.
- [00:48:40.679]Michael did his.
- [00:48:42.771]Just a couple of follow up...
- [00:48:44.517](muffled chatter)
- [00:48:51.755](laughing)
- [00:49:20.540]I guess I didn't, I didn't,
- [00:49:22.885]I didn't emphasize it did I?
- [00:49:24.806]Okay.
- [00:49:26.229](muffled chatter)
- [00:49:31.284]Especially for new hams.
- [00:49:33.331]When Ed was talking about CTCSS and...
- [00:49:36.755](muffled chatter)
- [00:49:46.273]Okay CTCSS, continuous tone coded squelch,
- [00:49:50.626]if you've got a radio look in your manual
- [00:49:54.272]to determine how to turn it on and turn it off.
- [00:49:56.457]What it is is it's a, it's a tone...
- [00:50:01.791]Sub audible.
- [00:50:03.482]Sub audible tone.
- [00:50:04.348]I can hear the tone on 76 and I can hear it on 442.
- [00:50:08.330]Okay, I can hear those tones,
- [00:50:10.677]but what it does is it closes the receiver,
- [00:50:14.410]and it requires a transmitter trying to talk to you,
- [00:50:17.019]to transmit that tone,
- [00:50:19.190]and vice versa, and if you don't have the tone,
- [00:50:23.026]why your receiver is going to be quiet.
- [00:50:24.747]Same thing goes with DTMF tone coded squelch.
- [00:50:27.886]Same thing with DCS coded squelch.
- [00:50:30.266]Any other type of
- [00:50:34.641]private line if you will, to coin the old Motorola phrase.
- [00:50:39.334]So.
- [00:50:40.167]Basically it allows you to leave your radio off...
- [00:50:42.863](muffled chatter)
- [00:50:54.467]If you need help with that just contact any of us.
- [00:50:59.183]Ron's the go-to guy.
- [00:51:02.770]Aaron's the second one.
- [00:51:05.512]Yes.
- [00:51:06.452]We had a couple years ago...
- [00:51:08.728](muffled chatter)
- [00:51:21.157]Yeah it'll be updated to pretty soon.
- [00:51:25.225]This is actually my website.
- [00:51:27.486](muffled chatter)
- [00:51:33.815]Sir.
- [00:51:36.979]No bother.
- [00:51:38.098]Here ya go.
- [00:51:38.931]Ma'am.
- [00:51:40.427]Thank you.
- [00:51:41.260](muffled chatter)
- [00:52:02.254]Well a great reminder is attending the training,
- [00:52:06.937]because now normally Reynolds would have
- [00:52:11.076]a query built up in the database
- [00:52:13.307]which was written pre 2016 access,
- [00:52:16.892]unfortunately I couldn't pull that data
- [00:52:19.823]out of the 2012 13 14 and 15 databases
- [00:52:24.145]to have those readily available for you.
- [00:52:27.147]So we're kind of starting a new in 2016 access.
- [00:52:30.617]So if you have not taken your spotter exam.
- [00:52:35.381]Take it.
- [00:52:36.712]Three years from now I'll have one waiting for you
- [00:52:39.659]ready to do it again.
- [00:52:41.425]Okay perfect.
- [00:52:42.294]Alright.
- [00:52:43.127]Question number two is the last one.
- [00:52:44.972]Do you have the old recordings on the new website?
- [00:52:47.412](muffled chatter)
- [00:52:49.861]I do not but I believe I know where I can get them.
- [00:52:56.941]You're welcome to take that test every year if you'd like
- [00:52:59.430]by the way because it will change every year.
- [00:53:05.276]Any other questions this side, yes ma'am.
- [00:53:07.785](muffled chatter)
- [00:53:12.414]They are going to come via email.
- [00:53:13.698]As long as I've got a correct email address that I can read
- [00:53:18.091]I will send it to you.
- [00:53:22.271]I'm sorry, any others I'm looking.
- [00:53:25.044]I'm having a tough time seeing way up there.
- [00:53:26.644]You know I play in a band
- [00:53:27.709]and I'm used to sitting on a stage
- [00:53:28.849]where I'm looking down at people.
- [00:53:30.748]This is a little tough.
- [00:53:32.008]Any other questions before we close this?
- [00:53:35.051]Done, none?
- [00:53:36.740]Yes ma'am.
- [00:53:37.611](muffled chatter)
- [00:53:39.058]I'm sorry,
- [00:53:42.173]How do you get to that, you type in your URL,
- [00:53:44.737]
- [00:53:52.495]Any other?
- [00:53:54.211]Thank you guys.
- [00:53:56.333]Be safe out there in the trenches.
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