Picky Eaters Facts and Interventions Part 1

Melinda Henson Author
01/05/2017 Added
291 Plays


A Picky eater is a broad term covering many food issues. Common feeding difficulties include mechanics of eating (holding utensils, etc.), swallowing, restricted food preference (types, texture, & presentation), eating too much, and eating too little. Ethical and legal issues regarding the implementation of feeding interventions in schools may vary across training, location, and experience and consulting with a team of experienced professionals (i.e. SLP, OT, dietician, medical doctor, psychologist, BCBA, etc.) is a critical component of the treatment plan. Research has shown that applied behavior analysis procedures such as antecedent interventions and escape extinction have been effective in treating feeding issues with students with Autism. This webinar will review types of eating issues, ethical issues related to treating feeding issues in schools, assessment procedures, and a review of evidence based practice to help with specific issues.

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