CEHS Technology Innovation Projects
Brad Stauffer
The College of Education and Human Sciences funds Technology Innovations Projects that:
1) are designed primarily to benefit to students’ learning experiences,
2) provide an opportunity for the College to learn about the application of technology, and
3) are replicable and have the potential to be adopted on a wider scale if effective.
For more information, contact Al Steckelberg at asteckelberg1@unl.edu or apply at http://go.unl.edu/cehsTIP.
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- [00:00:01.400](lively guitar music)
- [00:00:05.951]Innovation, Creativity, and Curiosity,
- [00:00:09.413]these central values of the College
- [00:00:11.623]of Education and Human Sciences help guide our efforts
- [00:00:15.044]as we address complex issues facing individuals,
- [00:00:17.930]families, schools, and communities.
- [00:00:21.179]To help promote, recognize, and celebrate
- [00:00:23.853]these values, the CEHS Technology Committee awards funds
- [00:00:27.901]for one or more technology innovation projects each spring.
- [00:00:32.684]The projects are selected because they focus
- [00:00:34.993]on directly benefiting students' learning experiences,
- [00:00:39.099]provide an opportunity for the college to learn
- [00:00:41.505]about the application of technology,
- [00:00:43.737]and have the potential to further influence
- [00:00:46.893]innovative uses of technology within the college.
- [00:00:50.316]Please take a few minutes to learn more
- [00:00:52.273]about four recently awarded projects
- [00:00:54.383]by watching the following brief summaries.
- [00:00:57.729]I encourage you to contact the project directors
- [00:01:00.205]to learn more about their experiences
- [00:01:02.725]and please consider applying for
- [00:01:04.845]a technology innovation project this spring.
- [00:01:07.609](upbeat music)
- [00:01:11.763]I wanted to be able to use technology
- [00:01:14.166]to help the students build a base of knowledge.
- [00:01:18.126]To help them to learn things that maybe I thought
- [00:01:21.769]they should have known before they entered the class
- [00:01:24.662]but some students don't enter this class
- [00:01:27.677]with that food prep background.
- [00:01:29.942]So it was for the student that really needs some
- [00:01:33.429]more in-depth basic understanding.
- [00:01:35.497]When you talk to an engineer, you need
- [00:01:36.917]to be able to know his language.
- [00:01:38.633]When you all talk to me about food,
- [00:01:40.106]you need to be able to know the language.
- [00:01:42.063]That's part of this video.
- [00:01:44.064]You need to understand the language.
- [00:01:46.314]Right now the colleague at Clemson and one
- [00:01:49.405]at Kansas State are interested in the videos.
- [00:01:52.529]So, hopefully we can split the videos
- [00:01:54.565]to those two campuses as well,
- [00:01:57.073]eventually I would like for the three campuses
- [00:02:00.605]to collaborate on building this
- [00:02:04.176]into a bigger and better project.
- [00:02:06.105](lively music)
- [00:02:11.549]Yeah, my research on talent development
- [00:02:14.985]is really focused on children
- [00:02:18.173]who become highly talented in a domain
- [00:02:20.746]such as chess or baton twirling or
- [00:02:23.276]playing the french horn
- [00:02:25.113]and the basic question is, how did they get
- [00:02:26.257]to be so good so fast?
- [00:02:29.986]And my particular interest
- [00:02:31.811]is really the role that parents play.
- [00:02:34.298]Because I know very well
- [00:02:35.761]that none of these kids can be doing
- [00:02:37.654]these amazing things on their own.
- [00:02:39.841]The technology is being used
- [00:02:42.605]to film our interviews and create documentary.
- [00:02:48.633]Without that grant, there's no way that we could
- [00:02:51.238]have created this documentary.
- [00:02:53.289]You know, it really takes a lot of hours
- [00:02:56.861]and a lot of technical skill.
- [00:03:00.424]This way, we can share our information, our findings,
- [00:03:05.342]not just with other researchers through journals,
- [00:03:08.213]but with the public at large.
- [00:03:10.478]We hope that school personnel throughout Nebraska,
- [00:03:16.286]parents, coaches, would be very interested
- [00:03:18.949]in our findings, in our documentary.
- [00:03:23.106]And who knows, maybe we'll be able to get it
- [00:03:25.468]on television and get it to other places as well.
- [00:03:30.420]I teach students that are becoming middle school
- [00:03:32.094]or high school math teachers.
- [00:03:33.478]It's not easy to access digital materials
- [00:03:37.691]unless you are part of a school district
- [00:03:40.398]that's adopting something.
- [00:03:42.290]And so, what this grant allowed me to do was
- [00:03:45.291]buy subscriptions for each of my students.
- [00:03:48.032]What this is helping
- [00:03:50.365]is preparing teachers that can be critical
- [00:03:53.288]about different types of curriculum,
- [00:03:56.514]that understand that getting a digital textbook,
- [00:03:59.570]it's not gonna do it all for them
- [00:04:01.442]and I think that that's where the impact is going
- [00:04:05.346]to be on their students.
- [00:04:07.018]Because, you know, anything that we have to use
- [00:04:10.110]it's a matter of how we use it, and so
- [00:04:12.759]I think the fact that my students are learning
- [00:04:15.434]how to use these kinds of materials
- [00:04:17.798]will impact their students because they'll be
- [00:04:19.910]more purposeful about how they use them
- [00:04:22.946]and that will impact the kinds of learning experiences
- [00:04:25.730]that middle school and high school students
- [00:04:27.566]have with mathematics.
- [00:04:28.790](lively music)
- [00:04:33.073]We saw a chance for the narratives
- [00:04:36.385]about making entrepreneurship, education, learning,
- [00:04:40.224]and designing kind of coming together
- [00:04:42.621]in makerspaces and fab labs.
- [00:04:44.789]University of Nebraska-Lincoln brought in
- [00:04:48.385]the founder of fab labs from MIT
- [00:04:53.292]and I went to his talk
- [00:04:55.536]and was kind of inspired
- [00:05:00.173]to adapt his vision to our college.
- [00:05:03.584]We had several meetings and invited the rest
- [00:05:06.204]of the college as well to come together and talk
- [00:05:08.510]about what would a makerspace look like.
- [00:05:11.428]We're looking to bring in as many different departments
- [00:05:13.431]throughout the college as possible.
- [00:05:15.476]We'd like folks to bring their students in.
- [00:05:18.667]We've had over 50 hours worth of programming
- [00:05:23.055]that's happened in this space just this summer.
- [00:05:25.992]For instance, in Teach 259, the course I teach,
- [00:05:29.410]students spend one hour per week of their three hours
- [00:05:33.055]per week for the course, in the space making
- [00:05:36.696]and since the course is about entering technology
- [00:05:39.190]into the classroom, they're thinking
- [00:05:40.744]about making for learning.
- [00:05:44.264]And so, whether they're making something
- [00:05:46.132]that will help them as teachers
- [00:05:48.024]or they're making something that
- [00:05:49.532]will help students learn,
- [00:05:51.016]or they've designed a maker, a making experience
- [00:05:55.107]for their students within the domain.
- [00:05:57.759]Before you have maker experiences,
- [00:06:00.124]you feel like the things that are offered
- [00:06:02.183]to you are the things you have to work with.
- [00:06:05.571]And after you've done some making,
- [00:06:07.528]you see your world in a different way.
- [00:06:09.751]Having opportunities to think about your domain
- [00:06:12.940]and think about the teaching of that domain
- [00:06:15.823]with tangible devices and with raw materials
- [00:06:21.244]that you can form into designs that have an impact
- [00:06:24.412]on how people think and interact with concepts
- [00:06:28.011]can be very powerful.
- [00:06:29.464](guitar music)
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