Web Developer Network Monthly Meeting, December 2024
Bob Crisler
The monthly meeting of the UNL Web Developer Network.
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- [00:00:00.000]yeah okay so uh shared governance board um this past month um
- [00:00:08.360]we uh had some subdomain requests that we went through um uh there were some next gen
- [00:00:16.760]cms performance fixes that we discussed um off-campus map embed support i know that um
- [00:00:24.740]there's been um talk of um like how for um
- [00:00:35.040]unl campus maps right now encompass city campus east campus innovation campus but what about um
- [00:00:46.940]um extension offices and and other um other sites
- [00:00:54.720]that are university um affiliated that aren't currently on the map and how we might be able to
- [00:01:02.360]accommodate those um so that that'll uh be something that we'll be
- [00:01:07.640]looking at and and probably working on um when we return from holiday break
- [00:01:14.860]um just just discussing the cms developer group and and roles within the cms developer group and
- [00:01:24.700]um how how we might um how new members are um added um potentially in the future um bob do you
- [00:01:36.900]want to do you have anything to add to that or anyone else from the gov board um i don't think
- [00:01:44.820]we have a anything solid to announce just uh right something worth working on yeah um we
- [00:01:54.680]have you know in the cms we have support for um at least i believe we have support for for tableau
- [00:02:02.900]um coming from nebraska.edu um addresses and there was uh i believe a request for um also
- [00:02:16.140]supporting um kind of the microsoft equivalent of tableau power by and so that like the map embed
- [00:02:24.660]might be something that we um investigate further when we return from holiday break
- [00:02:30.760]i put next steps for for drupal 10 startup um because that that was kind of the the meeting
- [00:02:42.440]note point but it did really kind of the the final steps for for drupal 10 startup that we
- [00:02:54.640]tommy might uh discuss this uh in depth in the in the uh public information apps section of the
- [00:03:03.580]meeting all right and then again um oh i missed a date uh it isn't november it's it is december
- [00:03:17.600]uh 2024 on the slide and um this would be the
- [00:03:24.620]month that we would typically announce new governance board members but we we did announce
- [00:03:30.820]those last month but we'll uh announce again that um we we we thank our outgoing members
- [00:03:40.380]becky matt and uh mike and welcome back wdn board members for the 2025-2026 sessions um
- [00:03:54.600]isaac matt and mike
- [00:03:56.400]and then the cms transition
- [00:04:06.780]663 sites so um we're getting awfully close to 400 it'll be an exciting day in two days
- [00:04:20.500]for sure we'll be at 400 um
- [00:04:24.580]there are a lot of sites under development we think some of those of that 280 probably will
- [00:04:31.480]never go live uh there's also a fairly large group uh that's that's sort of in another path
- [00:04:37.920]um and um then anything that is replacing designated to be replacing a site that's
- [00:04:54.560]well um everybody should have received at least five emails by now if you're in
- [00:05:02.460]if you're in a group like like that so we think we think it's uh
- [00:05:07.200]uh next to none that we haven't heard back from or aren't you know fully aware um there might be
- [00:05:17.120]a couple of abandoned sites but um overall though i think things are moving moving forward pretty
- [00:05:24.540]and um you know we're on target
- [00:05:27.360]yes
- [00:05:35.360]ryan you want to i'm coughing a little bit so two days until the shutdown process starts
- [00:05:48.180]and nine days until
- [00:05:54.520]triple seven is is finally shut down
- [00:05:57.560]it was a lot more comfortable when those were three numerals but
- [00:06:04.360]i think everybody at least here um in our group feels pretty good about where we are
- [00:06:10.940]i hope uh hope everyone out there feels pretty good about where they're they're at too
- [00:06:16.040]some slacktivity um had someone ask about learning
- [00:06:24.500]more text on links and buttons is using learn more buttons a current best practice for website
- [00:06:31.840]or would it be better to say embryology web pages or nutrition kits web page and i responded that um
- [00:06:39.920]you should avoid learn more or read more as much as possible in each link or button should have
- [00:06:46.460]unique text that succinctly describes the content of the linked page and uh to that we will add use
- [00:06:54.480]only if the preceding text provides a solid contextual foundation and even then in most
- [00:07:00.400]instances we can do better um yeah and also i'll add um what you really want to avoid
- [00:07:10.320]is having links that have the same text on the same page so like having if you have a
- [00:07:21.020]um a page with
- [00:07:24.460]a paragraph of text and a learn more link or button um it's not great um but it's it it's
- [00:07:38.360]definitely better than if you had several paragraphs of text and several links or buttons
- [00:07:45.780]on the page and they all said learn more um what you want you want to disambiguate your links so
- [00:07:53.660]that um
- [00:07:54.440]they tell the the reader what what you're actually linking to yeah there's that there's that phrase
- [00:08:03.940]information sent um that you know effectively you don't uh the way to find out where a link
- [00:08:13.400]goes should never be by clicking the link you know so
- [00:08:24.420]next we had a question about um i'm sorry can we go back a second bob what did you just say
- [00:08:31.760]something about don't write a link and have them click on it can you just repeat that
- [00:08:38.240]i'm not sure i can i think i said something to the effect that the way to find out where a link
- [00:08:45.120]goes should never be by clicking the link i mean there ought to be enough information on a
- [00:08:52.320]on a button or a link
- [00:08:54.200]that that it has enough information sent that a user knows where it goes you know without clicking
- [00:09:03.540]on it oh okay all right thank you um i want to add one more thing uh that matt bryant uh brought up
- [00:09:17.580]um in the past we would have used screen reader text to add context like so you might have
- [00:09:23.980]um learn more uh we don't have this capability in drupal 10 and maybe it's something that we can
- [00:09:32.600]build in eric i don't know uh but in the past you might have like learn more and then
- [00:09:40.160]wrap in screen reader only text um learn more about embryology so um
- [00:09:49.580]so you'd you'd only see the words learn more but
- [00:09:53.760]a screen reader would also see or read about embryology
- [00:09:59.520]we definitely have some building back to do in 2025 yeah
- [00:10:08.980]um had a question about link names to email addresses
- [00:10:16.160]so uh someone wrote on my contact with i might connect with us page i have the
- [00:10:23.540]staff members and some of their programming listed below their names
- [00:10:26.900]can i have the names go to their email addresses
- [00:10:31.080]and aaron responded you create a link and then in the link box put mail to
- [00:10:38.640]and then their email address name at unl.edu
- [00:10:47.320]and lastly um no navigation drop down on hover
- [00:10:53.320]the primary navigation bar isn't working on the college's site
- [00:10:56.440]when you hover over it there is no drop down any idea what might be going on
- [00:11:01.160]and ann provided the answer for this one
- [00:11:06.040]she wrote this is often the result of having unpublished a page
- [00:11:10.440]that has provide a menu link checked under the menu settings
- [00:11:15.560]and that was indeed the the issue
- [00:11:23.100]right and reminder we have documentation and actually
- [00:11:30.060]that i may be out of date on this we i think this that this still works this
- [00:11:34.860]gets redirected correct eric um cms documentation
- [00:11:40.700]it's now on the wdn site right but that that link works yeah
- [00:11:46.860]and you can also check for existing issues first at github.com even lcms
- [00:11:52.880]slash project dash herbie let me put a big asterisk there too um i think everybody
- [00:12:01.420]wants to have a pleasant and restful uh break so um please uh refer to that um cms documentation
- [00:12:14.720]if anyone's doing any work over the break um you know all right uh i just
- [00:12:22.660]i want my team and and others uh in web developer network to um you know to have a restful break
- [00:12:30.660]too so please do go to the cms docs uh which is a working redirect to the proper location
- [00:12:40.600]on the wd insight so it's it's still a handy link to have um but please do
- [00:12:46.360]note that if you have any idea of doing any work over the break
- [00:12:52.440]and one more thing um cody in the chat asked about the wdn documentation where
- [00:13:01.760]where that wound up i i was going to mention it in the framework section
- [00:13:06.180]that since we are talking about documentation and documentation moving um i'll just go ahead
- [00:13:14.260]mention it here yes the wdn documentation has moved to github and um the
- [00:13:22.220]wdn templates github repo um all of it is there i believe all of it's there although
- [00:13:31.440]i need to still work on the home page because that hasn't been updated in a long time the
- [00:13:37.340]home page of the wiki um and the change log and we'll probably continue to build
- [00:13:44.640]that out a little bit and then also look at working on the
- [00:13:52.000]the examples um and locating those directly in the wdn templates files and and have an
- [00:14:02.280]examples page that you can refer to um so we'll we'll get we're trying to work through all this
- [00:14:10.280]as quickly as possible so we'll um we'll try to get get that added as well as well
- [00:14:17.020]um is it possible to put the old pages back
- [00:14:21.780]for a while really like the old stuff oh okay thanks uh okay yeah we'll we'll try to get
- [00:14:26.940]get the examples back up as quickly as possible
- [00:14:32.160]and also a reminder uh if you're asking for help in slack um it's it's very helpful to
- [00:14:46.100]include a link to whatever it is you're referring to that you need help with
- [00:14:51.560]um that just makes it quicker for any of us to um get get to what what your issue might be and
- [00:15:02.200]diagnose what's going on and i'll handle the web audit metric since aaron is out today
- [00:15:13.020]look at that spectacular things are looking up
- [00:15:21.340]hopefully those are pretty decent jobs too you know so
- [00:15:29.160]that's about to go way down because of a very welcome fix that i pushed out
- [00:15:37.440]uh-huh yeah
- [00:15:38.540]uh just a reminder related to that watch your links uh as as we proceed through
- [00:15:51.120]changes to the next gen cms make sure that you're paying attention to all of your links and
- [00:15:57.660]where they're going where they're pointing and where where you might have incoming links as well
- [00:16:03.600]and then analytics
- [00:16:10.120]just a reminder this is something that we brought up in a previous meeting a few months ago
- [00:16:18.400]um that if you have
- [00:16:20.900]have have not done so um
- [00:16:24.760]making sure to add a dimension called cookie_domain
- [00:16:30.520]and have the value of that dimension be set to your site's domain
- [00:16:36.200]um
- [00:16:39.020]so that way we're not having this massive buildup of cookies as users traverse the site and um
- [00:16:46.000]this this will help um prevent any kind of
- [00:16:50.680]um
- [00:16:51.680]google analytics related cookie errors uh popping up
- [00:16:57.300]mark did you have a question fixed error in the cookie domain part
- [00:17:02.640]yeah i've put this out a couple times on the slack but no one seems to have helped me
- [00:17:07.540]i instead of using my domain my domain name i use the email which is just as the add-in
- [00:17:14.660]and when you do that you no longer get google analytics you don't get counts so i've been
- [00:17:20.460]three weeks without any counts on the page that got switched over which sites that which
- [00:17:25.980]site mark knowyourwell.unl.edu i sent that to you eric directly but okay sorry about
- [00:17:33.420]that if i've missed it i'll pull that up all the meetings going and look at it okay thank
- [00:17:39.080]you
- [00:17:46.720]and also a reminder if you're interested in google looker studio reports
- [00:17:50.240]let me know and and i oh uh and i can get one built for you um nancy um writes is that the
- [00:18:03.360]right url um cms docs introduction next gen cms configuration google analytics it shows a 404
- [00:18:11.220]the redirect's not going to have all that info in it i was going to touch more on google
- [00:18:20.020]analytics we're in the cms section i'll be saying now sure oh speaking of
- [00:18:27.580]the cms the google analytics not just all the things ryan touched on is in flux as far as the
- [00:18:36.440]cms goes thanks tommy link in chat um the modules for google analytics is in flux and we're kind of
- [00:18:46.380]in transition right now so there's a bunch of different
- [00:18:49.800]things so the the existing google analytics modules basically being abandoned by the
- [00:18:55.860]drupal community in favor of a google tag manager module that not only does google analytics but
- [00:19:02.660]does additional stuff for google tag manager which i'm not an expert on by any means
- [00:19:07.680]we're basically in the process of um we had to add that new google tag manager module because
- [00:19:14.920]there was some colleges that needed some of the functionality in that as you probably
- [00:19:19.580]seen if you tried to edit the google analytics it kind of gives you a message saying you can't
- [00:19:24.420]do that because you have two modules installed so long story short we're in the process of
- [00:19:30.620]transitioning right now they'll probably be right after break of getting the existing google
- [00:19:37.800]analytics module ripped out and giving everyone access to the new google tag manager module where
- [00:19:44.420]you and of course you know this is just a one-time set it and forget it thing but if you're
- [00:19:49.360]trying to set google analytics on a new site that just launched you may encounter problems and we
- [00:19:55.120]really won't have this all worked out probably until right after break and there won't be any
- [00:19:59.360]action required for people with existing analytics um that's all going to get migrated but it's kind of
- [00:20:08.640]got messy here but we'll um probably send an email book
- [00:20:17.080]blast out or touch on it at the meeting in January.
- [00:20:20.260]So long story short, again, there may be,
- [00:20:26.900]you may have problems if you need to set Google analytics in a site,
- [00:20:31.180]come to the chat or the Slack or email me and I can get in and figure out the
- [00:20:40.480]right place your idea is supposed to go and plug that in.
- [00:20:44.620]But this will all be straightened out by next month.
- [00:20:50.520]Yes, this is finally the week.
- [00:21:04.420]So if you've got a site in NextGen CMS,
- [00:21:10.560]must go live by Thursday.
- [00:21:13.880]So we will be saying goodbye to Drupal 7
- [00:21:18.660]on December 19 in the morning.
- [00:21:22.700]And that is next Thursday.
- [00:21:25.940]And I think we'll celebrate that afternoon.
- [00:21:31.900]Lots of new sites in the NextGen CMS.
- [00:21:40.180]I think there's 70 total.
- [00:21:42.020]But, yeah.
- [00:21:46.000]I've got three slides.
- [00:21:49.980]Yeah, exactly.
- [00:21:51.880]Just so much work.
- [00:21:55.020]So much thanks for doing all this work
- [00:21:59.240]and all the ones up to this point.
- [00:22:01.880]That goes for all 383 so far.
- [00:22:06.620]It's just a lot.
- [00:22:08.920]So we're good.
- [00:22:11.920]We're getting there.
- [00:22:12.480]Including the WD Insight.
- [00:22:16.900]Some pretty big ones in here, too.
- [00:22:18.700]Yeah, definitely.
- [00:22:20.160]So thank you.
- [00:22:24.000]Thank you.
- [00:22:25.880]Thank you.
- [00:22:26.360]Yes, Cindy Miesbach.
- [00:22:32.220]So we announced in April of 2023
- [00:22:38.000]how...
- [00:22:41.220]the governance board
- [00:22:43.760]was responding to
- [00:22:47.140]the announcement from the Drupal project
- [00:22:49.980]that Drupal 7 is end of life
- [00:22:54.160]on...
- [00:22:55.500]is at end of life on January 5, 2025.
- [00:22:59.040]So...
- [00:23:03.360]So...
- [00:23:07.500]the...
- [00:23:09.500]Drupal 7...
- [00:23:11.140]Drupal 7 infrastructure will not be supported
- [00:23:13.260]after that point
- [00:23:15.360]for any security issues or anything.
- [00:23:18.840]So...
- [00:23:20.300]it will not be...
- [00:23:23.860]you will not be able to get to your past webpages
- [00:23:27.440]after December 19.
- [00:23:29.500]The whole system is being taken offline.
- [00:23:32.600]So if...
- [00:23:35.660]if you do want to grab your content,
- [00:23:39.660]we've...
- [00:23:41.120]recommended using SiteSucker for the Mac,
- [00:23:43.780]which is now, as I understand it,
- [00:23:46.260]maybe a $5 application.
- [00:23:47.820]It used to be a freebie.
- [00:23:48.880]Works really well.
- [00:23:50.780]And what's the one on the PC side?
- [00:23:54.060]HT...
- [00:23:55.260]Is it HTrack?
- [00:23:57.580]HTrack.
- [00:23:59.020]HTrack.
- [00:23:59.860]Something like that.
- [00:24:01.500]Yeah.
- [00:24:02.320]So, yeah, if you want...
- [00:24:05.940]if you want content from your own site,
- [00:24:08.160]your D7 sites,
- [00:24:11.100]we can pull that down.
- [00:24:12.320]I'm going to cut in super quick, if possible,
- [00:24:15.400]on the
- [00:24:16.520]Mac version of the website download stuff.
- [00:24:22.280]It is free,
- [00:24:23.800]but the paid one,
- [00:24:25.580]they really kind of are sneaky
- [00:24:27.300]because they want you to pay the $5
- [00:24:29.580]for the most recent one,
- [00:24:31.220]but you can get the version
- [00:24:33.720]that's one before the most recent for free.
- [00:24:37.740]So that's what I did, and it worked fine.
- [00:24:41.080]Does anybody have the link for Cindy for the piece?
- [00:24:46.840]Yes, I do.
- [00:24:47.860]Okay, thanks, Kelly.
- [00:24:48.980]There we go.
- [00:24:52.640]Kathy just popped that in there.
- [00:24:55.900]Footer content.
- [00:25:07.240]Somebody want to go over that?
- [00:25:08.380]Yeah, I think this is...
- [00:25:11.060]This slide and the next slide are related to...
- [00:25:14.800]They've been in the slide deck for a while,
- [00:25:19.340]just reminders for people.
- [00:25:21.000]When sites go live,
- [00:25:24.540]I make sure there is footer contact info,
- [00:25:27.660]and I usually take it off your old site,
- [00:25:31.540]but if it's not up to date,
- [00:25:33.020]then it's not up to date
- [00:25:35.480]because I'm just using what was on the old site.
- [00:25:37.460]So go look at your contact info in the footer.
- [00:25:41.440]It's like a yearly reminder,
- [00:25:43.180]like checking your smoke alarms
- [00:25:44.500]if you haven't done it in a while.
- [00:25:45.800]And redirects in 404s.
- [00:25:57.000]Yeah, this is a good thing
- [00:26:00.520]that we've never really talked about.
- [00:26:01.880]We probably mentioned it last month
- [00:26:03.160]that if you go to in the toolbar on a CMS site,
- [00:26:07.040]if you go up to reports in the top,
- [00:26:09.620]there's a,
- [00:26:11.020]there's a page there called top page not found errors.
- [00:26:13.740]That's a nice,
- [00:26:15.140]easy way to find what URLs people are hitting on your site
- [00:26:18.540]that are turning up not found pages.
- [00:26:22.120]And don't worry as the second paragraph shows there,
- [00:26:26.380]don't worry about stuff that looks like garbage.
- [00:26:28.560]Cause it is,
- [00:26:29.280]you probably see a lot of things that say like WP login,
- [00:26:33.700]that's bots probing your site to see if there's a WordPress vulnerability.
- [00:26:38.020]Well, we're not even WordPress.
- [00:26:40.040]So they're just,
- [00:26:41.000]they're finding a not found page.
- [00:26:42.300]So,
- [00:26:42.640]you know,
- [00:26:43.320]there's certainly maybe junk in there like that,
- [00:26:46.220]but you'll probably see stuff that stands out of links from an old site
- [00:26:50.620]that you might have 15 not found hits on that page.
- [00:26:55.540]So that's a useful reporting.
- [00:26:57.000]A couple of new notes in the,
- [00:26:59.140]in the chat there for man and Vicki.
- [00:27:03.260]I think they're both.
- [00:27:04.240]Lay links doesn't work on group sub sites in the footer from a
- [00:27:10.980]for an thanks.
- [00:27:13.040]I thought we had a recent.
- [00:27:14.880]Fix on that.
- [00:27:17.920]I'll have to double check if it's alive.
- [00:27:20.240]I know that was in the hopper that that was something Saren had
- [00:27:23.240]worked on.
- [00:27:23.940]And I don't know off the top of my head,
- [00:27:26.220]but I know that's in the hopper of addressing that.
- [00:27:29.520]And Vicki's is.
- [00:27:31.400]Are you taking first from the old sites or the new sites?
- [00:27:34.480]Yeah.
- [00:27:35.080]If there's something set,
- [00:27:36.480]if you've done it,
- [00:27:37.340]I'm not touching it yet,
- [00:27:38.880]but just when sites,
- [00:27:40.960]go live.
- [00:27:42.140]If the footer says 1400 R street with the main university phone number,
- [00:27:47.540]which is that even answered anymore?
- [00:27:49.260]I don't know.
- [00:27:49.880]Cause they got rid of the operator or whatever.
- [00:27:51.980]If it's just got the default,
- [00:27:54.760]I'm updating that.
- [00:27:55.700]But if you've touched it,
- [00:27:56.580]I'm not,
- [00:27:57.040]I'm not editing stuff.
- [00:28:00.180]That's been actually done.
- [00:28:02.380]Good.
- [00:28:10.940]Now we are in the new year,
- [00:28:14.740]since we don't have quite as much pressure of getting new folks onboarded.
- [00:28:20.800]We're going to one a month on training workshops.
- [00:28:24.320]They'll be on the third Tuesday at nine.
- [00:28:27.820]Everything else there is same sale.
- [00:28:35.440]Moving on to,
- [00:28:40.920]the public info apps.
- [00:28:42.220]So one of the things that,
- [00:28:46.800]well,
- [00:28:48.440]first off,
- [00:28:48.940]I should say we finally have something in the public apps section.
- [00:28:52.520]Hasn't been like that for a little bit.
- [00:28:54.220]One of the things that Isaac mentioned earlier was we have a update to the link checker.
- [00:29:02.060]So before it wouldn't.
- [00:29:04.560]So the issue that was fixed was the link checker wouldn't check after a,
- [00:29:10.900]thing redirected.
- [00:29:11.760]It would just see that redirect and it'd be like,
- [00:29:13.200]Oh,
- [00:29:13.460]this link's a redirect.
- [00:29:14.740]I'll mark it as a redirect and move on my day.
- [00:29:18.160]And that,
- [00:29:19.700]that kind of had an issue where if,
- [00:29:21.500]if that redirect redirected to a page that wasn't there,
- [00:29:24.660]it wouldn't see that four or four.
- [00:29:27.080]It would just look at that redirect.
- [00:29:28.320]And so then you would never get an error for that four or four page.
- [00:29:32.040]So now it'll go through the whole redirect chain.
- [00:29:35.020]I think it only goes through five redirects.
- [00:29:37.820]So if you have anything more than that,
- [00:29:38.900]then it won't do it.
- [00:29:40.880]But it'll go through the redirects
- [00:29:42.540]and it'll get that final resolved page
- [00:29:44.940]and it'll look at the status of that one.
- [00:29:46.700]So as of now, as of like last Friday,
- [00:29:52.020]then you might be getting new link errors
- [00:29:56.440]that weren't there before.
- [00:29:58.040]And this is the result of that.
- [00:30:00.720]And those link errors will have a different text on there.
- [00:30:03.620]So you can see that it's like a 404 after redirect error.
- [00:30:08.920]So it's a little different just so you know
- [00:30:10.860]but yeah, thanks to Isaac and Anne for pointing this out
- [00:30:14.560]and let me know that there is an issue with it.
- [00:30:16.760]And Google Maps updated their color palette.
- [00:30:25.380]So if you go on a maps,
- [00:30:26.720]you'll see it's a little more blue than it was before.
- [00:30:29.360]Nothing to be concerned about.
- [00:30:31.500]Just Google doing their updates.
- [00:30:33.400]It'll probably be green in a few months.
- [00:30:40.840]It's a pleasant enough blue.
- [00:30:42.140]Yeah, it's nice.
- [00:30:43.980]All right, framework updates.
- [00:30:49.180]I already talked about the documentation moving.
- [00:30:54.340]We have an update,
- [00:30:58.460]a deployment that is scheduled for tomorrow.
- [00:31:00.880]And that is, it can really consist of one thing.
- [00:31:06.520]It's updating GSAP to fix a bug,
- [00:31:10.820]with scrolling to the top,
- [00:31:13.620]where you might inadvertently,
- [00:31:19.000]or you might notice that the page will sometimes
- [00:31:24.460]scroll back to the top,
- [00:31:28.120]when you don't actually
- [00:31:31.500]want it to scroll back to the top.
- [00:31:36.480]So this should fix that.
- [00:31:40.800]And it also updates GSAP,
- [00:31:42.940]so that we're on the current version.
- [00:31:46.840]And we've talked about this before.
- [00:31:52.700]We've got version six of the framework around the corner.
- [00:31:59.260]And we've talked about some of these things
- [00:32:03.740]that we plan on doing,
- [00:32:04.740]like updating the JavaScript
- [00:32:07.640]and adding support for web components.
- [00:32:10.780]And using page transitions and web animations
- [00:32:13.900]and redesigning the header and footer,
- [00:32:17.060]which I will be seeking the input
- [00:32:21.060]of the UX design subcommittee.
- [00:32:25.900]And we'll start resuming those meetings
- [00:32:29.000]once we return from holiday break.
- [00:32:31.060]Didn't want to start anything like that
- [00:32:35.040]before holiday break.
- [00:32:37.920]It's not like we have anything else going.
- [00:32:40.760]So I'll get those invitations sent out.
- [00:32:50.300]If you are interested in joining those discussions,
- [00:32:55.560]feel free to message me on Slack or email me.
- [00:32:58.820]Let me know and I'll make sure that you're invited
- [00:33:01.340]to those meetings and we'll try to find a time
- [00:33:05.620]that will work for everybody.
- [00:33:06.980]I know that can be difficult sometimes,
- [00:33:08.560]but I'll let you know.
- [00:33:10.740]It's exciting to see something in 2025,
- [00:33:13.680]something post-December 19.
- [00:33:16.600]We've been so...
- [00:33:19.100]Everybody has been doing a big lift
- [00:33:21.680]to get to December 19.
- [00:33:23.360]It's fun to see something that's going to land in...
- [00:33:27.740]Was it July 8, 2025?
- [00:33:31.800]Is that right?
- [00:33:32.600]Yeah, July 8, 2025.
- [00:33:34.420]That's when we've scheduled the release of version 6.
- [00:33:40.720]We typically schedule those big releases over the summer
- [00:33:45.420]when more students are out
- [00:33:49.800]and just typically less disruptive.
- [00:33:52.740]And speaking of less disruptive,
- [00:33:55.660]this is one of those updates
- [00:33:58.360]that should require little to no effort on your part.
- [00:34:02.260]Most of the things that are going to be improved
- [00:34:05.020]are going to be behind the scenes
- [00:34:06.520]or things that might be added
- [00:34:08.580]that you can take advantage of
- [00:34:10.700]potentially within the CMS
- [00:34:13.260]or by adding your own code.
- [00:34:16.840]If you're not in the CMS,
- [00:34:18.420]I'm thinking of like the folks in ITS.
- [00:34:20.960]Hey, if you haven't met Kelly Potratz yet.
- [00:34:26.220]Oh, yeah.
- [00:34:26.560]Kelly's new at the College of Engineering
- [00:34:29.440]and she added some comedy in the chat.
- [00:34:32.420]I think that comedy is related to the availability of the CTAT.
- [00:34:36.860]Kelly, don't do that.
- [00:34:40.680]We're going to animate everything.
- [00:34:44.700]You know, just as an experiment,
- [00:34:47.320]maybe do that on one page just to see what happens.
- [00:34:50.560]Well, and speaking of GSAP and animation
- [00:34:56.040]and version six of the framework,
- [00:34:57.920]that is one thing that we'll be looking at
- [00:35:00.400]incorporating into the CMS
- [00:35:03.000]and building into pages is more default
- [00:35:10.660]animations.
- [00:35:11.380]Like I'm thinking like having image,
- [00:35:15.540]like subtle image,
- [00:35:16.800]like fade ins on scroll animations.
- [00:35:19.580]And, but then also potentially other nifty
- [00:35:25.020]animations that could be added optionally.
- [00:35:28.080]So that's all stuff that we'll discuss in the UX
- [00:35:33.040]design subcommittee when we return.
- [00:35:40.640]It was,
- [00:35:41.860]I don't think it was the engineering college that had the matrix style
- [00:35:44.900]animation.
- [00:35:45.300]I think that that was the architecture architecture,
- [00:35:48.680]but Kelly could bring it back.
- [00:35:52.480]Yeah.
- [00:35:55.020]That's,
- [00:35:55.440]that's one of the key stories of web governance at the university of
- [00:36:05.740]Nebraska.
- [00:36:06.240]If you want to look at,
- [00:36:07.220]look for something kind of funny,
- [00:36:08.900]look for,
- [00:36:10.620]you know,
- [00:36:11.400]college of architecture,
- [00:36:12.560]web pages that suck,
- [00:36:14.320]which is,
- [00:36:15.580]was a series from a guy named Vincent Flanders.
- [00:36:23.580]Does that sound right?
- [00:36:25.200]I think that's right.
- [00:36:26.400]Absolutely.
- [00:36:27.040]Vincent Flanders.
- [00:36:28.080]Yeah.
- [00:36:28.680]And anyway,
- [00:36:30.500]yeah.
- [00:36:31.380]You ever,
- [00:36:32.020]you ever want to have some help?
- [00:36:34.500]Heck unit UNL was almost famous or,
- [00:36:37.940]or for that.
- [00:36:40.600]There you go.
- [00:36:43.880]Got it there.
- [00:36:45.140]So in the meantime,
- [00:36:50.440]if you have any feature requests or notice anything,
- [00:36:52.560]any bugs or anything as always,
- [00:36:55.280]you can file an issue and get hub on the UNL WDN templates.
- [00:36:59.700]And by the way,
- [00:37:02.160]that this particular URL,
- [00:37:03.980]if you replace issues with wiki that's where the documentation is.
- [00:37:10.580]And you can also message me or message me directly on Slack or drop a
- [00:37:19.740]message in the framework or general channels.
- [00:37:21.740]And we'll take a look,
- [00:37:24.220]see if we can add it or fix it or whatever.
- [00:37:28.520]And anything,
- [00:37:33.940]anyone have anything they want to share?
- [00:37:36.940]Any,
- [00:37:37.200]any good,
- [00:37:37.940]good news?
- [00:37:40.560]Vicky has a question.
- [00:37:45.660]You,
- [00:37:47.340]well,
- [00:37:48.360]Eric,
- [00:37:49.440]do we need those forms for the,
- [00:37:51.960]for anything that isn't set up to.
- [00:37:57.340]Yeah,
- [00:37:59.860]I think we'd like people to fill it out and because,
- [00:38:04.960]I mean,
- [00:38:05.920]people have put dates if they want a specific date.
- [00:38:10.540]Or any notes,
- [00:38:11.920]sometimes there's concerns about,
- [00:38:13.900]you know,
- [00:38:14.300]some previous domains.
- [00:38:16.120]If your department changed names and,
- [00:38:18.200]you know,
- [00:38:18.660]if you have comments,
- [00:38:19.640]otherwise you're just at our mercy.
- [00:38:23.280]So we,
- [00:38:24.120]I'd probably recommend,
- [00:38:25.740]you know,
- [00:38:26.020]if you have a site,
- [00:38:26.740]you know it,
- [00:38:27.240]and you're ready to go,
- [00:38:28.600]or you want it done Monday or something like that,
- [00:38:30.520]you know,
- [00:38:30.740]to fill out the form on cms.unl.edu.
- [00:38:34.240]And that would be helpful.
- [00:38:40.520]Okay, so Ryan was right in the middle of successes,
- [00:38:49.820]notables, anything to share.
- [00:38:51.220]We'll just one more opportunity.
- [00:38:53.800]Does anybody have anything they're proud of
- [00:38:56.680]and want to share?
- [00:38:58.360]If not, we can move right along.
- [00:39:03.640]So this is the other opportunity
- [00:39:10.500]to feedback in a specific way
- [00:39:13.260]about framework and apps.
- [00:39:15.300]Obviously, Ryan's going to be doing
- [00:39:17.540]a little bit of dog and pony
- [00:39:19.780]with a couple other folks
- [00:39:21.720]from the subcommittee,
- [00:39:25.500]sub task group, whatever.
- [00:39:28.040]It's developing UNL6
- [00:39:31.620]regarding the framework.
- [00:39:33.320]But Tommy's all ears too.
- [00:39:36.500]He does do a
- [00:39:38.500]state of the apps meeting
- [00:39:42.120]on, what is that?
- [00:39:43.700]On first?
- [00:39:45.900]The first Thursday of every month.
- [00:39:48.180]First Thursday.
- [00:39:48.800]Yeah, four.
- [00:39:50.440]So, but if you have anything
- [00:39:53.900]you need, this is an opportunity.
- [00:39:56.480]This is just kind of a standing
- [00:39:58.080]part of the meeting.
- [00:39:59.240]Hearing nothing,
- [00:40:04.500]we'll move along.
- [00:40:06.320]And this is where we wind up
- [00:40:12.180]the meeting, and we mentioned
- [00:40:14.380]that we're staying online.
- [00:40:15.960]If anybody needs
- [00:40:18.000]any sort of assistance
- [00:40:19.880]that's very specific to their website,
- [00:40:22.340]we always stick around
- [00:40:26.000]after the meeting.
- [00:40:27.060]So, once again,
- [00:40:29.780]I just want to say thank you
- [00:40:31.880]for everybody
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