From Photoshop to Midjourney - Building Resilience Against Visual Misinformation
Cuihua (Cindy) Shen
Media Literacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Panelist, Cuihua (Cindy) Shen
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- [00:00:00.080]So without further ado, I want to introduce our speaker this afternoon, Cindy Shum.
- [00:00:05.280]She is a professor of communication at UC Davis and the co-director of the Computational
- [00:00:11.200]Communication Research Lab there. Her research focuses on computational social science and
- [00:00:16.880]multimodal misinformation in AI-mediated environments. She is the past chair of the
- [00:00:23.280]Computational Methods Division of the International Communication Association
- [00:00:27.440]and the founding associate editor of the journal Computational Communication Research,
- [00:00:33.440]as well as the associate editor of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. So she's done a
- [00:00:38.240]lot of work in this space. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and
- [00:00:43.440]Facebook. She's also the recipient of numerous top paper awards from the International
- [00:00:47.840]Communication Association, as well as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award. So welcome, I'm Cindy.
- [00:00:53.600]First of all, I want to thank our host Brian and Dean Vail for this wonderful symposium. I've
- [00:01:10.020]already learned so much from the two speakers this morning, and hopefully my talk this afternoon will
- [00:01:16.220]be in conversation with both Jess and Kirsten as well. So I want to talk about
- [00:01:23.080]from Photoshop to mid-journey building resilience against visual misinformation. But first of all,
- [00:01:29.500]let's talk about the backdrop of the research I'm going to present here. In 2018, the journal
- [00:01:38.740]Science published a review piece which seemed to suggest the study of "fake news" has entered entry
- [00:01:45.040]prominence. But what exactly is fake news? This term was populated, if you remember, by then presidential candidate
- [00:01:52.560]Donald Trump. It can be understood as fabricated information that mimics news media content in
- [00:01:58.880]form but not in organizational process or intent. Fake news outlets in turn lack the news media's
- [00:02:05.340]editorial norms and processes for ensuring the accuracy and credibility of information. Now at
- [00:02:12.240]the same time, I'm also arguing against using this term because this term carries a lot of
- [00:02:17.880]political bias. For example, Trump himself repeatedly used the term "fake news" to
- [00:02:22.040]describe anything that does not support his agenda, as here he's calling all these mainstream
- [00:02:28.760]media news outlets as "fake news." And sometimes when the news, the poll for example, is fake
- [00:02:37.280]because it shows he is losing in Pennsylvania. This was taken around October 2020, right before
- [00:02:43.640]the 2020 election. So here fake does not mean fake anymore. It simply is a label for anything that's
- [00:02:51.520]against him. So for these reasons, instead of using fake news, I want to use these other two
- [00:02:57.280]alternative terms, misinformation, which refers to false or misleading information, and disinformation,
- [00:03:04.400]which refers to false information that is purposely spread to deceive people. In reality, however, it is
- [00:03:13.180]extremely difficult to assert the intention of the publisher. So in this talk, and also in my line of
- [00:03:21.000]work, I'll only use misinformation to refer to both. Okay, so for today's agenda, I want to talk specifically
- [00:03:30.080]about four questions. The first question, what is visual misinformation? I want to give a definition
- [00:03:36.020]and categorization. The second question, how do human beings evaluate it? Do we have the ability
- [00:03:42.800]to identify visual misinformation? And third, what interventions can build resilience against
- [00:03:50.480]visual misinformation? And lastly, is media literacy the answer? So let's dive right in.
- [00:03:57.320]What is visual or multimodal misinformation? The motivation for this line of work actually
- [00:04:06.660]was very simple. So most existing work in communication and other disciplines regarding
- [00:04:12.680]misinformation heavily focuses on textual misinformation. But as we all know, people nowadays
- [00:04:19.960]do not consume information in a purely textual format. Instead, they increasingly consume
- [00:04:26.400]information in a multimodal format. So case in point, this is a screenshot I took some
- [00:04:31.640]time ago on the top stories on, which is a popular fact-checking website in
- [00:04:37.940]the United States. As you can see, every single story has a thumbnail image with it, right?
- [00:04:44.800]And that is commonplace in all the news websites. There is almost no pure
- [00:04:49.440]textual news items anymore. And in 2023, my colleagues and I, we published
- [00:04:56.980]a perspective piece in a journal, Political Communication, in which we did a systematic
- [00:05:02.640]literature search using term misinformation and visual misinformation. As we can see,
- [00:05:08.980]the misinformation literature has dramatically increased over the past decade, but visual
- [00:05:16.060]misinformation still lags far behind.
- [00:05:18.920]In other words, we just do not know enough about what visual misinformation is and even
- [00:05:26.480]less about what to do with it. Now, decades of research on visual materials and visual
- [00:05:34.040]processing have shown that users process and perceive visuals fundamentally differently
- [00:05:41.980]than they do with text. Visuals are more easily recalled, they're more easily shared, and
- [00:05:48.400]they often are more persuasive than words. So that points to the danger of visual misinformation
- [00:05:57.820]more so than textual misinformation. Now, images historically have been perceived as
- [00:06:04.720]photographic proof of the depicted events. We have expressions such as "seeing is believing,"
- [00:06:11.960]right? Photographs are convincing proof of events that have happened or may be
- [00:06:17.880]happening. An example of this is the moon landing I'm showing here, and the only way
- [00:06:24.400]we knew it happened is this photographic evidence. None of us in this audience today were eyewitness
- [00:06:33.300]to the moon landing event in 1969. The only way we knew it happened is through this or
- [00:06:39.340]some very grainy videos released in news media. However, while image manipulation technology
- [00:06:45.900]could be used effectively,
- [00:06:47.360]with modern tech, it's getting much easier to deceive and manipulate using forgeries.
- [00:06:52.700]A very strong example, and that's not even a recent example. This was about two decades
- [00:06:57.300]ago. As this one is shown here, this is from the 2004 US presidential election. Does anyone
- [00:07:04.480]recognize the man here? He is John Kerry. He was the then presidential candidate. Here,
- [00:07:11.520]he was photographed sharing the stage with the activist Jane Fonda.
- [00:07:16.840]At the Vietnam era anti-war rally back in the 70s. Now, regardless of your political
- [00:07:23.420]opinion, this picture showed contrary to the image John Kerry wanted to project. And this
- [00:07:30.180]was very damaging to his political campaign. And the author of this image, this is shown
- [00:07:37.780]as AP photo, right? It's a very reputable news source. However, this image was a visual forgery by
- [00:07:46.320]a Bush supporter. It was exposed because the originals of John Kerry and Jane Fonda was found
- [00:07:53.960]in archival sources. But by the time this forgery was uncovered, it has been circulating a lot,
- [00:08:00.260]even appeared on New York Times. We all know that when New York Times runs a retraction,
- [00:08:04.760]the story may not be viewed as widely as the original story. So the damage to John
- [00:08:10.720]Kerry's political career has already been done. The point is, human beings
- [00:08:15.800]just simply lack the ability and the technical tools to tell the fake or
- [00:08:21.020]forgery from the true images. Even very big media outlets like New York Times
- [00:08:26.000]will fall for it. So with the wide availability of advanced photo editing,
- [00:08:30.480]with Photoshop, now with MidJourney, we can no longer ensure that photographic
- [00:08:35.880]records represent reality. And that's extremely worrisome.
- [00:08:40.720]I want to show a couple more examples. This is another example of
- [00:08:45.280]composition. This image display here of Sarah Paling began circulating on the
- [00:08:50.540]internet days after the announcement that she's being tapped for the vice
- [00:08:55.320]presidential candidate. However, it is purely digital manipulation created by
- [00:09:00.780]pasting an image of her head onto this original photo of another bikini-clad
- [00:09:05.560]woman holding a BB gun.
- [00:09:06.840]Now, even journalists at very big media outlets sometimes knowingly
- [00:09:14.760]commit photo manipulation. And this was 2010, and the media outlet in question
- [00:09:21.340]was Economist. They published a cover photo of President Obama alone on a
- [00:09:30.040]Louisiana beach. This was immediately after the BP oil spill. And this cover
- [00:09:34.380]photo shows him alone on the beach, thinking deeply. But the original photo
- [00:09:39.500]shows that Obama was, in fact, not alone at all. So the journal photo
- [00:09:44.240]journalists here eliminated two other figures who are standing with Obama to
- [00:09:50.360]create the effect they wanted. And sometimes a fake image does not have to
- [00:09:56.660]involve deliberate manipulation at all. It involves mismatching the image and
- [00:10:01.580]the context is supposed to describe. I don't know how many of you have seen
- [00:10:05.180]this video of Biden speaking at an event in 2022 in a neighboring state of Iowa.
- [00:10:10.760]And this video quickly went viral with the caption,
- [00:10:13.720]"Bird poops on Biden." But do you know that this caption is actually wrong?
- [00:10:19.440]Because in fact, Biden was speaking in an indoor event and he was standing directly
- [00:10:26.340]beside a giant pile of processed corn. What appears to be bird poop was not bird
- [00:10:32.220]poop because it was indoors and it was processed corn meal. Okay?
- [00:10:36.880]And there were many eyewitnesses too. So this is an example of unedited image
- [00:10:43.200]and video coupled with the wrong caption or interpretation. And I argue it falls right
- [00:10:50.180]into the category of visual misinformation as well. And this one is actually quite similar
- [00:10:55.680]to the shark, swimming shark example Jamin presented. This one was also pretty old. I
- [00:11:02.880]think about two decades ago about Hurricane Sandy at New York City. In this photo, Statue
- [00:11:07.940]of Liberty looks like she's under attack, right? But in reality, this is a screen capture
- [00:11:12.680]from the movie The Day After Tomorrow, okay? So the photo, we can say the photo or the
- [00:11:18.260]screen capture was unedited, was not manipulated, but it was used purposefully in a wrong context.
- [00:11:26.120]So I think that is visual misinformation. And internet memes often fall into the category
- [00:11:32.740]of misinformation as well. In this example, Einstein is real, right? The photo is real,
- [00:11:38.680]but the quote was not. So again, using a real image in a wrong
- [00:11:42.160]context. Now, some might argue that internet memes should not be considered in the realm
- [00:11:47.960]of news or misinformation at all, because people don't take them seriously. They are
- [00:11:53.000]humor, sarcasm, entertainment, everything but news.
- [00:11:56.640]If this is indeed the assumption by most people, then I would agree that it should not be considered
- [00:12:02.800]as misinformation. It should not be verified at all, because we shouldn't dignify it by
- [00:12:08.040]verifying it, right? But sometimes internet memes
- [00:12:11.640]do get considered as a legitimate form of information or news.
- [00:12:16.000]Okay, so going back to Kirsten's presentation this morning, there are a lot of very diverse
- [00:12:20.820]sources of news. Some people get news from The Daily Show, some people get news from
- [00:12:25.480]TikTok, some people get news from memes. So in that context, in these situations, memes
- [00:12:31.460]can become misinformation as well. So after all these examples, the point I'm
- [00:12:36.660]trying to make is that image veracity is contextual. We cannot
- [00:12:41.120]judge the image, or by the same token, a video's veracity, simply by looking at
- [00:12:47.300]that thing alone. It has to be judged against a context. And then how do we
- [00:12:54.500]define fake or forged images or visual misinformation in general? In 2018, I
- [00:12:59.900]published a paper with my colleagues and we defined four categories of fake or
- [00:13:06.400]forged images. Composition means putting two photos together,
- [00:13:10.600]pasting one person's head on another, for example. Retouching means changing
- [00:13:14.980]specific elements in the existing image. Elimination is cropping out certain
- [00:13:20.240]parts of the image and misattribution is putting an image or video in the wrong
- [00:13:24.480]context. But of course, as we all know, things in this space changes so fast.
- [00:13:29.660]Our 2018 categories soon had to be updated. Fast forward to about a year
- [00:13:35.880]ago, AI generated news images began
- [00:13:40.080]to circulate on the internet. So this is March 19th, 2023, that depicts Trump
- [00:13:46.080]arrested by FBI at Mar-a-Lago, except this never happened then. Similar events
- [00:13:51.820]actually happened later last year, but that was AI generated. Earlier in 2024,
- [00:13:58.500]actually just a month ago, several images of Trump surrounded by smiling black
- [00:14:04.160]people appeared online. But the odd lighting and kind of two perfect details provide
- [00:14:09.560]cues to the fact that they were all generated using artificial intelligence.
- [00:14:14.600]Now, these photos actually have not been linked to the Trump campaign.
- [00:14:19.280]Sources say they were created by some Trump supporters, and they emerged as
- [00:14:26.060]Trump seeks to win over black voters. Now, as we're getting ready for the
- [00:14:29.840]election season, this example highlights the danger that any group, Latinos,
- [00:14:34.400]women, older male voters, they could be targeted with lifelike images
- [00:14:39.040]meant to mislead and confuse them, as well as demonstrate the need for
- [00:14:43.780]regulation around this technology. So, how do we define fake or forged
- [00:14:48.900]images now? We added one additional categories of deep fake and AI
- [00:14:54.220]generated visuals to the original four categorizations. So, the next question
- [00:14:59.940]is this, can human beings detect fake or forged or synthetic images, and how?
- [00:15:08.520]Let me bring you back to the first image of moon landing. How do we even know it's
- [00:15:15.960]real or fake? Unfortunately, the technology that allows for creating
- [00:15:21.520]manipulated images has far outpaced the technological method for detecting such
- [00:15:26.200]manipulations. There are currently some analysis methods available based on
- [00:15:32.060]metadata or encryption, or in this method developed by my colleagues in
- [00:15:37.080]computer graphics,
- [00:15:38.000]by analyzing shadows and perspectives. So in a nutshell, shadows are determined by
- [00:15:43.440]the source of light, the shape of the object, and the surface on which they are
- [00:15:47.780]cast. And this is governed by law in physics. So if there are irregularities
- [00:15:53.540]or inconsistencies that does not really align with physics, then this photo might
- [00:15:58.780]be compromised. That's how we know. And without going into too much technical
- [00:16:03.380]detail, this analysis shows that moon landing did
- [00:16:07.480]actually happen. But these methods are very complex. They're not accessible to
- [00:16:13.700]an average internet user like you and me. Okay, but you might say even when such
- [00:16:19.300]technology might be complex, as long as we have enough eyeballs, right, as long as
- [00:16:24.360]we have enough eyeballs, maybe collectively we can catch Photoshop
- [00:16:29.260]pictures. By now everyone and their mother on this planet has probably seen
- [00:16:34.300]this picture. It was posted on March 10 when
- [00:16:36.960]the UK celebrates Mother's Day, and then the royal family spoke out for the first
- [00:16:41.760]time since Kate's abdominal surgery, and it was posted on their official
- [00:16:45.900]Instagram account. However, less than 12 hours after this photo was released,
- [00:16:52.360]numerous agencies, including AP, Getty Images, they began removing this photo
- [00:16:58.200]from their press libraries, citing concerns about manipulation, and there
- [00:17:02.720]are many, many manipulations or irregularities.
- [00:17:06.440]So, for example, over here in area A, Kate's hand somehow is out of focus and
- [00:17:14.840]very blurry, and there is no reason for that to happen considering this is a
- [00:17:19.460]staged photo. It shouldn't be blurry, and if this is blurry, we would expect some
- [00:17:24.140]other elements to be blurry, but they are not. Over here in area B, we can see
- [00:17:30.620]inconsistency with the sweater Princess Charlotte was wearing,
- [00:17:35.920]and in some other areas with Kate's hair, somehow it was very blurred. There's no
- [00:17:43.640]drop shadow behind it, etc., which gave us clues about, you know, this is a
- [00:17:49.600]photoshopped image, and it turned out, indeed, it was a photoshopped image.
- [00:17:55.860]However, we are not always that successful in identifying photoshopped
- [00:18:01.720]images. The example from Princess Kate was actually
- [00:18:05.400]an exception. In fact, the average Internet user
- [00:18:10.400]often assumes they have the ability to identify
- [00:18:13.660]forgeries, but they're often wrong. Now, let me show you a
- [00:18:17.660]counterexample. In 2016, Mike Pence posted this image on
- [00:18:22.600]on Twitter, taken at a restaurant in New York City
- [00:18:25.590]with his wife, who was dressed in black,
- [00:18:29.090]as well as his daughter, who was dressed in white.
- [00:18:32.310]If I asked you to look at this image very closely,
- [00:18:35.890]can you spot anything wrong with it?
- [00:18:40.530]I see some heads nodding, okay?
- [00:18:44.450]And is that because we see Mike Pence's reflection
- [00:18:48.170]in the mirror, but not her daughters?
- [00:18:52.330]Okay.
- [00:18:53.550]And many internet users did claim that something was wrong.
- [00:18:58.690]And they immediately created a buzz to say
- [00:19:02.470]that his image is fake because his daughter doesn't reflect
- [00:19:06.150]in the mirror and some Twitter users started calling her
- [00:19:09.250]a vampire.
- [00:19:10.470]However, as you can see here in this analysis
- [00:19:15.630]of shadows and perspective, the fact that her reflection
- [00:19:19.370]is not apparent in the mirror is consistent
- [00:19:22.330]with the geometry of the scene through analyzing reflection
- [00:19:26.510]and how reflection behaves under perspective projection.
- [00:19:29.670]Applying math, you can see that the tip of her nose
- [00:19:32.350]should be behind pens and that's why we don't see
- [00:19:34.870]her reflection in the mirror.
- [00:19:36.830]So even when there is a growing awareness
- [00:19:39.970]that images no longer represent authentic proof of reality,
- [00:19:43.630]we're not very good at finding the manipulations
- [00:19:46.030]and therefore are very vulnerable to them.
- [00:19:48.690]So we are pretty bad at this,
- [00:19:51.190]despite some experiences,
- [00:19:52.330]some occasional successes.
- [00:19:54.830]The next question,
- [00:19:56.090]maybe there is a technical solution to this.
- [00:19:58.410]Can we just apply some technical detection algorithm,
- [00:20:02.410]which would help us detect
- [00:20:03.970]whether this is Photoshopped or not?
- [00:20:06.590]My answer, unfortunately, is no,
- [00:20:10.690]because manipulated media and misinformation
- [00:20:13.270]is a socio-technical problem.
- [00:20:15.970]So technology alone is not going to cut it.
- [00:20:19.350]Let me show you this example.
- [00:20:21.830]In December 2023, Google was suddenly grappling
- [00:20:26.050]with a new problem.
- [00:20:27.450]That is, photorealistic AI images
- [00:20:30.870]were topping Google's search result.
- [00:20:33.530]For example, for a period in September 2023,
- [00:20:36.250]if you search the term "tank man" in Google,
- [00:20:39.990]you actually get this image.
- [00:20:42.330]So for those of you who had some kind of a history,
- [00:20:45.870]a context of the word "tank man,"
- [00:20:47.630]it actually refers to 1989, the Tiananmen Square,
- [00:20:51.330]incident.
- [00:20:53.330]But here, if you search "tank man,"
- [00:20:55.330]you actually see an image of a man taking a selfie
- [00:20:59.830]in front of a tank.
- [00:21:00.830]And in 1989, selfie wasn't even invented yet,
- [00:21:04.830]so this could not have happened.
- [00:21:06.830]So this selfie was generated by AI.
- [00:21:11.830]Still, for someone without the contextual knowledge,
- [00:21:14.830]and for people who rely on quick Google searches
- [00:21:16.830]for everyday knowledge acquisition needs,
- [00:21:18.830]they will definitely get misled.
- [00:21:20.830]So here are additional examples
- [00:21:22.830]that start popping up on Google search results
- [00:21:25.830]if you type in the name of these celebrities.
- [00:21:28.830]Which one is a real photograph of Margaret Thatcher?
- [00:21:32.830]Is it A or B?
- [00:21:34.830]And here are photographs of Marilyn Monroe,
- [00:21:38.830]Abraham Lincoln, and Maya Angelou.
- [00:21:42.830]In all of these cases, the AI or the synthetic,
- [00:21:45.830]the generative AI created pictures
- [00:21:48.830]are almost as convincing
- [00:21:50.330]as the real ones.
- [00:21:51.830]And for an average internet user,
- [00:21:53.830]it is impossible to expect them
- [00:21:55.830]to be the detective
- [00:21:57.830]and try to uncover which one is real
- [00:22:00.330]and which one is fake.
- [00:22:01.830]Now if Google, with all its computing
- [00:22:03.830]and engineering resources,
- [00:22:05.830]is grappling to discern real from fake,
- [00:22:08.330]then what hopes do billions of people
- [00:22:10.330]like you and me have?
- [00:22:12.330]Okay, so humans are pretty bad at this.
- [00:22:15.330]Purely technical solution does not exist.
- [00:22:19.830]And irregularities, the little evidence
- [00:22:23.330]that we rely on to find out that
- [00:22:26.330]the Princess Kate's picture was actually photoshopped,
- [00:22:29.330]they will become increasingly hard to spot
- [00:22:32.830]due to technological arms race.
- [00:22:34.830]So initially when Midjourney or other
- [00:22:37.830]generative AI image tools just came on the market,
- [00:22:41.330]one kind of surefire thing to tell
- [00:22:43.330]is to ask it to generate fingers and hands, right?
- [00:22:47.830]So we all know that, you know,
- [00:22:49.330]those generative AI are pretty bad
- [00:22:51.330]in terms of rendering fingers and hands.
- [00:22:54.330]But a few weeks passed, a few months passed,
- [00:22:57.330]after each iteration, they become better and better.
- [00:23:00.830]So these irregularities that used to give us a clue
- [00:23:03.330]about whether this is synthetic or not
- [00:23:05.830]actually will disappear and become increasingly hard
- [00:23:09.330]to spot due to the technological arms race
- [00:23:12.330]that we are experiencing every single day.
- [00:23:16.830]All right, so second question I want to answer
- [00:23:18.830]is how do people evaluate visual misinformation?
- [00:23:22.830]Next, I want to talk through a few empirical studies conducted
- [00:23:25.830]at my lab over this question.
- [00:23:29.830]So this research project asks, what
- [00:23:31.830]are the factors that might predict people's credibility
- [00:23:34.830]evaluation of visual materials due to the lack
- [00:23:37.830]of visual credibility literature at that time?
- [00:23:40.330]This was conceived around 2016.
- [00:23:42.830]So we did a natural thing.
- [00:23:43.830]We borrowed heavily from general credibility research
- [00:23:46.830]and tried to extend these findings
- [00:23:48.330]to the image context.
- [00:23:50.330]So our process is we created a number of image mockups
- [00:23:54.330]with the image itself.
- [00:23:55.830]We changed the medium.
- [00:23:57.330]We changed the media outlet.
- [00:23:59.330]We gave some very convincing media outlet,
- [00:24:01.830]like the New York Times, NPR, BBC,
- [00:24:04.830]and some not so credible source.
- [00:24:07.830]And we also accompanied each image
- [00:24:09.830]with some kind of contextual information.
- [00:24:12.330]So the final mockup will look something like this.
- [00:24:15.330]This is an example of one of the mockups, as you can see.
- [00:24:17.830]This is a picture of a war zone,
- [00:24:21.830]and then purportedly it was posted on Facebook
- [00:24:25.830]by BBC World News,
- [00:24:27.830]and there is a very short caption to accompany it.
- [00:24:30.830]We even created comments, likes, et cetera.
- [00:24:33.830]So the first step, we recruited people from California,
- [00:24:37.830]which is considered very liberal,
- [00:24:39.830]and also we recruited from Texas,
- [00:24:41.830]which is more conservative,
- [00:24:43.830]to join our focus groups.
- [00:24:45.830]And then we found out
- [00:24:47.330]that participants made judgments
- [00:24:49.330]based mostly on non-image cues.
- [00:24:51.330]So instead of looking at the image itself,
- [00:24:53.330]they actually made their judgment on sources,
- [00:24:55.830]or how many likes it has,
- [00:24:57.330]or is it from Facebook,
- [00:24:58.830]or is it from the media organization's
- [00:25:00.830]own website, et cetera.
- [00:25:02.830]And in general,
- [00:25:04.830]participants are pretty poor
- [00:25:06.830]at identifying fake images,
- [00:25:08.830]which confirms our previous conclusion.
- [00:25:12.830]And then with the focus group findings,
- [00:25:15.330]we designed a series
- [00:25:16.830]of experiments.
- [00:25:18.330]We decided to test them all.
- [00:25:20.330]I believe a gentleman in an earlier session
- [00:25:22.330]said, you know, source Q
- [00:25:24.330]is really important, and this is the first thing
- [00:25:26.330]we tested is, you know,
- [00:25:28.330]does source matter? So we varied
- [00:25:30.330]the trustworthiness of the source,
- [00:25:32.330]so some images have New York Times,
- [00:25:34.330]some images have BBC or
- [00:25:36.330]NPR or something else as their
- [00:25:38.330]purported source. Some have more kind of
- [00:25:40.330]poor credibility ratings.
- [00:25:42.330]At that time, Buzzfeed was
- [00:25:44.330]that kind of news outlet, so we used
- [00:25:46.330]Buzzfeed, and then genetic individuals
- [00:25:48.330]like someone, you know, random
- [00:25:50.330]person on the internet.
- [00:25:52.330]We also varied
- [00:25:54.330]source and media type. Is this from
- [00:25:56.330]media organizations or is this from
- [00:25:58.330]individuals? Is this from websites or
- [00:26:00.330]social media? We also
- [00:26:02.330]varied intermediaries. Intermediaries
- [00:26:04.330]are the secondary sources
- [00:26:06.330]where you get exposed
- [00:26:08.330]from, but they're not an actual
- [00:26:10.330]publisher of the source.
- [00:26:12.330]But sometimes the secondary sources
- [00:26:14.330]will endorse something
- [00:26:15.830]like something, or quote it, or comment
- [00:26:17.830]on something that actually
- [00:26:19.830]have an impact on our
- [00:26:21.830]perceived credibility of the
- [00:26:23.830]piece of visual
- [00:26:25.830]information. So we included that as well.
- [00:26:27.830]We also included bandwagon
- [00:26:29.830]cues, which are number of likes,
- [00:26:31.830]number of comments. These are heuristics
- [00:26:33.830]people use to judge, oh, how many
- [00:26:35.830]people believe this is true or liked it.
- [00:26:37.830]We tested for people's
- [00:26:41.830]digital media literacy. We included multiple
- [00:26:43.830]scales to measure
- [00:26:45.330]how knowledgeable they are about
- [00:26:47.330]photography, whether they had experience
- [00:26:49.330]of digital imaging,
- [00:26:51.330]their internet skills,
- [00:26:53.330]and their social media use.
- [00:26:55.330]We measured their issue attitude
- [00:26:57.330]because research has shown
- [00:26:59.330]that in the context of
- [00:27:01.330]credibility judgment, people are
- [00:27:03.330]more likely to perceive something as credible
- [00:27:05.330]if it confirms their existing beliefs and opinions.
- [00:27:07.330]So we did all that.
- [00:27:09.330]This is the
- [00:27:11.330]biggest experimental design
- [00:27:13.330]I've ever run in my life.
- [00:27:14.830]28 different
- [00:27:16.830]conditions with many different images.
- [00:27:18.830]So I just want to show you
- [00:27:20.830]some of the stimuli. So this is
- [00:27:22.830]one of the mock-ups.
- [00:27:24.830]Here we see the original poster
- [00:27:26.830]is Bill Gates. At that time,
- [00:27:28.830]at that time, he was considered
- [00:27:30.830]credible. So we look for Pew
- [00:27:32.830]as, you know, who are the most credible
- [00:27:34.830]person in the United States. Bill Gates was
- [00:27:36.830]ranked very high. Of course, things have changed
- [00:27:38.830]since then. NPR,
- [00:27:40.830]and then how many
- [00:27:42.830]likes there are,
- [00:27:44.330]et cetera. And as you can see,
- [00:27:46.330]the images cover a wide variety
- [00:27:48.330]of social and political issues,
- [00:27:50.330]and they're not even very well done, okay?
- [00:27:52.330]So we include -- I photoshopped
- [00:27:54.330]these images myself, so they're not
- [00:27:56.330]really that well done.
- [00:27:58.330]So what did we find?
- [00:28:00.330]We recruited
- [00:28:02.330]Mechanical Turkers in the United States.
- [00:28:04.330]So this is kind of a crowd-sourced
- [00:28:06.330]sample pool.
- [00:28:08.330]And then we also recruited a student sample
- [00:28:10.330]for comparison, but in the end, their results
- [00:28:12.330]are pretty much the same.
- [00:28:13.830]Okay, findings.
- [00:28:15.830]We found absolutely
- [00:28:17.830]no effect
- [00:28:19.830]for source trustworthiness.
- [00:28:21.830]Okay? So people either don't pay
- [00:28:23.830]attention to the source at all,
- [00:28:25.830]or they pay attention, but source had no
- [00:28:27.830]effect of their judgment,
- [00:28:29.830]of the credibility of the visual information
- [00:28:31.830]they were shown. There was no effect
- [00:28:33.830]for source or media type. There was
- [00:28:35.830]no effect for intermediary.
- [00:28:37.830]There was no effect for bandwagon. That's how many
- [00:28:39.830]likes and comments there are.
- [00:28:41.830]Okay.
- [00:28:43.330]What does matter are
- [00:28:45.330]two things. First,
- [00:28:47.330]people's digital media literacy
- [00:28:49.330]absolutely mattered. So people who
- [00:28:51.330]score high in terms of digital media
- [00:28:53.330]literacy, they tend to be more skeptical
- [00:28:55.330]of these photoshopped
- [00:28:57.330]images overall. The second
- [00:28:59.330]thing is their issue attitude.
- [00:29:01.330]If they are in agreement,
- [00:29:03.330]if these images
- [00:29:05.330]are in agreement with their prior
- [00:29:07.330]held beliefs on something,
- [00:29:09.330]you know, being science or war,
- [00:29:11.330]whatever, they tend to
- [00:29:12.830]rate them as more credible,
- [00:29:14.830]which is the old
- [00:29:16.830]confirmation bias play.
- [00:29:18.830]Alright, so this
- [00:29:20.830]being in 2016, we did not
- [00:29:22.830]pre-register our experiment.
- [00:29:24.830]However, given that
- [00:29:26.830]the main results are null results,
- [00:29:28.830]we tried really
- [00:29:30.830]hard to try to fish for some significant
- [00:29:32.830]results, and we ended up with none of them,
- [00:29:34.830]except digital
- [00:29:36.830]media literacy and
- [00:29:38.830]issue attitude. But I'm glad
- [00:29:40.830]to report there are two recent
- [00:29:42.330]replications of our study.
- [00:29:44.330]One is a literal replication
- [00:29:46.330]using a US sample with
- [00:29:48.330]exactly the same design and
- [00:29:50.330]exact the same experimental stimuli
- [00:29:52.330]we used back in 2016.
- [00:29:54.330]And they got exactly the same result.
- [00:29:56.330]And another replication
- [00:29:58.330]done by a German team, they did a
- [00:30:00.330]conceptual replication using a German
- [00:30:02.330]sample using similar design but
- [00:30:04.330]different stimuli. They created a different
- [00:30:06.330]visual stimuli.
- [00:30:08.330]And both replication ended up
- [00:30:10.330]with same conclusions.
- [00:30:11.830]So none of these
- [00:30:13.830]heuristics mattered. So I feel like
- [00:30:15.830]there is a high confidence
- [00:30:17.830]that this is what was going on.
- [00:30:19.830]So with that in mind,
- [00:30:21.830]what can we do to solve the visual
- [00:30:23.830]misinformation problem? Whose burden is this?
- [00:30:25.830]Is it governments? Is it platforms?
- [00:30:27.830]Is it media? Or is it users?
- [00:30:29.830]So what
- [00:30:31.830]interventions could help
- [00:30:33.830]us build resilience?
- [00:30:35.830]So I want to present this
- [00:30:37.830]overview of the
- [00:30:39.830]interventions
- [00:30:41.330]from literature.
- [00:30:43.330]And I want to say that
- [00:30:45.330]this is only from the user side.
- [00:30:47.330]This means that the misinformation
- [00:30:49.330]is already in the system.
- [00:30:51.330]On a systemic level,
- [00:30:53.330]we're not trying to do anything.
- [00:30:55.330]We're not trying to interfere with the system
- [00:30:57.330]or the platforms.
- [00:30:59.330]This is only from the user side.
- [00:31:01.330]And we can categorize them into
- [00:31:03.330]boosting, nudging, and refutational
- [00:31:05.330]strategies. So boosting,
- [00:31:07.330]we could inoculate people, right?
- [00:31:09.330]We preempt the misinformation.
- [00:31:10.830]We preempt the misinformation beliefs.
- [00:31:12.830]For nudging, there are little things we can do.
- [00:31:14.830]Or maybe we create more friction.
- [00:31:16.830]Maybe we can provide provenance cues, etc.
- [00:31:18.830]And the refutational strategy
- [00:31:20.830]is very well known, right?
- [00:31:22.830]The fact-checking strategies fall into refutational.
- [00:31:24.830]So you're exposed to something.
- [00:31:26.830]I'm going to publish a fact-check
- [00:31:28.830]in the hope that you are actually
- [00:31:30.830]going to take a look at a fact-check.
- [00:31:32.830]I don't know how many of you routinely go to
- [00:31:34.830]fact-check websites, but, you know,
- [00:31:36.830]not a lot of people do.
- [00:31:38.830]Flagging is another
- [00:31:40.330]refutational strategy.
- [00:31:42.330]I think we see this a lot during
- [00:31:44.330]election cycles where, you know,
- [00:31:46.330]maybe a candidate says something
- [00:31:48.330]and then it was flagged as,
- [00:31:50.330]"Oh, this is not trustworthy," etc.
- [00:31:52.330]So in the time I have,
- [00:31:54.330]I want to specifically talk about one
- [00:31:56.330]empirical study where we used
- [00:31:58.330]media literacy education,
- [00:32:00.330]okay,
- [00:32:02.330]to be relevant to the theme of this symposium.
- [00:32:04.330]But we also done a lot of other work
- [00:32:06.330]using other intervention strategies.
- [00:32:08.330]So this was published
- [00:32:09.830]in J.C.M.C. in 2022.
- [00:32:11.830]It was also supported
- [00:32:13.830]by a Facebook research award.
- [00:32:15.830]So in this specific study,
- [00:32:17.830]we are trying to tackle one problem only.
- [00:32:19.830]That is miscaptioned images.
- [00:32:21.830]So the image itself,
- [00:32:23.830]there's nothing wrong with it,
- [00:32:25.830]but somehow you place it
- [00:32:27.830]in the wrong context.
- [00:32:29.830]That creates misinformation.
- [00:32:31.830]So here,
- [00:32:33.830]this is actually a very well known picture
- [00:32:35.830]of empty spaces.
- [00:32:37.830]And this is a picture
- [00:32:39.330]in the supermarket shelves.
- [00:32:41.330]And here, this says,
- [00:32:43.330]oh, this is because of socialism.
- [00:32:45.330]In socialism, you have this.
- [00:32:47.330]But this is actually because of earthquakes.
- [00:32:49.330]People, you know,
- [00:32:51.330]go into shops
- [00:32:53.330]and all that to prepare
- [00:32:55.330]for the aftermath
- [00:32:57.330]of the earthquake. It's not because of socialism.
- [00:32:59.330]So the intervention
- [00:33:01.330]we designed is a very simple one.
- [00:33:03.330]We created an infographic.
- [00:33:05.330]In order to debunk
- [00:33:07.330]this type of misinformation,
- [00:33:08.830]the most effective way is to have people
- [00:33:10.830]do a reverse image search.
- [00:33:12.830]Not everyone knows about
- [00:33:14.830]a reverse image search. So here,
- [00:33:16.830]this intervention
- [00:33:18.830]tries to teach people what a
- [00:33:20.830]reverse image
- [00:33:22.830]search is.
- [00:33:24.830]And we varied. So in one
- [00:33:26.830]group, they only see the infographic.
- [00:33:28.830]In another group, they actually
- [00:33:30.830]were instructed to practice
- [00:33:32.830]reverse image search.
- [00:33:34.830]They have to do it before they can proceed.
- [00:33:38.330]And then we go to Snopes.
- [00:33:40.330]And then there is a category called
- [00:33:42.330]Photography that deals with
- [00:33:44.330]miscaptioned images.
- [00:33:46.330]So we got a lot of stimuli from Snopes.
- [00:33:48.330]And this is one example.
- [00:33:50.330]So here the image is the same.
- [00:33:52.330]It's a Black Lives Matter bus.
- [00:33:54.330]But is it
- [00:33:56.330]a bus that's going to
- [00:33:58.330]get a lot of rioters to
- [00:34:00.330]Black Lives Matter march?
- [00:34:02.330]Or is it taking the
- [00:34:04.330]Toronto Raptors to somewhere else
- [00:34:06.330]for their match?
- [00:34:07.830]So the contexts are different.
- [00:34:09.830]So this one is pre-registered.
- [00:34:11.830]We recruited from
- [00:34:13.830]Prolific.
- [00:34:15.830]And then let me fast forward to the results.
- [00:34:17.830]We found that active intervention
- [00:34:19.830]significantly increased intention
- [00:34:21.830]of reverse image search tools
- [00:34:23.830]compared to the passive intervention
- [00:34:25.830]and the control conditions.
- [00:34:27.830]However, neither active or passive intervention
- [00:34:29.830]had an effect on credibility judgment
- [00:34:31.830]of misinformation discernment.
- [00:34:33.830]So in other words,
- [00:34:35.830]there's some effect.
- [00:34:37.330]But the effect is extremely small.
- [00:34:39.830]And it actually did not affect
- [00:34:41.830]people's credibility judgment
- [00:34:43.830]of misinformation discernment.
- [00:34:45.830]So a little bit disappointing.
- [00:34:47.830]Okay?
- [00:34:49.830]So this could suggest two things.
- [00:34:51.830]First, participants may be not
- [00:34:53.830]motivated enough to actually use
- [00:34:55.830]reverse search. The stakes are not high.
- [00:34:57.830]Okay? Or second, maybe the interface
- [00:34:59.830]is too lab-like. This is a common
- [00:35:01.830]drawback for lab-based studies.
- [00:35:03.830]So we said, okay, we're going to design
- [00:35:05.830]a real-life Facebook
- [00:35:06.830]mock site. So in a
- [00:35:08.830]follow-up study, we
- [00:35:10.830]designed a site that looks
- [00:35:12.830]exactly like Facebook, with
- [00:35:14.830]the same functionalities. You can interact
- [00:35:16.830]with it. You can like it. You can comment it.
- [00:35:18.830]You can click everything
- [00:35:20.830]here. Okay? And
- [00:35:22.830]we're going to up the stakes.
- [00:35:24.830]Right? Participants are not motivated.
- [00:35:26.830]Let's make them motivated.
- [00:35:28.830]How do I do that?
- [00:35:30.830]In one group, I give them a symbolic
- [00:35:32.830]incentive. That is a badge.
- [00:35:34.830]Okay?
- [00:35:36.330]In another group, I give them a dollar.
- [00:35:38.330]If they do the
- [00:35:40.330]reverse image search.
- [00:35:42.330]Okay. So we're writing up this manuscript
- [00:35:44.330]right now, and our preliminary results
- [00:35:46.330]are also disappointing.
- [00:35:48.330]Okay? So we found
- [00:35:50.330]monetary rewards work a little bit better
- [00:35:52.330]than symbolic rewards or no rewards.
- [00:35:54.330]And task contingent rewards work a little
- [00:35:56.330]bit better in the short term, but performance works
- [00:35:58.330]a little bit better in the long term.
- [00:36:00.330]But the overall effect was
- [00:36:02.330]extremely small or
- [00:36:04.330]negligent.
- [00:36:05.830]Okay, so let me go
- [00:36:07.830]back to this.
- [00:36:09.830]We looked at media literacy education,
- [00:36:11.830]two studies. I thought it was, you know,
- [00:36:13.830]pretty good design,
- [00:36:15.830]but very disappointing results.
- [00:36:17.830]And there are some other studies that my
- [00:36:19.830]team had tested
- [00:36:21.830]in various studies that I won't
- [00:36:23.830]have time to get into. But what
- [00:36:25.830]does that leave us? So I want
- [00:36:27.830]to end my presentation
- [00:36:29.830]on this fourth question, and I think
- [00:36:31.830]the most important question of all. Is
- [00:36:33.830]media literacy the answer?
- [00:36:35.330]Okay. So I want to be a little
- [00:36:37.330]provocative here.
- [00:36:39.330]And to say, and to
- [00:36:41.330]share my current thinking on this question.
- [00:36:43.330]Again, there are meant to be
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