How Dissolving an Office of Diversity and Inclusion Affects Faculty at a Big Ten Institution
Institute for Ethnic Studies
Panel held on November 13, 2024.
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- [00:00:00.000]Good afternoon, and welcome.
- [00:00:07.640]Thank you all for coming out on a rainy day to be with us to discuss how dissolving an
- [00:00:12.380]office of diversity and inclusion affects faculty members at a Big Ten institution.
- [00:00:17.640]I'd like to quickly thank Lead Reservations Coordinator, Aaron Henry, for his help setting
- [00:00:21.720]up, and Producer, Mike Kamm, for his always excellent work video recording our events
- [00:00:27.360]for later viewing.
- [00:00:28.860]I'd also like to thank all the administrators and faculty colleagues who wrote to say they're
- [00:00:33.620]unable to be here, but plan to watch this later.
- [00:00:37.180]Thank you.
- [00:00:38.180]I'm Dr. Joy Castro, Willa Cather Professor of Ethnic Studies and English, appointed in
- [00:00:43.600]Latinx and Latin American Studies, and it's currently my honor to serve as the Director
- [00:00:48.740]of the Institute for Ethnic Studies.
- [00:00:51.600]We're happy to host this event.
- [00:00:54.080]We've been highly invested in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion since its inception
- [00:00:58.860]and some of us were even instrumental in its formation.
- [00:01:03.740]The ODI supported cultural programming and educational initiatives that reached the entire
- [00:01:08.700]UNL community, and it offered a supportive place to go when discriminatory incidents
- [00:01:14.000]occurred, a place where knowledgeable, experienced, kind professionals could help solve difficult
- [00:01:20.660]problems.
- [00:01:21.980]We want to emphasize the ODI's broad reach across campus, addressing not only issues
- [00:01:28.180]of race, but also of gender, and the importance of the ODI's role in the development of the
- [00:01:28.840]campus.
- [00:01:29.840]We also want to emphasize the ODI's broad reach across campus, addressing not only issues
- [00:01:30.840]of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity, which are the focus of our institute, but also veterans
- [00:01:34.440]issues, LGBTQ issues, disability issues, gender issues, issues faced by minoritized
- [00:01:42.000]religious groups, and more.
- [00:01:44.980]We're profoundly affected by the Chancellor's decision to dissolve it.
- [00:01:49.040]Some of us attended the student leadership's very moving, clear, and powerful town hall
- [00:01:53.760]in September, and we're very grateful to the students and staff who spoke at that event.
- [00:01:58.820]The pain, hopes, and needs of our students shape what happens in our classrooms.
- [00:02:06.960]That effect is mutual.
- [00:02:08.720]We know that what affects faculty members affects students, because our working conditions
- [00:02:14.660]are your learning conditions.
- [00:02:17.020]When we are demoralized, as I've heard from faculty members across the two campuses since
- [00:02:21.780]this decision, it affects our work.
- [00:02:25.440]We also know that the dissolution of the ODI has profoundly affected students.
- [00:02:28.800]It has affected many members of the university's staff.
- [00:02:31.960]We rely on our staff and we learn from our staff.
- [00:02:35.020]We know how hard they work with us, for us, for students, for the mission of the university.
- [00:02:42.680]So our goals today are to express our solidarity with students, staff, and faculty from across
- [00:02:48.360]campus who have been hurt materially, intellectually, psychologically, and emotionally by this decision,
- [00:02:56.780]both its practical ramifications
- [00:02:58.780]in terms of the cutting of resources and the elimination of a clear place to go, and also
- [00:03:04.960]its symbolic impact in making us feel devalued and erased.
- [00:03:09.880]Second, to capture for the institutional archival record the personal and professional impact
- [00:03:16.680]the ODI decision has had on us, to be honest, real, and vulnerable in a public setting.
- [00:03:25.520]To open a space for other faculty members as well as staff and
- [00:03:28.760]students if they want to, to share experiences.
- [00:03:32.640]And to open a space for senior administrators and others to consider these impacts and to
- [00:03:37.560]consider what needs to be addressed as the campus moves forward.
- [00:03:42.740]To clarify for those who don't know us, the Institute for Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary
- [00:03:47.580]academic unit that offers a major, seven minors, and graduate specializations at the MA and
- [00:03:52.800]PhD levels.
- [00:03:54.660]We offer academic coursework in African and African American studies.
- [00:03:58.740]Latinx and Latin American studies, and indigenous studies.
- [00:04:03.220]We've also developed a full approved curriculum in Asian American studies, which is in high
- [00:04:08.600]demand among UNL students, and we now simply await the green light for faculty hiring.
- [00:04:14.940]The Institute for Ethnic Studies is 52 years old, a historic institute, one of the oldest
- [00:04:21.080]such academic units in the United States.
- [00:04:24.060]And it currently comprises faculty members from across the social sciences and humanities
- [00:04:28.720]whose teaching, research, and service occupy the nexus where traditional academic disciplines
- [00:04:33.660]intersect with issues of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity.
- [00:04:38.300]We are forward-looking and solution-oriented, and I'm honored to direct an institute that
- [00:04:44.000]proactively seeks to promote understanding, awareness, respect, justice, and peace through
- [00:04:50.880]outstanding classroom teaching, groundbreaking scholarly research, and public dialogues like
- [00:04:56.320]this one.
- [00:04:57.320]Thank you for coming.
- [00:04:58.700]I'll provide a quick recap and an overview.
- [00:05:04.560]On August 20th, Chancellor Bennett, who is with us here today, thank you, announced the
- [00:05:10.460]dissolution of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the elimination of the position
- [00:05:14.500]of Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion, stating that, quote, "A centralized approach
- [00:05:19.240]to this work is no longer right for our institution."
- [00:05:23.900]Without offering evidence for the claim, he did not share the process by which it had
- [00:05:28.680]happened or disclose which stakeholders had been involved in those conversations.
- [00:05:32.860]There was no further explanation.
- [00:05:35.440]In news coverage that followed, he acknowledged that although the move would save funds, his
- [00:05:41.620]decision was not made primarily as a cost-savings measure.
- [00:05:47.840]The elimination of the ODI resonates with the elimination of a University of Nebraska
- [00:05:52.720]system-wide award for inclusive excellence, which was quietly disappeared in a recent
- [00:05:57.420]e-mail message from NUCC.
- [00:05:58.660]And also with the current defunding of several student groups at the University of Nebraska-Omaha,
- [00:06:06.560]groups that provide services for first-generation students, women, queer and trans students,
- [00:06:11.880]international students, and multicultural American students.
- [00:06:16.440]We do recognize that the elimination of the ODI is part of a larger pattern.
- [00:06:22.280]Chancellor Bennett said that he had come to his decision "after considerable reflection
- [00:06:28.640]and review of both the national landscape and the specific needs of our institution."
- [00:06:35.260]Events in recent days suggest the troubling possibility that his decision may have been,
- [00:06:42.580]if not desirable, a carefully strategic, pragmatic one.
- [00:06:46.780]We now know that the President-elect of the United States plans to financially punish
- [00:06:51.600]institutions that include DEI initiatives by taxing or fining their endowments, our
- [00:06:58.620]here at UNL funds much of the excellent work that happens on our campus.
- [00:07:04.320]In such an environment, it may be that Chancellor Bennett's decision to dissolve the ODI, move
- [00:07:09.840]its staff to other positions, and diffuse its responsibilities among other offices with
- [00:07:15.580]no clear plan and few, if any, resources was, in fact, a prudent, savvy, well-intentioned
- [00:07:22.380]one that will protect and preserve UNL's people, resources, and capacities over the long term.
- [00:07:28.600]It may be.
- [00:07:30.280]It may be.
- [00:07:31.360]As faculty, we do not know.
- [00:07:33.400]We cannot know.
- [00:07:34.660]We are not privy to conversations at that level.
- [00:07:37.440]We do not strategize with chancellors and presidents across the country.
- [00:07:41.460]We do not have what is often called a high-altitude view of the national higher education landscape.
- [00:07:49.100]What we do know here on the ground is the painful impact of the abrupt elimination of
- [00:07:55.260]the ODI upon faculty, staff, and student morale.
- [00:07:58.580]And the new pressures it brings to bear upon the recruitment and retention of students,
- [00:08:03.680]staff, and faculty from vulnerable, minoritized communities.
- [00:08:08.340]What we do know from our study of history and of the present moment is that the verbal
- [00:08:13.800]erasure of minoritized populations and the elimination of the institutions and resources
- [00:08:19.700]that explicitly support us are often the precursors to more troubling actions of exclusion and
- [00:08:28.560]destruction.
- [00:08:29.880]We speak with this awareness.
- [00:08:31.760]We know, as Audre Lorde said, that our silence will not protect us.
- [00:08:37.240]At UNL, every person and every interaction does matter.
- [00:08:42.480]The abrupt dissolution of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion without advanced notice, without
- [00:08:47.400]consultation, and without clear plans for the future is an interaction that mattered,
- [00:08:54.240]and it continues to matter a great deal.
- [00:08:56.980]That impact is what we want to capture.
- [00:08:58.540]Today, so that we can hear each other, and so that the three offices that have been charged
- [00:09:04.260]with reimagining how we approach this work, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
- [00:09:09.280]for Academic Affairs for the faculty, the Office of Business and Finance for staff,
- [00:09:15.340]and the Office of Student Life, can hear the real-life impacts they need to address.
- [00:09:21.400]I'll first introduce my distinguished panelists very briefly.
- [00:09:25.880]Each will speak for about three minutes.
- [00:09:28.520]After they've all spoken, we'll take about 10 minutes for any follow-up, anything that
- [00:09:33.400]might have been sparked on stage, and then we'll open the floor for any faculty member,
- [00:09:38.440]staff member, or student who wishes to share their own experience of the impact of the
- [00:09:44.700]ODI's closure upon them.
- [00:09:47.900]To be clear, that won't be a regular Q&A. We don't really have new answers.
- [00:09:53.380]Working with administrators across the institution and at every level, we've been offering innovative
- [00:09:58.500]strategies and solutions for years.
- [00:10:01.740]Some have been implemented, others have not.
- [00:10:05.340]There are dozens of strategies in these two reports alone, and they are here if you want
- [00:10:10.000]them.
- [00:10:11.000]Rather, this is an opportunity to capture for the archival record what this decision
- [00:10:16.500]has done and is doing to members of our community in the hopes that we can better understand
- [00:10:21.420]and support each other as we all move forward together.
- [00:10:26.160]I want to thank my colleagues on stage.
- [00:10:28.480]For their time and energy.
- [00:10:30.600]This is additional labor and we want to recognize that.
- [00:10:36.900]To my left, we have Dr. Sergio Walls, a political scientist.
- [00:10:42.920]Next to him is Dr. Jeanette Eileen Jones, a historian.
- [00:10:47.980]Then we have Dr. Liana Stanley, an expert in communication studies.
- [00:10:52.900]And last, we have Dr. Luis Otoniel-Rosa, who is an award-winning novelist.
- [00:10:58.460]and scholar of Latin American literature.
- [00:11:02.460]Dr. Trey Andrews, a clinical psychologist, is taking care of his sick daughter who has a fever.
- [00:11:09.760]But he sent remarks, and I will read them.
- [00:11:12.660]And Dr. Cynthia Willis-Escada, who was on some of the initial publicity, is not able to be with us today.
- [00:11:18.160]So, with that, Sergio.
- [00:11:25.500]Thank you. Thank you very much for the opportunity.
- [00:11:28.440]I'm Sergio Walsh, I'm an associate professor in political science and ethnic studies.
- [00:11:33.780]I've been serving this university for 15 years, going on my 16th, and I had the honor,
- [00:11:40.300]the greatest professional honor in my life, to serve in former Chancellor Greene's journey
- [00:11:47.420]for anti-racism and racial equity.
- [00:11:51.440]I was one of the original six, with Laurie Dance, with Anna Shavers,
- [00:11:58.420]with Colette Yellow-Rove, with Cara Viesca, and Kwame Dawes.
- [00:12:04.420]And I appreciate that Chancellor Bennett's here.
- [00:12:08.420]It will make my comments less awkward.
- [00:12:12.420]I've never talked about anybody behind their back.
- [00:12:18.420]Politics has been defined simply as who gets what, when, and how.
- [00:12:25.420]A definition that tells us that politics at its core
- [00:12:28.400]involves decision-makers allocating limited resources
- [00:12:33.400]with specific timelines and procedures.
- [00:12:37.400]Budgetary battles in that sense are never neutral
- [00:12:41.400]because budgetary allocation decisions signal institutional priorities,
- [00:12:46.400]commitments, ambitions for the near and the distant futures.
- [00:12:54.400]Chancellor Bennett's decision to first cut in half
- [00:12:58.380]and then dissolve our university's Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [00:13:01.380]was a political one.
- [00:13:05.380]In politics, la forma es fondo.
- [00:13:09.380]The process is also substance.
- [00:13:12.380]The form, the process in which Chancellor Bennett decided
- [00:13:15.380]to carry out the dissolution of the ODI, is very telling.
- [00:13:21.380]And I would welcome a dialogue if the dialogue would come.
- [00:13:25.380]I know that the journey invited it and we never got it.
- [00:13:28.360]During the first round of budgetary cuts,
- [00:13:32.360]Chancellor Bennett tested the waters on two fronts.
- [00:13:35.360]First, he evaluated the degree of resistance these measures
- [00:13:39.360]would meet, politically very wise.
- [00:13:43.360]Second, he tried to shift the blame for his decision
- [00:13:47.360]to the academic planning committee, which in my opinion
- [00:13:51.360]was at the very least disingenuous.
- [00:13:58.340]The second hit, the complete dissolution of our ODI
- [00:14:02.340]took our students, staff, and faculty by surprise.
- [00:14:07.340]Most probably thought the decimation was over or may take
- [00:14:11.340]a little bit more substantive cuts in the second round.
- [00:14:15.340]Nope.
- [00:14:17.340]Rather, the decision was to eradicate, to fully erase.
- [00:14:22.340]Now, I can't say that I was surprised, but I was deeply saddened
- [00:14:28.320]disheartened, and on occasion, angry.
- [00:14:35.320]It was in those days of anger when at some point in a public occasion
- [00:14:40.320]I recalled Chancellor Bennett in a service award ceremony in the fall of '23
- [00:14:45.320]mentioning how surprised he was about how much he was being paid for having so much fun.
- [00:14:52.320]Just weeks before, these announcements started being made.
- [00:14:58.300]I said before in public, I have said it now, I never speak behind anybody's back.
- [00:15:04.300]Today, as far as a quick browse can allow us through every Big Ten academic institution allows,
- [00:15:12.300]we are the first to not have any university-wide form of Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- [00:15:22.300]First among other 18, if you count the University of Chicago.
- [00:15:28.280]It's ironic that for just about everything else, we always aspire to be as big as our Big Ten sisters, but not on this issue.
- [00:15:44.260]It's ironic that in just about every other administrative effort, centralization has been the decision for efficiency's sake.
- [00:15:54.280]And I do have some experience in administration.
- [00:15:58.260]But when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the centralization was the choice.
- [00:16:04.260]The expectation, in my opinion, is that the centralization they are calculating will be more conducive to oblivion and erasure.
- [00:16:16.240]I'm going to read very quickly from our own website, still standing.
- [00:16:21.240]The goal of the end 2025 strategic plan is to make Nebraska distinctive by promoting
- [00:16:28.240]the tenet that every person and every interaction matters.
- [00:16:33.240]This tenet promotes equity, dignity, and respect for individuals from a diversity of backgrounds,
- [00:16:38.240]beliefs, experiences, perspectives, abilities, identities, and orientations.
- [00:16:48.240]By dissolving the ODI, the way it was done, our students, our staff, our faculty's trust was
- [00:16:58.220]eroded. By dissolving the ODI and going against these words, Chancellor Bennett made this vision
- [00:17:07.220]void. I hope there is room for reconsideration.
- [00:17:14.220]Thank you, Sergio. As was said, my name is Jeanette Eileen Jones.
- [00:17:28.200]I am a graduate student here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- [00:17:32.200]Of all the panelists here, my colleagues, I have been here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln the longest.
- [00:17:39.200]I came in 2004. This August marked my 20 years of affiliation with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln coming straight from New York.
- [00:17:48.200]I just want to first say that my memory of the student work
- [00:17:58.180]to get something like the ODI created goes back.
- [00:18:03.180]It did not just happen when it was created.
- [00:18:07.180]But there were various instances on campus where primarily students of African descent that I worked with
- [00:18:15.180]pushed back on a lot of things and asked for some accountability from those who were in charge,
- [00:18:22.180]meaning particularly our chancellor at the time,
- [00:18:28.160]and ultimately our system.
- [00:18:32.160]There are people in the audience who of course have a longer institutional memory than I do,
- [00:18:38.160]but I do want to talk about some events that I want to bring to your attention.
- [00:18:43.160]And I think I'm going to start in 2013 because I think it's important to speak to the work that students
- [00:18:51.160]who galvanized around Black Lives Matter did on this campus through a series of protests
- [00:18:58.140]as well as a seven, I believe it was a seven-point document that was then presented to the chancellor
- [00:19:06.140]and the executive vice chancellor.
- [00:19:08.140]And there were several things on that document which included creating some kind of clearinghouse
- [00:19:16.140]that was separate from basically what we used to think about hiring people.
- [00:19:24.140]So something that was on the more student-oriented side but also had places
- [00:19:28.120]for faculty and staff to air their concerns.
- [00:19:32.120]Some of those things on the list have been accomplished.
- [00:19:37.120]Some of them have not.
- [00:19:38.120]For example, one of the things that the students wanted was a class that was dedicated
- [00:19:44.120]to understanding minority experiences in the United States.
- [00:19:48.120]We were told that all the colleges would not agree to it, but our college,
- [00:19:52.120]or at least my college -- no, it is our college.
- [00:19:54.120]College of Arts and Sciences have agreed to it, and that is now our CDE
- [00:19:58.100]-- CDR1?
- [00:20:01.100]My dean is back there.
- [00:20:02.100]He's shaking his head.
- [00:20:03.100]I think it's CDR1.
- [00:20:04.100]Thank you.
- [00:20:06.100]But I want to let you know that there were a series of events.
- [00:20:10.100]Those of us who were in 2014, we know what happened.
- [00:20:13.100]In 2016, the Michael -- we know everything, the Michael Brown process.
- [00:20:17.100]2020 was probably the most recent one for some of you in the room
- [00:20:21.100]because you were students.
- [00:20:23.100]But for those of us who were here back in 2004 when we had the culture center
- [00:20:28.080]that was here, we had the culture center.
- [00:20:30.080]We had the students.
- [00:20:32.080]We had the faculty.
- [00:20:34.080]We had the students.
- [00:20:36.080]We had students.
- [00:20:38.080]We had students.
- [00:20:40.080]We had students.
- [00:20:42.080]We had students.
- [00:20:44.080]We had students.
- [00:20:46.080]We had students.
- [00:20:48.080]Students have always been at the forefront of this discussion that we
- [00:20:52.080]need something at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln that signals that the
- [00:20:58.060]African-American people's union, the African Student Association,
- [00:21:04.060]UNITE, MASA, the UNL NAACP, members of the MPAC or the Divine Nine here,
- [00:21:12.060]but also there were student athletes for those who don't know.
- [00:21:15.060]Michael Rose Ivey, Muhammad, Barry, and Deshawn Neal were three of the Huskers
- [00:21:21.060]who took knees at a game.
- [00:21:23.060]Actually, it wasn't a game here.
- [00:21:25.060]It was a game not here.
- [00:21:28.040]They caught hell, literally, because of it.
- [00:21:31.020]One was in my class and showed me the threats that he was receiving because someone had
- [00:21:36.580]leaked his cell phone number out, and he was constantly getting texts.
- [00:21:43.640]So I think that we need to remember that this is not something that just happened overnight,
- [00:21:50.920]that this was a campaign led by students with the assistance of faculty and staff to create
- [00:21:56.320]something that they thought.
- [00:21:58.020]Would hold our institution accountable.
- [00:22:02.860]I will end by saying that when I found out that ODI first, when it had the cut of, it
- [00:22:09.520]was $800,000, I believe, I was dismayed, but I kind of like, surgery, I saw the writing
- [00:22:18.100]on the wall.
- [00:22:20.580]And then when it was closed, announced that it was closed, disbanded, I said, I'm leaving.
- [00:22:28.000]And I said it publicly, I know it got back to my dean, which is okay.
- [00:22:38.580]I think a lot of people want to leave because of that.
- [00:22:43.500]And where I can go, I know I will not have those problems.
- [00:22:47.700]I know, because I was there for a whole year.
- [00:22:50.740]And I was able to work with 11 children, well, not children, students, I call them children.
- [00:22:55.500]One just texted me today and was like, I miss you.
- [00:22:57.980]I'm at the University of Buffalo under a diversity fellowship with nine brilliant people who
- [00:23:07.720]humbled me.
- [00:23:08.800]And we met every day.
- [00:23:09.920]We met with our students.
- [00:23:11.780]And I just remember feeling so good to be in a place that valued diversity, that wanted
- [00:23:18.100]me to work with students who saw that work as something that wasn't just side, that was
- [00:23:23.360]part of my identity.
- [00:23:25.520]And the fact that I still have those connections with those students.
- [00:23:27.960]Now, and that I know I can leave tomorrow and go back there is a frightening thing,
- [00:23:32.660]but I'm invested in Nebraska, so I wouldn't have stayed here for 20 years.
- [00:23:36.920]So I, like Sergio, I would hope that we can come back and think about how we can move
- [00:23:45.100]forward and rethink that decision to, um, because it really, it really kind of affirmed
- [00:23:54.640]a lot of things that people told me about why I shouldn't stay.
- [00:23:57.940]That Nebraska and I should have left.
- [00:23:59.820]But I made the choice to come back.
- [00:24:02.640]And, um, I kind of feel betrayed, that's all I can say.
- [00:24:06.360]Thank you.
- [00:24:15.120]Thank you, Jeanette.
- [00:24:16.120]Thank you, Sergio.
- [00:24:17.120]Hello, everyone.
- [00:24:18.120]My name is Liana Stanley, um, I am a member of the Porch Bend of Creek Indians in lower
- [00:24:23.460]Alabama of the Woods and Colbert families, um, and I'm also an assistant professor here
- [00:24:27.920]in communication studies and indigenous studies.
- [00:24:31.020]Um, uh, I've only been here for a little over a year, but I am immensely grateful to be
- [00:24:37.480]here with you all and to participate in this discussion with you all despite the circumstances.
- [00:24:44.020]What I'd like to focus our energies on is how the dismantling and defunding of DEI effects
- [00:24:49.480]indigenous faculty, staff, and students who are already significantly underrepresented
- [00:24:54.740]and underserved in institutions of higher education across the country.
- [00:24:57.900]This university, much like the nation itself, is deeply entrenched in a racist settler-colonialist
- [00:25:08.840]and white supremacist history that it has consistently failed to confront critically,
- [00:25:14.240]and this ignorance continues to fail indigenous students and faculty, and it continues to
- [00:25:19.340]fail all students, communities, and people who reside on indigenous lands.
- [00:25:24.140]I see the dissolution of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
- [00:25:27.880]Another set of broken promises, frankly.
- [00:25:31.300]Since Standing Rock, there's definitely been more awareness about native peoples, but let's
- [00:25:36.380]be honest, we were starting from a really, really low place.
- [00:25:40.640]I see this all the time with my students, with my non-native students.
- [00:25:45.240]So many of them don't even realize that native people exist, that native people are alive,
- [00:25:52.020]that we're here, that we're thriving in so many different ways, that we're actually a
- [00:25:56.560]part of living.
- [00:25:57.860]In vibrant cultures and communities.
- [00:26:01.500]And while a lot of people, myself included, critique DEI, we critique things like land
- [00:26:07.020]acknowledgements for their superficiality, they at least start the conversation and they
- [00:26:11.640]take a step toward recognizing native and indigenous peoples and pushing back against
- [00:26:16.820]anti-indigenous rhetoric and erasure.
- [00:26:19.860]And to my knowledge, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, the Office of Diversity and
- [00:26:25.460]Inclusion's website is the only page that I've seen.
- [00:26:27.840]The land acknowledgement featured on, besides department websites.
- [00:26:34.400]And really, efforts to decolonize, or as some people call it, indigenize university campuses
- [00:26:41.840]and university curricula in so many ways trouble and exceed initiatives like DEI.
- [00:26:47.380]I really do not think college campuses are ready for indigenous students.
- [00:26:51.740]They're not ready for indigenous brilliance, and they're not ready for indigenous futures.
- [00:26:56.360]But diversify.
- [00:26:57.820]Diversifying and creating equity, at least, are crucial for driving these sorts of changes forward
- [00:27:03.220]and to create academic and learning environments where indigenous students are thriving,
- [00:27:07.620]where indigenous students are celebrated,
- [00:27:09.760]and where indigenous culture is not an added topic or an isolated feature,
- [00:27:13.700]but it's rather woven into the fabric of our campus life and responsibilities.
- [00:27:17.540]So living through these moments and witnessing the same challenges persist
- [00:27:22.420]at our institutions and throughout society,
- [00:27:24.740]I cannot help but question our current approaches
- [00:27:27.800]to the limits of relying on these institutional frameworks
- [00:27:30.180]that were never meant to serve indigenous peoples.
- [00:27:32.440]They were never meant to serve indigenous lands.
- [00:27:34.460]They were never meant to serve black folks, queer, trans, and two-spirit folks,
- [00:27:38.200]disabled folks, migrants, and other peoples of minoritized communities
- [00:27:42.600]who make up the knowledges and the histories of these lands.
- [00:27:45.800]I think that if we truly and genuinely want to create lasting change,
- [00:27:50.500]we need to be looking beyond the usual places
- [00:27:53.440]and continue putting our energies into something different
- [00:27:57.780]and we need to be looking beyond the usual places
- [00:27:59.940]and continue putting our energies into something different
- [00:28:00.840]and with students and with activists and elders
- [00:28:03.620]who are and have been on the front lines of these issues.
- [00:28:06.680]This work, like my other panelists here are saying,
- [00:28:10.980]is not new by any means.
- [00:28:12.600]It's way far older than the university itself.
- [00:28:15.200]People have been doing this labor for years and will continue to do so,
- [00:28:18.340]but that raises other concerns about how we have to be strategic
- [00:28:26.540]with these additional labor.
- [00:28:27.760]And the risk of doing this work as well, because it does get exhausting,
- [00:28:31.760]especially when you have to remind your students that you exist.
- [00:28:35.500]I don't have all the answers.
- [00:28:38.320]I don't claim to,
- [00:28:39.200]but I do know that the normative institutional and educational practices
- [00:28:42.500]that we have in place are not equipping our students and faculty with the
- [00:28:45.900]necessary tools for the organizing work that lies ahead of us all.
- [00:28:50.200]And they're certainly not preparing people to take on decolonial and
- [00:28:54.000]anti-colonial projects.
- [00:28:55.280]That is where I'm at right now.
- [00:28:58.020]I'm thinking of the work that needs to be done and who's going to
- [00:29:02.020]lead that work.
- [00:29:02.620]Thank you.
- [00:29:03.660]These are my ethnic studies colleagues.
- [00:29:11.560]I love you all, and I'm very proud of you, and I'm proud that I'm
- [00:29:15.600]shoulder to shoulder with all of you.
- [00:29:18.640]I'm Luis Otonia Rosa.
- [00:29:21.180]I got here in 2016.
- [00:29:22.980]I'm in modern languages and ethnic studies.
- [00:29:25.460]I'm from Puerto Rico.
- [00:29:27.720]I wrote my remarks to try to be brief.
- [00:29:29.960]What I love more than anything in the world is to teach, to read, and to write.
- [00:29:37.000]I think I love this more than food and sex, you know?
- [00:29:39.780]I live for this, for finding a forgotten book from the collective past that nobody reads
- [00:29:47.400]anymore, but that contains crucial knowledge for the present, and then sharing my findings
- [00:29:52.840]with my colleagues first.
- [00:29:54.040]It's first with my colleagues, and if they see what I'm seeing, I then teach them
- [00:29:57.700]that book and my findings to my students, and if it blows their minds, and this, now
- [00:30:03.700]I'm super happy if I'm able to blow their minds, I then write a scholarly article about
- [00:30:08.720]it and publish it in the best possible scholarly journal I can find, and then other professors
- [00:30:15.100]pick it up and teach it to their students to blow their minds again, and that gives
- [00:30:20.520]meaning to my existence in this planet.
- [00:30:23.520]That is what I want to do.
- [00:30:25.380]I was born for that shit.
- [00:30:27.680]And what I do, what I do is good for humanity, it's good for all of us.
- [00:30:33.920]I don't mind having to work 90-hour weeks and being underpaid, and not having a life,
- [00:30:43.000]and living far away from my loved ones in Puerto Rico, you know, and not having children.
- [00:30:48.220]I don't even care that much about my body and mental health if I can do this beautiful
- [00:30:53.920]thing that ignites a new fire for a new society.
- [00:30:57.660]And yet, and yet, I could be the best at what I do, and I'm pretty good, pardon my modesty,
- [00:31:05.640]but I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be here, and this is a matter of pride, if the university
- [00:31:11.580]where I did my graduate studies, Princeton, didn't have a strong Office of Diversity
- [00:31:16.480]Inclusion and Affirmative Action.
- [00:31:18.780]I'm proud of that.
- [00:31:20.260]And recruiting me in Puerto Rico, this humble boy at the University of Puerto Rico, the
- [00:31:24.360]only university I could pay, and I love you people in the University of Puerto Rico.
- [00:31:27.640]You know, I represent you and you're with me all the time, you know?
- [00:31:31.160]That gave me the resources to be as good as I am, you know?
- [00:31:34.420]And I knew, I knew from the beginning, since I got there to work in Princeton, I knew from
- [00:31:42.160]the beginning that I had to work twice as hard, that I had to be twice as good.
- [00:31:46.300]And I still today do work twice as hard.
- [00:31:49.480]And I wouldn't even be in academia if it wasn't because even as good as I am, I wouldn't be
- [00:31:54.880]in academia if it wasn't for those initiatives, you know?
- [00:31:57.620]Of diversity and of inclusion.
- [00:31:59.340]So I'm going to fast forward to the present, to this semester, now for reasons of time,
- [00:32:05.040]you know?
- [00:32:07.380]When with a snap of their fingers, not just the chancellor, I think the president has
- [00:32:13.180]some blame here too, right?
- [00:32:14.760]With the snap of their fingers, like Thanos in that stupid Marvel movie, eliminated the
- [00:32:21.360]ODI office that took years, you've heard a little bit about that here, took years of
- [00:32:27.600]sweat, and blood, and protest, and energy, and bodies too, later we can talk about our
- [00:32:34.080]dead because I've been eight years here and I've already buried people here, you know?
- [00:32:39.320]So this institution is part of who I am by now, you know?
- [00:32:43.600]And when they did that without consulting us, you know, well, what is my life like this
- [00:32:49.000]semester?
- [00:32:50.000]Well, I'm still working 90 hours a week, but not in teaching, reading, and writing, which
- [00:32:55.120]is what I love, you know?
- [00:32:56.860]Which is what I'm excited about.
- [00:32:57.580]Exceptional ads.
- [00:32:58.960]But now I am recruiting, retaining, promoting, advocating, counseling.
- [00:33:02.800]That is my life now.
- [00:33:03.800]All the things that the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is supposed to be doing.
- [00:33:07.780]The decentralization means that now we have to do the job.
- [00:33:10.660]Even more work for us.
- [00:33:13.340]I have students in my office every day this semester, and I'm not even teaching this semester,
- [00:33:18.200]which I miss the classroom so much.
- [00:33:19.860]And I have, my office mates know this, I have students in my office every day.
- [00:33:23.580]Latinx, black, Muslim, queer, and trans students that come through my office every single
- [00:33:27.560]day, stressed out and depressed.
- [00:33:29.660]And I grow desperate to keep them here with us, scourging the UNL website to find resources
- [00:33:35.800]for them.
- [00:33:37.700]This should not be my job, and it is breaking my heart constantly.
- [00:33:42.080]I hate, I really hate it, I really hate having to be the only faculty of color in every college
- [00:33:49.900]community saying, convincing all the time, talking about obvious things, things that
- [00:33:56.820]should be obvious.
- [00:33:57.540]Right?
- [00:33:58.540]I didn't study all this.
- [00:34:01.540]I don't want to be there.
- [00:34:03.280]I want to be reading, writing, and teaching.
- [00:34:05.020]I want to do what I do best.
- [00:34:07.180]You know, arguing, arguing all the time.
- [00:34:09.680]Yesterday I was arguing again for obvious stuff, you know.
- [00:34:12.900]And yet, and yet, why can we just not do it?
- [00:34:19.100]It's just not an option.
- [00:34:24.160]It's not just an option for us.
- [00:34:27.320]I remind you here of the myth, you know, of the myth of Atlas.
- [00:34:32.480]You remember the myth of Atlas, right?
- [00:34:34.180]You know, we cannot help it.
- [00:34:39.220]We will work ourselves to death here because we are haunted, all of us here,
- [00:34:44.820]we are haunted by legions of ghosts that died fighting the good fight so we could be here.
- [00:34:52.080]We know this.
- [00:34:53.480]We study them.
- [00:34:54.340]We teach them.
- [00:34:55.040]Those ghosts are behind us, and we feel that we are cursed.
- [00:34:58.300]Their destiny is cursed to become ghosts for the next generations, you know.
- [00:35:03.600]Everything.
- [00:35:04.160]Every single one of us here feels that we need to represent our entire peoples.
- [00:35:08.500]You know how hard is that.
- [00:35:10.100]You know how hard is that.
- [00:35:11.840]You know.
- [00:35:12.200]I know you know.
- [00:35:12.940]You know.
- [00:35:13.600]That will keep opening, so the next generation can keep opening the path for the undesirables
- [00:35:20.940]to gain access into this institution of knowledge meant from the beginning and in the present
- [00:35:27.160]for the white ruling class.
- [00:35:29.240]That's the truth.
- [00:35:30.640]How can we, how can you have done this?
- [00:35:33.860]Eliminate the programs that allowed people like me to be here, my existence here.
- [00:35:39.600]You eliminated them without consulting with us, and what we do, again, is good for humanity.
- [00:35:46.020]How can you have eliminated that without talking to us?
- [00:35:49.300]This is messing with our lives, and this is depriving humanity of the amazing things we
- [00:35:55.860]can do for a world on fire, and I'll stop here.
- [00:36:03.560]Thank you, Luis.
- [00:36:12.080]Thanks.
- [00:36:14.640]Sergio has to go.
- [00:36:16.020]I'll read to you what Dr. Trey Andrews sent.
- [00:36:22.260]Trey is in Latinx Studies and the Department of Psychology.
- [00:36:26.400]He's a clinical psychologist who trains future psychologists, and what he said
- [00:36:33.260]resonates profoundly.
- [00:36:34.920]He apologizes for being away with a sick child.
- [00:36:39.420]And then he says, if I can lend any piece of my own expertise as a clinical
- [00:36:45.960]psychologist, researcher, and clinical educator, I would remind us all of the
- [00:36:51.140]importance of community.
- [00:36:52.380]Time and again, research in my field affirms the need for building social
- [00:36:58.420]resources around us.
- [00:37:00.060]We could talk about the numerous effects on
- [00:37:02.960]students by dissolving the critical pillar for building that community for
- [00:37:08.080]those from marginalized backgrounds.
- [00:37:09.860]Let me share instead what this is likely to mean for faculty well-being.
- [00:37:15.420]ODI provided that community for many faculty from marginalized backgrounds,
- [00:37:21.860]including faculty of color.
- [00:37:23.520]That perhaps is the most straightforward effect that it is likely to have on
- [00:37:28.960]faculty.
- [00:37:29.480]The loss of community and loss of support,
- [00:37:32.860]at work is critical,
- [00:37:34.140]especially for faculty who experience microaggressions and may be the only
- [00:37:40.040]person of their racial and ethnic background in a given department.
- [00:37:43.600]You may have already heard about the importance of social support in those
- [00:37:48.700]situations.
- [00:37:49.400]Facts like the number of supportive social relationships we have is more
- [00:37:55.840]important for longevity than our diet and exercise.
- [00:37:59.760]And those still matter a ton.
- [00:38:02.760]That kind of support may help reduce inflammation and markers of stress,
- [00:38:07.520]processes that are intertwined with mental health and chronic diseases like
- [00:38:12.920]diabetes and high blood pressure.
- [00:38:15.200]Discrimination directly impacts each of these health outcomes, and facing that
- [00:38:21.700]alone with less support only makes it worse.
- [00:38:25.160]A key fact that may be less familiar is actually something taken from my current
- [00:38:32.660]research.
- [00:38:33.200]Put simply, the stress of being the only one in a room facing microaggressions,
- [00:38:40.360]discrimination, and the like does not stay within an individual.
- [00:38:44.360]ODI played a pivotal role in sharing some of that burden with students, giving them
- [00:38:51.680]an outlet with each other and with ODI staff.
- [00:38:54.460]Without that backstop, it may no longer be clear to students where they should go
- [00:39:00.420]for help.
- [00:39:01.000]We see this.
- [00:39:02.560]We see the same kind of effect in healthcare services research.
- [00:39:05.740]The students who can learn to navigate a more complex and diffuse system are unlikely to
- [00:39:12.940]be the first-generation college student, like many of our students of color.
- [00:39:18.440]The benefit of a centralized approach is clarity and ease of identifying support.
- [00:39:25.600]Once it's unclear where students or anyone should seek support, they look around them.
- [00:39:32.460]They see what's available nearby.
- [00:39:34.020]This means that faculty of color will, again, disproportionately shoulder that burden
- [00:39:41.200]as the closest and most obvious sources of support available to students.
- [00:39:45.860]Only now, they're more likely to have to provide that support as islands.
- [00:39:51.180]I'll share a finding with you that is hot off the presses.
- [00:39:55.100]When that happens, when people provide support for discrimination and related stress alone,
- [00:40:02.360]it dramatically increases their own stress.
- [00:40:05.600]It's likely to increase the kinds of stress that lead to those same mental health
- [00:40:10.720]and chronic disease outcomes.
- [00:40:12.400]In short, leaving students to navigate an unclear or unavailable system of support
- [00:40:19.600]may only serve to harm faculty of color or faculty from other marginalized backgrounds,
- [00:40:26.020]even to the point of harming their long-term health.
- [00:40:29.560]So that's again from Dr. Trey
- [00:40:32.260]Andrews.
- [00:40:34.260]Thank you. Thank you all so very much and many thanks to all of our panelists.
- [00:40:39.640]Is there anything that you want to pick up on and say further before we open the floor, Jeanette?
- [00:40:45.880]Yeah, I wanted to just affirm something that
- [00:40:49.560]Luis said because I also was able to go
- [00:40:53.440]to the University of Buffalo because they had
- [00:40:57.200]Puerto Rican scholar Arturo, a black Puerto Rican.
- [00:41:02.160]He identifies as Afro-Puerto Rican.
- [00:41:04.160]Arturo Arthur Schomburg scholarship, and that was the school that said I will will pay your way and
- [00:41:11.240]If it wasn't for those programs, that's the same school that I went back for the year and that's program is still standing
- [00:41:18.340]And the state of New York has given more money for excellence and diversity and matching funds
- [00:41:24.380]And if it wasn't for that, I don't think I would have gotten my PhD
- [00:41:27.520]I'm pretty sure that I would not have been able to afford it the schools that
- [00:41:32.060]also accepted me, I would have had to pay at least something to live in those cities
- [00:41:37.660]So I affirm that
- [00:41:40.160]I affirm that because there's something about knowing that you're stepping into a space
- [00:41:47.020]where it is part of the fabric of the university that calms you in a way
- [00:41:53.440]It doesn't mean it was, like you said, we had to work twice as hard as everyone else
- [00:41:58.060]But I think just knowing that that was something that the university
- [00:42:01.960]was committed to, to providing these opportunities for underrepresented
- [00:42:06.920]and marginalized students who had the, I don't even know if I want to say
- [00:42:12.020]brilliance, but okay, brilliance or whatever, to get to do that work
- [00:42:15.700]is something that keeps people coming to that university
- [00:42:20.620]And I think when you don't see those institutions in place
- [00:42:27.060]it dissuades people from going further, right?
- [00:42:31.860]I'll stop there.
- [00:42:33.860]I was interested in something that Sergio said
- [00:42:39.760]and this is something that we should all think about
- [00:42:41.760]that our chancellor's decision here was a political one, said Sergio
- [00:42:47.760]And I would say that yes, definitely, it's a political one
- [00:42:51.760]and we're seeing actions like this happening in public universities all around
- [00:42:57.760]I would say that it's ideological, right?
- [00:43:01.760]We have a fundamental problem in our public universities
- [00:43:05.660]when our upper administration is out of touch from the classroom
- [00:43:10.660]It's not one of us, it's not seeing the students as we are seeing them
- [00:43:14.660]So here, a super radical idea for all of you, right?
- [00:43:17.660]Super radical
- [00:43:19.660]What if our upper administration in public universities
- [00:43:23.660]is chosen from the professors that are giving their life and their sweat with the students
- [00:43:27.660]that know what is happening
- [00:43:29.660]They can choose the most conservative ones
- [00:43:31.660]The most conservative ones choose them
- [00:43:33.660]but they know because they've seen us in the struggle
- [00:43:36.660]And they not that quickly are going to follow an ideological agenda
- [00:43:41.660]It is an ideological agenda
- [00:43:43.660]And we know in the universities, we know
- [00:43:46.660]They are the ones that are bringing the politics, really
- [00:43:49.660]In the universities we know that ideologies are problematic
- [00:43:52.660]because they disconnect us with their actual reality
- [00:43:56.660]It's not good for critical thinking
- [00:44:01.560]It deals in abstractions, right?
- [00:44:03.560]It doesn't see the lies that it's affecting
- [00:44:06.560]So I just wanted to add that to what Sergio said very well
- [00:44:10.560]I would just add that pretty much everything we do is ideological
- [00:44:17.560]And we have the author in the audience of a fantastic book about that very topic
- [00:44:23.560]And how ideology infuses the university in all aspects of our life
- [00:44:28.560]It's called "Dirty Knowledge" and it's about
- [00:44:31.460]Exactly how we can think about that in interesting ways
- [00:44:34.360]But I just wanted to mention that
- [00:44:37.360]Not a shout out for the book but it's just like
- [00:44:39.360]Yeah, we cannot escape ideology
- [00:44:42.360]So it's important to be aware of it and to be thoughtful and intentional
- [00:44:47.360]About how we deploy the sphere of power that we do have
- [00:44:51.360]Hello?
- [00:44:59.360]It looks like we're ready to open it up
- [00:45:01.360]I told Mike that I would run the microphone to you
- [00:45:04.260]So who would like to speak? Yes
- [00:45:07.260]And please just mention your name
- [00:45:09.260]No, we need the mic because of the recording
- [00:45:14.260]Thank you so much
- [00:45:16.260]Thank you, my name is Hector
- [00:45:18.260]And I would like to address to diversity and inclusion
- [00:45:22.260]For all the professors who are part of the diversity and inclusion
- [00:45:25.260]How the diversity and inclusion or the leading
- [00:45:31.260]I would like to address to diversity and inclusion
- [00:45:34.260]Quitar la oficina de diversity and inclusion
- [00:45:37.260]Also make this conversation happen
- [00:45:40.260]Why?
- [00:45:42.260]When we had it, we didn't have this conversation
- [00:45:45.260]What is this paradox?
- [00:45:47.260]When we had the diversity and inclusion office
- [00:45:50.260]We didn't have this opportunity
- [00:45:52.260]Or did we have it or not?
- [00:45:54.260]If we have it, why we were not included?
- [00:45:57.260]This is one
- [00:45:58.260]The other one is, why the diversity and inclusion
- [00:46:01.160]topic is only for Americans
- [00:46:04.060]but not for internationals?
- [00:46:06.060]The international community is always being
- [00:46:08.060]a part of the discussion
- [00:46:10.060]Why?
- [00:46:11.060]When it comes for hard topics
- [00:46:14.060]and being in the community
- [00:46:16.060]and being part of the
- [00:46:18.060]being a racism
- [00:46:20.060]or things like that
- [00:46:21.060]We, as international community
- [00:46:23.060]We are not being heard
- [00:46:25.060]Where do we go?
- [00:46:26.060]A lot of international students
- [00:46:28.060]from graduate studies
- [00:46:30.060]We face
- [00:46:31.060]funding cuts
- [00:46:32.660]and no one
- [00:46:33.660]Where do we go?
- [00:46:34.660]We don't go to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [00:46:37.160]Where do we go?
- [00:46:38.160]So that's one of my points
- [00:46:40.160]When facing that
- [00:46:41.160]Okay
- [00:46:42.160]Am I a Latino?
- [00:46:43.160]Latinx?
- [00:46:44.160]or Guatemalan?
- [00:46:45.160]Where do I fit?
- [00:46:46.160]The diversity and inclusion is making me
- [00:46:48.160]in the university or outside the university
- [00:46:51.160]When we have the month
- [00:46:53.160]heritage month
- [00:46:55.160]Hispanic Heritage Month
- [00:46:57.160]is for internationals or for Americans?
- [00:47:00.160]Because when you
- [00:47:00.960]say heritage, Hispanic Heritage Month
- [00:47:03.860]they are not celebrating Guatemalan, Salvadorians
- [00:47:06.860]they are celebrating Americans
- [00:47:09.860]who have heritage, Hispanic heritage
- [00:47:12.860]Where are the Spanish students?
- [00:47:15.860]Who speak Spanish?
- [00:47:17.860]Are they?
- [00:47:18.860]My point here is
- [00:47:20.860]if we don't have diversity and inclusion office
- [00:47:24.860]what is next?
- [00:47:26.860]What are we doing?
- [00:47:28.860]Thank you so much
- [00:47:30.860]I do want to respond to that
- [00:47:32.860]I don't want to put you on the spot
- [00:47:34.860]but we do have
- [00:47:36.860]we did have a space
- [00:47:38.860]under the leadership of
- [00:47:40.860]Dr. Gwen Combs
- [00:47:42.860]Sergio was on this
- [00:47:44.860]How many years did we do it?
- [00:47:46.860]Five years? Four years?
- [00:47:48.860]Five years we had every year
- [00:47:50.860]an event
- [00:47:52.860]for faculty and then they also had
- [00:47:54.860]staff of basically
- [00:47:56.860]BIPOC faculty and staff
- [00:47:58.860]We do have people on that
- [00:48:00.760]committee who are international
- [00:48:02.760]They were not born
- [00:48:04.760]in America. I am not
- [00:48:06.760]sure what Francisco's status is
- [00:48:08.760]but we had people come to
- [00:48:10.760]all of those events who were both
- [00:48:12.760]international students
- [00:48:14.760]American born students,
- [00:48:16.760]naturalized students, same thing with the professors
- [00:48:18.760]as well. We ran
- [00:48:20.760]that for five years
- [00:48:22.760]It was partially supported
- [00:48:24.760]by the ODI
- [00:48:26.760]and we
- [00:48:28.760]made sure that our
- [00:48:30.660]definition of what we considered
- [00:48:32.560]to be inclusion
- [00:48:34.560]was not just American based
- [00:48:36.560]In fact, we were very critical
- [00:48:38.560]of that and even in
- [00:48:40.560]our, for instance, in our African
- [00:48:42.560]and African American leadership council
- [00:48:44.560]there are various people in there
- [00:48:46.560]who are Jamaican, who are
- [00:48:48.560]from Nigeria, who are from Ghana
- [00:48:50.560]I mean, this is where they were born and raised
- [00:48:52.560]and came here. We have people
- [00:48:54.560]who are African American
- [00:48:56.560]so I want to just
- [00:48:58.560]say that it really
- [00:49:00.560]if you did not know about that, I feel like
- [00:49:02.560]there's something wrong with
- [00:49:04.560]the communication, but we
- [00:49:06.560]have to work on that
- [00:49:08.560]but I will say from every
- [00:49:10.560]thing that I was involved in
- [00:49:12.560]including the student groups, I think about the African
- [00:49:14.560]Student Association, yes
- [00:49:16.560]they might be first generation, but not
- [00:49:18.560]everybody in that group is first generation
- [00:49:20.560]I see some of the students here as well
- [00:49:22.560]some of them are international students and they put
- [00:49:24.560]on, is it called PanaFest, AfricaFest
- [00:49:26.560]AfricaFest, yes
- [00:49:28.560]every year, so
- [00:49:30.460]and I would say that I can't
- [00:49:32.460]speak for other organizations, I can speak
- [00:49:34.460]for that group because
- [00:49:36.460]I go to those events
- [00:49:38.460]and that we have people who are first generation
- [00:49:40.460]and are international black
- [00:49:42.460]students who are in those
- [00:49:44.460]organizations and it's not
- [00:49:46.460]when we say Black History Month it's not African
- [00:49:48.460]American, it's the diaspora
- [00:49:50.460]so I do
- [00:49:52.460]want to say that I agree with you that
- [00:49:54.460]when we say diversity, we
- [00:49:56.460]or at least the groups that I'm working with
- [00:49:58.460]we are talking about international
- [00:50:00.360]international global blackness
- [00:50:02.360]exactly
- [00:50:04.360]thank you
- [00:50:06.360]and thank you so much for sharing that
- [00:50:08.360]thank you Jeanette
- [00:50:10.360]Dr.
- [00:50:12.360]Lori Dance
- [00:50:14.360]thank you, thank you panelists
- [00:50:16.360]I just want to say something about
- [00:50:18.360]identity politics
- [00:50:20.360]and I want to say it like this
- [00:50:22.360]so as a child
- [00:50:24.360]I fell in love with Bruce Lee
- [00:50:26.360]I'm from
- [00:50:28.360]Petersburg, Virginia
- [00:50:30.260]everybody else was in love with Michael Jackson
- [00:50:32.260]my mom thought I was the
- [00:50:34.260]strangest black child in Petersburg
- [00:50:36.260]Virginia, right
- [00:50:38.260]so I have this ability to identify
- [00:50:40.260]with a wide variety of people
- [00:50:42.260]so when I went
- [00:50:44.260]to and got into
- [00:50:46.260]because of programs like those they described
- [00:50:48.260]Georgetown University
- [00:50:50.260]it was because there was a
- [00:50:52.260]centralized approach
- [00:50:54.260]and then that allowed me
- [00:50:56.260]surprise, surprise to go to Harvard
- [00:50:58.260]right, but while at
- [00:51:00.160]Georgetown there was one other black
- [00:51:02.160]female professor, one
- [00:51:04.160]and I didn't take her class
- [00:51:06.160]and I
- [00:51:08.160]had the ability, I was blessed by
- [00:51:10.160]having four
- [00:51:12.160]professors, Alfonso
- [00:51:14.160]Gomez Lobo
- [00:51:16.160]from Chile
- [00:51:18.160]Carl
- [00:51:20.160]Jan Karski from Poland
- [00:51:22.160]he's famous, look him up, Jan Karski
- [00:51:24.160]Michael Foley
- [00:51:26.160]now he was Irish American
- [00:51:28.160]and Paul Cardart
- [00:51:30.060]they looked at me
- [00:51:32.060]and they saw themselves
- [00:51:34.060]they had this ability
- [00:51:36.060]to look at me and want from me
- [00:51:38.060]what they had
- [00:51:40.060]now there were students
- [00:51:42.060]unlike me who weren't there
- [00:51:44.060]who needed more professors
- [00:51:46.060]that looked like them
- [00:51:48.060]right
- [00:51:50.060]some of us make it
- [00:51:52.060]even though we don't have what we need
- [00:51:54.060]to survive but we leave so many people out
- [00:51:56.060]when that happens
- [00:51:58.060]when that happens
- [00:51:59.960]right and so now as a professor
- [00:52:01.960]I get accused of being somebody
- [00:52:03.960]who's making white kids hate
- [00:52:05.960]themselves
- [00:52:07.960]how long would I survive
- [00:52:09.960]teaching at the
- [00:52:11.960]University of Maryland
- [00:52:13.960]y'all would have heard about me by now
- [00:52:15.960]if that's what I was doing
- [00:52:17.960]teaching in Lund University in Sweden
- [00:52:19.960]you would have heard about me by now
- [00:52:21.960]if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:23.960]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:25.960]about me by now if that was
- [00:52:27.960]what I was doing
- [00:52:29.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:31.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:33.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:35.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:37.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:39.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:41.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:43.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:45.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:47.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:49.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:51.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:53.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:55.860]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:52:57.860]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:52:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:53:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:53:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:54:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:54:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:55:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:55:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:56:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:56:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:57:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:57:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:58:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:58:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [00:59:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [00:59:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:00:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:00:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:01:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:01:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:02:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:02:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:03:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:03:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:04:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:04:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:05:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:05:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:55.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:06:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:06:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:13.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:15.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:17.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:19.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:21.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:23.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:25.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:27.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:29.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:31.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:33.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:35.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:37.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:39.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:41.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:43.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:45.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:47.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:49.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:51.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:53.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:54.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:07:57.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:07:59.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:08:01.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:08:03.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:08:05.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:08:07.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
- [01:08:09.760]teaching at UNL you would have heard
- [01:08:11.760]about me by now if that was what I was doing
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