New Resources on Rural Migration in Nebraska
Jenny Nixon
Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel discusses new resources on rural migration in Nebraska. Recorded 9/14/2022.
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- [00:00:00.000]Yeah, gallery so I can see everybody's names. Names are there. So, so just a little bit of
- [00:00:13.380]background on this. Actually, last week, Jenny and I were just chatting about a variety of
- [00:00:18.460]different things. And actually, I got started talking about sort of the variety of information
- [00:00:25.840]that this fall, I've been running into, and actually even late this summer, that relates to
- [00:00:32.400]why people may or may not move to Nebraska. And so that got me started, actually, because I've
- [00:00:39.800]been thinking about these bits and pieces, but they kind of come in at random times. And sometimes
- [00:00:45.480]they relate well to each other. And sometimes they don't. So I just thought it would be good
- [00:00:50.680]to sort of like, pull some of these random pieces together. And,
- [00:00:55.180]and maybe just have what I would call kind of pitch and table discussion. So that's,
- [00:01:00.700]that's how I'm looking at this. And Jamie and I will kind of bounce back and forth a little bit.
- [00:01:06.200]So Jamie, you want to go to the next one? Yeah. So honestly, these, these bits and pieces of
- [00:01:18.180]information, and they come by way of, gosh, research, some of the census,
- [00:01:24.520]some of it's regional research, some of it's in state. But really, it's trying to figure out is,
- [00:01:31.600]how does this impact rural Nebraska, or maybe not? And actually, a couple of these are how do we
- [00:01:38.360]maybe think about some of these trends that might be out there? And, you know, what,
- [00:01:44.900]what are approaches? What are the options for it? Okay, Jamie. So the first one I ran into, and
- [00:01:53.860]I guess I'd like to know if this is a resource for you or one that you've seen before. So is this a
- [00:02:02.380]this map and this? It's very interactive. Have you played around with this at all? Has anybody
- [00:02:08.820]on the on the call? Mary, you have?
- [00:02:14.760]Yeah, it's kind of fun. Well, it's kind of amazing. And
- [00:02:23.200]actually, you can spend a boatload of time there. Sure.
- [00:02:28.960]And I don't know, I think maybe I've got a basically what if you want to scroll to the
- [00:02:36.640]next slide. This this interactive map came about by
- [00:02:41.840]actually some people at Harvard, I believe. And
- [00:02:47.780]yeah, the U.S. Census. So they really looked at this and
- [00:02:52.540]and and actually. So how do people move and how to how to like a cohort cohort?
- [00:02:57.900]So they use the survey and tax data for people born in 84 to 92,
- [00:03:04.780]which would be ages 16 to 26 to try to figure out how they moved across the country and how they moved even within Nebraska.
- [00:03:14.840]And so the one of the bottom lines was that six in every
- [00:03:21.880]10 adults, young adults nationally, stayed within 10 miles of where they grew up.
- [00:03:27.260]And eight in 10 stayed within 100 miles. Now that is just
- [00:03:32.880]pretty amazing. Now, when you dig into Nebraska, you find
- [00:03:38.920]it's a little bit different, but still maybe not
- [00:03:44.160]as far flung as you might think. So next slide. So actually, I grabbed this
- [00:03:51.220]from a state chamber newsletter, and these were their ahas.
- [00:03:55.820]And I thought it was kind of interesting that the three largest cities sort of attract each other as adults,
- [00:04:02.920]young adults. And the same thing sort of happens in the Tri-Cities area,
- [00:04:07.660]Kearney, Grand Island, Hastings. So they kind of move around within
- [00:04:12.600]those clusters. I highlighted this, young adults moving away from the Panhandle are just as likely
- [00:04:18.160]to end up in Denver as Lincoln and Omaha.
- [00:04:21.080]But the pull to Lincoln and Omaha is strong for a lot of young adults across the states, regardless.
- [00:04:27.920]Outside of that Lincoln metro, kind of metro area, Omaha metro area,
- [00:04:33.800]people found themselves in metro areas across state lines. So
- [00:04:38.900]Rapid City, Sioux City, Des Moines, Kansas City, Denver, and Chicago.
- [00:04:43.420]But what you can do actually on the map is click on the area and it'll
- [00:04:50.120]pretty much tell you for that cohort what percent
- [00:04:55.500]stayed in that region and then kind of where they ended up nationally,
- [00:05:00.200]which is really fun. You can go all the way across the state
- [00:05:05.300]and kind of look, see where maybe some of those geographic poles or where some of the outliers
- [00:05:10.160]were. The next one.
- [00:05:12.080]All right. So a couple of weeks ago, Cheryl and I watched
- [00:05:19.920]a webinar from the University of Wisconsin, and their speaker was
- [00:05:25.040]actually someone from the University of Akron, Amanda Weinstein.
- [00:05:30.260]And she talked about whether people follow jobs
- [00:05:37.180]or jobs follow people. And really, the answer is it's complicated. It depends on the
- [00:05:42.100]situation in the region. And it is shifting over time.
- [00:05:47.380]In the past, people really did follow jobs, except in
- [00:05:52.640]high amenity areas with natural recreation, mountain areas
- [00:05:57.520]particularly. But she had some examples showing that
- [00:06:02.020]the Ball Corporation moved from Muncie, Indiana to Boulder, Colorado
- [00:06:07.360]because that's where their talent pool was. They had young people who
- [00:06:12.400]wanted to live in
- [00:06:14.640]in Colorado in a mountain area, so they moved their company there.
- [00:06:21.180]So now when employees move there, it's both for the job
- [00:06:28.120]and because of their original reasons of recreation.
- [00:06:32.620]And we wanted to get some thoughts from you all. Do you see this happening in
- [00:06:41.620]Nebraska? Do you think people move here for quality
- [00:06:44.520]of life?
- [00:06:44.620]Recreation, natural amenities, arts and culture, or good schools?
- [00:06:50.200]Or do they primarily move for jobs? What have you seen in your
- [00:06:55.560]areas?
- [00:06:56.100]I'll stop sharing for a second so we can see everyone.
- [00:07:01.660]Or is it that classic statement of it depends?
- [00:07:11.420]It depends.
- [00:07:14.500]One of the things that last speaker talked about was migration
- [00:07:21.900]in terms of not a revolution, but an evolution.
- [00:07:25.920]And so even though she sort of didn't come out and say it,
- [00:07:31.600]she was basically sort of alluding to the fact that strong
- [00:07:39.580]people follow jobs is now kind of softening up.
- [00:07:44.380]To the point where, because we got used to remote work
- [00:07:49.040]and possibly even taking our jobs with us,
- [00:07:52.520]that it's now much more of jobs follow people.
- [00:07:56.420]And I think it'll be really interesting to see the data out
- [00:08:01.300]in the future once we have a little more information
- [00:08:04.540]about COVID years and remote work.
- [00:08:07.240]Which of course has huge implications for us, right?
- [00:08:14.260]Okay, so what do you guys think?
- [00:08:16.940]Are you seeing the revolution or evolution?
- [00:08:26.660]We've had people that can live anywhere or work anywhere
- [00:08:39.300]that are just tired of the big city
- [00:08:41.800]that are coming to Phelps County
- [00:08:44.140]That's great
- [00:08:46.900]And so have you talked to them in detail about
- [00:08:55.180]have they been there for a while?
- [00:09:00.100]Are they satisfied with what they see?
- [00:09:01.860]Or did they think it was something that it wasn't?
- [00:09:06.200]I mean, sometimes rural areas
- [00:09:11.140]there can be this sort of
- [00:09:14.020]it's like entrepreneurs.
- [00:09:16.080]They want to start a job thinking it's all wonderful.
- [00:09:20.240]And then they realize, oh gosh, there's another side to this.
- [00:09:23.620]And I often wonder when people move to rural areas
- [00:09:26.900]if sometimes that impression
- [00:09:32.040]may not be exactly what they see once they're there.
- [00:09:37.520]Nope.
- [00:09:38.400]Actually, just last week at Rotary
- [00:09:42.220]there was a gentleman
- [00:09:43.900]that has, he was in the military.
- [00:09:46.620]He's been to 20 countries in all 50 states
- [00:09:49.980]and he says there's no place he'd rather be
- [00:09:52.720]than Holdridge, Nebraska.
- [00:09:53.800]Fantastic.
- [00:09:55.300]Yeah.
- [00:09:56.460]And I'm good friends with one of the couples
- [00:09:59.780]that had, they were from Denver
- [00:10:03.460]and they just said that they were just tired
- [00:10:08.540]of being in the big city
- [00:10:10.120]and they could just live, you know,
- [00:10:12.280]they both had jobs where they,
- [00:10:13.860]you know, they could just live in the big city.
- [00:10:13.880]They could just plant anywhere.
- [00:10:15.260]And they were just going through this area
- [00:10:18.920]and they decided just to plop in Bertrand.
- [00:10:21.380]They had no family here.
- [00:10:23.860]They just loved it.
- [00:10:25.480]And so they love it here.
- [00:10:28.760]They love the people.
- [00:10:30.460]Everybody's friendly.
- [00:10:31.560]Everybody has helped them get started in their businesses.
- [00:10:33.980]So they couldn't be more happy here.
- [00:10:37.420]And that's exactly what you want to hear, right?
- [00:10:41.040]They have kids.
- [00:10:43.860]A couple of kids that are like 13 or 14 and then a little child.
- [00:10:47.580]And in the beginning, they wanted to keep on going back to Colorado.
- [00:10:51.860]And now they just don't.
- [00:10:53.840]Jenny, I bet there are some people in your area, too, up in that northwest corner.
- [00:11:01.140]You've got kind of that amenity piece going on, to be honest, right?
- [00:11:06.080]I would agree.
- [00:11:07.500]I think the scenery attracts people, the hunting, a lot of those amenities.
- [00:11:13.840]I think as communities, we have to be very cognizant of how we treat those people and
- [00:11:19.440]what do we offer them to encourage them to stay.
- [00:11:22.400]Yeah, yeah, exactly.
- [00:11:24.380]What do you guys think about the whole idea that young people are actually not moving
- [00:11:33.680]far, far away?
- [00:11:35.160]I mean, does that surprise you or is that like, oh, yeah, I knew that, that 100 miles and that 10
- [00:11:43.820]miles, at least nationally, in Nebraska, that might be scooted out a bit, you know, but was
- [00:11:51.820]that an aha or?
- [00:11:52.960]I wasn't sure I really believed that, to be blunt.
- [00:11:57.700]I wonder if there's a gap somewhere in the data that that led to that conclusion.
- [00:12:06.840]I don't know.
- [00:12:09.780]I mean, it surprised me.
- [00:12:11.220]I mean.
- [00:12:13.800]You know, if it comes and come from the census and I would think Harvard would know how to crunch numbers.
- [00:12:22.800]You know, it makes me wonder, too.
- [00:12:27.800]I was when I read that, I was thinking we ought to ask Ben Winchester to take a look at this part of the country and tell us what he would conclude about what's happening closer to.
- [00:12:43.780]Where we are.
- [00:12:45.020]If you sort of play around with the map, you get a better sense of, you know, kind of how people move within Nebraska.
- [00:12:53.300]And there is a real pull to Lincoln and Omaha. Lincoln in particular.
- [00:13:02.980]For a lot.
- [00:13:05.040]I was visiting.
- [00:13:06.980]I was visiting with the All Things Nebraska team about the data and.
- [00:13:13.760]They said from what they can tell, it really.
- [00:13:17.000]They lumped the counties together by commuting patterns. So.
- [00:13:21.840]Kimball, Cheyenne,
- [00:13:24.360]and I think maybe dual County were put together with Cheyenne, Wyoming,
- [00:13:28.820]because a lot of people end up moving that direction or commute for jobs.
- [00:13:33.020]And a big chunk of the rest of the panhandle was together around Scott's
- [00:13:38.800]Bluff, or a lot of people commute or move to Scott's Bluff.
- [00:13:41.500]And then Garden County, like,
- [00:13:43.740]I said was just its own little spot where I think only about 20% of youth
- [00:13:51.760]stayed in Garden County.
- [00:13:53.420]And they didn't have as much information about where they're moving to.
- [00:13:59.860]I think some of it was Scott's Bluff, but some was farther out.
- [00:14:03.060]So one suggestion about what we've heard in this so far,
- [00:14:13.720]we ought to come up with a handful of examples
- [00:14:16.220]like the folks who moved to Bertrand
- [00:14:18.600]and share that with Russell Schaefer
- [00:14:21.920]to see if he would be willing to try to do an interview
- [00:14:28.080]with those kind of folks and find out
- [00:14:30.500]what led them to make that kind of decision.
- [00:14:33.880]That would be pretty powerful storytelling.
- [00:14:38.100]Yeah.
- [00:14:43.700]Exactly.
- [00:14:44.000]I know some of the folks that have relocated
- [00:14:47.500]around the Cheyenne County area,
- [00:14:49.580]I have asked them questions like that.
- [00:14:51.660]And literally what has happened,
- [00:14:54.960]I mean, it's been a little bit of a fluke.
- [00:14:56.820]They drove through and they liked it
- [00:14:59.320]and then they decided to look harder.
- [00:15:03.140]And I know I've talked when I've done some programs
- [00:15:07.300]with Red Carpet Service,
- [00:15:08.460]driving through or visiting is a,
- [00:15:13.680]is a gateway actually to relocation so often.
- [00:15:19.720]That's why I think the work that Carrie Rump
- [00:15:24.760]is doing with our North Panhandle Tourism
- [00:15:26.880]is so, so important.
- [00:15:28.920]Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
- [00:15:31.820]Well, should we just kind of move on?
- [00:15:35.100]There's, cause there's,
- [00:15:35.720]I've got some other pieces here too.
- [00:15:37.800]And here's one, I know Josie Schaefer at UNO's
- [00:15:43.660]Center for Public Affairs
- [00:15:45.700]has done a couple of data webinars recently.
- [00:15:48.100]And actually this was done,
- [00:15:50.400]I believe put together by her predecessor,
- [00:15:53.840]but it was done on the request
- [00:15:57.420]of the state legislature, the Unicameral.
- [00:16:00.240]They wanted some population projections.
- [00:16:03.220]And so actually if you go to that link,
- [00:16:06.520]let me just copy,
- [00:16:10.360]Jamie, you want to copy that link
- [00:16:12.300]and put it in the chat?
- [00:16:13.640]I will try.
- [00:16:15.400]It'll give all counties.
- [00:16:18.220]What I did here, and I did it quickly,
- [00:16:20.620]is I just grabbed some
- [00:16:22.440]that had a few of the panhandle counties in it.
- [00:16:25.620]And it does go, I mean, the good thing is
- [00:16:29.580]it goes from 1990s by 10-year increments
- [00:16:32.700]to the projected 2015.
- [00:16:35.560]And a couple of things.
- [00:16:43.620]There are lots of changes going on.
- [00:16:46.740]But some counties have kind of evened out
- [00:16:51.080]and stabilized a bit.
- [00:16:52.280]We did go, I don't know if you can see,
- [00:16:56.600]so Banner County, actually,
- [00:16:58.700]it's considered one of those frontier counties.
- [00:17:01.320]It's projected to actually bump up
- [00:17:04.380]in population a little bit by 100.
- [00:17:07.300]Many of the counties are,
- [00:17:13.600]the projection is going down.
- [00:17:15.740]And I don't know the details
- [00:17:17.700]of how they calculated those projections.
- [00:17:21.940]So again, they made a bunch of assumptions, right?
- [00:17:25.420]And so these assumptions might happen,
- [00:17:28.440]they might not.
- [00:17:29.340]But this was sort of their best guess
- [00:17:33.520]based on trends.
- [00:17:37.660]Cherry County down a bit. Cheyenne County kind of even and out.
- [00:17:42.660]It's interesting that they see it popping up in 2030 and 40 and then down a bit.
- [00:17:50.600]Scott's Bluff actually being pulled down.
- [00:17:54.500]One that surprised me and I just as I grabbed these, some of the other outside of the region counties are there too.
- [00:18:04.340]But so Seward, which you would think right by Lincoln, I considered Seward kind of a bedroom county of sorts.
- [00:18:11.660]They don't see it necessarily growing in that 2050 slot.
- [00:18:20.040]So I think, you know, to provide for some real surprises, Sheridan County down quite substantially.
- [00:18:26.680]Sioux County down by half.
- [00:18:30.120]Down by half, which took them from.
- [00:18:34.180]They're now pulled into what we would call frontier county.
- [00:18:38.480]So currently we have 12 counties that have populations under 1,000.
- [00:18:45.660]And the projection in 2050 is actually we'll get two more.
- [00:18:51.400]Rock and Sioux.
- [00:18:52.740]And Banner stays in that slot, but bumps up just a little bit.
- [00:19:01.180]So, you know, like I said, these are predictions.
- [00:19:09.320]We don't know what, you know, what they use as part of it.
- [00:19:15.140]Probably trend lines.
- [00:19:16.740]But just because it's the future doesn't mean it's destiny either.
- [00:19:23.220]And the thing that I'm thinking about in particular is right now we seem to have
- [00:19:29.920]just a lot of, you know,
- [00:19:31.160]groups across the state that have really jumped on the bandwagon of people
- [00:19:38.620]attraction, retention, sorts of things, the chamber,
- [00:19:41.480]Nebraska community foundation.
- [00:19:45.520]There's also blueprint Nebraska is really pushing in particular,
- [00:19:50.320]the traction piece for jobs. So, you know,
- [00:19:56.900]does, does some of those numbers surprise you?
- [00:19:59.900]Have you seen that resource before?
- [00:20:03.080]And has that been a part of kind of what your community discussions have been
- [00:20:09.180]or are? What do you think?
- [00:20:13.140]It could be a real wake up call.
- [00:20:20.440]You could be the Dr. Doom.
- [00:20:25.000]If you,
- [00:20:27.760]however,
- [00:20:30.760]people kind of need to know, don't they?
- [00:20:34.340]What do you think?
- [00:20:40.220]And in extension,
- [00:20:44.740]we've talked about bringing some of this information to city council or county
- [00:20:49.020]commissioners.
- [00:20:49.980]So for the economic developers or city folks on the call,
- [00:20:55.560]do you think that would be useful?
- [00:20:57.300]Would that be useful information to hear or
- [00:20:59.520]would you, would your folks not,
- [00:21:06.500]not want to see those numbers if we don't have a really good explanation of
- [00:21:12.420]how they got those projections?
- [00:21:13.640]Jamie, is there, sorry, is there information that also pairs up with the tax-based piece of it?
- [00:21:36.180]I think that as we've been talking with county folks,
- [00:21:38.740]that's where it all of a sudden hits the road
- [00:21:41.700]because, you know,
- [00:21:43.620]when those numbers drop below,
- [00:21:45.280]making it feasible to be able to provide those basic services,
- [00:21:48.560]that's when the, I don't want to say anxiety,
- [00:21:51.580]but the, I guess maybe realization
- [00:21:53.620]that it's actually coming to terms.
- [00:21:56.260]I haven't seen that,
- [00:21:59.860]but I would think we could pull something together for them,
- [00:22:03.080]especially for those ones
- [00:22:05.840]that are dropping into the frontier county status.
- [00:22:08.540]And I'd be interested to know
- [00:22:13.400]whether or not some of those big amenities
- [00:22:17.000]like fiber and broadband access played into this.
- [00:22:21.540]I get that there's a big broadband push right now
- [00:22:24.980]and there's funding,
- [00:22:25.500]but will Sioux County ever get enough
- [00:22:29.560]to serve every individual person scattered around?
- [00:22:32.860]Or Sheridan County is the one
- [00:22:34.220]we're having discussions with.
- [00:22:35.880]How does that play into these predictions?
- [00:22:43.180]I don't know.
- [00:22:44.300]It's a wild card, right?
- [00:22:46.600]If they use the standard methodology, it wouldn't.
- [00:22:49.940]Because the standard methodology is basically
- [00:22:53.260]you look at the trend line for birth, death,
- [00:22:57.540]and migration and migration.
- [00:22:59.940]And then you look at the number of people
- [00:23:04.180]that are in that under six
- [00:23:06.240]and you kind of project out using that trend line
- [00:23:12.960]for migrating in and out,
- [00:23:15.660]how many people will be there.
- [00:23:18.440]The big challenge for a lot of these counties
- [00:23:21.640]is the population pyramid.
- [00:23:24.640]That right now, there's so many people
- [00:23:28.400]who are moving into the over 70.
- [00:23:30.800]And so if you have a population
- [00:23:34.740]where there's a large portion of people
- [00:23:37.180]who are older than 50,
- [00:23:39.560]then the rate of decline is going to,
- [00:23:42.740]it's going to accelerate
- [00:23:43.480]because there's not any way for it to replenish.
- [00:23:47.820]So that's why those numbers of people who are,
- [00:23:51.480]I think the category they use is below six
- [00:23:56.120]and then like seven to 15 or seven to 18.
- [00:23:58.960]Those two categories are really important
- [00:24:01.800]to look at in terms of those projections.
- [00:24:04.340]And where it can get complicated,
- [00:24:07.960]and I don't know if they adjusted for this or not.
- [00:24:10.620]I know when we were
- [00:24:12.520]doing projections in South Dakota, we didn't.
- [00:24:15.160]But the birth rates for international migrants
- [00:24:21.540]who are new to this country tend to be higher.
- [00:24:25.140]So let's say if you have an increase of Latino
- [00:24:32.020]coming to work in a meatpacking plant,
- [00:24:37.700]their birth rate's going to be higher
- [00:24:40.320]than the rest of the people,
- [00:24:42.300]the county next door,
- [00:24:43.700]that the migration into that community
- [00:24:47.260]may not include that population.
- [00:24:49.100]And there are also some differences
- [00:24:51.520]around type of religious participation
- [00:24:57.540]that can influence that.
- [00:24:58.900]So you can get really, really sophisticated,
- [00:25:02.160]but in general,
- [00:25:03.340]when they're doing these kinds of projections,
- [00:25:05.280]they figure that those things
- [00:25:09.200]kind of even out in the end.
- [00:25:11.060]So they don't usually,
- [00:25:12.280]include them unless there's a reason to include them.
- [00:25:15.920]The other exception is that
- [00:25:19.320]for Native American populations,
- [00:25:22.100]their fertility rate is higher.
- [00:25:24.880]So if you have a county
- [00:25:26.740]that has more Native Americans in it,
- [00:25:29.640]you'll probably have a higher birth rate.
- [00:25:31.420]But those are just some things I think about
- [00:25:38.120]when they're doing their projections.
- [00:25:42.260]Thank you, Mary.
- [00:25:44.160]That helps explain the ones that have a bump in 2030
- [00:25:47.920]and then drop back down.
- [00:25:49.260]Absolutely.
- [00:25:54.120]So any other comments about this?
- [00:26:03.120]I mean, what else are people seeing and hearing?
- [00:26:05.540]I mean, this has been a topic for several years
- [00:26:10.000]with the Rural Rendezvous.
- [00:26:12.240]And off and on, some of it happened by way of COVID
- [00:26:15.700]and remote work.
- [00:26:16.920]And I've popped in and out on some of these conversations.
- [00:26:22.920]And they can be tough ones.
- [00:26:25.640]I mean, it's all about being a great place
- [00:26:29.360]to live, work, and play for the current residents.
- [00:26:32.740]Also is what makes it a great place to relocate to.
- [00:26:36.180]So it's that whole community development package
- [00:26:39.880]that really is that draw.
- [00:26:42.220]And for everybody, for the new residents
- [00:26:47.820]and those that are current there.
- [00:26:50.040]So Jamie, you wanna,
- [00:26:52.860]as we were kind of talking about this,
- [00:26:56.640]it is a big topic of conversation and extension.
- [00:27:00.000]And because it's been being kind of lifted up statewide.
- [00:27:05.740]So Jamie, you wanna just kind of,
- [00:27:10.600]this is a blatant,
- [00:27:12.200]plug a little bit, okay?
- [00:27:13.940]So we couldn't help it.
- [00:27:16.540]So go ahead.
- [00:27:19.300]A lot of us on the team
- [00:27:22.260]just got to do a refresher
- [00:27:23.620]of the Marketing Hometown America program.
- [00:27:27.060]We had a meeting in Montana
- [00:27:30.280]and did a training for other states
- [00:27:32.560]as well as the newer members of our team.
- [00:27:34.780]So if your community needs,
- [00:27:42.180]a partner in this work,
- [00:27:43.520]Marketing Hometown America
- [00:27:44.920]can help you brainstorm,
- [00:27:46.520]create a plan for action,
- [00:27:49.620]work with rural fellows in your community
- [00:27:53.260]if that's something that you would like to apply for
- [00:27:56.200]to bring in some student energy and ideas
- [00:27:58.720]and just bring together
- [00:28:00.340]some of those focused conversations
- [00:28:01.920]around this topic.
- [00:28:03.060]Then we're also working on
- [00:28:06.520]a first impressions program
- [00:28:08.560]and an online version.
- [00:28:12.160]That's something Jason Toller,
- [00:28:14.500]I don't think Jason's on today,
- [00:28:16.640]but who's part of our team
- [00:28:18.000]is putting together.
- [00:28:18.820]And some of us are piloting that work
- [00:28:22.360]where we go through and look at websites
- [00:28:25.680]and social media of communities
- [00:28:28.100]just to see what's missing.
- [00:28:29.780]And we can bring that information
- [00:28:31.480]to communities to help them
- [00:28:33.420]make sure they have everything filled out
- [00:28:35.620]that can attract visitors
- [00:28:37.260]or get them to stay
- [00:28:39.140]or pay a little more attention
- [00:28:40.620]to the community.
- [00:28:42.140]And then there's also
- [00:28:43.200]the red carpet service.
- [00:28:44.400]Some of you may have participated
- [00:28:46.280]in this in your communities.
- [00:28:47.640]I know it's been done in several places,
- [00:28:49.780]but really focusing
- [00:28:51.220]on that customer service piece
- [00:28:53.020]and how the frontline workers
- [00:28:56.680]can help create a good impression
- [00:28:58.580]in your community.
- [00:28:59.640]Cheryl, did you want to add anything else?
- [00:29:03.180]No, other than sometimes
- [00:29:04.880]these can be hard discussions
- [00:29:06.400]or you don't know where to start.
- [00:29:07.700]And so there's just a variety of options
- [00:29:12.120]that I think you need somebody
- [00:29:14.740]to sort of like help.
- [00:29:16.800]I joke about sometimes
- [00:29:18.600]being the 50 mile expert
- [00:29:20.120]or in Western Nebraska,
- [00:29:21.440]it's 100 mile expert
- [00:29:22.560]where you can come in
- [00:29:24.200]and just kind of help
- [00:29:26.360]the conversations,
- [00:29:27.860]ideas, maybe just listen,
- [00:29:30.520]see if there are university resources
- [00:29:33.340]that can maybe connect
- [00:29:34.920]because there's a lot out there
- [00:29:37.240]through our system,
- [00:29:38.360]through our institution
- [00:29:39.960]that
- [00:29:42.100]can do that.
- [00:29:43.040]So, you know,
- [00:29:43.700]I've got a bunch of folks
- [00:29:45.140]in extension
- [00:29:45.920]on this webinar right now.
- [00:29:49.260]And so feel free to,
- [00:29:51.140]we get touched
- [00:29:52.860]in a lot of different areas
- [00:29:54.400]by way of
- [00:29:57.080]how we're organized.
- [00:29:59.180]And so there are a lot of opportunities
- [00:30:01.400]and each one of us
- [00:30:04.940]has had
- [00:30:06.020]a variety of requests
- [00:30:10.480]and nothing
- [00:30:12.080]goes unmatched.
- [00:30:16.200]I mean, right now we have several of us
- [00:30:18.440]working with
- [00:30:19.660]an effort on the arts district
- [00:30:23.040]in our communities.
- [00:30:24.840]Jamie's working in the Sydney area.
- [00:30:27.680]Jamie and I are working in Scottsville,
- [00:30:29.600]Gary and Jenny is working
- [00:30:31.180]in the Northern Panhandle.
- [00:30:32.460]And there's a bunch of efforts
- [00:30:34.320]across the state
- [00:30:35.400]that has implications again
- [00:30:37.860]on that quality of life piece
- [00:30:39.340]that makes it a great,
- [00:30:40.840]you know, improves the,
- [00:30:42.060]your communities is a great place
- [00:30:44.280]to live, work and play.
- [00:30:45.000]So it all connects
- [00:30:47.100]and it's a vicious web
- [00:30:49.140]of how when you've got something
- [00:30:52.400]that's you want to,
- [00:30:53.820]a place where you want to live,
- [00:30:55.780]there are a lot of pieces
- [00:30:57.280]that are connected.
- [00:30:57.940]And Lauren, I think you are piloting
- [00:31:02.700]that First Impressions
- [00:31:04.180]in-person program in Neely.
- [00:31:06.940]Are you far enough along
- [00:31:09.600]to talk a little bit about that yet?
- [00:31:12.040]Not really.
- [00:31:13.380]We're doing the pairing right now,
- [00:31:16.460]trying to get set up
- [00:31:18.280]with another community.
- [00:31:19.420]Actually talked about it
- [00:31:21.420]at our council meeting last night.
- [00:31:23.400]We hope to soon,
- [00:31:25.820]but we're really excited about it
- [00:31:28.780]and having that first impression
- [00:31:30.760]to go in where you often
- [00:31:32.740]see the same thing day in and day out
- [00:31:35.360]and don't recognize
- [00:31:36.760]how awesome something might be
- [00:31:38.760]or how it could be distracting
- [00:31:41.520]for someone else.
- [00:31:42.020]So we're really looking forward
- [00:31:44.340]to participating with that program.
- [00:31:47.460]And it's new to most of us,
- [00:31:51.580]I think, in Nebraska.
- [00:31:52.460]We learned about it from other states
- [00:31:55.400]that are using a similar program
- [00:31:59.200]and it sounds like
- [00:32:00.380]they've had success with it.
- [00:32:01.760]That's great.
- [00:32:03.780]We are excited.
- [00:32:04.720]Well, that really is all we had
- [00:32:12.000]and it's just a way to kind of connect.
- [00:32:13.860]There is a lot of information
- [00:32:17.420]at the Center for Public Affairs
- [00:32:20.600]at the UNO.
- [00:32:21.460]They're our state data center
- [00:32:23.420]and so it's a great resource
- [00:32:26.460]and that's actually where I found
- [00:32:29.620]the population projections
- [00:32:31.760]that I think are kind of important
- [00:32:33.520]to just keep in the back of our mind
- [00:32:35.000]what that looks like.
- [00:32:37.160]It'll have...
- [00:32:40.000]Nobody has
- [00:32:41.980]that crystal ball perfect
- [00:32:43.100]but it's always interesting
- [00:32:45.560]to kind of
- [00:32:47.340]ponder what that could be
- [00:32:50.060]and then what our
- [00:32:51.880]adaptations need to be
- [00:32:53.440]to do
- [00:32:56.760]justice.
- [00:32:58.260]I think that's it,
- [00:33:01.900]Jenny.
- [00:33:02.200]We had that informal conversation
- [00:33:06.120]last week.
- [00:33:07.100]Is there anything else
- [00:33:09.440]that we need to
- [00:33:11.960]add?
- [00:33:12.480]I think this
- [00:33:15.940]covers this really well. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have
- [00:33:18.000]lots of questions. Mike Burge
- [00:33:19.600]was texting me most of this meeting
- [00:33:21.980]saying he's trying to get in, but his computer
- [00:33:23.880]doesn't like him very well.
- [00:33:25.760]He needs a new one.
- [00:33:26.980]He's going to be asking questions. We will have this
- [00:33:29.760]recorded and put up on
- [00:33:31.800]our regular space.
- [00:33:32.820]I knew a lot of people couldn't make it today.
- [00:33:35.720]All very
- [00:33:38.000]fun. Thanks, Jamie,
- [00:33:39.820]for putting those links up there.
- [00:33:41.940]Operation Patterns website, I've looked at that one.
- [00:33:43.860]That's really
- [00:33:45.780]interesting, too.
- [00:33:46.640]Thank you all for joining.
- [00:33:53.360]We'll talk to you in a month.
- [00:33:55.540]Does anyone have any
- [00:33:57.740]updates they need to give to the group?
- [00:33:59.580]Do you have any, Jamie?
- [00:34:04.820]Registration is out for
- [00:34:11.920]the NetForce Entrepreneurship
- [00:34:14.240]Best Practices Summit.
- [00:34:15.420]If anyone would like that,
- [00:34:17.900]let me pull up the link.
- [00:34:20.100]I know it's at the same time
- [00:34:27.940]as the National Rural
- [00:34:30.300]Economic Developers Association
- [00:34:32.240]Conference, so hopefully that's
- [00:34:34.000]not a conflict for too many people, but
- [00:34:36.180]it will be
- [00:34:38.100]in Kearney this year, so it's
- [00:34:40.040]fairly central location.
- [00:34:41.900]Thank you.
- [00:35:12.720]See you, everyone.
- [00:35:13.560]Thank you.
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