Fluid Control of Radiation
Jonah Gezelter - Parallel I
Student’s name: Jonah Gezelter
Home Institution: Case Western Reserve University
NNCI Site: CNS @ Harvard University
REU Principal Investigator: Dr. Joanna Aizenberg – Department of Materials Science and Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
REU Mentor: Raphael Kay- Department of Materials Science, Harvard University
Abstract: With a myriad of factors contributing to heat flux to buildings (solar heating, ground temperature, occupancy, etc.), buildings are consistently exposed to a wide variety of thermal scenarios, throughout both the day and year [1]. However, these scenarios are not always the ideal condition for building inhabitants. In these non-ideal scenarios, buildings need to control how heat is flowing into or out of the building. Currently this is done with insulating layers to isolate the interior spaces, and heaters and coolers to control indoor temperature. However, these heaters and coolers require exorbitant amounts of energy to maintain temperature differences between the building interior and its external environment. In addition to the heating and cooling, building occupants also have energy drawn from lighting the space that they inhabit. To limit the required energy consumption of such buildings working to maintain a comfortable temperature and lighting level, this project presents a novel way of fine-tuning energy flux of light and thermal radiation. By incorporating multiple fluidic layers, where injected fluids in spaces within glass window panes can control different wavelength ranges, this device can control visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared light independently. This work also focuses on the fabrication of a reflective surface for mid-infrared light which can be blocked by an absorbing fluid to create a switchable control for mid-infrared radiation. This surface was made by creating rugate filters using electrochemical etching techniques and chemical vapor deposition to create both effective and real changes in index of refraction, forcing a strong reflection of a chosen wavelength.
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- [00:00:00.880]Hello everyone, I'm Jonathan Zeltner. I'm a rising senior at Kate's Western Reserve University.
- [00:00:06.080]I worked with Megan Santamore, I'm their mentor of LK in the Eisenberg lab, and we worked on an
- [00:00:15.040]opto-fluidic system. Hopefully you enjoy learning about this. So buildings experience a lot of
- [00:00:23.520]different conditions of solar radiation throughout the year, throughout each individual day.
- [00:00:29.680]You can see here there's a bunch of different kinds of light that a building may experience.
- [00:00:33.920]Like in the morning you may get very little light, midday you will get a lot of light.
- [00:00:39.440]And the same thing can be said about heat, like in the winter you'll get a lot of heat,
- [00:00:45.600]summer or winter you get very little heat, the summer you get a lot of heat.
- [00:00:49.360]And together these all kind of stack into one big radiative heat flow. But what we really
- [00:00:59.360]want on the inside is just very consistent temperature, very consistent lighting conditions.
- [00:01:05.600]And so we need some sort of translation operation. Usually how buildings do that is with their guts,
- [00:01:12.960]with AC systems, with heaters, with lights. But those cost a lot of energy. In the world,
- [00:01:21.600]buildings take up about 33% of energy usage, doesn't hurt heating and lighting. So we really
- [00:01:29.040]need lots of systems that can take energy to the outside and use it more efficiently,
- [00:01:35.040]use it to its advantage maybe. And there are some systems, but they only work part of the time.
- [00:01:41.600]So this, for instance, might be a thermochromic window. This might be a low emissivity window.
- [00:01:48.400]This might be some sort of electrochromic technology that can direct light differently.
- [00:01:58.720]And together, all these separate technologies can sort of patchwork, fill in the whole year, the whole day system, and make things more efficient.
- [00:02:08.720]But really, we want one technology, one thing that you can stick in a window and really save a lot of energy.
- [00:02:17.120]And so our allowance system for this is an optofluidic system, something where you can pump in and pull out different fluids depending on the time of day and the time of year.
- [00:02:28.400]And these different fluids, you can have different particles, you can have different chemistries that will interact with light in different ways.
- [00:02:37.920]So some key ones, you might have scatterers, those will be really good at taking light from transmission to a reflection.
- [00:02:45.680]You might have absorbers where they light from transmission to just getting absorbed, stopping right there.
- [00:02:53.200]You can have some index dispatch and have
- [00:02:58.080]light go through to the future, so the fluid isn't there, but when the fluid is there and light
- [00:03:04.720]transmits through very cleanly, you get to be able to see images outside. Or you can make
- [00:03:11.280]colored windows. So we identified four situations for solar radiation in particular.
- [00:03:18.960]One where you might want visible light to come through, so like the sea, and where
- [00:03:27.760]are letting near-infrared light through. So this is where you want heat inside. You want
- [00:03:32.960]all the hot near-infrared radiation from the sun to help you with heating up things,
- [00:03:40.720]and you want a bright room. So high transmission for both those bands. If you want cold instead,
- [00:03:48.720]you want to block out the near-infrared. And then if you want it dark, you want it hot,
- [00:03:57.440]block out visible, transmit the near-infrared, and lastly block out everything.
- [00:04:01.520]And our lab has done pretty good. So there's, we've developed a system to just between two
- [00:04:10.160]glass slides, trap some fluid, and there's already been two fluids, or one is just air,
- [00:04:16.400]that's the first situation here, we're transmitting both. Our lab has previously
- [00:04:22.160]done work with glycerol, which transmits very strongly in visible light, but
- [00:04:27.120]absorbs in the near infrared light, so it's very good at just not allowing that transmission,
- [00:04:33.200]not letting that heat get further in. But we really needed to work on situations three and four,
- [00:04:38.880]and which is what Megan and I worked on this summer. So for situation three, we worked with a
- [00:04:46.320]perylene black dye, which is a cool black paint, so it already is known to have low absorption
- [00:04:56.800]in the near-infrared, but high absorption in the visible. So we're working on making a system with
- [00:05:02.320]that. So we tried a couple different solvents, isopropanol and mineral oil, and then also
- [00:05:08.640]mineral oil with a surfactant, which I'll talk about later. You can see that they're
- [00:05:15.600]all working pretty well in the near-infrared. There's some noise, there's some absorption from
- [00:05:21.920]each of the fluids, but not enough to really matter. And about
- [00:05:26.480]two concentrations here, the visible ball with zero concentration, that's just the base fluid.
- [00:05:31.440]And when we add one milligram per milliliter, you can see the transmission goes way down,
- [00:05:36.160]becomes black fluid. And you'll see isocarponol and mineral oil have much less transmission.
- [00:05:45.520]So you think that we want to choose that,
- [00:05:48.400]but they all separated. So you can see in those images on the right, the
- [00:05:56.160]dye particles are splitting off, forming clumps. There's regions where there's higher transmission,
- [00:06:02.320]but what we really want, it's like the image on the left, a very smooth, even coloration.
- [00:06:07.760]And so this was the mineral oil with surfactant.
- [00:06:10.860]It allowed the particles to interact with the fluid, become more miscible, and really
- [00:06:20.040]try to prevent phase separation.
- [00:06:23.280]So we went through a whole sweep of concentrations and were able to get very fine control over
- [00:06:31.360]how much light we're actually transmitting in specifically the physical spectrum, and
- [00:06:35.560]so we're very happy with that.
- [00:06:38.360]I included this absorber thing just to point out this is an absorbing dye, so visible light
- [00:06:45.960]will hit the particle, it'll get absorbed, and it'll get kind of converted to heat a
- [00:06:49.600]little bit, which does work in our favor.
- [00:06:51.620]We want heat to near red, we can convert visible light to heat, that's great.
- [00:06:57.740]So on to situation four, this is where we want to block out everything.
- [00:07:02.560]So we're sticking with the mineral oil and surfactant system, but now we want to try
- [00:07:07.700]a bunch of different ways.
- [00:07:08.340]So we're going to look at some of these, and then we're going to look at some of these
- [00:07:11.560]white dyes.
- [00:07:13.020]And for this, we want to heat project.
- [00:07:16.340]So these are all going to be scattering particles, and we're trying a bunch of different ceramic
- [00:07:21.380]particles mostly, different sizes, some different chemistries.
- [00:07:26.260]And here, these are all the same ranges of concentrations, up to 512, which is about
- [00:07:32.220]as much as we can physically pack into the fluid and still have it flow.
- [00:07:38.320]And here, this is the micron, kind of our particle of titanium dioxide, is really working
- [00:07:42.260]the best.
- [00:07:43.260]At this high concentration, it's able to pretty much block out light.
- [00:07:48.200]And so again, we've got a large concentration sweep, and we can really selectively control
- [00:07:53.820]how much light, for both visible and near-end thread, we are transmitting.
- [00:07:58.760]And again, this is a scatterer, so it's either a mixture of letting light through or projecting
- [00:08:06.080]and collecting back, but not really absorbing.
- [00:08:08.300]So, we're not generating more heat.
- [00:08:13.800]And together, with all the different concentrations and these two different particles, in addition
- [00:08:20.300]to the glycerol, we're able to kind of map out this whole region, this square of near-end
- [00:08:26.960]thread and visible transmission, and with some further combinations of these dye particles
- [00:08:33.260]and going between the mineral and glycerol, we should be able to hit everything.
- [00:08:38.280]So, I did a point within this parallelogram, included some of these images of Hs for Harvard.
- [00:08:46.900]On the left is a visible image of the H through the fluid with a visible camera.
- [00:08:54.740]On the right is an image of H through the fluid with a near-end thread camera.
- [00:08:58.880]So you can see we are able to get some lock-in, actually controlling transmission of this.
- [00:09:08.260]But, this is only part of the story.
- [00:09:12.040]Most of the heat that our buildings are actually experiencing is really coming from the surroundings.
- [00:09:18.540]The other buildings, the sidewalks, rocks, grass, whatever.
- [00:09:24.180]And that's going to be the mid-infrared regime.
- [00:09:28.440]Pretty much all fluids are going to absorb really strongly in the mid-infrared.
- [00:09:33.320]So if we want to be able to control, be able to go down to a load.
- [00:09:38.240]Low emissivity or low absorptance of mid-infrared light, we need to add another layer.
- [00:09:46.740]So we want to go from complete blocking, no absorption, no conversion to complete anywhere,
- [00:09:53.680]to absorbing by adding some fluid.
- [00:09:57.480]And to do that, we are starting to look at potential coatings inside the second fluid
- [00:10:03.960]gap that we can sort of switch on and off.
- [00:10:08.220]And if you want to learn more about that, go see Megan's presentation in about 30 minutes.
- [00:10:15.200]I want to thank Megan, who helped me a lot with all of these different parts, my mentor
- [00:10:22.320]Raphael, and PI, as well as some other lab mates, Emiliano and Bert.
- [00:10:29.200]Questions?
- [00:10:38.200]So I know that visibility is going to change with these liquids in a window.
- [00:10:42.760]Would you expect these to completely replace just regular glass windows, and if so, would
- [00:10:47.840]you not be able to see out the window certain times in the year?
- [00:10:52.240]So eventually, yeah, the idea would be to have this as a new window system.
- [00:11:00.480]Right now, we're thinking like a stay-on system, just because it's kind of hard to break into
- [00:11:05.640]the whole window industry.
- [00:11:08.180]But yeah, if you want it to be dark, it would prevent light going through, and you wouldn't
- [00:11:13.620]be able to see out of it.
- [00:11:17.540]But part of why we're wanting this tunability of how much you see, so you could have almost
- [00:11:26.220]a shaded view instead of a fully blocked-out view.
- [00:11:32.240]And kind of going back to the...
- [00:11:38.160]There.
- [00:11:39.160]The index and dispatch one, there could be a situation where you want, maybe like a privacy
- [00:11:48.840]screen, where you do want light, but you want it to be diffused, you won't be able to actually
- [00:11:54.060]see out or see in.
- [00:11:57.060]Yeah.
- [00:11:58.060]Yeah.
- [00:11:59.060]What were the viscosities like of your liquids that you used?
- [00:12:03.560]The viscosity were actually pretty thin.
- [00:12:05.640]We used a very light mineral oil.
- [00:12:08.140]So it was kind of on the order of water, a little bit more viscous.
- [00:12:12.400]But part of the idea is that one thing pretty easy to pump through is very thin window systems.
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