Leadership Chautauqua
Shawn Kaskie
Dr. Lindsay Hastings discusses the findings that came out of last fall’s Leadership Chautauqua and possible strategies to increase leadership capacity in our rural communities. Recorded 4/10/2024.
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- [00:00:00.080]- To being with you all today.
- [00:00:01.480]I love the rural rendezvous group.
- [00:00:03.080]- Thank you, Maria.
- [00:00:06.520]- Yeah, my name is Maria Cantu-Hines
- [00:00:10.320]and I'm Rope's Prairie, Nebraska for East Central Area.
- [00:00:15.220]- Andi?
- [00:00:22.120]- I am Andi McClintic.
- [00:00:24.080]I shortened it.
- [00:00:26.040]It's Andrea, but I'm going by Andi now.
- [00:00:28.480]I work for the Center for Rural Affairs.
- [00:00:30.820]I manage our lending team.
- [00:00:32.720]- Jay, thank you, Andi.
- [00:00:35.780]- Hi, Jay Jenkins, Engagement Zone Coordinator
- [00:00:42.440]for Nebraska Extension for the 13 North Central Counties.
- [00:00:47.440]- Thanks, Jay. Jody?
- [00:00:49.840]- Hi, I'm Jody Llewellyn.
- [00:00:55.160]I am with the Scotts Bluff-Gerring
- [00:00:56.480]United Chamber of Commerce.
- [00:00:58.660]- Thanks, Jody.
- [00:00:59.600]Janine?
- [00:01:00.440]- Hi, I'm Janine Schmidt.
- [00:01:06.400]I'm the Village Clerk and Treasurer
- [00:01:08.280]for the Village of Morrill.
- [00:01:09.720]- Thanks, Janine.
- [00:01:12.160]Joni?
- [00:01:13.000]Cool.
- [00:01:19.180]So, come back to Joni.
- [00:01:20.540]Jordan?
- [00:01:21.380]- Hello, I'm Jordan Dietrich.
- [00:01:25.540]I'm the Executive Director
- [00:01:26.740]of the Twin Cities Development.
- [00:01:27.580]We're a regional economic development organization
- [00:01:30.580]in Western Nebraska.
- [00:01:31.680]- Thanks, Jordan.
- [00:01:33.520]Molly?
- [00:01:34.360]- Good morning.
- [00:01:37.900]I'm Molly Jeffries.
- [00:01:40.260]I work for Keith County Area Development
- [00:01:42.600]and I'm Community Development Coordinator here.
- [00:01:45.140]- Thanks, Molly.
- [00:01:47.100]Jordan?
- [00:01:47.940]- Good morning.
- [00:01:51.940]Jordan Rasmussen, Rural Prosperity,
- [00:01:53.340]Nebraska Extension Educator based in Burwell
- [00:01:55.580]and serving North Central Nebraska.
- [00:01:57.340]- Great, thank you.
- [00:01:59.980]And I see Tyler's autopilot.
- [00:02:01.760]Is Tyler able to talk?
- [00:02:02.980]I'm not sure how that works.
- [00:02:04.380]And then Joni is logging back on.
- [00:02:10.500]Joni, can you hear us?
- [00:02:11.440]Introduce yourself if that's okay.
- [00:02:13.140]She's still connecting.
- [00:02:17.420]That's all right.
- [00:02:18.320]With that, if it's okay with everyone,
- [00:02:22.220]unless there's questions,
- [00:02:23.100]we'll let Lindsey talk about the leadership of TACWA
- [00:02:27.100]and things, community leadership development.
- [00:02:28.720]Thank you, Lindsey.
- [00:02:29.560]- Yeah, you bet.
- [00:02:31.820]Joni, do you wanna introduce yourself?
- [00:02:35.680]- Well, I finally am back on,
- [00:02:37.560]still working on the camera situation.
- [00:02:39.400]There we go.
- [00:02:40.240]Hello, everybody.
- [00:02:41.140]I'm Joni Jesperson from Western Nebraska.
- [00:02:43.860]I work for Mobius Communications.
- [00:02:45.520]We provide fiber to very rural areas
- [00:02:48.480]and we help promote businesses
- [00:02:51.500]where places don't normally get to have fiber.
- [00:02:54.260]So very proud of that.
- [00:02:56.120]Thank you.
- [00:02:56.860]- Thank you, Joni.
- [00:02:59.300]Okay, well, again, I am thrilled to be here with all of you.
- [00:03:03.140]And I will say, this is like my, I think,
- [00:03:05.940]third or fourth time that I've had a chance to present
- [00:03:07.980]to a rural rendezvous on different things.
- [00:03:09.940]I have always loved this group.
- [00:03:12.080]I just wanna let you know that I would say
- [00:03:16.320]I take a very laid back approach to presenting.
- [00:03:18.580]As in, if you have a question,
- [00:03:20.520]if you are not bothering me to interrupt me,
- [00:03:22.780]if you wanna ask it,
- [00:03:24.260]don't feel like you have to wait till the end,
- [00:03:25.680]I would consider this
- [00:03:26.620]more of a discussion than a presentation.
- [00:03:28.780]So, by all means, you're welcome to jump in
- [00:03:32.720]with a question at any point that you like.
- [00:03:35.800]I will share my screen here.
- [00:03:40.700]Okay, Sean, does that look okay?
- [00:03:46.640]- Yes, it looks great.
- [00:03:49.300]- Okay, wonderful.
- [00:03:51.180]Okay, so as I mentioned,
- [00:03:53.440]the Leadership Chautauqua is a grant
- [00:03:56.380]funded project from NCRCRD.
- [00:03:58.620]And essentially it was designed to be this sort of
- [00:04:01.580]think tank event on community leadership development
- [00:04:05.620]and thinking through like,
- [00:04:06.460]how can we do CLD better and more effectively?
- [00:04:10.260]So what you're seeing here is a picture from that event
- [00:04:13.620]with my buddy Carlos, so.
- [00:04:15.860]Okay, so you might be asking, what's a Chautauqua?
- [00:04:20.480]That may be a new word or an unfamiliar word.
- [00:04:23.480]And actually, thank you to Mary Emery.
- [00:04:26.140]Oops, maybe.
- [00:04:29.440]Thank you to Mary Emery for teaching me a lot
- [00:04:34.360]about what a leadership, what a Chautauqua is.
- [00:04:37.500]But just for some background,
- [00:04:39.140]the Chautauqua is an Iroquois word
- [00:04:42.440]for like near the first Chautauqua site.
- [00:04:45.580]But essentially the idea was to bring together
- [00:04:47.800]diverse perspectives for dialogue and debate.
- [00:04:50.700]And so we took that same idea
- [00:04:52.320]and applied it to community leadership development.
- [00:04:54.620]How can we bring together
- [00:04:55.900]community leaders and community development professionals
- [00:04:58.460]to bring together diverse perspectives,
- [00:05:00.180]to have dialogue and debate
- [00:05:01.700]on how we might re-envision
- [00:05:03.900]what community leadership development looks like.
- [00:05:06.300]There's a huge team working on this Chautauqua project,
- [00:05:13.220]which you can see here, some of whom are on this call.
- [00:05:16.980]It's just been a...
- [00:05:18.680]This thing wants to advance all on its own.
- [00:05:21.040]Anyway, this has been a wonderful group to work with.
- [00:05:24.280]They've just been a joy.
- [00:05:25.660]Okay, so I thought I'd start with, why did we establish this Chautauqua in the first
- [00:05:33.980]place?
- [00:05:34.980]There are two mega trends or meta trends going on right now that are really informing the
- [00:05:39.920]why behind this think tank idea, but it's behind community leadership development.
- [00:05:46.180]One of which, likely many of you are familiar with, we have a huge transfer of wealth coming
- [00:05:52.480]within before 2060.
- [00:05:55.420]Our friends at Nebraska Community Foundation among others are letting us know that several
- [00:06:00.440]counties in Nebraska are in their peak wealth transfer periods right now, but across the
- [00:06:05.980]nation we are expected to transfer 75 trillion from older to younger generations before 2060.
- [00:06:12.480]But interestingly, this is not just a wealth issue, so right now Bureau of Labor Statistics
- [00:06:18.380]are telling us that over half of all management occupations are currently being held by individuals
- [00:06:24.300]age 45 and older.
- [00:06:25.180]So, not only will we transfer 75 trillion, but we'll also transfer over half of all management
- [00:06:30.420]occupations.
- [00:06:31.420]So, for rural communities, rural communities could stand to be disproportionately affected
- [00:06:37.160]by these transfers of wealth and leadership, and so we're trying to think through, okay,
- [00:06:42.400]how can we better prepare, especially a young workforce, to be able to shoulder the burden
- [00:06:48.380]of these sizable wealth and leadership transfers, and that they may take on senior leadership
- [00:06:54.940]roles earlier in their career, senior leadership roles within the community earlier than we
- [00:06:59.560]would expect.
- [00:07:00.160]Okay, so another big reason why we wanted to have this think tank event on community
- [00:07:09.500]leadership development is that the decades and decades and decades of research that's
- [00:07:13.380]been done on community leadership development has essentially only shown us changes at the
- [00:07:19.100]individual level, even though ultimately our intention with community leadership development
- [00:07:24.700]is be able to show enhanced capacity at a community level.
- [00:07:29.580]But so far, the research has really documented only changes at the individual level.
- [00:07:33.920]You know, there's a variety of reasons for that.
- [00:07:37.580]You know, one could be that, you know, when we do more events-based programming for a
- [00:07:43.840]week or we have a group that meets once a month for a year, you know, it's likely that
- [00:07:48.020]the effects of that program will, the immediate effects at least, will only be at the individual
- [00:07:53.180]level.
- [00:07:54.460]You know, trying to measure what humans do is really hard.
- [00:07:57.560]So building good psychometric measures of community leadership development sometimes
- [00:08:02.820]presents a challenge.
- [00:08:04.480]You know, we're all familiar with how complex community change is.
- [00:08:09.060]So there's likely a multitude of factors that might determine community vitality, with
- [00:08:13.760]community leaders only being one component of that.
- [00:08:16.280]And there may be too much time that lapses between when the community leadership development
- [00:08:22.180]program ends and when we're going to be able to do more.
- [00:08:24.220]When we actually see change at the community level.
- [00:08:26.580]So those might be some reasons, but there are also some others.
- [00:08:30.700]So I have the pleasure of being in a position of trying to stay on top of new and upcoming
- [00:08:39.360]literature in leadership development.
- [00:08:41.300]And where the field of leadership development is right now is that there's a lot of criticism
- [00:08:46.580]in the field of leadership development and saying, look, in our leadership development
- [00:08:51.600]programs broadly, we rely.
- [00:08:53.980]Way too much on leader development.
- [00:08:55.520]We do way too many personality assessments, right?
- [00:08:59.020]We've all taken the MBTI or the StrengthsFinder or the True Colors or the HATS or the Enneagrams
- [00:09:04.700]or whatever.
- [00:09:05.120]And those are all great, but they're all trait-based assessments.
- [00:09:07.680]And traits are designed to be pretty stable over time.
- [00:09:11.560]So we rely too much on individual leader development.
- [00:09:14.740]We focus on variables that don't develop, like personality.
- [00:09:17.920]We still like to do the event-based program, right?
- [00:09:20.980]The two-day workshop or the once-a-month thing.
- [00:09:23.740]But the research on that is just showing us we're not seeing a lot of gains.
- [00:09:28.680]We see gains right at the end of those event-based programs.
- [00:09:31.980]But three months later, for example, those gains are pretty much all but lost.
- [00:09:35.720]There are also some – oops, sorry.
- [00:09:38.060]Boy, this thing is touchy.
- [00:09:39.840]We also have some fan-favorite leadership theories.
- [00:09:44.960]So a lot of people want training on servant leadership or transformational leadership,
- [00:09:49.280]regardless of whether or not those theories actually match the leadership
- [00:09:53.500]development needs of the organization or the community.
- [00:09:55.860]And certainly community leadership development hasn't been immune to this.
- [00:10:00.440]So because of that, we just have not been able to show our intended results.
- [00:10:07.220]Like community leadership development efforts just have not been showing results
- [00:10:10.920]where we want them to show up, which is at the community level.
- [00:10:14.920]So – and we were seeing this certainly.
- [00:10:20.660]Sean did a great job in preparation for our Chautauqua
- [00:10:23.260]to take a look at existing CLD programs right now.
- [00:10:27.060]And as he really probed into existing community leadership development efforts
- [00:10:31.960]going across the state, while we do have lots of CLD programs,
- [00:10:36.340]again, they're all basically intended to impact that human and social capital.
- [00:10:41.060]So, again, we shouldn't be surprised when we're only really seeing gains
- [00:10:44.400]at the individual level.
- [00:10:45.840]Okay, so hopefully that gives you some background into, like, you know,
- [00:10:50.520]why the leadership Chautauqua, why did we want to bring this,
- [00:10:53.260]this think tank event together.
- [00:10:56.400]Okay, so as I mentioned before,
- [00:10:59.120]the idea was to be this think tank event on community leadership development.
- [00:11:02.820]We wanted to bring together diverse perspectives, community leaders,
- [00:11:06.620]community development professionals all across the state with the idea that
- [00:11:11.060]we want to rethink how we do community leadership development so that that
- [00:11:15.480]way the outcomes of our efforts are at the level that we care about at the
- [00:11:19.040]community.
- [00:11:19.440]Okay, so how it worked.
- [00:11:23.600]Essentially, we tried to take this process where we fully recognize that
- [00:11:29.280]the expertise was in the room.
- [00:11:30.740]So we didn't want the working team to come in and just say, hey, we're
- [00:11:33.780]going to tell you everything we know about community leadership and then
- [00:11:37.500]just implement what we tell you to rethink your own community leadership
- [00:11:41.780]development program.
- [00:11:42.520]We really wanted to make sure that we acknowledge and recognize that the
- [00:11:46.320]expertise was in the room.
- [00:11:47.760]And we were just there to bring some information, some research, bring
- [00:11:53.260]those to bear on the conversation.
- [00:11:54.860]So a lot of it was like we would present information, there would be a
- [00:11:58.840]reflection process, then there would be small group discussions, and it
- [00:12:02.400]kind of did this rinse and repeat throughout the day.
- [00:12:05.240]We tried to take a different approach to how we captured small group
- [00:12:09.880]discussions.
- [00:12:10.480]I mean, we've all been in those meetings where there are a thousand flip
- [00:12:13.480]charts all across the room.
- [00:12:14.840]You get to the end of the day.
- [00:12:16.040]What did we learn?
- [00:12:18.160]We don't know.
- [00:12:18.900]There are just thousands of words written all over.
- [00:12:21.600]So we tried to take a different approach.
- [00:12:23.260]And that we had discussants at every small group table.
- [00:12:26.840]And those discussants were taking notes on a Google Doc.
- [00:12:30.600]Then we had two graduate assistants reviewing those Google Docs as they were updating throughout
- [00:12:37.300]the day.
- [00:12:37.740]And then they were populating a digital whiteboard throughout the day to summarize what was being
- [00:12:44.020]discussed, common themes that were showing up across small group discussions.
- [00:12:47.840]So we'll go through those today.
- [00:12:49.300]We also heard in our pre-event survey that people were having a lot of fun.
- [00:12:53.260]People who attended wanted to meet other people at the event, and so we tried to do a lot
- [00:12:57.600]of change-up throughout the day.
- [00:12:58.600]Okay, so this was the digital whiteboard that emerged from the small group discussions
- [00:13:05.780]throughout the day.
- [00:13:06.440]We'll kind of go through this block by block, but I promise you I will not go through this
- [00:13:11.840]bullet point by bullet point, and I'll be happy to share this PowerPoint if you would
- [00:13:17.900]like to get more into the weeds, but we'll try to take a more high-level view of some
- [00:13:22.140]of the major themes.
- [00:13:23.260]Okay, we first started, as people arrived and got their lunch, we first started by having
- [00:13:32.220]them identify existing community leadership development opportunities locally, what were
- [00:13:38.020]some of the assets of those existing programs, as well as some of the challenges.
- [00:13:43.200]We had people share those, and then we shared some information about existing CLD programs
- [00:13:50.140]in the state that Sean put together.
- [00:13:52.060]We shared that research.
- [00:13:53.260]I just shared with you.
- [00:13:54.700]We had individuals create their own individual leadership journey map so they could see connections
- [00:14:01.360]between different leadership development experiences across their lifespan so far, ultimately designed
- [00:14:06.360]to help us think through like, okay, knowing what we know about what exists currently,
- [00:14:11.520]how we've developed as a leader, as well as the research and the existing CLD programs,
- [00:14:16.760]how can we use all that information to think differently about CLD?
- [00:14:23.260]Relative to themes across small groups that we saw like, okay, like what are the positives
- [00:14:28.360]and negatives about what exists currently? And certainly there was consensus around this
- [00:14:34.300]idea that the ultimate asset when it comes to CLD programs is the people who are involved,
- [00:14:42.240]right? And that it does create this sort of safe space for us to think about local needs
- [00:14:48.900]and how we can develop capacity to meet local needs. So that was certainly something that
- [00:14:53.260]got brought up across small group tables and even across discussions. Certainly challenges
- [00:14:59.740]are like, okay, we know we need to develop this new generation, this upcoming generation.
- [00:15:04.140]How do we engage them well? How do we bring diverse perspectives together? How do we get
- [00:15:09.740]past resource limitations? As well as like, you know, how can we even get past just our
- [00:15:16.960]own CLD program to think more regionally? Okay.
- [00:15:23.260]So, ultimately, as the Leadership Chautauqua participants were thinking about strengths
- [00:15:29.500]and struggles, assets and challenges of existing CLD, and then using the research and the analysis
- [00:15:36.060]that Sean put together, what we felt like we saw at a 10,000-foot level in terms of
- [00:15:42.080]thinking differently were sort of three things.
- [00:15:44.360]One was this notion of a shifting mindset that, okay, how can we think differently to
- [00:15:53.260]to emerge within the community?
- [00:15:55.540]Additionally, one thing we felt like we saw was, okay, how can we balance this notion
- [00:16:01.380]of having more regional approaches or having, like, a statewide catalog of CLD efforts?
- [00:16:07.160]So, like, how can we think and share resources across programs but also make them very
- [00:16:12.800]tailor-made, right?
- [00:16:13.940]Because what Cambridge might need will be different from what Broken Bow needs, different
- [00:16:18.960]from what Fall City needs.
- [00:16:20.420]So, like, how can we share resources but also, like, how can we balance this notion of
- [00:16:23.260]how can we also make it highly flexible so we can make it tailor-made?
- [00:16:26.280]You know, and the other major point that got brought up across small group discussions
- [00:16:31.800]was this notion of, okay, how do we prioritize the investment of community resources?
- [00:16:36.580]You know, lots of times CLD programs are severely underfunded or, you know, the people who are
- [00:16:42.780]running it are doing it on a volunteer basis or it's an add-on.
- [00:16:46.140]Additionally, people who are involved in CLD efforts, they're having to do it in addition
- [00:16:51.820]to their job, right?
- [00:16:53.320]It's not integrated or incorporated.
- [00:16:54.820]They don't necessarily have time built in to be able to account for the time spent on
- [00:17:00.220]that.
- [00:17:00.460]Okay, so then, you know, as we moved further into the afternoon, then we started to think
- [00:17:09.600]through it.
- [00:17:09.780]Mary Emery had this great line as we were building the grant application for this.
- [00:17:14.720]She's like, we need to make visible the invisible structures that either facilitate or hinder
- [00:17:20.580]CLD.
- [00:17:21.220]I'm like, oh, that's brilliant, you know, like, ah.
- [00:17:23.260]Sometimes I feel like I just want to follow Mary Emery around with her recorder because
- [00:17:27.360]she has some great lines.
- [00:17:28.820]So we just felt like that had to be a cornerstone of the think tank discussion on CLD.
- [00:17:35.600]Like, okay, ultimately, if we want to think differently about CLD, then we have to make
- [00:17:41.040]visible the invisible structures that either make that happen or get in the way.
- [00:17:45.800]Okay, so across small groups.
- [00:17:53.260]Where we felt like we saw invisible structures that seemed to facilitate CLD.
- [00:17:59.260]So this was interesting, this notion of like, when CLD is welcoming, it's accessible, and
- [00:18:06.200]we take time to share stories, which I also thought was fascinating, because storytelling
- [00:18:11.320]is becoming a much more widely used pedagogy, which I just find fascinating.
- [00:18:16.480]So anyway, so that got brought up across multiple groups, is that when it's welcoming, accessible,
- [00:18:21.660]and we take time to share stories.
- [00:18:23.260]Which sometimes feels like an add-on, or almost like icebreaker type activity.
- [00:18:27.800]But if we make that more central to what we do, that small group participants really felt
- [00:18:33.140]like that helps to facilitate effective community leadership development.
- [00:18:37.700]They also felt like if we did have these statewide models, so again,
- [00:18:40.920]like having resources that are shared, but yet making them so highly flexible,
- [00:18:45.120]that that seemed to be an invisible structure that facilitates CLD well.
- [00:18:49.840]And then across small groups, when we talked
- [00:18:53.260]about invisible structures that perhaps get in the way of effective CLD,
- [00:18:57.560]it was sort of interesting thinking about brain drain, but in particular,
- [00:19:01.680]like how well do we value youth?
- [00:19:03.440]And if we don't value them, then that gets in the way of effective CLD.
- [00:19:09.440]The other fascinating sentiment that got brought up across multiple small groups is that like,
- [00:19:15.020]look, a lot of people right now feel unqualified to lead.
- [00:19:19.020]So it even begs to ask the question around like, okay,
- [00:19:23.260]what are our implicit assumptions about what effective community leadership look like?
- [00:19:28.360]Because perhaps there are a lot of people who don't feel like they fit that assumption
- [00:19:33.640]of what an effective community leader looks like.
- [00:19:35.980]So how can we even challenge our own thinking on that?
- [00:19:39.260]So I thought that was just really interesting that, and also not only do things like welcoming
- [00:19:45.180]atmospheres, accessibility, facilitate CLD, but when we have lack of inclusivity, that
- [00:19:51.460]tends to get in the way of effective leadership.
- [00:19:53.260]of CLD.
- [00:19:55.880]okay so then we based on that conversation we felt like a great segue was then like okay who's
- [00:20:04.660]missing if there are people right now who feel unqualified to lead and this is sort of this
- [00:20:09.180]hidden structure that gets in the way of effective CLD who's missing and why and how might that help
- [00:20:17.760]us think differently about how we revolutionize how we do CLD. So across small groups so again
- [00:20:26.780]where we saw I mean there were there were tons of groups of individuals brought up but where we saw
- [00:20:31.960]sort of consensus across multiple small groups was this notion of parents both stay at home and
- [00:20:39.060]working parents I am square in the middle of being a full-time you know working mom with busy active
- [00:20:45.860]pre-teens so I totally get this.
- [00:20:47.740]They're also across groups minoritized individuals which could include things like new immigrants to the community.
- [00:20:56.520]Interestingly people brought up like farmers and ranchers, teachers, you know we don't involve enough youth.
- [00:21:02.420]There was a discussion around like well so long as our community leadership development programs happen in the evenings on weekdays
- [00:21:10.180]anybody who works second or third shift is out.
- [00:21:12.580]Additionally for a lot of leadership roles in the community if our community meetings are always weekday
- [00:21:17.720]evenings second and third shift are out.
- [00:21:19.840]Also some felt like retiring adults were a great pool of potential community leaders that are undertapped.
- [00:21:26.560]So you know why what are some reasons for why these individuals are missing across small groups.
- [00:21:32.540]I mean none of these should be a shocker to you.
- [00:21:34.640]Time and availability.
- [00:21:36.400]Some people feel like these people are missing because they're not intentionally asked which was fascinating because that
- [00:21:42.500]really underscored some research findings that I did a while back.
- [00:21:47.700]Looking at how youth develop through community leadership initiatives that all the youth talked about how like you know why are you
- [00:21:54.160]involved in community leadership.
- [00:21:55.480]Every single one said somebody asked me.
- [00:21:57.760]I thought that was fascinating.
- [00:21:59.280]So and relating back to our earlier conversation around invisible structures across small groups we heard you know like why are these
- [00:22:06.840]groups missing.
- [00:22:07.460]Some felt like well maybe they don't feel valued or maybe they don't feel qualified to lead.
- [00:22:12.180]And so how might we challenge our own implicit assumptions for what effective community leader
- [00:22:17.680]leaders look like to make it more accessible to help other people who maybe have felt at the
- [00:22:22.720]margins to feel like they belong.
- [00:22:24.040]Okay.
- [00:22:27.180]So ultimately like all of this big crescendo right up to this question.
- [00:22:32.460]Okay.
- [00:22:32.820]So knowing this how should we revolutionize our approach to CLD?
- [00:22:36.920]One thing that we saw relative to how should we revolutionize our approach we saw this at the end
- [00:22:44.880]of the Chautauqua as well as in the follow-up survey.
- [00:22:47.660]Was okay how can we think about community leadership as a system rather than a program?
- [00:22:53.520]So that might involve maybe we still have some events-based programming but maybe we need to
- [00:22:59.560]make those much more long-term in nature have mentoring and coaching happening in between
- [00:23:04.640]our events for CLD and then how can we have this sort of statewide model but that's still very
- [00:23:11.220]flexible and tailor-made and the other major theme related to this notion of community leadership as
- [00:23:17.640]programs is okay how can we think about developing collective capacity how can we get past the notion
- [00:23:23.900]of doing individual leader development to thinking about how we build collective capacity which will
- [00:23:29.440]likely have implications for how well a team of people can enact leadership at the community level
- [00:23:36.300]the other major theme and we've talked a little bit about this already is that okay
- [00:23:41.440]if we're going to revolutionize our approach then we have to be brave enough to address the who's
- [00:23:47.620]question and how can we challenge our implicit assumptions how can we improve access how can we
- [00:23:53.140]be more intentional askers of people to participate in CLD how can we work with employers to create
- [00:24:00.440]paid time off opportunities for people to be involved in their community rather than making
- [00:24:06.180]it always an add-on how do we how do we build in things for example in grant applications to make
- [00:24:11.620]sure that child care and meals are covered for those who participate so those were some of the
- [00:24:17.600]questions that we were involved with okay if we're going to revolutionize our approach we have to be
- [00:24:20.780]brave enough to address the who's missing question so ultimately i just want to close here by saying
- [00:24:28.940]that look a cld holds significant promise for impacting community vitality efforts and so the
- [00:24:36.060]the hope and intention behind this chautauqua was to help us sort of get outside the box and think
- [00:24:41.200]differently about how we might revolutionize our approach fully acknowledging and recognizing the
- [00:24:47.580]impact of community vitality so with that some of the calls to action that were emphasized in our
- [00:24:54.040]follow-up survey and then jordan um and sean i don't have tyler's on the call um i'll let you
- [00:24:59.320]all talk about some of the follow-up work from the chautauqua um but certainly what we saw in
- [00:25:03.560]the follow-up survey was this recognition that we've got a partner um across communities across
- [00:25:08.580]organizations to create that regional approach during that statewide approach um to create
- [00:25:13.800]peer learning communities of practice how can we learn from one another
- [00:25:17.560]um as as well as how do we create those more regional approaches so jordan and sean with
- [00:25:22.100]that do you guys want to talk about some of the follow-up work to the chautauqua
- [00:25:26.300]sure i can um if it's okay share a screen about the upcoming peer learning sessions
- [00:25:35.200]um if that sounds good for folks so and get a moment while i'm pulling that up um
- [00:25:41.020]would folks on the phone have some questions for uh lindsay
- [00:25:47.540]this isn't a question so much as just i really applauded um the approach to that day it was so
- [00:25:56.900]exciting to see rather than waiting for results to come up you know three four weeks you guys
- [00:26:04.780]it was awesome and i just loved being able to see that look at it and i just
- [00:26:09.720]will have to pull the file again because i forgot how many interesting things happened
- [00:26:14.040]that day so i loved it i thought it was fabulous
- [00:26:17.520]thanks joni i really appreciate that we um we we tried a lot of things and so and we were kind
- [00:26:23.140]of biting our nails um on whether or not some of the the approach would work so i your feedback
- [00:26:27.760]means a lot to me thank you i just wanted to say that i am learning a lot from your presentation
- [00:26:34.000]i find it very very fascinating all the uh the passion that you have and um all the approaches
- [00:26:42.020]and the lessons learned i think um there's a lot of room um there
- [00:26:47.500]for for us to learn thank you thank you maria and maria all the passion in this room doesn't
- [00:26:55.580]even come close to the passion that you display for the work that you do i love maria's energy
- [00:26:59.980]anytime you want to boost an energy listen to maria i love it is the company are all learning
- [00:27:06.080]from you thank you
- [00:27:07.500]okay i think i'm ready to give this a shot here i'm sorry you're gonna see a lot of texts on the
- [00:27:17.480]apologize but we have three upcoming uh sessions and we've tried to make these as flexible as for
- [00:27:25.860]folks as possible so they're they're zooms and and you can see these bullet points in the matter
- [00:27:30.620]we're emphasizing the leadership as an opportunity collaborative effort like we learned from
- [00:27:34.240]chautauqua that's going to work work best when we're learning from you reflective like the
- [00:27:39.400]participants are both the facilitators and the learners so that was what we heard and we're
- [00:27:44.180]going to try to keep that going with these next three sessions and then we
- [00:27:47.460]want to include people who have not traditionally appreciated so the reason we're doing kind of
- [00:27:52.360]these looms zooms and three different opportunities is that if you can't make one maybe you could make
- [00:27:57.640]another and then there'll be breakout sessions within them and then this is also where we can
- [00:28:04.900]as lindsey said learn from the old system like the events phase folks that have always been
- [00:28:09.240]running it but also try to reach out and we'd ask you to reach out to others who have not
- [00:28:13.880]traditionally been involved with cld programs to join these as well
- [00:28:17.440]and so um the first one is actually happening next week i think what day is the 16th is that a
- [00:28:23.200]i can't read what day of the week is this two o'clock central next tuesday is the first session
- [00:28:30.740]we're trying to ask folks just so we can because we're going to have breakout rooms by region i
- [00:28:35.300]think if that's correct so we're trying to have folks register by the end of this week so that
- [00:28:40.080]we can work on setting up those breakout rooms for that first session so like lindsey said we
- [00:28:45.540]want to make these uh regionally
- [00:28:47.420]customized as best we can so we're trying to break you out in your region because the
- [00:28:52.120]the needs of western nebraska might be a little bit different than the needs of central nebraska
- [00:28:56.240]and so forth so um so we're trying to have breakout sessions as part of these and it'll
- [00:29:00.900]be on the 23rd and then on the 24th so i have sent these i think most of the rpn educators
- [00:29:08.380]in our respective areas have sent these to the the folks not just the traditional clp leaders
- [00:29:14.120]that are running programs but other uh you can
- [00:29:17.400]development directors other community and civic groups we're trying to spread it wide because
- [00:29:22.580]again we don't want it just to be the traditional folks we want to encourage others to attend as
- [00:29:26.640]well jordan tyler lindsey what am i missing here with that
- [00:29:30.440]that have folks hopefully most of you on the call have gotten this email or some version of it
- [00:29:38.900]already if not then we are in error
- [00:29:47.380]the silence means that everyone's got it
- [00:29:51.700]yeah i was gonna say we can glad to send it out again um and i think we have a robust crew the
- [00:29:58.680]last i had heard we had over 40 folks that had already registered so um i think that's a good
- [00:30:04.000]gauge that uh there's interest in uh in continuing this conversation um at a statewide level um and
- [00:30:11.260]so really excited uh grateful for the time that you spent uh participating in the chautauqua and
- [00:30:17.360]your willingness to come to the table for these opportunities as well so
- [00:30:20.800]i tried to put the links in there but it just made a gobbledygook mess so we'll just send
- [00:30:29.100]out the email again so you can register if you like wonderful
- [00:30:35.220]well no one has other further questions today i mean
- [00:30:42.000]one thing i guess i would like to ask to spur the conversation lindsey to like keep the chautauqua
- [00:30:47.340]theme going here is you guys are the experts and so um i'd like to hear your opinions on
- [00:30:55.200]you know what has been working well with the local leadership development programs and maybe what we
- [00:31:01.680]need to do better on if because we have a couple minutes here so those are the two questions what's
- [00:31:05.980]let's start as what's been working well maybe in your own respective areas at the last time you
- [00:31:11.740]attended a local leadership development program or even or anyone for that matter if anyone
- [00:31:17.320]want to chime in on their experience with leadership development programming and what
- [00:31:22.620]they've liked about it I'll just say that this is probably the first time I've been involved in
- [00:31:35.000]such a big effort to try to bring out the people that aren't normally involved and I loved the
- [00:31:42.680]stay-at-home parents that was one of the big ones from our table too there was just such a
- [00:31:47.300]need for recognizing that you know and also the shift workers so I'm very excited about that but
- [00:31:55.040]I'm probably more excited about some follow-up things that are going to happen with these zooms
- [00:31:59.080]because I think that will help us I'm at fault right now because we have a new Boxview development
- [00:32:03.960]leader and I do not have her on real rendezvous I didn't even think about that so I was glad that
- [00:32:09.220]this meeting happened so I will make a call to her immediately to get that done I'm very excited
- [00:32:14.340]about that Lindsay I loved
- [00:32:17.280]coming from a telephone company perspective a picture of a telephone on your PowerPoint
- [00:32:21.760]and the last thing I want to say when we're talking about leadership my daughter just completed
- [00:32:26.980]leadership Nebraska she's a teacher one of the first that have ever done the program I would
- [00:32:32.800]love for everyone to share it with their friends Sean you're a firm believer of that too
- [00:32:38.800]Maria I don't know but what a great program for emerging leaders for Nebraska
- [00:32:47.260]and you said she's a teacher that's fantastic because that's something that I have been hearing
- [00:32:54.120]I mean even outside of the Chautauqua teachers are like well when when would I do this how
- [00:32:59.380]because it's I think for a lot of them it's such a pain to be out of school in terms of getting
- [00:33:06.840]subs and whatever else that it's it's so difficult that they they just automatically don't don't
- [00:33:11.740]even put their application in so I love that your daughter's really trailblazing because educators
- [00:33:17.240]absolutely have to be on the table well and what this is a really I'm sorry I don't mean to go on
- [00:33:23.420]but I have to tell the story about that so when she was when they were touring the new medical
- [00:33:28.180]pieces happening at the University of Nebraska Kearney the chief financial officer was one of
- [00:33:34.340]the people in the room and when she said I'm the only teacher and he goes well why is that and she
- [00:33:40.460]said well a you know we don't have that many days off b then we have to take that as our vacation
- [00:33:47.220]um and the school did not help her with the program so she ended up paying for it and then
- [00:33:54.220]got a loan for the other half of it and so the director at the college ended up giving her full
- [00:34:01.720]tuition back to her classroom so she is able to use that money to help develop some things in her
- [00:34:07.200]classroom just because he said I'm so proud of you for going against everything because her
- [00:34:12.760]administrators they supported her but they would not help pay for it nor give her time
- [00:34:17.200]for development so it did take a lot to make it happen but Sean I'm sure you can attest to the
- [00:34:25.300]greatness that came from your class so I hope everybody has a chance to spread it around with
- [00:34:30.800]their friends and some teachers to make it happen. Yeah thanks for sharing that I mean that that's a
- [00:34:37.380]good kind of shift to the next question I pose which is the challenges local leadership development
- [00:34:42.360]programming is trying to one of the groups is the those that are working and getting the
- [00:34:47.180]those that are have regular workday jobs or or kids in there and you know some some school districts
- [00:34:52.420]are a little more supportive of giving their teachers time to attend these and others it's a
- [00:34:56.720]little tougher and so if anyone's got good good suggestions on there it's that would be wonderful
- [00:35:03.360]that is one of the big challenges. Are there others that folks want to share like what can
- [00:35:08.980]we do better with the local leadership development programming? Thank you thanks again for sharing
- [00:35:17.160]as you're thinking one one model that we've been lifting up Duncan Aviation here in Lincoln
- [00:35:24.180]does offer its employees paid time off specifically for community leadership so
- [00:35:30.180]it's not vacation time it's not sick time it's paid time off for community involvement and that
- [00:35:36.300]can be little league coaching it can be service on the city council it can be
- [00:35:41.940]involvement in a community leadership development program but anyway the
- [00:35:47.140]that's one that we've been lifting up a lot is this whole notion like working with employers
- [00:35:50.960]or having economic development directors work with employers to offer paid time off or even
- [00:35:56.660]flex scheduling offering flex time so individuals can participate without penalty because I mean
- [00:36:03.800]Joni to your point your daughter she should not have been taking vacation time it's far from
- [00:36:07.640]vacation to be involved in community leadership it's interesting but it's professional development
- [00:36:11.980]it's it's not vacation time so
- [00:36:15.320]when I think one of the biggest things that she brought back was
- [00:36:20.260]who are bigger leaders in our state you know I mean if it's not teachers but the discourse she
- [00:36:28.620]says is they give back at the school for all those activities and it's hard to be a part of
- [00:36:33.520]your community leadership so I think that helped bridge a gap for her understanding and that's what
- [00:36:38.700]she's going to speak at their school board meeting on Monday night and you know express
- [00:36:43.800]what she gained in hopes
- [00:36:45.300]that they'll be open to maybe helping a teacher in the future so
- [00:36:49.140]that's a great suggestion that you know as Lindsay you brought up one of the
- [00:36:55.080]my baseball coaches our assistant coaches he works for international in Grand Island
- [00:36:59.080]and he coaches and they give him flex time so if he has to take off an hour or two early for practice
- [00:37:05.920]to coach practice then he'll just make that up on a Saturday morning or something I think that's a
- [00:37:10.620]a really good approach and work with the local economic development folks to keep encouraging that thing
- [00:37:15.280]thanks for making that suggestion
- [00:37:16.460]other other suggestions to improve local leadership development
- [00:37:23.100]if you don't if you don't show it uh contribute now we hope to see you next week then
- [00:37:33.120]I I have a I have a group this is a is a Hispanic group and I think um it kind of touched um when
- [00:37:41.360]when Dr. um Lindsay told about sense of
- [00:37:45.260]belonging at the beginning they were so afraid to mingle and to be part of and after a year
- [00:37:54.780]they they are starting to ask for opportunities to grow they are they are feeling confident to
- [00:38:01.120]try to do a conversational English class and all that so I don't know if at some point
- [00:38:07.380]maybe you think that can be piloted or something with a diverse group that would be great
- [00:38:15.240]sorry I'm done
- [00:38:19.320]another good session thank you Maria
- [00:38:24.340]well hearing no others any other last thoughts closing thoughts for Lindsay or
- [00:38:33.980]otherwise well and I was just going to say I fully acknowledge that when someone's giving
- [00:38:39.280]a presentation questions come about 15 to 30 minutes later right or two days
- [00:38:45.220]later so I will say call me email me stop by anytime you're not bothering me
- [00:38:49.880]to follow up with me my office is right above the dairy store if that gives you an excuse
- [00:38:55.180]to come so please know that as questions come up as you marinate on this a little
- [00:39:00.400]bit please feel free to reach out you're not bothering me at all
- [00:39:03.520]okay well there's no other questions
- [00:39:15.200]I think we'll wrap up and want to appreciate everyone for coming today and thank you Lindsay
- [00:39:21.680]for sharing your time and expertise you bet thank you all it was nice to see you
- [00:39:26.900]all right and there's been a couple chats in the thing so those of you not on the list if you want
- [00:39:33.380]to send a reply to that when I invited folks to attend this with a reminder you want to send me
- [00:39:37.180]an email back and we'll make sure that we get you caught up on the leadership Chautauqua invites
- [00:39:45.180]thanks so much
- [00:39:47.720]Thank you.
- [00:39:47.840]Thank you.
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