InternNE & WNCC Summer Internship Program
Jamie Bright
1. internNE- The internNE initiative is a $20 million collaborative effort between the Aksarben Foundation and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. The initiative aims to connect students with employers statewide by encouraging the addition of internship positions. The grant will reimburse up to half of the eligible internship expenses paid by the employer. This can include things like wages, tuition and training, housing, transportation and recruitment costs.
2. WNCC Summer Internship Pilot Program- This is a brand-new program kicking off this year! We are still in the early planning stages, but we are excited to share the idea with local employers. The goal is to build a local pipeline of trained, career ready students. On our end, we will train students in professional presentation, build their resume, practice interview skills, and discuss the soft skills necessary to be effective employees. We will specifically advertise local internship opportunities to our student participants and require them to go through a traditional hiring process so that employers get the best match for the job. We are also encouraging employers connect with internNE so that they can post positions on their website. If they don't get matched with a WNCC student, they have the opportunity to meet students from all over the state.
Recorded 9/25/2024.
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