Next-Gen CMS Training - September 17 2024
Aaron Coleman
Introductory training that covers site management, content creation, media library, and user access in the Next-Gen CMS system.
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- [00:00:00.000]My name is Aaron Coleman, and I am in the Digital Experience Group in University Communication.
- [00:00:07.400]Joining me today are Eric Rasmussen and Saron Gebre.
- [00:00:12.000]They are going to help if you have questions as we go through this.
- [00:00:15.640]Also joining us is Bob Crisler from DXG and UCOMM.
- [00:00:20.420]So the training today is an introductory training to next-gen CMS, which, as you probably all know,
- [00:00:27.060]is we're all moving our current CMS sites into this next-gen CMS.
- [00:00:31.100]We're going to go through the training, kind of talk about different types of content you can add to the site,
- [00:00:37.300]some of the different layout options you have.
- [00:00:39.860]We'll go over users and media library and then kind of the process, the whole process for doing this.
- [00:00:48.520]It'll probably take about an hour to roll through all this, and then we'll save some time at the end if you have questions.
- [00:00:56.340]As we're going through the training, if you have an immediate question, feel free to ask those in the chat, and Eric or Saron can help you out.
- [00:01:04.420]If you have kind of a more general question, hold that to the end, and we'll go through all those questions and any other general questions you have at that time.
- [00:01:15.520]So I'm going to go ahead and share my screen here.
- [00:01:17.700]All right.
- [00:01:25.620]So if you've logged in to your Sandbox site, you'll note that it's very similar to the current CMS system we have.
- [00:01:35.180]You know, when you're not logged in, it looks just like a regular site.
- [00:01:38.280]When you log in, you get this administrative toolbar up here at the top with, you know, content, structure, people, stuff like that.
- [00:01:45.360]And then you see the tabs on whatever page you're on.
- [00:01:48.240]So we're going to go ahead and start adding some content to this site and talk about how the new system works.
- [00:01:55.600]So we're going to go content.
- [00:01:58.900]We're just going to click add content.
- [00:02:00.480]I'll give a brief overview on the types of content.
- [00:02:02.800]Then we're going to start adding them.
- [00:02:04.260]So right here at the top, you'll see builder page.
- [00:02:08.520]And what you probably don't see here is basic page.
- [00:02:11.640]So the biggest difference between the current system, old system, and this new system is that we do not have basic pages anymore.
- [00:02:20.060]We have a builder page.
- [00:02:21.460]And a builder page is kind of like two pages in one.
- [00:02:25.620]It's kind of like it has the functionality of a basic page, but then it has all this added extra functionality that's called layout builder that gives you the ability to add really complex designs to your site without knowing any HTML or CSS or JavaScript.
- [00:02:43.660]Book page is basically the same as book page on the old system.
- [00:02:48.120]News item is for adding news to your site.
- [00:02:50.720]Person is for adding people.
- [00:02:52.540]It's mostly self-explanatory.
- [00:02:54.820]And web form is web form.
- [00:02:56.280]We'll touch on all these as we move through the training.
- [00:02:59.220]I would say the biggest difference between this new system and the current slash old
- [00:03:04.820]system is that the new system is very modular.
- [00:03:09.360]You can add pages.
- [00:03:10.760]You can kind of include those in other pages.
- [00:03:13.620]And then when you make the change on the original page, it'll change in both places.
- [00:03:18.340]And the biggest change is that there's no HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- [00:03:23.280]All these things are...
- [00:03:24.580]Things are built using components with internal templating.
- [00:03:28.080]So you're uploading images, you're filling out fields,
- [00:03:32.260]and then this internal templating kind of renders it all in this pretty displays.
- [00:03:37.240]So it's very helpful for people who just want to worry about their content,
- [00:03:42.460]make sure their website is as up-to-date as possible for their users.
- [00:03:46.700]So we kind of remove a lot of that overhead of having to know HTML, CSS, all that stuff.
- [00:03:54.340]So we're going to go ahead and start here.
- [00:03:56.340]So you can go to content, add content, and get to this page that I'm on.
- [00:04:00.500]Or you can hover over content, go add content, do it this way.
- [00:04:04.340]So we're going to add a person here.
- [00:04:05.920]So I'm going to go ahead and add myself.
- [00:04:09.820]And I'm going to show you what happens if we only fill out a couple fields.
- [00:04:14.040]So we've got two fields here, kind of the title, preferred display name,
- [00:04:19.460]and then a UNL directory reference.
- [00:04:21.300]So you can see here that this auto-completed,
- [00:04:24.100]and then I'm going to choose myself, and then it shows my UNL username.
- [00:04:28.540]And I'm just going to click Save here.
- [00:04:30.100]So I only filled out two fields, but you can see that basically
- [00:04:38.180]there's a page created with all my information on it.
- [00:04:40.760]So the image, the job title, the department,
- [00:04:44.800]and all this contact information is pulling directly from directory.
- [00:04:49.200]So, you know, let's just say for today,
- [00:04:54.100]as an example, I want to maybe be lead trainer.
- [00:04:56.780]I don't want my title to be senior web developer.
- [00:04:59.360]So, you know, this is helpful for, you know,
- [00:05:02.080]maybe you have people who are in a department,
- [00:05:05.100]but then you're also creating maybe like a committee website
- [00:05:08.780]or, you know, a staff senate website or something,
- [00:05:12.880]and they have a different title within that organization
- [00:05:14.780]rather than their job title at UNL.
- [00:05:17.340]So I'll come in here and kind of show you how you can do that.
- [00:05:24.100]So we have this dropdown,
- [00:05:25.880]and you can override anything coming from UNL directory.
- [00:05:31.520]So let's just say lead instructor.
- [00:05:34.720]And this is also really helpful if you have people who are affiliates
- [00:05:40.660]who don't have an entry in directory,
- [00:05:43.160]but maybe, you know, you have a visiting professor
- [00:05:45.880]or something like that that you need to add to your website,
- [00:05:48.840]but they don't have information in UNL directory.
- [00:05:51.540]Rather than filling out this UNL directory
- [00:05:54.100]reference, you would just fill out all these fields
- [00:05:56.760]and then their information would be displayed the same
- [00:05:59.500]on the page as somebody who did have
- [00:06:01.800]that information in directory.
- [00:06:03.000]So let's just say I'm going to put a little bio here.
- [00:06:06.200]You know, Aaron does development.
- [00:06:10.600]Just put something short in there.
- [00:06:24.100]So now you can see that rather than senior web developer,
- [00:06:31.540]it says lead instructor.
- [00:06:32.800]And then it added this little bit of bio text here.
- [00:06:35.940]So you can fill out all those other fields in it.
- [00:06:37.900]You can make this page much more advanced,
- [00:06:41.060]but I just kind of want to give you,
- [00:06:42.300]and I show you an idea of what it can look like,
- [00:06:46.000]even if you fill out kind of a bare minimum of fields
- [00:06:49.200]when you're adding a person.
- [00:06:50.260]Because a lot of that data is coming from essential,
- [00:06:54.100]a central repository of data for people.
- [00:06:57.200]And that's what we've tried to do with a lot of this content here
- [00:07:01.240]is rely on other systems where that data is coming from,
- [00:07:03.940]display it on your site.
- [00:07:05.280]You change it in one place and it changes in multiple places.
- [00:07:09.160]So we're going to go ahead and add a news item now.
- [00:07:24.100]So you can see there's just basically a bunch of fields here, right?
- [00:07:29.680]We have our news item.
- [00:07:30.980]And when we want to add our image here,
- [00:07:33.900]it says no media items are selected.
- [00:07:36.220]So whenever you add an image to your site through a component,
- [00:07:41.520]you're going to have to go through this thing called media library.
- [00:07:45.000]So media library is a new way in this new system
- [00:07:49.400]of managing images and managing files.
- [00:07:53.000]So in the old system,
- [00:07:54.100]we basically have a folder system that is what you might expect
- [00:08:00.520]going clear back to DOS days where you have folders
- [00:08:04.080]and you can put folders in those folders
- [00:08:06.060]and then images and files in those folders
- [00:08:07.940]and then reference them using HTML.
- [00:08:11.340]This is a different system.
- [00:08:13.200]You upload all your images and your files into a media library.
- [00:08:18.720]You then search for those items in that media library.
- [00:08:24.100]You then search for those items in that media library
- [00:08:24.700]by name or by tag.
- [00:08:27.120]So it's important to both name your files correctly
- [00:08:31.400]and tag your files correctly.
- [00:08:32.940]And we have some best practice documentation
- [00:08:36.340]in our documentation site.
- [00:08:38.360]And Eric and Saren can put those links in here.
- [00:08:41.020]And I'll refer to that again.
- [00:08:44.080]And I'll send the link to the documentation around again later
- [00:08:46.860]when I send the recording of the video around.
- [00:08:49.300]So we need to add an image to our media library.
- [00:08:54.100]And I'm going to do that here in order
- [00:08:56.600]to add that image to this news item.
- [00:09:00.500]So we're going to select a file.
- [00:09:03.080]I don't know what all I have here.
- [00:09:06.080]Let's just choose--
- [00:09:08.280]this looks good.
- [00:09:09.280]So what I like to tell people is alt text
- [00:09:18.320]is pretty self-explanatory if you've
- [00:09:21.020]been doing alt tags on your images on your current site.
- [00:09:24.100]So let's say three students holding up
- [00:09:29.640]picture, frame, or portrait first day of classes.
- [00:09:35.920]So tags, I like to tell people to go general to specific.
- [00:09:42.020]So in the past, you may have actually created a folder
- [00:09:48.920]system this way on your current site,
- [00:09:50.620]where maybe you have general folders, and then you get more
- [00:09:54.100]specific as you go down.
- [00:09:55.600]But for this one, we could say, let's just say students, right?
- [00:10:02.600]So I show this as an example.
- [00:10:04.860]I start typing student.
- [00:10:07.600]And I'm using this as an example of what not to do here,
- [00:10:11.100]because we have three different tags that
- [00:10:13.780]are all related to students.
- [00:10:15.980]And this is something you shouldn't do,
- [00:10:17.780]because you could think that as you move forward
- [00:10:22.000]through adding files--
- [00:10:24.100]images to your site--
- [00:10:25.540]if you have three different tags that are very similar
- [00:10:28.100]and you start adding images or files to each of those three
- [00:10:31.600]different tags, then eventually you're
- [00:10:34.240]just not going to be able to find things,
- [00:10:36.160]because you're going to want a more general tag.
- [00:10:40.860]So in this case, we'll just use students.
- [00:10:43.060]We could use fall.
- [00:10:48.540]We know it's fall, right?
- [00:10:52.040]And if we want to get specific, we could
- [00:10:54.100]say, like, first day, right?
- [00:10:55.580]So you can see there, as I type those tags,
- [00:11:01.420]some of those auto-completed, and I select them.
- [00:11:03.780]And that's because the tag already
- [00:11:05.580]existed in my tag library.
- [00:11:07.780]And then this last one did not auto-complete to anything.
- [00:11:10.600]So by doing that, I'm creating a new tag.
- [00:11:13.380]And I could keep putting commas and adding new tags,
- [00:11:17.340]so you can keep adding tags to get more specific if you want.
- [00:11:20.600]We're going to call this good for these three.
- [00:11:23.560]If I want to get--
- [00:11:24.100]get really specific, maybe just to give myself
- [00:11:27.460]something in the future to filter out photos
- [00:11:29.500]by a certain date.
- [00:11:30.980]I could even say, we know this photo is from 2024,
- [00:11:34.960]so I could add a tag there.
- [00:11:37.540]Maybe you need to go in the future
- [00:11:39.160]and find all the photos from a certain date to replace them.
- [00:11:41.660]That would give you an easy way to do that.
- [00:11:43.480]So we've got four tags.
- [00:11:44.980]That's pretty good.
- [00:11:45.740]We're going to save and insert that.
- [00:11:48.980]So now we have an image.
- [00:11:50.860]So this is the ability to give you a cut line.
- [00:11:54.100]A cut line is different than an alt tag.
- [00:11:55.780]An alt tag is more general.
- [00:11:57.940]A cut line might be more specific,
- [00:11:59.740]where you might know the names of the people who
- [00:12:02.740]are in the photo, maybe where they were from,
- [00:12:05.540]maybe where the building that they're
- [00:12:07.120]standing in front of, something like that.
- [00:12:08.960]Maybe even the name of the photographer.
- [00:12:10.640]And that's where you could put that.
- [00:12:13.040]Names of people in photo, photographer name,
- [00:12:19.560]and possible building there.
- [00:12:24.100]There's standing by, something like that.
- [00:12:31.540]So if you would know those things,
- [00:12:34.300]that's what you'd probably put in the cut line.
- [00:12:36.580]So lead image credit, this is who took the photo.
- [00:12:39.480]We know this is Craig, someone who gave him credit.
- [00:12:43.600]So byline gives you the ability to who wrote the article.
- [00:12:50.500]So we'll just put a name in here.
- [00:12:53.880]And then we're going to put some text in here.
- [00:12:55.880]You do not want to see me type four paragraphs.
- [00:12:58.280]You don't want to sit around for that.
- [00:12:59.820]So I have a lorem ipsum generator here.
- [00:13:02.820]And I'm just going to plop that in there.
- [00:13:06.660]So as I mentioned before, it's kind of modular.
- [00:13:09.520]And things are connected on the new system.
- [00:13:11.500]So I'm going to go ahead--
- [00:13:13.640]I created myself as a person earlier.
- [00:13:16.280]So I'm going to reference myself in this article.
- [00:13:19.100]And you'll see what happens when I save this.
- [00:13:22.440]And maybe we'll want to--
- [00:13:23.660]we want to relate this to admissions.
- [00:13:25.940]So we'll say add
- [00:13:30.220]And then save it.
- [00:13:38.040]All right.
- [00:13:46.240]So you can see, without adding any HTML--
- [00:13:49.300]this is formatted.
- [00:13:51.600]It looks like a news item that you'd see
- [00:13:53.440]on Nebraska Today.
- [00:13:54.880]You have the byline, the publish date, the cut line,
- [00:13:58.400]the photo credit, the photo, some share widgets, the text.
- [00:14:03.640]And then over here, I referenced that person entry
- [00:14:07.180]that I put in earlier.
- [00:14:08.920]And it's pulling that information through,
- [00:14:10.540]including the overwritten field that I
- [00:14:13.720]changed when I added myself.
- [00:14:16.840]The related links are here.
- [00:14:18.580]And then all the most recent news items
- [00:14:20.740]that have been added to the site automatically populate
- [00:14:23.220]at the bottom of the news item.
- [00:14:25.960]So that's a news item.
- [00:14:27.300]And we've added a person.
- [00:14:29.440]So let's say we want to create now a directory page
- [00:14:34.420]with the person that we created.
- [00:14:36.720]So we are going to go into here.
- [00:14:40.180]And now we're going to start touching on--
- [00:14:42.940]actually, I'm going to go through a couple more content
- [00:14:45.140]types.
- [00:14:45.360]We'll come back to builder page, and we'll
- [00:14:46.900]keep reiterating builder page here in a second.
- [00:14:49.000]So we're going to go to web form.
- [00:14:53.000]So let's see, RSVP for training.
- [00:14:57.200]So you can see here on this web form,
- [00:14:59.840]I'm creating a web form page.
- [00:15:02.000]And I get this box here that says,
- [00:15:04.100]web forms must first be created before referencing them,
- [00:15:08.240]which might seem confusing because I just
- [00:15:10.040]wanted to create a web form.
- [00:15:11.840]Well, in the new system, creating a web form
- [00:15:14.660]is a two-step process.
- [00:15:16.040]And the fields of the data that you're collecting
- [00:15:19.880]is what's called a web form.
- [00:15:22.780]And the fields that you're collecting
- [00:15:24.280]is separate from the page that you're collecting the data on,
- [00:15:28.120]if that makes sense.
- [00:15:29.780]And I'll kind of show you how that works.
- [00:15:33.160]So what is the benefit of that?
- [00:15:35.740]The benefit of that is, currently, we
- [00:15:38.620]have people ask, can I clone a web form?
- [00:15:41.500]And in the current system, you can't clone a web form.
- [00:15:43.540]You just kind of have to recreate
- [00:15:44.920]all the fields every time.
- [00:15:47.280]So in this new system, I'll show you.
- [00:15:49.280]So we're going to reference a web form that's already
- [00:15:52.040]been created.
- [00:15:52.560]And there are fields that we've already specified
- [00:15:54.520]we want to collect the data for.
- [00:15:56.200]And we are going to reference those.
- [00:15:58.280]So let's say Event Registration.
- [00:16:01.540]And we'll save that.
- [00:16:02.500]So now you can see these are all the fields
- [00:16:09.580]that we've created on the back end for the information
- [00:16:12.100]that we want to collect.
- [00:16:14.240]It is attached to this page.
- [00:16:16.400]If we were to fill out this form,
- [00:16:17.860]the data that was collected is attached to this page.
- [00:16:22.340]And we can see that if we go into results here.
- [00:16:25.180]And like the old system node, this
- [00:16:26.720]is where you could download that data, clear that data, et
- [00:16:29.600]cetera.
- [00:16:31.280]So how do you create these fields?
- [00:16:33.660]Because we're asking for email, phone number,
- [00:16:35.600]dietary restrictions, any other questions, all that stuff.
- [00:16:41.000]So that is actually in structure.
- [00:16:43.460]And if you go structure, web forms,
- [00:16:48.680]here you can see this event registration.
- [00:16:50.740]These are the fields that we created.
- [00:16:52.120]We attached to the web form page.
- [00:16:54.400]So if I come over here to build, I
- [00:16:58.580]can see all these fields that we saw when
- [00:17:01.980]we attached it to the page.
- [00:17:04.080]So maybe we want to add a new field here that says--
- [00:17:07.760]let's just do a text field.
- [00:17:14.160]Let's just say--
- [00:17:21.900]would you like to receive more mailing information from us?
- [00:17:32.900]And then we can save it.
- [00:17:37.080]So we save that field, added it to the fields of the data
- [00:17:44.840]that we're collecting.
- [00:17:45.680]We save it.
- [00:17:48.400]Then we come back over here to content.
- [00:17:51.680]And we click RSVP for training.
- [00:17:56.440]And now if we scroll down, we can see this field
- [00:18:01.360]that we just added is attached to this page.
- [00:18:05.940]So what's the benefit of this?
- [00:18:08.000]So in the old system where I talked about cloning,
- [00:18:11.640]you don't have to clone it.
- [00:18:13.140]If you're always collecting the same data,
- [00:18:15.260]maybe you have a yearly conference or a quarterly
- [00:18:17.520]conference or even monthly events that you always ask
- [00:18:21.460]for the same information when people sign up.
- [00:18:25.640]Rather than recreating all those fields every time,
- [00:18:30.680]all you would need to do is come up here,
- [00:18:32.780]go add content web form.
- [00:18:34.960]Maybe you say fall 2024 event, you attach the fields.
- [00:18:39.900]Then when you get to spring or winter,
- [00:18:42.160]you add a new web form page, you say winter 2024 event,
- [00:18:46.400]you attach the same event registration fields.
- [00:18:49.640]And then you can keep that data that you're
- [00:18:51.240]collecting separate.
- [00:18:53.940]And so it's a little more complicated to create,
- [00:18:57.960]but it will save people time in the long run.
- [00:19:01.740]So that's web forms.
- [00:19:04.140]And so let's say we want to add this
- [00:19:06.960]to our navigation of our site.
- [00:19:08.960]So we're going to come in here to edit.
- [00:19:12.240]And we'll reiterate this sort of edit interface
- [00:19:15.500]as we move through these other content types too.
- [00:19:18.280]But when you click Edit, that's where you get all the admin
- [00:19:21.020]and administrative information for the content
- [00:19:23.220]that you're creating.
- [00:19:24.600]So you can see that this is published.
- [00:19:27.260]I'm the author.
- [00:19:29.260]If you're creating a revision of that page,
- [00:19:31.600]you can create a revision message.
- [00:19:34.160]Maybe you need to note that you changed something specific,
- [00:19:37.880]and you want somebody else who works on your site
- [00:19:40.780]to know why you changed that page.
- [00:19:43.420]You can put that in there.
- [00:19:45.340]Menu settings-- this is what we just talked about.
- [00:19:47.540]We're going to put it on our menu.
- [00:19:49.500]So we're going to provide a menu
- [00:19:50.800]link-- this is going to be in the main navigation.
- [00:19:53.880]We'll go ahead and make this third in our navigation.
- [00:19:56.260]It'll show up second for now, but once we add more pages.
- [00:20:01.080]Alias-- it's going to automatically create an alias,
- [00:20:03.420]but if you need to override that, you can uncheck it.
- [00:20:06.040]I'll roll through these again when I create more pages.
- [00:20:08.420]Again, authoring information.
- [00:20:11.500]Promoted items-- these things you really
- [00:20:14.420]don't need to worry about.
- [00:20:16.120]They're kind of internal.
- [00:20:17.320]So we've added this web form to our
- [00:20:20.580]menu.
- [00:20:23.080]On web forms, this is also the tab.
- [00:20:26.500]The Edit tab is where you would say
- [00:20:29.580]whether the web form is open to collect data or closed.
- [00:20:33.080]Or you can actually schedule when
- [00:20:34.580]you would want to collect web form information.
- [00:20:37.920]But we're just going to save it, add it to our navigation,
- [00:20:40.460]and then keep moving.
- [00:20:41.340]So now you can see we've got our RSVP for training up here.
- [00:20:48.960]And we've touched on--
- [00:20:50.360]people, web forms, news items, and we're
- [00:20:55.820]going to touch on one more piece of content really quick.
- [00:20:59.540]So when I go add content here, book page.
- [00:21:05.360]So book page basically works exactly the way
- [00:21:08.060]it does in the current system.
- [00:21:10.160]I'm not going to add a book page or explain it much further,
- [00:21:13.760]but I will use this as a chance to show you
- [00:21:15.640]what a book page looks like just to reiterate it.
- [00:21:17.900]And by doing that, I'm going to go to the--
- [00:21:20.140]or the Next Gen CMS documentation site, which
- [00:21:26.560]is at
- [00:21:30.400]This site is built in Book Pages.
- [00:21:33.520]So Book Pages adds internal navigation
- [00:21:37.900]to all the pages that are related
- [00:21:40.100]to the content in that book.
- [00:21:42.580]So this book is called Introduction to Next Gen CMS.
- [00:21:46.460]All these pages are pages within
- [00:21:49.920]that and you can think of these as chapters too.
- [00:21:53.080]You can nest things down in here.
- [00:21:55.400]So as I mentioned before,
- [00:21:57.400]we have documentation on file naming best practices,
- [00:22:02.240]image optimization best practices,
- [00:22:04.680]and tagging best practices.
- [00:22:06.180]So those are under media library,
- [00:22:09.740]which is where you upload files and images to.
- [00:22:13.100]We have these content types.
- [00:22:15.540]This talks about all the content types
- [00:22:17.840]that we're working on here today.
- [00:22:19.700]And then within Builder page, all of the components
- [00:22:23.360]that you can add to a Builder page.
- [00:22:25.560]So again, this is what book page navigation looks like.
- [00:22:29.000]It's really good for, I would say, documentation, obviously.
- [00:22:37.160]It is also good for bylaws, anything
- [00:22:40.580]where you want people to have structured data
- [00:22:44.060]and retain sidebar navigation on all the pages
- [00:22:47.660]where people are maybe moving through something
- [00:22:49.480]I've seen people build annual reports this way.
- [00:22:53.260]They look really nice.
- [00:22:54.260]I've seen people build onboarding documentation,
- [00:22:57.760]other documentation.
- [00:22:58.660]Yeah, it's just good for keeping pages organized in a workflow
- [00:23:06.800]where you might want people to be able to move
- [00:23:09.760]through a section of your site.
- [00:23:11.000]I've even seen people build--
- [00:23:13.000]if you have maybe a six-page sub-site
- [00:23:17.380]and you don't want to start a whole new CMS
- [00:23:19.260]site, this is a really good way to just put a little sub-site
- [00:23:22.720]in your site.
- [00:23:23.860]You can have a little site that floats within your site,
- [00:23:27.820]and here's the title of your site,
- [00:23:29.320]and here's the pages within your site.
- [00:23:30.940]And it's an easy way to do that.
- [00:23:33.640]So that's book pages.
- [00:23:34.640]So now we're going to get into builder page.
- [00:23:39.940]And we're going to work through this builder page
- [00:23:43.100]and show you what all it can do.
- [00:23:45.560]So we're going to add a builder page.
- [00:23:49.040]And we are going to use kind of like the basic page functionality
- [00:23:54.260]of the builder page right now, which
- [00:23:58.020]means we're not even going to get into the Layout tab.
- [00:24:01.680]So let's just do About Our Apartment.
- [00:24:07.480]And again, this is all pretty similar to when
- [00:24:11.520]I was editing that web form.
- [00:24:12.880]Maybe we want to put this in our navigation.
- [00:24:15.580]So we'll do this.
- [00:24:18.820]Let's grab some lorem ipsum text and drop it in here.
- [00:24:23.820]And on the old system, you could add a hero,
- [00:24:32.520]which is a big image at the top of the page.
- [00:24:34.400]But that was tucked down at the bottom.
- [00:24:36.820]I think it was kind of hard to find.
- [00:24:38.580]This makes more sense.
- [00:24:39.500]It's right up at the top here.
- [00:24:40.680]It's above the text.
- [00:24:41.640]So it makes sense that it would be at the top.
- [00:24:44.560]So we're going to add an image.
- [00:24:46.520]And again, this is going to--
- [00:24:48.600]we're going to open this media library interface,
- [00:24:51.900]because we're adding an image to our component.
- [00:24:55.740]So we're going to go ahead and just add one that's already
- [00:25:00.260]been added to our media library, rather than try
- [00:25:02.840]to upload another one.
- [00:25:05.440]We kind of saw how that worked.
- [00:25:06.880]So we'll load this one in.
- [00:25:10.540]So the hero, you can choose the size of it, small, medium,
- [00:25:18.380]large.
- [00:25:19.500]And really, if you think about a hero image,
- [00:25:21.460]think of it as a photograph floating behind a matte,
- [00:25:26.900]like a matte, kind of a frame matte.
- [00:25:29.720]So your photo kind of floats behind that.
- [00:25:32.180]And some of your photo is always going
- [00:25:34.280]to be hidden, depending on what your screen resolution is.
- [00:25:38.640]And so this allows you to decide how much of that photo
- [00:25:45.560]is shown.
- [00:25:46.220]You basically could be increasing the matte size
- [00:25:48.160]here.
- [00:25:49.400]And this object position kind of determines
- [00:25:53.340]what part of the image is focused behind that matte.
- [00:25:59.140]So 50%, 0% is going to kind of lock the top of the photo
- [00:26:03.860]to the top of the mat, just like 50%, 100%
- [00:26:07.840]is going to lock the bottom of the photo
- [00:26:09.760]to the bottom of the matte.
- [00:26:11.440]And by default, it's going to be kind of right across the middle.
- [00:26:13.980]And we can see this photo.
- [00:26:15.460]The visual information is kind of right across the middle.
- [00:26:17.940]It's going to leave it default.
- [00:26:20.420]I'll fill these out just so you can see what they look like.
- [00:26:23.700]And then we're going to create our hero.
- [00:26:35.000]All right, so we can see that we've created our hero.
- [00:26:41.120]We have some text in here.
- [00:26:42.400]We're adding it to the navigation.
- [00:26:43.640]Let's just save it.
- [00:26:44.440]We're going to come back in and do more with this page.
- [00:26:46.820]But I just want to show you.
- [00:26:47.720]I want to show you what it looks like from the start.
- [00:26:52.280]So we've got a page.
- [00:26:53.920]It's showing our image.
- [00:26:55.800]It's kind of cut off.
- [00:26:57.120]So let's see here.
- [00:26:59.080]So we're going to make our hero bigger.
- [00:27:03.040]You can see there's this menu over here by default.
- [00:27:05.340]I'll show you how to turn that off.
- [00:27:07.560]Maybe we want to add a few more formatting things to this page
- [00:27:11.740]just to make it look a little bit nicer.
- [00:27:13.380]So let's go back into Edit here.
- [00:27:17.500]We're going to edit our hero first.
- [00:27:20.580]We want to make this large so we can see more of the beautiful lit up
- [00:27:26.180]love library, and update that.
- [00:27:29.620]And then I'm just going to add some text in here and format it a bit more.
- [00:27:35.040]Header 2, the WYSIWYG works the same, pretty much the same.
- [00:27:40.880]You can do header formats.
- [00:27:43.580]You can do kind of all this other unordered list bulleting.
- [00:27:47.280]You can add links, you can add anchors, quotes, tables, you know, you can even add like hard
- [00:27:55.360]returns.
- [00:27:56.360]Didn't mean to do that.
- [00:27:58.480]You know, you can come in here and add buttons if you add a link, things like that.
- [00:28:04.400]But let's just add another image in here.
- [00:28:08.500]So we're going to go into media library, touch on how you jump in there from your WYSIWYG
- [00:28:14.660]editor.
- [00:28:15.660]So again, this pops us back into this image.
- [00:28:17.060]This interface.
- [00:28:19.240]Let's just choose another image of campus.
- [00:28:26.100]So I have this image, and it gives me some formatting options.
- [00:28:31.380]Narrow is kind of like 50% of screen width, roughly.
- [00:28:37.220]Default is whatever the size the photo is uploaded at.
- [00:28:40.460]And wide is going to be the full width of whatever text area that you're in.
- [00:28:46.840]I'm going to choose narrow, and you can see here this allows you -- this shows you these
- [00:28:54.540]boxes show you how you want the photo to float with the text.
- [00:28:58.060]So float left, offset centered, offset left, float right.
- [00:29:04.160]I think float right looks the best.
- [00:29:08.180]And then we want to get rid of that sidebar.
- [00:29:09.800]So the sidebar over here, clear down at the bottom, page options.
- [00:29:14.960]By default, we're just showing that.
- [00:29:16.620]It's just another way to add in-page navigation for people who are building out basic pages.
- [00:29:22.740]But we want to hide it, and we'll click Save.
- [00:29:25.900]And I think we made most of the changes that we wanted to do.
- [00:29:30.500]All right.
- [00:29:33.380]So we've got a nice big image.
- [00:29:34.620]We've got another image down here.
- [00:29:36.560]We've got some formatted text.
- [00:29:38.200]We could add even more stuff.
- [00:29:39.480]But the purpose of this was just to show you that this is just using this tab, you can
- [00:29:46.400]still build a nice looking page.
- [00:29:48.460]And it's kind of like the basic page functionality of our current system.
- [00:29:53.020]So now as we move forward, we're going to start adding more builder pages and we're
- [00:29:59.400]going to get into layout builder, which is kind of the advanced functionality of this
- [00:30:04.540]same content type.
- [00:30:06.960]So we're going to go add content and we're going to go builder page and we're actually
- [00:30:16.180]going to create a directory page for our people on our site.
- [00:30:21.420]If you remember when I added myself way back at the beginning, we're going to create a
- [00:30:24.640]directory with myself and the other people who are in this training.
- [00:30:27.700]So we're going to go our instructors, we're going to put it in the menu, and we're going
- [00:30:39.800]to click save.
- [00:30:45.960]So let's get rid of that sidebar again.
- [00:30:49.400]So we're going to pop back and edit.
- [00:30:52.440]Page options, hide that sidebar.
- [00:30:56.640]Save it.
- [00:30:57.640]All right, so we don't have anything on our page.
- [00:31:03.380]But we are going to go into layout.
- [00:31:07.420]And now we're in layout builder.
- [00:31:09.980]And you'll see there's kind of a lot of stuff here, which might seem overwhelming at first.
- [00:31:14.440]But this.
- [00:31:15.740]Here is actually a placeholder for the text area on the edit page.
- [00:31:23.560]So you can actually build a page that's a combination with text from this edit tab,
- [00:31:31.500]which is kind of the body field when we created that about about the department page, and
- [00:31:36.140]the layout builder section, it kind of exists separately.
- [00:31:40.640]In this particular case, we're going to use some of the functionality of the layout builder
- [00:31:44.280]page to build.
- [00:31:45.520]A contact page.
- [00:31:49.500]And whenever you do that on layout builder, you need to add a section first.
- [00:31:54.040]So if you think about these sections, they are kind of like rows on your page.
- [00:31:59.240]We've referred to them in the past as bands, especially a horizontal section.
- [00:32:05.280]Within that horizontal section, then you choose what you layout is going to be so you know,
- [00:32:10.620]the very basic if you're thinking of tables, you create a row and you put columns in it.
- [00:32:15.300]You put stuff in the columns.
- [00:32:16.840]It's at a very basic level.
- [00:32:18.300]That's all it is.
- [00:32:20.000]So we're going to do a one column here.
- [00:32:24.020]And we'll get into these others as we move through.
- [00:32:28.000]So then once you choose the layout, then you have a bunch of other options.
- [00:32:33.520]You know, you can add a heading to each of these sections.
- [00:32:37.900]You can add a background and a background pattern and these backgrounds and background
- [00:32:42.500]patterns work with each other.
- [00:32:44.080]They kind of overlay.
- [00:32:45.080]One another, you can change the container, which is the kind of the width of it.
- [00:32:52.480]So standard wrapper is kind of navigation edge to navigation edge.
- [00:32:57.600]And then edge to edge is browser edge to browser edge.
- [00:33:00.140]If you're familiar with classes, that's DCF wrapper and DCF bleed, but we don't need to
- [00:33:06.160]worry about those anymore.
- [00:33:07.160]We don't even have to worry about CSS.
- [00:33:09.500]We're going to choose standard wrapper and spacing is the vertical spacing on that row
- [00:33:14.860]or section.
- [00:33:18.500]We're going to leave this default.
- [00:33:20.200]We're going to go ahead and add this.
- [00:33:23.800]And you can see I added that background and background pattern.
- [00:33:27.540]So it's added this section and now it's basically put something in here, right?
- [00:33:34.780]You see that it changed from add section to add component.
- [00:33:37.500]So we're going to add a component.
- [00:33:39.980]These are all the components we can add and if you remember back when I showed you the
- [00:33:44.640]slides, those are all the sort of layout, different visual layouts that you can add
- [00:33:50.480]to these sections.
- [00:33:52.020]We're actually going to click more here.
- [00:33:55.820]So more is kind of content that's either coming from elsewhere on the site or elsewhere in
- [00:34:04.040]university web applications.
- [00:34:07.400]So aggregated content, you know, you can actually embed a web form on a builder page.
- [00:34:14.420]Things like that.
- [00:34:16.180]In this particular case, we're going to do a curated list of people.
- [00:34:19.180]So curated list of people is a fancy name for a directory, right?
- [00:34:24.400]We're going to do lead instructor.
- [00:34:29.660]We're just going to create kind of sections here.
- [00:34:33.020]And then again, like I mentioned, it's very modular.
- [00:34:37.420]So by typing this in, I am just referencing that.
- [00:34:44.200]That piece of content that I created way back
- [00:34:47.280]at the beginning.
- [00:34:47.980]So we'll do teaser featured.
- [00:34:49.700]We'll save it.
- [00:34:55.500]And then we'll come back in.
- [00:34:57.380]So you can see here our instructor is lead instructor.
- [00:35:00.860]Kind of offset here.
- [00:35:01.960]It's pulling through my bio information.
- [00:35:04.620]We'll come back into layout.
- [00:35:07.520]And then we'll add another section.
- [00:35:11.420]We'll go one column.
- [00:35:13.980]We'll just go ahead and leave this default.
- [00:35:15.980]And you can see again, add a component.
- [00:35:18.980]We're again going to do more.
- [00:35:20.980]We're going to do another curated list of people.
- [00:35:25.980]And we'll do other instructors.
- [00:35:29.980]And then we'll do Saron, who we created in a previous training.
- [00:35:35.980]So we're referencing them.
- [00:35:37.980]And we'll do-- and so this view mode
- [00:35:43.760]just determines what that kind of visual display
- [00:35:48.760]of that content that's being pulled through looks like.
- [00:35:51.760]So these all look a little bit different.
- [00:35:53.760]Featured is obviously a little bit bigger.
- [00:35:54.760]Teaser, you'll see what that looks like.
- [00:35:56.760]It's a little bit smaller.
- [00:35:59.760]Save that.
- [00:36:03.760]All right.
- [00:36:05.760]So now you can see we've got our instructors.
- [00:36:07.760]We added it to the nav.
- [00:36:08.760]We have a section for lead instructor,
- [00:36:11.760]which looks a little bit different than the others.
- [00:36:13.540]It's a little bit different than other instructors.
- [00:36:15.540]But we've created our directory page.
- [00:36:17.540]And you can just kind of keep adding sections.
- [00:36:19.540]You could create something for faculty, staff, graduate
- [00:36:22.540]assistants, interns, things like that.
- [00:36:25.540]And you can kind of just keep building your page out that way.
- [00:36:28.540]So again, if I were to go into--
- [00:36:31.540]it's really easy to click through.
- [00:36:33.540]And here's the very first piece of content
- [00:36:35.540]that I created on the site.
- [00:36:37.540]If I edit this page, if I change my title or anything
- [00:36:40.540]like that, it changes not only on this page,
- [00:36:43.320]it changes on those other pages where I referenced myself.
- [00:36:47.320]So that's another really nice thing about this system.
- [00:36:49.620]Everything's kind of interconnected.
- [00:36:52.200]So we've created our directory page, a web form,
- [00:36:56.820]an about page.
- [00:36:57.800]So let's go ahead and create another builder page.
- [00:37:01.020]And let's create kind of like a fancy front page
- [00:37:03.060]for our site with some more of our layout builder components.
- [00:37:10.480]So we'll just call this home.
- [00:37:13.100]And save it.
- [00:37:13.760]And I've briefly touched on these tabs up here.
- [00:37:21.280]As we move through this, you're probably
- [00:37:23.440]kind of getting a hang of what each one of them does.
- [00:37:28.080]Edit is kind of the administrative stuff for that.
- [00:37:31.760]Determines whether it's in the menu, all that.
- [00:37:34.920]Layout is layout builder, which we've been in,
- [00:37:37.340]and we're going to go back into.
- [00:37:39.860]Revisions shows you all the revisions
- [00:37:42.880]that have been made on that page and who made that revision.
- [00:37:47.500]This is really helpful if you have multiple people working
- [00:37:49.880]on a site.
- [00:37:51.440]You can kind of see somebody made a change to your site,
- [00:37:54.700]just to kind of-- it's for accountability, really,
- [00:37:56.860]and just to kind of--
- [00:37:59.400]maybe a change was made that you need to roll back quickly.
- [00:38:01.820]It's really easy to revert to a previous change.
- [00:38:04.640]And replicate is a tab I'll touch on here
- [00:38:07.200]after we get through with this page.
- [00:38:09.160]So we're in layout, and we want
- [00:38:12.660]to build a fancy front page.
- [00:38:14.260]So we want a big image right at the top
- [00:38:17.460]with some call to actions on it.
- [00:38:20.340]So we're going to go ahead, and we're going to go add section.
- [00:38:23.220]We're going to do one column.
- [00:38:25.780]We're just going to keep this all by default,
- [00:38:27.540]and then we're just going to add a component here.
- [00:38:32.340]So all these things are described in CMS docs,
- [00:38:37.740]but a display banner is basically a fancy hero image.
- [00:38:42.440]It's a big image at the top of your page,
- [00:38:45.320]but you can add a headline and some text and a call
- [00:38:49.620]to action button over the top of it.
- [00:38:51.260]So we'll just say welcome.
- [00:38:54.280]I'll fill these all out so you can
- [00:38:55.660]see what they look like, subhead, welcome to our site.
- [00:39:02.440]We'll add an image here.
- [00:39:04.560]Let's just scroll down, choose something, this looks good.
- [00:39:12.220]image object position again,
- [00:39:14.700]It kind of works like I talked about with a hero.
- [00:39:16.780]If you can think of your image floating behind a matte frame.
- [00:39:20.620]Welcome to our site.
- [00:39:25.720]We do locations.
- [00:39:43.780]And then a link here.
- [00:39:44.820]So this is probably-- if we're putting this right
- [00:39:50.500]at the top of our front page, this
- [00:39:51.880]would be the most important thing
- [00:39:53.280]that we want somebody to do when they come to our site.
- [00:39:56.740]So let's say we want people to sign up for training.
- [00:40:00.660]So the nice thing about this system
- [00:40:02.940]is you saw me earlier when I added
- [00:40:05.060]a link to an external site.
- [00:40:06.680]I had to type that link in.
- [00:40:09.780]And that's fine.
- [00:40:10.580]But if you're creating a link to an internal
- [00:40:12.860]page on your site, all you have to do
- [00:40:14.960]is start typing the name of the page that you want to link.
- [00:40:18.120]So on our page, we know it's called RSVP.
- [00:40:24.100]Or maybe it's not.
- [00:40:24.900]What is it called?
- [00:40:25.520]Sign up-- RSVP?
- [00:40:29.260]Yeah.
- [00:40:30.640]So you can see here it's autocomplete.
- [00:40:33.220]I don't have to put a URL in here.
- [00:40:35.040]I just have to start typing the name of the page
- [00:40:36.960]I want to link to.
- [00:40:38.400]I click on it, and it's automatically
- [00:40:40.480]creating a link to that page.
- [00:40:41.940]You know?
- [00:40:42.440]So we're going to go sign up for training.
- [00:40:46.000]We'll put that text in there.
- [00:40:48.140]The display option just determines
- [00:40:50.160]where all this text and stuff goes over the image.
- [00:40:54.060]So looking at our image here, we can see that there's--
- [00:40:56.960]the name Nebraska on the sign is in the left part of the image.
- [00:41:00.500]So we don't want that stuff floating on the left part
- [00:41:02.700]of the image.
- [00:41:03.200]We want to move that to the right.
- [00:41:06.020]And you have three different options here.
- [00:41:07.680]So we're going to add this block.
- [00:41:12.020]You can see the text is floating to the right.
- [00:41:14.260]Let's save our page.
- [00:41:15.280]I like to save early and save often.
- [00:41:17.380]So you can see it looks OK, but we don't want all this space,
- [00:41:24.760]and we don't want this page title.
- [00:41:27.620]So getting rid of the page title is in this administrative tab
- [00:41:32.700]in Edit.
- [00:41:34.540]If you were eagle-eyed before, you
- [00:41:36.260]notice down under Page Options.
- [00:41:39.020]When I hit that sidebar, this is also
- [00:41:41.200]where we can visually hide the page title.
- [00:41:44.080]So we're going to hide that.
- [00:41:46.880]So that gets rid of the gray page title,
- [00:41:48.940]but we still have this spacing, and we want to get rid of that.
- [00:41:52.780]So we're going to come back into Layout.
- [00:41:56.960]And when I'm in Layout Builder, there's
- [00:41:58.940]some very familiar UI elements that
- [00:42:05.980]kind of show you where you're at on the page
- [00:42:07.940]and how you can edit elements.
- [00:42:09.680]So when I roll over--
- [00:42:11.180]so you can see the white part around our hero.
- [00:42:16.660]When I roll kind of over this, I get this option
- [00:42:19.560]to configure the section.
- [00:42:20.820]So the section, as I mentioned before, is kind of the row.
- [00:42:24.120]The row that you're placing the columns in
- [00:42:25.760]and you're putting the components in the columns.
- [00:42:30.240]So that's kind of the larger area.
- [00:42:32.680]If I move my mouse over the display banner,
- [00:42:37.920]we get an edit interface in the upper right.
- [00:42:40.080]So if I need to just configure--
- [00:42:41.160]you're the display banner--
- [00:42:42.720]I would roll over that, and that would be on the right.
- [00:42:45.260]If I need to configure the section
- [00:42:46.980]that the component is in, that edit interface
- [00:42:51.160]is in the upper left.
- [00:42:53.340]So we want to get rid of the spacing.
- [00:42:55.600]So we want this to go edge to edge.
- [00:42:59.040]And we want to remove that default vertical spacing.
- [00:43:02.840]We're going to save that.
- [00:43:05.920]And we'll save it.
- [00:43:06.960]Again, just to make sure we're on the right track.
- [00:43:11.140]And this is what we want.
- [00:43:12.180]We want this big image right up against the top.
- [00:43:14.840]And that looks good.
- [00:43:16.760]And so we're going to go ahead and add another section here.
- [00:43:19.720]So we're going to add a section.
- [00:43:25.060]And this time, we're going to do two column.
- [00:43:28.600]And when you add two column, you have
- [00:43:31.020]the options of sizing those columns how you want them.
- [00:43:36.440]50/50, one column larger than the other.
- [00:43:39.440]And then you can specify which ones
- [00:43:41.120]are larger the left or the right.
- [00:43:42.480]So in this particular case, we're going to go 50/50.
- [00:43:46.780]If you don't mess with stuff, as you probably noticed,
- [00:43:48.940]you get kind of like a nice default spacing
- [00:43:51.940]on your sections.
- [00:43:53.500]And in this particular case, this
- [00:43:55.480]is going to work well for us.
- [00:43:56.720]So we're going to go ahead and click Save.
- [00:44:00.500]And now you can see I have the option
- [00:44:01.980]of adding two separate components to one section.
- [00:44:04.660]And if you're really eagle-eyed, you probably notice that I
- [00:44:11.100]have a different set of options for components in a two-column
- [00:44:15.940]layout versus a one-column layout.
- [00:44:17.640]And that's just because some things look better
- [00:44:20.800]at smaller sizes and some things look better at bigger sizes.
- [00:44:24.700]Again, all this is defined on the CMS Docs website,
- [00:44:28.880]what you can use where.
- [00:44:30.600]We're going to do a card, which is like a baseball card
- [00:44:36.040]or what you think of as a card display.
- [00:44:38.080]It's a little box with an image at the top.
- [00:44:41.080]A headline and some text.
- [00:44:44.020]So we'll just put one in here for about our department.
- [00:44:50.920]And again, this is a link.
- [00:44:52.560]So we're going to start typing about.
- [00:44:55.220]And again, we're going to just create a link there.
- [00:44:57.420]Just like that.
- [00:44:58.060]We don't have to know any URLs.
- [00:44:59.460]It's great.
- [00:45:00.820]We'll do about over line.
- [00:45:02.220]I want to fill out all these so you can kind of see
- [00:45:04.300]what they look like.
- [00:45:05.100]We'll add an image.
- [00:45:11.060]We've already added some of this stuff.
- [00:45:13.680]So rather than go through the media library interface,
- [00:45:18.060]learn more about our department and what we do.
- [00:45:25.120]And then you can choose a background for that.
- [00:45:27.200]So we'll just do lightest gray.
- [00:45:30.180]Add our card.
- [00:45:30.840]We've got our nice little card here.
- [00:45:35.980]To make it look balanced, we're going
- [00:45:37.560]to go ahead and do another card.
- [00:45:41.040]And maybe we want people to learn more about the people
- [00:45:43.500]in our department.
- [00:45:44.480]So let's say about our instructors.
- [00:45:48.980]And again, our instructors just start typing it.
- [00:45:54.700]Autocomplete.
- [00:45:55.580]I've created a link to that page.
- [00:45:58.820]Instructors, Overline, Instructors, Subhead,
- [00:46:11.020]we'll just put something in here that we've already uploaded.
- [00:46:17.620]Then we'll say learn more about our people
- [00:46:23.720]and our specialties.
- [00:46:25.260]And before I create this, I want to change one thing really
- [00:46:31.100]quick.
- [00:46:31.600]I'm actually going to get rid of this link here
- [00:46:36.060]because I want to show you what happens.
- [00:46:37.860]So--
- [00:46:41.000]I'm going to remove that link for the headline.
- [00:46:43.460]And now when I scroll down, we have a new option here.
- [00:46:50.060]So not only do we have all these different components
- [00:46:53.300]you can use on your website, but within the components
- [00:46:56.660]themselves, there are a lot of different display
- [00:47:00.020]options for those components.
- [00:47:02.160]So as you start moving through the system,
- [00:47:06.200]we have a lot of this laid out in CMS docs as well.
- [00:47:08.760]I think most of it is documented.
- [00:47:10.980]But if you fill out certain things,
- [00:47:12.980]you'll get different display options
- [00:47:14.680]within these components.
- [00:47:15.900]And let me show you what that looks like.
- [00:47:17.560]So instructors, I'm going to create a link here instead.
- [00:47:20.680]And we're going to meet our people.
- [00:47:28.200]So I didn't fill out the headline link,
- [00:47:31.220]but I filled out a--
- [00:47:32.220]and by not doing that, then I get an option for a button
- [00:47:35.700]link at the bottom.
- [00:47:36.920]So we're going to add that.
- [00:47:40.960]And let's just save it, so we can kind of see what it looks
- [00:47:43.800]like when it would be live.
- [00:47:44.960]So now you can see on this particular one,
- [00:47:51.320]the headline is the link.
- [00:47:53.080]And this particular one, you have a button link.
- [00:47:56.220]If I were creating this on an actual site,
- [00:47:58.560]I would keep these consistent.
- [00:48:00.520]I just wanted to do that to illustrate that not only are
- [00:48:03.000]there lots of component options, but within those component
- [00:48:06.060]options, there's a bunch of different display options
- [00:48:09.200]for displaying your content.
- [00:48:10.940]So again, no HTML, no CSS, super nice.
- [00:48:16.620]Gives you a lot of different options
- [00:48:19.160]for creating pages in your site.
- [00:48:21.960]So we kind of have this built, but we
- [00:48:24.400]want to add a few more things.
- [00:48:27.040]When we added that news item, there's
- [00:48:28.900]those news items at the bottom of that.
- [00:48:30.880]Let's add the news in here, because we
- [00:48:33.520]want to have some news on our front page.
- [00:48:37.500]So we're going to go add a column.
- [00:48:39.400]We'll just go default size.
- [00:48:40.920]We're going to go down this, so we'll add a component.
- [00:48:45.580]Again, this is content that's kind of aggregated or coming
- [00:48:49.460]from elsewhere on the site, so we're going to click More.
- [00:48:53.720]We're going to click News Aggregation, the latest news.
- [00:49:00.800]And let's just do four, add this block.
- [00:49:04.100]And now you can see we've added the latest
- [00:49:10.900]news to our front page.
- [00:49:13.060]We can see over here we've also got the option to add events,
- [00:49:15.800]so let's do that too.
- [00:49:17.540]We're going to add another section, another column,
- [00:49:22.020]just do default on all this stuff, add a component,
- [00:49:29.920]go More, Upcoming Events.
- [00:49:34.420]So again, this is something where in the past you
- [00:49:37.300]had to JavaScript and copy JavaScript on your page, which
- [00:49:40.880]is kind of a pain just to get events on your page
- [00:49:43.620]in the new system.
- [00:49:45.060]Literally, all you have to do is just
- [00:49:47.040]type the URL of your calendar in Events, click Add.
- [00:49:54.700]Let's click Save so we can see what
- [00:50:00.140]it looks like live without our interfaces opening up.
- [00:50:05.600]Got our Splash, Hero, we've got our Cards, Upcoming Events,
- [00:50:10.860]you know, see this isn't going side to side.
- [00:50:12.780]So this is something where we probably
- [00:50:14.280]want to go in and configure that section and go edge to edge.
- [00:50:18.080]And then we've got our latest news.
- [00:50:19.540]And we could come in here and touch up some of the spacing
- [00:50:22.120]if we wanted.
- [00:50:22.620]But overall, we've got a pretty good little front page
- [00:50:26.080]to our site that we started.
- [00:50:28.100]So let's say that we like this page a lot
- [00:50:31.120]and we want to replicate some of the visual design of it
- [00:50:37.080]for another page.
- [00:50:39.000]Well, I said replicate, oh, we have a replicate.
- [00:50:40.840]We're going to click the Replicate button.
- [00:50:42.720]So we're going to click Replicate.
- [00:50:45.220]And we're going to create a copy of this.
- [00:50:47.260]Let's just call it Academics.
- [00:50:48.600]I don't know.
- [00:50:49.500]I don't know what it's going to be called,
- [00:50:50.900]but we'll call it Academics.
- [00:50:52.680]We're going to click Replicate.
- [00:50:53.840]And then boom, we have a copy of our front page,
- [00:50:59.460]just like that.
- [00:51:00.300]So if we want to come in here, maybe this
- [00:51:03.880]isn't going to be our front page,
- [00:51:05.220]but maybe we like the top parts of it.
- [00:51:07.880]Well, we could come in here, we could get rid of this,
- [00:51:10.820]we could get rid of it, we could come back down here,
- [00:51:15.920]we could remove this.
- [00:51:19.040]Maybe we just want to change out the image on this one,
- [00:51:22.580]so we could come over here and configure this display banner,
- [00:51:27.800]remove this image, add another image really quick.
- [00:51:33.140]Maybe it's this, insert that, maybe it's--
- [00:51:40.800]we remove the academics, we remove the subhead,
- [00:51:46.560]we change our text, new text, here, change the link,
- [00:51:55.560]something like that, save it.
- [00:51:59.360]And then all of a sudden, very quickly,
- [00:52:01.360]we have another page that's very similar to the page
- [00:52:04.440]that we created.
- [00:52:05.780]It's just a really easy way to recreate pages
- [00:52:10.780]that have a lot of work.
- [00:52:11.780]And then all you have to do is swap out text and images.
- [00:52:15.380]So that's the Replicate feature.
- [00:52:17.000]I'm going to touch on a couple more things here
- [00:52:19.000]before we go into the Q&A section.
- [00:52:21.920]So when I was adding images to the site,
- [00:52:23.920]I was going through this thing called Media Library.
- [00:52:28.620]So when you click Content on your site,
- [00:52:32.460]you get your Content tab.
- [00:52:33.720]This is all the content that's been added to your page.
- [00:52:37.940]But also in this Content tab, this is where
- [00:52:40.760]you have access to your Media Library.
- [00:52:43.040]So if you click Content, Media, you
- [00:52:47.940]are basically getting the larger interface version
- [00:52:53.440]of the same thing that you're getting when you load
- [00:52:55.940]Add Image to a component.
- [00:52:57.620]So you can see here, these are all the images
- [00:53:00.240]that we just added to our site.
- [00:53:02.660]Here you can see we added Remote Video.
- [00:53:05.760]So if I go Add Media, you've already
- [00:53:09.360]seen what it looks like.
- [00:53:10.740]So I add an image.
- [00:53:13.240]We're going to go ahead and add a file now.
- [00:53:14.820]So I'm going to choose a file, if I
- [00:53:24.840]can find one on my computer.
- [00:53:26.120]Geez.
- [00:53:30.640]We'll use this.
- [00:53:34.340]I'm sure I've already uploaded it,
- [00:53:35.840]but that's just how it's going to be.
- [00:53:40.720]So you'll notice we have this checkbox that says,
- [00:53:43.420]I certify the following is true.
- [00:53:45.120]I've done due diligence to assure that this file meets
- [00:53:47.540]accessibility standards.
- [00:53:49.220]So why are we doing that?
- [00:53:51.460]Well, if you have content on your site
- [00:53:55.000]that you want people to see, it needs--
- [00:53:58.880]especially if it's a document or a PDF,
- [00:54:00.900]it needs to be created in a way that's
- [00:54:02.940]accessible to people with screen readers
- [00:54:05.300]or other assistive devices who might be viewing your website.
- [00:54:09.940]We have some documents.
- [00:54:10.700]We have documentation, again, on CMS Docs
- [00:54:13.560]about how to create accessible PDFs or docs.
- [00:54:19.680]It's not super easy in some cases.
- [00:54:22.880]And so I will also use this opportunity
- [00:54:24.980]to say that if you have things that you're uploading
- [00:54:29.380]to your site as a PDF or a doc and you want your web audience
- [00:54:34.940]to see those, they should really be a web page.
- [00:54:39.380]First and foremost, they should be
- [00:54:40.680]a web page.
- [00:54:41.920]If I look over here at our board,
- [00:54:44.520]roughly 50% of our traffic right now
- [00:54:48.160]is coming on mobile devices.
- [00:54:50.380]And so if you've ever tried to look at a PDF on your phone,
- [00:54:55.020]you know that is not a pleasant experience.
- [00:54:59.140]So again, I would reiterate, if you
- [00:55:01.340]want content on your website to be seen by 100% of your users,
- [00:55:10.660]it should be a web page first and foremost.
- [00:55:13.280]I think PDFs are OK for maybe you
- [00:55:16.660]want a printable version of something.
- [00:55:18.420]Well, it should also exist as a web page.
- [00:55:22.120]Maybe it's something they have to fill out and sign in person
- [00:55:25.980]and bring in.
- [00:55:26.940]I guess that's possible.
- [00:55:28.600]I would probably use a web form.
- [00:55:30.460]But I've said my piece on PDFs and docs.
- [00:55:36.400]You can use them, make sure they're accessible,
- [00:55:38.680]and also make sure that content is
- [00:55:40.640]also a web page on your site.
- [00:55:43.220]So tagging is very similar to tagging an image.
- [00:55:48.480]I would go general to specific.
- [00:55:50.880]We could say this is documentation.
- [00:55:53.480]Already got a tag for that.
- [00:55:55.520]We could say it is focus group.
- [00:55:58.900]Got a tag for that.
- [00:56:00.020]We could say it is College of Business.
- [00:56:04.040]All right.
- [00:56:06.260]Again, if we want to put it with a date,
- [00:56:08.380]maybe we're going to replace this in the future.
- [00:56:10.620]We could give it a date.
- [00:56:11.520]Upload that file.
- [00:56:17.240]And you can see that file is now in our media library.
- [00:56:20.080]So similarly, we're going to add a remote video.
- [00:56:27.280]So we are going to add a video from MediaHub.
- [00:56:33.640]Let's do this nice video about the making of our PSA, which,
- [00:56:40.600]if you haven't seen the PSA, it's fantastic.
- [00:56:43.100]We're going to put this in here.
- [00:56:48.600]And we'll tag this as PSA, making of, and brand.
- [00:56:57.940]We'll call it home again, because I
- [00:56:59.360]know that's the name of it, home again.
- [00:57:01.380]There we go.
- [00:57:03.080]So you can see, as I kind of move through those,
- [00:57:05.080]some of those tags have not been created.
- [00:57:06.800]I created them.
- [00:57:07.500]Some of them have already been created,
- [00:57:09.540]so I'm going to select them.
- [00:57:10.580]We're going to save that.
- [00:57:11.820]And now you can see we've got this remote video in here,
- [00:57:21.120]and we've got this file.
- [00:57:22.600]OK, so now we're going to come back into our content.
- [00:57:24.760]We're going to go to about our department page, which
- [00:57:29.820]was that basic page we built kind of using the Layout
- [00:57:33.160]Builder page.
- [00:57:34.480]And we're going to add a video, and we're
- [00:57:36.140]just going to link in here.
- [00:57:37.260]So creating a link in--
- [00:57:40.560]in this new system is very similar to creating a link
- [00:57:43.920]to another page on your site.
- [00:57:47.240]In the WYSIWYG, we're going to click this Link button.
- [00:57:50.480]We know that the name of that file was Focus Group,
- [00:57:53.060]so we're going to say Focus.
- [00:57:55.200]Well, we have a few of them, because it's
- [00:57:57.320]like one of the only files on my computer,
- [00:57:59.080]and I keep uploading it.
- [00:58:00.940]But we're going to create a link to that,
- [00:58:04.340]and now we're linking that document that was uploaded.
- [00:58:07.720]Similarly, we're going to put this remote video
- [00:58:10.540]in here.
- [00:58:11.480]So we're going to click into Media Library.
- [00:58:14.500]We're going to go Remote Video, and it'll load that tab.
- [00:58:21.240]Switch over here.
- [00:58:24.180]Come on.
- [00:58:24.860]There we go.
- [00:58:26.660]So we will say we're going to select this one.
- [00:58:29.220]We're going to insert it.
- [00:58:31.760]And you can see we have similar options
- [00:58:33.540]to when we added an image.
- [00:58:35.060]You can make it narrow or wide.
- [00:58:37.500]You can float it or offset it.
- [00:58:40.520]I think video looks best big.
- [00:58:42.540]I'm going to go default. And then we're going to save it.
- [00:58:46.580]So we come back in here to our page, see what it looks like.
- [00:58:55.520]So we've got our page, a couple images, huge video.
- [00:59:02.740]It's your decision whether you want to make it that big.
- [00:59:06.420]And then if I roll over this, you
- [00:59:07.700]can see down here that I'm linking this
- [00:59:10.500]into that focus group document that I uploaded.
- [00:59:12.780]So it's really easy to link files, really easy
- [00:59:17.220]to upload images, link to them.
- [00:59:19.020]You don't have to worry about file pass and all that stuff.
- [00:59:23.580]So I'm going to touch on just a couple more things,
- [00:59:26.280]and then we'll take more general questions.
- [00:59:28.240]I see the chat is kind of lit up,
- [00:59:30.460]and so hopefully everybody has had their question answered.
- [00:59:34.180]If not, we'll come back around at the end.
- [00:59:36.080]So we are going to go to--
- [00:59:40.480]people.
- [00:59:41.400]So when you request a site, I typically
- [00:59:44.480]only add the person who requests the site to that,
- [00:59:49.860]unless the person requests that I add other people at the same
- [00:59:53.540]time that I create the site.
- [00:59:56.140]So we're going to come in here to people.
- [00:59:59.580]You can add new people really easily.
- [01:00:03.020]So we'll see if Bob's on here.
- [01:00:05.900]I think he is.
- [01:00:10.460]You can see, you can search by name.
- [01:00:12.160]You can search by university ID.
- [01:00:14.320]I'm going to go ahead and add him here.
- [01:00:15.960]You can see he's already a site admin.
- [01:00:20.740]But then this also gives me the opportunity
- [01:00:23.040]to talk about what the roles are in the new CMS.
- [01:00:27.660]So I have a little more access, so I'm
- [01:00:29.320]going to see a little bit more.
- [01:00:30.660]But these three roles, site admin, editor, and viewer,
- [01:00:34.680]are the ones that you will be able to give people
- [01:00:38.460]that level of access to your site.
- [01:00:40.440]So what are these three roles, and how do they work?
- [01:00:43.480]So site admin is somebody who can basically
- [01:00:46.860]do anything on your site.
- [01:00:48.380]They can add content, they can edit content,
- [01:00:52.440]they can delete content, but please do not delete content.
- [01:00:55.360]It is very difficult to get it back.
- [01:00:57.840]Add content, edit content, add new users, remove users.
- [01:01:02.120]You can change the site affiliation.
- [01:01:04.240]So when I create a site for you under system, configuration,
- [01:01:09.300]basic site settings, this is where the site title is set.
- [01:01:13.680]If for some reason I did not get your site title correct,
- [01:01:16.260]you can change it here.
- [01:01:17.980]You can also add a affiliation here.
- [01:01:21.540]And if for some reason you need to change
- [01:01:23.300]the home page of your site, you can change that here.
- [01:01:25.900]So again, a site admin is somebody
- [01:01:31.060]who could do all those things.
- [01:01:34.340]An editor role is one step down from that.
- [01:01:37.640]An editor role can add
- [01:01:39.280]content and edit content, but they cannot add or remove users,
- [01:01:44.460]and they cannot change that site configuration stuff.
- [01:01:47.220]So it's a good role if you just have somebody
- [01:01:50.160]who wants to come in and make changes to the site,
- [01:01:52.240]but they don't really want to manage
- [01:01:53.780]any of the site specifics.
- [01:01:55.260]It's a really good level of user access for them.
- [01:01:59.060]Viewer is kind of the lower, lower level.
- [01:02:04.800]We would kind of generally refer to this as the approver role,
- [01:02:09.260]the approval role.
- [01:02:11.760]So this is somebody--
- [01:02:14.760]so let me touch on one thing really, really quick here.
- [01:02:18.540]I didn't really go into this.
- [01:02:20.500]So in the Edit tab of your page, clear down here at the bottom.
- [01:02:28.680]I was just clicking Save and Preview.
- [01:02:30.520]These are very similar.
- [01:02:31.320]You can honestly delete it.
- [01:02:32.400]But again, please don't delete your pages.
- [01:02:35.600]By default, when you create a page or you edit a page,
- [01:02:38.520]the status of that page is going to be
- [01:02:39.240]published.
- [01:02:39.740]So published means that anybody who has that URL
- [01:02:44.560]can see that page.
- [01:02:46.720]If it's linked from somewhere, if it's linked to the nav,
- [01:02:49.640]people can see that page.
- [01:02:52.160]It's live to the world.
- [01:02:54.740]Unpublished means that only people with access to your site
- [01:03:00.400]can see that page.
- [01:03:03.640]It exists.
- [01:03:04.920]It is not live to the public.
- [01:03:07.460]Draft is--
- [01:03:09.220]kind of another updated version of that page is not yet live.
- [01:03:15.160]So it's another iteration of the page, but is not yet live.
- [01:03:19.880]It's kind of in a liminal state until you actually
- [01:03:24.040]say published, and then that draft status becomes published.
- [01:03:28.480]So why is that important?
- [01:03:30.760]Talking about that, well, this viewer role--
- [01:03:36.300]this viewer role is a person who only
- [01:03:39.200]has access to view pages on your site.
- [01:03:42.140]They cannot edit, and they cannot create new pages,
- [01:03:46.460]but they can view pages on your site
- [01:03:49.940]regardless of the published status.
- [01:03:54.200]So what's the benefit of that?
- [01:03:56.500]The benefit of that is maybe your boss or supervisor says,
- [01:04:01.220]hey, I need you to create three or four new pages
- [01:04:04.100]for this new little subsection, and we
- [01:04:06.780]don't want it to go live to the public yet.
- [01:04:09.180]So we'll look at them first to make sure they're good to go.
- [01:04:12.500]So what you would do is you'd come in here,
- [01:04:15.460]you'd create your pages, and rather than published,
- [01:04:19.460]you would set those to unpublished when you create them.
- [01:04:22.360]So you'd create the page, but before you hit Save,
- [01:04:25.800]you'd make sure you change it to unpublished, you'd hit Save.
- [01:04:30.340]So click Save, right?
- [01:04:32.020]This page is now unpublished.
- [01:04:36.280]I can still see it.
- [01:04:39.160]And I can still share this URL.
- [01:04:44.020]So if you have a person with a viewer role, aka the approver role,
- [01:04:49.720]you could create one or two or three or however many pages,
- [01:04:54.200]leave them in the unpublished state, send those URLs to somebody with this role.
- [01:04:59.980]And then they could say, yep, that's good.
- [01:05:02.180]Okay, make changes on this page, make changes on this page.
- [01:05:05.060]Once those changes are done, they're good to go live.
- [01:05:07.640]Okay, then they viewed them.
- [01:05:09.140]They've approved them and then you can make them live.
- [01:05:13.400]It's really kind of like for somebody
- [01:05:15.620]who doesn't want to deal with the website at all,
- [01:05:18.040]but they wanna maybe give the thumbs up on things
- [01:05:19.940]before they go live.
- [01:05:21.020]So that's what that role is.
- [01:05:22.380]All right, so I wanna go through one more thing
- [01:05:26.200]really, really quick, and then we will go to questions.
- [01:05:29.280]So what is the process for all this?
- [01:05:33.180]Well, if I go to,
- [01:05:39.120]basically we are here.
- [01:05:40.560]We are at Get Started, this first box.
- [01:05:42.700]You have attended a training,
- [01:05:44.080]and we're almost done, I swear.
- [01:05:45.280]Thank you for coming.
- [01:05:47.340]So this is kind of the first part of the process.
- [01:05:50.980]The second part of the process
- [01:05:52.820]is to request a site and start building.
- [01:05:55.260]So this is a form that you'd fill out.
- [01:05:57.660]This request a site,
- [01:05:59.360]and then I would create a site for you.
- [01:06:01.000]This is a link to documentation.
- [01:06:03.100]So this is kind of all the documentation needed
- [01:06:05.320]to build the site.
- [01:06:06.400]Obviously, training is a good part of
- [01:06:09.100]the knowledge needed to build a site.
- [01:06:10.900]So let's say you have your site all ready to roll.
- [01:06:15.580]You've recreated it in this new system,
- [01:06:17.560]and it looks awesome,
- [01:06:18.900]and you're ready to make your new site the live site.
- [01:06:22.400]So maybe you have a subdomain that is,
- [01:06:28.940]and you want that
- [01:06:32.460]to point at your new site.
- [01:06:34.760]Then you fill out this form right here,
- [01:06:37.700]make your site public,
- [01:06:39.080]give us this information.
- [01:06:41.040]And this address is the address that I send you
- [01:06:44.400]when I create a site.
- [01:06:45.280]It's something like
- [01:06:47.640]slash yoursite-new.
- [01:06:52.100]Put that there.
- [01:06:54.160]If it is a replacing site,
- [01:06:56.380]which means that it already has a subdomain
- [01:06:58.540]like,
- [01:07:00.080]you click replacing,
- [01:07:01.440]and then you put that subdomain in there.
- [01:07:03.800]If it is a new site and you still need a subdomain,
- [01:07:09.500]then you unfortunately have one more form.
- [01:07:12.140]It is not a TPS report,
- [01:07:14.000]but we ask you to fill out one more form.
- [01:07:16.420]It's a subdomain request
- [01:07:18.860]where the subdomain request
- [01:07:22.820]gets sent to the WDN governance board,
- [01:07:25.320]and then we approve it.
- [01:07:26.520]And then once that's approved,
- [01:07:28.760]then you can fill in this approved subdomain right here,
- [01:07:34.260]and then you can submit the go live form.
- [01:07:36.240]So those are the kind of the steps.
- [01:07:39.040]Again, the deadline is December 12th,
- [01:07:44.700]is when we will automatically start switching over
- [01:07:49.120]those subdomains to the Drupal 10 version of the site.
- [01:07:53.340]So December 12th.
- [01:07:56.400]December 19th at approximately 10 a.m. in the morning,
- [01:08:01.020]you know, which is what, three months and two days from now,
- [01:08:04.820]almost exactly, is when the old
- [01:08:09.020]system will be taken offline.
- [01:08:11.460]I don't know how long that process will be,
- [01:08:13.820]but that is when the process will start.
- [01:08:16.140]So that is the timeline, and that is the process.
- [01:08:20.180]And so now we can jump into questions.
- [01:08:23.080]That's the end of my training for today.
- [01:08:25.500]Thank you all for joining, and let's go through some questions.
- [01:08:29.200]We'll look through the chat first,
- [01:08:31.540]and then we can kind of jump into any questions
- [01:08:35.540]that people might have.
- [01:08:39.000]I don't know.
- [01:08:40.620]I don't think, Aaron, there's anything in chat
- [01:08:42.840]for you to address specifically.
- [01:08:44.740]Okay.
- [01:08:45.660]All right.
- [01:08:48.240]If everything got answered,
- [01:08:50.600]if anybody has any specific questions,
- [01:08:53.660]just feel free to ask or just put them in chat right now,
- [01:08:56.820]and we can answer them that way.
- [01:08:58.580]I see a raised hand.
- [01:09:00.700]I can't see your name.
- [01:09:02.920]Tammy?
- [01:09:03.480]It's Tammy Burnett.
- [01:09:04.740]Yeah.
- [01:09:05.000]Yes.
- [01:09:05.380]I have many questions.
- [01:09:08.980]My first one is,
- [01:09:09.800]is there a someplace if I have something I've made as a PDF
- [01:09:14.440]that I can like test if I've succeeded
- [01:09:17.020]at all the accessibility,
- [01:09:18.120]meeting all the accessibility metrics?
- [01:09:20.400]Is there like a website or something
- [01:09:22.380]you can enter something into to get it to say like,
- [01:09:24.520]yes or no, you messed this up?
- [01:09:26.580]That's a really good question.
- [01:09:29.460]And that is not my specialty.
- [01:09:31.520]And I don't know if I can answer that, honestly.
- [01:09:33.900]That's a very good question.
- [01:09:35.620]You might.
- [01:09:38.960]We have some people in the WDN
- [01:09:42.060]who are much more knowledgeable about that.
- [01:09:44.460]So if you're not in the WDN Slack,
- [01:09:50.740]we have a Slack channel.
- [01:09:53.060]If you are in there, I would ask it there.
- [01:09:56.600]And I bet there's somebody who could probably answer that.
- [01:09:59.180]If you're not in Slack,
- [01:10:02.340]then please send me a message and I can get you added.
- [01:10:05.720]Yes.
- [01:10:06.540]And I did post,
- [01:10:08.940]I think I'm not sure if we have these Adobe accessibility checker thing on
- [01:10:15.140]our, I don't know if the university subscribes,
- [01:10:17.380]but I think there's an option where you can answer.
- [01:10:19.580]Yeah, I've done that.
- [01:10:20.560]We have a worksheet.
- [01:10:21.820]So our website's already been transmuted by our web developer,
- [01:10:26.680]but we have a worksheet for students that we have recreated on the website,
- [01:10:30.820]but we also have a printable version and I sent it to her and she said,
- [01:10:35.000]no, it wasn't,
- [01:10:35.860]but I don't know how to check and fix what's going on.
- [01:10:38.920]What's wrong with it.
- [01:10:39.660]If you have a web form that is not a web form,
- [01:10:43.380]it's a PDF that they can print and save because it's like a fillable checkbox
- [01:10:47.640]thing with their requirements.
- [01:10:48.840]Okay.
- [01:10:50.140]So, okay.
- [01:10:51.500]I'll keep looking on that.
- [01:10:52.660]So I have student workers who have editor access,
- [01:10:57.160]but cannot seem to get into the web forms.
- [01:10:59.160]Is there something going on there or are we just,
- [01:11:01.900]maybe we just didn't know as we were trying to figure out how this all worked.
- [01:11:05.580]Is there a restriction?
- [01:11:08.900]On editors and web forms?
- [01:11:10.140]There shouldn't be.
- [01:11:14.100]I'll try with them again and see if we just didn't know the right place.
- [01:11:17.840]Do you want to send me an email?
- [01:11:21.340]Yep.
- [01:11:22.080]Just to make sure it's on my radar here to follow up with you.
- [01:11:26.180]Sure.
- [01:11:27.020]Because they should be.
- [01:11:28.440]I mean, it would just be the further restrictions like everything else where an editor
- [01:11:32.120]wouldn't be able to delete stuff, basically.
- [01:11:34.660]So send me, I'm eric at
- [01:11:38.880]I'll follow up with you.
- [01:11:40.460]Do that.
- [01:11:41.180]I will.
- [01:11:41.440]It's when we get off here.
- [01:11:42.280]I have one who's here.
- [01:11:43.080]I'll have him.
- [01:11:43.580]I'll sit down with him and we'll double check again.
- [01:11:46.040]Okay.
- [01:11:46.800]Oh, go ahead.
- [01:11:48.120]How long ago was that?
- [01:11:49.380]Oh, I don't know.
- [01:11:50.700]Since school started within the last couple of weeks.
- [01:11:52.680]That's something we may have corrected fairly recently.
- [01:11:57.600]Oh, okay.
- [01:11:58.380]We'll follow up.
- [01:11:59.460]Yeah.
- [01:12:00.100]We moved over our website just before school started.
- [01:12:02.420]So the cards, are there, is that like one size only?
- [01:12:07.960]Can they be small?
- [01:12:08.860]Um, the, so some of those fields are optional and I didn't mention that in the training,
- [01:12:17.600]but like I filled out all the fields.
- [01:12:19.040]I don't even think you need to have an image in the car.
- [01:12:22.280]I was going to say, I do like an image, but I'm thinking like we list courses.
- [01:12:25.620]It'd be, it'd be cool to have an image, but maybe a smaller image.
- [01:12:29.180]And then I think the image defaults to a four by three aspect ratio.
- [01:12:36.200]But if you don't use an image, I have seen
- [01:12:38.840]people use, not use images there just to kind of do like lots of little displays of information.
- [01:12:45.740]So a lot of the, I think typically on components, if a field is required,
- [01:12:52.400]it should have a little red asterisk by it, but, but yeah.
- [01:12:56.540]Okay.
- [01:12:57.420]And I think just one more.
- [01:12:59.740]Is there a way to pull in off our Instagram?
- [01:13:03.900]Like the way we pull in news and events?
- [01:13:06.440]Can we pull in our most recent Instagram posts?
- [01:13:09.680]We do not have a support for that right now.
- [01:13:13.580]No, I think all that sort of stuff,
- [01:13:16.120]all these social media companies have kind of taken away those sorts of
- [01:13:20.520]abilities because they really are want people.
- [01:13:23.540]It's like the wall in the site to look at ads and stuff like that.
- [01:13:28.540]So it wasn't just Elon Musk.
- [01:13:29.920]Everyone else took those sorts of abilities away to really embed that stuff
- [01:13:34.500]on your site.
- [01:13:35.140]So no, not really.
- [01:13:36.480]Okay.
- [01:13:36.880]Yeah.
- [01:13:37.280]I mean,
- [01:13:38.640]I guess,
- [01:13:38.800]I guess we could recreate it as a thing,
- [01:13:40.620]but yeah.
- [01:13:41.780]All right.
- [01:13:42.440]Thank you.
- [01:13:43.220]I have a question.
- [01:13:59.980]So where,
- [01:14:04.800]where we're currently at,
- [01:14:07.440]we have quite a bit of,
- [01:14:08.780]of branding with sort of our shorter and current UNL EDU website.
- [01:14:14.800]So we were curious,
- [01:14:16.720]is there going to be any sort of way that we might be able to arrange or
- [01:14:20.060]redirecting just because we've got like,
- [01:14:23.180]we spend quite a bit of money on just swag and stuff that we have,
- [01:14:27.660]which is going to have like the slash writing.
- [01:14:30.780]So we were curious if there's going to be any sort of,
- [01:14:33.440]cause I saw that there was the subdomain thing,
- [01:14:35.580]but that's like its own.
- [01:14:36.800]It doesn't quite follow the,
- [01:14:38.760]the same order of.
- [01:14:41.380]Oh, sure.
- [01:14:42.520]So your writing center,
- [01:14:43.980] slash writing.
- [01:14:45.680]Yes.
- [01:14:46.460]Yep.
- [01:14:47.280]Without redirect.
- [01:14:48.480]So we'll everyone with an address like that,
- [01:14:51.440]with the slash something we're for the most part,
- [01:14:55.140]moving those to like,
- [01:14:57.860]but that will totally redirect.
- [01:15:00.500]So it shouldn't be a problem.
- [01:15:02.980]Okay.
- [01:15:03.900]So it's currently in like the writing.unl,
- [01:15:07.020]sorry,
- [01:15:07.220] slash writing,
- [01:15:08.740]is currently in the system that even,
- [01:15:11.120]and it gets archived and stuff like that.
- [01:15:13.260]When things go live in December,
- [01:15:17.000]it would still go to this longer CMS,
- [01:15:19.480]which I'm sorry,
- [01:15:21.140]it just does not fit well on a pen.
- [01:15:22.720]Well, no, not longer CMS.
- [01:15:24.620]When your new site in this new system is live,
- [01:15:27.740]your address will be something like
- [01:15:32.620]And slash writing would still?
- [01:15:37.120]Will redirect.
- [01:15:38.720]Will redirect to that.
- [01:15:39.940]Okay, perfect.
- [01:15:41.360]So all your swag will still be okay.
- [01:15:44.640]Unfortunately, we're not in the business department or something.
- [01:15:48.660]We don't have.
- [01:15:49.240]No, no problems.
- [01:15:49.680]Yep.
- [01:15:50.000]All your business cards and everything, swag, business cards, flyers,
- [01:15:55.820]and any existing links that are out there will all still work.
- [01:15:59.500]Okay.
- [01:16:00.420]That is wonderful news that I can give to my director that the redirecting
- [01:16:04.820]will happen.
- [01:16:05.340]Good.
- [01:16:06.120]That's just kind of.
- [01:16:07.440]We've already.
- [01:16:08.700]Already done.
- [01:16:09.220]There's already been moves similar to yours that have occurred.
- [01:16:12.780]And so it's,
- [01:16:14.060]it'll be,
- [01:16:14.360]it'll be good.
- [01:16:14.940]All right.
- [01:16:16.080]Wonderful.
- [01:16:16.540]Thank you.
- [01:16:18.780]Any other questions?
- [01:16:25.780]I think most of them gotten answered in the chat.
- [01:16:28.420]And you don't have to raise your hand because there's a lot of people in
- [01:16:38.240]here to scroll.
- [01:16:38.780]So you just feel free to talk.
- [01:16:39.840]All right.
- [01:16:47.480]Question is,
- [01:16:48.140]is there a specific person that has to request a site like lead educators
- [01:16:52.140]or support staff?
- [01:16:53.180]Right now,
- [01:16:54.480]anybody can request a site.
- [01:16:57.360]I guess we just make sure that hopefully people are coordinated.
- [01:17:01.280]Occasionally we've had two people from the same department request a site
- [01:17:04.600]and they obviously haven't, you know, kind of gotten together,
- [01:17:08.660]about who's doing the work. So, but yeah, anybody can request a site.
- [01:17:12.800]So
- [01:17:13.780]any other questions for today?
- [01:17:28.460]All right.
- [01:17:38.640]If there are not, and like I mentioned, if you're not on our Slack channel,
- [01:17:42.860]there's like 400 plus people in there.
- [01:17:44.820]And if we can't answer your questions, a lot of people there,
- [01:17:48.320]there might be somebody who can. So request, you know,
- [01:17:52.360]just send me a message.
- [01:17:53.400]My name's Aaron Coleman and I can get you added to that Slack channel.
- [01:17:56.480]I always add everybody who requests a site.
- [01:17:59.320]So I'll automatically invite you.
- [01:18:02.700]And if you think of anything else after this, just drop me a message.
- [01:18:06.720]One last thing.
- [01:18:08.620]One last chance.
- [01:18:09.160]Anybody has any questions?
- [01:18:10.700]Otherwise, I will send a recording around this afternoon.
- [01:18:16.480]And yeah.
- [01:18:18.340]Thank you all for your attendance and have a good rest of your day.
- [01:18:24.240]Bye-bye.
- [01:18:24.280]Bye-bye.
- [01:18:24.320]Bye-bye.
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