CEHS Travel Training Recording 5/4/2021
David Merriman
CEHS Travel Training Recording 5/4/2021
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- [00:00:00.000]We have a few people that are continuing to get on, but I thought we could go ahead and get started with a couple introductions and go from there.
- [00:00:23.360]So I am Dori Smith. I'm the assistant dean for the College of Education and Human Sciences, and I welcome you all to our first virtual travel training.
- [00:00:34.000]We figured this is something we do travel training usually every fall and spring, and with the wonderful year that we've had that we haven't been doing it,
- [00:00:45.780]so thought we would go ahead and do a travel training, even though travel's still a little unsure right now,
- [00:00:52.460]but we figured it will be opening up probably pretty soon, so we wanted everyone to be prepared and ready for that.
- [00:00:58.440]So we appreciate everyone taking time today to be here, and just wanted to thank everyone for that,
- [00:01:07.000]and thank Melody for doing this training for us, and we will go ahead and get started.
- [00:01:13.660]Thank you, Dori. Good to see you. Hello, everyone. My name is Melody Stark. I manage the NU Travel Office,
- [00:01:22.260]so part of my responsibility in that office is I'm the liaison with the managed travel company
- [00:01:28.660]that we have, which is Fox World Travel. I manage contracts. I manage a couple other things,
- [00:01:34.800]but then I also do concurred training. Unfortunately, I had an injury to my finger
- [00:01:39.740]a couple weeks ago, and I won't be able to do the training today, but no fear. Shannon Poppy is on
- [00:01:45.300]with me. Shannon is with Nevis, and she'll explain what her role is, but she is very integral in
- [00:01:52.060]my travel office responsibilities. She's kind of my Lucy, and I'm her Ethel, if you want to go down
- [00:01:57.660]that road, but so I'll answer things in the chat, and I'll step in on occasion where Shannon is
- [00:02:05.140]talking, but she's going to take the lead on doing all of the training, so go for it, Shannon.
- [00:02:09.260]All right, thanks everyone for joining us, and Melody, I correct you, you're the one with the red hair,
- [00:02:14.720]so you're definitely the Lucy in this group. As she said, my name is Shannon Poppy. I'm with the Nevis team,
- [00:02:21.860]not too many people are probably familiar with Nevis, but if you're familiar with SAP and Firefly,
- [00:02:26.780]that's who we are. So I am the change management lead, I do training for different areas, Concur,
- [00:02:34.260]eShop, those kinds of things, but today our focus is on Concur, obviously. So I'm going to go ahead
- [00:02:41.040]and share my screen. Can everybody please be on camera asking questions?
- [00:02:51.660]Miriam, can you mute your phone, please?
- [00:02:54.780]Thank you so much. Okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to, first of all, I want everyone
- [00:03:03.280]to be aware of the NU travel site we have out here. In Firefly, there is a tile right next to
- [00:03:10.880]the Concur tile, and it will take you to this location. However, the URL is pretty basic. It's
- [00:03:21.460]a little bit more detailed. This is where we put a lot of information, some upcoming training
- [00:03:25.860]sessions we've been having in the last month or so. There's a lot of good information on here.
- [00:03:30.660]I'm in the middle of updating this a little bit better to get the travel help resources a little
- [00:03:35.540]more in front here. But as you can see, there's a lot of really good information over here on the
- [00:03:40.500]right. This is where the travel policy is located. So if anybody needs to be able to find it, it is
- [00:03:45.620]on this page. Information about the NU travel office, Fox World Travel, who is our travel
- [00:03:51.260]agency, and some more information out here as well. But what I want to point out first,
- [00:03:56.100]because this is one of the things that we do want to cover with today's trading session,
- [00:03:59.120]is the new per diem model for meals. And I'm just going to say right up front, this is only
- [00:04:04.540]for meals. So receipts are no longer required for meals unless possibly grant funded,
- [00:04:09.420]but receipts are still required for lodging, taxis, and everything else that has been in the
- [00:04:16.160]past. So for a while, we're going to have this page out here, maybe it could be for several
- [00:04:21.060]months, but we put this out here with links to several of our documents. There is an FAQ out
- [00:04:27.240]here so people can go out there and if they want to learn a little bit more about the per diem
- [00:04:31.400]model, there is a quick reference guide on doing a travel request and I will go through that with
- [00:04:37.940]you. It's really very, very similar to what it was before, so I think that's one of the easiest
- [00:04:43.100]ones. There's also a QRG on per diem doing an expense report and there's also a short
- [00:04:50.860]less than two minute videos tutorial on doing an expense report with the per diem.
- [00:04:56.920]Same thing down here, there was a change to the one-day travel expense reports
- [00:05:01.660]because of our system and I'm not going to go on to all the technical logistics of it.
- [00:05:05.980]If somebody goes on a one-day trip and they could possibly be reimbursed for certain meals,
- [00:05:13.460]there's some specifics to that and there is a quick reference guide and a little
- [00:05:20.660]video as well. So I just wanted to point that out. That is out here on the page
- [00:05:27.760]and then there's other again training sessions coming up. So if you go through this training and
- [00:05:33.620]maybe you want to go through a full another training or maybe just want to ask some
- [00:05:39.180]questions on per diem, those trainings are out there. They're available for anyone and there's
- [00:05:43.740]no registration. Does anybody have any questions on the travel website or anything with the per diem
- [00:05:50.460]points? I have one. This is Gwen Nugent. What do you mean that meals are not going to use
- [00:05:58.820]receipts unless possibly grant funded? Could you talk a little bit more about grant funded?
- [00:06:04.500]Melody, you want to talk about it or do you want me to? So there are several grants within our
- [00:06:10.260]system that currently require receipts. You will have to check with your sponsored
- [00:06:15.160]programs department to see if a receipt is required for your specific grant.
- [00:06:20.260]If it is required, we ask that you do not put it into Concur.
- [00:06:24.040]It just red flags auditors and we don't want to go down that road. So we would prefer that
- [00:06:30.160]you either keep them in your own personal file or you can certainly send those to your
- [00:06:34.680]grant sponsored programs department. Just remember that receipts are not required for meals,
- [00:06:40.380]but as Shannon mentioned, everything else that you do when you're on a business trip
- [00:06:45.300]requires a receipt and those you will have to input into Concur.
- [00:06:50.060]Does that help answer your question, Gwen? Kind of. Yes, thank you. But just the big ones,
- [00:06:56.020]NSF, the U.S. Department of Education, probably this does not apply to, right?
- [00:07:00.800]I don't know that because I don't handle the grants funded programs. So that's a question
- [00:07:06.760]that you're going to have to ask your grant program. Okay, thank you.
- [00:07:10.220]Gwen, our grant specialists are working on that, finding out which programs are requiring that.
- [00:07:16.140]And what we're going to ask is that anyone that's traveling on those
- [00:07:19.860]particular grants submit the receipts to the grant specialist and they will keep those.
- [00:07:25.680]I do want to point out one thing, Shannon. I know we only have an hour, so we're a little
- [00:07:31.280]short on time. But regarding the travel policy, if you have not reviewed the policy, I strongly
- [00:07:37.600]recommend that you do that. We have changed a lot of information in that and we actually have
- [00:07:44.260]some additional changes coming through the pipeline. It's with the CBOs right now. But
- [00:07:49.660]where you thought a receipt was required at one point, it may not any longer be required or it
- [00:07:55.180]may be required based on the dollar figure. So the appendix that Shannon is showing you will
- [00:07:59.960]tell you exactly when a receipt is required. My suggestion has always been just get a receipt,
- [00:08:05.780]whether you think you need it or not. And then once you're back, you can determine that.
- [00:08:09.660]The other thing that we're seeing in the travel office is I get a report from our,
- [00:08:14.500]from Fox World Traveler, our agency of record, of all the new reservations that
- [00:08:19.460]are going into the system. And as Dori said, travel is starting to ramp up. I'm seeing about
- [00:08:23.980]20 to 30 reservations a day. What I'm not seeing is that pre-trip request being approved in the
- [00:08:30.280]system. It is NU policy that before you go out and make travel arrangements, that pre-trip request
- [00:08:37.820]has to be submitted by the traveler, and it has to go through the entire approval process.
- [00:08:42.740]That is more important than ever. Reason being, a little thing called COVID-19, when that
- [00:08:49.260]hit, there were hundreds of people out on the road that we had no idea they were out
- [00:08:55.160]there because the pre-trip request was not approved. So if you don't learn anything else
- [00:09:00.320]from this session, please learn that we are watching that, and we will send it as a non-compliant
- [00:09:06.440]email, which is kind of nasty, I know, but it's for your own safety that we're going
- [00:09:11.060]down that road. So if you have questions regarding that, please reach out to me. Dori is fully
- [00:09:16.000]aware of that policy, too, so please reach out to her, too, if you have any questions.
- [00:09:19.060]Thank you, Shannon. And don't remember, if you have questions, you can actually take
- [00:09:23.520]yourself off mute or go ahead and go into the chat feature.
- [00:09:27.300]Yep. All right. So with today's training, actually,
- [00:09:34.480]this is our concur test area. I'm going to be using this for most of it. One of the things
- [00:09:39.160]I've been asked to show is how to assign a travel delegate. So I actually -- I prefer
- [00:09:43.800]to be in the live system. So I'm just bopping over. It looks exactly the same. It is the
- [00:09:48.860]same. It's just the other one, Melody, I can play with a little bit. This one is actually
- [00:09:53.040]mine. So a delegate. A delegate is a little bit different than a travel arranger. A delegate
- [00:09:59.800]can do -- prepare travel requests and expense reports for the traveler, although the traveler
- [00:10:06.860]does have to submit it. Now, a travel arranger is one that has the
- [00:10:10.620]booking. So they're two different things. So if you're expected to do everything for
- [00:10:15.220]somebody in your department, you'll want to make sure you're a delegate and an arranger.
- [00:10:18.660]And a travel arranger. So for the travel, for the delegate, myself as the traveler,
- [00:10:24.780]I want Melody to go in or somebody to go in and do my, my travel requests.
- [00:10:30.400]So I will come out here. I am the traveler. I'll come out here to profile settings.
- [00:10:34.900]And I always just kind of look over here on this left-hand side,
- [00:10:38.760]they have request delegates and they have expense delegates. They are really the same thing. So pick,
- [00:10:44.940]pick each, which one you want. It really doesn't matter. It does the same thing
- [00:10:48.460]and we'll come out here to request delegates. And so these are all the people that I have said
- [00:10:54.700]can do stuff for me, can do travel requests or expense reports. And you notice there are certain
- [00:11:01.480]things that you have to check mark to make it active. So now I'm going to be going on a trip
- [00:11:05.440]in July. I want Melody to prepare it for me. So I'm going to come over here to add. Now you can
- [00:11:11.220]come in here, you can start typing in people's names and it will auto fill.
- [00:11:18.260]And I selected her and what it's going to do, it's going to drop down here. It alphabetizes
- [00:11:23.180]everything. That's why she's put here. I'm not done. Okay. So I'm going to come on here and I'm
- [00:11:28.480]going to say, yes, I want Melody to prepare stuff for me. And it automatically fills in, can review,
- [00:11:34.820]can view receipts, which is she's doing my expense report. I'd hope that she could see my receipts.
- [00:11:39.180]Then I also probably want her to receive the email notifications. The ones that I would get
- [00:11:44.360]to remind me, Hey, your 60 day deadline's coming up. You want, want to get your expense
- [00:11:48.060]report entered and submitted. So that's all I would need to do for her to do that.
- [00:11:53.840]But I need to come up here and click on save. Okay. And it will tell me my changes have been
- [00:11:59.780]saved. Now I'm just going to briefly touch on the rest of these. Say, if I am a travel approver,
- [00:12:05.440]if I'm an approver and I'm going to be on vacation or whatever for a week or two,
- [00:12:09.920]and I want Melody to be able to approve those, I would click on certain ones of these. I'm not
- [00:12:17.860]but that's what you would do if you're going to be on vacation and you want somebody else to approve
- [00:12:22.660]the travel. Now, one thing I want to point out here is that up here at the top, there's the
- [00:12:27.360]delegates, which I just did. Now I can see who I'm a delegate for. So these are the people that
- [00:12:32.780]have gone out and said, yes, I would like Shannon to be able to prepare my travel requests and my
- [00:12:37.860]expense reports. Okay. Same concept. I can't change this because these people did this on their own
- [00:12:45.140]to assign me. The only one that
- [00:12:47.660]I can do as a traveler is I can come out here and adjust these. Okay. Any questions on the delegates?
- [00:12:55.460]So for CHS, I just want to add that Carrie Braulia is the travel coordinator for the college
- [00:13:04.880]and I'm her backup. So when you in this section, please add Carrie Braulia as your delegate and
- [00:13:13.180]Lee Tran as another delegate so we can go to your
- [00:13:17.460]travel request or your travel expense if you need help. Thank you.
- [00:13:21.860]Okay. And do you expect to do their travel arrangements too? Do you want me to -- no?
- [00:13:29.820]Okay. Okay. Then I won't go in and show you how to add a travel arranger. But for the
- [00:13:35.220]people that are the delegates, but Carrie and Lee, you said you guys are the ones doing
- [00:13:40.460]all the -- okay. So you already know that. Okay. Any other questions on delegates? Okay.
- [00:13:47.260]I'm going to come back over here. Again, I'm in my test site. What I'm going to do is I'm
- [00:13:52.000]going to first walk you through how to do a travel request. If you have done these in
- [00:13:56.340]the past, they're pretty much the same thing, just very slightly different. Now you'll notice,
- [00:14:02.100]again, this is our test site. This is where Melody and I play a lot. This is the error
- [00:14:06.940]that you don't want to get. It won't keep you from submitting things, but it was what
- [00:14:10.600]Melody had talked about. It says this pre-trip request was not submitted prior to the trip.
- [00:14:17.060]There are reports on that. There are so many reasons why, but you need to have it submitted
- [00:14:22.820]before. Again, I'm not breaking the rules. This is our test site. I just wanted to point
- [00:14:27.400]out as to why those were out there. If I come into here and if I, for some reason, cannot
- [00:14:32.940]find an active request, I would come over here and click on all requests. Sometimes
- [00:14:37.700]requests after, I don't know, was it 90 days or so, they get buried into approved requests
- [00:14:42.920]or pending requests. If you cannot find something, if you're looking for it as a delegate,
- [00:14:46.860]or a traveler, I would just click, go to the view and click on all requests and then they'll
- [00:14:51.860]pop up. Okay. So to do a new request, I come up here at the top and I click on new request.
- [00:14:58.920]What we had always taught in the past is maybe to put your trip location on there. You can
- [00:15:04.600]do whatever you want, whatever your department decides to do. We just tend to go with location.
- [00:15:10.180]You can put anything there is definitely a free form. So I'm going to come out here and
- [00:15:15.460]I'm going to say the 11th.
- [00:15:16.660]And my return date is the 14th.
- [00:15:20.840]And you have to select your trip purpose there's several options up here. I'll just say I'm
- [00:15:26.340]going to a conference.
- [00:15:28.680]And I obviously we've put a lot of information in here so you can type in the city that you're
- [00:15:33.100]going to but I'm going to San Diego and it was one of my options. It automatically defaults
- [00:15:37.760]to the United States, the trip type domestic international recruiting or team group, if
- [00:15:45.340]it is.
- [00:15:46.460]If it's selected as international, of course you would have to put the right location on
- [00:15:50.640]the other part there too but there will be a third level of approval on there so make
- [00:15:55.060]sure if it's domestic make sure it's domestic on here.
- [00:15:59.420]In this area does this trip contain personal travel? If I was going to this conference
- [00:16:04.420]and I think that was a Friday, was that a Friday? Yep, on a Friday and it was over on
- [00:16:10.320]a Monday but I wanted to stay in San Diego for another couple days, I would say yes.
- [00:16:16.260]Or if the conference is Friday and Saturday and I didn't want to come back until Monday,
- [00:16:20.840]I would say yes and then put that date of Monday the 16th in here. That's just so we
- [00:16:26.120]know that you were actually there. It's a little bit different on the expense side where
- [00:16:29.780]we don't want to know when you're on your personal time there because you won't get
- [00:16:33.660]reimbursed for it. However, on the request side, as Melody mentioned, we do want to know
- [00:16:39.560]especially for your safety when you would be there.
- [00:16:41.980]So if I was going on this conference just on Friday, Saturday, but then Sunday, Monday,
- [00:16:46.060]Monday were personal travel, then I would put in, oops, sorry about that. I would put
- [00:16:54.480]in 6/13 and 6/14 and I would say yes. That way that they know, okay, I'm going to be
- [00:17:04.020]there, but I'm on personal travel. I think for this instance, we can just take this off.
- [00:17:10.060]This one over here, are there any costs funded by an external entity? Say I'm actually going
- [00:17:15.860]to be a participant for this conference. The conference is paying for some or all of
- [00:17:20.580]my travel, the hotel, everything there. I would put yes if they were, and then describe
- [00:17:28.220]the covered costs. For this example, I'll say no.
- [00:17:31.580]On this section, let's be a little more clear here, Shannon, if you don't mind.
- [00:17:37.920]We don't want you to put yes if you're at UNL and UNMC is paying for your trip or number
- [00:17:45.660]or another campus. We only want you to put it like Shannon mentioned, if I'm going out
- [00:17:50.780]to a Concur conference and they're paying for certain parts of my trip, I would say
- [00:17:55.500]yes. And then in that second field, who they are, so it would be Concur and they're paying
- [00:18:02.260]for my hotel and my car. Some people get confused on that and that was added by funding. It
- [00:18:07.620]wasn't initially on our pre-trip request when we first started Concur, but some of the financial
- [00:18:12.880]approvers wanted that, those two extra fields.
- [00:18:15.460]So that's why they're there.
- [00:18:17.560]Okay, so over here you can select either cost object or WBS. And once I do that, then I
- [00:18:26.040]can come over here. Everybody has access to every single cost object and WBS in the system.
- [00:18:31.860]So you really want to make sure that you are selecting the one that you are doing that.
- [00:18:37.100]Now if they come pop up here at the top, I can just go and select it or you can start
- [00:18:42.080]typing in the numbers.
- [00:18:45.260]And it starts to drill down.
- [00:18:48.240]But instead of typing them, get to the point where you find what you're looking for and
- [00:18:52.640]actually click on it, because we've had some people where they just typed in the number
- [00:18:56.440]went on, and it didn't stick.
- [00:18:59.240]So we always recommend typing in the actual number finding it and then grabbing it off
- [00:19:04.200]that bottom list.
- [00:19:05.740]Okay, and we do have tip sheets that Shannon's going to go over at the end if we have time
- [00:19:11.220]but we have over 100 tip sheets and one of them is on how to.
- [00:19:15.060]Add or edit a cost object so you're never out on the island by yourself and I'm always
- [00:19:20.820]available to help you through the process to okay and this user defined field.
- [00:19:25.560]Why did you want to talk about that.
- [00:19:30.640]It's covered by your department right yeah so in CHS we would like to ask that you add
- [00:19:37.340]a user defined field so we can run the report by individuals, so it will have the departments
- [00:19:42.560]manage their travel budget better.
- [00:19:44.860]So we would like to add the user defined like your last name and the initial of your first
- [00:19:53.120]name so, for example, my name is Lee Tran, so my user defined field should be Tran and
- [00:19:58.900]L.
- [00:19:59.900]Okay.
- [00:20:00.900]So last name and first initial.
- [00:20:04.320]You don't have to put anything else in there, Lee, just that?
- [00:20:11.380]No just that.
- [00:20:12.380]Okay, very good.
- [00:20:13.660]Some departments use it.
- [00:20:14.660]Like you guys will and then others they didn't require to use it for anything.
- [00:20:18.880]So that's why the last name and then first initial.
- [00:20:22.140]Now personnel area and employee ID, that would actually be filled out with my real information.
- [00:20:27.840]Over here you can put whatever you want.
- [00:20:29.420]Again it's a free field.
- [00:20:33.400]And if you wanted to put any comments to approvers in here, you could do that as well.
- [00:20:38.420]Now to move on to the next section, there's kind of just three main tabs here that you'll
- [00:20:42.560]be filling out.
- [00:20:43.560]You have a request header.
- [00:20:44.460]That's what all this basic information is.
- [00:20:46.480]You have segments and then you have expenses.
- [00:20:48.880]The approval flow and the audit flow are more of the read-only kind of thing.
- [00:20:53.820]So there's two ways you can continue on.
- [00:20:55.640]You can either click on the segments and it'll ask you if you want to save or over here on
- [00:20:59.340]the right, there is a save button.
- [00:21:00.900]So you can say save and it will automatically transfer you over to the segment section.
- [00:21:06.060]Now the segment section is only three things.
- [00:21:08.920]It is airfare, hotel, and car rental.
- [00:21:12.460]So if you're not utilizing this, any of these things, you're not going to be able to get
- [00:21:14.260]to the expenses.
- [00:21:15.260]But for this example, we're going to say that fly out of Omaha.
- [00:21:24.840]So it asks you for your amount.
- [00:21:26.500]This takes a little bit of training sometimes to do because the amounts, it's really tiny
- [00:21:29.920]up here and sometimes that gets missed.
- [00:21:33.640]So what you're going to do before you do this pre-trip request is you're going to go out
- [00:21:37.280]to the travel section of Concur and just give us an estimate of what you think the airfare
- [00:21:42.820]is going to be.
- [00:21:44.060]Always remember the request is an estimation, it's not a dollar for a dollar.
- [00:21:49.500]So if it's more or less when you go to expense it, really no big deal.
- [00:21:55.020]Your financial approvers are well aware that the request is just an estimation.
- [00:21:59.560]Okay, so I just put in my estimate because I went out there and looked online and I'm
- [00:22:04.280]flying from Omaha to San Diego, that's wrong.
- [00:22:08.160]That was Florida.
- [00:22:09.160]I know there was a San Diego, Florida.
- [00:22:13.860]Lindbergh.
- [00:22:14.860]That one?
- [00:22:15.860]The next one.
- [00:22:16.860]This one.
- [00:22:17.860]Oh, there we go.
- [00:22:18.860]Okay.
- [00:22:19.860]Okay.
- [00:22:20.860]So then when I'm done, I come down here and click on save, which is the bottom right.
- [00:22:25.240]Now I can just continue on to expenses or I can do my hotel.
- [00:22:29.180]So I'll just quickly show the hotel.
- [00:22:30.780]So it is a conference, so those tend to be a little bit more expensive.
- [00:22:34.660]Here with the city, I'm going to put San Diego, but if I'm maybe in Temecula, which is about
- [00:22:39.040]an hour north of there, I would actually put in Temecula.
- [00:22:41.680]You can put in any details you want.
- [00:22:43.660]Anything that's required is the amount and the city.
- [00:22:47.540]So I'll make it a little bigger.
- [00:22:49.420]Shannon.
- [00:22:50.420]Sure.
- [00:22:51.420]It's really small print.
- [00:22:52.420]Okay.
- [00:22:53.420]Okay.
- [00:22:54.420]Yeah, I think that's fine.
- [00:22:56.900]Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and click on Save.
- [00:22:59.620]Now I'm not going to do a car rental for this one.
- [00:23:02.080]So now I'm going to come over here to the tab with expenses.
- [00:23:08.300]Now I just want to point out here, the segments, the two that I did, automatically translate
- [00:23:13.460]transfer over into here.
- [00:23:15.180]And one thing we've had people that are maybe new to Concur or I've forgotten, they come
- [00:23:19.780]over here to this plane one and put in an expense report for that.
- [00:23:25.080]But we don't want that because that's like a chartered flight, things like that.
- [00:23:27.900]And that goes to an additional approver.
- [00:23:30.860]So that's not where we do flights.
- [00:23:32.740]We do flights over here on segments.
- [00:23:35.220]One other thing I want to point out too is this meal including tip.
- [00:23:38.940]This portion right here is going to go away hopefully in the next week.
- [00:23:43.260]We had to leave it on there just to make sure everything from 2021 that we had meal including
- [00:23:48.300]tip was cleared out to make sure everybody got paid no matter what was still in our system.
- [00:23:53.020]So don't use this.
- [00:23:55.180]You'll have an error message anyway, but it will be going away soon.
- [00:23:59.820]What you do is you come out here for meal per diem.
- [00:24:04.940]Okay, let me stop you for a second.
- [00:24:07.180]So on that front page, remember we were talking about when personal travel is included in
- [00:24:12.380]your request.
- [00:24:13.060]When you get to this section, we do not want you to add your personal meals.
- [00:24:18.560]We only want you to add the days of your business trip.
- [00:24:21.780]So remember Shannon said she was going to leave the 11th and maybe come back the 16th
- [00:24:26.020]because she was going to spend a few days in San Diego.
- [00:24:29.340]You're only going to do the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, so that's four days in this section.
- [00:24:35.400]Yeah.
- [00:24:36.400]And if Nick has a question, go ahead and unmute yourself, Nick.
- [00:24:40.860]So last week I had a
- [00:24:42.860]trip and part of the meals were covered by the hosts, but not all of them, and it worked
- [00:24:52.660]out fine, but I didn't feel quite right about claiming the per diem because a couple of
- [00:24:58.240]the meals were, right, covered by my hosts.
- [00:25:02.820]So I mean, I realize in the big picture of things, that's not a huge amount of money,
- [00:25:06.200]but I didn't feel right about claiming the full per diem if they were covering the lunch.
- [00:25:10.660]What do I do?
- [00:25:11.660]We appreciate that.
- [00:25:12.660]Thank you for that.
- [00:25:13.900]So on the request, just do it as you normally would.
- [00:25:17.020]On the expense side, when Shannon gets there, she's going to show you those boxes that you
- [00:25:21.320]need to check if a meal was provided.
- [00:25:23.380]So hang with us a few more minutes and I think a good explanation will be coming your way.
- [00:25:29.280]Okay.
- [00:25:30.280]So I just put in the amount of days again, just the amount of days for the business portion
- [00:25:34.400]of it.
- [00:25:35.400]If I was doing any personal and I would click on save.
- [00:25:38.260]So as you notice it, it's brings it over here.
- [00:25:41.420]I would continue.
- [00:25:42.460]It's adding more information.
- [00:25:44.360]If I wanted to attach maybe the agenda from the conference, I can come up here and select
- [00:25:50.340]attach documents.
- [00:25:51.340]It'll open up a new window and just says, go find the attachment on your computer and
- [00:25:56.380]attach it.
- [00:25:57.380]And one thing to keep in mind, anything that I attach here does not go through and go over
- [00:26:03.280]to the expense side because this is just the pre-trip request.
- [00:26:07.860]But on the expense side, anything that's attached there does actually flow into SAP.
- [00:26:12.260]If you do have something here and you want the accounts payable to know about it, you
- [00:26:16.500]want your financial approver to know about it, please keep that because you will have
- [00:26:20.300]to attach it again on the expense report.
- [00:26:23.340]So if I don't have anything else to add to this one, I can go ahead and say submit.
- [00:26:28.260]Oh wait, before I do that, I'll show you over here.
- [00:26:30.980]This approval flow will show you who your supervisor approval is and then who your financial
- [00:26:36.620]approver is.
- [00:26:37.620]Again, test system, so not everything's listed on here, but for here, this could say, you
- [00:26:42.060]know, this is Ted Tagge because he's my supervisor.
- [00:26:45.540]And then it comes over here to my financial approver who might be Sherry Polanski.
- [00:26:49.400]So you'll know exactly who it is.
- [00:26:51.100]Now if this happens to be an international trip, there would be another one listed here
- [00:26:55.560]because that has to have another approval flow.
- [00:26:59.060]And the audit trail, right now there's nothing there because nothing has been submitted,
- [00:27:03.520]but it'll have information on here once it gets submitted and who has approved that and
- [00:27:10.500]moved it on.
- [00:27:11.860]So, if I look over here and I do not see anything on here, I can go ahead and say submit request.
- [00:27:20.300]And I'm going to say yes.
- [00:27:22.300]It's just a pop-up final review and I say yes.
- [00:27:26.660]And then it tells me that has been approved.
- [00:27:29.040]Okay.
- [00:27:30.040]And as you notice on this screen that Shannon is showing you, you can go in as yourself
- [00:27:36.680]or your delegate could go back into the request tab.
- [00:27:40.080]Those tabs are those sections.
- [00:27:41.660]Up in that black bar area at the very top, and you can see exactly where it's at in the
- [00:27:47.720]process.
- [00:27:48.720]So San Diego was just submitted and pending supervisor approval.
- [00:27:52.960]Once that supervisor approves it, then it goes on to your financial approver.
- [00:27:57.560]Once they approve it, then you will see it as approved.
- [00:27:59.980]I'm going to stress it again.
- [00:28:02.300]It has to be approved before you start those travel arrangements.
- [00:28:05.820]Okay, folks, the supervisor and the financial approver could be the same.
- [00:28:11.460]They're the same person.
- [00:28:12.800]So Dory, if she was your supervisor and she was in charge of that cost center, she would
- [00:28:18.160]only receive this once, and it's kind of a quicker process when it's only one person.
- [00:28:24.580]But no actual request should take more than 48 hours to get through the approval process.
- [00:28:30.460]People are not paying attention sometimes when they get that email.
- [00:28:33.900]I would suggest you just ping them and say, listen, I got to get my travel arrangements
- [00:28:38.000]made.
- [00:28:39.000]Please go forward with approving my request.
- [00:28:41.260]We're going to pause real quickly here.
- [00:28:44.420]Are there anybody that has questions, if you want to take yourself off mute or ask in the
- [00:28:49.000]chat section before we continue with the expense side?
- [00:28:53.120]One thing to note while we're looking to see if anything comes to the chat, now, if I submitted
- [00:28:57.020]this and went, oh, my, I forgot to add an expense type over here, I can actually come
- [00:29:02.540]over here and recall it.
- [00:29:04.780]But that can only be done as long as the supervisor has not acted on it yet.
- [00:29:09.080]So I can come back in here and say recall.
- [00:29:11.060]Do you want to recall this request?
- [00:29:13.440]I say yes.
- [00:29:15.120]And then you'll notice on here my confirmation, it was recalled and it doesn't -- oh, send
- [00:29:24.760]back to the user.
- [00:29:25.760]So you can tell that I have sent it back so that if you are doing this for a traveler
- [00:29:30.660]and the delegate has notified the traveler, they'll actually see that, oh, wait, no, it's
- [00:29:35.700]sent back here.
- [00:29:36.700]So you might know that it's not quite ready for them.
- [00:29:39.160]Okay.
- [00:29:40.160]So a question came in.
- [00:29:40.860]If we submitted a travel request, but our travel dates change, are we allowed to go
- [00:29:45.000]back and edit the form?
- [00:29:48.180]Once it's through the approval process, you cannot edit the form.
- [00:29:52.700]If your dates are different by maybe one or two days the most, we're okay with you keeping
- [00:29:58.940]it as is if it's a domestic request.
- [00:30:02.700]If it's an international request and the date changes, you do need to resubmit it.
- [00:30:10.160]There is a way.
- [00:30:10.660]There is a way to copy a request.
- [00:30:12.660]If you highlight San Diego or one of these, Shannon, go back.
- [00:30:20.460]Over on the left of the name is a button.
- [00:30:25.260]If you highlight that button, then the copy request screen will come up.
- [00:30:29.640]You can copy it, take off the word "copy" when that happens, and then you can resubmit
- [00:30:35.680]it with the new dates.
- [00:30:37.740]Just remember to go back in.
- [00:30:40.460]Delete that report that you don't want to go through the process.
- [00:30:47.020]One more question.
- [00:30:48.560]Are you going to go over how to do a blanket travel request where you are going to various
- [00:30:52.300]sites over a period of time?
- [00:30:54.100]Marlene, are you a delegate by chance?
- [00:30:56.780]No, I'm not.
- [00:30:59.480]I worked through one of the grants.
- [00:31:00.480]Okay.
- [00:31:01.480]We're going to really try hard.
- [00:31:02.480]We only have an hour, and we have a couple other things to go through.
- [00:31:06.020]If you don't mind staying at the end, we'll go over it with you.
- [00:31:10.260]Or we do have the quick reference guides that Shannon will talk about.
- [00:31:14.600]Okay.
- [00:31:15.600]Thank you.
- [00:31:16.600]And we are also having additional training.
- [00:31:19.780]This was specifically for your college, but we have a couple others that are coming up
- [00:31:24.580]that are a two-hour long session that we'll go into a lot more detail on those.
- [00:31:30.740]You're more than welcome to join those two, or again, just call me or email me, and I'd
- [00:31:35.520]be happy to go through the process with you.
- [00:31:38.060]Thank you.
- [00:31:39.060]You bet.
- [00:31:40.060]Okay.
- [00:31:41.060]Are we ready to go on to the expense report?
- [00:31:43.980]You're good.
- [00:31:44.980]Yes.
- [00:31:45.980]Okay.
- [00:31:46.980]All right.
- [00:31:47.980]So I did my travel request, got it all approved.
- [00:31:50.740]I booked everything.
- [00:31:51.740]I've gone to my conference, and now I'm back, and so now I'm ready to do my expense report.
- [00:31:57.860]Well, one thing that you can do, those that are delegates, is that you can go into the
- [00:32:02.500]system and maybe a day or two before the traveler goes on their trip, you can create this expense
- [00:32:08.380]report to kind of prep and get things done.
- [00:32:09.860]Get things ready.
- [00:32:10.860]Because when the traveler's on their trip, if they are using the Concur app or they're
- [00:32:15.180]tied to some of the apps that are within, tied to within Concur, like Uber or Hilton
- [00:32:19.440]Hotels or things like that, as they're traveling and those receipts are coming through electronically,
- [00:32:24.540]it'll start building this expense report for you.
- [00:32:26.920]So that's a lot less work for the delegate and it's a lot easier for the traveler too.
- [00:32:32.480]So we'd recommend that.
- [00:32:33.480]Okay.
- [00:32:34.480]So I've come back.
- [00:32:35.480]I went to this Washington DC conference.
- [00:32:37.360]So over here on the right-hand side, I'm going to click on expense.
- [00:32:39.660]And what that does, it brings up an expense report, but it auto-populates a lot of the
- [00:32:45.660]stuff that I already have out here.
- [00:32:48.860]See, it has all this information on this personal dates of travel.
- [00:32:55.100]That's where you can, you can put in that information, but we want to know on this report,
- [00:32:59.360]I went 4/1, 4/4, my personal dates of travel, if I went before and after, we do not want
- [00:33:04.560]that on here.
- [00:33:06.200]Okay.
- [00:33:07.200]So I'm going to come out here.
- [00:33:08.460]I'm going to pick the time.
- [00:33:09.460]I left.
- [00:33:10.460]And the time I ended travel status.
- [00:33:13.940]Okay.
- [00:33:15.020]And then this is an opportunity if you need to change any of the cost object, your user
- [00:33:19.860]defined.
- [00:33:20.860]I'm going to put in my name and first initial.
- [00:33:24.160]You can change this information here if you want.
- [00:33:26.700]If I scroll down here, you'll see the request is listed here.
- [00:33:30.700]You can check mark it if you want to.
- [00:33:32.220]It doesn't matter.
- [00:33:33.220]It's already attached to it.
- [00:33:34.220]But if you like to check mark things, it is there.
- [00:33:37.040]Sorry, before you go, this is also the place where you're going to change.
- [00:33:42.040]If your flight was delayed and you had to spend an extra day in DC, you would change
- [00:33:47.420]your business date to reflect the actuals at this point.
- [00:33:51.700]So you came back early, your meetings got done early, or you had to stay because of
- [00:33:55.540]blizzard hit, whatever the case may be.
- [00:33:58.200]These are the actual dates of your business travel that you need to put in here.
- [00:34:01.880]That's important because that's going to affect your per diem rates for your meals.
- [00:34:06.800]Right.
- [00:34:07.800]And it's also helpful for your financial approver and the accounts payable processors because
- [00:34:13.240]you may have an extra, well, the dates that will be outside the trip dates.
- [00:34:17.320]So they will look at that.
- [00:34:18.980]You would get it a little warning message, but it's not going to prevent you from submitting
- [00:34:24.160]it, but it also gives them an idea, okay, this was, you know, $200 more than it was
- [00:34:28.800]estimated.
- [00:34:29.800]Well, the hotel was extra because I got stuck in a blizzard kind of thing.
- [00:34:32.960]So yeah, this is absolutely adjustable to whatever you need.
- [00:34:36.560]It's not stuck on what you put on the pre-chip request.
- [00:34:40.180]Shannon, sorry for the user defined field.
- [00:34:44.180]We don't want to have space between the last name and the first name, but I think there's
- [00:34:48.360]a way to go to profile and set it up so it will be populated.
- [00:34:52.920]I can show them at the end of the training.
- [00:34:57.180]Okay.
- [00:34:58.180]Thanks.
- [00:34:59.180]All right.
- [00:35:00.180]So I'm all ready for this.
- [00:35:01.180]So now down here at the bottom right, I'm going to click on yes, or I'm sorry, next.
- [00:35:06.320]This pop-up comes up and then it asks me if I have meals or lodging to be doing itinerary
- [00:35:12.400]and I'm going to say yes.
- [00:35:15.740]So this is the standard itinerary.
- [00:35:17.420]So for the most part, you're going to have two itinerary stops.
- [00:35:20.300]I leave Omaha, I go to DC, I leave DC and I come back to Omaha.
- [00:35:25.540]Now if you had a layover somewhere along the way, you do not put that on there.
- [00:35:29.540]if I was going from Omaha to Minneapolis and I'm doing business there or even staying the night
- [00:35:35.090]and then going on to another location, I would put all those stops here. But for this instance,
- [00:35:40.810]for what we're doing here, I'm just going to put first and on here for the times it could be
- [00:35:51.370]military time. CDC is not that long. Maybe it's a little bit longer than that. So I'm going to
- [00:35:59.870]click on save when I get the first itinerary stop in. Now I pop in the second one for this instance,
- [00:36:05.230]just going there and coming back. So I'm going to put in the date. Let me see the fourth
- [00:36:10.390]and put in some time and again, click on save. Okay. So I've got my there,
- [00:36:21.290]and my back set on here. The next thing you do is come down here on next. This is just
- [00:36:27.270]an area that confirms and shows you what you just entered. However, if you needed to go
- [00:36:31.890]back into that itinerary and change it time or something like that, you click on it and
- [00:36:36.730]it turns a little light blue. You can come in and you can go edit. So you can edit that
- [00:36:41.310]if you needed to. However, I'm very happy with what I put on here. So down here at the
- [00:36:44.830]bottom right, I'm going to say next now. Let's stop for a minute. So Nick, this is where
- [00:36:50.990]you
- [00:36:50.990]would state your meal was provided. So this is a little different than what we've taught
- [00:36:57.970]in the past, but breakfast provided according to our Department of Administrative Services,
- [00:37:03.830]which audits all of our concur expense reports. A breakfast is something that includes a protein.
- [00:37:10.710]So if your breakfast is just sweet rolls and juice at your hotel, even though you ate that,
- [00:37:18.450]we don't want you to mark the box because a protein,
- [00:37:20.950]it was not included. If it included a protein like eggs or bacon or oatmeal,
- [00:37:26.890]and you ate it, you would check the box. If you did not eat it for one reason or another,
- [00:37:34.230]and I don't care what that reason is. It could be diabetic reasons. It could be,
- [00:37:38.630]you had to get to another meeting. Don't check the box, but I want you to add a comment along the way
- [00:37:44.470]why you didn't do that. So Nick, what meal was provided by your,
- [00:37:49.770]by your,
- [00:37:50.930]your associates?
- [00:37:51.730]The lunch.
- [00:37:53.030]Every day lunch was provided.
- [00:37:55.390]Right.
- [00:37:56.290]Okay. So you would check, go ahead, Shannon.
- [00:37:58.770]You would check lunch provided on each day that lunch was provided.
- [00:38:02.510]And as you notice under the allowance section,
- [00:38:06.090]your per diem rate decreases based on what meal was provided.
- [00:38:10.450]Does that help you?
- [00:38:12.070]Yes. Thanks.
- [00:38:14.270]Perfect. You're welcome.
- [00:38:15.490]So let's uncheck that first lunch, lunch one.
- [00:38:19.350]So on that,
- [00:38:20.870]first day you're you notice it's only giving you 39 90.
- [00:38:24.270]That is the first days per diem based on GSA rates.
- [00:38:28.690]And it's 75% of the 70% that our state decided to give us per per diem.
- [00:38:36.670]So that applies on first and last day, every day in between,
- [00:38:41.310]you're getting 70% of the per diem. And as you notice,
- [00:38:44.910]it starts decreasing for each meal that was provided by an outside source.
- [00:38:49.070]Sorry,
- [00:38:50.670]Shannon took over your meeting.
- [00:38:51.910]You said everything I was going to say.
- [00:38:55.570]You do notice that it is,
- [00:38:58.350]and it is the state that mandated the 75% of 70% and the 70% we're just
- [00:39:03.290]implementing it within our concur tool. Have you come out here?
- [00:39:06.770]You notice if say if all my meals were provided on one day,
- [00:39:12.370]it does drop you down all the way to this $3 and 50 cent incidental.
- [00:39:16.310]So even if you were provided something,
- [00:39:18.390]it looks like you can maybe go grab a cup of coffee,
- [00:39:20.470]or something with that incidental.
- [00:39:22.770]So we don't want you to on multiple day trips,
- [00:39:26.570]we never want you to hit that exclude all button over on the far left side,
- [00:39:31.250]just kind of pretend that's not there.
- [00:39:33.490]You will use on one day travel.
- [00:39:36.190]If you do that, it is going to wipe out everything.
- [00:39:38.770]And then it's going to cause you issues to try to get your per diem,
- [00:39:42.070]put onto your expense report, because it's not an expense type.
- [00:39:45.630]So do not ever even if even if you got all three meals included here,
- [00:39:49.970]do not select that. Select the boxes here. OK.
- [00:39:53.710]All right. So I'm just going to go ahead and leave it at that.
- [00:39:57.130]And then I'm going to come down here at the bottom and say create expenses.
- [00:39:59.970]Now, you notice how it populated all three of them over here,
- [00:40:05.350]and none of them have a little symbol.
- [00:40:07.170]If you maybe remember from over a year ago that a receipt is required
- [00:40:11.350]and I'll just all at a conference, all out of a lodging,
- [00:40:14.390]just so you have a reference for that.
- [00:40:15.890]However, if I would have said, oh, on this date, all the meals,
- [00:40:19.470]were included that that line for April 3rd would not be there.
- [00:40:23.770]And I would not get that three 50 incidental.
- [00:40:25.970]So that's why you don't want to exclude all.
- [00:40:28.870]Something to mention too, is we don't care what time you leave
- [00:40:36.210]or what time you come back on multi-day trips.
- [00:40:39.030]You will get that full days per diem.
- [00:40:41.530]So for those that have been around the block a few times
- [00:40:45.670]and have done an expense report, remember it was,
- [00:40:48.290]if you left before,
- [00:40:49.450]six 30, you would get breakfast.
- [00:40:52.090]If you left at 10 AM, you wouldn't get breakfast.
- [00:40:54.390]We don't care about that anymore.
- [00:40:56.290]You're allowed the full days per diem.
- [00:40:58.610]If a meal was not provided.
- [00:41:01.110]So Lee is fully aware of that.
- [00:41:03.530]So is Carrie.
- [00:41:04.190]And I can answer questions if anything populates for you.
- [00:41:07.170]Okay.
- [00:41:07.750]And while Melody was talking,
- [00:41:09.430]I just went in and added what my lodging was just for reference to show you
- [00:41:14.970]here that it says has that little icon that says receipt image is
- [00:41:19.170]required.
- [00:41:19.430]But that's different with the meals.
- [00:41:21.470]Now it's it's they're not required and they're not even,
- [00:41:23.850]you don't even shit.
- [00:41:24.890]Melody does not want you to put them in there.
- [00:41:26.750]Okay.
- [00:41:27.930]Same thing on the travel request side is the same thing with here.
- [00:41:32.230]Meal,
- [00:41:33.030]including tip is going to go away.
- [00:41:35.290]And so is incidentals.
- [00:41:37.430]And where's the other one.
- [00:41:40.570]Official functions going away too.
- [00:41:42.810]I believe.
- [00:41:43.390]Yeah.
- [00:41:46.370]So the incidental groceries.
- [00:41:48.370]Groceries.
- [00:41:49.130]Yeah.
- [00:41:49.630]Yeah.
- [00:41:50.090]Groceries,
- [00:41:50.550]official functions.
- [00:41:51.230]Sorry.
- [00:41:51.910]Groceries is going away.
- [00:41:52.990]Incidentals is going away because your per diem includes incidentals
- [00:41:58.570]and an incidental.
- [00:41:59.950]According to GSA is a baggage tip,
- [00:42:04.890]a house tip.
- [00:42:06.250]Those are considered incidentals and they're in your per diem dollar
- [00:42:10.270]figures.
- [00:42:10.850]Gentry has a question for one day trips.
- [00:42:14.010]Does the trip have to be from 6 30 AM until 7 30 PM?
- [00:42:18.290]You're jumping the gun a little bit. Thank you for that.
- [00:42:21.550]We're going to get to that one next. So hang tight.
- [00:42:24.770]Yeah. So as you mentioned, groceries in lieu of meal,
- [00:42:27.930]meal including tip and incidentals,
- [00:42:31.770]those three will be going away hopefully this week, but please,
- [00:42:35.010]even if they're there,
- [00:42:35.790]please do not select on them because you will get an error message anyway.
- [00:42:38.830]So we know that everybody's generous that's on this call.
- [00:42:43.710]And if Nick wanted to buy me lunch while we were,
- [00:42:47.870]DC on business Nick's per diem would be affected by that.
- [00:42:53.190]So what I mean by that is Nick is allowed 53 20 on the 3rd of April.
- [00:42:59.770]If he buys me lunch,
- [00:43:02.270]I would have to reimburse him via cash or a check for whatever my meal cost
- [00:43:08.570]was.
- [00:43:09.090]So we are highly suggesting that if you're traveling with your colleagues
- [00:43:14.490]that are university employees,
- [00:43:16.970]everyone needs to buy their own meal because it's going to get very messy,
- [00:43:21.310]messy calculation wise,
- [00:43:23.110]because I really don't know what my per diem is for DC.
- [00:43:25.510]I'm going to just guess and I'm going to give Nick the money.
- [00:43:28.050]It's just way too messy.
- [00:43:29.790]So everyone needs to buy their own meal and get their own per diem
- [00:43:33.570]reimbursed.
- [00:43:34.290]Let's show them the mileage personal car.
- [00:43:39.170]Real quick.
- [00:43:41.410]If the hotel and flight costs more than I secured under the cost center,
- [00:43:46.070]should I still request the total amount I use or the amount that I can
- [00:43:49.690]request under the cost center?
- [00:43:51.310]You need to input the actual dollar figure of your flight in your hotel in
- [00:43:57.290]your expense report.
- [00:43:58.310]If I didn't answer that the way that question reads, let me know.
- [00:44:05.330]So for mileage personal car, if you don't know this already,
- [00:44:10.150]you're allowed your mileage.
- [00:44:15.170]To and from the airport. So if your starting point is home,
- [00:44:19.170]you're allowed mileage to the airport and back.
- [00:44:22.330]We'd like you to start. If you don't mind using the mileage calculator.
- [00:44:27.330]If you are a member of the concur mobile app,
- [00:44:31.450]we did actually add a function called drive and drive will actually dictate
- [00:44:37.550]your mileage for you. It's kind of a GPS system.
- [00:44:40.270]So I don't know if your college goes out and does research and Scott's bluff
- [00:44:44.270]and goes to 14 different places. Instead of you tracking that for yourself,
- [00:44:49.050]the mileage calculator will do it for you.
- [00:44:51.710]We don't really have time to go through that right now,
- [00:44:54.370]but if you have questions on that, please let me know.
- [00:44:56.730]Okay. So that's how you do the expense report for with the meal per diem.
- [00:45:03.430]Now, if you come back here and you're like, Oh my gosh,
- [00:45:05.770]I totally forgot that I got breakfast on this last day.
- [00:45:08.750]There's two ways you can get back to that one.
- [00:45:11.250]You can click on that day.
- [00:45:13.370]And there's, here's the showed fixed allowances for four ones,
- [00:45:17.750]but it only brings up that date. Now, if you want to see all of them,
- [00:45:21.930]you can come up to details and then you can come back here and see all of
- [00:45:28.410]them. And then you can make your adjustments and say, Oh yeah,
- [00:45:30.330]I do remember on that, on the last day there,
- [00:45:32.370]they had a full blown breakfast, ham, eggs, bacon, and all that good stuff.
- [00:45:36.410]And then you would just say updated and then it will update it over here on
- [00:45:40.110]your expenses. Okay.
- [00:45:43.170]Any other questions on the multi-day travel expense report?
- [00:45:46.970]We're good, Shannon. Okay. Well,
- [00:45:50.850]I'm going to continue moving on because we are running out of a little bit of
- [00:45:53.830]time. I'm going to go do the one day travel expense report.
- [00:45:57.450]Now, just like with the expense report,
- [00:46:01.930]we're going to come over to the approved requests when it figures out it
- [00:46:06.330]needs to get over there.
- [00:46:07.350]Cause the only time you'll start an expense report or go to the expense tab
- [00:46:12.090]to do expense,
- [00:46:13.130]reports is one if one has already been created and you're,
- [00:46:17.070]you're making edits to it as you go along and you're saving it there,
- [00:46:20.050]you would go there for that. Or if it's a non-travel expense report.
- [00:46:23.930]Okay. So my one day trip, I went to Chicago on April 9th.
- [00:46:30.350]So I'm going to come over here and click on expense,
- [00:46:32.410]same process that we did for the multi-day one.
- [00:46:35.950]I'm going to put in my departure time and my arrival time back home
- [00:46:43.090]and then make sure all information is on here.
- [00:46:48.030]I'm going to click on next, just like we did before.
- [00:46:50.390]And then pop-up will come here again.
- [00:46:52.270]And I'm going to say yes.
- [00:46:53.570]So this is where it gets a little bit different.
- [00:46:56.310]So instead of doing this itinerary stop over here, like we did before,
- [00:46:59.710]we're going to come down here to go to single day itineraries.
- [00:47:03.830]So it's going to look a little bit different.
- [00:47:06.030]What it's going to do, it's going to pop up the actual current date,
- [00:47:09.810]the week that we're at.
- [00:47:11.110]So I need to come back out here.
- [00:47:13.050]And find April 9th.
- [00:47:14.950]And I'm going to click on go.
- [00:47:17.310]Now that I'll start, April 9th will be the first one on there.
- [00:47:20.850]So now I can say that I went from Omaha and left at four.
- [00:47:25.490]And it's very picky.
- [00:47:26.690]If you don't put in the zero, it'll let you know.
- [00:47:28.750]And then I'm going to say Chicago.
- [00:47:31.390]And I got there.
- [00:47:33.790]I don't think it takes that long to get to Chicago from Omaha.
- [00:47:36.590]And then you can put in, so you can do it.
- [00:47:43.010]Let's do it this way so you guys can see.
- [00:47:44.650]And then I got back home, 1130.
- [00:47:50.790]So I'm going to go ahead and just click out of there
- [00:47:53.310]just so it can show you it calculates the hours.
- [00:47:55.310]Not that that really means anything there,
- [00:47:57.410]but you can see Omaha to Chicago
- [00:47:59.310]and then back in that same day.
- [00:48:00.750]So I'm going to click on save itineraries.
- [00:48:03.670]Okay, so now it says an itinerary has been created.
- [00:48:08.170]We're going to come down here and click on next.
- [00:48:10.370]This is just like the other one where it puts it
- [00:48:12.970]here.
- [00:48:13.190]If you need to go back into it, you can click on it
- [00:48:15.630]and say edit.
- [00:48:16.190]However, I'm good with this one here.
- [00:48:17.890]I'm going to click on next.
- [00:48:19.750]Now, this is again where it's opposite of what we
- [00:48:22.490]want you to do on the multi-day one.
- [00:48:24.330]We do want you to come over here and say exclude
- [00:48:26.930]all because that will take away the allowance, the
- [00:48:29.970]whole per diem for that one day travel.
- [00:48:32.410]So now I come down here to create expense report.
- [00:48:35.710]And so you see nothing came over here for the
- [00:48:41.830]meals.
- [00:48:42.930]So this is when you're going to have to, sorry, I
- [00:48:46.070]did not bring this back up.
- [00:48:47.330]Let me, I want to bring that, well, it'll be up
- [00:48:50.970]there.
- [00:48:51.130]Okay.
- [00:48:51.990]So we're here again, ignore the meal and clean
- [00:48:54.630]tip and all that, but the meals wanted to travel
- [00:48:56.750]is what we're going to select.
- [00:48:57.810]So we come out here and what we're going to do,
- [00:49:01.470]Julie, our concur admin, I made her this tiny URL
- [00:49:05.950]and a tiny URL is just, it's a regular URL, just
- [00:49:08.370]all squished up because that's all the space that
- [00:49:10.750]she had for this.
- [00:49:11.570]So what I can do.
- [00:49:12.890]Is I come out here, we actually have this, this
- [00:49:16.130]reference guide located in several places, including
- [00:49:18.170]on the homepage of concur, but I can just say, I'm
- [00:49:21.410]going to open this link in a new tab.
- [00:49:22.930]So as it's thinking and it's getting to this one.
- [00:49:26.870]So Gentry, here's the document that you're going to
- [00:49:30.350]refer to for your 6:30 AM and 7:30 PM, right?
- [00:49:34.190]So for one day travel to be in, to be eligible for
- [00:49:39.130]incidental, you have to re you have to be eligible for a
- [00:49:42.850]meal.
- [00:49:43.850]Don't have to be both, but for the one day travel
- [00:49:46.030]meal allowances, you have to depart at or before 6:30.
- [00:49:50.690]Lunch is not reimbursable.
- [00:49:51.690]It doesn't mean you can't have lunch.
- [00:49:53.290]Lunch is allowed.
- [00:49:54.290]It's just, you don't get reimbursed for it.
- [00:49:56.090]And then your dinner or supper is if you return time
- [00:49:58.710]is at or after 7:00 PM.
- [00:50:02.030]So I look at mine, I did my one day travel on the
- [00:50:05.990]9th.
- [00:50:06.990]So if I'm in here filling this out, so this is where
- [00:50:08.730]we say it's a little more manual process for a one
- [00:50:10.910]day travel, because I'm going to need to put in
- [00:50:12.810]this amount here.
- [00:50:15.210]Receipt is not required.
- [00:50:16.710]This is core configuration.
- [00:50:18.190]So we cannot remove that button to remove the idea
- [00:50:20.910]that you have to do that.
- [00:50:22.690]So what I need to do is like, okay, what did I say?
- [00:50:25.510]I left at 4:00 AM and I came home at 11:00 PM.
- [00:50:28.990]So I'm going back.
- [00:50:29.990]What if you don't remember?
- [00:50:30.990]So show them where to go if you don't remember, because I never remember what I put.
- [00:50:35.130]Okay.
- [00:50:36.130]So if I do not remember, I'm going to, I can come back out here to
- [00:50:42.770]the details and that report header.
- [00:50:44.810]So that's the first thing that we filled out when we came into this expense report, it'll
- [00:50:48.810]tell you my departure time and my arrival time.
- [00:50:51.970]So you can always go back there and look at that.
- [00:50:56.330]So we come back out here and select it.
- [00:50:59.790]So I'm looking on here.
- [00:51:01.070]So I am allotted that.
- [00:51:02.350]Now this, this chart here, Melody pulled out the, from 2019, obviously not 2020, the most
- [00:51:10.370]common one day trip places.
- [00:51:12.730]Some of them are like Nebraska, all other.
- [00:51:14.990]So it's Omaha's a little bit more, but anywhere else in Nebraska is a little bit different.
- [00:51:19.370]However, I did go to Chicago.
- [00:51:21.790]So I see the, the GSA, the standard GSA rate for Chicago is $76.
- [00:51:26.850]However, that's not what's what we would get again.
- [00:51:31.610]One day travel is like the first and last day travel.
- [00:51:34.070]So it's 75% of the 70%.
- [00:51:38.050]Now I know that I left at 4:00 AM and it came back at 11:00.
- [00:51:41.930]So I don't have to do anything.
- [00:51:42.690]I don't need math.
- [00:51:43.250]It is right here in front of me, $29.92.
- [00:51:47.550]So I come over in here and just put in the amount.
- [00:51:51.550]Again, no receipt.
- [00:51:53.310]And I would click on Save.
- [00:51:55.950]Again, it shows you everything was good here.
- [00:51:58.190]Now with this, say I didn't leave at a certain time.
- [00:52:03.710]There are some examples shown down here below.
- [00:52:06.770]So we'll go on to example two.
- [00:52:08.010]So I left for Chicago at 5:00 AM, but I came home and in my travel
- [00:52:12.650]status at six.
- [00:52:13.650]So that means I would qualify for breakfast and that incidental, but not the supper.
- [00:52:19.810]So then I would just add the two together and that's the amount I would put in there.
- [00:52:23.970]Okay.
- [00:52:24.970]Now, if you left at 9:00 AM and you came home at 5:00 PM, you wouldn't qualify for either
- [00:52:30.030]of those meals and you would not qualify for the incidental either.
- [00:52:34.130]So then you wouldn't put, you wouldn't put anything on here.
- [00:52:37.070]Now, if the meals was the only expense for that day, if there were no other expenses,
- [00:52:41.610]please.
- [00:52:42.610]You would not an expense report because there's nothing for accounts payable to reimburse
- [00:52:46.550]you for.
- [00:52:47.810]Okay.
- [00:52:49.470]So if that's the case, if you don't have an expense report because of one reason or
- [00:52:54.430]another, you do need to go back to your request at the end of your travels and close it out.
- [00:53:03.310]Because what will happen is you will get up to 10 emails reminding you to do an expense
- [00:53:08.730]report.
- [00:53:10.250]So only if you don't have any.
- [00:53:12.570]Out of pocket or meals, would you ever close it and activate a request, right and the best
- [00:53:18.570]thing to do to remember that is once you're past that 60 day window, you can't submit
- [00:53:23.810]anything anyway but if you notice the traveler is getting some of them.
- [00:53:27.950]You can come out here to this and you can click on this orange button to close in and
- [00:53:33.670]activate and that will cease those emails from coming through so if you have your two
- [00:53:38.370]delegates, and they're doing all these, they'll get every time you get an email they're going
- [00:53:42.530]to get an email so it'll help your sanity as a traveler but also for the delegates as
- [00:53:47.110]well.
- [00:53:48.110]Okay, we only have five minutes left, so Shannon is going to quickly show you where the quick
- [00:53:53.590]reference guides are.
- [00:53:56.670]And while she's doing that, please ask some questions and chat if you have any.
- [00:54:01.530]We will stay on for a good 10 minutes after this session in case you all can stay on and
- [00:54:07.050]want to ask some questions at the end on the list so they did ask for a non travel expense
- [00:54:11.130]report so I can do that.
- [00:54:12.490]Really quick and then show those are at. So again, this is one of the two times I would say to come here so obviously I've started these and this is where I continue filling them out. However, for a non travel expense report now in the live system it obviously will not say test, but I would come over here, and you have two options you'll have travel, and you would have non travel.
- [00:54:33.370]Now watch what happens, you can see all these fields that have to be done. Watch what happens when I click on non travel. Most of them go away, which is great.
- [00:54:42.450]That's what you want.
- [00:54:44.210]And the report name again you can call it whatever you want.
- [00:54:48.210]You can put choose the business purpose for it and obviously I just typed in books so I'm going to select books.
- [00:54:54.930]And then you go through, find your cost center, or WBS someone to get a cost center, a little easier.
- [00:55:01.770]And I can start typing it or I can just select one if it happens to be there. Nothing else is required anything that has the red on here is required, but I'm going to come over here to next.
- [00:55:12.410]user defined is still required rightly on non travel.
- [00:55:17.870]We don't require user defined for non travel.
- [00:55:22.870]All right, and I do not have Mealzo lodging on this one so I would say no so it's going to bypass anything. And so I would just come over here and I would select,
- [00:55:32.170]I don't see books but office supplies, educational supplies.
- [00:55:36.510]Again, just like anything else I would put in
- [00:55:40.010]when I bought it and put in the reason
- [00:55:42.370]put in the amount you would have to attach the receipts.
- [00:55:47.370]So I would definitely go and attach the receipt and it does tell you here.
- [00:55:50.870]But that's basically it. It's very shortened, condensed,
- [00:55:54.570]pretty easy way to do the non-travel expenses.
- [00:55:57.970]Again, you always start with that here at the expense tab.
- [00:56:01.370]Does anybody have any questions on?
- [00:56:04.970]So we have data collectors who are under a blanket TA
- [00:56:09.570]who often leave before 6:30 to get to schools.
- [00:56:12.330]Should they be requesting breakfast per diem?
- [00:56:15.090]Yes, they should, unless your college says no.
- [00:56:17.490]So if Dory and the college says they're not eligible,
- [00:56:21.090]then they shouldn't, but in the big scheme of things, yes,
- [00:56:25.210]they would qualify for breakfast.
- [00:56:28.130]WBS, I don't know the actual what WBS stands for,
- [00:56:32.410]but it is grant-funded cost objects.
- [00:56:37.410]Oh, thank you, Lee.
- [00:56:39.090]Work breakdown structure, which makes no sense to me,
- [00:56:42.290]but that's okay.
- [00:56:43.130]So it's the grant-funded programs.
- [00:56:46.830]- Okay, and so one of the thing I wanna point out here
- [00:56:51.750]for a traveler or a delegate,
- [00:56:53.630]if you were coming out here
- [00:56:54.950]and you notice it has not submitted,
- [00:56:56.790]not submitted kind of out here.
- [00:56:58.190]However, if I did come in here
- [00:56:59.890]and I'm gonna submit my report,
- [00:57:02.230]I'll do that really quick.
- [00:57:03.090]So I can show you what you would see.
- [00:57:05.670]It tells you I successfully submitted my report total.
- [00:57:11.390]It'll have exactly
- [00:57:12.250]what you're gonna get on here.
- [00:57:13.250]If you had total paid by company.
- [00:57:15.790]So if you had your airfare listed on here,
- [00:57:17.510]but it was marked as paid by company,
- [00:57:19.430]it would show there as well.
- [00:57:21.610]So then you look over here and now it is turned to green.
- [00:57:24.870]This date on here is the date I submitted it.
- [00:57:27.070]It's not the actual expense date.
- [00:57:29.510]So now it says it's pending financial approver.
- [00:57:32.470]So now if Ted goes in and he approves this,
- [00:57:35.490]then the next thing it would say
- [00:57:36.750]would be pending accounts payable processing.
- [00:57:40.170]So it'll be different colors or say,
- [00:57:42.210]if Ted sends it back and says,
- [00:57:44.250]you forgot to add this one expense,
- [00:57:46.730]it'll come back and it'll be red.
- [00:57:48.430]So the color code coded and then
- [00:57:51.330]also the verbiage here at the top would definitely help.
- [00:57:54.970]Now I'm going to come back over here real quick to
- [00:57:58.710]the travel page down here at the bottom.
- [00:58:02.470]And again, I'm going to try it.
- [00:58:03.390]I'm working on this to make it a little bit more visible.
- [00:58:05.630]We have travel help.
- [00:58:06.970]We have concur the resources.
- [00:58:09.130]There's some videos out here that are very outdated that I
- [00:58:12.170]need to redo.
- [00:58:12.870]So please contact us if you need help.
- [00:58:15.710]But under travel resources, there
- [00:58:17.510]is a ton of information out here.
- [00:58:20.090]You can search by category, like delegates, act as a delegate.
- [00:58:24.890]You can choose by create mileage or expense reports,
- [00:58:30.010]non-travel expense reports, something we just went over.
- [00:58:33.770]There are quick reference guides,
- [00:58:35.730]which are a little bit longer.
- [00:58:37.070]And then there are some that are tip sheets,
- [00:58:38.870]which are really usually within one
- [00:58:42.130]sheet. So there's a lot of
- [00:58:43.870]really good information out here to help
- [00:58:45.830]guide you through doing some of these things.
- [00:58:47.630]And especially now with that per diem,
- [00:58:51.110]you can type in per diem and you can find those,
- [00:58:54.410]those information, that information is out there
- [00:58:56.890]besides on that one page on the homepage.
- [00:58:59.390]And there's just type in BTA for Marlene
- [00:59:02.610]so she can see where that tip sheet is.
- [00:59:05.270]There you go. We have one for request and one for expense.
- [00:59:12.090]So those are definitely out there.
- [00:59:13.290]But what Melody and I always say is that if you're stuck,
- [00:59:16.150]don't get frustrated with it.
- [00:59:17.430]Don't waste a lot of time with it.
- [00:59:18.710]Just reach out to her, contact her either via her email
- [00:59:22.170]or by the travel office email, and she'll get back to you
- [00:59:25.690]and we'll work it through.
- [00:59:27.210]She'll work it through with you guys
- [00:59:28.790]'cause we'd rather help you and get you to understand it
- [00:59:31.350]than for you to be frustrated and be mad at Concur.
- [00:59:34.670]Because sometimes, especially people,
- [00:59:36.790]we haven't traveled in a year.
- [00:59:38.170]And so even if you did this a lot in the last two years,
- [00:59:42.050]it's kind of all new again to everyone.
- [00:59:44.090]So be sure to reach out if you are experiencing issues.
- [00:59:48.710]Once the travel request is approved,
- [00:59:50.670]do we need to use Fox Travel to book hotels and air?
- [00:59:53.290]Or can we use other methods, for example, the conference?
- [00:59:56.690]So Fox does have several negotiated rates
- [00:59:59.550]for hotels and airlines.
- [01:00:01.970]We have contracts with airlines.
- [01:00:03.770]However, if you do have a conference site that
- [01:00:06.230]is offering discounts on anything but air,
- [01:00:10.050]you can certainly go down that route.
- [01:00:12.010]If it's on an airline ticket, I need
- [01:00:14.590]you to talk to me first before you go booking that,
- [01:00:17.250]because there's some requirements that
- [01:00:18.790]are necessary for you to be approved for that expense.
- [01:00:23.770]And here on the Concur home page,
- [01:00:26.750]there's that one-day travel reimbursable reference sheet.
- [01:00:29.650]We have it listed there.
- [01:00:31.310]And then we also have a URL to the travel site
- [01:00:34.330]that contains all of the information
- [01:00:36.610]that we had just talked about out here.
- [01:00:39.730]So I see we are at time, or just slightly
- [01:00:41.970]over at time.
- [01:00:42.850]Does anybody have any questions?
- [01:00:46.370]Good job, Shannon.
- [01:00:48.410]This session is usually an hour and a half,
- [01:00:50.150]so she really zoomed through it.
- [01:00:51.730]So we went really, really fast.
- [01:00:54.230]But as we've said multiple times,
- [01:00:56.690]Carrie is well-versed, Lee is well-versed,
- [01:00:59.370]and I'm always available if you need help with anything.
- [01:01:03.450]Thank you, Dori, for having us.
- [01:01:05.370]And for your information, if you travel,
- [01:01:11.930]to an actual conference, you can put it in Concur.
- [01:01:15.730]But if it's a virtual conference,
- [01:01:17.490]you don't need to put it in Concur
- [01:01:18.970]because it's not travel.
- [01:01:21.190]For a virtual conference, the preferred method
- [01:01:24.290]is you go to someone with a peacock in your department
- [01:01:27.450]and they pay with a peacock.
- [01:01:29.250]You don't need to do anything in Concur.
- [01:01:31.250]Good point.
- [01:01:34.450]Thank you, Melody and Shannon, for doing this.
- [01:01:38.830]And thank you, everyone, for attending, as they said.
- [01:01:41.890]You can stay on a few minutes if you have questions.
- [01:01:45.430]Otherwise, we hope everyone has a wonderful day.
- [01:01:48.270]Hi, I have a quick question.
- [01:01:52.730]Thank you, first of all, for helping us understand Concur.
- [01:01:57.730]Quick question on mode of travel.
- [01:02:02.250]So can we choose the mode of travel?
- [01:02:04.610]For example, say if it's Chicago
- [01:02:06.810]and I want to drive instead of flying or I'm just
- [01:02:11.850]using Chicago as an example,
- [01:02:13.950]but say if I have some kind of restrictions,
- [01:02:16.610]maybe health reasons or whatever,
- [01:02:18.550]that I want to choose one mode or the other,
- [01:02:20.790]even though one mode is cheaper than the other,
- [01:02:23.190]but I want to do the other mode,
- [01:02:24.670]which is maybe a little bit expensive,
- [01:02:26.610]but it's for health reasons or whatever,
- [01:02:30.230]that's what I want to choose.
- [01:02:31.950]Is that allowed or that's not something we can do?
- [01:02:35.530]- So our new travel policy states that any time
- [01:02:38.670]you are traveling 400 miles one way or 800 miles
- [01:02:41.810]round trip, you need to do an airfare comparison.
- [01:02:46.810]So if you're driving, you need to determine
- [01:02:49.670]what that cost would be for your mileage.
- [01:02:52.650]And then you need to either go into the travel booking site
- [01:02:56.190]and figure out what an airfare would be,
- [01:02:58.370]or you can contact Fox directly.
- [01:03:01.010]Whichever mode is less expensive is what you can expense,
- [01:03:04.330]but you need to attach that comparison
- [01:03:08.010]on your expense report.
- [01:03:09.350]- Thank you.
- [01:03:11.770]- You're welcome.
- [01:03:13.330]If the spacing of my name in the UNL system
- [01:03:15.930]differs from my passport at airline frequent flyer programs,
- [01:03:20.530]who can best help me make things work in the Concur system?
- [01:03:24.730]Unfortunately, if your passport is
- [01:03:27.330]different than what your username is in Concur,
- [01:03:32.110]nothing will work.
- [01:03:33.170]You will have to contact Fox directly,
- [01:03:35.170]and they will have to manually update your name.
- [01:03:38.830]We have a lot of professors that are hyphenated, for instance,
- [01:03:41.730]and in the Concur system, or the SAP system, I should say,
- [01:03:47.170]it would just be Lynn Hur.
- [01:03:49.110]But on your passport, it's Hur hyphenated.
- [01:03:52.210]The systems don't talk to each other,
- [01:03:53.990]so you would have to contact Fox each and every time
- [01:03:57.390]you need to make your reservations,
- [01:04:00.050]or get your SAP name changed,
- [01:04:02.530]and people don't want to do that.
- [01:04:04.950]And you're on mute.
- [01:04:06.250]- Sorry, I'm not on mute, but--
- [01:04:07.670]- Oh, okay.
- [01:04:09.150]- My lid was shut, so mine is not on mute.
- [01:04:11.690]- Okay.
- [01:04:12.530]- So what happens is my maiden name in some systems
- [01:04:15.350]gets smushed over as a second middle name,
- [01:04:18.470]and in other systems,
- [01:04:19.730]it gets smushed over as a second last name.
- [01:04:22.390]So basically, if I could get it changed in the UNL system,
- [01:04:27.390]that would fix it?
- [01:04:30.270]- Yes, yes.
- [01:04:31.690]- Okay.
- [01:04:33.370]- I'm going to be a Debbie Downer,
- [01:04:35.110]and others have tried it and it's not worked by changing it.
- [01:04:38.690]- Well, it did take me like about 10 years just to get
- [01:04:41.650]a misspelling correct.
- [01:04:43.250]- Okay.
- [01:04:44.090]- So I probably should let it be
- [01:04:45.050]and just make the calls, right?
- [01:04:46.630]- It might just be easier to change your free flyer
- [01:04:49.430]programs, like your hotel.
- [01:04:51.290]- It's the passport, yeah.
- [01:04:53.010]Yeah.
- [01:04:53.850]- Yeah.
- [01:04:54.690]- Okay.
- [01:04:55.530]- Yeah.
- [01:04:56.370]- Okay.
- [01:04:57.190]Thank you.
- [01:04:58.030]- Sorry, Lynn.
- [01:04:58.870]- That's all right.
- [01:04:59.710]Thank you.
- [01:05:00.550]- I have a question.
- [01:05:01.390]- I have a question too.
- [01:05:02.230]- I have a question.
- [01:05:03.070]Oh, sorry.
- [01:05:04.390]Can I ask another question?
- [01:05:06.010]- Sure.
- [01:05:06.890]- So for example, let's say my department,
- [01:05:10.130]the travel money is $2,000.
- [01:05:11.610]And theoretically speaking,
- [01:05:12.850]and my extra airfare for international travel
- [01:05:17.150]for the conference is more than 2000.
- [01:05:20.010]In that case, can I still request purchase through Fox
- [01:05:24.410]or should I pay for the amount through my credit card
- [01:05:28.790]and request as a reimburse?
- [01:05:30.590]- You kind of skipped out on part of that.
- [01:05:34.770]Let me tell you what I think.
- [01:05:36.910]All international travel must be booked with Fox.
- [01:05:40.090]You cannot go to an outside.
- [01:05:41.570]It's source.
- [01:05:42.410]So what was your question again?
- [01:05:46.050]- So for example, my allowance
- [01:05:47.970]from the department travel fund
- [01:05:51.210]is less than the actual cost of airfare.
- [01:05:55.010]If it's the case, can I pay the rest of the amount
- [01:05:58.290]with my pocket money?
- [01:06:00.250]- No, all airfare has to be booked
- [01:06:03.350]using the university credit card.
- [01:06:05.750]So you would need to purchase it through Fox
- [01:06:08.090]and then you would have to reimburse the company back
- [01:06:11.530]for the difference.
- [01:06:12.570]- Okay, so should I pay the difference amount later
- [01:06:19.650]to the Fox?
- [01:06:21.210]How does it-
- [01:06:22.050]- If your airfare was $2,000 with Fox,
- [01:06:24.410]you would pay that on your university credit card.
- [01:06:28.350]If you're only allowed $1,500,
- [01:06:31.850]you would have to pay the university that extra $500.
- [01:06:36.110]- Got it, thank you.
- [01:06:37.610]- You're welcome.
- [01:06:38.450]- So Taeyang, sorry for interrupting.
- [01:06:39.530]In that case, I would suggest that
- [01:06:41.490]you go to your department head and talk about that
- [01:06:44.810]to see if the department is willing to cover the difference
- [01:06:49.190]before reimburse the department from your out-of-pocket money.
- [01:06:53.270]- Okay, thank you.
- [01:06:56.010]- I think someone else had a question.
- [01:06:58.330]- I have a question.
- [01:06:59.750]Is Fox Travel gonna be able to help
- [01:07:02.850]with hotel reservations on a prepaid basis?
- [01:07:06.390]- Are you talking about through a conference?
- [01:07:11.450]For like a conference or for any travel?
- [01:07:15.030]- Yep, Fox will help you with hotel reservations.
- [01:07:18.490]You can either purchase that
- [01:07:19.750]with your own personal credit card
- [01:07:21.290]or we have a university credit card
- [01:07:23.190]that you can charge that against.
- [01:07:25.070]If it's a conference or the conference is a block of rooms,
- [01:07:29.370]Fox can still help you with that,
- [01:07:30.970]but you have to call them
- [01:07:32.010]and give them the conference sponsor information.
- [01:07:35.510]But yeah, everything can be done through Fox.
- [01:07:38.450]- And can we still use hotels.com?
- [01:07:41.410]- You can, we are phasing that out.
- [01:07:43.870]It's not been announced yet, but yeah,
- [01:07:46.010]it is still active and you can definitely use that still.
- [01:07:49.850]- Okay, thank you.
- [01:07:50.990]- Be very careful with hotels.com.
- [01:07:53.230]A lot of the room rates are non-refundable.
- [01:07:56.170]So just make sure you're booking a changeable hotel rate
- [01:07:59.110]when you do that.
- [01:07:59.950]Anything else?
- [01:08:05.070]- Is there any restriction of like destination or departure
- [01:08:11.370]of the city?
- [01:08:14.370]Like for example, conference location is San Diego.
- [01:08:17.970]Should we depart from Lincoln or Omaha
- [01:08:21.070]or like there's nothing for the district?
- [01:08:24.150]- It doesn't matter.
- [01:08:24.990]There's a lot of people that live in Lincoln
- [01:08:26.870]and it's much cheaper and less time to fly to Omaha
- [01:08:30.510]and they do that, but you're not required to do that.
- [01:08:32.770]You can fly out of Lincoln if you choose.
- [01:08:35.510]- Okay.
- [01:08:36.350]- What happens in the case where
- [01:08:41.330]let's say my conference is ending on a Saturday
- [01:08:44.770]and I am coming, like I said,
- [01:08:48.970]traveling to come back to Lincoln on, let's say, Tuesday.
- [01:08:53.090]So I stay an extra day.
- [01:08:54.470]So, but the cost of the air ticket
- [01:08:58.270]is the same for both days.
- [01:08:59.510]So even if I would have come right on the day
- [01:09:04.510]the conference ended or the next day,
- [01:09:06.610]it would have been the same.
- [01:09:07.910]But I'm just wondering what would that be in terms
- [01:09:11.290]of the airfare?
- [01:09:12.210]How would we do that in Concord?
- [01:09:14.430]Should we just report it as one day of personal trip,
- [01:09:17.690]personal day and still will be reimbursed for airfare
- [01:09:21.070]or is that not, I'm not sure.
- [01:09:24.150]- Yeah, so it's gonna depend on your college.
- [01:09:26.350]A lot of colleges understand that it's sometimes cheaper
- [01:09:29.110]to stay over the weekend, for instance.
- [01:09:31.750]You just have to tell your story.
- [01:09:33.210]So what I mean by that is you just have to give them
- [01:09:35.770]the comparison of what it was if you came back
- [01:09:38.790]on the official date business.
- [01:09:41.250]So what you're spending and what the airfare is
- [01:09:43.570]for you staying that extra day.
- [01:09:45.850]Does that make sense?
- [01:09:49.390]- Yes, thank you.
- [01:09:51.230]- So can I-
- [01:09:54.310]- We're gonna wrap up.
- [01:09:55.310]- Oh, you're gonna wrap up.
- [01:09:56.410]Yeah.
- [01:09:57.250]- That's all right.
- [01:09:58.150]- So let's say my family lives in another city
- [01:10:03.150]in California and I go to conference
- [01:10:06.610]at the end of the semester.
- [01:10:08.010]And I went, let's say theoretically,
- [01:10:11.210]Lincoln to San Diego and I would arrange a trip
- [01:10:14.330]from San Diego to San Jose instead of Lincoln.
- [01:10:17.630]But can I still claim that?
- [01:10:20.090]- Again, it's telling your story.
- [01:10:23.950]So if the airfare was less money
- [01:10:26.970]to go to your family's destination,
- [01:10:29.870]that's what you would end up having to be reimbursed.
- [01:10:32.570]If it was more, you'd have to reimburse
- [01:10:35.850]the university back the difference.
- [01:10:37.950]- I see.
- [01:10:38.790]- But you have to always show the two comparisons.
- [01:10:41.170]Okay. Thank you. Okay. Lee, we're going to wrap it up. If anybody else has questions that
- [01:10:47.150]you need help with, just reach out to me and I'd be glad to help. Thanks a lot, Maddie. Thanks,
- [01:10:52.950]Shannon. Thank you. Have a good day, everybody. Bye.
- [01:10:56.770]Bye.
- [01:10:57.290]- Bye.
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