CEHS Travel Training Recording 6/27/2022
David Merriman
CEHS Travel Training Recording 6/27/2022
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- [00:00:00.000]I need you to help me see if I need you to help me see.
- [00:00:13.500]Okay.
- [00:00:14.500]Thank you.
- [00:00:44.260]Thank you.
- [00:01:14.240]Thank you.
- [00:01:44.220]Good afternoon.
- [00:02:13.140]Good afternoon.
- [00:02:13.220]So I am Yara.
- [00:02:16.160]I am a financial approver here.
- [00:02:20.080]Well, I work with the business team.
- [00:02:22.580]I have members of the business team here.
- [00:02:25.920]I have Tori.
- [00:02:27.720]I have Lee.
- [00:02:28.560]I have Carrie.
- [00:02:29.300]And so what we do here, I am a financial approver.
- [00:02:35.700]That means I get to review some of your travel requests, some of your expense reports, along with Carrie.
- [00:02:42.340]We do.
- [00:02:43.200]We do that together.
- [00:02:43.800]So I mainly work for the city campus and the dean's department.
- [00:02:48.920]And we are here today to learn how to basically navigate through Concur.
- [00:02:56.300]So we, at the end of this training, we are hoping that everybody will become familiar on how to submit a travel request, submit an expense report, and all the different types.
- [00:03:09.120]We will learn how to assign delegates, how to allocate.
- [00:03:13.120]funds, how to set up a user defined also how to enter cost objects and WBS.
- [00:03:21.120]So we have a little disclaimer here if I can just say that.
- [00:03:27.120]So basically we recommend that all trip requests.
- [00:03:33.120]We want them to be submitted before any expenses are occurred so this way we know that you are traveling on behalf of the university.
- [00:03:42.120]And also we need to make sure that you have enough funds to cover your expenses for your travel. That's why we recommend that you submit that before you start incurring any expenses.
- [00:03:55.120]Also, on the expense side, travel expenses must be submitted within 60 days of the last day of the trip.
- [00:04:05.120]We encourage that you submit that here within 30 business days, pretty much.
- [00:04:11.120]At the end of your trip. So this way we have enough time to process and the expense reports, so it can go throughout the approval process.
- [00:04:22.120]A little smooth there.
- [00:04:25.120]Another disclaimer here, we will also learn how to allocate expenses so we need to allocate expenses. When we are using multiple funding sources let's say you're using a cost center on cost object the WBS, and you are using more than
- [00:04:40.120]one, or you have another funding source.
- [00:04:45.120]You need to let us know that you are going to use it so this way, we know that you have enough funds to cover your travel expenses. We learned how to attach documents were needed.
- [00:04:57.120]Sometimes you may have a letter of offer or a funding source approval that we are not aware of. So that's why we advise you to enter to attach those.
- [00:05:09.120]This way the financial approver is aware that you have an external funding source. So this way we know you have enough funds to cover your travel expenses.
- [00:05:19.120]Also, we recommend that on the comment section, you can enter any details needed to process your request or report. So in case you are splitting funds or you're only claiming part of your of the expense that's detailed on the receipt.
- [00:05:37.120]This way the financial approver will be aware.
- [00:05:38.120]Now, on to travel request. Have a question.
- [00:05:45.120]On the cost objects, are those without dashes or with dashes?
- [00:05:50.120]So faculty can just get stuck on that portion because sometimes they'll enter them and sometimes they'll fail and don't enter them. So I saw that WS is with dashes but it's not with dashes.
- [00:06:06.120]Yeah, that's a good question.
- [00:06:07.120]So when it's a 10 digit one, you do not have dashes when it's a 13 digit.
- [00:06:13.120]That's a WVS then you want you want to enter the dashes so you will start let's say with a 27 dash 1702 dash, and so on.
- [00:06:24.120]We think you've heard of that just make sure that we're all on top.
- [00:06:33.120]Thank you. You're welcome.
- [00:06:35.120]And so, coming back.
- [00:06:36.120]Here we have travel requests. So basically there are two types of travel requests, one will be a regular travel request. And the second one will be a blanket travel authorization, or a BTA.
- [00:06:51.120]So what a BTA is used for is when you travel to for the same business purpose within the same fiscal year, and it consists of any combination within city limits 100 mile radius.
- [00:07:05.120]100 mile radius of the travelers respective campus, or if you have a different assigned work location and other state limits.
- [00:07:15.120]The regular travel request is pretty much when you travel let's say for a couple days, or, or a week, and so on.
- [00:07:23.120]And along with that we will learn how to locate a request whether it's active or whichever type of request that you have already submitted, we can also learn how to close.
- [00:07:34.120]Request. And on the expense side. We have three main types of expense reports. One is a multi day expense report when you travel for multiple days. The second one will be a single day expense report when you travel for one day only.
- [00:07:54.120]And the third one will be a non travel expense report, that is when you are let's say, purchasing something.
- [00:08:03.120]on behalf of the university and you are claiming that reimbursement and note that when there's a
- [00:08:09.640]non-travel expense report you do not need to have submitted a trip request for that because it is
- [00:08:15.720]non-travel so you want to keep that in mind right here we have available resources so if you go to
- [00:08:25.000]travel.unl.edu you can find the travel website you can find the travel policy you can find
- [00:08:31.360]information about the travel office and if you also look at your handout on the second page
- [00:08:37.860]you will see more information you can see there are financial approvers email addresses and so
- [00:08:46.280]on so in case you get stuck or you have any questions feel free to reach out we have all
- [00:08:51.160]these resources and there's also this link at the bottom here where you can access to see
- [00:08:59.100]some of the quick pdfs
- [00:09:01.260]if some of you have received instructions on how to submit an expense report on how
- [00:09:05.860]to allocate expenses so i have um taken those pdfs from that website and so you can also
- [00:09:15.120]go there to find those yada yes hey it's melody from the travel office hello hi that website
- [00:09:22.580]travel.unl.edu does no longer an active website okay so i'm going to put the correct one in
- [00:09:28.700]the chat feature so you can update your document
- [00:09:30.740]okay
- [00:09:30.740]all right so we'll make sure we send out that correct one then to everyone here today as
- [00:09:40.020]well okay thank you and so we will go to concur through our access so if any everybody can
- [00:09:48.340]go on to log into firefly and go to concur okay does everybody have access to it is anyone
- [00:09:57.880]having trouble getting in their firefly
- [00:10:00.680]okay
- [00:10:30.620]okay
- [00:10:30.640]okay
- [00:10:30.660]okay
- [00:10:30.660]okay
- [00:10:30.660]okay
- [00:10:30.660]okay
- [00:10:30.660]okay
- [00:10:30.680]perfect now we are going to start up with setting up a user defined so what we will do here so i will go to concur
- [00:10:41.320]and okay
- [00:10:45.980]so we are going to set up a user defined if i can just go back there
- [00:11:00.660]okay so then a user defined like we said it it's used to attract funding availability for instance
- [00:11:13.080]and if i look at there okay here we go
- [00:11:17.620]i need to be able to see that sorry
- [00:11:22.680]okay all right so when we go here you go to concur
- [00:11:30.640]you have you go here under profile so this is if you have not set up that the user defined
- [00:11:38.720]yet but if you have you may skip this step and or you can use it as a reminder so you want to go to
- [00:11:45.840]to profile settings
- [00:11:47.600]so if you go on the left side you will see request settings here
- [00:11:55.940]and underneath you will see request information
- [00:12:00.620]so you want to click on request information
- [00:12:03.560]so is everybody there okay perfect now you want to go on this third field here
- [00:12:15.540]labeled under user defined
- [00:12:18.480]so the way you would enter that is you will enter your last name and your with your first initial
- [00:12:30.600]your last name should be capitalized like here for instance
- [00:12:34.480]we have john smith so we will we will have smith
- [00:12:38.860]as will be capitalized and the first initial will be capitalized also
- [00:12:43.700]so
- [00:12:53.260]so if we can go back there
- [00:13:00.580]and then you want to save that
- [00:13:03.860]all right
- [00:13:11.860]and that will be how you set up a user defined so that should be set up for you
- [00:13:19.420]in there excuse me now from here we'll also learn
- [00:13:26.180]since we're here in concur we'll learn how to
- [00:13:30.560]assign delegates so we do not need to do this part this is just in case you need somebody to
- [00:13:36.980]act on your behalf for certain reasons it happens that you might have to have a delegate there so
- [00:13:43.980]this is how you will do it you want to go under profile you click profile settings
- [00:13:52.300]so under request settings you will have request
- [00:14:00.540]delegates
- [00:14:01.380]so now here what you want to do you're going to add click on add there so you enter the person's
- [00:14:15.020]name whoever you want to have as your delegate so let's say i'm having lee be my delegate so
- [00:14:23.120]once her name pops up there i would click on her name so you will see it up here right there
- [00:14:30.520]so i would suggest that everyone add yada okay they don't already have gary so gary and yada
- [00:14:36.200]are people that can help you when you run into issues so by having their names on there it makes
- [00:14:44.620]it a little bit easier for them to help you as well so i should take now off to take now off
- [00:14:51.400]i don't think she would want to help i see so then you want to click under here
- [00:15:00.500]you can prepare it it will auto select and review receipts also you want to select receive emails
- [00:15:10.920]and then you want to save it here so right there you want to save it
- [00:15:22.820]and that is how you assign a delegate
- [00:15:30.480]pretty much
- [00:15:31.380]now
- [00:16:00.460]yeah we get notified every single time
- [00:16:06.080]yes
- [00:16:06.400]okay
- [00:16:17.580]all right and so next we will go back to concur's main page
- [00:16:28.580]so
- [00:16:30.440]if we will go back to the home page there
- [00:16:32.760]we are now going to learn how to submit a travel request
- [00:16:38.220]so
- [00:16:42.140]okay so to start um submitting a travel request you want to go here next to
- [00:16:52.300]well it says requests you click there
- [00:16:56.460]once you click there
- [00:17:00.420]here you go to new request right underneath
- [00:17:05.960]and you will enter the information so let's say we are going to a conference
- [00:17:15.300]x y and z for instance and we are traveling
- [00:17:23.700]we have our travel dates from june 28th
- [00:17:28.720]and our
- [00:17:30.400]return date is let's say june 29th
- [00:17:35.500]so the request or a trip purpose is to be a conference participant for instance
- [00:17:43.240]and our destination for this purpose is going to be new york city
- [00:17:49.000]new york new york and so i just want to make a note here every time you see the left side
- [00:18:00.380]has a red line on the left side here you make sure you want to enter the information there
- [00:18:06.840]because that is a required field so make sure you have that in there and the trip type is domestic
- [00:18:14.720]so does this trip contain personal travel in this case we do not have any personal travel dates
- [00:18:22.340]but if you were to have any then you would click on yes otherwise we're clicking on no here then
- [00:18:30.360]here you will have your personal travel dates and you will note them here so right here
- [00:18:38.540]are any costs funded by an external entity so this is where you will select if you're having
- [00:18:46.020]an external funding source you will select yes otherwise for our trip purpose here we will select
- [00:18:53.220]no and on the next field here this is where you give us a brief description of the external
- [00:19:00.340]funding source so then let's say if it's a different department or you have been approved
- [00:19:07.760]with the letter or the conference is paying for your expenses then you will give us a brief
- [00:19:14.040]description there but it says external entity i mean like if it's an nsf does that consider
- [00:19:20.820]the money's here at unl but it's it's only for people outside of our university it doesn't matter
- [00:19:30.320]if it's from someplace new york university is paying for part of your trip that is where
- [00:19:35.140]you will put the uh that information there if it's a different department within the
- [00:19:39.800]university you would say no
- [00:19:41.140]all right thank you and so the reason for our business or our business purpose here
- [00:19:51.280]will be a conference but we have labeled x y and z and so i want to move that down
- [00:20:00.300]there
- [00:20:01.300]okay so then once you have the information make sure you have your information entered
- [00:20:08.360]there and then you want to click here on the top right corner you want to save that
- [00:20:17.760]yes
- [00:20:30.280]okay
- [00:21:00.260]and i wonder um
- [00:21:30.240]so something like that we can put in our bulletin it's hard for the college to enforce that so
- [00:21:42.660]that would be something that
- [00:21:44.040]we can put it in the bulletin and what i was thinking would probably be helpful
- [00:21:52.040]is
- [00:21:52.340]that we'll send out to people too so that other people even though they want to
- [00:22:00.220]hear today can have some notes and i can add
- [00:22:05.480]examples of attachments and grad students i think are a good example
- [00:22:10.200]for that additional funding because that is something that
- [00:22:13.160]gary and yada usually have to go back and ask if they don't have an attachment
- [00:22:17.100]it's really hard to have that
- [00:22:30.200]that's not a college or university department i think that was
- [00:22:43.600]solid
- [00:22:44.260]so i mean is that something that you feel is important for your college or
- [00:22:51.180]for your department
- [00:22:51.960]you can ask them again now but call them back
- [00:23:00.180]if you were just to decline it though so like
- [00:23:06.800]so you attack it they get it sent back right and then they
- [00:23:11.640]you can do that but that's what let them know up front to attach it
- [00:23:22.840]it's just my thought is it's in the past
- [00:23:30.160]so that's a that's a department down because the college provides the 1500
- [00:23:44.100]dollar funding years but we don't the college just required and you have to
- [00:24:00.140]cost object type and then the class object what I'm filling a request out
- [00:24:05.540]for myself is that is the number that comes up in those two boxes like you
- [00:24:11.360]need to meet us objects that I should be you know charging things to
- [00:24:30.120]that if you want to do yourself and then you know just work okay okay so I
- [00:24:37.960]shouldn't necessarily just leave the one no it's right in there and you can
- [00:24:42.780]leave it don't worry that funding force and you have to and you have to change
- [00:24:50.200]the time to be done yes
- [00:25:00.100]so right here so right there if you want a cost center you need to change that
- [00:25:11.900]otherwise you can change that here so if you have a drop down button here right so
- [00:25:19.160]we can have so WBS is somebody's access so grants foundation funds are normally what
- [00:25:30.080]yes so I will show you how to actually enter a WBS for instance here we are using two seven
- [00:25:40.840]so I will go back here sorry so initially we have the cost center that's how it's it
- [00:25:47.960]first appears but then you want to come here click on the drop down button there select
- [00:25:54.060]WBS you have cost center on top and then WBS at the bottom
- [00:26:00.060]select that and you can go to the next field you enter two seven dash one seven zero two
- [00:26:11.560]dash you will see a list of options here and let's say we are using okay I will use a different
- [00:26:20.620]one sorry one seven three six zero you have the dash there and once you locate the
- [00:26:30.040]funding source that you want to use then you go ahead click on it and it'll be there for you
- [00:26:38.020]so you want to make sure you always select the cost object
- [00:26:41.960]and so for this purpose here we're using a cost center so I will go back now that's how you enter
- [00:26:49.900]this one here the 10 digit one two one one seven zero two and note you do not have to enter any dash
- [00:27:00.020]is select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:27:30.000]and then you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:27:37.980]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:27:48.600]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:27:54.580]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:27:59.980]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:28:29.960]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:28:59.940]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:29:29.920]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:29:59.900]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:30:29.880]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:30:59.860]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:31:29.840]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:31:59.820]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:32:29.800]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:32:59.780]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:33:29.760]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:33:59.740]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:34:29.720]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:34:59.700]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:35:29.680]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:35:59.660]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:36:29.640]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:36:59.620]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:37:29.600]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:37:59.580]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:38:29.560]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:38:59.540]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:39:29.520]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:39:59.500]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:40:29.480]you can go back and select your funding source click there and then you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:40:59.460]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:41:29.440]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:41:59.420]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:42:29.400]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:42:59.380]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:43:29.360]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:43:59.340]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:44:29.320]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:44:59.300]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:45:29.280]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:45:59.260]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:46:29.240]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:46:59.220]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:47:29.200]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:47:59.180]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:48:29.160]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:48:59.140]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:49:29.120]you can go back and save the information right there
- [00:49:59.100]okay because i invariably get screwed up
- [00:50:02.360]okay because i invariably get screwed up
- [00:50:02.360]okay because i invariably get screwed up because
- [00:50:03.000]because
- [00:50:03.020]because it gives me language like a similar a
- [00:50:05.080]it gives me language like a similar a
- [00:50:05.100]it gives me language like a similar a single itinerary is needed for a double
- [00:50:06.960]single itinerary is needed for a double
- [00:50:06.980]single itinerary is needed for a double itinerary you must have another i mean
- [00:50:09.000]itinerary you must have another i mean
- [00:50:09.020]itinerary you must have another i mean it uses the word itinerary like six
- [00:50:10.920]it uses the word itinerary like six
- [00:50:10.940]it uses the word itinerary like six times and i'm done
- [00:50:14.600]times and i'm done
- [00:50:14.620]times and i'm done i see it
- [00:50:15.960]i see it
- [00:50:15.980]i see it sure
- [00:50:18.160]sure
- [00:50:18.180]sure so
- [00:50:19.280]so
- [00:50:19.300]so once you are done with all of your all
- [00:50:21.160]all of your expenses, you can submit it.
- [00:50:23.700]submit the request and you can see the approval flow here.
- [00:50:27.030]You will have your supervisor's name
- [00:50:29.070]and I believe the financial approver.
- [00:50:31.570]You will see their name appear there.
- [00:50:34.050]And right here is where you can check on the status
- [00:50:37.350]of your request and you can see if it's been approved
- [00:50:41.370]or if it's pending approval, if it's been approved, et cetera.
- [00:50:45.730]Then once you are ready, you can submit your request.
- [00:50:49.210]Any questions on that?
- [00:50:53.550]This is your chance to ask questions about the request
- [00:50:59.170]and then go on to show how you actually put it
- [00:51:02.530]in after you've been signed with you.
- [00:51:05.430]Okay. So then this was the first type of travel request.
- [00:51:10.970]I am going to delete that since we are not traveling
- [00:51:14.330]to New York for now.
- [00:51:16.170]But now I am going to show you how to submit --
- [00:51:23.310]BTA. So again, from the home page of Concur,
- [00:51:28.350]you want to click on requests.
- [00:51:30.650]And under request, you will have -- you go to new request.
- [00:51:35.950]So this is a BTA for -- and as a title, let's say,
- [00:51:41.930]we will be going to school visit.
- [00:51:45.490]So for the request date, let's say we have --
- [00:51:53.070]okay, so like we said, for a BTA, this is when you put the dates.
- [00:52:00.550]You go for -- you travel for the same business purpose
- [00:52:03.910]within one fiscal year.
- [00:52:05.550]So when you enter a date for a BTA, you start
- [00:52:10.650]with your first business travel date, let's say July 14th.
- [00:52:17.230]Just making that here, July 14th of 2022, and your request
- [00:52:22.830]and date should always be June 30th of that fiscal year.
- [00:52:29.310]So you click all the way to June 30th of 2023.
- [00:52:37.470]And the request trip purpose here,
- [00:52:40.230]you want to select blanket TA request.
- [00:52:44.950]And our destination will be--
- [00:52:49.430]OK, I'll go with Kearney.
- [00:52:52.590]And this trip type will be a domestic trip type.
- [00:52:57.710]Does this trip contain any personal travel?
- [00:53:00.270]No.
- [00:53:01.550]And again, if you have any personal dates of travel,
- [00:53:04.750]that's just a reminder.
- [00:53:05.830]You can put that in there.
- [00:53:07.310]But for this BTA, we are not being funded externally either.
- [00:53:13.430]And this is where you would select the cost object
- [00:53:17.430]and enter the cost subject there or the WBS.
- [00:53:22.350]Depending on what funding source you are using.
- [00:53:26.150]Again, the user defined.
- [00:53:28.390]If it has not been saved, you can enter that here.
- [00:53:33.030]Last name and first initial.
- [00:53:35.070]Capitalize your last name's first letter and your first initial.
- [00:53:39.350]And the reason would be school visit.
- [00:53:42.710]Once you have entered all of your information here,
- [00:53:48.950]you want to save that on the top right
- [00:53:52.110]corner and you want to go straight to expenses.
- [00:53:57.950]So you're going to skip segment, go to expenses.
- [00:54:02.990]And for a BTA, you will select zero dollar trip.
- [00:54:10.870]So then once you select that, that will be your only expense for a BTA.
- [00:54:15.270]And the trip will be funded, let's say, by CHS.
- [00:54:21.870]And you enter the trip funding source there and you go ahead and submit the request.
- [00:54:28.510]This is pretty simple.
- [00:54:29.810]It's very easy and select it.
- [00:54:32.830]So before we started, we had a question about can you enter these blanket ones now, where
- [00:54:40.870]it's not the beginning of the fiscal year yet and yes, you can.
- [00:54:51.630]All right, you will then submit your request and you're good to go.
- [00:55:01.890]Now we are deleting this because this is just so that we can show you how to do it, but
- [00:55:08.010]if you need to, please submit the request.
- [00:55:13.370]And again, coming back here, this is on the main request page where you can, if you click
- [00:55:19.970]on view.
- [00:55:21.390]You can find and select an active request, a pending request, an approved cancel.
- [00:55:27.950]If you want to close or find an inactivated request, then you can find all those options
- [00:55:35.390]here, but we do recommend that when you are looking for a particular request, just come
- [00:55:41.830]to all requests.
- [00:55:43.230]It's easier for you to locate them that way.
- [00:55:47.090]And so this is how you would submit a blanket travel authorization.
- [00:55:51.150]Any questions? I think we had it here.
- [00:56:16.150]Examples of a VTA are when you have like a monthly meeting in Omaha, you might do a VTA for that because every month you're going to go to Omaha.
- [00:56:27.150]For our extension agents that travel throughout Nebraska a lot, they can do a VTA for that to show that they're going to lots of different places in Nebraska.
- [00:56:40.150]And then when we come back from those, we just go to the expenses tab.
- [00:56:45.150]Yes, yes, you don't have to do the request ahead of time each time because you've done.
- [00:56:55.150]All right.
- [00:56:57.150]And so we are now going to learn how to submit expense report.
- [00:57:02.150]So if you had submitted a travel request, and now you have returned from your trip.
- [00:57:09.150]You want to submit an expense report remember the hard deadline for you to submit an expense report is 60 days.
- [00:57:14.150]After your return date travel dates Yes, but we recommend that you submit them within 30 days of your return date, because that way it's easier for you, and you do not have to well to avoid any concur and convenience.
- [00:57:32.150]And so once you come here on their request, you should be able to find the request that you are looking for.
- [00:57:41.150]And if you want to submit an expense report.
- [00:57:43.150]You can start there on the right corner here you have expense.
- [00:57:48.150]So select there. So let's say we have returned from our conference in New York.
- [00:57:57.150]And we'll only be
- [00:58:06.150]And so this is when a trip request has been approved already.
- [00:58:12.150]You want to make sure all the information match what you have in there, and we have.
- [00:58:19.150]That's a travel. So the report name will be the conference in New York City.
- [00:58:26.150]And the trip purpose we were attending a conference it was a domestic flight.
- [00:58:32.150]That this trip include any personal travel. So for this case here let's say we went on a trip that included a personal travel, and we have yes.
- [00:58:41.150]And on this one here. I have different travel dates so where we were traveling from May 23 through May 25. And on May 24, we had our personal travel dates, then make sure you have that in there.
- [00:58:59.150]And we let's say we departed from.
- [00:59:08.150]Just pick a random time.
- [00:59:10.150]Time, 8am let's say.
- [00:59:13.150]So we have 8am there.
- [00:59:16.150]And we arrived here at 4pm so.
- [00:59:25.150]So we departed from link well Nebraska and we returned to Nebraska at 4pm. Again, you have your cost center there you can select either a cost center and under WBS.
- [00:59:39.150]Again, you can enter that here, user defined. Make sure you have your reason. So yeah, it's going to show the number you put in there when you started it.
- [00:59:50.150]This is an expense it's going to put the cost object you put on the request. The only time you would need to do change this is that something happened and the funding you were going to use now has changed.
- [01:00:05.150]So maybe you've got a grant to go to this conference.
- [01:00:08.150]So you would put that grant in here.
- [01:00:37.150]So you would put that grant in here.
- [01:01:06.150]And once you have entered your information there, you want to click here, next.
- [01:01:12.550]And you want to click here, yes, because you have your expense report is containing meals and lodging required.
- [01:01:22.030]And so click there, yes.
- [01:01:24.950]So right here, you want to enter the itinerary.
- [01:01:28.830]Basically, we left from here, we departed from Omaha, Nebraska, and that was on May 23rd.
- [01:01:38.850]And this is particularly for the departing itinerary.
- [01:01:44.350]So we left Omaha at 8 a.m., 8 a.m., and we arrived, and that was New York City,
- [01:01:56.410]let's say at...
- [01:01:58.350]at 10 a.m.
- [01:02:01.130]Okay.
- [01:02:13.910]I'll check in here, because I need to catch that.
- [01:02:18.230]If you're -- because if you're driving to Omaha to catch your flight,
- [01:02:22.230]you would put in Lincoln as your departure city,
- [01:02:25.030]and your travel actually starts in New York City.
- [01:02:27.770]Okay. I'm going to make a note here.
- [01:02:31.550]So then you will live from Lincoln to New York City, and then you save that.
- [01:02:38.190]And we are returning here on May 25th.
- [01:02:46.450]We left at 2:00 p.m., and we returned here in Lincoln at 4:00 p.m.
- [01:02:57.750]So it's not necessarily where you live, but it's where you're departing from.
- [01:03:09.810]So if you're leaving mid-afternoon from the office in Bennington and you're leaving
- [01:03:16.650]from Lincoln, because you're in the office, then you would be leaving, but if you're
- [01:03:21.270]leaving from home, then you would leave your home.
- [01:03:23.110]So, Dori.
- [01:03:27.270]Thank you.
- [01:03:27.730]Melody again, sorry.
- [01:03:28.630]With the new per diem, we really don't care where they leave from.
- [01:03:33.390]The most important part is where they're laying their head for the night.
- [01:03:36.410]So, IATA is put in New York City.
- [01:03:40.510]If they're actually flying into LaGuardia, but stayed in Connecticut, we want to make
- [01:03:47.790]sure that their arrival city says Connecticut, because per diem will pull in based on the
- [01:03:53.170]city that they're laying their head at for the night.
- [01:03:55.410]Okay, yeah, we were talking about...
- [01:03:57.550]the city you're leaving from when you go on a trip.
- [01:04:02.730]Yeah, the travel office doesn't care about that anymore.
- [01:04:06.170]Your department might care, but I'm just telling you that per diem pulls in by the city that
- [01:04:10.650]you lay your head at.
- [01:04:11.750]Okay, so if I chose the left, it's on this thing, but on this thing, I still put...
- [01:04:25.770]Yeah.
- [01:04:26.770]On here, you put the...
- [01:04:27.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:28.370]Okay.
- [01:04:29.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:30.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:31.370]Okay.
- [01:04:32.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:33.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:34.370]Okay.
- [01:04:35.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:36.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:37.370]Okay.
- [01:04:38.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:39.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:40.370]Okay.
- [01:04:41.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:42.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:43.370]Okay.
- [01:04:44.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:45.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:46.370]Okay.
- [01:04:47.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:48.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:49.370]Okay.
- [01:04:50.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:51.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:52.370]Okay.
- [01:04:53.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:54.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:55.370]Okay.
- [01:04:56.370]Okay.
- [01:04:57.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:04:58.370]Yeah.
- [01:04:59.370]Okay.
- [01:05:00.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:01.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:02.370]Okay.
- [01:05:03.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:04.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:05.370]Okay.
- [01:05:06.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:07.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:08.370]Okay.
- [01:05:09.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:10.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:11.370]Okay.
- [01:05:12.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:13.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:14.370]Okay.
- [01:05:15.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:16.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:17.370]Okay.
- [01:05:18.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:19.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:20.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:21.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:22.370]Okay.
- [01:05:23.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:24.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:25.370]Okay.
- [01:05:26.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:27.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:28.370]Okay.
- [01:05:29.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:30.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:31.370]Okay.
- [01:05:32.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:33.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:34.370]Okay.
- [01:05:35.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:36.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:37.370]Okay.
- [01:05:38.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:39.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:40.370]Okay.
- [01:05:41.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:42.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:43.370]Okay.
- [01:05:44.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:45.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:46.370]Okay.
- [01:05:47.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:48.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:49.370]Okay.
- [01:05:50.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:51.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:52.370]Okay.
- [01:05:53.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:54.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:55.370]Okay.
- [01:05:56.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:05:57.370]Yeah.
- [01:05:58.370]Okay.
- [01:05:59.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:00.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:01.370]Okay.
- [01:06:02.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:03.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:04.370]Okay.
- [01:06:05.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:06.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:07.370]Okay.
- [01:06:08.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:09.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:10.370]Okay.
- [01:06:11.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:12.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:13.370]Okay.
- [01:06:14.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:15.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:16.370]Okay.
- [01:06:17.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:18.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:19.370]Okay.
- [01:06:20.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:21.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:22.370]Okay.
- [01:06:23.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:24.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:25.370]Okay.
- [01:06:26.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:27.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:28.370]Okay.
- [01:06:29.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:30.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:31.370]Okay.
- [01:06:32.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:33.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:34.370]Okay.
- [01:06:35.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:36.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:37.370]Okay.
- [01:06:38.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:39.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:40.370]Okay.
- [01:06:41.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:42.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:43.370]Okay.
- [01:06:44.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:45.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:46.370]Okay.
- [01:06:47.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:48.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:49.370]Okay.
- [01:06:50.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:51.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:52.370]Okay.
- [01:06:53.370]Okay.
- [01:06:54.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:55.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:56.370]Okay.
- [01:06:57.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:06:58.370]Yeah.
- [01:06:59.370]Okay.
- [01:07:00.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:01.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:02.370]Okay.
- [01:07:03.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:04.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:05.370]Okay.
- [01:07:06.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:07.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:08.370]Okay.
- [01:07:09.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:10.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:11.370]Okay.
- [01:07:12.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:13.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:14.370]Okay.
- [01:07:15.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:16.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:17.370]Okay.
- [01:07:18.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:19.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:20.370]Okay.
- [01:07:21.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:22.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:23.370]Okay.
- [01:07:24.370]Okay.
- [01:07:25.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:26.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:27.370]Okay.
- [01:07:28.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:29.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:30.370]Okay.
- [01:07:31.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:32.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:33.370]Okay.
- [01:07:34.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:35.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:36.370]Okay.
- [01:07:37.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:38.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:39.370]Okay.
- [01:07:40.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:41.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:42.370]Okay.
- [01:07:43.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:44.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:45.370]Okay.
- [01:07:46.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:47.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:48.370]Okay.
- [01:07:49.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:50.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:51.370]Okay.
- [01:07:52.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:53.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:54.370]Okay.
- [01:07:55.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:56.370]Yeah.
- [01:07:57.370]Okay.
- [01:07:58.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:07:59.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:00.370]Okay.
- [01:08:01.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:02.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:03.370]Okay.
- [01:08:04.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:05.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:06.370]Okay.
- [01:08:07.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:08.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:09.370]Okay.
- [01:08:10.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:11.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:12.370]Okay.
- [01:08:13.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:14.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:15.370]Okay.
- [01:08:16.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:17.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:18.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:19.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:20.370]Okay.
- [01:08:21.370]So, you're going to put the...
- [01:08:22.370]Yeah.
- [01:08:23.370]Okay.
- [01:08:24.370]This is loading. Okay, now you have the information here the vendor let's say we had a reservation through Hilton Hotels, the city of purchase was New York.
- [01:08:41.550]Now, the payment type here. This is where you claim if you had paid out of your own credit card so personal funds, you have a cash slash personal funds payment type, or if it was company paid, you would select that, but if it was paid by the company the ghost
- [01:09:02.470]card like we said earlier, you do not need to claim the expense but if you had paid that out of your pocket, then you select cash slash personal funds.
- [01:09:11.530]And you enter the amount. Let's say we have 208.
- [01:09:18.530]And it looks like it will translate euros.
- [01:09:24.530]Yes, euros and it will automatically calculate.
- [01:09:28.530]When you're doing these, it automatically does the conversion.
- [01:09:36.530]The currency being billed, or on the receipt,
- [01:09:40.530]it will translate into dollars.
- [01:09:44.530]I've had some that are all billed in euros.
- [01:09:49.530]The dollar is what you get.
- [01:09:54.530]Yes, so once you put all your information there,
- [01:09:58.530]you want to save it.
- [01:10:01.530]And you continue adding expenses here.
- [01:10:04.530]Now, if you want to go back to the expense,
- [01:10:07.530]if you notice here,
- [01:10:09.530]this icon says receipt image required.
- [01:10:13.530]So for a taxi, for lodging, for airfare, etc.
- [01:10:19.530]So except for meals and mileage,
- [01:10:22.530]we're going to require a receipt.
- [01:10:25.530]So once you click on that expense,
- [01:10:27.530]come down here, see attach receipt.
- [01:10:30.530]Again, you click there, you click on browse,
- [01:10:34.530]go find the receipt on your computer and upload it.
- [01:10:38.530]And so this is how you would upload that information.
- [01:10:42.530]- I want to interrupt you just one second.
- [01:10:44.530]On your little sheet here,
- [01:10:45.530]it says office registration,
- [01:10:48.530]the sheet showing proof of payment.
- [01:10:50.530]That also should include an institutional
- [01:10:53.530]or a schedule letter plan.
- [01:10:55.530]We have to have the calendar of events,
- [01:10:59.530]schedule letter plan, whatever you want to call it.
- [01:11:01.530]That needs to be included in your expense report as well.
- [01:11:04.530]The university will not pay for the conference
- [01:11:07.530]until after you have attended.
- [01:11:10.530]Under request, we don't necessarily need it.
- [01:11:32.530]We're assuming it's valid.
- [01:11:34.530]In the expense report,
- [01:11:36.530]if you're claiming for the registration,
- [01:11:39.530]as an example,
- [01:11:41.530]UNL wants you to have a P-card to take to that.
- [01:11:43.530]That's the preferred method.
- [01:11:45.530]If you cash pay, self-pay,
- [01:11:47.530]then along with the receipt,
- [01:11:49.530]you need to submit an agenda or schedule
- [01:11:51.530]at the point so that the university
- [01:11:53.530]can notice that you attended it
- [01:11:55.530]and you were submitting the expense
- [01:11:57.530]after you've attended it.
- [01:11:59.530]That's 60 days after the date.
- [01:12:01.530]And that can be something
- [01:12:03.530]simple like a screenshot
- [01:12:05.530]or whatever.
- [01:12:07.530]Usually they provide
- [01:12:09.530]the calendar of events
- [01:12:11.530]and the
- [01:12:13.530]from the website.
- [01:12:15.530]It doesn't have to be the
- [01:12:17.530]8-page thing that shows every single
- [01:12:19.530]workshop.
- [01:12:21.530]They just kind of like to start
- [01:12:23.530]on this day and end on this day
- [01:12:25.530]so that they know that you waited
- [01:12:27.530]until you actually attended
- [01:12:29.530]that last day.
- [01:12:31.530]I went to a conference
- [01:12:33.530]and they did not
- [01:12:34.530]send us an
- [01:12:36.530]if we had webpages
- [01:12:38.530]registered.
- [01:12:40.530]I don't want to get us off track.
- [01:12:46.530]Here's a question I thought about over the weekend.
- [01:12:48.530]As miserable as
- [01:12:52.530]air travel is right now,
- [01:12:54.530]nobody making it to
- [01:12:56.530]their sister's wedding or their
- [01:12:58.530]presentation or wherever they're supposed to go.
- [01:13:00.530]I'm sure we're not down
- [01:13:02.530]with
- [01:13:03.530]leaving early as a safety measure.
- [01:13:06.530]We need to stick to
- [01:13:10.530]if my presentation's on the 15th,
- [01:13:13.530]I'm probably leaving the 14th.
- [01:13:15.530]And if I'm stuck in O'Hara and that's the whole damn thing,
- [01:13:18.530]that's just the way it goes.
- [01:13:20.530]I'm quite sure the university's not saying,
- [01:13:27.530]"Oh yeah, you better go a day early."
- [01:13:30.530]No, I mean, if it's important to you,
- [01:13:32.530]you might want to go a day early for your own personal
- [01:13:35.530]and do it on your own expense, but you're correct.
- [01:13:38.530]The university isn't saying for us to go early.
- [01:13:42.530]I cringe with all of the faculty starting to travel now
- [01:13:46.530]and nobody's got any pilots or gate agents.
- [01:13:49.530]But we're still going to spend money.
- [01:13:54.530]It's about half and half, I think.
- [01:13:57.530]I've talked to about half the people and half the people.
- [01:14:01.530]If you're a baseball player, that would be really good.
- [01:14:04.530]All right.
- [01:14:11.530]So next, we are going to claim a mileage expense.
- [01:14:16.530]So this is how you will enter a mileage expense.
- [01:14:19.530]So you have the travel date there.
- [01:14:23.530]And we are leaving from Lincoln to Omaha, for instance.
- [01:14:30.530]And we are leaving from Lincoln to Omaha, for instance.
- [01:14:32.530]Now, we want you to use the mileage calculator.
- [01:14:37.530]And I am going to show you how to use the mileage calculator here.
- [01:14:42.530]Let's say we are leaving from -- I have just a random date in Lincoln.
- [01:14:54.530]Okay, let's say we are leaving from this address here.
- [01:14:57.530]And we are leaving from here.
- [01:14:59.530]Okay.
- [01:15:00.530]And we are going to the airport.
- [01:15:04.530]I have the date here.
- [01:15:06.530]Okay, so you can just Google the airport address there at Omaha.
- [01:15:12.530]But I have written it down here.
- [01:15:14.530]So it's 2504 9th Avenue.
- [01:15:23.530]Oopsie, no.
- [01:15:26.530]That is 4501 --
- [01:15:30.530].
- [01:15:33.530]Drive.
- [01:15:34.530]That's in Omaha.
- [01:15:38.530]Nebraska 68110.
- [01:15:43.530]So -- and then you're going to calculate route.
- [01:15:48.530]So this is for our departure.
- [01:15:51.530]And note that this is -- this says 62 miles and -- well, 62.4.
- [01:15:58.530]But then when we make that a round trip,
- [01:16:00.530]this is how this is going to change.
- [01:16:03.530]So if you click there, see, it doubles it for you.
- [01:16:08.530]So this is why we want you to use a mileage calculator,
- [01:16:11.530]and it will trace out the route for you.
- [01:16:14.530]And then you will come down here, add mileage to expense.
- [01:16:19.530]And you can save that.
- [01:16:21.530]I have a question.
- [01:16:22.530]Yes.
- [01:16:23.530]I forgot to put that little piece that I had given off in my original request.
- [01:16:28.530]And I just --
- [01:16:29.530]Can I just somehow get it in the expense?
- [01:16:31.530]Or do I have to go back and repeat that request to request that piece out?
- [01:16:35.530]It's not going to put me over the amount I requested.
- [01:16:38.530]But I forgot to put it in there.
- [01:16:40.530]The request -- you can't redo this.
- [01:16:42.530]Once the request has been approved -- no, you can't.
- [01:16:47.530]You can add it in here without it being in the return request.
- [01:16:53.530]As long as your expense report is not 10% over the approved amount,
- [01:16:58.530]then you're fine.
- [01:17:02.530]Yeah, it does give a little bit of flexibility because prices can change.
- [01:17:09.530]All right.
- [01:17:11.530]So then if you need to add any more expenses, keep on adding them.
- [01:17:16.530]And again, you want to submit a receipt for everything but mileage and meal.
- [01:17:23.530]And if you want to go back to your report
- [01:17:27.530]and make changes, you can come here, click on details.
- [01:17:31.530]You can go to report header, make the changes you need, and save it.
- [01:17:37.530]Here's where you want to make sure that your times match your itinerary.
- [01:17:42.530]So if you left at 6:00 a.m., here is where you need 6:00 a.m.
- [01:17:46.530]and your return time.
- [01:17:48.530]Those times need to match your itinerary because that's how you're putting in the cost.
- [01:17:53.530]So when these come to us, that's what we have to look at.
- [01:17:56.530]We have to look at the header and the header type.
- [01:18:00.530]I'll send it back if they do not correspond to what you have in your ID.
- [01:18:05.530]That's all we have to match.
- [01:18:07.530]All right.
- [01:18:09.530]And so --
- [01:18:10.530]So I have one quick question.
- [01:18:12.530]So if your flight gets changed, do you go ahead and make it original, or does it matter?
- [01:18:16.530]I guess because it'll show up with me.
- [01:18:19.530]So you're putting the time you actually, like, need linked in.
- [01:18:22.530]You don't have to put the time of your flight, please.
- [01:18:25.530]Because usually you're linked in at, like, 5 a.m. or at 9 o'clock.
- [01:18:30.530]Sometimes the airlines will notify you in advance to say it's canceled.
- [01:18:34.530]Yeah, and it doesn't matter.
- [01:18:38.530]So then if you know that your flight's going to be 11, so you're going to leave at 7.
- [01:18:44.530]Yeah, the expense report is after your travel, so you know when you've left and when you've come back.
- [01:18:50.530]So as long as that information is in the header, that's your itinerary.
- [01:18:54.530]All right. And so in case you need to allocate your expenses, you can click here under details.
- [01:19:06.530]Go under allocations and click there. Now again, you want to select all of your expenses.
- [01:19:14.530]Then click on allocate selected expenses. Come here, allocate by. Again, we want to choose amount.
- [01:19:23.530]And you can change your funding source and how much you want to charge on each funding source.
- [01:19:30.530]If I can show that here, then you can keep on adding how much you want to add on to charge on each particular funding source.
- [01:19:40.530]Let's say you have $200 on TLTE and you have you want to put $500 on the travel account.
- [01:19:50.530]This is where you get to choose here.
- [01:19:52.530]How much you allocate to which particular cost object, and so on.
- [01:19:59.530]So for this instance here, not allocating any, but what if we were.
- [01:20:06.530]And.
- [01:20:08.530]All right. Then you will just click on Add new allocation and keep on adding them as you as much as you would like, and, and so on.
- [01:20:20.530]So then once you are ready.
- [01:20:21.530]And make sure you have submitted all the receipts and keep on adding expenses if you need to then once you are ready and satisfied, you can go ahead and submit the report.
- [01:20:34.530]Right there.
- [01:20:44.530]Yes, so for the flight. So if you want to add a new expense you click here.
- [01:20:50.530]Expense, and there should be an airfare.
- [01:20:55.530]Your airfare if you booked it through concur you go in and select it and it will show up.
- [01:21:02.530]Yeah.
- [01:21:03.530]And so also if you have booked through concur, it has been company paid so you may not need to claim that on the report, because it has already been charged to the card.
- [01:21:17.530]So then.
- [01:21:19.530]What you're going to see.
- [01:21:29.530]Put the fly in then you mark it as company.
- [01:21:32.530]You don't want to be.
- [01:21:36.530]Yeah, yeah, you can.
- [01:21:40.530]So then you can submit a report once you are ready, or deleted for some reason but you are most likely to submit the report.
- [01:21:48.530]And now the 60 day deadline starts.
- [01:21:52.530]Let's say you submit a report, you're on day 59, you get your report in and we have a problem.
- [01:21:59.530]Since you submitted it before the 60 day deadline, the problem can take however many times go back and forth to get corrected.
- [01:22:09.530]The 60 day deadline has stopped since you submitted.
- [01:22:13.530]So just as a warning, if you need to do something else.
- [01:22:17.530]If you're not 100% sure and you're up at your deadline, just submit it.
- [01:22:24.530]And then if we have to correct anything, we have time, you know, at that time.
- [01:22:29.530]The point is, is that you get it in before the 60 day deadline.
- [01:22:33.530]And ideally you should be doing it like before 30 days.
- [01:22:36.530]Yeah. So that then you aren't out of the money for a long period of time.
- [01:22:41.530]I've submitted.
- [01:22:46.530]I've attempted to submit, even if I get.
- [01:22:49.530]It doesn't matter. The fact is that you got it in ahead of time.
- [01:22:53.530]You got it in before the deadline.
- [01:22:55.530]Not that I'm expecting it to have mistakes.
- [01:22:59.530]I just think people get confused that once, once they've submitted it and then there's problems, they're worried that they're not going to make their deadline.
- [01:23:06.530]The fact that you submitted it means you've made that deadline.
- [01:23:15.530]Yes, we encourage you on when it's crossing fiscal year, we really want you to get it in soon so that the expense gets in the right fiscal year.
- [01:23:31.530]But if you actually can't, then it doesn't, it's not going to change the world.
- [01:23:36.530]But if you travel in June, we want to try to get your expenses in.
- [01:23:44.530]We just know faculty member of that. So we hired and so
- [01:23:52.530]There's something to think about. I don't want my current boss.
- [01:23:55.530]That's like $10. So, you know, there's so many things.
- [01:23:59.530]It's a hard stop.
- [01:24:13.530]All right. So now that we have learned how to submit an expense report for multi multiple days, we will learn how to submit an expense report for one day. So, again, you go back here to your request, you locate that request and go on
- [01:24:42.530]And go on to expenses.
- [01:24:46.530]Oh, that's expense. Okay.
- [01:24:48.530]Click on expense. And again, let's say this was, thank you. This was for like we have here travel. It was a school visit.
- [01:24:58.530]So make sure all the information is there was a domestic flight and so on. So let's say we have traveled on.
- [01:25:10.530]Let's say, June 27.
- [01:25:11.530]For instance, so we departed at 6am.
- [01:25:20.530]And we returned on June 27. So this is a one day travel.
- [01:25:26.530]And we arrived here at 8pm.
- [01:25:32.530]So again, we have our cost center to select enter the funding source, right here I noticed I did not have the user defined
- [01:25:40.530]so I want to add that in here, and you.
- [01:25:46.530]And first initial is capitalized.
- [01:25:50.530]Then we have the school visit and click on next.
- [01:25:56.530]And you want to select here. Yes.
- [01:26:00.530]Now here since this is a one day expense report you want to click here, go to single day itineraries.
- [01:26:09.530]And you select there.
- [01:26:11.530]Now, what you will do here you want to fill in the information we left from Lincoln, Nebraska.
- [01:26:18.530]We departed here.
- [01:26:21.530]Okay, 6am was our time.
- [01:26:27.530]And we arrived there. The location was for instance in Kearney, Nebraska.
- [01:26:34.530]We arrived there at 10am.
- [01:26:38.530]And we departed there from there at 4pm.
- [01:26:51.530]Then we return here at 8pm.
- [01:26:56.530]Then click here Save itineraries.
- [01:27:01.530]And you will see, it'll notify you that an itinerary has been created.
- [01:27:07.530]Now, click on Next again.
- [01:27:13.530]And you can see that here.
- [01:27:16.530]Now we want to go on Next.
- [01:27:20.530]And you want to exclude all meals because we are going to have the one day meal expense.
- [01:27:26.530]So you want to create the expenses there.
- [01:27:31.530]And right here we will have our mileage
- [01:27:36.530]and personal car, let's say.
- [01:27:39.530]Again, we have the transaction date, let's say today.
- [01:27:44.530]We use the mileage calculator.
- [01:27:47.530]So, let's say.
- [01:27:52.530]Okay.
- [01:27:56.530]And we have our location in Kearney.
- [01:28:00.530]We have one here.
- [01:28:02.530]So two five.
- [01:28:04.530]Okay.
- [01:28:05.530]504 9th Avenue, and that's in here.
- [01:28:10.530]Nebraska 68849.
- [01:28:19.270]So you want to calculate the route
- [01:28:21.690]and to make it a round trip, click here,
- [01:28:24.790]then add mileage to expenses and save.
- [01:28:28.550]Then you want to add one day meal expenses.
- [01:28:35.070]So let's find that.
- [01:28:37.270]Okay, so you have meals one day travel.
- [01:28:41.110]So this is how you would enter that information.
- [01:28:44.270]So if you notice here, there's a link right there.
- [01:28:51.230]You want to click on the link, copy,
- [01:28:54.870]and I'm going to need to have a webpage there.
- [01:28:59.870]Okay.
- [01:29:04.890]So then you want to enter that here.
- [01:29:07.850]Now, for this particular one day meal travel policy,
- [01:29:14.410]it states that for one day rate,
- [01:29:17.810]it applies on single day travels.
- [01:29:20.070]And so you're eligible for breakfast
- [01:29:23.850]if you departed before or at 6:30 AM, as you can see that.
- [01:29:28.850]Lunch is not allowed.
- [01:29:32.430]Well, you can have lunch, but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.870]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.870]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:33.910]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:33.950]lunch is not allowed.
- [01:29:33.990]So you can have lunch,
- [01:29:34.050]but it's simply not allowed.
- [01:29:34.790]You cannot be reimbursed for lunch
- [01:29:37.230]and you're eligible for dinner
- [01:29:40.370]if you return or well at 7 p.m. or after.
- [01:29:47.010]So right here, when we traveled,
- [01:29:51.210]we left at 6 a.m.
- [01:29:53.750]So we are eligible for breakfast
- [01:29:55.690]and we returned at 8 p.m.
- [01:29:58.850]So we are also eligible for dinner.
- [01:30:01.990]Again, we're not claiming lunch.
- [01:30:03.990]So now what you will do,
- [01:30:06.410]we traveled to Kearney, Nebraska.
- [01:30:08.450]So what we will do here,
- [01:30:11.190]now here you're looking for the specific state
- [01:30:14.910]or city that you traveled to
- [01:30:17.130]and look at the rates now.
- [01:30:19.110]You can see for breakfast here,
- [01:30:23.030]this is Nebraska and all other cities.
- [01:30:26.850]For breakfast, you can claim $3.50.
- [01:30:30.590]Lunch is not allowed
- [01:30:32.610]and dinner is not allowed.
- [01:30:33.970]Lunch is $11.38.
- [01:30:35.470]So plus incidentals.
- [01:30:38.430]And the total you can claim for that day
- [01:30:41.810]would be $20.48.
- [01:30:45.030]Remember, there should be an incidental here.
- [01:30:47.770]So we will then go here,
- [01:30:50.370]go back here to enter the amount.
- [01:30:52.630]We will have $20.48.
- [01:30:55.890]Then once you enter that information,
- [01:31:00.150]you want to save it.
- [01:31:01.750]And,
- [01:31:03.810]you may add any other expenses
- [01:31:07.550]as much as needed.
- [01:31:08.750]Then once you are ready,
- [01:31:10.070]you want to click on submit report.
- [01:31:12.890]And that is how you would submit your report
- [01:31:16.010]with your expenses for one day travel.
- [01:31:18.170]And accept and submit.
- [01:31:20.950]And you can see the amount here.
- [01:31:25.250]It's giving you a bit of details there.
- [01:31:28.730]Now,
- [01:31:29.810]and that is how you would submit
- [01:31:32.550]a one day expense.
- [01:31:33.550]Expense report.
- [01:31:34.510]Any questions?
- [01:31:36.410]All right.
- [01:31:40.790]So then for the next type of expense report,
- [01:31:44.550]we have a non-travel expense report.
- [01:31:48.310]So you want to come here to expense.
- [01:31:51.870]So you want to create a new report.
- [01:31:56.950]Remember for this one,
- [01:31:58.430]you did not submit a travel request
- [01:32:00.670]because it is non-travel.
- [01:32:02.210]So right now,
- [01:32:03.530]here under policy,
- [01:32:04.930]you want to click on non-travel university report name.
- [01:32:09.890]Let's say we are purchasing books.
- [01:32:12.130]So then for the business purpose,
- [01:32:16.670]we have books,
- [01:32:17.970]video slash,
- [01:32:19.110]et cetera.
- [01:32:19.770]And the cost object type is we're using a cost center.
- [01:32:24.530]211702.
- [01:32:28.830]And I will select that one.
- [01:32:33.430]Cost object.
- [01:32:34.470]Again,
- [01:32:35.130]if you want,
- [01:32:37.270]you can,
- [01:32:37.610]I will just enter my user to find there.
- [01:32:39.710]And,
- [01:32:41.650]and you click on next right there.
- [01:32:44.810]And right here,
- [01:32:46.930]you want to click no,
- [01:32:48.030]because you're not claiming any mails or lodging.
- [01:32:50.470]You click here,
- [01:32:52.270]you go to no,
- [01:32:53.670]and you want to type the expense type.
- [01:32:56.950]That would be educational supplies right there.
- [01:33:00.470]And the transaction,
- [01:33:03.350]dates, let's say we have June 26th.
- [01:33:07.830]The reason for our expense report is we have purchased books
- [01:33:13.770]and we're entering the required field.
- [01:33:17.670]And the amount was,
- [01:33:19.950]let's say $40.
- [01:33:20.790]And you want to attach the receipt there because it will be required.
- [01:33:27.490]And you save that.
- [01:33:29.850]Once you are ready,
- [01:33:31.710]you go ahead and,
- [01:33:33.150]submit your report.
- [01:33:34.870]And attach receipt.
- [01:33:38.250]There's a reminder and you go on and attach your receipt and you're ready
- [01:33:42.790]to submit your expense report.
- [01:33:44.510]And that will conclude our training for today.
- [01:33:50.570]Any questions?
- [01:33:52.050]We know it's a lot of information.
- [01:34:03.470]So as you have questions and when you're doing it, just let us know.
- [01:34:07.210]Hopefully a little handout will help with some of the quick guides.
- [01:34:11.610]And there's a lot of videos out there that Melody's team has put together
- [01:34:19.070]that show actually how to enter things in Cooper as well.
- [01:34:23.670]So if you get stuck on one specific thing, you go click on one of the training
- [01:34:28.010]things to get started.
- [01:34:29.830]Yeah, so the link for those.
- [01:34:36.770]And then that PDF, you're going to send it to us.
- [01:34:53.410]You're going to send us the link for the PDF.
- [01:34:55.710]Yeah, so we'll send out the PowerPoint.
- [01:34:59.470]We're going to send it to you.
- [01:35:01.230]And then it'll be on there.
- [01:35:03.990]There are quite a few people.
- [01:35:23.530]Yeah, so that's where we talked a little bit about that.
- [01:35:32.830]So they want to add the letter that shows that they're getting the $500.
- [01:35:36.090]And then they should go ahead and add some of those different expenses
- [01:35:39.450]because the $500 might be covering part of the hotel and part of the airfare.
- [01:35:45.150]And then just making sure it's noted on there that they're limited to the $500,
- [01:35:49.670]that they can list some of the other expenses because it might change.
- [01:35:53.510]That their airfare ends up being cheaper, and the hotel will be a little bit more so,
- [01:35:58.130]the one with the stall in there would make them pay up to the $500.
- [01:36:01.330]We have a question in the chat asking when you integrate a non-share,
- [01:36:11.550]what's very important to control versus C-Cost.
- [01:36:14.470]So if you use C-Cost, there's nothing you need to play.
- [01:36:17.690]You don't need to go to control and pay anything.
- [01:36:20.450]If you pay it with your personal credit card,
- [01:36:23.490]and then you want to go to control and pay a non-travel report,
- [01:36:27.510]and then we will revert you on your tax.
- [01:36:31.410]But we shouldn't limit that because we don't want you to pay anything.
- [01:36:38.470]The other question I think was, do you need pre-approval?
- [01:36:43.410]And pre-approval is what that first part of the trip was.
- [01:36:47.450]So if you are doing a trip, you always need pre-approval.
- [01:36:53.470]If you're doing a non-expense, you don't need it.
- [01:36:56.510]But that's where we do try to limit the non-expense,
- [01:37:00.510]or the non-travel, like what we were talking about.
- [01:37:05.490]Just out of curiosity, I'm sure it's not decided anywhere
- [01:37:10.490]close to where we're sitting, but what's
- [01:37:12.490]the rationale on no lunch for a BTA?
- [01:37:17.450]Breakfast, cover dinner, no lunch.
- [01:37:20.450]Seems like if I'm running--
- [01:37:21.450]On a single day at a university.
- [01:37:23.450]You're not going to pay your lunch for going to work.
- [01:37:26.450]So I think that's the rationale.
- [01:37:27.450]That's the rationale.
- [01:37:28.450]I always thought it was weird that they cover breakfast
- [01:37:31.450]and supper if you're gone for those hours, but not now.
- [01:37:34.450]I wanted a second sort of lunch today,
- [01:37:37.450]but I wanted to discuss a lot of that.
- [01:37:41.450]That's their reasoning.
- [01:37:43.450]You could bring your lunch from home, I guess.
- [01:37:46.450]Yes, I could.
- [01:37:47.450]I certainly could.
- [01:37:49.450]And I probably won't.
- [01:37:53.430]I'm not sure.
- [01:37:55.430]It's a work that I get up.
- [01:37:59.430]Well, thank you all.
- [01:38:01.430]So we will be doing these trainings.
- [01:38:04.430]The goal is to do them every fall and spring.
- [01:38:07.430]So for new faculty.
- [01:38:09.430]So they'll be able to take advantage.
- [01:38:12.430]COVID and everything. Our schedule got off, but that's why we.
- [01:38:20.430]Thank you.
- [01:38:23.410]Thank you.
- [01:38:26.410]It's nice to meet you. Nice meeting you. Welcome to your new.
- [01:38:29.410]Mission. Thank you.
- [01:38:35.410]We've tried not to scare her off. Yeah.
- [01:38:40.410]Yes, I am going to go get the IT person to help me just save this.
- [01:38:46.410]Yeah. So we'll take this back, scan it and save it on the drive.
- [01:38:51.410]That way then we know who attended today.
- [01:38:53.390]Perfect. Thank you.
- [01:38:55.390]Thank you. You did a nice job.
- [01:38:57.390]Thank you.
- [01:39:00.390]I did make some notes on here that we can go through on some things to add to this and things to do different next time too.
- [01:39:08.390]Sure. Okay.
- [01:39:23.370]Thanks.
- [01:39:33.370]Excuse me.
- [01:39:39.370]I'm done with the meeting so save it.
- [01:39:42.370]Yeah.
- [01:39:48.370]Oh yeah, I get the IT guy to help me here.
- [01:39:51.370]Oh, good job. Thank you.
- [01:39:53.350]Thank you.
- [01:40:03.350]That was pretty good.
- [01:40:05.350]Yeah.
- [01:40:08.350]Yeah.
- [01:40:09.350]Thank you.
- [01:40:12.350]Thank you.
- [01:40:42.330]Thank you.
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