Academic Success NSE Presentation
Academic Success NSE Presentation
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- [00:00:00.960]Hi there, I'm Lori Romano with the Center for Academic Success
- [00:00:04.455]and Transition, or the Cast Office as we're known on campus.
- [00:00:08.240]And I want to take a few minutes to talk to you about the
- [00:00:11.190]transition from high school to college and give you a few tips
- [00:00:14.394]and ideas to help ease some of the anxiety and set you up with
- [00:00:17.598]some great tools to start this college journey.
- [00:00:20.840]OK, so I'm going to get really honest here.
- [00:00:23.360]College is hard, and I've never met a student who's fully
- [00:00:27.099]prepared.
- [00:00:28.360]Have you ever heard that saying it's like apples and oranges?
- [00:00:31.720]This is probably one of my favorite analogies for the high
- [00:00:35.045]school to college transition.
- [00:00:37.240]If you try to take a bite out of an orange the exact same way
- [00:00:40.647]that you bite into an apple, it's going to be a pretty
- [00:00:43.670]unpleasant experience.
- [00:00:45.240]I'm not recommending that you try this, but if you've never
- [00:00:47.715]done it before, see what you think.
- [00:00:50.120]If you try to approach college the exact same way that you
- [00:00:53.318]approached high school, it might be an unpleasant experience and
- [00:00:56.842]I'm going to talk about why.
- [00:00:59.040]So a lot of students come into college thinking that quote UN
- [00:01:02.110]quote studying is just looking over their notes the night
- [00:01:04.982]before the test because this is sort of what the pattern has
- [00:01:08.003]been for them in high school.
- [00:01:10.120]But what you don't realize is that your teachers in high
- [00:01:13.782]school and all the way back from like kindergarten 8 through 12,
- [00:01:17.959]all of those teachers were driving the learning bus and
- [00:01:21.558]students you were along for the ride.
- [00:01:24.160]But like most kids on a bus trip, you're not really paying a
- [00:01:27.998]whole lot of attention to the driving of the bus, the
- [00:01:31.395]maintenance, the plan, the route, any of the things that
- [00:01:34.982]are going on.
- [00:01:36.480]You're just kind of, again, in the back along for the ride.
- [00:01:39.960]And so that's sort of the way it was all through high school,
- [00:01:44.008]right?
- [00:01:44.640]Your teachers designed lesson plans.
- [00:01:46.600]They came up with activities.
- [00:01:48.000]They had quizzes that they would give you.
- [00:01:50.440]They had all sorts of things that they were doing with you in
- [00:01:53.507]the classroom, going over and over the information.
- [00:01:56.400]So by the time you actually got to the exam, all you really had
- [00:01:59.876]to do was look over the notes the night before the test, and
- [00:02:03.190]that was your studying.
- [00:02:04.800]But studying is actually all of those activities and things that
- [00:02:08.388]your teacher was doing to literally burn that information
- [00:02:11.591]into your brain leading up to the test.
- [00:02:14.280]So the thing that happens in college is that students
- [00:02:17.780]typically haven't done this type of work on their own before.
- [00:02:22.120]And so a lot of students come into college thinking that
- [00:02:24.704]studying, it's just looking over their notes the night before the
- [00:02:27.696]test, they get into that first exam and what do they do?
- [00:02:30.880]They bite into the orange.
- [00:02:32.520]So the cast office is really the place that we want to help you
- [00:02:35.845]sort of figure out the way that you need to adjust some of the
- [00:02:39.119]things that you've been doing to meet the demands of the college
- [00:02:42.496]environment.
- [00:02:43.480]But we also want to make sure that you're getting really
- [00:02:46.892]connected to all of the different like, support networks
- [00:02:50.304]and resources here on campus.
- [00:02:52.880]So what you're seeing popping up in the screen right now is what
- [00:02:56.250]I refer to as the cast greatest hits list.
- [00:02:59.080]Around week four of the semester, around the time first
- [00:03:03.074]exams hit, we tend to see a spike in the appointments in our
- [00:03:07.426]office and when students are coming in.
- [00:03:10.280]These are some of the things that they're saying to us over
- [00:03:12.651]and over and over again.
- [00:03:14.000]They tell us that they're falling behind in their classes
- [00:03:16.520]already, even in just in the first few weeks.
- [00:03:18.960]They talk about sitting in lectures and not knowing what to
- [00:03:21.596]take notes on or what's important in all the textbook
- [00:03:23.969]readings that they're doing.
- [00:03:25.720]They tell us that they just don't even understand what the
- [00:03:28.080]professors really want.
- [00:03:29.000]Some of the the language or the terminology being used is not
- [00:03:31.926]something that they're familiar with.
- [00:03:34.360]We have a lot of students that have never really failed a test
- [00:03:37.432]before or gotten anything less than an A, and maybe they just
- [00:03:40.455]bombed the first one.
- [00:03:42.120]We have a lot of students that come in and say things like I
- [00:03:44.994]don't know how to study because again, that looking over the
- [00:03:47.868]notes the night before the test suddenly isn't translating in
- [00:03:50.789]the college environment.
- [00:03:52.680]And we have a lot of students that come in and just say, I
- [00:03:55.662]don't really even understand what I'm doing wrong.
- [00:03:58.240]I've always done really well.
- [00:04:00.000]I don't know why I'm struggling.
- [00:04:01.760]So this is what the cast office can help with, right?
- [00:04:04.560]Like, this is kind of where we start and then students end up
- [00:04:07.312]coming into our office for a lot of other things, and we really
- [00:04:10.153]try to triage and help with as much as we can.
- [00:04:13.200]So the the things that you're seeing on the screen right now
- [00:04:16.234]are some of like major topics that we help students with.
- [00:04:19.400]There's a lot of academic stuff here, and a lot of the folks in
- [00:04:22.776]our office are are called academic success coaches.
- [00:04:25.800]We help with things like time management.
- [00:04:28.000]Time is one of the things that is hardest for students to
- [00:04:31.084]really kind of wrap their minds around because they really
- [00:04:34.222]haven't been in charge of their own time up to this point.
- [00:04:37.840]A lot of the things have been scheduled for them and we'll
- [00:04:39.843]talk a little bit more about that in a minute.
- [00:04:42.000]We go over a lot of what study skills are, what are some of the
- [00:04:45.080]different types of skills that you need to develop as a
- [00:04:47.775]student.
- [00:04:48.440]But then what are some of the things that you've already been
- [00:04:50.642]doing that you can just need to modify for this new college
- [00:04:52.773]environment?
- [00:04:53.800]We talk a lot about reading and note taking.
- [00:04:55.640]Those are two of the study skills that we dig into.
- [00:04:58.280]We talk about critical thinking.
- [00:04:59.720]How do we actually make connections between our real
- [00:05:02.563]life lived experiences and the things that we're learning in
- [00:05:05.836]our classes?
- [00:05:07.360]We definitely talk about test prep and test taking.
- [00:05:09.560]How do we prepare for a chemistry exam that might be
- [00:05:12.618]different than the way that we are preparing for an exam in one
- [00:05:16.312]of our English classes?
- [00:05:18.360]We talk a lot to students about just connecting to resources.
- [00:05:21.880]We always say if you have a question and you don't know
- [00:05:24.548]where to go, come to the cast office.
- [00:05:26.360]Because if we don't know it ourselves, we probably know who
- [00:05:29.420]we can get you in touch with, and we can make that a really
- [00:05:32.481]direct connection.
- [00:05:34.520]We talked to a lot of students about just the transition to
- [00:05:37.548]college and whatever life is after graduation.
- [00:05:41.120]Typically, students don't just work with our office in only the
- [00:05:44.272]1st semester of the first year.
- [00:05:45.800]We work with them throughout their time at UNL, and we even
- [00:05:48.833]work with graduate students and PhD students.
- [00:05:51.400]So it's all about helping people and students be the most
- [00:05:54.828]successful that they can in college and then with whatever
- [00:05:58.316]comes next, we deal with a lot of just the typical day-to-day
- [00:06:01.982]stressors that maybe you don't necessarily need to go to, like
- [00:06:05.706]a full blown counseling appointment appointment for.
- [00:06:09.080]But it might just be kind of the normal day-to-day things that
- [00:06:12.239]happen that sometimes we get a little bit overwhelmed
- [00:06:14.948]experiencing.
- [00:06:16.000]And honestly, college is the time when a lot of students are
- [00:06:19.469]figuring out what adulting actually looks like.
- [00:06:22.880]And sometimes it's nice to have an adult so that you can trust
- [00:06:26.591]and go to for some advice or even just for someone to talk to
- [00:06:30.244]when maybe mom or dad or some of the adults in our life that have
- [00:06:34.132]been there before aren't with us on campus now.
- [00:06:37.280]So a lot of students just come in to like, really get some good
- [00:06:41.302]adult listening and adult advice.
- [00:06:45.200]So a couple of the things that we'd like to tell students early
- [00:06:48.162]on, just as a way to help prep yourself for their the way that
- [00:06:51.079]your life is going to change as a college student.
- [00:06:54.040]Again, I've already talked about the fact that the teacher or the
- [00:06:57.137]professor is no longer going to be driving the learning bus.
- [00:07:00.200]It's really up to the students to do a lot of work themselves.
- [00:07:03.680]And there's actually something called the 8020 phenomenon that
- [00:07:06.814]trips a lot of students up when they come into college.
- [00:07:10.120]So the way this works in high school and all through K12
- [00:07:13.884]education, students did about 80% of the work in class with
- [00:07:17.847]the teacher.
- [00:07:18.640]That's why you're in class and in school for so much of the day
- [00:07:22.138]with back-to-back classes.
- [00:07:24.120]In college, it's the exact opposite.
- [00:07:26.720]You're only in class about 20% of the time with the professor,
- [00:07:31.070]but you're expected to do 80% of the work.
- [00:07:34.040]The reading the making yourself your own practice quizzes,
- [00:07:37.539]taking some notes, doing some studying or getting together and
- [00:07:41.277]tutoring or study groups.
- [00:07:43.240]You're expected to do that stuff outside of class.
- [00:07:46.040]And a lot of students just really aren't used to that
- [00:07:48.696]because high school it, it wasn't the same kind of demand.
- [00:07:52.480]So again, kind of thinking about our time, we also try to tell
- [00:07:56.170]students really early on about what is called the two to one
- [00:07:59.743]ratio, and this is a really easy way to do some math once you
- [00:08:03.375]sign up for your classes.
- [00:08:05.320]So when you sign up for college classes, you're taking something
- [00:08:07.950]called a credit hour.
- [00:08:09.440]OK, to be a full time student, you have to take at least 12
- [00:08:12.859]credit hours.
- [00:08:14.080]On average, students take about 15.
- [00:08:16.560]So to think about how much time you need to spend outside of
- [00:08:20.414]class studying, if you schedule your classes and you're taking
- [00:08:24.395]15 credit hours, you double that and you say, OK, 15 * 2 is 30.
- [00:08:28.800]I should expect to spend a minimum of 30 hours outside of
- [00:08:33.075]class every week just studying.
- [00:08:35.920]So if you start to do a little bit more math here, you see that
- [00:08:39.658]about 30 hours of studying outside of class, and then being
- [00:08:43.163]in class for about 15 hours a week, that's about 45 hours a
- [00:08:46.667]week.
- [00:08:47.040]That's a full time job.
- [00:08:49.280]Students, college is now your full time job.
- [00:08:51.840]So you need to think about treating it accordingly and how
- [00:08:54.258]you're going to really spend your time once you're on campus.
- [00:08:57.400]So to give you a quick visual, this is sort of what your life
- [00:09:00.713]has looked like in school up to this point, right?
- [00:09:03.440]If you went to school in the United States and you were in,
- [00:09:06.371]you know, kind of the traditional education, you went
- [00:09:09.009]to school at about 8:00 in the morning, You got done at about
- [00:09:12.038]3:00 or 3:30 after the in the afternoon, and it was
- [00:09:14.579]back-to-back to back classes all day long.
- [00:09:16.800]OK.
- [00:09:17.640]Again, in high school, we'd about 80% of our work inside
- [00:09:21.600]those school hours.
- [00:09:23.160]And then, yeah, we have some homework and some studying to do
- [00:09:26.503]outside, but Pretty Little.
- [00:09:28.560]OK, every college student I know has the exact same reaction when
- [00:09:32.313]they sign up for college classes for the first time, because this
- [00:09:36.066]is what a college schedule might look like on paper.
- [00:09:39.480]And for a student that just got out of high school and all
- [00:09:43.026]those, you know, 12 or 13 years of education where they're in
- [00:09:46.753]school all day, a schedule like this looks amazing.
- [00:09:49.880]OK, so every student has the exact same reaction when they
- [00:09:52.438]get their first college schedule and it's this.
- [00:09:55.400]OK, pump the Lego music, right?
- [00:09:57.080]Everything is awesome song because on paper it looks like,
- [00:10:00.362]Oh my gosh, I have all the free time in the world.
- [00:10:03.840]But like I just said, this is only 20% of your time in
- [00:10:07.611]college.
- [00:10:08.440]Now you need to fill all of these study hours in outside of
- [00:10:11.934]class that are about double, right the amount of credit hours
- [00:10:15.544]you're taking.
- [00:10:16.360]So this is 15 credit hours on paper.
- [00:10:19.440]So what you need to put in our study hours, which you see
- [00:10:22.731]coming up on the screen in blue, and then this is actually an
- [00:10:26.249]exercise.
- [00:10:26.760]My office helps students with just really mapping out a
- [00:10:29.404]schedule for themselves so they can get into a routine because a
- [00:10:32.474]routine helps us establish some good habits.
- [00:10:35.200]So we want to make sure we're getting enough sleep, we're
- [00:10:37.896]studying enough.
- [00:10:38.640]And if you actually count up all the hours here, this student
- [00:10:41.796]kind of padded in some extra study time, more of a three to
- [00:10:44.850]one ratio.
- [00:10:45.920]But then, this is also a student that has to work quite a bit
- [00:10:48.400]during the week to pay for college.
- [00:10:50.280]Maybe.
- [00:10:50.840]You know, on Monday nights, it looks like they joined a club.
- [00:10:53.280]They're going and getting some tutoring.
- [00:10:54.880]They're going to the professor's office hours.
- [00:10:57.040]This is it, actually a student that's hitting the gym a couple
- [00:10:59.990]days a week, right?
- [00:11:00.880]Eating all of their meals every day, doing some laundry.
- [00:11:04.840]This is a student that's rocking it.
- [00:11:06.520]And they still have some free time leftover in their schedule.
- [00:11:09.920]OK, so this is just one little exercise and one little tool
- [00:11:13.296]that the coaches in the cast office can help students do.
- [00:11:16.960]Even over the summer.
- [00:11:18.240]Once you've got your schedule kind of locked down and you're
- [00:11:21.433]enrolled in classes, you can start to build out a sample
- [00:11:24.417]schedule like this for yourself to put the good habits in place
- [00:11:27.767]early when you get back to campus.
- [00:11:31.000]So some of the ways that we actually help students, one of
- [00:11:34.484]the most popular and the things that you know, we probably love
- [00:11:38.264]the most about our jobs is the one-on-one academic success
- [00:11:41.748]coaching.
- [00:11:42.800]This is an opportunity for the staff in the cast office to sit
- [00:11:46.051]down with students one-on-one.
- [00:11:47.680]We get to know a little bit about you, who you are, where
- [00:11:50.588]you come from, what are you really excited about and
- [00:11:53.246]enjoying about college?
- [00:11:54.800]And then also what are we struggling with?
- [00:11:56.680]What questions do we have?
- [00:11:58.200]Are there things that we're just kind of not understanding or we
- [00:12:00.883]need a little guidance with?
- [00:12:02.480]And then these appointments, it's not just a one and done
- [00:12:05.380]thing.
- [00:12:05.680]Students can come back and meet with a coach as much as they
- [00:12:08.156]want.
- [00:12:08.840]Some students, we might see them once or twice a semester and
- [00:12:11.668]then they're off and running and they get a good routine in
- [00:12:14.406]place.
- [00:12:15.080]Other students might want to set up a weekly, bi, weekly, monthly
- [00:12:18.395]appointments so they can come back and have somebody who's
- [00:12:21.359]just checking in and holding them accountable.
- [00:12:24.280]So all of these appointments take place either in the cast
- [00:12:27.358]office between 8:00 and 5:00 in person, or we have some zoom
- [00:12:30.540]options available.
- [00:12:33.360]Another thing that we do in cast is Study Stop which is free
- [00:12:36.566]tutoring.
- [00:12:37.440]You really should never have to pay for tutoring on a college
- [00:12:40.531]campus, OK?
- [00:12:41.080]There are resource centers across campus.
- [00:12:43.640]Study Stop is run by the Center for Academic Success and
- [00:12:46.925]Transition.
- [00:12:47.560]So the cast office and we have a couple different options
- [00:12:50.452]available for students.
- [00:12:51.920]We have one-on-one appointments which are held during the
- [00:12:54.815]regular business hours 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday.
- [00:12:58.120]And this is a chance for students to sign up for 30
- [00:13:00.778]minutes minute appointments to sit down one-on-one with a tutor
- [00:13:04.050]and really get some in depth help.
- [00:13:06.560]We also have drop in tutoring hours Monday through Thursday
- [00:13:09.582]from 5:00 to 8:00 PM.
- [00:13:11.040]It's free.
- [00:13:11.760]Students don't even have to register or anything, they just
- [00:13:14.618]show up.
- [00:13:15.280]And we try to really staff all of our tutoring or the classes
- [00:13:19.279]that we hear students struggling with the most or asking for help
- [00:13:23.536]with the most.
- [00:13:24.760]So if you don't see one of the classes that you're struggling
- [00:13:28.831]with on our study stop schedule, reach out to our office.
- [00:13:32.640]Because if we don't have a tutor hired, we might need to look for
- [00:13:35.486]somebody to fill that position or we might have somebody in
- [00:13:38.074]mind that we can get you in touch with.
- [00:13:40.400]So again, you shouldn't have to pay for tutoring on a college
- [00:13:44.517]campus and expect to seek out tutoring, OK?
- [00:13:47.440]This is a resource that you've paid for as part of your
- [00:13:50.075]tuition, so if you're really struggling in classes, there's
- [00:13:52.898]there's kind of not a reason for it.
- [00:13:54.640]There's all these resources that you've already paid for, so
- [00:13:57.207]start tapping into them really early, really quickly.
- [00:13:59.480]I want to point our families and guests to a a really great
- [00:14:02.774]resource that can actually help you stay engaged with your
- [00:14:06.014]student and just kind of help remind them of some of the
- [00:14:09.145]things that are coming up and can be really helpful because
- [00:14:12.440]honestly, starting college is really, really overwhelming.
- [00:14:15.920]So sometimes like parents and family, giving students some
- [00:14:19.050]reminders is a is a really great idea.
- [00:14:21.720]So what our offices put together is what we call the first six
- [00:14:25.225]weeks success checklist and it this is literally a checklist of
- [00:14:28.786]things that we recommend students do week by week
- [00:14:31.569]throughout the first six weeks of the semester.
- [00:14:34.600]And it's really a great way to get them in touch with all of
- [00:14:37.803]the resources on campus that students generally need.
- [00:14:41.120]And it's a way for them to kind of go and seek out some of the
- [00:14:44.588]different activities and support that will help them just really
- [00:14:48.167]get familiar and comfortable with campus.
- [00:14:51.120]So if you notice, this checklist actually starts the week before
- [00:14:54.347]classes begin, because there's some of these things that you
- [00:14:57.376]can start doing to set yourself up for success.
- [00:14:59.760]Like, we know that summer is kind of, you know, either a fun
- [00:15:02.844]time for a lot of folks or it's a time where they're working a
- [00:15:06.029]lot and they might not have a regular sleep schedule.
- [00:15:09.040]Starting to adjust that before you arrive on campus can
- [00:15:11.792]actually help.
- [00:15:13.040]Doing things like making sure you have your parking pass
- [00:15:15.809]purchased if you're bringing the car to campus, or making sure
- [00:15:18.869]that you've looked at the latest copy of your schedule and you
- [00:15:21.930]know where all of your classes are meeting before you get here.
- [00:15:25.880]It goes like that week by week, parents and guests that are here
- [00:15:29.691]today or watching this.
- [00:15:31.040]You can actually download this on the Cast website
- [00:15:35.012] and just have a copy ready.
- [00:15:38.440]So when you're reaching out and engaging with your student, you
- [00:15:41.058]can just ask them if they're doing some of the things on this
- [00:15:43.595]list.
- [00:15:45.240]And then last but not least, our social media channels are
- [00:15:47.979]actually a really great way to kind of stay up on some of the
- [00:15:50.858]important information.
- [00:15:52.280]But then we do have some newsletters that, you know,
- [00:15:54.815]students can sign up for different folks on campus, sign
- [00:15:57.542]up for, and then also families and guests.
- [00:15:59.760]It's a way for you to kind of stay in the loop with some of
- [00:16:02.160]the information that we're putting out there for students.
- [00:16:04.960]And we try to send messages that are really timely certain times
- [00:16:08.024]of the year, like when we know students are starting to lose
- [00:16:10.901]some motivation because they're getting overwhelmed.
- [00:16:13.680]Or when we're wanting to remind them that things are coming up,
- [00:16:17.222]like paying their bills or studying for finals.
- [00:16:20.280]So you can follow us on all the social media channels, you can
- [00:16:23.355]scan the QR code and get signed up for our newsletter.
- [00:16:26.560]And I guess most of all, what we want you to walk away
- [00:16:30.125]remembering is there's always someone there to help you at the
- [00:16:34.210]university and the cast office is a really great place to
- [00:16:37.970]start.
- [00:16:38.800]So if you kind of forget everything or you start to feel
- [00:16:41.959]really overwhelmed as the summer comes to a close and you're
- [00:16:45.340]getting ready to arrive on campus and start this journey,
- [00:16:48.554]just remember the Center for Academic Success and Transition
- [00:16:51.935]has a lot of folks who are here to help support you and help you
- [00:16:55.538]learn how to peel the college orange and not have a unpleasant
- [00:16:59.030]experience.
- [00:17:00.160]Thank you so much.
- [00:17:01.280]We are so excited to see you in August go Big Red.
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