Interpreting Your Financial Aid Offer
Interpreting Your Financial Aid Offer
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- [00:00:03.300]All right.
- [00:00:04.470]Well, welcome to Interpreting Your Financial Aid Offer.
- [00:00:08.100]My name is Kayla Tupper.
- [00:00:09.930]I work in the Office of Admissions
- [00:00:11.310]at the University of Nebraska.
- [00:00:12.870]On behalf of myself, Husker Hub,
- [00:00:15.450]our Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid,
- [00:00:16.890]we're so excited for you to join us tonight.
- [00:00:19.440]During this session,
- [00:00:20.280]we'll walk through the financial aid offer,
- [00:00:22.500]help you understand what you're looking at
- [00:00:24.990]when you do get that financial aid offer,
- [00:00:27.630]which hopefully will be very soon here.
- [00:00:30.480]We're also gonna go through some terminology,
- [00:00:32.490]just some updates.
- [00:00:33.330]So this is a really good informational session
- [00:00:37.290]about what comes next when it comes to federal aid.
- [00:00:41.370]Like I mentioned, this session is recorded
- [00:00:43.230]so we will post this session at a very future date here soon
- [00:00:47.610]so that way you'll be able to view this session
- [00:00:49.770]if you have to step out, take care of another child,
- [00:00:52.860]so you can always come back.
- [00:00:54.480]If you have a neighbor, a best friend,
- [00:00:56.700]who wasn't able to come tonight
- [00:00:58.050]due to lots of different schedule reasons,
- [00:01:00.750]we'll be able to post this as well
- [00:01:02.310]for anybody who is not able to attend.
- [00:01:04.020]This will be accessible very, very soon here.
- [00:01:08.460]Now this is a webinar feature,
- [00:01:10.110]so we will be using the Q&A function
- [00:01:12.930]at the bottom of your screen.
- [00:01:14.910]So about the whole entire presentation,
- [00:01:16.800]you can ask questions.
- [00:01:18.030]So if you have a question you wanna ask in real time,
- [00:01:19.943]you can definitely use that Q&A function.
- [00:01:22.590]Some of the questions might be really, really good,
- [00:01:24.210]so we'll just hold them till the very, very end
- [00:01:26.100]and ask them out loud so everyone can hear the responses,
- [00:01:30.030]or you could wait till the very end,
- [00:01:31.800]we will have a whole entire time at the very end
- [00:01:33.720]to ask questions as well.
- [00:01:35.820]Now we'll be with you all until about eight o'clock tonight.
- [00:01:38.940]We did host the session on Tuesday
- [00:01:40.530]and we went to about the eight o'clock hour.
- [00:01:42.270]So the goal is to give you as much information
- [00:01:44.700]as we can tonight,
- [00:01:45.840]but to also answer as many questions too.
- [00:01:48.030]And we did that on Tuesday,
- [00:01:49.170]so I feel very, very confident
- [00:01:51.330]we'll be able to do it tonight.
- [00:01:52.260]So this is your time to ask as many questions as you can
- [00:01:55.500]and we'll get your questions
- [00:01:56.820]as thoroughly answered as possible.
- [00:02:00.210]Alright, without further ado,
- [00:02:02.130]I'm gonna pass it over to my colleague,
- [00:02:03.960]our Associate Director at Husker Hub, Kristy Saunders.
- [00:02:06.600]Kristy, take it away.
- [00:02:09.600]Hello everyone.
- [00:02:11.370]You may recognize me
- [00:02:12.600]if you've attended any of our other webinars
- [00:02:14.850]earlier this semester
- [00:02:16.560]or just say you came to our Admitted Student Day.
- [00:02:19.530]So if you have been to the other webinars,
- [00:02:21.720]thank you for once again coming back and hanging out with me
- [00:02:25.170]and hearing a little bit more about your financial aid offer
- [00:02:28.140]and just some general information about the FAFSA.
- [00:02:31.680]So now for those of you
- [00:02:32.730]that have attended either Admitted Student Day
- [00:02:35.070]or our previous webinar,
- [00:02:36.780]just know the first couple of slides
- [00:02:38.430]are gonna be review for you.
- [00:02:40.020]But just in case any of your folks
- [00:02:41.550]have not attended any of those sessions,
- [00:02:43.410]I wanna make sure you still get this information.
- [00:02:45.960]So for those who maybe say like,
- [00:02:48.457]"Hey, I've seen that slide before,"
- [00:02:50.580]just hang with me, I promise you new information is coming.
- [00:02:55.650]So to jump in,
- [00:02:56.760]I just first wanna chat about the FAFSA
- [00:02:58.830]since this is definitely
- [00:03:01.560]experiencing something very new this year
- [00:03:04.170]much of which good, some of which a little bit delayed.
- [00:03:07.440]So just to start the FAFSA
- [00:03:09.210]is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- [00:03:11.820]and I always to highlight that
- [00:03:13.170]because of that first F free.
- [00:03:15.750]Right around this time of year
- [00:03:17.220]is when you're gonna start getting ads
- [00:03:19.200]or essentially like different offices reaching out saying,
- [00:03:23.497]"Hey, for 50 bucks I can file your FAFSA for you
- [00:03:26.250]and guarantee you X, Y and Z."
- [00:03:28.920]Never pay to file your FAFSA.
- [00:03:30.810]There are plenty of free services such as us in Husker Hub
- [00:03:35.220]as well as other community resources such as Education Quest
- [00:03:39.210]or even many more within your own communities
- [00:03:41.280]if you're an out-of-state student.
- [00:03:43.110]Please never pay someone to file your FAFSA,
- [00:03:45.600]we can help you without having to pay a dime.
- [00:03:49.290]So the FAFSA form is essentially the application
- [00:03:52.980]that you fill out in order to be eligible
- [00:03:54.990]for need-based financial aid consideration
- [00:03:57.840]as well as for federal student loans.
- [00:04:00.750]So this could include financial support from the government,
- [00:04:03.960]whether it be state or federal,
- [00:04:05.520]as well as some other sources to help you afford college.
- [00:04:09.360]Something you probably hear pretty often
- [00:04:11.130]is that financial aid is offered
- [00:04:13.320]on a first come first serve basis
- [00:04:15.810]and we know that that terminology this year
- [00:04:18.300]is a little scary considering the FAFSA has been delayed,
- [00:04:21.660]it's been a bit of a rocky rollout here and there.
- [00:04:24.300]So I wanna make sure that you are aware
- [00:04:26.340]that the priority deadline with what we're looking at
- [00:04:29.550]for that first come first serve piece
- [00:04:31.920]is you just need to get your FAFSA into us
- [00:04:33.930]prior to the priority deadline,
- [00:04:36.420]which recently has been extended.
- [00:04:39.030]So if you did not hear the priority deadline for Nebraska
- [00:04:42.300]has been extended to May 15th,
- [00:04:45.060]and if you qualify for the Nebraska Promise,
- [00:04:48.090]you will then actually have until June 1st.
- [00:04:50.700]So I'll chat a bit about the eligibility criteria
- [00:04:53.550]for Nebraska Promise later in this presentation.
- [00:04:56.580]So if you're not sure if you meet that criteria,
- [00:04:58.890]we'll chat about it in a bit.
- [00:05:00.600]But I hope that takes some weight off your shoulders
- [00:05:02.790]if just say you are struggling getting that FAFSA in
- [00:05:05.370]or if you do need some extra assistance,
- [00:05:07.410]just remember we are here for you,
- [00:05:09.060]we have been literally helping people file FAFSAs
- [00:05:11.160]like crazy the last couple weeks, so we are happy to help.
- [00:05:14.910]So we are anticipating that financial aid offers
- [00:05:17.880]are going to be released starting later this month.
- [00:05:20.670]So if you were in this webinar saying,
- [00:05:22.447]"Oh, man! I haven't had a financial aid offer yet.
- [00:05:24.660]Is something wrong?"
- [00:05:25.920]Don't worry, we have not started releasing those yet.
- [00:05:28.950]We are hoping to release them by the end of this month.
- [00:05:31.260]So this webinar is basically giving you the tools
- [00:05:34.470]so that way when you do receive your financial aid offer,
- [00:05:37.320]you'll know exactly how to use it, how to read it,
- [00:05:39.930]and essentially know what that terminology is
- [00:05:42.000]that is gonna be used
- [00:05:42.930]by a lot of different schools as well as us.
- [00:05:46.590]So some FAFSA form highlights.
- [00:05:48.780]For those of you
- [00:05:49.613]that may have had multiple students go through college
- [00:05:51.870]or you yourself have ever filed a FAFSA before,
- [00:05:54.900]there have been some major changes this year
- [00:05:57.420]and that's why you've been seeing these delays happen,
- [00:06:00.480]even though the delays are not great,
- [00:06:02.640]the changes are fantastic.
- [00:06:05.460]So some of the things to note,
- [00:06:07.350]one, you may have heard an old term
- [00:06:10.020]called Expected Family Contribution,
- [00:06:12.300]that is no longer going to be used,
- [00:06:14.370]the new term is Student Aid Index,
- [00:06:17.250]and this is essentially the number
- [00:06:19.200]that is calculated after you put everything into your FAFSA,
- [00:06:23.790]it will send you a FAFSA submission summary
- [00:06:26.670]which will give you Student Aid Index or SAI.
- [00:06:30.300]And this is essentially the number that we use
- [00:06:32.460]to determine if you are eligible for need-based aid,
- [00:06:36.120]which I'll go into what that exactly entails,
- [00:06:39.060]but essentially it's that those grants and the aid
- [00:06:42.330]that you do not have to repay for the most part.
- [00:06:46.110]So along with changing the terminology
- [00:06:48.780]from Expected Family Contribution to Student Aid Index,
- [00:06:52.200]they completely reformulated the formula
- [00:06:55.350]that they used to determine that number.
- [00:06:57.900]So now we are absolutely expecting
- [00:07:00.870]that in general students are gonna be much more eligible
- [00:07:04.440]for need-based aids such as Federal Pell grants.
- [00:07:07.680]So we expect to increase access overall for our students
- [00:07:12.360]to be able to receive
- [00:07:13.920]even when it comes down to state and institutional aid.
- [00:07:17.850]So while I know these delays have been anxiety inducing,
- [00:07:21.810]the changes are bringing good things.
- [00:07:24.690]So we are excited to see everyone's aid packages
- [00:07:28.140]once we are able to get those rolled out,
- [00:07:30.270]and we are very hopeful that the impact of these updates
- [00:07:33.930]is going to be good for you and your families.
- [00:07:37.440]So now you have filed your FAFSA,
- [00:07:41.130]and let's just say that you have filed your FAFSA
- [00:07:43.260]and you received a notification saying,
- [00:07:45.660]you might need to make corrections
- [00:07:47.520]or just so you're missing a signature
- [00:07:49.470]or something along those lines.
- [00:07:51.180]Up until this week,
- [00:07:52.890]students could not get in to make corrections
- [00:07:55.500]as part as that soft launch period for this new FAFSA.
- [00:07:59.400]This week, they opened corrections for everybody.
- [00:08:02.460]So if you have received a notification
- [00:08:05.460]saying you need to make a correction
- [00:08:07.140]or just say you need to add us on as school code,
- [00:08:09.750]you can do so now.
- [00:08:11.280]So if you haven't already done so, definitely log in,
- [00:08:14.220]and see if you're able to make those corrections.
- [00:08:16.800]If you run into any roadblocks
- [00:08:18.300]or you have any questions about those corrections,
- [00:08:20.940]definitely reach out to us
- [00:08:22.080]and we can kind of help you navigate that.
- [00:08:24.570]But the good news is if you've been waiting patiently
- [00:08:27.120]for that to open, it's now available.
- [00:08:29.790]So once you have your FAFSA filed
- [00:08:32.220]and you see in your MyRED portal,
- [00:08:34.470]you'll see FAFSA received in your checklists,
- [00:08:37.350]that means you know we received it.
- [00:08:39.540]So if you see that there,
- [00:08:41.010]essentially from here
- [00:08:41.970]you're gonna monitor your MyRED account
- [00:08:44.100]and submit any additional requested documents
- [00:08:46.440]as soon as possible
- [00:08:47.932]so that way we can maximize your aid options.
- [00:08:50.430]So if you see that FAFSA form in there
- [00:08:53.100]but you don't see any additional checklists on items,
- [00:08:55.170]that's okay,
- [00:08:56.003]that just means we might not need anything else from you.
- [00:08:58.980]If you do see any checklist items,
- [00:09:00.840]be sure to do so and complete them as quickly as possible
- [00:09:04.440]since we do actually manually like actually complete those
- [00:09:08.610]as well as update your FAFSA.
- [00:09:10.320]So that can take a little bit of time.
- [00:09:13.500]So of course continue to check your inbox for updates
- [00:09:16.260]regarding your financial aid.
- [00:09:17.790]Like I said, this month we are expecting to be able
- [00:09:20.820]to send out this financial aid offer notification,
- [00:09:24.120]and if you have a student who's attended UNL in the past,
- [00:09:27.406]you might remember that we actually sent it out
- [00:09:30.270]via postal mail,
- [00:09:31.800]well, this year we're actually gonna send it through email
- [00:09:34.410]and that's so that way we can get it to your hands
- [00:09:36.570]as quickly as possible,
- [00:09:38.310]we don't want you to have to wait for that postage time.
- [00:09:40.830]So we'll be sending it to through email
- [00:09:43.320]and also it'll be viewable in your students' MyRED account.
- [00:09:47.550]Also in MyRED, you also be able to accept
- [00:09:50.250]or decline those awards right under that financial aid tab
- [00:09:53.460]to secure your financial aid once it is offered.
- [00:09:57.810]So like I said, you might have some additional documentation
- [00:10:00.300]you might need to submit,
- [00:10:01.560]and one of the other big perks of this new FAFSA
- [00:10:04.320]is that we anticipate
- [00:10:05.460]that much, much less documentation will be needed
- [00:10:09.330]and fewer students in general
- [00:10:11.010]will be selected for federal verification
- [00:10:13.500]or just need to give us more information overall.
- [00:10:16.740]So our hope is that most of you, if not all of you,
- [00:10:19.680]that are on this webinar
- [00:10:20.880]won't need to submit anything extra.
- [00:10:23.190]But if you do, a lot of people ask why,
- [00:10:26.010]like I already gave you this information on the FAFSA,
- [00:10:28.110]why do I need to sign off on a document
- [00:10:30.570]saying that this is real or this is true.
- [00:10:33.840]So here's some of the general reasons
- [00:10:35.430]that we see why we might need
- [00:10:37.200]some additional documentation from you.
- [00:10:39.180]Probably the most common
- [00:10:40.680]is resolving conflicting information on the FAFSA.
- [00:10:43.830]And from that,
- [00:10:45.120]probably one of the most common things we see is,
- [00:10:47.400]let's just say in 2022 when you filed your taxes,
- [00:10:51.480]you were married,
- [00:10:53.820]and then now in 2024, you are no longer married.
- [00:10:57.660]Right there you would have married filing jointly
- [00:11:00.210]as your tax status but then your marital status is single.
- [00:11:03.870]So right there we would just might need
- [00:11:05.430]some additional documentation
- [00:11:06.690]to make sure we have the correct status on file for you
- [00:11:09.450]and that we also make sure that we removing that income
- [00:11:12.660]that may not be needed so that way your SAI is accurate.
- [00:11:17.190]One of the other most common ones
- [00:11:18.240]just verifying your identity,
- [00:11:19.770]we wanna make sure that you are the one receiving your aid,
- [00:11:23.070]and so that's usually really quick,
- [00:11:24.420]we just need to see your ID, have you sign up on a form,
- [00:11:27.240]and then you're good to go.
- [00:11:29.430]Correcting mistakes,
- [00:11:30.510]this used to be a much bigger need
- [00:11:33.690]for additional documentation in the past.
- [00:11:35.640]But with the streamlined FAFSA,
- [00:11:37.650]we are hopeful there will be much fewer mistakes
- [00:11:39.780]than there have been in the past,
- [00:11:41.160]but of course it can happen,
- [00:11:42.600]if you make a typo
- [00:11:43.740]or if you self input your tax information,
- [00:11:46.410]if we do need to update something,
- [00:11:48.090]we will definitely need some documentation there.
- [00:11:50.550]And of course, if just say you, as a student,
- [00:11:53.130]left off parent or guardian information
- [00:11:55.290]when they should have been included,
- [00:11:56.820]we will need to have your parents' information
- [00:11:58.890]in order to continue the FAFSA.
- [00:12:01.170]So once you submit those documents, like I said,
- [00:12:03.540]we go through those manually,
- [00:12:05.310]a person reviews them and updates your FAFSA manually
- [00:12:08.160]so that can take a bit of time.
- [00:12:09.570]So we always say it can take about two to three weeks
- [00:12:11.880]for us to process those documents
- [00:12:13.650]depending on the time of year.
- [00:12:15.240]So that's why we say get them in as quickly as possible
- [00:12:18.660]so that way we don't have to wait to get you that aid offer.
- [00:12:23.850]Now, okay, all the people that were at Admitted Student Day
- [00:12:26.790]and everywhere else come back to me,
- [00:12:28.290]it's new information now I promise.
- [00:12:30.870]So now we're getting into
- [00:12:32.970]how to interpret your financial aid offer, all right.
- [00:12:35.610]Now I know you don't have your financial aid offer yet
- [00:12:38.370]so you might be thinking like,
- [00:12:39.660]I'm not gonna remember all of this
- [00:12:41.220]when I receive this in a couple of weeks.
- [00:12:43.350]Well, we do have this website we created
- [00:12:46.350]that this link will also be included
- [00:12:48.900]in that email you receive that actually gives an overview
- [00:12:52.230]very similar to what I'm gonna go through now.
- [00:12:54.810]So when you do receive your financial aid offer,
- [00:12:56.940]please use this as a tool
- [00:12:58.830]just so that way you can review this information
- [00:13:00.750]and make sure that you are understanding it
- [00:13:03.150]to the best that you can
- [00:13:05.430]as well as get the same information
- [00:13:07.770]that I'm giving tonight but at a later date.
- [00:13:11.520]So some terminology for you.
- [00:13:13.650]So I've been saying this a lot, need-based aid,
- [00:13:16.440]what does this mean?
- [00:13:17.730]So need-based aid is essentially things such as grants,
- [00:13:22.110]which is free money to help you earn your degree
- [00:13:24.600]with no repayment required.
- [00:13:26.670]And most of these grants, federal, state, and institutional,
- [00:13:29.670]are based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
- [00:13:33.090]So essentially that Student Aid Index or SAI
- [00:13:36.660]is the number we use that essentially tells us
- [00:13:39.510]if a student is within the need-based range for aid.
- [00:13:43.980]Also federal student loans,
- [00:13:45.540]a lot of people don't realize
- [00:13:46.830]there actually is a need-based loan that you're eligible for
- [00:13:50.550]and that is called a subsidized loan.
- [00:13:52.560]So a federal student loan is essentially a fund
- [00:13:56.130]that will help you pay for your education,
- [00:13:58.080]however you do need to repay it with interest.
- [00:14:00.960]You do not need to start making any sort of payments
- [00:14:03.360]to these loans until after you graduate,
- [00:14:06.000]and the interest rate is actually pretty reasonable,
- [00:14:08.700]and definitely much more reasonable
- [00:14:10.710]than you'd find from alternative sources,
- [00:14:13.110]if just say you try to find a loan elsewhere.
- [00:14:15.750]If you are eligible for a subsidized loan,
- [00:14:17.700]that means you actually will not need to accrue interest
- [00:14:20.190]on that loan while you are enrolled in school.
- [00:14:22.620]So we always tell folks if you have to take out loans
- [00:14:26.010]of just say you know you need that additional help
- [00:14:28.380]and you are eligible for subsidized loans,
- [00:14:30.690]always start with subsidized
- [00:14:32.520]before moving into its counterpart, unsubsidized.
- [00:14:36.360]They both are lovely loans in comparison to other sources
- [00:14:39.990]but if you can not have to accrue interest,
- [00:14:42.660]you know sign me up much better.
- [00:14:44.910]The other need-based aid option
- [00:14:46.680]you're most likely going to see is work study.
- [00:14:49.560]And this is essentially an award
- [00:14:51.330]that you'll see on your offer
- [00:14:53.460]that allows for you to gain work experience
- [00:14:56.490]through part-time jobs for those who have financial need
- [00:14:59.580]and if you would like to work while you're in school,
- [00:15:02.130]these jobs average about 10 to 20 hours per week
- [00:15:04.950]and they can be on or off campus.
- [00:15:07.380]So this award is a little different than your other aids
- [00:15:10.140]since it actually will just be paid out to you
- [00:15:12.030]like a normal paycheck.
- [00:15:13.560]So this is really great
- [00:15:14.790]for some of those more personal expenses
- [00:15:16.740]which we'll talk about that in just a second.
- [00:15:20.520]So some other just kind of terminology for you.
- [00:15:24.060]So when we're talking about cost of attendance,
- [00:15:27.600]when we look at that big number,
- [00:15:28.950]it is not just what you should be paying
- [00:15:32.070]towards us as the institution,
- [00:15:34.050]it's essentially anything that we expect you to pay for
- [00:15:37.470]while you are enrolled.
- [00:15:38.730]So some of those things are gonna be things
- [00:15:40.410]that you will not actually have billed directly to you,
- [00:15:43.320]they'll just be things you might need in your life
- [00:15:45.450]like hygiene items like dental floss
- [00:15:48.600]or your books and supplies for your classes.
- [00:15:51.480]You may not be paying that to your bill
- [00:15:53.370]but you will have to pay for it during your time at UNL.
- [00:15:56.280]So when you're talking about a cost of attendance,
- [00:15:58.950]there's going to be
- [00:16:00.300]those items that are billed by the university,
- [00:16:02.490]which is typically called direct items,
- [00:16:06.450]or the other items which are just indirect,
- [00:16:09.630]meaning we expect you to have to buy this,
- [00:16:11.520]we want you to be aware of it and budget for it,
- [00:16:13.980]but you don't need to worry
- [00:16:15.300]about this being part of your bill.
- [00:16:17.640]So the typical items you would see would be tuition,
- [00:16:22.080]which is essentially the charge
- [00:16:23.850]for your enrollment in a course,
- [00:16:25.710]here in Nebraska we charge by the credit hour.
- [00:16:28.290]And so essentially your tuition
- [00:16:29.910]for a number of credit hours you're enrolled in
- [00:16:32.130]would be directly billed to your account.
- [00:16:35.160]Also fees, which these are variable costs
- [00:16:38.070]based on those courses you take
- [00:16:39.840]as well as some of those general mandatory fees
- [00:16:42.540]that support student services, technology,
- [00:16:45.390]and of course the library,
- [00:16:46.830]and all the resources that come along with that.
- [00:16:50.160]If you live on campus
- [00:16:51.660]then you also would be billed for housing and food,
- [00:16:54.510]and so that includes your residence hall and your meal plan.
- [00:16:58.800]So for the items that are not billed to you,
- [00:17:01.320]that would be like your books and supplies
- [00:17:04.170]as well as transportation and personal expenses.
- [00:17:07.350]So the cost for maintaining
- [00:17:09.660]and filling up the gas of your car to go visit your family,
- [00:17:12.990]and of course like I said, your hygiene items.
- [00:17:15.180]So these are things just to budget for
- [00:17:17.190]as we are looking at this breakdown.
- [00:17:20.340]So now we're getting into the example offer.
- [00:17:23.640]So like I said,
- [00:17:24.473]this is kind of where that direct and indirect come in
- [00:17:27.090]when we're talking about how to read this.
- [00:17:29.725]So overall, the offer is supposed to give you
- [00:17:32.580]a very in-depth look at your aid offer options
- [00:17:37.230]as well as how it compares to what we estimate
- [00:17:40.470]to be the cost of attendance while you're here.
- [00:17:43.350]So for this example, Student Herbie Husker,
- [00:17:47.520]as you can see he was actually awarded the Nebraska Promise.
- [00:17:51.150]So if you are Nebraska Promise eligible,
- [00:17:53.280]you will see this wonderful logo
- [00:17:54.960]up in the top right hand corner
- [00:17:56.970]as well as see that you have met the criteria
- [00:17:59.580]for Nebraska Promise,
- [00:18:00.990]which is a program that essentially guarantees
- [00:18:04.110]grants and scholarships to cover the cost or tuition
- [00:18:06.420]for 15 credit hours per semester.
- [00:18:09.420]So this will give you that bird's eye view.
- [00:18:11.760]So essentially for the skimmers of the world,
- [00:18:14.190]if you're like, I just want to know exactly
- [00:18:16.530]what my direct cost is going to be,
- [00:18:19.080]this will be the number for you.
- [00:18:21.090]This will show you the estimated cost
- [00:18:22.890]of direct cost of attendance,
- [00:18:25.260]meaning those items that will actually be billed to you
- [00:18:28.530]directly from us.
- [00:18:30.030]So that's 24,554 for an in-state student,
- [00:18:34.500]all of your scholarships and grants
- [00:18:36.240]that you have been awarded so far
- [00:18:38.370]as well as your student loan options,
- [00:18:40.320]and this number right here would be your yearly cost
- [00:18:44.250]so you could split that in two between semesters.
- [00:18:47.820]So from there then we get into more detail.
- [00:18:52.170]So this will help of just say, one,
- [00:18:54.600]you're thinking like, okay, I might be switching up,
- [00:18:58.410]I might not have the exact cost of attendance
- [00:19:01.350]because the cost of attendance actually
- [00:19:03.600]is based off of 15 credit hours per semester
- [00:19:06.600]at the base level of tuition.
- [00:19:08.940]So let's just say you're like,
- [00:19:09.930]I already know
- [00:19:11.070]I'm gonna be taking 18 credit hours per semester.
- [00:19:13.770]I also know that I'm gonna be upgrading my housing.
- [00:19:16.560]So having this breakdown to see where your costs may differ
- [00:19:20.100]is very helpful for you for budgeting.
- [00:19:23.310]Also if just say you're not planning to take out loans
- [00:19:26.850]or maybe you're thinking of only taking out
- [00:19:28.860]just the amount you need, which is what we recommend,
- [00:19:32.010]this is also fantastic,
- [00:19:33.360]so that way you can see how much you might owe
- [00:19:36.150]without accepting loans
- [00:19:37.620]and you can start thinking about budgeting,
- [00:19:39.780]and how much you might need to save going into this summer
- [00:19:42.990]to see how much you can pay without getting any loans
- [00:19:46.680]on that offer as well.
- [00:19:49.680]So this first section you're going to see
- [00:19:52.110]is once again breaking down
- [00:19:53.490]that estimated cost of attendance.
- [00:19:55.740]So you're going to see the direct cost here
- [00:19:59.040]as well as that estimated direct cost
- [00:20:00.690]which matches that number in the first page,
- [00:20:03.180]and then you're gonna see these indirect costs as well
- [00:20:05.790]like we're talking about those books, supplies, travel,
- [00:20:08.760]personal expenses,
- [00:20:09.960]to make up the full estimated cost of attendance
- [00:20:12.870]for an in-state student.
- [00:20:16.440]From there, we go into scholarships and grants.
- [00:20:19.950]So this is where we go into that gift aid
- [00:20:22.140]that does not need to be repaid,
- [00:20:24.030]and this also will include
- [00:20:25.650]any scholarship offers you received.
- [00:20:27.510]So this may also include the scholarships
- [00:20:29.730]that you already were notified of earlier this semester.
- [00:20:33.390]So something to be aware of is that most scholarships
- [00:20:36.600]either can be renewable or non-renewable.
- [00:20:38.670]So just make sure you are aware
- [00:20:40.260]of which ones are renewable for your future planning.
- [00:20:43.890]And also most scholarships, if they are renewable,
- [00:20:46.440]do have criteria you must meet each year
- [00:20:49.830]to keep that scholarship.
- [00:20:51.480]Oftentimes, it could be
- [00:20:52.500]taking a certain number of credit hours per year
- [00:20:55.350]or maintaining a certain GPA.
- [00:20:57.870]So when you received your scholarship notification,
- [00:21:00.630]it should have come with a little guide,
- [00:21:02.220]I think it's go.unl/schguide
- [00:21:05.430]which will give you
- [00:21:06.570]all of the renewal criteria for our scholarships.
- [00:21:09.510]So I always tell folks bookmark that,
- [00:21:11.580]because when you're a sophomore and you're like,
- [00:21:13.687]"How many credits I need to take again for my regents?"
- [00:21:16.410]You have that there right there that you can look through
- [00:21:19.320]to make sure that you plan accordingly.
- [00:21:22.320]So scholarships and grants,
- [00:21:24.000]we'll break down each of the items that you have received
- [00:21:28.050]and then give you the total
- [00:21:29.220]as well as the total per semester,
- [00:21:31.230]and then this line in gray
- [00:21:33.180]is going to be the estimated total net price.
- [00:21:35.520]So this also includes those indirect costs up there.
- [00:21:40.080]But if just say you are like,
- [00:21:41.790]I would like to try to take out as little loans as possible,
- [00:21:45.060]this is the number you should look at
- [00:21:47.130]when you're thinking about how much you should budget for
- [00:21:50.760]to be able to not take out any additional loans.
- [00:21:54.090]So in this case for Herbie,
- [00:21:56.640]Herbie be looking at about $8,000 per semester
- [00:21:59.310]including those indirect costs.
- [00:22:01.590]So really taking off that 4,100,
- [00:22:03.810]you're looking more at $6,000 per semester.
- [00:22:08.760]Next we're looking at student loan options.
- [00:22:11.370]So like I said, these are educational loans
- [00:22:13.920]and they are much more friendly to students
- [00:22:18.150]than if you would go elsewhere,
- [00:22:20.160]but these do have to be repaid after you graduate.
- [00:22:23.220]A typical first year student
- [00:22:25.230]is gonna be eligible for about 5,500,
- [00:22:28.290]and like I said, you could be eligible for subsidized loans
- [00:22:32.070]and unsubsidized loans or maybe just unsubsidized.
- [00:22:35.760]You will see your options here,
- [00:22:37.620]and then this number will match your top number
- [00:22:44.340]that you saw on that first page.
- [00:22:46.140]So as you can see,
- [00:22:47.580]if just say you were to take your full loan,
- [00:22:49.440]you're looking at about 3,500 out of pocket each semester.
- [00:22:54.000]So you're gonna notice
- [00:22:54.840]there's this other section at the bottom,
- [00:22:56.280]additional aid options,
- [00:22:57.570]and a lot of folks are like,
- [00:22:58.567]"Why don't you include that up there?
- [00:23:00.000]'Cause I plan to accept everything I can."
- [00:23:02.220]So the first one you're gonna see
- [00:23:03.960]is that federal work study.
- [00:23:05.760]And the reason why we don't include that up above
- [00:23:08.370]is because this doesn't disperse to your bill
- [00:23:11.130]like the other aid does.
- [00:23:12.630]This is actually doled out like a normal paycheck.
- [00:23:15.630]So after you apply for a job and are hired,
- [00:23:18.690]then you will just earn a paycheck every two weeks
- [00:23:20.970]like you would if you worked off campus.
- [00:23:23.580]And so this is a great option
- [00:23:25.890]for that $4,100 of personal expenses.
- [00:23:29.760]So this is really great since you can use this
- [00:23:32.100]throughout each semester
- [00:23:33.690]and not have to worry about using your other aid for that.
- [00:23:38.670]The other thing you're gonna see here is Parent PLUS loan.
- [00:23:41.340]So this is a loan that a parent can actually borrow
- [00:23:44.490]on behalf their student
- [00:23:45.960]in order to help them pay for their college education.
- [00:23:48.930]This loan is, it has a much larger amount you can borrow,
- [00:23:54.330]you can essentially borrow up to cost of attendance
- [00:23:56.640]after all the other aid is applied.
- [00:24:00.480]You do have to go through a separate application process
- [00:24:03.690]and be approved.
- [00:24:04.800]So any parents that are like,
- [00:24:07.272]I'm not sure if I wanna do that,
- [00:24:09.090]don't worry, your student can't accept it on your behalf.
- [00:24:11.880]There is a different process to go through for that.
- [00:24:15.990]The other things you're gonna see down here
- [00:24:17.700]will be your external scholarships.
- [00:24:19.860]So if you have been applying for a number of scholarships
- [00:24:22.440]or even including like the Buffet scholarship,
- [00:24:25.110]if you have received any
- [00:24:26.430]and you've told us you've received them,
- [00:24:28.350]they'll be listed down here for you.
- [00:24:30.360]So just know that this number is just the federal aid,
- [00:24:35.313]the institutional aid,
- [00:24:36.660]state aid and scholarships you've received
- [00:24:39.060]but will not include your external scholarships
- [00:24:41.190]in this lovely number here.
- [00:24:42.870]So if you know you have other external scholarships coming,
- [00:24:45.570]then this number can be very much lower with that in mind.
- [00:24:50.550]The other thing we like to highlight
- [00:24:52.170]is the Husker Payment Plan.
- [00:24:54.000]So if you know that you will have to pay
- [00:24:56.400]anything out of pocket,
- [00:24:57.720]we do have a payment plan opportunity
- [00:24:59.760]that you can register for each semester,
- [00:25:02.460]it will split that bill up into three payments.
- [00:25:06.090]So the first payment is due on September 12th.
- [00:25:08.850]However, with the Husker Payment Plan,
- [00:25:11.070]you'll pay a third when you actually open the plan,
- [00:25:14.220]which you can open it anytime
- [00:25:16.020]late August through September 12th,
- [00:25:19.050]and then you will have two subsequent payments,
- [00:25:21.390]one on October 12th and one on November 12th.
- [00:25:23.700]So that can definitely help you spread it out over time
- [00:25:26.490]to make any sort of amount you might owe much more feasible
- [00:25:31.590]and you can pay it even also maybe chip away at it
- [00:25:34.980]with that federal work study funds as well.
- [00:25:38.700]So you have your aid offer, you looked through your options,
- [00:25:42.780]you've crunched some numbers and now you're like,
- [00:25:44.107]"Okay, we got this. We're gonna accept our aid offer."
- [00:25:47.670]So once you have paid or deferred your enrollment deposit,
- [00:25:50.670]you'd wanna visit your financial aid tab in MyRED
- [00:25:53.160]and use the accept or decline awards option
- [00:25:55.440]to respond to each award offer.
- [00:25:58.020]So first we always say accept any gift aid,
- [00:26:01.290]scholarships or grants 'cause that is free money.
- [00:26:03.990]You do not have to pay it back,
- [00:26:05.820]there are no strings attached,
- [00:26:07.710]please accept it, you earned it.
- [00:26:10.110]So make sure you accept everything to you
- [00:26:11.960]if that is a gift aid.
- [00:26:13.860]Be sure to read your rights and responsibilities
- [00:26:16.230]as listed on that first page of your offer in MyRED.
- [00:26:19.260]There's a lot of information there, and I know,
- [00:26:21.750]but it is really good information.
- [00:26:23.790]So I really recommend at least for your first time
- [00:26:27.030]reading through it to make sure
- [00:26:28.410]that you are aware of anything
- [00:26:30.030]that may affect you in the future
- [00:26:31.440]when it comes to any sort of financial aid
- [00:26:33.780]rules and regulations.
- [00:26:36.390]If you choose to borrow money in the form of student loans,
- [00:26:38.940]you must accept them in MyRED
- [00:26:40.590]and you can accept a partial amount.
- [00:26:42.900]So it will offer you the full amount,
- [00:26:44.670]but just say you're like, I know that I've saved up a lot,
- [00:26:48.360]like I have $2,000 that I am ready, I'm good,
- [00:26:51.930]I only need a thousand dollars in loans.
- [00:26:54.000]You can absolutely just accept the amount that you need
- [00:26:56.490]in that MyRED portal.
- [00:26:59.130]Like I said, students,
- [00:27:00.360]you cannot accept the Parent PLUS Loan
- [00:27:02.340]on behalf of your parents in MyRED.
- [00:27:04.920]However, you will see the amount
- [00:27:06.630]that your parent could apply for in your MyRED portal
- [00:27:10.440]just to give you the idea of if you need some extra help
- [00:27:13.920]and your parent would like to borrow that,
- [00:27:15.600]you can see the general amount you might be eligible for.
- [00:27:18.540]So in the portal you can see the amount
- [00:27:22.140]and then you go to,
- [00:27:24.510]and you're able to actually apply for that loan separately.
- [00:27:27.750]Once again, you do not need to apply for the full amount,
- [00:27:30.180]you can apply just for as much as you need,
- [00:27:32.430]and then just complete that master promissory note
- [00:27:34.950]in order to receive that loan for your student.
- [00:27:38.520]We anticipate that this will be available
- [00:27:40.890]in probably May or June,
- [00:27:44.790]but if you apply for your loans
- [00:27:46.500]or accept your loans by August 1st ish, you are fine,
- [00:27:50.550]they will apply to that first bill due date, no problem.
- [00:27:55.170]So one of the common questions
- [00:27:56.820]that we receive quite a bit is, could my aid change?
- [00:28:01.050]They're like, "Okay,
- [00:28:01.883]I got this offer but is it gonna stay accurate?"
- [00:28:04.050]And aid eligibility is not necessarily fixed,
- [00:28:07.530]there are a few situations
- [00:28:08.610]that may alter your financial aid.
- [00:28:10.230]One of the big ones is
- [00:28:11.130]you get more additional financial assistance.
- [00:28:13.650]So let's just say you've been
- [00:28:15.210]working in external scholarship applications
- [00:28:18.240]and additional aid starts coming in.
- [00:28:20.400]So there are times where you might receive
- [00:28:23.550]other institutional private scholarships, tuition waivers,
- [00:28:26.340]just say you are military affiliated,
- [00:28:28.290]vocational rehabilitation funds
- [00:28:31.350]or even like tribal scholarships.
- [00:28:33.390]And once you report them to our office,
- [00:28:35.370]we will then add it as an estimate onto your reward
- [00:28:38.160]or if we receive the check we can go ahead and apply it.
- [00:28:41.130]It's always a good idea to report any additional aid
- [00:28:43.710]that you will be receiving,
- [00:28:45.180]so that way we can make sure
- [00:28:46.740]that we can fit it into your award.
- [00:28:49.260]Sometimes we might need to adjust aid
- [00:28:51.390]in order to fit it all in.
- [00:28:53.430]Sometimes students do a really, really good job
- [00:28:55.440]of applying for a lot of funds
- [00:28:57.060]and so either they hit their cost of attendance
- [00:28:59.610]so we need to adjust things to make it fit
- [00:29:02.370]or it's also possible that you might get two awards
- [00:29:05.580]that do the same thing.
- [00:29:06.570]So if you are a military student
- [00:29:08.550]and you get a tuition waiver
- [00:29:09.990]and then you also got a scholarship that's a tuition waiver,
- [00:29:12.690]those don't stack, right,
- [00:29:13.770]there's only one tuition line to waive.
- [00:29:16.140]So we will always choose the award
- [00:29:18.120]that benefits you the most and make sure that gets applied.
- [00:29:22.410]Next would be special circumstances.
- [00:29:24.690]I know, you know, two years prior
- [00:29:27.630]for tax information for the FAFSA,
- [00:29:29.640]a lot can change in two years.
- [00:29:31.500]So if just say you filed your FAFSA with 2022 information,
- [00:29:36.870]and you're saying,
- [00:29:37.703]"Man, our finances are not as good as they once were.
- [00:29:40.980]They are not as good as they were in 2022."
- [00:29:43.620]We have something called Special Circumstances Appeal
- [00:29:46.260]that essentially allows us
- [00:29:47.610]to look at some of those special circumstances
- [00:29:49.830]and see if we can make the FAFSA
- [00:29:52.650]match your true circumstances now.
- [00:29:55.200]And some of the common things we see for this
- [00:29:57.870]would be loss of income,
- [00:29:59.970]just say you know, you switched to a lower paying job
- [00:30:03.180]or maybe cut your hours, divorce, death in the family,
- [00:30:06.960]or else have you experienced a layoff,
- [00:30:08.580]or a period of time where you were unemployed.
- [00:30:13.380]So now I'm gonna go through pretty quickly
- [00:30:15.270]just a couple of our programs that
- [00:30:17.940]some of which have a lot of questions for our aid offers
- [00:30:21.390]and some just because you can still receive these
- [00:30:24.360]and so we wanna make sure you are aware of them.
- [00:30:26.700]So number one is Nebraska Promise.
- [00:30:28.530]So like I said, if you are eligible for Nebraska Promise,
- [00:30:31.500]you actually have until June 1st to file your FAFSA.
- [00:30:34.410]So in order to be eligible for Nebraska Promise,
- [00:30:36.900]you must be, one, a Nebraska resident,
- [00:30:39.750]and two, you must have a family income of 65,000 or less
- [00:30:44.520]and that includes both student and parent income for 2022
- [00:30:50.190]or you have to be Pell Grant eligible.
- [00:30:52.740]So if you're Pell Grant eligible
- [00:30:54.600]but you made more than 65,000, that's fine,
- [00:30:57.300]you are still eligible.
- [00:30:59.310]This is essentially a program
- [00:31:00.990]that promises that we will cover tuition
- [00:31:03.660]up to 15 credit hours per semester
- [00:31:06.210]with free money that need based aid, that gift aid.
- [00:31:10.470]So all that aid you don't need to pay back.
- [00:31:12.810]This does not include fees or housing and food,
- [00:31:15.840]however, it essentially will always cover your 15 credits
- [00:31:19.020]even if you're taking some of those credits
- [00:31:20.820]that might be a little bit more per credit hour,
- [00:31:23.490]like College of Business or College of Engineering,
- [00:31:26.670]you're fine, Nebraska Promise has got your back.
- [00:31:30.330]One thing to note is that
- [00:31:31.860]if you're a Nebraska Promise eligible,
- [00:31:33.660]you will see that lovely logo
- [00:31:35.910]at the top of your award letter,
- [00:31:37.950]but you're not gonna see
- [00:31:38.850]a Nebraska Promise Scholarship on your award
- [00:31:41.940]and that's because it is going to be a patchwork
- [00:31:44.550]of different gift aids such as Pell Grants
- [00:31:47.760]or scholarships or other gift aid,
- [00:31:50.640]so you're never going to see something
- [00:31:52.050]that just says Nebraska Promise Scholarship
- [00:31:54.090]since is always gonna be a mixture.
- [00:31:57.780]So a similar sort of thing for your award
- [00:32:00.900]is Nebraska First Responder Pledge.
- [00:32:03.300]So anybody who is hearing about this for the first time
- [00:32:06.390]and believe they're eligible,
- [00:32:07.410]you can still absolutely get this.
- [00:32:10.440]This waives in-state tuition
- [00:32:12.180]for Nebraska undergraduate first responders
- [00:32:14.520]and their dependent children
- [00:32:16.440]after calculating other scholarships and grants.
- [00:32:19.470]So this is for law enforcement, firefighters,
- [00:32:22.290]and firefighter-paramedics.
- [00:32:24.210]If you yourself are a first responder
- [00:32:26.460]and you are planning to come to Nebraska,
- [00:32:28.380]just know there's a list of approved majors
- [00:32:30.540]and you have to major in one of those.
- [00:32:33.120]If you are a dependent of a first responder,
- [00:32:36.510]then you can major in whatever you want,
- [00:32:38.700]you are not held back at all.
- [00:32:40.770]The only thing to note is that there is a commitment
- [00:32:43.200]to stay in Nebraska for five years.
- [00:32:45.420]So if that is something that you're kind of not sure about,
- [00:32:48.420]if you're like,
- [00:32:49.253]"I'm thinking of going to med school in Maine,
- [00:32:50.827]that's my dream school."
- [00:32:52.980]Then come chat with us
- [00:32:53.813]'cause we can see if it would be worth it
- [00:32:55.740]for you to go for this First Responder Pledge.
- [00:33:00.360]Now for my out-of-state folks,
- [00:33:02.520]if just say you are also a first responder,
- [00:33:04.440]don't worry, we have one for you too.
- [00:33:06.990]This waives the undergraduate
- [00:33:08.550]out-of-state portion of tuition,
- [00:33:10.440]and this provides out-of-state students
- [00:33:12.030]the same net tuition costs as Nebraska residents.
- [00:33:15.030]So very similar,
- [00:33:16.260]this is for law enforcement officers, firefighters,
- [00:33:18.660]firefighter-paramedics or dependents.
- [00:33:21.990]So if that sounds like you,
- [00:33:24.330]come chat with us
- [00:33:25.410]because we can absolutely get those forms on your file
- [00:33:27.840]so we can get that added to your award offer.
- [00:33:31.530]And now for my military affiliated folks,
- [00:33:33.840]we have one for you too, the Husker Salute Pledge.
- [00:33:36.660]Very, very similar to our National First Responder Pledge.
- [00:33:40.500]This waives the out-of-state portion of tuition
- [00:33:42.720]for undergraduate first year military connected members
- [00:33:45.840]and military spouses or their dependents.
- [00:33:48.630]This also includes any out-of-state students
- [00:33:51.000]who plan to join Nebraska's ROTC program.
- [00:33:54.210]So if you're thinking of joining the Army,
- [00:33:56.340]Navy/Marine Corps, Air Force programs,
- [00:33:58.560]you could also be eligible for the Husker Salute Pledge.
- [00:34:01.410]And so not a lot of students know about that qualifier,
- [00:34:04.260]so if you're thinking of doing that,
- [00:34:05.880]make sure to come chat with us
- [00:34:07.110]so we can get this on your award offer.
- [00:34:10.260]Also, a lot of students are like,
- [00:34:11.527]"Oh, yeah, but my dad served before I was even born.
- [00:34:15.030]That can't count." Yes, it does!
- [00:34:17.250]If your parents served, it counts.
- [00:34:19.860]Definitely come chat with us
- [00:34:21.120]and we can make sure we get this out there for you.
- [00:34:24.870]So now I wanna have time
- [00:34:27.360]to open up for questions for everybody.
- [00:34:29.250]So here is our information,
- [00:34:31.620]Husker Hub Student Services Center.
- [00:34:33.450]We are here for you to help you with that FAFSA,
- [00:34:35.730]help you understand scholarships, grants, loans.
- [00:34:38.100]When you receive your financial aid offer,
- [00:34:40.320]while yes, that website is beautiful,
- [00:34:42.270]it does not make up for having one-on-one conversation
- [00:34:46.320]with the ability to ask questions.
- [00:34:48.390]So if you would like to meet with one of our specialists,
- [00:34:50.730]we can absolutely do that.
- [00:34:52.230]We also offer virtual appointments.
- [00:34:54.240]So if you are out-of-state,
- [00:34:55.470]we can do a Zoom appointment
- [00:34:56.850]so you can still see someone face-to-face
- [00:34:59.160]without having to fly in before you have to do the move-in.
- [00:35:04.230]Speaking of move-in, we do have an upcoming webinar.
- [00:35:07.050]Husker Hub: Move-In, Husker Home: Move-In,
- [00:35:09.750]not Husker Hub: Move-In, don't wanna move-in dust.
- [00:35:11.820]So this is gonna give you some tips and tricks
- [00:35:14.550]about that move-in process
- [00:35:16.380]and how to prepare for that smooth transition.
- [00:35:19.110]Move-In's a ton of fun but it's also chaos.
- [00:35:22.590]So it's very, very good to get these tips
- [00:35:25.230]and make sure that you are prepared
- [00:35:26.670]for this really exciting day
- [00:35:28.320]and how to make sure that goes smoothly for you.
- [00:35:32.130]And finally, I'm gonna leave it on this slide
- [00:35:34.530]so you can take pictures of it,
- [00:35:36.270]but these are our important dates and deadlines.
- [00:35:38.850]So May 1st is that Housing Contract Priority Deadline.
- [00:35:42.480]May 2nd is New Student Enrollment,
- [00:35:44.790]which is essentially our orientation,
- [00:35:46.950]advising and course registration processes
- [00:35:49.140]will become available to students
- [00:35:50.970]who have submitted their deposit.
- [00:35:53.520]And like I said, we did extend our deadline,
- [00:35:56.700]so May 15th is our Enrollment Deposit Deadline
- [00:36:00.210]as well as our FAFSA Priority Deadline.
- [00:36:02.910]And of course, May 22nd, room assignment notifications,
- [00:36:06.330]which is such an exciting day
- [00:36:08.250]for those of you who have submitted a housing contract.
- [00:36:11.310]And then May 29th will kick off
- [00:36:13.260]our In-Person Orientation Dates.
- [00:36:15.450]So I will leave this up for you to take pictures
- [00:36:18.030]so that way you can remember,
- [00:36:19.020]but now I'll go ahead and open it up for any questions.
- [00:36:23.160]Thanks so much, Kristy,
- [00:36:24.300]for all this important information.
- [00:36:26.400]We've been answering questions
- [00:36:27.780]as fast and furious as they're coming in.
- [00:36:30.477]You know, we've had a few questions, Kristy,
- [00:36:32.250]we've been able to answer,
- [00:36:33.083]but I think there's two questions...
- [00:36:34.380]One question at least I'd like for you
- [00:36:36.060]to kind of answer out loud if possible.
- [00:36:38.700]Could you just re-explain the difference
- [00:36:41.460]between subsidized loans and unsubsidized loans?
- [00:36:46.320]Yes, so subsidized is a need-based loan
- [00:36:50.730]where it does not accrue interest
- [00:36:53.430]while you are enrolled in school.
- [00:36:55.290]So both loans are great,
- [00:36:57.090]you do not have to make any payments while you are enrolled,
- [00:37:00.390]you get a grace period after you graduate for six months.
- [00:37:05.070]But the big thing is,
- [00:37:06.750]is that subsidized loans do not accrue interest.
- [00:37:09.690]So always start with those.
- [00:37:12.960]Got it. Thank you so much for answering that question.
- [00:37:19.560]Now some of our students might have
- [00:37:21.240]some changes they need to make,
- [00:37:22.680]whether it may be need to go
- [00:37:23.940]into the actual financial aid form
- [00:37:26.490]or we are requesting changes.
- [00:37:27.960]Can you talk about accessibility to making those changes,
- [00:37:31.920]whether it be the Department of Education requesting those
- [00:37:34.514]or Nebraska are requesting those.
- [00:37:38.220]Requesting changes to the FAFSA?
- [00:37:40.140]Yes ma'am.
- [00:37:41.542]So essentially changes have now been open.
- [00:37:45.420]So if just say you received an email,
- [00:37:47.850]I know an email went out from Nebraska State Government
- [00:37:50.190]saying, hey, you might need to make changes.
- [00:37:52.380]And then also, of course Department of Ed
- [00:37:54.600]did actually send out a notification as well,
- [00:37:57.900]then you actually can log back into your FAFSA
- [00:38:00.090]and begin to make changes.
- [00:38:01.650]There have been some issues
- [00:38:03.240]that people have faced like in this week
- [00:38:05.760]that we've seen some folks
- [00:38:06.840]not be able to get in to make those changes.
- [00:38:09.480]And if that's happening to you,
- [00:38:11.130]one, I want you to know you are not alone.
- [00:38:13.740]So they are aware of them and they're working on them.
- [00:38:17.100]However, some of them do have workarounds.
- [00:38:19.710]So I would suggest coming to chat with us
- [00:38:21.840]because we can take a look
- [00:38:23.010]and see if it's something that we can kind of help you
- [00:38:24.810]get around to get through those corrections.
- [00:38:27.630]And if just say we need to wait for a fix to get in,
- [00:38:30.390]we are least still aware of what is going on with your file
- [00:38:33.300]so we can make a note
- [00:38:34.590]and follow with you once that fix is created.
- [00:38:37.320]So I would definitely just reach out to us
- [00:38:39.360]so we can essentially kind of walk with you
- [00:38:42.030]with this process
- [00:38:43.020]because we know we are in it with you, I promise.
- [00:38:45.920]So we can definitely help you if that is your situation.
- [00:38:50.550]I know I put it in the chat for everybody,
- [00:38:52.170]but please, please utilize Husker Hub.
- [00:38:54.510]I put in their webpage,
- [00:38:56.670]I also put in their email as well as their phone number.
- [00:39:00.120]We just wanna make sure that any question you might have,
- [00:39:02.880]as silly as you may think it is,
- [00:39:04.970]this is a resource for all of our admitted students.
- [00:39:07.560]So we wanna make sure that you can utilize this.
- [00:39:09.960]Ask those questions,
- [00:39:10.920]that way when you're making this big decision,
- [00:39:13.110]there's no confusion, less anxiety,
- [00:39:15.420]and you feel really comfortable in your choice.
- [00:39:19.110]We'll continue to answer questions via the Q&A.
- [00:39:21.810]Any questions that come to Q&A,
- [00:39:23.250]we will then answer out loud.
- [00:39:25.980]A lot of the questions are very specific,
- [00:39:27.990]so if you hear us in silence,
- [00:39:29.760]it's not because we ignored anybody.
- [00:39:31.350]No, it's just that we have very specific question
- [00:39:33.810]being asked in the Q&A
- [00:39:35.883]that probably don't relate to everybody.
- [00:39:38.550]But at this point in time,
- [00:39:40.020]I'm gonna go ahead and stop our recording.
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