Performance Evaluations: Integrating Inclusivity and Diversity-Mindedness
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Performance Evaluations: Integrating Inclusivity and Diversity-Mindedness
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- [00:00:01.230]Hello, I'm Nkenge Friday,
- [00:00:03.360]Assistant Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives
- [00:00:05.420]in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [00:00:07.830]here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- [00:00:10.620]Today, we'll be discussing Performance Evaluations:
- [00:00:13.500]Integrating Inclusivity & Diversity-Mindedness,
- [00:00:16.620]Spring, 2022.
- [00:00:19.890]All employees will now be provided an option of evaluating
- [00:00:23.280]the quality of being diversity-minded and inclusive,
- [00:00:26.370]and we'll define that as being diversity-minded inclusive,
- [00:00:29.430]which means demonstrating a commitment
- [00:00:31.110]to upholding the institution's principle
- [00:00:33.510]that every person and every interaction matters.
- [00:00:36.900]This is designed to foster respect
- [00:00:38.190]for all individuals' points of view.
- [00:00:40.350]Ways we interact appropriately,
- [00:00:41.880]appreciating individual characteristics
- [00:00:44.310]and identities with all members of our campus,
- [00:00:46.620]our community, our campus visitors,
- [00:00:48.900]business and community partners.
- [00:00:51.660]Ways in which we demonstrate a personal commitment
- [00:00:53.610]to creating a hospitable and welcoming environment for all.
- [00:00:57.660]Many units across our campus
- [00:00:59.370]have already implemented their own evaluation criteria,
- [00:01:02.100]many of which already include inclusivity
- [00:01:03.930]and positive contributions to department.
- [00:01:06.450]This training and this guide is designed to expand
- [00:01:09.240]and also serve as a resource for ongoing conversations
- [00:01:12.120]and evaluation methods.
- [00:01:15.330]The purpose of this training
- [00:01:16.380]is to discuss the new evaluation criteria
- [00:01:19.140]and talk through ways supervisors
- [00:01:20.520]may start the conversations with their respective employees
- [00:01:23.400]about diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI,
- [00:01:26.940]setting professional development goals
- [00:01:28.830]and seeking out professional development
- [00:01:30.450]resources and opportunities.
- [00:01:34.620]Before we begin,
- [00:01:36.150]I'd like to introduce diversity, equity, inclusion,
- [00:01:39.060]and inclusive excellence through their terminology.
- [00:01:41.730]This will provide an opportunity for us all
- [00:01:43.410]to have a shared understanding when using the language,
- [00:01:46.260]but also in our own understanding
- [00:01:48.120]of ways in which the complex nature continues to evolve.
- [00:01:52.020]Diversity simply means individual differences,
- [00:01:55.260]whether that's through group and social differences,
- [00:01:56.940]such as race, ethnicity, class, gender identity,
- [00:02:00.420]or those differences we see in individuals,
- [00:02:02.220]such as personality, our prior knowledge,
- [00:02:03.960]our life experiences,
- [00:02:05.880]and also historically underrepresentation,
- [00:02:07.830]which should be found based on populations,
- [00:02:10.170]cultural, political, religious,
- [00:02:11.670]or other identities and affiliations.
- [00:02:14.850]Equity is creating opportunities
- [00:02:16.410]for historically underrepresented populations
- [00:02:18.750]due to historical inequities, historical marginalization,
- [00:02:23.040]and this provides equal access to
- [00:02:25.020]and participation in educational programs
- [00:02:27.480]that are capable of closing achievement gaps
- [00:02:29.730]in student success and completion.
- [00:02:32.520]Inclusion is an active, intentional,
- [00:02:34.830]and ongoing engagement with diversity,
- [00:02:37.080]whether that's in the curriculum, the co-curriculum,
- [00:02:39.960]or communities such as intellectual,
- [00:02:42.510]social, cultural, and geographical.
- [00:02:44.880]This is ways in which individuals might connect,
- [00:02:47.520]ways that increase awareness,
- [00:02:49.320]content knowledge, cognitive sophistication,
- [00:02:52.110]and emphatic understanding
- [00:02:53.400]of complex ways individuals interact
- [00:02:55.500]within systems and institutions.
- [00:02:58.800]Inclusive excellence is designed to help colleges
- [00:03:01.650]and universities integrate DEI
- [00:03:04.110]and educational quality efforts into their missions
- [00:03:06.990]and institutional operations.
- [00:03:09.090]It calls for higher ed to address diversity,
- [00:03:11.430]inclusion, and equity
- [00:03:12.630]as critical to the wellbeing of democratic culture.
- [00:03:15.480]It's an act of process through which universities
- [00:03:17.640]and colleges achieve excellence in our learning,
- [00:03:20.490]our teaching, our student development,
- [00:03:22.830]institutional functioning,
- [00:03:24.120]and engagement in local and global communities.
- [00:03:28.470]So, why is this important?
- [00:03:31.230]Because every person in every interaction
- [00:03:33.450]matters here at Nebraska.
- [00:03:35.220]Our biases and our perceptions of others,
- [00:03:37.290]perceptions of what is professional, what is not,
- [00:03:40.230]and thus who is professional, who is not,
- [00:03:42.780]affect our work lives and the work lives of our colleagues.
- [00:03:46.110]This evaluation criteria
- [00:03:47.520]is an opportunity and not a punitive measure.
- [00:03:50.220]It is designed to get us closer to our aims
- [00:03:52.650]that are designed through N2025,
- [00:03:55.290]and they offer all staff and faculty across our campus
- [00:03:58.380]the opportunity to develop their own inclusive practices.
- [00:04:01.770]Through this training, we would like to help supervisors
- [00:04:04.380]and staff work with their employees individually
- [00:04:08.190]through the evaluation process
- [00:04:09.690]to communicate that even if they feel
- [00:04:11.970]that DEI is not central to their job
- [00:04:14.610]or they're doing all they can
- [00:04:16.260]to enforce or implement these,
- [00:04:18.750]that the supervisor is willing
- [00:04:19.860]to help them grow in this area.
- [00:04:24.990]So, the first step is understanding
- [00:04:26.460]that N2025 strategic plan,
- [00:04:29.460]which can be found by visiting
- [00:04:31.290]
- [00:04:37.170]The last two aims of N2025, aim five and aim six,
- [00:04:41.130]directly discuss ways in which we can prioritize,
- [00:04:43.650]expand our understanding
- [00:04:44.607]of inclusive excellence and diversity,
- [00:04:47.070]while also prioritizing participation
- [00:04:49.140]and development for all our students, faculty, and staff.
- [00:04:52.680]Aim five, we must commit to inclusive excellence
- [00:04:55.740]and active process ensuring that excellence
- [00:04:57.207]is effective of diversity in all forms.
- [00:05:00.900]As systematic efforts expand to recruit
- [00:05:03.090]and retain historically underrepresented students,
- [00:05:05.940]faculty, and staff,
- [00:05:07.440]it is imperative that this work be done
- [00:05:09.150]in close concert with the efforts
- [00:05:11.190]to further improve the quality of research,
- [00:05:13.470]creative activities, teaching, and engagement.
- [00:05:17.190]An integrated approach will greatly improve work
- [00:05:19.230]towards minimizing barriers,
- [00:05:21.120]enhancing and creating new programs in support of DEI.
- [00:05:24.750]And it's an intentional integration
- [00:05:26.430]that will equip us to better solve the challenges
- [00:05:28.470]that face Nebraska and the world
- [00:05:30.930]while preparing our students
- [00:05:32.040]for a continually evolving and global workforce.
- [00:05:35.760]An environment that emphasizes inclusive excellence
- [00:05:38.190]and diversity is a place that embraces
- [00:05:40.710]the importance of every person
- [00:05:42.480]and knowing that every interaction matters.
- [00:05:45.690]While aim six notes the importance
- [00:05:48.120]of prioritizing participation
- [00:05:50.340]and professional development.
- [00:05:52.260]We believe in the power of every person.
- [00:05:54.480]The most important asset at the University of Nebraska
- [00:05:57.060]is its people, our students, our staff,
- [00:05:59.850]postdoctoral fellows, and our faculty.
- [00:06:02.550]It is critical to provide access
- [00:06:04.290]to individualized professional development
- [00:06:06.840]and effective mentorship for all members of our community.
- [00:06:09.930]Professional development opportunities
- [00:06:11.640]integrating inclusive excellence
- [00:06:13.350]and fostering a cultural participation,
- [00:06:15.750]decision making enhances the richness
- [00:06:18.390]of our university experience.
- [00:06:20.430]A comprehensive approach to professional development
- [00:06:23.100]will result in a vibrant
- [00:06:24.480]and supportive climate characterized by excellence
- [00:06:27.090]in all mission areas of our institution.
- [00:06:30.030]Meaningful and impactful professional development for all
- [00:06:33.360]reinforces that every person
- [00:06:34.797]and every interaction matters.
- [00:06:36.990]So, as we can see,
- [00:06:38.430]N2025 has an emphasis not only
- [00:06:41.460]on ways in which we emphasize, we prioritize,
- [00:06:44.100]and expand inclusive excellence and diversity,
- [00:06:47.220]but we integrate that within our professional learning,
- [00:06:49.830]how we prioritize participation
- [00:06:52.110]and professional development
- [00:06:53.250]for all Nebraska students, staff, and faculty.
- [00:06:55.800]Thus, of course, this new criteria
- [00:06:58.620]is designed to expand inclusive excellence
- [00:07:00.930]through the evaluation process.
- [00:07:06.180]The second step is also understanding what DEI plans,
- [00:07:10.680]goals, policies, and programs are available
- [00:07:13.290]within your own unit and department.
- [00:07:15.630]Throughout our university,
- [00:07:17.040]colleges, departments, academic administrative units
- [00:07:21.630]are all dedicated to this work.
- [00:07:23.640]Many have developed diversity, equity, and inclusion goals,
- [00:07:27.000]which are presented through a concentrated plan.
- [00:07:30.600]We would encourage you to visit
- [00:07:32.220]your own respective website
- [00:07:33.930]or, of course, your diversity, equity, and inclusion liaison
- [00:07:36.870]to further discuss plans
- [00:07:38.010]that may be on file or that may be available
- [00:07:40.200]for further discussion.
- [00:07:42.180]These are designed to help you better evaluate ways
- [00:07:44.580]in which your organization
- [00:07:45.990]is thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion,
- [00:07:48.450]and tangible goals and next steps designed to get us closer
- [00:07:51.930]to N2025, specifically in prioritizing
- [00:07:55.530]inclusive excellence at the university.
- [00:07:58.620]These may be available on your unit's website
- [00:08:00.720]or an internal resource available to faculty
- [00:08:02.760]and staff in your unit.
- [00:08:08.550]So, implementation.
- [00:08:10.260]How do we start the conversation
- [00:08:12.030]in ways we are setting DEI goals,
- [00:08:14.580]and how do we create a space for growth?
- [00:08:19.560]Many supervisors could likely evaluate their employees
- [00:08:22.200]on their given DEI criteria,
- [00:08:24.420]which are simply how we exceed expectations,
- [00:08:27.300]meet expectations, needs improvement,
- [00:08:30.870]but engaging in conversations with employee
- [00:08:33.300]on how to improve even when evaluated highly
- [00:08:36.720]is a more difficult conversation.
- [00:08:38.700]Some employees may already have
- [00:08:40.170]DEI-centric professional development goals.
- [00:08:42.510]However, if others are struggling to form their goals,
- [00:08:45.300]you might try the following.
- [00:08:47.880]Try asking questions when engaging
- [00:08:49.410]in a performance evaluation session with your employees,
- [00:08:52.500]such as, "What would you say are things you do
- [00:08:55.380]to create a welcoming community
- [00:08:56.640]through the work that you do?
- [00:08:58.890]Since our last evaluation, what comes to mind
- [00:09:00.990]in terms of what you have foster respect
- [00:09:02.820]for all individuals and points of view here on campus?
- [00:09:06.420]Are you interested in brainstorming
- [00:09:07.740]some professional development goals
- [00:09:09.060]surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion?
- [00:09:12.480]What do you think of a diversity-minded individual
- [00:09:14.550]that works in your position acts like?
- [00:09:17.430]What qualities do you have or do they have?
- [00:09:21.330]How can we support your existing strengths
- [00:09:23.100]to help you become this person?
- [00:09:25.530]What are things that you do in your position
- [00:09:27.240]to promote inclusivity
- [00:09:28.740]that that others might not easily see?"
- [00:09:32.190]We can also use self-assessments and inventories
- [00:09:35.130]like Jennifer Brown's Inclusive Leadership Self-Assessment,
- [00:09:37.830]creating our own pulse survey,
- [00:09:39.960]or use other inventories created by colleges
- [00:09:42.240]and universities to self-assess our DEI understanding.
- [00:09:45.810]This may help prompt a conversation
- [00:09:47.310]about formulating and setting goals.
- [00:09:52.710]Another option, of course, is to work directly
- [00:09:55.470]through your college liaisons, your department liaisons,
- [00:09:59.670]or directly connecting with different
- [00:10:01.410]diversity principled organizations,
- [00:10:04.920]and of course the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
- [00:10:07.290]Visiting our website provides a host of opportunities
- [00:10:10.560]and long ongoing learning engagement opportunities as well.
- [00:10:19.350]Goal writing should be based on supervisor
- [00:10:21.480]and employee self-assessment,
- [00:10:23.250]your DEI strategic plan for the department or your unit,
- [00:10:26.760]and employee position and needs.
- [00:10:28.950]Professional development goals
- [00:10:30.450]can be self-reflective and personal,
- [00:10:32.640]they can be action oriented, or task oriented,
- [00:10:35.940]community oriented, education oriented,
- [00:10:38.370]or even service driven.
- [00:10:40.380]Some professional development goals
- [00:10:43.050]or some examples of these are a poor assessment.
- [00:10:45.420]Example, you get along great with your employees,
- [00:10:47.520]your coworkers, and your customers.
- [00:10:49.380]A poor goal, keep up the good work.
- [00:10:52.080]A good assessment,
- [00:10:53.910]you get along great or you get along well with employees
- [00:10:56.760]or people and seem to take inclusive excellence serious.
- [00:11:00.000]A good goal,
- [00:11:01.050]find a resource about providing inclusive customer service
- [00:11:03.930]and complete by May 1st.
- [00:11:05.640]Providing a tangible deadline or a tangible goal
- [00:11:08.850]that of course considers both the employee
- [00:11:12.090]and the employer.
- [00:11:13.470]Better assessment,
- [00:11:14.880]observe you are intentional with your inclusive language
- [00:11:17.580]and actions with your team and your customers.
- [00:11:20.250]A better goal, find a resource
- [00:11:22.290]about providing inclusive customer service
- [00:11:24.240]and complete by May 1st.
- [00:11:25.950]Report on what you can do
- [00:11:27.180]to ensure continued intentional inclusivity.
- [00:11:30.510]A better assessment,
- [00:11:32.040]I have observed you're intentional
- [00:11:33.630]with your inclusive language
- [00:11:35.310]and your actions with your team and customers.
- [00:11:38.280]And your ideas for including inclusive language
- [00:11:40.350]in our brochures was great.
- [00:11:42.270]The best goal, find a resource
- [00:11:44.310]about providing inclusive customer service
- [00:11:46.200]and complete by May 1st.
- [00:11:47.760]Present your ideas that the entire unit can implement
- [00:11:50.280]to change our service processes and our interactions.
- [00:11:53.550]This helps our unit meet our goals
- [00:11:55.710]of excellent customer service, continuous improvement,
- [00:11:59.070]and ensuring all of our customers feel included.
- [00:12:04.440]To note, goal writing should be based on your supervisor
- [00:12:08.010]and employee self-assessment.
- [00:12:10.050]This is ongoing and developmental,
- [00:12:11.940]but it considers your employees' positions
- [00:12:14.310]and their respective needs.
- [00:12:18.090]When we combine conversation starters
- [00:12:20.220]and attainable goal setting,
- [00:12:21.870]we can uncover the ways
- [00:12:23.040]that all faculty and staff may contribute
- [00:12:25.080]to making UNL a more inclusive space.
- [00:12:28.260]Supervisors must understand
- [00:12:29.880]that while they may have to be flexible
- [00:12:31.800]and take time and effort
- [00:12:33.660]to help set DEI goals for their employees,
- [00:12:36.570]it is fundamental to our overarching university goals
- [00:12:39.840]as, of course, defined through N2025.
- [00:12:43.230]Everyone has a role to play,
- [00:12:44.700]and our main objective is to help them find that role
- [00:12:47.610]and set goals on how to perform that role.
- [00:12:52.230]So, a few conversation starters
- [00:12:54.240]and, of course, attainable goal setting.
- [00:12:56.490]Sam, that you see on your screen,
- [00:12:58.800]acts as the supervisor to a unit of landscaping specialists
- [00:13:01.890]who maintain the grounds of the campus.
- [00:13:04.290]Many of his employees work individually or in pairs
- [00:13:07.470]and may rarely come in contact or speak to other employees.
- [00:13:10.980]Because of this, he would evaluate most of his employees
- [00:13:14.040]as either meeting or exceeding expectations
- [00:13:16.770]on their diversity minded and inclusiveness.
- [00:13:20.760]However, he knows that as a supervisor,
- [00:13:23.550]part of his responsibility is to help his employees
- [00:13:26.130]set attainable goals to improve.
- [00:13:28.230]During a meeting with one of his landscape employees,
- [00:13:30.960]he asks, "What are things that you do in your position
- [00:13:34.380]to promote inclusivity that others might not easily see?"
- [00:13:40.320]This leads to a conversation
- [00:13:42.120]about the employee's familiarity with the campus,
- [00:13:44.760]a familiarity that many campus employees do not have
- [00:13:47.940]because they're not tasked
- [00:13:48.990]with maintaining the infrastructure
- [00:13:50.670]that allows the campus to function.
- [00:13:52.590]Through this conversation,
- [00:13:53.820]Sam was able to help his employees
- [00:13:55.410]formulate a self-reflective professional DEI goal,
- [00:13:59.370]to be observant of the campus
- [00:14:01.500]from the perspective of those with different ability levels.
- [00:14:06.870]Encouraging employee to take their expertise of the campus
- [00:14:09.810]and to work to recognize how the campus may be experienced
- [00:14:13.200]by someone in a wheelchair, hard of hearing,
- [00:14:15.960]or without sight
- [00:14:17.430]is a way that employee can contribute
- [00:14:19.200]to the inclusive excellence of our campus.
- [00:14:21.690]This is a self-reflective goal
- [00:14:23.220]wherein the employees will report back
- [00:14:24.870]in their next check-in
- [00:14:26.220]the observations they have made about accessibility
- [00:14:28.890]and ADA compliance on the campus.
- [00:14:34.350]When setting goals, you have internal and external resources
- [00:14:38.100]and knowledge of external resources
- [00:14:39.660]to point employees where to go to reach their goals.
- [00:14:42.420]We encourage you to see the resources on this page
- [00:14:45.000]to get an understanding of the DEI initiatives
- [00:14:47.190]and programs available through the university.
- [00:14:51.030]Internal resources,
- [00:14:52.560]ways in which we can develop opportunities
- [00:14:54.420]within our respective offices,
- [00:14:56.850]our respective departments, and organizations.
- [00:14:59.580]Education sessions, book clubs, open discussions,
- [00:15:03.330]planning committees, search committee education.
- [00:15:06.690]These can all be done, of course, through the guidance
- [00:15:09.210]of several community members or employees or employers.
- [00:15:13.020]Whereas we have external resources,
- [00:15:14.940]which of course includes events
- [00:15:16.710]hosted through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion,
- [00:15:19.680]education trainings and workshops,
- [00:15:21.900]our resource libraries, visiting LGBTA+ Center,
- [00:15:26.640]education trainings and workshops,
- [00:15:28.650]and resource libraries, women's center events,
- [00:15:31.680]education trainings and workshops,
- [00:15:33.240]and resource library,
- [00:15:35.760]ethnic studies, women and gender studies,
- [00:15:37.860]and classics and religious studies events and seminars,
- [00:15:41.070]and, of course, many more.
- [00:15:43.320]We encourage ongoing prioritizing
- [00:15:46.050]of these efforts while also expanding resources
- [00:15:48.780]that can be offered that reflect the needs
- [00:15:51.750]and, of course, the experiences of employees
- [00:15:54.390]that are directly serviced by our employers.
- [00:15:57.000]Our Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [00:15:58.590]is happy to have these ongoing conversations,
- [00:16:01.050]but we encourage you to to create these opportunities
- [00:16:03.450]that reflect the needs of your respective employees.
- [00:16:07.950]Staying connected is key.
- [00:16:09.840]Periodic check-ins with employees,
- [00:16:11.730]or other avenues for employees and supervisors
- [00:16:14.820]track progress and success in reaching individual
- [00:16:17.400]and collective DEI goals
- [00:16:19.230]are essential to professional development.
- [00:16:23.340]Thank you to our campus partners
- [00:16:24.900]and our community faculty and staff.
- [00:16:27.120]Please see our list of resources
- [00:16:28.500]and professional development opportunities
- [00:16:30.240]as well as human resources' guidelines.
- [00:16:32.970]We encourage you to provide feedback
- [00:16:35.280]through our contact information located on our website,
- [00:16:38.580]and, of course, ways in which our HR performance evaluation
- [00:16:41.790]guidelines can better service
- [00:16:43.470]and reflect the needs of all of our staff
- [00:16:45.570]here at the university.
- [00:16:47.070]And, of course, by visiting our inclusive language glossary,
- [00:16:49.860]which we continue to update as an evolving resource
- [00:16:52.380]for all employees here
- [00:16:53.580]at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- [00:16:56.310]Please provide feedback on not only this training,
- [00:16:59.160]but ways in which we can integrate opportunities
- [00:17:01.080]for ongoing conversations and evaluation methods
- [00:17:03.870]to provide helpful information
- [00:17:05.430]to both employer and employee.
- [00:17:07.890]Thank you.
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