Ag Literacy Festivals
Deloris Pittman
With continued urban growth, many youth do not have as much exposure to agriculture as in the past. Many communities are losing touch with Nebraska's greatest resource - agriculture. The Agricultural Literacy Festivals provide an opportunity for youth to take a close-up look at agriculture.
The Ag Literacy Festivals that focus on more predominantly urban areas of Nebraska are sponsored by the Agricultural Literacy Coalition of Nebraska. This includes Douglas, Lancaster, Sarpy and Saunders Counties. The goal of the Agricultural Literacy Coalition is to help youth become aware of agriculture. The group develops resources and opportunities that will increase youth understanding and awareness about agriculture concepts.
We also take a look at some of the results from Ag Literacy Festival that take place across Nebraska.
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- [00:00:13.017]My name is Cole Meador. I'm a 4-H
- [00:00:14.559]extension educator in Saunders County
- [00:00:23.017]We are at the Ag Literacy Festival. What
- [00:00:25.480]we're trying to do is connect these kids
- [00:00:27.230]we're trying to do is connect these kids
- [00:00:27.240]to agriculture and gain an understanding
- [00:00:30.070]to agriculture and gain an understanding
- [00:00:30.184]and gain an understanding of where their of food comes from
- [00:03:47.350]My name is Lisa Zyssett and I'm a special
- [00:03:48.350]ed teacher at Wahoo Public and we are here
- [00:03:52.069]ed teacher at Wahoo Public and we are here
- [00:03:52.079]at the agricultural literacy festival
- [00:03:54.789]at the agricultural literacy festival
- [00:03:54.799]and we're just so excited to be here
- [00:03:56.509]and we're just so excited to be here
- [00:03:56.519]because I think it's really important
- [00:03:57.869]because I think it's really important
- [00:03:57.879]for all kinds of students to understand
- [00:04:00.350]for all kinds of students to understand
- [00:04:00.360]where their food comes from and all of
- [00:04:02.869]where their food comes from and all of
- [00:04:02.879]the work that people put into providing
- [00:04:05.030]the work that people put into providing
- [00:04:05.040]products for them every day.
- [00:04:06.967]I'm Megan Shada. I
- [00:04:10.830]teach fourth grade at Wahoo Elementary. I
- [00:04:10.840]think it's really important for kids to
- [00:04:12.789]think it's really important for kids to
- [00:04:12.799]understand the um agricultural piece of
- [00:04:16.229]understand the agricultural piece of
- [00:04:16.239]Nebraska. it's huge in Nebraska I don't think
- [00:04:18.909]Nebraska. It's huge in Nebraska I don't think
- [00:04:18.919]kids really realize how important it
- [00:04:21.749]kids really realize how important it
- [00:04:21.900]is especially even though
- [00:04:23.909]is especially even though
- [00:04:23.919]we're a small town I don't think kids
- [00:04:26.590]we're a small town I don't think kids
- [00:04:28.817]really ever see how important animals
- [00:04:30.469]really ever see how important animals
- [00:04:30.479]are to our state, corn and soybeans and
- [00:04:34.710]are to our state, corn and soybeans and
- [00:04:34.720]all the different byproducts that are from agriculture
- [00:04:37.230]all the different byproducts that are from agriculture
- [00:04:37.240]and made from animals
- [00:04:41.950]Hi my name is Shari Fischer I currently
- [00:04:42.450]teach at DC West Community School - 4th Grade
- [00:04:45.634]teach at DC West Community School - 4th Grade
- [00:04:47.384]but ag fest is something I've been in
- [00:04:49.470]other schools and I just bring it with
- [00:04:51.429]other schools and I just bring it with
- [00:04:55.390]me to every school I go because over
- [00:04:55.400]me to every school I go because over
- [00:04:57.990]the years it's always been good, but they
- [00:04:58.000]the years it's always been good, but they
- [00:05:00.390]improve it every year and what my
- [00:05:00.400]improve it every year and what my
- [00:05:02.990]students get out of ag fest is unbelievable.
- [00:05:04.000]My name is Jayme Fauble and
- [00:05:06.267]I teach at Bloomfield Elementary School
- [00:05:07.269]I teach at Bloomfield Elementary School
- [00:05:10.670]which is in Ralston School District within
- [00:05:10.680]which is in Ralston School District within
- [00:05:12.630]Omaha. This festival is really important to especially my group of students, we're
- [00:05:14.334]Omaha. This festival is really important to especially my group of students, we're
- [00:05:14.840]from the Omaha area so they don't get to
- [00:05:17.749]from the Omaha area so they don't get to
- [00:05:17.759]see livestock, they don't really get to
- [00:05:20.029]see livestock, they don't really get to
- [00:05:20.039]hear about all the agriculture shown
- [00:05:21.870]hear about all the agriculture shown
- [00:05:21.880]here so it's really important for our
- [00:05:23.629]here so it's really important for our
- [00:05:23.639]group of city kids to kind of get that
- [00:05:25.670]group of city kids to kind of get that
- [00:05:25.680]country feel, things that most people
- [00:05:28.990]country feel, things that most people
- [00:05:29.000]just happen to know but our group of
- [00:05:31.390]just happen to know but our group of
- [00:05:31.400]students don't we also have a lot of
- [00:05:33.749]students don't we also have a lot of
- [00:05:33.759]students that come from other countries
- [00:05:35.230]students that come from other countries
- [00:05:35.240]and cultures it's just a big experience
- [00:05:37.710]and cultures it's just a big experience
- [00:05:37.720]for them things we take kind of for
- [00:05:39.469]for them things we take kind of for
- [00:05:39.479]granted I think in the state fourth
- [00:05:42.230]granted I think in the state fourth
- [00:05:42.240]grade is Nebraska history so it really
- [00:05:44.790]grade is Nebraska history so it really
- [00:05:44.800]relates to everything that we're doing
- [00:05:46.309]relates to everything that we're doing
- [00:05:46.319]in the classroom. I know when they
- [00:05:48.790]in the classroom. I know when they
- [00:05:48.800]come back to school you know they always
- [00:05:50.790]come back to school you know they always
- [00:05:50.800]talk about how much fun it is they think "Oh, it's
- [00:05:53.510]talk about how much fun it is they think "Oh, it's
- [00:05:53.520]boring, it's just all the stations," but
- [00:05:55.870]boring, it's just all the stations," but
- [00:05:55.880]seeing the animals, seeing the actual
- [00:05:58.469]seeing the animals, seeing the actual
- [00:05:58.479]products, even just doing some
- [00:06:00.870]products, even just doing some
- [00:06:00.880]participation activities, they just love
- [00:06:02.749]participation activities, they just love
- [00:06:02.759]it and now when they're exploring in
- [00:06:04.749]it and now when they're exploring in
- [00:06:04.759]the state of Nebraska they can drive and
- [00:06:06.270]the state of Nebraska they can drive and
- [00:06:06.280]say, "Hey I learned about those kind of cows"
- [00:06:08.189]say, "Hey I learned about those kind of cows"
- [00:06:08.199]or "Oh that's a center pivot," so it's really
- [00:06:10.790]or "Oh that's a center pivot," so it's really
- [00:06:10.800]relatable to kids at the festival
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