Info Session_Faculty-led Program to Brazil, Summer 2024
CEHS Global Experiences
Info Session_ Faculty-led Program to Brazil, Summer 2024 (recorded on 12/06/23)
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- [00:00:01.235]This program is to Brazil in summer
- [00:00:05.010]of 2024 for four weeks to Salvador, Brazil, very exciting.
- [00:00:11.250]And today we have Dr. Garcia and Dr. Kim
- [00:00:14.610]who are faculty leaders of this program.
- [00:00:18.450]And we will also have Janice
- [00:00:21.220]who went to Brazil this summer for the same program.
- [00:00:28.560]Not exactly same, but you know, she went to Salvador
- [00:00:32.280]so she has a lot of things to share with you.
- [00:00:34.890]So again, thank you for joining us today.
- [00:00:37.950]So without further, please help me invite Dr. Garcia here.
- [00:00:47.430]So we have to use a mic
- [00:00:48.540]so that your voice also can be recorded.
- [00:00:52.170]Okay. Hello, everyone.
- [00:00:54.480]Thank you so much for joining the informational session.
- [00:00:58.708]I'm Dr. Crystal Garcia. My pronouns are she, her and hers.
- [00:01:02.940]I'm an assistant professor
- [00:01:04.816]of educational administration
- [00:01:05.700]at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- [00:01:08.220]I, along with Dr. Taeyeon Kim,
- [00:01:10.980]who's also an assistant professor
- [00:01:12.810]in educational administration, will be co-leading the course
- [00:01:17.310]and the trip to Brazil.
- [00:01:19.830]I am a higher education scholar,
- [00:01:22.560]so my research primarily focuses on the experiences
- [00:01:27.420]of minoritized college students and the ways
- [00:01:30.060]that they engage with campus environments.
- [00:01:32.696]Dr. Taeyeon Kim focuses more on the P12 side of education
- [00:01:37.481]and I mean, I'll let her introduce herself and her research,
- [00:01:41.880]but I say all of that to say that we kind
- [00:01:44.968]of bring two different perspectives
- [00:01:47.430]from education to the trip.
- [00:01:50.130]We're both critical scholars.
- [00:01:52.350]We both interrogate systems
- [00:01:54.810]of power, privilege, and oppression
- [00:01:56.280]and that's precisely what the trip abroad
- [00:01:59.498]in Brazil will be focused on,
- [00:02:02.430]as well as the coursework leading up to that trip.
- [00:02:06.840]And so today, I know a couple
- [00:02:10.170]of you have attended previous informational sessions,
- [00:02:14.310]so I don't mean to be repetitive, but I wanna make sure
- [00:02:17.220]that everybody has the same information moving forward.
- [00:02:26.250]There we go.
- [00:02:28.133]In terms of the course description itself,
- [00:02:30.330]the course will explore equity, culture and language
- [00:02:33.924]in Brazil and the US using a comparative lens.
- [00:02:36.420]So we'll examine how systemic power, privilege,
- [00:02:38.910]and oppression influence society
- [00:02:41.460]and shape systems, primarily focusing on education
- [00:02:45.450]but obviously as we're discussing systemic forms
- [00:02:49.500]of power, privilege and oppression
- [00:02:51.600]and anti-blackness, those concepts are obviously applicable
- [00:02:56.460]to any sector of society
- [00:02:59.790]but we'll be making more explicit connections
- [00:03:02.988]in education as well through that course.
- [00:03:06.180]And so we'll also be specifically unpacking the role
- [00:03:08.940]of anti-blackness in society, but then also forms
- [00:03:12.780]of resistance and joy that communities leverage
- [00:03:16.470]to repair harm, center ancestry and cultural roots
- [00:03:19.530]and ultimately create structural change.
- [00:03:22.350]And so with that, I actually want to pause
- [00:03:27.570]and turn it over to Janice
- [00:03:35.420]if Janice would like to come up.
- [00:03:41.250]So one of the things that I planned
- [00:03:45.120]on doing was talking a little bit about the course itself
- [00:03:49.260]in terms of the trip that we'll be taking to Bahia, Salvador
- [00:03:57.712]and the types of activities that we'll be engaging in.
- [00:04:02.730]So among those, we have various lectures
- [00:04:06.720]from Brazilian scholars
- [00:04:08.293]on topics such as the history of slavery in Brazil,
- [00:04:12.210]Brazilian education, history of graffiti, its use
- [00:04:16.020]as a tool for activism and resistance,
- [00:04:19.410]Afro-Brazilian religion among others.
- [00:04:22.320]We'll also be engaged in Portuguese classes regularly.
- [00:04:26.385]An important part of the trip is also home stays
- [00:04:30.624]where students are paired with host families,
- [00:04:33.810]to have an immersive cultural experience.
- [00:04:37.230]And in terms of other activities, we'll be taking visits
- [00:04:47.130]to schools, the Instituto Cultural Beneficente Steve Biko,
- [00:04:54.030]which is an NGO
- [00:04:55.380]that provides college entrance exam preparation
- [00:04:57.990]for black students in Salvador.
- [00:05:00.240]We'll engage with Brazilian dance forms
- [00:05:02.280]and Capoeira demonstrations, Candomble temple visit, trips
- [00:05:06.210]to Bahian landmarks and then we'll also have some kind
- [00:05:10.500]of fun excursions that we take on the weekends
- [00:05:14.520]to experience some nature in Arembepe,
- [00:05:17.430]which is more of like a beach town
- [00:05:19.590]and then Lencois, which is a mountain town.
- [00:05:21.750]So I share all of that background around
- [00:05:24.840]what we will be doing in action in Brazil to kind
- [00:05:28.500]of set up some context for Janice to share her experience
- [00:05:32.010]in talking about these topics, okay.
- [00:05:37.500]Hi y'all. I hope you can hear me okay.
- [00:05:39.960]I'm holding this little tiny microphone,
- [00:05:42.660]but I have some slides that I don't think I'll share.
- [00:05:46.860]And if you're looking at the slides
- [00:05:48.750]on your screen, you can see me standing in the bottom photo
- [00:05:54.121]with the orange shorts on.
- [00:05:58.590]We had just gotten off of a canoe kind of excursion
- [00:06:04.769]where we went down this river.
- [00:06:09.120]And if anybody has seen the, oh, what's that movie?
- [00:06:14.497]"Where The Crawdads Sing" and in the bayou
- [00:06:18.000]where it kind of, it goes in these very small thin riverways
- [00:06:23.340]and then it opens up into a wider lake.
- [00:06:27.390]It was just like that and it was beautiful.
- [00:06:30.060]It was so serene, it was gorgeous.
- [00:06:32.937]But really my experience as an African American, as someone
- [00:06:38.070]who identifies as African American was very personal.
- [00:06:44.370]It was personal and I was trying to draw those connections
- [00:06:48.273]to myself and my ancestry
- [00:06:51.690]as well as larger connections socially,
- [00:06:54.481]and draw the parallels that I see in Brazil
- [00:06:58.201]and Salvador, in particular, and Bahia with the US
- [00:07:02.278]because they were very, very, I think, similar contexts
- [00:07:08.757]when we look at people of African descent
- [00:07:11.673]who arrived in that place due to enslavement
- [00:07:14.793]in the transatlantic slave trade.
- [00:07:18.150]And so I was very conscious about the fact
- [00:07:21.720]that I really wanted to connect with my African ancestry
- [00:07:25.710]and Salvador is definitely the place to do it
- [00:07:28.320]because it is so filled with culture and story
- [00:07:36.420]and art and music and life really.
- [00:07:40.473]So before I went, I made a last minute request
- [00:07:45.417]to stay with a family of African descent
- [00:07:52.249]and thankfully that request was granted,
- [00:07:55.140]but I didn't know that until I met the mother that I stayed
- [00:07:58.470]with, the family that I stayed with while I was in Bahia.
- [00:08:01.773]And so as I'm looking for her,
- [00:08:05.165]because we don't meet our mothers until the second day,
- [00:08:10.860]our families until the second day.
- [00:08:14.190]And so I got a picture and I won't tell you everything
- [00:08:20.460]because I want you to be surprised
- [00:08:22.020]if you do end up going, which I hope you do
- [00:08:24.210]but you basically have to find your mother
- [00:08:27.496]with like a puzzle piece,
- [00:08:30.180]and your puzzle piece has to match.
- [00:08:32.580]And so I found her and I felt like she was kind
- [00:08:34.635]of hiding away from me because she knew what I looked like
- [00:08:38.758]and she knew my face and I didn't know hers.
- [00:08:41.940]And so saw me before I saw her.
- [00:08:46.763]And when I finally met with her
- [00:08:51.000]and embraced, we were in tears.
- [00:08:53.477]And this is not a woman, my mother was not a woman
- [00:08:56.323]that is very outwardly emotional.
- [00:09:00.491]And so when I saw her,
- [00:09:04.590]I felt like she had been waiting for me.
- [00:09:07.470]I mean, just plain and simple.
- [00:09:09.480]I felt immediately like there was this unspoken connection.
- [00:09:14.700]She's Afro-Brazilian, and I'm African American,
- [00:09:17.880]but we connect at our African ancestry.
- [00:09:20.790]And all of that was understood and unspoken in that embrace.
- [00:09:28.620]And she knew exactly what I wanted.
- [00:09:30.600]She knew that I wanted to experience more of my culture,
- [00:09:35.235]of my ancestry and really have
- [00:09:37.331]that kind of ancestral recall.
- [00:09:40.620]And so she took me around and she took new places.
- [00:09:43.869]In addition to all of the things that you'll do on this trip
- [00:09:46.920]with the group, you'll also have these very special
- [00:09:50.009]experiences with your family, the family
- [00:09:53.217]that you're staying with, hopefully, and most likely.
- [00:09:59.700]So she took me to dance like my first night.
- [00:10:04.555]I'm listening to a live band
- [00:10:07.647]and I'm dancing samba in the middle of a square.
- [00:10:10.710]I mean, it was so much fun. It was so great.
- [00:10:13.377]I was overwhelmed, but feeling really held and loved
- [00:10:21.837]by someone who I just met less than 24 hours ago.
- [00:10:28.045]I'll share one other night with you
- [00:10:32.280]that probably was the highlight of my trip.
- [00:10:35.400]One of the main things that I wanted to do was cook
- [00:10:37.441]'cause I love to cook.
- [00:10:39.330]I love to eat more.
- [00:10:41.970]And I feel like there's connection points
- [00:10:46.590]in food when we look at culture.
- [00:10:50.670]So I wanted to make a traditional African dish,
- [00:10:55.230]and my mother knew that.
- [00:10:57.027]And a friend of mine who came
- [00:10:58.730]on the trip also wanted that experience.
- [00:11:02.310]And so I asked my mom, and all of this is in Portuguese,
- [00:11:04.794]which I did not speak before going to Brazil.
- [00:11:15.346]I asked her if I could bring a friend over,
- [00:11:17.820]and she said yes, okay, and she gave me the date
- [00:11:20.550]and the time of that week.
- [00:11:23.460]And so that morning that we were supposed to have dinner,
- [00:11:26.946]when I get up, my mom is already up.
- [00:11:30.420]She's already got breakfast made for me.
- [00:11:33.240]She has some shrimp that she's cleaning
- [00:11:37.470]and she's telling me the steps to prepare this dish.
- [00:11:43.080]And she's telling me to look on the stove
- [00:11:44.918]and look inside of the pot and stir it around a little bit.
- [00:11:49.566]And she's explaining the history of this dish,
- [00:11:53.100]which was the history of dishes in America
- [00:11:57.240]when it comes to African American cuisine.
- [00:12:00.540]And she said that our ancestors who were enslaved,
- [00:12:10.380]that they had scraps and they had
- [00:12:15.546]to take undesirable parts of animals and of food
- [00:12:17.879]and make something really delicious from it
- [00:12:20.337]and that is what she made and it was called Moqueca.
- [00:12:23.100]So if you go to Brazil, please get eat some Moqueca.
- [00:12:29.340]Ours had shrimp in it.
- [00:12:31.110]And so she's telling me all the steps and, and I leave
- [00:12:34.703]for my class, for Portuguese class.
- [00:12:37.950]I come back that night with my friend
- [00:12:40.560]and I'm expecting, you know, just regular dinner.
- [00:12:43.223]Well, I walk through the door, my mom, I call her my mom,
- [00:12:48.799]so my mom is dressed
- [00:12:51.570]with full African garb on, her head is wrapped up
- [00:12:56.391]and the dress that she has on is something
- [00:13:01.020]that you'll probably experience when you talk about carnival
- [00:13:04.375]and you talk about black consciousness.
- [00:13:08.880]This is a carnival block that that exemplifies that.
- [00:13:14.367]So she had all of that attire on.
- [00:13:20.760]And I'm like, "Oh, mum, you look great
- [00:13:24.865]and I wanna take a picture."
- [00:13:27.888]I said, "Lemme take a picture of you."
- [00:13:28.860]And she says, "Mm-mm."
- [00:13:30.210]And she leads me and my friend back to my room
- [00:13:33.703]and opens the door and on the bed are two outfits
- [00:13:39.480]from a head wrap all the way down to skirt and jewelry
- [00:13:42.840]that she has asked us to wear just to celebrate this moment
- [00:13:46.839]and recognize the importance of this moment.
- [00:13:51.395]And so we did.
- [00:13:54.394]We got dressed, we went to the kitchen, we continued
- [00:13:56.945]to cook together and had the most amazing meal of the night.
- [00:14:04.543]And it was those little moments where, you know,
- [00:14:10.046]if it was just the director in Brazil or your mom
- [00:14:14.094]or someone else, a stranger that you didn't even know
- [00:14:18.238]that could feel your energy and could feel
- [00:14:21.382]what you were looking for and wanted to show you all
- [00:14:24.311]of what Brazil and Salvador had to offer, all
- [00:14:26.870]of like the joy and the culture
- [00:14:29.510]and the beauty of it that just created it.
- [00:14:33.930]It has changed my life
- [00:14:35.430]and certainly it's definitely informed the direction
- [00:14:42.254]of my future research.
- [00:14:45.300]So I don't know what else you want me to share. That's it.
- [00:14:49.551]Maybe you wanna highlight some
- [00:14:52.584]of your favorite moments
- [00:14:53.870]of those shared programming pieces.
- [00:14:56.829]Okay, yeah, so shared program experiences,
- [00:15:08.970]like shared pieces, highlights of those pieces
- [00:15:12.480]that we shared together.
- [00:15:16.020]I definitely think the dancing, so there was a lot of dance,
- [00:15:19.020]there's a lot of movement in Salvador.
- [00:15:21.960]The attention to body, like there is an attention here
- [00:15:25.573]and almost like an a negative attention here, it's
- [00:15:28.560]not the same in Salvador.
- [00:15:29.559]So there's a lot of movement.
- [00:15:32.616]There's a lot of kind of celebrating body.
- [00:15:35.293]And so we had a dance class that we all took together
- [00:15:41.406]by this really famous choreographer
- [00:15:44.021]whose name I can't remember, I'm sorry.
- [00:15:46.620]And we had it in his studio
- [00:15:48.510]and his studio overlooked the city
- [00:15:50.165]and it overlooked the water.
- [00:15:52.560]And Salvador is on a peninsula,
- [00:15:54.540]so there's water all around us,
- [00:15:58.109]and it was gorgeous.
- [00:16:01.080]But this was the first time that our group really connected
- [00:16:04.205]and was really free and people were moving
- [00:16:07.709]and doing their own dance and doing their own thing.
- [00:16:11.640]But it was a moment of vulnerability and celebration
- [00:16:16.017]because this is an intensive trip.
- [00:16:21.510]I mean, you're really experiencing a lot.
- [00:16:24.210]And even if you've traveled abroad before, which I have,
- [00:16:27.301]which some of you probably have as well, you're immersed
- [00:16:32.405]in a culture that is not your own, you're learning
- [00:16:37.565]to speak a language, and you're
- [00:16:39.466]learning Portuguese daily for hours a day.
- [00:16:43.285]And your home stay family, they're instructed
- [00:16:48.741]to not talk to you in English.
- [00:16:51.439]So they want you to really try
- [00:16:53.940]to learn the language of Portuguese.
- [00:16:55.470]And they do, they give you grace, a lot of grace.
- [00:16:57.900]So it's not too hard.
- [00:17:01.510]But yeah, so that was a big moment
- [00:17:04.270]for our group in particular.
- [00:17:09.960]And then actually the trip that you see
- [00:17:12.462]on your screen now, the canoeing trip,
- [00:17:15.582]that was just a small group of us.
- [00:17:19.710]So it was great because we were allowed
- [00:17:21.810]to have these large group experiences and then we were able
- [00:17:24.627]to have like these small more, intimate group experiences.
- [00:17:28.440]And this picture was taken in Lencois
- [00:17:31.332]and it was taken outta Quilombo or a former Quilombo.
- [00:17:36.780]Quilombos are communities that were established
- [00:17:38.836]by Africans who resisted enslavement.
- [00:17:42.840]And so you will probably go to a Quilombo
- [00:17:49.725]and just see how they live
- [00:17:52.560]and that's gonna be a great experience.
- [00:17:58.650]And this trip is not just for black people.
- [00:18:01.215]I think sometimes,
- [00:18:05.733]when people hear my story, they think, oh, it's not for me,
- [00:18:09.840]if they're not black, but it is.
- [00:18:12.090]It's for everyone and it's for you to be able
- [00:18:14.112]to see yourself and place yourself in this context
- [00:18:16.980]and see how you move in in Brazil and how you move
- [00:18:21.285]in America as it pertains to race and racism
- [00:18:25.991]and power and privilege.
- [00:18:34.680]Thank you Janice, for sharing your beautiful experiences.
- [00:18:38.730]Before having Dr. Garcia again, I would like
- [00:18:41.376]to invite Dr. Cody Hollist,
- [00:18:45.853]who's the director of Global Experiences office
- [00:18:49.511]and who has done a lot of work in Brazil
- [00:18:52.207]if you have couple of things to share.
- [00:18:59.887]I'm gonna let Crystal talk about the program.
- [00:19:02.831]So I've been to and led this program
- [00:19:08.280]to Salvador several times.
- [00:19:09.398]Love the people there.
- [00:19:12.397]The thing that I think I'm gonna add is from the safety
- [00:19:15.030]and security and the structure standpoint,
- [00:19:18.210]and this is always questions
- [00:19:19.830]that people have about the location
- [00:19:21.810]and about, you know, especially if parents wanna know
- [00:19:24.720]how is this gonna be and what's this gonna look like?
- [00:19:27.900]Clara, who is the program director
- [00:19:30.209]in Salvador does an amazing job of taking care of everybody
- [00:19:33.581]and making sure that the places
- [00:19:36.090]where students are staying in the homes are very safe
- [00:19:39.013]and that the students are very well cared for.
- [00:19:42.133]And I think that that's an important question.
- [00:19:44.381]Janice talked about the kind of vulnerability
- [00:19:47.234]of the program, and I would echo
- [00:19:50.082]what she says about the application
- [00:19:54.133]and utility, regardless of your background.
- [00:19:58.170]I think that it's shocking to a lot of our, especially
- [00:20:02.407]Nebraska born and raised white students
- [00:20:06.437]who lived on the farm, how personal
- [00:20:09.853]and how impactful this can be to them
- [00:20:14.053]and their life experience.
- [00:20:16.605]And so I think that one of the things that's necessary
- [00:20:19.397]for people to open up
- [00:20:21.221]and process vulnerability is safety and security.
- [00:20:25.950]And so I think that Clara does a wonderful job
- [00:20:28.200]of making sure that in times when you need to be vulnerable,
- [00:20:32.031]there's also a environment that is safe
- [00:20:35.655]and secure enough that you can engage in
- [00:20:38.070]that self-exploration in a way that lets you process
- [00:20:41.567]what's going on and still know that you're being cared for
- [00:20:47.087]and you are embraced by this environment.
- [00:20:52.260]So I just wanna echo the quality of
- [00:20:54.855]and the value of the environment that's there.
- [00:20:59.500]Salvador's an amazing place
- [00:21:01.780]and it really will give you a different perspective
- [00:21:07.604]of yourself and others.
- [00:21:10.740]So I hope that you all go with Crystal
- [00:21:13.089]to this wonderful place, Crystal and Taeyeon Kim.
- [00:21:16.467]So Crystal, I'll turn over to you.
- [00:21:23.400]Thank you, Cody.
- [00:21:24.330]I'm so glad that you mentioned the care
- [00:21:26.807]that Clara puts into the program.
- [00:21:29.370]So Clara is our point person in Brazil
- [00:21:32.314]who coordinates pretty much all of these amazing activities
- [00:21:36.463]that we engage in, reaches out to our lecturers,
- [00:21:40.391]coordinates our Portuguese instructors,
- [00:21:44.381]coordinates the home stays.
- [00:21:46.719]And I think that students, and Janice, you can correct me
- [00:21:49.281]if I'm wrong, students on the trip tend
- [00:21:52.129]to form a very special bond with Clara
- [00:21:55.236]as well through the trip,
- [00:21:57.396]who is always very kind, warm, loving, like another parent
- [00:22:02.764]or a loved one, really like on the trip
- [00:22:06.516]and is, you know, happy to help students in any way
- [00:22:10.956]and support them through the trip in addition
- [00:22:13.830]to Taeyeon and and I as your trip leaders.
- [00:22:16.590]And so kind of going back to
- [00:22:18.821]what Janice shared about the location of the trip.
- [00:22:25.230]Being in Bahia is very intentional.
- [00:22:29.070]I was very fortunate to have really just
- [00:22:33.660]by luck, been invited to go along with a different group
- [00:22:38.525]in this past summer on their trip to Bahia.
- [00:22:43.560]And I thought that it was almost too good
- [00:22:48.241]to be true like it was meant to be.
- [00:22:51.570]That's maybe more of what I'm trying to get at
- [00:22:54.221]because of the work that I do, particularly around equity
- [00:22:59.229]and thinking about systemic racism and the uniqueness
- [00:23:04.677]of the location of Bahia as a point of considering
- [00:23:11.850]and critically examining systems
- [00:23:14.109]of power, privilege, and oppression.
- [00:23:17.130]And so many of you may have already seen the kind
- [00:23:20.610]of background video around the course,
- [00:23:23.197]but Brazil has second highest black population
- [00:23:26.981]of any country in the world following Nigeria.
- [00:23:31.080]And whenever we think about Bahia specifically,
- [00:23:33.757]the area has a majority Afro-Brazilian black population
- [00:23:38.469]and their Afro-Brazilian population is
- [00:23:42.783]largely a result of slavery.
- [00:23:45.544]Historians estimate that five
- [00:23:47.790]to 6 million enslaved African people were taken to Brazil.
- [00:23:52.749]That number is staggering and significant, particularly
- [00:23:56.074]when we think about the US context
- [00:23:58.357]where approximately three
- [00:24:00.197]to 400,000 individuals were taken to the US.
- [00:24:05.640]And so Brazil was also the last country
- [00:24:08.010]in the Western hemisphere to abolish slavery.
- [00:24:11.220]They only did so in 1888
- [00:24:13.650]when under immense economic and political pressure.
- [00:24:17.197]The main text that we read
- [00:24:19.053]for this course unpacks this history
- [00:24:22.617]as well as other important history about Brazil
- [00:24:26.517]and thinking about the people that are there today
- [00:24:31.861]and how we came to our current context today in Brazil.
- [00:24:36.870]But also we're pairing our main text with other readings
- [00:24:41.701]that help us to further consider the parallels
- [00:24:45.630]and what is happening and has happened in Brazil
- [00:24:48.983]and what is happening
- [00:24:51.300]and has happened in the United States.
- [00:24:53.388]And as Janice mentioned, the parallels are astounding.
- [00:24:59.370]There are so many lectures and conversations that we engaged
- [00:25:02.540]in around what's happening in education,
- [00:25:04.972]around what's happening around, you know, the ways
- [00:25:09.084]that people interact day-to-day in society.
- [00:25:12.564]And those have so many similarities
- [00:25:15.856]to what we have seen, even in terms
- [00:25:18.444]of our previous leadership within our country
- [00:25:22.044]and Brazil as well.
- [00:25:24.204]So there's plenty of room for exploration
- [00:25:26.748]around those topical areas.
- [00:25:29.332]Lots of things to simmer on and think about.
- [00:25:32.364]So I always enjoyed unpacking after experiences with Janice.
- [00:25:37.815]Always so thoughtful in thinking about those connections
- [00:25:41.660]and her research is amazing
- [00:25:44.430]and the research that's coming forward
- [00:25:46.830]from her I know is gonna be astounding.
- [00:25:49.188]And so hopefully you all can take away some of those impacts
- [00:25:52.404]in thinking about your work
- [00:25:54.797]and thinking about potential future research
- [00:25:57.437]and thinking about how you wanna just show up in the world.
- [00:26:00.930]And so those are a lot of the things that we'll unpack.
- [00:26:04.830]And so I did want to mention again, these pictures,
- [00:26:07.580]these images are from experiences
- [00:26:10.398]that, you know, I engaged in within the trip.
- [00:26:15.120]So on the top left here, you can see we visited a
- [00:26:18.527]host family and two of the UNL students for an evening.
- [00:26:29.400]I'm sorry, I'm very hoarse
- [00:26:36.300]and all the chatting is not helping.
- [00:26:40.290]But we visited a host family and had time with them,
- [00:26:42.630]which was beautiful, you can see there.
- [00:26:45.540]The top right picture is an image from Portuguese classes,
- [00:26:48.855]which again, we engaged in daily.
- [00:26:52.380]And then this bottom image is from one of our lecturers
- [00:26:54.938]who is a widely renowned graffiti artist
- [00:27:00.210]who has also even done artwork here in Lincoln.
- [00:27:05.175]And our lecture with Eder was very exciting
- [00:27:12.490]and interesting as we not only learned about the history
- [00:27:15.585]of graffiti, but then we also got to do an activity
- [00:27:18.617]where we went into the alleyway outside of his home,
- [00:27:21.769]which he brought us to his home
- [00:27:24.000]for this lecture, which was beautiful and kind.
- [00:27:26.897]And then we set up posters in the alleyway
- [00:27:32.385]and had the opportunity to create some of our own graffiti.
- [00:27:36.150]Now our graffiti was nothing compared
- [00:27:37.545]to what you see portrayed in this portrait here,
- [00:27:42.465]and it was a really cool moment to be able
- [00:27:45.857]to create something that students could take home
- [00:27:48.977]with them and have as a memory of that experience.
- [00:27:52.530]And so that's just another one
- [00:27:54.180]of those memorable pieces of the trip.
- [00:27:56.569]And then again, in thinking
- [00:27:58.641]about all the different components of the trip, something
- [00:28:02.258]that I did want to address is the tentative course calendar,
- [00:28:10.336]but I think we might kind of take a break
- [00:28:12.497]in talking about the activities
- [00:28:14.940]and have a discussion about course costs.
- [00:28:17.379]I don't know if you would like
- [00:28:19.097]to share any information on this front.
- [00:28:21.677]And then also potential funding supports.
- [00:28:33.797]Yeah, so you might've checked out the brochure already.
- [00:28:40.230]Here's the brochure and when you click on the tab
- [00:28:44.206]that says cost and funding, you can see the program cost.
- [00:28:49.800]So the total program costs consists of three chunks.
- [00:28:57.420]First is Global Experiences program cost
- [00:29:02.400]that you need for that program itself to Brazil.
- [00:29:08.326]And the second chunk is UNL tuition and fees,
- [00:29:11.886]which can vary depending on the level you are in
- [00:29:16.294]or the type of student you are.
- [00:29:21.810]And the last chunk is out-of-pocket expenses,
- [00:29:24.662]which includes airfare and meals and incidentals
- [00:29:30.001]and also communication bills.
- [00:29:36.450]So when you do the math,
- [00:29:39.480]if you are an undergrad resident student here
- [00:29:42.630]at UNL, $7,565,
- [00:29:48.000]that's the total program cost again including airfare
- [00:29:52.680]and other estimated out-of-pocket expenses.
- [00:29:56.820]And then the rest of the program cost is
- [00:30:00.454]what you see on the screen.
- [00:30:05.550]Once we have the list of participants,
- [00:30:10.530]which we are expecting to have sometime
- [00:30:14.582]at the beginning of February.
- [00:30:17.550]The program application deadline is February 1st,
- [00:30:24.180]and we can't see.
- [00:30:27.540]Okay, what do I need to do? Thank you for letting me know.
- [00:30:32.926]Let me do a quick check.
- [00:30:41.400]Oh what, stop share. Let me share the screen again.
- [00:30:48.039]Here's the brochure. All right, here, okay, good.
- [00:30:55.320]Here's a brochure that you can also check out yourself
- [00:30:58.298]and if you don't, please email me at
- [00:31:09.390]and I will send you the link with the brochure here.
- [00:31:13.650]So once we have the final list of participants,
- [00:31:17.811]then we are gonna go
- [00:31:19.823]with the commitment deposit payment process first
- [00:31:23.751]and then from that point you'll receive more frequent emails
- [00:31:32.850]from me so that we can work one-on-one
- [00:31:36.878]and we can go from there.
- [00:31:40.238]I do believe there might be scholarship opportunities.
- [00:31:47.310]CEHS Dean's office is currently working
- [00:31:49.418]on the scholarship program for CEHS graduate students
- [00:31:57.630]and we should be able
- [00:31:59.250]to have that information sometime
- [00:32:02.403]at the beginning of January, hopefully.
- [00:32:06.060]And as soon as I have
- [00:32:08.340]that information I'll share that with you promptly.
- [00:32:14.790]Ready/Set/Go? Ready/Set/Go is
- [00:32:17.580]not applicable for graduates level.
- [00:32:20.150]Are there any undergrads there?
- [00:32:23.233]Do we have CEHS undergrad students here?
- [00:32:35.700]Do you have other questions or concerns?
- [00:32:55.788]Okay. So let's see.
- [00:33:00.150]We're going to copy the link into the chat also
- [00:33:05.490]so that you can check out this information on your own.
- [00:33:11.212]Also keep in mind that
- [00:33:13.789]if you are a university employee, your tuition and fee
- [00:33:23.370]or your tuition waiver may reduce
- [00:33:26.850]this total billable amount.
- [00:33:30.911]Yes, Cody's checking, okay.
- [00:33:34.770]So then that would not necessarily be included
- [00:33:38.416]in your total out-of-pocket, but that is something
- [00:33:41.910]that you may just wanna check in with financial aid.
- [00:33:47.010]And if they have a different scholarship,
- [00:33:48.630]sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't
- [00:33:50.250]so they need to talk to Husker Hub.
- [00:33:52.083]Talk to Husker Hub just to verify that
- [00:33:55.740]that would be the case for you
- [00:33:56.801]because obviously that impacts your total costs.
- [00:34:03.120]In addition to the CEHS scholarships,
- [00:34:07.537]there may be additional funding support
- [00:34:10.955]for students that have a demonstrated need.
- [00:34:13.961]And so if that is the case for you
- [00:34:15.969]and you are interested in the program, please reach out
- [00:34:19.265]to Dr. Kim and myself
- [00:34:21.697]and we can begin a conversation from there
- [00:34:27.210]and see what might be available to support you.
- [00:34:32.970]Going back. Do we have the calendar?
- [00:34:41.760]Is it maybe this Word document? Sorry.
- [00:34:43.508]Yes.
- [00:34:44.341]Oh yeah, there it is.
- [00:34:53.053]Okay, so next I wanted to share,
- [00:34:57.510]this is a tentative program calendar,
- [00:35:01.032]so it is definitely subject to change.
- [00:35:04.950]However, hopefully this gives you
- [00:35:06.660]at least a little bit of an idea of
- [00:35:09.240]what the plan day-to-day programming looks like.
- [00:35:13.710]As Janice mentioned, I think
- [00:35:15.285]as I've mentioned before, this is a very active program.
- [00:35:22.530]So there are a lot of things
- [00:35:25.005]that we're doing throughout the days.
- [00:35:27.109]There are a lot of different experiences
- [00:35:30.589]that you'll have, lectures, activities, you know, kind
- [00:35:35.773]of some mini trips and then also our Portuguese lessons.
- [00:35:40.997]And so this kind of gives you an overview
- [00:35:43.189]of what that looks like.
- [00:35:45.133]So it does take quite a minute to get to Bahia.
- [00:35:50.235]So typically that travel time might be upwards
- [00:35:56.924]of 24 hours, potentially roundabout.
- [00:36:00.158]Janice, I'm not sure what your travel experience was.
- [00:36:03.930]That was about how long my trip to Bahia was.
- [00:36:08.957]Cody is nodding.
- [00:36:12.810]So that's why typically we'll have the start date on,
- [00:36:16.138]as you can see, July 10th on Wednesday we would be departing
- [00:36:19.714]from, it says Nebraska,
- [00:36:21.660]but some of you may be coming from different areas.
- [00:36:24.509]Arriving in Salvador on Thursday, we begin
- [00:36:27.450]with a start at a hotel for the night.
- [00:36:31.522]So that hopefully that gives you a little bit of time
- [00:36:35.970]to decompress before meeting with your host families
- [00:36:39.210]because that emotional experience
- [00:36:41.340]as Janice described can be a lot.
- [00:36:43.830]And you know, being completely wiped out from a long trip
- [00:36:47.811]there is probably not the way that you want to arrive.
- [00:36:51.510]And so we have a welcome dinner, we have some information
- [00:36:54.034]that we go over on that evening.
- [00:36:57.750]The next day, we have welcome lunch
- [00:37:00.058]with, Clara refers to your host families as the mothers.
- [00:37:04.525]So those are the individuals
- [00:37:06.870]that are mostly in contact with Clara,
- [00:37:10.290]but different students may have different family situations.
- [00:37:14.762]You may have parents in your household.
- [00:37:18.870]You may have grandparents as well in your household.
- [00:37:21.450]You may have other siblings in your household.
- [00:37:24.122]And so that just kind of varies.
- [00:37:26.399]One thing that Clara ensures for host families is
- [00:37:30.360]that students have their own separate private room
- [00:37:35.794]and you also have a bathroom that is only accessed
- [00:37:40.258]by you and/or another student if there's another student
- [00:37:45.270]that is also housed in that same home
- [00:37:49.556]but not necessarily shared by the host mothers and family.
- [00:37:55.594]So then as you can see, Saturday workshop
- [00:37:58.802]on Afro-Brazilian dance, a tour of Bahia,
- [00:38:05.308]potentially a joint dinner on Sunday, a free day,
- [00:38:10.920]which are rare in this trip
- [00:38:13.647]so that was an intentional addition for this year.
- [00:38:19.139]We did not have a little free day in the last trip.
- [00:38:24.418]But then starting fresh on Monday
- [00:38:26.879]with a morning section of Portuguese class.
- [00:38:31.138]And I know 9:00 to 12:00 might seem like a lot,
- [00:38:33.773]but we take a break about halfway through.
- [00:38:36.138]And Janice, I don't know about you
- [00:38:37.950]but I felt like the time flew by
- [00:38:40.290]and I was always wanting more.
- [00:38:43.230]And if you do have the opportunity to go
- [00:38:45.960]on the trip, highly recommend
- [00:38:47.898]that you at least begin with some Duolingo lessons
- [00:38:51.376]and start familiarizing yourself with it.
- [00:38:53.874]I still keep track of Janice on Duolingo
- [00:38:56.538]and she is, I think probably going to be,
- [00:39:01.125]if not already fluent in Portuguese within a year beginning.
- [00:39:07.985]But we have, you know, lectures as you can kind
- [00:39:11.529]of see the structure is pretty similar
- [00:39:14.310]where we'll have morning Portuguese class time
- [00:39:17.079]and then in the afternoon, we'll have a lecture
- [00:39:19.803]or some sort of site visit.
- [00:39:22.830]And that's kind of broken up
- [00:39:24.546]with these kind of smaller trips.
- [00:39:27.729]So we have a day trip where we visit a Columbo,
- [00:39:30.097]as Janice talked about earlier.
- [00:39:35.640]We have a weekend excursion trip to Arembepe.
- [00:39:39.689]And there we have a beautiful, you know, beach experience
- [00:39:45.808]that is a lot of free time, a lot
- [00:39:48.000]of fun and relaxation time.
- [00:39:50.460]And then also a gorgeous dinner that Clara sets up for us
- [00:39:54.481]under a tree with lights and it's just magical.
- [00:39:58.113]And she has this toast altogether
- [00:40:00.753]and it's just really beautiful.
- [00:40:03.688]We check out a school, we visit different, sorry, centers.
- [00:40:21.270]And then the next weekend, we have another trip to Lencois.
- [00:40:25.011]And this is another change that we made this year
- [00:40:32.657]where we will actually have one extra day in Lencois
- [00:40:37.281]so that we can really soak up the time there
- [00:40:41.130]because I think it was like a five hour bus ride
- [00:40:44.441]to get there but we visit a gorgeous mountain town.
- [00:40:51.900]This is where we have a little bit of flexibility
- [00:40:54.969]in activities where we can do a cave excursion,
- [00:41:00.433]visit a waterfall, if weather allows,
- [00:41:06.009]and then also potentially go canoeing as you saw earlier
- [00:41:10.830]and heard described.
- [00:41:12.690]And then we kind of just wrap up the trip
- [00:41:15.630]and then we depart back to the States.
- [00:41:19.080]And so again, this is subject to change,
- [00:41:22.593]but generally by and large, this is going
- [00:41:25.617]to be the structure and the activities
- [00:41:27.660]that we will be doing during the trip.
- [00:41:30.273]Leading up to the trip, you'll have course readings,
- [00:41:34.681]you'll have some course assignments that are really meant
- [00:41:38.100]to just get you reflecting
- [00:41:40.110]on the concepts around systemic racism,
- [00:41:44.242]around power, privilege and oppression,
- [00:41:46.950]how we're seeing the comparisons already even
- [00:41:49.980]before going to Brazil, between Brazil and the US.
- [00:41:53.934]Dr. Kim and I were very intentional in ensuring
- [00:41:56.929]that all of your actual assignments were due
- [00:42:01.309]before we go on the trip
- [00:42:03.120]because as you can see during the trip, you're
- [00:42:04.657]not really going to have time to be doing readings
- [00:42:08.017]and assignments, but we will have a lot of opportunities
- [00:42:11.945]where we meet together to reflect
- [00:42:14.921]and unpack regularly with the content
- [00:42:18.665]that we're engaging in.
- [00:42:21.180]And so hopefully that gives you a little bit
- [00:42:23.520]of insight about what to expect
- [00:42:25.710]on the trip around the course.
- [00:42:28.141]Dr. Kim and I also plan to have a couple
- [00:42:31.537]of meetings in the spring to the summer leading up
- [00:42:36.060]to the trip just to touch base to ensure
- [00:42:39.300]that we're unpacking things together
- [00:42:41.400]and that we're also preparing for trip and travel
- [00:42:44.017]and expectations around how to pack and what to bring
- [00:42:47.496]and some tips around how to engage
- [00:42:50.801]with life in Brazil as you're there.
- [00:42:55.089]So I will stop sharing here.
- [00:43:04.241]I do wanna open it up now
- [00:43:07.530]if anybody has any additional questions.
- [00:43:14.130]And what was that Janice?
- [00:43:18.092]I'll be answering questions.
- [00:43:20.318]Okay and Janice has also offered up
- [00:43:21.870]to answer any questions from like a student perspective side
- [00:43:25.230]of having the experience on the trip.
- [00:43:30.150]So if you would like to just unmute, you're welcome to.
- [00:43:33.000]You can also pop in any questions into the chat.
- [00:43:42.240]While folks are simmering, I'll have Dr. Kim come up
- [00:43:46.370]if you are willing to, and then just introduce yourself
- [00:43:49.500]and maybe a little bit about your research
- [00:43:51.120]and how it connects to what we're gonna be focusing on.
- [00:43:59.250]Hello, everyone, I think I've met some of you,
- [00:44:02.010]but yeah, thanks for the interest.
- [00:44:04.800]My name is Taeyeon Kim.
- [00:44:06.090]I'm an assistant professor
- [00:44:07.410]in the Department of Ed admin working with Dr. Garcia.
- [00:44:13.050]As a doc student, I also went to study abroad on the program
- [00:44:16.410]for the summertime when I was at Michigan State University
- [00:44:19.770]and I went to China with a whole group
- [00:44:23.640]and it was kind of a phenomenal experience.
- [00:44:27.093]You know, my study in PhD is actually I studied abroad,
- [00:44:31.800]but as a doc student going back to another country,
- [00:44:36.780]which is not my own country,
- [00:44:38.970]but sharing some types of culture and history
- [00:44:42.990]but also, you know, other forms of modern politics
- [00:44:46.860]or the differences, culture, activity, culture, lifestyles
- [00:44:51.540]and other, you know, educational systems
- [00:44:57.480]or three different parts of, you know, educational systems
- [00:45:01.200]and lifestyles and culture history really made me think
- [00:45:05.190]about what education means
- [00:45:07.770]and how the different, you know,
- [00:45:11.130]on the global scale, how we think of
- [00:45:16.020]and how we establish and develop norms, systems
- [00:45:20.130]and policies and everyday daily practices
- [00:45:23.940]in our current education systems
- [00:45:25.860]including, you know, K-12 to higher education.
- [00:45:28.920]So it's been really a transformative experience to me
- [00:45:32.670]so I joined this program.
- [00:45:34.688]I really hope you to consider joining us
- [00:45:40.260]and I'm not an expert in Portuguese
- [00:45:44.760]or neo Brazilian culture,
- [00:45:46.800]but I do study comparative education and global issues.
- [00:45:51.030]So I taught comparative education in last year
- [00:45:55.888]and then I'll teach global issues
- [00:45:57.090]in higher education this coming spring.
- [00:45:58.830]So would like to learn more about, you know, what we need
- [00:46:04.830]to think about this study abroad program activities
- [00:46:09.540]and how higher education can be better informed
- [00:46:14.760]and informed by these types of experiences
- [00:46:18.930]and how the equity and racism, diversity issues has been
- [00:46:25.530]discussed in academic literature,
- [00:46:28.950]but also, you know, on a global scale,
- [00:46:31.860]how they really impact
- [00:46:34.350]on daily experiences in other settings.
- [00:46:38.010]So excited about that and please join us
- [00:46:42.060]and ask any questions you have or any comments.
- [00:46:59.550]Okay, well even if as you continue forward,
- [00:47:04.110]if you end up thinking about other questions
- [00:47:06.180]that you were unable to ask today, you're always welcome
- [00:47:09.690]to reach out to us.
- [00:47:11.340]So let me pull back up the PowerPoint and share.
- [00:47:27.677]There we go.
- [00:47:40.350]Okay, so here on the screen you can see the link
- [00:47:44.496]to both the information landing page about the program
- [00:47:49.320]and then also email addresses for Dr. Kim and I.
- [00:47:54.870]You can also contact the Education Abroad office.
- [00:47:58.050]So Young in particular, if you have any particular questions
- [00:48:00.600]that you would like to ask them.
- [00:48:03.150]But we welcome the opportunity to include you in this trip.
- [00:48:08.580]We're really excited about the course, the content,
- [00:48:13.140]the importance and significance of this work,
- [00:48:15.556]as well as the overall experience.
- [00:48:18.360]And I always kind of say that, you know, each
- [00:48:21.420]of these experiences is very different.
- [00:48:23.160]Even if you've studied abroad, you know, 15 times the people
- [00:48:27.794]that you're with and the content and the place
- [00:48:31.980]and the context, all of those things uniquely inform
- [00:48:35.757]an experience that is memorable,
- [00:48:38.670]unforgettable, and significant.
- [00:48:41.100]And so I really encourage you to consider this opportunity
- [00:48:46.260]if it's possible for you.
- [00:48:48.270]And again, please feel free to reach out
- [00:48:49.890]if you have any questions.
- [00:48:51.840]The next point of action then I suppose would be
- [00:48:55.620]to wait until February for that commitment moment
- [00:48:58.920]or maybe Kim can talk about next steps.
- [00:49:01.920]So if you are participating in this program,
- [00:49:06.780]please do submit your application on our Via TRM portal
- [00:49:12.380]so that we can estimate how many students are actually going
- [00:49:16.860]and so that we can move forward.
- [00:49:18.840]So before making your $500 commitment deposit payment,
- [00:49:26.959]you can withdraw your application any time.
- [00:49:30.780]So for now, if you are actually interested
- [00:49:34.620]and if you're actually planning on going,
- [00:49:36.900]please do submit your application.
- [00:49:39.030]And in the meantime if you have questions,
- [00:49:40.950]please email us anytime, then we can go from there.
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