S1E2: Part 2: The Glamorization of Motherhood on Social Media with Dr. Kirkpatrick
Nebraska Extension Early Childhood Program Area- Emily Manning, Dr. Holly Hatton, Erin Kampbell, Ingrid Lindal, Linda Reddish, Katie Krause, and LaDonna Werth
We continue our interview with Dr. Kirkpatrick about her research on how the portrayal of motherhood on social media can impact new mothers' mental health and well-being. Dr. Kirkpatrick shares her experiences as a first-time mother and tips for using navigate social media in a healthy way.
The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined All Women by Susan J. Douglas & Meredith W. Michaels (2005) Free Press.
Kirkpatrick, C. & Lee, S. (2022). Comparisons to picture-picture motherhood: How Instagram’s idealized portrayals of motherhood affect new mothers’ well-being. Computers in Human Behavior,137, 107417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107417
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Music: Afterparty Review by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/2962-afterparty-review
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Searchable Transcript
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- [00:00:00.000](energetic ominous music)
- [00:00:08.430]This is "The Good Life and Early Life,"
- [00:00:11.100]a production of Nebraska Extension.
- [00:00:12.870]I'm your host, Emily Manning,
- [00:00:14.370]an Early Childhood Extension Educator in Seward County.
- [00:00:17.400]In this episode, we are continuing our interview
- [00:00:20.250]with Dr. Kirkpatrick, an Assistant Professor
- [00:00:22.500]of Advertising and Public Relations
- [00:00:24.390]at the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
- [00:00:27.030]If you haven't already listened to Part One
- [00:00:28.950]of this interview, I highly recommend you listen
- [00:00:30.990]to that first and then come back and listen to this episode
- [00:00:33.810]where we continue to discuss Navigating Motherhood
- [00:00:36.510]and the Wild Wild World of Social Media.
- [00:00:38.820]We are gonna pick right up where we left off
- [00:00:40.830]with my next question for Dr. Kirkpatrick.
- [00:00:43.980]What were some things that helped you
- [00:00:45.780]when you were a new mother in navigating social media?
- [00:00:49.470]I think, for me, a big thing is I tried
- [00:00:51.000]to be a little more conscious of how I was feeling based off
- [00:00:53.880]of the posts I was seeing.
- [00:00:55.020]So, there were a few influencers who just, every time,
- [00:00:57.600]I would see their posts like I would feel bad about myself.
- [00:01:00.060]And so, I had to start, you know, kind of recognizing that
- [00:01:02.550]and asking myself like, why am I following this person
- [00:01:04.560]if they only make me feel terrible?
- [00:01:06.330]Like is it worth it?
- [00:01:07.590]And so, you know, unfollowing people is very helpful
- [00:01:10.860]but also having a mix of who I follow has been helpful.
- [00:01:14.280]So, I do follow, you know, some of the influencers
- [00:01:17.910]who only post idealized portrayals but I also make sure
- [00:01:20.820]that I have I other portrayals showing up
- [00:01:23.760]on my timelines too.
- [00:01:24.660]So, I'm seeing content that is more realistic
- [00:01:27.810]that I can relate to that helps me remember
- [00:01:30.300]that I'm not alone in this
- [00:01:31.740]that other people are going through the same things.
- [00:01:33.690]And so, in terms of social media that's
- [00:01:35.220]kind of how I've dealt with it.
- [00:01:36.720]But then also, it's important to think
- [00:01:38.220]about our lives outside of social media too.
- [00:01:40.170]So, not spending too much time on it but also,
- [00:01:42.300]making sure that we kind of foster relationships
- [00:01:44.820]with real mothers in the real world.
- [00:01:46.770]So, I was very fortunate that I had other close friends
- [00:01:49.950]who became parents around the same time as me.
- [00:01:51.990]And so, having them as a support group to vent to,
- [00:01:54.810]to hear about experiences from, and know that like, okay,
- [00:01:58.080]we're all dealing with figuring out
- [00:02:00.240]the bedtime-routine situation or the debate of, you know,
- [00:02:03.510]breastfeeding versus formula.
- [00:02:05.160]So, having real people that you can compare to
- [00:02:08.160]in real life not just on social media and share experiences
- [00:02:11.220]with has been really helpful.
- [00:02:12.600]I love that advice.
- [00:02:13.590]That's just really sound advice for new moms and just people
- [00:02:17.280]in general just to be critical of their social media usage
- [00:02:20.340]and how it's impacting them and their mental health
- [00:02:22.710]and just really being critical.
- [00:02:23.707]Yeah, and it can be so hard to, you know, remember that,
- [00:02:27.240]okay, like this isn't what real life is like
- [00:02:30.240]and to like recognize the effects
- [00:02:32.220]that it's having on you and like get yourself
- [00:02:34.230]to realize you should take more breaks from it.
- [00:02:36.420]Follow different people.
- [00:02:37.890]It can be hard, so.
- [00:02:38.970]Yeah, I think, I don't know,
- [00:02:40.740]I probably should have looked into like a research on this
- [00:02:42.990]but I think like we have like a craving for beauty
- [00:02:46.230]and we really want that in our life.
- [00:02:48.420]And so, we enjoy seeing these ideal images
- [00:02:51.060]because it just satisfies that need
- [00:02:52.830]for like beauty and order.
- [00:02:54.720]But we gotta balance that with reality too,
- [00:02:57.590](laughs) which is not always fun to pour a dose of reality
- [00:03:00.540]on the things but- Yeah, I know,
- [00:03:01.373]some influencers, and people
- [00:03:03.140]on social media make it really fun though.
- [00:03:04.800]There's one person on TikTok I recently came across
- [00:03:08.010]who she does like these like tours of her house to show just
- [00:03:12.330]how chaotic things it's, and she's like, "Yeah,
- [00:03:15.510]before we had our kids, my husband
- [00:03:17.070]and I like promised each other no toys in the living room.
- [00:03:19.530]Like they'd stay in the playroom, and now look
- [00:03:22.440]at their living room, like there's toys everywhere."
- [00:03:24.870]And she showed like a half-eaten strawberry
- [00:03:26.880]and like the nightstand. (Ciera laughs)
- [00:03:28.980]And it's just like, it's- That's just life, yeah.
- [00:03:31.980]But that's what it's like.
- [00:03:32.910]Like it's so realistic, and it makes you laugh
- [00:03:36.090]and like remember like, okay,
- [00:03:37.290]like what's happening, it's okay.
- [00:03:38.560]Other people are going through this just like I am.
- [00:03:41.370]Yes.
- [00:03:42.203]How can we use social media to be supportive?
- [00:03:44.520]Because like you said, everyday users can be a form
- [00:03:48.540]of like these idealized images
- [00:03:50.220]and we can have an impact on others.
- [00:03:52.320]So, how can we use this to be supportive of other people?
- [00:03:56.520]I think we've kind of talked about it a little bit, and-
- [00:03:58.328]Yeah, so I think just being kind of conscious
- [00:04:02.520]of what we're posting.
- [00:04:03.540]So, we all want to post the happy perfect fun posts
- [00:04:07.290]and that's okay, like we should be able to do those things.
- [00:04:09.300]We should be able to brag about our kids and share
- [00:04:11.160]the happy, exciting moments that we have.
- [00:04:13.530]It's just important to also think about, you know,
- [00:04:15.990]what effects we might be having with our posts
- [00:04:18.180]and you know maybe consider sharing some of the stuff
- [00:04:21.060]that's not so idealized.
- [00:04:22.110]So, not worrying about how clean the house is
- [00:04:24.420]or how well-dressed the kid is before posting
- [00:04:27.180]but also, maybe showing also some of the difficulties
- [00:04:30.060]that are associated.
- [00:04:30.900]I have tried really hard to do a better job of this
- [00:04:34.290]since doing this research because I was, you know,
- [00:04:36.210]putting a lot of just positive idealized content out there.
- [00:04:39.660]But now I make a point to, you know,
- [00:04:41.640]talk about the difficulties too.
- [00:04:43.260]You know, when my kid didn't wanna go to daycare
- [00:04:46.020]and communicated that to me by throwing his hat
- [00:04:48.210]in the toilet, I took a picture of it and it's like,
- [00:04:50.430]you know what, this is how our morning's going.
- [00:04:52.770]Like how's yours. (both laughing)
- [00:04:54.930]And then, we also have a bit of a unique situation
- [00:04:58.320]in that our son has some pretty bad developmental delays
- [00:05:02.340]and that's been really stressful for us
- [00:05:03.780]but we've kind of shared about it and been open
- [00:05:05.820]about it on social media and that's been really great
- [00:05:08.220]because people that are in my social media network
- [00:05:11.100]who are going through the same things as me
- [00:05:12.780]but I didn't even realize it have reached out,
- [00:05:14.820]and be like, "Hey, this is what we went through.
- [00:05:16.500]This is what worked and didn't work for us."
- [00:05:18.060]You know, every situation's so different, but to know
- [00:05:20.130]that someone else has gone through this
- [00:05:22.110]and to get to hear their experience can be really helpful,
- [00:05:25.410]especially at a time when you feel really isolated
- [00:05:27.720]and discouraged, and so, you know, being a support system,
- [00:05:31.320]reaching out to people that we can, you know,
- [00:05:33.870]provide support to but also showing those
- [00:05:36.390]more realistic portrayals,
- [00:05:37.980]all of this can be kind of a way to help each other out
- [00:05:41.130]and just create a community which I think is
- [00:05:42.960]the most important thing is to be there for each other
- [00:05:45.150]through the good and the bad.
- [00:05:46.800]Yeah, so just being a community,
- [00:05:49.380]reaching out to people, being supportive,
- [00:05:51.330]being mindful and intentional about what we post
- [00:05:55.320]so that we're posting a more well-rounded image of our life,
- [00:05:58.560]I think can be helpful.
- [00:05:59.760]Yeah, go ahead. One that like
- [00:06:01.350]kind of comes up for me
- [00:06:02.670]and I know other mothers too in thinking about
- [00:06:04.470]what we post online is like we're posting pictures
- [00:06:06.750]of our children, a lot of times without them knowing
- [00:06:09.240]or giving their consent to.
- [00:06:10.590]And so, like, do we want to put, you know, pictures
- [00:06:12.750]of them crying on the internet to live forever
- [00:06:15.180]just so that we can look more, you know, relatable.
- [00:06:17.580]But I think social media has some options for us to kind of,
- [00:06:21.540]you know, do this in a way that's not feeling quite
- [00:06:24.360]as significant in terms of it living on forever.
- [00:06:27.030]So, I tend to use like the Instagram stories,
- [00:06:30.060]and reels feature a lot to kind of show these things.
- [00:06:32.820]Like I don't want this picture of, you know,
- [00:06:35.550]my kid putting something in the toilet to be
- [00:06:37.590]on my feed forever, but I can, you know,
- [00:06:40.050]put it out there temporarily for people to see
- [00:06:42.330]and have access to.
- [00:06:43.470]And it still helps to curate that balance
- [00:06:45.600]of the good and the bad and give more of a look into
- [00:06:48.210]what our lives are really like.
- [00:06:49.740]That's something that I thought about a lot
- [00:06:52.170]with the consent feature
- [00:06:53.640]with kiddos because they can't give consent.
- [00:06:55.920]And this is just so new I think, to a lot of us
- [00:06:58.890]because when I was young, my mom would take a picture
- [00:07:02.010]like a funny picture of me and she'd print it out
- [00:07:04.470]and it would just stay in like the family photo album.
- [00:07:06.840]And we had a lot of control over who got
- [00:07:08.760]to see those photos.
- [00:07:10.500]But now like anybody could pop onto
- [00:07:12.450]like a mom's social media page and like look through
- [00:07:15.120]and like see this history.
- [00:07:17.190]So, it's kind of interesting and it's a fine line
- [00:07:20.100]to walk and I don't wanna put more pressures on new moms
- [00:07:23.310]but it's definitely something
- [00:07:24.480]that I thought about as well.
- [00:07:26.460]Like your advice though of like being able to share that
- [00:07:29.400]but do it in a way that isn't permanent.
- [00:07:31.620]Like by keeping it on the story it-
- [00:07:32.453]We can still, you know,
- [00:07:34.230]people can screenshot it or it can
- [00:07:36.150]still show up down the road.
- [00:07:37.920]But you know, just being a little more mindful
- [00:07:39.870]about how we're posting it,
- [00:07:41.760]what we're posting once our kids get old enough
- [00:07:44.340]to be able to have a conversation about
- [00:07:46.230]what we're posting and listening to kind of
- [00:07:48.630]what their wishes are.
- [00:07:50.010]I think all of that's important too.
- [00:07:51.540]Yeah, definitely agree with that.
- [00:07:53.190]You talked about communities and groups that
- [00:07:55.320]kind of found you on social media.
- [00:07:57.210]Have you found like specific communities and groups
- [00:08:00.420]that have like become really organized and are very focused
- [00:08:04.740]on supporting new moms
- [00:08:06.540]that are using social media very intentionally.
- [00:08:09.090]Kind of the first thing that comes to mind
- [00:08:10.650]which this isn't social media but it's still a form
- [00:08:13.500]of mediated communication was a big one, for me,
- [00:08:15.660]was the baby center website and app.
- [00:08:18.660]Oh. They like create
- [00:08:20.670]a support group for people that have
- [00:08:23.250]the same like birth month as you
- [00:08:26.190]Oh, I love that.
- [00:08:27.677]So, it was all mothers who, you know gave birth
- [00:08:31.440]in May of 2020 or around May,
- [00:08:33.480]yeah, you know, we're all going
- [00:08:34.710]through this pandemic baby situation together
- [00:08:37.620]and you could ask each other different questions
- [00:08:40.650]and give advice and share experiences.
- [00:08:43.620]And that was really cool because we were all going
- [00:08:45.630]through it at the same time and our kiddos were all around
- [00:08:47.520]the same age, so like it was easy to be able
- [00:08:50.580]to make comparisons that were more relevant
- [00:08:53.010]because we were all in the situation together
- [00:08:55.620]and having kids the same age
- [00:08:56.820]but on social media, there's also
- [00:08:58.590]like opportunities for that too.
- [00:09:00.900]So, my son was diagnosed with autism earlier this year,
- [00:09:04.110]and so since then, we like I joined an autism support group
- [00:09:08.460]on Facebook which can be a bit overwhelming
- [00:09:11.400]at times and I tend to like, I unfollow it
- [00:09:14.520]but then, we'll go there if I am seeking advice
- [00:09:17.430]or wanna read about a certain situation or see
- [00:09:19.950]what other people have been through in their experiences.
- [00:09:22.200]But that can be a great way to, again,
- [00:09:23.790]find those people who are similar to you,
- [00:09:25.650]going through similar things, learn from their experiences.
- [00:09:28.800]I also am in like a group on Facebook
- [00:09:31.590]for just like this workout gear that I really like
- [00:09:34.800]and there's like a moms group for like moms
- [00:09:37.080]who wear. (laughs) This workout brand.
- [00:09:39.260]And it's great, it's just a bunch of women
- [00:09:41.970]like supporting each other and cheering each other on
- [00:09:45.360]and you know, asking about their adoption experiences
- [00:09:48.570]or their experiences giving birth and like,
- [00:09:50.730]so there's just so many different ways
- [00:09:52.320]that these support groups can kind of cultivate
- [00:09:53.910]and you kind of have to dig and find them sometimes,
- [00:09:56.190]you know, depending on what exactly you're interested in.
- [00:09:59.280]But a lot of the times there's just a ton out there to find
- [00:10:02.670]and they're pretty supportive.
- [00:10:03.870]I mean it's just a good way to kind of get
- [00:10:06.240]to know other people that maybe you don't know in real life
- [00:10:08.670]but that can connect with you and help you feel
- [00:10:10.560]like you're not alone in this.
- [00:10:11.730]I really love your story about the workout gear being this
- [00:10:15.450]like common experience that has
- [00:10:16.980]like bonded you together, and then you're sharing all these
- [00:10:19.830]like struggles and everyday experiences and it's just,
- [00:10:23.280]and it's because you love workout gear like the same brand
- [00:10:25.680]that's so I love that, I love that.
- [00:10:27.630]But I think it just shows that like there's anything
- [00:10:30.240]that you're interested in or really passionate about,
- [00:10:32.460]there's a niche for you in social media
- [00:10:34.320]and you will find belonging and so don't be afraid
- [00:10:36.840]of searching that out.
- [00:10:38.430]And that sense of belonging could be very like validating
- [00:10:41.850]and helpful and just give you kind of like a light
- [00:10:44.310]in the darkness, I think.
- [00:10:45.570]Yes. Yeah.
- [00:10:46.403]For me, it's definitely just, you know, it's a way
- [00:10:49.080]to like celebrate other people
- [00:10:50.670]and what they're going through and their successes,
- [00:10:52.200]but also a way when you're going through challenges
- [00:10:54.570]to get input from other people who have been through
- [00:10:56.520]the same thing and to hear what has worked for them,
- [00:10:58.800]so that you can try to figure out what's gonna work
- [00:11:00.450]for you in your situation, yeah.
- [00:11:02.280]That's the beauty of social media.
- [00:11:04.410]And so, there's beauty and then there's
- [00:11:05.910]that dark side of social media.
- [00:11:06.743]Absolutely. Gotta wade through it all.
- [00:11:09.270]Wade through it all. So, I'm just
- [00:11:10.830]kind of been chewing over the idea of like
- [00:11:13.950]kind of like the motivations and the role
- [00:11:17.010]of these like idealized images of motherhood in the media.
- [00:11:21.480]And I think a quote from the article which I think is
- [00:11:24.960]like right at the beginning kind of like points out to like
- [00:11:28.230]what I'm thinking but I'm gonna read this quote
- [00:11:30.840]from the article, it says,
- [00:11:31.777]"Furthermore, global fertility rates are falling
- [00:11:35.070]with many women choosing not to have children or choosing
- [00:11:37.830]to have fewer children than mothers of past generations
- [00:11:41.310]which is from Gallagher 2020.
- [00:11:43.290]As there are many factors influencing these decisions
- [00:11:45.990]for women, it is important to understand
- [00:11:48.090]the role of media ecosystem
- [00:11:50.160]and its communication technologies that mothers
- [00:11:52.860]and potential mothers are in as the pressures
- [00:11:55.680]from social media could influence
- [00:11:57.660]when and if a woman decides to have children."
- [00:12:00.990]Ultimately, kinda what that part
- [00:12:02.180]of the article is touching on is this idea that, you know,
- [00:12:05.610]we get to choose, you know,
- [00:12:07.200]whether or not we want to have children.
- [00:12:09.720]And a lot of people and these days are choosing not
- [00:12:11.940]to have children and there's a lot of reasons
- [00:12:13.500]for that where they're choosing to have less kids.
- [00:12:15.300]You know, when I, my husband and I were talking
- [00:12:18.360]about our family and what we wanted, I wanted four children.
- [00:12:21.810]And now, that I've had my son, I'm like,
- [00:12:23.737]"Hmm, he'll be lucky if he gets a sibling."
- [00:12:25.084](Emily laughs)
- [00:12:26.243]Mainly because it's just so much harder.
- [00:12:28.860]Yeah, I thought it was gonna be, plus we've, you know,
- [00:12:31.860]had unexpected things come up too.
- [00:12:33.660]But you know, having a child is a huge thing
- [00:12:36.810]and it's very difficult for a lot of different reasons,
- [00:12:39.390]you know, both in terms of, you know,
- [00:12:41.100]the physical effects of it, but also, you know,
- [00:12:44.010]it's expensive to have a kid, especially in today's world
- [00:12:47.130]and you know, it's not easy to afford daycare
- [00:12:51.090]and still be able to work and feel
- [00:12:53.160]like you're doing a good job in these different roles
- [00:12:55.680]Or even find daycare in Nebraska. (laughs)
- [00:12:57.510]Yeah Find daycare for sure.
- [00:12:59.580]Oh, my goodness, the waitlists are insane.
- [00:13:01.170]Yes. But, so there's a lot
- [00:13:03.420]of different factors that influence, you know
- [00:13:06.060]when and if we choose to have children
- [00:13:08.040]but I strongly believe based on this research
- [00:13:10.590]that the reading, the media can play into those effects too.
- [00:13:14.100]And so, the media helps, you know, communicate this message
- [00:13:18.600]of like, having children is a fun, important
- [00:13:22.560]enjoyable thing you should do
- [00:13:23.940]but you also need to be an amazing wife or a partner
- [00:13:27.210]an amazing person at work, you know, a professional.
- [00:13:30.420]You need to be able to succeed
- [00:13:31.800]in all of these roles, but that's not physically possible.
- [00:13:34.740]You cannot, you know, be the best at every single
- [00:13:36.930]one of these things that you're trying to do.
- [00:13:38.370]Like something always has to give.
- [00:13:39.960]And so, you know,
- [00:13:41.190]the increased pressure that the media puts on mothers,
- [00:13:45.000]I think, plays into how we are feeling emotionally
- [00:13:48.750]and where we're at in terms of our mental health.
- [00:13:51.120]And that can influence, you know, whether or not
- [00:13:52.740]we want to have more children or have a family at all.
- [00:13:55.650]And, yeah, thinking back to those celebrity mom pro profiles
- [00:13:59.460]in the seventies and eighties, you know
- [00:14:01.170]they did communicate this message of, you know,
- [00:14:03.900]like your life isn't complete until you have a child
- [00:14:06.300]which definitely was affecting women back then
- [00:14:08.550]and making them feel like, "Oh, my gosh,
- [00:14:09.960]I have to have a kid," and I'm sure
- [00:14:11.790]some of that is still happening now, especially, you know,
- [00:14:14.640]with some messaging that is put out online.
- [00:14:16.650]But I do tend to see a lot of messaging
- [00:14:19.710]from people I follow about like how they've chosen not
- [00:14:22.590]to have children and how they're happy with that decision
- [00:14:24.990]and you know, that's what's right for them.
- [00:14:26.610]And I think that's what's important is
- [00:14:28.020]that we're all different people.
- [00:14:29.760]We all have different desires and backgrounds
- [00:14:32.310]and experiences, and what's right
- [00:14:34.260]for one person isn't right for another.
- [00:14:35.910]And I think, you know, that's part of what we need
- [00:14:37.560]to cultivate on social media too,
- [00:14:38.970]is recognizing those differences, and recognizing
- [00:14:41.280]that what I want isn't the same as what everyone else wants
- [00:14:43.710]and that's okay, like we should respect what goals
- [00:14:46.380]and plans other people have for their lives.
- [00:14:48.270]But, yeah, I think the media, you know plays
- [00:14:50.280]into what we think our goals should be
- [00:14:52.317]and what we should be doing and that can be stressful.
- [00:14:56.160]Absolutely, so I really enjoyed reading
- [00:14:59.040]about your research and you're relatively new
- [00:15:01.590]to the research field and so I'm excited for the future
- [00:15:04.770]that you're gonna have here at UNL.
- [00:15:06.840]Will you be building on this research in the future
- [00:15:08.880]and what can we expect from you?
- [00:15:10.410]Yes, I hope so.
- [00:15:11.400]So, right now I'm working on a paper that is very similar
- [00:15:14.760]in terms of kind of this idea of the effects
- [00:15:16.740]of idealized portrayals of motherhood on social media.
- [00:15:19.230]But I want to look
- [00:15:20.970]at how certain mothers may be more susceptible
- [00:15:23.880]to the harmful effects.
- [00:15:24.900]So, you know, if you tend to be someone
- [00:15:27.750]who just doesn't have great self-esteem in life, are you
- [00:15:30.450]more detrimentally affected by these portrayals, and there's
- [00:15:33.870]also a term called "Social comparison orientation,"
- [00:15:36.960]that refers to like how important social comparisons are
- [00:15:40.260]to us individually.
- [00:15:41.520]So, some people are more inclined
- [00:15:43.050]to compare than other people.
- [00:15:44.370]And so, I'm looking at differences in mothers
- [00:15:46.350]in terms of, you know,
- [00:15:47.183]how someone's social comparison orientation influences
- [00:15:50.430]how the effects or the posts influence them.
- [00:15:53.700]And then, I'm also looking at some different outcomes.
- [00:15:56.580]And so, instead of just envying anxiety
- [00:15:58.440]how are these posts influencing things
- [00:16:00.780]like our life satisfaction
- [00:16:02.760]and how we perceive our parenting ability?
- [00:16:05.220]So, do these posts make us feel worse
- [00:16:07.350]about our ability to be a parent?
- [00:16:09.780]So, you know, there's a lot of different outcomes involved
- [00:16:12.510]in this and that these posts may be affecting.
- [00:16:14.700]And so, I really wanna explore that more.
- [00:16:16.170]I'd also love to kind of look at like the other side
- [00:16:19.470]of this seeing how we could create strategic messaging
- [00:16:22.080]to help mitigate these negative effects.
- [00:16:24.060]So, how can we, I guess,
- [00:16:25.500]strategic health communicators help women recognize
- [00:16:28.860]that this is happening and know how they can do things
- [00:16:33.120]to help them not have negative effects from it.
- [00:16:35.010]So, I'm not sure what that'll look like yet but I'd love
- [00:16:37.350]to explore how we can help curb this problem
- [00:16:39.930]for mothers too.
- [00:16:41.140]Yeah, yeah, you talked about in your article,
- [00:16:44.430]and I think in your Lincoln Journal Star interview too
- [00:16:47.880]that you wanted to
- [00:16:49.113]like have hospitals start creating educational videos
- [00:16:52.680]for new moms. Yes.
- [00:16:53.820]Talking about what's happening to kind of prepare them.
- [00:16:56.970]So, when I had my son, my husband and I weren't allowed
- [00:16:59.940]to leave the hospital
- [00:17:00.810]until we had watched a series of videos.
- [00:17:02.760]Oh, my goodness, that's- Yeah.
- [00:17:04.560]Really controlling- They were very
- [00:17:05.482]outdated and needed to be like (laughs) a video and like
- [00:17:09.630]the benefits of breastfeeding, a video about like SIDS
- [00:17:14.340]and shaken baby syndrome, and basically,
- [00:17:16.020]all these different things that they wanted
- [00:17:17.640]to warn you about.
- [00:17:18.690]And they were all very focused on the child
- [00:17:20.790]which is, of course, important, but what about the mother?
- [00:17:23.190]You know, there's no reason why we can't
- [00:17:24.990]also have these resources that help mothers to recognize
- [00:17:28.680]that this is a problem and that this could happen to them.
- [00:17:30.930]And so, what are the signs
- [00:17:32.250]that you know can help you realize that this is happening?
- [00:17:34.650]And how can you cope with this and get help?
- [00:17:37.200]And so, I think that having some form of communication
- [00:17:40.770]that you know, is there in place to help mothers
- [00:17:43.590]with this would be really awesome.
- [00:17:45.060]Yeah, definitely, definitely helpful.
- [00:17:46.860]And especially like right
- [00:17:47.790]from the get-go and having that support.
- [00:17:50.670]Yeah, and maybe even a movement to create
- [00:17:53.130]to post more realistic photos of motherhood.
- [00:17:55.140]Any final thoughts you wanna share?
- [00:17:56.850]You know, every day is a journey with, you know,
- [00:18:00.210]being a researcher and a mom, and being someone
- [00:18:02.970]on social media, you know, it's so hard to, you know,
- [00:18:06.240]just go through the day-to-day action sometimes.
- [00:18:08.670]But, you know, I think we just, you know,
- [00:18:10.860]need to take things a day at a time and remember
- [00:18:13.260]that we are all in this together.
- [00:18:15.180]So, you know, we all choose what we show online
- [00:18:18.810]and we create this depiction of ourselves
- [00:18:21.330]that we put out there in the world.
- [00:18:22.680]But, you know, not being afraid to share some of the stuff
- [00:18:25.800]that we might not at first be inclined
- [00:18:27.960]to share is important.
- [00:18:29.310]And, you know, being supportive of each other
- [00:18:31.470]and recognizing all of the difficulties
- [00:18:33.480]that are associated with motherhood.
- [00:18:35.160]You know, it's just important to keep these things,
- [00:18:37.290]you know, kind of top of mind and be there for each other.
- [00:18:40.050]Great, awesome.
- [00:18:41.700]So, if listeners want to start following you
- [00:18:44.280]and hearing updates from you, how can they do that?
- [00:18:47.070]Yeah, absolutely.
- [00:18:48.090]So, you can find me on social media. (laughs)
- [00:18:50.880]What's your handle? (laughs)
- [00:18:51.780]You can see my mix of idealized
- [00:18:55.710]and non-idealized portrayal of our motherhood experience.
- [00:18:59.648]So, yeah, people can find me on social media for one,
- [00:19:03.270]my Instagram is Dr_Ciera_K,
- [00:19:08.430]so that's D-R underscore C-I-E-R-A underscore K,
- [00:19:12.240]Dr_Ciera_K.
- [00:19:14.520]You'll see mostly just photos of my son and dog
- [00:19:17.160]but kind of can see how I'm trying to curate that mix
- [00:19:21.390]of the idealized and non-idealized portrayals
- [00:19:24.540]of our parenting and family experiences.
- [00:19:27.210]And I'm also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar,
- [00:19:31.740]Facebook, pretty much,
- [00:19:33.540]you can find me anywhere, I have a TikTok
- [00:19:34.890]but just use it for research purposes, you know? (laughs)
- [00:19:37.744](Emily laughs) What other people are posting.
- [00:19:39.960]I haven't really jumped into posting myself.
- [00:19:43.080]My Twitter handle is the same as my Instagram, Dr_Ciera_K.
- [00:19:47.220]So, yeah, that's a great way to keep up with me.
- [00:19:49.020]You can also reach me by email.
- [00:19:51.540]I'm always happy to, yeah, chat about what I'm researching
- [00:19:54.900]and hear about what other ideas people have
- [00:19:57.060]or how my research might be influencing them
- [00:19:59.520]and getting them to think about things differently.
- [00:20:01.320]Yeah, and what's your email, is it your name?
- [00:20:03.360]It is, yeah, it's C-I-E-R-A.kirkpatrick,
- [00:20:07.500]K-I-R-K-P-A-T-R-I-C-K@unl.edu.
- [00:20:12.150]Great, thank you so much.
- [00:20:13.470]So, if you liked what Dr. Kirkpatrick mentioned today,
- [00:20:18.000]please, go and follow her, email her,
- [00:20:19.800]and follow her on Twitter.
- [00:20:21.480]All of the things because this is amazing.
- [00:20:23.370]She has some really great stuff going out there.
- [00:20:25.290]And I just wanna thank you for being
- [00:20:27.030]on the podcast today sharing your research results,
- [00:20:30.300]sharing your knowledge, and sharing your experiences
- [00:20:33.270]as a new mom.
- [00:20:34.290]I think that's really important for our listeners to hear.
- [00:20:36.810]And I think it's really relevant for Nebraska mothers too,
- [00:20:39.990]because they're experiencing this.
- [00:20:41.310]Yeah, and you know, it's important to think about the moms
- [00:20:44.280]and their health but it's also important to recognize that,
- [00:20:46.380]you know, if we're not taking care of ourselves
- [00:20:48.480]and in a healthy place as mothers,
- [00:20:49.920]then we can't take care of our kids too.
- [00:20:51.690]So, you know, it all trickles down and affects 'em too.
- [00:20:54.480]And so, this is just, yeah, a really important topic
- [00:20:56.940]and something that I'm really passionate about
- [00:20:59.100]and I really appreciative for the opportunity
- [00:21:01.670]to share about this.
- [00:21:02.850]And I appreciate your enthusiasm and interest
- [00:21:04.950]and it's been great. Yeah, absolutely, yeah.
- [00:21:07.080]Thank you once again.
- [00:21:08.250]Thanks for coming on the podcast, come back anytime.
- [00:21:10.621]Awesome, sounds great.
- [00:21:12.090]Thank you so much.
- [00:21:12.923]You bet.
- [00:21:13.756](energetic ominous music)
- [00:21:16.260]This has been an episode of The Good Life and Early Life,
- [00:21:19.470]a production of Nebraska Extension
- [00:21:21.120]in their early childhood team.
- [00:21:22.500]If you like the show, subscribe
- [00:21:23.910]and tell your friends to listen.
- [00:21:25.260]The show production team is Emily Manning, Dr. Holly Hatton,
- [00:21:28.860]Ingrid Lindal, Aaron Campbell, Linda Reddish,
- [00:21:31.890]Kim Welsand, and Katie Kraus.
- [00:21:33.750]See you next time, and thanks for listening.
- [00:21:35.895](energetic ominous music)
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