Using a Novel Tool to Make Data-Driven Substance Misuse Prevention Programming Decisions
David Merriman
2023 NECPA Statewide Convening
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- [00:00:03.818]Alright, so
- [00:00:06.000]what I'm gonna talk to you about today is a novel tool,
- [00:00:09.630]Mark's happy about that, that we have created.
- [00:00:12.690]So, again, full disclosure, this tool that we've created,
- [00:00:17.562]really the initial idea design
- [00:00:22.320]was I do a lot of prevention work
- [00:00:24.180]for the whole state of Nebraska.
- [00:00:26.340]Really designed to work with like more community coalitions.
- [00:00:29.940]Now, Omaha Collegiate Consortium, OCC and any CPA, they're,
- [00:00:36.520]I would argue kind of like a little bit
- [00:00:37.440]on the fringe of this.
- [00:00:38.310]So they are part of our group
- [00:00:40.500]of coalitions that we work with.
- [00:00:42.960]They're just slightly different, right?
- [00:00:44.520]Like they don't fit as nicely in the little box
- [00:00:46.800]of what normal community coalitions do
- [00:00:49.020]because of the work they do is slightly different.
- [00:00:51.450]So this tool that was created doesn't work perfectly,
- [00:00:56.640]but what I wanna talk to you today about
- [00:00:58.350]is kind of giving you more of a proof of concept
- [00:01:00.690]and explaining to you what this tool is,
- [00:01:02.550]how it works, what it does.
- [00:01:04.110]And then what I wanna get your feedback on is,
- [00:01:06.960]is this something that you think could work
- [00:01:09.990]on your campuses?
- [00:01:11.130]And if so, then like this tool could be modified,
- [00:01:14.070]tweaked to be something that could be customized
- [00:01:16.680]to work for in higher ed institutions.
- [00:01:19.800]So in a nutshell,
- [00:01:21.000]that's what I'm gonna talk to you about today.
- [00:01:22.620]So I'm gonna introduce it, the big concept,
- [00:01:25.020]and then we'll spend most of the time
- [00:01:26.776]me demoing the tool and walking through it
- [00:01:29.220]and you guys having time to ask me questions.
- [00:01:32.700]So really the big problem that we have is
- [00:01:37.410]ideally we've got this review of data
- [00:01:40.410]and capacity considerations.
- [00:01:41.790]You use all this information to decide
- [00:01:45.600]how you're going to fix the problems, right?
- [00:01:47.550]Like so you've got all these issues,
- [00:01:49.980]you have a drinking problem on your campus,
- [00:01:52.080]you have a whatever kind of thing
- [00:01:53.430]and you use that information that you have
- [00:01:55.500]to decide how to fix the problem.
- [00:01:57.600]Data goes in, you make a data-driven decision
- [00:02:00.840]on how to decide what strategy.
- [00:02:02.730]The problem is that's not happening.
- [00:02:04.830]People just say, hey, I'm comfortable doing this strategy.
- [00:02:07.800]I've heard of it, I've done this in the past,
- [00:02:09.840]so we're just gonna keep doing this.
- [00:02:11.970]You know, like we've always done this in the past,
- [00:02:15.570]it seems to be people like it so we're gonna keep doing it
- [00:02:18.780]even if it's not even addressing the problem that you have.
- [00:02:21.390]It's just that's what happens, right?
- [00:02:23.100]So that's the problem.
- [00:02:24.150]We wanna fix this.
- [00:02:25.500]So we want to actually use the data
- [00:02:28.230]to drive the decision making.
- [00:02:30.840]So the solution is that we've come up with,
- [00:02:33.420]okay, I'm sure there's lots of solutions,
- [00:02:34.800]but this is our solution is as simple as UR ABCs.
- [00:02:38.880]So we've created a tool called
- [00:02:40.830]Using Readiness, Attitudes, Behaviors
- [00:02:43.860]and Community Data for Strategy Selection.
- [00:02:47.370]Now, I don't know if that flower over there
- [00:02:51.330]looks familiar at all.
- [00:02:52.560]This is again where there might be a disconnect
- [00:02:54.600]with more community coalitions than higher ed,
- [00:02:59.640]but that is SAMHSA's strategic prevention framework model,
- [00:03:04.140]the spiff.
- [00:03:05.040]So this tool is really structured in that framework
- [00:03:10.170]and it's really designed to kind of do
- [00:03:12.570]a lot of the whole spiff all in one tool.
- [00:03:16.260]It's kind of like a rapid spiff in one tool
- [00:03:19.680]is the big idea behind what we're trying to do here.
- [00:03:23.600]So in a nutshell, what it's trying to do,
- [00:03:27.581]if I have a pointer or not, I do.
- [00:03:31.050]So it's a four step process to review your data
- [00:03:34.110]and assess capacity and then
- [00:03:35.700]make your data-driven decisions.
- [00:03:38.130]So there's four steps.
- [00:03:39.450]So the first step,
- [00:03:40.410]you're going to review your prevalence data.
- [00:03:43.470]So you're gonna look at data
- [00:03:45.060]on all these different substances data on,
- [00:03:47.430]sorry, there's just not a lot of battery on this one.
- [00:03:50.100]So you've got,
- [00:03:51.450]you're gonna look at your prevalence data
- [00:03:52.770]on how many students are drinking, using marijuana,
- [00:03:55.702]using drugs, all that kind of stuff
- [00:03:57.840]and figure out what substances are my problem areas.
- [00:04:02.250]So that's where you start this tool.
- [00:04:04.530]And then from that you're going to funnel down.
- [00:04:07.770]And once you decide, okay,
- [00:04:09.270]we've discovered that on our campus
- [00:04:11.040]we have a marijuana problem and a tobacco problem,
- [00:04:16.050]we don't have an alcohol problem on campus
- [00:04:18.150]based on the data, maybe that's what it shows,
- [00:04:20.070]who knows, whatever.
- [00:04:20.903]But that's what you do is you narrow it down
- [00:04:22.920]and you find out what are the substances
- [00:04:24.600]that are the problems.
- [00:04:26.280]Once you narrow it down from there,
- [00:04:28.080]then you're gonna dig in and deeper
- [00:04:29.910]because just knowing what the substances are,
- [00:04:31.830]that doesn't help you figure out what strategies
- [00:04:33.540]you need to address it.
- [00:04:34.440]You need to dig in deeper on those substances.
- [00:04:37.560]So then within those substances
- [00:04:39.570]you're gonna review the the risk factor data
- [00:04:42.780]within those problem substances.
- [00:04:44.670]So now I'm gonna ignore alcohol
- [00:04:46.410]'cause it's not a problem on my campus,
- [00:04:48.360]but within marijuana I'm gonna look at my risk factor data.
- [00:04:52.020]So I'm gonna look at perception of risk of harm,
- [00:04:54.780]I'm gonna look at peer attitudes.
- [00:04:56.730]I'm gonna look at these different things
- [00:04:58.350]within marijuana and within tobacco
- [00:05:01.950]and find out what is it that's driving my marijuana problem.
- [00:05:05.610]Is it that people just don't understand the risk of harm?
- [00:05:09.300]Is it that people have misperceptions on peer use?
- [00:05:14.400]Like what is it that's the problem?
- [00:05:15.960]And then from that I figure out
- [00:05:17.760]here's what I need to fix.
- [00:05:20.850]I need to fix this problem.
- [00:05:22.643]And that's what you do to really figure out
- [00:05:25.440]what you need to address.
- [00:05:27.120]And that's really what's gonna
- [00:05:28.200]drive your strategy selection
- [00:05:30.360]that's gonna come in here in a second.
- [00:05:32.520]And then step three is you do this self-assessment
- [00:05:37.080]of your community's assets, gaps, readiness, collaboration.
- [00:05:40.617]Now this also is one
- [00:05:42.690]where the way that the tool is set up right now
- [00:05:44.910]is very structured around more of a community coalition.
- [00:05:48.390]And so it can be modified a little bit
- [00:05:50.430]to be more higher ed specific,
- [00:05:52.710]but I'll walk you through what this looks like.
- [00:05:54.510]But it's really to help you understand
- [00:05:55.920]what do you have the capacity to do?
- [00:05:57.780]So you may not wanna pick this strategy
- [00:05:59.626]because you don't have the capacity to do this one.
- [00:06:03.150]So it's to help you think through
- [00:06:04.860]where you have strengths and weaknesses really,
- [00:06:07.530]to use that to factor into
- [00:06:09.150]your final decision making process.
- [00:06:11.460]And then step four is you're gonna review
- [00:06:14.130]a list of suggested strategies
- [00:06:17.370]that align with your specific areas of focus
- [00:06:20.640]that you figured out, to figure out
- [00:06:22.950]which ones have the best fit.
- [00:06:24.570]So you're gonna look at the ones
- [00:06:26.580]that are designed to fit
- [00:06:28.020]the risk factors that you figured out.
- [00:06:30.390]And you're gonna take into context your capacity to do that.
- [00:06:35.160]And you're gonna do some research on those.
- [00:06:37.200]I'll show you how all this,
- [00:06:38.130]there's some research pieces in there,
- [00:06:39.900]and then you're gonna figure out
- [00:06:41.640]these are the strategies that
- [00:06:44.430]actually are designed to address this,
- [00:06:46.290]which I came to discover based on my data.
- [00:06:49.410]And then voila, it spits out a logic model.
- [00:06:52.470]So my identified problem, my intervening variables,
- [00:06:57.210]and then the interventions that I picked
- [00:06:59.400]and then the outcomes.
- [00:07:00.720]And that's what this tool produces.
- [00:07:02.970]So that in a nutshell is what it does.
- [00:07:06.750]I think the part that's the fuzziest
- [00:07:08.280]is how do we get these suggested strategies.
- [00:07:10.740]So I just wanna show a quick slide on like
- [00:07:13.380]how this data is working, how it comes to be.
- [00:07:17.730]It's all being driven by this thing
- [00:07:19.470]that we call the EBP matrix.
- [00:07:22.260]It's the evidence-based program matrix.
- [00:07:24.480]Now this is something that we as a state,
- [00:07:27.720]like the division of behavioral health,
- [00:07:29.773]they've worked on this with the Prevention Advisory Council,
- [00:07:36.360]the state epidemiological outcomes work group,
- [00:07:40.020]members of that have worked together,
- [00:07:41.850]Megan's helped with this a little bit
- [00:07:43.950]to really look at every single evidence-based strategy
- [00:07:47.880]that we can think of that people are using in the state.
- [00:07:51.360]And we've tried to figure out
- [00:07:53.400]what those strategies are trying to do,
- [00:07:56.970]like what are they targeted to do.
- [00:07:58.440]So for example, the college behavior profile,
- [00:08:03.026]it addresses low perceived risk of harm
- [00:08:05.850]from alcohol and marijuana.
- [00:08:07.500]So if you identified from your data
- [00:08:11.580]that those were problems,
- [00:08:12.750]that's gonna show up as a suggested strategy.
- [00:08:16.230]If for example, you identified
- [00:08:19.950]parent communication as a problem based
- [00:08:22.410]on the identify, Rob Tracy's parent handbook,
- [00:08:25.440]that might pop up because that's showing up
- [00:08:27.960]as an indicator that that would be a strategy
- [00:08:31.230]that would be a good fit.
- [00:08:32.430]So this is how it's driving that
- [00:08:34.980]and what's doing a suggested strategy.
- [00:08:36.870]So if you put the pieces together more
- [00:08:39.893]like, again, this is proof of concept, but if you take,
- [00:08:42.720]this has some of the college-aim strategies in it
- [00:08:45.240]but not extensively.
- [00:08:47.040]So the way this could be tweaked is this could take,
- [00:08:51.720]instead of just listing what's in the current EBP matrix,
- [00:08:55.710]it could have all of the College AIM strategies in here.
- [00:09:01.020]If we could have somebody help us inform
- [00:09:04.500]and basically fill in this matrix and say,
- [00:09:08.310]okay, every single one of the strategies
- [00:09:10.470]in the College AIM framework, what is it targeting?
- [00:09:13.020]Like what is it trying to do?
- [00:09:14.730]So basics, what does it do?
- [00:09:18.150]Basics fixes this, basics fixes that.
- [00:09:21.510]And then once we fill this all in,
- [00:09:23.910]then we would have the information
- [00:09:25.290]to be able to link the two and then be able to tell you,
- [00:09:29.790]you identified this as a problem,
- [00:09:31.530]here's a suggested strategies that align with that.
- [00:09:34.980]Rather than you having to figure out
- [00:09:36.630]just from this list of websites
- [00:09:38.520]of like all the overwhelming strategies,
- [00:09:40.380]but then it's data-driven, it does that.
- [00:09:42.300]Connecting of the dots is the big idea.
- [00:09:47.280]Now this is what the current EBP matrix does.
- [00:09:52.230]I think it potentially could also be a supplement
- [00:09:55.710]to the current College AIM website that exists
- [00:10:00.300]and that it gives you
- [00:10:02.190]additional information about each strategy.
- [00:10:04.500]So while the College AIM website
- [00:10:10.684]is a huge headstart from
- [00:10:13.050]what a lot of like the community coalitions have.
- [00:10:15.750]They don't have like this nice beautiful website
- [00:10:17.910]that has like all their starting point strategies.
- [00:10:20.520]Theirs are all spread all over the place.
- [00:10:24.033]And so you already have something that tells you
- [00:10:26.760]like all those things that Jason was just showing you
- [00:10:29.100]that tells you different things about each strategy
- [00:10:31.920]in a nice standardized format.
- [00:10:33.750]That's kind of what this is designed to do.
- [00:10:36.300]So it tells you like a description
- [00:10:38.250]and information about the target population,
- [00:10:40.890]the number of sessions and the setting,
- [00:10:43.890]efficacy information,
- [00:10:45.713]the cost, preparation, training details.
- [00:10:49.710]The one thing it probably doesn't have
- [00:10:53.040]that we're trying to beef up is more of a user review.
- [00:10:56.430]So this would be something that like
- [00:10:58.479]if you've implemented it and you liked it or didn't like it,
- [00:11:02.100]you would actually put in there
- [00:11:02.970]and you'd even maybe say like,
- [00:11:04.650]it doesn't work because of this.
- [00:11:06.870]Like in Nebraska, we have some weird law or limitation
- [00:11:11.220]on our college campuses
- [00:11:12.390]so like it doesn't work because of this.
- [00:11:14.340]Like my favorite, I remember
- [00:11:15.660]we had some, here at UNL we tried to pay for,
- [00:11:21.630]we were doing a children's STEM camp,
- [00:11:27.600]the grant was on women in STEM.
- [00:11:29.580]And so we wanted to do a children's science themed camp
- [00:11:33.000]while the women went to a writing retreat.
- [00:11:37.320]We couldn't do it because there is some weird law or rule
- [00:11:42.240]in UNL's policy that considers
- [00:11:44.040]paying for the children's science camp
- [00:11:46.110]was considered in animal boarding.
- [00:11:49.050]Like I'm not kidding you,
- [00:11:50.160]like that's somehow how it got linked.
- [00:11:51.840]So we couldn't pay for it.
- [00:11:52.950]So like there's these weird little things where like
- [00:11:55.445]it doesn't work because of this weird reason
- [00:11:58.110]like in Nebraska or something like that.
- [00:12:00.540]That's where you can put these things under the user review
- [00:12:03.235]where there's like unique situations or you know,
- [00:12:06.960]it looks good on paper but it just doesn't work,
- [00:12:10.260]or I absolutely loved it.
- [00:12:11.430]Maybe even have like a five star.
- [00:12:12.750]We kind of viewed this as the Yelp review kind of concept.
- [00:12:16.590]Things that wouldn't be available publicly, I guess,
- [00:12:20.520]for lack of a better term.
- [00:12:21.810]So that's the idea behind this,
- [00:12:23.490]it would just be some extra information
- [00:12:25.920]that isn't already available.
- [00:12:28.170]That's a huge benefit for
- [00:12:30.420]all these other community coalitions
- [00:12:31.710]who don't already have what you guys have
- [00:12:33.180]with the College AIM website.
- [00:12:34.590]Like it already has a lot of this,
- [00:12:35.940]but it's just some supplemental information.
- [00:12:38.670]Okay, so now what I wanna do
- [00:12:42.630]is go into the demo.
- [00:12:43.530]I guess before that, does anybody have any questions
- [00:12:46.770]before I go into demonstrating what this does?
- [00:12:51.060]Any questions on the concept of it?
- [00:12:54.810]Okay, so what it is,
- [00:12:59.370]is basically it's two different files.
- [00:13:02.610]The tool itself is really, it's just an Excel file.
- [00:13:05.670]That's what it is.
- [00:13:07.380]As a supplement there is another file
- [00:13:10.290]that can either be a PDF or a PowerPoint,
- [00:13:12.330]however you want it.
- [00:13:13.380]And it really just has the figures, the data results,
- [00:13:17.550]just so that you can have 'em in a bigger format
- [00:13:19.950]'cause they're really, really tiny in Excel.
- [00:13:23.075]So that's how this thing is structured.
- [00:13:26.520]But the way it works and there is like a background tab
- [00:13:29.280]that has all the instructions on how to do it,
- [00:13:32.100]that kind of walks you through it.
- [00:13:33.120]But I'm gonna skip that for right now
- [00:13:35.730]and just go right into it if that's okay.
- [00:13:39.120]But basically what it is
- [00:13:40.650]is you just start with the first figure,
- [00:13:43.488]so we're gonna start with alcohol
- [00:13:44.910]and you could, there's different ways you can do this.
- [00:13:47.670]You could hand this out as homework ahead of time.
- [00:13:50.190]You could do it in a meeting with your advisory group,
- [00:13:54.300]with your coalition, you can do it on your own
- [00:13:57.690]as the data person for your college.
- [00:14:00.330]It's whatever works the best for you.
- [00:14:02.812]Ideally it's a group of,
- [00:14:05.130]so that you don't have to do it by yourself
- [00:14:07.200]but you want to interact with data
- [00:14:10.500]rather than just having data
- [00:14:11.790]just be this passive kind of thing.
- [00:14:14.730]The purpose of it is to force you to kind of think through.
- [00:14:18.390]So different questions are set up
- [00:14:20.910]to have you answer, to kind of force you
- [00:14:24.240]to think through the data a little bit.
- [00:14:26.970]Some of this might be rudimentary
- [00:14:28.890]for like people who are data people.
- [00:14:30.660]So don't be offended because some of it's designed
- [00:14:34.410]for like community coalition people who hate data, right?
- [00:14:37.530]Like so it's kind of forced to like make people
- [00:14:40.620]stop and think and don't just say like,
- [00:14:42.120]okay look at this data, is there a problem or not?
- [00:14:44.790]It's forcing them to think through and answer questions.
- [00:14:48.744]So it asks, and also it explains this
- [00:14:52.200]in the background section,
- [00:14:53.550]but the way this is set up is that
- [00:14:55.410]if there's a vertical dash line,
- [00:14:58.080]that means there's a significant difference
- [00:14:59.970]between the two lines,
- [00:15:01.890]between the two line graphs,
- [00:15:05.040]and then if there's an upp or down arrow,
- [00:15:07.650]that means there's a significant change over time.
- [00:15:10.770]So in this case this almost looks
- [00:15:19.200]line is the statewide comparison.
- [00:15:22.920]So what this says is that in 2000,
- [00:15:26.850]whatever this last year is,
- [00:15:29.241]thank you, 2022,
- [00:15:32.820]there is a statistically significant difference
- [00:15:35.250]between OCC and the state.
- [00:15:39.810]And mind you this is proof of concept.
- [00:15:41.670]So don't get tied up on this data
- [00:15:42.930]'cause these figures are actually wrong I discovered.
- [00:15:45.240]They're supposed to be, the OCC data
- [00:15:47.370]was supposed to be restricted
- [00:15:48.360]to college students only and it's not.
- [00:15:50.130]So this is actually, scratch out OCC
- [00:15:52.800]and put in the word Douglas County 'cause that's what it is.
- [00:15:56.370]So don't get too excited here.
- [00:15:59.550]But there's a significant difference between
- [00:16:01.740]Douglas County young adults,
- [00:16:05.010]and then also Douglas County young adults
- [00:16:09.270]were significantly lower
- [00:16:12.210]both in this year and in this year.
- [00:16:14.520]And it tells you down here what those arrows mean as well.
- [00:16:17.640]So 2020 and '22 were significantly lower than
- [00:16:22.968]basically all the years before that.
- [00:16:24.990]So that's how you would interpret.
- [00:16:26.400]So the first question it asks you is
- [00:16:30.000]are there any statistically significant differences?
- [00:16:33.270]and you can say yes or no.
- [00:16:34.530]So in this case we would say yes,
- [00:16:37.167]and you'll notice there's this line 1B here
- [00:16:40.650]and it's gonna ask you,
- [00:16:41.640]well not statistically significant,
- [00:16:43.530]do you see a pattern that is of concern?
- [00:16:46.080]So it still gives you a way in
- [00:16:48.960]like even if there's not significant,
- [00:16:51.210]but you still see something
- [00:16:52.620]that kind of strikes you as like problematic.
- [00:16:55.770]So if I were to say no, for example,
- [00:16:59.245]I could still say yes here, maybe,
- [00:17:05.528]and it's still gonna let me
- [00:17:06.361]kind of keep answering questions.
- [00:17:07.194]But if I said no to both then okay,
- [00:17:12.450]oh you know what?
- [00:17:14.070]I didn't enable my macros.
- [00:17:17.964]That's why.
- [00:17:22.324]Hopefully this'll work now.
- [00:17:26.368]There it has all these macros built in.
- [00:17:27.930]So then it just kind of, it drops my follow up questions.
- [00:17:31.590]But if I say yes to one of these two questions,
- [00:17:34.500]then it's gonna ask me,
- [00:17:37.830]ugh,
- [00:17:40.380]I need to get rid of that.
- [00:17:41.760]If I say yes there are significant differences,
- [00:17:44.610]then it's gonna ask me,
- [00:17:47.128]okay, so you said there's significant differences,
- [00:17:48.960]then tell me, over time how have things changed?
- [00:17:52.080]Have they increased, have they decreased?
- [00:17:53.940]Have they gotten better?
- [00:17:55.290]Well they've decreased and I apologize,
- [00:17:57.150]I didn't even tell you what we're looking at here.
- [00:17:58.620]We're looking at underage drinking
- [00:18:01.050]for young adults in the past 30 days.
- [00:18:03.300]So you would say it's just forcing you to think through
- [00:18:06.060]and digest this graph and so well they've decreased,
- [00:18:09.690]it's significantly decreased.
- [00:18:10.980]And then how does your area compare to the state average?
- [00:18:14.370]Well you know what, we're lower now
- [00:18:17.490]and it's asking like in that last time period.
- [00:18:20.490]So now we're lower, it's decreased.
- [00:18:23.261]Things are looking pretty good, right?
- [00:18:25.560]Like according to this figure.
- [00:18:27.630]So ultimately it all comes down to this last question.
- [00:18:30.990]So based on your assessment of this data,
- [00:18:33.750]would you say underage drinking
- [00:18:37.180]is a problem based on this figure?
- [00:18:40.950]What do you guys think?
- [00:18:43.680]In my area?
- [00:18:45.030]So underage drinking has for, this black line,
- [00:18:49.380]it's gone down, it's now lower than the state average.
- [00:18:53.280]So would you say it's a problem?
- [00:18:56.520]Probably not, right?
- [00:18:57.960]So I-
- [00:18:59.584]Well, you know me, the data person I am,
- [00:19:01.590]I'm like well what's the national average?
- [00:19:03.608]Are you guys like lower
- [00:19:05.996]meaning your prevention efforts have been working
- [00:19:08.790]but you're still like 49 out of 50
- [00:19:11.880]and we still have a lot of work to go?
- [00:19:14.010]You know what I mean? Like hmm.
- [00:19:16.200]That's perfectly fair and you can,
- [00:19:18.664]and this doesn't have the national data in there
- [00:19:20.790]and you can absolutely,
- [00:19:22.500]and you can leave, and that's why this last one
- [00:19:28.283]it's not dictated by how you answered these questions.
- [00:19:30.930]It's still you get to decide
- [00:19:33.060]and you get to take into into account other context.
- [00:19:36.630]And so while the national data isn't in here,
- [00:19:39.150]I'm guessing you have access to it.
- [00:19:40.590]So if you wanted to go and pull that
- [00:19:42.900]and you find out that like
- [00:19:44.250]even though things are still going the right way,
- [00:19:46.830]we're doing better than the state average,
- [00:19:48.930]we're still not in a good place where we wanna be,
- [00:19:51.540]then you could say you know what?
- [00:19:53.160]It is still a problem because of those reasons you said.
- [00:19:55.860]Then what you could do here is say yes
- [00:19:57.870]and I would use this notes call to say still-
- [00:20:03.900]The bottom half of national.
- [00:20:05.610]I'm being really descriptive here,
- [00:20:07.800]way worse than national, something like that.
- [00:20:11.760]Like you would put that just to kind of
- [00:20:14.109]help yourself keep track as you go along the way.
- [00:20:15.840]So absolutely that's what you can do is you can say,
- [00:20:20.100]not according, like if somebody just looked at this figure,
- [00:20:22.140]they'd wonder why I said yes
- [00:20:23.700]but I have other reasons on why I said yes.
- [00:20:28.020]Does that make sense on kind of how you go through this?
- [00:20:32.640]Alright, so I did say yes to this.
- [00:20:34.980]Now I want you to look, hold on, don't look yet, I said no.
- [00:20:40.500]So right down here at the bottom there's problem alcohol,
- [00:20:44.400]problem marijuana, problem tobacco.
- [00:20:46.470]These are all of the,
- [00:20:48.030]where we're looking at prevalence data
- [00:20:49.620]to find out if there is a problem.
- [00:20:51.810]So right now that's all there is.
- [00:20:53.280]When I say yes,
- [00:20:54.300]you're gonna see another tab that's gonna appear.
- [00:20:57.000]So now all of a sudden there's the risk of alcohol.
- [00:20:59.880]So because I said alcohol's a problem,
- [00:21:02.520]now I have a whole nother homework assignment
- [00:21:04.320]and now I have to fill out my, it's her fault by the way,
- [00:21:07.860]now we have to fill out a whole other tab to figure out,
- [00:21:12.000]okay so we've identified that we have an alcohol problem,
- [00:21:15.210]now we gotta find out specifically within alcohol
- [00:21:19.050]what is it that's causing that?
- [00:21:20.730]Because really you can't pick a strategy just knowing,
- [00:21:24.000]okay we got an alcohol problem,
- [00:21:25.230]now what strategy should we do?
- [00:21:26.580]We need to find what is it that's driving it,
- [00:21:28.950]what is that, and I don't know what term you guys use.
- [00:21:31.950]Is it the intervening variable? Is it the root cause?
- [00:21:35.550]Is it the risk factor?
- [00:21:37.470]I don't know, is there certain language,
- [00:21:39.120]any of those terms ringing, working with you guys?
- [00:21:41.820]What do you guys call it?
- [00:21:44.400]Anything?
- [00:21:45.750]Whatever it is, what's driving the problem
- [00:21:49.050]that why people are drinking?
- [00:21:52.830]Like what is it?
- [00:21:54.240]So then you go down to this one
- [00:21:57.360]and now we're going to dig into that data.
- [00:22:02.130]So over here, so I skipped all these just for time's sake.
- [00:22:06.180]So now we're going into the risk,
- [00:22:07.800]it should just say risk factors,
- [00:22:09.120]there's no protective factors,
- [00:22:12.300]and these are organized by different types.
- [00:22:14.610]So first of all we're going to look at
- [00:22:17.160]perceived risk of harm.
- [00:22:18.900]So we're gonna look at that first figure.
- [00:22:20.820]And you can see I forgot to mention,
- [00:22:22.500]but the way it's organized,
- [00:22:23.430]like that same figure is here
- [00:22:25.350]just so that it kind of keeps you on pace.
- [00:22:27.420]And if you didn't wanna use the PDF
- [00:22:29.730]and only wanted to use this,
- [00:22:31.380]you could do that and just like make these figures bigger,
- [00:22:35.838]you know to look at it and just do it straight up in Excel.
- [00:22:38.820]Just make 'em bigger as you go.
- [00:22:40.770]You certainly can do that too.
- [00:22:43.137]It's just hard to make those figures fit into the Excel.
- [00:22:47.190]So that's why they're there.
- [00:22:49.110]So you would look at perceived risk of harm,
- [00:22:53.130]you might then go to attitude towards the drinking.
- [00:22:56.820]So you would look and see
- [00:22:58.770]do we have a problem with attitudes?
- [00:23:05.610]Do you have a problem with,
- [00:23:10.003]oh and I forgot to mention
- [00:23:10.836]there's different types of data in here.
- [00:23:13.140]So like that first example that I showed you
- [00:23:14.790]that was back to the problems with alcohol,
- [00:23:17.910]that was young adult data,
- [00:23:19.140]but there's also in there college data,
- [00:23:23.850]like first year college student data there.
- [00:23:26.970]So that would be the Y1CBP, the Notch B is in here.
- [00:23:31.560]We try to use as many different data sources
- [00:23:34.230]as we can find that we put in there.
- [00:23:36.600]So that's in there.
- [00:23:37.890]So like this one, let's get to one that isn't young adult,
- [00:23:43.500]okay so attitude towards drinking.
- [00:23:45.810]So this first one you would look at,
- [00:23:47.370]there's just these different questions that ask about
- [00:23:49.440]college student attitude towards drinking.
- [00:23:51.630]Now this one we don't have a comparison group.
- [00:23:54.240]So that's the one nice part about that young adult data
- [00:23:57.090]is we have a comparison
- [00:23:58.740]but we could do potentially with attitudes
- [00:24:02.670]is it could be comparing your campus
- [00:24:05.610]to all the other campuses if that would be of value.
- [00:24:13.050]I think this one is Notch B if I remember right, yeah.
- [00:24:16.410]So it could be your campus compared to other campuses.
- [00:24:19.170]So if that would be of interest to you
- [00:24:20.730]and then you could see like whoa we have a serious problem
- [00:24:23.904]because our students have a way worse attitude
- [00:24:27.240]than other ones or just in general
- [00:24:29.010]all Nebraska college students
- [00:24:30.450]have really crappy attitudes about this or whatever.
- [00:24:33.090]But it helps you identify like do we have a problem here?
- [00:24:35.940]So the follow-up questions are gonna vary
- [00:24:38.580]depending on what data you have,
- [00:24:40.650]but ultimately it comes down to is this a problem?
- [00:24:44.970]So you kind of find out where your problems
- [00:24:47.790]are within this and so
- [00:24:50.220]do you have a problem with attitudes towards drinking?
- [00:24:53.190]Do you have a problem with peer perception?
- [00:24:58.050]So like let's go down to a peer perception.
- [00:25:01.500]I think that data's always fun.
- [00:25:03.300]So like this would be data from the Notch B.
- [00:25:07.905]And so it's comparing the actual is the line on the bottom
- [00:25:12.660]and then perceived is the line on top.
- [00:25:15.960]So this shows you here is the average drinks per occasion
- [00:25:19.560]among first year college students.
- [00:25:21.660]So there's a difference between actual and perceived.
- [00:25:25.740]You know is is that a problem or not?
- [00:25:28.890]And then here this one is doing the exact same thing
- [00:25:33.120]but this is data from the young adult survey.
- [00:25:35.790]So it actually gives you that same concept.
- [00:25:38.580]It's the percent of people their age,
- [00:25:41.070]percent of young adults.
- [00:25:44.580]Actually this is 19 and 20 year olds.
- [00:25:46.290]So it'd be underage adults
- [00:25:48.630]who think that they,
- [00:25:51.600]percent of under 21 young adults
- [00:25:55.440]who they thought drank alcohol in the past 30 days
- [00:25:57.900]versus those who reported it.
- [00:25:59.880]And so the dark orange line would be the perception,
- [00:26:04.170]the light orange line would be
- [00:26:06.450]the ones who actually reported drinking.
- [00:26:08.550]And then the gray lines again,
- [00:26:10.740]dark and light would be the state average.
- [00:26:13.380]So not only can you see the misperceptions,
- [00:26:17.790]but you can also see is there a bigger gap for your area
- [00:26:22.710]than the statewide average?
- [00:26:24.930]So you can kind of see that kind of stuff too.
- [00:26:27.480]And it shows you whether there's significant differences,
- [00:26:30.660]maybe shockingly there are,
- [00:26:33.240]like I don't think that's a surprise to anybody in this room
- [00:26:36.340]that there's a significant difference.
- [00:26:37.680]But you can also see if it's changing over time,
- [00:26:40.710]has that gap gotten better or worse?
- [00:26:44.130]Are their perceptions changing over time?
- [00:26:47.640]Things like that, and you can decide.
- [00:26:49.470]So let's say we decide based on this that yes,
- [00:26:53.490]we have a problem with perceived peer use,
- [00:27:00.150]that's what we've decided is a problem.
- [00:27:03.032]Then you can get down here into access to alcohol
- [00:27:07.860]and you can see there's like social access to alcohol
- [00:27:11.280]and that's gonna ask,
- [00:27:12.150]it's gonna have like different ways
- [00:27:14.190]that they get means of alcohol to access
- [00:27:17.220]or means of obtaining alcohol.
- [00:27:20.190]So I have a friend who is over 21 to buy it for me,
- [00:27:23.280]that's the number one.
- [00:27:24.720]And whereas like using a fake ID
- [00:27:27.745]or a parent caregiver home,
- [00:27:29.820]like some of those are less so,
- [00:27:30.990]but you could go through there
- [00:27:31.950]and find out where your problem is.
- [00:27:34.044]Well let's say for example that a fake ID
- [00:27:35.790]comes to the top right?
- [00:27:37.380]So if you select that,
- [00:27:38.945]that might lead you down to a path then
- [00:27:41.280]that the strategy you need to choose
- [00:27:43.560]is something that you're gonna wanna
- [00:27:45.000]partner with law enforcement, you might wanna do that.
- [00:27:48.150]That's very different than
- [00:27:51.420]something where it's more of a social access thing.
- [00:27:53.940]So like let's say for example,
- [00:27:55.650]let's just pick the one where it's the ID
- [00:27:58.350]just to see what happens.
- [00:28:00.420]So now we've picked for our examples is
- [00:28:04.440]we have a problem with fake IDs
- [00:28:05.970]and a problem with misperceptions.
- [00:28:09.600]Those are the two that we've picked.
- [00:28:10.980]Does that make sense?
- [00:28:11.940]Kind of how we've done it?
- [00:28:13.170]And then basically you rinse and repeat
- [00:28:16.740]a whole bunch of times to go through
- [00:28:18.810]and you look at your alcohol
- [00:28:20.550]or sorry your marijuana data and you see
- [00:28:23.340]okay, do we have a problem with marijuana?
- [00:28:25.530]And if you do,
- [00:28:26.820]then that marijuana tab would pop open
- [00:28:29.730]and you would do the same thing for marijuana
- [00:28:32.100]and if not then you don't worry about it
- [00:28:34.140]and you just move on to tobacco.
- [00:28:36.300]And if you don't have a problem with tobacco
- [00:28:38.430]then you move on to prescription drugs.
- [00:28:41.910]If you don't have a problem with that
- [00:28:43.200]then you move on to other drugs, no problem with that
- [00:28:46.080]then you are done with looking at substances.
- [00:28:48.990]Any questions about any of that?
- [00:28:52.320]So now we have figured out our problems.
- [00:28:54.750]We are a magical campus and we only have two,
- [00:28:57.900]we only have problems with alcohol
- [00:28:59.940]and we only have two risk factors.
- [00:29:02.160]So we're in pretty good shape.
- [00:29:03.870]That's a good deal.
- [00:29:05.970]Then what we do is we go through here.
- [00:29:09.180]So now we can get rid of that PowerPoint,
- [00:29:10.590]we can just look at this bad boy.
- [00:29:14.100]Now what we do is we fill out this
- [00:29:16.380]more of our like self-assessment of what our capacity is.
- [00:29:20.850]So you answer all these questions.
- [00:29:22.350]So you may remember on what Jason talked about
- [00:29:24.990]when he was filling out that worksheet,
- [00:29:26.760]this is kind of a similar concept
- [00:29:28.800]where you list what you're doing
- [00:29:31.230]but in addition to saying what you're doing,
- [00:29:33.210]you kind of do an assessment of what you're doing.
- [00:29:36.120]So you say like for one is it evidence-based?
- [00:29:40.400]And then two,
- [00:29:42.840]there's local data to show that it's effective,
- [00:29:45.960]which kind of counterbalances like
- [00:29:47.790]yes it's evidence based and there's local data
- [00:29:49.710]showing it's effective.
- [00:29:50.970]There's sufficient funding,
- [00:29:52.470]staffing, and resources to implement it.
- [00:29:54.780]So even though that's this awesome program,
- [00:29:57.510]like we just don't have the capacity to do it
- [00:29:59.850]so maybe we shouldn't keep doing it, that kind of stuff.
- [00:30:02.460]You do that little assessment process
- [00:30:04.290]where you walk through it.
- [00:30:06.235]Then you answer questions about
- [00:30:09.330]if you have the people, time, and money.
- [00:30:12.090]Now this is only gonna ask you, and about gaps,
- [00:30:16.020]it's only gonna ask you
- [00:30:16.890]about the substances that you picked.
- [00:30:18.450]So this is specifically saying
- [00:30:19.830]what gaps do you have about alcohol?
- [00:30:21.990]Now if you would've picked marijuana too,
- [00:30:23.700]it's gonna ask you about marijuana,
- [00:30:25.080]yada yada, you get the idea.
- [00:30:28.414]Then you answer questions,
- [00:30:31.046]kind of just some different questions about readiness
- [00:30:33.630]and again based on the substances you pick.
- [00:30:35.580]And then you answered some questions
- [00:30:37.470]about your collaboration.
- [00:30:39.630]So do you have a strong or weak collaboration
- [00:30:41.820]with higher ed? Probably pretty strong.
- [00:30:44.400]These are the questions that I think you might wanna tweak
- [00:30:47.310]based on what makes the most sense.
- [00:30:50.460]You know what I would do
- [00:30:51.390]is what Jason showed on that one slide
- [00:30:53.430]that he said he spent 20 minutes on.
- [00:30:55.200]I would take that slide
- [00:30:57.030]and everything that he had in a bubble,
- [00:30:59.190]that's what I would list here and then say okay,
- [00:31:02.130]who do we have stronger weak relationships with of those?
- [00:31:05.610]Okay, so now's when the magic happens.
- [00:31:09.000]You click on this strategy selection tab
- [00:31:12.450]and here are the selected or the recommended strategies.
- [00:31:17.160]So these are those strategies that align with,
- [00:31:21.930]now there's gonna be more here
- [00:31:23.698]than you guys are comfortable with
- [00:31:24.690]because this is not matched up with the College AIM,
- [00:31:27.480]this is matched up with the EBP matrix.
- [00:31:30.360]So there's gonna be a ton in here
- [00:31:32.428]that have nothing to do with college students,
- [00:31:34.260]but these are the ones that align with
- [00:31:36.480]alcohol misperceptions with peer use
- [00:31:41.310]and like a law enforcement,
- [00:31:44.130]kind of that fake ID ish type of angle, right?
- [00:31:47.460]So what you'd wanna do
- [00:31:49.920]is basically do your research on these
- [00:31:53.280]and decide if they're a good fit or not.
- [00:31:55.620]And the way you do your research is you click on it.
- [00:31:57.870]So like there's basics for example, that one showed up.
- [00:32:00.540]So if you click on it,
- [00:32:01.860]it takes you here into the EBP matrix to basics
- [00:32:05.171]where it tells you all about it
- [00:32:07.800]or at least as much as we know about it,
- [00:32:10.206]and it gives you information,
- [00:32:12.604]kind of learn a little bit more about it.
- [00:32:14.940]So it's all that information that I was showing you
- [00:32:17.302]about it where it tells you about the efficacy,
- [00:32:20.010]all that kind of stuff.
- [00:32:21.930]If there was a Yelp review, it would be in there,
- [00:32:24.690]all that kind of stuff.
- [00:32:26.010]So you would do your research,
- [00:32:27.180]kind of look all about it
- [00:32:29.460]and then you would say okay
- [00:32:31.320]well let me look at kind of
- [00:32:32.490]our context that we're working in
- [00:32:36.000]and is that a good fit?
- [00:32:37.380]So basics requires this, this and this.
- [00:32:40.770]Do we have this, this and this?
- [00:32:42.720]So you know,
- [00:32:44.430]we don't have a good relationship with these groups.
- [00:32:47.340]Do we need any of them?
- [00:32:48.570]Like let's pretend basics required law enforcement.
- [00:32:50.760]I realize it doesn't, but let's pretend it does.
- [00:32:53.280]Well we have a weak relationship with law enforcement
- [00:32:55.410]so maybe that's not a good fit.
- [00:32:57.060]Or if it is we gotta start from square one
- [00:32:58.950]and build that relationship before we can go
- [00:33:01.830]all in on that strategy.
- [00:33:04.800]Our community is ready to tackle alcohol
- [00:33:07.500]but if our community wasn't, if we were low on that,
- [00:33:10.050]we might need to like tread lightly.
- [00:33:11.670]So maybe we're ready for alcohol
- [00:33:13.140]but if it marijuana was another one
- [00:33:14.790]and our community wasn't ready,
- [00:33:16.440]we might wanna pick a softer strategy to go in on that one.
- [00:33:20.700]So these are things to take into context
- [00:33:25.110]when you're considering which strategies
- [00:33:27.750]to go all in on, right?
- [00:33:29.610]So but let's say yeah we feel basics
- [00:33:32.602]that's a good fit and so do we wanna include it?
- [00:33:35.610]Yeah, heck yeah we're going in.
- [00:33:37.470]And then the last question asks, okay,
- [00:33:39.941]if we're going in on basics,
- [00:33:40.774]how many people do we think it's probably gonna affect?
- [00:33:43.320]I'm just throwing in a number here.
- [00:33:44.943]Okay, I thought I was throwing in a number here.
- [00:33:47.970]500, we think it's gonna affect 500 people.
- [00:33:50.490]That's just to fill in the logic model.
- [00:33:52.350]That's all it's doing.
- [00:33:53.250]So that's why it's giving you kind of a reach number.
- [00:33:56.268]Then let's say we're also going to
- [00:33:59.880]the college behavior profile.
- [00:34:01.140]That's another one that we feel is a good fit
- [00:34:03.930]for fixing our problems that we picked.
- [00:34:07.500]And that one is gonna affect 50 people
- [00:34:13.929]and then it also gives you space down here to add any.
- [00:34:17.160]So let's say this strategy list is missing one
- [00:34:19.830]that you know that is on the College AIM that's not on here.
- [00:34:23.190]You could add that one in too.
- [00:34:25.020]So program X is pretty awesome I hear,
- [00:34:29.040]so you're gonna put in program X
- [00:34:31.710]'cause it's amazing and it's gonna reach 10,000 students.
- [00:34:37.980]Then what you do is you go to the logic model tab
- [00:34:42.299]and click somewhere and there it fills it in for you
- [00:34:43.590]and that is your logic model.
- [00:34:45.060]So it tells you that your problem that you're tackling
- [00:34:48.180]is underage drinking.
- [00:34:50.250]The risk factors that you're addressing
- [00:34:54.210]are perceived acceptance from alcohol
- [00:34:56.610]and retail access from alcohol
- [00:34:58.500]because of those fake IDs.
- [00:35:00.666]So these are the problems that you're tackling,
- [00:35:03.292]I think I can say tackling when we're talking about problems
- [00:35:05.910]but maybe not like I realize that's,
- [00:35:08.190]we just learned not to say that,
- [00:35:09.360]which I completely agree with.
- [00:35:11.977]And so to do that we're gonna throw in
- [00:35:14.910]three different strategies.
- [00:35:16.860]So basics, the college behavior profile, and program X.
- [00:35:21.510]And as a result of this,
- [00:35:22.620]I know it's kind of silly but we're going to
- [00:35:25.410]fit as an outcome, we're going to improve
- [00:35:29.490]perceived acceptance for peer acceptance for alcohol,
- [00:35:34.410]we're gonna improve that retail access problem,
- [00:35:36.660]and as a result,
- [00:35:37.590]underage drinking is gonna go down! And you did it!
- [00:35:43.470]And you just made a data driven decision
- [00:35:45.180]and you picked the strategies
- [00:35:47.872]that are designed to address
- [00:35:51.660]the problems that you have on your campus.
- [00:35:53.730]You didn't just willy nilly pick your strategies
- [00:35:56.040]but they're the ones that are designed
- [00:35:58.440]to fix the problems that you found.
- [00:36:00.750]That in a nutshell is what you've decided to do.
- [00:36:04.710]Okay, so that's the big idea.
- [00:36:06.840]The rest of the time I want to just be discussion
- [00:36:09.180]and hear your thoughts.
- [00:36:11.490]Is this anything that you would even use?
- [00:36:14.670]And if so, like what would that look like?
- [00:36:17.850]What are your thoughts?
- [00:36:21.090]And just as a reminder,
- [00:36:22.470]we do need you to use the microphone
- [00:36:23.970]when express expressing your thoughts
- [00:36:25.080]so that we can have that in the recording that we're doing.
- [00:36:33.130]Where did the bar graph
- [00:36:34.230]and line graph data come from or how did that originate?
- [00:36:37.590]Is it built into in some like national state standards?
- [00:36:40.740]You were talking about state of Nebraska types of things.
- [00:36:44.220]And then do I, would I,
- [00:36:46.050]if I use this need to provide my own set of data
- [00:36:48.840]and do I enter it in on my own?
- [00:36:50.550]Do I provide that to the system and it generates that?
- [00:36:54.270]Where did that originate?
- [00:36:55.710]Fantastic questions.
- [00:36:58.170]So we painstakingly put them in, is the short answer.
- [00:37:04.302]What the data that is in here right now is
- [00:37:10.020]the Notch B, the Y1CBP,
- [00:37:13.951]the Nebraska Young Adult Alcohol Opinion survey,
- [00:37:19.140]and just to kind of tell you like what's in here right now
- [00:37:25.381]and then what we did.
- [00:37:28.680]Oh, and then there also is some adult data in there too.
- [00:37:31.200]'Cause we also have in there like the parent piece.
- [00:37:33.630]So there's also some parent data too.
- [00:37:36.584]So the Nebraska, gosh what is in chaos?
- [00:37:41.490]Nebraska Community Alcohol Opinion Survey also.
- [00:37:44.970]So what we did is we actually have
- [00:37:49.590]a system that we created to help
- [00:37:51.660]us pretty quickly create all these figures
- [00:37:54.030]from each of those data sets
- [00:37:56.010]and then we just put those in there is is how it's created.
- [00:37:59.850]But yes, that would be a process that,
- [00:38:03.015]and I don't know if you guys have ideas on how to do that,
- [00:38:06.780]a seamless way to do it.
- [00:38:08.250]I don't know if either,
- [00:38:09.450]but like that is definitely something
- [00:38:11.820]and the fewer figures that you need,
- [00:38:14.220]obviously the easier it is.
- [00:38:15.450]But it's the idea, the basic idea behind this
- [00:38:20.340]was before I would create data profiles
- [00:38:24.390]and I felt like it was more of a static thing
- [00:38:26.880]and like it would just sit on a shelf, right?
- [00:38:29.130]So what I wanted was people to interact with the data.
- [00:38:32.610]So that was the idea.
- [00:38:33.570]So it could be even like data reports that you already get
- [00:38:36.709]and just somehow forcing an interaction with them.
- [00:38:40.680]So like I don't know if you have ideas
- [00:38:42.360]on how to get existing data you have,
- [00:38:46.453]but then it does need to get put in here
- [00:38:49.530]in a way where it's programmed
- [00:38:51.240]because like every time this this says yes,
- [00:38:55.080]this is connected to something.
- [00:38:57.600]So like the system needs to know
- [00:38:59.850]what that yes is connected to.
- [00:39:01.560]So this tells me, okay this is a bad example,
- [00:39:04.230]I need to be on this tab
- [00:39:05.250]but this tells me this is a problem
- [00:39:07.080]that needs to be linked to the strategies
- [00:39:08.880]that are linked to law enforcement,
- [00:39:10.200]or this is linked to that.
- [00:39:12.060]So that's the part that does need that tying.
- [00:39:15.390]But the figures themselves could come from anywhere.
- [00:39:17.550]It's just that there needs to be something telling this
- [00:39:21.390]what that is linked to.
- [00:39:22.890]Does that make sense?
- [00:39:27.900]Okay, so here's my question.
- [00:39:29.280]So at the end of this you said yay it worked.
- [00:39:33.150]So what is the evaluative tool?
- [00:39:36.180]So would this be something that we would need to use
- [00:39:40.260]over and over and over again?
- [00:39:42.930]For sure.
- [00:39:43.770]And I also should add the yay we're working on
- [00:39:47.910]one more step to add to this.
- [00:39:50.550]So the yay here is that you have this logic model.
- [00:39:54.810]What we're working on for the next phase of this
- [00:39:59.070]that we hope to have done
- [00:40:00.450]by the end of this calendar year
- [00:40:02.550]is turning this logic model into a work plan.
- [00:40:06.900]So that's the plan is to actually
- [00:40:09.300]basically take these,
- [00:40:11.610]and then start formatting that into a work plan
- [00:40:15.120]and that this would then develop a work plan.
- [00:40:18.390]That's what this would create.
- [00:40:20.010]And then you would do it like once a year,
- [00:40:21.390]whatever, however your cycles work.
- [00:40:25.020]Okay, so (chuckling)
- [00:40:27.030]what if we have you know,
- [00:40:29.070]sort of annual data that comes from the CBP
- [00:40:32.370]and then like the Notch B we do every two years.
- [00:40:37.680]And so if we're using multiple surveys
- [00:40:41.400]and we're delivering them at multiple periods of time,
- [00:40:45.930]would we be able to just plug in like
- [00:40:47.580]oh we only have this data?
- [00:40:50.956]I would do this however often
- [00:40:53.910]you are planning your strategies.
- [00:40:57.000]And so then I would use the existing data that you have
- [00:41:02.760]and update it with new data that's new.
- [00:41:04.950]So like if you have Notch B every two years,
- [00:41:08.730]old Notch B is gonna stay in there,
- [00:41:11.010]but then your Y1CBP comes every year,
- [00:41:13.800]that would be new data every year.
- [00:41:16.320]Does that make sense?
- [00:41:19.590]So, but I would,
- [00:41:20.760]if you're doing a planning process every single year,
- [00:41:25.350]you would potentially wanna do this every year
- [00:41:26.940]or maybe you just do this every two years.
- [00:41:28.530]Like I don't know, it's extensive process.
- [00:41:31.110]So maybe every two years is all you do for doing this.
- [00:41:34.860]I don't know, like this is more of a question for you guys
- [00:41:38.070]what you'd think because I completely get,
- [00:41:39.480]'cause like what's the point
- [00:41:40.380]of reviewing data you already reviewed?
- [00:41:42.300]And maybe that's where it just stays.
- [00:41:44.220]So like maybe this,
- [00:41:47.040]your answers are already pre-filled
- [00:41:49.650]for the ones that you've already reviewed.
- [00:41:52.430]Like so this figure didn't get updated so your answers stay.
- [00:41:55.920]But this figure gets updated so your answers get cleared
- [00:41:59.314]and you just fill in those.
- [00:42:06.960]I don't know if that helps or not.
- [00:42:09.120]And you can, the part I like about it
- [00:42:12.180]is that everything's subjective, right?
- [00:42:14.850]Like we like to pretend that our data is so objective
- [00:42:17.460]and that it's black and white, it isn't.
- [00:42:20.040]So what I like about it is that
- [00:42:21.990]when you get over here and you look at these suggest
- [00:42:23.610]and you're like, oh god, that's way too many.
- [00:42:25.950]You can go back here and change and be like,
- [00:42:27.630]you know what, nevermind that's not a problem.
- [00:42:30.862]Like it is a problem but maybe it's not
- [00:42:33.210]as high of a priority of a problem.
- [00:42:35.580]So then you take that out
- [00:42:37.800]and now look at my strategy selection
- [00:42:40.890]and look it just went down.
- [00:42:43.230]So it narrows it, the fewer things you choose,
- [00:42:47.430]the fewer problems you choose to address,
- [00:42:50.730]the more narrow your strategies that are recommended.
- [00:42:54.450]So you can go back and forth, you can play and be like,
- [00:42:56.700]oh nevermind, I want a few more than that.
- [00:42:58.770]So you can go back and play with it
- [00:43:02.310]to give it the amount that you want to start and maybe
- [00:43:07.440]you choose something then you un choose something
- [00:43:09.210]you can kind of play with it a little bit.
- [00:43:10.920]It's not right or wrong, it's a guide.
- [00:43:16.650]Alright, so I'll say one more thing
- [00:43:18.120]and then I'll stop. (laughing)
- [00:43:20.040]So what I'm doing is
- [00:43:21.060]I'm thinking in terms of the biennial report.
- [00:43:24.270]So as you know, as each school
- [00:43:26.400]is looking over its strategic prevention plan
- [00:43:29.730]and every two years we update that plan.
- [00:43:31.590]So we're looking at what data is driving the plan
- [00:43:34.470]that we're making, what strategies have we been using,
- [00:43:36.900]which ones did we drop, which ones did we add?
- [00:43:40.260]And at least for me on my campus, I'm using AIM,
- [00:43:45.810]and I don't shift away
- [00:43:47.430]from those evidence-based practices very much.
- [00:43:50.490]They seem to work, you know, really pretty well
- [00:43:53.430]and consistently have data that says
- [00:43:56.640]yes you should be doing what you're doing.
- [00:43:59.220]You know, it doesn't vary a great deal.
- [00:44:06.120]So I guess, like the evaluative part for me is
- [00:44:12.876]where can I, you know, where can I pick up
- [00:44:15.930]some of those other strategies and perhaps use them
- [00:44:23.178]even though they're in
- [00:44:24.420]that sort of realm that Jason describes as being,
- [00:44:27.570]here's some things that, you know,
- [00:44:29.340]in theory should work but we need more data
- [00:44:32.880]or we need to understand
- [00:44:35.700]more about this particular strategy.
- [00:44:39.090]Could we potentially learn something
- [00:44:40.770]about some of those strategies?
- [00:44:43.950]So if I did it every year,
- [00:44:45.390]then every two years I'd be able to say
- [00:44:47.670]over the last two years there's been,
- [00:44:49.560]there was this shift 12 months ago and then you know,
- [00:44:52.020]here's our current, which is driving what we're gonna do
- [00:44:56.005]for the next two years and then rinse and repeat, right?
- [00:45:00.600]Just you know.
- [00:45:03.143]And yes and I think some of it is,
- [00:45:06.060]and this is where it gets tricky and it,
- [00:45:07.830]the only reason being
- [00:45:09.180]is we only have X amount of funding to work with, right?
- [00:45:12.690]So let's say you're doing these five strategies,
- [00:45:17.940]you know they're good, you know they're working,
- [00:45:20.100]we should stay down that path.
- [00:45:22.080]Well by doing this you might identify
- [00:45:24.330]you have a problem over here that you're not addressing.
- [00:45:27.720]These five strategies are not
- [00:45:28.860]addressing this problem over here.
- [00:45:31.020]So you might have to drop one of these strategies
- [00:45:34.050]in order to take on a new strategy to tackle this.
- [00:45:37.350]I said tackle again, I'm so sorry.
- [00:45:40.680]In order to, address, thank you so much.
- [00:45:43.590]In order to address this problem over here,
- [00:45:46.500]can I say problem?
- [00:45:47.370]I think everything I'm saying is,
- [00:45:49.500]yes okay, thank you.
- [00:45:51.978]So that means you might have to drop one of these,
- [00:45:56.130]you don't want to,
- [00:45:57.270]nobody wants to drop something,
- [00:45:58.680]especially but maybe now we're in this
- [00:46:00.450]maintaining phase over here with this one.
- [00:46:03.060]So you're gonna have to drop something here.
- [00:46:05.700]So maybe look at your data and see like where things,
- [00:46:08.670]so maybe we're back to this, this is a bad example.
- [00:46:11.190]Nobody wants to do this,
- [00:46:12.699]but like maybe our underage drinking is going okay
- [00:46:16.590]so maybe we can let it go.
- [00:46:18.510]Nobody wants to get, I mean
- [00:46:20.467]that makes me uncomfortable.
- [00:46:21.300]Don't kid yourself like,
- [00:46:22.710]because we know that the only reason
- [00:46:24.240]why it's doing that well
- [00:46:25.490]is because we've been implementing this strategy.
- [00:46:27.540]So it feels a little uncomfortable to drop it.
- [00:46:30.750]But in order to take on this new area
- [00:46:33.960]because we have limited funding,
- [00:46:35.550]we might have to drop something.
- [00:46:36.660]So to figure out what to drop,
- [00:46:37.890]we gotta figure out where we're doing well
- [00:46:41.610]and where we can maybe let something go for a little bit.
- [00:46:44.610]But then we gotta watch that like a hawk
- [00:46:46.860]because if it starts creeping up
- [00:46:48.300]we need to go right back
- [00:46:49.320]and put that strategy back into place
- [00:46:51.840]and then that helps us.
- [00:46:52.800]So this helps us find what new strategy to add
- [00:46:56.490]to address this problem but also helps us figure out
- [00:46:59.940]what strategy to drop
- [00:47:02.725]in order to fit in the budget this new one.
- [00:47:03.870]Did that make any sense at all?
- [00:47:06.990]Yeah. That's terrifying if it did
- [00:47:09.210]'cause that was a horrible explanation.
- [00:47:11.262](audience laughing)
- [00:47:17.820]Any other comments? Yeah, in the back.
- [00:47:20.160]We'll come to you.
- [00:47:22.820]So one thing as I am thinking about,
- [00:47:25.020]you know like would we use it, how would we use it?
- [00:47:28.590]One of the things that I kind of keep grappling
- [00:47:31.020]and I kinda wrote down was
- [00:47:33.900]how does this allow for kind of
- [00:47:35.580]measuring the intensity or the magnitude of the problem
- [00:47:39.600]because I get the yes no of it all.
- [00:47:43.597]And so I'm thinking about this as a VP,
- [00:47:45.870]I would want to see all of the problems
- [00:47:48.480]and not for the sake of shrinking the list, shrink it down.
- [00:47:51.120]Like I'd wanna see for prioritizing purposes,
- [00:47:54.711]how intense are our issues
- [00:47:57.796]to be able to build out maybe that 1, 2, 3 year plan
- [00:48:00.510]knowing that we're not gonna tackle everything in a year.
- [00:48:02.580]And also knowing that
- [00:48:03.480]we're not gonna run certain data mining.
- [00:48:07.860]Like, so I think about like the assessments
- [00:48:09.570]that we potentially would feed in here.
- [00:48:12.952]So I'm thinking like the collegiate health assessment
- [00:48:14.970]or the healthy mind survey
- [00:48:16.890]when you're starting to weave in
- [00:48:17.970]those mental health variables,
- [00:48:20.313]that's where I kind of see,
- [00:48:23.502]I don't know how to reconcile and weight in this system.
- [00:48:30.090]And I think that that would be
- [00:48:31.170]one of my main limitations in using it.
- [00:48:34.334]'Cause I wouldn't want to say like,
- [00:48:35.820]okay well because we don't want it to appear on our list,
- [00:48:37.830]we're gonna say it's okay.
- [00:48:39.420]I would want to fully know like no we have to,
- [00:48:43.035]this is a slight issue for us
- [00:48:43.868]and we can't take our sight off of it.
- [00:48:47.636]It's kind of that dashboarding perspective.
- [00:48:49.320]So yeah, I don't know how to reconcile that
- [00:48:51.840]in what is showing here outside of the notes.
- [00:48:55.464]So I'm just gonna, that's more of a comment.
- [00:48:58.350]You don't have to kind answer to it.
- [00:49:00.150]But that's as we're providing kind of feedback,
- [00:49:02.310]that's the thing that's kind of going through my mind
- [00:49:04.230]in a university setting
- [00:49:06.450]and knowing the conversations I will have to have,
- [00:49:10.170]I want to show the full magnitude of why it matters
- [00:49:13.410]and how all this stuff relates together.
- [00:49:15.000]I don't wanna shrink and focus.
- [00:49:19.777]Does that make sense?
- [00:49:20.610]It does a hundred percent and it for sure
- [00:49:22.380]would be a limitation of this
- [00:49:23.910]because it is binary for sure
- [00:49:26.430]because of the way it works.
- [00:49:27.960]So it either, I'm gonna call it root cause,
- [00:49:32.220]a root cause either connects to a strategy or doesn't
- [00:49:35.040]and that's just the way it works.
- [00:49:36.240]So it has to be this binary thing.
- [00:49:38.190]I would almost argue,
- [00:49:39.794]the very nature of where where it is now,
- [00:49:43.260]I would use the notes column to say something to myself
- [00:49:47.100]and say like this one highest priority, lowest priority
- [00:49:50.217]and we could even add to this
- [00:49:53.520]another prioritization kind of thing.
- [00:49:56.910]But the way in practicality how I would run it,
- [00:49:59.910]just like how I was showing you
- [00:50:01.020]how you can take things out and put 'em back in.
- [00:50:04.672]I would almost run it like a model,
- [00:50:06.420]like a regression model or something
- [00:50:07.590]where you're like adding in, you know,
- [00:50:10.530]run it once, see what strategies you get,
- [00:50:13.320]then add in another one, see what strategies you get.
- [00:50:16.320]Like you could run it that way.
- [00:50:18.030]And so start with your highest priority,
- [00:50:20.250]see what strategies,
- [00:50:22.020]add in your second highest priority,
- [00:50:24.300]okay it added these,
- [00:50:25.860]like that would be in practical terms
- [00:50:28.920]a way that it could be used in its current form.
- [00:50:33.510]Not the greatest, but a simple way to do it.
- [00:50:38.190]Because I don't think there's a way you could do it with,
- [00:50:43.020]in my mind I'm thinking like
- [00:50:44.550]I don't think we're going there.
- [00:50:46.140]The only thing I can think of is like
- [00:50:48.330]in an ideal setting you could
- [00:50:51.780]like almost weight things
- [00:50:53.430]like I'm not thinking like five stars, four stars,
- [00:50:55.770]but almost like,
- [00:51:00.510]have something where this one,
- [00:51:03.300]like this strategy was your first priority,
- [00:51:06.030]this one met your first,
- [00:51:07.440]add like another column that's like
- [00:51:08.790]this one was a strategy that met your highest priority,
- [00:51:11.940]this strategy met your medium priority.
- [00:51:14.190]Something like that I conceptually could see being added
- [00:51:19.140]or like helps you see.
- [00:51:20.700]And even as you're saying that,
- [00:51:22.977]it makes me think another thing
- [00:51:24.750]that would be really cool to add to this
- [00:51:26.130]is even something that said
- [00:51:27.630]this strategy meets three of your five priorities,
- [00:51:30.600]this one meets two of your five.
- [00:51:32.977]That'd be pretty cool to add.
- [00:51:33.810]And I do think that would be possible
- [00:51:36.780]like just to help you see like
- [00:51:37.980]you're getting more bang for your buck
- [00:51:39.270]with this one strategy
- [00:51:40.260]because it tackles all five of your priorities.
- [00:51:43.650]So that's actually a cool idea.
- [00:51:46.380]That'd be good, thank you.
- [00:51:48.000]This is what I want, yes?
- [00:51:49.832]And I think we had a question right up here.
- [00:51:56.100]Is this only for substances
- [00:51:57.960]or can it have implications
- [00:51:59.220]for some other areas like sexual assault,
- [00:52:02.160]title IX, bystander intervention?
- [00:52:05.280]There's no reason it couldn't,
- [00:52:06.540]we are currently working on adding in mental health
- [00:52:09.000]but like there's no reason why it could not add in anything.
- [00:52:14.040]Even like gambling disorder stuff,
- [00:52:15.960]phone addiction.
- [00:52:17.640]It's all like the infrastructure is here
- [00:52:20.310]so like there's no reason why it couldn't be able to do it.
- [00:52:23.930]It all comes down to
- [00:52:26.580]whatever you have data for
- [00:52:29.040]and whatever you have strategies to address.
- [00:52:34.017]So if those two things exist,
- [00:52:36.030]this infrastructure, all this system is designed to do
- [00:52:40.140]is connect the dots.
- [00:52:41.880]So rather than you having to just go through
- [00:52:44.730]the matrix and be like, okay, here's these strategies
- [00:52:47.610]and like if I do enough research on them,
- [00:52:49.830]I can figure out what they address.
- [00:52:52.230]And then here's all my data,
- [00:52:54.630]here's all my potentially lik
- [00:52:57.652]e if I sift through it individually, like I can, you know,
- [00:53:00.000]figure out what my problems are.
- [00:53:01.752]It's designed to put those two together
- [00:53:03.360]in an efficient manner where it just says
- [00:53:05.340]data in here's my problems,
- [00:53:06.780]data out here's the strategies that address those problems,
- [00:53:09.660]here's my list.
- [00:53:11.430]And then giving you that little bit of just overview to say,
- [00:53:15.630]okay so of my strategies that are recommended,
- [00:53:18.930]which ones actually fit based on my capacity.
- [00:53:23.460]Okay, and especially like when you think of things like
- [00:53:26.310]I have enough time funding or money
- [00:53:28.650]so maybe I don't have the time, I don't have the people,
- [00:53:30.990]but I have a lot of money.
- [00:53:32.070]Okay well I can pick a really expensive one
- [00:53:34.800]that's plug and play
- [00:53:35.670]that doesn't require a lot of time or money or vice versa.
- [00:53:39.270]Like just knowing those things
- [00:53:40.740]I think helps make a decision too.
- [00:53:43.050]And I really, some of this is like kind of silly
- [00:53:45.930]'cause it's like you know that already, right?
- [00:53:48.210]Like you have that in the back of your mind
- [00:53:49.860]but just even seeing it helps you like,
- [00:53:52.470]yeah we really can't make
- [00:53:54.198]a decision to go with this strategy
- [00:53:56.532]'cause we don't have any money
- [00:53:57.510]so we have to pick a really cheap strategy
- [00:54:00.090]but we have the manpower to do it so it's okay.
- [00:54:03.510]Well if
- [00:54:05.974]this puts it all in a word doc
- [00:54:07.020]that you can fancy up pretty easy to put in a file
- [00:54:10.740]for record keeping when we need it later.
- [00:54:13.140]Yeah.
- [00:54:13.973]I was just saying that
- [00:54:15.492]this puts it all in a like,
- [00:54:16.325]you could copy and paste this into a word doc,
- [00:54:18.690]put it in a file for like this is what we did and why
- [00:54:21.270]for when you go and review it later
- [00:54:23.250]to have your logic, your reasoning,
- [00:54:25.350]and then next year how effective was it
- [00:54:27.570]by looking at the new data.
- [00:54:29.100]Which I think is another good point on like,
- [00:54:31.890]one if you need to justify it to someone else,
- [00:54:36.300]you all have bosses,
- [00:54:38.932]or two another really key thing
- [00:54:40.680]I think this is really helpful for is turnover.
- [00:54:42.960]So I think we all know that horrible T word
- [00:54:46.320]and like this is really useful for that.
- [00:54:48.210]So somebody can jump in and see where you,
- [00:54:51.030]the person, if you were to win the lottery,
- [00:54:54.300]I used to think hit by the bus,
- [00:54:56.100]and I've changed it to a positive spin.
- [00:54:58.170]You won the lottery, which is why you left your job.
- [00:55:00.870]So when you win the lottery and leave your job,
- [00:55:03.330]the person that took over for you,
- [00:55:04.380]they can see why you did this
- [00:55:06.870]and where you were going and they can finish the path.
- [00:55:13.050]Any other thoughts?
- [00:55:20.100]Do you think that you could,
- [00:55:22.560]the very first question I think is probably the kicker,
- [00:55:26.040]is do you think you could,
- [00:55:29.040]you have the data that would be able to fuel in this
- [00:55:33.600]or Megan do you, would you have data?
- [00:55:35.700]Like what do you think on feeding the system?
- [00:55:38.880]And also what kind of data
- [00:55:40.170]do you think would be the most useful?
- [00:55:42.450]And do you care about comparison data?
- [00:55:44.220]Would you just want your own data?
- [00:55:45.540]Like what kind of data do you think would be the best?
- [00:55:49.890]I think we have
- [00:55:51.335]some data for some of these areas.
- [00:55:52.710]I could be wrong, but my assumption would be that
- [00:55:56.460]most schools would be most interested in their own data
- [00:55:59.370]being plugged in here.
- [00:56:00.420]I don't know that it's super helpful
- [00:56:02.850]for schools to have statewide
- [00:56:04.650]or even like community specific level data here
- [00:56:08.520]when they're looking at their own strategy.
- [00:56:09.990]Some of the things Christina was talking about
- [00:56:11.550]in terms of elevating those to higher ups,
- [00:56:15.090]really having specific data for the school.
- [00:56:17.640]And so that's when I worry about
- [00:56:19.294]how many schools have that specific of data to use.
- [00:56:26.496]And do you, oh go ahead.
- [00:56:29.396]On the flip on, I gotta be patient.
- [00:56:33.718]On the flip side though, for like some of
- [00:56:35.670]the competitor schools,
- [00:56:37.770]come on guys, UNL is doing it, why can't we do it?
- [00:56:40.833]If you're UNL or like if you're CCC
- [00:56:43.350]and your closest one is Northeast Community College,
- [00:56:47.100]well they're doing it and it worked there,
- [00:56:48.420]we can do it right?
- [00:56:49.410]You don't wanna fall behind the other.
- [00:56:51.540]So sometimes having that in the system,
- [00:56:53.880]having access to it can be a good argument
- [00:56:57.420]for your VPs and your Presidents.
- [00:57:00.330]That's true.
- [00:57:07.260]And a question probably maybe for you, Megan,
- [00:57:10.401]do you feel that the strategies in the College AIM
- [00:57:18.270]could fill in, not so much even this information,
- [00:57:22.350]but link to the types of risk factors
- [00:57:29.520]or whatever that the data that they would have
- [00:57:32.130]at the college level?
- [00:57:33.480]Like could we get the dots to match up,
- [00:57:35.610]I guess is my question?
- [00:57:36.720]Like would we have,
- [00:57:40.710]like a logic model or something from those strategies
- [00:57:46.110]that would match up with the data that exists?
- [00:57:49.080]Do you think that that would be a doable thing?
- [00:57:53.700]Of basically creating something that looks like this
- [00:57:56.940]for the types of things that make the most sense
- [00:58:00.660]based on the data that would be available?
- [00:58:03.630]I think there's probably some things, yes,
- [00:58:05.550]definitely more so on the individual side
- [00:58:07.620]of the strategies that are in the College AIM.
- [00:58:10.620]Maybe for environmental too?
- [00:58:15.015]But I think it's probably, like some things in AIM,
- [00:58:16.980]specifically say like each UG would be what you would use
- [00:58:21.129]and this is what it's related to and these kind of things.
- [00:58:22.620]But it kind of depends on the strategy within the matrix.
- [00:58:26.310]Because the matrix strategies has varying levels of EBP,
- [00:58:31.680]whereas I feel like some of the other ones within this
- [00:58:34.020]are very black and white.
- [00:58:36.150]Kind of like Jason talked about
- [00:58:37.110]the four tiers of effectiveness, right?
- [00:58:39.420]There's still some of that in the matrix in terms of like
- [00:58:43.320]promising areas where we've seen this work in other groups,
- [00:58:46.500]but we don't know for sure about college student use.
- [00:58:51.060]So not all of them are, yes, for sure.
- [00:58:54.360]Some are like, there's still some research to do,
- [00:58:56.640]but it looks promising, so.
- [00:58:59.490]Makes sense.
- [00:59:04.560]All right, any other questions?
- [00:59:11.760]All right.
- [00:59:12.960]Well you've given us a lot to think about
- [00:59:15.900]and another tool to consider
- [00:59:17.700]and I think it's exciting to look at it
- [00:59:19.290]all put together and see how it might be able to be used.
- [00:59:22.770]Mark is asking about how much it costs, I think.
- [00:59:27.330]There is no cost at this.
- [00:59:28.590]I mean like, obviously there would be a cost to build,
- [00:59:32.370]like the infrastructure is there,
- [00:59:35.010]there's no cost for the infrastructure.
- [00:59:36.570]We've built this system.
- [00:59:38.220]The cost would be building the dot connecting,
- [00:59:43.290]that's the technical term.
- [00:59:46.140]And then putting in the figures,
- [00:59:49.410]like doing that kind of system and everything.
- [00:59:51.930]So I don't know, it's a hard question to answer.
- [00:59:58.740]Oh my gosh, I would have no idea at this point.
- [01:00:01.800]So it's like billable hours?
- [01:00:04.590]Yeah, it would be billable hours probably.
- [01:00:08.693]That's a PC answer, I like that.
- [01:00:10.140]But it's true like, I mean it is,
- [01:00:11.880]it would just be whatever.
- [01:00:14.100]And I don't know if it's something that like,
- [01:00:19.034]I mean CPA would coordinate
- [01:00:19.867]or if it would be on individual school level or whatever.
- [01:00:24.240]Yeah, I don't know.
- [01:00:25.813]And we could work with Merck on this.
- [01:00:28.470]Yeah, I don't, we're kind of at this point very open
- [01:00:32.250]and we're just kind of building it
- [01:00:34.740]and my original intent is I'm building it for,
- [01:00:38.640]as I said, like these community coalitions.
- [01:00:40.650]So we're doing it for the block grant funding.
- [01:00:45.450]And then we, I also, so PFS, the PFS funding,
- [01:00:50.640]if it gets funded,
- [01:00:52.470]I anticipate we'll do this as part of that.
- [01:00:55.770]So like if, I don't know if NACP would be part of,
- [01:00:59.640]I mean I know you applied for your own,
- [01:01:00.960]but like if the state gets it and NACP is part of that,
- [01:01:03.990]then like potentially as part of that?
- [01:01:06.909]And that's because like the way that,
- [01:01:08.730]sorry if none of this applies to you,
- [01:01:10.110]but just in case this is helpful context.
- [01:01:12.330]The way that the partnerships for success,
- [01:01:14.730]the SAMHSA PFS grant,
- [01:01:17.040]this next round of funding that's coming out,
- [01:01:19.530]the way that they've structured it is,
- [01:01:21.390]which I think is a very good thing,
- [01:01:24.150]the past two funding cycles, they've just said,
- [01:01:26.580]go, like here, here's your funding.
- [01:01:29.100]Pick some strategies and go,
- [01:01:30.750]which completely goes against the spiff, right?
- [01:01:34.458]Like they're saying, they're ignoring it, right?
- [01:01:36.540]So now they're saying no,
- [01:01:38.070]you have to go through the spiff
- [01:01:39.600]and you have to spend the first X amount of months
- [01:01:42.120]doing a needs assessment.
- [01:01:44.460]You have to spend the first amount of months
- [01:01:46.290]assessing your capacity,
- [01:01:47.610]doing all these kind of things, like it is built in
- [01:01:50.220]and you have to go through that process.
- [01:01:52.650]So we're like, this is kind of convenient.
- [01:01:55.410]We have a tool that was,
- [01:01:57.120]is built here and designed for you to do it.
- [01:01:59.834]So that's what we'll have the funded communities,
- [01:02:01.890]they'll go through this.
- [01:02:03.720]So whoever gets funded to do this,
- [01:02:06.930]we'll plop in their data
- [01:02:08.850]and they as a funded entity
- [01:02:11.100]will go through this process.
- [01:02:14.400]So you know, whoever gets funded,
- [01:02:16.736]that will be the first step
- [01:02:18.210]and it kind of like forces them to do it.
- [01:02:22.118]So is this something that Mindy
- [01:02:23.349]and would make available to us
- [01:02:25.020]or is this something that we can build,
- [01:02:27.300]or you would build?
- [01:02:29.850]So the question is about
- [01:02:30.870]how this would be available to members.
- [01:02:33.090]And so this is very new.
- [01:02:34.890]Mindy introduced this to us-
- [01:02:36.714]Novel! Remember Mark, novel.
- [01:02:37.547]Mindy introduced this to any CPA staff
- [01:02:39.960]a few weeks before the convening
- [01:02:41.973]as we were discussing her presentation.
- [01:02:44.998]As she mentioned,
- [01:02:47.130]the part of this funding for what she's developed
- [01:02:50.370]comes from the block grant,
- [01:02:51.780]which currently the Omaha Collegiate Consortium
- [01:02:54.000]is receiving block grant funding through.
- [01:02:56.070]So we had, I think remind,
- [01:02:57.990]correct me if I'm wrong 'cause if I'm misremembering,
- [01:03:00.180]but I think we had talked about maybe piloting
- [01:03:02.700]this with OCC schools or as an OCC aggregate to begin with
- [01:03:06.150]because they're funded through block grant.
- [01:03:09.270]But as Mindy also discussed,
- [01:03:12.840]PFS is changing altogether next year.
- [01:03:15.600]Not just in terms of like
- [01:03:16.980]kind of walking through that spiff process
- [01:03:19.710]but also in the way it's structured.
- [01:03:21.210]So we submitted an application directly to SAMHSA this year,
- [01:03:25.440]whereas in previous years,
- [01:03:26.730]applications were submitted either to the state
- [01:03:29.160]or to region six for funding for OCC.
- [01:03:32.490]This kind of takes the state out as that middle person
- [01:03:35.040]in terms of our awards.
- [01:03:36.360]There's 44 community awards
- [01:03:38.292]in this next cycle of funding for the country.
- [01:03:41.220]The state is also applying,
- [01:03:43.530]as I think 14 states are gonna be funded in the next cycle,
- [01:03:47.370]but their funding is separate than ours.
- [01:03:49.650]So it's not, if we receive the funding,
- [01:03:51.660]we receive it directly from SAMHSA, that is our sponsor.
- [01:03:54.720]If the state is also awarded
- [01:03:56.340]then there is a requirement
- [01:03:57.360]that those awarded entities have to collaborate,
- [01:04:00.656]but they are not overseeing our project.
- [01:04:04.410]So I'm not sure what that would look like
- [01:04:06.960]if we got funded and the state didn't.
- [01:04:08.790]What does that do for the tool?
- [01:04:10.260]Like how do we access that?
- [01:04:11.520]But I imagine funding would start out
- [01:04:13.080]through the NACPA and we would talk about
- [01:04:15.420]how to make that available to members
- [01:04:16.890]if there was interest for it.
- [01:04:18.330]I will tell you for OCC specifically,
- [01:04:22.530]'cause they're block grant funded, correct?
- [01:04:24.650]The plan, the current plan, things can change.
- [01:04:28.634]This isn't a hundred percent but the current plan with DBH
- [01:04:32.820]is that this tool will be used
- [01:04:35.580]to develop next year's,
- [01:04:37.530]if OCC continues block grant funding,
- [01:04:39.870]to develop next year's block grant work plan.
- [01:04:43.050]So between now and November,
- [01:04:46.380]how I said like by the end of this year,
- [01:04:48.420]we are going to basically add another tab on this tool
- [01:04:51.690]to develop the work plan and then roll this out
- [01:04:55.260]and get this to OCC
- [01:04:58.350]and all the other block grant funded coalitions
- [01:05:00.570]and have them use this to develop their FY 25
- [01:05:07.980]block ramp work plan.
- [01:05:10.050]So OCC will be getting this
- [01:05:12.306]probably around November, December, somewhere in there-
- [01:05:15.270]But it'll be in an aggregate, right?
- [01:05:16.890]It'll be OCC group level data, not UNO.
- [01:05:20.250]Correct. So that's what
- [01:05:21.390]I'm wondering is what is the potential cost to my school?
- [01:05:24.389]Is it cost effective or cost prohibit?
- [01:05:26.670]I don't know.
- [01:05:28.277]If we had OCC aggregate information,
- [01:05:29.580]what would that look like
- [01:05:30.690]if schools wanted to do the same process
- [01:05:33.090]but for their campus specific?
- [01:05:35.760]I don't know the answer to that
- [01:05:37.110]but I can do some thinking,
- [01:05:40.050]mostly 'cause I'm trying to think of
- [01:05:41.130]what data that would be.
- [01:05:42.780]'Cause like OCC data, I'm thinking Notch B.
- [01:05:47.790]It would probably be
- [01:05:48.623]all the same data you're using for OCC aggregate.
- [01:05:50.954]It's gonna be Year 1 CBP, Notch B,
- [01:05:54.390]whatever you'd use for OCC aggregate,
- [01:05:56.220]it'd just be that at the school level.
- [01:05:58.170]Minus young adult.
- [01:06:00.545]Yeah.
- [01:06:03.978]Well couldn't you still include young adult
- [01:06:05.220]for the schools, but it would just be,
- [01:06:07.020]I mean it's gonna be the same as what's in the aggregate.
- [01:06:09.540]But it would give them more data-
- [01:06:11.730]Douglas County instead Douglas and Sarpy.
- [01:06:15.030]Yeah.
- [01:06:15.870]I can't imagine it would be that difficult?
- [01:06:21.660]It's just replacing the figure.
- [01:06:23.700]I can't imagine It would be crazy.
- [01:06:26.760]I would think it would be very reasonable,
- [01:06:30.600]but I'm not gonna throw out a number
- [01:06:31.650]'cause I gotta like, that is a dangerous game.
- [01:06:36.065]I understand.
- [01:06:37.076]But I can follow up with you,
- [01:06:39.333]but I can follow, no not that.
- [01:06:42.853]I can follow up with you
- [01:06:43.872]after I do a little bit of processing.
- [01:06:47.387]Yeah, I can follow up with you.
- [01:06:49.230]I'll do that.
- [01:06:51.600]Yeah 'cause I can't imagine it would be too crazy.
- [01:06:56.133]Yeah,
- [01:06:59.580]yeah especially for something like that where it's like
- [01:07:02.340]if it's using the same kind of data,
- [01:07:04.950]that would be way easier
- [01:07:06.180]'cause it's literally just replacing figures.
- [01:07:08.280]'Cause what the hardest part is the this part
- [01:07:11.010]where it's connecting this to a strategy, right?
- [01:07:14.520]Well yeah, that's the hardest part.
- [01:07:16.770]So if that's already built in,
- [01:07:19.037]then it's not too hard at all.
- [01:07:22.500]It's the macros.
- [01:07:23.760]This thing is so macro heavy it's crazy.
- [01:07:26.520]So anytime we mess with macros is where it gets hard,
- [01:07:30.570]and that would not do that.
- [01:07:33.000]Anything else?
- [01:07:36.840]All right well you all have been lovely.
- [01:07:38.370]So thank you very much.
- [01:07:41.370](audience applauding)
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