Transform the Norm! Seven Steps for Developing Effective Positive Social Norms Campaigns
David Merriman
2023 NECPA Statewide Convening
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- [00:00:03.780]Hello everyone.
- [00:00:05.250]Raise your hand if you can hear me.
- [00:00:06.630]Hi, this is Jeff.
- [00:00:08.400]Go ahead and if you would, please,
- [00:00:10.080]raise your hand if you can see the slides,
- [00:00:12.150]and that you can actually see that they're starting to.
- [00:00:16.410]Life is good.
- [00:00:17.730]Oh, this is great, y'all.
- [00:00:18.930]Thank you.
- [00:00:20.010]And right off, I'm gonna say yes
- [00:00:24.660]to any question you may have.
- [00:00:27.270]I'm gonna make sure you have a PDF copy
- [00:00:29.910]of all of these slides.
- [00:00:31.680]And I've intentionally loaded a lot of slides
- [00:00:35.790]that we may not be able to go into depth with,
- [00:00:38.520]but I think would be great for you to have
- [00:00:41.340]for future reference.
- [00:00:43.200]So this is what I have set up for us to look at today.
- [00:00:47.370]And we're gonna look at experiencing the energy
- [00:00:52.410]of what we call the science of the positive framework.
- [00:00:55.080]So this is the framework behind the seven steps
- [00:00:58.920]that we're gonna talk about.
- [00:01:00.570]And then we're gonna go into these seven steps
- [00:01:03.710]in as much detail as we can.
- [00:01:05.730]Typically, we can do this in a one day,
- [00:01:08.400]two day, three day.
- [00:01:09.233]I mean, there's a lot of info here,
- [00:01:11.910]but then I wanna make sure we have throughout
- [00:01:14.100]and at the end especially some time
- [00:01:16.860]to kinda start brainstorming, what could this look like?
- [00:01:19.950]How could we apply it in our work,
- [00:01:22.050]both personally and professionally?
- [00:01:24.390]And I don't think you all have the ability
- [00:01:30.258]to set an email or chat individually, right?
- [00:01:37.500]I think this is, it's only with the group.
- [00:01:40.920]So I'm gonna just make some course corrections with that
- [00:01:43.920]as we go.
- [00:01:46.140]On our website at Montana Institute,
- [00:01:48.090]there's all sorts of different materials
- [00:01:51.090]related to what we're covering today,
- [00:01:54.060]and then applications to other issues beyond higher ed,
- [00:01:58.380]substance abuse and prevention as well.
- [00:02:02.160]But this is one of those areas.
- [00:02:05.130]Maybe you could just take time.
- [00:02:07.860]I just wanna do this.
- [00:02:08.693]Our group is small enough, maybe just start in the front.
- [00:02:14.010]I'm, as I'm looking at you from behind.
- [00:02:17.190]So maybe just starting in the front
- [00:02:18.960]and you could just shout out what is a joy?
- [00:02:22.320]You know, so you're only speaking one at a time.
- [00:02:24.990]You know, what's a joy you've experienced
- [00:02:27.450]in the last two days?
- [00:02:29.580]It's very strategic,
- [00:02:30.930]it's very intentional as to why we do this.
- [00:02:34.140]So why don't we go ahead and start up front
- [00:02:36.390]if you don't mind, and just share a joy.
- [00:02:39.030]And you could turn to the room and share that with the room.
- [00:02:43.260]Dr. Martin Luther King started off his famous,
- [00:02:47.760]famous speech by saying, what,
- [00:02:50.040]I have a go ahead and shout it out.
- [00:02:52.020]'cause I can hear you'll.
- [00:02:56.040]I can't hear you.
- [00:02:58.117](students speaking indistinctly)
- [00:02:59.280]There you go.
- [00:03:00.660]Well, or did he say this?
- [00:03:04.140]Right?
- [00:03:05.880]Of course not, of course not.
- [00:03:07.710]Why do I bring this up?
- [00:03:08.640]I bring this up because what we can observe
- [00:03:13.830]is that effective communication,
- [00:03:16.710]effective transformational leaders like Dr. King,
- [00:03:21.120]they always start from the heart.
- [00:03:24.240]They start with spirit first, right?
- [00:03:27.210]He said, I have a dream.
- [00:03:29.700]He didn't get up and say, I have a strategic plan, right?
- [00:03:35.280]By design.
- [00:03:36.870]And so with our work, the framework behind the framework,
- [00:03:40.260]what I'm gonna do is that,
- [00:03:41.280]I'm gonna move through some of this,
- [00:03:43.563]and I want you to understand this
- [00:03:44.520]because this sets a tone for what we're getting into
- [00:03:47.340]with these seven steps.
- [00:03:50.310]So the science of the positive is studying
- [00:03:55.770]how positive factors impact cultural experience.
- [00:03:58.770]So we're gonna study and learn, observe,
- [00:04:02.010]use data to look at how the positive is showing up
- [00:04:06.330]in our campuses, our homes with individuals,
- [00:04:09.600]in our communities.
- [00:04:11.910]This is the larger framework for which you're gonna see
- [00:04:17.190]the seven step framework falls within.
- [00:04:21.300]What I wanna draw your attention to with this
- [00:04:24.210]is that we start with a focus on the positive.
- [00:04:27.870]We're not starting with a focus on the risk factors, okay?
- [00:04:33.240]We're not starting and putting the deficits
- [00:04:37.110]or the lacks or the needs in the center.
- [00:04:41.730]We're strategically and intentionally starting
- [00:04:45.150]with the focus on the positive
- [00:04:48.150]and then we're gonna grow that positive.
- [00:04:50.700]And that's what we're gonna be talking about here
- [00:04:54.030]throughout the day with a specific focus
- [00:04:57.660]on positive community norms.
- [00:05:01.440]So how is it that we go about in our thinking
- [00:05:05.190]as higher education leaders
- [00:05:07.770]in terms of growing the positive?
- [00:05:10.950]We start with this core assumption.
- [00:05:15.629]This deeply held assumption that the positive exists.
- [00:05:22.890]That it's real, it's worth growing.
- [00:05:27.540]I'm gonna say it again.
- [00:05:28.373]The positive exists, it's real, and it's worth growing.
- [00:05:32.370]So it exists in each of our students,
- [00:05:36.300]our teams across the campus,
- [00:05:38.850]the relationship with the campus and the community.
- [00:05:43.170]This is gonna be really important,
- [00:05:44.550]and I'm gonna really set this tone or this stage
- [00:05:47.910]because it's from this core assumption
- [00:05:50.370]that we then start to move into strategically
- [00:05:53.160]what does this mean for growing positive norms.
- [00:05:58.710]The way that we focus on the positive is doing
- [00:06:01.290]what we, is engaging,
- [00:06:02.610]what we call the cycle of transformation.
- [00:06:05.730]We always move in this order.
- [00:06:08.490]We go spirit, science, action, return.
- [00:06:12.240]Spirit, science, action, return.
- [00:06:13.950]Just like Dr. King and other famous orders have always,
- [00:06:19.170]they start from the heart, they start from the spirit,
- [00:06:22.050]from the positive, from that which brings us together
- [00:06:26.130]from a sense of hope, where there's some energy
- [00:06:29.850]for creativity and movement.
- [00:06:32.280]So we start there.
- [00:06:34.740]Then we move into our science, our data, our norms,
- [00:06:39.000]our gaps, our misperceptions.
- [00:06:41.790]And then those based on those data,
- [00:06:44.490]we then start to strategically design actions or campaigns
- [00:06:48.540]or plans to get the kinds of returns that we want.
- [00:06:52.440]And then the return phase,
- [00:06:53.820]we're always hitting pause and we're reflecting as well.
- [00:06:58.710]So we always go spirit, science, action, return.
- [00:07:01.020]And I start with this and emphasize this
- [00:07:03.870]because in higher ed, one of the things we do best
- [00:07:09.000]is we jump right into the science and action, don't we?
- [00:07:13.140]We often go right there, what's the data, what do we do?
- [00:07:16.590]But if we can back up a step,
- [00:07:18.660]there's some real important benefits.
- [00:07:21.180]So these are the kinds of questions that we ask
- [00:07:24.510]through the science of the positive.
- [00:07:26.700]And if we're gonna be applying this work
- [00:07:29.130]to different substance abuse related issues on campus,
- [00:07:36.720]high risk, episodic drinking, binge drinking,
- [00:07:40.050]the violence that can occur from drinking incidents,
- [00:07:46.170]the vandalism, the sexual assaults,
- [00:07:50.880]disrupted academic performance, GPAs.
- [00:07:55.650]I mean the list is large, right?
- [00:07:57.390]The unintended, unwanted negative effects from substance use
- [00:08:05.220]are well-known, well-documented.
- [00:08:10.410]What I wanna do is have you walk out of this
- [00:08:13.290]with some new ways of thinking.
- [00:08:15.780]And again, since you'll have these slides,
- [00:08:18.060]you'll be able to take this and use this for afterwards,
- [00:08:23.190]for starting to look at some of your own work.
- [00:08:27.180]But I want you to think about what's gonna be the spirit
- [00:08:30.570]or the tone of the campaign that you wanna establish.
- [00:08:35.910]Again, we're gonna unpack seven steps,
- [00:08:38.850]but before we go into those actions, what's that tone?
- [00:08:43.500]It's really critical that we're thinking about
- [00:08:47.880]what it is we want our audience to experience
- [00:08:51.180]and what it is we wanna experience or lay down as well.
- [00:08:56.100]Then we can look at how we'll approach the science,
- [00:08:58.620]the actions and the returns.
- [00:09:01.410]So when we look at the tone,
- [00:09:04.530]we could look at kind of a compare contrast.
- [00:09:06.900]On the left, this is from my home state, Montana,
- [00:09:11.370]the Montana meth campaign.
- [00:09:13.883]These a series of billboards.
- [00:09:15.240]I know Nebraska, you've had some similar experiences
- [00:09:20.910]where if we were engaged online with chatting,
- [00:09:26.130]a list of words that you might come up with,
- [00:09:28.620]but since I've done this numerous times, depressing, sad,
- [00:09:34.350]hurt, shame, desperate, hopeless, addicted,
- [00:09:42.330]there could a lot of words in the need side of the equation.
- [00:09:48.180]And then on the right side, if we look at just that image,
- [00:09:52.440]the image alone, the spirit of the image
- [00:09:55.140]of what is it's being communicated,
- [00:09:58.260]love, connection, friendship, support, warmth,
- [00:10:03.630]beauty, right?
- [00:10:07.350]So which spirit?
- [00:10:09.600]It really gets into the context of our campaign.
- [00:10:14.670]This is critical, when you're starting to think about
- [00:10:17.250]what you wanna be doing across your campus,
- [00:10:21.480]or let me just see a show of hands.
- [00:10:25.260]How many are thinking of doing something campus wide?
- [00:10:28.530]Are you thinking campus?
- [00:10:29.580]Okay, oh great.
- [00:10:31.020]A few others.
- [00:10:33.570]What about like, just say, residence halls
- [00:10:36.960]would maybe be a primary focus.
- [00:10:39.660]Great, or athletic departments.
- [00:10:43.050]Yeah.
- [00:10:44.310]What about reaching out into the community
- [00:10:46.440]so that you're looking at that town gown, campus community,
- [00:10:49.320]anybody that, great, yeah.
- [00:10:51.390]So different layers or elements or focus
- [00:10:55.860]of what we could look at.
- [00:10:56.910]You could be looking at the Greek system, fraternities,
- [00:10:59.340]sororities.
- [00:11:00.240]You could be, I mean, there's a number of ways
- [00:11:03.090]that this look, we wanna think about what is that tone.
- [00:11:08.671]And we wanna think about that by moving through
- [00:11:11.940]these four domains, the tone or the spirit first.
- [00:11:16.710]Then we're gonna gather data that'll support that tone
- [00:11:19.920]or that spirit.
- [00:11:21.180]And then the actions will align with the messages
- [00:11:25.860]of what we create for the kinds of returns.
- [00:11:28.140]This is for underage drinking.
- [00:11:30.000]We do a lot of that work in communities
- [00:11:32.670]across North America.
- [00:11:34.320]So it would be different messages
- [00:11:36.600]than what we would often see in a college environment.
- [00:11:42.540]But look at how all four of these show up literally
- [00:11:46.050]on this panel of this bus, right?
- [00:11:49.710]There's a spirit of gratitude.
- [00:11:52.890]Hey parents, thanks, right?
- [00:11:55.530]And then here's the norms message,
- [00:11:57.720]which we're gonna get into and unpack.
- [00:11:59.580]In this case, 93%, very strong norm,
- [00:12:04.320]the action and then the context or the return.
- [00:12:08.280]So I just wanted to say this starts to play out
- [00:12:11.160]in some very strategic ways.
- [00:12:12.720]We also utilize this approach.
- [00:12:15.780]We use this for everything we do in like setting agendas
- [00:12:20.760]at different coalition meetings.
- [00:12:23.100]How many of you, raise a hand have a coalition established
- [00:12:27.780]on your campus, some sort of coalition or committee
- [00:12:31.170]that's dedicated to the substance abuse prevention issues?
- [00:12:34.410]Go ahead and raise your hands if you would.
- [00:12:35.820]I'm just curious.
- [00:12:37.200]A couple, okay.
- [00:12:38.550]I'm gonna say that that would be a real important
- [00:12:41.970]consideration as well, instead of trying to be a lone person
- [00:12:47.280]or office doing this, but establishing a team or coalition.
- [00:12:52.980]We, because of the tech issues,
- [00:12:55.170]and I don't wanna run into those in any further away.
- [00:13:00.030]I'm just gonna ask that you reflect on this for a moment.
- [00:13:05.280]I'm just gonna give you a couple seconds
- [00:13:07.170]to maybe jot something down right at the beginning here,
- [00:13:11.640]right at the beginning.
- [00:13:12.480]As we're now gonna start moving into these seven steps.
- [00:13:16.440]How might you apply this cycle of transformation
- [00:13:20.700]where you would look at spirit, science, action, return?
- [00:13:24.510]Is there anything that comes to you?
- [00:13:26.940]You could just jot down some thoughts
- [00:13:29.670]in terms of what this might look like.
- [00:13:34.500]How might you apply spirit first, then science,
- [00:13:40.560]action and return.
- [00:13:48.870]Still setting context.
- [00:13:50.640]When we think about public health 101,
- [00:13:53.220]I'm breaking this down way simplified.
- [00:13:56.640]It's really about what I call red arrow, green arrow,
- [00:14:00.120]or reducing risks and increasing protections, right?
- [00:14:05.700]Both matter, both matter.
- [00:14:10.740]Another way we can look at this through our lens
- [00:14:14.010]is that we're looking at both the concerns and the hopes.
- [00:14:18.030]The red arrows and the green arrows.
- [00:14:21.090]What we're gonna do is we're gonna seek to reduce
- [00:14:24.030]the concerns or the risks by focusing on the protections.
- [00:14:30.150]We're gonna, I'm gonna say this in a few ways.
- [00:14:32.880]Our work moving into the positive norms
- [00:14:36.720]is about shrinking the red arrow by growing the green.
- [00:14:40.980]It's paradoxical.
- [00:14:43.140]It's different from how we often operate.
- [00:14:47.790]Let me be more specific and give an example.
- [00:14:51.450]Many of us, myself included, have been trained
- [00:14:55.890]in kind of the mantra or the thinking
- [00:15:00.210]that what we need to do is increase people's perception
- [00:15:04.230]of risks in order to grow the green.
- [00:15:09.150]It doesn't typically work that way, right?
- [00:15:13.620]A lot of us have been trained to think
- [00:15:15.600]if we could just raise awareness of the harms, the risks,
- [00:15:19.440]and the negative consequences of binge drinking
- [00:15:21.870]on our campus, then students would wake up and go, wow,
- [00:15:24.780]I don't wanna do that, right?
- [00:15:28.305]And we know that doesn't work.
- [00:15:30.540]Our focus on increasing awareness of the red arrow,
- [00:15:34.620]of the risks or of the concerns
- [00:15:37.410]is not the way to grow the green arrow of the hopes
- [00:15:41.130]and the positive norms.
- [00:15:43.350]In fact, it's the exact opposite.
- [00:15:46.470]We're gonna focus on the green arrow to reduce the red,
- [00:15:50.760]because what we focus on and where we put our attention
- [00:15:54.150]is what starts to grow and expand.
- [00:15:58.470]So I wanna ask you, what is in your green arrow?
- [00:16:03.900]What is it that you wanna grow?
- [00:16:06.180]Of course, you wanna reduce the red arrow, the harms,
- [00:16:13.440]the risks, addiction, unwanted sexual assault, right,
- [00:16:21.900]the negative, you know, consequences.
- [00:16:27.900]But it's very different thinking for us to go,
- [00:16:30.930]what is it in the green arrow that we wanna grow and expand,
- [00:16:36.930]be, and this is really important because students, faculty,
- [00:16:41.010]staff, the athletic department, the community,
- [00:16:45.120]they're not gonna rally around you in the same way
- [00:16:48.480]if it's only a spirit of concern.
- [00:16:52.650]They're gonna lean forward when they start thinking
- [00:16:54.990]about a spirit of leadership, a spirit of health,
- [00:16:58.440]of wellness, right?
- [00:17:00.810]There's some, there's a whole different spirit or energy
- [00:17:03.690]that attracts people to come to your table
- [00:17:06.420]for developing your campaign and your awareness,
- [00:17:09.823]when they're coming based on something positive,
- [00:17:14.370]rather than just working to reduce negatives.
- [00:17:19.140]So a really important theme and way of thinking
- [00:17:24.570]before you even start plotting out, you know,
- [00:17:27.690]what these seven steps look like,
- [00:17:29.730]it is this, that the positive exists and it's real,
- [00:17:33.750]and we can grow it.
- [00:17:35.490]That we're gonna reduce the red arrow
- [00:17:37.260]by focusing on the green.
- [00:17:39.870]And that if we want health, we need to be promoting health.
- [00:17:45.360]I'm gonna say that again.
- [00:17:46.193]If we want health, we need to promote health.
- [00:17:49.830]We don't get to health
- [00:17:51.240]by promoting non-health, unhealth, risk.
- [00:17:56.370]You follow me?
- [00:17:57.240]So it's really important that we start slow like this,
- [00:18:00.300]because what happens is we start to find
- [00:18:02.790]that perception is everything.
- [00:18:06.480]Perception is everything.
- [00:18:07.740]And what we focus on starts to become reality.
- [00:18:11.700]So we're gonna wanna focus our attention
- [00:18:14.700]on the positive norms and as a way to address these issues
- [00:18:20.280]of both, hope and concern.
- [00:18:31.230]What we'll find, and you'll continue to find this
- [00:18:35.400]with your work, is that the perceptions
- [00:18:39.030]start to pull the narratives.
- [00:18:42.330]The reality of the norms don't pull the narratives
- [00:18:46.620]as much as people's perceptions
- [00:18:48.600]or misperceptions of the norms do, right?
- [00:18:52.980]I just wanna ask again, forgive me,
- [00:18:54.690]but this is the best way I can interact with you right now.
- [00:18:58.380]Show of hands, how many of you are already doing
- [00:19:01.560]some sort of norms work on your campus?
- [00:19:06.480]Oh, good, good.
- [00:19:07.980]Oh, I love it.
- [00:19:08.813]Thank you.
- [00:19:10.081]Oh my gosh, that's great.
- [00:19:10.950]So I wanna make sure that we're gonna have some time.
- [00:19:15.780]I'll intentionally power through some things
- [00:19:18.810]and omit some things in terms of the depth,
- [00:19:23.010]so that we could get into some questions of that,
- [00:19:27.000]that you all have.
- [00:19:29.490]In fact, let me do that right now real quickly
- [00:19:33.060]as we're starting to move into some of these next layers,
- [00:19:38.700]let me get a couple questions.
- [00:19:41.100]If the microphone will work,
- [00:19:43.350]and Melissa, I'm gonna defer to you
- [00:19:45.390]if this is gonna mess us up again, I don't wanna do this,
- [00:19:48.840]but if there's somebody that could grab a mic
- [00:19:51.300]and just pose a question about that,
- [00:19:53.730]some one of you that's actually engaged
- [00:19:55.830]in doing some norms work,
- [00:19:57.510]I'd love to hear a couple of these questions
- [00:19:59.340]so that I can make sure I'm focusing my energies
- [00:20:03.690]in the direction of where y'all wanna go.
- [00:20:07.380]Getting into what we call the positive
- [00:20:10.096]community norms approach.
- [00:20:13.162]It's very similar to what several of us developed
- [00:20:19.200]about 20 years ago, known as the social norms approach.
- [00:20:24.210]However, there's other elements of positive community norms
- [00:20:27.330]that our team at Montana Institute has expanded.
- [00:20:30.690]Here's the essence of the framework,
- [00:20:34.050]and I'm not gonna spend much time with it here right now
- [00:20:38.850]with this graphic
- [00:20:40.080]because I'm gonna unpack some of these elements.
- [00:20:43.290]But what I want you to see is that we're gonna focus on,
- [00:20:46.710]right in the very center,
- [00:20:48.630]we're gonna focus on growing positive norms.
- [00:20:53.880]Growing positive norms.
- [00:20:55.290]Again, I'm gonna emphasize that's different
- [00:20:58.170]than reducing negative norms, right?
- [00:21:01.140]We're not putting the negative in the center,
- [00:21:04.080]we're not putting the risk focus in the center.
- [00:21:07.440]We're intentionally gonna focus
- [00:21:08.970]on growing the positive norms
- [00:21:12.150]and I'm gonna show, we're gonna unpack how we do that.
- [00:21:16.530]So again, I keep coming back to this type of question.
- [00:21:20.730]What's in your green arrow?
- [00:21:22.950]What are the positive community norms we wanna grow?
- [00:21:27.060]'Cause we have to be able to identify those
- [00:21:29.970]if we're gonna structure our surveys
- [00:21:32.670]and our communication campaigns in a way to do this.
- [00:21:37.140]So, taking the spirit, science, action, return,
- [00:21:40.530]we're actually then gonna be looking at these four steps
- [00:21:45.630]in terms of our logic model of the work we do.
- [00:21:51.120]Spirit, science, action, return.
- [00:21:52.740]First, we're gonna uncover the positives
- [00:21:57.000]that already exist in our campus communities.
- [00:22:02.190]The positives already exist.
- [00:22:04.350]We could brainstorm those if I were in the room
- [00:22:06.330]with you right now.
- [00:22:08.940]And at the same time, we're gonna measure gaps
- [00:22:11.310]because students, admin, faculty, staff
- [00:22:19.080]have misperceptions around the positives.
- [00:22:24.210]We have misperceptions of these norms.
- [00:22:29.400]And so we're gonna have to structure ways.
- [00:22:34.080]And today we're talking more about like campaigns.
- [00:22:36.570]That's one way.
- [00:22:37.680]Policy is another.
- [00:22:39.030]There's a number of ways we can do it,
- [00:22:42.450]but we're gonna have to structure ways
- [00:22:43.950]to challenge these misperceptions,
- [00:22:47.220]make changes in those in order to measure increases
- [00:22:50.730]in health, in order to measure that, those green arrows.
- [00:22:56.640]So we're gonna start getting more into what this looks like.
- [00:23:00.510]So when we talk about a norm here,
- [00:23:03.060]I'm gonna really oversimplify it from a data perspective,
- [00:23:08.100]quantitative, qualitative and say that it's
- [00:23:11.370]when we're above 50%, 'cause if it's 50%, it's half.
- [00:23:18.540]If it's less than 50%, I mean, that could be a lot.
- [00:23:23.280]It could be some, it can be very concerning,
- [00:23:27.810]but it's not a norm.
- [00:23:30.270]So a norm shows up when it's above 50% and the it
- [00:23:35.910]and obviously something in the 90%
- [00:23:39.300]is gonna be a much stronger norm than something in the 50s.
- [00:23:44.250]And in terms of language, a norm will show up.
- [00:23:46.740]You'll hear people say, you know,
- [00:23:48.630]the majority or most or almost all, it's what we,
- [00:23:52.830]it's who we are, it's what we do around here.
- [00:23:57.600]Quantitatively though, we're gonna be looking
- [00:24:00.000]above that 50%.
- [00:24:03.840]Here's where we really get into the,
- [00:24:05.520]some of the heart of what different norms, theories say.
- [00:24:11.010]Okay, and I really want you to get this,
- [00:24:14.580]that what they're saying is that we tend,
- [00:24:18.690]all of us are looking for cues and clues in the environment.
- [00:24:24.240]And when we walk into new environments
- [00:24:26.160]like a freshman entering campus or on a recruiting tour,
- [00:24:31.080]we're really hypersensitive to picking things up.
- [00:24:34.740]How are people dressing?
- [00:24:36.373]What are they doing?
- [00:24:37.590]What are they eating?
- [00:24:39.360]What's okay in terms of their humor, right?
- [00:24:43.950]How are they interacting?
- [00:24:46.710]Who are they?
- [00:24:48.960]And so we tend to believe or, you know,
- [00:24:54.660]we tend to do meaning act or believe, think,
- [00:25:00.600]what we think most other people are doing or believing.
- [00:25:04.770]We tend to gravitate towards the herd.
- [00:25:09.120]We tend to gravitate toward our deepest,
- [00:25:12.270]one of our deepest needs is belonging.
- [00:25:15.660]And this is something that we're gonna be
- [00:25:17.610]intentionally working with when we develop norms campaigns,
- [00:25:22.590]creating a sense of belonging,
- [00:25:24.990]wanting people to belong in pro-social ways, right?
- [00:25:29.340]So here's what norm's theory is saying is,
- [00:25:31.980]we want to belong.
- [00:25:33.540]We wanna do and think like,
- [00:25:35.580]what we perceive most others are doing.
- [00:25:39.690]And the problem is, we often misperceive this,
- [00:25:43.200]what we think that they're doing or is often wrong.
- [00:25:47.760]It's often inaccurate.
- [00:25:49.500]So there's a gap.
- [00:25:52.590]I'm gonna intentionally show you different types of norms
- [00:25:56.790]outside of higher ed as well as higher ed examples,
- [00:26:00.420]because I think it helps for you to get this.
- [00:26:02.970]Here's an example from some statewide data we did
- [00:26:05.610]with child abuse prevention in Wisconsin several years ago.
- [00:26:11.700]I just want you to get this concept, green and red.
- [00:26:17.070]The true norm in this case is across the state of Wisconsin
- [00:26:20.850]from this phone survey we had conducted.
- [00:26:24.600]The norm is 70% of Wisconsin adults,
- [00:26:28.740]strongly agree, not just agree, but strongly agree
- [00:26:31.590]that improving the wellbeing of children
- [00:26:33.390]and families is important for healthy, strong communities.
- [00:26:36.870]So the norm is 70% strongly agree with that.
- [00:26:41.790]However, there's a gap, because only 28% thought
- [00:26:48.210]that most Wisconsin adults would agree.
- [00:26:53.040]Y'all see the gap.
- [00:26:54.000]I'm hoping you see the gap.
- [00:26:55.530]You gotta experience this gap.
- [00:26:58.440]Here's this green arrow.
- [00:27:00.180]Of course, we'd want it to be a 100%,
- [00:27:03.390]but it's a norm because it's 70, it's above the 50.
- [00:27:07.260]Here's the positive norm.
- [00:27:10.980]However, we have this misperception of the norm
- [00:27:14.160]that most people don't believe that,
- [00:27:16.680]most people don't agree with that.
- [00:27:20.400]Folks, when we have a gap like this,
- [00:27:23.610]we now have an energy that we can work with.
- [00:27:28.020]We love the gap.
- [00:27:30.090]There's also energy to work with when there's not gaps.
- [00:27:33.117]And that's a, we can talk maybe more about that later.
- [00:27:37.920]And there's some real positives about that too,
- [00:27:40.440]because there's often then a readiness to move
- [00:27:42.720]into a next action or policy or program.
- [00:27:47.940]But when we have a gap,
- [00:27:49.680]we have an energy that we can work with
- [00:27:51.630]and it sets us up well for our campaign,
- [00:27:54.150]you could start to, you know, develop a message
- [00:27:57.270]to address that gap.
- [00:27:59.850]Notice this message.
- [00:28:01.740]Let me back up a step.
- [00:28:04.830]We will message the green, not the red.
- [00:28:10.830]I'm gonna say this again because this is a common mistake
- [00:28:14.490]we experience in teaching people how to do campaigns.
- [00:28:18.750]We focus on the positive norm that we're growing,
- [00:28:23.040]not the misperception that we're trying to correct.
- [00:28:30.060]I'll say even more here.
- [00:28:32.820]It can backfire for us, if you try to tell the audience
- [00:28:37.290]that they're thinking wrong.
- [00:28:40.170]If you focus on the red,
- [00:28:43.770]even with really well thought out intentions,
- [00:28:47.010]it can often backfire in your campaign.
- [00:28:51.030]You're gonna focus and market the green
- [00:28:54.090]in order to reduce the red, right?
- [00:28:57.540]So here's an example, here's the 70%.
- [00:29:00.120]That's the norm.
- [00:29:01.170]That was the green arrow, right?
- [00:29:05.040]We're gonna market it.
- [00:29:06.240]Nowhere in here does it say, oh,
- [00:29:09.960]and by the way, Wisconsin adults,
- [00:29:13.500]28% of you are misperceiving, right?
- [00:29:16.320]You do not see that in any of their messaging here, right?
- [00:29:20.405]Do you follow me?
- [00:29:21.810]It's really important.
- [00:29:23.670]The focus will be on the green.
- [00:29:27.240]I'll give you another example for a different issue
- [00:29:30.540]in terms of safe sleeping and child maltreatment prevention.
- [00:29:33.630]Most parents across West Virginia,
- [00:29:36.450]70% strongly agree that the babies should put sleep
- [00:29:40.830]in these, in a safe way.
- [00:29:44.310]However, 83% of parents across the state did not think
- [00:29:48.450]that most parents would strongly agree.
- [00:29:50.880]And 97% of the home visit service providers
- [00:29:54.660]did not think most parents would.
- [00:29:57.780]So here's the strong green arrow, the norm,
- [00:30:03.510]and then look at these big misperceptions.
- [00:30:07.740]So what's the main purpose of a positive
- [00:30:11.940]community norms message?
- [00:30:15.000]It's really important to get this to mind the gap,
- [00:30:18.120]you're gonna speak to and market in ways
- [00:30:21.930]to try to correct this gap between the actual norm
- [00:30:24.627]and the misperception, okay?
- [00:30:27.480]I'm gonna give you examples of campaigns
- [00:30:30.090]that have done this.
- [00:30:30.960]This is in Kings County and in Seattle
- [00:30:35.670]primarily looking at the primary focus is young adults,
- [00:30:39.810]both college students and non-college students.
- [00:30:44.760]And it's to look at reducing impaired driving
- [00:30:49.380]from marijuana use.
- [00:30:51.450]And they're doing a great job.
- [00:30:52.920]We, they're applying these seven steps
- [00:30:55.710]that I'm talking to you about in some wonderful ways
- [00:30:58.680]and seeing great results.
- [00:31:00.720]But look at what you're seeing here.
- [00:31:03.690]They're marketing the positive norm.
- [00:31:06.240]Most, 89% of young adults do not drink and drive.
- [00:31:12.210]So it's very clear message here about what the norm is.
- [00:31:16.980]There's nothing on here that says anything
- [00:31:20.340]about the misperception.
- [00:31:21.960]There are significant misperceptions,
- [00:31:24.570]but that's not what they're gonna communicate.
- [00:31:26.910]Here's another from the same campaign, 66%,
- [00:31:31.770]there's a norm of young adults did not use marijuana
- [00:31:36.300]in the past month, right?
- [00:31:40.170]Of course, they would like to see that norm increased,
- [00:31:44.760]76%, 86%, 96%, right?
- [00:31:50.550]Of course, they would like to see that.
- [00:31:52.260]That's the whole point is to grow the non-use norm
- [00:32:00.030]and to reduce impaired driving as well.
- [00:32:06.180]88% of young adults did not drive after marijuana use.
- [00:32:11.010]Pay attention to a number of things here.
- [00:32:13.110]We've worked with these folks for many years
- [00:32:15.390]and there's so many wonderful things
- [00:32:17.670]that they're doing here.
- [00:32:19.770]Notice people, this is so important.
- [00:32:23.550]Notice how the main message is huge upfront.
- [00:32:29.340]Your eyes will go to the upper left first.
- [00:32:31.950]So it's going to immediately go to the norm.
- [00:32:35.010]But the main message, if all you did was glance at this,
- [00:32:40.560]most of these are on public transit,
- [00:32:42.870]there's some billboards.
- [00:32:45.270]But if all you did is do a quick glance at this message,
- [00:32:49.110]you got the main message, right?
- [00:32:53.160]Notice a number of subtleties here too.
- [00:32:56.190]The norm, the 88% is in yellow,
- [00:32:59.940]and it's connected to the do not drive.
- [00:33:03.510]The reason we do that is
- [00:33:04.830]because oftentimes we do these proofreader errors
- [00:33:08.010]and we see the misperception
- [00:33:10.110]rather than what's actually being presented.
- [00:33:14.340]So we go out of our way to be clear, to be upfront,
- [00:33:18.720]to use large font, right?
- [00:33:24.060]I just wanna, I'm jumping ahead to some design issues,
- [00:33:27.480]'cause I know some of you that raised your hands
- [00:33:29.790]saying you're doing norms campaigns,
- [00:33:31.530]that this might be of interest to you.
- [00:33:33.510]Notice two, notice two that the asterisk
- [00:33:40.110]brings down to where the data come from.
- [00:33:44.010]I'm gonna unpack this a little bit more,
- [00:33:45.510]but this is really important.
- [00:33:47.340]The data are part of the message.
- [00:33:50.730]The cred factor for you is that you need to make sure
- [00:33:54.630]that anybody that looks at, whoa, whoa, whoa,
- [00:33:58.620]where'd they get those data, right?
- [00:34:03.000]Well, it's right there.
- [00:34:04.440]Here's where it came from.
- [00:34:06.120]You know what this survey done with this many people
- [00:34:08.877]and this year, right?
- [00:34:10.440]You're not hiding anything.
- [00:34:12.030]You're being very transparent in that way.
- [00:34:18.510]Here's one with Missouri.
- [00:34:22.530]We've been doing work across the state of Missouri
- [00:34:24.450]around child abuse prevention
- [00:34:29.525]and including prevention of child sexual abuse.
- [00:34:33.540]And notice that there, that the main message, first,
- [00:34:38.100]the main message is 86% of parents talk with their kiddos,
- [00:34:42.960]talk with their children about personal boundaries, right?
- [00:34:47.310]86% do this positive norm, right?
- [00:34:53.790]And then they have some other details below,
- [00:34:57.330]but they're promoting the positive norm they want
- [00:35:01.080]as a way to reduce the unwanted risks.
- [00:35:06.750]This is from several years ago in Edmonton, Alberta,
- [00:35:11.849]on White Avenue and it's right outside
- [00:35:14.610]of the University of Alberta.
- [00:35:17.280]And it's a high concentration of pubs, clubs, bars.
- [00:35:23.460]And there was a high, one of the risk factors
- [00:35:26.310]working with Alberta Police Department was sexual assault.
- [00:35:32.130]You know, students would be getting drunk
- [00:35:33.960]and young adults, students would be getting drunk,
- [00:35:36.510]and then there was sexual assault, especially with women,
- [00:35:42.240]different type of harm reduction campaign.
- [00:35:45.330]But they came at an angle of promoting a night gone right.
- [00:35:50.310]What does it mean when our night goes right?
- [00:35:53.430]We have a buddy system, we're staying together.
- [00:35:56.670]Who we show up with is who we leave.
- [00:35:58.500]We're watching each other's back.
- [00:36:00.630]We're making sure nobody puts something in the drink, right?
- [00:36:03.420]And we're not drinking to the point
- [00:36:05.190]of being outta control, right?
- [00:36:07.050]So there's that norm of what they're looking at
- [00:36:10.380]for a harm reduction message in this.
- [00:36:14.850]And I, here's the safety and look at creeper
- [00:36:18.720]in the background, interesting right?
- [00:36:20.400]I mean, right?
- [00:36:21.360]You know what I mean?
- [00:36:22.193]There's just, there's,
- [00:36:24.840]but they're promoting that positive right up front.
- [00:36:28.290]And there's your norm.
- [00:36:29.370]Again, that was several years ago.
- [00:36:30.990]The Ohio State University.
- [00:36:32.340]Look at prescription drug use.
- [00:36:35.940]Look at how clear this message is right up front.
- [00:36:39.510]The norm, 84.8% OSU students
- [00:36:43.530]have never misused prescription drugs
- [00:36:46.380]and then they've got other elements.
- [00:36:48.570]But look at how the norms message pops each time,
- [00:36:56.910]your eyes are gonna go to that majority norms message.
- [00:37:01.590]And then there can be other information you provide,
- [00:37:04.560]but you're not getting this flipped.
- [00:37:06.510]I can't emphasize this enough.
- [00:37:08.940]You don't wanna put the,
- [00:37:10.440]how can you get help as the lead message
- [00:37:12.990]and then bury the norms message.
- [00:37:15.360]You want the, and the research is very clear
- [00:37:18.270]that information alone isn't gonna change behavior
- [00:37:21.630]unless it's within a norms context.
- [00:37:26.760]This is for actually high school students,
- [00:37:29.790]but three out of four disapprove
- [00:37:31.470]of drinking alcohol regularly.
- [00:37:36.420]So how do we start to do some of this?
- [00:37:38.790]Those are examples.
- [00:37:40.530]I wanted you to see some examples
- [00:37:42.270]and hear some of the highlights
- [00:37:44.310]before we start unpacking some of these things.
- [00:37:46.920]And then again, we could set this up and do some Q and A
- [00:37:50.630]in the chat.
- [00:37:51.463]And you could actually send something through at any point.
- [00:37:54.510]I'd be happy for you to do that.
- [00:37:56.100]And I'll either hit pause with it or I'll address it.
- [00:37:59.100]But Melissa, if people wanna, you know,
- [00:38:01.980]hand you a note or type something in at any point
- [00:38:05.190]that's fine.
- [00:38:07.330](Melissa speaking indistinctly)
- [00:38:09.039]Yeah.
- [00:38:10.410]Yep, perfect.
- [00:38:12.480]So Melissa, yeah thank you so much for bearing with me.
- [00:38:15.690]And if, let me just hit pause right now then
- [00:38:20.700]and just ask any questions at this point,
- [00:38:25.140]'cause I really wanna make sure you all are
- [00:38:27.510]walking outta here with some of what you need.
- [00:38:30.360]What I'm prepared to do now is I'm gonna unpack
- [00:38:33.030]these seven steps and specifically focus on a couple areas
- [00:38:38.190]that I find are challenging.
- [00:38:42.510]But let me just hit pause and Melissa,
- [00:38:44.970]if there's some questions in the room,
- [00:38:47.610]would love to have that right now.
- [00:38:51.690]So let me just unpack some of these elements.
- [00:38:54.030]I'm intentionally gonna skip through some slides
- [00:38:57.090]just because of our timing
- [00:38:59.250]and with some of the tech challenges,
- [00:39:01.470]you will get the slides.
- [00:39:02.700]So you're gonna be fine there.
- [00:39:08.340]When we talk about it with PCN,
- [00:39:11.040]you're gonna hear that coming up.
- [00:39:12.210]That's Positive Community Norms, okay?
- [00:39:16.470]Positive Community Norms communications.
- [00:39:21.000]And so it's based on the science of the positive,
- [00:39:23.310]which is the green arrows spirit, science, action, return.
- [00:39:28.770]And our focus is gonna be on correcting misperceptions
- [00:39:32.820]of norms.
- [00:39:35.460]Here's some of the elements of what we're gonna unpack
- [00:39:38.670]in different ways.
- [00:39:40.770]Specifically, we're gonna focus on this area
- [00:39:44.280]of communications.
- [00:39:46.380]There's all these other things that if we were
- [00:39:48.720]in a couple day training, we'd unpack together.
- [00:39:52.350]But we're gonna, what I've been asked to do
- [00:39:54.150]is really look at the communications.
- [00:39:56.310]What does it look like to develop a communications campaign,
- [00:40:02.340]you know, based on this kind of work like I was showing you.
- [00:40:08.700]Here are the seven steps that we're just gonna do
- [00:40:12.330]a high level overview, okay, these are the seven.
- [00:40:18.060]We're gonna start with planning and environmental advocacy.
- [00:40:23.520]Planning and environmental advocacy.
- [00:40:25.680]What is it we wanna do?
- [00:40:27.720]What's in our green arrow?
- [00:40:29.280]What positive norms do we wanna grow?
- [00:40:33.180]The environmental advocacy it is about,
- [00:40:36.060]and what do we need to do in our campuses,
- [00:40:39.450]for our campuses to be ready to receive the messages, right?
- [00:40:44.400]Is the dean of students on board?
- [00:40:46.440]Is she on board with, with wanting to see this happen
- [00:40:53.760]and able to respond to some of the questions
- [00:40:56.670]that she might get from students, faculty,
- [00:40:59.670]or parents, right?
- [00:41:01.620]So the planning and environmental advocacy
- [00:41:04.110]is really like where we all are right now.
- [00:41:07.740]Step two, we're gonna move into baseline data.
- [00:41:11.550]I'm gonna talk specifically about what that looks like.
- [00:41:15.240]Then it's from the data that we go to step three,
- [00:41:18.240]message development.
- [00:41:21.510]How do we get the message out that's communications plans
- [00:41:25.710]for whatever our audiences are.
- [00:41:28.590]But before we do that, we're gonna pilot test,
- [00:41:31.050]and refine these materials.
- [00:41:32.490]I'm gonna spend some time on that
- [00:41:33.930]to show why that's important.
- [00:41:35.880]Then we implement and evaluate,
- [00:41:39.900]that's the essence of these seven steps
- [00:41:43.140]and how we're gonna grow these Positive Community Norms.
- [00:41:48.810]So it's a very strategic process
- [00:41:52.650]for correcting the misperceptions.
- [00:41:54.810]I'm gonna keep coming back to that.
- [00:41:57.180]What's the main purpose?
- [00:41:59.040]Why are we doing it?
- [00:42:00.060]We're doing it because there are gaps that we've identified.
- [00:42:04.500]And so we're gonna strategically work to address those gaps.
- [00:42:10.290]How do we start, we start with the end in mind.
- [00:42:14.550]When we think about the end in mind,
- [00:42:18.780]what we're thinking about is,
- [00:42:21.540]and I'm gonna do this with you all, it's a seven step model,
- [00:42:25.680]but I wanna start real quickly with this step seven
- [00:42:32.820]and I love working with fellow higher ed leaders
- [00:42:36.660]because we get this,
- [00:42:38.880]we have to know what it is we wanna see at the end
- [00:42:42.030]of a program or process so that we can know we're working
- [00:42:46.230]to get there.
- [00:42:47.760]So I start with step seven in terms of evaluation,
- [00:42:52.140]so that we can say, look at,
- [00:42:54.390]are we setting ourselves up to be able to evaluate
- [00:42:57.510]the kinds of changes that we wanna implement?
- [00:43:01.590]What will it look like if we're successful, right?
- [00:43:05.730]And how will we measure it?
- [00:43:08.100]So we start there and I think one of the things that I,
- [00:43:13.830]it's really important and I'd love it if some of you left
- [00:43:19.200]with this as something that you go and do
- [00:43:21.930]with whatever groups you're working with,
- [00:43:24.990]athletes across campus, student health,
- [00:43:29.220]your coalitions, res life, whoever you're working with,
- [00:43:33.330]to start with a thinking about the story like this.
- [00:43:37.410]Start working backwards.
- [00:43:39.720]Okay gang, we're gonna be doing this new, you know,
- [00:43:42.990]positive norms campaign on campus.
- [00:43:47.520]What are the new stories that you wanna hear
- [00:43:52.500]in our community in five years.
- [00:43:57.240]On Monday morning when students are arriving
- [00:44:01.860]and they're going through the student union or the commons,
- [00:44:05.340]what kind of things do we want 'em talking about, right?
- [00:44:09.990]How do we wanna be speaking to each other?
- [00:44:13.020]What are the new positive stories we wanna hear
- [00:44:17.130]in five years?
- [00:44:20.070]This can be a very energizing activity to start with
- [00:44:25.230]and it gets people shifting into
- [00:44:27.180]that positive green arrow mindset,
- [00:44:31.200]in a really accessible way.
- [00:44:36.990]Let's talk about what we want this to look like.
- [00:44:39.360]What's gonna be different in a positive way?
- [00:44:42.780]What are we gonna see in terms of strengths, support?
- [00:44:46.860]What new offices are, might emerge, right?
- [00:44:50.400]Or what new policies?
- [00:44:52.590]What about support for policies, right?
- [00:44:57.060]Whatever it may be, it's really important to have
- [00:44:59.610]that shared vision to start.
- [00:45:03.900]Then we back up and say, okay,
- [00:45:06.090]how might we collect these data?
- [00:45:09.060]How might we collect these stories?
- [00:45:10.560]How might we collect the data in other ways?
- [00:45:13.590]So, and so this is, again,
- [00:45:17.040]you'll have all these slides to be able to jump off of this
- [00:45:20.795]and take this back and work with.
- [00:45:24.090]But to say, okay, who else is needing to be in this room?
- [00:45:27.510]Oh, we don't, oh gosh, you're right, you're right.
- [00:45:30.300]We should have had the director of counseling here.
- [00:45:32.190]How did we oversee that, right?
- [00:45:34.080]Okay, you know, and continue to make sure
- [00:45:37.410]that you're building this positive norms coalition
- [00:45:42.480]by including people in this vision
- [00:45:45.570]of what you wanna accomplish.
- [00:45:49.140]So that's kind of a quick snapshot of start
- [00:45:52.500]with the end in mind.
- [00:45:54.000]Now let's walk through some of what these things look like.
- [00:45:59.310]So we start with step one with the planning
- [00:46:01.740]and the environmental advocacy.
- [00:46:04.296]And one of the things that we do in our work,
- [00:46:09.840]and you could check out our website
- [00:46:12.240]and we could do some other follow up emails
- [00:46:14.520]or whatever about this,
- [00:46:15.780]is we always start with identifying core principles, right?
- [00:46:21.630]We always start there.
- [00:46:23.400]So the coalition would rally around this assumption
- [00:46:27.660]that the positive exists, it's worth growing.
- [00:46:30.960]And we do this for several reasons.
- [00:46:35.100]The core, and then we work with the coalitions
- [00:46:39.420]to develop their own set of guiding principles,
- [00:46:42.930]core principles, 'cause we're gonna have to fall back
- [00:46:46.140]into these when things get challenging.
- [00:46:49.320]And then we often have a group start to put
- [00:46:52.645]that this actually was a community-wide coalition
- [00:46:55.620]and this was one of their billboards.
- [00:46:58.350]And so they start putting the positive out there
- [00:47:02.130]into the environment, even before it's connected
- [00:47:05.310]to percentages and numbers and norms.
- [00:47:08.850]They're basically saying the spirit of what we're gonna be
- [00:47:14.700]is united.
- [00:47:15.690]It's connected, it's positive.
- [00:47:18.930]Remember we said spirit first before science.
- [00:47:22.530]So this is an example of how we do this.
- [00:47:27.240]We start putting those things together in a way
- [00:47:31.410]that there can be essentially it's like a campaign
- [00:47:34.020]before the campaign, right?
- [00:47:37.530]So it'd be like marketing the positive spirit
- [00:47:41.550]to set the tone for what will be coming
- [00:47:43.950]for the positive norms, okay?
- [00:47:47.970]I'm gonna just say that again.
- [00:47:49.140]So you'd market the positive spirit and that positive tone,
- [00:47:52.950]you'd set a tone, you're establishing a brand identity,
- [00:47:58.050]and then that's before you start coming in
- [00:48:01.020]with some of the other data, which we would move into here,
- [00:48:04.740]which would be the step two baseline data.
- [00:48:10.140]The step two baseline data's gonna do two things.
- [00:48:12.600]It's gonna uncover the positive
- [00:48:14.190]and it's gonna look at the gaps, right?
- [00:48:17.520]Positive exists.
- [00:48:19.770]So we're gonna uncover that in different ways.
- [00:48:25.710]These are the seven core principles as they connect
- [00:48:30.840]to the data.
- [00:48:31.673]So when we look at being positive,
- [00:48:34.290]again, the entire foundation is gonna be based
- [00:48:36.990]on being positive,
- [00:48:38.220]present, it's gonna be exploring that normative environment,
- [00:48:42.990]what's really going on.
- [00:48:46.170]And then I'm gonna just hit pause there on these
- [00:48:48.420]for sake of time, because I wanna say this.
- [00:48:52.620]When building a house, what's the most important part?
- [00:48:54.750]You all can shout it out, I don't need to hear you, right.
- [00:48:58.830]It, I'm gonna assume said foundation.
- [00:49:02.070]So with our work, with your work, by doing positive norms,
- [00:49:08.220]one of the most important parts after the spirit,
- [00:49:12.210]it's gonna be the foundation.
- [00:49:14.861]And the foundation is gonna be rest on the science.
- [00:49:16.530]So it's gonna be really important to be collecting
- [00:49:21.930]quality baseline data.
- [00:49:23.310]What should we look at in terms of our data?
- [00:49:27.360]I wanna say this, that the data on your campus,
- [00:49:31.140]on any campus, in any community, they aren't good or bad,
- [00:49:35.820]they just are, right?
- [00:49:39.330]Data just are, they may be here or here, high, low, right?
- [00:49:46.380]They just are.
- [00:49:47.880]And so that's really important to not be afraid
- [00:49:51.150]of seeing what the data are.
- [00:49:54.658]Then we start gathering these data
- [00:49:56.010]because they start to tell a story
- [00:49:57.810]about our campus community,
- [00:50:00.840]and they're gonna have both the concern and hope,
- [00:50:03.960]the red arrow, green arrow are gonna be in both,
- [00:50:05.970]in all of your data, there's both sides of that, right?
- [00:50:11.370]And then we also have to have data that looks at the gaps.
- [00:50:16.770]So in your surveys,
- [00:50:19.590]and it could be a current survey you're using like
- [00:50:22.320]the core survey or survey from American College Health
- [00:50:25.950]Association, or you may have a specific survey
- [00:50:28.920]that you're doing, somebody on campus is helping you
- [00:50:33.210]develop this, or you might have something across the,
- [00:50:37.327]you know, coalitions in Nebraska
- [00:50:40.140]of IHEs, Institutes of Higher Ed.
- [00:50:45.000]But you're gonna need to have this,
- [00:50:46.770]you're gonna need to have both of these components,
- [00:50:49.380]the actual norm and the perception of the norm.
- [00:50:52.257]And they have to be matched and in a sense,
- [00:50:56.550]they have to be matched exactly.
- [00:50:58.770]You can't have one that's looking at lifetime use
- [00:51:01.740]for the actual and the perception being
- [00:51:04.770]past two weeks, right?
- [00:51:06.960]That wouldn't be a match, for example.
- [00:51:10.530]So here's an example for a question, right?
- [00:51:18.180]How do you think the following people feel
- [00:51:19.740]about this statement?
- [00:51:20.940]Drinking alcohol to the point of being outta control
- [00:51:22.920]is never a good thing to do, okay?
- [00:51:25.320]Here's one way that we do this for example.
- [00:51:28.650]This would be the respondent.
- [00:51:30.240]You, yeah, I strongly agree,
- [00:51:33.810]but when we look at how do I think most adults
- [00:51:36.030]in the community field, I don't know if they agree, right?
- [00:51:38.550]Just see those, I just wanted you to see
- [00:51:40.830]this is an example of how you could match these boom boom,
- [00:51:45.510]right in the exact same question stem.
- [00:51:50.460]So the framing of the survey questions is critical
- [00:51:56.070]and because you're gonna ask the question
- [00:51:59.970]and the question is gonna then frame a message.
- [00:52:05.340]So I'm already thinking about the next step that's coming,
- [00:52:08.430]which is step three.
- [00:52:10.170]We're still in step two baseline data.
- [00:52:12.960]But what I want you to see is the importance
- [00:52:15.930]of how you ask the question
- [00:52:18.357]and how it's gonna translate into a message.
- [00:52:23.040]Not all survey questions translate well into messages.
- [00:52:28.050]So when we're designing a survey,
- [00:52:30.360]we're really thinking ahead in this way.
- [00:52:32.850]Hmm, how would that sound when we turn around
- [00:52:36.120]and make that, you know,
- [00:52:37.680]put that on the website in res halls, put that on posters,
- [00:52:41.520]start a campaign, right?
- [00:52:45.510]So look at how this survey question is worded.
- [00:52:50.850]Drinking alcohol to the point of being outta control
- [00:52:52.920]is never a good thing to do, okay?
- [00:52:54.720]This would be somebody responding to this type
- [00:52:58.320]of what's known as an injunctive norm.
- [00:53:02.040]But look how it translates then into a message
- [00:53:04.470]once you have these data,
- [00:53:06.510]most xx percent or most name of college students,
- [00:53:13.650]85% agree, drinking alcohol to the point
- [00:53:16.650]of being outta control is never a good thing to do.
- [00:53:20.820]I just want you to see how important having very,
- [00:53:25.050]taking time to have really good, clear wording
- [00:53:27.630]of your question is
- [00:53:29.550]because you don't wanna spend all this energy,
- [00:53:33.450]get amazing results with your survey
- [00:53:36.120]and then see that that question doesn't translate well
- [00:53:38.970]into a message, right?
- [00:53:41.880]So, and of course what we're looking at
- [00:53:46.290]is understanding the difference in terms of the gap, right?
- [00:53:52.290]So we're always gonna make sure that we have the norm
- [00:53:56.040]and the perception of the norm,
- [00:53:57.720]and then we're gonna look at that ability to come in at
- [00:54:02.250]and correct that gap by focusing on the positive norm.
- [00:54:08.250]So these are the things that we're looking at
- [00:54:12.916]for how to do that.
- [00:54:14.640]So how do we phrase a message, right?
- [00:54:20.430]How do we then go from data?
- [00:54:22.140]So we did planning step one, baseline data, step two,
- [00:54:26.310]now we're going into message development.
- [00:54:29.790]What does that look like?
- [00:54:34.860]I'm intentionally moving through some things to,
- [00:54:38.700]for y'all here, keeping this in mind.
- [00:54:42.000]The purpose of our message is to mind the gap.
- [00:54:46.410]The purpose of the message
- [00:54:48.390]is to correct the misperception, right?
- [00:54:52.200]There's all sorts of types of messages we could develop.
- [00:54:55.560]But with a positive norms campaign, you're gonna focus in,
- [00:55:00.090]let's just say you brainstorm
- [00:55:02.280]and you come up with 50 potential messages.
- [00:55:05.340]The one you're gonna wanna use though is the one
- [00:55:07.800]that focuses on closing the gap
- [00:55:10.830]on correcting this misperception
- [00:55:13.290]because of what we said earlier
- [00:55:15.390]that we are misperceiving what most other people do
- [00:55:19.740]around us, right?
- [00:55:22.530]I'm just showing you this again and again
- [00:55:24.300]because it's so important to get this.
- [00:55:29.550]I'm going to keep going.
- [00:55:31.110]Well, let me back up here.
- [00:55:35.760]Here's an example with high school students
- [00:55:37.233]that this could absolutely apply with college students.
- [00:55:41.250]This is around vape use, okay?
- [00:55:43.917]And this is in Boston, in Stoughton.
- [00:55:47.100]76%, there's your actual norm.
- [00:55:50.280]Have not used an electronic vaping product
- [00:55:52.980]in the past month, okay?
- [00:55:54.960]There's your positive norm right there.
- [00:55:59.550]Yet look at your gap.
- [00:56:01.230]Only 18% accurately perceived that most students
- [00:56:07.680]in their school have not vaped.
- [00:56:10.285]You see the gap?
- [00:56:12.360]Yay, we got a gap, okay, now we can move forward, right?
- [00:56:19.440]We will do odds ratios at times.
- [00:56:21.270]So what's the big deal?
- [00:56:22.380]People will say, so what's the big deal
- [00:56:24.870]if there's a misperception?
- [00:56:29.250]And you could do this with your own data.
- [00:56:32.610]It is often a huge deal that the students who misperceive
- [00:56:38.640]are act are typically at much greater risk
- [00:56:42.180]for engaging in that problem behavior, right?
- [00:56:46.410]So with these data we're looking at here
- [00:56:49.860]with these students in vaping,
- [00:56:52.650]those that misperceive the norm are 8.6 times more likely
- [00:56:57.300]to engage in that risk factor, right?
- [00:57:01.500]So the misperceptions of the norm are not benign,
- [00:57:06.120]that they are a risk factor.
- [00:57:08.280]The misperception of the norm is a risk factor.
- [00:57:13.830]We wanna focus on correcting that risk factor,
- [00:57:17.730]reducing it by focusing on the positive norm.
- [00:57:22.290]How do we do it?
- [00:57:23.340]Look how clear this and basic this messages,
- [00:57:28.650]that's why I loaded this one for you.
- [00:57:31.410]You can't get more basic than this, right?
- [00:57:36.420]Boom just jumps right out in terms of
- [00:57:39.390]what is the accurate norm.
- [00:57:45.510]When in doubt, default to this type of simplicity folks,
- [00:57:50.760]you can get super beautiful, creative,
- [00:57:54.450]artistic stuff happening.
- [00:57:56.850]But at the end of the day,
- [00:57:58.530]it's this kind of simplicity
- [00:58:01.050]that's gonna make the biggest difference
- [00:58:03.153]with your students recognizing and remembering, right?
- [00:58:07.260]So you gotta keep coming back to what is this main purpose
- [00:58:10.800]and it's to close the gap.
- [00:58:13.830]I'm just gonna keep showing examples.
- [00:58:15.390]This is older now, look at that norm.
- [00:58:20.640]So 74% would intervene to prevent a sexual assault.
- [00:58:24.780]Where does your mind go?
- [00:58:26.190]Isn't this interesting?
- [00:58:27.030]I love this one, I bring this up a lot.
- [00:58:30.630]Your mind goes to like, well,
- [00:58:32.490]who the heck are these 26%, right?
- [00:58:36.750]What are those dudes, right?
- [00:58:39.930]That's great.
- [00:58:41.190]What we're doing here is, this is,
- [00:58:43.590]this is not my campaign, but what Rainn did here,
- [00:58:46.590]I'd love is that they're rubbing them wrong
- [00:58:50.370]with the positive norm data, right?
- [00:58:53.520]Look at the conversation you're starting to set up.
- [00:58:55.890]Well, this is who most of us are.
- [00:58:58.590]How come the rest of you aren't gonna be stepping up, right?
- [00:59:03.240]See, you don't have to do any of the negative focused stuff.
- [00:59:08.051]The positive norm itself sets up that friction.
- [00:59:15.840]We find that there are these,
- [00:59:18.240]and you'll have copies of all these slides for,
- [00:59:21.210]to be able to look at this.
- [00:59:22.770]These are the types of elements that go into,
- [00:59:26.610]and I'm using poster as a basic example here.
- [00:59:30.900]These are the types of elements
- [00:59:32.550]that go into successful norms campaign.
- [00:59:37.890]There are these seven different types of elements.
- [00:59:41.490]I'm not gonna unpack 'em right now for sake of time,
- [00:59:44.430]but you'll have all of these
- [00:59:47.370]and to be able to evaluate some of your own campaign
- [00:59:50.910]materials that way.
- [00:59:51.930]I wanna continue to give you some examples
- [00:59:55.448]because I think it helps.
- [00:59:57.270]Look at how the norm jumps out.
- [01:00:02.040]Look at that main message, how simple it is, right?
- [01:00:08.700]This is for underage drinking in terms of being inclusive.
- [01:00:18.090]Here's the most steer clear again in terms of young adults
- [01:00:21.450]and college students and marijuana use.
- [01:00:28.080]This doesn't have a percentage, but in the same way,
- [01:00:33.000]but it has most.
- [01:00:36.720]This is older now.
- [01:00:37.830]Beautiful work, University of Arizona, Tucson.
- [01:00:43.860]I just want you to see how the norms message pops.
- [01:00:49.740]It pops on each one of these.
- [01:00:52.080]Whether or not you use a statistic or not,
- [01:00:56.250]you can say most, for example here, most
- [01:01:03.150]this is bullying prevention.
- [01:01:09.600]And so then that moves into the communications planning.
- [01:01:16.920]If we were in person, and this is something that you can do,
- [01:01:20.310]going back to your own campuses
- [01:01:23.070]with your committee or your group, your coalition,
- [01:01:26.550]you can start to come up with,
- [01:01:28.617]and this is awesome, brainstorming,
- [01:01:31.920]all of the different ways that you could get your messages
- [01:01:36.540]out on campus, right?
- [01:01:38.730]So many different ways.
- [01:01:42.420]And then how do we know how to reach?
- [01:01:46.890]If you want information around condom use,
- [01:01:50.100]what, where would you get your info?
- [01:01:52.650]Student health center?
- [01:01:53.640]How believable do you feel this is?
- [01:01:57.000]Great, so we're gonna ask those kind of questions.
- [01:02:00.750]Where do you get your information
- [01:02:03.540]and how believable is the source?
- [01:02:08.550]So we do communication channel surveys.
- [01:02:11.970]You could go into a classroom
- [01:02:13.890]and you develop your own survey in terms of
- [01:02:17.760]where are students getting info about, you know,
- [01:02:20.880]binge drinking or alcohol use, safe alcohol use,
- [01:02:24.450]responsible alcohol use, legal,
- [01:02:26.880]whatever it may be that you're studying,
- [01:02:31.290]abstinence, recovery, whatever your topic.
- [01:02:36.120]And you ask them those two questions
- [01:02:38.580]and help them fill it up.
- [01:02:39.600]Then these data will help you develop
- [01:02:42.180]some sort of a communications plan
- [01:02:45.030]that you schedule out throughout the year.
- [01:02:48.300]Hey, when is spring break?
- [01:02:49.530]Let's work backwards.
- [01:02:50.730]You know, when are they coming back?
- [01:02:53.820]What does that look like?
- [01:02:54.837]And then you're developing a portfolio
- [01:02:57.780]with these different messages, right?
- [01:03:03.330]Again, you'll have these slides to be able to go over
- [01:03:05.700]some of this.
- [01:03:07.770]I'm gonna just stay on focus
- [01:03:10.470]for making sure we're on time.
- [01:03:13.500]Step five is that we're gonna then need to pilot test
- [01:03:17.970]and refine, right?
- [01:03:22.650]We're gonna need to pilot test and refine our messages.
- [01:03:27.900]Here's an interesting thought.
- [01:03:29.310]This is an enormous message, but I wanna say this.
- [01:03:33.150]You need to pilot test your media in the areas
- [01:03:37.020]where the media's gonna appear.
- [01:03:39.060]Like this is a billboard, a billboard, someone driving.
- [01:03:42.540]They got two to two and a half seconds to view it
- [01:03:45.240]before their eyes are back on the road, right?
- [01:03:49.440]So look at how little wording there is.
- [01:03:52.170]Now when you drive around today,
- [01:03:55.620]notice on how many billboards are just filled with words
- [01:03:59.070]and you don't even have time to see 'em
- [01:04:00.900]or the text and so small, right?
- [01:04:05.850]You go minimal.
- [01:04:07.110]And then your message will jump out.
- [01:04:12.090]This is a campus in Oakland University
- [01:04:17.730]that we've worked with around mental health issues.
- [01:04:21.090]And this is utilizing, they named this goose.
- [01:04:24.330]There's geese all over their campus.
- [01:04:26.280]So they have this little iconic goose
- [01:04:28.530]named him positive norm.
- [01:04:30.810]And then here's some of like the social media
- [01:04:32.970]that the students are engaged in with positive norm.
- [01:04:37.920]And look at the normative message here
- [01:04:40.320]that most students feel comfortable talking
- [01:04:42.960]about their mental health with a friend.
- [01:04:45.150]And they can put the, where the data,
- [01:04:48.060]some of the data down lower.
- [01:04:49.860]But again, this is some of their social media posts
- [01:04:52.890]around mental health issues.
- [01:04:58.680]And again, in engaging around the positive norm
- [01:05:04.050]as the focus.
- [01:05:07.050]I just had to put this in.
- [01:05:08.610]I thought it was kind of goofy.
- [01:05:11.910]A lot of folks get concerned when you put up a poster
- [01:05:15.690]or something and then students come in and interact with it
- [01:05:18.990]and say, no, that's not us.
- [01:05:20.520]I don't believe it.
- [01:05:21.353]This is a lie, right?
- [01:05:24.090]When your audience is interacting with you
- [01:05:26.700]and your message in this way,
- [01:05:29.700]this is a good thing, right?
- [01:05:38.550]The reaction means people are noticing,
- [01:05:45.330]I'm gonna move on with past some things here.
- [01:05:50.130]I need to say this, that using fear appeals backfires.
- [01:05:56.130]I wanna make sure I'm clear on that.
- [01:05:57.990]It's why we're not marketing the negative red arrow stuff.
- [01:06:02.520]The fear focused approaches backfire.
- [01:06:06.030]It's an iatrogenic effect.
- [01:06:08.460]We're actually getting the unwanted effects, right?
- [01:06:11.520]So we don't wanna have negative fear-based images
- [01:06:16.380]if we're trying to promote health.
- [01:06:19.050]I just have to keep coming back and saying this again
- [01:06:21.720]and again because we default into this unfortunately.
- [01:06:27.150]This is all red arrow marketing, and people see that.
- [01:06:31.410]The audience sees this, that macho guy sees it
- [01:06:34.710]and says, "Dude, I'm in."
- [01:06:37.230]Right?
- [01:06:39.120]We pilot test as well because there's things
- [01:06:43.380]that whoever creates our media,
- [01:06:45.810]if we have students helping or others,
- [01:06:48.300]they might completely miss things.
- [01:06:51.300]Sometimes they're very obvious
- [01:06:55.200]or hurtful or shameful or racist or homophobic.
- [01:06:58.830]That this being an example, right?
- [01:07:03.270]The University of Missouri pulled back
- [01:07:05.430]and apologized for this.
- [01:07:09.540]Always, always pilot test your work folks.
- [01:07:14.310]Every one of us makes mistakes.
- [01:07:17.430]Every one of us signs off on something we thought,
- [01:07:20.220]oh, I didn't know that was the one that was the final.
- [01:07:23.580]Or you have to pilot test it before it goes out.
- [01:07:29.460]And it's because of your pilot testing,
- [01:07:32.760]you can make sure that your audience is picking up
- [01:07:35.250]what you're laying down
- [01:07:36.690]and that you're not putting out there
- [01:07:38.340]putting something out there that's hurtful or shameful.
- [01:07:41.670]And who do you pilot test with?
- [01:07:43.230]Not just the individual students,
- [01:07:46.140]but you may wanna be looking at parent week
- [01:07:48.480]and obviously the different faculty, staff, alum,
- [01:07:53.430]the community, right?
- [01:07:56.910]And we do pilot testing in all sorts of ways.
- [01:08:01.980]You can do intercept interviews, you know,
- [01:08:04.680]in the student commons for example.
- [01:08:08.040]You can do virtual, you can go into classrooms.
- [01:08:11.430]There's so many different ways.
- [01:08:14.100]And I'm going through some of this quickly.
- [01:08:15.810]I know there's a question
- [01:08:16.800]and I wanna be able to end on time.
- [01:08:19.920]And we're looking at what do you see?
- [01:08:22.230]Is it believable?
- [01:08:25.260]What's the first thing you noticed?
- [01:08:27.960]What's the main message
- [01:08:29.520]that you think is being communicated here?
- [01:08:33.360]Is it, could this hurt somebody, somebody missing?
- [01:08:36.900]What do you like, what do you not like?
- [01:08:38.700]What would you do different, right?
- [01:08:41.070]There's a number of these things.
- [01:08:42.600]We will test images separate from message, right?
- [01:08:48.690]So here's a bank of images, which do you like?
- [01:08:52.050]Why, what scale?
- [01:08:55.050]Then we separately test the messages.
- [01:08:59.430]Which do you prefer?
- [01:09:00.330]Do you want 72%, seven outta 10 or most, right?
- [01:09:04.890]And then we start to combine them in the final testing.
- [01:09:08.070]We bring the images and the messages back together,
- [01:09:12.660]you know, and how long do you do it?
- [01:09:14.850]Honestly, you do it until you stop hearing something new.
- [01:09:19.320]That's the best rule of thumb that I could give you.
- [01:09:22.800]And then I'm not gonna spend much time here
- [01:09:24.750]in terms of just analyzing the responses.
- [01:09:29.910]Again, you'll have the slides.
- [01:09:35.619]Bringing this to a close in terms of implementation.
- [01:09:42.120]I need to say this, this is one of the greatest challenges
- [01:09:45.060]that you might experience with your norm's work.
- [01:09:48.720]And that is what we call dosage or impressions.
- [01:09:52.050]Getting your message out enough for people to see it, right?
- [01:09:58.950]If you are not getting it out enough
- [01:10:01.830]to challenge the misperceptions,
- [01:10:03.360]you're not gonna see the changes in behavior.
- [01:10:06.000]And there's all these other things that we focus on
- [01:10:08.910]in our daily work.
- [01:10:12.600]But the campaign needs is for you to go from data
- [01:10:16.020]to message, to get it out with enough dosage
- [01:10:18.390]to get the results.
- [01:10:20.340]It's really that simple that when campaigns fail,
- [01:10:23.700]they typically fail because of what's going on right here.
- [01:10:27.810]All this other stuff and not getting it out enough
- [01:10:32.100]to make a difference and then bringing it home.
- [01:10:35.400]Again, evaluation.
- [01:10:37.740]Are we getting the results we want?
- [01:10:39.417]Are students seeing it?
- [01:10:41.100]So this is evaluating the behavior, the perception,
- [01:10:47.790]and the awareness of the campaign over years.
- [01:10:51.570]And you'll notice that there's a relationship, right,
- [01:10:55.560]of all of these that needing to see
- [01:11:00.570]that spike in awareness before you're gonna see changes.
- [01:11:05.130]Same thing here, looking at this in a different way,
- [01:11:07.770]are students seeing it?
- [01:11:09.810]And then are you getting to a point
- [01:11:11.220]where you're actually measuring those changes
- [01:11:13.050]in behavior over that period of time.
- [01:11:18.330]And so with that, I'm gonna end.
- [01:11:20.340]I know there's a couple questions.
- [01:11:22.740]I want to thank you all for your incredible patience
- [01:11:26.790]of hanging in there.
- [01:11:29.760]And I do see this question from Melissa.
- [01:11:35.160]I'm gonna read it.
- [01:11:37.380]With the current student personalities
- [01:11:40.170]that are going through our colleges today,
- [01:11:43.440]you noticed the individualization instead of following
- [01:11:47.010]a norm, that's a great observation and actions
- [01:11:53.010]oops, let me bring that back down.
- [01:11:58.560]Actions of doing what they want, not following a crowd.
- [01:12:02.940]How do you think we might reach those students
- [01:12:05.880]who think nothing of what others are?
- [01:12:07.590]This is a beautiful and sophisticated question.
- [01:12:10.590]Thank you for asking this, first of all,
- [01:12:12.840]I love this question
- [01:12:13.950]because it's messy and it's not an easy answer.
- [01:12:19.410]The quick response I will give is even if students
- [01:12:25.110]are not identifying with like an overall norm,
- [01:12:29.190]which I agree with you,
- [01:12:30.023]I think a lot of students are coming in, in this way.
- [01:12:33.900]They still have a high need to belong,
- [01:12:37.470]and they're gonna find those pockets of where they belong.
- [01:12:40.620]They're gonna find those pockets of belonging.
- [01:12:45.780]Obvious example might be, it might be a, with a team,
- [01:12:49.230]it might be their residence hall floor.
- [01:12:51.676]It might just be another group of students
- [01:12:54.360]that have common music interests,
- [01:12:57.300]cultural or religious affiliation.
- [01:13:00.720]Finding a way to find out what the,
- [01:13:03.900]what's known as their salient reference group.
- [01:13:07.650]Who are the groups that matter to them.
- [01:13:09.840]That is so important with what you ask in this question.
- [01:13:13.980]Find out what group, even if it's small matters to them.
- [01:13:18.720]And then you could work with exploring some of the norms
- [01:13:21.600]with that type of group.
- [01:13:25.140]But I agree with you.
- [01:13:26.100]I think this is a increasing challenge
- [01:13:28.800]and a beautiful challenge,
- [01:13:31.470]but there's still ways that students wanna belong.
- [01:13:34.560]We just have to go to them and find out more.
- [01:13:38.100]I'm aware of our time.
- [01:13:40.170]I wanna thank you all so much
- [01:13:42.420]for hanging in there and being a part of this.
- [01:13:46.050]I hope there's some things that you took out of this
- [01:13:48.660]that are gonna be valuable to you
- [01:13:50.550]and that you'll be able to then use.
- [01:13:53.190]And again, I will get you these slides
- [01:13:55.140]so that you can take these
- [01:13:56.280]and use these as you go back to your campuses.
- [01:13:59.070]Thank you so much.
- [01:14:00.990]It's been an honor to present to you.
- [01:14:04.680]Thank you.
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