Academic Success NSE Presentation
Learn about the academic transition from high school to college, time management strategies, and on-campus resources that help students succeed in college coursework.
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- [00:00:04.080]Hi, I'm Lori Romano,
- [00:00:05.940]Director of the Center for Academic Success and Transition
- [00:00:09.300]or CAST office here at UNL.
- [00:00:11.610]The CAST office exists
- [00:00:12.690]to help with the transition to college life
- [00:00:14.610]because the high school to college transition is a big one,
- [00:00:17.758]but we're also here to help students
- [00:00:20.040]throughout their time at UNL
- [00:00:21.870]so they can make the big transition
- [00:00:23.790]to the world beyond graduation.
- [00:00:26.340]College is hard,
- [00:00:27.300]and it's a whole lot different than high school,
- [00:00:29.280]and honestly, no student is 100% prepared
- [00:00:31.830]to make this transition
- [00:00:33.030]because comparing high school to college
- [00:00:34.860]is sort of like that old analogy
- [00:00:36.540]of comparing apples to oranges.
- [00:00:38.640]If you take a bite of an orange the same way
- [00:00:41.100]you bite into an apple,
- [00:00:42.150]it's gonna be a very unpleasant experience.
- [00:00:44.220]And if you've never tried this, give it a shot.
- [00:00:46.560]See what I'm talking about.
- [00:00:48.086]And it's the same with high school and college.
- [00:00:50.820]If you approach college the same way
- [00:00:53.670]you've approached your education all through K to 12,
- [00:00:56.760]middle school, high school,
- [00:00:58.080]it might be a pretty unpleasant experience
- [00:01:01.830]because college is structured differently.
- [00:01:05.010]You're going to be having a lot of different experiences
- [00:01:07.260]maybe even living away from home for the first time.
- [00:01:10.620]Adulting, holding yourself accountable.
- [00:01:13.080]And one of the big things that can change for students
- [00:01:15.900]is the way you have to approach your learning
- [00:01:17.850]or your academics.
- [00:01:19.110]And that's a little bit
- [00:01:19.950]what I wanna talk to you about today.
- [00:01:22.200]So first of all,
- [00:01:23.430]what you're seeing pop up here on the screen
- [00:01:25.770]are some of the things that the CAST coaches
- [00:01:28.530]hear students talking about
- [00:01:30.000]or saying when they come into our office
- [00:01:32.430]to meet for the first time,
- [00:01:34.500]the students might be feeling
- [00:01:36.300]like they're falling behind in classes.
- [00:01:38.220]They aren't sure what to take notes on during lectures
- [00:01:41.070]or they're not sure exactly what the professors want
- [00:01:43.410]for some of the different assignments.
- [00:01:45.300]Some students are just feeling really overwhelmed
- [00:01:47.730]because they've gone through a lot of change in their lives
- [00:01:50.670]just making it to college and then now stack all the classes
- [00:01:54.390]and everything on top of it.
- [00:01:55.500]It can be a lot.
- [00:01:56.880]And a lot of times we have students coming in
- [00:01:59.190]and saying, I just, I don't know how to study.
- [00:02:01.710]And it's not that you don't know how to study,
- [00:02:04.320]it's that for the past, you know, 12 or 13 years all the way
- [00:02:08.070]through from kindergarten to high school graduation
- [00:02:11.310]the teachers have been driving the learning bus
- [00:02:13.980]and the students have kind of been along for the ride.
- [00:02:16.590]The teachers have been the ones
- [00:02:17.880]that have been coming up with all of the lesson plans
- [00:02:20.490]and the projects and the things that you're working on
- [00:02:22.770]that are all designed to help you learn.
- [00:02:25.260]But when you get to college as a student,
- [00:02:27.360]you are dropped into the driver's seat
- [00:02:30.090]and now the professors are really just there
- [00:02:32.310]to sort of guide you along
- [00:02:34.230]and give you some information during lectures.
- [00:02:36.960]What you do with that information, how you prepare,
- [00:02:39.960]and how you learn is now completely up to you as a student.
- [00:02:43.687]So I wanna talk a little bit
- [00:02:45.840]about what we call kind of the greatest hits in CAST.
- [00:02:48.690]These are some of the big things
- [00:02:50.460]that we can help students with
- [00:02:51.720]but this list isn't everything,
- [00:02:54.064]just some of the most popular.
- [00:02:57.390]Number one is time management.
- [00:02:58.770]A lot of students just have never had to manage
- [00:03:01.500]all of their own time by themselves.
- [00:03:03.180]So we can help with setting priorities, setting goals,
- [00:03:06.060]just really getting organized,
- [00:03:07.590]keeping all of the classes straight.
- [00:03:09.810]We cover things like just general study skills,
- [00:03:13.050]reading, note taking.
- [00:03:14.700]How do I prep for my tests?
- [00:03:16.500]How do I effectively prepare
- [00:03:18.030]for a chemistry exam in a way that's very different
- [00:03:20.970]than maybe the history exam or English exam that I have?
- [00:03:25.680]We also help students just connect
- [00:03:27.720]to other resources on campus.
- [00:03:29.670]There's literally an office or a person here
- [00:03:32.610]at UNL to help you with just about everything
- [00:03:35.250]but sometimes you just don't know where to go.
- [00:03:37.560]The CAST office is a really great first place to start.
- [00:03:41.250]If you have a question,
- [00:03:42.540]you're not sure who you need to get connected with,
- [00:03:44.940]come to our office and a lot of what we do
- [00:03:47.370]is helping students just really tap
- [00:03:49.350]into some of the other resources
- [00:03:50.893]and do some of that adulting.
- [00:03:53.700]How do we really build
- [00:03:55.110]this strong support network around ourselves
- [00:03:57.480]is one of the biggest things that we do here.
- [00:03:59.666]So a couple things that we'd like to point out
- [00:04:03.270]and we'd like to do it now before you get to campus
- [00:04:06.570]is to help students understand
- [00:04:08.204]it's up to you to do the work here.
- [00:04:10.680]The teachers or the professors
- [00:04:12.330]are no longer in charge the way they have been
- [00:04:14.310]all throughout your education, your professor is a guide.
- [00:04:17.810]In high school you did about 80% of the work in class
- [00:04:21.870]with the teacher.
- [00:04:23.130]Okay, that's why you spent all day in school
- [00:04:25.620]from about eight in the morning
- [00:04:26.790]until about four in the afternoon
- [00:04:28.260]class after class after class, every single day.
- [00:04:31.710]In college, it's the exact opposite.
- [00:04:33.780]You are going to be doing about 80%
- [00:04:35.910]of the work outside of class on your own.
- [00:04:37.950]And we're gonna take a look in a minute
- [00:04:39.390]of what a college like class schedule
- [00:04:41.670]might actually look like
- [00:04:42.660]and it'll help this make sense.
- [00:04:44.352]The other thing that we like to talk to students about now
- [00:04:48.060]is how much time should I be setting aside for studying,
- [00:04:51.420]if I'm doing 80% of the work outside of class on my own?
- [00:04:55.170]So a really quick little bit of math
- [00:04:57.030]that you can do when you build your first college schedule
- [00:04:59.594]is for every credit hour you're signing up for,
- [00:05:02.790]an average student will take about 15-ish.
- [00:05:06.180]You need at least 12 hours to be a full-time student.
- [00:05:09.870]So if you're signing up for 15 credit hours,
- [00:05:12.360]you take that times two,
- [00:05:14.010]you should expect to spend a minimum of 30 hours
- [00:05:17.400]studying outside of class every week.
- [00:05:19.920]Okay, and that seems like a lot.
- [00:05:21.810]If you are in classes for about 15 hours,
- [00:05:24.840]when you're studying for about 30,
- [00:05:26.700]that's like 45 hours.
- [00:05:27.930]That's about a full-time job.
- [00:05:29.730]Yes, college is a full-time job.
- [00:05:31.560]So we want students to know ahead of time.
- [00:05:33.990]You have to devote the time to the college
- [00:05:37.080]and to the studying and prioritize.
- [00:05:38.880]And this is one of the biggest things
- [00:05:40.410]that we can help students with.
- [00:05:42.540]So to give you a quick visual of what this looks like,
- [00:05:44.780]this is what a college schedule might look like.
- [00:05:47.250]And almost every student is so excited when they see this
- [00:05:50.580]because it's so different
- [00:05:51.630]from what they've experienced before.
- [00:05:53.065]And they look at the schedule and they say, wow,
- [00:05:55.200]look at all the free time that I have.
- [00:05:57.092]But we just talked about that study time, right?
- [00:05:59.940]And then there's this other thing called adulting
- [00:06:02.340]which means we have to schedule our own appointments,
- [00:06:05.220]our own meetings,
- [00:06:06.090]we've gotta make time for the activities
- [00:06:07.980]that we wanna be in.
- [00:06:09.180]We've gotta make time to do things like clean our room,
- [00:06:11.760]maybe do some laundry, go to the gym, eat.
- [00:06:14.460]So when you start plugging all of that into a schedule,
- [00:06:18.030]it might look something a little bit more like this,
- [00:06:20.040]what just popped up on your screen.
- [00:06:21.748]And students, this might look to you
- [00:06:24.120]like it's really, really overwhelming,
- [00:06:26.070]and oh my gosh, I'm never gonna have any time anymore.
- [00:06:28.410]But if you actually look and count up the blue squares,
- [00:06:31.200]the study hours, this student is actually doing more
- [00:06:34.170]than the two to one ratio.
- [00:06:35.850]That means they're building in some extra time for studying
- [00:06:38.730]which is great because if you get your studying done early,
- [00:06:42.510]you get bonus free time.
- [00:06:43.650]And I fully believe
- [00:06:46.110]that you know how to spend bonus free time.
- [00:06:48.660]But if we don't set aside enough time
- [00:06:50.940]and we don't kind of map it out for ourselves,
- [00:06:53.010]if we don't set aside enough of that time for studying
- [00:06:55.680]or to get the things done
- [00:06:56.730]we need to get done, then we scramble.
- [00:06:59.550]So this is the difference
- [00:07:00.540]between you being in charge of your own schedule
- [00:07:03.570]and your schedule kind of taking over your life.
- [00:07:06.840]So this is just one of the tools that we use
- [00:07:09.180]in the CAST office to help students prepare.
- [00:07:11.790]And this is available on our website.
- [00:07:13.380]So you can always go to
- [00:07:16.230]to download any of these resources.
- [00:07:18.628]So some of the different ways that we help students
- [00:07:22.050]are through academic success coaching.
- [00:07:24.420]These are one-on-one appointments between our staff
- [00:07:27.840]of professional academic success coaches and students.
- [00:07:32.490]This is not just a one and done.
- [00:07:34.080]Students can come in as many times as they need
- [00:07:37.290]to help them be successful in college.
- [00:07:39.840]We have some students,
- [00:07:40.860]they'll come see us maybe once or twice a semester
- [00:07:43.260]and then they're often running on their own.
- [00:07:45.210]We have other students that really want someone,
- [00:07:47.550]kind of checking in on them
- [00:07:48.990]or they want a little bit of accountability
- [00:07:51.150]or they just enjoy talking to our coaches and brainstorming
- [00:07:54.090]and getting some ideas of new things they can try.
- [00:07:57.030]Those students might wanna set up a weekly
- [00:07:59.040]or every other week recurring appointment
- [00:08:01.230]and you can do that.
- [00:08:02.267]These academic success coaching appointments
- [00:08:04.860]are available in-person and Zoom
- [00:08:07.275]and students can sign up for them online
- [00:08:09.630]or just coming into our office in Love South 110.
- [00:08:13.140]So we really wanna see students
- [00:08:14.910]throughout their time at Nebraska.
- [00:08:18.150]One of the other resources I wanted to highlight
- [00:08:20.130]was our free tutoring.
- [00:08:21.690]You should never have to pay for tutoring
- [00:08:23.970]on a college campus.
- [00:08:25.080]There are resource centers, tutoring things all over,
- [00:08:29.250]and one of them that we run is called Study Stop.
- [00:08:32.190]Students can schedule a one-on-one appointment
- [00:08:34.200]with one of our tutors,
- [00:08:35.130]like what you're seeing in the pictures on the screen,
- [00:08:37.500]or we have drop-in tutoring hours available.
- [00:08:40.487]Go and make sure that you're checking
- [00:08:42.660]our website
- [00:08:45.060]a little bit closer to the beginning of the semester.
- [00:08:47.370]And what you'll see are all the classes
- [00:08:49.560]and subjects listed as well as the contact information
- [00:08:53.730]and the scheduling tool for our tutors.
- [00:08:56.280]But those tend to be in place
- [00:08:57.900]about the time the new semester begins.
- [00:08:59.760]So definitely check back in August,
- [00:09:01.320]and you'll see all the updated lists.
- [00:09:03.679]I also wanted to highlight a couple
- [00:09:06.120]of special programs that the CAST office runs.
- [00:09:09.390]If you are a student who is eligible for Nebraska Promise,
- [00:09:12.900]you may be connecting with our office in a seminar course.
- [00:09:15.900]If you have an Emerging Leader scholarship
- [00:09:18.600]or have been identified
- [00:09:19.950]as one of the Explore Center Scholars,
- [00:09:22.050]you might also be joining us in a first-year program
- [00:09:24.600]that could include either a four-day program
- [00:09:26.980]that moves in a little bit early
- [00:09:29.670]and a class during the semester.
- [00:09:32.316]One of the programs that I do wanna highlight
- [00:09:34.920]because the registration is open now,
- [00:09:37.230]we're actively taking applications
- [00:09:39.900]is called First Husker.
- [00:09:41.610]First Husker is designed for first generation students.
- [00:09:44.820]A first generation student is a student
- [00:09:46.830]whose parents or guardians
- [00:09:48.240]do not have a four-year college degree.
- [00:09:51.060]So this might be a student whose parents or guardians
- [00:09:54.150]started college but didn't finish.
- [00:09:56.160]Maybe they went and got an associate's degree
- [00:09:58.950]or a different certificate,
- [00:10:00.300]or never went to college at all.
- [00:10:02.070]I was a first generation student, and first gen students,
- [00:10:05.609]we are fully prepared for college,
- [00:10:08.910]we're excited, we're ready to go,
- [00:10:10.230]but sometimes we have some questions
- [00:10:12.300]about just the nitty-gritty of the college life.
- [00:10:15.900]And because we don't have parents or guardians
- [00:10:18.030]that went to college before us,
- [00:10:19.740]we often don't have them to ask for advice or tips.
- [00:10:23.550]So what First Husker does,
- [00:10:25.230]our students get to move in early.
- [00:10:26.880]So we have a priority move-in date on Sunday, August 13th.
- [00:10:29.970]And if you're not living on campus, yes,
- [00:10:31.980]you can still participate,
- [00:10:33.154]but then we have a four-day foundational program
- [00:10:35.970]where we spend four long days together.
- [00:10:38.430]You'll be in a group,
- [00:10:39.390]you'll have assigned peer mentors,
- [00:10:40.890]an academic success coach.
- [00:10:42.840]It'll be a lot of time spent getting really familiar
- [00:10:45.840]and comfortable on campus,
- [00:10:47.130]taking care of all those last minute errands
- [00:10:49.890]and little checklist items to make sure
- [00:10:53.040]that you're prepared for the first day of classes.
- [00:10:55.470]And then the groups that you're in
- [00:10:57.420]for those four days
- [00:10:58.410]will actually be in a class with you
- [00:11:00.510]for an hour a week in the fall
- [00:11:02.250]and throughout the fall semester.
- [00:11:03.771]What our First Huskers often say
- [00:11:05.940]is that by the time our four-day program is over
- [00:11:09.090]and classes start, they feel really, really comfortable
- [00:11:12.000]and they've made a great group of friends.
- [00:11:13.980]So First Husker is open to the first 200 students
- [00:11:16.890]that sign up.
- [00:11:17.970]So if you're interested,
- [00:11:19.320]if your student
- [00:11:20.153]is a first generation student,
- [00:11:21.750]scan the QR code on your screen,
- [00:11:23.580]and go check out the application.
- [00:11:25.500]We will have this open through July 15th,
- [00:11:28.110]but remember, only 200 spots available.
- [00:11:30.510]So if you want to make sure
- [00:11:31.830]that you get a spot in the program, register today.
- [00:11:35.067]One of the other things I wanna point to on our website
- [00:11:38.040]and again, a little closer to the end of summer,
- [00:11:40.290]we'll have this full checklist updated.
- [00:11:43.410]But our office likes to produce something
- [00:11:45.840]called the First Six Weeks Success Checklist.
- [00:11:48.900]These are tips and strategies
- [00:11:50.850]that are proven to help your student
- [00:11:53.340]be more successful at Nebraska.
- [00:11:55.470]And what you're seeing up on the screen
- [00:11:57.210]is sample of what week one looks like.
- [00:11:59.760]This is actually move-in week,
- [00:12:01.620]the week before classes start.
- [00:12:03.840]And what we recommend
- [00:12:04.980]are making sure that you're exploring campus if you can.
- [00:12:08.851]Make sure you print out your class schedule,
- [00:12:10.950]you've got your supplies and everything purchased,
- [00:12:13.260]make sure you locate your classrooms,
- [00:12:15.120]and make sure you know how to get back and forth
- [00:12:17.340]so you can arrive in the correct place
- [00:12:19.260]when classes start the first week.
- [00:12:22.230]Make sure you're checking your Canvas for announcements.
- [00:12:24.810]Make sure that you are checking schedules.
- [00:12:27.540]So the really great thing about this checklist
- [00:12:29.580]is students this is what you can use the first six weeks
- [00:12:32.400]to make sure that you're tapping
- [00:12:33.690]into all the resources that you need early.
- [00:12:36.690]And for parents and guests
- [00:12:38.040]and people who are being supportive now from home,
- [00:12:41.223]this is a really great way for you
- [00:12:43.770]to just kind of check in with your student,
- [00:12:46.140]see how things are going.
- [00:12:47.430]If your student is feeling overwhelmed,
- [00:12:49.320]take a look at the checklist
- [00:12:50.490]and see what are some of the different places
- [00:12:53.040]that we are recommending your student get connected.
- [00:12:55.620]And that might be just what they need
- [00:12:57.540]to help them settle in
- [00:12:58.710]and feel a little bit better on campus.
- [00:13:00.935]So the most important thing that I want you to remember
- [00:13:04.890]because I know you're kind of getting hit
- [00:13:06.330]with all sorts of information,
- [00:13:08.217]is just remember, nobody does college alone.
- [00:13:11.970]The most successful students
- [00:13:13.380]are the ones who build a really strong support network
- [00:13:16.080]around themselves.
- [00:13:16.980]And the CAST office is such a great place to start.
- [00:13:19.890]We offer that one-on-one personalized coaching.
- [00:13:22.290]We have different workshops and events and opportunities
- [00:13:24.810]where students can come and maybe get some help in a group.
- [00:13:28.200]We've got the free tutoring.
- [00:13:29.700]Again, tap into these things early
- [00:13:32.220]before you start to struggle.
- [00:13:33.750]That's kind of the name of the game in college
- [00:13:35.700]is making sure that you're doing things
- [00:13:37.230]before they get out of hand.
- [00:13:38.665] is our website.
- [00:13:43.080]And one of the best ways to follow us early,
- [00:13:45.570]especially now over the summer,
- [00:13:46.980]is to check us out on socials,
- [00:13:48.600]Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @UNLCAST,
- [00:13:51.422]and you can get a lot of great tips and tricks.
- [00:13:54.045]And just remember, now that you've been through orientation
- [00:13:57.840]and new student enrollment,
- [00:13:59.010]you are a Nebraska student.
- [00:14:00.750]My staff is here all summer, and we want to help you.
- [00:14:04.230]So if you're the type of student
- [00:14:05.520]that you kind of wanna get engaged and connected early
- [00:14:08.580]and not wait for the craziness of the semester to start,
- [00:14:11.670]reach out to the CAST office.
- [00:14:13.170]We're here.
- [00:14:14.003]We're here to help.
- [00:14:14.836]And you can even sign up
- [00:14:15.750]for some coaching appointments over the summer
- [00:14:17.970]so you can really get started in the semester
- [00:14:20.490]on the right foot.
- [00:14:21.595]We are so excited to see you here in August.
- [00:14:24.720]The CAST staff can't wait to help you
- [00:14:27.030]and we hope that you're having an excellent summer.
- [00:14:30.119]Go Big Red.
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