Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, September 29, 2022
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- [00:00:00.703](upbeat music)
- [00:00:10.410]It is my pleasure to welcome you today
- [00:00:13.140]to the ribbon cutting for Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall,
- [00:00:16.890]the new home
- [00:00:17.790]for the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- [00:00:21.484](audience clapping)
- [00:00:27.420]This building has been in the planning
- [00:00:29.760]and construction phase for many years
- [00:00:32.220]with the theme of making learning visible.
- [00:00:35.400]And I think as you move through the building today,
- [00:00:38.160]you are going to see that theme quite prevalent
- [00:00:41.550]and you'll learn a little bit more about
- [00:00:43.650]what that means as you hear from this morning speakers.
- [00:00:48.210]Now, as a college, we have prioritized three grand visions,
- [00:00:53.340]thriving young children,
- [00:00:55.859]comprehensive health and wellbeing and strong communities.
- [00:01:00.000]And our university's land grant mission means
- [00:01:03.150]that the discovery and innovation
- [00:01:05.010]from the college is extended
- [00:01:06.960]throughout Nebraska to Nebraska,
- [00:01:09.420]but also done with Nebraska.
- [00:01:12.060]And just a few examples,
- [00:01:15.150]we are helping our young children thrive through work
- [00:01:18.840]that enhances coaching of early childcare professionals.
- [00:01:23.130]Last year, early childhood extension professionals
- [00:01:27.150]reached nearly 118,000 early childcare providers
- [00:01:31.425]with both online and in-person professional development.
- [00:01:36.600]In the area of health and wellbeing,
- [00:01:38.582]our research and exercise science is looking
- [00:01:42.720]at human performance specifically in the area
- [00:01:46.650]of muscle fatigue and what kind of strategies can be
- [00:01:49.890]used to reduce muscle fatigue in exercise.
- [00:01:54.360]We are fostering strong communities by filling
- [00:01:57.630]the teacher pipeline
- [00:01:59.040]with highly qualified prepared teachers.
- [00:02:02.340]Of our nearly 2,500 undergraduate students,
- [00:02:06.120]a thousand students are in various stages of completing
- [00:02:10.020]their training to be teachers,
- [00:02:12.720]and I hope every one of them will fill Nebraska schools.
- [00:02:16.490](audience clapping)
- [00:02:19.432]Other work in the college is addressing ways
- [00:02:23.160]to strengthen teachers and parents as partners,
- [00:02:26.700]preventing dating violence
- [00:02:28.410]and substance abuse among adolescents,
- [00:02:31.710]creating healthy outcomes in young children
- [00:02:35.544]by looking at the bonding of parents and their children.
- [00:02:40.380]And these are just a few examples of the work
- [00:02:43.650]that will happen in Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall,
- [00:02:47.550]but I don't wanna dismiss the work that happens
- [00:02:50.250]throughout the entire college.
- [00:02:52.320]Additional leading edge work happens
- [00:02:54.930]in the college's spaces on city campus, on East campus,
- [00:02:59.730]and on innovation campus.
- [00:03:02.490]In addition,
- [00:03:03.450]we have work happening throughout the state of Nebraska.
- [00:03:07.440]So wherever our chancellor goes, he cannot escape
- [00:03:13.470]the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- [00:03:17.465](audience clapping)
- [00:03:23.912]Now to solve the complex problems that we're addressing,
- [00:03:26.820]we have a number of partners across the state,
- [00:03:30.420]including the campuses in the NU system,
- [00:03:33.690]and I am hopeful that some of the deans from those campuses
- [00:03:37.200]are here today, state colleges, community colleges,
- [00:03:42.720]the educational service units, schools, healthcare clinics,
- [00:03:47.160]community agencies, state agencies and so on.
- [00:03:50.730]So I know we have representatives
- [00:03:52.860]from many of our partners here today.
- [00:03:55.290]We appreciate you and are grateful
- [00:03:57.810]for your support and work with us.
- [00:03:59.310]If we could just give all
- [00:04:00.390]of our partners a big round of applause.
- [00:04:02.976](audience clapping)
- [00:04:09.355]Now there are so many people that we need to thank
- [00:04:12.270]for this day happening and making this building possible.
- [00:04:16.470]First and foremost, I wanna thank the state of Nebraska.
- [00:04:20.490]This building is a taxpayer funded building.
- [00:04:23.462]I recognize the importance of the Nebraska taxpayer.
- [00:04:27.540]We all are taxpayers today and every day
- [00:04:30.960]that I come to the University of Nebraska Lincoln,
- [00:04:33.420]I am a happy taxpayer.
- [00:04:35.760]And this building is a direct reflection
- [00:04:38.730]of Nebraska's investment in teacher preparation.
- [00:04:42.060]And we're extremely appreciative of that support.
- [00:04:44.760]I hope Nebraska taxpayers will come and visit often
- [00:04:48.720]and regularly and become strong partners
- [00:04:51.750]to help us help Nebraska.
- [00:04:55.110]Secondly, I wanna recognize
- [00:04:57.420]Dean Emeritus Marjorie Kostelnik.
- [00:05:00.709](audience clapping)
- [00:05:02.276]Marjorie, would you please stand?
- [00:05:04.171](audience clapping)
- [00:05:13.740]Marjorie oversaw this building from inception to completion
- [00:05:18.810]and we are very grateful for all of her work.
- [00:05:21.870]I also wanna recognize Sinclair Hilly Architects,
- [00:05:25.530]Sasaki Associates who helped in the planning
- [00:05:28.410]and work in the building and Houseman Construction,
- [00:05:31.200]who made it become a reality.
- [00:05:34.238](audience clapping)
- [00:05:40.800]And I'm very appreciative of all the faculty and staff
- [00:05:43.778]across the college who worked on numerous committees
- [00:05:47.820]in the planning and design phases of this building.
- [00:05:51.120]We, I can't tell you how many committees there were.
- [00:05:53.550]Audio visual committees, furniture committees,
- [00:05:56.670]moving committees, so lots of committees, so many,
- [00:06:00.210]many thanks to all the faculty and staff
- [00:06:01.889]throughout the college and the campus
- [00:06:04.440]who helped make this building a reality.
- [00:06:07.050]Now, the stunning mural that you see behind me
- [00:06:10.290]is the creation of Thurman's Datum.
- [00:06:12.660]Thurman, where are you?
- [00:06:15.420]Thurman, would you please stand?
- [00:06:17.090](audience clapping)
- [00:06:27.300]Thurman is a glass artist based in Omaha,
- [00:06:30.660]and I think he did a remarkable job of incorporating
- [00:06:34.140]the theme of the building and reflecting the vibrancy,
- [00:06:37.500]creativity and uniqueness of Nebraska and the college.
- [00:06:41.040]So thank you Thurman.
- [00:06:42.644](audience clapping)
- [00:06:44.014]Beautiful, beautiful piece of artwork.
- [00:06:45.760](audience clapping)
- [00:06:50.340]Now a little bit about Carolyn,
- [00:06:51.990]who the building is named after.
- [00:06:54.060]This is named for a very special member
- [00:06:56.910]of our college community,
- [00:06:58.317]an internationally recognized scholar,
- [00:07:02.220]a professor of psychology and child,
- [00:07:04.740]youth and family studies.
- [00:07:06.120]She was a faculty member at Nebraska for 18 years.
- [00:07:09.780]She was a true pioneer in helping children and adults
- [00:07:13.350]gain insight into the process of learning through inquiry,
- [00:07:18.060]observation and reflection.
- [00:07:21.446]And I wanna give a quote either from one of her comments
- [00:07:25.500]or from one of her books,
- [00:07:27.330]but here's words of Carolyn,
- [00:07:29.708]"Asking an educational question,
- [00:07:32.520]then observing and recording that is gathering evidence
- [00:07:37.290]and artifacts of what happens in the classroom.
- [00:07:40.440]Then analyzing and reflecting on them,
- [00:07:43.336]interpreting and evaluating what they mean.
- [00:07:46.633]Then planning next steps and asking new questions
- [00:07:50.580]while always finding ways to communicate
- [00:07:53.160]to children and adults what has happened.
- [00:07:55.951]This documentation process makes learning visible
- [00:07:59.438]to the children, to the teachers, to other adults,
- [00:08:03.900]including families and visitors,
- [00:08:06.810]making learning visible
- [00:08:08.610]is what Carolyn's work was all about.
- [00:08:11.730]And she had many professional honors,
- [00:08:14.160]including distinguished Research and Creative Activity Award
- [00:08:17.700]from UNL, the Lifetime Achievement Award
- [00:08:21.600]from the North American Regio Amelia Alliance
- [00:08:25.110]and the University of Nebraska's highest award
- [00:08:27.870]for outstanding research and creative activity.
- [00:08:31.590]And we're thrilled today to be joined by Carolyn's family,
- [00:08:35.223]Rick Edwards and members of Carolyn's family
- [00:08:39.120]who are sitting here in the front row.
- [00:08:40.560]So we're just thrilled to have you with us today.
- [00:08:42.808](audience clapping)
- [00:08:50.706]And I encourage you to visit
- [00:08:51.539]the display at the entrance here.
- [00:08:54.300]Many of you saw it as you entered the building today,
- [00:08:57.540]but there is a display that talks more about Carolyn's work
- [00:09:01.800]and her remarkable legacy.
- [00:09:03.420]So please take an opportunity to view that display.
- [00:09:07.350]And now it's my pleasure to introduce our chancellor
- [00:09:12.120]of the University of Nebraska,
- [00:09:14.010]Ronnie Green who gave tremendous remarks yesterday
- [00:09:16.920]at the state of the university,
- [00:09:18.660]even saying there is no place like Nebraska.
- [00:09:21.870]I dunno if he's gonna sing this morning,
- [00:09:24.510]but we're very happy, Chancellor Green.
- [00:09:26.859](audience clapping)
- [00:09:33.060]Well, good morning.
- [00:09:34.140]Isn't it a great day to be in Nebraska?
- [00:09:38.310]And to have the opportunity to cut the ribbon formally
- [00:09:42.120]on this beautiful new facility that's world class
- [00:09:46.200]in every respect, as Sherri's already said,
- [00:09:48.840]is as a new anchor home, I'll call it that
- [00:09:52.860]for the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- [00:09:56.402]I wanna start just in my few brief remarks here
- [00:10:00.360]by thanking Sherri Jones.
- [00:10:02.670]Sherri is providing exceptional leadership for this college.
- [00:10:06.852](audience clapping)
- [00:10:09.480]And the leadership team that she has working with her.
- [00:10:12.600]Now I'm gonna tell you a little bit
- [00:10:13.620]about the story of this building from the perspective
- [00:10:17.250]of kind of living through the lead up to it.
- [00:10:20.940]And I'm gonna start with a story that pays tribute
- [00:10:23.640]to Marjorie Kostelnik, who was mentioned earlier,
- [00:10:26.250]is the Dean emeritus, who as many of you know,
- [00:10:28.887]was the driving force behind making this happen.
- [00:10:33.450]I remember, I'm Marjorie, I don't remember the exact year.
- [00:10:37.590]I think it was probably 2014, somewhere in that category.
- [00:10:42.176]And the board of Regents were visiting.
- [00:10:45.619]They had a campus visit that day
- [00:10:48.372]and they were going to facilities across campus.
- [00:10:51.480]And of course one of the things you do
- [00:10:52.890]on board of Regents Tours is you show them everything
- [00:10:55.680]we need to fix, right?
- [00:10:58.620]So we came to Mabel Lee and Marjorie hosted the group.
- [00:11:03.840]I remember meeting them out right
- [00:11:05.400]at the front of Mabel Lee.
- [00:11:07.140]And Marjorie managed to walk through the Rabbit Warren,
- [00:11:10.710]as it were, of Mabel Lee in great length with the board
- [00:11:15.796]and ended up taking them to the pool, right?
- [00:11:21.600]And sat in the pool.
- [00:11:22.950]She, well, she first locked the door,
- [00:11:24.780]I think she sat them on the bleachers and they had had
- [00:11:27.810]the heat turned up in the pool that day
- [00:11:31.230]and locked the door and then proceeded to talk
- [00:11:33.807]to them for 30 minutes about what the opportunity was
- [00:11:40.260]for enhancing the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- [00:11:44.100]So Marjorie, thank you.
- [00:11:45.747](audience clapping)
- [00:11:52.830]This building has been funded.
- [00:11:54.510]I want to give really credit where credit is due.
- [00:11:58.590]Sherri said it's a taxpayer funded building
- [00:12:00.870]and indeed it is.
- [00:12:03.090]It was funded by LB 957 and the Nebraska legislature
- [00:12:07.085]that bill had been passed in 2015
- [00:12:10.589]as a capital renewal investment in facilities
- [00:12:14.730]across the university system where the university matched
- [00:12:17.947]equally the dollars that the state
- [00:12:20.910]would match going forward into construction projects.
- [00:12:24.270]And we had a process in 2016 to identify what our priorities
- [00:12:30.120]were going to be for that $400 million that was available.
- [00:12:34.830]I want to thank,
- [00:12:35.850]I don't know if he's here or not this morning,
- [00:12:37.920]but I want to publicly thank John Steiner
- [00:12:41.040]who was chair of the appropriations committee
- [00:12:43.770]when LB 957 was funded from Scott's Bluff.
- [00:12:47.110]John is retiring from the Senate, he's term limited.
- [00:12:50.970]And in the last year of his term,
- [00:12:52.650]please give the chairman Steiner our thanks.
- [00:12:56.554](audience clapping)
- [00:12:59.730]And we went through a prioritization progress
- [00:13:01.950]here on campus.
- [00:13:02.783]I was brand new at the time
- [00:13:04.440]coming into the chancellor's role.
- [00:13:06.180]And we went through a prioritization process for determining
- [00:13:08.878]where we would have the opportunity to spend
- [00:13:12.283]about $200 million of that investment
- [00:13:16.470]in our infrastructure here at UNL.
- [00:13:19.080]And it was clearly a slam dunk
- [00:13:21.810]that this was the number one priority
- [00:13:24.629]and became the number one priority for replacing Mabel Lee
- [00:13:28.355]with this new building.
- [00:13:30.450]So that was one,
- [00:13:32.130]the Scott Engineering Center in the College of Engineering
- [00:13:35.670]that we're now completing that renovation
- [00:13:38.190]was another major piece of that project.
- [00:13:41.130]And fittingly, Louise Pound Hall was a third part of that
- [00:13:45.360]and the renovations that occurred there.
- [00:13:47.910]So we are thankful to the state of Nebraska
- [00:13:50.753]and the taxpayers of Nebraska who have allowed us
- [00:13:53.610]to really develop this world class facility.
- [00:13:56.490]Now, what's gonna be exciting to see happen here
- [00:13:59.610]is what goes on in this building
- [00:14:03.000]and the education that happens here and the scholarship
- [00:14:06.210]that happens here.
- [00:14:07.890]That's what's going to be exciting
- [00:14:09.630]to see is we move forward.
- [00:14:11.742]Yeah, I am so pleased that we have the opportunity
- [00:14:15.533]to honor Carolyn Pope Edwards
- [00:14:19.200]and to have her name on this building.
- [00:14:21.690]Now, Sherri's already mentioned the Edwards family
- [00:14:24.180]is here in force.
- [00:14:25.560]Rick, it's great to see you and all of your children
- [00:14:28.740]and grandchildren and Carolyn's sisters here today.
- [00:14:31.821]I got to know Carolyn very quickly
- [00:14:35.610]when I came to campus in 2010, very quickly.
- [00:14:40.680]And I remember distinctly having conversations,
- [00:14:44.130]private conversations with Carolyn,
- [00:14:46.620]where Carolyn would ask me hard questions
- [00:14:49.860]and ask me hard questions about scholarship
- [00:14:52.939]and about learning and have come
- [00:14:56.340]with those kind of loaded questions.
- [00:14:57.990]I will remember one distinctly, Rick,
- [00:14:59.760]I'll tell you afterwards what that was all about,
- [00:15:03.480]but remember it distinctly,
- [00:15:05.640]and I want to call out two of her colleagues here as well.
- [00:15:09.960]'Cause I know you all know
- [00:15:12.060]that there was a trifecta group in place
- [00:15:16.110]and that trifecta group was Carolyn Pope Edwards,
- [00:15:20.160]Sue Sheridan and Helen Riggs.
- [00:15:23.070]And I think you all know that, and I make,
- [00:15:25.763]they're here somewhere as well.
- [00:15:29.177](audience clapping)
- [00:15:32.614]It's a great day to be in Nebraska.
- [00:15:33.990]It's a great day to stand behind this wonderful piece of art
- [00:15:37.650]and we're going to see big things done in this building.
- [00:15:40.680]Thank you very much.
- [00:15:41.743](audience clapping)
- [00:15:49.020]Okay, now we're gonna hear
- [00:15:50.340]from those who are really going to get
- [00:15:52.680]the advantage of this space, and that's our students.
- [00:15:55.710]And in this building,
- [00:15:57.150]we'll actually be housed
- [00:15:58.680]the Department of Teaching Learning Teacher Education,
- [00:16:01.518]the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies,
- [00:16:04.379]the Nebraska Center for Research
- [00:16:06.960]on Children, Youth, Families and Schools,
- [00:16:09.540]and a portion of our department
- [00:16:11.820]from Nutrition and Health Sciences.
- [00:16:13.860]So a really great group housed in this building
- [00:16:17.370]to integrate the work that Ronnie alluded to
- [00:16:20.700]that's going to happen here.
- [00:16:22.500]And that work will be in conjunction with work happening
- [00:16:25.650]in the conjoining buildings
- [00:16:27.300]and with all of our spaces across the campuses,
- [00:16:30.150]as I mentioned earlier.
- [00:16:32.340]So, but let's hear from a couple of our students.
- [00:16:35.520]First up is William Wilton and Will will tell you
- [00:16:39.120]a little bit about himself,
- [00:16:40.500]but I just wanna point out that Will is,
- [00:16:42.297]he won't mention this,
- [00:16:44.100]but he is a member of Homecoming Royalty this week.
- [00:16:47.340]So congratulations to Will, one of two students
- [00:16:51.903]from the college who are part of Homecoming royalty.
- [00:16:55.680]So Will, come to the podium.
- [00:17:02.520]Good morning, my name is William Wilton.
- [00:17:04.680]I'm a senior family consumer science education major,
- [00:17:07.500]a member of the Teacher Scholars Academy and the president
- [00:17:10.110]of the CEHS Student Advisory Board.
- [00:17:12.509]When I look at this building,
- [00:17:13.980]I can't help but think of all the stories that will come
- [00:17:16.200]from the classrooms inside and the impact of the lessons
- [00:17:18.574]that are taught here.
- [00:17:20.130]Over time, the memory of some classes may fade,
- [00:17:22.620]but the classes that spark something inside you stay
- [00:17:24.603]with you in your mind.
- [00:17:26.280]Generations of future students will come into this space
- [00:17:28.800]for class and leave with a better understanding
- [00:17:30.828]of who they are in the world around them.
- [00:17:33.138]As I reflect on my time at the university,
- [00:17:35.125]I've realized that learning is a transformative act.
- [00:17:38.520]As students, we open ourselves up to new possibilities
- [00:17:41.370]and ways of understanding with each class we take.
- [00:17:44.280]And after a few short years,
- [00:17:46.020]we have transformed an individuals who have skills
- [00:17:48.150]that we need to go out out into the world
- [00:17:49.710]and make an impact.
- [00:17:51.420]Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall is a space for students to come
- [00:17:54.390]and do more than simply just take notes in a classroom.
- [00:17:56.637]It's a space for them to be supported in their academics
- [00:17:59.640]and guided towards their futures.
- [00:18:01.560]As you walk through this building,
- [00:18:03.330]you can see that the needs of students shape the design
- [00:18:05.649]from the range of collaborative workspaces
- [00:18:07.886]and the adaptability of each classroom.
- [00:18:10.920]Future generations of students will have their needs met
- [00:18:13.380]in ways that other buildings might not be as supportive of.
- [00:18:16.590]It's truly a 21st century building
- [00:18:18.510]for 21st century students.
- [00:18:20.730]Having an environment that is designed for students
- [00:18:22.980]can help elevate learning experiences and impact the work
- [00:18:25.792]that they do outside of the classroom.
- [00:18:28.260]For professors,
- [00:18:29.160]it won't be a question of how can I make this space work?
- [00:18:31.912]But a question of how can students use this space
- [00:18:35.070]to work best for them?
- [00:18:36.780]With some rooms looking like traditional lecture halls
- [00:18:38.820]in classrooms and others being collaborative working pods,
- [00:18:42.169]it's true that every student will have
- [00:18:44.310]what they need to succeed in this building.
- [00:18:46.536]When students are in spaces that work best for them,
- [00:18:49.680]a high level of learning is able to take place.
- [00:18:52.440]Through my coursework,
- [00:18:54.392]I've been able to see firsthand how environmental conditions
- [00:18:56.640]like the design of a classroom or the access
- [00:18:58.680]to support systems like professors,
- [00:19:00.720]faculty and graduate students can make a huge difference
- [00:19:03.660]on student success.
- [00:19:05.160]I'm incredibly excited to see that this building
- [00:19:07.290]was designed with the college's number one priority in mind,
- [00:19:09.070]the students.
- [00:19:11.850]We're at a time where the need for qualified
- [00:19:13.740]and well trained individuals and careers across education,
- [00:19:16.602]human sciences is incredibly high.
- [00:19:19.015]Seeing this investment that the university has made
- [00:19:21.601]for these future careers is truly inspiring.
- [00:19:25.170]As a family consumer science education major,
- [00:19:27.365]I'm driven by my passion to support future generations
- [00:19:30.094]of students that will walk into my classroom.
- [00:19:33.120]When you think about the work that the students
- [00:19:34.770]in our college do once they leave,
- [00:19:36.600]you can see that we all share a common goal of supporting
- [00:19:39.090]the individuals that we work with and the communities
- [00:19:41.250]that we live in.
- [00:19:42.450]Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall stands as a physical reminder
- [00:19:45.240]of the investment that both the college and the university
- [00:19:47.371]have made, in us as students ensuring that we will be able
- [00:19:51.180]to go forward and reinvest in those who we support
- [00:19:54.030]through our future careers.
- [00:19:55.560]Thank you.
- [00:19:56.398](audience clapping)
- [00:20:05.458]I think you can see we have really great students, right?
- [00:20:08.580]Now I am pleased to introduce Inoussa Malgoubri.
- [00:20:12.623]Inoussa is a PhD student in teaching learning
- [00:20:15.570]and teacher education, and a full bright scholar.
- [00:20:19.200]So Inoussa, please come to the podium.
- [00:20:22.751](audience clapping)
- [00:20:28.560]Good morning, my name is Inoussa Malgoubri.
- [00:20:30.780]I'm a second year PhD student in the department
- [00:20:33.210]of Teaching Learning Teacher Education.
- [00:20:35.425]And it's honor for me to stand in front of you this morning.
- [00:20:40.620]And I would like to know how many of you here today knew
- [00:20:44.670]or work with Professor Carolyn Pope Edwards.
- [00:20:49.980]So well, I want to tell you that Dr. Carolyn
- [00:20:52.650]is here with us today and she's smiling and she's happy
- [00:20:55.920]that we are all here to this morning.
- [00:20:59.340]And we have a brand new hall
- [00:21:00.960]that reflects her life and mission.
- [00:21:03.420]That is, as Doc Dean Jones has said,
- [00:21:06.480]raising the quality of young children education
- [00:21:08.850]by understanding how they develop and fire cognitively,
- [00:21:13.020]socially and emotionally.
- [00:21:15.540]Our building is home to the Dean's office and four units,
- [00:21:19.470]the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies,
- [00:21:22.560]the Department of Teaching Learning and Teacher Education,
- [00:21:25.560]the Center for Research
- [00:21:26.730]on Children, New Families and Schools,
- [00:21:28.680]and a laboratory
- [00:21:29.513]for the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences.
- [00:21:32.760]Having a new home is one of the most beautiful moment
- [00:21:35.220]in one's life, is bring excitement and upgrading our lives.
- [00:21:39.630]The love and work of Professor Carolyn Pope Edward
- [00:21:42.630]are reflective from the basement to the third floor,
- [00:21:45.478]the view and the garden.
- [00:21:47.310]And you can see it from everywhere here.
- [00:21:50.760]I can help in remind of architecture
- [00:21:52.620]that shape the learning in the world around us.
- [00:21:55.290]It shows us a vision and willingness to provide student
- [00:21:57.840]from diverse backgrounds and origin
- [00:21:59.880]with space for socialization, learning, support, and growth.
- [00:22:04.115]This vision that we impact our lives can be seen
- [00:22:07.470]through the different type of learning spaces available.
- [00:22:10.260]The impact on our learning is visible through the monitors
- [00:22:12.960]and cable available in the rooms and classrooms.
- [00:22:15.360]And I can't wait to teach and learn in this room equipped
- [00:22:18.180]with the latest technology.
- [00:22:20.100]Carolyn Pop, Edward Hall makes learning visible
- [00:22:22.830]by having faculty and students together.
- [00:22:24.718]It makes learning visible
- [00:22:25.970]through the graduate assistant parts
- [00:22:28.495]where graduate student can work collaboratively.
- [00:22:31.500]The kitchen area is close to the learning spaces
- [00:22:34.020]where student can have tea or coffee or microwave a meal
- [00:22:37.500]and enjoy them.
- [00:22:38.580]What a great place that blends socialization,
- [00:22:40.819]collaboration, and learning.
- [00:22:43.590]Our building blocks that give us the tool to build people
- [00:22:47.040]and make our communities better places.
- [00:22:50.520]I cannot end my,
- [00:22:51.660]without mentioning review from inside the building
- [00:22:54.300]that leaves our moods and allow us
- [00:22:55.890]to engage a movement outside the sport fields,
- [00:22:58.196]health issues and breastfeeding mothers
- [00:23:00.330]have also been ed in the design.
- [00:23:02.700]We have contact listings in the restroom to keep up safe
- [00:23:04.654]while lactation's places are everywhere.
- [00:23:08.010]Making Professor Edwards Pope more than ever present
- [00:23:11.640]with us on our educational journey.
- [00:23:14.190]I will end with a quote from Giron who said,
- [00:23:16.597]"Whatever good thing we build up, end up building us."
- [00:23:20.550]Is it then not the case that what Dr. Carolyn built
- [00:23:24.090]at UNL is building her back?
- [00:23:26.070]Thank you.
- [00:23:27.223](audience clapping)
- [00:23:39.120]I mentioned our nearly 2,500 undergraduates.
- [00:23:42.302]We have nearly a thousand graduate students in the college.
- [00:23:45.660]And our 3,500 students come from 73 counties in Nebraska,
- [00:23:51.660]43 states across the nation and 44 countries
- [00:23:55.470]around the world.
- [00:23:56.580]So a really diverse community in the college
- [00:23:59.520]that helps us do big things.
- [00:24:01.620]And now it's my pleasure to introduce Dr. Rick Edwards,
- [00:24:05.580]who will also make a few remarks on this wonderful day.
- [00:24:08.940]Rick.
- [00:24:09.950](audience clapping)
- [00:24:20.456]Wow, what a beautiful new home
- [00:24:22.770]for the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- [00:24:26.880]This mural is fantastic.
- [00:24:29.502]The artist is not only a genius,
- [00:24:32.130]the genius is the person who chose the artist.
- [00:24:38.790]Well, as you can imagine,
- [00:24:40.204]the Edwards family is smiling today.
- [00:24:44.640]It puts me in mind of that Norwegian farmer,
- [00:24:47.940]someplace in the Great Plains,
- [00:24:50.010]the Norwegian farmer who loved his wife so much,
- [00:24:52.824]he almost told her.
- [00:24:56.820]Now we're loving today and we don't mind telling you.
- [00:25:00.836]I wanna thank the individuals who are responsible
- [00:25:05.610]for the building and for the naming of the building
- [00:25:08.370]for Carolyn, the original group,
- [00:25:11.220]as I understand Marjorie Costello,
- [00:25:13.650]Helen Rakes, Sue Sheridan.
- [00:25:16.410]I'm sure others,
- [00:25:18.090]this naming would not have happened if it didn't have
- [00:25:21.420]the enthusiastic endorsement
- [00:25:23.587]and support of the Dean Sherri Jones.
- [00:25:26.640]Sherri, thank you.
- [00:25:28.230]And of course,
- [00:25:29.370]it needed the approval and enthusiasm
- [00:25:31.597]of the Chancellor, Ronnie Green.
- [00:25:33.900]And so Ronnie, I thank you for that.
- [00:25:37.230]I'd like to say just a few words about Carolyn.
- [00:25:40.980]Now, most of you who knew her,
- [00:25:42.940]knew her when she was a relatively senior
- [00:25:46.500]and already established scholar and teacher.
- [00:25:51.030]What you may not know about her
- [00:25:52.860]is that she had three early experiences in her life,
- [00:25:57.450]which really shaped her ideas and her career.
- [00:26:01.650]The first was when she was an undergraduate
- [00:26:04.650]at Harvard University.
- [00:26:06.690]She got very interested in the study of other cultures.
- [00:26:11.184]After her freshman year,
- [00:26:13.980]she climbed aboard a Greyhound bus
- [00:26:15.930]by herself in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- [00:26:18.309]Rode it to the Texas border,
- [00:26:21.150]crossed over and used Mexican buses to get
- [00:26:24.030]to the Chis Highlands
- [00:26:26.040]where she joined an anthropology project.
- [00:26:28.980]She later wrote her senior thesis
- [00:26:32.220]on funeral rights among the Xena Canton Indians.
- [00:26:35.940]But the memories that were most vivid and most cherished
- [00:26:39.581]were the friends she made among the indigenous people
- [00:26:44.160]in the community.
- [00:26:45.810]She was particularly grateful
- [00:26:48.270]to the old women of the community.
- [00:26:50.520]Now she was 19,
- [00:26:51.720]so they may have been been in their 30s and 40s.
- [00:26:56.460]The old women who sew generously and patiently taught her
- [00:26:59.905]to roll tortillas and bake them on a stone by the open fire.
- [00:27:06.390]She always felt that having a cross-cultural perspective
- [00:27:10.650]broadened one's horizons sometimes helped
- [00:27:13.560]the local cultures learn about themselves,
- [00:27:16.290]and most importantly,
- [00:27:19.326]helped us learn better about our own selves.
- [00:27:21.510]The second experience she had
- [00:27:23.040]was when she was a graduate student
- [00:27:25.410]at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- [00:27:28.140]Her mentor was Beatrice Whiting, a famed anthropologist
- [00:27:32.640]and Beatrice's husband, John Whiting,
- [00:27:34.920]also famous anthropologist.
- [00:27:37.320]Beatrice told Carolyn,
- [00:27:38.467]"There are two ways to learn about other cultures
- [00:27:41.790]or maybe anything else,
- [00:27:43.860]counting and telling stories or science and humanities
- [00:27:48.630]if you like."
- [00:27:50.040]And she said, "Both are valid paths to understanding."
- [00:27:55.620]Now the Whitings were on the counting side.
- [00:27:57.660]They did a lot of that.
- [00:28:00.060]Carolyn wrote her doctoral dissertation
- [00:28:02.190]on moral development among Kenyan teenagers,
- [00:28:05.850]which involved a lot of data collection and analysis
- [00:28:08.700]and so on.
- [00:28:09.780]She always thought that science was the foundation
- [00:28:13.286]for what she did, she believed in that.
- [00:28:17.100]The third experience she had was this,
- [00:28:20.430]after she taught two years at Vassar,
- [00:28:22.320]we spent a year at Princeton and then we tried
- [00:28:25.080]to get ourselves back together again.
- [00:28:27.180]I was at the University of Massachusetts.
- [00:28:30.132]So she accepted a job at Massachusetts, a very bad job.
- [00:28:36.600]It was low pay, low status, part-time and non-tenure track.
- [00:28:43.920]Part one of the responsibilities of that job
- [00:28:46.560]was to be the director of the University Lab School,
- [00:28:51.030]which enrolled children from three months to five years.
- [00:28:56.010]Now, Carolyn had no experience running a daycare.
- [00:28:59.220]I'm not sure she'd even been in one.
- [00:29:02.640]She quickly learned that, in fact,
- [00:29:05.158]that center was run by two very smart
- [00:29:09.000]and skilled young teachers.
- [00:29:11.074]And those teachers taught Carolyn how to see children
- [00:29:15.180]as individuals with individual stories.
- [00:29:18.960]She was ever grateful for those two young teachers
- [00:29:22.002]who taught her how to understand children in that way.
- [00:29:26.513]Now, the chief hindrance
- [00:29:30.000]that she faced in her career was her husband.
- [00:29:34.415](laughing)
- [00:29:36.930]We were both fully promoted and tenured
- [00:29:40.890]at the University of Massachusetts when I decided to launch
- [00:29:44.220]my brilliant administrative career.
- [00:29:46.980]So we moved to the University of Kentucky
- [00:29:49.920]and she needed to find new colleagues
- [00:29:52.558]and recruit new graduate students and start all over.
- [00:29:57.090]And then seven years later,
- [00:29:59.190]we came to the University of Nebraska.
- [00:30:01.440]And again, she had to find new colleagues
- [00:30:03.450]and new students and so on, which she did.
- [00:30:08.475]Now, in my own mind, I have re-litigated that situation.
- [00:30:16.890]And it turns out that I wasn't a hindrance, I was the hero.
- [00:30:24.123]Because it was at Nebraska
- [00:30:26.850]that she found her best colleagues,
- [00:30:28.976]her most stimulating colleagues,
- [00:30:31.440]her best and most challenging graduate students,
- [00:30:34.950]where she found a place
- [00:30:35.970]where she could really be productive and thrive.
- [00:30:39.840]And so it was here that she found
- [00:30:42.300]an academic and intellectual home.
- [00:30:45.600]She became a Husker fan.
- [00:30:49.050]No, she became a Husker fanatic.
- [00:30:52.320]Much to the surprise of her family,
- [00:30:56.400]she served as a guest coach
- [00:30:58.020]during Frankie Solich's last year as head football coach.
- [00:31:03.210]Now of course, Frankie got fired at the end of that season.
- [00:31:07.410]It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
- [00:31:09.332]What would've happened if he had really listened
- [00:31:12.270]to her ideas about the Jet Suite?
- [00:31:17.580]So it was at Nebraska that Carolyn found
- [00:31:20.110]her intellectual academic home.
- [00:31:23.670]She was productive, she was happy,
- [00:31:26.040]she had cherished colleagues and cherished students.
- [00:31:29.370]And so in addition to thanking the university
- [00:31:32.640]and the chancellor and the dean for this wonderful building
- [00:31:36.390]and for naming this building for Carolyn,
- [00:31:39.690]I wanna thank the faculty and the administrators
- [00:31:43.071]and the staff and the students
- [00:31:45.810]of the College of Education and Human Resources
- [00:31:49.620]for making such a wonderful home for Carolyn.
- [00:31:52.800]Thank you.
- [00:31:53.761](audience clapping)
- [00:32:04.710]We will be forever grateful
- [00:32:06.450]that you found your way to Nebraska.
- [00:32:09.120]Now I'm gonna invite Rick and Ronnie to the ribbon
- [00:32:11.550]so that we can put a seal on this day.
- [00:32:22.550](audience laughing)
- [00:32:36.679](audience clapping)
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