Veterans Tribute Dedication
The community comes together on Sept. 11, 2022, to dedicate a new tribute to service men and women and their families.
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- [00:00:04.380]Good afternoon. Welcome to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus to your
- [00:00:09.240]university. My name is Ronnie Green. I have the pleasure and privilege of
- [00:00:13.950]serving as the chancellor here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. And isn't
- [00:00:18.300]this a beautiful day? Beautiful day we couldn't have ordered better weather for
- [00:00:23.460]this wonderful event.
- [00:00:26.310]Welcome to the dedication of this remarkable veterans tribute honoring
- [00:00:31.050]servicemen and women and their families. To open our ceremony today. Please rise
- [00:00:37.620]if you are able, for the arrival of the joint ROTC Color Guard and the
- [00:00:42.150]presentation of the colors pursuant to an act of Congress those who have served
- [00:00:47.070]in the military may salute even though not in uniform. Ladies and gentlemen,
- [00:00:51.960]please remove your hat we ask you to remain standing following the performance
- [00:00:56.880]of our national anthem played by the Nebraska National Guard 43rd Army band
- [00:01:02.010]under the direction of Commander Paul Kenny
- [00:01:22.590]Oh.
- [00:02:42.060]Ready got
- [00:02:44.700]right face
- [00:02:47.880]forward but but
- [00:02:54.330]but
- [00:03:02.010]Now I ask you to please join me in a moment of silence to honor those who lost
- [00:03:07.320]their lives during the 911 attacks 21 years ago today and for all military
- [00:03:13.590]heroes who gave who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our safety,
- [00:03:19.560]freedom and country.
- [00:03:48.450]Thank you. Please be seated.
- [00:03:49.000]We'd like to welcome some special guests who have joined us today for this
- [00:03:49.000]Dr. Martin Massengale was with us former chancellor of the University of
- [00:03:54.754]tribute dedication. And I'll just ask them to waive if they would and be
- [00:04:00.354]recognized as I call out their name. I didn't see why the region Bob Phares and
- [00:04:06.492]his wife margene arrived but Regent Phares currently as the Chair of the
- [00:04:12.093]University of Nebraska Board of Regents from North Platte. We are also joined by
- [00:04:18.307]former University of Nebraska region and also donor to this project. Former
- [00:04:19.300]Nebraska-Lincoln and president of the University of Nebraska System. I think
- [00:04:24.138]Regent Hal Daub and US Congressman Hal Daub. Good to see Hal and Mary here today.
- [00:04:41.560]Martin is seated just over here to my right.
- [00:04:46.880]are three commanders of the University of Nebraska Reserve Officer Training
- [00:04:50.720]Corps are with us today Captain Scott Bowman from the Navy, Lieutenant Colonel
- [00:04:56.210]Mark Peer from the army and Lieutenant
- [00:05:00.320]Colonel Philip Garito from the Air Force please join me in thanking them.
- [00:05:09.110]We also have a number of elected officials who are here with us. Several of our
- [00:05:13.430]senators in the Nebraska unicameral are here, as well as I saw our mayor of the
- [00:05:18.830]city of Lincoln, Mayor Lerion Gaylor Baird is here, just wave if you're out
- [00:05:23.240]there, thank you for your leadership for our state in our city.
- [00:05:30.650]And then, as we described the tribute here in a few minutes, you'll learn even
- [00:05:35.030]more about the importance of the quotes that are on the glass panels, the two to
- [00:05:40.550]my right. And many of the authors of those quotes are here with us today, both
- [00:05:47.690]those that were submitted for consideration and it will be part of our
- [00:05:51.260]university archives in perpetuity, as well as those that were selected to be on
- [00:05:56.180]the glass panel. So thank you for being here as well. I know many of you came
- [00:06:00.380]early, to be able to see those quotes and glass and thank you give them a big
- [00:06:04.910]round of applause as well.
- [00:06:10.790]So we're gathered here outside the Pershing, military and naval science
- [00:06:15.770]building, to celebrate the unveiling of a very unique and significant space in
- [00:06:20.900]the heart of the University of Nebraska campus, to honor veteran members of the
- [00:06:25.850]military and their families. This is a tribute to those willing to sacrifice for
- [00:06:32.660]something larger than themselves and a space to reflect how different our lives
- [00:06:37.970]might be, if not for their courage. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as you
- [00:06:43.640]know, was founded 153 years ago as a land grant university and has a long
- [00:06:50.180]standing relationship with military science and ROTC that began here in the
- [00:06:55.520]1890s. With General John J. Pershing, a tribute to Pershing is located in the
- [00:07:02.150]lobby of the m&m building just behind me. And I also should mention because I
- [00:07:07.160]just had the opportunity to see it for the first time myself, the New World War
- [00:07:11.480]One Memorial in Washington DC that also honors general purging. If you haven't
- [00:07:17.570]seen that in DC at 13th, and Penn, make sure you see it the next time that
- [00:07:22.250]you're in the city. The vision for this Veterans tribute project began four
- [00:07:27.500]years ago in 2018. With the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of
- [00:07:32.750]World War One and Armistice Day, many of you were here with us for that
- [00:07:38.180]celebration in November of that year, when we dedicated plaques inside of the
- [00:07:43.010]stadium, honoring the students who served in World War One and having those
- [00:07:48.680]plays permanently in that place in our our stadium. That project was
- [00:07:54.770]instrumental and honoring those who served and who that stadium is actually
- [00:07:59.180]named for. As you might know, we'll celebrate the 100th anniversary of that
- [00:08:03.590]stadium next year in 1923. As an extension of that project and a desire to honor
- [00:08:10.670]all who have served, we created this Veterans tribute as a lasting legacy and a
- [00:08:16.400]lasting tribute for perpetuity and time to come. The project, as I said began
- [00:08:22.130]four years ago when members of the veteran and military community joined
- [00:08:25.790]together to assist in the design of every aspect of the tribute. The Tribute
- [00:08:32.210]embodies the sacrifice and commitment of our service members and their families
- [00:08:37.310]as a means of explanation before we hear from a number of folks today, I want to
- [00:08:42.350]describe the two major components of the tribute for you. First, the glass
- [00:08:47.810]panels to the west here that many of you have already seen and observed. And as
- [00:08:54.740]a as an academic, I read them for the first time here just a little while ago
- [00:08:58.910]and there's no misspelled words, not Dr. Braithwaite made me very happy. The
- [00:09:04.100]concept for these glass panels installed in the space are inspired by the
- [00:09:08.600]American Veterans disabled for life Memorial in Washington DC. There are 20 of
- [00:09:15.350]the glass panels and they're divided into the themes of service, camaraderie,
- [00:09:20.600]honor, courage, integrity and sacrifice, and include quotes depicting the lives
- [00:09:27.020]of veterans service members and their families. The quotes detail realities of
- [00:09:33.320]serving from being deployed overseas or humanitarian missions and the support of
- [00:09:39.980]beloved family members who have lost loved ones. The quotes were actually
- [00:09:45.920]submitted anonymously by military service members or their families based on
- [00:09:51.290]questions that were posed about their military service. Over 900 quotes were
- [00:09:57.980]submitted with 57
- [00:09:59.000]and ultimately selected to be shown on the panels. All of the quotes, as I
- [00:10:05.630]mentioned earlier that were submitted, will continue to be a part of the
- [00:10:10.070]university's archives into perpetuity, and will be housed there in our
- [00:10:15.290]university libraries. This part of the tributes that were standing on the
- [00:10:20.570]chevron. The themes on the panels here that you see also complement words
- [00:10:26.360]engraved on the steps in front of me, and reflect on what it means to serve. You
- [00:10:33.380]will also notice the V shaped chevron pattern in the pavers as you walk along
- [00:10:38.780]the tribute. The chevron's are the one unifying symbol for all branches of the
- [00:10:44.690]military. The chevron pattern is specifically designed to highlight that when
- [00:10:50.330]you walk through this tribute, you're walking in step with the entire military
- [00:10:55.220]family. We're excited to share this tribute with all members of our university
- [00:11:00.200]community and the public who will experience this space as they walk through
- [00:11:04.940]this historic area of our campus, what we refer to as Memorial Mall of the
- [00:11:10.190]university campus. The Veterans tribute will endure as a reminder of the
- [00:11:15.080]sacrifices, courage and dedication of the brave men and women who have served
- [00:11:20.180]our country then, now and forever. And there's one of the quotes over here that
- [00:11:25.610]I just finished reading the talks about once enlisted your enlisted forever. I'd
- [00:11:31.160]like to take a moment and pause to thank the following for their hard work on
- [00:11:35.300]bringing the veterans tribute to reality for its you know the case of designing
- [00:11:40.760]it, getting that design in place and then pursuing that design through the full
- [00:11:45.410]construction. First the veterans tribute design committee and Confluence design
- [00:11:50.540]team. I would ask you if you are here to please stand and be recognized for the
- [00:11:55.730]many hours that were dedicated to the design of this project. So the veterans
- [00:11:59.840]tribute design committee and Confluence design teams if you're here please stand
- [00:12:04.640]by
- [00:12:15.410]there is one individual that many of you in this audience know and work with on
- [00:12:19.880]a regular basis who has provided stellar leadership and perseverance to get us
- [00:12:25.460]here today. To this to this tribute dedication. And I would like to personally
- [00:12:31.460]thank Michelle Waite, our assistant that the Chancellor and Director of
- [00:12:36.020]Governmental Affairs and military affairs, she has been the point person on this
- [00:12:40.670]project from day one. She's standing over here to my right, Michelle wave. And
- [00:12:45.020]thank you for your your leadership.
- [00:12:49.860]Our university facilities team has been on this since the design was put in
- [00:12:53.760]place to deliver it up to 11 o'clock this morning, you might guess to to get it
- [00:13:00.000]in place. And I would particularly like to thank Mark Kenny, who has been the
- [00:13:04.860]project lead he's also standing over by Michelle with some of our facilities
- [00:13:09.210]folks think of their facilities management and design.
- [00:13:14.300]Craig Geis, Justin Schultz and Foreman Joe Wilkinson with B.I.C. Construction
- [00:13:19.610]that were the construction contractors to build the tribute. They saw me often
- [00:13:24.590]over here the last several months, kind of doing a checkup to see whether we
- [00:13:28.880]would get to today. So please join me in thanking B.I.C construction team for
- [00:13:34.310]their work.
- [00:13:37.980]And lastly, Mike Mercola and Jeff Pels with strong ties. I don't know if they're
- [00:13:42.840]here today, but also give them a big round of applause.
- [00:13:50.460]I now like to introduce my friend and colleague, he's become a dear friend, Jane
- [00:13:55.440]and I,
- [00:13:57.460]Major General Daryl Bohac, Adjutant General of the Nebraska National Guard if he
- [00:14:03.550]would offer some thoughts from the military about the importance of this
- [00:14:07.930]Veterans tribute please welcome Daryl Bohac.
- [00:14:10.000]Well, thank you, Chancellor Green and good afternoon, everyone. What a
- [00:14:19.960]privilege. It is to represent the armed services today, along with Petty Officer
- [00:14:25.960]Maulsby. And to join Chancellor Green, Mr. Cada. And Noala Fritz
- [00:14:32.370]for this dedication, and it's not only because I wear the cloth of the nation
- [00:14:37.200]that I feel honored to join this group, but also because I'm a proud alumnus of
- [00:14:41.850]the University of Nebraska. The commitment shown by my university to seeing this
- [00:14:47.190]tribute designed and built to honor military service, as well as the
- [00:14:51.480]establishment of the Military and Veterans Success Center. And with the
- [00:14:55.440]dedication of the pow Mia chair in Memorial Stadium, which honors
- [00:15:00.000]The more than 800 Nebraskans lost in combat, but whose fate remains unknown,
- [00:15:06.600]deepens my pride in my alma mater, and I would hope that pride is shared by all
- [00:15:11.610]Nebraskans.
- [00:15:13.469]Today in our country, we are facing a time where America's youth are less likely
- [00:15:18.659]to join the armed forces. There are various explanations for why that might be
- [00:15:23.069]so. But one explanation that resonates with me is that the stories of service
- [00:15:29.489]and sacrifice not only by the uniformed members, but also their families, and
- [00:15:35.069]the pride and honor that many feel are left untold. So this tribute, this
- [00:15:40.889]tribute is a way of helping to tell the story, a story of service to others and
- [00:15:45.959]our nation, a story of pride and honor, honor through service in our armed
- [00:15:51.389]forces, forces those who took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of
- [00:15:56.459]the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that rise up in
- [00:16:01.289]that honor, and in turn, became willing to pay the sack ultimate sacrifice on
- [00:16:07.829]the battlefield, if necessary, in order to protect our democracy. And we can
- [00:16:13.829]turn to John 15, verse 13. To understand the honor of such a sacrifice, in which
- [00:16:19.979]it is written, Greater love has no one that this to lay down one's life for
- [00:16:25.049]their friends. It is my belief that this tribute will also inspire others to
- [00:16:30.119]serve. And I'm mindful that there are many ways to serve not just through
- [00:16:34.079]military service, that those who come to see this tribute to experience it to
- [00:16:40.199]will see the value in serving others. And most importantly, as they read the
- [00:16:44.969]inscriptions on the glass panels, be inspired by those who have come to cherish
- [00:16:49.259]the service to others, and most importantly, are willing to share their story of
- [00:16:54.179]service and sacrifice.
- [00:16:56.970]And in turn, then this this tribute, fitting with the mission of this
- [00:17:01.170]university. This tribute serves to educate all Nebraskans, all visitors, all
- [00:17:07.020]coming from different walks of life. Today, only 1% of the population of the
- [00:17:12.900]United States wears the uniform of the armed services, and only 7% of the
- [00:17:17.970]population is served in the military. The Tribute then becomes an important
- [00:17:22.530]element in educating those that do not have someone in their family or circle of
- [00:17:27.450]friends that are serving or have served.
- [00:17:31.020]That they have not had the opportunity to learn to be inspired to understand why
- [00:17:38.130]it is important to honor that service and sacrifice. And finally, this tribute
- [00:17:43.800]creates a place a place to connect to connect veterans, family, citizens,
- [00:17:49.590]students, our communities, to connect so that it might honor be inspired and to
- [00:17:55.500]learn. I can think of no better place than here in front of the military and
- [00:18:00.270]naval science building. built to honor General John J. Black Jack Pershing on
- [00:18:05.610]the campus of the University of Nebraska Lincoln, my alma mater, no better place
- [00:18:10.740]to honor, inspire, educate, and connect us all. It's been a privilege to be a
- [00:18:17.460]part of this project, and to work with all the members of the committee and
- [00:18:20.970]especially Michelle Wait, who never faltered in her commitment, and to
- [00:18:25.110]Chancellor green for ensuring that this day would happen. It is a privilege to
- [00:18:29.460]be an alumnus of this great university and to serve in the armed forces of the
- [00:18:33.900]United States of America. Thank you
- [00:18:43.500]think I'm gonna hire Darryl to do a spot for the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
- [00:18:48.390]Thank you Darrell for those meaningful and and I know heartfelt words.
- [00:18:53.970]We are blessed now to have the opportunity to see the purchasing rifles perform
- [00:18:59.100]for you and perform a military drill. The National Society of purchasing rifles
- [00:19:05.160]is a military oriented National Honor Society. Originally founded in 1894 Here
- [00:19:11.430]at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. It is the oldest continuously operated us
- [00:19:16.890]collegiate organization dedicated to military drill. Today the Pershing Rifles
- [00:19:23.160]Company A to Pershing's own will perform with members. Junior Olivia Nolan,
- [00:19:30.180]sophomore Kaden lane, sophomore, Jack Lindsey, and sophomore Joe student
- [00:21:40.650]one other group that I want to make sure to recognize today is our university
- [00:21:45.570]and Nebraska Foundation team who have worked together with us to actually raise
- [00:21:50.400]funds to help support the the construction of the veterans tribute. You will see
- [00:21:56.520]donors names here over here on my left on the wall at the entrance to the
- [00:22:01.440]tribute. I'll draw your attention to those and ask you to look at those while
- [00:22:04.860]you're here today. So I know Cameron Andreessen is here from the University of
- [00:22:09.000]Nebraska Foundation Joe Selig, I think I saw our lead for UNL. Also here, thank
- [00:22:14.340]you to the University of Nebraska Foundation as well give them a big round of
- [00:22:17.490]applause and to all of our donors.
- [00:22:24.210]It's now my pleasure to introduce one of our students to you to give a student's
- [00:22:28.650]perspective on the veterans tribute. Tara Maulsby is a May 2022 graduate a
- [00:22:35.160]member of our largest graduating class in the history of the University of
- [00:22:39.180]Nebraska Lincoln. She's a second class petty officer and gunner's mate who will
- [00:22:44.160]give us the student's perspective on the importance of the tribute,Tara.
- [00:22:57.510]Good afternoon everyone. Like you said I'm Tara Maulsby, 2022 graduates and a
- [00:23:04.710]United States sailor. So my first I'll tell you a little bit about myself first.
- [00:23:09.870]So my first semester here as a freshman at UNL. I was just a regular first
- [00:23:14.070]generation student.
- [00:23:16.350]And I was just looking for my Nisha people. So I joined Phi Mu i was in the
- [00:23:21.120]pride of all Nebraska marching band. And then after my first semester, I decided
- [00:23:26.280]to enlist for my 19th birthday. And then after spending a year away, going to
- [00:23:30.750]basic training and gunner's mate a school. After returning back to the
- [00:23:36.720]university, I quickly learned about the student veteran organization after
- [00:23:41.460]visiting the Military Veterans Success Center to fill out all my paperwork and
- [00:23:44.850]stuff for the GI Bill.
- [00:23:46.860]And I met Joe Brownell, and he told me about the SPO. And quickly I became a
- [00:23:51.810]very active member in this club. While a part of the SBA, I was involved in
- [00:23:56.640]recruiting new members planning events, fundraisers, fundraising events, and
- [00:24:01.560]social events. And my first ever event that I participated in was the the things
- [00:24:07.440]they carry ruck march and if you guys don't know what that is, it's, we get
- [00:24:11.370]together with the Hawkeye. Student Veteran. org is organization and we ruck from
- [00:24:16.830]stadium to stadium carrying the game day ball to raise awareness for veteran
- [00:24:20.520]suicide. And this event was easily my favorite overall and I was very excited to
- [00:24:27.390]participate in this event, because I wanted to get to know other service members
- [00:24:31.890]and other students that would be going throughout college with and facing all
- [00:24:36.240]the challenges of college with
- [00:24:41.040]after going through the ruck march after wrecking over the hills of Nebraska and
- [00:24:45.510]parts of Iowa with veterans and dependents that
- [00:24:49.560]attend the university here.
- [00:24:52.530]We would just challenge each other to go mile after mile with share stories. We
- [00:24:56.130]talked about classes we talked about bootcamp and basic training
- [00:25:00.000]And we were just network through each other and make friends talking about our
- [00:25:03.990]connections to university.
- [00:25:06.960]This coming and seeing this project today, it looks gorgeous.
- [00:25:11.550]But this project could mean a couple of different things to different people, it
- [00:25:14.790]may stand as a memorial for those we have loved and lost in the service.
- [00:25:19.320]It could stand as a reminder of students, friends who were prior service and now
- [00:25:24.780]go to school here, or they were in ROTC, and they serve after college.
- [00:25:30.120]It could also stand as a symbol of gratitude from the community to its students
- [00:25:34.200]that has served. But for me, as a student veteran, it's a place to join with
- [00:25:38.790]others and reflect.
- [00:25:42.780]Sorry, I'm reading off my phone my printer broke this morning.
- [00:25:47.580]We reflect back to a time when we would join with others, and share stories
- [00:25:52.350]about basic training their time on the ship in other countries, all the
- [00:25:55.740]embarrassing stories about our battle buddies overseas. We even talked about how
- [00:26:00.660]much the service sucked at times. But obviously, we wouldn't trade the
- [00:26:03.660]experience for the world. Because it's always a once in a lifetime chance to
- [00:26:08.190]wear this uniform and serve the country.
- [00:26:12.330]Having the office to go to the Military Veterans Success Office was very
- [00:26:16.080]important for me.
- [00:26:18.000]And also the SVO office upstairs on the second floor, it was acted as a home
- [00:26:22.560]away from home.
- [00:26:26.100]And now having a space to do those things like study, reflect with others
- [00:26:31.410]outside makes a big impact because now everybody can see it. Any student that
- [00:26:36.180]walks past here, any person just viewing the campus, anyone can see it and read
- [00:26:40.710]the quotes from the people who have served and attended, you know.
- [00:26:45.480]And what's important about it to me is that the majority of our classmates don't
- [00:26:49.530]realize their peers have served in the service in Korea, Kuwait, Afghanistan,
- [00:26:54.690]Iraq, you name it.
- [00:26:58.200]And they usually don't find out that their peers have served unless they use
- [00:27:01.860]other fun fact for the icebreaker for the first day of class.
- [00:27:05.730]But seeing this tribute, recognizing and normalizing veterans in higher
- [00:27:10.350]education is becoming a huge deal. And the university does an amazing job at
- [00:27:14.790]that.
- [00:27:16.560]They've supported me over my four years of college and I see how the center and
- [00:27:22.350]the office and all the other events that we hold,
- [00:27:26.250]bring us all together and support us. So talking to many friends, still active
- [00:27:31.470]or post service, transitioning from the military into civilian life. It's a big
- [00:27:36.180]transition as it is. But coming to a college and sharing a classroom with
- [00:27:40.440]someone fresh out of high school who has no real world experience, you know,
- [00:27:43.980]they're living in their head a little bit excited to go to college is it's a
- [00:27:47.760]different ballgame for us. Because a lot of people who come to college as a non
- [00:27:52.950]traditional student being in the service.
- [00:27:56.400]We're, they're usually older, or they've never been to college before they went
- [00:28:01.230]before and then they came back to finish their degree.
- [00:28:07.530]But having the resources like the center and the office, it helps with that
- [00:28:12.240]transition. It brings structure, camaraderie, a space to focus, and it gives us
- [00:28:17.280]an opportunity to really utilize our skills and our mission and goal oriented
- [00:28:22.830]skills and use that and channel that for academic success. Every time I went
- [00:28:28.740]down into the the Veterans Success Center, somebody would ask me, Hey, how'd
- [00:28:33.330]your test go today? Or How'd your quiz go? Or, you know, how's your paper how's
- [00:28:37.020]your paper doing, you know, how your grades doing? You know, we have tutors, get
- [00:28:40.560]with your friends. I know he's studying over there for this. They're studying
- [00:28:43.590]over there for that, you know, they were always wanting to support us not only
- [00:28:47.520]with paperwork for the military, and our attendance here, but they were also
- [00:28:52.140]really wanting us to see us succeed. And that was a huge part for me too.
- [00:28:58.110]And then having a party having the opportunity to be a part of the Husker family
- [00:29:02.670]and attend a university that supports their, their veterans so passionately, I
- [00:29:06.990]am so incredibly grateful for how they've supported me in the past, and I know
- [00:29:11.190]that they'll continue to support their present and the future students.
- [00:29:17.460]And then, also with this tribute,
- [00:29:21.810]I said it was a place to reflect sometimes.
- [00:29:27.600]Sorry, I'm so sorry.
- [00:29:30.960]Sometimes it can be seen as a memorial or just a replace to reflect. Some
- [00:29:36.660]students might even come here and they just think oh, it's just another place
- [00:29:39.210]that you Valentino's between classes, you know, but I'm very thankful that now
- [00:29:43.680]everyone can see it and walk past this, this gorgeous place and think about
- [00:29:48.360]their peers, their family members, everybody from the past that has served and
- [00:29:53.460]came to you and know. So I just want to say thank you to the University for
- [00:29:57.870]supporting me the last four years
- [00:30:00.000]and supporting all the other student veterans and dependents that they currently
- [00:30:03.510]do today. Go Big Red and who ya navy. Thank you
- [00:30:13.080]Thank you, Tara Antero reference the veteran veterans and military Success
- [00:30:17.910]Center here on campus and I saw Joe Brown i Oh, he's so she she mentioned Joe.
- [00:30:22.110]Joe, where are you? Wave your hand. You're here somewhere back here. We're back
- [00:30:25.620]in the back. Joe, thank you for your team's work with our students as well.
- [00:30:31.560]It's now my pleasure to introduce Noala Fritz representing Goldstar and Blue
- [00:30:37.900]Star Families, Noala.
- [00:30:46.680]December 1 1941, my father enlisted in the Army Air Corps a week before Pearl
- [00:30:52.440]Harbor. He married my mother in 1942. And they both along with two children
- [00:30:58.110]traveled the US and the Philippines. I came along when they were at March Air
- [00:31:02.790]Force Base, Riverside, California. My mother and brothers had already known what
- [00:31:07.770]it was like to be without a dad or a father for months. The fall of 1962 brought
- [00:31:13.320]the reality of military to me. We were practicing bomb raid drills at school.
- [00:31:19.140]Our cars truck was packed with food, sleeping bags, clothes and tents. My mother
- [00:31:25.320]was given a map of where to go if the crisis was to become real. My father left
- [00:31:30.780]for work as usual with a kiss for me and a hug from my mom and off to work. He
- [00:31:34.560]went
- [00:31:36.120]he was gone. 14 days later, he came home. Mom never got a phone call or anything
- [00:31:42.870]to tell her what was going on. She held down the home and upon dad's return,
- [00:31:48.180]life went back to normal. No discussion on what it transpired. We moved to
- [00:31:53.760]Lincoln Air Force Base and once again dad had to leave this time for Okinawa. He
- [00:31:59.730]was gone for 18 months. I had a brother going to UNL at the time. Another
- [00:32:06.090]brother was attending university high here on campus. And I was at General
- [00:32:11.070]Arnold Elementary School at Lincoln Air Force Base. Again, my mother took over
- [00:32:16.470]all the household plus worked herself as a nurse. I was what you called the
- [00:32:21.900]military brat. My father retired after 30 years in the fall of 1971.
- [00:32:29.550]I married a Vietnam veteran, a Marine in 1978. In 1984, two of our three sons
- [00:32:37.380]had been born, my late husband wife came home to tell me to join the National
- [00:32:42.510]Guard here in Nebraska, in hopes of having something if farming continued to be
- [00:32:47.730]so tough financially.
- [00:32:50.310]So I was without a husband one weekend, a month and two weeks during the summer.
- [00:32:55.770]Jake and Dan my two oldest had had to help with chores and whatever else needed
- [00:33:00.240]to be done on the farm. family vacations were few and far between. Because of
- [00:33:06.240]the two week commitment that Lyle had made to the guards, he felt he had asked
- [00:33:10.530]his brothers to help the boys with running the farm for two weeks and any more
- [00:33:14.970]days would be pushing it.
- [00:33:17.490]As our family grew by one more son in 1992. The concern and worry of college
- [00:33:24.270]intuition was discussed. Jacob our oldest wanted to go into the military and we
- [00:33:30.210]discussed what we should plan for. My father said he wanted a grandson to be an
- [00:33:34.950]officer so said Go ROTC.
- [00:33:38.700]I as his mother thought if an officer why not an academy
- [00:33:45.570]Believe it or not by fifth grade Jake had set his sights on West Point.
- [00:33:50.940]Jake was at the Academy when 911 happened. I remember him calling briefly and
- [00:33:56.430]describing what was going on up at the academy. War once again became real.
- [00:34:03.150]A 2005 graduate of West Point he deployed in October of 2006 for Iraq.
- [00:34:10.920]He was abducted and executed as a POW. On January 20 2007. I became a gold star
- [00:34:19.260]mother. It was a devastating blow to my family. Ethan our youngest was home
- [00:34:25.800]alone for an hour and a half with the notification officers. Dan, as we
- [00:34:31.380]scrambled to figure out how to reach him and tell him was at West Point in his
- [00:34:35.220]cow year. He found out by a text from somebody telling him they were so sorry
- [00:34:41.280]about his brother,
- [00:34:43.890]wife of a military family is one that is difficult to handle at times and a
- [00:34:49.710]blessing at others. It takes a special kind of love, determination and
- [00:34:54.870]communication within a family to navigate within and around the military.
- [00:35:00.690]I now have two sons, major Dan Fritz serving with the Nebraska Army Guard on
- [00:35:06.810]active duty. He is married and has a loving and tolerant wife with two little
- [00:35:12.990]girls and the third one on the way. He is their hero. He is deployed three times
- [00:35:19.980]the last two leaving a wife and family. Haley had to make her work her way
- [00:35:24.990]through working, managing the home the acreage through damaging wind storms,
- [00:35:30.240]power outages snow blizzards with no husband. She has become a military wife.
- [00:35:38.880]Captain Ethan Fritz, my youngest is currently serving in Fort Drum in upstate
- [00:35:44.460]New York.
- [00:35:46.320]To be here today and asked to speak about this tribute and its meaning to the
- [00:35:50.460]families of those remembered is such an honor for me as an Air Force brat, a
- [00:35:56.370]military wife, a Gold Star mom, as well as a Blue Star mom. This tribute has so
- [00:36:03.300]much significance to me and others that UNL has chosen this time to complete.
- [00:36:09.720]The goal of honoring all Nebraskans that have served in all branches of the
- [00:36:14.070]military over the years through wars and conflicts is a rewarding to those and
- [00:36:21.330]their families. They have chosen that they have chose to use quotes from those
- [00:36:26.640]that have served or continue to serve. lets you know that UNL understands and
- [00:36:31.470]supports our military and DOD desires for all of us to do the same. To pause to
- [00:36:38.280]honor to remember and be thankful that we have Nebraskans that have over many
- [00:36:44.130]years raised the right hand and took an oath to defend this nation from both
- [00:36:49.980]foreign and domestic enemies to follow that oath until their duty is done. For
- [00:36:56.010]some that duty became the ultimate payment of their life for our freedoms. Let
- [00:37:01.770]us never forget that sacrifice and let us continue to respect and support those
- [00:37:06.990]who are serving along with their families. And also those whose duty is
- [00:37:12.720]finished. Thank you to UNL to the Chancellor to Michelle, and all who had a hand
- [00:37:19.680]in this amazing tribute to you that took the time to come today. Thank you to
- [00:37:26.940]those who have served those that continue to serve. May God bless you and your
- [00:37:32.220]families. Thank you.
- [00:37:38.640]Thank you. Thank
- [00:37:43.890]you.
- [00:37:55.320]Noala, thank you, and your family, for your sacrifice for all of us. Another big
- [00:38:00.620]round of applause for Noala. That was awesome.
- [00:38:09.690]It's now my pleasure to introduce Jim Cada, a Vietnam veteran and a member of
- [00:38:14.191]the veterans tribute design committee to provide some perspectives from a
- [00:38:18.462]veteran on the importance of the tribute Jim.
- [00:38:30.690]Good afternoon, two beautiful day in Nebraska.
- [00:38:34.440]Tara was also on the university marching band and chances are, I've also had
- [00:38:39.690]three degrees from this university. So I liked the school a lot.
- [00:38:44.280]It's an honor to be here today and to have been included in this project. I want
- [00:38:49.080]to thank Chancellor green Michelle Wait, the leadership at UNL and everyone else
- [00:38:53.970]on the veterans tribute committee for the work and dedication to make this a
- [00:38:57.570]real reality
- [00:39:00.630]rather than merely memorizing the past.
- [00:39:04.560]What you see here is a tribute looking to the past, the present and the future.
- [00:39:10.320]Future soldiers, families, survivors, and veterans. He attributes it makes the
- [00:39:16.530]viewer part of it and demonstrates away all of our lives are woven into the same
- [00:39:22.560]community.
- [00:39:24.300]Not only is that a reminder to civilians that servicemembers veterans, their
- [00:39:30.060]families, walk among them. But it's also a reminder to our service members, or
- [00:39:36.360]veterans and their families. That they too are a part of this community and they
- [00:39:41.670]are appreciated.
- [00:39:43.680]The Tribute is timeless, it will always be relevant. It will always be
- [00:39:47.430]important. It will always be welcoming.
- [00:39:50.880]My portion today is meant to explain what this tribute means those in the
- [00:39:55.650]veterans community
- [00:39:57.900]as a combat wounded
- [00:40:00.570]veteran of the Vietnam War. I could speak as to what this tribute means to me
- [00:40:06.690]personally.
- [00:40:09.000]And it means a great deal.
- [00:40:11.400]But I think the words of the service members, and the surviving family members
- [00:40:15.870]that are etched on these panels speak for themselves. Just as they tell the
- [00:40:21.390]stories of our veterans service, and their family's sacrifice, they also speak
- [00:40:26.880]to what this tribute represents, and what it means to our veterans.
- [00:40:32.430]There are common threads that run through these panels and run through many of
- [00:40:36.840]the quotes soldiers, finding a new family.
- [00:40:41.460]In the men and women they serve with uncovering strength, and courage. They
- [00:40:47.220]never knew, they held within themselves, realizing there is something larger
- [00:40:52.890]than themselves, that they're willing to sacrifice to protect.
- [00:40:57.960]These are the words of the veterans and the families from across our community.
- [00:41:02.670]Words that reflect why we are here today.
- [00:41:07.200]From the service panel, everyone who joins
- [00:41:11.460]something bigger than themselves is changed. My biggest change was when I
- [00:41:16.500]realized it's not just about me,
- [00:41:20.310]from the honor panel, when I selected war changes everyone who lives it. It is
- [00:41:26.760]up to us to heal ourselves as best we are able to be the storytellers. So there
- [00:41:32.520]is remembrance, forgiveness, and healing. From the courage panel. I've learned
- [00:41:39.000]what others and I are capable of that our mental and physical limits are higher
- [00:41:44.370]than we think.
- [00:41:46.260]From the camaraderie panel, you do not just make friends in the military, you
- [00:41:50.790]make new brothers and sisters who are there for each other.
- [00:41:55.590]From the sacrifice panel, so young, so brave, so committed, to do what was
- [00:42:01.200]commanded, and to take care of each other in the face of terrible adversity.
- [00:42:07.290]The greatest impact on me from my military service was experiencing the
- [00:42:11.130]strength, the love, the commitment, and the sacrifice of military families. From
- [00:42:17.850]the integrity panel, my service made me a better and a stronger person. The
- [00:42:23.910]sacrifices I made, were not for myself, they were for my fellow soldiers, my
- [00:42:30.060]unit, my family, my community,
- [00:42:34.560]I would encourage you to take some time to sit among these words, to reflect on
- [00:42:39.450]who spoke them. And when. And remember that another soldier may be returning
- [00:42:44.790]home some day with the same thoughts ruminating inside,
- [00:42:50.880]that a surviving spouse or Goldstar parent is living the same emotions as we
- [00:42:56.850]speak.
- [00:42:58.560]This tribute is a reminder to us to welcome them back into our community. And a
- [00:43:02.910]reminder to them that their community appreciates their sacrifice, and is glad
- [00:43:08.610]to share this space with them.
- [00:43:11.730]One of my volunteer duties is also the cast of the civilian aide to the
- [00:43:16.230]Secretary of the Army, who is Christine Walmart, and she offers greetings to all
- [00:43:21.450]of you on her behalf today. We have a lot to be thankful for. But we have a lot
- [00:43:27.900]more to do. God bless all of you here. God bless our veterans who we lost. God
- [00:43:33.390]bless those soldiers that service and God bless the state of Nebraska.
- [00:43:46.260]Thank you very much, Jim, let's give a round of applause to all the speakers who
- [00:43:49.868]have offered their perspectives on the tribute today.
- [00:43:58.020]I want to thank all who have served on the committees, the facilities, the
- [00:44:01.560]contractors, and most importantly the quote providers and the donors as I
- [00:44:06.180]mentioned a few minutes ago to the tribute, including the Peter keyword
- [00:44:09.900]foundation. Without your vision and dedication to this project, we would not be
- [00:44:15.330]here today, honoring members of our military. As a remembrance of today's
- [00:44:21.030]ceremonies. We have created mementos that we would like to share with all of our
- [00:44:25.710]guests today. And I know Michelle was sweating getting these and you know, they
- [00:44:28.950]came in yesterday. So we're very pleased that they are here and we want to make
- [00:44:32.910]sure you get them following the close of the ceremony. Please join us for
- [00:44:37.440]refreshments as you spend time viewing the glass panels and please pick up your
- [00:44:42.180]momento on the table to my right.
- [00:44:45.570]One of the oldest and most solemn military traditions is to honor our flag. In
- [00:44:51.510]preparation for construction of this installation. We retired the colors on the
- [00:44:56.430]flag Plaza in November of 2021.
- [00:45:00.450]ROTC, Navy and Marine Midshipman and Army and Air Force cadets performed this
- [00:45:07.500]sacred duty. To close our ceremonies this afternoon, we will raise the flags on
- [00:45:13.500]the new veterans tribute flag Plaza. Made possible by a generous donation of the
- [00:45:18.870]Fred and Sally beacons foundation. ROTC Midshipman and cadets will begin the
- [00:45:25.500]flag ceremony. It is customary that all military personnel standard attention if
- [00:45:31.020]able and render a salute at the sounding of revolution to honor our great nation
- [00:45:36.930]and the flag of the United States of America please rise.
- [00:46:49.800]Right
- [00:47:07.800]Right
- [00:47:12.210]I believe
- [00:47:40.800]Thank you, you may be seated.
- [00:47:46.050]The ROTC flag detail will now raise the remaining flags. One of those flags is
- [00:47:51.660]the pow Mia flag. It pays constant tribute to all of those who were who left to
- [00:47:57.960]serve our great nation. Some of them enduring unimaginable hardship as prisoners
- [00:48:03.240]of war, and some who went missing and were never found. For a gubernatorial
- [00:48:08.820]executive order. This tribute flies underneath all United States flags on
- [00:48:13.470]Nebraska state property. Please join me in a moment of silence to honor those
- [00:48:18.450]whom this flag represents.
- [00:49:02.190]We will now raise the flags of both our great State of Nebraska and our great
- [00:49:06.450]University
- [00:52:06.630]So to the coats
- [00:52:53.610]per direction of the President of the United States all flights are to be flown
- [00:52:57.690]at half mast in Honor of Queen Elizabeth the second queen of England who is you
- [00:53:02.220]know passed away this past week?
- [00:53:33.240]Oh
- [00:53:42.990]this concludes our dedication of the veterans tribute this afternoon. Thank you
- [00:53:47.190]all for being here. Thank you all for your part in making this come to reality
- [00:53:52.950]at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Please join us for a celebration
- [00:53:57.030]afterwards and take in the beauty of the tribute itself. Thank you for being
- [00:54:01.260]here. God bless the state of Nebraska, the University of Nebraska and the United
- [00:54:05.400]States of America.
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