President Carter on Huskers Radio Network's Sports Nightly - “5-Year Plan 2.0”
Nebraska Athletic Partners
President Carter joined Greg Sharpe on the Huskers Radio Network's Sports Nightly to give an update on the University of Nebraska System's 2022-2023 operating budget, the tuition freeze for the upcoming academic year, and how the university is expanding access to Nebraska's young people.
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- [00:00:00.270]Greg Sharp, welcoming you back to "Sports Nightly,"
- [00:00:02.370]here on the Huskers Radio Network
- [00:00:03.780]and we're delighted to be joined tonight
- [00:00:05.190]by the President of the University of Nebraska, Ted Carter.
- [00:00:08.610]And very few people have probably not seen the movie,
- [00:00:12.307]"Top Gun" yet.
- [00:00:14.070]It's a billion dollars at the box office,
- [00:00:16.650]it's breaking all kinds of records.
- [00:00:18.030]This movie is focused on a place that I know
- [00:00:20.580]is very near and dear to your heart,
- [00:00:23.940]Miramar, California, which is where
- [00:00:25.320]the United States Navy Fighter Weapon School is located.
- [00:00:30.240]You were part of the very first one, correct?
- [00:00:32.610]Yeah, Greg, it's really such a throwback.
- [00:00:35.730]I mean, I was 24 years old when I went to Top Gun,
- [00:00:38.910]which is a real thing, it was a five-week
- [00:00:41.010]graduate-level flying course in San Diego,
- [00:00:44.400]at Fightertown USA, Miramar,
- [00:00:46.740]and that's where I got to meet Tom Cruise
- [00:00:48.780]when he arrived for his first movie,
- [00:00:50.700]I was one of the first people to meet him.
- [00:00:53.250]They filmed the movie while I was going through the course
- [00:00:55.530]and then when I came back,
- [00:00:57.510]after my operational deployment in Japan,
- [00:01:00.060]on the USS Midway, the museum piece that's in San Diego,
- [00:01:03.540]I became an F-14 flight instructor there.
- [00:01:05.430]So I was there during the release of the movie.
- [00:01:08.850]The original movie is still so nostalgic to me
- [00:01:12.690]and now to see the new movie come out, I joke,
- [00:01:15.300]I'm retired from flying, and Tom Cruise is still doing it,
- [00:01:19.380]but the movie's terrific.
- [00:01:21.030]I know a lot of your listeners have seen the movie.
- [00:01:22.980]I've seen it a couple times
- [00:01:23.970]and I liked it better the second time.
- [00:01:26.310]For people that might wanna know my opinion of it,
- [00:01:28.950]the story is the story,
- [00:01:30.897]no deal breakers there, but for what it feels like
- [00:01:36.090]to actually be in a cockpit
- [00:01:37.560]of a high-performance jet airplane,
- [00:01:39.120]I've never seen anything done better,
- [00:01:41.070]the cinematography is outta this world.
- [00:01:43.320]So it's a great escape-type movie and it's good
- [00:01:46.890]to be back in movie theaters seeing movies again.
- [00:01:48.960]Need to see it
- [00:01:49.793]on a big screen. Yeah, go see it
- [00:01:50.940]in an IMAX- Yeah.
- [00:01:51.773]Or a big screen, it's worth it.
- [00:01:53.130]The first movie the President did so much for,
- [00:01:55.500]I think the recruitment for people,
- [00:01:56.970]I think they saw a spike in numbers,
- [00:01:58.500]do you think this one will do the same thing?
- [00:01:59.970]Hard to say, maybe, but you're right,
- [00:02:04.020]all of the services saw a spike in recruitment
- [00:02:07.320]from the first movie.
- [00:02:08.190]I'm not sure we'll see the same spike,
- [00:02:09.780]but this movie, from my view, is better than the first one.
- [00:02:12.870]Fantastic.
- [00:02:13.740]Let's pivot from your experience in the Navy with students,
- [00:02:16.830]to your experience today here at the university,
- [00:02:19.560]in creating an environment where they can be successful.
- [00:02:22.380]You just froze tuition to make college affordable
- [00:02:25.020]for all students, you also released
- [00:02:26.970]an updated five-year strategy
- [00:02:28.290]that includes students as one of the priorities.
- [00:02:31.170]What can you tell us?
- [00:02:32.700]Greg, it's really remarkable
- [00:02:34.050]what we've been able to accomplish, together,
- [00:02:36.420]over the past few years,
- [00:02:37.980]even under the most extraordinary circumstances.
- [00:02:40.620]From creating, Nebraska Promise,
- [00:02:42.720]our free tuition program for students
- [00:02:44.520]whose families make, today, under $65,000,
- [00:02:48.030]to a financial plan
- [00:02:49.860]that will emerge us from this pandemic
- [00:02:52.230]stronger than we were when we went into it.
- [00:02:54.810]We've been focused on actions to serve Nebraskans.
- [00:02:58.260]With the updated five-year plan,
- [00:02:59.820]it's time to do more though.
- [00:03:02.010]The needs of our state, our workforce, and the world,
- [00:03:04.860]are as urgent and complex as they have ever been.
- [00:03:08.010]Higher education has to be part of that
- [00:03:10.470]to help lead the way forward.
- [00:03:12.270]So, as you mentioned, our first goal focuses on students.
- [00:03:15.930]The goal is to create a model
- [00:03:18.690]for student access and success,
- [00:03:20.430]that is the primary theme that is in this new strategy.
- [00:03:25.110]We're doing so through an expanded Nebraska Promise Program
- [00:03:27.870]providing tuition-free education
- [00:03:29.430]to qualifying Nebraska students,
- [00:03:31.440]growth in our NUs, Open Nebraska Initiative,
- [00:03:34.320]which reduces textbook costs,
- [00:03:36.330]we're targeting $10 million, we're almost at that number,
- [00:03:39.690]and new strategies to reach the 307,000 plus Nebraskans
- [00:03:44.160]with some college, but no degree,
- [00:03:46.230]and there are other efforts as well.
- [00:03:47.790]Yeah, let's go there next.
- [00:03:48.930]What are some of the other priorities
- [00:03:50.370]in the new five-year strategy?
- [00:03:52.440]So there are total of five priorities,
- [00:03:55.440]or pillars, if you will.
- [00:03:56.850]We just talked about one
- [00:03:57.930]which is creating a new model
- [00:03:59.160]for student access and success.
- [00:04:01.200]The second is to win the competition for talent.
- [00:04:03.960]Business leaders need us
- [00:04:05.160]to significantly grow Nebraska-skilled workforce
- [00:04:09.120]in fields like healthcare, engineering, teaching in IT.
- [00:04:14.310]And I'm calling 2022, the year of the paid internship.
- [00:04:18.660]Every student should have access
- [00:04:20.250]to a paid internship, study abroad,
- [00:04:22.680]or some other experiential learning opportunity.
- [00:04:25.740]Number three, we're gonna take care of our people.
- [00:04:28.350]The people are our greatest asset,
- [00:04:30.300]will become a destination of choice for students,
- [00:04:32.580]faculty, and staff, by doing just a couple things.
- [00:04:35.610]Competitive faculty salaries
- [00:04:37.050]that are in-line with peer institutions,
- [00:04:38.970]expanded mental health services,
- [00:04:41.040]quality facilities, and regular climate surveys
- [00:04:44.190]to assess our strengths and opportunities
- [00:04:46.050]becoming more welcoming and inclusive for all.
- [00:04:49.440]Fourth, with our partners,
- [00:04:50.640]to grow areas of research strength.
- [00:04:53.310]So this includes agriculture, cancer,
- [00:04:55.500]and public health, early childhood education,
- [00:04:57.990]national defense, and world prosperity.
- [00:05:00.270]So these are all areas important to the state
- [00:05:02.820]in areas where the University of Nebraska faculty
- [00:05:05.010]have proven records of expertise and partnership.
- [00:05:08.910]Well, these are all great people,
- [00:05:10.590]focused priorities to help guide the university
- [00:05:12.900]over the next few years.
- [00:05:14.190]Can you share with us the last priority?
- [00:05:16.500]Yeah, so the last priority, or pillar,
- [00:05:18.180]is to make sure that we're doing this
- [00:05:19.980]by setting the highest bar possible for accountability
- [00:05:23.490]in the use of our resources.
- [00:05:25.320]So last week the board passed a university budget,
- [00:05:27.660]includes a tuition freeze,
- [00:05:29.610]to get there we need to take on almost $50 million
- [00:05:33.510]in spending cuts by the end of the fiscal year.
- [00:05:36.990]This is just one example of the university's commitment
- [00:05:39.870]to being effective and efficient with its dollars.
- [00:05:43.230]Nebraskan's, no doubt, expect their university
- [00:05:45.210]to operate with common sense and prudence,
- [00:05:47.370]and we plan to live up to that expectation
- [00:05:49.890]and show the results of our homework,
- [00:05:52.440]that $50 million cut.
- [00:05:54.360]I'll tell you right up front
- [00:05:55.530]we led the way here in Varner Hall.
- [00:05:57.300]Since I came to this job
- [00:05:59.400]we have cut 20% of our administrative costs
- [00:06:01.860]here in Varner Hall,
- [00:06:02.970]just here in the Office of the President.
- [00:06:05.220]Very good.
- [00:06:06.053]Well, summer's gonna get away from us,
- [00:06:07.410]before long we're gonna be doing these
- [00:06:08.730]every Saturday during football season,
- [00:06:10.200]I know you're looking forward to that.
- [00:06:11.670]I can't wait and we're already preparing for
- [00:06:14.400]the incoming freshman class, it's right around the corner.
- [00:06:18.240]We'll be feeling crisper air,
- [00:06:20.310]and welcoming football Saturdays.
- [00:06:22.770]Always good to see.
- [00:06:23.700]Good to see you, Greg.
- [00:06:24.533]President Ted Carter with us here on, "Sports Nightly."
- [00:06:26.190]We have more of the show coming up next.
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