IFC 2022 Recruitment Video
Colton Husa
NSE 2022 IFC Recruitment Video
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- [00:00:00.100]Name's Colton Husa,
- [00:00:01.029]and I'm the IFC Director of Recruitment.
- [00:00:03.510]A little bit about me, I'm from Beatrice, Nebraska.
- [00:00:05.560]I was born and raised there.
- [00:00:06.930]It's about 45 minutes south of Lincoln.
- [00:00:09.660]I am a agriculture education major.
- [00:00:12.390]I'm a sophomore, gonna be a junior next year.
- [00:00:15.750]And I'm also a part of Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity
- [00:00:18.390]here on campus,
- [00:00:20.340]and this is our "Nebraska Fraternity Life" presentation.
- [00:00:23.250]So to start off, here's our summer recruitment
- [00:00:25.080]events calendar.
- [00:00:26.450]If you scan this QR code, it sends you
- [00:00:28.100]to the online calendar that we have
- [00:00:29.530]showing all recruitment events
- [00:00:31.320]held by fraternities this summer.
- [00:00:33.600]Summer is the primary recruitment period.
- [00:00:35.840]It's informal.
- [00:00:37.330]It's mutual contact, which means that your student
- [00:00:39.590]or fraternities will reach out to each other
- [00:00:41.240]via phone call, text, email.
- [00:00:43.790]Your student will be potentially invited to multiple events.
- [00:00:46.730]Have them take advantage to attend as many as possible.
- [00:00:49.570]Each house has the same kind of five values that IFC holds,
- [00:00:52.920]but each one has its own environment and possibilities
- [00:00:55.870]that they, they're able to provide.
- [00:00:59.742]In 2021, we had over 100 open events
- [00:01:02.400]where any interested students are welcome
- [00:01:03.890]to meet organizations, and as a tough reminder,
- [00:01:07.450]we had COVID going on in 2021 still, so
- [00:01:10.940]they expect to see more than 100 this summer.
- [00:01:13.690]And again, these open events are posted
- [00:01:15.600]on our Greek events calendar,
- [00:01:16.620]and there is the URL if you are unable to scan the QR code.
- [00:01:20.560]So to go over the benefits of fraternity life,
- [00:01:23.670]we have five core values that we hold
- [00:01:25.620]as a, in a fraternity council,
- [00:01:27.450]and those are academic achievement,
- [00:01:29.040]leadership development,
- [00:01:30.140]civic engagement,
- [00:01:30.973]community and belonging,
- [00:01:32.750]and inclusive excellence.
- [00:01:34.290]So to go off with academics,
- [00:01:35.760]so the all non-Greek male average GPA was a 3.051
- [00:01:39.740]in the Fall of 2021.
- [00:01:41.530]And then the all Greek male average was 0.2 above that,
- [00:01:45.490]which doesn't really seem like a lot.
- [00:01:47.020]However, a 0.2 on a GPA could be the
- [00:01:50.100]deciding factor on getting a scholarship
- [00:01:51.730]and not getting a scholarship.
- [00:01:53.740]With leadership and involvement,
- [00:01:54.910]leadership is a core value of every fraternity here at UNL.
- [00:01:58.950]Fraternities are run like businesses
- [00:02:00.540]giving members the tangible and relevant experience
- [00:02:02.700]they need.
- [00:02:04.020]Many organizations here on campus are NHRI,
- [00:02:08.850]Mortar Board, Order of Omega, ASUN.
- [00:02:12.230]A lot of these big leadership organizations
- [00:02:16.290]are
- [00:02:18.030]either ran or have a huge influence with Greek life
- [00:02:21.880]here at UNL.
- [00:02:23.380]Brotherhood, I think of brotherhood
- [00:02:25.010]as accountability plus friendship.
- [00:02:27.180]You always have your friends that you can go out and
- [00:02:29.780]talk to and have some deep conversations with.
- [00:02:31.950]However, brotherhood adds in that accountability piece.
- [00:02:35.910]Each
- [00:02:36.743]member of a fraternity has
- [00:02:40.110]the same, you know,
- [00:02:41.750]same love and passion for Greek life,
- [00:02:43.740]so they wanna make sure that they are holding you
- [00:02:45.370]up to a high standard as well as you are holding them
- [00:02:47.300]up to a high standard.
- [00:02:48.630]And it's also home away from home.
- [00:02:50.010]I'm only 45 minutes away from home,
- [00:02:51.770]but sometimes that can feel like three hours,
- [00:02:53.780]so it's kinda nice to come, after a long day of classes,
- [00:02:56.250]come back to the house and
- [00:02:57.840]just see all the, all the welcoming faces and, and
- [00:03:01.670]have some really nice just conversation coming back.
- [00:03:04.860]Philanthropy, advocacy, and service,
- [00:03:07.350]we were really big on giving back to the community.
- [00:03:10.310]One of our huge
- [00:03:12.660]philanthropies that we hold or charity events is
- [00:03:15.690]for the Bryan Health April Sampson Cancer Research Center.
- [00:03:19.200]We have raised,
- [00:03:20.650]last, last Fall, we raised over $50,000
- [00:03:24.140]going towards this, and we have pledged $150,000 by
- [00:03:28.130]the Spring of 2023.
- [00:03:30.600]And also we have inclusive excellence.
- [00:03:33.040]Everyone is welcome into fraternities here at Lincoln.
- [00:03:35.360]We want everybody to be their true selves.
- [00:03:38.590]So on the new member education,
- [00:03:41.140]either the IFC or each chapter has
- [00:03:43.120]their own education program to,
- [00:03:46.447]to help build better men.
- [00:03:48.130]So for the IFC's portion of it,
- [00:03:49.820]it's called an "Educational Program
- [00:03:51.147]"to discuss various topics pertaining to fraternity life"
- [00:03:53.320]whether that's the social aspect,
- [00:03:55.260]the, just the college life in general,
- [00:03:58.700]and also just to learn
- [00:04:00.030]some more leadership skills to help kinda start the ripple
- [00:04:02.620]for these incoming freshmen to start,
- [00:04:06.780]start reaching out to other people
- [00:04:08.950]and becoming leaders themselves.
- [00:04:11.220]Chapters also have educational programs.
- [00:04:13.460]This includes, you know, "Campus History",
- [00:04:15.600]the chapter's history,
- [00:04:17.227]"Leadership Building", as well as gaining "Life Skills."
- [00:04:21.010]So how to join a fraternity,
- [00:04:22.100]so the easiest way is to fill out an online interest form.
- [00:04:25.410]This, this QR code goes straight to that
- [00:04:27.650]or if you cannot scan the QR code,
- [00:04:29.520]the URL is right there.
- [00:04:31.720]This gets your student's information
- [00:04:33.560]out to fraternities so they can begin contacting them.
- [00:04:36.270]This form asks for just demographic info, so
- [00:04:40.660]name, email, phone number,
- [00:04:43.590]where they're from, and also for like G, high school GPA,
- [00:04:48.060]or if they're still in, or if they're in college,
- [00:04:49.590]college GPA,
- [00:04:52.520]their ACT scores,
- [00:04:54.450]some
- [00:04:55.900]leadership opportunities they've been able to
- [00:04:57.810]be a part of, as well as activities that they did.
- [00:05:02.180]Fraternity bidding,
- [00:05:03.720]so bids are a contract between the new member
- [00:05:05.580]and the fraternity as well as the IFC.
- [00:05:08.070]There will be possibly two bid cards for the student.
- [00:05:10.730]The possible one is the chapter's Declaration of Interest.
- [00:05:13.020]Not all chapters do this, but this is kind of a,
- [00:05:15.520]this is a form that your student signs
- [00:05:17.990]with the chapter declaring
- [00:05:19.740]that they are joining said chapter.
- [00:05:21.920]The important one is the University Online Bid Card.
- [00:05:24.203]This is a card that needs to be signed by every
- [00:05:27.290]new member that joins a fraternity.
- [00:05:29.160]This tells us that you are a member of that fraternity.
- [00:05:32.270]So then we can, we can get the numbers
- [00:05:35.010]and know who's all joining.
- [00:05:37.330]So the bids are given by the chapter.
- [00:05:39.660]The potential new member has three options.
- [00:05:41.170]They can either accept it right away
- [00:05:42.420]if they know that that they're the right fit.
- [00:05:44.070]They can hold it if they're still looking at other options.
- [00:05:46.270]Or they can decline it,
- [00:05:48.430]whether they're not really wanting to join Greek life
- [00:05:50.650]or if they're not really wanting to join that chapter.
- [00:05:52.940]It is solely up to the fraternity
- [00:05:54.620]when they give out bid cards,
- [00:05:55.740]as well as the timeframe that they have
- [00:05:58.090]for the new member to sign it.
- [00:06:00.240]To confirm your student is signing to a chapter,
- [00:06:02.690]they must fill out the online bid card
- [00:06:05.200]and ensure that the fraternity in that dropdown menu.
- [00:06:07.900]This is very (laughs) important,
- [00:06:09.310]'cause it helps the hassle on my end as well as your end
- [00:06:11.970]so I don't have to be calling you
- [00:06:13.320]or you don't have to call me asking why
- [00:06:15.460]your student isn't getting all the information
- [00:06:16.717]that they need.
- [00:06:18.210]That's probably because they might have
- [00:06:20.410]picked the wrong fraternity.
- [00:06:23.530]So once they're signed to a chapter,
- [00:06:24.790]they are considered a member of that chapter,
- [00:06:26.620]which ends their recruitment participation.
- [00:06:28.770]This means that they cannot go
- [00:06:29.980]to other fraternity's recruitment events.
- [00:06:32.400]However, they are still,
- [00:06:34.890]still recommended that they go to their fraternity
- [00:06:37.430]that they joined (indistinct) events
- [00:06:38.690]so they can meet more of the men as well as
- [00:06:40.520]some of the potential new members
- [00:06:41.950]that are gonna be with them in their class.
- [00:06:44.740]So how to maximize recruitment.
- [00:06:45.980]Visit multiple chapters to see which one is the best fit.
- [00:06:48.520]Like I said earlier, each chapter has those five
- [00:06:51.510]overarching core values that the IFC holds,
- [00:06:54.490]but each one has their own environment
- [00:06:56.400]and the possibilities that they can,
- [00:06:58.450]that they have the opportunity to provide.
- [00:07:00.990]Do your research.
- [00:07:01.823]Learn about the organization on both the local
- [00:07:03.480]and national level.
- [00:07:04.940]All the local fraternities
- [00:07:07.350]have either a social media page
- [00:07:09.650]or a phone number you can call or contact,
- [00:07:12.360]contact information for their president
- [00:07:14.430]as well as a website.
- [00:07:16.210]The national chapters
- [00:07:18.490]almost always have a website,
- [00:07:20.390]and so you can learn about their
- [00:07:23.320]GPA requirements.
- [00:07:24.153]You can learn about housing.
- [00:07:25.750]You can watch videos on our website also.
- [00:07:27.630]There's a lot of information there.
- [00:07:29.750]Consider your personal values.
- [00:07:32.640]Just make sure that,
- [00:07:34.290]when joining a fraternity,
- [00:07:35.930]you're wanting to get out, you're wanting to get
- [00:07:37.960]out of it what,
- [00:07:39.930]what you need to 'cause potentially you're gonna be there
- [00:07:41.810]for the next four years of your college career.
- [00:07:44.910]View the IFC scorecard.
- [00:07:45.870]This is a scorecard we have on our website,
- [00:07:47.530]which shows the standing of our chapters here on campus,
- [00:07:51.120]whether they're in good standing or not
- [00:07:52.460]as well as the history.
- [00:07:54.140]Do not be scared to ask questions.
- [00:07:56.090]This was a big, big part for me
- [00:07:57.670]when I was going through recruitment my,
- [00:07:59.370]going into my freshman year is with my,
- [00:08:02.090]with my mom and dad who were with me,
- [00:08:04.540]they asked a lotta questions.
- [00:08:05.610]And at the time I was kinda,
- [00:08:07.410]kinda itching to leave, but they were,
- [00:08:09.840]looking back on it, they were definitely questions
- [00:08:11.260]that needed to be asked, and this is your time.
- [00:08:14.560]The reason that they're doing recruitment is because,
- [00:08:17.700]because of you,
- [00:08:19.160]so make sure you make the most of it
- [00:08:20.280]and ask all the questions you need to
- [00:08:21.670]before making that decision to join.
- [00:08:24.080]Be honest with what you want for your student
- [00:08:26.350]from a fraternity.
- [00:08:28.100]Make sure you talk to the fraternity and
- [00:08:30.800]get all of the, all of the line, all the I's dotted
- [00:08:34.330]and the T's crossed of what is, what is
- [00:08:38.020]going to be asked for from my student.
- [00:08:40.810]What are the opportunities that my student will have here
- [00:08:42.700]on both an academic level, as well as a social level?
- [00:08:45.300]And all the information you need before,
- [00:08:48.480]before talking to your student,
- [00:08:50.080]whether he wants to join a fraternity.
- [00:08:53.160]Some more tips, just be authentic,
- [00:08:55.270]be yourself, be honest with what you're looking for
- [00:08:57.290]in a chapter, always RSVP to events
- [00:08:59.820]so that fraternities have a head count
- [00:09:02.090]and know if you are coming.
- [00:09:03.910]Some of 'em have events that are maybe an hour
- [00:09:05.790]or two away where they carpool.
- [00:09:07.800]Some of 'em, a lot of the fraternities
- [00:09:10.850]like driving the potential new members there,
- [00:09:12.650]so make sure you correlate with them
- [00:09:15.910]and contact them and tell them that you are coming.
- [00:09:18.780]Please don't touch chapter items.
- [00:09:20.500]This is sometimes kinda self explanatory, but
- [00:09:22.700]a lot of these items that chapters have in their houses
- [00:09:25.380]hold a lot of historical significance to them,
- [00:09:27.696]and they don't really take too kindly
- [00:09:28.710]to people messing with them.
- [00:09:30.190]Ask about the finances.
- [00:09:31.590]Finances is a big part of college, in general,
- [00:09:34.510]as well as wanting to join into a fraternity.
- [00:09:38.340]Make sure, I will, I will touch on that on a slide later,
- [00:09:41.700]but yeah, just ask about the finances.
- [00:09:43.110]The study hours and time commitment that they have.
- [00:09:45.410]Some houses have
- [00:09:47.810]either brotherhood events, meetings,
- [00:09:50.350]all these events that they have
- [00:09:52.820]that might be time commitments that you may not
- [00:09:54.550]be able to commit to, so just make sure you ask 'em
- [00:09:57.460]about those.
- [00:09:59.090]Be on time to the events that you RSVP to
- [00:10:01.040]and also have fun.
- [00:10:02.290]This is your summer.
- [00:10:03.260]Make the most of it.
- [00:10:05.240]You really, other, other this, the summer is,
- [00:10:10.010]you only really get one recruitment summer.
- [00:10:11.740]However, if you don't decide to join, you can have
- [00:10:13.900]the Fall and Spring to decide to join a chapter,
- [00:10:16.920]but you really only have one huge recruitment time period
- [00:10:21.550]in your college career,
- [00:10:22.890]and just make the most of it.
- [00:10:24.730]Looking back on it, I probably would've done
- [00:10:26.680]a couple things differently on my end,
- [00:10:28.400]and I just wish I kinda,
- [00:10:29.860]one of the big ones is I wish I would've
- [00:10:31.440]embraced it a little bit more.
- [00:10:33.610]So talking about the finances.
- [00:10:35.640]So chapters facility living,
- [00:10:36.980]not all chapters are housed, remember.
- [00:10:39.470]So the average cost to live in a chapter house,
- [00:10:41.460]which is a house chapter,
- [00:10:42.510]is from $7,000 to $13,500 per year.
- [00:10:45.840]This usually includes, you know, a meal plan,
- [00:10:48.120]rooming, Wi-Fi, any study materials they may need,
- [00:10:51.900]printers, apparel, cleaning materials as well as parking.
- [00:10:56.300]So the average cost of a non-house
- [00:10:57.980]or out-of-house member is around $1,500 or $2,500.
- [00:11:01.780]The important thing to remember is that this is a contract
- [00:11:04.310]Before you sign, learn the cancellation process
- [00:11:06.410]and refund policies,
- [00:11:07.750]as well as read through it and make sure
- [00:11:09.160]that there's no hidden fees or any, any things
- [00:11:12.240]that you cannot commit to.
- [00:11:14.670]University housing.
- [00:11:15.520]So to cancel your housing contract online,
- [00:11:18.470]you go through the portal via your MYRED account.
- [00:11:20.970]Under the important links,
- [00:11:22.470]click the blue housing button.
- [00:11:24.090]Click apply for housing in the red navigation bar.
- [00:11:26.920]Then click continue next to the contract
- [00:11:29.180]you are wanting to cancel.
- [00:11:30.660]On the housing application info page,
- [00:11:32.390]select I wanna cancel my housing contract.
- [00:11:34.850]Click save and continue,
- [00:11:36.170]and then follow all the necessary prompts
- [00:11:37.850]until you reach the contract cancellation complete page.
- [00:11:41.160]If you have any questions about this,
- [00:11:43.500]you are always welcome to reach
- [00:11:44.560]out to Office of Fraternities for Life.
- [00:11:46.630]However, the best way to go, to cut out the middleman,
- [00:11:49.830]is contact housing.
- [00:11:51.400]They're the ones that set up this cancellation form,
- [00:11:52.960]and they know exactly what to do.
- [00:11:55.810]So to touch on in-semester recruitment,
- [00:11:57.670]some fraternities also take part in the Fall and Spring,
- [00:12:01.150]but not all chapters do this.
- [00:12:02.810]So this mostly happens in the first few weeks
- [00:12:04.540]of the Fall and the Spring semesters.
- [00:12:06.500]Contact us at the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
- [00:12:08.600]for more information about this.
- [00:12:10.130]There are typically much fewer students
- [00:12:11.530]joining in the Spring between the smaller new member class.
- [00:12:15.020]Many fraternities also do not recruit in the Spring
- [00:12:17.040]so there's less odd, less options
- [00:12:18.300]for students looking to join one.
- [00:12:19.830]When you are
- [00:12:21.560]looking at fraternities to join, ask them about this.
- [00:12:24.770]Maybe if you aren't really wanting to go
- [00:12:27.540]to fully pledge into a fraternity,
- [00:12:30.260]you're gonna want to,
- [00:12:32.610]want, join in the Spring or, or the Fall or Spring.
- [00:12:35.260]Make sure you ask if they still recruit
- [00:12:38.120]in this Fall or the Spring.
- [00:12:41.010]So thank you for watching.
- [00:12:42.790]If you have any questions,
- [00:12:43.710]I have my IFC Director of Recruitment Gmail right there
- [00:12:47.160]as well as my name, my advisor, John Gayer,
- [00:12:51.090]and his
- [00:12:53.028]UNL email as well as the phone number
- [00:12:55.250]for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
- [00:12:58.130]And yeah, if you have any questions,
- [00:12:59.270]just reach out, and thank you so much for watching.
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