2022 SECD Research Roundup - Austin Spoor
Kelcey Buck
Austin Spoor is a first-year student in the Clinical Doctorate in Audiology (Au.D.) program, but has a graduate assistantship in assistant professor Kevin Pitt's Augmentative and Alternative Communication Translation (AACT) Lab. In this video, he discusses the research experience he has gained in the AACT Lab and how that experience will benefit him in his future as an audiologist.
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- [00:00:00.000]My undergrad, I got a lot of
- [00:00:01.901]good research experience, especially being a
- [00:00:04.838]Bachelor of Science biology major,
- [00:00:06.639]um, and not communication sciences and disorders.
- [00:00:09.342]You know, I had a capstone project.
- [00:00:11.978]We had an honors program.
- [00:00:13.046]I had a year-long research project I did.
- [00:00:15.448]Um, I've got a lot of
- [00:00:17.183]experience doing literature reviews and
- [00:00:20.120]a little bit of coding experience, which he wanted
- [00:00:22.489]so I was just a good candidate
- [00:00:24.557]for what he {Dr. Kevin Pitt} needed and
- [00:00:26.559]so it didn't matter that I wasn't a
- [00:00:28.228]neuroscientist, um,
- [00:00:30.096]I could still help out in the lab.
- [00:00:31.598]So, the goal of
- [00:00:33.500]the research we're doing right now
- [00:00:35.869]um, is specifically
- [00:00:37.837]it's called the P300 wave.
- [00:00:40.206]So, whenever you see the thing you want,
- [00:00:43.910]um, about 300 milliseconds
- [00:00:46.546]after you see it,
- [00:00:48.048]there's a positive
- [00:00:49.616]um, brain wave.
- [00:00:52.352]And so, we're doing research in kids and adults
- [00:00:55.722]on that P300 wave
- [00:00:57.857]to see
- [00:00:59.893]what it looks like
- [00:01:01.394]um, when they're given
- [00:01:03.363]the stimulus that they're looking for.
- [00:01:05.932]And then, ultimately,
- [00:01:07.300]that gives good, solid
- [00:01:09.269]you know, lab-grade data
- [00:01:11.738]for what that looks like,
- [00:01:12.739]and then it could be implemented into
- [00:01:15.408]further research, always,
- [00:01:17.343]but then also, um,
- [00:01:18.878]ultimately a consumer device, um, that could be
- [00:01:22.248]used for a practical
- [00:01:24.050]um BCI device, AAC device.
- [00:01:27.520]Something that uses the P300 wave
- [00:01:30.657]as its um
- [00:01:32.492]means of communicating between
- [00:01:34.561]the person's brain and the computer.
- [00:01:36.362]I think any research experience is
- [00:01:38.865]very beneficial
- [00:01:40.667]for really anybody, but
- [00:01:42.202]if you're going into
- [00:01:44.003]any sort of professional career
- [00:01:45.505]or like a medical career, like, you need
- [00:01:47.107]to understand what research is,
- [00:01:49.909]how it works,
- [00:01:51.411]how to access it,
- [00:01:52.545]and how to communicate it to others.
- [00:01:54.781]It's always good to
- [00:01:56.249]learn science communication better because
- [00:01:58.952]that's something that's important as a
- [00:02:00.553]audiologist or anything else.
- [00:02:02.288]You need to be able to explain
- [00:02:05.091]to the level of the person you're talking to
- [00:02:07.427]what they need to know.
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