Focus on our N2025 Future
Chancellor Ronnie Green leads a discussion with the N2025 strategy co-chairs.
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- [00:00:03.240]To all our students, faculty and staff,
- [00:00:05.910]I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
- [00:00:08.280]for the incredible work and persistence you have
- [00:00:10.740]shown this academic year.
- [00:00:13.020]You are what makes our university so very special,
- [00:00:16.290]a place where every person and every interaction
- [00:00:19.800]matter.
- [00:00:21.570]Because of your perseverance, we have not only
- [00:00:24.360]continued to learn, discover and create, and
- [00:00:27.480]innovate in person and on campus, and extend that
- [00:00:30.960]to the state of Nebraska, we have thrived, and we
- [00:00:34.410]have done big things.
- [00:00:36.690]On top of many other Husker achievements this
- [00:00:39.150]academic year so far, we also ushered in the 150th
- [00:00:43.110]anniversary of the founding of the University of
- [00:00:45.360]Nebraska State Museum, and the start of the Grand
- [00:00:48.660]Challenges initiative,
- [00:00:50.220]which will establish new research projects to
- [00:00:53.370]address seven of our world's most pressing
- [00:00:56.070]concerns with keen focus on Nebraska.
- [00:01:00.260]Identifying our grand challenges has been one part
- [00:01:02.810]of our pursuit of the N2025 strategic plan,
- [00:01:06.890]of which we are now about to enter, believe it or
- [00:01:09.590]not, our third year of that five year plan.
- [00:01:13.230]It's an incredible tribute to you all, we continue
- [00:01:16.050]to make meaningful progress on the 2025 strategic
- [00:01:19.470]plan, even in the face of the challenges of our
- [00:01:22.410]time.
- [00:01:26.620]I'm lucky to be here today with the co-chairs of
- [00:01:29.860]our N2025 strategy team, our faculty co-chairs who
- [00:01:33.790]led its development in 2018 and 2019.
- [00:01:38.560]And EVC, Kathy Ankerson, our new Executive Vice
- [00:01:42.250]Chancellor for the university who was also a
- [00:01:44.770]member of the N2025 planning committee, as well as
- [00:01:48.310]the N150 visioning group in 2018.
- [00:01:52.720]I should say today that, you know, we're taping
- [00:01:55.990]this or we're having this conversation at the
- [00:01:58.750]Dinsdale Family Learning Commons on East Campus.
- [00:02:01.810]And of course, we are all still cognizant of
- [00:02:04.570]dealing with COVID-19 .
- [00:02:06.550]We're doing so in a safe and distanced way.
- [00:02:09.360]So you'll kind of see us, you know, conversing
- [00:02:12.420]with one another in that kind of space.
- [00:02:15.150]So, Kathy, let's start there.
- [00:02:18.240]You were part of that process.
- [00:02:19.680]As we're a few of our faculty co-chairs as well.
- [00:02:22.410]And that was kind of a big picture 25 year kind of
- [00:02:29.280]time horizon.
- [00:02:30.600]What, what would we aspire for the University of
- [00:02:34.620]Nebraska-Lincoln to be in 20, you know, whatever
- [00:02:38.850]that math was, you know, 25 years from 2018.
- [00:02:43.620]What was that process like?
- [00:02:46.170]That was so invigorating to be able to suspend
- [00:02:49.470]kind of the immediacy of classes and research and
- [00:02:53.730]to really vision about the future and about what a
- [00:02:58.230]21st century research one land-grant university
- [00:03:02.340]could be, and should be, to students, to the
- [00:03:07.950]future of society to the state of Nebraska.
- [00:03:11.280]So I found that experience, and especially serving
- [00:03:14.700]on the mission and values team, to be one of the
- [00:03:19.620]best.
- [00:03:20.310]It was forward focused and aspirational.
- [00:03:25.860]If I remember, right, you know, the N150
- [00:03:28.440]commission when we started that process, and we're
- [00:03:31.110]thinking about the 150th year landmark of the
- [00:03:34.350]university's history, that we had talked about
- [00:03:37.440]what that future could look like, and then led to
- [00:03:40.200]N2025, becoming the laying out of the first five
- [00:03:44.310]years of the strategy and in reaching that vision.
- [00:03:48.780]Or achieving that vision, so to speak.
- [00:03:51.000]So just wanted to kind of point that out before we
- [00:03:53.730]really talked about the N2025 with the the faculty
- [00:03:58.440]co-chairs.
- [00:03:59.220]So let's let's kind of start the frame of the
- [00:04:01.680]conversation on the N2025.
- [00:04:04.470]You know, we're looking forward to through the
- [00:04:07.680]remainder of this semester, having some focused
- [00:04:11.280]conversations with the leadership of the
- [00:04:13.290]university on each of the six aims that make up
- [00:04:15.930]the N2025 and really digging into kind of where
- [00:04:18.690]are we on the N2025.
- [00:04:21.300]But I thought it would be really interesting to
- [00:04:23.820]step back from that, before those those sessions
- [00:04:27.330]that you'll share with the campus and with the
- [00:04:29.880]university community, to kind of talk about the
- [00:04:33.300]development of the N2025.
- [00:04:35.670]And what resulted in that.
- [00:04:38.520]These four were the people who really made that
- [00:04:42.090]happen.
- [00:04:42.840]Great to see you all and to be able to have the
- [00:04:44.640]conversation.
- [00:04:45.900]Why don't we start with the fact that I know early
- [00:04:50.640]on and all those conversations that you had and
- [00:04:53.400]shared with me and in the planning process, the
- [00:04:56.760]overarching principle that every person in every
- [00:04:59.640]interaction matters kind of became the umbrella
- [00:05:04.020]for what are the six aims of N2025?
- [00:05:08.610]Two years in, you know, we're now entering year
- [00:05:11.070]three of the five year plan.
- [00:05:14.760]Does that principle continue to resonate as the
- [00:05:19.710]overarching umbrella N2025?
- [00:05:23.640]I'd say absolutely, unequivocally, every person
- [00:05:27.270]and every interaction matters was foundational, it
- [00:05:31.500]was grounding for us as we were writing the plan.
- [00:05:34.530]Every interaction that we have, I think, over that
- [00:05:38.160]time period, we were reminded of that really
- [00:05:41.040]important principle.
- [00:05:41.970]And little did we know at that time, what we were
- [00:05:44.700]going to be entering in the next two years with a
- [00:05:47.040]global pandemic, and societal unrest, and
- [00:05:49.890]political divisiveness and everything else that
- [00:05:51.600]our society is dealing with.
- [00:05:52.830]We continue to remind ourselves that the only way
- [00:05:55.980]that we can achieve the goals and the aspirational
- [00:05:58.500]aims that we articulated in that strategic plan is
- [00:06:02.850]by recognizing the strength of each individual and
- [00:06:06.900]the importance of every interaction.
- [00:06:08.910]We thought it described Nebraska, it described who
- [00:06:11.460]we were as an institution, as a state and who we
- [00:06:13.890]want to be.
- [00:06:14.670]And I think it's bold to say that we're going to
- [00:06:16.920]care about each individual, before we care about a
- [00:06:19.620]ranking or research metric.
- [00:06:21.810]We can we can hit all those, but we're going to
- [00:06:24.660]care about each person.
- [00:06:25.710]And as Sue said, We had no idea we were going to
- [00:06:27.870]enter into a phase where the most critical thing
- [00:06:30.300]we can do is care about each person.
- [00:06:32.270]So I'm always, I love to hear it.
- [00:06:35.180]I hear it a lot on campus.
- [00:06:36.350]I don't know if we all do.
- [00:06:37.370]And it's it's hidden in documents or in
- [00:06:39.830]conversations or in meetings.
- [00:06:41.360]So I think it is something that, you know, we keep
- [00:06:43.970]hearing about and that people are remembering that
- [00:06:45.950]it's important and or screaming it inside when
- [00:06:48.710]you're mad at someone. (laughter)
- [00:06:51.380]And another premise of the way that the N2025 was
- [00:06:56.240]developed and how it was it was formulated and
- [00:06:58.550]articulated, also was that it's not meant to be
- [00:07:02.870]prescriptive.
- [00:07:04.550]Right, that that leaves it open to the campus to
- [00:07:08.300]develop implementation tactics for how we're going
- [00:07:11.240]to meet those objectives, and aims and targets,
- [00:07:15.170]you know, within within the plan.
- [00:07:17.840]Why did why did you think that approach was so
- [00:07:20.120]important?
- [00:07:21.320]I think it emerged very early on that you could be
- [00:07:25.940]in a room talking about experiential learning, or
- [00:07:29.240]the grand challenge or whatever topic.
- [00:07:31.820]And lots of different people had lots of different
- [00:07:34.370]ways of moving down the path to get there.
- [00:07:37.910]And so to prescribe any single path, actually
- [00:07:41.210]wasn't respecting how individual's might get
- [00:07:43.700]involved, and how they might make it there, or how
- [00:07:46.310]units would get there.
- [00:07:47.390]So it became very clear, I thought early on.
- [00:07:50.470]And I'm really pleased about this, that it seems
- [00:07:54.460]now that every organizational unit on our campus
- [00:07:59.410]has really embraced the N2025 in a way where they
- [00:08:03.670]have their own strategic plans that marry to and
- [00:08:07.810]are part of the N2025 and articulate to that N2025
- [00:08:13.270]plan.
- [00:08:13.540]I think that's true across all of our academic
- [00:08:15.490]colleges, strewn across organizational units, like
- [00:08:18.610]student affairs, and business and finance and
- [00:08:21.130]research and economic development.
- [00:08:22.750]You just go across, athletics is doing well in
- [00:08:24.940]currently.
- [00:08:26.530]So it's just that's, that's really heartening to
- [00:08:28.930]see too.
- [00:08:29.650]And to Angie's point, that every person in every
- [00:08:32.560]interaction matters, becomes central in each of
- [00:08:35.950]those strategic plans.
- [00:08:38.140]It allows us to really capitalize on the strengths
- [00:08:40.390]that we have, and recognize that every person,
- [00:08:44.620]every unit, every team will come to this and
- [00:08:49.570]personalize it and make it very real, and that
- [00:08:53.380]ownership is really what's going to elevate all of
- [00:08:55.810]us.
- [00:08:56.230]And if we begin prescribing, we're not recognizing
- [00:09:00.370]the uniqueness than the talent that our
- [00:09:03.520]institution is really grounded on.
- [00:09:05.110]So I think it's celebrating really who we are as
- [00:09:09.160]an institution and and how collectively, we we can
- [00:09:13.600]really achieve a lot greater things if we
- [00:09:17.200]recognize that talent.
- [00:09:18.000]And the four of us, we're not going to come up
- [00:09:20.370]with great ideas. It's too hard.
- [00:09:24.660]A lot of great ideas on campus, not from us.
- [00:09:28.230]So outlined in the plan course are these six aims,
- [00:09:32.250]right, that range from experiential learning that
- [00:09:36.360]the student experience and experiential learning
- [00:09:39.270]is so central to that.
- [00:09:40.620]Increasing our research and creative activity.
- [00:09:43.050]Research grand challenges that have emerged from
- [00:09:45.480]the interdisciplinarity of research and creative
- [00:09:49.200]activity.
- [00:09:50.310]Professional development is is keenly one of the
- [00:09:54.330]aims.
- [00:09:54.780]Engagement is one of the aims .
- [00:09:57.150]Inclusive excellence is one of the aims.
- [00:10:00.570]Speak a little bit to how you did termined those
- [00:10:04.560]aims, how those were developed and determined as
- [00:10:07.470]priorities.
- [00:10:08.970]While it was not easy to identify six aims and
- [00:10:12.960]land on them in a way that was really
- [00:10:15.810]encapsulating all that we could achieve.
- [00:10:18.330]It was it was a long process of taking all that
- [00:10:21.450]had been done with the N150 visioning work, taking
- [00:10:24.300]notes from meetings that had been transcribed,
- [00:10:27.300]meeting with new constituents, to assess, you
- [00:10:31.230]know, what new things might be coming to the table
- [00:10:33.480]that we needed to consider.
- [00:10:36.690]Energizing our committee, as you've mentioned
- [00:10:39.990]already.
- [00:10:40.900]And sitting down and really sort of sifting
- [00:10:43.960]through all of that information to see what
- [00:10:48.460]resonated to the top as most important at our
- [00:10:51.280]institution.
- [00:10:52.630]And then at the same time, realizing that we
- [00:10:54.880]couldn't do it all.
- [00:10:55.900]We really needed to be able to hone our focus in
- [00:10:59.020]order to achieve the greatness that we had ahead
- [00:11:02.950]of us.
- [00:11:03.310]And it comes back to the strengths that we already
- [00:11:05.170]have on our campus and identifying how we can
- [00:11:08.440]utilize and leverage those strengths to achieve
- [00:11:11.290]some things in the next five years that would set
- [00:11:14.050]us apart and make us truly distinctive.
- [00:11:16.660]I think, too, as we were meeting with so many
- [00:11:18.760]individual groups, there was common themes, right,
- [00:11:21.280]we kept hearing common themes.
- [00:11:23.020]And originally, I think we might be had nine or
- [00:11:25.060]twelve themes.
- [00:11:25.870]I think it was harder to narrow them down than it
- [00:11:27.700]was to create them because there's so many good
- [00:11:29.560]ideas from different directions.
- [00:11:31.810]We tried to collect them together and make them
- [00:11:34.030]concise and sharp.
- [00:11:36.280]Make them actionable.
- [00:11:37.840]Are there things now two plus years later, right,
- [00:11:44.380]that you think that maybe you would have put in?
- [00:11:48.790]I don't know, I still believe in the aims.
- [00:11:50.770]I really think that we got a good group of things
- [00:11:53.740]there.
- [00:11:54.000]And you've mentioned some of the progress that's
- [00:11:56.160]been made on some of the aims in the past two
- [00:11:57.810]years, which is really heartening to see.
- [00:11:59.940]And I'd go back to every person, every interaction
- [00:12:02.730]matters.
- [00:12:03.210]It really, I still believe that should be the
- [00:12:06.270]overarching theme to what we're trying to do here.
- [00:12:09.150]I agree fully with Shane except for I would, I
- [00:12:12.120]would have in retrospect, really have liked to
- [00:12:16.980]strengthen the sort of racial inequality, the work
- [00:12:23.550]that the journey is doing, and have it more
- [00:12:26.310]represented in a stronger, more upfront way in the
- [00:12:30.720]actual strategic plan, I think would have
- [00:12:32.490]strengthened it.
- [00:12:33.660]And had we had more of the context.
- [00:12:35.880]Yeah, sure. Good point.
- [00:12:38.340]I do think that is another aim, though, that has a
- [00:12:42.090]potential.
- [00:12:42.750]And I think we've been seeing it articulated in
- [00:12:46.200]the last two years, that undergirds so much of
- [00:12:49.320]what we do.
- [00:12:50.430]And we're seeing that in a lot of the college
- [00:12:52.320]level strategic plans, where that is elevated and
- [00:12:56.040]discussed and strategized around.
- [00:12:59.160]So that, whether we're talking about research or
- [00:13:02.220]or experiencial learning or engagement, the theme
- [00:13:06.000]of diversity, equity, and inclusion is
- [00:13:08.910]undergirding a lot of that.
- [00:13:10.830]And that was the intent, too.
- [00:13:12.360]Right? And most of the aims do intersect and
- [00:13:14.430]interact.
- [00:13:14.790]I think we even maybe tried to draw a map at one
- [00:13:16.680]time, instead of trying to line it up.
- [00:13:20.670]And then we're like, no, we can't because
- [00:13:22.200]everything connects to everything, which I also
- [00:13:24.960]think is we were we worked on that to make sure
- [00:13:27.630]that there was no standalone single aim.
- [00:13:29.940]They support each other.
- [00:13:31.350]And they're needed for each other. Yeah, yep.
- [00:13:34.560]There also was a pretty significant part of the
- [00:13:38.760]conversation during the development of the plan
- [00:13:42.180]around what we kind of have a set aside as a
- [00:13:44.700]seventh kind of undergirding.
- [00:13:49.440]You know, stewardship of resources, the
- [00:13:52.440]sustainability of of use of resources, business
- [00:13:56.850]operations of the university that's there.
- [00:14:01.920]I know, we decided not to make that one of the
- [00:14:04.890]aims, but it was important to point to that as
- [00:14:07.470]well. Right? Remember?
- [00:14:08.610]Yes.
- [00:14:09.810]That in the conversation. So any, any comments on
- [00:14:13.590]that?
- [00:14:13.980]Well, we knew it was going to take resources,
- [00:14:16.800]time, money commitment, to accomplish the
- [00:14:20.520]strategic plan.
- [00:14:21.390]And so we felt that we had to acknowledge that the
- [00:14:23.970]plan isn't going to go forward without, you know,
- [00:14:26.340]stewardship of resources, whether it's money,
- [00:14:28.800]time, physical resource, you know, natural
- [00:14:31.560]resources.
- [00:14:32.130]And so I think that became really clear to us that
- [00:14:35.130]if we didn't acknowledge it, then we were just
- [00:14:37.740]putting forth a plan and saying, I hope we figure
- [00:14:39.870]out how to do this right?
- [00:14:40.890]We know it's going to take a significant
- [00:14:42.750]investment in any way you might use the word
- [00:14:44.760]investment.
- [00:14:45.810]But the responsible stewardship required us to
- [00:14:48.660]make some tough decisions about where to allocate
- [00:14:51.780]resources and where to cut back.
- [00:14:53.820]And I think that's what we were trying to get in
- [00:14:56.640]and that's why we use those words, because we
- [00:14:59.460]recognize again, that we can't do everything.
- [00:15:01.620]And that if we're really serious about these aims
- [00:15:04.710]and achieving the lofty goals that are defining
- [00:15:07.830]our strategic plan, then then we're going to have
- [00:15:11.910]to look at ways to incentivize the right things,
- [00:15:16.530]reinforced the same the correct things.
- [00:15:19.170]Not to say those other things aren't important.
- [00:15:21.930]But we need to sort of if we're going to be
- [00:15:24.840]distinctive, and if we're really going to be
- [00:15:26.850]serious about elevating the institution well into
- [00:15:30.120]the future, resources have to be devoted in a very
- [00:15:33.570]strategic way.
- [00:15:34.710]Well, I mentioned earlier, you know, we're in
- [00:15:37.710]2022, it's a five year strategic plan, the 2025
- [00:15:43.020]gets closer and closer, every day.
- [00:15:45.900]And you start thinking about the class that came
- [00:15:48.780]in as undergraduates last fall, the class of it
- [00:15:52.050]that entered in fall of 2021 will technically be
- [00:15:55.170]the graduating class of 2025.
- [00:15:58.720]You know, so it's that that real in that
- [00:16:01.570]timeframe.
- [00:16:02.140]Challenges and opportunities that you see ahead?
- [00:16:05.140]For me, I think we need to really focus on, you
- [00:16:08.680]know, professional development and mentoring and
- [00:16:10.720]advising, and I know, we are certainly doing that
- [00:16:13.360]across campus and in pockets across campus.
- [00:16:15.790]But, you know, we can't hide from the fact that
- [00:16:18.550]the last two years have been hard on every member
- [00:16:20.620]of our community.
- [00:16:21.760]And I think so now more than ever, we need to help
- [00:16:25.240]everyone make sure they're on their path, they see
- [00:16:27.580]their path, we can give them, you know, resources
- [00:16:30.160]and guidance on their path.
- [00:16:31.300]We also need paths.
- [00:16:32.500]I mean, no one is immune to what happened.
- [00:16:34.960]In a changing landscape.
- [00:16:35.920]Absolutely. So I
- [00:16:37.720]Completely almost in many ways, a very changing
- [00:16:40.270]landscape of, of even defining work.
- [00:16:43.180]Exactly, yeah.
- [00:16:45.640]So the ability to be nimble, we talked about a lot
- [00:16:48.640]about that when we were writing the plan, but more
- [00:16:50.260]so than ever, it's important that we, that we
- [00:16:53.710]structure ourselves as an institution in ways that
- [00:16:55.780]are flexible, and responsive, proactive,
- [00:16:59.530]anticipate, you know, where things are going to be
- [00:17:01.900]heading, and then an act.
- [00:17:04.210]We can't, we have to, we have to be willing to do
- [00:17:07.300]things differently.
- [00:17:08.290]We have to be willing to set aside, you know, some
- [00:17:11.440]of the traditional ways of doing things and make
- [00:17:13.870]quicker decisions, you know, flip the script when
- [00:17:17.500]we need to, and try something new and trust the
- [00:17:21.130]people on the ground, you know, who are doing the
- [00:17:23.050]best jobs that they can with the resources that
- [00:17:25.000]they have.
- [00:17:26.020]And certainly support them as Angie's saying, but
- [00:17:29.050]as you know, from at all levels of the
- [00:17:32.680]institution, I think that's, that's our future.
- [00:17:35.440]And that's how we're really going to be most
- [00:17:37.360]successful.
- [00:17:38.000]Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't refer to the
- [00:17:40.910]Grand Challenges. I think that's a real
- [00:17:42.860]opportunity. Right?
- [00:17:43.670]I would be shocked if you didn't Professor Bevins.
- [00:17:45.440](laughter)
- [00:17:46.130]And Bob would like very upset at me.
- [00:17:49.910]No, I think it's real, I mean, it's so exciting.
- [00:17:52.160]I mean, the groups that have already come together
- [00:17:56.270]and coalesced.
- [00:17:57.170]I mean, we're a month from the letter of intent to
- [00:18:00.440]submit the actual either planning grant or
- [00:18:02.990]catalyst proposals.
- [00:18:04.310]The ideas that are out there, they're just getting
- [00:18:07.040]bigger, transformative, more exciting.
- [00:18:10.130]We're just having more and more meetings to talk
- [00:18:12.890]with folks to guide them in their thinking.
- [00:18:15.470]So I think we're gonna see some really exciting,
- [00:18:18.530]transformational, so I think that's a big
- [00:18:21.320]opportunity.
- [00:18:22.130]And we're just gonna see that kind of launch.
- [00:18:24.050]And Sue your point earlier about resources and
- [00:18:29.150]seeing resources begin to flow to those grand
- [00:18:33.830]challenges.
- [00:18:35.150]That's, I'm really excited about that, too.
- [00:18:38.090]One of the exciting things I think about the Grand
- [00:18:40.220]Challenges is what it has caused in individual
- [00:18:42.980]colleges and units, and the reaching out to
- [00:18:46.730]others, and the exploration of common interest,
- [00:18:50.300]but from very different perspectives.
- [00:18:52.040]I find that wonderful.
- [00:18:53.750]I agree, Kathy, although we're talking about these
- [00:18:56.390]sort of planning grants, but what's really
- [00:18:58.460]interesting, there's these groups that have just
- [00:19:00.020]gone on like these two folks now who never met
- [00:19:02.030]each other, from law and from geography.
- [00:19:04.760]I'm just picking a very real example that happened
- [00:19:06.920]when we had coffee in the very first kickoff event
- [00:19:08.840]here that's happening now.
- [00:19:10.340]Are now collaborating, and they're going in with
- [00:19:12.050]proposals that they're not going to be in per se,
- [00:19:14.960]a grand challenge, but they met through those
- [00:19:17.570]processes that we're all doing now.
- [00:19:20.090]So circling back to my first question about the
- [00:19:23.750]overarching principle of every person and every
- [00:19:25.910]interaction matters.
- [00:19:27.530]If you were talking to a colleague or a student,
- [00:19:32.210]maybe that isn't so sure how they fit into the
- [00:19:34.820]strategic plan, what would you say?
- [00:19:38.390]I'd undergrid that one immediately.
- [00:19:41.960]So I think that's a responsibility of everybody on
- [00:19:44.360]campus.
- [00:19:45.050]I bring it up to the classes I teach.
- [00:19:46.820]I say, hey, this is a principal of the university
- [00:19:49.820]and we have to deal with each other with respect.
- [00:19:52.820]And every interaction is important.
- [00:19:54.860]So every time a student raises their hand in class
- [00:19:56.990]or knocks on your door to ask a question, what I
- [00:19:59.690]like about that is so very concrete.
- [00:20:01.790]It's something you do immediately.
- [00:20:03.890]And it's something you do always.
- [00:20:05.690]And I try to remind myself of that.
- [00:20:07.940]And I, like I say, I try to bring it up in every
- [00:20:10.640]class I teach and make sure everyone's thinking
- [00:20:12.740]about this.
- [00:20:13.650]I would also encourage people just to, to think
- [00:20:15.742]about, like, what are they doing and contributing
- [00:20:17.921]to this.
- [00:20:18.270]Because everybody here is contributing, and
- [00:20:21.032]they're doing amazing work in their space.
- [00:20:23.670]And so I think they're already contributing to the
- [00:20:27.140]strategic plan because of the different aims and,
- [00:20:30.543]and so, you know, looking at that and seeing,
- [00:20:33.674]okay, can I help sort of do things more
- [00:20:36.396]transformationally or different or get some people
- [00:20:39.866]involved with me to help me work in where I see myself?
- [00:20:43.610]I want to be on a campus where every person and
- [00:20:45.457]every year it actually matters.
- [00:20:46.650]Right. Right.
- [00:20:47.600]Well, thank you for these conversations.
- [00:20:50.370]It's been great to recount how the N2025 came to
- [00:20:53.611]be and your leadership role in it.
- [00:20:55.860]Thank you.
- [00:20:57.540]In the coming weeks, we will have conversations
- [00:21:00.976]with our campus leaders, outlining the progress
- [00:21:04.413]that has been made so far in our N2025 strategic plan.
- [00:21:08.280]In March and April, we will share the
- [00:21:10.891]conversations around each of the six aims with our
- [00:21:14.397]campus for you to learn and see where we are.
- [00:21:17.490]We will then host open forums for anyone on campus
- [00:21:20.878]to join in the discussion, learn more about what
- [00:21:24.134]we are accomplishing, why it's so important and
- [00:21:27.323]how you fit in.
- [00:21:28.320]I'm much looking forward to this dialogue in the
- [00:21:30.935]coming weeks and to celebrating our continued work
- [00:21:33.656]on this incredibly important plan for the future
- [00:21:36.271]of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
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