2022 Eastern Nebraska Soil Health Conference Presentations - Dan Gillespie Health Fund
Deloris Pittman & Mike Kamm
2022 Eastern Nebraska Soil Health Conference Presentations - Dan Gillespie Health Fund
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- [00:00:08.920]Well, I'm Randy Pryor.
- [00:00:10.150]I'm retired emeriti extension educator Gage, Jefferson,
- [00:00:14.920]and Saline County. Nathan Mueller came down and, and,
- [00:00:19.780]he's even picked up the pace of Lancaster county after Tyler here retired.
- [00:00:24.490]But I understand that position will be filled, pretty soon. So,
- [00:00:29.500]really appreciate everybody that's here at the conference,
- [00:00:35.020]you know, eyes looking,
- [00:00:35.890]there's only like about five donuts left for dessert and,
- [00:00:40.190]and this group over here, I noticed how many free ones.
- [00:00:43.990]they got this morning. Now guys,
- [00:00:46.030]remember when you have more than one where it goes right here and it just
- [00:00:50.680]stays now. Just kidding.
- [00:00:56.620]I would like to talk about this handout that,
- [00:01:00.880]you all have on the table there. Little bit,
- [00:01:04.720]the new Dan Gillespie soil health fund,
- [00:01:08.680]some of you may know Dan Gillespie from past conferences.
- [00:01:14.170]I remember inviting him down to Hallam several times at the Southeast Nebraska,
- [00:01:19.420]no till farming and cover crop meeting.
- [00:01:22.060]He was so enthusiastic about increasing soil health in
- [00:01:26.650]Nebraska and surrounding states, states, rainfall simulators.
- [00:01:30.550]I love this quote that's right on this handout,
- [00:01:36.730]right at the upper right Nebraska no-till farmer and
- [00:01:41.410]advocate, Dan Gillespie sought to leave any land.
- [00:01:44.710]He farmed in better condition than what he found it.
- [00:01:48.970]And I know many of you farmers in this room have the same goal.
- [00:01:52.960]He works for NRCS for 30 years.
- [00:01:57.520]the created a position for him because he was such a great teacher.
- [00:02:01.450]He was the Nebraska note till a specialist retired in 2020,
- [00:02:07.120]and not too long later diagnosed with ALS
- [00:02:13.210]and that's such a debilitating disease. As you know, Dan is watching today,
- [00:02:18.190]online, along with his sister, Rebecca in California,
- [00:02:22.060]and other family members would have been here today, if he could,
- [00:02:26.380]because he loved,
- [00:02:28.030]educational activities to promote soil health.
- [00:02:33.130]With that, I would like to click into a video.
- [00:02:38.110]that's on the website. If you, for those of you with a smartphone,
- [00:02:43.000]you can, point that a QR code on your handout.
- [00:02:48.310]Those of you virtual there's about 50 people virtual to,
- [00:02:52.570]that are in attendance. You might be able to do that.
- [00:02:56.530]Or if you're my,
- [00:02:59.290]my buddy Paul Hanby actresses virtual today,
- [00:03:02.740]he's got that Motorola itself phone that probably cost him only $10 a
- [00:03:07.270]month. He can't do that app, right,
- [00:03:10.450]but he can Google Dan Gillespie soil health fund,
- [00:03:15.130]and you'll go right to that website, to the Nebraska community foundation.
- [00:03:19.990]Melissa, could we show just three minutes of video of Dan teaching.
- [00:03:23.680]The farmer from Northeast Nebraska,
- [00:03:25.720]with NRCS as a no-till specialist around the country to be
- [00:03:30.680]the rainfall simulator at the beginning of the storms. So that's,
- [00:03:35.500]that's kind of a vision of what this damage does.
- [00:03:38.890]So residue is going to deflect the impact of the raindrop.
- [00:03:43.180]And then we go back to these, the soil quality that we improve,
- [00:03:47.380]the aggregate stability that is built by leaving mother nature systems go
- [00:03:52.810]no till cover crops, help out a lot,
- [00:03:55.780]but we've got the [inaudible] fungal systems,
- [00:03:58.300]which is the key to building those Blanco proteins.
- [00:04:01.860]So sugary sticky proteins,
- [00:04:03.740]glow Maven in the soil that holds the articles together.
- [00:04:07.870]So we're going to make it rain and I'll talk a little bit more as we do.
- [00:04:24.400]Okay. So the first thing we want to look into is the model in the middle is the
- [00:04:29.140]conventionally tilled soil to deflect the impacts of the raindrop
- [00:04:35.140]volume up a little bit back. Okay.
- [00:04:38.440]So you can already see the backsplash, the white board back there.
- [00:04:42.640]You can already see how the impact of that raindrop is blasting particles,
- [00:04:48.940]and you can see it on the back. Okay.
- [00:04:50.920]So now we're going to flip these pans over.
- [00:04:52.840]This is the aha moment that I love about this presentation.
- [00:05:00.010]It's also known as the holy cow moment, the holy crap moment,
- [00:05:04.960]because of the, the, reactions.
- [00:05:08.080]Now here is noticing this center tray, the conventionally tilled fall.
- [00:05:12.610]Here's one of those aggregates it's compacted,
- [00:05:18.430]and they're just not coming apart, but there's compactions and issue there,
- [00:05:21.640]but you could see, see the raised area below that,
- [00:05:24.730]how the impact of that rain drop separating the soil particles and beating
- [00:05:29.590]them down. So you could see how that could backs the surface. And yeah,
- [00:05:34.450]it makes it impossible for infiltration,
- [00:05:37.480]but you can also see then the crust, everything,
- [00:05:41.110]the finest components to the soil are down here at the bottom of the hill.
- [00:05:46.240]And in a lot of times in Western Nebraska, shortly after this happens,
- [00:05:50.170]the wind comes up, dries it out and we have winter roads.
- [00:05:53.050]And so we're out there right after a rain fall, get that we didn't capture,
- [00:05:57.080]tilling it up so it doesn't blow away and losing more in the process.
- [00:06:01.820]Okay. We put them on.
- [00:06:02.900]You can also see here right underneath the rain gauge how the elevation of the
- [00:06:06.800]soil is different because it was protected from that impact report on about an
- [00:06:11.540]inch and a half at this put five minutes, let's go ahead and take these off.
- [00:06:16.970]And now we're going to flip these over.
- [00:06:26.780]All right. That's about a three inch feed pan
- [00:06:31.850]due to the fact that the raindrop impact
- [00:06:36.620]sealed the surface and we had slow,
- [00:06:40.040]there was no waiting around for it to get into solar profile.
- [00:06:43.730]This is why this is why in irrigated crop land conditions,
- [00:06:47.780]we add 10 or 12 inches of irrigation to S to,
- [00:06:51.680]properly proper systems in areas where they already get 26 inches of, of rain.
- [00:06:56.060]We're not harvesting, what's free. We're not being,
- [00:07:00.290]we're not taking advantage of that. And that's why we're,
- [00:07:03.710]we've got some groundwater issues because we're pumping more than we should.
- [00:07:06.920]Okay. So barely penetrates the soil.
- [00:07:10.730]All right. It gives you an idea of what a great teacher Dan was.
- [00:07:14.360]Many of you probably recognize him now that didn't know him.
- [00:07:18.110]As personally as I did,
- [00:07:21.230]the family asked me if I would be on a steering committee to help
- [00:07:26.090]carry the torch for the new,
- [00:07:28.190]Dan Gillespie soil health fund through the Nebraska community foundation. Wow.
- [00:07:32.900]That Nebraska community foundation is doing some good work across this
- [00:07:37.460]state. This fund, the family,
- [00:07:40.520]the Gillespie family put a robust amount of money to start this thing.
- [00:07:45.920]And there was quite a few donations last week at the national no-till on the
- [00:07:50.030]Plains conference in Wichita, something that Dan always went to,
- [00:07:54.590]and that was a 34 minute video, by the way,
- [00:07:58.490]just in three minutes, the whole thing is on that website.
- [00:08:03.740]But, Rebecca Everett, Dan's sister,
- [00:08:09.170]she is spearheading this and, really,
- [00:08:13.730]supporting soil health initiatives, Keith Burns, owner of,
- [00:08:18.200]green cover, seeds, Steve chick from NRCS retired,
- [00:08:23.030]but Davis,
- [00:08:24.320]one of the founders of three people at the national no-till on the Plains, bud.
- [00:08:30.290]Bud Davis actually has a rainfall simulator extension educators that they want
- [00:08:34.940]to sell. And the money will go to this fund. Craig Derrickson retired,
- [00:08:39.740]NRCS state conservationist, and, myself, I was honored to,
- [00:08:44.810]when Rebecca called me, how can you turn that down? Because I believe,
- [00:08:49.850]in increasing soil health and the advantages will give farmers
- [00:08:55.110]in Nebraska and surrounding area. so,
- [00:09:00.510]you can go to that website and if you don't have,
- [00:09:05.130]and,
- [00:09:06.840]and really conferences like this in the future can benefit from this fund
- [00:09:12.240]principle balance won't be spent, we'll just be working off of interest.
- [00:09:16.230]There'll be grants or scholarships are awarded each year.
- [00:09:21.570]Eastern Nebraska soil health conference could be one of those nominees,
- [00:09:25.770]or you could apply for a grant,
- [00:09:27.390]say you wanted to bring in a good keynote speaker from out the area. Ah,
- [00:09:32.460]so, we're, we're accepting donations,
- [00:09:37.020]the power of numbers. How much did this meeting cost to you all today?
- [00:09:42.960]Gas. That was it.
- [00:09:46.350]Thanks to sponsorship the power of numbers.
- [00:09:49.440]What if everybody went to this website today, 20 bucks,
- [00:09:53.400]that's a thousand more to principal balance online,
- [00:09:56.580]2000 more to the principal balance, the power of numbers.
- [00:10:01.140]So give it a consideration,
- [00:10:03.060]but also remember if you're a farmer that,
- [00:10:07.680]is doing some demonstrations to other farmers in your area,
- [00:10:12.690]conferences, FFA, youth programs, they'll,
- [00:10:17.280]you can all qualify. And in the future,
- [00:10:19.440]you can hit a tab on this website and nominate
- [00:10:24.060]somebody or apply for soil health funds for
- [00:10:28.800]education, just like Dan did in his career.
- [00:10:32.610]It could pertain to no-till farming conservation.
- [00:10:36.030]he and Chris Carlson must have planted like eight,
- [00:10:38.250]10,000 trees up in the battle Creek area.
- [00:10:42.600]planting cover crops,
- [00:10:44.190]anything related to a soil health and,
- [00:10:48.010]and regenerative ag. So with that,
- [00:10:52.020]on behalf of the Dan Gillespie family,
- [00:10:56.400]I am honored to be on this steering committee. give it a consideration.
- [00:11:01.470]I think this is a fund that's going to last and benefit Nebraskans and
- [00:11:04.980]surrounding area on in the future. Thank you so much.
- [00:11:08.820]And Dan, I've got,
- [00:11:12.180]I know he's listening right now. I've got one final comment for ya.
- [00:11:17.310]I remember that coach Jimmy V for North Carolina,
- [00:11:21.750]when he had cancer,
- [00:11:23.160]people are asking him what gave you energy to even stand up here
- [00:11:27.510]today. And he had a,
- [00:11:30.570]debilitating cancer and he said three things.
- [00:11:36.030]If you could laugh, if you could think,
- [00:11:41.160]and if you can cry all in the same day,
- [00:11:45.180]that gives me energy. You had one heck of a day. So Dan, the man,
- [00:11:50.010]the tree man,
- [00:11:51.300]we hope you have some of those days in the future with you
- [00:11:56.380]and your family. Thank you so much.
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