CoJMC Town Hall Spring 2022
Jaime Wenz
The College of Journalism and Mass Communications student advisory board and Dean Shari Veil hosted a town hall for CoJMC students to hear the college's plans for the spring semester and on. Students were also invited to bring forward any questions, concerns or ideas.
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- [00:00:00.240]I'm Shari Veil, I'm the Dean
- [00:00:01.810]of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications
- [00:00:04.240]and I wanna thank our student advisory board
- [00:00:07.240]for arranging tonight's town hall.
- [00:00:10.547]The plan for the evening,
- [00:00:12.340]I'm gonna go through a little bit of information
- [00:00:14.580]on the college.
- [00:00:15.413]I'm keeping it very specific to the college
- [00:00:18.100]and things that we're working on right now,
- [00:00:20.090]some initiatives that we're focusing on as a college,
- [00:00:23.150]and then we'll also open it up to questions at the end
- [00:00:26.300]or comments or suggestions for the college.
- [00:00:29.530]Right now you can go ahead and drop any questions
- [00:00:31.860]that you have in the chat and we'll get to them as we go.
- [00:00:35.110]Or if you have questions as we go along,
- [00:00:36.770]you can drop them in the chat
- [00:00:38.420]and then, what I'm hoping for,
- [00:00:40.125]toward the end of the presentation,
- [00:00:42.460]we'll be able to open it up
- [00:00:43.570]and then you'll be able to just raise your hand
- [00:00:45.930]and ask to be un-muted, turn on your camera,
- [00:00:48.740]and the host will go ahead and feature you
- [00:00:51.520]so that you can ask your question directly as well.
- [00:00:56.740]So this evening, I'm gonna talk about a few different areas,
- [00:01:01.741]focusing on our strategic plan,
- [00:01:04.540]college resources and facilities.
- [00:01:06.541]Some changes that you may have noticed are happening
- [00:01:08.941]around Anderson Hall.
- [00:01:11.290]We'll talk a little bit about curriculum changes.
- [00:01:13.540]Some that are still in the works
- [00:01:15.450]and some that have already been developed.
- [00:01:17.880]We'll touch on scholarship and awards.
- [00:01:20.760]And then a big part of is talking about communication
- [00:01:23.330]and engagement.
- [00:01:24.163]And how do you learn more
- [00:01:25.690]about what's happening at the college,
- [00:01:27.710]and also how you can get involved here
- [00:01:30.410]in a bigger impact on what we do
- [00:01:34.020]and where we go as a college.
- [00:01:37.320]So I'll start off with our strategic plan.
- [00:01:39.240]We actually spent a good chunk of last year
- [00:01:42.180]focusing on our strategic plan.
- [00:01:44.330]We had over 75 individuals
- [00:01:46.141]who are part of that planning process,
- [00:01:48.510]including faculty, staff, current students,
- [00:01:52.280]as well as alumni and our industry partners.
- [00:01:55.123]And ultimately what we came down to with that strategic plan
- [00:01:59.260]is our very first aim,
- [00:02:00.360]which is focused on launching a college wide
- [00:02:03.210]experiential learning lab.
- [00:02:04.980]I'm sure by now, any students would have heard
- [00:02:07.040]of the experience lab or at least heard murmuring about it
- [00:02:10.260]and what we're building here.
- [00:02:12.120]The key was that we wanted to identify
- [00:02:13.870]major related experiential learning opportunities
- [00:02:16.680]across the college.
- [00:02:17.560]We had many of them already in Nebraska News Service,
- [00:02:20.280]Jacht, KRNU, 90.3,
- [00:02:23.160]but we wanted to bring them all together
- [00:02:24.610]and kind of align them so that students really understood
- [00:02:27.130]what opportunities were available to them.
- [00:02:30.040]We also set it up as a multi credit student led program
- [00:02:34.950]so that each of these opportunities would be headed up
- [00:02:37.390]by two student leads.
- [00:02:39.120]So it really is students learning from students.
- [00:02:41.730]In many ways, we took a page out of the book
- [00:02:44.200]of the Daily Nebraskan, it is a student run newspaper,
- [00:02:47.700]and there's a lot of opportunities and ways that students
- [00:02:51.230]can really build their leadership capacity
- [00:02:53.190]in taking on a venture like that.
- [00:02:55.690]We wanted to make sure that we still had faculty engaged
- [00:02:59.150]as part of the experience lab, but not teaching the class,
- [00:03:03.720]they're liaison, they're support for the students
- [00:03:06.060]who are leading the programs, but they're definitely engaged
- [00:03:09.170]that we can keep that connection from what's happening
- [00:03:11.110]in the classroom to what's happening in the experience lab.
- [00:03:14.930]I'll get into some of these other pieces a little bit later,
- [00:03:16.922]but the other thing that was key with what we are doing
- [00:03:19.280]with the experience lab
- [00:03:20.243]is that we wanted to bring in professionals and residents,
- [00:03:23.280]individuals who are currently working in the field
- [00:03:26.280]to come back and work with our students.
- [00:03:30.790]So the different experience labs we brought together,
- [00:03:33.023]as I mentioned, some that have been around for a while,
- [00:03:35.500]like Jacht, Nebraska News Service,
- [00:03:37.800]we had Unlimited Sports which had been up and going.
- [00:03:40.470]And 90.3 KRNU of course has been around
- [00:03:43.100]for now over 50 years, 52 years.
- [00:03:46.320]We also changed some and added some new ones.
- [00:03:49.440]We used to have Star City News.
- [00:03:51.240]We changed that to be Nebraska Nightly,
- [00:03:54.230]which is focused more on a news broadcast
- [00:03:56.900]that right now we're doing every few weeks.
- [00:04:00.310]We want to eventually move it to every week
- [00:04:02.460]where we are doing a news broadcast.
- [00:04:04.880]We added Buoy, which is another advertising and PR agency,
- [00:04:09.960]but it's focused more on mission driven opportunities.
- [00:04:13.630]So engaging nonprofit organizations
- [00:04:15.930]with a priority for working with those
- [00:04:17.510]who are supporting underrepresented communities.
- [00:04:20.820]We added Heartland Webzine,
- [00:04:23.060]which is really focused on writing feature stories
- [00:04:26.850]of opportunity here in Nebraska.
- [00:04:29.200]So focusing on community development,
- [00:04:30.842]economic development across the state,
- [00:04:33.630]ways that you can engage in the business community
- [00:04:36.210]as part of that program.
- [00:04:38.560]I have coming soon there because
- [00:04:40.480]as we build up this program,
- [00:04:42.500]we launched it initially with 90 students here in the fall
- [00:04:45.790]as an elective, we have about 120 students in it
- [00:04:48.980]as an elective this spring, eventually this will move
- [00:04:51.910]to a three semester requirement,
- [00:04:54.130]which means we're gonna have about 600 students
- [00:04:56.210]in the experience lab each semester,
- [00:04:59.020]which means we're going to need to add
- [00:05:00.990]some additional labs as well,
- [00:05:02.770]including potentially areas in photography and videography,
- [00:05:07.060]as well as those related to name, image, and likeness,
- [00:05:10.170]and pulling more of a sports agentry opportunity.
- [00:05:15.580]I mentioned the faculty liaisons
- [00:05:17.490]were a huge part of the experience lab.
- [00:05:19.871]They're the ones kind of keeping the bumper rails on, right,
- [00:05:22.820]to make sure that students are able to get support
- [00:05:25.940]and ask questions, make sure things are focused,
- [00:05:28.470]make sure that they're aligned with getting into the classes
- [00:05:31.130]when they need to get into them
- [00:05:32.670]and really have that support function.
- [00:05:36.330]The professionals and residents, this is just a list
- [00:05:39.260]of those we've been working with for the last year.
- [00:05:41.823]We're still adding some,
- [00:05:43.840]actually just sent out an invitation
- [00:05:45.810]right before this meeting.
- [00:05:46.840]So we'll have more who are coming on.
- [00:05:48.810]And they're working in different experience labs.
- [00:05:51.050]And sometimes they're crossing over.
- [00:05:52.820]I mean, those who are working on the TV side of news
- [00:05:55.850]still have a good understanding
- [00:05:57.160]what's happening on the print side of news.
- [00:05:58.810]So they can always cross over back and forth
- [00:06:00.580]as we need them as well.
- [00:06:03.870]Of course, our student leads each one of our experience labs
- [00:06:07.130]have two student leads and I dropped Jacht off of this one
- [00:06:10.770]because Jacht is still staying on as that capstone course
- [00:06:15.170]where all the rest of our experience labs
- [00:06:17.350]are open for students starting
- [00:06:18.840]as early as first semester, freshman year.
- [00:06:21.460]So this is truly giving students the opportunity
- [00:06:24.090]to do from day one, to come in, to experiment,
- [00:06:28.200]to try something new, to fail fabulously
- [00:06:32.580]in a place where they have that support
- [00:06:35.340]with the faculty and the professionals and residents
- [00:06:37.970]learning how to do their jobs, not just about those jobs.
- [00:06:45.070]A big part of the aim one of our strategic plan
- [00:06:48.261]was also to secure technology and physical space
- [00:06:51.640]to deliver the practicum programs and make learning visible
- [00:06:55.590]across the college, the campus and the community.
- [00:06:58.620]And this falls in line with our college resources
- [00:07:01.270]and facilities.
- [00:07:02.838]If you've been around Anderson any of this last year,
- [00:07:06.640]you might've noticed that we've been walking across
- [00:07:08.800]the Capitol mall here quite a bit.
- [00:07:11.320]We've added over 13,000 square feet on the third floor
- [00:07:14.870]of the Lincoln Children's Museum,
- [00:07:16.780]specifically for our advertising
- [00:07:18.950]and public relations experience labs.
- [00:07:21.920]We came in, we signed the lease on August 1st
- [00:07:25.150]and it was a whole lot of primary colors
- [00:07:28.780]that were over there right at the time.
- [00:07:31.050]So it was our faculty and staff who actually came in
- [00:07:33.750]and put on that first coat of paint
- [00:07:35.530]so that we could be in and ready for the fall semester.
- [00:07:40.060]We then partnered with other agencies around the community
- [00:07:44.400]in order to really make it a professional agency feel,
- [00:07:48.970]almost more like a startup.
- [00:07:50.540]Furniture's a little mismatched here and there,
- [00:07:52.810]but it's a good working environment
- [00:07:55.610]for those who are engaged in the experience labs.
- [00:07:59.270]I mentioned those industry partners.
- [00:08:01.570]We asked agencies and organizations around the community
- [00:08:04.710]to come in and one, help us pay for the lease,
- [00:08:07.730]as part of the sponsorship, the space,
- [00:08:10.150]but also to make it look and feel like the culture
- [00:08:13.510]of their organization.
- [00:08:15.430]I keep repeating, it's a big difference
- [00:08:17.430]between the student who feels comfortable on a beanbag chair
- [00:08:20.840]versus those who feel comfortable at corporate boardroom.
- [00:08:24.050]So this gives them a different feel
- [00:08:25.580]for the types of organizations
- [00:08:27.300]who would one day be hiring them
- [00:08:29.070]and students can really find their right fit
- [00:08:31.490]in these different spaces.
- [00:08:35.670]We're still making changes to the experience lab
- [00:08:38.480]over in the Lincoln Children's Museum.
- [00:08:41.380]One, we're gonna be adding another agency checkout area,
- [00:08:45.040]just like we have here in Anderson Hall,
- [00:08:47.398]down in the lower level,
- [00:08:49.080]we're gonna be adding a second agency
- [00:08:50.930]or second checkout room
- [00:08:52.710]so that students who are working over on the agency side
- [00:08:54.821]can get cameras and equipment and everything that they need
- [00:08:58.560]over on that side of the Capitol mall as well.
- [00:09:02.950]We're gonna be adding a new multimedia classroom
- [00:09:05.420]in the back of the agency space,
- [00:09:07.570]where we can move our campaign classes,
- [00:09:09.840]our advertising and PR campaign classes,
- [00:09:11.706]maybe even some of our sports promotion classes
- [00:09:14.120]once we get that built out and then back down the hall
- [00:09:17.800]of that space, we'll be adding a new photography studio.
- [00:09:21.200]So for students who are coming in
- [00:09:24.770]that may be another opportunity to engage
- [00:09:26.700]in the experience lab in another way.
- [00:09:30.290]Over here in Anderson Hall, we are also making changes.
- [00:09:33.559]You'll see some construction going on right now,
- [00:09:36.980]thanks to generous support
- [00:09:38.600]from the Nebraska Broadcasters Association,
- [00:09:41.010]as well as the Dawn and Loreena Meyer Foundation,
- [00:09:43.920]we are taking what is currently our second floor newsroom
- [00:09:48.200]and building it out into a new three set studio.
- [00:09:53.030]So we will have an interview studio, interview space.
- [00:09:56.640]We'll have the news desk.
- [00:09:57.970]We'll also have a full virtual set.
- [00:09:59.919]And in the middle of all of that is where the newsroom
- [00:10:02.970]will continue to live.
- [00:10:04.490]So what makes it different
- [00:10:06.490]is we're gonna actually move the faculty
- [00:10:08.550]who are currently on that side of Anderson Hall
- [00:10:11.280]over to the other side and expand out that space
- [00:10:14.030]that we have over 4,000 square feet
- [00:10:15.960]dedicated to that new multiset studio.
- [00:10:20.060]What is currently the dilapidated second floor studio
- [00:10:24.040]will become the Pepsi Unlimited Sports Lab
- [00:10:27.660]so that we have space for our students
- [00:10:29.530]who are working in the new sports media
- [00:10:31.950]and communication major to be able to have their classes
- [00:10:34.520]in that space.
- [00:10:35.580]Also for the unlimited sports students,
- [00:10:37.470]to be able to work in that space.
- [00:10:39.100]You can envision TVs along the wall there,
- [00:10:41.450]showing different sports
- [00:10:42.590]as they're working on their projects.
- [00:10:44.726]Also, we're gonna add in a pop-up studio
- [00:10:48.170]so that they can do coming to you live
- [00:10:49.960]from the Pepsi Unlimited Sports Labs.
- [00:10:51.770]So that there's an opportunity for live coverage
- [00:10:54.703]right there from that studio,
- [00:10:56.718]can do pregame shows, post games shows in that space
- [00:11:00.780]and really be working on developing those stories
- [00:11:02.690]while also covering those games
- [00:11:04.780]that you're focused on for the week.
- [00:11:08.290]Couldn't do it without our sponsors.
- [00:11:09.860]You'll see those over on the wall in the agency,
- [00:11:13.830]as well as a lot of the promotions with the experience lab,
- [00:11:16.740]really these partnerships with organizations
- [00:11:19.640]in our community is what's making a difference.
- [00:11:21.720]It's what's allowing us to be able to engage our students
- [00:11:25.460]in these opportunities from day one.
- [00:11:29.420]And all of it comes down to
- [00:11:31.160]what came out of our strategic plan, our mission
- [00:11:33.327]and our vision.
- [00:11:35.300]Our vision is to be a national leader
- [00:11:37.540]in experiential journalism and mass communication education,
- [00:11:41.150]and really launching the experience lab
- [00:11:43.300]allows us to be just that type of a university.
- [00:11:48.830]Our mission, as we adjusted it here with the strategic plan
- [00:11:52.186]is to focus on nurturing curious and creative minds
- [00:11:55.050]to thrive in the ever-changing
- [00:11:56.830]media and communication professions.
- [00:11:59.600]We're still focusing on that do from day one experience,
- [00:12:02.560]but it's rooted in hard work, collaborative problem solving
- [00:12:06.050]and the ethical pursuit of truth to uphold democracy.
- [00:12:09.683]You're gonna see that a lot over this next semester,
- [00:12:12.065]as we've been making changes to curriculum
- [00:12:14.700]to really focus on ethics, on the role of the media
- [00:12:18.930]in our democracy.
- [00:12:22.290]I talked a lot already so far about that first aim,
- [00:12:26.010]but we have eight aims across our strategic plan,
- [00:12:29.680]including advancing the field
- [00:12:31.260]by bridging research and practice,
- [00:12:33.087]embracing and protecting that ethical pursuit of truth.
- [00:12:37.146]Really focusing on challenges
- [00:12:39.070]that are critical to our industries.
- [00:12:41.280]And that's what some of the classes and the workshops
- [00:12:43.390]that we'll be working on this semester will focus on.
- [00:12:48.200]So a few curriculum changes to know about.
- [00:12:50.800]And keep in mind that these are not retroactive.
- [00:12:52.980]So if you are a senior, you do not suddenly
- [00:12:54.960]have to take on these requirements.
- [00:12:56.520]This is for all students coming in new next fall
- [00:13:00.330]will have these new requirements.
- [00:13:03.230]So the experience lab,
- [00:13:05.060]starting next fall, all students coming into the college
- [00:13:07.910]will have to spend at least three semesters
- [00:13:11.070]in one of the experience labs.
- [00:13:13.240]Now you have the choice of staying with the same one
- [00:13:15.870]all the way through or picking three different ones.
- [00:13:18.720]And you can also stay on for six semesters
- [00:13:20.860]in the experience lab,
- [00:13:22.200]but you have to do at least three,
- [00:13:23.722]gives you the opportunity to really go deep into an area
- [00:13:27.100]where you know that you want to work one day
- [00:13:29.370]or to try something out, see if maybe
- [00:13:32.280]there's a better opportunity somewhere else in our field.
- [00:13:35.400]And this gives you the chance to try it out
- [00:13:37.150]without fully committing into that new major.
- [00:13:41.220]We're adding the social justice and media class
- [00:13:44.170]as a requirement for all students coming into the college.
- [00:13:47.600]Again, to really understand the role of media
- [00:13:50.830]and make sure that that's clear across the curriculum.
- [00:13:55.060]We're having conversations right now
- [00:13:56.960]about adding some requirements
- [00:13:58.460]within some of the majors as well.
- [00:14:01.070]I know the advertising and public relations faculty
- [00:14:03.205]are talking about adding research methods,
- [00:14:05.980]journalism and broadcasting have been talking
- [00:14:07.810]about adding data journalism as one of their requirements.
- [00:14:10.980]So that may be coming down the road as well.
- [00:14:14.920]Some new programs that we're working on,
- [00:14:17.765]one new joined in
- [00:14:19.087]an interdisciplinary social entrepreneurship certificate.
- [00:14:23.080]This is interdisciplinary.
- [00:14:24.410]There's multiple colleges
- [00:14:25.670]that are part of the certificate program.
- [00:14:27.765]We're currently working right now
- [00:14:29.730]on four plus one master's programs
- [00:14:32.490]where our undergraduates
- [00:14:33.780]would be able to finish their bachelors and their masters
- [00:14:36.640]in five years.
- [00:14:39.140]Some new programs that we're still discussing
- [00:14:41.125]potential of a PhD program
- [00:14:43.800]in journalism and mass communications,
- [00:14:46.100]maybe even a minor in strategic communication.
- [00:14:48.360]We get about 50 students a year
- [00:14:50.320]just from the college of business.
- [00:14:52.560]And oftentimes they come in a little bit later,
- [00:14:55.080]or maybe if we had a minor in strategic communication,
- [00:14:57.870]it would move them over a little sooner
- [00:15:00.270]so that they can get started on their curriculum
- [00:15:02.350]and really pair those two areas to focus together.
- [00:15:08.370]We've added a number of new electives
- [00:15:10.880]and there's two pages of these.
- [00:15:13.250]This is really just to give you an idea
- [00:15:14.730]of how creative our faculty are in trying to come up
- [00:15:17.610]with new ways of engaging students
- [00:15:19.400]and really to stay on the cutting edge
- [00:15:20.880]of what's happening in the industry.
- [00:15:22.862]From a fun one, we did this last fall
- [00:15:25.880]that was focused on short form TV series
- [00:15:28.150]writing and producing.
- [00:15:29.481]We currently have the general manager Rokeya Kan
- [00:15:32.740]is teaching media sales and promotion.
- [00:15:35.022]We've got some really cool depth reporting projects
- [00:15:38.281]that we've been working on,
- [00:15:39.760]environmental podcasting this last year,
- [00:15:42.041]we have several more that are coming up as well.
- [00:15:45.260]We're looking at digital motion graphics
- [00:15:47.040]is being taught this semester,
- [00:15:48.330]social media data mining and analysis,
- [00:15:51.070]lot of advanced classes in audio content creation
- [00:15:53.801]and videography and multimedia.
- [00:15:57.170]Some of the classes that I mentioned
- [00:15:58.580]that are really also looking to solve
- [00:16:00.470]some of these critical issues in our industry
- [00:16:03.090]focus on these programs like the business of news.
- [00:16:08.030]So right now, for example, professor Joe Weber
- [00:16:11.190]is teaching a class
- [00:16:12.023]where he's bringing in news organizations
- [00:16:15.930]from around the country who are really focused
- [00:16:18.260]at different ways of establishing the business side of news.
- [00:16:22.230]So some are non-profit,
- [00:16:23.202]some are running complete marketing companies
- [00:16:25.780]in order to pay for creating a news program.
- [00:16:29.320]So just different ways of looking at it.
- [00:16:31.000]We're gonna have some great speakers coming in
- [00:16:33.082]as part of the Seline lecture series
- [00:16:35.170]that's tied to that class as well.
- [00:16:38.230]We've got classes that are focusing on news literacy,
- [00:16:41.310]especially now understanding this hyper polarized era
- [00:16:46.100]and how media fits into that.
- [00:16:48.940]We have a depth reporting program right now
- [00:16:50.910]where we're actually partnering with the Omaha World Herald
- [00:16:53.460]to look at how race and racism
- [00:16:55.523]has been covered by the media over the years.
- [00:16:58.970]In sports we're also looking at racial reckoning
- [00:17:01.560]and how that fits in with the culture of sports.
- [00:17:04.290]I know John Schrader had some great speakers
- [00:17:06.180]in this last week to focus on that.
- [00:17:09.230]We're teaching a sports photo journalism class,
- [00:17:11.860]as well as a global sports media and entertainment class
- [00:17:14.284]that'll be coming up here in Spain this summer.
- [00:17:16.790]So a lot of opportunities to really try out new things.
- [00:17:21.760]We have lost some faculty or we will be soon.
- [00:17:24.630]We have some recent retirements in the last year
- [00:17:27.240]with a few more coming up,
- [00:17:28.560]Bruce Thorson and John Bender will be retiring here
- [00:17:31.020]at the end of this year.
- [00:17:32.640]But as faculty go on, we also have new faculty
- [00:17:35.790]who are coming in.
- [00:17:36.740]So we have six new faculty who had started this year.
- [00:17:39.560]And actually there should be a seventh one on there.
- [00:17:41.300]Ken Fisher started last week.
- [00:17:43.310]So we have another new faculty member
- [00:17:44.930]who's bringing in some of these new ideas
- [00:17:47.820]and new opportunities for our students.
- [00:17:52.270]Scholarships and awards.
- [00:17:53.950]Really what I wanted to focus on here
- [00:17:55.380]is that we have scholarships available.
- [00:17:58.340]In fact, we have a number of scholarships
- [00:17:59.760]that are just for juniors and seniors
- [00:18:01.370]after they've been in the college for awhile.
- [00:18:03.760]This last year, we awarded over 340,000 scholarships,
- [00:18:06.762]just out of the college, 28% increase over last year.
- [00:18:11.770]We had workshops already this year on January 12th
- [00:18:14.590]and the 25th, there's another one coming up here
- [00:18:16.370]on the 26th.
- [00:18:17.680]This is an opportunity to really understand
- [00:18:19.500]what scholarships are available
- [00:18:21.590]and which ones you might be able to apply for.
- [00:18:25.050]We have a number of competitions
- [00:18:26.560]that also come in line with scholarships.
- [00:18:28.790]Perry Photo Challenge will be coming up here in March,
- [00:18:31.570]Roper Sports Writing, Grimes Memorial,
- [00:18:34.010]Bailey Lauerman Diversity Challenge.
- [00:18:35.766]These are all ways to engage
- [00:18:37.620]and really test out your skills a little bit
- [00:18:39.490]and they come with money.
- [00:18:40.980]So it's not a bad opportunity.
- [00:18:44.610]We also focus on a word coordination across the college.
- [00:18:47.480]These are just some of the organizations
- [00:18:49.690]where the college pays to submit student work
- [00:18:53.680]in order to potentially win awards,
- [00:18:55.360]which sometimes also results in scholarships.
- [00:19:00.570]Communication, and engagement.
- [00:19:02.677]I really want to talk through this a little bit
- [00:19:05.850]and I'm open to questions or comments
- [00:19:08.050]as we move forward on this
- [00:19:09.562]about ways to engage within the college
- [00:19:12.030]and really to have the opportunity to have your voice heard,
- [00:19:16.330]be part of the decision-making process.
- [00:19:19.550]Few things of just receiving information,
- [00:19:21.590]make sure that you are getting Today@CoJMC,
- [00:19:24.540]make sure it's not going into your spam folders
- [00:19:26.740]so that you know what's happening in the college.
- [00:19:28.703]You might've noticed, if you've been watching it carefully,
- [00:19:32.290]I've added a note.
- [00:19:33.742]Each time it goes out we'll continue to do that
- [00:19:36.290]to keep you on top of what's happening.
- [00:19:39.300]The career bulletin gives you updates
- [00:19:41.010]of all the internships and career opportunities
- [00:19:43.620]that are available that comes out each weekend.
- [00:19:45.990]Of course, all of our social channels
- [00:19:47.970]that you can join us on.
- [00:19:49.860]Office hours, we have office hours every Wednesday
- [00:19:53.270]from nine to 11, where you can just show up,
- [00:19:56.100]come in, have a conversation, ask me questions,
- [00:19:59.700]give me feedback, tell me what's wrong,
- [00:20:02.170]tell me what's right.
- [00:20:03.220]It's just a place to have a conversation and really engage.
- [00:20:07.820]Can always reach out to our associate deans,
- [00:20:09.823]John Bender and Adam Wagler.
- [00:20:12.140]And really to give you an idea on their roles.
- [00:20:13.810]John really focuses more on working directly
- [00:20:16.430]with the faculty.
- [00:20:17.680]Adam's often working with the students and classes.
- [00:20:20.560]So if you have complaints about a faculty member,
- [00:20:22.360]you go to John.
- [00:20:23.380]If you have complaints about the class, you go to Adam,
- [00:20:25.400]or if you want to tell them good things, that's okay too.
- [00:20:27.400]We welcome that once in a while.
- [00:20:29.900]Can always go to your advisors, your peer mentors,
- [00:20:33.130]who are part of that onboarding class
- [00:20:36.450]as a freshman coming in,
- [00:20:38.200]your college ambassadors are incredibly knowledgeable
- [00:20:40.880]what's happening in the college.
- [00:20:42.730]And of course, the group of students
- [00:20:43.960]who put all of this together, your student advisory board,
- [00:20:47.150]following them on social, being able to ask questions,
- [00:20:49.730]if you would like to have an event
- [00:20:51.150]or have concerns about what's happening talk to them,
- [00:20:54.610]they're a direct line of communication to me but so are you,
- [00:20:58.230]if you come into office hours or just send me an email,
- [00:21:01.630]let me know what's going on.
- [00:21:03.482]I also have student evaluations of teaching.
- [00:21:06.870]I've heard students say, well, it doesn't pay
- [00:21:08.670]to fill them out because nobody reads them.
- [00:21:10.340]I read them every single semester.
- [00:21:13.610]I read the comments in the student evaluations.
- [00:21:16.570]So use them, take advantage of that opportunity.
- [00:21:18.869]Again, tell us what we're doing well,
- [00:21:20.920]tell us what we're not doing well,
- [00:21:22.400]but know that someone is reading them.
- [00:21:24.210]I am reading them, John Bender is reading them.
- [00:21:26.620]We want to know what's happening in our classes.
- [00:21:31.760]A few ways to engage,
- [00:21:32.870]the experience lab, as I mentioned earlier,
- [00:21:35.080]deadline's actually today.
- [00:21:36.370]So you'd have to get it past Joe and Griffin
- [00:21:38.950]and Joe Martin to be able to get in that
- [00:21:41.070]but it may still be possible.
- [00:21:43.540]We have a student club fair tomorrow.
- [00:21:45.440]So all of the clubs and organizations
- [00:21:47.270]that are associated with the college
- [00:21:48.610]will be part of that club tomorrow afternoon.
- [00:21:50.840]Please come to Anderson Hall tomorrow afternoon to stop in,
- [00:21:54.340]to see what's available.
- [00:21:56.485]You'll be receiving quite a bit of communication
- [00:21:59.060]coming up on some different events that are coming out.
- [00:22:01.980]A media ethics panel,
- [00:22:03.400]we're actually bringing our professionals and residents
- [00:22:05.840]who are part of the experience lab here to campus
- [00:22:08.610]to talk about ethical issues they've had to deal with
- [00:22:11.480]in their careers.
- [00:22:12.770]You'll actually be able to get an idea
- [00:22:15.170]of how you might have handled that situation
- [00:22:17.672]and then hear directly from them how they did handle it
- [00:22:20.460]and what they do differently next time.
- [00:22:23.320]We have a career fair coming up
- [00:22:24.670]here in the middle of February,
- [00:22:26.420]we're gonna have a workshop on covering the courts
- [00:22:28.780]so that you know how to handle legal proceedings
- [00:22:30.943]if you're working as a journalist.
- [00:22:33.730]We have a panel on race in the media.
- [00:22:35.560]That's coming up end of February.
- [00:22:37.530]The Perry Photo Challenge, as I mentioned
- [00:22:39.670]is the beginning of March,
- [00:22:41.020]that Seline lecture series where we're looking
- [00:22:43.150]at different ways of how news organizations
- [00:22:46.959]are running today.
- [00:22:49.270]And then heads up way down the line
- [00:22:51.430]but the beginning of May we're going to
- [00:22:53.630]put on a student showcase that will give you the opportunity
- [00:22:57.050]to show off what you've done
- [00:22:58.510]over the course of the semester,
- [00:23:00.058]how you have developed as a student
- [00:23:02.893]and whether or not you're ready to hit the main streets
- [00:23:06.470]and the profession.
- [00:23:10.720]There I'll leave it for questions and suggestions.
- [00:23:13.615]I want to hear from you.
- [00:23:15.270]I'll stop sharing here so that I can see the chat
- [00:23:18.300]if you've dropped any questions in there.
- [00:23:20.440]But then also if you have questions,
- [00:23:22.010]you can raise your hand and turn on your camera.
- [00:23:24.640]And then the host will go around and turn on your mic
- [00:23:28.320]as well so that you can ask that question,
- [00:23:30.396]but I want to hear from you.
- [00:23:31.880]What's going well, what do we need to improve?
- [00:23:34.410]What are we missing and how can we better support you?
- [00:23:38.710]Thank you.
- [00:23:48.800]All right I see the chat.
- [00:23:50.399]I don't see questions in the chat.
- [00:23:52.412]So come on, if you want to add on,
- [00:23:57.598]open up your camera and please ask away.
- [00:24:00.760]Colby, I believe you are up.
- [00:24:04.040]Yes, is my audio piping through?
- [00:24:06.342]Yep, I can hear you.
- [00:24:08.015]All right, yeah.
- [00:24:11.860]I don't know why my video's not coming through.
- [00:24:13.898]Anyhow I'm not sure if I can share a screen.
- [00:24:21.210]Maybe that doesn't matter.
- [00:24:22.410]I was going to offer a suggestion,
- [00:24:24.410]which is in the introductory journalism courses,
- [00:24:27.533]which I thought were good.
- [00:24:29.950]I satisfied and enjoyed them,
- [00:24:33.100]thought they were very informative,
- [00:24:35.039]but one research tool that I think definitely should be
- [00:24:41.800]part of the curriculum is using the news bank database
- [00:24:47.500]that we have access to
- [00:24:49.840]as a result of being students at the university
- [00:24:53.510]to look up what the established reporting is
- [00:24:57.160]on particular topics and politicians and various localities.
- [00:25:06.079]I used it when I was doing the news lab
- [00:25:09.480]and I found it to be a very invaluable resource.
- [00:25:13.390]I definitely think that that sort of a backgrounding
- [00:25:19.030]should be an integral part of those introductory courses.
- [00:25:22.850]And that specific resource should be something
- [00:25:25.500]that people are shown and shown how to use.
- [00:25:30.591]All right, so getting that to you earlier
- [00:25:32.610]in your curriculum, rather than waiting until news lab
- [00:25:35.510]before you get the chance to really play around with it?
- [00:25:38.770]Yeah, yes, it's a pretty expensive database
- [00:25:43.010]to have access to and smaller newsrooms don't,
- [00:25:46.239]bigger ones do so we should definitely
- [00:25:50.570]get our money's worth, I suppose.
- [00:25:54.740]Awesome.
- [00:25:55.920]All right, thank you, Colby.
- [00:25:57.410]I believe Adam is on here as well.
- [00:26:00.690]I can bring that into the curriculum committee
- [00:26:02.640]as we move forward.
- [00:26:06.980]All right I have a question here in the chat
- [00:26:09.876]with the addition of the experience lab classes
- [00:26:12.200]to the curriculum, are there any classes
- [00:26:13.730]that are being taken out or removed from the curriculum?
- [00:26:17.396]So are all the other class, this comm class the same
- [00:26:20.790]as all those other classes the same?
- [00:26:22.830]Yes so one thing that has changed,
- [00:26:25.610]which really allowed us to expand out the curriculum
- [00:26:28.620]before our accrediting body,
- [00:26:30.950]the Association for Education, Journalism
- [00:26:33.130]and Mass Communications had very strict rules
- [00:26:36.310]on how many classes had to be taken outside the college
- [00:26:39.098]versus inside the college.
- [00:26:41.820]And they've laxed that quite a bit
- [00:26:44.435]so that we have a little bit more flexibility
- [00:26:46.799]in our curriculum.
- [00:26:47.980]We still are making sure that we're keeping an even balance
- [00:26:52.120]of those that are really focused on journalism
- [00:26:55.390]or advertising or PR, sports media or broadcasting,
- [00:26:58.240]depending on your area.
- [00:26:59.620]And then you also have your other courses.
- [00:27:02.700]You'll still be required to have a minor
- [00:27:04.520]as part of your program,
- [00:27:06.693]but it just gave us a little bit more cushion
- [00:27:09.236]so that we aren't so worried about students
- [00:27:11.870]getting to the point of graduation
- [00:27:13.280]and they have too many classes in the college.
- [00:27:15.510]We were able to open that up, add those requirements
- [00:27:18.370]without increasing the total number of classes you have.
- [00:27:21.396]So essentially what this does
- [00:27:23.650]is bring down the number of classes that you have to take
- [00:27:26.530]outside the college without going over your 120 hours.
- [00:27:31.150]So it doesn't increase the number of credits
- [00:27:33.380]you have to take to graduate.
- [00:27:35.040]It just increases where they're taken.
- [00:27:37.040]So a few more classes that are inside the curriculum
- [00:27:39.650]versus outside the curriculum in the college.
- [00:27:48.880]Other questions.
- [00:28:10.450]Alright, this is the chance,
- [00:28:12.460]questions, comments, suggestions.
- [00:28:15.640]Even you can say positive things too,
- [00:28:18.530]if you had something to add.
- [00:28:20.020]All right, we have another one.
- [00:28:23.173]Alana raised your hand.
- [00:28:28.913]If you can get to her Jamie.
- [00:28:38.594]Hello, yes let me see if I can put my video on.
- [00:28:44.870]Oh boy, okay nevermind I can't do my video,
- [00:28:47.210]but so I'm a senior in the school
- [00:28:51.100]and I am a broadcasting major.
- [00:28:53.370]And I think looking back, I just wish that I would have had
- [00:28:58.010]more practice on camera and maybe in a studio
- [00:29:02.770]just presenting in general earlier on,
- [00:29:05.140]because like I know that's one of those things
- [00:29:06.700]that I took my first performance class junior year,
- [00:29:10.030]and I'm now working at a news station and it's great,
- [00:29:12.630]but I just know how much you can improve just by doing it.
- [00:29:16.800]And I think had I had a little more exposure
- [00:29:18.735]to that earlier on, it would have been great.
- [00:29:21.250]I remember freshman year in either 130 or 131
- [00:29:24.560]or one of those I did my first stand up for my video module,
- [00:29:29.150]but it was after that, I didn't have any practice
- [00:29:32.500]in that area for about two years.
- [00:29:34.900]So I just think that a little more exposure
- [00:29:37.670]for those broadcasting students earlier on
- [00:29:40.370]would make us better by the end
- [00:29:42.815]and also potentially rope in more interest
- [00:29:45.630]in the broadcasting field earlier on.
- [00:29:48.470]I don't know if that makes any sense,
- [00:29:49.570]but it's my thought. Oh, that makes sense.
- [00:29:51.591]And actually that's part of the reason
- [00:29:54.900]why we're making changes to the studio as well.
- [00:29:57.570]I mean, we're looking at a 28% increase
- [00:30:00.090]in video production and editing.
- [00:30:02.360]We need students who are excited about broadcasting
- [00:30:05.560]and really putting the studio right in the center
- [00:30:08.550]of Anderson Hall will bring some of that attention
- [00:30:11.560]will really make it shine a little bit
- [00:30:13.800]and we're keeping it underneath the third floor balcony.
- [00:30:16.270]So those who may want to go into this area
- [00:30:19.250]can actually stand up on the balcony,
- [00:30:21.140]watch the newscast happening,
- [00:30:22.940]and then also see what's going on onto the air.
- [00:30:25.260]So it's to get them excited about it.
- [00:30:27.320]Part of adding in Nebraska Nightly
- [00:30:29.420]is also to give students experience from that first day.
- [00:30:32.950]So they can come and start working on it,
- [00:30:34.820]start building their reel.
- [00:30:36.670]And when I came in, came in as dean this last year.
- [00:30:39.960]One of the things that we talked about
- [00:30:41.160]was the fact that we don't require a portfolio
- [00:30:43.660]of our students.
- [00:30:44.890]And I heard from one student
- [00:30:46.660]who is having their roommate film them
- [00:30:49.012]in order to get some camera time for their reel,
- [00:30:53.730]that shouldn't be happening.
- [00:30:55.330]That's why we just hired a new staff member, Jamie,
- [00:30:58.960]who's helping to host this right now
- [00:31:00.954]to be able to help in that newsroom a little bit more
- [00:31:04.610]and engage with our students.
- [00:31:06.090]Ken Fisher started just last week
- [00:31:07.951]as a new assistant professor of practice in media production
- [00:31:11.492]so that we can get students that camera time
- [00:31:15.080]in front of the camera and behind the camera.
- [00:31:17.520]I recall talking to one of our alumni, Just Deleni
- [00:31:20.780]who's senior white or was senior white house correspondence.
- [00:31:24.550]Now he's doing national news for CNN.
- [00:31:27.918]First time he was on camera
- [00:31:30.150]was when he was covering the Iowa caucuses
- [00:31:32.575]and he was horrified.
- [00:31:34.600]He was never required to be on camera
- [00:31:37.980]all while he was getting his journalism degree.
- [00:31:39.898]I think we should be providing those opportunities
- [00:31:42.780]for students.
- [00:31:44.319]So that's where you'll see some of the changes
- [00:31:45.720]in the curriculum where you see more of a focus now
- [00:31:48.280]on broadcasting.
- [00:31:49.190]We also added a broadcasting minor
- [00:31:51.380]to be able to hopefully lure students in
- [00:31:54.660]a little bit earlier,
- [00:31:55.610]so they can start moving toward the major classes.
- [00:31:58.360]And then everything that we're doing in the experience lab
- [00:32:01.070]really gives the students the opportunity
- [00:32:02.620]to build up their portfolio from that first day.
- [00:32:06.607]That sounds amazing, thank you so much.
- [00:32:08.590]Cause I mean, I think COVID probably didn't help either,
- [00:32:11.330]but I've never even been in the studio.
- [00:32:14.149]It's my first time in the studio
- [00:32:16.020]was the first time I fronted something at Channel Eight.
- [00:32:18.710]And I just remember thinking why didn't I have this?
- [00:32:20.787]And so now hearing all of this.
- [00:32:21.970]I'm like, this is so amazing.
- [00:32:23.448]And I'm really jealous that I am graduating in May.
- [00:32:27.340]Well you can always come back,
- [00:32:29.180]only professionals and residents after all
- [00:32:31.660]to keep working with the students.
- [00:32:33.669]But one thing I want to add
- [00:32:35.590]is that even with adding that huge studio
- [00:32:39.190]at the end of Anderson Hall
- [00:32:40.850]and creating that separate studio, multimedia lab
- [00:32:44.410]for unlimited sports,
- [00:32:45.829]we're gonna keep the third floor studio as is,
- [00:32:49.660]key card access for students to be able to come in,
- [00:32:52.469]again, experiment, create something.
- [00:32:55.890]I don't even care, I care a little bit about what it is,
- [00:32:58.280]but get in there and create something
- [00:33:00.870]that's unique to what you want to do.
- [00:33:02.990]You should be able to experiment and try things out
- [00:33:05.600]in college to figure out what kind of media
- [00:33:08.180]you want to produce.
- [00:33:09.560]And that really provides you that opportunity
- [00:33:11.390]to at least have that space, to be able to engage.
- [00:33:14.040]You'll have to go through training,
- [00:33:15.170]make sure that you aren't gonna crash the equipment
- [00:33:18.130]when you come in.
- [00:33:18.970]But once you have that, you'd be able to get access,
- [00:33:20.900]to be able to go in there and produce media
- [00:33:23.170]that is specific to what you want to do as well.
- [00:33:29.960]Thank you, Elena.
- [00:33:30.860]I see other questions on the side,
- [00:33:32.767]ballpark idea of plans for the renovations.
- [00:33:36.426]Haley Hamill our director of business and operations
- [00:33:40.540]chimed in, we're looking to have the new studio will
- [00:33:46.586]well supply chain willing we'll be done here for this summer
- [00:33:50.410]so that we can do training with the faculty
- [00:33:52.420]who will be working in the studio as well,
- [00:33:54.160]as well as our student leads,
- [00:33:56.190]who will be part of the experience lab
- [00:33:58.950]so that they'll be able to get a feel for the studio
- [00:34:01.400]and the equipment there for us to be able
- [00:34:03.250]to be up and running by the fall with the new studio.
- [00:34:06.266]As far as timelines on the other pieces,
- [00:34:09.525]the multimedia lab and photography studio and checkout room,
- [00:34:14.465]we hope to have done this spring.
- [00:34:16.730]So the new spaces that are being added over
- [00:34:19.004]in the agency experience lab
- [00:34:21.010]will hopefully be done this spring.
- [00:34:22.790]And the Unlimited Sports Center,
- [00:34:25.120]the Pepsi Unlimited Sports Center,
- [00:34:27.010]that will also be done this semester.
- [00:34:29.100]So we'll get the faculty offices built first.
- [00:34:32.320]We'll finish out the Unlimited Sports Center,
- [00:34:34.520]move the faculty over and then construction will start
- [00:34:37.125]on the studio.
- [00:34:45.690]All right, other questions?
- [00:34:54.280]Can raise your hand and we can go over to you
- [00:34:57.920]or you can just drop something in the chat as well.
- [00:35:14.341]Okay, I'm not seeing any more questions right now.
- [00:35:18.780]If you do have questions after this session,
- [00:35:22.510]shoot me an email.
- [00:35:23.440]Stop by office hours, I'm here.
- [00:35:24.888]I spend, my office hour time
- [00:35:28.080]is when I write thank you notes to donors.
- [00:35:30.460]So I might be here sitting at my table working away,
- [00:35:33.170]but it's still time for you.
- [00:35:35.000]I just set it aside when you walk in.
- [00:35:36.670]So we can have a conversation,
- [00:35:38.670]just know that your ideas are welcome here.
- [00:35:41.760]Your questions and concerns are always welcome.
- [00:35:45.150]You are a part of this college
- [00:35:47.140]and we want it to be the college that you can be proud of.
- [00:35:51.420]That you can feel like you're part of what we're doing here,
- [00:35:54.130]because you're gonna be alumni of this place.
- [00:35:56.170]And we want you to be proud of us.
- [00:35:58.810]We're certainly proud of you.
- [00:36:02.330]Thank you for your chiming in tonight.
- [00:36:04.260]Glad to have you here.
- [00:36:06.040]Look forward to opportunities
- [00:36:07.360]to talk with you again in the future.
- [00:36:09.680]Have a great evening.
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