2 - 2021 South Central Ag Lab Field Day - Impacts of Residue Removal on Soil Properties
Mike Kamm
2021 South Central Ag Lab Field Day - Impacts of Residue Removal on Soil Properties, Michael Sindelar, Nebraska Extension Educator
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- [00:00:07.880]Hi, I'm Michael Sindelar from Nebraska Extension. Today
- [00:00:10.430]I'm going to be talking about you on to,
- [00:00:12.950]or actually giving you a summary from two different talks that were presented at
- [00:00:16.220]the South Central Agricultural Laboratory Field Day.
- [00:00:20.240]and so the first talk that gets rolled into the summary is the impacts of
- [00:00:24.500]residue removal on soil properties.
- [00:00:26.870]This was done by the University of Nebraska and,
- [00:00:30.620]in partner working along with the USDA ARS and the USDA
- [00:00:35.060]ARS had a talk on biomass management and your graded corn looking
- [00:00:39.950]at yield.
- [00:00:40.880]And so both of these talks actually come from the very same experiment.
- [00:00:44.780]So what is this experiment looking at? Well, it's citizens,
- [00:00:47.480]a south central agricultural laboratory and south central Nebraska.
- [00:00:52.250]And right here is a good image of actually what the plot layout looks like.
- [00:00:56.840]And so there's really four being questions to the study.
- [00:00:59.720]What's the effect of irrigation. When you remove residue,
- [00:01:03.440]what is the effect of nitrogen? Can nitrogen,
- [00:01:07.670]drive off, different effects of residue removal?
- [00:01:11.570]What's the effect of silver and removal itself. And then how do you,
- [00:01:14.930]morally were remediate this?
- [00:01:17.600]and so there were two treatments that we were looking at for a moral eating that
- [00:01:21.920]was using a winter cover crop and manure.
- [00:01:24.230]And then we also had a control where we left everything in place.
- [00:01:28.580]So using Stover management, why are we interested in looking at this?
- [00:01:33.020]Why do we need to think about how to memorialize it? Well,
- [00:01:38.000]residue plays an important thing.
- [00:01:39.860]It actually has functions that help out in the field.
- [00:01:41.930]It's not just something there that's leftover,
- [00:01:44.510]at the end of the day or after you harvest, it's not trust,
- [00:01:47.460]it's actually a resource.
- [00:01:48.980]And so there's interest in removing it for feed for cattle.
- [00:01:52.820]And there was interest back when this experiment with established in 2010 is
- [00:01:57.200]maybe using it as a fuel source. But aside from that,
- [00:02:00.770]it also holds soil in place or helps hold soil in place, help trap rain,
- [00:02:05.180]help improve drainage. So when you remove it,
- [00:02:08.060]you have a risk of losing soil due to erosion,
- [00:02:10.910]especially that very far image, a wind erosion could be a very big concern,
- [00:02:15.650]but we don't know how, how big of a concern is that,
- [00:02:19.220]how long do these effects, you know,
- [00:02:22.340]do you need to worry about one erosion the year after you remove it,
- [00:02:25.970]or is six years of continuous removal that you have to start.
- [00:02:28.730]Worrying about that?
- [00:02:31.190]So the first thing we're going to look at, is the corn yield response.
- [00:02:36.170]And so with this, our first thing is the,
- [00:02:41.110]the response, under irrigation. So, when we had it,
- [00:02:46.250]most years there wasn't really a difference between it,
- [00:02:51.020]when the Stover restrained,
- [00:02:52.430]but when you removed a residue or corn Stover,
- [00:02:57.050]we did see a yield bump and that yield increase was seen in both
- [00:03:02.050]the limited irrigation and the full year irrigation.
- [00:03:04.900]Now this yield increase is thought of as a early season benefit when you
- [00:03:09.610]remove that residue, allows the soil to warm up faster.
- [00:03:13.750]And so the biology of the soil is warming,
- [00:03:16.300]moving faster and it's easier for corn to drain.
- [00:03:23.130]So those are a few things. Yes,
- [00:03:24.720]there's a benefit of removing it when you're looking at a yield increase.
- [00:03:28.890]and when you left it in place,
- [00:03:30.060]we didn't see anything or it was actually a little bit lower.
- [00:03:34.440]another thing to think about is, was there an end rate effect on this? Well,
- [00:03:39.210]yes. at the higher end rate, we did have more of a yield,
- [00:03:43.530]gain than at our lower rate. And there was really no difference.
- [00:03:48.000]if you routine Stover were removed Stover,
- [00:03:51.480]the effect was the end rate itself, not Stover.
- [00:03:56.960]Now the interesting thing about some of the status,
- [00:03:59.580]it's not just what was done at scale.
- [00:04:02.070]some of this data is what was done at other sites that replicated what was done
- [00:04:05.400]at south central ag lab. And so when we look at that,
- [00:04:09.720]when we start looking at our moral obligation treatments, once again,
- [00:04:14.640]there's that difference when you remain or keep a
- [00:04:19.470]residue in place,
- [00:04:20.980]you're not going to have as much of yield as when you actually remove it.
- [00:04:25.860]and that was across all eight years of the data.
- [00:04:29.460]The interesting thing is looking at our more elation treatments.
- [00:04:33.120]Is there anything in our Memorial Asian treatments that caused a yield increase?
- [00:04:36.570]And yet actually there was a,
- [00:04:38.460]when we removed Stover and added manure and we had our highest gains and yield,
- [00:04:43.560]and it was actually significantly different than all the other molar oration
- [00:04:47.970]treatments. So that's a plus from Panera, right. Yield increase with manure.
- [00:04:51.720]All right. So once again,
- [00:04:55.800]if you were a teen Stover,
- [00:04:57.030]you did not get that yield bump as when you removed it.
- [00:05:00.450]there was a slight increase,
- [00:05:01.860]but it wasn't statistically different when you did add manure when you removed
- [00:05:05.730]it. But Hey, our, our winner,
- [00:05:07.380]our horse that's pulling away with yield was where we removed Stover and we
- [00:05:12.000]added manure.
- [00:05:17.880]So the other thing to think about is what else do we have going on?
- [00:05:22.920]well, if, if we break stuff out and kind of look at certain years,
- [00:05:27.390]because when you look over multiple years, there can be some messiness.
- [00:05:31.680]sometimes the story's lost. So we just focused in, on our very last year,
- [00:05:36.240]2018, where we were taking yield data,
- [00:05:39.330]just to kind of see what was going on in here. once again, there,
- [00:05:43.500]there is that difference between when you were routined residue or when you
- [00:05:47.340]removed it or Stover,
- [00:05:48.930]whatever word you want to use for what's leftover behind after you take the
- [00:05:52.290]grain.
- [00:05:53.520]the interesting thing here is now there's a little bit of a difference,
- [00:05:56.820]a little of play in the way this year was the rye actually tended to
- [00:06:01.580]have a slightly lower yield.
- [00:06:03.440]It wasn't statistically different compared to when you added maturer or when you
- [00:06:07.250]left everything alone. and that's just interesting in itself, just,
- [00:06:11.750]you know, realize that,
- [00:06:14.570]you can have some maybe eliminating effects when you're using a cover crop and
- [00:06:18.560]you're terminating it right before, you're planting corn. in this case,
- [00:06:23.300]any of those would be more moisture related. the cover crop was,
- [00:06:27.920]terminated usually three weeks before, planning.
- [00:06:31.040]So there was plenty of time for that residue to break up.
- [00:06:33.680]And so that you wouldn't have a poor germination due to the, the,
- [00:06:38.210]cover crop residue, being high, being behind, tying up,
- [00:06:42.320]nitrogen or, making the soil a little bit too much.
- [00:06:46.820]What cause you have that residue holding the moisture in the soil. So with that,
- [00:06:51.350]we're going to switch gears from just looking at, Hey,
- [00:06:53.270]what's the overview of yield and work into the soil properties.
- [00:06:56.510]This is a little bit more of what I'm familiar with.
- [00:06:58.820]I actually worked on this before I came to extension.
- [00:07:01.730]there's a lot of my grad work in this. And so what we've got to think about,
- [00:07:05.510]Hey, we, we already have a story.
- [00:07:07.250]So the story so far is that after three years we had no effect of residue
- [00:07:11.810]removal, cover crops were manure on water infiltration, water retention,
- [00:07:16.070]which we're,
- [00:07:16.850]that's what we're looking at for our water storage plant available water. Hey,
- [00:07:20.750]remember, that's our, storage tank for our plants.
- [00:07:24.500]It's the water in the soil that plants can take up, during the soil season.
- [00:07:28.400]So if our plant available water reduces our, that, that tanks getting smaller,
- [00:07:33.050]there might be management concerns with that. Well, aggregate stability.
- [00:07:36.710]After three years,
- [00:07:37.430]there was a reduction in the top inch and then with organic carbon, once again,
- [00:07:41.540]that top insurers, a reduction in organic carbon. So, Hey,
- [00:07:44.900]even after just three continuous years of removing residue,
- [00:07:48.440]we're already seeing differences. We're already seeing effects.
- [00:07:51.470]I worked under the six year department and when I get done talking about what
- [00:07:55.550]happened at six years,
- [00:07:56.390]we're going to move in and look at some data from 10 years. At 10 years,
- [00:07:59.960]we saw a reduction in water, infiltration, water retention, and,
- [00:08:03.590]plant available water. So that means we're not having as much water,
- [00:08:08.150]enter into the soil to recharge our soil. We're to,
- [00:08:12.320]fill up our water tank.
- [00:08:13.820]Our water tank itself is actually being reduced and what's available for the
- [00:08:17.510]plants or what the plants can use throughout the year.
- [00:08:19.970]That amount is less than if we left residue in place.
- [00:08:23.630]So that kind of counters, what the yield increase may be.
- [00:08:28.340]and then when we look at our Y aggregate stability, this is looking at,
- [00:08:32.930]water, water erosion is, you know,
- [00:08:36.200]if you're wa AgriStability reduces,
- [00:08:38.780]then you're at concern for water erosion. Well,
- [00:08:41.840]after six years it was reduced and the top six inch is of the soil.
- [00:08:46.730]And our organic carbon was decreased in our top six inches.
- [00:08:49.460]And the organic carbon is kind of our look,
- [00:08:51.640]it's a great idea to kind of snapshot without doing too much work.
- [00:08:56.070]What's your soul health looking like soils that tend to have higher carbon
- [00:08:59.460]values, organic carbon or organic matter tend to be healthier soils.
- [00:09:03.960]And in this case, we had a reduction in carbon.
- [00:09:06.210]So that could also be a concern when we're looking at sustainability of removing
- [00:09:10.710]residue. in this experiment,
- [00:09:12.930]we were definitely being very aggressive about our residue removal.
- [00:09:16.470]We are chopping the stocks off almost right at the soil surface,
- [00:09:20.640]and that made it so that there was no, vertical cover whatsoever,
- [00:09:24.600]no vertical residue.
- [00:09:26.040]And that means we only had horizontal residue leftover after belling.
- [00:09:29.850]Unfortunately, that means that we're at the mercy of the wind. We,
- [00:09:32.880]you need vertical residue to catch stuff,
- [00:09:35.580]to stop the wind from blowing it around.
- [00:09:37.890]that's one of our lessons that we learned from this experiment.
- [00:09:41.400]So now we're gonna move into some of our ten-year data. What held true?
- [00:09:44.610]What changed? Well at our 10 year mark,
- [00:09:48.480]we still have that removal effect.
- [00:09:51.810]So when we removed residue, we had a lower,
- [00:09:56.070]organic carbon value than when we left it in place.
- [00:09:58.980]Now this effect didn't actually go as deep as we saw it in our
- [00:10:03.720]six-year data. Hey, that's what happens with research. That's what we do it.
- [00:10:07.300]We're wanting to know what's going on. This is a living system.
- [00:10:10.980]So it's hard to understand or to predict what's going to go on.
- [00:10:14.640]And so we didn't see a statistical effect in our soil,
- [00:10:19.410]organic carbon matter or concentrations, but we definitely see,
- [00:10:24.190]that when you remove or leave residue in place,
- [00:10:26.730]it has a higher amount of organic carbon than when we,
- [00:10:30.390]remove it for baling. but interesting.
- [00:10:34.500]when we look at our remediation treatments now,
- [00:10:38.520]that's where we're looking at our certificate, our significant differences are,
- [00:10:42.330]are small letters. They're looking at the differences between,
- [00:10:46.590]removal and no removal. Now the big letters that's saying,
- [00:10:52.140]it's comparing when we did nothing when we added manure and when we grew a cover
- [00:10:56.340]crop. And when you look at that,
- [00:10:58.470]our highest organic carbon values came from when we used manure
- [00:11:03.270]as a remediation treatment. And when we actually used it,
- [00:11:07.950]I guess in the case, when we look at our control,
- [00:11:09.750]we're not using it as a remediation treatment anymore. It's more as, Hey,
- [00:11:14.010]this is an extra thing to help the soil out.
- [00:11:16.350]And that's where we have our highest organic carbon value. So, Hey,
- [00:11:20.020]that's another plus for, for manure.
- [00:11:23.280]it helps increase our soil carbon. When we look at cover crops,
- [00:11:27.480]once again, there was an effect,
- [00:11:29.910]but it wasn't significantly different unless you removed residue.
- [00:11:34.770]So what's, that's telling us is that, Hey,
- [00:11:36.900]cover crops can remediate the negative effects of residue removal,
- [00:11:41.520]when you use them. So that's a plus, that was our whole idea of testing.
- [00:11:46.020]If cover crops would work for that. And then when we look at manure, yeah,
- [00:11:49.350]hay manure is adding carbon back in when we're losing it.
- [00:11:52.080]When we remove it from, especially in that top two inches.
- [00:11:58.120]Now, once you're seeing enough, when we look down at the two to four inch,
- [00:12:01.360]we see that, okay, cover crop and the,
- [00:12:06.580]control treatment. They, weren't doing anything.
- [00:12:11.260]They were the same, but our manure, once again, even at,
- [00:12:14.450]at the two to four inch increased,
- [00:12:16.840]carbon significantly compared to the other treatments.
- [00:12:21.040]So the next thing I want to talk about is bulk density.
- [00:12:24.610]This is a property that kind of indicates are we going to have compaction
- [00:12:29.410]issues? And now, so what was measured here after 10 years,
- [00:12:32.770]we have our field bulk density, which means when we went out,
- [00:12:35.470]we use a metal ring,
- [00:12:36.550]we pushed it into the ground and we took our bulk density and measurements off
- [00:12:39.820]of that ring. That ring just gives us a constant volume.
- [00:12:42.790]So we knew what the volume was. And then we measured the weight.
- [00:12:47.140]when we look at the Proctor maximum bulk density,
- [00:12:50.170]that's where we actually artificially compacted that soil to see how,
- [00:12:55.180]much that soil can be compacted. And then when we look at the degree,
- [00:12:59.330]compaction is how compacted is that maximum bulk density.
- [00:13:02.620]And our last one is what's the porosity there.
- [00:13:05.320]So we actually had some interesting things that came out of it.
- [00:13:07.690]So our first thing is yes, there is a removal of reflect on bulk density.
- [00:13:12.880]Interesting enough. when you look at the literature, most,
- [00:13:16.670]everybody will say, if you leave residue in place,
- [00:13:20.410]I will have a lower bulk density. When then when you, we removed it.
- [00:13:23.830]When we look at what happened to ours, it was actually the reverse.
- [00:13:27.880]When we removed residue,
- [00:13:29.410]we had a lower bulk density when we then when we left residue in place,
- [00:13:34.060]but one of the possibilities that's causing this as well, think about it.
- [00:13:38.230]If you don't have residue on top of a soil,
- [00:13:41.230]that soil can heat up and cool down on faster.
- [00:13:45.580]and then you don't have anything to catch. the, snow.
- [00:13:50.530]So changes in temperature. Your soul is more susceptible to those,
- [00:13:54.850]which means it's also more susceptible to freezing, what we know.
- [00:13:59.080]And it's a known fact that freezing and thawing is one of our greatest ways to
- [00:14:03.490]reduce compaction.
- [00:14:05.020]And so that's one of the reasons why maybe the removed has a lower bulk density
- [00:14:08.560]is that it's having freezing and thawing is having a greater impact on it
- [00:14:12.280]because there's not cover there to insulate the soil. Now,
- [00:14:15.370]when we go back and we look at how our moral or treatments are affecting a bulk
- [00:14:20.320]density, we can see, our cover crop treatment. When we use the cover crop,
- [00:14:24.880]we actually had our lowest bulk density. When we added manure,
- [00:14:28.420]it was similar to when we grew cover crops,
- [00:14:30.940]but it was also similar to when we didn't do anything.
- [00:14:32.830]So it's not statistically different than any of them. So the, the,
- [00:14:36.190]the winner of what affected bulk density,
- [00:14:39.340]the best was actually the cover crop,
- [00:14:42.520]and actually help reduce that bulk density.
- [00:14:46.180]The next thing we're gonna look at is our Proctor bulk density. And right here,
- [00:14:50.050]we actually have an where residue is removed. It has a higher monk,
- [00:14:53.900]maximum bulk density than when residues left place. Once again,
- [00:14:57.650]we're looking at these treatments 10 years after continuous residue removal.
- [00:15:02.270]And so what this is telling me is we have a concern right here.
- [00:15:06.560]We have a concern that there could be compaction issues,
- [00:15:10.010]with vehicle traffic. So that means if you're a baling residue,
- [00:15:13.670]you really need to pay attention to what your field conditions are.
- [00:15:16.250]Cause you can actually make that field a lot more compacted than when you left
- [00:15:20.390]your residue in place. So just avoid any operations when the fields, what,
- [00:15:25.490]and it may not have a negative [inaudible] are going to face that compaction
- [00:15:29.780]issue. Another thing to look at,
- [00:15:33.530]we'll take a quick look at our degree of compaction.
- [00:15:36.290]We are able to compact the no removal a lot more than our removal,
- [00:15:41.300]but that's because our no removal actually had a higher porosity.
- [00:15:45.980]As you can see right here. Then when we removed residue,
- [00:15:49.790]now porosity is important because porosity it's the soil pores that are filling
- [00:15:54.260]up with our water. So that's our water tank. The more prosody you have,
- [00:15:58.070]the more potentially have to be able to store water. The,
- [00:16:03.060]the last thing is, just taking a look at, Hey, what happened?
- [00:16:07.520]We were looking at our top two inches. Now we need to look at our,
- [00:16:10.820]two to four inches here. And so what we have going on here is once again,
- [00:16:14.600]you have that removal effect when we left residue in place, you did not.
- [00:16:19.760]you had a higher bulk density. We already talked about that.
- [00:16:23.990]It's a freeze thaw thing. Interesting enough, our,
- [00:16:28.100]moralization seems to effect the soil more in our two to four inch mark where
- [00:16:32.720]our cover crop and our manure are both decreasing the bulk density there
- [00:16:36.440]compared to when we didn't do anything.
- [00:16:38.540]And that's a good thing that decrease bulk density.
- [00:16:41.060]When you decrease bulk density, you increase your poor space,
- [00:16:44.090]which means you increase your porosity.
- [00:16:45.950]And that means you have more of a potential to store water,
- [00:16:48.050]and it's easier for that water to enter into our soil next.
- [00:16:52.310]we didn't really have an effect on our maximum bulk density in our two to four
- [00:16:56.450]inch. But interesting enough, when we look at our degree of compaction,
- [00:17:00.470]we did have an effect here, similar when, when your soil is less compacted,
- [00:17:04.820]when it starts, you can compact it more.
- [00:17:06.800]That's what's going on with our maximum or with our degree of compaction.
- [00:17:10.640]When we look at the no removal and removal here at the bottom part. Yeah.
- [00:17:15.430]We're, we're just, able to compact it more.
- [00:17:19.270]So that's why it's more compacted at its maximum bulk density compared to no
- [00:17:23.530]removal. and interestingly enough, here,
- [00:17:27.940]when you added a cover crop or use manure, Hey,
- [00:17:31.300]you were able to make it so that the soil,
- [00:17:35.050]didn't compact as much compared to when you didn't add anything in to treat that.
- [00:17:39.490]Soil. W so.
- [00:17:42.880]So what are the key points? What are the key takeaways? Well,
- [00:17:45.190]corn residue treatments have less organic matter when we remove that residue.
- [00:17:49.650]When your treatments had the most,
- [00:17:51.210]it was a winner when it came to organic carbon treatments with corn residue had
- [00:17:55.260]higher,
- [00:17:56.250]field bulk density and treatments that removed residue could compact more,
- [00:18:00.780]than when treatments, when you, left that residue in place next,
- [00:18:05.730]you know what, aggravates some ability,
- [00:18:07.680]it's an important thing it's looking at erosion.
- [00:18:09.810]Do we have a chance to lose something away?
- [00:18:11.730]We're looking at water erosion here with meanwhile diameter,
- [00:18:14.160]it's our aggregate stability. And so what effects did we have?
- [00:18:18.960]well, interestingly enough, we did have an irrigation effect.
- [00:18:21.900]This is the only property that we actually had an irrigation effect.
- [00:18:25.770]And so when we are looking at our deficit irrigation, we're using less water,
- [00:18:30.540]you're gaining less than our full year irrigation amount.
- [00:18:33.270]And our full irrigation amount actually had larger aggregates.
- [00:18:36.480]There were more stable and preventing more erosion. So that, that,
- [00:18:40.160]that's just an interesting effect that the see that pop up. Now,
- [00:18:44.810]the first thing we're going to take a look at here with our mean weight
- [00:18:47.040]diameters is, when we removed residue,
- [00:18:51.090]was there an effect of, the removal and,
- [00:18:55.860]when you use the cover crop,
- [00:18:58.770]uh we're we're and then we're going to look at our cover crop treatments.
- [00:19:02.400]So across the board, when you, when you removed residue,
- [00:19:06.780]when there was no residue, we had lower,
- [00:19:11.160]mean weight diameters, then when we left the residue in place.
- [00:19:15.780]And so that's what the, no is no means we left residue in place. Yes.
- [00:19:19.380]Means that we did remove it. now we're looking at cover crops,
- [00:19:23.520]our cover crops, we're able to actually increase on top of that.
- [00:19:28.200]They were able to actually help,
- [00:19:30.570]beat back some of the negatives of that removal.
- [00:19:34.410]Now our best one was our best case was when we left the
- [00:19:39.240]residue in place. And we grew a cover crop. We had our most stable soil.
- [00:19:43.710]So you have those roots, the extracts out of those roots,
- [00:19:48.150]increasing our soils activity.
- [00:19:51.090]and those extracts themselves extra dates,
- [00:19:54.270]can also help bind the soul. And so, Hey,
- [00:19:57.570]that's why we have a higher aggregate stability there.
- [00:20:01.410]when we look at our two to four, there was really only the Stover effect.
- [00:20:05.040]And then it,
- [00:20:05.550]that that effect kind of disappears when we will look at our four to six and six
- [00:20:08.910]to eight next we'll look at manure.
- [00:20:12.690]What effect does Manira have on what aggregate stability? And so,
- [00:20:18.180]not really much of a difference between when we didn't do anything, but Hey,
- [00:20:22.860]definitely, that removal all effects there.
- [00:20:27.180]and the only time it,
- [00:20:28.290]it kinda changed manera was kind of like the second place thing,
- [00:20:32.220]with trying to fight erosion,
- [00:20:34.500]it kind of worked the values tended to be higher,
- [00:20:37.230]but they weren't significantly higher. And so,
- [00:20:42.870]interesting effects while manure had great effects for our,
- [00:20:47.830]soil organic matter values, not so much with our mean weight,
- [00:20:52.300]diameters or ag or aggregate stability.
- [00:20:55.780]Our last one is when we left everything in place. And so right here,
- [00:21:00.790]of course we have our lower, aggregates of ability values.
- [00:21:05.350]And once again, that removal affects there. When we remove residue,
- [00:21:08.650]we're definitely creating potential for that soil would be lost to water
- [00:21:12.820]erosion.
- [00:21:14.350]Our next thing we're going to take a look at is dry aggregate stability.
- [00:21:17.230]This is looking at the potential for wind erosion, here in Nebraska,
- [00:21:21.670]we need to worry about not just water erosion. When we have our heavy rains,
- [00:21:25.450]in early in the season, we need to think about also,
- [00:21:28.000]we have some high winds early in the season, especially before canopy,
- [00:21:31.720]enclosure happens. So there's also the risk of the loss of soil due to the wind,
- [00:21:36.250]very similar. So our right here,
- [00:21:38.800]we're looking at our geometric mean wake diameter.
- [00:21:41.500]That's what we're looking at for, how stable those aggregates are.
- [00:21:46.720]The higher, the number,
- [00:21:47.620]the more stable the aggregate is the harder it is to lose to a winter erosion.
- [00:21:51.640]Once again, we had that effect when we removed residue,
- [00:21:55.420]we made it so that it was easier for wind to remove that soil.
- [00:21:59.740]We decrease that dry aggregate stability, and that was, you know, across that,
- [00:22:04.800]that whole, treatment for that top. And so right here,
- [00:22:09.970]it's just emphasizing that effect,
- [00:22:12.340]our removal higher values than when we didn't,
- [00:22:16.270]which means we have a chance for it to loss.
- [00:22:19.240]Our other one we're looking at is our winter rotable fraction and that
- [00:22:22.210]increases. So yeah, there was an effect on that. So the higher that number,
- [00:22:26.380]the worse your soil is we're the more concerned you have.
- [00:22:29.320]So we went from a 36% chance of losing soil to a
- [00:22:33.820]64% chance where 65% chance when we removed that residue. So yes,
- [00:22:38.530]there is a concern that when you bail residue,
- [00:22:41.020]that you are having a chance to lose that residue or to lose your soil,
- [00:22:45.760]especially your surface soil. So either water or window erosion.
- [00:22:50.200]And so our key takeaways from these two is that aggressive removal,
- [00:22:54.220]increases the risk of losing soil to either winter or water erosion and
- [00:22:58.180]aggressive residue removals decrease our aggregate. stability
- [00:23:04.420]are,
- [00:23:06.180]another thing to take a look at is we talked about what the six year impacts
- [00:23:10.150]were, what what's, the ten-year impacts on our water treatment tank.
- [00:23:14.290]We're just looking at her storage tank here,
- [00:23:15.850]which is just plant available water. And once again, when you remove residue,
- [00:23:20.440]we have a lower value,
- [00:23:21.460]meaning we're storing less water for plants to be able to take out and use.
- [00:23:26.170]Now,
- [00:23:27.400]this effect was a little bit more pronounced when we looked at it at the six
- [00:23:31.420]year, it's still here, but it doesn't go quite as deep, at least significantly.
- [00:23:35.890]When we look at statistics,
- [00:23:37.060]it's not statistically different when we get to our lower depths,
- [00:23:40.120]but we can still see, that trend, in that top four inches where,
- [00:23:44.440]when we were removed, we're having lower values,
- [00:23:47.690]we're storing a little bit less water, in place.
- [00:23:53.090]And then our Memorial relation treatments,
- [00:23:55.460]there was no impact of those on our storage tank after 10
- [00:24:00.050]years.
- [00:24:01.760]So, um.
- [00:24:03.230]Until we got down to our four to six inch area, which interestingly enough,
- [00:24:07.490]here, our cover crops, we're able to increase our plant available water.
- [00:24:12.380]and we were seeding our cover crops probably about two inches in.
- [00:24:17.000]So when you think about it,
- [00:24:19.730]our four to six would be after about four inches of root growth,
- [00:24:23.960]which is actually, feasible for the,
- [00:24:26.990]how long we were allowing our cover crops to grow.
- [00:24:32.920]Sorry, key points, we're going away from here is once again,
- [00:24:36.370]re regressive residue can reduce plant available water. We saw that at our,
- [00:24:41.320]zero to two and our six to eight inch area.
- [00:24:45.130]this isn't a continuous effect after 10 years,
- [00:24:47.680]it was a continuous effect at the six year.
- [00:24:50.140]So that's another interesting part and cover crops helped increase plant
- [00:24:54.700]available water in our four to six inch one. So what's, what's our story.
- [00:24:58.990]So our story updated water infiltration, no effects at the 10 year mark,
- [00:25:03.460]but it was reduced that to six year mark. For me,
- [00:25:06.580]that means it's something to pay attention to.
- [00:25:08.770]This is the rest of that could happen.
- [00:25:10.150]It could be reduced if you're doing the Gretz of residue removal,
- [00:25:13.750]you can reduce your water infiltration water retention that was not measured.
- [00:25:18.130]They were just looking at plant available water.
- [00:25:22.540]our plant available water was reduced at the surface and at the six to eight
- [00:25:26.530]inches. So yes, this is something to be concerned about.
- [00:25:32.080]when I look at our picture here and I see our aggregate stability is decreasing
- [00:25:36.910]and our organic matters decreasing, I come, I start being concerned that,
- [00:25:41.710]we're not improving our soil health. We're decreasing our soil health.
- [00:25:45.430]So aggressive residue removal may not be something that we can do.
- [00:25:48.820]And the long run, it's not something that, is sustainable.
- [00:25:53.950]Other key points, manure had limited effects on soil properties,
- [00:25:57.160]cover crops had limited effects. there is an effect,
- [00:26:01.570]change the battery and how that change was different between the three year,
- [00:26:05.720]the six year and the 10 year periods when that was measured. Well,
- [00:26:09.280]what you have to remember is what I'm presenting you.
- [00:26:11.620]These are snapshot moments in time.
- [00:26:15.190]we can't measure continuously what's going on in our soil.
- [00:26:18.220]We just don't have the capacity to do that. So,
- [00:26:23.890]that's something that's taken mine and, you know,
- [00:26:26.950]just because there was an effect,
- [00:26:28.840]there wasn't a statistical effect doesn't mean that it's decreasing that you can
- [00:26:32.290]still see that in the trends. So what does it mean for me?
- [00:26:36.940]residue removal mean for managing our fields. So,
- [00:26:41.500]when you bill a residue, you're increasing your risk for compaction.
- [00:26:45.510]So you need to be considerate of that when you're thinking about how you're
- [00:26:48.360]going to traffic in your fields fields that, have residue bill,
- [00:26:51.900]there are higher risk for erosion.
- [00:26:55.350]there's a lower soil, carbon value in it.
- [00:26:58.080]So that means if you're looking to get into the carbon market values,
- [00:27:01.530]where you're trying to build up carbon in your soul,
- [00:27:04.050]the solos as carbon credits,
- [00:27:05.880]bailing residue is not a practice you want to do because that's going to put you
- [00:27:08.640]behind.
- [00:27:10.230]and then a one time removal will not permanently harm your soil.
- [00:27:13.980]I'm bringing this up because right now we have droughts going on around the U S.
- [00:27:18.510]And so if you need to bail your corn residue to actually use it as a forage,
- [00:27:22.410]it's not going to hurt. If you do it for one year,
- [00:27:24.870]you're not going to have a negative effect and ruin your operation for years
- [00:27:29.760]to come removing it once.
- [00:27:32.610]the soil has the capacity to bounce back from that.
- [00:27:37.650]So we have additional resources on this.
- [00:27:40.770]we have some articles on crop watch there's some, publications,
- [00:27:45.300]on how to remove residue.
- [00:27:49.260]and so if you're interested in learning a little bit more or getting into this a
- [00:27:53.190]little bit deeper, please, take a look at these resources or contact me.
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