Assessment Part 2
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- [00:00:02.670]Hello, this is Dr. Megan Miller, again.
- [00:00:05.930]Welcome to session two of our webinar series,
- [00:00:09.690]Application of the Assessment Process.
- [00:00:13.040]So, we are still focusing on choosing
- [00:00:15.130]the right assessment for your learner.
- [00:00:16.810]And in this session, we're going to look at how
- [00:00:19.830]to apply what we learned about in session one.
- [00:00:22.980]If you haven't watched session one yet,
- [00:00:25.040]I highly recommend doing so,
- [00:00:26.730]and I also recommend having your materials from session one,
- [00:00:30.920]the PowerPoint and any notes you might've taken,
- [00:00:34.210]with you as well, so that you can use that
- [00:00:36.440]for practicing choosing assessments.
- [00:00:40.950]So, what we're going to do is go over some video examples,
- [00:00:44.130]and then I have some practice scenarios
- [00:00:47.190]that I'm going to tell you about at the end.
- [00:00:49.750]For the practice scenarios,
- [00:00:51.060]I'm not going to give you the answer.
- [00:00:52.540]I want you to think about
- [00:00:54.320]what you would use for your assessments.
- [00:00:57.240]And then of course, if you're the type of person
- [00:00:59.120]who likes to check your thinking,
- [00:01:01.010]you can always email me and see
- [00:01:02.600]if you're on the right track.
- [00:01:06.180]So, let's start with our video examples.
- [00:01:09.220]I did not realize it was going to play right away,
- [00:01:11.310]sorry about that.
- [00:01:13.060]Let me get, I have to switch over my audio real quick.
- [00:01:23.150]This is always-
- [00:01:24.077](audio feeds back)
- [00:01:28.280]This is always a process when using two computers,
- [00:01:30.660]but that's the easiest way to do it.
- [00:01:32.090]So, here we go.
- [00:01:51.187](parent humming along to music)
- [00:02:11.660]Okay, so that's learner one.
- [00:02:14.300]And I got a little (laughs)
- [00:02:17.020]distracted by the video starting right away,
- [00:02:19.220]so I forgot to tell you what I wanted you to look for.
- [00:02:21.560]Don't worry, we have a second video to watch.
- [00:02:23.870]So, when you watch these videos for each of the learners,
- [00:02:27.080]what I want you to be thinking about
- [00:02:28.680]is what your core assessment would be.
- [00:02:31.110]So, these are just real short clips.
- [00:02:32.650]You don't get very much information,
- [00:02:34.330]but just based on the little bit that you see
- [00:02:36.280]and what we talked about in session one,
- [00:02:38.340]what might be your core assessment
- [00:02:40.890]for this learner, and what might you use
- [00:02:42.560]as your supplemental assessments?
- [00:02:43.990]And try to think about why.
- [00:02:45.580]As we go through each of these video examples,
- [00:02:47.710]after we watch the videos,
- [00:02:49.010]I will explain to you my process,
- [00:02:51.690]and you can kind of check and see how you lined up
- [00:02:54.310]with what I was talking about.
- [00:02:55.720]Of course, if there's differences, that's fine,
- [00:02:57.700]as long as you have explanation for why you differed.
- [00:03:01.470]So, let's look at the second video of this little girl.
- [00:03:04.480]That first video is just a baseline video
- [00:03:06.870]that the family sent me
- [00:03:08.240]when we were first getting started with services,
- [00:03:11.240]and she's about four years old in that video.
- [00:03:14.597](speaking foreign language)
- [00:03:17.940]So, this second video is with her a little bit later,
- [00:03:22.400]and she's with her therapist.
- [00:03:24.620]And you can watch them interacting with one another,
- [00:03:27.450]and just get a better idea of
- [00:03:29.020]what some of her skillsets are.
- [00:03:32.015](speaking foreign language)
- [00:03:35.150]Sorry, I forgot to mention that
- [00:03:37.150]they're speaking a different language.
- [00:03:38.920]Don't worry about that.
- [00:03:40.170]You won't need to know the language
- [00:03:41.720]to understand what's happening in the video.
- [00:03:44.732](speaking foreign language)
- [00:03:57.459](therapist laughs)
- [00:03:59.859](child laughs)
- [00:04:54.643](toy plays "Row Row Row Your Boat")
- [00:05:00.644]Okay, so in that video, you can see a little bit about
- [00:05:04.010]how sustained her interaction is,
- [00:05:05.880]and how responsive or non-responsive she is
- [00:05:08.770]to her therapist,
- [00:05:11.010]and she just kinda quickly moves to different activities.
- [00:05:15.130]So, based on these videos, let's talk about
- [00:05:17.810]what assessments we would use for this learner.
- [00:05:23.670]So, core assessment-wise, that there wasn't really
- [00:05:27.290]an appropriate assessment (chuckles) to use
- [00:05:29.370]when I first saw her baseline video.
- [00:05:32.630]It was clear with how oblivious she was to mom
- [00:05:36.610]that she needed, there needed to be more work done,
- [00:05:40.060]focused on that connected teaching relationship,
- [00:05:42.920]and just really getting her
- [00:05:44.430]to value people in her environment.
- [00:05:47.870]So, when we first started, we didn't use a core assessment,
- [00:05:51.340]and then eventually, we used
- [00:05:52.810]the Early Start Denver Model with her
- [00:05:55.160]and focused heavily on the imitation process
- [00:05:57.990]that they use in Early Start Denver Model.
- [00:06:00.830]She had been, they'd been trying
- [00:06:02.760]to do traditional imitation procedures with her
- [00:06:06.230]and had made no progress over a year.
- [00:06:09.130]But as soon as we did the Early Start Denver Model,
- [00:06:11.600]it was wonderful.
- [00:06:12.790]She made progress within a month.
- [00:06:14.980]But we also put in a ton of time
- [00:06:16.950]at the beginning with her on teaching her to connect
- [00:06:20.460]with the adults in her environment,
- [00:06:22.670]and having them join her and really interact with her.
- [00:06:26.560]So, if you have students like this, even if they're older,
- [00:06:29.880]this is just a really good example of a profile where
- [00:06:33.980]it would be difficult to really work
- [00:06:35.590]on any skill assessment and skill acquisition
- [00:06:38.910]when they're not even noticing the things
- [00:06:40.910]that are happening in the environment around them.
- [00:06:42.700]So, you would need to really put in a lot of time
- [00:06:45.120]to help develop those connected relationships first
- [00:06:48.730]before trying to teach any additional skills.
- [00:06:51.610]I have another webinar with this particular learner
- [00:06:55.720]where I go into more detail about the different programs
- [00:06:58.060]and things that we worked on,
- [00:06:59.450]so feel free to touch base with me
- [00:07:00.830]if you'd like to learn more about that.
- [00:07:05.050]I forgot, it's gonna keep starting right away.
- [00:07:07.100]So, same thing.
- [00:07:08.250]Watch this video,
- [00:07:09.600]and when you're watching it,
- [00:07:11.770]just think about, with this little guy,
- [00:07:13.790]what might your assessments be?
- [00:07:16.260]He's about 18 months to two years old in this video,
- [00:07:19.750]and just watch how he's engaging with his therapist
- [00:07:23.820]in the next few videos that we watch.
- [00:07:26.010]I did want to also say one thing.
- [00:07:27.720]A lot of the learners that I work with are younger in age,
- [00:07:31.150]so a lot of the videos we're watching
- [00:07:32.830]will be younger in age.
- [00:07:34.230]Just keep in mind that, yes, developmentally,
- [00:07:37.570]how some of your intervention looks
- [00:07:40.070]will be different,
- [00:07:41.560]but the profiles could still exist even at older ages.
- [00:07:45.370]So, I want you to think about how this can generalize,
- [00:07:48.030]even for your students
- [00:07:50.030]who might be in a more, who might be older,
- [00:07:52.730]but still have similar skills that they need to work on.
- [00:07:58.724]Hi! (laughs)
- [00:08:00.745]♪ I got you, I got you ♪
- [00:08:02.130]♪ I really, really got you ♪
- [00:08:04.032]Okay! Okay, okay!
- [00:08:06.820]Ready?
- [00:08:14.592](laughs)
- [00:08:18.531]Here you go.
- [00:08:19.444](gasps) Too slow!
- [00:08:20.995]Here you go.
- [00:08:21.828](gasps) Too slow!
- [00:08:22.961]Here you go!
- [00:08:24.002]Too slow! (laughs)
- [00:08:25.843]Okay, I'm gonna hide Nathan!
- [00:08:27.436](Nathan babbles)
- [00:08:31.131](therapist gasps)
- [00:08:32.740]Okay, so that's some fun interaction
- [00:08:35.380]that he's having with his therapist,
- [00:08:38.270]and you can see how he's responding to that.
- [00:08:42.100]It's not super engaged,
- [00:08:43.760]but he is at least engaging with her for a little bit.
- [00:08:46.420]Now, the next video that we're going to watch
- [00:08:48.460]will show you how has attending was,
- [00:08:50.870]and the types of things we were working on,
- [00:08:53.070]with trying to teach him early matching skills.
- [00:08:59.968](chattering)
- [00:09:03.081]Ready?
- [00:09:05.157]It's coming!
- [00:09:06.786]Up and over!
- [00:09:07.619]Hey, ready?
- [00:09:08.452]One, two, three!
- [00:09:14.993]Match spoon!
- [00:09:16.029](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:16.862]Yay, Nathan, way to go!
- [00:09:18.983]I got your spray, good job, bud!
- [00:09:23.980]Match spoon!
- [00:09:29.443](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:30.276]Good job, Nathan!
- [00:09:31.858]We did it!
- [00:09:33.130]I'm gonna take them away.
- [00:09:34.546]I'm gonna put them back.
- [00:09:35.570](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:36.424]Match spoon!
- [00:09:37.869](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:39.200]Try again, match spoon.
- [00:09:48.778](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:49.611]Good job.
- [00:09:50.444]Ready?
- [00:09:51.277]Match spoon!
- [00:09:54.419](spoon clatters)
- [00:09:55.479]Way to go!
- [00:09:58.418]Ooh, I don't know if you like that.
- [00:10:01.005](laughs) He's kinda like...
- [00:10:03.400]Nathan, look who's coming.
- [00:10:08.340]Okay, so you can see, in this video,
- [00:10:11.030]she's using a pretty structured teaching setting with him,
- [00:10:14.360]and just the empty bowl as a distractor,
- [00:10:17.660]and it's still a struggle for him to match the spoon
- [00:10:20.620]into the container that it's in.
- [00:10:23.010]So, in this next video,
- [00:10:24.980]what you'll see is some troubleshooting
- [00:10:27.490]that we did for that,
- [00:10:29.280]and I'll explain it after we watch the video.
- [00:10:37.390]It's recording.
- [00:10:38.989]All right, you want candy or book?
- [00:10:40.930]Candy? Which one?
- [00:10:43.479]Book. Book? All right.
- [00:10:45.927]Book.
- [00:10:48.269](Nathan babbles)
- [00:10:50.130]Do I want the cards showing?
- [00:10:52.529]Sure.
- [00:10:54.530]Nice looking.
- [00:10:55.860]Match fox.
- [00:10:57.825]Fox.
- [00:10:58.658]Awesome job, sir!
- [00:11:01.280]Way to go!
- [00:11:02.113]Okay, you can stop after that one.
- [00:11:06.000]Okay, so (laughs) this says problem solving.
- [00:11:09.100]I don't know if you noticed how much his eyes lit up
- [00:11:11.850]when I put those materials on the table,
- [00:11:14.250]and how much better he was paying attention.
- [00:11:16.580]What I noticed when,
- [00:11:18.290]and this is not obviously part of any assessment
- [00:11:20.750]that we were using at the time,
- [00:11:22.490]but I noticed that at home, he was receiving, in the mail,
- [00:11:25.870]their family would get these advertisements,
- [00:11:27.680]it was a card like this,
- [00:11:29.560]and it would have all the different logos
- [00:11:31.120]of the TV stations on it, advertising some cable company,
- [00:11:34.620]and he was obsessed with those.
- [00:11:36.490]He would carry it around and just stare at it all day long.
- [00:11:39.570]So, we modified his matching procedure from the typical,
- [00:11:43.630]what we were using at the time I think was the ABLLS,
- [00:11:45.800]because the VB-MAPP didn't exist at that time.
- [00:11:48.800]It might've been the VB-MAPP.
- [00:11:49.880]But Early Start Denver Model
- [00:11:51.110]definitely did not exist at that time.
- [00:11:52.850]So, either way, we were doing your typical,
- [00:11:55.090]just matching common objects, and I wanted to find things
- [00:11:59.070]that were more motivating and reinforcing.
- [00:12:00.810]And you can see, as soon as we used things
- [00:12:02.820]that he was interested in,
- [00:12:04.770]which, duh, (laughs) no problems, right?
- [00:12:07.740]He was attending, he could match just fine.
- [00:12:10.100]So, this is just an example of how, sometimes,
- [00:12:12.130]when you're doing assessments,
- [00:12:13.490]you might need to go outside of
- [00:12:15.840]what is typically in front of you
- [00:12:17.710]to really key in on, "Okay, well,
- [00:12:20.227]"they don't perform this skill in this way,
- [00:12:22.257]"but what if we change it and make it
- [00:12:24.077]"more motivating and reinforcing?
- [00:12:25.887]"Can they perform it?"
- [00:12:27.170]'Cause there's gonna be different issues
- [00:12:30.060]if it's not motivating, versus if there's truly
- [00:12:32.620]no skill present whatsoever.
- [00:12:34.540]So, once we knew that this was a better way for him,
- [00:12:38.210]we could work on matching with this first,
- [00:12:40.340]and get it really fluent and effortless,
- [00:12:42.100]and then transfer over to common items and common objects.
- [00:12:46.750]So, looking at his assessments,
- [00:12:49.960]the core assessment, if it had existed at the time,
- [00:12:52.770]would have been the Early Start Denver Model.
- [00:12:54.700]He's the perfect age for it,
- [00:12:56.250]he has the classic symptoms, like I was talking about,
- [00:12:59.760]where having that really play-based structure,
- [00:13:04.890]structured interactions that are based around his lead,
- [00:13:08.130]but they're still kind of structured,
- [00:13:09.810]would be really helpful for him.
- [00:13:11.610]Unfortunately, Early Start Denver Model didn't exist
- [00:13:13.810]when I knew him at that young of an age.
- [00:13:15.750]We did come up with some of our own stuff
- [00:13:17.460]that was very similar,
- [00:13:18.500]but it was a lot of problem solving
- [00:13:20.110]and thinking outside of the box.
- [00:13:22.620]Supplemental assessment for him
- [00:13:24.230]could potentially have been the ABLLS-R,
- [00:13:25.890]that section A and section C that I was talking about,
- [00:13:28.830]so cooperation and reinforcer effectiveness.
- [00:13:31.210]He was pretty laid back,
- [00:13:32.820]but still just getting him to engage
- [00:13:35.040]a little bit more with the people around him,
- [00:13:37.570]using things that are more fun and motivating.
- [00:13:39.810]And then section C, the receptive instructions,
- [00:13:43.200]those initial goals that focus on preferred,
- [00:13:46.010]following preferred instructions.
- [00:13:48.130]And then the Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires
- [00:13:50.380]could also have been used.
- [00:13:51.480]Again, that didn't exist at the time when I worked with him.
- [00:13:54.150]But to look at, for his areas
- [00:13:56.160]where he wasn't making progress,
- [00:13:58.100]what was going on there, what barriers existed for him,
- [00:14:01.040]and how could we address those, especially relating to,
- [00:14:04.360]again, you saw, he's pretty passive,
- [00:14:06.770]so, relating to spontaneity,
- [00:14:08.710]and initiation, and persistence,
- [00:14:11.460]and those types of things,
- [00:14:12.560]he probably would have benefited greatly
- [00:14:14.650]from those areas being assessed,
- [00:14:16.280]and then intervention provided.
- [00:14:19.881](chattering)
- [00:14:21.670]Pause it. (laughs)
- [00:14:23.071]All right, so this is learner three,
- [00:14:25.000]and he's about, I think four in this video.
- [00:14:29.310]So, this is his mom filming.
- [00:14:31.610]And again, I just want you to watch and think about,
- [00:14:34.010]based on what you're seeing with him
- [00:14:35.310]in this video and the next couple of videos,
- [00:14:37.770]what core assessment
- [00:14:40.190]and supplemental assessments you would use.
- [00:14:49.030]Okay, wait, ready hands.
- [00:14:51.580]Which one do you want?
- [00:14:53.260]Big boy or little boy?
- [00:14:56.140]Big or little?
- [00:14:57.919]Big boy.
- [00:14:59.175]Big.
- [00:15:00.247]Big boy.
- [00:15:01.769]Big.
- [00:15:04.031](child shouts)
- [00:15:06.323]Little- (child screams)
- [00:15:07.742]Do you want little boy?
- [00:15:09.205]Little boy.
- [00:15:10.130]Little boy.
- [00:15:13.300]Okay.
- [00:15:15.997]Oh.
- [00:15:23.170]Do you want the mom or the boy?
- [00:15:24.478]Mom.
- [00:15:26.140]You want the mom?
- [00:15:28.241](chuckles) Big mom? Okay.
- [00:15:34.710]Wait. Girl or boy?
- [00:15:36.929]Girl or boy.
- [00:15:38.130]Girl boy, girl boy.
- [00:15:40.910]Do you want the girl?
- [00:15:42.290]Girl.
- [00:15:43.289]Girl.
- [00:15:46.280]Okay, so in that one, you can see,
- [00:15:48.000]mom's trying to work with him
- [00:15:49.140]on communicating choices to her.
- [00:15:51.380]He's very much grabbing at the items,
- [00:15:53.113]and not really wanting to wait,
- [00:15:55.000]and he just wants to take them and put them in.
- [00:15:57.600]So, she's trying to work on, you know,
- [00:15:59.740]having a little bit of a delay before he can have the items.
- [00:16:02.590]In this next video, you'll see a little bit
- [00:16:05.520]of his challenging behavior.
- [00:16:08.390]And mom's trying to transition to go to the car,
- [00:16:10.970]which is something he typically doesn't mind doing,
- [00:16:13.410]but he doesn't want to transition
- [00:16:15.030]from what they were doing previously to go to the car.
- [00:16:21.359]Come on.
- [00:16:22.400](child babbles)
- [00:16:27.388](child babbles)
- [00:16:31.890]Remember? Car then playground.
- [00:16:33.351](child screams)
- [00:16:38.272](child cries)
- [00:16:52.248]Come on.
- [00:16:53.230](child cries)
- [00:17:00.611](child cries)
- [00:17:14.266](child cries)
- [00:17:24.800]Okay, mommy's going to the car now.
- [00:17:27.996]Let's go.
- [00:17:31.788](child screams)
- [00:17:42.852](child cries)
- [00:17:57.250]Okay, so in that video, you can see a little bit
- [00:17:59.810]of his challenging behavior
- [00:18:02.160]where he's not following mom's instruction
- [00:18:04.600]to go to the car, and he's crying.
- [00:18:06.200]And he does a little bit on the floor of tapping his head.
- [00:18:09.690]He can get more intensive with that,
- [00:18:11.560]where he'll bang his head either forwards or backwards
- [00:18:14.430]on the ground in certain situations.
- [00:18:16.760]And especially when I first started with him,
- [00:18:18.450]that would happen quite a bit.
- [00:18:20.290]So, in this last video,
- [00:18:21.530]we're going to watch one other piece for him
- [00:18:24.330]around giving up items,
- [00:18:26.330]that was the main reason mom initially contacted me.
- [00:18:30.120]She'd been following the typical protocols
- [00:18:32.700]that are given for teaching a learner
- [00:18:35.470]how to calmly give up an item,
- [00:18:37.830]and he was still engaging in whining,
- [00:18:39.950]and sometimes escalating to head banging.
- [00:18:43.710]In the video, he doesn't actually escalate,
- [00:18:45.960]because he's in his car seat.
- [00:18:47.210]And he stays relatively calm,
- [00:18:48.990]but he does engage in the whining.
- [00:18:51.240]And we needed to work on this.
- [00:18:53.280]He would clutch the items,
- [00:18:54.500]which isn't that big of a deal,
- [00:18:55.920]but when he would go to the playground,
- [00:18:57.260]or in other settings where he needed to put the items down
- [00:18:59.980]to do something else he wanted to do,
- [00:19:01.840]he got really upset about it.
- [00:19:03.480]He didn't have that skillset to tolerate being okay
- [00:19:06.280]with the item being out of his hands.
- [00:19:08.120]And of course, he has a little brother,
- [00:19:09.820]and there will be other children around at times,
- [00:19:12.040]and if they even came close to him and those items,
- [00:19:15.150]he would get into, whether it was aggressing towards them,
- [00:19:19.360]or he would head bang.
- [00:19:20.690]So, we had to help him learn how to sit
- [00:19:22.450]with that discomfort of, you know,
- [00:19:24.400]these items might go missing, or someone might touch them,
- [00:19:28.330]or you might need to put them down to do something.
- [00:19:30.730]So, this next video is just a little clip of
- [00:19:34.610]what he was doing when we first started working together.
- [00:19:42.638]Give.
- [00:19:44.007](child screams)
- [00:19:51.212]No!
- [00:19:55.241]Give.
- [00:19:56.074]Good give!
- [00:19:59.889](child babbles)
- [00:20:07.208]Red egg.
- [00:20:09.708]Red egg.
- [00:20:11.240]Red egg?
- [00:20:12.250]Okay, give.
- [00:20:13.746](child screams)
- [00:20:15.403](child whines)
- [00:20:17.506]Give.
- [00:20:19.320]Good give!
- [00:20:21.851]I want chocolate.
- [00:20:23.640]You want chocolate?
- [00:20:24.890]You want it back, okay.
- [00:20:30.489](child screams)
- [00:20:31.706]Can you give?
- [00:20:34.010]Give.
- [00:20:34.843]Good give! (child screams)
- [00:20:37.316](child cries)
- [00:20:43.370]Good job.
- [00:20:47.710]Okay, so this is kind of a long video,
- [00:20:49.390]so I'm gonna pause it there.
- [00:20:50.840]You can see, he does actually give over the item,
- [00:20:53.840]but he's screaming (laughs) as he does it,
- [00:20:56.150]and that was part of the issue.
- [00:20:58.010]So, the assessment was,
- [00:20:59.930]there was a chain developing for him,
- [00:21:01.890]where he was learning that he screams and gets upset first,
- [00:21:05.470]and then he gives over the item.
- [00:21:07.980]This is where typical assessments
- [00:21:10.450]aren't going to pick up on this type of thing.
- [00:21:12.180]I needed to actually observe and see,
- [00:21:14.780]what was the chain that was happening, and what could we do?
- [00:21:17.410]What did we need to pinpoint to fix it
- [00:21:19.690]and help him learn to calmly give up the items?
- [00:21:23.720]So for him, the core assessment initially,
- [00:21:27.630]even though mom was already using the VB-MAPP with him,
- [00:21:30.420]and we did eventually use PEAK,
- [00:21:32.890]we needed to really get in on this challenging behavior,
- [00:21:36.160]and help him learn to tolerate (chuckles) a lot of things.
- [00:21:39.400]So initially, the Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires
- [00:21:42.640]is a good assessment for this type of profile.
- [00:21:45.890]And then, it was just really highly individualized
- [00:21:48.000]based on him.
- [00:21:48.833]It was a functional assessment sort of,
- [00:21:52.240]but I wasn't even necessarily looking at function
- [00:21:55.810]as much as I was looking at the full chain of events
- [00:21:58.700]that was happening for him,
- [00:21:59.790]and where it was getting thrown off.
- [00:22:02.010]Because it didn't matter what consequence mom provided
- [00:22:04.900]or didn't provide, (chuckles)
- [00:22:06.150]he still had that chain.
- [00:22:08.320]That was the response he was going to be engaging in.
- [00:22:10.740]So, I had to figure out, what were the skill deficits?
- [00:22:13.250]How could we humanely work him through
- [00:22:16.280]tolerating these different situations,
- [00:22:18.870]and then work on his skills?
- [00:22:23.400]So, a supplemental assessment.
- [00:22:25.260]Like I mentioned, mom was using VB-MAPP,
- [00:22:27.100]we switched over to PEAK.
- [00:22:28.640]And eventually, once we were able to address
- [00:22:31.420]the challenging behaviors that he was engaging in,
- [00:22:34.010]the PEAK assessment became his core assessment
- [00:22:36.200]so we could work on helping him develop
- [00:22:38.190]especially more flexibility around language,
- [00:22:41.470]and just flexibility in general.
- [00:22:44.900]So, another thing happened with him, though,
- [00:22:48.660]that I wanted to include in this presentation.
- [00:22:52.030]We worked on giving nicely, waiting,
- [00:22:54.540]and tolerating no based on that initial assessment.
- [00:22:57.700]And then, I just want you to kind of see
- [00:22:59.420]how the assessment process is ongoing.
- [00:23:01.890]So, I had an in-person consultation with him,
- [00:23:04.210]and I saw the following relating
- [00:23:06.190]to play and giving up items.
- [00:23:15.700]I want airplane.
- [00:23:19.620]I'm gonna show you one more example,
- [00:23:21.340]and let's see if you can pick up on what's happening
- [00:23:23.760]when I'm playing with him.
- [00:23:25.290]Although, the next video is with his mom.
- [00:23:30.920]I want the motorcycle.
- [00:23:34.930]Okay, so did you notice anything? (laughs)
- [00:23:37.930]Basically, what happened was,
- [00:23:39.840]as soon as I touched the airplane
- [00:23:41.610]and mom touched the motorcycle,
- [00:23:43.310]even though he wasn't attending to either of those things,
- [00:23:45.560]or playing with them, he immediately said,
- [00:23:47.757]"I want," whatever.
- [00:23:49.320]And part of that's because,
- [00:23:50.510]when we worked on giving up items calmly,
- [00:23:52.990]we taught him as a replacement skill
- [00:23:54.670]to ask for the item back.
- [00:23:56.530]And then, we worked on waiting,
- [00:23:57.700]and denials, and things like that.
- [00:23:59.510]So, the chain he now had learned (chuckles)
- [00:24:01.940]was, "As soon as somebody touches
- [00:24:03.377]"or approaches anything near me,
- [00:24:05.337]"I will just ask for it back," which isn't awful.
- [00:24:09.300]Obviously, that's much better than him head banging.
- [00:24:12.530]However, again, he has a little brother.
- [00:24:14.650]If he's out in the community,
- [00:24:15.990]children are going to be around,
- [00:24:16.914]and they're not always going to respond
- [00:24:17.959]if he asks for things back
- [00:24:20.407]that he wasn't even playing with in the first place.
- [00:24:24.030]And it's not really fair
- [00:24:25.080]to the little brother or the children that,
- [00:24:27.210]if he's not even playing with something,
- [00:24:28.590]they would have to give it back.
- [00:24:29.920]So now, we needed him to learn
- [00:24:32.150]to be okay with waiting, and not just getting the item back.
- [00:24:37.000]And we started to try to work on, too,
- [00:24:39.230]being able to just touch stuff
- [00:24:40.910]without him saying, "Can I (chuckles) have that back?"
- [00:24:44.040]This also built into the ultimate goal,
- [00:24:46.630]which, what we noticed was,
- [00:24:47.780]even though he was giving up items
- [00:24:50.250]in structured situations
- [00:24:51.670]where mom would tell him to give her the item,
- [00:24:53.990]when they were trying to do more play-based interactions,
- [00:24:56.520]if there were certain things
- [00:24:58.170]that he was very particular about,
- [00:24:59.600]if she tried to play with those things, he would get upset.
- [00:25:02.980]So, if he's not even tolerating
- [00:25:05.560]us touching something he's not playing with,
- [00:25:08.050]he's obviously not going to tolerate trying
- [00:25:10.630]to play with something he is playing with,
- [00:25:12.770]or any other child trying to play with it.
- [00:25:14.970]So, this was our assessment of that whole process.
- [00:25:18.497]"Okay, our ultimate goal is that
- [00:25:20.887]"a child could join him in play,
- [00:25:23.447]"play however they want, play with whatever they want,
- [00:25:25.617]"he could do whatever he wants,
- [00:25:27.357]"and everyone would stay calm, for their age."
- [00:25:30.860]And that was not going to be achieved yet.
- [00:25:33.970]We first needed to work on just tolerating
- [00:25:36.490]us touching his stuff, period.
- [00:25:38.530]So that's, again, nothing,
- [00:25:40.890]you're not gonna find that in any curriculum (chuckles)
- [00:25:43.630]or assessment that you could purchase.
- [00:25:45.290]This is all just observing and looking at,
- [00:25:47.750]where does he need to be
- [00:25:48.880]to be independent and successful
- [00:25:51.830]in the environments that he's in, and how do we get there?
- [00:25:55.890]So, this is the video to show how we practiced that.
- [00:26:03.080]Well, first, I guess I should show you the bullet points.
- [00:26:05.930]So, he was staying,
- [00:26:07.200]we wanted to work on him staying calm
- [00:26:08.640]when people touch his items.
- [00:26:10.180]Like I mentioned,
- [00:26:11.013]he was almost immediately requesting the item back,
- [00:26:13.270]even if he hadn't previously shown an interest in it,
- [00:26:16.030]so this was the new issue that we needed to address.
- [00:26:24.410]I want airplane.
- [00:26:27.110]Okay, just wait.
- [00:26:30.738]Helicopter, helicopter.
- [00:26:33.131]You have the helicopter?
- [00:26:34.240]Here's the airplane, thanks for waiting!
- [00:26:36.814](chattering)
- [00:26:40.310]So, you can see in this video, when he asked for it,
- [00:26:43.780]I immediately said, you know, "Oh, I'm playing with it."
- [00:26:46.550]And then once he was focused on something else,
- [00:26:49.900]I gave it to him, because we didn't want a new chain
- [00:26:52.760]to develop where I just say, "Okay," or "Wait," or whatever,
- [00:26:55.920]and he deals with it, but he's still focused
- [00:26:58.450]on the airplane, and he's not shifting his focus
- [00:27:01.630]back to what he was doing.
- [00:27:02.820]So, the chain that we're trying to develop is that
- [00:27:05.300]he can play and engage with whatever he's doing
- [00:27:08.320]and be okay that he doesn't have the item that I took.
- [00:27:12.730]The next one is of his mom.
- [00:27:17.670]I want the motorcycle.
- [00:27:22.240]I want motorcycle! Just wait.
- [00:27:24.770]Just wait.
- [00:27:33.330]Good waiting.
- [00:27:34.260]You can have the motorcycle.
- [00:27:37.906]So you can see, in this one, mom,
- [00:27:39.540]for whatever reason, didn't say right away to wait,
- [00:27:42.540]and he asked for it again. (laughs)
- [00:27:44.380]So, that was another thing we were gonna have to work on.
- [00:27:47.240]He's definitely persistent, but also, we need to make sure
- [00:27:50.290]he doesn't overdo the requesting
- [00:27:53.790]to a point where it becomes another challenge
- [00:27:56.100]for him in being able to navigate these things.
- [00:27:59.260]But again, you can see,
- [00:28:00.560]when mom told him to wait,
- [00:28:02.700]and then once he started focusing on something else,
- [00:28:05.100]she gave him the motorcycle.
- [00:28:06.700]So, that was our next step for
- [00:28:08.830]the give me progression with him.
- [00:28:14.615]Oh, this one didn't start right away.
- [00:28:16.130]Hopefully it's gonna work. (laughs)
- [00:28:17.540]All right, I tested these all before we started,
- [00:28:19.820]but you know, technology.
- [00:28:21.480]So, this is a,
- [00:28:23.570]a learner who is about 12 in these videos.
- [00:28:27.790]And this is not a baseline video,
- [00:28:29.970]but I just wanted you to see
- [00:28:32.170]some of his performance,
- [00:28:33.530]and then we'll talk about what we did
- [00:28:35.360]for the core assessments with him.
- [00:28:37.880]I know most of the other videos I showed you
- [00:28:39.750]were with younger learners,
- [00:28:40.900]so I wanted to make sure to include one
- [00:28:42.490]that's a little bit older
- [00:28:43.800]so that you can see how this process
- [00:28:45.930]would work for an older student.
- [00:28:53.397](student mumbles)
- [00:28:54.230]Does this match?
- [00:28:55.426]Yeah.
- [00:29:00.150]So, I should explain.
- [00:29:01.980]What mom is doing right now with him is working
- [00:29:04.600]on trying to teach him to identify
- [00:29:07.030]if something's the same or different,
- [00:29:09.390]and we were having difficulty.
- [00:29:11.920]He didn't understand the word same.
- [00:29:14.280]So, what she's doing right now is,
- [00:29:15.600]she's gonna work on teaching him
- [00:29:18.840]to respond based on using the word match,
- [00:29:21.140]because that's a word he already had familiarity with.
- [00:29:24.030]And then, you'll see the progression where
- [00:29:26.020]we transition over to being able to use the word same.
- [00:29:32.470]Does this match?
- [00:29:33.601]No.
- [00:29:34.810]No. Are these the same?
- [00:29:37.090]No.
- [00:29:38.270]Good.
- [00:29:44.390]Does this match?
- [00:29:45.591]Yeah.
- [00:29:46.424]Yeah! Are these the same?
- [00:29:47.716]Yeah.
- [00:29:48.549]Yeah, good.
- [00:29:57.285]Does this match?
- [00:29:58.757]Yeah.
- [00:30:01.433]Look again, airplane.
- [00:30:04.088]Does this match?
- [00:30:05.375]No.
- [00:30:06.559]Are these-
- [00:30:07.392]So, you can see in this initial clip of the program,
- [00:30:10.900]he's not performing well. (laughs)
- [00:30:13.700]Even with doing the, "Do these match?",
- [00:30:15.900]he's sometimes getting it right,
- [00:30:17.350]and he's sometimes getting it wrong.
- [00:30:19.130]So, this does another example as well
- [00:30:21.150]of the ongoing assessment process.
- [00:30:23.050]So, when mom sent me this clip,
- [00:30:25.500]I'm looking at, "Okay, what is going on here?
- [00:30:27.537]"Why is he having difficulty with this?",
- [00:30:30.550]and making sure that we can help him make progress,
- [00:30:35.200]and designing the program in a way that he'll be successful.
- [00:30:39.040]So again, this was his very first time doing it.
- [00:30:41.590]And what we realized for sure is,
- [00:30:45.210]if he says the name of the items beforehand,
- [00:30:48.820]he's more likely to get it correct.
- [00:30:50.980]So, we added that as a step,
- [00:30:52.720]and we had to work on figuring that out as well,
- [00:30:54.740]because if he says the name of the items,
- [00:30:57.480]we don't know if he's responding
- [00:30:58.890]just by hearing what he said,
- [00:31:00.780]and not actually looking at the visual,
- [00:31:03.070]or what's really controlling that response.
- [00:31:06.310]So, we did have to fade that out as well,
- [00:31:07.940]which you'll see as the videos go on.
- [00:31:09.970]But I just want you to see that,
- [00:31:12.690]kind of pause here just so you can see what we're doing.
- [00:31:15.750]She's, whenever I'm watching my clients,
- [00:31:19.120]even an intervention, I'm assessing, (chuckles)
- [00:31:21.630]what do we need to change to make this more successful?
- [00:31:26.120]The same?
- [00:31:26.968]No.
- [00:31:33.818]Does this match?
- [00:31:35.686]No.
- [00:31:37.184]You say.
- [00:31:38.017]Block, block.
- [00:31:39.261]Does this match?
- [00:31:40.620]Yeah.
- [00:31:41.453]Yeah, they are a match!
- [00:31:43.600]Are these the same?
- [00:31:44.970]Yeah.
- [00:31:55.780]Okay, so that was his initial baseline, like I mentioned,
- [00:31:59.380]and we did the troubleshooting, and really worked on,
- [00:32:02.190]again, having him respond to match after saying the names,
- [00:32:05.800]and then having him respond to the word same.
- [00:32:08.890]So now, you can see, in this video,
- [00:32:11.330]what it looks like a few weeks,
- [00:32:13.690]well, it's about a month later.
- [00:32:18.518](student mumbles)
- [00:32:20.400]Are these the same?
- [00:32:21.652]No.
- [00:32:23.860]So, he got that right.
- [00:32:25.037]And you can see, we faded out "Do these match?",
- [00:32:27.430]but she's still having him label the items ahead of time.
- [00:32:33.200]Are these the same?
- [00:32:34.433]Yeah.
- [00:32:35.710]He got that right.
- [00:32:39.636](student mumbles)
- [00:32:40.863]Are these the same.?
- [00:32:42.011]No.
- [00:32:43.302]He got that right.
- [00:32:44.691]Block, block.
- [00:32:45.695]Are these the same?
- [00:32:46.932]Yeah.
- [00:32:48.762]And he got that right.
- [00:32:52.622]Shoes, shoes.
- [00:32:53.743]Are these the same?
- [00:32:55.041]Yeah.
- [00:32:57.965](student mumbles)
- [00:32:58.951]Are these the same?
- [00:32:59.923]No. You did a good job.
- [00:33:02.760]So, he got all of them right.
- [00:33:04.070]You'll notice, mom isn't giving any reinforcement.
- [00:33:06.780]This is a test condition from the PEAK programming,
- [00:33:09.950]so that's why she's not giving him any feedback
- [00:33:12.190]until the end, telling him he did a nice job with her.
- [00:33:15.500]We're gonna watch one more program with him,
- [00:33:18.020]and this program is also from PEAK, where
- [00:33:22.000]he's going to be working on learning
- [00:33:23.900]how to sort and count items.
- [00:33:25.950]Again, I had to assess,
- [00:33:27.900]how can we make this program successful for him
- [00:33:30.870]based on his strengths and areas of difficulty?
- [00:33:33.370]The way the program is written
- [00:33:35.770]by itself within the PEAK book
- [00:33:38.380]would not (chuckles) have been appropriate for him,
- [00:33:40.560]so we had to add in some additional prompts, and
- [00:33:44.920]kind of more explicitly lay out the program
- [00:33:47.130]and break it down for him to be successful with it.
- [00:33:51.640]Okay Nico, so you're gonna do numbers.
- [00:33:53.750]So, we added in these cards here,
- [00:33:58.120]and then we added in showing him the number,
- [00:34:00.500]and we also broke down how this instruction was presented.
- [00:34:04.300]Instead of saying the whole thing at once,
- [00:34:06.640]she tells him step-by-step what to do.
- [00:34:12.030]Okay? Look.
- [00:34:14.600]First, you're gonna do,
- [00:34:17.960]what number?
- [00:34:19.144]Two.
- [00:34:19.977]Okay, you're gonna do two groups.
- [00:34:23.034]One.
- [00:34:26.520]Two.
- [00:34:33.190]Yes, well done.
- [00:34:34.523]Yeah, two groups, okay.
- [00:34:37.450]You're gonna do two groups of three.
- [00:34:39.993]You have to do three in each.
- [00:34:45.832]One.
- [00:34:48.093]Two.
- [00:34:50.508]Three.
- [00:34:53.384]One. Good.
- [00:34:55.353]Two.
- [00:34:57.383]Three.
- [00:34:59.862]Nice job!
- [00:35:00.953]Very nice.
- [00:35:02.074]Shirt, shirt.
- [00:35:05.470]Okay, then next, you're gonna do
- [00:35:10.830]this one.
- [00:35:12.330]You're gonna do number-
- [00:35:13.993]Four.
- [00:35:14.826]Okay, we need four card, four groups.
- [00:35:18.609]One.
- [00:35:21.637]Two.
- [00:35:23.763]Three.
- [00:35:26.550]Four.
- [00:35:29.717]Good, you did four groups.
- [00:35:31.270]And now, you have to put one on each.
- [00:35:37.050]One.
- [00:35:43.075]One.
- [00:35:44.034]Good.
- [00:35:47.864]One.
- [00:35:48.728]Good.
- [00:35:52.466]One.
- [00:35:56.775]One.
- [00:35:58.787]One.
- [00:36:00.859]One.
- [00:36:01.692]Do good for Megan.
- [00:36:02.616]Yeah, you did it! Yeah, because usually,
- [00:36:04.506]if I can comment on this-
- [00:36:06.516](chuckles) Okay, so apparently,
- [00:36:08.320]he performed, at that particular time, much better,
- [00:36:10.780]because they were videotaping, according to the family.
- [00:36:14.050]But again, watching this video,
- [00:36:16.130]think about, for this particular learner
- [00:36:17.767]and what you're seeing with his responding,
- [00:36:20.090]what would you use for your core assessments?
- [00:36:23.300]And I'll tell you a little bit more background
- [00:36:25.150]with him in a second.
- [00:36:26.540]I also want to know if you noticed anything
- [00:36:29.460]as you were watching this about his responding,
- [00:36:31.760]especially this program.
- [00:36:34.370]If you look at the bears right now,
- [00:36:36.450]he always uses the color,
- [00:36:39.390]he's trying to get one of each, the same color.
- [00:36:42.200]So, he used all the red bears,
- [00:36:44.040]and when he ran out of red bears,
- [00:36:45.330]he used the one that was closest to red.
- [00:36:47.660]So, when we look at barriers and things
- [00:36:49.700]that could interfere with progress, that threw him off.
- [00:36:52.990]We had to specifically work on that with him.
- [00:36:55.600]If he didn't have enough of a certain color,
- [00:36:57.450]he would error and respond incorrectly,
- [00:37:00.440]simply because that color was a rule for him
- [00:37:03.240]to follow of having the same color,
- [00:37:05.750]instead of just choosing whatever items at random.
- [00:37:08.580]So sometimes, when you're, again,
- [00:37:10.500]working through your assessments,
- [00:37:11.780]those are things that are not going to come up
- [00:37:13.690]in your typical assessments that you would purchase.
- [00:37:16.020]But when you're looking at your learner's performance,
- [00:37:18.040]you need to be keeping an eye out for these things,
- [00:37:20.370]and figuring out how to address those programming-wise.
- [00:37:23.230]We usually use shaping,
- [00:37:25.420]and work on explicitly talking about it, too.
- [00:37:27.880]Like, "Hey, you don't need to use all of the same color."
- [00:37:31.330]We might get rid of different colors for a little while,
- [00:37:34.170]and just get the program going with just all one color
- [00:37:37.760]to make sure we're controlling for that.
- [00:37:39.290]So, there's different ways to work on it,
- [00:37:41.070]depending on the learner,
- [00:37:42.530]but that's something hopefully some of you noticed
- [00:37:45.430]when you were watching it, as well.
- [00:37:46.700]So, these are the types of things
- [00:37:47.810]you might pick up on, even when
- [00:37:49.610]you're watching a learner perform certain programs,
- [00:37:52.460]again, with that ongoing assessment process.
- [00:37:56.460]So for him, the core assessment that I used was PEAK.
- [00:38:00.640]And I say this is interesting because,
- [00:38:03.680]when I first started with him,
- [00:38:04.980]even though he was about 10 or 11,
- [00:38:07.720]the school that he was in
- [00:38:09.290]was a really high-end behavior analytics school,
- [00:38:13.570]and they were still using
- [00:38:16.480]I'm pretty sure the VB-MAPP with him.
- [00:38:18.760]The programming was very related to VB-MAPP or ABLLS.
- [00:38:21.810]This is the kind of child, no, that's,
- [00:38:24.270]he's too old for that, (chuckles) first of all.
- [00:38:26.660]What was also interesting is,
- [00:38:29.260]he wasn't performing well on a lot
- [00:38:31.750]of different basic language tasks, like receptive ID,
- [00:38:35.640]certain expressive ID programs.
- [00:38:37.300]He hadn't yet mastered his shapes, colors, animals,
- [00:38:40.770]certain common items.
- [00:38:42.040]He would confuse things,
- [00:38:43.470]and he was having a very difficult time.
- [00:38:45.920]He wasn't writing his letters,
- [00:38:47.320]his numbers, his shapes, none of those things.
- [00:38:50.600]So, this is another learner where
- [00:38:52.760]it was very important to individualize his assessment
- [00:38:56.680]and figure out, "Okay, how is he 10 years old?
- [00:38:59.287]"He's been receiving intensive behavior analytic services
- [00:39:02.017]"since he was two, and he still has all of these things
- [00:39:05.077]"that he's not performing correctly.
- [00:39:06.737]"What's going on here?
- [00:39:08.327]"Why is that happening?"
- [00:39:09.600]So, I did a lot of individualized assessment
- [00:39:12.280]to look at his barriers.
- [00:39:13.960]And for him especially,
- [00:39:15.550]there's motor planning difficulty.
- [00:39:18.500]So, he doesn't have an official diagnosis
- [00:39:21.100]of apraxia or dyspraxia, but when,
- [00:39:24.969]you could see it a little bit
- [00:39:26.060]in the videos that I just showed you,
- [00:39:28.660]but it takes him quite a bit of time
- [00:39:30.440]to get his body to do different things.
- [00:39:34.080]So, obviously, if that's happening,
- [00:39:36.100]receptive and expressive programs are going to be difficult
- [00:39:40.390]for him to respond super quickly to.
- [00:39:43.010]He's going to need more time to respond,
- [00:39:45.110]and he's probably going to need more practice
- [00:39:46.800]with discriminating, and things like that.
- [00:39:49.020]So, a lot of things that we worked on with him,
- [00:39:51.360]we added in what we call warmups,
- [00:39:53.320]where we were practicing as errorlessly as possible,
- [00:39:57.260]whatever it was.
- [00:39:58.093]So, for example, when we were trying
- [00:39:59.350]to teach him his shapes, we made a list,
- [00:40:02.780]or a strip, and it had, circle, triangle, square,
- [00:40:06.510]square, triangle, circle, circle, triangle, square,
- [00:40:08.750]and it was just a long row of shapes.
- [00:40:11.340]And then he and his mom would point
- [00:40:13.040]to each one and say them together,
- [00:40:15.060]just to get that practice going
- [00:40:17.090]of seeing and saying each different shape.
- [00:40:20.080]But it was errorless, 'cause mom's saying it with him.
- [00:40:22.680]And then, after we would do that warmup,
- [00:40:24.860]and he had that practice, that motor practice of saying it,
- [00:40:27.990]she would show him one shape at a time,
- [00:40:30.030]and he was able to say it.
- [00:40:30.863]And we had to do the same thing with writing and drawing,
- [00:40:33.990]and with a lot of other things
- [00:40:35.100]that he wasn't successful with.
- [00:40:37.310]But again,
- [00:40:38.143]none of that's going to be in your basic (laughs)
- [00:40:40.420]assessments that you can buy.
- [00:40:41.820]It was all just observing him and seeing,
- [00:40:44.007]"Oh, he's having a really difficult time with this,
- [00:40:46.927]"so what support could we add in
- [00:40:48.977]"to make that easier for him?"
- [00:40:52.050]Supplemental assessments for him.
- [00:40:53.960]The Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires,
- [00:40:55.860]especially around those barriers.
- [00:40:57.590]You could see he's a little bit more
- [00:40:58.880]of a passive performer, as well,
- [00:41:01.670]so trying to get more going around that persistence,
- [00:41:05.810]and the initiations, and things like that.
- [00:41:08.670]And because of his age,
- [00:41:10.070]the Assessment of Functional Living Skills
- [00:41:11.930]to start working on different daily living
- [00:41:14.320]and vocational type skills, would be helpful, as well.
- [00:41:18.120]So, now, we're going to go through the examples.
- [00:41:21.630]I have five of them.
- [00:41:22.810]Again, I'm not going to tell you the answers,
- [00:41:25.027]I'm just going to tell you
- [00:41:28.530]what the scenario is,
- [00:41:31.350]and then I want you to think for yourself what you would do.
- [00:41:34.570]I highly recommend, if you don't already have it with you,
- [00:41:38.730]to get, again, the PowerPoint from session one,
- [00:41:41.950]to look at the different stages, those early learner,
- [00:41:44.920]middle learner, advanced learner, and functional learner,
- [00:41:47.150]'cause we're going to be talking about that,
- [00:41:48.660]and then the different options for core assessments.
- [00:41:50.730]So, you might want to have that available
- [00:41:52.620]to go through this.
- [00:41:53.900]And I'm just quickly going to switch my sound over.
- [00:42:01.820]Hopefully.
- [00:42:05.570]I guess I'm just gonna do it like this.
- [00:42:10.000]Sorry, technology.
- [00:42:13.200]Okay. (laughs)
- [00:42:14.650]I just wanted to get my headphones back on,
- [00:42:16.230]now that I'm done showing you all videos.
- [00:42:18.410]All right, so for this example,
- [00:42:20.510]we have a seven-year-old non-vocal child.
- [00:42:23.110]The child cooperates with all demands,
- [00:42:25.870]but typically needs prompting
- [00:42:27.380]to successfully complete the demand.
- [00:42:29.700]And the child does not match items,
- [00:42:31.830]and the child has never really been taught
- [00:42:33.550]how to do anything.
- [00:42:35.350]So, based on this, what stage would this learner be in:
- [00:42:41.720]early learner, middle learner,
- [00:42:43.500]advanced learner, or functional learner,
- [00:42:46.240]what would you use as your core assessment,
- [00:42:49.170]and what might you use as your supplemental assessment?
- [00:42:52.070]Again, I'm not going to tell you the answers,
- [00:42:54.690]I just want you to think about it.
- [00:42:56.320]And if you want to check your work,
- [00:42:57.770]you're more than welcome to email me.
- [00:43:01.720]Okay, example two.
- [00:43:03.530]A three-year-old, sorry.
- [00:43:06.430]I thought I edited this,
- [00:43:07.700]but I guess I didn't do it correctly.
- [00:43:09.430]A three-year-old non-vocal child.
- [00:43:12.170]The child doesn't like new people.
- [00:43:14.510]The child cries and runs to mom
- [00:43:16.100]when people come in the house.
- [00:43:17.830]The child will not approach the therapist,
- [00:43:19.540]even when she has preferred items.
- [00:43:21.490]And the child will perform a few simple demands for mom,
- [00:43:24.170]such as object imitation and motor imitation.
- [00:43:27.260]So, what stage would this learner be:
- [00:43:29.380]early learner, middle, advanced, or functional?
- [00:43:33.580]What would your core assessment be and why,
- [00:43:37.040]and what supplemental assessments
- [00:43:38.480]would you use for this profile?
- [00:43:43.490]So, feel free to pause at any point.
- [00:43:45.330]I'm gonna just keep going through the examples.
- [00:43:47.220]Again, you can email me if you want
- [00:43:49.160]to check your work at all.
- [00:43:51.820]Example three, a six-year-old vocal child.
- [00:43:55.010]The child is somewhat cooperative with demands.
- [00:43:57.470]The child can match, do simple puzzles,
- [00:44:00.510]follow basic instructions,
- [00:44:02.070]request preferred items, and label a few items.
- [00:44:05.650]So, what stage would this child be:
- [00:44:07.540]early, middle, advanced, or functional?
- [00:44:11.450]What would your core assessment be,
- [00:44:13.260]and what would your supplemental assessments be?
- [00:44:15.220]And of course, think about why you're choosing those.
- [00:44:20.790]So, I have two more.
- [00:44:23.590]A four-year-old vocal child.
- [00:44:25.550]The child is cooperative with demands.
- [00:44:27.950]The child can label basic objects, emotions,
- [00:44:30.950]features, and functions.
- [00:44:32.530]And the child knows some personal questions.
- [00:44:35.200]So, what stage would this child be:
- [00:44:37.510]early, middle, advanced, or functional?
- [00:44:41.260]And then what would you choose
- [00:44:42.450]for your core assessment and why,
- [00:44:44.630]and what would you choose for supplemental assessments?
- [00:44:49.170]All right, last one!
- [00:44:51.480]Seven-year-old with limited functional communication.
- [00:44:54.620]Has made very little progress with skills
- [00:44:56.700]such as imitation, matching,
- [00:44:58.520]receptive ID, and expressive ID.
- [00:45:01.110]So, what stage would this be:
- [00:45:02.650]early, middle, advanced, or functional?
- [00:45:05.880]And what would you choose for your core assessment
- [00:45:08.880]and your supplemental assessment, and why?
- [00:45:15.100]I highly recommend doing that same process
- [00:45:18.210]with your current students if you haven't already.
- [00:45:20.520]Look, you know, a quick summary
- [00:45:22.540]of what their strengths and deficits are,
- [00:45:24.920]and what stage they're in,
- [00:45:26.710]what your core assessment should be,
- [00:45:28.197]and what your supplemental assessment should be, and why.
- [00:45:30.800]Of course, if you have a team of people,
- [00:45:32.850]having some brainstorming and problem solving sessions
- [00:45:36.020]could also be really helpful to see what you come up with
- [00:45:39.530]and how you're applying what you're learning here.
- [00:45:42.510]If you want to check your work with any of those examples,
- [00:45:45.500]or you have questions for me about session two,
- [00:45:48.010]here is my email again.
- [00:45:49.340]And I look forward to seeing you for session three.
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