Out-of-State Student Experience
Rachel Lindhart
Hosted by New Student Enrollment. Please skip to 11:40 for session start.
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- [00:10:36.390]Rachel Lindhart: hello, good evening everyone thanks for joining us this evening, I am going to get our closed captioning setup here, making sure that my audio and my video is working Okay, and it looks like we're in a good spot and we'll get started in just a minute thanks for being here.
- [00:11:41.880]Rachel Lindhart: hello, again, good evening everyone hello to all of our out of state students Thank you so much for tuning in this evening.
- [00:11:48.750]Rachel Lindhart: From wherever outside of nebraska this may find you, I decided to join from up above campus this evening a beautiful aerial shot here kind of in celebration and honor of.
- [00:12:01.350]Rachel Lindhart: immersing ourselves into the city in the Community of Lincoln this fall and we're so glad to have you joining us and with that we'll go ahead and get started with introductions and then i'm going to pass it over to Emily to run with the content for the thing.
- [00:12:16.710]Rachel Lindhart: As you know, as we have probably already met my name is Rachel lenhart I am an orientation coordinator in the office of new student enrollment.
- [00:12:23.970]Rachel Lindhart: I pan large scale events I run our webinar series and an exciting fun fact for this evening Emily and I are both from out of state, neither of us are nebraska natives, and so I can't speak for Emily but for myself i'm personally excited to.
- [00:12:40.650]Rachel Lindhart: gather and celebrate are out of State Union together and hopefully share some some wisdom and some nuggets of knowledge for how to have a successful transition, so you went out and to Lincoln all right and i'll invite me to introduce herself.
- [00:12:54.150]Emily Klesner: Everyone, my name is Emily klausner like Rachel said i'm also from out of state i'm a coordinator in new student enrollment just like Rachel i'm really excited to have everyone here tonight i've been meeting with.
- [00:13:04.140]Emily Klesner: Out of state students and parents all summer long and it's been super fun and exciting, so I think it's going to be really great to get to share with all of you tonight as well, so i'm going to go ahead and jump right in to our presentation.
- [00:13:17.970]Emily Klesner: Rachel do you want to explain these zoom features, just to make sure they get them right.
- [00:13:22.560]Rachel Lindhart: Yes, absolutely, so we are using the webinar function this evening same as all of our other webinars up to this point, but you won't have access to your camera or your microphone.
- [00:13:33.390]Rachel Lindhart: That is intentional so don't worry if you're not able to turn those things on or you won't accidentally bump them while you're watching.
- [00:13:40.290]Rachel Lindhart: Instead, you can engage with us through the chat feature, if you want to introduce yourself, let us know where you're from.
- [00:13:46.260]Rachel Lindhart: Where you're tuning in from this evening, if i've got any fellow iowans out there shout out to you.
- [00:13:51.630]Rachel Lindhart: um and then, if you do have any questions go ahead and submit those to the Q amp a feature that's the question and answer box.
- [00:13:58.770]Rachel Lindhart: There should be a little toolbox panel on the bottom of your screen, you can click that button and those questions will come straight to us, we will save those and talk through the questions at the end.
- [00:14:09.240]Rachel Lindhart: But please send those in as you get as you go throughout the as we go through the session, if anything, pops up.
- [00:14:14.370]Rachel Lindhart: will answer your questions at the end and, as always, I will send a copy of the session recording as well as a copy of the PowerPoint slides to you via email tomorrow, so that you can reference all this information in the future alright thanks.
- [00:14:28.410]Emily Klesner: awesome Thank you Rachel.
- [00:14:29.880]Emily Klesner: All right, well we're gonna jump right in.
- [00:14:33.720]Emily Klesner: Here we go first we're going to start with just some general challenges that you often might face as an out of state student.
- [00:14:40.620]Emily Klesner: One of the biggest ones that we don't talk about is navigating a new environment we know for many of you.
- [00:14:45.810]Emily Klesner: Not only you navigating this new College environment and academics and what all that comes with that, but then also the new environment of nebraska.
- [00:14:52.650]Emily Klesner: Very different and new you might be coming from a very different climate different cultures, bringing that all with you to nebraska and adjusting to all of that.
- [00:15:00.690]Emily Klesner: We know homesickness is often it inevitable for many of our new out of state students, it can be really hard being away from families, for the first time, maybe this is the first time you're really being independent and out of your home.
- [00:15:12.120]Emily Klesner: So we know that can be quite a hard transition and then Lastly, a challenge that students often have is just making friends and finding some of that community but don't worry we're going to go over some different ways to overcome all of this throughout our presentation today.
- [00:15:26.430]Emily Klesner: So, if you think you're navigating Lincoln few things to think about before you arrive i'm thinking about making a plan for practical matters like banking and healthcare.
- [00:15:35.280]Emily Klesner: Some services that are helpful to you that you want to know Union bank and trust is a bank that we have a branch of right in our Union right on city campus.
- [00:15:43.470]Emily Klesner: They work really great with students, they have great rates on savings accounts, one of the best things is that you can actually print a new debit card.
- [00:15:50.460]Emily Klesner: Right in their branch So if you ever lost your debit card and you're on campus you can just walk into the Union and walk out with a brand new debit card in the five minutes, which is super helpful for our students.
- [00:16:00.930]Emily Klesner: We also have the university health Center they have so many different appointments and options for you to go you don't have to go find an urgent care somewhere, you can stay right here on campus.
- [00:16:09.300]Emily Klesner: and get any help that you might need they also have a full pharmacy so you can get any of your prescriptions sent straight to our pharmacy and they can fill those at any time as well.
- [00:16:18.810]Emily Klesner: don't forget, if you do have your own health insurance to be bringing your health insurance cards with you to campus it's really important to have those.
- [00:16:25.290]Emily Klesner: The health Center does except most major health insurances and they also have health insurance available to purchase if you don't have your own and you're needing some you can purchase that directly through our whole Center.
- [00:16:35.280]Emily Klesner: A few things to think about upon arrival, you want to make sure that you're thinking about parking and transportation.
- [00:16:40.560]Emily Klesner: You if you do bring a car, you can buy a parking pass directly through our parking in transit services, you can do that online as soon as you're enrolled in classes, you can go on their website and purchase that pass for yourself.
- [00:16:51.240]Emily Klesner: Oh, those got a little bit out of order before you even start classes, we will also have big red welcome.
- [00:16:57.480]Emily Klesner: This is our welcome week events that happened the week before campus repressive start on campus there's all kinds of events that you can be a part of.
- [00:17:04.950]Emily Klesner: We have a special tunnel walk or go go into the morrow stadium and create a big and on the field it's really awesome we have a street festival with all kinds of vendors that come in.
- [00:17:14.760]Emily Klesner: All kinds of great stuff all throughout campus and downtown Lincoln so we really encourage you to participate in that the week ahead of time all those.
- [00:17:22.650]Emily Klesner: All the information, for that is going to be in our nebraska APP that you can download and your phones APP store and will have the full schedule in their.
- [00:17:30.930]Emily Klesner: Back to parking and transportation, so we got a little out of order, we also have the Lincoln bus system that the system is free for students to use, you can get all around the city in between our campuses at any time.
- [00:17:41.730]Emily Klesner: Right now they're using a bus pass because it's free for everyone, just due to coven but at some point the city of Lincoln will.
- [00:17:49.260]Emily Klesner: continue to charge fair to the general public and at that point students will need to download our bus pass APP that way they can still use it for free and still get around the city for free on our buses.
- [00:17:59.400]Emily Klesner: We also have uber and lyft very frequently around Lincoln so you're able to use that to pop around if you don't have a car also.
- [00:18:05.490]Emily Klesner: If you're looking for more of an exercise option, possibly you're biking we have a couple different options for you bike Ellen K is a local company they.
- [00:18:14.640]Emily Klesner: rent bikes they have a couple stations around campus where you can just rent a bike it anytime and take it around town.
- [00:18:20.940]Emily Klesner: They do have a special deal where, if you pay a $10 fee for just a one time fee each year, you can use their bikes for an hour to time unlimited Lee throughout the year, which is really cool.
- [00:18:30.870]Emily Klesner: We also have bike Rentals through our outdoor adventure Center that's right essentially on campus you can go and rent bikes they also have a safety and repair shop that you can visit if you ever need any help with a bike that you have.
- [00:18:42.180]Emily Klesner: And then, lastly, just a tip for learning Lincoln kind of we do have Lincoln really laid out is a grid.
- [00:18:47.880]Emily Klesner: So can be pretty easy to figure things out our city or main streets are in letters and numbers all through downtown and by campus so that can be really helpful once you kind of learn that grid system to get around pretty quickly.
- [00:19:01.500]Emily Klesner: Something that can be really helpful for you as new students is this is our you know maps it's just maps you and l.edu.
- [00:19:08.490]Emily Klesner: They have a lot of toggles, as you can see down there at the bottom, to show you different things around campus.
- [00:19:13.140]Emily Klesner: All those green dots with the bikes those are bike racks that you have all around campus so you can.
- [00:19:17.640]Emily Klesner: park your bike anywhere that you may need to it also shows you different parking options, where all the different lofts are around campus you may want to park at.
- [00:19:25.020]Emily Klesner: And then, lastly, if you see down the bottom, you see that purple arrow with a 25 in it.
- [00:19:29.460]Emily Klesner: that's actually the bus system, so when you pull this map up in like a web browser or on your phone, you can see the buses move in lifetime, so you know exactly where they are and how close they are to your stock wherever you want to get on or off the bus which is really cool and helpful.
- [00:19:45.000]Emily Klesner: When it comes to homesickness we've a couple tips to kind of make it easier for parents and students, as they make this transition.
- [00:19:50.910]Emily Klesner: One of the biggest things that we recommend is before you arrive is to make a plan for communication.
- [00:19:56.700]Emily Klesner: Parents talking to your students or students talking to your parents about what each of you are expecting from each other.
- [00:20:01.980]Emily Klesner: Are you expecting each of those call every single day or text every single day, how does the communication going to work between you and your family that can be really helpful.
- [00:20:11.940]Emily Klesner: Especially within the first few weeks that way there's a lot less hurt feelings, when someone isn't.
- [00:20:16.560]Emily Klesner: Communicating quite as much as the other person expected if you leave it out beforehand before you ever get here, it can be a lot easier and make for a lot better support system on both ends.
- [00:20:26.100]Emily Klesner: A couple things for while you're on campus at parents, we encourage you to send cards and care packages to your student that can really help make them feel a lot more supported and.
- [00:20:36.060]Emily Klesner: As they make this new home their home, we also really encourage visits a great time for parents to visit his family weekend that's September.
- [00:20:43.980]Emily Klesner: 17 through the 19th that's a really awesome weekend they have tons of activities for family members of all ages, you can participate in all kinds of different things meet your students friends.
- [00:20:54.180]Emily Klesner: And do a lot of great activities to get to know campus and really be a part of that husker spirit another tip just.
- [00:21:00.660]Emily Klesner: For parents as you're making this transition with your students, something that our orientation leaders this summer had mentioned to me that was really helpful for them as out of state students is before.
- [00:21:10.590]Emily Klesner: their parents left on moving day after they move their student in and we're about to leave they set the date they were going to see each other again they made that date and kind of set it in stone.
- [00:21:19.920]Emily Klesner: And said, this is when we're going to see each other again for some people, it was Labor day.
- [00:21:24.120]Emily Klesner: I might have been fall break whenever it was they said it, and so on to their student knew exactly when they would be back together as a family.
- [00:21:30.330]Emily Klesner: And they said that really helped them a lot helps them kind of have a benchmark to get to and they were really missing their family, they knew that it would be soon, and they would have that time to look forward to.
- [00:21:40.050]Emily Klesner: A couple general services also to know about students as you're making this transition.
- [00:21:44.760]Emily Klesner: capsules are counseling and psychological services, you have a couple of free appointments there that you can meet with a therapist and talk through your transition.
- [00:21:52.860]Emily Klesner: While you're coming here for the first time and honestly even something that may feel as small as homesickness is something that you can go and talk to someone about.
- [00:22:01.590]Emily Klesner: They talk to students about a really wide range of things and they're really supportive and they want to help you and, through this transition.
- [00:22:07.770]Emily Klesner: We also have big red resilience and well being they're really great resource for students, as they make this new transition they talk about kind of just general health.
- [00:22:15.540]Emily Klesner: And well being overall you can talk with appear coach to talk more about your transition and some your healthy habits and things that you're going through.
- [00:22:24.000]Emily Klesner: And a lot of our students have made a lot of success, being able to talk to one of their peers coaches and work through some of their healthy habits.
- [00:22:31.380]Emily Klesner: just another tip here that might help you, with your homesickness something that can be really helpful is just finding different friends.
- [00:22:37.470]Emily Klesner: From your home state or people who are also out of state can be a great way to understand what each other's going through everyone being from farther away not having family close by can be a lot of help.
- [00:22:48.780]Emily Klesner: So definitely encourage you to seek out other out of state students also can be helpful to find maybe a local family finding some friends who live more locally people, you can go hang out at their house and have some of that family atmosphere can make you feel a lot more calm as well.
- [00:23:03.930]Emily Klesner: Some things for finding community and belonging once you get here before you even arrived, something that can be really helpful is to search through our portal.
- [00:23:11.700]Emily Klesner: called involve you involve you is our APP that holds all of our student organizations on campus all of our clubs, so you can search through there and see what organization of clubs, you might be interested in what would be really.
- [00:23:25.410]Emily Klesner: cool for you to join and be a part of there'll be a club fair, the first week of classes, where you can go and see all of these different clubs and some of them will be at the street festival as well.
- [00:23:36.270]Emily Klesner: talk to them see what they're like what's going on things you might be interested in can be really great to be involved right away there's over 500 different clubs and organizations on our campus for this always something great to be a part of and do.
- [00:23:49.560]Emily Klesner: Once you get to campus like I mentioned, we do have our big red welcome events, we do have a special event just for out of state students.
- [00:23:56.430]Emily Klesner: It will be Sunday August 22 where all of our at a State students who are new will come they'll split you up by region or stay you'll get to talk to other students who are also from the same areas you.
- [00:24:07.950]Emily Klesner: Lots of times we have upperclassmen there as well, who are from the same area or state is you can go talk to them learn how from from their experience and what they've been a part of.
- [00:24:16.890]Emily Klesner: Your really great time to meet other people from your same area other students who are making the same journey as you.
- [00:24:23.940]Emily Klesner: Another great resource for you, once you get on campus will be your resident assistant or your ra who lives.
- [00:24:29.370]Emily Klesner: In your residence hall floor with you this is an upper class student who's there to just help guide and mentor the students on the floor they'll host lots of different events for students on the floor.
- [00:24:39.120]Emily Klesner: You might go eat in the dining halls together do go to different on campus events together it's a great way to make Community really quickly as soon as you get to campus and then also just watching for all of our general on campus events.
- [00:24:51.750]Emily Klesner: The involve you APP that I was talking about holds all of our campus events as well, so you can see all the different kinds of events that are being hosted.
- [00:24:58.890]Emily Klesner: All across campus all different kinds of stuff going on, it can be really fun and enjoyable way to make new connections definitely encourage you to watch that for those events to be involved the.
- [00:25:09.120]Emily Klesner: Few tips for you just as you're getting getting involved, we really encourage students to select one involvement that's major or career career related and then one is a little more fun, this can help you.
- [00:25:20.970]Emily Klesner: On the major in career side build your resume and work through some of that getting better and more professional and then also just having that fun organization, something that you're interested in.
- [00:25:30.810]Emily Klesner: And you love being a part of just to help build that Community and really be a part of something that you're enjoying.
- [00:25:36.150]Emily Klesner: We also encourage you to find it a per class student or mentor figure on campus this can be especially helpful in your program or major someone who's been through your classes.
- [00:25:45.240]Emily Klesner: Who knows the professors who knows all the great opportunities, you can be a part of within your major in program can be someone that can be really helpful and beneficial to get to know and be a part of so we encourage you to find some of those people are on campus as well.
- [00:25:59.250]Emily Klesner: we're going to go through a handful of frequently asked questions, these are some things that we've heard from a lot of our state out of state students in the past that we want to make sure that we share with all of you here.
- [00:26:09.030]Emily Klesner: So a couple things, the best way to travel home that really does depend on each student.
- [00:26:14.970]Emily Klesner: You can do everything from flying a plane either out of Lincoln here, we do have an airport right here in Lincoln smaller regional airport or we do have the international airport of an omaha, which is about an hour away.
- [00:26:26.700]Emily Klesner: We do the bus system that goes directly through linkedin we have Amtrak that goes directly through Lincoln and then we have some car and rideshare opportunities as well and i'll talk about those in our next coming frequently asked questions here.
- [00:26:39.210]Emily Klesner: So does the university provide a shuttle or man service to the Lincoln or omaha airport, so the university is not provided any kind of shuttle service that's university sponsored.
- [00:26:48.570]Emily Klesner: We do have a partnership with Alma link i've worked with them many times, through new student enrollment they're really great company.
- [00:26:54.990]Emily Klesner: So what they do is they have shuttles that will either pick you up from campus or pick you up at the airport and bring you back down to Lincoln.
- [00:27:02.790]Emily Klesner: or up to omaha they pick up mainly from the omaha airport, but they can do the Lincoln one it's about $75 from the omaha airport, but they have.
- [00:27:11.910]Emily Klesner: Great drivers and the fans and the drivers will meet your students right at.
- [00:27:15.990]Emily Klesner: baggage claim and take them straight back to campus it can be a really great way to get your student back to campus, especially if they're flying alone, for the first time, it might be a little more helpful.
- [00:27:26.340]Emily Klesner: For Lincoln really your best option is going to be a rideshare APP.
- [00:27:30.120]Emily Klesner: like an uber or lyft or formal taxi I will say that a lot of students also find it really easy to get rides her friends from either airport once you get here.
- [00:27:38.940]Emily Klesner: A lot of times students for positions from omaha are very willing to give out of state students arrive.
- [00:27:44.760]Emily Klesner: Up to the omaha airport it's very common to find someone who doesn't mind dropping you off on their way home so definitely encourage students to ask around to their friends to see if anyone would be able to give them a ride.
- [00:27:57.510]Emily Klesner: So then, also another option we have here does the university provide transportation between omaha and Lincoln.
- [00:28:03.270]Emily Klesner: We do have one option for students to get between omaha and Lincoln is it's called the any ride, so the College of engineering takes a charter bus up to the omaha campus University of omaha campus.
- [00:28:15.450]Emily Klesner: A couple times a day they take up this Charter bus and students from the Lincoln campus can hop on there with just their end card.
- [00:28:22.080]Emily Klesner: anytime that they need to anytime the buses running and they can get a ride straight up to our university nebraska omaha campus if you've been trying to get to the airport, you might have to grab an uber or lyft over to the airport.
- [00:28:34.530]Emily Klesner: But that'll save you quite a bit of time to just pop over across omaha on one of those right shares that can be really helpful and all the Informations on the College of engineering website.
- [00:28:46.620]Emily Klesner: Is the other bus or train options in and out of Lincoln we do have the greyhound bus system that leaves from Lincoln, it is about 10 minute drive away from campus.
- [00:28:56.400]Emily Klesner: So it's just a little farther out, you would have to get a ride or rideshare over to it.
- [00:29:00.900]Emily Klesner: But they do have options, you can take that bus directly to the omaha airport as well, I believe it's one transfer from the buses, I will say they do leave very early in the morning, so if you're not.
- [00:29:12.300]Emily Klesner: A super morning person that may not be the option for you, but it can be an easy way to get around, and of course out to many other cities, besides omaha.
- [00:29:20.820]Emily Klesner: And then, of course, we do have the Amtrak as well it's located very close to campus it's just about a 15 minute walk or five minute drive it's in our historic haymarket district.
- [00:29:29.730]Emily Klesner: Is where that station is and it, of course, goes out so many cities so that could be a way to get home for you as well.
- [00:29:37.320]Emily Klesner: Are there any rideshare carpool options for long distance travel, we do have a couple of Facebook groups facilitated.
- [00:29:43.530]Emily Klesner: By students they're running monitored by our students your as a new student, you can join any of these groups and ask for rides there's not any guarantees, but you can definitely seek them out.
- [00:29:54.420]Emily Klesner: Many of our students have used this students that i've worked with have used this really well on both ends they've given arrives to students and also been recipients of rides.
- [00:30:03.630]Emily Klesner: Who really helpful that another great way to find some of these rides are going to be during that out of state student welcome.
- [00:30:09.570]Emily Klesner: Other students who are also from the same areas you that you meet maybe a great time to find some carpooling options for you.
- [00:30:16.380]Emily Klesner: And these are the Facebook groups, we have two different ones, you know rideshare and then University of nebraska Lincoln you and i'll rideshare group both or an option for students to join.
- [00:30:27.240]Emily Klesner: Can my students send packages to their residence hall prior to move in overall, yes, you can do that, they do have really request that you don't do it more than two weeks before your students move in date, but you can send them on the.
- [00:30:41.610]Emily Klesner: Residence life website.
- [00:30:43.230]Emily Klesner: They do have an option, where you can look at your residence hall and see what the exact addresses, for your residence Hall, and how to address your students there's an option on there.
- [00:30:51.900]Emily Klesner: So as soon as your student knows what hall there in you'll be able to find that address really quickly and easily.
- [00:30:57.240]Emily Klesner: They do suggest that you send an email to the residence life supervisor of the building third living in.
- [00:31:02.970]Emily Klesner: Just to make sure that they know that it's coming for them and there's no confusion or anything since you're shooting will be officially moved in, and you can also find those details on the website as well.
- [00:31:16.080]Emily Klesner: So for parents, how can you get connected with other husker parents, the best way really is to connect with our you know parents association.
- [00:31:23.520]Emily Klesner: They have a Facebook page is really easy to find they also have a full website.
- [00:31:27.180]Emily Klesner: This is a great way for parents to not only connect with other parents, but really connect with the university they post all kinds of different events and information on that page for you.
- [00:31:36.360]Emily Klesner: So you can be more connected with what's going on on campus with your student and also connect with other parents as well.
- [00:31:41.940]Emily Klesner: Minnesota and northern Illinois parents have kind of broken out and created their own groups as well, so if you search for those on Facebook if you're from either one of those areas that may be a way to connect with parents from a little closer to home.
- [00:31:54.780]Emily Klesner: Can parents attend a husker game with their students definitely yes we really encourage this it's a great time for parents to be a part of that husker spirit with their students.
- [00:32:04.320]Emily Klesner: So all you need to do is have your student go to husker huskers.com slash students they'll use their student login and then click purchase tickets and then they'll be a guest ticket option.
- [00:32:15.150]Emily Klesner: These normally become available Mondays at noon before the game, since it looks like we're be having a pretty normal season, this year, especially compared to last year.
- [00:32:23.280]Emily Klesner: This should be exactly how it'll work again with that Mondays the noon before the game, so you can check that out, if you want guests tickets to go with your students.
- [00:32:32.820]Emily Klesner: So now we're going to answer any questions that you have so great time to use our Q amp a feature, if you want to pop any questions in there i'll be happy to answer them.
- [00:32:50.880]Emily Klesner: Rachel do we get them all from the chat.
- [00:32:53.070]Rachel Lindhart: Yes, I was just going through, I was going to say i'm I am your biggest cheerleader This is very nothing is off limits, really, of course, within reason so.
- [00:33:04.860]Rachel Lindhart: If, even if it doesn't fit within the scope of what Emily presented on it that's what this this time is for us to get your questions answered and help you feel empowered.
- [00:33:12.960]Rachel Lindhart: And excited to come to campus in just a couple weeks, here we did have a question just about clarification on how to.
- [00:33:20.760]Rachel Lindhart: Access the student bus pass and if that's accessible through the nebraska APP so Emily i'm not sure if you can speak to that in more clarity I believe it's token transit still.
- [00:33:32.220]Emily Klesner: Is that correct, yes it is token transit so.
- [00:33:36.180]Emily Klesner: What we've been kind of passing out to everyone is that whenever the city of Lincoln decides to resume charging fair to everyone.
- [00:33:44.070]Emily Klesner: and students will need the bus pass the parking and transit services will send an email out to everyone, to make sure that everyone understands how to download that APP.
- [00:33:52.500]Emily Klesner: Their website will also have the information on it, so all it is, is just an APP that you download you type in your URL credentials and then you just show that and your end card to the driver, as you get on the bus.
- [00:34:04.530]Emily Klesner: So you won't need that looks like for a while they don't have any plans on resuming the fair anytime soon, but when it does happen parking attendant services will be sure to let everyone know what that looks like.
- [00:34:16.950]Emily Klesner: And it looks like we have a couple.
- [00:34:18.510]Emily Klesner: Questions popped up in a Q amp a.
- [00:34:21.000]Emily Klesner: The first one, where is the university health Center located on campus, so it is on the central, eastern side of campus right on the edge it's really easy to walk to from anywhere on campus it's.
- [00:34:33.330]Emily Klesner: Really right on campus it's a really large building if you ever eat it Catherine dining Center, which is one of our bigger dining centers on campus it is right across from there, right across the street it's really easy to find you can also look it up on our you know maps.
- [00:34:49.590]Emily Klesner: The next question when will students receive their move in.
- [00:34:54.030]Emily Klesner: move in time and day August 2 is when you'll receive that in email, if you have are assuming you've already filled out your housing contract.
- [00:35:02.010]Emily Klesner: With you fill out your housing contract and have everything set on that, and you will receive an email on August 2 with your move in date and time.
- [00:35:09.780]Emily Klesner: I have a lot of a lot of questions about can you change that time and date once you get it.
- [00:35:14.460]Emily Klesner: After August 2 you can log back into your housing portal and request a new time and date, there are no guarantees, but you can go back into that portal where you filled out your contract and request that new time and date.
- [00:35:27.990]Emily Klesner: Our students allowed to stay in dorms during breaks, it depends on the break a little bit overall during like Labor day and fall break those kinds of smaller breaks you definitely can always stay in your residence hall.
- [00:35:41.430]Emily Klesner: Over like thanksgiving in the winter holiday breaks, it looks a little bit different a lot of times they will close a lot of the dorms and students, if they do need to stay on campus.
- [00:35:52.590]Emily Klesner: have to do a special request and a different payment system with that so that will all be communicated to you, long before those breaks come up and they'll make sure that you're aware of, if you can or can't say and what it looks like if you do need to try and stay.
- [00:36:08.490]Emily Klesner: See for those with classes on East campus is it best to use the bus system or drive your own vehicle.
- [00:36:15.180]Emily Klesner: Honestly it's up to you, you definitely can use the bus system we have buses that go directly between city campus and East campus so you're always welcome to pop onto one of those.
- [00:36:24.150]Emily Klesner: If you're using your own vehicle as long as you have any parking pass for city campus you can automatically park on East campus in their general commuter lots.
- [00:36:33.660]Emily Klesner: So any parking pass whether it's a residence hall parking garage or commuter pass here on city campus you can.
- [00:36:40.650]Emily Klesner: use any of those passes to automatically park on East campus it's really about what works best for you and your time limits before and after your classes so either way are great, and you can do up either option for you.
- [00:36:53.940]Rachel Lindhart: If you're not bringing a car, I would not worry about that, though, the entire campus bus system is so smooth it's timely.
- [00:37:01.440]Rachel Lindhart: it's pretty quick to like they can get in between city and East campus and we budget usually like 30 minutes to get between campuses but it's a pretty quick drive and goes from central points on campuses so.
- [00:37:14.520]Rachel Lindhart: No sweat if you're not bringing a car, because it's it's an easy system to navigate.
- [00:37:20.010]Yes, hundred percent.
- [00:37:22.260]Emily Klesner: When is the out of state event and do we need to pre register Rachel do you have the exact.
- [00:37:30.630]Rachel Lindhart: Do it is Sunday August 22 I love this question I run welcome week so i'm excited to to know that there's some interest here.
- [00:37:39.420]Rachel Lindhart: Emily will be running this event, though it's Sunday August 22 from 11 to 12:38pm 11:11am to 12:30pm.
- [00:37:49.950]Rachel Lindhart: Late Sunday morning, we will be in the nebraska Union so kind of the main building.
- [00:37:55.740]Rachel Lindhart: In the central part of city campus in on the second floor and we will have folks that guide you up to that room and more details and and again the address and location will be printed in the bigger welcome schedule as well in the APP.
- [00:38:11.490]Rachel Lindhart: awesome.
- [00:38:13.080]Emily Klesner: See, is there a medical facility on East campus Rachel do you actually know the answer to this question.
- [00:38:20.280]Rachel Lindhart: Let me investigate not, to my knowledge, but I don't want to miss speak in case there's a smaller, I know that there isn't anything as robust as the university health Center, but let me investigate and we'll come back.
- [00:38:33.870]Emily Klesner: we'll come back to that.
- [00:38:36.360]Emily Klesner: See is there an easy way to get around Lincoln to get to the target or grocery store.
- [00:38:43.680]Emily Klesner: And you have your own vehicle it's yes, it is really easy to get a route sorry brother wrong is it easy to get around Lincoln yes, it is easy to get around Lincoln.
- [00:38:51.900]Emily Klesner: The target the closest are going to campus is obviously a straight shot down one of our streets a few blocks from campus there's also.
- [00:39:00.270]Emily Klesner: A high V and a walmart and we have a local super saver grocery store all of those are really easy to get to.
- [00:39:08.010]Emily Klesner: Most of them are not super far away, especially if you have a vehicle and they're pretty straight shot from campus there's also a few like a walgreens at a smaller grocery store.
- [00:39:18.720]Emily Klesner: Just in haymarket that are close to campus to that you can pop around to really easily see is definitely easy to get around Lincoln, it is very much a grid system so once you kind of can navigate your north, south, east, west streets it gets really easy really quickly.
- [00:39:40.380]Emily Klesner: Are there any kind of animal visits to campus by local groups or organizations my daughter is a huge animal lover.
- [00:39:48.210]Emily Klesner: and always helps having pets, I will say that it is very common for groups to bring different kinds of maybe therapy dogs or I know we've had go yoga before.
- [00:39:58.680]Emily Klesner: there's it's very common to see those kinds of things around campus so definitely say that your students will be able to see animals very easily.
- [00:40:07.590]Emily Klesner: there's also different shelters and places around town that love to have volunteers, so that they're ever wanting to kind of have some more experience with animals there's definitely places they can do that as well.
- [00:40:19.500]Rachel Lindhart: we'll be hosting go yoga on Saturday morning Saturday August 21 will have two separate sessions.
- [00:40:26.880]Rachel Lindhart: We will have registration for that event because we have a limited capacity just for goats to human ratio.
- [00:40:34.950]Rachel Lindhart: But so if you're interested in doing yoga keep an eye out for signing up for that again in the big red welcome APP everything will be accessible there.
- [00:40:43.320]Rachel Lindhart: But come for free looks and photos afterwards, too, if you don't want to do yoga or you are able to register, you can take pictures and put the goats between the sessions and it's so much fun and they're.
- [00:40:58.350]Emily Klesner: awesome so another question here, we have someone asking if they can't move in on the 16th.
- [00:41:06.480]Emily Klesner: And they were told it was the 17th can they rearrange that if your students moving day is doesn't work well for you, especially with traveling from far away from other states.
- [00:41:16.290]Emily Klesner: On August 2 after they get that information and are told what their official moving time was they can log back into the housing portal and request a different time.
- [00:41:25.380]Emily Klesner: it's very likely that you'll be you'll be able to get some some adjustment and make it a little easier for you as you've made arrangements.
- [00:41:33.000]Emily Klesner: And if anything else happens after that, if you're still struggling, you can always send an email to the general housing email, and they can help you out with that as well.
- [00:41:43.440]Emily Klesner: When is first snowfall normally Oh, that is hard to say it changes quite a bit I could happen in October, it could happen in January.
- [00:41:54.060]Emily Klesner: it's a little hard to say I would definitely say it starts to get pretty chilly in November for sure you'll definitely want your coats and things by then.
- [00:42:02.400]Emily Klesner: This year we didn't have a lot of snow really until January of a little bit in December, most of it was in our January, February month so.
- [00:42:10.200]Emily Klesner: It really depends on the year but definitely cold weather starts in late October November for sure so you'll definitely want to have your some of your winter weather there.
- [00:42:21.690]Emily Klesner: let's see will meals be offered during rush week I assume you mean recruitment so sorority recruitment is the 15th.
- [00:42:30.180]Emily Klesner: Through that whole week and, yes, is starting on the 16th for sure they will have.
- [00:42:35.220]Emily Klesner: meals available in the residence halls if you have a meal plan already so as soon as you move into your residence Hall, you will definitely I know you move in on the 15th for sorority recruitment so as soon as you move in, you will have.
- [00:42:47.970]Emily Klesner: options for your meals that week with your meal plan.
- [00:42:52.770]Emily Klesner: Do you have to register with the campus health Center.
- [00:42:57.090]Emily Klesner: i'm not sure exactly what you mean by register, if you would like to have an appointment they're all you have to do is go on to their website and request an appointment you'll have to fill out.
- [00:43:05.520]Emily Klesner: Different paperwork and things just like you would any doctor's office they are run really.
- [00:43:09.930]Emily Klesner: Similarly to a doctor's office so you'll definitely still have to put in all your information, with your health insurance and all that kind of stuff but you don't have to do any thing extra than that than what you would do just for a normal doctor's office.
- [00:43:24.090]Rachel Lindhart: The other form they to collect from from first year students.
- [00:43:28.560]Rachel Lindhart: And you'll have been prompted to input this throughout your orientation process but is the power of attorney form.
- [00:43:34.740]Rachel Lindhart: Because folks under the age of 19 me you're not technically considered an adult until you're the age of 19 and nebraska so they do have students complete a power of attorney form but that's really the only documentation, in addition to immunization records that they asked for.
- [00:43:50.520]Emily Klesner: awesome Thank you and then the last question, we have here do we have a list of resources available, such as.
- [00:43:57.660]Emily Klesner: haircuts clauses closest Convenience Stores list of area churches etc Rachel do you know if we have something like this.
- [00:44:06.270]Rachel Lindhart: You know this is a great question because not that not that i'm aware of, and I think that this is a great.
- [00:44:13.920]Rachel Lindhart: Like identification of potentially a gap, because I think that this would be really valuable even moving to nebraska as a post Grad adult these are things that are like hard to navigate that would be viable to have in a more condensed fashion.
- [00:44:28.560]Rachel Lindhart: I know there are a couple different ways around that like there are there is a student organization called a crew.
- [00:44:37.530]Rachel Lindhart: That essentially is an association for religious organizations on campus, and so they can provide a list of churches and and student run church groups or religiously affiliated organizations on campus.
- [00:44:52.050]Rachel Lindhart: So that's kind of one avenue to find that another this doesn't exactly get out your question, but we do have a lot of local stores, we have salons that are present.
- [00:45:06.180]Rachel Lindhart: and trying to think like boutiques things like that that have tables at the street festival it's a larger event it's obviously harder to to have kind of an intimate connection with people, but they can get pamphlets or like coupons or things during that time.
- [00:45:23.100]Rachel Lindhart: from local salons and kind of use that to go from there, but i'm going to write this down as kind of a an idea moving forward for for something that we could potentially compile.
- [00:45:35.070]Rachel Lindhart: We have a comfortable thing for international like an international student guide Emily is the first thing that comes to mind.
- [00:45:41.820]Rachel Lindhart: But I don't that's not it doesn't quite get up get out your question what you're looking for so i'm sorry for that, but thank you for inspiring some creative initiatives moving forward.
- [00:45:58.710]Emily Klesner: anyone else have any questions feel free to type them in the thing in the chat for the question answer box will be here for a little bit if anyone has anything we're happy to keep going.
- [00:46:09.870]Rachel Lindhart: word of mouth is also a great way around that we have a lot of out of state students but there's also a lot of local students to either the state of nebraska or the town, as well as faculty and staff.
- [00:46:21.840]Rachel Lindhart: And so it's a great way to meet people to buy saying like hey you've got great hair, where do you get your haircut and kind of use that as a launching pad for friendship, but then also make a connection for a local for a local service in town that you would need to identify.
- [00:47:04.170]Emily Klesner: i'll still be here for a little bit of time and has any questions, I will just say this is our contact information if you do think of more questions later on.
- [00:47:12.570]Emily Klesner: The nsc as our general new student enrollment email and se at you and other EDU or you're welcome to email me directly, is Emily cleaner at you and l.edu will be happy to help answer any of your questions.
- [00:47:26.910]Emily Klesner: See Oh, we did have one more question pop up.
- [00:47:29.700]Emily Klesner: The face oh someone's saying that the Facebook parents page, the UN our parents association is a really great resource definitely is we encourage parents to check that out it's really helpful it's a lot of great stuff on there.
- [00:47:42.720]Emily Klesner: We also have a few upcoming sessions are housing in residence life session is Thursday July 22 at 6pm central and then are paying for college and beyond, is Friday July 23 at 11am central.
- [00:47:55.560]Emily Klesner: That links for those to access or the same place that you were able to find this link so feel free to join us for either one of those we did have another question pop up here.
- [00:48:05.340]Emily Klesner: Since thanksgiving break is short, do you see a lot of out of town families coming to visit versus bringing their student home trying to gauge whether hotels will be busy in the area I know a lot of our students do tend to go home.
- [00:48:19.860]Emily Klesner: that's just more popular, but I do think that it would be really easy to come here and be able to visit your student here if that's easier for you.
- [00:48:28.200]Emily Klesner: There would be, of course, some hotel uses just from general people coming to visit their families outside of you and i'll, but I think that would be a great option either way probably able to find somewhere pretty easily.
- [00:48:41.580]Rachel Lindhart: that's a great idea.
- [00:48:43.650]Rachel Lindhart: yeah.
- [00:48:43.860]Emily Klesner: Definitely is.
- [00:48:45.780]Emily Klesner: See, if you do not have a car or their buses that go to target or other stores yes there's the buses go.
- [00:48:51.390]Emily Klesner: Everywhere there's one that goes directly to target to walmart to the mall if you go to the star trek website.
- [00:48:59.700]Emily Klesner: It links all of their schedules really detail, they do a great job of showing exactly what time each bustle in each stop to get to all of those.
- [00:49:08.760]Emily Klesner: can be really helpful Rachel do you mind grabbing the just the general star can link and putting that in the chat for them you'll be able to find everything you need their APP is pretty great to.
- [00:49:19.020]Emily Klesner: See for removing week on the 15th or parents allowed in the dorm to help us students.
- [00:49:24.750]Emily Klesner: Yes, even if your students coming for sorority recruitment, or if there's a general student moving in parents are allowed in the residence halls as of now.
- [00:49:32.850]Emily Klesner: You will still need to abide by the rules of the one car moving they're still going to do kind of that cruise ship moving where they helped move all of your stuff in through official movers but once that's finished you.
- [00:49:44.940]Emily Klesner: Parents and your student are able to go up into the residence halls together throughout that time.
- [00:49:50.520]Emily Klesner: Are there any insider favorite places to eat during moving well there's so many great ones, we could say right now Rachel what are some of your favorites that you suggest.
- [00:49:59.520]Rachel Lindhart: Is the best topic, I do have I don't have a list of like haircut places or.
- [00:50:05.280]Rachel Lindhart: Car places useful places, but I do have a list of restaurants, I will I will include that in my email, this is a priority here.
- [00:50:12.690]Rachel Lindhart: um but off the top of my head the haymarket neighborhood in general is like a five or 10 minute walk from campus it's beautiful it's where a lot of the hotels are and they've got great restaurants.
- [00:50:24.420]Rachel Lindhart: And I would say, like last lows and lead bellies are both kind of Lincoln classics they have gonna be stroh style, you can get a little bit of everything either of those places.
- [00:50:35.250]Rachel Lindhart: The oven has fantastic Indian food Gray whale is my favorite sushi place what am I missing Emily oh my gosh this is making me.
- [00:50:44.520]Emily Klesner: heavily anything in the haymarket.
- [00:50:46.440]Emily Klesner: district is going to be great.
- [00:50:48.930]Emily Klesner: So really to.
- [00:50:50.580]Rachel Lindhart: Arizona fields has very fun.
- [00:50:54.030]Rachel Lindhart: hamburgers and they have they do have a veggie burger option, as well as really good like shakes ice cream shakes So those are really popular to you might want that, after a hot day of moving into the residence hall.
- [00:51:09.300]Emily Klesner: yeah so there's some really great places if you're looking for like a very nebraska experience runs a is a fast food restaurant that's only in nebraska it's a very popular place here, everyone will tell you, you need to go immediately.
- [00:51:25.770]Emily Klesner: it's very fun very different kind of food is great, so I encourage you to maybe try that out if you're looking for something a little faster and more fun.
- [00:51:33.720]Emily Klesner: Another question here how humid is the brass boat at the slipper i'm just going to tell you that it has been between 85 and 100% humidity for the past month.
- [00:51:44.730]Emily Klesner: it's really only humid in the summer of hate to say that it's really not that it's not the worst it's really Okay, but it is, it is pretty humid if you're coming from a really dry climate you'll notice it pretty quickly.
- [00:51:55.260]Emily Klesner: But your skin is always very nicely moisturize because of the humidity so there's some plus sides you don't have to go excessively on lotion the real helpful.
- [00:52:04.320]Emily Klesner: How late to the buses run, I want to say 11pm.
- [00:52:09.870]Emily Klesner: it's definitely 10pm or 11pm I have not checked recently, so I can't say for sure, but I believe.
- [00:52:18.450]Rachel Lindhart: Currently, looks like 10pm.
- [00:52:22.770]Rachel Lindhart: That might change but also available on the star TRAN website.
- [00:52:29.580]Emily Klesner: see another question here and being there's a home football game Friday during thanksgiving break will most halls remain open for students and they will not have they will have not have to go home Rachel Do you know what this is usually like for that football game.
- [00:52:49.080]Rachel Lindhart: My current understanding and Tyler i'm going to follow up with this via email if I can't get the answer here.
- [00:52:56.760]Rachel Lindhart: There used to be specific residence halls that were designated break calls, and so they stayed open on the brakes.
- [00:53:03.180]Rachel Lindhart: I think that changed recently and and they did away with that and all of the halls are open on the same timing.
- [00:53:10.470]Rachel Lindhart: i'm going to double check, though, which would, which would mean that the hall would be open over thanksgiving so i'm going to double check because I don't want to miss speak and spread rumors about housing.
- [00:53:20.250]Rachel Lindhart: um but with that in mind, I don't think that the this would have no impact on on the football schedule or or student housing over thanksgiving.
- [00:53:34.380]Emily Klesner: I will say the.
- [00:53:35.220]Emily Klesner: code definitely affected the residence hall schedules, in the past year, so it's a little hard for us to assume what may or may not happen through them.
- [00:53:43.620]Emily Klesner: But we're definitely doing our best so appreciate you sticking with us, here we have another question, we saw on the moving list for the residence halls to include a flashlight and.
- [00:53:54.420]Emily Klesner: The dorms lose power forget lead winning having a flashlight on your phone be fine.
- [00:53:59.520]Emily Klesner: Obviously this is just something that they say it's just helpful to include they don't lose power frequently that's an issue that we ever have.
- [00:54:06.810]Emily Klesner: Maybe just once in a great while just like your home may lose it once in a great while.
- [00:54:11.040]Emily Klesner: But it's just a nice thing to have around, especially if your phone would ever die if there ever was any kind of emergency, it can be handy to have one around but definitely.
- [00:54:20.280]Emily Klesner: not something you need to be worried about for any reason, or if maybe your friends are doing anything like any fun games like if you're playing frisbee on the quad late at night or something would be handy to have a flashlight but.
- [00:54:32.310]Emily Klesner: Nothing nothing crazy or anything just want you to be helpful to have.
- [00:54:37.110]Emily Klesner: let's see how come in, or tornadoes in nebraska or their underground shelters in case of a tornado there are definitely plenty of shelters all around whoever your student is.
- [00:54:48.300]Emily Klesner: I don't know how to say how common they are i've currently been in nebraska for a year little over a year and we've never had a serious threat of a tornado in that year that i've been here.
- [00:54:59.790]Emily Klesner: there's been just some general warnings like you'll have anywhere in the Midwest but nothing that i've never had to go into the basement or anything like that, so I wouldn't say that they're overly common by any means.
- [00:55:11.580]Emily Klesner: living in the Midwest they are always just a general potential, so we encourage students to.
- [00:55:16.230]Emily Klesner: Just learn and understand the general safety when it comes to the potential of a tornado just like you would, if you moved.
- [00:55:23.040]Emily Klesner: To Florida, and you would learn about the general safety of hurricanes, in case they ever happens.
- [00:55:27.750]Emily Klesner: But there's always plenty of shelters all of our campus buildings have shelters available, they have signage to make sure you're pointing to the correct.
- [00:55:35.760]Emily Klesner: Areas that you'd be safest during the event there could be a tornado we also have ul alerts that students and parents can sign up for.
- [00:55:43.530]Emily Klesner: And anytime there's any even just a severe thunderstorm warning, they often will push that out through an alert to help make sure students are aware, especially students who are from out of State who may not be used to.
- [00:55:54.630]Emily Klesner: These kinds of storm warnings they always push those out to make sure that you're able to find it to know where you need to go and find what you need to find for that.
- [00:56:04.080]Rachel Lindhart: Maybe is a rumor but someone told me once that according to like.
- [00:56:08.130]Rachel Lindhart: architects or meteorologists or something there's something about the way Lincoln is structured that is way less common for tornadoes to pass through the city.
- [00:56:17.250]Rachel Lindhart: I don't know how true, that is, but I have that has stuck with me because it's reassuring but agreed i've been here for four years now, and have not have not really I don't think i've even had to shelter shelter in place due to tornado warning.
- [00:56:33.630]Emily Klesner: See, what are the Apps to download I will say your main APP really is going to be the nebraska APP that's going to be really key have all of your stuff and it when you log in with your general yunel credentials will have.
- [00:56:47.070]Emily Klesner: Benson schedules and everything that you could need on campus has a really strong resource for you, you also may want to download the canvas APP.
- [00:56:56.040]Emily Klesner: If you're in the online orientation that's what you're already using and what you'll use for most of your classes.
- [00:57:00.960]Emily Klesner: kind of as your central hub for your assignments, and everything that you may need it can be helpful to have the APP on your phone just to check things, it is easier to do most of it on a computer, I will say, but it can be helpful to have it on your phone as well.
- [00:57:15.270]Emily Klesner: What does the nebraska APP look like for all of that, so it has an area that shows you what all the events are going around on campus Rachel do you want to share any more detail about what that looks like.
- [00:57:29.790]Rachel Lindhart: Yes, so when you download the nebraska APP and we are in the final stages of importing the big red welcome component of it so.
- [00:57:38.130]Rachel Lindhart: Soon the the nebraska APP is the overarching APP that students uses Emily described.
- [00:57:44.640]Rachel Lindhart: And they'll use it throughout their time on campus and we're using that to also promote and share the welcome week schedule this year, and so, when.
- [00:57:53.730]Rachel Lindhart: we're in the final stages so it's not you won't it won't look like this, yet when you go in, but in August.
- [00:57:59.370]Rachel Lindhart: you'll open the nebraska APP and then you'll click more there's like three dots towards the bottom you'll click more.
- [00:58:04.860]Rachel Lindhart: And it'll it'll pull up a menu and you'll click big red welcome, and that will show you the welcome week schedule and then you'll be able to add events to your calendar get more details pull up everything on the Google oh in the in the in the APP.
- [00:58:18.240]Rachel Lindhart: Well that's what it looks like within the APP um but the nebraska APP within the the.
- [00:58:28.380]Rachel Lindhart: The APP store is a red n o o having some trouble with my connection okay it's a red end I could send a picture of that too and it's just called nebraska APP.
- [00:58:45.450]Emily Klesner: that's really yeah the main APP that you're going to download there are, if you go in the EU and a website under the technology.
- [00:58:52.590]Emily Klesner: area there is some suggested general Apps but really at nebraska one's going to be the ones going to help you the most.
- [00:58:58.920]Emily Klesner: Another question here, when do we pick up our end cards if you're moving in through university housing they'll have your end card at check in when you go to the divinity sports Center.
- [00:59:08.910]Emily Klesner: and check in before you move into your hall officially they'll have your ID card there to pick up for you.
- [00:59:13.590]Emily Klesner: If you live locally or you're not living in the residence halls for any reason, you can go directly into the end card office, which is in the city campus Union.
- [00:59:22.410]Emily Klesner: And you can go into their office and pick it up, I will make sure that you do to fill out the end card application.
- [00:59:29.820]Emily Klesner: Before any of this before your residence hall moving or anything like that they'll have you submit a photo for it that way, they can have it pre printed and prepared for you, on the day of your move in.
- [00:59:40.140]Emily Klesner: So be sure that you go on to it's just on are you in a website on the end card page they have an application link and you can pop on there and.
- [00:59:48.240]Emily Klesner: fill that out with your picture so it's already for you see yes parents can use in nebraska APP it's for anyone.
- [00:59:55.320]Emily Klesner: You your students has like a special login so they can see their class schedule and things like that, but parents can definitely use it as well as see a lot of the events and things happening around.
- [01:00:05.670]Emily Klesner: There was a question over in the chat where do you find the packing list that's on the housing housing website so that university housing website, if you grow up in the chat Rachel links.
- [01:00:15.840]The mailing address.
- [01:00:18.060]Emily Klesner: list.
- [01:00:18.780]Emily Klesner: There, to the university housing website, if you click on that that'll get you there a little bit faster, but there is a section on there that has the packing list for you.
- [01:00:32.040]Emily Klesner: And rituals linked it again so now it's the official check in list there for you.
- [01:00:42.630]Emily Klesner: How easy to find your classes i've been looking at my class schedule.
- [01:00:47.370]Emily Klesner: All the buildings have abbreviations and it's kind of confusing definitely understandable, there are a lot of abbreviations, if you go on to that URL maps.edu maps you another EDU sees me.
- [01:00:59.100]Emily Klesner: If you type in that abbreviation in the search bar it'll automatically pull up your building and show you exactly where it is on campus.
- [01:01:06.390]Emily Klesner: That will also be available in the nebraska APP you can type in that abbreviation and it'll take you straight to the building that you're looking for and make it a little bit easier.
- [01:01:16.080]Rachel Lindhart: It will put a plug in as well during bigger and welcome I sound like a broken record here, but during welcome week we host look for on the schedule they're called mapping your class routes tours.
- [01:01:25.980]Rachel Lindhart: And they are hosted by our orientation leaders you come and meet miss small group you pull up your schedule and we walk with students so we'll help you identify each of those buildings.
- [01:01:35.970]Rachel Lindhart: The building should be open, so we can show you we can help you find the actual classroom and help you kind of map out your first week's worth of class in person, so that way you're ready to ready to rock and roll on Monday morning.
- [01:01:50.670]Emily Klesner: Our next question what percent of students are from out of state.
- [01:01:55.770]Emily Klesner: And i'll be honest with you, I do not know the exact percentage will say there are a lot.
- [01:02:01.440]Emily Klesner: it's about 24% 24% which is ozzie I feel really high you'll definitely it's really easy to find other out of state students.
- [01:02:11.070]Emily Klesner: As there's tons of out of state students in our online orientation that i've seen already.
- [01:02:15.450]Emily Klesner: We had so many that came to our in person orientation there's always somebody from really almost every single state we've had students find friends from cities that they were so surprised that anyone else would be coming from in their state, and they were able to make those connections.
- [01:02:49.920]Rachel Lindhart: All right, any final questions, this was a great discussion tonight, thank you all for this.
- [01:03:10.920]Rachel Lindhart: We are beyond excited to welcome you to campus in the fall and I.
- [01:03:17.190]Rachel Lindhart: have a special place in my heart for out of state students, and so what is our mission to help y'all get connected get plugged in and be able to call nebraska your home away from home very soon.
- [01:03:28.170]Rachel Lindhart: Is there an APP that helps you find a ride home.
- [01:03:30.810]Emily.
- [01:03:32.580]Emily Klesner: there's not an official APP those rideshare Facebook pages are really going to be a student's best option to help find some of those rides home, so we don't have an official APP for that or anything.
- [01:03:53.340]Emily Klesner: But thank you all so much we'll be here for a minute, if anyone else has any last minute questions and then, if you don't.
- [01:03:59.190]Emily Klesner: you're welcome to head out Thank you so much for joining us, I really enjoyed having everyone here has been a really great session really excited to see you all in nebraska and a few weeks, and hopefully at the at a State student welcome on that Sunday as well.
- [01:04:13.380]Rachel Lindhart: that's coming come to favor and welcome Thank you Emily so much for your time and expertise, and all that you do for serving rotten state students.
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