UNL Announce
Keith McGuffey
How to use UNL Announce to send newsletters.
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- [00:00:01.530]Hi, I'm Keith McGuffey. I'm a web specialist with IANR media.
- [00:00:04.710]And today we're going to be talking about the announced system.
- [00:00:08.370]Announce is a way to distribute newsletters.
- [00:00:10.080]You can kind of think of it as the university's answer to services like
- [00:00:13.590]MailChimp or Constant Contact. Um,
- [00:00:16.740]so Announce is split into a few sections. Um, you'll have your newsroom,
- [00:00:22.620]uh, your newsroom is used to build newsletters, and then you submit items
- [00:00:27.540]for your newsletter. So let's look first at the newsroom. I'm in this, uh,
- [00:00:32.290]UAAD news, uh,
- [00:00:34.920]University Association for Administrative Development. Uh,
- [00:00:37.710]this is a newsletter I managed.
- [00:00:38.930]So we're going to be kind of looking behind the scenes of this newsletter.
- [00:00:42.090]So I'll go to edit newsroom details and here,
- [00:00:46.530]after my newsroom has been set up, I can edit the name of the,
- [00:00:51.060]of the newsletter. Um,
- [00:00:52.710]some of the content that is in the email sent with the newsletter
- [00:00:57.300]itself. Um,
- [00:00:59.460]we could also list email addresses off to the right here,
- [00:01:04.890]um, in here, you'll see,
- [00:01:06.060]I've I put our listserv and made it default.
- [00:01:10.110]So when I make a newsletter by default, this listserv is checked. Um,
- [00:01:14.970]and, and so you would take your email into this field and select as default.
- [00:01:18.420]If you always want to send this newsletter to the same, same listserv,
- [00:01:22.630]same people. Under the lists or configuration,
- [00:01:25.740]then I have the,
- [00:01:29.640]the email that we used to set up the newsroom as an editor so that this
- [00:01:34.460]system can send to the listserv.
- [00:01:37.860]To actually set up this newsroom, I contacted Troy Fetterson,
- [00:01:42.090]he's kind of a, the UNL Announce guru, if you will.
- [00:01:47.370]And below that, if we need to add more people to the,
- [00:01:51.780]the newsroom we can with this field down here. Okay.
- [00:01:56.040]So since mine's all set up already,
- [00:01:57.780]I'm not really going to touch anything on this. Um,
- [00:01:59.640]the next thing we're going to look at then is how to build a newsletter.
- [00:02:05.640]So under build newsletter, um,
- [00:02:08.070]we can change the subject of the email that will be sent. By default,
- [00:02:12.270]it's pulling in the information from the newsroom, and you can see off to the side
- [00:02:16.080]here it's distributing to those default email addresses that I had listed.
- [00:02:22.920]Under release date, I can select what date this newsletters should be released.
- [00:02:28.140]By default, if you don't do anything - um, it looks like today's the eighth,
- [00:02:31.710]I'm going to choose the ninth - tomorrow at 9:00 AM, or excuse me, tomorrow at 7:00 AM
- [00:02:37.320]this newsletter will be released. Uh, if I,
- [00:02:41.010]if I get everything set up correctly,
- [00:02:43.140]it will just release on its own tomorrow at 7:00 AM.
- [00:02:47.700]All right. So I have this newsletter set upreleased tomorrow.
- [00:02:52.590]Um, now I need to add
- [00:02:55.980]content to the newsletter itself.
- [00:02:57.780]So I'm going to go to submit a news item.
- [00:03:02.950]And in here,
- [00:03:03.340]this is where you'll submit individual articles for your newsletter. Uh,
- [00:03:07.250]so will just put in some tests content here.
- [00:03:19.620]Select what date we want to run initially.
- [00:03:23.670]And then the last date it could possibly run.
- [00:03:26.010]This is good for things like events that you might want to announce in
- [00:03:29.520]multiple newsletters.
- [00:03:30.570]So I'll just give this to the end of the month. Supporting website
- [00:03:34.020]will put a direct link to a site for people to click on. Um,
- [00:03:38.000]I'm just going to toss one in here for now,
- [00:03:40.020]so we can see what it looks like. Sponsoring unit, for this
- [00:03:43.740]I'll say I'm with UAAD. For you unit,
- [00:03:46.410]this should be filled out with whatever your default unit is.
- [00:03:50.940]And then please consider for.
- [00:03:52.140]This is where we will decide what newsletters this article should go to.
- [00:03:56.850]So by default, you can see this is going to UAAD news.
- [00:03:59.730]I also have a list here of other newsletters that are in the
- [00:04:04.410]announced system that I could possibly push this article to. Um,
- [00:04:08.430]for now I'm just going to keep this with UAAD news.
- [00:04:11.220]There's also an option - let me scroll back up here - to add an image with this. For now,
- [00:04:15.810]I will just choose a dummy image.
- [00:04:21.420]Okay.
- [00:04:21.660]So I have my dummy image in there and I can change this preview
- [00:04:26.550]size by clicking and dragging and expanding the box.
- [00:04:30.660]And I'll put in a description of that
- [00:04:35.570]as well.
- [00:04:43.480]All right, let me go ahead and save this. Click submit.
- [00:04:48.520]All right. You can see, we have a confirmation. This has been submitted.
- [00:04:51.640]Here's what my article looks like. I have an option down here to
- [00:04:55.090]re-edit this story. And where this lives? Now,
- [00:04:58.870]if I go to manage news, uh,
- [00:05:03.250]you will see we're managing the news for UAAD news,
- [00:05:06.490]here we have pending articles.
- [00:05:08.140]These are for articles that other people might try to be submitting to your
- [00:05:13.000]newsletter. Uh, the one I just made, those should be under approved. There,
- [00:05:17.410]you go, 'Keith McGuffey - Test Article'. I can edit that.
- [00:05:20.020]I can select it and move it to pending or delete it, um, either way.
- [00:05:26.530]So we have that article made, that news item made.
- [00:05:28.660]Let's go to the newsletter and now, excuse me,
- [00:05:32.710]let me go to the date. Uh, 2021-07-09.
- [00:05:37.690]And now we should see in this left-hand column,
- [00:05:41.680]here's new articles that I can pull into this July 9th newsletter.
- [00:05:47.410]Um, if there's articles that have run previously,
- [00:05:50.110]but still are not past their expiration date,
- [00:05:52.330]they'll appear under this previously used items header.
- [00:05:56.680]So now I can just click and drag this. Uh, there's a few options here.
- [00:06:00.830]There's this longer horizontal single column.
- [00:06:04.880]There's also two individual columns at the bottom. Um,
- [00:06:07.790]I like to just put everything in the long horizontal column. It looks a little,
- [00:06:12.260]little cleaner. By default, this is going to show, you can see here,
- [00:06:17.060]this is the summary, a link to continue reading, to read the entire article. Uh,
- [00:06:21.530]here's that image.
- [00:06:22.640]And here's our more details with that direct URL link.
- [00:06:27.950]If I hover over this for a bit, you'll see some options pop up.
- [00:06:31.430]We have an edit option,
- [00:06:33.260]an option to remove this from the article, or excuse me from the newsletter, and
- [00:06:38.060]an option to change the layout.
- [00:06:39.440]So edit will let me edit the actual article details.
- [00:06:42.110]I'm going to look at the layout right now. By default,
- [00:06:45.710]this is thumbnail image, floated left. I can change this.
- [00:06:49.430]I have a few options here. I can put it on the right. There we go.
- [00:06:54.190]Can also change this to be the full image above the
- [00:06:58.850]summary text. There we have the full image then we just have the summary.
- [00:07:05.890]Or we can do the full article. See there, I,
- [00:07:10.570]I only put in the text 'test article' there,
- [00:07:14.620]or we could just do the image linked to that supporting website fields.
- [00:07:19.060]So this will just be the image when it comes in.
- [00:07:21.970]And then when folks click on it, it'll take them to the supporting website.
- [00:07:28.210]All right, we'll go ahead and save this.
- [00:07:33.370]So we have the newsletter built with an article in it.
- [00:07:37.720]I can send a preview of this with the 'send preview' option up here,
- [00:07:41.830]send it to myself, just to make sure it all looks okay. All right.
- [00:07:46.540]So we have here, the test email I sent myself,
- [00:07:49.750]you can see here is this is some of the content that was on our
- [00:07:55.390]newsroom edit page.
- [00:08:02.530]Just test to make sure that everything works the way I think it's working.
- [00:08:06.500]Perfect. Okay. Now,
- [00:08:09.860]if I don't do anything, again,
- [00:08:12.800]this will be released at 7:00 AM on
- [00:08:16.730]July 9th, 2021.
- [00:08:19.970]Or if I wanted to distribute this right this second,
- [00:08:23.390]I could come to build newsletter and go to all newsletters.
- [00:08:29.390]And under all newsletters,
- [00:08:30.320]you'll see an archive of all the newsletters that you've made, um,
- [00:08:35.000]including email opens,
- [00:08:37.340]which I believe runs on the number of people that have downloaded the images
- [00:08:41.510]associated with the article. Um,
- [00:08:44.960]and you'll notice here for the July 9th newsletter,
- [00:08:49.340]I have a distribute now option. So I could,
- [00:08:51.830]if I wanted to, click that and distribute this out to the listservs that I have
- [00:08:55.500]selected. Uh, so that's a good way, if,
- [00:08:58.210]if you need to send a newsletter in the ER in the afternoon,
- [00:09:01.530]this is a good way to do it.
- [00:09:02.520]Set it up in the morning after 7:00 AM and just click distribute now,
- [00:09:06.240]when you're ready to distribute the newsletter.
- [00:09:10.540]And that's UNL announce. One quick caveat,
- [00:09:14.770]one thing I see people get caught up a lot on. When you go to build newsletter
- [00:09:19.390]and you select your release date,
- [00:09:23.350]you'll notice something kind of weird happens here.
- [00:09:25.540]And then the date itself does not update. Uh,
- [00:09:30.670]I think this is a glitch. For whatever reason, you just have to go to another page.
- [00:09:33.940]I usually go to submit an item, and then if I come back,
- [00:09:39.720]now, this newsletter lets me edit it correctly.
- [00:09:43.270]You see the date has updated. Um,
- [00:09:45.970]so that's just something to be aware of as you're making content in UNL Announce.
- [00:09:52.990]All right, that's it. Thank you.
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