Kiewit Hall Groundbreaking | Remarks
IANR Media
Donors and University of Nebraska-Lincoln officials kick off construction of the new Kiewit Hall, June 28, 2021.
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- [00:00:03.720]My name is Ronnie Green, I have the pleasure of serving as the
- [00:00:06.900]chancellor here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
- [00:00:09.930]it is a big day. For us at the University of Nebraska. It's a
- [00:00:14.190]big day for the State of Nebraska. It's a big day for the
- [00:00:17.340]field of engineering. As we turn ground here on the largest
- [00:00:23.370]academic facilities project in the 152 year history of the
- [00:00:28.680]University of Nebraska, we're very, very excited about it. And
- [00:00:33.300]have the opportunity today to tell you more about it and see
- [00:00:37.650]more about what this is going to look like as we commence and get
- [00:00:40.980]underway with the construction of this new instructional
- [00:00:43.950]facility for Nebraska Engineering. I want to recognize
- [00:00:49.530]several special guests that we have with us here today to help
- [00:00:54.060]us celebrate this momentous occasion. First, we're very,
- [00:00:58.530]very pleased to have Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird with
- [00:01:01.800]us, thank you for being with us Mayor Gaylor Baird. Very pleased
- [00:01:10.140]to have two of our sitting members of the University of
- [00:01:12.720]Nebraska Board of Regents here with us today Regent Jack Stark
- [00:01:16.320]from Omaha and Regent, Tim Clare from Lincoln, thank you both for
- [00:01:20.010]being here today. And very pleased to have the University
- [00:01:27.420]of Nebraska System president with us, Ted Carter, who you've
- [00:01:31.200]all kind of gotten to know really well, Ted, thank you for
- [00:01:33.750]being here today and for your labor.
- [00:01:39.350]You might remember that we stood in this very same spot a little
- [00:01:43.610]under two years ago to announce this major project. And it was
- [00:01:47.960]on the heels of the renovation of the Scott Engineering Center
- [00:01:52.310]that as you go down the street here below us you see happening
- [00:01:55.370]in real time and on schedule and on budget, very pleased about
- [00:01:59.390]that to be the first major expansion of Nebraska
- [00:02:03.410]Engineering primarily for our research enterprise, and
- [00:02:07.040]enhancing our research enterprise in the college. And
- [00:02:10.430]at that event here two years ago, September of 19, I think it
- [00:02:14.660]was where we announced the launch of Kiewit Hall. And the
- [00:02:19.490]naming of what will become Kiewit Hall as the home all
- [00:02:23.480]in-house home for Nebraska Engineering as our world class
- [00:02:27.440]instructional facility. And you might remember Bruce Grewcock,
- [00:02:32.360]current CEO at the time of the Kiewit Corporation was here to
- [00:02:35.960]celebrate that with us, and to lend the name of Kiewit to that
- [00:02:40.610]new Hall. Here we are a year and a half later, almost two years
- [00:02:45.770]later, and a lot of water under the bridge is you know in that
- [00:02:48.830]time period, and we're about to launch on that $97 million
- [00:02:54.110]project totally by privately fund raised as a partnership
- [00:03:00.500]with philanthropists and with supporters of the university.
- [00:03:04.220]Now in being able to move that forward. I want to acknowledge
- [00:03:08.300]several of our major donors and contributors who are here to
- [00:03:11.870]celebrate this with us today. And you'll hear more about them
- [00:03:15.470]throughout the course of our program. First, certainly the
- [00:03:19.010]Kiewit Corporation that I mentioned earlier, and who are
- [00:03:22.580]building this facility with us as we as we move forward. So
- [00:03:26.510]Rick, you and your team and a number of people who are here
- [00:03:29.120]you'll hear Rick here in a few moments. The Suzanne and Walter
- [00:03:32.840]Scott Foundation major contributor to this project, and
- [00:03:36.530]I saw Calvin Sisson and Laura here with us this morning. Thank
- [00:03:40.790]you for your support of the project. The Abel Foundation
- [00:03:45.050]here in Lincoln, Jim Abel and his team, group of the team here
- [00:03:49.250]and Jack with us this morning, not only for the philanthropic
- [00:03:53.960]support but the land upon which we are building. This facility
- [00:03:58.070]comes from the Abel Foundation as well. The Peter Kiewit
- [00:04:01.970]Foundation is also here. Wendy welcome, major supporter of the
- [00:04:07.100]project, as well as a major supporter of a new initiative
- [00:04:11.840]for our College of Engineering to support scholarships for
- [00:04:15.440]students moving forward in the future. The Robert B. Daugherty
- [00:04:19.220]Foundation and they were unable to be here this morning. But our
- [00:04:22.400]friends at the Daugherty Foundation, also a major
- [00:04:25.040]contributor to the project. And last but not least, certainly
- [00:04:28.790]the Acklie Charitable Foundation here in Lincoln, the Acklie
- [00:04:32.120]family, Phyllis, Tom and others who have been supportive of this
- [00:04:36.050]project and are a major contributor to it as well. There
- [00:04:40.940]has been an architect of this plan. And I've had the pleasure
- [00:04:44.990]and privilege of being able to work with this architect for a
- [00:04:48.740]number of years. You will know that he became the Dean of the
- [00:04:52.700]College of Engineering of Nebraska Engineering in 2016 is
- [00:04:57.650]the same time I became Chancellor and I was very
- [00:05:00.470]fortunate that those two things came together at the same time
- [00:05:04.760]as Lance Perez, assumed the interim leadership at that time
- [00:05:09.410]of Nebraska Engineering. You'll hear the term complete engineer
- [00:05:14.270]from this college a lot. It's a standout of Nebraska
- [00:05:17.720]Engineering. And this is a complete engineer that I'm
- [00:05:21.590]introducing to you here this morning. To tell you more about
- [00:05:24.860]the project. Dean Lance Perez. Please welcome Lance.
- [00:05:38.260]Well, thank you very much Chancellor Green for that kind
- [00:05:40.630]introduction. As Chancellor Green said, this is really a
- [00:05:45.190]culmination of a really statewide partnership involving
- [00:05:51.610]the president's office, President Carter has been a big
- [00:05:53.830]supporter of the college, the chancellor's office, the Board
- [00:05:56.980]of Regents, of course, the Nebraska business and
- [00:06:00.040]philanthropic communities. And I can't tell you, as someone who
- [00:06:02.680]spent my career at this university, how gratifying it is
- [00:06:05.320]to see that kind of investment in the College of Engineering is
- [00:06:08.680]really just humbling. And I can't tell you how happy
- [00:06:11.530]everybody is that with this major project. Of course, things
- [00:06:16.390]don't happen in a vacuum. I'm fortunate to have, I think, the
- [00:06:20.410]best external advisory board at the university for 20 years,
- [00:06:24.580]they've been championing the College of Engineering, I'd
- [00:06:27.520]particularly like dimension, Bob Brightfelt in his leadership,
- [00:06:30.520]they've given their time, effort and resources to this. And this
- [00:06:33.880]is really a reflection of their commitment to engineering and
- [00:06:37.120]construction education in the state of Nebraska. It also
- [00:06:41.260]wouldn't be possible without a really impressive leadership
- [00:06:45.370]team in the audience, you'll see members of my executive team,
- [00:06:49.090]you know, I got to be up here up front and get a lot of credit.
- [00:06:51.310]They're the ones that actually do all the work. So I'd like to
- [00:06:53.740]thank all of you. And I can't tell you how grateful I am to
- [00:06:56.380]work with you. The College of Engineering is also you know,
- [00:06:59.590]we're a big organization, we have almost 250 faculty, we have
- [00:07:03.070]100 staff, again, these are the people that actually deliver the
- [00:07:06.910]quality education that has benefited so many of you in the
- [00:07:10.120]audience, and is what is going to drive economic development in
- [00:07:13.180]the State of Nebraska as we move forward. So thank you to all the
- [00:07:15.850]faculty and staff and the College of Engineering. As
- [00:07:18.940]focused as we are today on this building. And that, of course,
- [00:07:22.060]is very important. What really matters is what's going to
- [00:07:24.610]happen in that building. What I'm proudest of is that the
- [00:07:28.810]Nebraska philanthropic community got behind a building that's
- [00:07:31.540]focused on education, right? This is about educating the next
- [00:07:36.310]generation of construction, computing ande engineering
- [00:07:38.860]professionals for the state of Nebraska. For the first time in
- [00:07:42.010]over a generation will have a facility that is actually about
- [00:07:45.670]teaching engineering and construction, it's going to be a
- [00:07:48.610]game changer for the State of Nebraska and for the next
- [00:07:51.220]generation of students. And to see that kind of private support
- [00:07:54.610]behind that mission is really, again, just extremely gratifying
- [00:07:58.420]and important. It's a long term investment in the State of
- [00:08:00.670]Nebraska. Chancellor green already mentioned the complete
- [00:08:04.360]engineer, you'll see posters about it up all around the
- [00:08:07.420]building, it really is an important program, a
- [00:08:10.600]differentiator for the College of Engineering, our Big Ten
- [00:08:13.630]peers do not have a program like this. It's about not just
- [00:08:18.310]creating engineers with strong technical capabilities. But
- [00:08:21.760]students, engineers who have communication skills, leadership
- [00:08:25.510]skills, are committed to community, committed to
- [00:08:28.480]inclusive excellence, and to see that the support that this
- [00:08:31.810]building is going to give to that program is going to be a
- [00:08:34.270]game changer as well. Again, Chancellor Green alluded to the
- [00:08:38.590]fact that not only do we have the support for this building,
- [00:08:42.340]but we also have several major scholarship programs that have
- [00:08:45.070]been created along with this building. And I'd like to thank
- [00:08:48.490]the leadership of Peter Kiewit Company, for providing a
- [00:08:52.750]scholarship program the Kiewit Scholars, we have our first
- [00:08:56.170]cohort of 10 students coming in this year, we had 327 applicants
- [00:09:00.700]from around the country for 10 slots. If that doesn't speak to
- [00:09:04.030]the demand for engineers and construction professionals, and
- [00:09:07.570]the quality of education that they get at the University of
- [00:09:09.790]Nebraska, I don't know what does. And we have I just had
- [00:09:13.900]fortunate to have a meeting this morning with the Peter Kiewit
- [00:09:16.300]Foundation, we will be announced formally announcing a very large
- [00:09:20.320]scholarship program associated with the Peter Kiewit
- [00:09:23.320]Foundation. And again, all those students are going to be in this
- [00:09:26.950]building, getting a world class education. Thank you so much for
- [00:09:30.820]everything you do for the College of Engineering.
- [00:09:41.720]Thank you, Lance. It's now my pleasure to introduce to you
- [00:09:45.200]Rick Lanoha is the current CEO of the Peter Kiewit Corporation,
- [00:09:50.600]assumed that role in late 19, early 20 right at the time, the
- [00:09:56.450]world got pretty interesting Rick is moving into that
- [00:09:59.450]position. And I am proud to say he is a 1991 graduate of the
- [00:10:04.250]University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Engineering.
- [00:10:07.400]Rick Lanoha CEO of Kiewit.
- [00:10:13.170]Thank you Chancellor Green. I just like to add to to a little
- [00:10:17.880]bit what Dean Perez said here, we are so excited to be a part
- [00:10:21.930]of this project, both to be a part of the project to get an
- [00:10:24.810]opportunity to donate and and be a part of what is being created
- [00:10:29.580]down here. The complete engineer, the building the world
- [00:10:33.420]class facility, but also to be a part of getting to build the
- [00:10:36.630]project. We've got a large team here with Kiewit that are all
- [00:10:39.840]going to be out there building it and responsible to make it a
- [00:10:42.450]really successful outcome. You know, over 600 engineers,
- [00:10:47.040]construction managers currently work for Kiewit right now, back
- [00:10:50.790]in its earliest days, Peter Kiewit came to the University of
- [00:10:54.330]Nebraska defined many of the engineers that created the
- [00:10:57.750]company that you see today, and their storied careers have built
- [00:11:02.250]what we all get to be a part of, of working and executing every
- [00:11:06.180]day. And so the University of Nebraska has been in credibly
- [00:11:10.200]important to us. And when this opportunity came along, to
- [00:11:14.100]really build this world class facility and create this thing
- [00:11:17.490]under the vision of these two gentlemen, and the opportunity
- [00:11:20.670]to create this complete engineer, it was a unanimous
- [00:11:23.760]vote at our board of directors meetings now. Luckily, Doug
- [00:11:27.060]Glaser sitting there knows we kind of carry the room when when
- [00:11:30.810]we vote on the board for the University of Nebraska but it
- [00:11:33.000]was a unanimous vote to do this donation and see this world
- [00:11:37.080]class facility done so we are excited to be a part we can't
- [00:11:40.380]thank enough and and we're really excited to see what the
- [00:11:43.020]future brings. Thank you.
- [00:11:52.040]And if you know the Kiewit Corporation, you know this
- [00:11:55.190]building is going to be built right. So we look forward to it.
- [00:11:59.390]Yeah, we look forward to it. It's now my pleasure to
- [00:12:03.530]introduce one of our students from the University of Nebraska
- [00:12:06.830]is College of Engineering to give you a student perspective
- [00:12:10.010]on how important this building is going to be for our student
- [00:12:13.040]population. I'd like to introduce to you know, Noha
- [00:12:16.910]Algahimi, who will represent the student body of Nebraska
- [00:12:20.420]engineering know how.
- [00:12:27.900]Thank you. Thank you, Chancellor Green for that wonderful
- [00:12:30.180]introduction. On behalf of all engineering students, I would
- [00:12:33.330]like to express the appreciation we all have for this incredible
- [00:12:36.120]investment in the College of Engineering and the quality of
- [00:12:38.850]education it provides. We recognize the importance of
- [00:12:42.180]allocating funds for campus growth in a way that is not only
- [00:12:45.060]meaningful, but invaluable to the learning experiences we seek
- [00:12:48.480]as undergraduates and beyond. We are incredibly grateful to our
- [00:12:52.230]donors for taking a chance on our students and their passions,
- [00:12:55.380]and providing us with the means to grow as a college and as a
- [00:12:58.590]student body. While I have enjoyed my time here as a
- [00:13:01.710]student using our pre existing facilities, I am thrilled to
- [00:13:05.010]witness the start of something new and remarkable to be offered
- [00:13:08.370]to our future cohorts of bright eyed engineers in training. With
- [00:13:12.240]the expansion of facilities comes in unimaginable realm of
- [00:13:15.300]possibility. It means new spaces to develop our projects and
- [00:13:19.410]additional study spots to build social connections we so heavily
- [00:13:23.190]rely on to get us through a rigorous four years. It means
- [00:13:27.120]state of the art classrooms nurturing the comfort of both
- [00:13:29.670]students and professors, thereby allowing for the effective
- [00:13:33.030]delivery and reception of information. In addition to
- [00:13:36.090]providing our students both undergraduate and graduate, the
- [00:13:39.840]opportunity to conduct hands on research without the additional
- [00:13:43.020]worry of aging laboratories, or technology. Having establishment
- [00:13:47.550]such as cuit Hall at our disposal is integral to student
- [00:13:50.310]success. I know that during my own time as an engineering
- [00:13:53.580]student, I have greatly appreciated both the space and
- [00:13:56.610]technological aids othmer has provided without the countless
- [00:14:00.270]study spots, bathed in sunlight, which often turns to moonlight,
- [00:14:03.990]the dynamic classrooms and our computer labs, I would not have
- [00:14:07.320]been able to navigate my studies as effectively or as enjoyably.
- [00:14:11.760]I personally could not imagine the passage of the last three
- [00:14:14.310]years without the presence of the home I found in the chemical
- [00:14:16.740]engineering library on the second floor of this building.
- [00:14:19.950]And I'm unbelievably excited to see what new homes will be
- [00:14:23.160]created within the within the walls of Kiewit Hall. Thank you
- [00:14:27.060]to all involved for making a difference in the UNL
- [00:14:29.460]engineering community and for caring about the work we do as
- [00:14:32.190]students. As the College of Engineering continues to provide
- [00:14:35.250]remarkable visionaries and valuable members to the
- [00:14:37.590]scientific world. Kiewit Hall will become a fixture in each
- [00:14:41.220]individual success story. Thank you.
- [00:14:52.060]Well, thank you very much Noha we know that our students are
- [00:14:55.330]going to build the future and be more enabled to do that through
- [00:14:59.320]through this new facility that we're putting in place. It takes
- [00:15:03.250]a huge team to plan something like this and the design of the
- [00:15:07.180]facility and the architects to get us to this point for
- [00:15:11.860]launching what will be a world class facility and they tell us
- [00:15:15.190]a little bit about that. I'd like to introduce to you Craig
- [00:15:18.400]Spangler. Our partner is senior principal with Bollinger, the
- [00:15:22.720]lead architecture firm in designing Kiewit Hall. Craig.
- [00:15:32.180]Morning, great day, Chancellor Green thank you very much for
- [00:15:35.090]the introduction. In November of 2019, my colleagues at Ballinger
- [00:15:39.170]and our partner here in Lincoln, Clark-Enersen, were fortunate to
- [00:15:42.500]listen to Dean Perez articulate the college's vision for
- [00:15:45.440]educating the very best complete engineer. His aspiration for a
- [00:15:48.920]truly unique engineering education, and how a
- [00:15:51.830]transformative world class building was support this vision
- [00:15:54.770]inspired us tremendously. Neeless to say you were
- [00:15:57.560]extraordinarily honored to be selected to join the college in
- [00:16:00.680]designing this very important initiative for the University of
- [00:16:02.780]Nebraska. After embarking upon the design in February 2020, we
- [00:16:06.890]never imagined that one month later who would immediately have
- [00:16:09.260]to pivot to a virtual engagement that's lasted 15 months leading
- [00:16:12.860]up to today. Dean Perez's and the college's leadership team,
- [00:16:15.980]including Kim Wilson, unfortunately couldn't be here
- [00:16:17.870]today and university's facility planning capital project team
- [00:16:20.840]led by Brooke Hay and Brad Muehling, were exceptional
- [00:16:24.050]adapting to a virtual engagement to ensure a world class
- [00:16:27.020]transformational building of elegance and impact. With
- [00:16:30.500]students central to our process, Kiewit Hall will be unparalleled
- [00:16:33.650]in so many ways. We'll have one of the nation's largest hands on
- [00:16:37.070]student team based maker space will be central to the Kiewit
- [00:16:40.070]Hall experience. with exceptional student input and
- [00:16:43.520]guidance. We believe that the venue will be the premier
- [00:16:45.740]makerspace anywhere. A variety of spaces for fostering student
- [00:16:49.490]faculty interaction will create a tangible sense of engineering
- [00:16:52.580]community and be fundamental making Kiewit Hall the college's
- [00:16:55.190]facility centerpiece. A large grouping of technology based
- [00:16:59.000]classrooms will enable the college to provide robust active
- [00:17:01.730]learning, enriched university industry community outreach, and
- [00:17:06.050]become a conference venue destination of choice for the
- [00:17:08.390]campus in a region. Abundant transparency throughout the
- [00:17:11.480]showcase innovative instructional environments and
- [00:17:13.820]active learning as a magnet recruitment and retention for
- [00:17:16.430]the best and brightest students, faculty and staff. With phase
- [00:17:19.580]one Kiewit Hall will form a new campus quad for engineering
- [00:17:22.460]community building that will embrace the adjacent residence
- [00:17:25.040]halls to form identifiable engineering campus precinct.
- [00:17:28.310]Kiewit Hall will also become a transparent college beacon that
- [00:17:31.550]will form an iconic new eastern gateway for the university. As
- [00:17:35.480]we pass the baton to Kiewit's construction team led by Jeff
- [00:17:38.210]Buhler and Kyle Miller, who have been exceptional partners today.
- [00:17:41.870]We look forward to their crafting exceptional high
- [00:17:43.820]quality building resident of the firm's namesake to make a
- [00:17:46.520]premier world class engineering facility and revered legacy
- [00:17:50.060]contributer to the University of Nebraska here in Lincoln. On
- [00:17:52.850]behalf of my colleagues and the Clark and Enersen Ballinger
- [00:17:55.250]team, we look forward to joining you in 2023 to dedicate Kiewit
- [00:17:58.970]Hall as it embarks upon educating the very best complete
- [00:18:01.760]engineer for generations to come. Thank you.
- [00:18:10.800]And finally, I'd like to invite Brian Hastings, the CEO of the
- [00:18:15.180]University of Nebraska foundation to come and share a
- [00:18:17.580]few words about the private philanthropy that has allowed us
- [00:18:20.430]to get to this point, Brian.
- [00:18:27.930]Let me just start by just congratulating you, Chancellor
- [00:18:30.720]Green and Dean Perez for your outstanding leadership and for
- [00:18:34.620]your vision to make this project a reality. It's been fun to
- [00:18:38.130]watch it evolve over the years and Lance, congratulations to
- [00:18:42.030]you and your team on such a momentous, great day today. It's
- [00:18:47.100]my privilege to represent the University of Nebraska
- [00:18:49.350]Foundation, but I really just stand here on behalf of our
- [00:18:52.290]board of directors. Our Chair elect Don Volte is here who also
- [00:18:55.740]chairs the College of Engineering Advisory Board in
- [00:18:58.620]our team, Joe Selig, who leads our team for UNL, Amy Ferguson,
- [00:19:02.670]who leads our team for the College of Engineering, and all
- [00:19:05.610]of our staff. And earlier this month, the University of
- [00:19:09.570]Nebraska foundation celebrated our 85th anniversary. So our
- [00:19:13.230]85th year of partnering with the university and growing
- [00:19:16.770]relationships that enable the university to change lives and
- [00:19:20.700]save lives. And if you look at what's going to happen here with
- [00:19:24.180]Kiewit Hall, clearly this project and all that happens
- [00:19:28.260]within it is going to have a transformative effect on many
- [00:19:31.410]lives. From educating the next few generations of engineers in
- [00:19:36.660]the facility, to the work that they will go out and do in
- [00:19:39.990]leading teams to using their engineering principles to solve
- [00:19:44.640]practical, as well as important issues and challenges. To to
- [00:19:50.340]engineer other facilities like this to engineer infrastructure
- [00:19:53.730]that will really help change lives and save lives and protect
- [00:19:57.720]lives in our communities. And like you, I especially like
- [00:20:02.130]hearing the perspective of the students from Noha, and how
- [00:20:05.400]important this facility is to their experience as well. Like
- [00:20:09.450]all major philanthropic projects across the university, we have
- [00:20:13.110]been blessed with tremendous support. This project has
- [00:20:17.280]received pledges of support from 730 individuals in
- [00:20:22.470]organizations. And we have had outstanding volunteer advocacy
- [00:20:28.980]from the College of Engineering Advisory Board. I know a number
- [00:20:31.470]of members are with us today. And that's part of the
- [00:20:36.690]combination of things that helps these projects be a tremendous
- [00:20:39.630]success. And so while Ronnie mentioned the principal
- [00:20:42.930]benefactors at the beginning of the program, I'm going to
- [00:20:45.090]mention them again here and ask that we pause and give each of
- [00:20:47.970]them a moment of recognition that they so duly deserve. And
- [00:20:52.380]I'm going to start with the Kiewit Corporation again with
- [00:20:54.600]you, Rick Lanoha, CEO and can I ask all members of the Kiewit
- [00:20:59.040]Corp with us today to stand and be recognized so we can thank
- [00:21:02.130]them for their support?
- [00:21:12.990]The Suzanne and Walter Scott foundation with Calvin Sisson
- [00:21:15.780]and Laura Miller, who are with us, please stand to be
- [00:21:18.180]recognized.
- [00:21:24.390]We know Walter couldn't be with us today, but I'm sure you're
- [00:21:26.940]and we ask that you bring back our gratitude and thanks to
- [00:21:29.250]Walter for his tremendous support as well. Not with us
- [00:21:33.450]today, the Robert B. Daugherty Foundation, but hopefully you'll
- [00:21:36.270]have a chance to watch the video of the program. So let's thank
- [00:21:38.820]the Robert B. Daugherty Foundation for their support.
- [00:21:45.120]And likewise, the Acklie Charitable Foundation here in
- [00:21:47.790]Lincoln. Let's thank the Acklie family for their tremendous
- [00:21:50.370]support. And then the last of our principal benefactors, Wendy
- [00:21:57.930]Boyer from the Peter Kiewit Foundation, and I believe there
- [00:22:01.080]are a couple of other members, Liz and Jen from the Peter
- [00:22:03.600]Kiewit Foundation.
- [00:22:10.950]Every project needs champions, and without our principal
- [00:22:14.250]benefactors, this project wouldn't be a reality. But in
- [00:22:18.150]truth, without all 734 individuals and organizations,
- [00:22:22.350]we wouldn't be here today. So I also want to close and just ask
- [00:22:25.770]that we give a round of thanks for everybody who has supported
- [00:22:28.500]this project, and for everybody who will continue to support the
- [00:22:31.560]College of Engineering as well.
- [00:22:39.470]Thank Thank you, Brian. And I want to do an extra shout out
- [00:22:42.710]here. Brian mentioned this in his comments to Amy Ferguson.
- [00:22:46.610]Amy Fergeson has been the lead fundraiser on this project and
- [00:22:49.910]she deserves a big round of applause. We now are going to
- [00:22:57.770]adjourn from in here and go out the front door of Othmer Hall
- [00:23:02.450]and just to the east, down Vine Street, where we will stage a
- [00:23:06.980]groundbreaking if we will ground turning. Obviously, we already
- [00:23:11.000]are underway with the project that will conclude so put this
- [00:23:15.770]in your your bank for us to have the ribbon cutting for this
- [00:23:20.090]facility in the summer of 2023. The intent is for the facility
- [00:23:26.480]to be open for business and for our students for the fall term
- [00:23:31.460]of 2023. Ahead Lance is doing this right now. But that's okay.
- [00:23:36.620]So if you have a pair of gloves on your seat that you're in, you
- [00:23:44.090]will be part of that turning so please take those gloves and the
- [00:23:47.330]helmet with you. And we'll proceed out the front door and
- [00:23:52.490]we'll enjoy a ground turning. Thanks for being here today.
- [00:23:55.040]It's a great day for Nebraska.
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