Supporting Student Academic Success
Rachel Lindhart
Please skip to 15:42 for session start. Hosted by the Center for Academic Success and Transition.
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- [00:13:26.700]Rachel Lindhart: hi everyone, we are right at six o'clock central time if you are here for our preparing for nebraska summer webinar series talking about academic success in transition here at nebraska you're in the right place.
- [00:13:40.140]Rachel Lindhart: i'm testing my MIC testing my camera here, making sure that everything's working okay we're going to give it just another minute or so we've got a few more folks hopping on here.
- [00:13:49.320]Rachel Lindhart: Getting settled with the technology, so I will be back in just a minute to get us started, but thanks again for being here.
- [00:15:43.020]Rachel Lindhart: Alright, I have gotten a thumbs up from the crowd confirming that my technology is working, which is a relief, even after a year of getting pretty fluent with zoom I still get kind of nervous that.
- [00:15:54.360]Rachel Lindhart: that things are going to go go awry so i'm glad to know that everything's working, that you can hear us, and thank you for being here, welcome to our first in our series, our first session in our series of webinars the summer.
- [00:16:07.830]Rachel Lindhart: Within the preparing for nebraska series so i'm excited due to excited to welcome you to tonight's session on academic success at nebraska.
- [00:16:18.600]Rachel Lindhart: So i'm going to start us off here with some introductions my name is Rachel in heart and i'm a coordinator, with the office of new student enrollment at the University of nebraska so I primarily.
- [00:16:28.290]Rachel Lindhart: plan and execute large scale events at the university I run power of weekend and our extended orientation.
- [00:16:34.530]Rachel Lindhart: And i'm also responsible for the webinar series this summer, so if you're signed up for multiple sessions, I look forward to continuing to hang out with you in this capacity, and I will pass it over to lori to introduce herself.
- [00:16:48.930] Also thanks Rachel I don't I don't know if you're aware, but my video is not working, I don't know if it's supposed to.
- [00:16:55.260] But hi everybody i'm excited you're here tonight, my name is lori Romano I am the director of the Center for academic success in transition.
- [00:17:02.760] And i'm really excited to talk to everybody tonight about just how to make a smooth transition or a smooth as possible into the first year of college.
- [00:17:11.850] And just be the best student, you can be here in nebraska so i'm going to take some time tonight to walk you through different ways that my office can help and some of the different ways that we support students.
- [00:17:28.410] And then I also wanted to take just a moment to introduce you to our team, the rest of the cast staff are not able to be with me tonight, but you can see their photos up on the screen.
- [00:17:39.240] We have a you know a lot of academic success coaches in our office and really our role on campus is to help students be successful students, so we help with a lot of different things like time management study skills.
- [00:17:53.190] Just really helping students get acclimated to college life and then really transition throughout their time at nebraska into whatever comes after this whether it's graduate school or just getting started in the workforce.
- [00:18:13.680]Rachel Lindhart: Thanks lori i'm looking to turn on the closed captioning functionality right now.
- [00:18:19.170]Rachel Lindhart: Do you by chance, number that's available are you able to access it.
- [00:18:22.440] I don't see.
- [00:18:23.850]Rachel Lindhart: Why TV and I don't see it but i'm going to keep i'm gonna keep doing.
- [00:18:35.430]Rachel Lindhart: So it just sort of walk you briefly through today's agenda.
- [00:18:38.700]Rachel Lindhart: Like lori mentioned we're going to talk all things student success and how to support your students and best support yourself if you are the student how to how to seek out support at nebraska.
- [00:18:47.490]Rachel Lindhart: will go through a series of frequently asked questions that the cast office often field about student success.
- [00:18:53.400]Rachel Lindhart: And then we're here, ultimately, to answer your questions live, we have expert an expert here in the field and Campus representatives and we want to make sure that you feel empowered.
- [00:19:02.520]Rachel Lindhart: With with your choice and nebraska and next steps as you prepare to come in the fall, so we answering any questions that you have.
- [00:19:09.180]Rachel Lindhart: Throughout throughout the evening so just a few unique functionality is we're using the webinar feature tonight, which is a bit unique in that you probably recognize you can't access your microphone or your camera.
- [00:19:21.540]Rachel Lindhart: That is not because we do not want to engage with you, but this will allow us to better streamline and use the the features that zoom has to offer, so I asked that you.
- [00:19:30.210]Rachel Lindhart: submit all of your questions, through the Q amp a feature that should be along the little.
- [00:19:34.740]Rachel Lindhart: Black bar along the bottom of your of your screen or along your device, you can click Q amp a that stands for question and answer, and you can send any questions that you have to lori through that feature, and we will answer those as we get.
- [00:19:46.620]Rachel Lindhart: To the end of the session and, lastly, I will be sending a recording of this session, as well as a copy of the slide deck and later later this week tomorrow, hopefully, so that you'll have access to this in the future, if you want to refer back.
- [00:20:08.700] Okay awesome, so I will take it away for tonight.
- [00:20:11.790] So really The topic is how to support students academic success here at nebraska, and so I want to start off by telling you a little bit about my office and what we do.
- [00:20:22.020] So we are the Center for academic success and transition, otherwise known as the cast office.
- [00:20:28.200] And really you know what it what it says on the screen, we believe that the students are the stars of their stories here in nebraska they are you know really taking a leap and going off to university.
- [00:20:40.020] To you know study the things that they're really interested in earn a degree and our job is really to be the strong supporting cast for them, which is why we love our office name.
- [00:20:52.260] Really, nobody does college alone, and when students get here the most successful students are the ones that surround themselves with a really strong support network.
- [00:21:01.500] I was a first generation student when I went to college and I know I never would have made it through if it wasn't for the mentors and the Faculty and staff that sort of surrounded me with with support.
- [00:21:12.930] They answered my questions they made sure that I got tapped in connected to all the campus resources and that's what cast wants to do here.
- [00:21:21.180] So we cover some you know hot topics, or I say that there are hot topics and things like time management study skills reading a note taking strategies test prep.
- [00:21:31.980] And you know we spend a lot of our time just helping students figure out what college is all about, we even do some kind of life skills and adult thing coaching.
- [00:21:44.700] For a lot of students, this is their first step into adulthood, and really being in charge of their own education for the first time.
- [00:21:52.650] And what we find is that you know these these things that are listed on the screen like time management and study skills are things that students typically struggle with, especially in the first year.
- [00:22:02.820] No one is really prepared for college.
- [00:22:05.910] You know students have spent the last 12 or 13 years being in school going through you know K to 12 education and even if they've been really successful their college is a whole different ballgame and i'm going to you know talk you through a little bit.
- [00:22:19.980] In a little bit i'm sorry, you know some of the really specific things that we see students struggle with and how we help them.
- [00:22:27.210] So when we talk about you know kind of this study skill coaching what comes along with that is also life skills, you know.
- [00:22:35.850] All through high school students have had sort of this embedded support network, where they had teachers who they were in class with every single day and spent a majority of their time with during the week they had parents who were pretty engaged in.
- [00:22:51.930] You know their their schoolwork or kind of keeping up with what they were doing in classes, they had guidance counselors they had a lot of different people that were kind of helping them get to the finish line of.
- [00:23:02.670] of their high school graduation in college students are really in charge of their own education they're dropped into the driver's seat for the very first time.
- [00:23:12.480] And when you go to a large university like nebraska one of the really great things is that there are a lot of resources here on campus there is literally.
- [00:23:21.660] A person or an office here to help you with every challenge you're going to face, but sometimes when you get to a large university like this.
- [00:23:30.180] All of those resources become kind of overwhelming because you might have a question and you're not sure which office to ask or you're not sure which person to go to.
- [00:23:39.420] And what we like to talk about in cast is, we want to be that first line of support for students, we want students to get really comfortable with our office know who we are.
- [00:23:48.780] And when they have that question, or they hit that roadblock they know that they can come to us, and sometimes it might be something that we can help them with directly.
- [00:23:56.790] And we get them the help they need pretty quickly.
- [00:23:59.220] If it's something that we can't help them with we probably know who can on campus and we can get that student really, really directly connected, so we, when we talk about academic advocacy.
- [00:24:09.810] we're really helping students figure out what resources they need and we're helping them get tapped into those resources early before they start to struggle so go ahead and advance the slide for me Rachel.
- [00:24:23.940] So, to talk to you just a little bit about how your students can connect with us.
- [00:24:29.040] There are several different ways there's a lot of different things that my office does so number one we have what are called study stops, this is free Tutoring.
- [00:24:37.380] I like to tell people there's free Tutoring all over college campuses you should never have to pay for a tutor when you go to college.
- [00:24:46.050] Our office offers study stops, there is an office on campus called oasis that offer something called study studio the College of engineering has something called study stops.
- [00:24:55.530] There are resource centers like the writing Center the math resource Center that chemistry resource Center.
- [00:25:02.160] A lot of these different places around campus in different spots, the way that we run our study stops as we hire.
- [00:25:09.600] Students so usually junior or senior level students that have done, you know really well in certain classes or within their major.
- [00:25:17.340] And they can tutor specific classes, so we are in the hiring process over the summer and then usually our study stop schedule is posted around the first week of class when we get everyone hired.
- [00:25:29.370] And then you'll see this long list of classes, that our tutors can help with we tried to get tutors for the classes, that we know students are always asking for help in because students in that first year typically struggle with so things like you know math.
- [00:25:45.270] A lot of those entry classes, that a lot of students have to take to fulfill a requirement.
- [00:25:51.330] But then again depending on who we hire we may have students that can tutor in languages like Spanish or they might have a little bit of background as an English major so they can help with some of the writing.
- [00:26:02.340] The really great thing about the learning consultants or the tutors that work for our office is, they can also help students with some of the things that we help with like.
- [00:26:10.440] Time management or how do I use a planner to stay organized or things like that so students that go to our tutors also get you know a little additional help in some of those academic success skills that the cast Office can cover.
- [00:26:24.090] The second way that we help students are what's called our academic success workshops.
- [00:26:28.560] This is their free weekly workshops and we typically try to highlight one academic skill, a week that we know students struggle with so again, some of those hot topics that we cover like time management.
- [00:26:40.650] Reading strategies note taking strategies, you know basic study skills for students and how they can adapt study skills from class to class.
- [00:26:49.830] The cool thing about the academic success workshops is this is sort of like a workshop or a classroom format so.
- [00:26:56.610] You don't have to sign up or pre register you just walk in the workshops are typically 45 minutes around there so students can come in get some good information and every student is going to walk out with like one new thing or one new strategy, they can try to be a better student.
- [00:27:16.290] Again we focus these on topics, you know week by week that we know students are struggling with at certain times during the Semester so, for instance, we hit time management pretty early we want students to really get a handle on their schedule.
- [00:27:29.040] and on their you know organizational skills at the beginning of the Semester.
- [00:27:33.360] And then you know a little bit later, maybe week three weeks before we start talking about things like test prep because students are going to be.
- [00:27:40.770] kind of getting ready for the first round of tests.
- [00:27:43.380] So again, our workshop series, it will be on our website success and closer to the beginning of the fall Semester will have the full workshop lineup.
- [00:27:53.280] scheduled out and students can see week by week which workshop might be helpful, and then they can come in and plan to attend one of those.
- [00:28:01.620] And then the third way that we help students, and this is, by far, my favorite part of my job is our one on one academic success coaching.
- [00:28:09.120] This is where students can make appointments either you know, a zoom appointment with a coach or in person appointments and they get to come in sit down typical appointment is about 30 minutes.
- [00:28:20.940] And this is our chance to get to know students, one on one individually.
- [00:28:25.380] We get to know who they are, where are they from you know what are they really excited and passionate about what's going really well so far.
- [00:28:32.880] And then we get into Okay, what are some of the things that we're struggling with or you know what are some of the questions that we have.
- [00:28:39.270] And during that coaching session we want to give students at least one new thing they can try, or you know, a set of action steps that they leave our office with, and they can go and you know.
- [00:28:52.560] Maybe map out a study schedule for themselves or start using a planner and kind of give that a try for a week or two and see how it works.
- [00:29:00.120] The cool thing about our academic success coaching, this is not just a one and done thing.
- [00:29:05.070] Nothing with our offices one and done students can utilize our office as often as they need to.
- [00:29:10.470] We do a lot of work with first year students, but our office is open to every student at nebraska.
- [00:29:16.410] We have a lot of students, that will come back for repeat appointments we have coaches, that will do follow up so a week or two after a student has been in for a coaching appointment we're reaching out and saying.
- [00:29:26.640] Okay, we mapped out that study schedule how's it going, are you sticking to it, are you getting into a routine.
- [00:29:31.590] Some stuff sometimes students find that they need, you know, a couple appointments or maybe they want like a weekly or every other week check in with a coach just to sort of keep themselves on track.
- [00:29:43.440] i've had other students that i've worked with through the years that.
- [00:29:46.260] You know they come in that first week of classes, we get their life all organized and kind of planned out and then they're off and running and we maybe send a text back and forth or an email back and forth just to check in, and then the next semester they're back in my office week one.
- [00:30:00.570] We like to work with students throughout their time at nebraska it's you know, for us as coaches it's fun to kind of see them grow and evolve.
- [00:30:08.940] it's also really great because students know that they have this person that they can go in and talk to, and you know kind of troubleshoot and when something new pops up, we can we can figure it out together.
- [00:30:19.170] The great thing about these connections, is that this really becomes a great resource.
- [00:30:25.920] Close to graduation I can't tell you how many.
- [00:30:29.850] When they send letters that i've written for students, you know we talked about how does Grad school look different you know or how is my life, going to be different when I get out of all of this and I get a job.
- [00:30:40.950] So it's a really again it's a really great resource for students, we do a lot of work with first year students, because that high school to college transition can be a tough one.
- [00:30:50.760] But we really want to see students come back and utilize this resource all throughout your time at nebraska to just keep being successful semester after semester.
- [00:31:00.150] Go ahead Rachel if you can advance it for me again.
- [00:31:05.730] So just to talk to you a little bit about some special programs so again, our office is open to everyone who is a registered student at nebraska, but we do have some very specific types of support for special populations.
- [00:31:17.640] So first things first we have some international students support because you know going to school here in the United States when you've been educated abroad.
- [00:31:26.910] it's a very, very different story, so we know that international students often need some slightly different help then are domestic students, so we have some academic.
- [00:31:36.360] Academic success workshops that are specifically geared toward international students, we also have some folks on staff that work really closely with the International students staff on campus.
- [00:31:47.460] And then there is an event called coffee talks that happens twice a week and it's just a conversation table in the Union and our cast staff are pretty active.
- [00:31:58.440] going to coffee talks and it's really just a great way for international students to meet domestic students and just kind of sit down and have conversations outside of the classroom.
- [00:32:07.470] We also offer offer some really specific transfer students of work, because we know.
- [00:32:12.180] You know if you have gone to maybe a year to a Community college or you started at a different university and now you're coming here to nebraska it's a different story it's a different ballgame.
- [00:32:23.130] So we have a couple of transfer peer mentors on our staff and we host events pretty regularly at least once a month.
- [00:32:31.650] specifically for transfer students, just to get them gathered together as a Community, and you know meeting some other folks on campus and to really stay engaged.
- [00:32:40.740] And, along with our transfer students support, we have a pretty close collaboration with the military veterans success Center.
- [00:32:47.520] We like to refer a lot of students back and forth, because we know that sometimes our military veterans you know have some.
- [00:32:55.740] Just some different challenges when they're trying to either get back into classes after they've maybe been away on a deployment or on active duty.
- [00:33:03.360] or their schedules can sometimes look a little bit different than a traditional incoming first time freshmen so we have a lot of partnerships with that office on campus as well.
- [00:33:13.680] Go ahead and go to the next slide Rachel.
- [00:33:17.820] And then, a couple of special programs that I would like to highlight, because these might be some programs that you or your students are involved in.
- [00:33:25.710] for students who have received the emerging leader scholarship this group of students will be working really, really closely with the cast staff.
- [00:33:33.420] We have an emerging leaders program where, in the first semester of you know, the freshman year are emerging leaders students will be joining us on campus.
- [00:33:44.970] invited to move in early this year on August 15 and participate in a four day program with our staff and our academic success coaches and a team of peer mentors.
- [00:33:54.780] And then, our emerging leaders students also participate in a 12 week seminar course and the cool thing about the seminar is that students get a chance to.
- [00:34:03.180] You know, talk about their purpose for coming to college, what is it that they really want to get out of this experience and what type of goals, do they want to set for themselves.
- [00:34:11.070] And then we help students tap into all of the different resources and supports on campus that will help them achieve those goals, so if you are a student that has an emerging leader scholarship you're probably going to be working really, really closely with myself and my staff.
- [00:34:26.430] for students, that have received nebraska promise scholarship and if they are not in any other retention or support program on campus.
- [00:34:34.140] Those students may have received an invite to sign up for what's called a cast power seminar sort of like the emerging leaders.
- [00:34:41.580] This 12 week seminar is designed to help students just really get engaged in the college experience.
- [00:34:48.840] They will be connected with an academic success coach here in our office.
- [00:34:52.260] They get to participate, you know, once a week in that seminar and really dig in and get connected to resources on campus so.
- [00:34:59.790] check your emails if you see anything about signing up for either in nebraska promise or a cast power seminar just know that that is a way to work really closely with our office and get some some very kind of engaging support with our staff.
- [00:35:15.180] And then, last but not least, I want to mention our first husker program because the application is open for this right now.
- [00:35:21.750] First husker is a program that was specifically designed for first Generation Students, so a first generation student is a student whose parents or guardians have not earned a four year degree.
- [00:35:32.130] And this means they might be the first in their family to go to college again, this was me so first husker is a program that's very near and dear to my heart.
- [00:35:40.440] Our first huskers are also invited to move to campus early so they get kind of a VIP moving experience on Sunday August 15.
- [00:35:49.020] And they spend four days with our program and our staff.
- [00:35:53.100] Just really getting comfortable on campus they get to you know, make a group of friends that are also first generation they get to meet some first gen faculty and staff.
- [00:36:01.140] They get some behind the scenes tours they get a chance to just really get comfortable before all the other students arrive.
- [00:36:07.860] And then first huskers are also in a 12 week seminar.
- [00:36:11.730] You know same type of seminar as emerging leaders and in nebraska promise students, where we just really dig in and try to figure out.
- [00:36:18.540] You know what is it that we want out of this college experience and how do we get the most out of it, while we're here.
- [00:36:25.350] First huskers also have a team of peer mentors so other first gen students that have kind of been there, done that, and now they're in their maybe junior or senior year.
- [00:36:34.020] And they're offering some support and some advice, and you know talking to our processors about hey this is, these are the challenges that I faced, and this is how I overcame them.
- [00:36:44.610] So again, if you're interested if you are a first generation student, you can log on to slash first husker and get signed up for that.
- [00:36:55.500] Go ahead Rachel.
- [00:36:57.660] Okay, so a few things that I want you to know there's a lot that I wanted to know but number one, I think the most important is that nobody does college alone.
- [00:37:07.500] I think, students, sometimes have this idea that they need to come here and kind of figure it all out nobody does that.
- [00:37:14.130] You know, nobody knows how to do everything here at college, nobody knows about all the resources and.
- [00:37:20.820] The students that we find are the most successful are the ones who really take the time to build a strong support network.
- [00:37:26.910] So again, you know, this could start already as you go through nsc and you go through orientation and you start to meet some of those those people.
- [00:37:35.400] We want this to continue with you to get involved with the cast staff we want you to reach out to resources if you're living on campus you know really get to know your iras or get to know your residence hall staff.
- [00:37:47.280] If you're a commuter student definitely tap into an Office like cast because we work a lot with commuter students trying to balance, you know, being a student but also still living at home and having to commute to campus.
- [00:37:59.190] So number one just know that you're not supposed to figure this all out by yourself.
- [00:38:03.930] You know number two college is hard.
- [00:38:06.930] You know, we talk a lot about how college is really, really exciting and it is.
- [00:38:11.340] But this is one of the biggest transitions that you will ever make in your life, and there are going to be mistakes, there are going to be, you know failures, but failure is only a bad word if you quit.
- [00:38:23.220] And I like to tell people that over and over the only way we ever learn anything in life or get good at something is by failing and learning from that experience so.
- [00:38:33.390] Just know you're not going to come here and have everything go perfectly.
- [00:38:38.130] If that's going to happen, you don't need college, so we want you to know that this is a safe space for you to kind of try new things and figure out how you fit.
- [00:38:46.950] And then the last thing is just knowing that there is always someone here to help.
- [00:38:50.790] Like I said, there are so many resources, you know a lot of things that you'll never even need while you're here.
- [00:38:56.820] But we want you to know that there is always someone here that can help that can answer a question and really cast is such a great place to start because.
- [00:39:05.880] We kind of think of ourselves as like master level troubleshooters.
- [00:39:10.350] We really like for students to bring us, you know difficult questions or just you know things that we've never heard before, because we want to learn, along with you.
- [00:39:18.420] And we really tried to connect with all the other offices and resource centers on campus so we know how to really directly refer students.
- [00:39:27.600] We know how hard it is to to walk into an office and have to like talk to a stranger so we want the cast office to not be strangers, and we want to be able to help point you in the direction of other offices, when you need them.
- [00:39:42.450] Okay, go ahead Rachel.
- [00:39:44.490] Okay, so a couple of faqs you know the things that we find students are asking us over and over again, or the things that we just really, really want students to know so you can go ahead and go to the next one angel.
- [00:39:59.790] You know so number one, the question that we get a lot is what's the difference between an academic success coach and an academic advisor.
- [00:40:07.680] So an academic success coach, these are the coaches in my office.
- [00:40:12.270] The folks that work in the cast office and we help with things like study skills time management reading notes taking test prep we help with we say life skills, but it's like adult thing.
- [00:40:23.100] You know, when you need to figure out kind of how to be responsible, on your own and how to get yourself organized and how to be in charge of your own life like that's the type of stuff that we help with.
- [00:40:32.880] We also really want to help students make those connections and get the help and support they need all around campus.
- [00:40:40.020] So your academic advisor which some of you may have already met with these are the folks that are going to work in a specific college or an office, like the explorer Center.
- [00:40:51.210] and your academic advisor is the person that is going to help you, with your degree planning they're going to help you set up all the classes, that you need to earn the degree that you're going to get from the University.
- [00:41:03.090] they're going to help you choose the classes, that you need they're going to make sure that you're staying on track that you're getting registered they're going to be the folks that can help you actually choose a major or minor.
- [00:41:14.430] You know my office some times students want to come in and like talk about their classes and they want to you know ask my opinion about like what do you think about this as a major.
- [00:41:24.060] I am not going to sit and you know, like go through classes with you and tell you what you need to do to earn your degree, but i'm the one that's going to sit here and be like.
- [00:41:32.790] What are you excited about you know what are your classes that just really interest you and light you up, and you know I can talk to you about majors in that way.
- [00:41:40.620] and different career paths, but your academic advisors are going to be the one where it's like a checklist here are all the things that you need to do to earn your degree in history right so that's the biggest difference between an academic advisor and an academic success coach.
- [00:41:55.590] Okay, go ahead Rachel.
- [00:41:57.510] Okay, so this is where this is where I get really excited about what I do Okay, so the biggest issue that students face when they go to college honestly.
- [00:42:06.420] Just not knowing what to expect or not understanding the expectations on them, so one of the biggest things that we talked about, and then i've given you know presentations at orientation this past week is.
- [00:42:20.580] Up until this point students have done about 80% of the work in class with our teachers, all the way K through 12 okay.
- [00:42:29.910] So when you think about this your school up till this point all of your education you've gone to school at about 730 or eight o'clock in the morning.
- [00:42:38.760] And you don't get out of school until about 334 o'clock in the afternoon right so you're literally locked in a school building going from class after class after class right and it's very repetitive it's very routine.
- [00:42:50.880] So when students sign up for college level classes, they might have a schedule that looks like the one you're seeing on your screen.
- [00:42:58.950] Where it looks like you have these huge open gaps of time.
- [00:43:03.450] and students get really excited when they see a college schedule for the first time, because they look at that and they're like oh my gosh you know, look at all this free time that I have and everything's going to be great.
- [00:43:13.620] But what no one really tells you about college and i'm going to tell you today is that.
- [00:43:19.470] In college you're going to do about 80% of the work outside of class on your own it's the exact opposite of what you're used to so all of those big open gaps of time around, your classes, is when you are expected to study.
- [00:43:32.520] On your own and the the bullet point that says two to one study ratio, this is like some really quick and easy math.
- [00:43:40.620] where you can figure out how much studying, you should be doing every week.
- [00:43:46.140] So the way that you do this is when you sign up for your classes you're going to sign up for something called credit hours right and on average students will take.
- [00:43:55.110] About 15 credit hours a semester Okay, it might be a little bit more a little bit less than that but will say 15 so for every credit hour you sign up for.
- [00:44:05.460] Take that times to that's how many hours you should expect to spend a week studying outside of class So if you sign up for 15 credit hours you should expect to spend a minimum of 30 hours a week, outside of class studying.
- [00:44:19.260] Okay, and this is where students like start to panic a little bit because they're thinking that sounds like a lot of time and then i'm going to be spending at least 15 hours in class right.
- [00:44:30.180] And you add up the 30 hours of study the 15 hours like physically sitting in a classroom and that's like 45 hours a week that's a full time job.
- [00:44:37.590] And that's sort of something that nobody really tells you before you go, they just hand you that you know pretty looking schedule and you're thinking that oh college is going to be great because i've always free time.
- [00:44:47.460] Okay you're not going to have free time you actually have to study outside of class.
- [00:44:52.650] So one of the things that you can also do is you're going to get a syllabus for every class, and this is basically a document that is going to tell you.
- [00:45:02.280] Everything you need to know about that class what you're going to be learning what textbook you should buy what you should be reading.
- [00:45:08.550] it's going to go through and list due dates of assignments, when your exams are all of that, so when you get that syllabus for all of your classes, you should go through and dissect it and put all of that information out.
- [00:45:20.700] And again that's something that a lot of students haven't had before.
- [00:45:24.540] So when they go through that first week of classes and they get that syllabus for every class that's a really great time to come in and visit an academic success coach in my office, because we can help you go through those and get your life organized.
- [00:45:36.600] and go ahead Rachel.
- [00:45:38.580] So what you're seeing on the screen that just popped up is what a an actual study schedule might look like when you start to pencil in all of those other things that you need to do, like those 30 hours of studying and things like.
- [00:45:51.030] You know, taking a shower going to the gym if you want to you know, keep some type of a workout routine the student, you know that filled out the study schedule had a part time job so they had work hours in there.
- [00:46:04.770] You know, things like sleep are important, I know, students, they sit there and they look at this and they kind of roll their eyes, because they're like what are you talking about i'm going to college I don't mean.
- [00:46:12.570] To go to bed at you know 11pm, but if you have an eight o'clock class in the morning, you have to give yourself a reasonable bedtime.
- [00:46:20.430] Because if you go to bed at three in the morning it's gonna be really hard to get up for that class at eight.
- [00:46:24.600] So you know this type of study schedule, this is one of the things that we do with students.
- [00:46:30.900] These are available blank copies are available on our website, but then also there are a sample copy like this for you to see.
- [00:46:38.850] This is actually a really well balanced schedule, because if you were to go through here and count up all the blue study hours it's actually way more than 30 it's closer to 40 or 45 hours.
- [00:46:50.310] I was the type of student, I learned that if I if I kind of mapped my schedule out for myself and I put in more than enough study hours.
- [00:46:59.220] The great thing that would happen is I would get through all of my work and all of my studying and I would have bonus free time.
- [00:47:05.610] And that's always a really great thing to have as bonus free time.
- [00:47:09.540] But if you're the type of student where you're like you know i'm just going to do the bare minimum, so if I have 15 credit hours i'm only going to pencil in may be 30.
- [00:47:17.160] And then, all of a sudden, you have one of those weeks, where you have to big tests and a research paper do or something.
- [00:47:23.610] What you're going to have to do is actually find more study time because you're not going to have enough.
- [00:47:29.280] And that stinks because then it feels like you're you're taking away free or fun time from yourself to try to like make up study hours, so my like pro tip is to pencil in more than enough study hours and then you end up with bonus free time.
- [00:47:44.760] Okay, go ahead and advance it for me again okay so going along with this question of what's the biggest issue that students face when they go to college, I always like to talk about this idea of studying, because what we see.
- [00:47:58.230] Is students come into our office and they tell me lori I don't know how to study okay studying for me in high school.
- [00:48:04.230] Was I looked over my notes the night before my test, and then I went in and I passed my test.
- [00:48:09.660] So for a lot of students that's the story is that you know they always did pretty well in high school and they got through and they graduated and then they get to college and now they're like I.
- [00:48:19.350] don't know how to study looking over my notes is not working anymore I just bombed my first test, so one of the things that I like to explain to students is.
- [00:48:28.260] K through 12 right, and especially during high school.
- [00:48:31.680] Your teachers were driving the learning bus Okay, they were in charge of coming up with all of the lesson plans, the activities, you have the schedule, where you had class with them, maybe every single day during the week.
- [00:48:43.410] And even the class sessions themselves were very organized right, you can probably think about all of your high school classes and it was like.
- [00:48:50.280] yeah on Mondays we did this, and on Tuesdays we did this right, so the thing about your K through 12 teachers is they were trained to teach.
- [00:48:59.130] They understand how the brain works, they understand how memory works, they really know how to design all of those lesson plans and activities and homework assignments, and all of that stuff.
- [00:49:09.690] to burn information into your brain, so what students don't realize students really aren't paying attention to that stuff other than.
- [00:49:18.960] At some point, you all, probably thought that you know your teachers were just torturing you with all of this work.
- [00:49:24.900] All of that work that they were having to do, though, was designed to help you learn.
- [00:49:28.950] So when students go to college and they say I don't know how to study I always tell them, yes, you do go back and think about all of those things that your teachers have you do in class with them during high school right if they had you.
- [00:49:41.820] copy down vocabulary words if they had you use those words in a sentence if they had you get together in groups and read a short passage together and then discuss it.
- [00:49:51.840] And then they maybe had your group report out and kind of teach the other groups, you know, in the class what you learned and you had class discussions right.
- [00:50:01.050] I had one of my high school teachers, it was like every Thursday whatever book, we were reading we had to write a journal entry from the point of view of a character.
- [00:50:11.370] And at the time it was like, why are we doing this right every single Thursday it's the same thing.
- [00:50:15.750] But I can still go back and tell you about those novels that I read right because it was one of those things that they kind of helped me burn that information in my brain.
- [00:50:24.810] So when you go to college, you need to think about all of those things that your teachers used to have you do.
- [00:50:30.180] that's studying and that's the stuff that you need to do now on your own outside of class.
- [00:50:36.630] So when we talk to students about what studying looks like it means you're reading your assignments and you're taking notes, while you read.
- [00:50:43.590] you're taking notes from your textbook you're taking notes from your lectures in your classes and then you're putting all of those notes together and reviewing them and going over them and quizzing yourself.
- [00:50:54.690] Studying looks like making flashcards if you have to learn new terminology, if you have to learn new definitions right, you need to make some flashcards for yourself.
- [00:51:03.450] there's something in college called office hours.
- [00:51:05.970] These are literally hours, when your professors are sitting in their offices waiting for you to come ask them questions go ask them questions okay.
- [00:51:14.130] talking to them about the things that you're learning in lecture or maybe some things that you don't understand that studying because you're getting information from your teacher outside of the classroom.
- [00:51:23.820] going to Tutoring is studying because you're sitting down and you're studying the material and you're working your way through it with a tutor.
- [00:51:31.230] In college, you might have to make yourself practice tests right, these are the things that the your high school teachers tortured us.
- [00:51:38.580] But when you're looking through your textbooks textbooks often have chapter questions right, you can make yourself a practice test out of those chapter questions so do that.
- [00:51:48.540] And then I cannot stress enough how important it is to like find a study group, you know gather together with some other students in your class and say hey do you guys want to study together or go find a group on campus.
- [00:52:00.060] Because if you can sit down with another group of students.
- [00:52:03.300] and talk about the information from your class and if you understand it well enough where you can teach it to that person in your study group, you know it's burned in there, you know it's in your brain.
- [00:52:13.230] So all of these things are studying and this is how you should spend your time during those study hours you're going to put on your schedule.
- [00:52:21.330] Okay, go ahead Rachel.
- [00:52:27.510] Okay, so another question that we often hear is when is a good time to connect with the cast office okay and i'm seriously anytime all the time sooner the better.
- [00:52:38.280] One of the things that we typically see is that students tend to come into college pretty confident.
- [00:52:44.130] You just graduated high school you're like i've got 1213 years of school behind me, I know what i'm doing i'm good.
- [00:52:50.280] And what we typically see in my office is that the first round of exams happen around week four.
- [00:52:57.120] Of the Semester and about week for the Semester at my office gets really busy.
- [00:53:01.980] Because students sometimes that have come in pretty confident they're like I got this I know what i'm doing i'm looking over my notes night before the test.
- [00:53:08.580] They get to that first ran a test and they're like oh okay that didn't go as well as I thought it was going to go.
- [00:53:14.190] And then, all of a sudden, we see our appointments and our office start to fill up a little bit.
- [00:53:19.410] So we want to help students before that first round of exams doesn't go well, we really want you after that first week of classes.
- [00:53:27.690] bring in your syllabus from the classes, we want to help you get organized, we want to help you get into a routine, we want to talk about note taking.
- [00:53:35.070] Before you realize that oh my gosh i'm not taking good enough notes, or we want to talk about your reading strategies before you're buried under all the reading so.
- [00:53:45.240] Once you attend nsc like once you're a student that has gone through orientation you're a student at nebraska So even if you want to connect with my office and our coaches throughout the summer.
- [00:53:56.460] connect with us, once you have that schedule of classes, you know created, we can sit there and map out a study schedule together and we can talk about all of this stuff way before the Semester begins.
- [00:54:06.900] So we don't want you to you know just trial and error kind of figure this out on your own we want you to get in early and then.
- [00:54:15.570] You know, we do, we have some students that they really try to fight through that first semester, and then all of a sudden, they come to us like the week before finals.
- [00:54:24.540] that's usually, when we're going to start talking to you about okay let's get through the best we can, and we want to work on next semester.
- [00:54:31.740] Again we don't want to get to that point don't let things get so far gone that you kind of can't dig yourself, out of a hole, we want to get you the support that you need before we're at that, like crazy end of the Semester holy cow moment we want you in early.
- [00:54:55.140]Rachel Lindhart: All right, fantastic Thank you lori so that concludes our formal presentation, but we want to hear from you all, what questions do you have.
- [00:55:02.640]Rachel Lindhart: What we have lori here available to answer, what are you worried about what are you what are you skeptical about with the upcoming Semester, the upcoming term.
- [00:55:12.840]Rachel Lindhart: i'm happy to answer those questions in regards to academics, or the student transition.
- [00:55:18.960]Rachel Lindhart: The life transition to College as a reminder, we do have that Q amp a functionality so along that little black bar on your device, you should see Q amp a for question and answer and go ahead and submit your questions, through there.
- [00:55:33.570]Rachel Lindhart: lori while I have you here.
- [00:55:35.550]Rachel Lindhart: You mentioned meeting with your team over the course of the summer after student is enrolled, but do you have any other kind of action items or tips for success that they could do over the next couple of months to really jumpstart their academic transitions I college.
- [00:55:49.560] That great question so you know, one of the things is for for anybody that happens to you know live in Lincoln or near Lincoln or you know might happen to be around.
- [00:56:00.030] Before school starts once you especially once you have that schedule of classes.
- [00:56:05.670] And I really I really want people to come and walk around campus because one of the things that we see students are so stressed out about is getting to classes like that first week.
- [00:56:16.380] And if you have an opportunity to actually see Okay, you know i'm going to be living in this rest hall this fall and my first class like let's say you're living in a bubble hall right and your first class is going to be.
- [00:56:29.130] Over in kimball hall that's like a 20 minute walk you know, sometimes or a 15 minute walk so just getting familiar with campus and where things are.
- [00:56:38.580] Is such a great way to just calm the nerves, because what we see that first week of classes is students like they're frantic you know they're panicking because they're like oh my gosh I don't know what building i'm supposed to go to.
- [00:56:50.460] campus is really open all summer and especially if you're around during the day kind of during open business hours buildings are even open.
- [00:56:57.900] So you can walk in and actually walk up and see where your classroom is and that just kind of lowers that anxiety level, the first week.
- [00:57:06.750] So I definitely think you know, taking care of things like that can help students stress levels The other thing is, and I cannot stress this enough.
- [00:57:17.460] I know that you are completely overwhelmed with emails you have to check your email.
- [00:57:23.160] there's going to be so much information coming from you know everywhere from housing from your academic advisor from your college, like all of these different places.
- [00:57:31.860] you've got to be able to kind of sift through and filter those out so one of the things that I talked to students about you might not have ever.
- [00:57:40.470] You know, gone in and organized your email into folders that man that's a really great way where you can have like a just a ul folder if you want to dump everything in there, or you can kind of you know even.
- [00:57:52.590] Create folders where it's like this is, you know everything from my academic advisor is going to go here everything from.
- [00:57:59.400] You know this class is going to go here and just getting things a little bit organized that way is going to help you stay on top of all of that communication because there's going to be a lot this summer and you want to make sure that you're hitting every item on your checklist.
- [00:58:14.460]Rachel Lindhart: that's great advice.
- [00:58:15.300]Rachel Lindhart: I need that advice, I think we all could adhere to it, an email an email cleaning check in.
- [00:58:22.020]Rachel Lindhart: I will put a plug to even if you're not vocal we will I will put a selfish plug in here for team.
- [00:58:27.420]Rachel Lindhart: Our orientation leaders do take students around on class routes tours during welcome week or big red welcome you'll hear it referred to as.
- [00:58:35.580]Rachel Lindhart: So look for that, on the calendar, if you don't make it to campus this summer look for those class routes tours and we will sit you down with the campus map and your class schedule.
- [00:58:44.100]Rachel Lindhart: And a highlighter if you're lucky, you can get a magic highlighter from lori's team and you'll highlight your campus buildings and we'll take your on so that is that's excellent advice lori, whereas the cast office located on campus and what are your hours of operation.
- [00:58:58.920] yeah great question, so we are located in love library South 127.
- [00:59:04.020] We actually share office space with the explorer Center So if you happen to be a student that is working with the explorer Center as your advising unit we're in the same office space so typically our offices open 8am to 5pm.
- [00:59:18.720] So you know, for in person appointment zoom appointments typically you know, during office hours if students do you know have.
- [00:59:27.810] Just you know questions and they can't get in during office hours, we are absolutely available by email.
- [00:59:33.990] Our kind of main email line is that email address i'm typically the one that answers, though, so if you send anything through to that just kind of office, email you're probably going to get an answer for me so great way to get Ahold of us.
- [00:59:50.490]Rachel Lindhart: Alright, the next question I have my advising appointment tomorrow, do you have any advice on how I should design my schedule and good luck, I hope that goes well i'm excited for you.
- [00:59:59.700] yeah we'll do.
- [01:00:01.230] The advising appointments yeah those are exciting, because then you actually kind of start to see what your college life is going to look like.
- [01:00:07.050] You know, one of the things that I talked to students about when I showed you that graphic of the you know what a college schedule might look like.
- [01:00:14.460] Where you're going to have those open gaps of time.
- [01:00:16.950] here's you know here's a little bit of advice everybody's different in the way that they work and the way that they're able to kind of handle classes, but.
- [01:00:24.300] I have seen students that have tried, where they're like I don't want any classes on Fridays, and they try to cram everything into other days.
- [01:00:33.360] Not typically suggested, you know, sometimes it might work with a student's work schedule, or something but.
- [01:00:39.300] When you're sitting through some of those college level classes and then you're having to do all of that outside study trying to condense your schedule in that way it can be a little bit difficult.
- [01:00:48.720] One of the things, though I like to talk to students about is you know again think about it, for the last 13 years of your life right K through 12.
- [01:00:56.370] You have been kind of doing your school and your academic work between the hours of about 730 in the morning and about 334 o'clock in the afternoon.
- [01:01:05.490] that's a lot of like practice for your brain to have done most of its thinking and academic work and homework or not really homework but you know all of the learning during those hours, so your brains like used to that.
- [01:01:18.030] So, if you think about you know designing a schedule and then actually you know filling in your study hours, where they're kind of during those hours during the day.
- [01:01:27.780] Like really try to fill in the gaps and do most of your your classes and you're studying between the like 730 and 330 or four o'clock.
- [01:01:36.990] you're actually going to have more efficient study sessions, because your brain is just used to it it's like Oh, this is what we do.
- [01:01:43.890] A lot of students, what we see is you know them they'll have their classes during the day, and then they kind of waste, a lot of time during the day just doing whatever and then all of a sudden in the evening they're like ooh I got a lot of stuff to get done.
- [01:01:56.130] Studying reading like trying to focus and engage in you know difficult material late in the evening.
- [01:02:03.870] Not a good plan for anybody, you know some students are like oh i'm a night owl and all of that, but.
- [01:02:08.340] I want you to think about what your brain and your body are really used to and they're not used to like you know doing stuff hardcore studying and learning really late at night after you've had a full day of whatever it is you're doing.
- [01:02:21.210] So if you can really think about you know what i'm going to set up a schedule, where.
- [01:02:27.660] Maybe maybe you're not a morning person right so maybe like an ATM class is not going to work well for you, but if you're the type of person that once you get up and get going you're kind of on it.
- [01:02:37.440] schedule your classes earlier in the day and then that way you can get all of your studying and get everything done at a reasonable hour.
- [01:02:44.070] Because i'm going to tell you a lot of the events and club meetings and fun stuff happen on a college campus in the evening, so you want to kind of keep those hours clear for some of those different activities that you want to get involved in.
- [01:02:57.420] So that's really my tip you know when you sit down with your advisor that the awesome thing about academic advisors.
- [01:03:03.240] Not only are they going to know you know some of the classes, that you need to take they're going to be able to show you what those look like.
- [01:03:09.720] And you can kind of visualize it and then, as you choose some of the other courses it's going to kind of pop up and and populate and you, you get to really look and see what that schedule is going to look like.
- [01:03:22.170] So, probably, I would say the two biggest tips don't try to cram all of your classes into just a couple days it's not going to go well.
- [01:03:29.880] And then think about doing some of your classes, you know within that 730 to like 330 period and do most of your studying during those hours, and I think you'll feel pretty good about it.
- [01:03:44.760]Rachel Lindhart: awesome okay our next question can I utilize cast if i'm in the honors program or an honors program or do they have their own resources.
- [01:03:53.220] yeah so in the honors program I mean you're definitely going to have some resources they're going to have you know some peer mentors on staff.
- [01:03:58.890] And some different staff to kind of help you along the way we actually partner really closely with honors.
- [01:04:04.440] And you know we'll go and give several presentations to new students and they refer a lot of students to us, the thing about being an honor student.
- [01:04:13.800] Is you know you, you have kind of established yourself as a student that has always done pretty well you know, academics, not that they've come easy by any means, but you kind of establish this level of.
- [01:04:26.190] academic achievement and a lot of times when you get to college, especially if you're going in on like an honor scholarship or something like that.
- [01:04:33.510] Like the bar is set pretty high and sometimes there are GPA requirements right it's like you can't drop below a 3.5 or you can't you know do some of these things you're going to lose scholarships, so what comes along with that is like a lot of pressure.
- [01:04:48.150] And so what we want to talk to honor students about is number one, how do we handle that pressure.
- [01:04:53.700] How do we make sure that we are you know hitting the ground running we're getting really organized we're getting ourselves into a good routine early.
- [01:05:01.470] If we are having any issues with any of our classes or we're finding that we're struggling we're getting connected to resources really, really early.
- [01:05:09.030] So you know definitely if you're an honor student or a student, even if you just really want to do well right in college, we want you to connect to the resources early so absolutely come see us.
- [01:05:20.490] We even have a lot of honor students that participate in our programs, like our first testers and emerging leaders so yeah we're open to everybody.
- [01:05:30.750]Rachel Lindhart: You have any tips for out of the students.
- [01:05:33.930] who are out of state students Okay, so I was an out of state student when I went to school, I was you know born and raised here in nebraska and then I, as a first generation student, I had no idea what I was doing.
- [01:05:44.430] I ended up going to school in New York so like 1000 miles away from home, so I know what it's like to be an out of state student.
- [01:05:50.340] here's the thing you know, being an out of state student, I think you definitely struggle, a little bit more, because you are.
- [01:05:56.880] you're literally cut off from your support system you can't go home every weekend right you can't you know take those quick trips back that sometimes students around here can.
- [01:06:07.710] The cool thing about that is that it sort of forces you to get engaged on the College campus right, you need to like form your connections here you're going to dig in in a way that sometimes local students don't.
- [01:06:19.710] You know, we see a lot of students like either from the Lincoln area omaha grand island and it's like every weekend as soon as classes are over, on Friday, like they're going home right.
- [01:06:29.880] And the thing about being an out of state student is like you're going to have to dig in here and you're going to have to you know, find a group of.
- [01:06:35.400] Friends you're going to meet new people you're going to you know be here on the weekends and see what life is like in Lincoln on the weekend.
- [01:06:42.240] And you know for out of state students, there are definitely going to be some.
- [01:06:46.320] opportunities to meet other out of state students like during big red welcome go to those because you're going to meet some of the other people who might be around right.
- [01:06:55.440] The other thing I think for out of state students is.
- [01:06:58.230] You know if you happen to have a roommate that's from around here, or you happen to you know meet some folks that are from Lincoln or from omaha and they're like hey.
- [01:07:06.210] You know, do you want to come home with me for the weekend, or you know i'm going to go home and have dinner, you know one night and be with my family, you want to come go.
- [01:07:15.210] Because again it's a really great way for you to make connections here.
- [01:07:19.050] The other thing about you know, being an out of state student is I just think it's really important to get tapped into resources even like my office early because it's it's a different level of pressure again when you know that I can't just go home for a quick weekend and.
- [01:07:35.970] You know kind of distress or relax.
- [01:07:39.900] You know, for me, as a student I was also low income.
- [01:07:43.080] So I couldn't afford to go home, so my entire first semester, I was on campus until it was time for basically the campus to shut down for Christmas break.
- [01:07:52.560] And then I actually got to go home and see my parents for a little bit, and then you know by that point, I had gotten a job on campus I had other things that were kind of.
- [01:08:00.930] Like making me go back a little bit early by the end of that first semester college was home for me.
- [01:08:06.750] You know, going home or back you know traveling back to nebraska that first time for Christmas break it kind of felt weird because I was like.
- [01:08:14.220] I don't know if this feels like home anymore, I want to get back to college like I miss it, you know I miss, my friends, so I think for out of state students, you have this unique opportunity to really feel like nebraska is going to be your home.
- [01:08:31.950]Rachel Lindhart: Thank you, the next question are you assigned a cast coach that you keep all four years, or do you meet with one who is available.
- [01:08:39.450] yeah so a lot of times students will just.
- [01:08:42.840]Rachel Lindhart: You know.
- [01:08:43.350] It happens to be a coach that might work with their schedule, but we actually have all of our coaches, they have bios on our website.
- [01:08:49.710] i'm the type of person, I want to see who I vibe with all of our coaches have very different personalities and you know kind of different backgrounds and you know different ways that they approach coaching.
- [01:09:02.040] You know you've you've heard from me during this presentation i'm pretty open i'm pretty blunt.
- [01:09:07.560] You know, students, that come in and tell me and I don't know why bomb that first so i'm like well do you read your textbook like did you open it, you know i'm pretty blunt when I talked to students and you know, most of them I think appreciate that there are a few of our coaches that.
- [01:09:23.610] just have a different style for some students, they might come in and they meet with one coach and I like.
- [01:09:29.010] I don't know if i'm really feeling it, and then they might hop to another coach and then it's a really great fit and I.
- [01:09:33.870] I really encourage that you need to find the person that is going to really work well with you, you can absolutely keep your coach you know, for four years, if you find somebody that.
- [01:09:43.740] You know what they feel like your partner in this whole thing and they're going to get you through and they're the exact type of motivation, you need absolutely meet with them.
- [01:09:51.750] If you want to go on and kind of stock our bios and see who you think you know might be a good fit you can do that, otherwise, it might just be you know what i've got.
- [01:10:00.450] 132 o'clock open on Thursday, and the only person available is donnie i'm gonna go see what Danny is all about it's kind of up to you how you want to approach it.
- [01:10:13.560]Rachel Lindhart: awesome Thank you Larry that's a great note to end on I you can't go wrong with the cast team they're a fantastic crew.
- [01:10:20.310]Rachel Lindhart: And we're so grateful and fortunate to be able to work with you all, so I will pass it back to you for just a minute, if you want to give a final plug on where to find you how to connect and we will wrap up I recognize, we are approaching an hour here.
- [01:10:33.630] awesome that went really fast yeah so again, you know our own office it's.
- [01:10:38.550] The cast office success dot you and on our website you're going to find all sorts of information, you know everything that i've talked about all the resources.
- [01:10:47.430] were available in love library South 127.
- [01:10:51.090] You know, to make appointments, you can either do it online, you can email us, you can call we are really just here to help you.
- [01:10:57.480] Not just make the transition that first year we know the first year is rough nobody has ever prepared for this college thing.
- [01:11:03.510] So we want to make sure that that first year is the best experience that can be, but then we really are here to be part of your support team throughout your entire time in nebraska so we hope you keep coming back.
- [01:11:14.130] anytime you have a question, we want to be the people that can help you find some answers so really looking forward to seeing you all here on campus in August.
- [01:11:23.070]Rachel Lindhart: Thank you lori Thank you so much for your time and your wisdom this evening.
- [01:11:26.970]Rachel Lindhart: Thank you all for joining us we have officially kicked off our summer webinar series, so I hope that you'll join us for some of our upcoming sessions i've got those a couple of them listed here.
- [01:11:37.230]Rachel Lindhart: But you can access the full schedule and register.
- [01:11:40.230]Rachel Lindhart: At the link that i've connected here like I said i'll follow up with the recording and the PowerPoint slides so you'll be able to click and engage with the content in the future if you'd like to refer back.
- [01:11:50.160]Rachel Lindhart: And I hope you have a fantastic rest of your evening wherever the signs you so thank you again.
- [01:11:56.160]Thanks everybody.
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