Joel Damon - Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist
School of Art, Art History & Design
Joel Damon
Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist
Joel Damon is a curator, artist, and designer from Nebraska. Since 2014, his art practice has evolved from painting and installation to one of service. He co-founded Project Project in South Omaha as a space of freedom and experimentation for regional artists and to test the limits and longevity of an active arts space where money is not a driving force and donors have no say in what is exhibited. Project Project has an all-volunteer staff and opens a new visual art exhibition each month, and hosts concerts, lectures, and performances, all free of charge for the public. It also provides free studio space for local artists.
As a designer, Joel makes his money in the corporate setting. He also creates work for all Project Project events as well as local concerts and arts events. In 2018 he co-founded a now national network of volunteers that
serves minority communities and businesses across the country through design,
photography, editing, and resume building, all free of charge to the clients.
Joel lives in South Omaha with his gorgeous wife Kate, and their two dogs,
Samson and Juniper.
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- [00:00:02.000]Byron Anway: Those of you welcome everyone to tonight's Hixson-Lied.
- [00:00:07.320]Byron Anway: Visiting artists and scholars lecture please feel free to put questions or comments in the chat or you can use the reactions button to raise your hand and i'll get a notification and then do my best to.
- [00:00:23.280]Byron Anway: kill you for questioning or commenting.
- [00:00:27.720]Byron Anway: So, and just right off the BAT i'd like to thank everybody for coming.
- [00:00:33.000]Byron Anway: So with without further ado originally from South Dakota Joel Damon got his start organizing pop up exhibitions art exhibitions and vacant commercial spaces.
- [00:00:45.480]Byron Anway: In omaha and Council bluffs during the 2008 economic recession by day Joel works as a graphic designer for is it first National Bank of omaha.
- [00:00:57.000]Joel Damon: First National Bank omaha.
- [00:00:59.080]Byron Anway: And by night he co runs with josh Pal the south omaha DIY exhibition space project project I first met Joel when he was.
- [00:01:10.520]Byron Anway: working as a curator for the bemis underground and later our paths cross again when I was the prepared her and Joel was the juror for nebraska wesleyan university undergraduate art exhibition.
- [00:01:23.720]Byron Anway: We went to a grubby restaurant and hung out and it was tons of fun and and we've been friends, ever since.
- [00:01:29.880]Byron Anway: At this point, i've almost made a career of bringing Joel into my classes to talk about a wide range of topics like curation professional practices Community engagement, the rigors of good design and the enigmatic nature of creativity.
- [00:01:45.800]Byron Anway: With many thanks to the Hixson-Lied visiting artist and scholars program, it is my great pleasure to welcome as tonight's speaker designer curator artist and friend Joel Damon.
- [00:02:03.240]Joel Damon: That is the best intro.
- [00:02:09.000]Joel Damon: Ever Thank you.
- [00:02:10.320]Joel Damon: going to have you.
- [00:02:12.480]Joel Damon: Thank you yeah I know this has been this has been fun it's been fun meeting your students and working with them and then this is.
- [00:02:21.360]Joel Damon: You know, hopefully not terribly disappointing it, you know 45 minutes from now so.
- [00:02:27.320]Byron Anway: there's only one way to find out.
- [00:02:28.800]um.
- [00:02:30.800]Joel Damon: yeah yeah here we go um so about three summers ago we started, we were noticing this old old guy in our neighborhood like six three.
- [00:02:44.640]Joel Damon: dead of summer buttons all the way up with a apple down and he had gloves on and just always walking around and just kind of interesting looking fellow and I saw him waiting at the bus stop one day, while I was pumping gas and.
- [00:03:01.840]Joel Damon: I offered him a ride, it was a million degrees out, he was a long ways from home and he died in my car and I was I just said, you know hi i'm Joel and he's like.
- [00:03:11.560]Joel Damon: So there's this turtle in an aquarium and at the pharmacy down the street and we got to do something about it he's not living a good life and that's part it off a year and a half long adventure.
- [00:03:26.040]Joel Damon: of me and a guy we ended up just calling Georgia turtle and.
- [00:03:32.280]Joel Damon: A quest to liberate this turtle from the coles pharmacy on park avenue leavenworth and we were dealing with Peta and the the humane society and a local aquarium and a custom aquarium builder and the staff at the pharmacy.
- [00:03:49.400]Joel Damon: And after a year and a half day they wouldn't relent, and so we decided we were going to pick them and that's when I found out that George was a.
- [00:03:58.400]Joel Damon: vegan animal rights activists white supremacist and and he wouldn't talk to me anymore, because I believe that black people are human beings and.
- [00:04:10.200]Joel Damon: See you can't win them all, you really can't win them all and you just gotta sometimes walk away from folks and.
- [00:04:18.200]Joel Damon: I don't know just let things go sometimes so anyway, my name is Joel.
- [00:04:26.600]Joel Damon: i'm a visual artist and curator and designer here in omaha.
- [00:04:34.320]Joel Damon: My practice has really changed quite a bit over the years, both both in design in and with the arts and.
- [00:04:42.240]Joel Damon: it's really you know, without trying to sound.
- [00:04:46.360]Joel Damon: You know, Pat myself on the back or whatever it's I really work hard to lift other people up and.
- [00:04:54.000]Joel Damon: Just just put other people on a pedestal for a minute um I think I think you know a lot of folks really, really spend a lot of time and effort trying not to be their parents.
- [00:05:08.280]Joel Damon: it's a little awkward at the moment because minor on here I think they were the first people to jump on besides me and Byron.
- [00:05:15.840]Joel Damon: You know they're both super gnarly folks my mom her paintings hung in our House when I was a kid she's an award winning.
- [00:05:25.720]Joel Damon: writer and poet, my father was talked out of going to art school back in the 60s my guidance counselor and so he.
- [00:05:34.080]Joel Damon: Had a lifelong career as a therapist and then, when he retired he grew his hair out long and he started sleeping in super late and he enrolled himself in the local bfa program and is now a practicing artist and so i'm.
- [00:05:49.640]Joel Damon: You know i'm i'm i'm actively trying not to turn into them but I owe them both.
- [00:05:55.320]Joel Damon: You know, a huge debt of gratitude, so I know you guys are on here, so thank you mom Thank you pop um So when I was about 16 I told you know my parents always encouraged visual arts in the House and and I.
- [00:06:10.520]Joel Damon: I told my of my folks I wanted to go to art school and my mom and her wonderful Italian nona ways said you'll never meet a nice girl who will want to marry you on an artist salary and that you know to a 16 year old boy that's like.
- [00:06:29.200]Joel Damon: You know, no, no you're going to be so poor that a woman wouldn't small sleep with you is the way the way you know 16 year old me heard it and so.
- [00:06:39.720]Joel Damon: She said.
- [00:06:42.720]Joel Damon: You know she she worked at a computer company she brought home this laptop that was like four inches thick.
- [00:06:49.080]Joel Damon: There was like a loaner from work and it had a really early version of adobe photoshop installed on it and and she said, this is something new, this is going to be huge.
- [00:07:02.800]Joel Damon: Teach yourself how to do this and, and so I did, and she would bring home this laptop and I taught myself.
- [00:07:10.120]Joel Damon: How to use adobe photoshop and and then I ended up going to school for design for design and then that's how I ended up here in omaha.
- [00:07:21.560]Joel Damon: When I got out of college, I immediately walked into a art director position at a now defunct magazine called Omagh hope it was like a mix of like a local culture, you know news and media rag mixed with the onion with like.
- [00:07:40.080]Joel Damon: satirical fishing stories.
- [00:07:44.360]Joel Damon: That that magazine went under after we published a.
- [00:07:50.160]Joel Damon: An article about a local prostitute who traveled halfway across the city to return of gold tooth that she found.
- [00:08:01.520]Joel Damon: And the publisher of the magazine was caught.
- [00:08:14.400]Joel Damon: dressing rooms Yvonne mar, and so we we kind of collapsed in an instant and.
- [00:08:24.840]Joel Damon: All of our resources and everything were bought out by other local magazines into the.
- [00:08:31.360]Joel Damon: know the design world the the you can be creative and make money at it to.
- [00:08:38.000]Joel Damon: sort of a thing so 20 years later yeah I work in a really large bank as a designer like like Byron said.
- [00:08:48.040]Joel Damon: Most of my.
- [00:08:51.680]Joel Damon: Most of my work there is is is pretty much what you would expect.
- [00:08:56.600]Joel Damon: Is banking stuff.
- [00:08:58.920]Joel Damon: But I do get to put together all the media for our inclusion and diversity group which is.
- [00:09:05.920]Joel Damon: super super fun and i've been allowed to program events there too, I did a lecture.
- [00:09:14.320]Joel Damon: Where we brought in the head of ATMs and we brought in a member of the omaha mutual ufo network, and so we heard about ATM and we heard about the mathematical probability of alien life and and which drugs, you should take to experience the ones that are.
- [00:09:32.800]Joel Damon: Already here on earth with us.
- [00:09:36.120]Joel Damon: And so you know it's.
- [00:09:40.320]Joel Damon: it's working for a bank, but I, you know I feel like I have just enough.
- [00:09:46.480]Joel Damon: You know leeway to have some fun there.
- [00:09:51.360]Joel Damon: I remember you know I think everybody's been told this I really don't get it, but it, you know it's it's not work if you do what you love.
- [00:10:01.120]Joel Damon: I really I don't agree with that, I think I think you can find ways to make money at things you like doing but but it only works if what you love is work.
- [00:10:13.800]Joel Damon: You know.
- [00:10:15.680]Joel Damon: You have to figure out a way to game, the system.
- [00:10:20.040]Joel Damon: To be able to have your cake and eat it to being a designer means I get to draw pictures and I get paid for it but i'm doing designs that revolve mostly around the banking and and that just.
- [00:10:34.200]Joel Damon: It does not excite me.
- [00:10:38.560]Joel Damon: But I take a creative energy that isn't used by bankers and CEOs and policies and procedures and things like that, and I take that bank drawing money and I try I try really hard to share it um my paint job is a nine to five.
- [00:10:59.520]Joel Damon: But it's the kind of job, where people like me, are welcomed and unpaid enough to help fund and DIY contemporary art space and South omaha that.
- [00:11:11.840]Joel Damon: That doesn't rely on on huge foundations or wealthy donors, you know to exist.
- [00:11:20.600]Joel Damon: And i've been there before to you know we were again talking earlier is one of the underground curator at the bemis Center I had these like.
- [00:11:31.080]Joel Damon: You know, and I think well meaning and whatever but usually deep pocketed board members like sticking their finger in my face and saying you know you will you will never show work like this again or something you know, like.
- [00:11:49.440]Joel Damon: Tell me, you went to one thing and.
- [00:11:56.440]Joel Damon: He is if i'm being there I I feared the director.
- [00:12:04.320]Joel Damon: Oh, my gosh and the dude was so abusive and.
- [00:12:08.240]Joel Damon: unethical.
- [00:12:11.160]Joel Damon: But he all.
- [00:12:13.320]Joel Damon: He worked with me for years.
- [00:12:19.240]Joel Damon: He and he sat me down, and I was an intern and he was like what do you want to do here and I said I want to, I want to learn how to curate shows, I want to be a curator here standard experience on on the ins and outs of of being a prepared or and then curating exhibitions and.
- [00:12:37.240]Joel Damon: public relations and all that stuff, and so it was kind of like as like Frankenstein but in reverse.
- [00:12:45.240]Joel Damon: You know this monster.
- [00:12:47.760]Joel Damon: Created created something useful.
- [00:12:51.680]Joel Damon: Maybe I don't know I think i'm useful but anyway i'm sort of out of a retaliation of of being in that environment and being around people like that in 2014 my best buddy josh Paul and I opened what became project project.
- [00:13:12.120]Joel Damon: And, in essence, when you boil it all down it's an art space that just revolves around sharing.
- [00:13:25.280]Joel Damon: Sharing sharing is like one of the the best things ever in the entire world it's it's.
- [00:13:34.320]Joel Damon: I don't you know it whatever you believe legally.
- [00:13:40.080]Joel Damon: God or faith or or Karma or or or or or the world or whatever, I believe that we're all given something that we have an excess of that you know easy one, is money, but then there's you know time or resources or energy or or or you know pants whatever it doesn't matter.
- [00:14:00.640]Joel Damon: I really believe that we're given an access of something and the design for that accesses to share it with people that don't have it um.
- [00:14:11.720]Joel Damon: You know in this this extra it does us no good.
- [00:14:18.160]Joel Damon: we're fine without it it's not like a benefit in life or a prize for doing something, but I really believe, like it's intended to share with others, so project project we.
- [00:14:31.040]Joel Damon: We work to share opportunities primarily with with really just exceptional.
- [00:14:37.560]Joel Damon: But often pretty green artists.
- [00:14:41.520]Joel Damon: We show work that's difficult to sell quite a bit of the time.
- [00:14:47.520]Joel Damon: We allow for complete freedom.
- [00:14:50.640]Joel Damon: The complete experimentation, we do everything we can to help artists bring their ideas to.
- [00:14:57.600]Joel Damon: Life fruition.
- [00:15:00.000]Joel Damon: You know, some some some sort of you know resemblance of what they had in their head.
- [00:15:08.160]Joel Damon: You know, sometimes that's meant planting an entire forest inside of our gallery with dirt on the floor and enormous pine boughs you know reaching up into the ceiling.
- [00:15:19.680]Joel Damon: Sometimes, that means, just like giving an artistic key so that they have space and time to themselves.
- [00:15:27.600]Joel Damon: For them to kind of just just have a moment to to.
- [00:15:33.000]Joel Damon: You know process this this you know stuff that they're trying to work through these questions they're asking these things they're investigating.
- [00:15:40.720]Joel Damon: um but it's just trying to give artists, the opportunity to do what they need to do, whether they need our help, or not in getting there um as for the end of the public side of project project everything there's free.
- [00:15:55.840]Joel Damon: exhibitions are free to attend, of course, you know, unless it's a benefit or the the space had to pay a ton of money to either get the work there or ensure it you really shouldn't have to pay for our shows.
- [00:16:09.160]Joel Damon: And it's just something that you know money should not get in in between public participation and the arts.
- [00:16:19.360]Joel Damon: But so exhibitions are free.
- [00:16:23.000]Joel Damon: concerts are free lectures performances we even have studio space in the basement that we give away for free to artists as well.
- [00:16:32.080]Joel Damon: You know everything.
- [00:16:35.520]Joel Damon: You know I I I take.
- [00:16:39.520]Joel Damon: The money that I get from doing drawings for banks.
- [00:16:43.920]Joel Damon: In and I use it to pay half of the annual operating costs that project project.
- [00:16:53.880]Joel Damon: it's good to gaming the system, a little bit is.
- [00:17:00.000]Joel Damon: You know.
- [00:17:04.280]Joel Damon: yeah yeah I lost my thought I was but but it's a deal because the project project loses money every single month, it is the irs quite literally said don't bother with taxes, because you will cost us more money, just to do the paperwork.
- [00:17:21.600]Joel Damon: Then you're worth.
- [00:17:25.000]Joel Damon: It it's it's you know we're never going to.
- [00:17:30.200]Joel Damon: become a profitable space and we don't want to that has nothing to do with the design, but we.
- [00:17:35.680]Joel Damon: You know that also keeps it a little pure we're doing this because we feel like we were you know we're compelled to do this, we feel like this is needed and that this is important, and this is the sort of space that when we were young artists.
- [00:17:49.800]Joel Damon: or even an hour geez I would show it project project if I didn't own it or I would hope, I could you know but i'd probably turn myself down though that's an interesting conversation.
- [00:18:00.120]Byron Anway: I was gonna say you'd have to apply.
- [00:18:02.720]Joel Damon: yeah.
- [00:18:03.160]Byron Anway: yeah yeah so Joel we've got a question here from.
- [00:18:06.360]Jasper.
- [00:18:08.360]Byron Anway: which I feel like you definitely have answered but also maybe still haven't what is project project.
- [00:18:15.960]Byron Anway: yeah.
- [00:18:16.920]Byron Anway: How does it work.
- [00:18:19.200]Joel Damon: um How does it work.
- [00:18:22.880]Byron Anway: With what is it.
- [00:18:24.080]Joel Damon: The project project is is is is we don't like using the word gallery but it's a gallery space.
- [00:18:32.240]Joel Damon: cell phone raska.
- [00:18:34.920]Joel Damon: In space we use to show art that's made usually within the region we define that as.
- [00:18:42.840]Joel Damon: will go as far as maybe minneapolis and artists that sort of live and work in that in that radius.
- [00:18:49.240]Joel Damon: We put up a new visual art exhibition every single month.
- [00:18:55.000]Joel Damon: And yeah everything is free to attend it's run by myself and josh and our wives, it is we we like I said we don't get paid as a volunteer thing.
- [00:19:09.120]Joel Damon: And yeah I don't know how does it, how was that Byron.
- [00:19:15.000]Joel Damon: we've yeah we've been around for seven years.
- [00:19:18.400]Joel Damon: it's it's it's a weird space we hate patching holes in walls and, but we also couldn't afford to do anything really swanky, and so the whole space is just done in it's called osb plywood which is like the really cheap plywood that you would put under carpet.
- [00:19:38.080]Joel Damon: But it works we've never had to patch a whole and artists can do whatever they want in there and it's really cheap too.
- [00:19:45.560]Joel Damon: Cheap to replace panels, if needed, so did that do, do you think is that jenna was in Jennifer.
- [00:19:52.680]Byron Anway: yeah that's right.
- [00:19:54.720]Joel Damon: yeah if that wasn't enough, you know um yeah stop by project project it's a fun time it's weird um but yeah that's I mean it exists to to you know, support a certain level of ours.
- [00:20:13.440]Joel Damon: You know in in in the MMA community and in the region and the you know that's another thing that's just so huge I mean this is a.
- [00:20:22.680]Joel Damon: This is a you know I don't wanna I don't want to.
- [00:20:26.440]Joel Damon: You know, like bomani anything else you know if you're if you make crafts, you know or paintings of.
- [00:20:33.440]Joel Damon: Mountains, you know or deer or or farmhouses or something like that great that's awesome you know, good for you, but this is like you know we're trying to support early what we consider to be like capital a arts like did like like like that you know stuff that pushes you and.
- [00:20:50.880]Joel Damon: pushes the artist and then questions things.
- [00:20:54.960]Joel Damon: I mean.
- [00:20:56.640]Joel Damon: You know these are these are human beings going through the human experience and then they're acting as a prism.
- [00:21:04.320]Joel Damon: For us, that you know they they take what they experience and they they they translate it and share it with us and all we're asked to do is just you know join in on the conversation to revel in it and to.
- [00:21:23.120]Joel Damon: Find not necessarily what they're saying, but find find what it's saying to us.
- [00:21:29.840]Joel Damon: it's such an important thing um you know, to have this interaction that can be like standing in front of a mirror sometimes you know or having a veil lifted.
- [00:21:42.800]Joel Damon: off of you, I mean it's it's so good, but it needs support on all levels, including places like like us, so you know project project in its there's been some dark times in the omaha metro for regional support and.
- [00:22:02.520]Joel Damon: You know, to find a place and when when we first started putting up shows we did it because, for an emerging artists for a young artist after you got done with your thesis show or your you know you got out of school or whatever the, the next step for you, was a was a coffee shop and.
- [00:22:22.160]Joel Damon: The the jump between the coffee shop and the next spot was I was representation at a commercial gallery like there there wasn't a whole lot going on, you know 1415 years ago in the Community, when it came to supporting an emerging artists and.
- [00:22:41.680]Joel Damon: Now it's i'm just so proud to be a part of a community that that there's there's steps for everyone, and you can get off and and pause there at any time, if you make really bad paintings of like Jimi Hendrix or.
- [00:22:58.720]Joel Damon: You know, like sexy tiger ladies or something like that, like there's their galleries that will show your work here in town and that's plural galleries.
- [00:23:08.640]Joel Damon: You know.
- [00:23:10.320]Joel Damon: And then we have you know fantastic art centers and museums and everything in between it's just it's it's you know, the Community is It just seems to be.
- [00:23:22.560]Joel Damon: I don't know healthy and good.
- [00:23:26.360]Joel Damon: Also, I do not men, so I can talk forever Byron you told me, what if I go over 45 minutes you're going to strangle me right.
- [00:23:33.880]Byron Anway: No absolutely not but I will.
- [00:23:38.080]Byron Anway: I will watch the clock.
- [00:23:39.880]Joel Damon: How long have I been talking.
- [00:23:41.800]Byron Anway: About 25 minutes.
- [00:23:43.440]Okay.
- [00:23:47.600]Byron Anway: planning.
- [00:23:48.600]Joel Damon: Okay cool.
- [00:23:49.920]Byron Anway: sweet yeah Joe we have another question yeah, the question is from Paula You may know her your words well you work closely with each artists to exhibit some project project, how do artists respond to your commitment and Energy for their work.
- [00:24:06.760]Joel Damon: wow that's a good question good question mom um.
- [00:24:13.200]Joel Damon: But I mean I kind of touched on it a little bit earlier, but sometimes it's it's they don't know what to do with it, you know because of the normal experience a lot of time is you know with a gallery at.
- [00:24:24.200]Joel Damon: That sort of our pace or our level like you're given the keys and you're kind of just left there, and you hang your own show, and you light it and.
- [00:24:35.000]Joel Damon: it's kind of really hands off and.
- [00:24:39.840]Joel Damon: We We really do enjoy being hands on so I mean it's it's different for every single artist sometimes it's like oh wow you know I get to just sit in you know, like.
- [00:24:52.400]Joel Damon: Talk about this, while you guys do the heavy lifting and the.
- [00:24:56.360]Joel Damon: assembly of all this.
- [00:24:58.760]Joel Damon: Sometimes it's like you know when one or more recent shows that we had nothing to do with the the installation or anything I mean.
- [00:25:08.640]Joel Damon: So you know, sometimes I mean I think it's a i've been said, I would hope to appreciate it.
- [00:25:15.600]Joel Damon: But at the same time.
- [00:25:18.280]Joel Damon: So sometimes it might be a little spooky.
- [00:25:25.480]Joel Damon: Have people that really want to help a lot.
- [00:25:29.600]Byron Anway: i've got a question that's kind of a piggyback question a little bit, because as you've.
- [00:25:36.600]Byron Anway: broached but not sort of got super specific and the projects project exhibition space is very unique one of the things you mentioned that the walls floors and ceiling are made out of osb, which is the color of wood.
- [00:25:50.600]Byron Anway: And then the second thing is that project projects is very narrow.
- [00:25:54.240]Byron Anway: Like it's a very specific like dimension, and so I think that that has a huge impact on the work that is exhibited there, do you have any thoughts about.
- [00:26:04.680]Byron Anway: How I guess the what is the root of my question is is a lot of times galleries just show work and people apply with their work and it's not tied super closely to the space.
- [00:26:15.560]Byron Anway: But your space is very different, you really have to consider the space, do you have any thoughts or stories or specifics about how the space is really lead to good things about the programming.
- [00:26:32.000]Joel Damon: yeah so so.
- [00:26:36.000]Joel Damon: I mean that's kind of that's kind of a two parter to um I think we definitely get get um you know quite a few of the proposals that we get in for exhibitions it's artists that understand the.
- [00:26:51.000]Joel Damon: uniqueness of our gallery space, I mean it's not even 11 feet wide it's 1010 and a half feet wide and like 45 feet long as this big long it's like she could be inside of a semi truck or something.
- [00:27:08.880]Joel Damon: So we'll get proposals where artists artists understand the space and they they're working sort of within those those confines.
- [00:27:18.480]Joel Damon: We also get proposals from artists that.
- [00:27:23.760]Joel Damon: I don't know if they don't take it into consideration, or they just get it it's not something they're going to be thinking about or it's you know gotten into their process in any way, but for us personally like when we went anytime we get our proposal we review it.
- [00:27:40.880]Joel Damon: And then we we get together and and share our thoughts and sort of make an.
- [00:27:48.000]Joel Damon: informed and unified decision on you know, is this going to be a yes or no, and there have been there been exhibitions that.
- [00:27:55.160]Joel Damon: Basically, the space itself works as a filter for who we accept it's it's it's allowed us to.
- [00:28:04.120]Joel Damon: Maybe forced us to be you know kind of choosy because they're going to be shows that just don't work.
- [00:28:09.840]Joel Damon: The one, the one thing that's been really good to finally get around to answering your question Byron.
- [00:28:16.080]Joel Damon: Is.
- [00:28:20.200]Joel Damon: um.
- [00:28:23.880]Joel Damon: When when it's fully explored when the sort of disposable nature of the space itself is is is really taken advantage of there have been there been some some pretty unbelievable exhibitions in there that are that are transformative.
- [00:28:41.040]Joel Damon: To the.
- [00:28:42.440]Joel Damon: To the to the to the user experience.
- [00:28:47.520]Joel Damon: And it's kind of unbelievable that you're sitting in a 10 and a half foot long white shotgun room, you know, this may apply with.
- [00:28:56.320]Byron Anway: The exhibition that i'm thinking of is rut.
- [00:29:01.680]Byron Anway: yeah yeah.
- [00:29:03.840]Joel Damon: Anyone bartlett.
- [00:29:05.560]Byron Anway: So do you have maybe you want to give an example of where.
- [00:29:11.720]Byron Anway: Specifically, specific exhibition that like was transformative or that you were were surprised, you know because of what was possible.
- [00:29:20.520]Byron Anway: Through restriction or through limitation.
- [00:29:24.440]Joel Damon: yeah I mean because you know rob rob was really interesting and I mentioned it earlier with a you know we turned the gallery into a pine forest and the That was a really good test that was an earlier show of ours that was maybe your two or three.
- [00:29:45.880]Joel Damon: The artists wasn't going to be able to be ended in town until the week of the exhibition, and so we had to do all of this remotely, which is, I mean it's that's fairly traditional for for.
- [00:29:58.640]Joel Damon: You know, larger gallery that has a fairly large network of people they're showing for project project, I mean that's that's cut that was kind of unheard of, at that time, and so you know she sent us these plans and it included yeah dirt dirt floor.
- [00:30:15.720]Joel Damon: In there needed to be pine trees, you know backfill pine trees coming up out of the dirt and rising up into the rafters and.
- [00:30:24.480]Joel Damon: This this touches on something I was going to mention later, but this is a good just a good piece of advice Lee unless someone is you know toxic or abusive key try to keep on their good side and try to like.
- [00:30:38.160]Joel Damon: You know, keep up that relationship because it's amazing how much you can get away with when a ton of people owe you favors.
- [00:30:46.760]Joel Damon: And, and they and they're happy with you and your relationship, and so we made.
- [00:30:52.960]Joel Damon: I think two phone calls and we had a dump truck full of dirt and in these like 16 foot pilot pine boughs that were you know they had a significant diameter to them.
- [00:31:05.680]Joel Damon: And the this space was transformed, and you had this canopy of evergreen above you in this Mel in the space was was unbelievable um and that was that was that that show sort of its.
- [00:31:22.320]Joel Damon: apex you know the the crescendo ended in this performance that was like two hours long and it was completely captivating and the entire gallery was full of patrons and there wasn't a P link through the entire time in mean it was unbelievable.
- [00:31:41.560]Joel Damon: It was it was such a wonderful success for for Heidi in, and it was really a high point.
- [00:31:49.240]Joel Damon: In our exhibition history so.
- [00:31:51.720]Byron Anway: y'all we have a two part question from Sue gardener The first part is how our viewers invited to see exhibitions So how do you publicize exhibitions and then the second part journey, how do you archive the history.
- [00:32:07.320]Byron Anway: Of exhibitions of project project.
- [00:32:12.680]Joel Damon: um.
- [00:32:15.560]Joel Damon: So.
- [00:32:17.840]Joel Damon: First, one is pretty simple we have.
- [00:32:21.080]Joel Damon: You know, we use social media we send out a pretty pretty extensive press release every single month as well that also serves as our.
- [00:32:28.560]Joel Damon: Like a newsletter sort of a thing on on each exhibition, which has texts that we've written texts that the artists have written images of the work the promotional poster that i've put together each month.
- [00:32:44.040]Joel Damon: And that's about it, the only other thing I can say that when it comes to like people showing up is is.
- [00:32:55.800]Joel Damon: We do our shows open on the second Friday of every month there's this we're in this tiny little corner down in South omaha where there I think five our spaces and we all just kind of are on the same calendar, and so you can always count on that happening every month.
- [00:33:11.880]Joel Damon: that's the one time where we're open to the public.
- [00:33:17.360]Joel Damon: each month, unless we have you know some sort of peppered in programming and concert or something um you know online.
- [00:33:26.280]Joel Damon: And we'll meet you down there um what was the other question Byron I forgot it already.
- [00:33:33.000]Byron Anway: How do you archive the history of exhibitions that project project.
- [00:33:38.680]Joel Damon: Sure, so online, for the most part.
- [00:33:43.760]Joel Damon: We just have a we have an archive of the tasks and the posters that have been done, we have photo documentation of every single show but we've never really.
- [00:33:57.920]Joel Damon: polished that josh and I, we came from the the do it yourself pop up exhibition and you never really got you know if you missed it you missed it and.
- [00:34:12.240]Joel Damon: Things have changed and maybe we should be documenting our shows a little more publicly, but at the same time, we do document them, but we don't really share it it's um.
- [00:34:24.000]Joel Damon: yeah it's we still kind of stick to that once it's over it's over.
- [00:34:28.280]Joel Damon: sort of a thing.
- [00:34:29.880]Byron Anway: Well there's a certain power to.
- [00:34:34.880]Byron Anway: Oh no i'm not going to think of the right.
- [00:34:36.200]Joel Damon: Word so.
- [00:34:38.280]Byron Anway: there's a there's a power to.
- [00:34:42.360]Byron Anway: If you miss it you miss it I can't think of the right word anyway um as.
- [00:34:49.520]Byron Anway: We come up with it.
- [00:34:51.280]Byron Anway: ephemerality Thank you Sue.
- [00:34:54.200]Joel Damon: come in and.
- [00:34:56.400]Byron Anway: We got a comment from Jeff I think your archive is on the bathroom walls what's Jeff talking about.
- [00:35:04.960]Joel Damon: Our bathroom we use just just a regular patron pepin gallery and a supporter of ours, and for the longest time we you know, we had we had the cleanest bathroom and Obama was really nice and especially for the you know just.
- [00:35:21.880]Joel Damon: The.
- [00:35:23.720]Joel Damon: You know the way we operate it's it was really unexpected and and and a nice surprise, and then we eventually we decided to just start hanging up every poster from the exhibitions in there and now it's a proper kind of.
- [00:35:37.200]Joel Damon: A punk bathroom or maybe like a like a you know 12 year olds bedroom walls.
- [00:35:45.360]Byron Anway: um i've got a question from Sam do you allow reoccurring artists are you to try to show new artists all the time, oh i'm sorry to know, since space is limited, and you have to be pretty selective in who you do you allow reoccurring artists you try to show new artists.
- [00:36:04.000]Joel Damon: yeah that's a man, for you know anybody that's ever run a space.
- [00:36:10.200]Joel Damon: it's it's a tricky it's a fine line to walk you know, because you develop these really strong relationships with artists and you, you invest in them, and your relationship and their work and you want to provide as many opportunities as possible the the downside to that is.
- [00:36:29.160]Joel Damon: Sometimes you can kind of become like a meal ticket.
- [00:36:33.240]Joel Damon: You know, basically, just like a guaranteed.
- [00:36:36.560]Joel Damon: Oh yeah Joel joel's my buddy you know we've worked together a bunch he'll still give me a show um So yes, we have we have done.
- [00:36:47.520]Joel Damon: repeat exhibitions we have one coming up this summer, with Gary noland from Kansas city, he showed with us about five years ago.
- [00:36:57.680]Joel Damon: we've done it, I think, in total, maybe four times, but we try not to because you know, I think.
- [00:37:08.280]Joel Damon: Like I said, like we want to provide as many opportunities as possible and.
- [00:37:12.920]Joel Damon: You know I wouldn't want to go back and keep showing in the same place, and so I don't know if I want to encourage that and in my our Community, you know, I have a small say in.
- [00:37:22.560]Joel Damon: i'd rather see something new, whether it's where i'm showing her who i'm showing so yeah.
- [00:37:29.160]Joel.
- [00:37:30.600]Joel Damon: feeling all I am here, yes and no but that's Okay, you know, life is.
- [00:37:35.520]Byron Anway: This is a pro nuance forum.
- [00:37:38.720]Byron Anway: We have a question from Lucy Packard.
- [00:37:41.680]Byron Anway: What does a good art proposal include and better Yet what does it look like.
- [00:37:47.520]Joel Damon: that's a good question, I mean you know i'll see just to.
- [00:37:52.640]Joel Damon: What what project project likes to see because you know it man in various for for real.
- [00:38:01.360]Joel Damon: We.
- [00:38:03.680]Joel Damon: Like the we don't mind a little art speak, but if you if you can't put what you do in a semi plain language um.
- [00:38:14.400]Joel Damon: It feels like you're.
- [00:38:17.280]Joel Damon: Like I remember seeing girls in high school that would have terrible acne but they would have like an inch and a half of concealer on it's like we all know, likely that this is happening and you're almost making it worse i'm like.
- [00:38:32.480]Joel Damon: You need to be confident enough in whatever you do that, you can explain it simply um, and so we prefer.
- [00:38:42.360]Joel Damon: Pretty just like like.
- [00:38:45.880]Joel Damon: Just tell us what you're doing tell us what you're doing why you're doing it, why this is important, why we should care and send some images of your work to if your work is something that can be.
- [00:38:57.040]Joel Damon: seen or heard or experienced or something like that you don't need to be there in person, but you can experience it on a screen.
- [00:39:03.840]Joel Damon: and send it over and have it documented nicely to that's another thing um it doesn't take much to hang up a flat white sheet against your wall and and photograph something um.
- [00:39:18.160]Joel Damon: But yeah I think I think.
- [00:39:22.840]Joel Damon: galleries and curators know when.
- [00:39:28.560]Joel Damon: you're bullshitting them and and.
- [00:39:32.520]Joel Damon: When you're making up for your lack of understanding of your own work with a insane vocabulary that you probably don't even have.
- [00:39:42.800]Byron Anway: So a good elevator pitch and clear work documentation.
- [00:39:48.240]Joel Damon: yeah if folks I mean like if you do your job.
- [00:39:52.720]Joel Damon: Man okay so here's my grandpa i'm going to talk about my entire family today.
- [00:39:57.760]Joel Damon: My grandpa P coolest dude ever.
- [00:40:04.560]Joel Damon: He said the very last thing will words he ever said to me, and it was in a voicemail I saved it forever, but it was the best, it was the night of the very first show I curated ever.
- [00:40:15.280]Joel Damon: down on 10th and Bancroft here in omaha and he said, keep your mouth shut, no one wants to hear you talk about yourself let other people say nice things about you that's, the last thing he ever said to me, so that it's like that's some really killer parting words.
- [00:40:32.800]Joel Damon: And I believe that too likely, if you do a good enough job with this like you said, like a like a elevator pitch and some good imagery.
- [00:40:42.560]Joel Damon: i'm going to ask you more about it, you don't need to you don't need to force feed me your entire belief system or or or your you know the theory behind your work um if you do a good enough job with that a moose moose i'm gonna come back for seconds right.
- [00:41:03.040]Byron Anway: yeah thanks.
- [00:41:06.120]Byron Anway: Thanks to Lucy for the good question and your your grandfather, for the good words don Joel we're coming up on 45 minutes, which means two things.
- [00:41:17.640]Byron Anway: one.
- [00:41:18.600]Byron Anway: If you have if you.
- [00:41:20.120]Byron Anway: Have a conclude are now on do we have any more questions.
- [00:41:24.400]Byron Anway: I was gonna say, if you have a if you have a conclude are now would be the time and then.
- [00:41:28.880]Byron Anway: I can continue to take questions and people can stick around as long as they want.
- [00:41:34.280]Joel Damon: cool cool yeah so the only the last thing you know that I wanted to talk about is.
- [00:41:40.680]Joel Damon: That it just to mention it, because if there's anybody interested i'd be happy to talk to you.
- [00:41:46.040]Joel Damon: At another point, but this is, this is a little bit of a secret, but I I run a network of designers and creatives and.
- [00:41:54.160]Joel Damon: Business folks and financial folks all from across the country.
- [00:41:59.040]Joel Damon: We work anonymously for for black and brown people all free of charge.
- [00:42:08.040]Joel Damon: We communicate with our clients through just a single.
- [00:42:12.720]Joel Damon: email account they don't get to know our names or anything like that i've only spoken to maybe two of them on the phone in the three years we've been doing this.
- [00:42:22.680]Joel Damon: But we've been able to help just help a ton of folks.
- [00:42:28.680]Joel Damon: You know i'm i'm a product of my upbringing and i'm and i'm a product of my relationships and and and and all my experiences, but i'm also a product of of white privilege and a system that is, that is just set up for people to look that look like me for them to thrive.
- [00:42:50.080]Joel Damon: I have you know with this project, I have an excess of privilege which has provided me with an education and the tools to practice the things I learned in that education and I also got an excess of time, and so you know i've organized a group of like minded people and.
- [00:43:10.800]Joel Damon: We work to lift up our you know black and brown brothers and sisters that.
- [00:43:17.160]Joel Damon: Maybe you couldn't afford services like this, so if you do if that sort of work interests you.
- [00:43:23.480]Joel Damon: feel free to find me somewhere and then i'd be happy to talk to you about it more, the only the last.
- [00:43:31.720]Joel Damon: You know.
- [00:43:34.440]Joel Damon: thing you know my my clothes was the there's a political speaker that I love named Michael parentis pretty fantastic guy anti imperialist and.
- [00:43:45.720]Joel Damon: He always said that, like you, you don't know that you're wearing a leash.
- [00:43:50.440]Joel Damon: If you just sit by the peg that is attached to all day long.
- [00:43:55.160]Joel Damon: And he meant it as a you don't know you're being controlled by that you know the.
- [00:44:01.920]Joel Damon: The the the way I like to look at it, as it's like there's always going to be a leash and there's always going to be something that that that limits you that it's a it's a boundary that you're just not going to be able to cross.
- [00:44:13.400]Joel Damon: And, rather than sit there and and get down on the fact that you are wearing a leash.
- [00:44:20.160]Joel Damon: figure out how long yours is and where it can take you and figure out how you can use the space you've been given and the the opportunities you've been given to help other people and that Stat man thanks to you and El.
- [00:44:34.520]Joel Damon: Nino for inviting me to do this thing so Byron.
- [00:44:38.280]Joel Damon: yeah and if anybody has any questions i've got all night.
- [00:44:42.120]Byron Anway: yeah yeah so I see some Lucy is clapping oh Paula says great metaphor.
- [00:44:49.080]Byron Anway: Thanks mom so I one of the things that I tell my students is that.
- [00:44:55.800]Byron Anway: You should go to all the visiting artists lectures, but you are not required to stay past 45 minutes because.
- [00:45:02.200]Byron Anway: we've all got lives so anybody who's here, it wants to stay and hang out and ask questions and talk with Joel.
- [00:45:09.280]Byron Anway: that's what i'm going to be doing, but if you gotta go you gotta go and thanks everyone for coming I really appreciate it and i'm glad I appreciate you Joel appreciate you students for coming.
- [00:45:21.520]And so that's what I got.
- [00:45:24.960]Joel Damon: sorry if I was yelling.
- [00:45:27.520]Joel Damon: i'm excited I get so excited.
- [00:45:30.560]Byron Anway: yeah well I know enthusiasm is in your toolbox.
- [00:45:36.440]Joel Damon: Sure, yes.
- [00:45:41.040]Joel Damon: Oh man.
- [00:45:44.160]yeah.
- [00:45:49.840]Joel Damon: they're thin and out.
- [00:45:51.960]Byron Anway: Sure well that's okay there's.
- [00:45:54.040]Joel Damon: No it's over.
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