Episode 027: Multi-Dimensional Management for Planting

Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture Author
04/01/2021 Added
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Planting technologies have evolved tremendously in recent decades. A range of innovations including row shut-off, mutli-hybrid capabilities, high-speed planters, and SmartFirmers - just to name a few - are commercially available for farmers today. But how can farmers actually make use of these technologies to achieve better outcomes for their operation? Rachel Stevens, ACRE Farm Manager in the Department of Agronomy at Purdue University, makes her second appearance on the FarmBits podcast to discuss planting technologies specifically through the lens of multi-hybrid planting, which was the focus of her master's thesis project. One of the themes of this episode is the importance of matching management and technological capabilities. Rachel shares with us her experience working with multi-hybrid planters, the challenge of making prescriptions for multi-hybrid or other innovative planting strategies, and what planting technologies - current or future - she perceives to have the highest potential for return. When we say that we will talk about the realities of digital agriculture on this podcast, this episode does just that. It establishes a great foundation for the rest of this series that should allow you to approach the remaining episodes with a healthy skepticism and optimism that facilitate critical evaluation of the technologies presented. Resources: Rachel's Thesis: https://go.unl.edu/stevensthesis Rachel's Information: E-Mail: rachel@heartlandagconsulting.com Phone: (765) 231-5668 Twitter: https://twitter.com/rachelhstevens FarmBits Team Contact Info: E-Mail: farmbits@unl.edu Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEDigitalAg Samantha's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SamanthaTeten Jackson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/jstansell87 Opinions expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast are solely their own, and do not reflect the views of Nebraska Extension or the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

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