CAS Move Your Course Online Session 6
CAS Move Your Course Online Session 6
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- [00:00:03.360]Manda Williamson: Can you all hear me now. If someone in the chat room can just say, Yes, I'm going to go ahead and get started. Okay.
- [00:00:10.860]Manda Williamson: Good afternoon for the sixth of our six training sessions. My name is Dr. Amanda Williamson, and I am the chair of the College of Arts and Sciences teaching Academy. I'm just going to introduce
- [00:00:22.860]Manda Williamson: The talk today. Just to give you a little bit of background information I'm actually going to read from a script. So I don't you know go off script and waste everybody's time so
- [00:00:31.140]Manda Williamson: What I put together was just, I hope, a little bit of perspective for all of us, that we might need right now.
- [00:00:36.240]Manda Williamson: We as a community of faculty have to make some decisions together as educators who probably have been pushed into a scenario that we didn't ask for
- [00:00:45.930]Manda Williamson: We weren't contracted to specifically execute and nor were we all trained to succeed at so we likely have to resolve to the fact that
- [00:00:55.380]Manda Williamson: After we go through this online transition the product that we put out there to our students is going to stink on a number of levels with respect to our own standards.
- [00:01:05.610]Manda Williamson: Our students also have to make many decisions at this time, like us. They have probably decided that this change ranks pretty highly on their list of things that they find stressful.
- [00:01:15.900]Manda Williamson: But finishing their classes in light of all of the other changes and transitions that they're undergoing right now may not be their highest priority.
- [00:01:23.580]Manda Williamson: And like us. They too are being asked to complete a course in a format that they didn't sign up for that they didn't probably desire that much. And now, without peers, with whom to connect
- [00:01:34.560]Manda Williamson: Their support system is probably missing and at worst, they may be back home in a place that's inhabited by people. They couldn't wait to move away from
- [00:01:43.920]Manda Williamson: So in light of all of these transitions that we are currently navigating my hope is that we can all agree to release ourselves.
- [00:01:50.700]Manda Williamson: From our prior expectations of what a college course should look like and what a college course should achieve. And let's also agree to release our students to an extent.
- [00:02:00.660]Manda Williamson: I think we need to use what we do know and what we have drawn upon before and as a faculty. I think what we do have is the ability to express compassion and grace and mercy and to just really quickly. Define what those mean to me.
- [00:02:15.990]Manda Williamson: Compassion occurs when we check our thoughts before we speak and many times this week. I have had thoughts like should have or could have or ought to be
- [00:02:27.000]Manda Williamson: And I found that when I have those thoughts. I need to discard them immediately and ask myself, what about my students, what's their perspective right now so that when I make these transitions. I keep their interests as my top priority.
- [00:02:41.280]Manda Williamson: Grace is a gift that we don't deserve and probably have not earned and there have been times this week when I know that I've needed that. And I know that there are going to be times when I have to grant my students that as well.
- [00:02:54.810]Manda Williamson: Mercy is freedom from punishment that we should deserve and there have been times when I have needed mercy this week.
- [00:03:01.830]Manda Williamson: And I also know that there are going to be times when I have to show that to my students. And then lastly, I think we need to rely on our collective wisdom.
- [00:03:09.000]Manda Williamson: The last of these tools wisdom, I think, is a wonderful tool to rely upon. I think it's the sum of a rich accumulated personal history of past perseverance.
- [00:03:18.210]Manda Williamson: That if we choose to reflect upon it can empower us to take this current situation of perhaps uncertainty and some level of anxiety and turn it on its ear.
- [00:03:27.420]Manda Williamson: As we move forward ready to offer grace and mercy and compassion, to the extent that we are mindful enough to stop and give thanks when it's first offered to us.
- [00:03:37.590]Manda Williamson: will predict the extent to which we can continue off to offer it up to ourselves and to others. I want to give you an example of where that happened to me this week.
- [00:03:46.860]Manda Williamson: Yesterday, probably ready to start of the fourth meeting. I was not very happy and I was feeling a lot of pressure and a lot of stress because I haven't yet been able to even navigate my own face to face course into a fully online environment.
- [00:04:03.030]Manda Williamson: I wanted to be home with my kids I took this kind of position that I have as a Professor of Practice because if my kids ever needed me before this week, I could just leave and go be with them.
- [00:04:12.630]Manda Williamson: And LPS is now setting up remote education and my kids were my top priority. I wanted to make sure that they were able to do this successfully.
- [00:04:20.490]Manda Williamson: My oldest is 14 my youngest just turned 11 last Thursday.
- [00:04:24.900]Manda Williamson: And in the middle of the fourth talk in the middle of all my saltiness and irritation and stress. I got a text from my best friend's mom and she said, can you hear Lila and Livia right now.
- [00:04:33.450]Manda Williamson: And I said, no, I'm in a meeting. I don't know what's going on. And she said, the kids got back from their school
- [00:04:38.940]Manda Williamson: They had their Chromebooks. They FaceTime each other, they set up their Chromebooks by themselves.
- [00:04:44.550]Manda Williamson: They installed their wireless printer drivers on to their Chromebooks themselves. They opened up their homework folders. They printed their homework and together they sat down and did all of their math and reading together.
- [00:04:58.110]Manda Williamson: And she just turned 11 last week. And so those were some of those times that I have to remember that we are placed where we needed to be whether or not we realize it.
- [00:05:07.410]Manda Williamson: And I'm very grateful that I have kids that value their education, but I'm equally grateful for the mercy and the grace that my own children showed me yesterday.
- [00:05:16.050]Manda Williamson: And so when we take these pieces of of hope that are given to us and we rely on those. I want you to think about the next five weeks that we all have together as a faculty
- [00:05:23.910]Manda Williamson: For most of us, this means we have to modify somewhere between 10 and 15 courses and probably the format of one, one or two of the main assessments that we have for the remainder of the semester.
- [00:05:34.110]Manda Williamson: I think you should decide in each class. What is the one major objective that you hope to achieve, not the five major objectives, but the one
- [00:05:41.730]Manda Williamson: I also think that you should be mindful that any of the changes that you make right now that you think that you can invoke to preserve a path of least resistance for yourself is probably going to carry with it some risks.
- [00:05:53.310]Manda Williamson: If you start incorporating new technology, even if it's University sanction, which it needs to be.
- [00:05:58.620]Manda Williamson: These changes are new for you, but they're also new for your students. And if we all invoke one new change in our class that's going to mean four or five changes that our students have to navigate
- [00:06:07.710]Manda Williamson: And remember, we are asking them to do this in a format and an environment that they didn't originally sign up for
- [00:06:13.980]Manda Williamson: If they require a high speed internet connection. If the changes that we're using require a high speed internet connection, we need to think a bit about our rural students who may not be able to access something
- [00:06:22.860]Manda Williamson: At that speed or at the time that we think is necessary, the time of day that we think is necessary.
- [00:06:28.890]Manda Williamson: If you think that you can use a piece of non University support a technology that carries with it a cyber risk that our university is not willing to navigate
- [00:06:36.870]Manda Williamson: And that's a bigger objective than the next five weeks right now is maintaining the safety of our campus.
- [00:06:42.300]Manda Williamson: So, and what might seem daunting or overwhelming or energy sapping or unfair. This is where we get our journey together and and an awesome exercise of grace.
- [00:06:50.580]Manda Williamson: It's my delight to turn this meeting over to our instructional design team of Ed Olsen. And also, Robert, who is
- [00:06:58.110]Manda Williamson: Virtually attending right now and he's going to maintain the chat. So if you have questions in chat rely on Robert for that those answers.
- [00:07:04.770]Manda Williamson: I walked into his office on Friday, thinking that I was just going to go in and say, hey, can you open up my test for me. And, you know, just take care of a couple of things. And I looked at somebody that was really stressed out.
- [00:07:14.310]Manda Williamson: And it turns out she actually hadn't slept at all. The night before, because she was working for us. She and Robert put together a presentation in a matter of 24 hours.
- [00:07:21.990]Manda Williamson: With the sole purpose of answering and providing solutions to probably four of our most critical problems right now.
- [00:07:28.320]Manda Williamson: And so I'm very thankful that we have people that are willing to put their lives on hold.
- [00:07:33.780]Manda Williamson: To be able to serve us and to continue to work with us and tell us that beyond a shadow of a doubt, we're not alone in this. So it's my pleasure to turn this over to Ed.
- [00:07:41.760]Manda Williamson: You all hang in there when you have questions, just type them in the chat and then we can collectively talk about it at the end we'll also have time at the end to unmute your mics, if we need to. Okay, I'm gonna mute myself and turn it over to Ed.
- [00:07:56.520]Eyde Olson: Great.
- [00:07:57.270]Eyde Olson: Thank you, Amanda. Speaking of empathy and compassion, I must thank you, Amanda. When she came to my office last Thursday.
- [00:08:05.730]Eyde Olson: She volunteered to help with all these workshops. She has been the hub around what's all of us have relied on so I thank you. I really appreciate everything you do for me.
- [00:08:17.250]Eyde Olson: So our keep teaching at College of Arts and Sciences. The first thing we are going to do is talk about our student Angela Angela is a freshman.
- [00:08:29.700]Eyde Olson: She took classes for the first time in the fall. She took three face to face, and she told my parents, you know, that didn't go that went pretty well. I think I'm going to take four classes. Come spring.
- [00:08:40.950]Eyde Olson: So she enrolled for for face to face classes for parents asked her how it was going. She said, It's going really good. I really like all my teachers.
- [00:08:50.850]Eyde Olson: I have made my schedule around class schedules. In fact, I'm even meeting with some other kids for the chemistry class, and it's really going good.
- [00:09:00.780]Eyde Olson: Now, along with everyone else what has happened in this abrupt transition after two thirds of the semester has gone by. She's moved back home.
- [00:09:10.620]Eyde Olson: She's moved back home to rural Nebraska low bandwidth internet there's three other siblings in her family and her mom is also working at home.
- [00:09:22.770]Eyde Olson: So, Angela can't get on the computer, whenever she did before she can't get on when our classes are reading, she's having to rely on asynchronous on the canvas online management system one before she was totally face to face.
- [00:09:38.580]Eyde Olson: So all throughout this we're going to think about our student, Angela.
- [00:09:44.520]Eyde Olson: The purpose of this workshop is to meet the learning outcomes in all simplicity. We're going to be thinking about from Angeles perspective all throughout simple and small
- [00:09:57.480]Eyde Olson: Like manda did I jotted down a few things, our primary goal is to make things less complicated for you.
- [00:10:05.160]Eyde Olson: And your students. So this might mean recording some small lectures in Canvas organizing a few good asynchronous discussions.
- [00:10:16.320]Eyde Olson: Putting in some wealth adult on line non proctored assignments, and we'll talk more about that.
- [00:10:24.090]Eyde Olson: Technology use what you know this isn't the time to start something new and put yourself in your students through the frustration.
- [00:10:33.600]Eyde Olson: One of my colleague said the only challenge. We want our students to face is doing their coursework. We don't want them to try and figure out where to find things in the course.
- [00:10:43.800]Eyde Olson: We don't want them to try and access technology that is not University supported and infected, um, along with that use what you know the best tool.
- [00:10:56.940]Eyde Olson: Use zoom for what it's meant for for office hours. In this scenario, or maybe for student group meetings Zoom is not for recording your 15 minute lectures and posting out to 60 students and we'll get back into that through through out
- [00:11:15.150]Eyde Olson: So here's the agenda, go back to slide three whenever you want to know where we're at. We'll have
- [00:11:21.600]Eyde Olson: A couple slides. Real quick go over the general tips and then we're going to go into solutions for four areas community less than delivery real time assistance and we'll have a discussion about the fourth one reestablishing assessment.
- [00:11:39.120]Eyde Olson: So first slide on general tips. Again, look at it from the perspective of Angela.
- [00:11:46.050]Eyde Olson: And the second bullet. I always emphasize this one. This isn't what teaching online is about. This is not best practices when we instructional designers are asked how long will it take to
- [00:11:57.570]Eyde Olson: Put my face to face course online and exhibit all the best teaching and learning strategies we usually say, six months. We don't say five days. This is a brutal a brutal transition
- [00:12:12.480]Eyde Olson: We will emphasize the third one over and over. Be patient, be flexible. Take a deep breath. Remember your students may not have access to the high speed. They may be back home with a bunch of people accessing the same all the helps here. Whoa. We have these in this slide. This slide.
- [00:12:34.410]Eyde Olson: Is available to you on your coven on the College of Arts and Sciences. Here's the slide we're recording all these zoom sessions and
- [00:12:46.230]Eyde Olson: Let's go back to our slides.
- [00:12:49.740]Eyde Olson: Also take note of the ABC.
- [00:12:53.310]Eyde Olson: Emails, and let's call up that one just a second here. This one right here. Can you see this. This is a great resource. This is the one that came out last night, my team.
- [00:13:06.690]Eyde Olson: The Center for transformative teaching, we just created another resource last night. The assessment guide when we talked about extraordinary people like David manda Kathy castle and Chad.
- [00:13:18.360]Eyde Olson: My colleagues on the Teaching and Learning Center are extraordinary people. So look at the EDC email and
- [00:13:28.680]Eyde Olson: More help more virtual office hours. Thursday and Friday at 10 and one our Faculty Fellows are are will be available for you so you can get hold of them.
- [00:13:41.460]Eyde Olson: And talk about your specific challenge.
- [00:13:45.780]Eyde Olson: This next link is to the Center for transformative teaching, teaching that and we'll look at some of those components in just a moment. Myself and Robert baba law were the instructional designers who support the arts and sciences.
- [00:14:03.930]Eyde Olson: Another source that sometimes we forget the it s folks, these people know everything about zoom know everything about big grid know everything about everything. So reach out to them.
- [00:14:17.790]Eyde Olson: Likewise campus help, go to your campus help go to the bottom left of the navigation panel not little question mark look on that.
- [00:14:26.670]Eyde Olson: Three centers around the nation. They're there 24 seven I really liked the chat. Your in your course just copy the URL, put it in that chat, tell them to go. They're going to go to your discussions, whatever they will figure it out with with you and they'll send you a transcript.
- [00:14:43.830]Eyde Olson: Other faculty other faculty like our Academy fellows here I experts. I know the English Department on Friday and Saturday had a little workshop Kathy castles communications.
- [00:14:55.020]Eyde Olson: They're having weekly instructor meetings, if not daily modern languages, doing the same David. He told me, the earth and atmospheric science focuses we're both since we're doing something every day.
- [00:15:10.980]Eyde Olson: Every Tuesday and Thursday. So reach out to your departments, more than likely they're doing something like that. And again, here's the site.
- [00:15:18.540]Eyde Olson: Your Arts and Sciences code 19 and this is where you can get all these wonderful resources help from all extraordinary people
- [00:15:27.660]Eyde Olson: This is a listing of the departments that I support and the departments that Robert supports. Don't feel like you need to memorize it. It's in the slides, which are already available for you.
- [00:15:37.140]Eyde Olson: some general tips to think about before you leave. Oh, look around. What do you use every day, you need to grab those. You also might need to get with your department and the computer people if you need a VPN access
- [00:15:52.350]Eyde Olson: So at home, try everything that you normally use on campus and see if you can access those at home.
- [00:16:01.680]Eyde Olson: Great solution one reestablishing community.
- [00:16:07.530]Eyde Olson: The Quick Start guides that we created, really, they are your friends. Let's look first at the student guide and I strongly, strongly encourage you
- [00:16:20.250]Eyde Olson: To put this key learning guide in your courses in an announcement make use of this some of your students like Angela may not have ever taken an online course.
- [00:16:33.330]Eyde Olson: So take a quick look through the areas, how to do a discussion, how to get on your Canvas course how to submit an assignment. If your instructor uses virtual office hours. And I was thinking about over the weekend. How could we use in our course.
- [00:16:56.220]Eyde Olson: That student quick start guide which you could do. I strongly encourage you to do this, create a discussion.
- [00:17:05.610]Eyde Olson: Great discussion just focused on this keep learning guide it. Tell your, tell your students what you want them to do click a link right there.
- [00:17:15.930]Eyde Olson: To the CTS keep learning guide and that's something that will emphasize, all the way through redundancy as our friend in the online.
- [00:17:24.030]Eyde Olson: This link here. Put it in your announcements, put it right there and discussion right where your students need it, then follow that up.
- [00:17:32.820]Eyde Olson: Give them some things to think about and to answer. What do they think is going to be difficult for them in this online environment and then have them come up with some strategies for overcoming that difficulty.
- [00:17:46.080]Eyde Olson: Ask them to post their response and then reply to two of their peers. The great thing about this. This will help build the it will help reestablish the community before it was the face to face community.
- [00:18:01.080]Eyde Olson: Now it's the online community. So it will be established that. Secondly, it will get them used to the discussion tool.
- [00:18:10.470]Eyde Olson: Third, it will get them thinking about strategies that they can incorporate. And finally, it will help them overcome the fear.
- [00:18:20.430]Eyde Olson: Because when you as an instructor reply to this discussion in an announcement.
- [00:18:28.230]Eyde Olson: And again, notice here we put the link right there to the keep learning right there. Again, so they don't have to search for it. And we also based in copy in the question.
- [00:18:38.910]Eyde Olson: But then what we can do is we can compile those student answers for strategies to overcome any difficulties in this virtual learning
- [00:18:49.950]Eyde Olson: Sometimes students listen more to their peers. So this is a really easy way for you to make use of the student guide.
- [00:19:01.950]Eyde Olson: Next, let's look at the guide for you. Instructors are CT CT also created a guide for you called keep teaching. And this is all on our CDT side plus it's LinkedIn etc emails teaching you and so let's quick scroll down this on the right side live links.
- [00:19:28.140]Eyde Olson: Scroll down and see what's in there, most of you already are using Canvas. You know how to publish so you don't need to bookmark that
- [00:19:35.190]Eyde Olson: You probably know already how to create announcement. You don't need to bookmark that you might not have had virtual office hours, using zoom again.
- [00:19:45.150]Eyde Olson: Zoom is not the tool that you want to use to synchronously, record your lectures and require 60 students to be meeting on Monday at 10am but you might want to bookmark that one and we will get into zoom
- [00:20:01.170]Eyde Olson: This area, you probably know how to add a module.
- [00:20:07.980]Eyde Olson: Discussion, you might want to bookmark that will get into lecture options here with vid grid and audio options. And if you need some help with assignments or tests and we will talk about assessments also
- [00:20:23.280]Eyde Olson: So this is your friend the CT has lots and lots of resources.
- [00:20:32.940]Eyde Olson: Moving on re establishing Community.
- [00:20:37.680]Eyde Olson: Chat told me before we start today that lots of students are already reaching out to instructors. So reach out to them send them announcement.
- [00:20:47.160]Eyde Olson: Tell them how you're going to change things in the course. And when you're going to have the course of
- [00:20:54.510]Eyde Olson: Changes to the syllabus are due on the 29th. Is that, is that correct, and you've all received guidance on that. If you have to A's talk to them, tell them about how you're going to work together with them.
- [00:21:10.800]Eyde Olson: Think about, and maybe even already communicate with your students when you're going to have your virtual office hours and we'll, we'll show some examples of that. And I can't emphasize enough
- [00:21:24.180]Eyde Olson: They call, take a deep breath.
- [00:21:28.230]Eyde Olson: Be flexible. Be patient.
- [00:21:31.590]Eyde Olson: Be good to yourself during this, during this time.
- [00:21:36.630]Eyde Olson: So we're getting into reestablishing lesson delivery. This is our kind of table of contents page for this second section and we'll go into all these areas. The, the vid grid and the audio recording and
- [00:21:49.500]Eyde Olson: Using the canvas recorder. So
- [00:21:53.550]Eyde Olson: First of all, re establishing your lesson delivery.
- [00:21:57.450]Eyde Olson: Make sure everything is in your syllabus posted in the canvas. Let's go ahead and look at an example that really exemplifies some easy small things that we can do to make our Canvas course really clear to students. So let's look at Romans literary criticism course.
- [00:22:22.200]Eyde Olson: First of all,
- [00:22:24.210]Eyde Olson: This student view. This is your friend.
- [00:22:31.980]Eyde Olson: Notice here when I go into the student view how clean the navigation panel is Angela will not have any problems finding things because
- [00:22:45.060]Eyde Olson: We have hidden all the stuff in the navigation panel that she will not be using. We have embedded everything within modules. Also the modules are descriptive Lee titled we've chosen to Title them with a time frame, week two. And what is it an introduction structuralism, you'll see
- [00:23:10.140]Eyde Olson: Every, every item every component within this module is embedded sequentially. It's embedded in order. He also uses. I really like this, we use
- [00:23:20.880]Eyde Olson: Descriptive verbs. So, Angela will know that she's going to watch a video about structuralism. She's going to read something and then she's going to post in a discussion and notice how
- [00:23:32.670]Eyde Olson: He also backs that up with a topic. So this is something easy you can do in all components of your course USE DESCRIPTIVE titles use them consistently.
- [00:23:44.550]Eyde Olson: If you're doing a video on structuralism also call it structuralism. The same way you call these items within the module and embed everything here.
- [00:23:55.650]Eyde Olson: We've got a discussion here. Yeah, we could we could prompt students just go the discussion which is embedded right there in the module. So all Angela has to do is go bang bang bang down in order
- [00:24:09.420]Eyde Olson: You also might want to create a module. If you don't already have something like this, a general module about info important information about the course. And notice, first off,
- [00:24:21.690]Eyde Olson: Roland put his virtual office, our link. And this is a zoo and we'll get into this in a minute.
- [00:24:28.530]Eyde Olson: But all you have to do is put the link there. Again, the titles it descriptive Lee and he also gives the time frame for when the office hours are
- [00:24:38.820]Eyde Olson: You might want to since redundancies our friend back that up with an announcement, put the link to the virtual office hours, give the time again also put it in your soul of this. What if in doubt posted lots and lots of places.
- [00:24:53.640]Eyde Olson: So this is a good item to have this general module. You also might want to have a general discussion post create one that tell students
- [00:25:05.760]Eyde Olson: If you have a question posted here, encourage them to answer each other's questions. And this isn't a efficient way for the instructor to respond to a bunch of queries and the instructor can also take these queries and also back it up with an announcement.
- [00:25:22.530]Eyde Olson: So next let's go back to our slides of second one. Okay. Okay, so moving on lesson delivery vid grid.
- [00:25:37.290]Eyde Olson: We're going to look at how to do all these recordings, how to upload a few tips and we'll repeat these over and over, make them short. Maybe one short video one concept.
- [00:25:49.260]Eyde Olson: If you're reading Sinclair Lewis, a five minute video about mainstream a five minute video about Elmer gantry
- [00:25:59.340]Eyde Olson: Make them short.
- [00:26:02.340]Eyde Olson: Hit your pause button and will actually do that job up a few discussion points.
- [00:26:08.490]Eyde Olson: And stick to those don't worry about making it really perfection. Do not strive for perfection. Your students do not care that you're perfect. All they care about is that you're reaching, reaching out to them. So let's go ahead and get to our vid grid tab.
- [00:26:39.600]Eyde Olson: Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and log out of here.
- [00:26:44.640]Eyde Olson: Me move you guys around so I can get to there. I want to show you what it is.
- [00:26:50.940]Eyde Olson: That you will see when you go on, it's kind of confusing. The first step, click the blue enterprise logging. Step one. But this blue enterprise login step to enter in your email.
- [00:27:08.130]Eyde Olson: And then after that you will be prompted to your regular to step login. And since I have already been in bid grid a lot today. It's going to take me immediately to my bid grid, but you your three steps blue enterprise login
- [00:27:27.510]Eyde Olson: Then your email, and then your two step regular so our first look this is what yours will look like, but probably without all these folders, creating folders.
- [00:27:37.830]Eyde Olson: Go to the plus and create a folder for each of your courses. You can also create sub folders within their
- [00:27:44.520]Eyde Olson: Name your folders descriptive Lee, just like you do everything else in in your course and make up, make them make them sink. If you do have some MP4. This is where you can upload those MP force.
- [00:27:58.350]Eyde Olson: So let's go ahead and make a video and walk through everything.
- [00:28:05.910]Eyde Olson: The first time you click the vicar ID recorder, you're probably going to be prompted to upload the recorder. Here's a point here.
- [00:28:15.120]Eyde Olson: Back to cabs.
- [00:28:18.540]Eyde Olson: Only have like two tabs open when you first use the grid whatever you're going to record and then your bid grid cab. Notice how confusing. This is having all these things.
- [00:28:29.940]Eyde Olson: When you're trying to set up your valuable real estate. So just two tabs or maybe three whatever it is you're going to record over this is your screen cast area and then vid grid. So let's decide what we're going to record over
- [00:28:47.370]Eyde Olson: Let's record over that keep learning. So you'll do a little practice every once in a while you'll see how you can move stuff around and set your real estate.
- [00:28:59.220]Eyde Olson: Mind. It's in the middle of the screen. Use Chrome, Safari does not work well with most of the things in Canvas. If you have any kind of problems. Remember my acronym for
- [00:29:13.020]Eyde Olson: 30 cash update refresh reload. Check your browser. In this case, just use just use Chrome. So this will probably take you the most time at the very beginning is
- [00:29:28.650]Eyde Olson: What I call setting up your real estate. And notice here, you can move your face around you can grab and adjust your area. So just practice, you don't take a whole lot of time, this doesn't have to be perfect.
- [00:29:44.190]Eyde Olson: Hopefully you can see the. See the little recorder thing.
- [00:29:47.970]Eyde Olson: This here is where you make adjustments to the to the video part. If you choose to not show your face. Click none, I must emphasize that on Max, you'll have a little bit different settings. So just do a couple trial. Do a couple trial.
- [00:30:04.440]Eyde Olson: And here for the microphone. Same thing. There's going to be some settings. If you have a headset, you would chair to that.
- [00:30:10.350]Eyde Olson: To that. Okay, so let's do a recording. Just click the recording button.
- [00:30:15.960]Eyde Olson: Countdown.
- [00:30:18.630]Eyde Olson: I class. Welcome, I'd like you to take a look at the keep learning quick start guide.
- [00:30:24.600]Eyde Olson: To what I did right there. I just clicked pause had to gather my thoughts. I don't know what I'm going to say next. Okay. I figured it out. So I'm gonna start recording again.
- [00:30:34.920]Eyde Olson: But I'd like you to do is scroll down through the quick start guide and take note of areas that you might find confusing for you, for example, attending a zoom virtual office hour okay hit pause again because I think what I'm going to do is
- [00:30:55.890]Eyde Olson: I'm going to remove my mug. So I just go there and click none there I'm going okay let's say this is done. How do we ended click this little checkmark. Yeah, you see me and it's always it'll prompt you for a title make that descriptive. So I'm going to call it the keep learning
- [00:31:19.170]Eyde Olson: Video clip check mark again.
- [00:31:23.250]Eyde Olson: And now, did you see that another tab opened up and now we'll just have this one video. This is where you could check things out.
- [00:31:33.540]Eyde Olson: And this is one of three ways that you can share your video, put that little share thing.
- [00:31:40.020]Eyde Olson: And get your link that you can put in anywhere, an announcement a discussion, even in an email. This is also the area where you can request captioning.
- [00:31:52.830]Eyde Olson: And transcripts, I would advise a first first publish it and then go back and request the captioning. I'm
- [00:32:03.930]Eyde Olson: In your face to face courses, if you just have a few students. You know who the students were that identified themselves to SSD. We needed captioning. For example, but in this new environment, everything is new students
- [00:32:18.180]Eyde Olson: Really might need captioning. So we've been advising, go ahead and request captioning, especially for your videos that are explaining explaining concepts.
- [00:32:29.280]Eyde Olson: But this is where you request your captioning and I'm not going to go ahead with this, but it's a CC here. So what happened to the the main grid grid.
- [00:32:43.980]Eyde Olson: What happened to where all my other videos are, be patient with the grid. You might have to click on things. A couple times. Anytime you see an arrow that are dropped down there you can see
- [00:32:56.190]Eyde Olson: All those folders. But look here, I can't see that keep learning video we just made on all fours. Where did it go. We're starting to panic right maybe click on another tab will refresh.
- [00:33:14.100]Eyde Olson: To refresh doing remote
- [00:33:19.800]Eyde Olson: Viewing, be patient. Don't panic.
- [00:33:29.070]Eyde Olson: There it is right there. That's the one we just created. Now remember we created a keep teaching folder. How do I get it in there. I've got three courses, I need to have them all. Just grab it and move it. Alright.
- [00:33:43.080]Eyde Olson: So there we go. We've got it in this folder. How do we put this into our Canvas courses.
- [00:33:49.560]Eyde Olson: I know we already talked about even copy that link and you could put it in an announcement. But is there a way that we could put it directly into a page, perhaps, or even an assignment. There is a really easy, easy way
- [00:34:04.500]Eyde Olson: Okay, let me get back to our
- [00:34:09.000]Eyde Olson: Not Rowan's. We don't want to put it into Roland
- [00:34:13.170]Eyde Olson: Let's get into our presentation sandbox. Hey, let's open the page.
- [00:34:19.890]Eyde Olson: Just like always go for the plus
- [00:34:24.540]Eyde Olson: Title it
- [00:34:29.520]Eyde Olson: You'll have some introductory text here. Introducing know what, why and and what the purpose of this video is
- [00:34:39.000]Eyde Olson: Look on this be right here.
- [00:34:41.910]Eyde Olson: Second row. And there you go. You got your bid grid in bed.
- [00:34:49.020]Eyde Olson: We'll look at this couple times with okay
- [00:34:54.810]Eyde Olson: Again, be patient might take a while. When you use big grid to I didn't mention this along with only like two tabs shut everything else down. I forgot to mention that
- [00:35:05.880]Eyde Olson: Shut your email down, shut your teams down, shut your notifications down, shut. If you have multiple browsers open and word shut it all down just focus on creating this one bit grid.
- [00:35:19.290]Eyde Olson: Video. So just two three tabs. Everything else shut down.
- [00:35:23.760]Eyde Olson: Because in my experience, what has happened. If you got a bunch of things open you'll wind up getting all these multiple pop ups of the video recorder and then you'll get all all frustrated. So make it simple two tabs one browser make that Chrome shut everything else down
- [00:35:42.480]Eyde Olson: Wow, where did that video go, I want to embed it. Where did it go okay patience. Oh, there's my folders, just click on something else. There's I keep teaching. All right. There it is. Click that.
- [00:35:59.130]Eyde Olson: How do we get, how do I get in there. Just click the check.
- [00:36:03.270]Eyde Olson: All right.
- [00:36:05.580]Eyde Olson: It'll take a little minute. Be patient. There it is.
- [00:36:09.750]Eyde Olson: Okay. And while we're here,
- [00:36:13.950]Eyde Olson: In a canvas page. Let's look quickly at some of these other features in the rich text box editor. We're familiar with all these formatting ones.
- [00:36:25.350]Eyde Olson: Nice thing is all you have to do is hover over them and it'll tell you what they are. I really like this clear functioning.
- [00:36:34.410]Eyde Olson: At this time, you might be copying a lot of content from where this will save you some frustration.
- [00:36:41.520]Eyde Olson: If nothing will format properly in Canvas. So copy your word text paste it here in your canvas text editor box and then highlight it and click this clear formatting that will remove all the extra formatting in the code behind the word. So these other
- [00:37:03.840]Eyde Olson: These other functions in the second row. This is how you add a link picture.
- [00:37:10.980]Eyde Olson: If you want to link to your box to a YouTube video again here's where you do your vid grid embed take you directly to your big grid account. And while we're here, let's look at a another solution or reestablishing lesson delivery. This is a low band no sighs option for an audio.
- [00:37:38.490]Eyde Olson: See what I did there. Let's go back.
- [00:37:41.370]Eyde Olson: With the play button record upload media. This is your audio option. So you might want to do your text first explain it.
- [00:37:52.590]Eyde Olson: Put that record upload media option. And since our purpose here for the purposes of this is just to do an audio. Go ahead, click on your webcam options. I'm going to take that off because I just want to do an audio so you simply click Start Recording countdown.
- [00:38:15.150]Eyde Olson: I class please look at the keep learning quick start guide, go to the discussion and then tell everyone how you're going to overcome challenges there.
- [00:38:28.740]Eyde Olson: Click Start as always. It prompts you to title it
- [00:38:34.350]Eyde Olson: This isn't a very descriptive. I'm just going to call it audio say
- [00:38:41.730]Eyde Olson: And Rican it embeds automatically in the rich text editor box. So this is an option for audio recording most size. Here's how you can get your vid grid in there. Here's how you can link to your box and a link and all your formatting.
- [00:39:03.510]Eyde Olson: Great, we just went over quite a few options for reestablishing our lesson delivery, let's take a minute here mixture. We went over all our points for bit grid yeah short one concept don't include images. You don't want to make these any larger and
- [00:39:25.110]Eyde Olson: Really, really, really important.
- [00:39:28.890]Eyde Olson: Simple as best don't focus too much don't edit your students just want to hear from you.
- [00:39:38.400]Eyde Olson: Okay, other
- [00:39:41.970]Eyde Olson: Okay, we already did this one didn't wait another way to do an audio file, make them. Sure.
- [00:39:51.990]Eyde Olson: one video per concept.
- [00:39:56.610]Eyde Olson: All right. Now another solution here. You, you can use PowerPoint record with audio one of our
- [00:40:05.280]Eyde Olson: God professors David Harwood here. He came up with a really good solution for the whiteboard or professors for how to use screen capture and a stylist in and let me see if I can find that
- [00:40:24.180]Eyde Olson: There we go.
- [00:40:26.550]Eyde Olson: Where this is posted at it's in an instructor guide. This is campus course that all instructors have access to. If the first time you can't find it in your dashboard. Go to the courses and it will be there.
- [00:40:41.520]Eyde Olson: All these really good modules, what the CT CT
- [00:40:47.730]Eyde Olson: Is coordinating with faculty like David Harwood in the discussions compiling really good suggestions for at this time, converting to the remote learning. So take a look at this. It's an, an instructor guide. It's in the discussions. Look at all these, these are really great
- [00:41:08.040]Eyde Olson: David's
- [00:41:10.740]Eyde Olson: One of the discussions, he created a really nice video. This is especially good for instructors like math instructors that philosophy professor. The other day with proofs.
- [00:41:23.430]Eyde Olson: Really good explainer video that explains, really, really, really well. And what I particularly like about what David did was the process instructions. They are so clear even says what to click on and where that click is
- [00:41:42.240]Eyde Olson: Tell us what color to go for. So this is an example of extraordinary people in these extraordinary times providing extraordinary resources under the instructor guide discussions.
- [00:41:58.230]Eyde Olson: Flow. Moving on.
- [00:42:00.930]Eyde Olson: Zoom. Let's get into Zoom Zoom is for real time Zoom is for your office hours. Zoom is maybe for setting up a recurring anytime type of meeting for your students to get together and talk with each other again again Zoom is not for you to record your 15 minute lectures and expect
- [00:42:25.500]Eyde Olson: Angela.
- [00:42:27.870]Eyde Olson: To be able to accommodate the time when you are showing things. So let me, bear with me. Let me find there we go right here. This tutorial Leona zoom essentials. This is your friend.
- [00:42:46.050]Eyde Olson: Two pages we own it goes through everything. So clearly, she tells you how to login. Notice that the login presume backslash is
- [00:43:00.030]Eyde Olson: Leona tells you not only how to login, but also how to get the link from your meeting space that you will then share with your students for the virtual office hours.
- [00:43:10.170]Eyde Olson: She also tells you how to check your audio and how to share your screen and how to end the meeting. Plus, she has lots of other tutorials
- [00:43:22.200]Eyde Olson: So let's go ahead and quick look.
- [00:43:26.430]Eyde Olson: At one area of zoom. How do I get to the URL to share with my students go to your profile.
- [00:43:36.900]Eyde Olson: And there you go, this link right here.
- [00:43:40.620]Eyde Olson: This is what you're going to share with your students.
- [00:43:44.970]Eyde Olson: Let's see what it looks like now we're in my sandbox.
- [00:43:55.860]Eyde Olson: I created a course information.
- [00:43:59.880]Eyde Olson: module that you're probably going to do also. So right here I told my students when the virtual office hours would be
- [00:44:10.140]Eyde Olson: And I move you guys around again.
- [00:44:13.680]Eyde Olson: You're in my real estate.
- [00:44:16.950]Eyde Olson: And that's that link that we copied from zoom and we paste it right there.
- [00:44:22.110]Eyde Olson: While working. If you ever see this load in a new tab, usually with your URLs. Go ahead and select that it makes sure it makes it much easier for your students to find some just do it load in new tab, select that.
- [00:44:37.590]Eyde Olson: Okay.
- [00:44:42.420]Eyde Olson: So yeah, we've talked about all those things in, zoom, and we can work one on one with you.
- [00:44:48.660]Eyde Olson: On those things. But let's go into the fourth section re establishing assessment, we're going to open this up for discussion now but before we do, let's share a few examples that we've come across for for this week.
- [00:45:03.330]Eyde Olson: Beginning with man does when she came and we wanted to talk about what we can do about her proc during
- [00:45:10.080]Eyde Olson: We removed IP we remove the that I address that address to the DLC from her tests.
- [00:45:17.250]Eyde Olson: She had distance fracturing we remove the access code there, I believe we shorten the time
- [00:45:23.910]Eyde Olson: And I think we gave two attempts, didn't we, to forestall any technical issues so that the instructor wouldn't be so that she wouldn't be inundated with hundreds, hundreds of students.
- [00:45:34.830]Eyde Olson: Another thing that we talked about this week was great waiting, maybe give students the option of
- [00:45:42.120]Eyde Olson: Assignments in the first two thirds of the course be weighted more than assignments and the last third but you do have to worry do have to consider not making it to two extreme
- [00:45:57.510]Eyde Olson: Um, one of my geography instructors were going through all the assessments. She already had in the course already had set up. She had numerous she had quizzes. She had written assignments.
- [00:46:10.200]Eyde Olson: And we determined that she didn't even need to give the final exam. So those are a couple things you could do. Um, what
- [00:46:21.030]Eyde Olson: This morning the fellow was talking about the lowest common denominator. He used the analogy of when he used to be a ski instructor. He said he's got students that are up on the top.
- [00:46:35.730]Eyde Olson: Who are really, really expert and then he's got students that he just wants to make sure that they get safely down the hill, and he said, in this instance, he can he likens it to
- [00:46:48.750]Eyde Olson: low bandwidth students that have to share their technology with others. He said it doesn't want to penalize them by teaching to the expert skiers, the ones with a high high bandwidth. So, um, do you guys have anything to share solutions.
- [00:47:10.170]Eyde Olson: For re establishing assessment man door David right here on the course.
- [00:47:18.150]Eyde Olson: Not we didn't recover. Is there anything coming from the folks on zoom that we could give them the mic and talk about their challenges.
- [00:47:28.770]Eyde Olson: Their solutions.
- [00:47:36.510]Eyde Olson: Us about eating what they learned
- [00:47:42.360]Eyde Olson: Is that's unique Kim did one here okay yeah I'm be creative.
- [00:47:49.500]Eyde Olson: Use what you know it's more about on applying what they learned
- [00:47:57.750]Eyde Olson: Not
- [00:47:59.280]Eyde Olson: Not recreating what they what they memorized and that was okay, good.
- [00:48:20.910]Eyde Olson: Myself, I knew I use my personal meeting link every time you have
- [00:48:28.200]Eyde Olson: Yeah, yeah. And it's one that it's my personal meeting link. And it's the same. It's a, it's the same. And I customized it. I put it
- [00:48:37.620]Eyde Olson: I put the ED Olsen's meeting. And then when I have one on one, consult with instructors. I use that one. And when I scheduled then it interfaces with Outlook and I just email that to to them.
- [00:48:52.860]Eyde Olson: This is what I know about the group.
- [00:48:59.760]Eyde Olson: Is mine. Okay, any other questions. Any other challenges you might sell them.
- [00:49:13.290]Eyde Olson: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, David. David is creating a tutorial in the an instructor guide in the discussions area one specific to zoom. He's going to include options for
- [00:49:31.380]Eyde Olson: Students for office hours. He's going to include an option for student working groups and that this could be open and then anytime they could get into
- [00:49:46.230]Eyde Olson: Ok, ok, and it will be posted in the same place in your an instructor guide, which is a Canvas course and you all have access to that in the discussions and he's creating that right right now of perfect prime example of
- [00:50:03.210]Eyde Olson: Flexibility and extraordinary, extraordinary resources we have.
- [00:50:12.960]Manda Williamson: We are getting ready to just wrap this up. She's got a couple more slides. But if, if you have any questions, please go ahead and post them. Now I will read them to her. Otherwise, we're going to proceed with the wrap up.
- [00:50:26.100]Manda Williamson: Hang on one
- [00:50:30.570]Eyde Olson: She muted me
- [00:50:33.690]Eyde Olson: You got me.
- [00:50:36.750]Eyde Olson: Okay member IDs are wonderful teaching partners IPS are Leona is Cree is giving yeah I guess tomorrow, a vid grid. So, the link is right here and just go to the and
- [00:50:57.750]Eyde Olson: Put something in the search field because she's on the, on the fly, adding extra new workshops as they're needed. And back to a reminder. Another place for you. Look, other resources, those quick start guides on CT
- [00:51:16.830]Eyde Olson: That zoom essentials leona's to page.
- [00:51:20.730]Eyde Olson: A link to the direct UL vit grid site Robert myself. It is folks. Let's move this thing around the teaching Academy fellows. And again, you guys are giving
- [00:51:35.640]Eyde Olson: virtual office hours for help tomorrow and Friday at 10 and one and that's on the EDC email so you can find that there. Don't forget your campus hell.
- [00:51:48.150]Eyde Olson: And also the Copa the College of Arts and Sciences coven 19. And finally, I'd like to end these are two absolutely amazing, amazing articles Kevin Gannon has how to make your online pivot less Rudel
- [00:52:08.310]Eyde Olson: He has some wonderful
- [00:52:11.580]Eyde Olson: Some wonderful suggestions what we've already talked about keep it as simple and accessible as you can. And how do we make that accessible. We just use the technology that everyone can can accesses can access
- [00:52:30.030]Eyde Olson: Be flexible. Be patient. Be good to yourself, you talk to your students does not have to be impersonal this other article I love the title.
- [00:52:41.850]Eyde Olson: And again, this isn't the last slide, and you have access to all those slides please do a bad job of putting your courses online.
- [00:52:49.140]Eyde Olson: This is kind of tongue in cheek, because she does a really good job, the suggestions you know your students might not know so much about technology than you think they might be accessing the internet on their phones, what we have been emphasizing they did not sign up for an online course.
- [00:53:11.460]Eyde Olson: There'll be sharing their technology with other household members, they might be working more they might get sick, they might be helping other people in the family parenting, we've got
- [00:53:24.720]Eyde Olson: Mental health issues, social isolation, all these kinds of things. So she gives some really good suggestions, maybe put most of your energy on those required courses and what you've been saying over and over, do not require synchronous were
- [00:53:45.870]Eyde Olson: No proc during no synchronous work if you do record lectures, make them short one concept for lecture. Don't fuss around editing use the university supported tools. Use what you know.
- [00:54:04.890]Eyde Olson: Don't fuss about the videos don't edit make we didn't mention this one consistency.
- [00:54:12.360]Eyde Olson: Make your due dates all on on the same make all your assignments in that course on the same day. Your students now have four courses where you don't want to be messing around with different different dates.
- [00:54:25.980]Eyde Olson: This was an option for cast. We didn't bring up. If your publisher has a space, you might want to use them. That is an option for making your exams more rigorous because you can pull from a large number of questions.
- [00:54:41.820]Eyde Olson: Allow a couple takes so that you're not hit with all these technical issues, no prob during
- [00:54:51.120]Eyde Olson: Remind, remind remind redundancy as our friend post stuff in multiple places.
- [00:55:00.600]Eyde Olson: Don't do too much right now. Remember, take care of yourselves be flexible. Be patient. Take that deep breath. We'll get through this together. I've been saying a lot lately are teaching community is a wondrous thing.
- [00:55:18.210]Eyde Olson: But if you
- [00:55:19.770]Eyde Olson: Thank you baby.
- [00:55:21.540]Manda Williamson: Alright, that concludes the last of our six sessions I will leave
- [00:55:27.030]Manda Williamson: The meeting open for a few more minutes. If you will desire to download a transcript of the chat if there are any URLs that you are afraid you might not be able to get to that were shared in the chat just
- [00:55:37.770]Manda Williamson: Take your mouse scroll it over the chat window. Find the box in the lower right hand corner with the three dots in it and click on it. Follow the prompts to download a text file.
- [00:55:49.590]Manda Williamson: And I think that should conclude it so at about 158 I'm going to exit the meeting. If you have any questions or anything, just let us know we're all here here for you.
- [00:56:00.810]Manda Williamson: You'll have a great week, take care of your families. Thank you. Bye bye.
- [00:56:12.900]Manda Williamson: Know,
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