Digitizing Learning for Students with Autism
Sean Smith Ph.D.
Digitizing Learning
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- [00:00:01.160]Hello, my name is Sean Smith
- [00:00:04.170]and welcome to a session where we're gonna focus in on
- [00:00:08.240]digital learning, remote learning, online learning
- [00:00:12.770]face-to-face learning with supports
- [00:00:15.360]and the list of thing goes on.
- [00:00:17.860]For individuals particularly with autism,
- [00:00:20.690]but really yeah across the spectrum.
- [00:00:23.290]And when I say across the spectrum,
- [00:00:25.440]I mean across really the spectrum
- [00:00:27.130]of individuals that we serve.
- [00:00:30.060]Now as you can see, this is closed captioned
- [00:00:33.610]in so doing, I will try to speak as clearly as possible
- [00:00:38.400]but also my rate might be a bit stilted and I apologize
- [00:00:43.770]but I wanna make sure this closed captioning
- [00:00:46.710]as clean as possible.
- [00:00:49.730]So let's get started.
- [00:00:51.700]The first thing I wanna make you aware of,
- [00:00:54.150]is this presentation, is a Google Slide presentation.
- [00:00:58.880]And I share this with you for a couple of different reasons.
- [00:01:03.130]First of all, as a Google Slide presentation
- [00:01:06.760]I've embedded several resource links.
- [00:01:10.090]So I wanna make sure you have access to those links.
- [00:01:14.040]So I created a bitly, which simply shortened that long what?
- [00:01:18.980]50 to 70 character location address for the Google Slide
- [00:01:24.740]into something a little bit more manageable.
- [00:01:28.120]One of the things I do wanna reinforce
- [00:01:30.210]as you're typing bitly in, is that it is case sensitive.
- [00:01:34.720]So yes, you have to have an upper case K
- [00:01:37.920]and an upper case R.
- [00:01:40.680]Next, don't put in the www prior to the bitly.
- [00:01:45.510]That's not necessary.
- [00:01:47.570]But I hope you do access this resource
- [00:01:50.370]since it was created as a tool for you.
- [00:01:54.830]Well, let's get started.
- [00:01:56.900]So as we get started, one of the things I do wanna
- [00:01:59.550]appreciate and that we've all been living in
- [00:02:02.380]for almost a year now, is very much a new normal
- [00:02:06.300]and this new normal takes on many different things.
- [00:02:09.750]At the end of the day, we've really had to be flexible.
- [00:02:13.750]We've had to compromise and we've had to
- [00:02:17.430]allow digital solutions to become our friend.
- [00:02:21.110]I'm gonna take this presentation
- [00:02:22.910]on a glass half full perspective.
- [00:02:26.750]There's a lot of challenges, but there's some positives
- [00:02:29.860]and that's how I'll take this presentation.
- [00:02:32.830]So let's get started.
- [00:02:34.800]The first thing I wanna make sure
- [00:02:37.130]that we are saying out loud,
- [00:02:39.870]is COVID has required a number of different things.
- [00:02:43.890]And yes, depending upon your district,
- [00:02:46.740]you may be very much face to face.
- [00:02:49.270]But face to face may be with masks, of course, with masks
- [00:02:53.640]with plexiglass, with distancing, maybe with gloves
- [00:02:58.830]maybe with some of our students, some days
- [00:03:01.210]some of our students on other days and a list of things.
- [00:03:05.450]We may also be online one day and face-to-face another.
- [00:03:10.140]That happened actually this week here in Kansas,
- [00:03:14.300]where we were face-to-face one day,
- [00:03:18.640]we were remote another day due to the weather
- [00:03:21.690]and then due to the power
- [00:03:23.680]we were, no, it was a snow day.
- [00:03:26.780]It really was a power day.
- [00:03:29.380]And now we're back to face to face, excuse me,
- [00:03:32.470]we're back to remote today, and then face-to-face tomorrow.
- [00:03:36.700]I have to get my days straight.
- [00:03:39.750]No time for planning, right?
- [00:03:42.670]A lot of technologies that we've become familiar with
- [00:03:45.420]but still are we expert with, are we using and designing
- [00:03:49.090]in the way most appropriate
- [00:03:50.690]for the learners we're working with?
- [00:03:52.830]And this idea of being isolated
- [00:03:55.580]particularly the students we're serving
- [00:03:58.410]but the families that surround those students
- [00:04:01.200]or the adult caregivers that surround those students.
- [00:04:04.130]And of course, ourselves as professionals
- [00:04:07.130]or as parents or whatever role we serve
- [00:04:10.860]this has been very, very different.
- [00:04:13.010]And you just wanna appreciate that fact.
- [00:04:15.930]Now we also have been inundated with technology resources
- [00:04:21.280]and I wanna appreciate that fact.
- [00:04:23.370]There are folks that become stars
- [00:04:25.440]of the internet for educators.
- [00:04:27.720]They become our lifeline, but also for many of us
- [00:04:31.700]we've been overwhelmed with the amount of digital solutions.
- [00:04:35.790]And so maybe we've compromised by saying
- [00:04:38.670]we'll learn the basics of our learning management system
- [00:04:41.650]and we'll use that well, or we'll use what we know well.
- [00:04:46.670]Or from a parent perspective, oh my gosh
- [00:04:49.590]I'm getting updates regularly,
- [00:04:51.350]I'm not sure what to take in what to take out.
- [00:04:54.700]So maybe we filtered everything out
- [00:04:57.360]and we're going old-school.
- [00:04:59.350]Or we're allowing the school to kind of direct everything
- [00:05:03.110]and home is home and everything in between.
- [00:05:06.730]But we know there's a number
- [00:05:08.430]of digital solutions out there
- [00:05:11.020]that had become part of our reality.
- [00:05:14.100]The other element
- [00:05:15.580]of our reality is we've had to design and plan differently.
- [00:05:20.530]We've had to design and plan
- [00:05:22.040]for variability in our students that we knew existed
- [00:05:24.650]but now has been extended due to the fact that
- [00:05:28.060]they're having to wear a mask or due to the fact that
- [00:05:30.740]we don't have access to them as much as we would like to.
- [00:05:34.330]Or maybe we don't have the physical access
- [00:05:36.780]in terms of being able to support them
- [00:05:39.630]in proximity and other types of prompting.
- [00:05:42.690]And of course there's a number of other barriers,
- [00:05:45.060]be it the technology, be it, what we're not able to do
- [00:05:48.170]with the content and curriculum and everything else.
- [00:05:51.300]And of course our students are facing a number
- [00:05:53.470]of barriers to go along with it.
- [00:05:56.430]So, many of us have had to focus in on our big ideas.
- [00:06:01.050]And this is something that in all honesty,
- [00:06:03.530]I see as a strength.
- [00:06:05.540]And what I mean by this, is something that I've lived
- [00:06:08.810]as a parent of a child with a disability.
- [00:06:12.140]And let me start with Nolan,
- [00:06:13.860]and then I'll try to further illustrate what I think
- [00:06:16.260]many of us have done.
- [00:06:18.320]See Nolan is my son with down syndrome.
- [00:06:21.570]And early on in his life, and he's 20 now.
- [00:06:25.360]Early on in his life, we had to focus in on what we saw
- [00:06:29.000]were our big ideas with Nolan.
- [00:06:31.300]And right from the get-go, it was speech
- [00:06:34.320]we felt if he could not communicate with others
- [00:06:37.800]that any inclusionary opportunity would be limited.
- [00:06:41.780]Any efforts to include would be limited.
- [00:06:44.750]Any learning opportunities would be limited
- [00:06:47.850]and the list goes on.
- [00:06:49.570]So we focus right from day one on speech.
- [00:06:53.540]Within first three weeks of his life
- [00:06:55.750]he was receiving speech and he's received weekly speech
- [00:06:59.970]pretty much his entire life.
- [00:07:02.210]That has been our focus if not three to four times a week.
- [00:07:07.110]So, we have had to take off the list, some other things.
- [00:07:11.480]So is he an awesome physical shape?
- [00:07:15.300]He's in good shape, but could clearly be better.
- [00:07:20.450]Did we focus in on some of the PT and OT?
- [00:07:23.520]We certainly did, but maybe to the detriment of that speech.
- [00:07:28.110]So, what we have found in the COVID. is the fact that
- [00:07:33.040]we've had to focus in on elements
- [00:07:35.900]because of what we've been restricted on.
- [00:07:38.560]Now, it might be that we have focused in
- [00:07:40.930]and our determination of our big ideas has been focused
- [00:07:45.150]on what can we do well in the situation we're in?
- [00:07:49.450]So it might be the fact that when the students are with us
- [00:07:52.330]we can do a lot of reading interventions.
- [00:07:54.810]But maybe we can't do X
- [00:07:57.470]or maybe the home can support us in this manner.
- [00:08:00.820]So we're gonna empower the home to do this practice
- [00:08:04.610]to do this in addition to extended work
- [00:08:07.920]to do this reinforcement
- [00:08:09.940]since we don't have that time element in the school
- [00:08:13.520]or maybe we have focused in on,
- [00:08:15.320]Oh my goodness the child needs this.
- [00:08:18.250]So for example, my nephew, Michael, who is, has autism
- [00:08:22.990]in need of level three supports,
- [00:08:24.910]school has really focused in on behavior.
- [00:08:27.930]Really focused in an elements of ABA
- [00:08:30.890]and really focused in on structure.
- [00:08:33.620]Because when he gets home with two other siblings
- [00:08:37.110]homeschooling with mom working for home
- [00:08:39.940]and those two other siblings are not homeschooling
- [00:08:42.870]they're working remotely, but also depends upon the week
- [00:08:45.550]face to face, that structure, that consistency
- [00:08:49.860]that ability to implement things
- [00:08:51.820]at the home are limited because mom is working from home,
- [00:08:56.880]the siblings are doing all sorts of different things.
- [00:08:59.290]So that structure at school is the constant, is the focus.
- [00:09:03.320]And I could go on and on and on, but I wanna reinforce
- [00:09:06.410]many of us have had to do this.
- [00:09:08.140]And to me, that's a primary focus
- [00:09:10.970]and in some of our decision-making.
- [00:09:13.500]Okay, so with our design aspects and if you were with me
- [00:09:17.240]back in September, I was reinforcing
- [00:09:19.960]from our design aspects, we need to look at frameworks
- [00:09:23.260]and the universal design for learning framework is critical.
- [00:09:27.400]If you miss that presentation, I'd urge you to go back
- [00:09:30.310]to the September one, to look at that.
- [00:09:33.070]But I also know many of us are already familiar
- [00:09:35.900]with the design elements.
- [00:09:38.040]Now I'm gonna urge us though
- [00:09:39.890]to go beyond just simply being familiar with
- [00:09:43.710]because see the universal design
- [00:09:45.960]for learning framework allows us to take these
- [00:09:48.990]technologies that are becoming readily available to us
- [00:09:53.210]and really alter the way that we instruct, support, guide
- [00:09:58.510]and any other word you wanna use to meet the needs
- [00:10:01.680]of individuals with autism,
- [00:10:04.070]as well as individuals with disabilities.
- [00:10:06.700]Brief example that we talked about in December
- [00:10:10.080]is reading now from a fluency,
- [00:10:13.050]from a phonological awareness perspective,
- [00:10:15.480]from an access to reading.
- [00:10:18.060]The text to speech is a tool to allow us to represent
- [00:10:22.470]that text in a variety of different ways.
- [00:10:25.490]And it really alters that experience from a redesign
- [00:10:29.710]in that we have digital text instead of the simply
- [00:10:32.550]limited print text, and then the tools that surround it.
- [00:10:36.160]And again, if you're interested in that aspect
- [00:10:38.830]that back in December, you can take a look at that.
- [00:10:41.780]Excuse me, September, you can take a look at that.
- [00:10:45.220]Another element though, in our big ideas, in our redesign
- [00:10:49.317]and our replanning of course goes to empowering our parents.
- [00:10:53.560]That's not a focus for today, but I can't reinforce
- [00:10:57.450]the fact that we have to in our efforts,
- [00:11:00.800]empower the adults in the home,
- [00:11:02.960]empower the parents as educators
- [00:11:05.520]to be able to support the learners we're working with
- [00:11:08.870]to support their children.
- [00:11:10.560]If we're parents or adult caregivers
- [00:11:13.240]we need to engage teachers, educators
- [00:11:16.970]at a level that we have not done to make certain
- [00:11:19.690]that we are becoming empowered.
- [00:11:21.680]Now, again, we're almost a year into this.
- [00:11:24.030]So of course you're saying
- [00:11:25.440]does Sean get into something that's relevant?
- [00:11:27.810]We're doing this.
- [00:11:28.860]Okay, let's move into it.
- [00:11:31.290]Oh, and by the way, this is a visual
- [00:11:34.010]of some tools like Read and Write, which is a Chrome app,
- [00:11:38.760]and I just simply wanna give that
- [00:11:40.620]as a additional resource.
- [00:11:43.580]All right, finally, before I move on to specifically
- [00:11:47.930]what I wanna focus in on today,
- [00:11:50.400]I do wanna reinforce that the schoolvirtually.org tag
- [00:11:55.160]that you see at the bottom, is a website that was created
- [00:11:59.490]right at the beginning of this pandemic almost a year ago.
- [00:12:02.980]And we've added to it since that tries to bring to life
- [00:12:07.060]this planning and designing through the UDL framework.
- [00:12:12.700]And the idea here is that we've connected the UDL framework
- [00:12:17.930]to digital tools to ways to support face-to-face,
- [00:12:22.300]remote, distance and blended and online learning.
- [00:12:26.960]So if you're looking for direct ways
- [00:12:29.300]if you're looking for video examples
- [00:12:31.460]if you're looking for tools that would allow you
- [00:12:34.050]to multiple means of representation, engage, et cetera
- [00:12:38.880]we have a variety of things at this site,
- [00:12:41.390]schoolvirtually.org.
- [00:12:44.230]Okay, so the agenda for today.
- [00:12:46.770]What I wanna focus in on today are two different areas.
- [00:12:49.910]I wanna focus in on social, emotional, learning,
- [00:12:53.270]or social skill development, an area critical
- [00:12:56.500]for a number of students with autism
- [00:12:58.780]but also a broader area of engagement
- [00:13:02.600]because that is an ongoing area of for many of our learners.
- [00:13:06.400]How do we engage them?
- [00:13:08.250]Be it socially distanced, face to face, online,
- [00:13:12.020]blended in everything in between.
- [00:13:14.030]So let's focus in on those two areas for the remaining 30
- [00:13:17.290]or so minutes that we have today.
- [00:13:19.480]To get started, let's start with
- [00:13:21.570]this most social, emotional learning.
- [00:13:24.400]Now, many of us are familiar with it.
- [00:13:26.240]Many of us know that it aligns to national
- [00:13:28.900]as well as state standards.
- [00:13:31.290]Casel of course, is the leader on this and that C-A-S-E-L.
- [00:13:37.820]So that of course is hyperlinked in case you need it.
- [00:13:41.950]I'm just gonna not gonna go there,
- [00:13:43.490]I'll reinforce it's there.
- [00:13:45.200]And that hyperlink takes you to this website
- [00:13:49.250]that emphasizes the five core competencies
- [00:13:52.730]and ways to meet those five core competencies.
- [00:13:55.970]Now, I'm gonna talk about some technologies
- [00:13:57.800]in just a moment, but I wanna reinforce it's everything
- [00:14:01.510]from self-awareness down to making responsible decisions.
- [00:14:06.400]Now, of course, I know we're not asking why
- [00:14:09.980]but in case we are, we course know individuals
- [00:14:12.890]with autism have social skill, competency deficits.
- [00:14:17.130]But we also know unless we've been living in a cave.
- [00:14:21.030]And by the way, when you start looking at caves
- [00:14:24.080]there are some nice places out there that you could
- [00:14:26.730]live in that are caves,
- [00:14:28.090]but that's a more of a side ha ha ha.
- [00:14:31.060]But why SEL is, we know
- [00:14:33.870]if we address the social, emotional, social skill aspect
- [00:14:37.310]we can increase students' self-awareness
- [00:14:39.090]of what they're doing.
- [00:14:40.490]There's no question.
- [00:14:41.610]It improves academic performance.
- [00:14:44.450]It enhances positive behavior.
- [00:14:47.460]And the other component that we're definitely knowing
- [00:14:50.170]amongst our individual autism, but also nationally
- [00:14:53.680]and globally with all individuals is, it's really critical
- [00:14:57.220]for a post high school,
- [00:14:59.530]post-school experience in employment.
- [00:15:02.890]Social skills are critical
- [00:15:04.890]as noted there with the 2018 study.
- [00:15:09.200]So with that said, there's a number of different ways
- [00:15:12.750]of breaking down the social skill conundrum.
- [00:15:18.160]Now this is one that was organized
- [00:15:21.160]for a number of different states.
- [00:15:23.610]It is organized into, and I'm actually gonna click
- [00:15:26.182]on this tool just a second here.
- [00:15:31.370]Now I know we're losing the closed captioning
- [00:15:33.780]and that's just for a pause.
- [00:15:35.120]We'll get that back up
- [00:15:36.000]in the presentation for just a moment.
- [00:15:38.150]So I apologize, but I wanna make folks aware
- [00:15:41.710]that this is an interactive visual.
- [00:15:44.230]And what's been created here is for example
- [00:15:47.230]I'm trying to develop perseverance
- [00:15:49.530]will they have an introductory video about what this is?
- [00:15:52.660]They have a breakdown, particularly
- [00:15:54.780]for middle and high school students
- [00:15:56.230]and how to do this in terms of research, they have a Padlet
- [00:16:00.800]which was an interactive tool where there's a number
- [00:16:03.350]of resources located
- [00:16:04.900]and they have a poster that visualizes that process.
- [00:16:08.330]Self-awareness they have a few additional resources
- [00:16:10.860]but the idea here.
- [00:16:13.660]So the idea here, oops.
- [00:16:17.690]The idea here is that this visual had been broken
- [00:16:23.210]down to be very interactive
- [00:16:25.670]to allow us to look at intra, inter and cognitive skills
- [00:16:30.400]aligned with social skill development.
- [00:16:32.900]I'll leave that as a resource for you in the future.
- [00:16:36.880]Now, there's also a wonderful video
- [00:16:39.300]that introduces these elements.
- [00:16:41.610]I'll let you take a look at that at your leisure as well.
- [00:16:44.640]This is very much gained towards educators.
- [00:16:47.830]So if that helps.
- [00:16:49.600]There's also a number of strategies that we can use
- [00:16:53.000]to develop social emotional and social skill development.
- [00:16:57.070]Again, I've created resources and this little circle
- [00:17:01.690]with the light bulb takes you
- [00:17:04.060]to a link which offers 13 evidence-based ways
- [00:17:09.810]to teach social skills.
- [00:17:11.960]So I'll get back here.
- [00:17:12.980]So the closed captioning can be seen
- [00:17:15.520]but those 13 evidence-based ways to teach social skills,
- [00:17:19.250]are there just for your ability later on to look at ways
- [00:17:23.410]of developing social skills.
- [00:17:25.730]Now of course, many of us know
- [00:17:27.630]and if you were with me back in September,
- [00:17:30.170]video modeling is a very effective way
- [00:17:32.870]to develop social skills.
- [00:17:34.940]And yes, it's not just simply video and a model.
- [00:17:38.370]And yes, I have and had a huge crush on Cindy Crawford.
- [00:17:42.590]But video modeling the basics is it covers a number
- [00:17:46.950]of different areas.
- [00:17:48.170]And if you want more detail on this
- [00:17:50.450]please look at my September presentation.
- [00:17:53.170]But the big thing here is all the different components
- [00:17:55.720]that we're challenged with due to the pandemic, everything
- [00:17:59.150]from that social interaction, emotional recognition,
- [00:18:02.550]areas we're not able to concentrate well on due to the fact
- [00:18:07.590]that we're wearing masks,
- [00:18:09.040]due to the fact that we're isolated in our own homes
- [00:18:12.680]and everything in between.
- [00:18:14.790]This is an area that probably has slipped off our radar.
- [00:18:18.560]Maybe it's something that is not something
- [00:18:21.020]we think we can do well.
- [00:18:22.690]So we've not focused on social skills.
- [00:18:25.360]Video modeling allows us to develop that.
- [00:18:28.580]It is evidence-based as I mentioned earlier
- [00:18:31.580]and it has three primary features.
- [00:18:34.920]First of all, it's simply not a video.
- [00:18:37.200]It is a video that is task analyzed.
- [00:18:40.460]That is an exemplary video that's played for the learner.
- [00:18:44.750]And it's a video
- [00:18:46.360]that the learner can use for prompting and other purposes.
- [00:18:49.910]And I'm sorry that visual got in the way
- [00:18:52.330]but there's a number of steps.
- [00:18:53.960]There's actually 10 steps to follow for video modeling.
- [00:18:58.400]And as a reminder
- [00:18:59.410]there's four components of video modeling, basic modeling,
- [00:19:03.060]where we record that target social skill behavior.
- [00:19:06.060]Self modeling, where we may target,
- [00:19:08.790]we may illustrate that.
- [00:19:10.440]Although many folks think a video model is a self model,
- [00:19:14.420]that's not the case.
- [00:19:15.830]A video model could be something that we create
- [00:19:17.770]with someone else and they watch, understand, learn
- [00:19:21.430]and then begin to apply.
- [00:19:23.250]There's a point of view video modeling
- [00:19:24.870]in terms of the perception
- [00:19:26.510]of what the individual would be looking at.
- [00:19:28.700]And of course the prompting where it breaks
- [00:19:31.730]down the task, pauses, reflects,
- [00:19:34.840]gives the individual a chance to actually do it,
- [00:19:37.150]so to speak.
- [00:19:38.630]I mentioned 10 steps.
- [00:19:40.590]I will not click here, although this is hyperlinked
- [00:19:43.540]as it says, click on the image
- [00:19:45.900]but that takes you to a site where it walks you through
- [00:19:48.970]very specifically the 10 steps
- [00:19:51.360]of creating an effective video modeling.
- [00:19:54.300]A very good approach to develop social,
- [00:19:57.110]emotional learning skills, social skills as well,
- [00:20:00.470]for individuals with disabilities.
- [00:20:03.600]Now, in doing it as a teacher can do things.
- [00:20:09.290]I do, we do but then the learner can as well.
- [00:20:12.330]The beauty here, and one of the reasons
- [00:20:14.100]I'm putting this visual here,
- [00:20:15.640]is regardless of where we're at,
- [00:20:17.930]it could be that we're at a distance.
- [00:20:19.560]It could be the fact that we're at home.
- [00:20:21.400]It could be the fact that we have some face to face
- [00:20:24.060]that we begin this process but then home to home,
- [00:20:26.910]excuse me at home, we extend this learning,
- [00:20:30.310]extend this practice, extend this visualization.
- [00:20:33.510]Lot of flexibility with something like video modeling.
- [00:20:36.670]There's a few examples for you at your leisure.
- [00:20:40.080]And again, something I emphasized
- [00:20:42.130]in our September presentation,
- [00:20:44.220]is that there's so many components of story-boarding,
- [00:20:47.650]organizing getting the ideas down which is a learning
- [00:20:51.450]experience of itself of the social skill
- [00:20:54.660]prior to the actual video modeling.
- [00:20:56.760]And so go back to September to take a look at that.
- [00:20:59.370]Here's some of those resources I shared before.
- [00:21:03.200]Now, social narratives many of us use.
- [00:21:05.920]There's a hyperlink up here to take you to more information
- [00:21:09.350]about narratives, I'll let you look at that at your leisure.
- [00:21:12.930]But the big thing here, of course, it's a brief description.
- [00:21:16.520]It gets individuals to understand how
- [00:21:18.490]that should be thinking, what they're thinking about
- [00:21:20.760]what others are thinking and the list goes on.
- [00:21:23.830]I believe many of us are familiar
- [00:21:25.280]with social stories and social narratives.
- [00:21:27.680]I've given some links in terms of how to create
- [00:21:30.470]but a great tool that we can then further visualize.
- [00:21:33.960]It should take it beyond the text.
- [00:21:36.230]Use the tools we've been learning about
- [00:21:38.720]for multiple means of representation.
- [00:21:41.590]It could be something like a digital book
- [00:21:44.970]where we're using images and the text.
- [00:21:47.870]It could be a comic strip where we will using digital
- [00:21:50.380]and the text.
- [00:21:51.540]It could be boardmaker where we're using digital
- [00:21:54.550]and the text.
- [00:21:56.060]It could be images that we grab from the environment.
- [00:21:59.410]It could be a host of other things.
- [00:22:01.290]And honestly, I think it's almost impossible
- [00:22:04.580]for us to not have used social narratives or social stories
- [00:22:08.550]and just outline the safety requirements of our schools,
- [00:22:12.510]and what's required for social distancing, et cetera.
- [00:22:16.120]Now I will not go to this link because of time,
- [00:22:20.730]but here's another link, if you're looking for 30 plus ways
- [00:22:24.810]to integrate social skills, social emotional learning
- [00:22:27.700]at a distance, pathways to success,
- [00:22:30.650]has giving you those 30 plus ways.
- [00:22:33.250]Everything from using Zoom in the breakout rooms,
- [00:22:36.630]or you know, other video conferencing and breakout rooms
- [00:22:40.670]to structuring the morning that may be at a virtual
- [00:22:45.200]or even at a face-to-face but these greetings
- [00:22:48.640]and how we get things started
- [00:22:50.270]it could be virtual lunch bunches.
- [00:22:52.580]It could be the fact that we practice a model with explicit
- [00:22:55.600]instruction through our video modelings in plus.
- [00:22:59.050]But also it could be the ways we as educators and power
- [00:23:02.740]the home to model, practice, and apply through
- [00:23:07.110]social narratives we create, through instructions we create,
- [00:23:10.410]through modeling we create, the list of thing goes on.
- [00:23:13.870]So it's more what we create that then is implemented
- [00:23:17.420]in the home environment versus everything running
- [00:23:20.180]around the school or everything running through us.
- [00:23:23.420]We have to let some of these things go as educators.
- [00:23:26.060]And as parents, these are the types of things,
- [00:23:28.750]we reach out to educators and say,
- [00:23:31.227]"Hey, what are some ideas we could be doing?
- [00:23:34.870]What could we be practicing with?
- [00:23:36.810]What could we be applying
- [00:23:38.620]in this social, remote experience?"
- [00:23:41.770]Now there's also a project I wanna make you aware of,
- [00:23:45.450]and then I'm gonna shift over to some other resources.
- [00:23:48.770]But I want you to be aware that we also have
- [00:23:51.460]some apps out there, a number and one is called voice.
- [00:23:56.270]Yes, V-O-I-S-S, we pronounce it as voice,
- [00:24:00.840]we're developing, we'll have 140 different scenarios
- [00:24:04.570]all on a Google Chrome or an iPad, or if you have it
- [00:24:08.620]on Oculus, to run as virtual reading reality.
- [00:24:12.440]Now I mentioned this because what we have here,
- [00:24:16.750]and I'll mention that in just a moment is a series
- [00:24:19.730]of scenarios that are built around the school environment
- [00:24:24.970]where the user will go through and through basically
- [00:24:29.020]a virtual social narrative be able to experience
- [00:24:33.490]a variety of different social challenges
- [00:24:36.180]as I was sharing that visual of the domains earlier here
- [00:24:39.580]I'll put that back up here for just a minute.
- [00:24:41.930]We have scenarios under each one of these domains.
- [00:24:44.820]So relationship skills to conversational skills
- [00:24:47.520]to self-regulation skills.
- [00:24:49.880]And in that the students can then go through
- [00:24:52.620]at their leisure, through directed experiences.
- [00:24:56.500]So they go through one scenario,
- [00:24:57.760]it moves through another scenario.
- [00:24:59.470]Before they leave each scenario, they're prompted
- [00:25:02.200]with a series of either questions or something
- [00:25:04.820]they need to do to show competency and understanding.
- [00:25:09.100]Now, if you're interested in this as I mentioned before,
- [00:25:12.240]it runs off of Google Chrome, iPad, or Oculus.
- [00:25:16.010]It's available to you.
- [00:25:17.990]And I'm gonna put up some contact information
- [00:25:20.300]just a moment it's not fully available and
- [00:25:23.600]that we don't have all the scenarios created at this point
- [00:25:27.180]but we are developing as we speak.
- [00:25:29.570]And so we do have a couple areas available
- [00:25:32.700]and we'd love to get you using it.
- [00:25:34.690]So, contact information on that.
- [00:25:37.640]And by the way, here's a screenshots of, for example
- [00:25:40.260]responding back to, and there's various tools.
- [00:25:43.370]So some of it, they may have to give a verbal response
- [00:25:45.900]so they click the microphone.
- [00:25:47.800]Other times they may need to raise their hand,
- [00:25:50.100]they click on the hand raise and other times
- [00:25:52.150]they simply have four options that are read aloud to them.
- [00:25:56.220]And then of course they make decisions.
- [00:25:58.400]There's a variety of different ways
- [00:25:59.570]they navigate through the experience via arrows
- [00:26:03.160]or their fingers, or in a fully blown virtual reality
- [00:26:07.580]through the headset and how they move their arms and hands.
- [00:26:11.990]And as I mentioned, there's a variety different scenarios
- [00:26:14.260]and each one you go into there's scenarios.
- [00:26:16.810]So for example this is the area of expressive communication.
- [00:26:20.740]And finally, communication-wise let me just scroll
- [00:26:24.120]through a number of these things due to time.
- [00:26:26.570]What we have is we have a variety of supports for educators
- [00:26:30.300]in terms of giving them data on the experience,
- [00:26:34.190]walking them through how to generalize
- [00:26:36.300]and apply in the classroom and a host of other things.
- [00:26:39.130]But feel free to email me.
- [00:26:41.000]And this is something that you'll via this session.
- [00:26:44.650]Feel free to ask me questions at the end of the session
- [00:26:47.130]about this but email me if you're interested
- [00:26:49.960]and we'll put you in touch with how to access it
- [00:26:52.320]via the iPad or the Chromebook.
- [00:26:54.490]And then also a ways that we are trying to
- [00:26:57.810]facilitate this use and give some support as well
- [00:27:01.330]as collecting some data on its effectiveness.
- [00:27:04.320]So please reach out love to have you engaged.
- [00:27:07.850]There's a number of other resources
- [00:27:09.300]that we have hyperlinked.
- [00:27:11.050]We mentioned social, I didn't mention it,
- [00:27:12.810]but there was a visual of social express
- [00:27:14.920]and a number of other tools out there as well
- [00:27:17.930]that I've hyperlinked for social, emotional learning.
- [00:27:21.500]Now that's just to taste
- [00:27:23.410]and I wanna get us into engagement as well
- [00:27:26.600]because I think that's a critical area
- [00:27:28.260]for our learners as well.
- [00:27:29.410]So I'm gonna quickly shift
- [00:27:30.880]from social skills to engagement.
- [00:27:34.490]So, with engagement, I think of it
- [00:27:36.360]as a bit of a back to the future.
- [00:27:38.620]And what I mean by that is back to our universal design
- [00:27:41.580]for learning framework.
- [00:27:43.570]We are trying to do a number of different things
- [00:27:46.230]when it comes to engagement.
- [00:27:49.150]And we need to appreciate that.
- [00:27:51.280]We are definitely trying to recruit interest
- [00:27:53.660]but we're also trying to build self-regulation.
- [00:27:56.610]And isn't that been a key component to the pandemic
- [00:27:59.730]with that element of knowledge persistence
- [00:28:02.250]and sustained effort, but that level of self-regulation
- [00:28:05.540]we're trying to develop.
- [00:28:07.100]And that visual of the bicycles to me just captures it.
- [00:28:10.100]Oftentimes when we seek to recruit interest,
- [00:28:13.390]we're doing the work we're pedaling
- [00:28:15.670]and our students are sitting in those nice little chairs
- [00:28:18.660]and along for the ride.
- [00:28:20.740]But a lot of what we wanna do particularly
- [00:28:22.970]within the confines of the pandemic,
- [00:28:25.020]is to develop those self-regulation skills.
- [00:28:27.547]And I'm gonna give you some examples of that
- [00:28:29.080]as we get to it.
- [00:28:30.790]Now, of course, there's a hyperlink here
- [00:28:32.760]to the UDL principle, but the guidelines associated
- [00:28:37.340]with engagement and the series of checkpoints.
- [00:28:39.690]And if you're unfamiliar with this, I want you to know
- [00:28:43.080]that this is hyperlinked and it's hyperlinked to a number
- [00:28:45.680]of examples of bringing each of these areas to life.
- [00:28:48.910]So they give you examples.
- [00:28:50.160]They give you tips, they give you strategies.
- [00:28:53.250]Now, in addition, there's 10 different rules
- [00:28:56.480]that were created to take the UDL engagement ideas
- [00:29:00.930]and put them into practice.
- [00:29:02.280]And this is prior to the pandemic.
- [00:29:04.120]This is hyperlinked right here at the top here.
- [00:29:06.640]Okay, for your review.
- [00:29:08.850]But I wanna emphasize the fact that it includes everything
- [00:29:11.960]from creating specific goals to incorporate authentic
- [00:29:15.930]and relevant examples.
- [00:29:17.880]In addition, it involves ensuring resources to meet demands
- [00:29:22.330]of a task to supporting risk-taking.
- [00:29:25.180]Now, the hyperlink up here will take you to not only
- [00:29:28.160]this top 10, but ideas of bringing these top 10
- [00:29:31.260]into your classroom.
- [00:29:32.530]But these are pre pandemic, so let me take a couple of these
- [00:29:35.570]ideas and go post pandemic.
- [00:29:37.810]And yes, I've now had this OmniEd head down there
- [00:29:41.140]This is another resource we've created
- [00:29:44.380]during the pandemic to assist
- [00:29:46.610]in different ways, including engaging learners.
- [00:29:49.150]So another resource for your consideration.
- [00:29:51.470]But let's take this idea
- [00:29:52.560]of engagement through collaboration.
- [00:29:55.010]Now that's something we're definitely trying to develop
- [00:29:57.500]not only within the social skills
- [00:29:58.950]of the individual that we're working with
- [00:30:01.230]but oftentimes get them involved in the group.
- [00:30:03.940]Well, let's think about that because see
- [00:30:05.480]collaboration also allows for engagement.
- [00:30:08.120]So let's go with something we're using right now.
- [00:30:10.310]Google Slides, you know, the beauty of Google Slides
- [00:30:13.880]is that we can create templates inside the slide
- [00:30:18.000]where the user can go in and get directions from us
- [00:30:21.370]through the template, right?
- [00:30:23.150]We could offer audio directions.
- [00:30:24.910]We can offer video directions
- [00:30:26.570]of what we want them to place on the slide.
- [00:30:29.060]We could offer examples of what we want
- [00:30:31.870]and they could simply follow those examples.
- [00:30:34.620]We could give visuals, et cetera.
- [00:30:36.930]So each slide could have directions
- [00:30:39.550]and then they would follow those directions to do
- [00:30:41.550]whatever we're asking for on the slide.
- [00:30:44.100]But of course, when they're done with those directions,
- [00:30:46.540]they could highlight those directions
- [00:30:48.110]and delete them, right?
- [00:30:49.410]That's the beauty of the slide?
- [00:30:50.730]What's the collaboration Sean?
- [00:30:53.750]Well, there's a variety of tools that, of course I can use
- [00:30:57.100]in real time or synchronously or asynchronously
- [00:31:01.360]that allow me to be online with my fellow peer.
- [00:31:05.390]So for example, I could be on Google Slides,
- [00:31:08.330]but also a video conference
- [00:31:10.240]where we're both working together to make changes
- [00:31:13.320]based on the directions the educator offered.
- [00:31:16.030]But also I could get on it,
- [00:31:17.620]first thing in the morning, make some changes.
- [00:31:20.210]Someone can come on later in the afternoon
- [00:31:22.340]make some changes.
- [00:31:23.750]The educator or the adult could always come on
- [00:31:27.200]and look at what's happening as well.
- [00:31:28.980]So it's a place, a virtual place,
- [00:31:32.010]for this interaction to take place.
- [00:31:34.160]We as educators need to structure it.
- [00:31:36.980]But of course in that structure
- [00:31:38.950]we can also along the ways, view what they're doing
- [00:31:42.740]offer formative feedback, which is another way
- [00:31:45.550]of engaging learners and basically staying connected.
- [00:31:49.200]So that's one, another way.
- [00:31:51.300]Another tool for that virtual interaction
- [00:31:53.760]that collaboration, which will, again
- [00:31:55.620]we could be doing face to face, but at a social distance
- [00:31:58.330]with our masks on, but we could also be doing virtually
- [00:32:01.250]or some of us could be face-to-face,
- [00:32:02.570]some of us could be at home
- [00:32:04.130]explain everything I've hyperlinked here as well.
- [00:32:07.260]Explain everything is one of several interactive
- [00:32:10.560]whiteboard apps and websites, that allow you
- [00:32:13.810]to do a number of different things.
- [00:32:16.150]I can draw.
- [00:32:17.380]I can type, I can put in images.
- [00:32:20.240]I can record what I'm doing.
- [00:32:22.170]I can do that a host of things, but also collaborate.
- [00:32:25.220]Meaning while I'm doing this, someone else can be
- [00:32:27.700]on the interactive whiteboard doing the same thing with me.
- [00:32:30.450]And again, we don't necessarily have to be talking.
- [00:32:33.470]This is something we can be doing virtually.
- [00:32:36.800]This is something we can be doing face to face
- [00:32:38.740]and we could be doing in the same room, but from afar.
- [00:32:41.570]But we could also be talking about it as well
- [00:32:44.840]in terms of directions we wanna do et cetera.
- [00:32:47.270]So Explain Everything does it, Jamboard does it as well.
- [00:32:51.120]So these are resources.
- [00:32:52.270]These are interactive whiteboards
- [00:32:54.200]that allow us to be on live.
- [00:32:57.080]Now, many of us are also using things
- [00:32:58.710]like Padlet and Padlet hyperlink there as well.
- [00:33:02.200]And Padlet can be used for a variety of purposes.
- [00:33:05.420]But again, Padlet is a kind of online virtual bulletin board
- [00:33:09.660]at the very basic allowing individuals to post text images
- [00:33:14.700]video hyperlink, to things.
- [00:33:17.030]And of course it is time and that while I'm making the chain
- [00:33:20.440]someone else with me making a change as well
- [00:33:23.420]we could be interacting and building all at the same time
- [00:33:29.010]or of course come at it whenever we want
- [00:33:31.390]in an asynchronous manner.
- [00:33:33.310]So these are a variety of tools to allow us
- [00:33:35.559]to have this real-time so to speak virtual collaboration
- [00:33:40.160]regardless of where we're at.
- [00:33:42.200]All right now, of course, we've talked about video before
- [00:33:45.610]but videos as well can be done through things like Flipgrid
- [00:33:50.810]and Screencastify where we're recording our sites
- [00:33:53.310]and then sharing it with others.
- [00:33:54.530]That's another way of kind of connecting,
- [00:33:56.930]it's not as real-time collaboration
- [00:33:59.580]but another way of collaborating and connecting.
- [00:34:02.720]Now, I wanna bring this through kind
- [00:34:04.790]of bring this home in the next 10 minutes
- [00:34:06.920]or so with a number of different points that we know
- [00:34:10.390]from prior to the pandemic, our ways to engage our learners.
- [00:34:14.540]But I'm gonna couple this
- [00:34:15.690]with technologies to think about it.
- [00:34:18.330]So we know getting to know our students
- [00:34:20.450]and you're like, Sean, it is February,
- [00:34:23.090]we already know our students.
- [00:34:24.920]And yet I'd argue, we continue to know our students based
- [00:34:28.650]on what we're asking them to do.
- [00:34:30.980]And what we're asking them to do
- [00:34:32.270]in February may not be what we're asking them to do
- [00:34:35.030]in September or October.
- [00:34:37.170]So it might be that it becomes more content related
- [00:34:40.210]or maybe it's something we're asking them to do
- [00:34:42.070]from a skill development related that we need more data on.
- [00:34:46.330]So collecting that data now
- [00:34:48.230]with our learning management system
- [00:34:50.260]with a number of other tools, with observation tools
- [00:34:53.630]and things of that nature allows to better know our student.
- [00:34:57.010]So those tools are readily available to us
- [00:34:59.460]and we need to use them.
- [00:35:01.320]But of course, many of us are using schedules
- [00:35:03.840]and that scheduled to continue to use the schedule.
- [00:35:07.310]Now maybe some of us have decided I'm gonna
- [00:35:09.350]use my Seesaw schedule or my Google classroom schedule
- [00:35:13.790]but we're missing out on potentially
- [00:35:15.660]some additional supports apps
- [00:35:19.330]and other places that could really help
- [00:35:22.030]our individuals with autism.
- [00:35:23.900]I know many of us are already doing it
- [00:35:25.780]but I've hyperlinked to a number
- [00:35:27.260]of different resources here for your consideration
- [00:35:31.360]that are offering different ways to offer visual schedules
- [00:35:34.810]you know, lay out the structure of the day
- [00:35:36.700]allow the student to communicate,
- [00:35:38.060]allowing us to communicate.
- [00:35:40.020]Reinforcing what is the structure but also flexibility.
- [00:35:43.440]You know, also communicating with the home environment
- [00:35:46.070]to let them know what's expected.
- [00:35:48.260]But also communicate transitions in that,
- [00:35:51.120]oh goodness we're done with this.
- [00:35:52.610]Let's visually represent that.
- [00:35:54.300]Let's put that in our schedule.
- [00:35:55.540]So you understand there's closure here.
- [00:35:58.120]And the list of things goes on.
- [00:36:00.290]Now, of course as I mentioned before, a number of our LMSs
- [00:36:03.710]offer this type of component.
- [00:36:06.080]So yes, maximize that.
- [00:36:08.077]And when I say maximize the LMS calendar,
- [00:36:12.280]it is the fact that there's a number of features
- [00:36:15.240]that we can offer in terms of personalization
- [00:36:19.080]automatic reminders, different ways to represent it
- [00:36:22.870]be a text, visuals, images are all together.
- [00:36:27.450]A list of thing goes on.
- [00:36:29.420]Now there's a number of different how to use Google calendar
- [00:36:34.060]or how to use the Google classroom scheduler
- [00:36:37.680]in a video online.
- [00:36:39.660]So here's one, and I'll let you look
- [00:36:41.470]at this at your leisure.
- [00:36:43.630]And then there's also ways to, for the personalized
- [00:36:47.320]as I mentioned, and here's another
- [00:36:49.490]in terms of, for example, using calendar
- [00:36:51.690]to create to-do task lists, checklists,
- [00:36:54.310]things of that nature great way to structure a learning,
- [00:36:57.110]great way to prioritize.
- [00:36:58.820]Many of us are already doing this
- [00:37:00.640]just reinforcing using some of our Google classroom
- [00:37:04.440]types of supports to maximize that.
- [00:37:07.210]And by the way, if it's not Google classroom,
- [00:37:10.120]it might be Seesaw or other
- [00:37:11.980]learning management systems you're using.
- [00:37:14.040]Look at their features that you can create
- [00:37:16.180]a number of different things.
- [00:37:17.320]Checklists, task lists, schedules, et cetera
- [00:37:20.470]to really engage, connect with our learners
- [00:37:23.420]and that will get them engaged.
- [00:37:24.520]It will keep them engaged.
- [00:37:26.020]Okay, and of course, as I mentioned before, there's a number
- [00:37:28.760]of visual schedule apps that allow us to enhance upon
- [00:37:32.380]what our learning management system does.
- [00:37:34.340]We might wanna couple those together
- [00:37:36.140]or use those separately.
- [00:37:38.020]Now, finally, there's a link here in terms of walking you
- [00:37:40.920]through specifically how to do this
- [00:37:43.700]in more of a self-determination way.
- [00:37:45.670]And this is a report about really how supporting students
- [00:37:49.650]to take their own ownership.
- [00:37:51.150]I'll let you look at that at your leisure.
- [00:37:53.560]I just wanted to make you aware that that could go
- [00:37:55.760]into much more detail than what we're offering.
- [00:37:58.000]You know and at the end of the day for me,
- [00:38:00.270]what this is providing is a map.
- [00:38:03.050]It's allowing the individual to see not only where
- [00:38:05.920]we're going, but when we get there reinforced we're there.
- [00:38:09.550]Yay success and also here are the next steps.
- [00:38:14.000]All right, so oops, I'm going the wrong way here.
- [00:38:16.600]And then of course, I mentioned this earlier.
- [00:38:19.370]I wanna reinforce it.
- [00:38:20.840]Schedules are a way of communicating
- [00:38:22.910]with the home and that way the home understands
- [00:38:26.050]so they can reinforce, they can reconnect.
- [00:38:28.450]They can remind they can offer that additional prompt
- [00:38:31.980]particularly if we've empowered them
- [00:38:34.010]over the year and how to use this information.
- [00:38:36.760]We're reminding them the use of this information.
- [00:38:38.780]We're connecting them with the use of this information.
- [00:38:41.550]So we're maximizing that type of resource.
- [00:38:44.990]All right, so, oh, and the last comment
- [00:38:47.930]of course, visual schedules, evidence-based practice.
- [00:38:50.950]Here's a link in terms
- [00:38:52.010]of understanding those at your leisure there.
- [00:38:54.470]So number three, small group structure.
- [00:38:57.170]And of course, many of us have been using various ways
- [00:39:00.240]of breaking small groups into the use of technologies
- [00:39:03.670]as we mentioned earlier, like Padlet.
- [00:39:05.870]But we're using Zoom or the breakout rooms for that
- [00:39:08.830]or the Hangouts and the different small rooms for that.
- [00:39:12.040]We're utilizing exit tickets to facilitate some of that
- [00:39:15.400]small group instruction, et cetera, et cetera.
- [00:39:18.200]But we're also providing reinforcement.
- [00:39:20.820]And there's a lot of face-to-face ways
- [00:39:22.500]of providing reinforcement.
- [00:39:24.170]But for me, a great way
- [00:39:26.010]of providing reinforcement is scheduling
- [00:39:28.430]and doing data walks.
- [00:39:30.020]And these data walks could be everything
- [00:39:32.570]from very basic data walks.
- [00:39:34.410]I'm talking very basic, depending
- [00:39:36.440]upon the needs of our learner and their understanding.
- [00:39:38.930]It could simply be color
- [00:39:40.600]and visuals to let them know where we're headed
- [00:39:43.670]and the success they've had.
- [00:39:45.430]But it also could be going into a little bit more of,
- [00:39:48.810]hey, this is how you're performing.
- [00:39:51.090]This is where this is what our goal is
- [00:39:53.450]which is awesome to clarify our goal.
- [00:39:55.610]Remember that was a list on how to engage our individuals.
- [00:39:58.820]And it also allows us to further personalize
- [00:40:01.880]what we're doing based on that data.
- [00:40:03.940]And by the way, might as well empower the parent
- [00:40:06.460]in that conversation where they're seeing the connection
- [00:40:09.780]and they're being reinforced therefore potentially
- [00:40:12.720]further engaged in the educational process based on
- [00:40:15.820]some of the success they're seeing.
- [00:40:17.920]And by the way there's a video there to walk you through it.
- [00:40:20.880]And again, can't forget those UDL tips.
- [00:40:24.500]Number five also, and by the way,
- [00:40:28.294]the UDL tips offers some really good examples
- [00:40:30.550]of empowering through data.
- [00:40:32.580]Number five, set expectations.
- [00:40:34.860]It's very important to set expectations
- [00:40:36.490]and it's continued to set expectations.
- [00:40:38.890]So that one, those expectations that we offer that are clear
- [00:40:43.850]that we don't need to offer for in terms of reminders.
- [00:40:46.180]And it could be everything from how to respond
- [00:40:48.120]via digital tool.
- [00:40:49.350]And by the way, I hope we continue to introduce new tools
- [00:40:53.170]as we go along.
- [00:40:54.660]Not just simply to introduce it
- [00:40:56.330]but to offer additional options.
- [00:40:58.420]And with it, we offer expectations.
- [00:41:01.230]And by doing those expectations
- [00:41:03.170]we're allowing the individual to be more engaged.
- [00:41:06.260]To not have to worry about some
- [00:41:07.357]of the other aspects or us to worry about
- [00:41:09.800]some of the other aspects in this process.
- [00:41:12.510]So for example, it could be the etiquette.
- [00:41:15.020]It could be how to use
- [00:41:16.550]it could be the purpose of what we're using the tech for.
- [00:41:19.050]And we're trying to clarify that everything
- [00:41:21.450]in between is variable very relevant
- [00:41:23.830]for some of those expectations for the digital component.
- [00:41:26.970]And again, I'm gonna do this in a variety
- [00:41:29.020]of different ways for my stakeholders, my children
- [00:41:32.860]that we're working with, the students I'm working with
- [00:41:34.660]but also the adults I'm working with at home
- [00:41:37.680]or they're working with the students I'm working with
- [00:41:40.040]to offer that additional support and advice, okay?
- [00:41:44.040]And of course, expectations by goals.
- [00:41:46.630]We offered that earlier.
- [00:41:47.870]There's a nice hyperlink to that earlier on that list
- [00:41:50.530]but clear goals are critical.
- [00:41:52.740]It connects with the pathway.
- [00:41:54.530]It connects with the fact that are we meeting the needs?
- [00:41:57.470]Are we creating the right types of tools?
- [00:41:59.850]Et cetera, et cetera.
- [00:42:01.070]I could spend an entire day on making sure
- [00:42:03.380]our goals are understood and why that's critical
- [00:42:06.130]and different technology tools to facilitate that.
- [00:42:09.410]Number six, of course
- [00:42:11.360]this is where I spent a good portion of September on
- [00:42:13.870]and that is that representation, the UDL component.
- [00:42:18.170]And we wanna make sure
- [00:42:19.180]that we're giving individuals a choice to
- [00:42:22.600]choose what they do, a choice to have alternative pathways
- [00:42:26.840]to be able to get at where they're headed
- [00:42:29.000]and the list of thing goes on.
- [00:42:30.530]And again, that's a good portion
- [00:42:31.890]of what we dealt with in September.
- [00:42:33.970]But I do want us to reinforce,
- [00:42:35.750]we're just not doing it to give them options.
- [00:42:38.010]We know, we know, we know, that the pandemic has created
- [00:42:41.970]a number of barriers.
- [00:42:44.070]These barriers are everything from accessing information
- [00:42:47.440]to how we're expected to learn due to the barriers
- [00:42:50.520]of the masks, the social distancing,
- [00:42:54.100]let alone the new resources we're using
- [00:42:56.800]and the materials we're using
- [00:42:58.480]and things of that nature goes on.
- [00:43:00.140]That's why we need to think about different ways
- [00:43:02.960]to represent information.
- [00:43:04.630]And of course the digital solutions we offered in school
- [00:43:07.290]virtually.org, offers different ways to plan design
- [00:43:11.020]strategically with those digital solutions
- [00:43:14.170]to overcome those barriers and in so doing, we're further
- [00:43:17.750]engaging the learner because they're connected
- [00:43:20.010]with those different resources, okay.
- [00:43:22.250]And by the way, this is video and different ways of using
- [00:43:25.300]video that I incorporated into our September session.
- [00:43:30.120]And I just wanna reinforce those resources are there,
- [00:43:33.400]there's a bunch of things there.
- [00:43:34.680]I just grabbed him to say,
- [00:43:35.887]"Hey if you weren't with us in September,
- [00:43:38.940]I walked you through a number of different ways
- [00:43:40.860]of using video and it's worth going back
- [00:43:43.340]and watching that.
- [00:43:44.930]We can also engage through the use of experts.
- [00:43:49.170]Now this could be to create an assignment where
- [00:43:51.050]I interview an expert from afar.
- [00:43:53.370]It could be grandma, grandpa, by the way
- [00:43:55.380]but it also could be experts
- [00:43:56.760]at now have a little bit more availability.
- [00:43:59.170]It could be the expert in the museum.
- [00:44:00.710]That's closed that, you know, the close
- [00:44:03.820]but they can get on a Zoom call.
- [00:44:05.130]And now they're willing to come to our class
- [00:44:07.100]great way to engage individuals.
- [00:44:09.630]The list of thing goes on
- [00:44:10.880]but interact with that virtual expert.
- [00:44:13.130]And of course, many of us are gamifying, but let's it.
- [00:44:16.490]But we just don't gamify to gamify right.
- [00:44:19.070]We often the simulation to further contextualize.
- [00:44:22.140]We offer a game that really reinforces visually
- [00:44:25.099]auditorily, offers explicit reinforcement.
- [00:44:28.710]offers an opportunity to drill and practice.
- [00:44:31.530]And so we're gonna select our tools based on that.
- [00:44:34.650]We're just not simply gonna use Kahoot
- [00:44:36.220]because Kahoot gives us an ample supply
- [00:44:39.270]of people that have created templates for us
- [00:44:41.780]which is very attractive and very tempting
- [00:44:43.900]because people have done it for us.
- [00:44:45.500]But we wanna go beyond that.
- [00:44:47.590]Number nine is checklist. Checklist, checklist, Why?
- [00:44:51.950]It allows us to give them a structure of
- [00:44:55.120]first of all, we can do check-ins see where they're at.
- [00:44:57.570]We can do temperature checks, et cetera.
- [00:44:59.710]We provide checklists to provide a direction structure
- [00:45:03.410]communicate what we're doing
- [00:45:05.180]visualize where they are at,
- [00:45:07.010]visualize where they need to be.
- [00:45:08.350]visualize what they've completed.
- [00:45:10.240]Help with the upcoming transitions.
- [00:45:12.720]Also then communicate that over to the adult
- [00:45:15.580]or the parent at home to then
- [00:45:20.920]further facilitate further support.
- [00:45:22.840]Because now they're knowing where we're
- [00:45:24.500]at and we've communicated that through their child.
- [00:45:27.630]And finally, number 10, formative feedback.
- [00:45:30.430]I can't reinforce this enough
- [00:45:32.450]and that is anything we can build in to the system.
- [00:45:36.570]And by the way, a number of our systems we're using
- [00:45:38.990]allow us to have that form of feedback built in.
- [00:45:42.460]They select any answer.
- [00:45:43.980]They provide an answer.
- [00:45:44.960]We could have it preset to give our feedback
- [00:45:47.640]could be auditory.
- [00:45:48.520]It could be a link to a video.
- [00:45:50.010]It could be texts that were saying, you know, good job
- [00:45:52.990]or it could be redirecting
- [00:45:54.260]on why that was the inappropriate answer.
- [00:45:57.130]As well as back to the data walks. this formative feedback.
- [00:46:00.970]It may not be for an assignment per se
- [00:46:03.640]but rather data collection that we could then share back
- [00:46:06.380]with them about, "Hey, this is where you're at.
- [00:46:08.920]Or this is where we need to go or look at this success here?
- [00:46:12.520]Too many of our tools out there offer this immediacy
- [00:46:15.380]of formative feedback, great way of engaging our learners.
- [00:46:20.230]So I've covered a bunch.
- [00:46:21.750]I have covered a bunch
- [00:46:23.040]and I don't believe I did what I was supposed to do.
- [00:46:25.640]So I'm gonna go ahead and escape out of here.
- [00:46:29.100]And I'm gonna scroll to the very top
- [00:46:34.410]And I get back here to my presentation.
- [00:46:37.710]And I just wanna reinforce with you.
- [00:46:41.300]I wanna reinforce with you that this is a place to email me.
- [00:46:46.210]That school virtually offers a number
- [00:46:48.190]of different resources.
- [00:46:50.170]And finally, this is where to go to get this presentation.
- [00:46:56.180]And again, upper case K uppercase R.
- [00:47:01.070]This is place to go to get this presentation
- [00:47:03.940]which hopefully you see as helpful,
- [00:47:06.710]offer some hyperlinks to additional resources.
- [00:47:09.660]And I hope the connections I've made have got you thinking
- [00:47:12.630]about some of the things we can be doing
- [00:47:14.110]with social skills, social emotional, of course
- [00:47:17.410]and engaging our learners.
- [00:47:19.680]Again, my name is Sean Smith.
- [00:47:21.970]Thank you very much for being here
- [00:47:24.120]and feel free to email me with any follow up questions
- [00:47:26.620]particularly if you're interested in participating
- [00:47:29.580]with the virtual reality tools to teach social skills.
- [00:47:34.370]Have a great day.
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