FB interview vs. Minnesota
Ronnie Green
Ronnie Green talks about the university's research work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also talks about the many areas in which UNL students study to prepare for healthcare careers.
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- [00:00:00.320]We are back on countdown to kickoff
- [00:00:02.030]and as we do each and every week
- [00:00:03.090]a chance to catch up with the chancellor
- [00:00:04.650]from University of Nebraska Lincoln, Ronnie Green.
- [00:00:07.280]Here we are,
- [00:00:08.113]we made it to the end
- [00:00:08.946]of the eight week regular season schedule.
- [00:00:10.990]You have to feel good chancellor
- [00:00:12.380]that we've been able to get as many games in
- [00:00:14.640]as we have during this pandemic.
- [00:00:17.170]Well, it is the last game of the regular season,
- [00:00:20.700]I don't know what the word regular means this year
- [00:00:23.923]and the way that the things that play,
- [00:00:25.850]but it is good to get to this point
- [00:00:29.270]and to be playing in Minnesota today,
- [00:00:32.770]a lot of us wondered
- [00:00:33.810]if we'd be able to get two games in,
- [00:00:35.970]three games in, four games in.
- [00:00:38.160]So to get to this point
- [00:00:39.360]and only have lost one
- [00:00:41.730]had one canceled on our schedule,
- [00:00:43.810]unfortunately, is something to celebrate a success
- [00:00:49.130]and have the opportunity for our teams to play,
- [00:00:52.300]opportunity for our fans to support the teams
- [00:00:55.280]since I know that they've been doing it
- [00:00:57.630]throughout this strain season
- [00:00:59.650]we've been in
- [00:01:00.483]and I'm just looking forward to a win today,
- [00:01:02.700]hopefully we get a win today
- [00:01:04.240]and a win in that playoff bracket next week
- [00:01:06.750]and then a bowl game,
- [00:01:08.290]for our team to continue progressing
- [00:01:10.500]and great to see that win last week against Purdue,
- [00:01:13.800]I get lifted all of our spirits
- [00:01:15.740]have lifted the team's spirits as well.
- [00:01:17.490]So looking forward to a great game today against Minnesota.
- [00:01:20.720]Yeah, absolutely no doubt.
- [00:01:22.000]You mentioned what is regular now.
- [00:01:23.770]Everything has been different this year
- [00:01:25.270]with the worldwide pandemic
- [00:01:27.780]but the university continues
- [00:01:29.290]to conduct transformational research this year.
- [00:01:32.130]How much of that work has been focused
- [00:01:34.220]on responding to the challenges of COVID-19?
- [00:01:38.160]Well, we certainly wouldn't have planned it that way
- [00:01:40.560]but we have had an opportunity
- [00:01:42.610]for a lot of work to be responsive
- [00:01:44.860]to the global pandemic that we're in.
- [00:01:47.310]You look back earlier in November a few weeks ago,
- [00:01:50.090]we celebrated our annual research week at the university,
- [00:01:53.450]is that, anchor part of our mission
- [00:01:56.240]as a researcher award university
- [00:01:59.100]and a lot of the promotional material
- [00:02:01.270]that was used that week
- [00:02:02.900]and there's one root kind of stunning picture that was used.
- [00:02:05.580]That was a display of a whole series of people
- [00:02:10.060]and the various things they had been working on
- [00:02:12.510]related to the pandemic
- [00:02:14.500]either in terms of production, protection
- [00:02:17.510]or production of response to a COVID-19
- [00:02:21.790]and how to handle the pandemic that we're in.
- [00:02:25.420]So we have used our expertise
- [00:02:28.150]the ingenuity of our researchers,
- [00:02:30.180]just for example,
- [00:02:31.960]has yielded 21,000 face shields for healthcare workers.
- [00:02:35.810]So as a result of Doug designing
- [00:02:37.830]and putting those together earlier on
- [00:02:40.500]over 200,000 gallons of donated hand sanitizer nationally,
- [00:02:46.170]not only in Nebraska
- [00:02:47.910]but across the country have been produced
- [00:02:50.548]by our college of engineering
- [00:02:52.140]and axons as natural resources,
- [00:02:54.720]an engineering solution for sharing dental lighters
- [00:02:58.380]was produced by some of our work.
- [00:03:00.620]Those are just a few direct examples
- [00:03:03.690]of that we have seen happen
- [00:03:05.750]over these past months.
- [00:03:07.940]Our researchers have also been hard at work
- [00:03:10.390]in numerous other areas.
- [00:03:11.900]For example, for the first time
- [00:03:14.530]researchers are using financial data
- [00:03:16.590]to track the longterm trajectories of people
- [00:03:19.250]who face eviction,
- [00:03:20.600]who might be struggling financially,
- [00:03:23.360]in this time of a global pandemic.
- [00:03:25.670]A first of its kind screening tool
- [00:03:27.920]is helping flag the warning systems
- [00:03:29.880]of ecosystem shifts early enough to help mitigate them.
- [00:03:33.530]Our world class nano-engineering
- [00:03:35.660]is employing the principles of DNA assembly
- [00:03:38.550]to refine circuitry and microelectronics,
- [00:03:41.280]one of new lab,
- [00:03:42.260]many people might not realize,
- [00:03:44.200]but the university of Nebraska Lincoln
- [00:03:46.030]is a world leader in the area of nano-science
- [00:03:49.690]and working at this scale on this level.
- [00:03:52.860]And several of our efforts
- [00:03:54.630]have often been focused on education,
- [00:03:57.070]improving academic outcomes for children
- [00:03:59.570]who spent time in foster care,
- [00:04:01.580]addressing the instruction of English language learners
- [00:04:04.500]and expanding the menu of virtual field trips,
- [00:04:07.310]especially important right now
- [00:04:09.580]to Moral hall,
- [00:04:10.680]to Elephant hall, among other projects
- [00:04:13.210]for just think of the number of school children annually
- [00:04:16.240]that come through
- [00:04:18.200]the state museum at Moral hall.
- [00:04:20.480]We've had to pivot to being virtual
- [00:04:22.650]with many of those who produce that content
- [00:04:25.260]for school children across Nebraska and the region.
- [00:04:28.715]And so it's been an unprecedented year,
- [00:04:31.550]no doubt about it
- [00:04:32.700]for the challenges that the pandemic has brought to us.
- [00:04:36.440]But our scholars at the university of Nebraska Lincoln
- [00:04:39.050]have met those challenges head on
- [00:04:41.280]and been able to continue in our research mission,
- [00:04:43.550]including in helping with COVID-19
- [00:04:47.420]Get busy with the chancellor
- [00:04:48.400]of the university of Nebraska Lincoln, Ronnie Green
- [00:04:50.270]here on countdown to kickoff.
- [00:04:51.730]We're hearing good news about potential vaccines
- [00:04:55.320]and I think all of this
- [00:04:56.380]has highlighted the value of scientific research
- [00:04:59.330]but I think that the pandemic has also shined a spotlight
- [00:05:02.460]on the value of people who study
- [00:05:04.210]the sciences and health.
- [00:05:05.980]We often think of people going on to
- [00:05:07.270]become doctors and nurses
- [00:05:08.720]and as frontline folks,
- [00:05:10.160]but I'm sure there are other paths
- [00:05:12.230]that students can take to study
- [00:05:13.910]and in working in health sciences,
- [00:05:15.260]aren't there?
- [00:05:17.000]Oh, there sure are.
- [00:05:20.200]We also have a big program here
- [00:05:22.690]in nutrition and health sciences,
- [00:05:25.320]in our college of education and human sciences.
- [00:05:27.590]We have a tremendous number of students.
- [00:05:29.240]I think Greg is, you know
- [00:05:30.400]that they'd come through the university of Nebraska
- [00:05:33.240]in pre health careers go on to be doctors,
- [00:05:36.920]nurses, dentists, pharmacists
- [00:05:39.720]and play in public health as well.
- [00:05:42.520]But we also have a number of other allied areas, right?
- [00:05:45.740]That are important in the health sciences
- [00:05:47.630]and this nutrition health sciences area is one of them.
- [00:05:50.930]It's in our college of education and human sciences.
- [00:05:54.500]We actually have some preliminary research going on there
- [00:05:57.780]in nutrition and health sciences
- [00:05:59.890]that have to do with our health responders,
- [00:06:01.770]people working in the health professions
- [00:06:04.340]related to health care for them.
- [00:06:07.650]The attention of the time that healthcare workers invest
- [00:06:11.140]in the wellbeing of patients
- [00:06:12.740]can often come at an expense to them themselves
- [00:06:17.060]and their personal lives
- [00:06:18.230]and stress with them.
- [00:06:20.210]We certainly have heard a lot about that
- [00:06:22.480]currently on the global top of the pandemic
- [00:06:24.610]that we're living in
- [00:06:25.630]the challenges that our healthcare workers
- [00:06:28.100]have under that level of stress,
- [00:06:30.990]research work has suggested
- [00:06:33.150]that US healthcare workers
- [00:06:35.150]become obese at rates that are even higher
- [00:06:38.850]than the overall general population
- [00:06:41.750]somewhat from that stress.
- [00:06:43.990]And we've got preliminary work in nutrition health sciences
- [00:06:46.770]that's underway that can help address that challenge
- [00:06:49.830]where there's a study that
- [00:06:51.610]is looking at weight loss programs,
- [00:06:53.980]effective weight loss programs
- [00:06:56.190]for workers in the healthcare industry
- [00:06:58.860]and among healthcare employees.
- [00:07:01.160]So experiments going on
- [00:07:03.550]led by Willie chai and Jennifer Makati
- [00:07:06.640]in the nutrition and health sciences department
- [00:07:09.750]to look at a 16 week kind of workplace intervention
- [00:07:13.410]to help with this challenge
- [00:07:15.400]in the healthcare sector.
- [00:07:16.560]So, lots of health and sciences going on around
- [00:07:20.960]this case in nutrition,
- [00:07:22.630]in our nutrition and health sciences program
- [00:07:24.760]at the college of education and human sciences.
- [00:07:27.650]Well, very good
- [00:07:28.620]and congratulations to all those people
- [00:07:30.560]on some much needed work
- [00:07:32.580]and help for all of us
- [00:07:33.900]as we deal with
- [00:07:34.820]what has been a very challenging 2020.
- [00:07:37.430]Chancellor, thank you so much,
- [00:07:38.710]enjoy the game today,
- [00:07:40.100]we hope we talk before game next Saturday as well.
- [00:07:44.370]Well, we'll see who we're playing next week, right?
- [00:07:46.850]And the playoff brackets,
- [00:07:48.800]the divisional playoffs,
- [00:07:49.960]something we've not done before
- [00:07:51.563]and looking forward to that next game.
- [00:07:54.180]And like I said,
- [00:07:55.040]and hopefully a bowl game that will follow
- [00:07:56.980]as we continue to see the hustlers progress
- [00:08:00.290]toward the future,
- [00:08:02.280]they will be great.
- [00:08:03.400]Chancellor, Ronnie green with us here
- [00:08:04.750]on countdown to kickoff
- [00:08:05.780]Matt Kourtney will join us next.
- [00:08:07.170]She will have our big 10 blitz.
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