Top 5 Reasons Graduate Students Should Be Using The Mental Measurements Yearbook
Raul Palacios
Buros Center for Testing Graduate Assistant, Raul Palacios, explains his favorite reasons for using the Mental Measurements Yearbook. His thoughts are especially useful for other graduate students.
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- [00:00:05.520]Hi, everybody. This is Raul from the Buros Center for Testing
- [00:00:08.490]and I'm here to talk to you today about the top five reasons you should be using
- [00:00:12.690]the Mental Measurements Yearbook for your graduate training. You know,
- [00:00:15.780]it's a funny thing.
- [00:00:16.800]I do a ton of conferences and when I go there and I talk to other graduate
- [00:00:20.190]students, they have 1.)
- [00:00:22.410]no clue what Buros Center is even about. And 2.)
- [00:00:26.100]they don't know how to use the Mental Measurements Yearbook
- [00:00:27.810]to get the most out of their graduate training. So here it is,
- [00:00:31.020]let's start with number one.
- [00:00:33.120]The first reason you should be using the Mental Measurements Yearbook is due to
- [00:00:35.940]its longevity.
- [00:00:37.140]Did you know that the Buros Center for Testing has been around since 1938?
- [00:00:41.130]It all started with Oscar K. Buros in Highland Park, New Jersey.
- [00:00:44.430]Over the past 80 years,
- [00:00:46.110]we've produced over twenty Mental Measurements Yearbooks with the 21st edition
- [00:00:50.070]scheduled to be released later this year. What does this mean for you?
- [00:00:53.790]It means that there's a ton of valuable content and reviews that you can use
- [00:00:57.360]related to assessments.
- [00:00:58.980]The second reason you should be using the MMY is because it doesn't repeat
- [00:01:02.310]itself. Each Mental Measurements Yearbook
- [00:01:04.680]produces new content based off of what's coming out from the test
- [00:01:07.770]publishers. And that can be for a lot of different reasons.
- [00:01:10.410]Sometimes test publishers update an edition of a really popular test,
- [00:01:14.130]or maybe they come up with something completely new or in some cases for a really
- [00:01:17.610]popular
- [00:01:18.030]test that they don't want to put all their investment into recreating that new
- [00:01:21.090]test they'll update their norms. And in special cases, we'll look at those.
- [00:01:25.590]But again, none of the Mental Measurements Yearbooks repeat themselves.
- [00:01:28.410]It's always gonna be new content per Mental Measurements Yearbook.
- [00:01:32.190]The third reason you should be using the MMY is due to our easy online access.
- [00:01:36.840]You may not know this but many universities already subscribe to our databases
- [00:01:40.410]via Ovid and EBSCO.
- [00:01:42.510]What this means for you is that you have access to thousands of reviews and test
- [00:01:46.530]descriptions online at the simple click of a button.
- [00:01:50.010]But if this isn't the case for you
- [00:01:51.480]then you can visit our online website at or talk to your university
- [00:01:56.880]librarian and tell them that you want your MMY.
- [00:02:00.210]Then you can have your university librarian contact us at the Buros Center for
- [00:02:03.270]Testing for pricing options.
- [00:02:06.300]The fourth reason you should be using the MMY is because it can help you with
- [00:02:09.180]your class assignments.
- [00:02:10.740]Think back to high school or undergrad. Were you ever one of those kids that used
- [00:02:14.110]Cliff's Notes or SparkNotes to help you with your English assignments? Well the MMY
- [00:02:18.330]can be applied the same way. Using the Mental Measurements Yearbook
- [00:02:22.770]you have access to test descriptions
- [00:02:24.450]and psychometric properties that can help you with courses related to
- [00:02:27.090]measurement and to assessment.
- [00:02:30.390]My fifth reason for using the MMY as a graduate student is that it can help you
- [00:02:34.080]with major projects like your dissertation, your master's thesis,
- [00:02:37.260]or maybe even your comprehensive exams if you have to take those.
- [00:02:40.620]We all know that this time in our lives can be incredibly stressful and
- [00:02:44.190]overwhelming. If you have to design a study for your dissertation, let's say,
- [00:02:48.600]and you don't know which test to use
- [00:02:50.430]you can use the MMY to sort through all of your options before you make that
- [00:02:53.670]massive commitment, that's going to really dictate your life
- [00:02:56.640]and what are you gonna be doing for the next few months, if not years?
- [00:03:01.060]Hopefully that's not the case for you,
- [00:03:02.650]but the MMY can help you save some time since we've already have done all the
- [00:03:06.280]work for you. And there you have it.
- [00:03:09.580]Those are my top five reasons for using the MMY to support your graduate
- [00:03:12.910]training. Let's do a small recap. The first reason was due to its longevity.
- [00:03:17.830]The second reason is that the MMY is continuously reviewed across its series.
- [00:03:22.600]The third reason was easy online access.
- [00:03:26.350]The fourth reason was that it can help you with your coursework during your
- [00:03:29.470]graduate training.
- [00:03:30.790]And the fifth reason, and one that's really near and dear to me, is that it can
- [00:03:33.940]help you with those big projects, like a research project or your dissertation,
- [00:03:37.660]or maybe your master's thesis.
- [00:03:39.790]Did you find any of the top five reasons that I gave helpful? If so,
- [00:03:43.030]let us know. After you're done watching this video,
- [00:03:45.730]I highly recommend that you go to a university library provider to see if you
- [00:03:49.300]have access to our MMY databases online. If so, great. If not,
- [00:03:54.100]don't forget to tell your librarian that you want your MMY. From there,
- [00:03:57.380]they can contact us for pricing points.
- [00:04:00.310]I hope you found this video helpful. At the Buros Center for Testing
- [00:04:03.070]we take a lot of pride in the work we do, and we want to make this easy for you.
- [00:04:06.700]You shouldn't make graduate school harder than it already has to be.
- [00:04:09.880]So let us help you along the way. Thanks for watching
- [00:04:12.730]and don't forget to contact us
- [00:04:13.900]if you have any questions. You can find us at
- [00:04:18.610]See you later.
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