Providing Intensive Teaching Services in a Virtual Environment
Mary Ellen Hodge and Jennifer Vest
The purpose of this presentation is to share strategies for teaching
in a Virtual Environment and to model instructional strategies that
can be utilized to implement a Verbal Behavior Program in a
virtual environment using an errorless teaching procedure and
reinforcement strategies.
We will learn strategies on how to implement Natural
Environment teaching with Caregivers, including Mand, Basic
Skills, and for the Verbal Operants.
Searchable Transcript
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- [00:00:06.610]Good afternoon everybody.
- [00:00:08.190]I hope you aren't too exhausted after a long
- [00:00:10.590]day spent at school or online
- [00:00:13.080]with your students or faculty.
- [00:00:16.410]My name is Mary Ellen Hodge.
- [00:00:18.300]This is my first year working with TASN.
- [00:00:21.470]I was previously an Autism Coordinator
- [00:00:23.870]for two years.
- [00:00:24.940]Before that I taught students
- [00:00:26.470]with intellectual disabilities and autism.
- [00:00:29.580]I was even able to start the first structured
- [00:00:31.730]learning classroom in my town of Newton, Kansas.
- [00:00:35.820]Just a little bit about this presentation,
- [00:00:38.950]that I became interested in learning more
- [00:00:41.110]about how to give students Intensive Teaching
- [00:00:43.800]services in the virtual environment
- [00:00:46.670]when I saw teachers struggle last spring
- [00:00:49.690]to do just that.
- [00:00:51.300]Since then I've attended many PaTTAN webinars
- [00:00:54.490]and presentations and have even attended
- [00:00:56.670]the National Autism conference in an attempt
- [00:00:59.720]to gather information to better help teachers
- [00:01:02.460]teach our most difficult students.
- [00:01:04.920]So my goal today is to present this information
- [00:01:08.090]in a way where you feel able to put together
- [00:01:10.530]a plan to teach your students who receive
- [00:01:13.020]Intensive Teaching service in a virtual manner.
- [00:01:17.090]Resources I will be talking about today
- [00:01:20.144]in this presentation can be accessed
- [00:01:22.700]through your PowerPoint, throughout your PowerPoint
- [00:01:26.360]and in the resources section
- [00:01:27.970]at the end of your PowerPoint.
- [00:01:30.310]So let's get started on talking about how
- [00:01:33.180]to provide Intensive Teaching services
- [00:01:35.730]in a virtual environment.
- [00:01:38.980]The purpose of our presentation today is
- [00:01:41.820]to share strategies for teaching
- [00:01:44.330]in a virtual environment, and to model those
- [00:01:46.780]strategies that can be utilized
- [00:01:49.040]to implement a Verbal Behavior Program
- [00:01:51.560]in a virtual environment using
- [00:01:53.250]those errorless teaching procedures
- [00:01:55.250]and reinforcement strategies.
- [00:01:57.650]We'll learn how to implement Natural Environment teaching
- [00:02:00.450]with caregivers, including Mand,
- [00:02:02.700]Basic Skills, and the Verbal Operants.
- [00:02:07.610]Our objectives today are to learn how
- [00:02:10.010]to plan with caregivers for the delivery
- [00:02:12.110]of virtual instruction.
- [00:02:13.870]We'll learn how to talk with caregivers about
- [00:02:16.060]structuring the student's day while they're at home.
- [00:02:18.880]How to deliver reinforcement with the help
- [00:02:21.050]of a caregiver, or virtually.
- [00:02:24.450]Collect and analyze Cold Probe data during
- [00:02:26.930]a virtual Intensive Teaching session.
- [00:02:29.390]How to present those Operants in a virtual manner.
- [00:02:32.630]How to create practice lessons on easy cards
- [00:02:35.740]for learning opportunities throughout the day.
- [00:02:38.430]And even how to create a virtual group
- [00:02:40.800]read aloud session with students.
- [00:02:44.160]And I've got some polling questions
- [00:02:46.330]for you this afternoon that I'm curious
- [00:02:49.810]to see where you're at with that.
- [00:02:51.610]So can we pull the first one up?
- [00:02:55.500]Okay, so first question.
- [00:02:57.650]Are you planning to teach verbal behavior
- [00:02:59.980]virtually to students this year, yes or no?
- [00:03:29.350]Okay we've got quite a few yeses on here.
- [00:03:32.270]So at least 80% of you so far have said yes
- [00:03:36.570]you are planning to teach verbal behavior
- [00:03:38.548]virtually to students this year.
- [00:03:40.840]So this'll be a good presentation for you to listen to.
- [00:03:44.540]If not, there will be some good information
- [00:03:47.470]especially at the beginning of this webinar.
- [00:03:51.620]Our second polling question.
- [00:04:00.960]Ah will that come up?
- [00:04:06.290]Whoops.
- [00:04:07.123]Sorry about that, it wants
- [00:04:08.370]to just show you these results.
- [00:04:10.140]Let me just (laughs).
- [00:04:12.570]That's okay.
- [00:04:14.842]It was my fault, here we go.
- [00:04:19.145]There we go.
- [00:04:19.978]Okay.
- [00:04:20.811]So second question is what are your biggest
- [00:04:23.230]concerns with teaching virtually?
- [00:04:25.710]Is it not knowing how to teach in a virtual way?
- [00:04:28.660]Training caregivers on strategies and techniques?
- [00:04:31.810]Family planning, meaning home schedules,
- [00:04:34.130]or scheduling your time to meet?
- [00:04:35.900]Or all of the above?
- [00:04:53.030]All right, we've got a lot of all of the aboves.
- [00:04:57.400]This is a struggle for so many of us.
- [00:05:06.870]All right, thank you for answering those polling questions.
- [00:05:11.470]Annette can they see the results of this poll?
- [00:05:15.340]I did share it briefly
- [00:05:16.750]but I'll go ahead and put it back up.
- [00:05:18.780]Okay thank you.
- [00:05:25.560]All right.
- [00:05:30.370]Guess we can take that down now.
- [00:05:33.030]So, (laughs) I was able to attend
- [00:05:36.697]Amiris Dipuglia's presentation
- [00:05:39.580]at the National Autism conference
- [00:05:41.960]entitled "School is Closed and You are
- [00:05:44.137]"Asking Me to Do What?"
- [00:05:46.232]Virtual Instructions for Students with Autism.
- [00:05:49.360]This is a wonderful presentation.
- [00:05:51.330]I will give you a link in the resources section
- [00:05:54.310]and talk about that in a little bit as well
- [00:05:56.760]as to how can access her presentation.
- [00:05:59.740]But she started by talking about doing
- [00:06:02.522]student and family assessment before
- [00:06:05.730]doing any type of virtual programming.
- [00:06:08.380]So this is just considering the sill level
- [00:06:11.800]of the student, their ability to respond
- [00:06:15.430]to technology, is there problem behavior
- [00:06:18.060]that the parent is dealing with in the home?
- [00:06:20.610]How reinforcement will be offered
- [00:06:22.410]in the home environment.
- [00:06:24.780]She also talks about considering who will
- [00:06:28.090]be the caregiver for the child while at home.
- [00:06:34.560]When the caregiver or other household members
- [00:06:36.550]will be available to assist with
- [00:06:38.160]that virtual learning, training needs,
- [00:06:40.940]what are their internet needs,
- [00:06:42.290]and device availabilities.
- [00:06:44.290]Sot that's all on this sheet that's
- [00:06:46.300]called the Continuity of Education Planning Sheet.
- [00:06:51.850]And I will share that with you real quickly
- [00:06:54.220]so you can see what that looks like.
- [00:06:59.980]I feel like this is well worth using
- [00:07:02.380]when you are planning with families.
- [00:07:04.730]It's a two page document and I would suggest
- [00:07:07.840]either having the parent come in,
- [00:07:09.410]or meeting online with the parent
- [00:07:11.100]and getting this filled out.
- [00:07:13.110]So who will you make contact with?
- [00:07:16.470]Time availability.
- [00:07:18.430]What's the priority of focus going to be on?
- [00:07:22.680]Here's your device and internet,
- [00:07:25.060]audio, visual.
- [00:07:28.470]If you go down here what are those student considerations?
- [00:07:32.470]Does the student attend to the screen
- [00:07:34.320]when you teach virtually?
- [00:07:35.730]Does the student not attend to the screen?
- [00:07:40.580]Down here there are parent training needs.
- [00:07:43.810]So what kinds of training do the parents need
- [00:07:46.690]to be able to be successful in teaching
- [00:07:48.560]their child at home?
- [00:07:50.140]And then also material considerations.
- [00:07:52.940]Will you be dropping materials off at home
- [00:07:55.200]and picking them up?
- [00:07:57.440]And I'm sorry I think I forgot to reshare my screen.
- [00:08:01.020]So can you see that now?
- [00:08:05.520]Yes we can see that now.
- [00:08:06.750]Okay, I'm sorry.
- [00:08:08.190]When I practiced at home I had trouble
- [00:08:10.270]remembering to reshare that screen
- [00:08:12.000]so please feel free to pop in
- [00:08:13.800]and tell me that I need to do that.
- [00:08:16.900]So this is pretty much what that form looks like.
- [00:08:20.610]You can download that and use
- [00:08:23.630]that when you meet with your parents
- [00:08:26.350]to talk about how your year will go.
- [00:08:35.490]All right, now you can see my screen.
- [00:08:39.470]And I was also able to attend a session
- [00:08:45.703]by Francesca degli Espinosa on lessons learned
- [00:08:49.720]from the Italian COVID-19 lockdown.
- [00:08:53.510]She had some wonderful information
- [00:08:55.670]to share about how they dealt
- [00:08:58.570]with families when the students could
- [00:09:01.120]no longer come into her program
- [00:09:04.202]to learn every day.
- [00:09:08.790]They did verbal behavior in their program,
- [00:09:10.730]their kids were there all day,
- [00:09:12.420]all of a sudden students were stuck at home
- [00:09:15.565]and parents had no idea what to do.
- [00:09:19.470]So what Francesca did was she and her team
- [00:09:23.680]did some calling of the parents
- [00:09:27.430]and just asked you know what are your
- [00:09:30.240]biggest struggles at home?
- [00:09:32.270]And many of the parents said
- [00:09:35.200]that they were struggling with
- [00:09:39.560]just having their students satiate
- [00:09:41.510]on reinforcement because they were
- [00:09:43.010]getting it all day long.
- [00:09:44.710]They were having problem behavior
- [00:09:47.740]and so they were really looking
- [00:09:50.010]for some sort of a schedule,
- [00:09:52.315]or way to help them get through the day.
- [00:09:55.320]And so what she did was she came up
- [00:09:58.214]with a schedule for each one of her parents
- [00:10:03.500]that she worked with, and that helped tremendously.
- [00:10:07.140]So she talked about working with caregivers
- [00:10:13.051]to provide them with that basic schedule
- [00:10:16.100]to get them through the day.
- [00:10:17.560]And when creating that schedule the teacher
- [00:10:19.587]and the caregiver can work together
- [00:10:21.740]to fill in those nonnegotiable times of the day,
- [00:10:24.330]such as when does a child wake up,
- [00:10:27.280]how long does it take them to get through
- [00:10:28.830]their morning routine, we've got breakfast,
- [00:10:31.960]you've got snack, we've got lunch,
- [00:10:34.920]so all those times can automatically be
- [00:10:37.260]filled in during the day.
- [00:10:38.830]And then she said the teacher and the caregiver can
- [00:10:42.980]then look at times of the day
- [00:10:44.410]that may be high risk for behavior.
- [00:10:46.640]So these are times when the child would benefit
- [00:10:49.610]from having some sort of an activity.
- [00:10:52.340]So these activities could be independent work,
- [00:10:57.620]online work with the teacher or paraeducator,
- [00:11:00.810]it could be a craft activity, or a game.
- [00:11:03.900]And then she talked about when building
- [00:11:06.110]a schedule like this the child can have
- [00:11:08.820]a window of time such as 20 to 30 minutes
- [00:11:11.730]that can be intermittently added during the day
- [00:11:16.070]where the child can access reinforcement
- [00:11:19.080]and that will allow the parent to work
- [00:11:21.110]with another child who is likely
- [00:11:22.920]at home working virtually as well,
- [00:11:25.770]or even to take a much needed break.
- [00:11:31.980]Here is an example of a modified example
- [00:11:35.920]that I made of Francesca's schedule.
- [00:11:39.810]She had on the left her times,
- [00:11:44.120]and then she had on the top row
- [00:11:46.570]she had the child with autism,
- [00:11:49.010]she had the sibling, and you may have more
- [00:11:52.600]than one sibling if you choose to do
- [00:11:55.880]a chart like this.
- [00:11:57.540]She has caregiver one, and caregiver two.
- [00:12:01.200]Notice that caregiver two is unavailable
- [00:12:04.410]for most of the day because that caregiver
- [00:12:06.660]is working all day long.
- [00:12:09.600]And so caregiver one is in charge
- [00:12:12.150]of the child with autism and the sibling
- [00:12:14.700]and trying to get their work done during the day.
- [00:12:17.690]So if you look we've got some nonnegotiable
- [00:12:21.540]times over here.
- [00:12:22.530]So this is wake up, morning routine,
- [00:12:25.530]breakfast, nine o'clock our child
- [00:12:28.610]with autism has some direct instruction activity
- [00:12:32.470]with teach provided material.
- [00:12:34.880]The sibling is doing some math homework.
- [00:12:38.270]And for the purpose of this presentation
- [00:12:40.600]I am pretending that the sibling is a
- [00:12:42.865]third or a fourth grade student who is able
- [00:12:45.540]to do some independent work.
- [00:12:50.275]And I'm trying also to get that six hours a day
- [00:12:53.350]of work time in for the sibling
- [00:12:55.110]because our schools, at least here in Kansas,
- [00:12:57.980]are requiring that students do a minimum
- [00:13:01.360]of six hours of work a day.
- [00:13:03.630]So we've got over here at 9:30 the child
- [00:13:07.149]is accessing reinforcement,
- [00:13:09.530]the sibling's doing some homework,
- [00:13:12.930]the caregiver one is free and open
- [00:13:15.920]to help that sibling with math homework if needed.
- [00:13:19.470]10 o'clock that's the time our child
- [00:13:21.650]with autism is meeting online with the teacher.
- [00:13:25.010]This could be your verbal behavior Intensive Teaching
- [00:13:27.790]session time, so Cold Probe verbal behavior
- [00:13:31.973]being online for that 30 minutes
- [00:13:33.650]with the parent.
- [00:13:36.163]10:30 we've got nonnegotiable time.
- [00:13:39.100]11 o'clock independent work,
- [00:13:41.870]this frees up the caregiver to help
- [00:13:44.820]the sibling with homework.
- [00:13:46.660]And then at 11:30 we've got some speech time
- [00:13:50.460]built in, or an adult led activity
- [00:13:53.220]where the sibling can also help.
- [00:13:56.140]This will get some of our social skills time in.
- [00:13:59.660]The speech teacher may even wanna build
- [00:14:02.410]some time in with the sibling
- [00:14:04.240]and the child together to work on some
- [00:14:06.400]things during her time.
- [00:14:10.360]Okay, and then we have our afternoon schedule.
- [00:14:13.670]So we've got reinforcement, making lunch.
- [00:14:16.940]And then we've got lunch.
- [00:14:18.630]At 1 o'clock our child with autism helps
- [00:14:21.670]with routine of doing chores with the parent.
- [00:14:25.300]So this might something you've talked
- [00:14:27.270]with the parent about.
- [00:14:28.910]Maybe our child with autism takes dishes
- [00:14:32.720]from the table and brings them into the kitchen,
- [00:14:36.650]puts them in the dishwasher.
- [00:14:39.010]You may wanna have some sort of a visual
- [00:14:41.110]schedule ready for this, but this is something
- [00:14:43.570]that's very helpful in the home environment
- [00:14:46.700]and teaches our child some really good home skills.
- [00:14:51.450]So then at 2 o'clock there's some reinforcement time,
- [00:14:54.500]it frees up our caregiver to work with the sibling.
- [00:14:57.710]And then more direct instruction time,
- [00:15:00.350]this is time were OT can come in as well
- [00:15:03.510]and work online with the child.
- [00:15:06.450]Then we've got snack, and then at 3:30 it's
- [00:15:09.845]you know work is over, we're gonna have
- [00:15:12.280]a little bit of fun.
- [00:15:14.350]And it wouldn't be necessary that you would need
- [00:15:16.520]to fill the schedule in for the entire day
- [00:15:19.360]for the parent.
- [00:15:20.710]The parent may not even wanna schedule
- [00:15:24.050]but it's helpful to do this just
- [00:15:26.580]so parents know that they can fill in the day
- [00:15:29.605]and still have breaks within that day.
- [00:15:35.100]So if you notice caregiver two comes home
- [00:15:37.820]at 5:30 and is able to plug in and help.
- [00:15:47.401]PaTTAN has the following resource up here
- [00:15:51.480]if you follow that link, it's also in the resources section
- [00:15:54.610]that teaches parents how to use a Promise Reinforcer.
- [00:15:57.960]So if your child is accessing reinforcement
- [00:16:00.930]for 30 minutes and does not wanna give up
- [00:16:03.110]that reinforcement, it teaches the parent how
- [00:16:06.070]to offer something that's a little bit
- [00:16:07.900]less reinforcing in order to make
- [00:16:10.990]that trade happen.
- [00:16:12.400]And then prevent that problem behavior.
- [00:16:17.790]PaTTAN has a supports for family resource file
- [00:16:21.450]that has resources on how to teach parents how
- [00:16:24.090]to included their child in completing
- [00:16:26.100]daily activities and chores,
- [00:16:28.290]independent activities within the household,
- [00:16:31.030]and setting up activity schedules.
- [00:16:33.010]So this is pretty much like a schedule
- [00:16:35.860]for the child throughout the day.
- [00:16:37.740]And so these are all found in
- [00:16:39.780]that supports for family resource file.
- [00:16:42.850]And then at bottom this is how
- [00:16:45.060]to access the 2020 National Autism Conference.
- [00:16:48.990]There are also links to past conferences
- [00:16:51.620]that you can get from going to the same link.
- [00:16:58.360]All right, so providing those services
- [00:17:00.840]using the verbal behavior card sort system.
- [00:17:04.050]Reinforcement is so very important.
- [00:17:07.580]We do not wanna forget that,
- [00:17:09.230]we always wanna start with reinforcement
- [00:17:11.390]and end with reinforcement.
- [00:17:14.110]So you wanna pick things that you can control
- [00:17:16.990]when doing reinforcement.
- [00:17:18.500]So it might be short video clips
- [00:17:20.630]that you can pull up on the computer.
- [00:17:23.010]It could be a silly hat, I've got a silly hat
- [00:17:26.500]that my daughter's friend made for me
- [00:17:28.230]and you can just make funny faces
- [00:17:30.070]and wear a silly hat.
- [00:17:31.930]It could be magic tricks.
- [00:17:33.560]It could be playing and doing silly things
- [00:17:35.905]with toys the student likes.
- [00:17:38.620]It could be fun spinners like this.
- [00:17:41.960]Just be fun and silly and engaging
- [00:17:45.210]with the students.
- [00:17:46.560]And even you know how we talk about pairing
- [00:17:50.910]with our students at the beginning
- [00:17:52.660]of the school year, even pairing
- [00:17:55.150]with your students learning virtually
- [00:17:58.760]with some of these reinforcing items
- [00:18:00.990]over the computer before you do any sort
- [00:18:03.650]of verbal behavior program, or work
- [00:18:06.010]over the computer would help pair you
- [00:18:08.527]and that computer with the child.
- [00:18:10.860]So think about doing that the first couple
- [00:18:13.080]of weeks of school.
- [00:18:15.210]You may have to reinforce more often
- [00:18:17.460]than what you would in the classroom
- [00:18:19.040]under more controlled environments
- [00:18:21.860]just because this is brand new for the child.
- [00:18:24.610]Or if it's not brand new, they haven't
- [00:18:26.720]done it all summer.
- [00:18:27.730]So it's good to just pair and reinforce.
- [00:18:32.751]There's a YouTube video by Emily McCullough
- [00:18:36.420]that goes through steps on how
- [00:18:37.990]to do multiple shared activities in Zoom
- [00:18:41.360]and then she also shares how to create
- [00:18:43.830]a digital token board for reinforcement.
- [00:18:46.850]So that would be a great video
- [00:18:48.420]for you to check out.
- [00:18:51.390]Here is an example of a sample token board.
- [00:18:55.760]Dixie Teeter who works for TASN was able
- [00:18:59.470]to modify one of Emily McCullough's boards
- [00:19:02.980]and into this sample token board.
- [00:19:06.620]And so you wanna make sure
- [00:19:08.270]that you take the interests of the child
- [00:19:11.300]into your thinking when you make this
- [00:19:13.999]and make it highly motivating for the child.
- [00:19:17.940]So over here there are two videos the student likes
- [00:19:22.440]and they're embedded into the PowerPoint
- [00:19:26.690]so the student can choose which one
- [00:19:29.140]he or she wants to work for,
- [00:19:31.870]and then earn tokens.
- [00:19:33.310]So if you're using this in a
- [00:19:35.200]verbal behavior program you can pull down
- [00:19:38.960]one of these every time the student
- [00:19:40.950]reaches his or her VR,
- [00:19:43.760]when you get to the end they earned access
- [00:19:46.560]to that reinforcement for two minutes.
- [00:19:49.330]I would suggest making up several
- [00:19:52.640]of these sample token boards if this is what
- [00:19:54.600]you're choose to use online.
- [00:19:57.500]And having multiple different ones
- [00:20:00.080]available just so you can differentiate
- [00:20:02.190]that reinforcement.
- [00:20:04.690]One thing that Francesca degli Espinosa
- [00:20:07.360]talked about that worked well
- [00:20:09.850]with her parents in their homes
- [00:20:12.140]was using physical token boards
- [00:20:14.140]to have the children complete chores
- [00:20:16.904]in the home throughout the day.
- [00:20:19.770]So they could earn a token say
- [00:20:21.670]for taking laundry out of the dryer
- [00:20:24.820]and putting it on the bed to be folded.
- [00:20:27.480]They could earn a token for moving laundry
- [00:20:30.450]from the washer to the dryer,
- [00:20:32.560]for helping to make the bed,
- [00:20:34.980]for putting some dishes in the dishwasher,
- [00:20:37.470]and so on and so forth.
- [00:20:39.410]And so she said that worked really really well
- [00:20:45.820]as the parent use those token boards
- [00:20:48.210]throughout the day.
- [00:20:49.500]And then she also talked about if a parent
- [00:20:53.750]would need more than that 30 minutes
- [00:20:56.078]of reinforcement time not to just give
- [00:20:59.880]that extra 30 minutes of time needed.
- [00:21:02.930]She talked about giving the 30 minutes
- [00:21:05.510]then going through a token board system
- [00:21:09.800]so where they would have to do five things
- [00:21:11.670]and earn a different kind of reinforcement
- [00:21:14.390]and then that would allow the parents
- [00:21:15.990]a little bit more time if they needed it.
- [00:21:21.710]Okay, here's a video on different ways
- [00:21:24.490]that you can provide reinforcement
- [00:21:26.550]in a virtual environment.
- [00:21:28.430]Let me see if I can get this pulled up
- [00:21:31.940]and share that with you.
- [00:21:58.010]We're not seeing the video yet
- [00:21:59.800]Mary Ellen.
- [00:22:01.110]There we go.
- [00:22:02.540]Okay.
- [00:22:55.718]Could you turn the volume up too Mary Ellen
- [00:22:57.270]we're not able to hear it.
- [00:23:07.750]Trying to.
- [00:23:43.330]Whoops.
- [00:23:44.370]Oh, I'm having volume issues and play button issues here,
- [00:23:49.530]I'm sorry, I apologize for that.
- [00:24:32.890]All right, I apologize, those videos are kind
- [00:24:35.740]of hard to hear.
- [00:24:36.900]Annette do you feel it would be better
- [00:24:38.163]if I would unplug my headset?
- [00:24:42.940]I think you could give that a try.
- [00:24:46.060]Okay.
- [00:24:46.893]That's fine with me.
- [00:24:48.280]I don't think the background noise
- [00:24:49.790]will be a problem.
- [00:24:52.115]Okay.
- [00:24:56.620]I'm sorry, what?
- [00:25:00.190]You can also try that on the next video
- [00:25:02.140]or just try a portion of this since
- [00:25:03.930]they were able to read it.
- [00:25:05.790]And then you will be able to access all
- [00:25:09.630]of these videos after the training as well.
- [00:25:13.350]Yes, mmhm.
- [00:25:17.010]All right, so I'm hoping you can see
- [00:25:20.100]this screen now.
- [00:25:22.200]We wanna remember Doctor Carbone's slide
- [00:25:24.940]from Bootcamp.
- [00:25:26.210]And it's especially important
- [00:25:27.690]to implement his strategies when we are
- [00:25:29.790]teaching in a virtual environment.
- [00:25:32.060]But we'll wanna make sure that we start
- [00:25:33.970]with easy or known cards and
- [00:25:35.910]then fade in those demands gradually.
- [00:25:38.750]We'll wanna start with short successful sessions
- [00:25:41.970]and use fast-paced instruction,
- [00:25:44.010]but we also have to remember that internet lag
- [00:25:47.280]may make that a bit slower,
- [00:25:49.630]which I'm trying to remember when showing
- [00:25:51.380]you the videos as well
- [00:25:52.540]because I feel like there's a little bit
- [00:25:54.440]of lag on my end to your end on watching those.
- [00:25:58.240]We wanna remember to mix and vary easy and hard tasks.
- [00:26:02.350]Use our errorless instruction procedures.
- [00:26:05.100]And then always end the session on a
- [00:26:07.260]successful note while the student is
- [00:26:09.210]responding and is actively engaged.
- [00:26:15.600]Okay, so this slide is pretty much
- [00:26:18.724]is basically about doing some parent training
- [00:26:22.050]and the method that we wanna use
- [00:26:24.580]when we train caregivers on our different skills
- [00:26:29.380]that we're teaching our children.
- [00:26:31.320]So the BST model provides instruction on how
- [00:26:35.440]to teach different specific skills.
- [00:26:38.230]It provides instruction on when
- [00:26:39.980]to deliver reinforcement, how much to give,
- [00:26:42.690]and when to give it.
- [00:26:44.460]BST stands for Behavior Skills Training
- [00:26:48.130]and it's a systematic way to teach new skills.
- [00:26:51.360]It's a research based practice,
- [00:26:53.720]and it's used to teach parents, paras,
- [00:26:57.170]teachers, and more.
- [00:26:59.500]It utilizes instruction, modeling,
- [00:27:02.360]rehearsal, and feedback in order
- [00:27:04.330]to teach a new skill.
- [00:27:06.110]And you'll wanna meet daily or weekly
- [00:27:09.120]to do these BST sessions with parents,
- [00:27:12.030]or with caregivers, on those targeted skills.
- [00:27:15.420]One thing that I have started (chuckles)
- [00:27:17.790]and I will continue to work on especially
- [00:27:20.810]as you send me emails telling me
- [00:27:23.340]what you want some parent training for.
- [00:27:26.000]But I have gone through the BST planning guide
- [00:27:29.920]down here to work on parent training
- [00:27:33.400]for each one of the Verbal Operants.
- [00:27:35.750]And I will share that with you
- [00:27:37.330]at the end of the PowerPoint,
- [00:27:38.940]and just kinda show you how I use
- [00:27:41.820]that planning guide to do that.
- [00:27:45.250]And if you would like to learn more
- [00:27:46.940]about the behavior skills training model
- [00:27:49.860]there is a PowerPoint available
- [00:27:51.820]for you to look at as well.
- [00:27:56.640]So reinforcement can be physical or tangible,
- [00:28:00.210]it can be hugs, or tickles,
- [00:28:01.960]or a small piece of candy, or a cracker.
- [00:28:04.810]Before the sessions begin, you may wanna
- [00:28:07.150]ask caregivers to have several different
- [00:28:09.360]reinforcers nearby and give them some instruction
- [00:28:14.240]or reminders on how to mix and vary
- [00:28:16.440]that reinforcement.
- [00:28:17.950]I've heard that some caregivers get
- [00:28:21.710]like a box of reinforcement together
- [00:28:25.010]with some of the student's favorite things
- [00:28:27.210]and that's what pull out during
- [00:28:29.275]those Intensive Teaching session
- [00:28:31.450]or at times where reinforcement is
- [00:28:35.020]highly sought after by the student.
- [00:28:38.030]So we wanna teach caregivers the sequence
- [00:28:40.810]of instructional delivery.
- [00:28:43.050]Reinforcement may be delivered after
- [00:28:45.330]that Prompt-Transfer sequence
- [00:28:47.240]for students with a low VR,
- [00:28:49.420]or if students have a VR that's little bit higher,
- [00:28:52.870]after that Prompt-Transfer, Distract, Check sequence.
- [00:28:59.630]When starting out, the teacher will likely need
- [00:29:02.770]to prompt the caregiver to give reinforcement
- [00:29:05.340]until the caregiver learns that teaching sequence.
- [00:29:08.720]And we also wanna remember to reinforce
- [00:29:11.410]caregivers for their participation
- [00:29:13.430]for the things that they do well during the session.
- [00:29:16.170]Remember that they're learning this too
- [00:29:18.080]and it's not easy for them so we need
- [00:29:20.840]to not only reinforce the child
- [00:29:22.510]but the parents as well.
- [00:29:24.410]And always use language that's easy to understand.
- [00:29:27.750]So instead of saying the word tact when
- [00:29:29.760]you start out maybe you wanna say the word label.
- [00:29:33.380]And instead of using listen or responding,
- [00:29:35.630]we can talk about following directions.
- [00:29:40.880]Prior to IT sessions, provide caregivers
- [00:29:43.820]with some training on what the session will look like,
- [00:29:46.650]what your expectations are,
- [00:29:48.510]and that you will be providing feedback
- [00:29:50.720]to them during the session.
- [00:29:52.830]It would be beneficial to debrief
- [00:29:55.090]after the session on things that went well
- [00:29:57.730]and things to work on for the next session.
- [00:30:01.730]So it's not always easy to give parent feedback,
- [00:30:05.810]it can be a little bit intimidating
- [00:30:07.840]and you wanna make sure that you're always
- [00:30:09.820]using that positive language with your parents
- [00:30:13.760]because you do not want to have them
- [00:30:15.636]get upset with you.
- [00:30:17.700]It's a fine line to walk, but just remeber
- [00:30:21.820]to make it a positive experience for the parents.
- [00:30:31.410]See if I can get this video and hopefully
- [00:30:33.730]you will be able to hear it this time.
- [00:35:11.854]Okay, so there was a lot going on in
- [00:35:14.080]that video with correction of parents
- [00:35:17.325]and just teaching how to do that prompt for imitation.
- [00:35:23.118]Oop, I need to resume share here.
- [00:35:25.400]For that prompt for imitation,
- [00:35:27.060]so you're first several sessions,
- [00:35:29.840]or maybe even weeks will look something like
- [00:35:32.300]that when you're trying to teach your student
- [00:35:35.100]online just because there's so much training
- [00:35:37.800]that needs to happen.
- [00:35:39.310]But I feel like once your parents get it,
- [00:35:41.240]they're gonna get and really take off.
- [00:35:43.290]So that training piece is gonna be
- [00:35:45.670]really important for you to remember to do
- [00:35:49.020]as you start working with your students online.
- [00:35:55.010]Okay, we're still gonna have
- [00:35:56.190]to take our Cold Probe data every time
- [00:36:00.670]we do our first Intensive Teaching session.
- [00:36:02.860]So I'm not sure if you're planning on doing
- [00:36:04.990]just one a day, and them some easies
- [00:36:07.080]which we'll talk about a little bit later
- [00:36:09.020]or if you'll do a couple.
- [00:36:10.650]But that first one of the day you'll wanna
- [00:36:12.650]make sure that you do your Cold Probe data
- [00:36:15.450]and be flexible with where your student sits.
- [00:36:19.930]It's okay for the student to cuddle up
- [00:36:21.950]on the caregivers lap, it's okay
- [00:36:24.650]for a student to be falling half way out
- [00:36:26.710]of their chair as long as they're attending
- [00:36:28.870]to the screen and answering your questions.
- [00:36:32.720]So as long they're paying attention it's fine.
- [00:36:36.360]Just do not be critical that they have
- [00:36:38.210]to just sit in the chair and follow directions
- [00:36:41.180]because it will be very difficult
- [00:36:43.210]for some students to be able to do that.
- [00:36:47.160]And here's a reminder that this is still
- [00:36:49.520]true when teaching virtually.
- [00:36:51.740]If errors are made on known cards
- [00:36:53.900]in previous session, or during those
- [00:36:55.970]pre-recorded easy sessions, that we still
- [00:36:59.120]wanna assess them in the Cold Probe.
- [00:37:01.370]And if they're wrong on the third day
- [00:37:03.720]they'll need to go back into the targets.
- [00:37:06.220]So when this happens remember
- [00:37:07.810]to adjust the skills tracking sheet and the graph
- [00:37:11.030]so your graph will go down instead of up
- [00:37:14.350]for that card and you'll bring it out later
- [00:37:16.810]to reteach it.
- [00:37:18.630]And plan to teach the error cards during
- [00:37:20.870]the Intensive Teaching session using
- [00:37:22.820]those errorless teaching procedures.
- [00:37:25.690]And remember to reinforce the student
- [00:37:27.720]and the caregiver after the Cold Probe session.
- [00:37:30.930]Some students may need to be reinforced
- [00:37:33.030]more frequently.
- [00:37:34.450]So for example if a student has eight target cards,
- [00:37:38.232]you may need to stop and reinforce them
- [00:37:40.750]after every two or three just depending
- [00:37:42.870]on the child's ability to pay attention.
- [00:37:49.310]Okay, here is a video on giving a
- [00:37:52.070]Cold Probe in a virtual environment.
- [00:39:08.910]Okay, so I don't know if I thank Jennifer
- [00:39:12.370]and her children for being part
- [00:39:13.870]of all these videos, but they did a great job
- [00:39:15.980]of working with me to get all these made.
- [00:39:19.230]But did you notice how Jennifer gave
- [00:39:21.970]me a thumbs up, or a thumbs down
- [00:39:24.836]when the screen was pulled down
- [00:39:28.410]and I could not see what she pointed to.
- [00:39:31.870]So you'll wanna work out a system like that
- [00:39:34.840]with the caregiver as to how they're going
- [00:39:38.030]to tell you whether or not the student got that,
- [00:39:42.800]or their child got that correct or not.
- [00:39:47.990]Okay, so presenting the operants.
- [00:39:50.920]You'll present the tact in the same way
- [00:39:53.720]so you'll just hold that up to the screen like this
- [00:39:57.560]and ask them to name it.
- [00:39:59.620]Our intraverbals are presented the same way.
- [00:40:03.520]If you need the prompt for that
- [00:40:05.530]just hold the prompt up to the screen
- [00:40:07.690]the student can name that.
- [00:40:10.030]Echoics are presented the same way.
- [00:40:12.850]Our listener responding three by five cards
- [00:40:15.500]such as clap, that's presented the same way.
- [00:40:21.080]Listener discrimination is where it becomes
- [00:40:24.680]a little bit more tricky.
- [00:40:27.950]So you'll wanna have your field out
- [00:40:30.100]with your cards.
- [00:40:32.890]And I've got a field of four,
- [00:40:34.440]you may be able to get a field of five or six.
- [00:40:37.770]You'll wanna put your webcam down like this
- [00:40:41.240]and that student will point,
- [00:40:42.840]and again the caregiver will give you a thumbs up
- [00:40:45.930]or a thumbs down, or a head nod, or a head shake,
- [00:40:49.540]whatever you decide to show whether
- [00:40:52.430]or not they got that card correct.
- [00:40:55.550]Items can also be presented in a PowerPoint presentation.
- [00:41:00.950]Students may memorize where the correct answer is.
- [00:41:04.280]So you'll wanna make sure that you pull
- [00:41:06.060]your screen out to where you can see all the cards
- [00:41:08.720]and mix all of those up.
- [00:41:11.230]You'll also wanna be aware of your prompt,
- [00:41:13.950]transfer, and check cards that they are in
- [00:41:16.480]the correct order.
- [00:41:19.080]Parents could have pictures at home
- [00:41:20.860]to present a field at home,
- [00:41:23.450]but that would take coordination
- [00:41:26.720]for presenting a target versus a known item.
- [00:41:29.050]So more parent training may need to happen there.
- [00:41:34.750]This is just a picture of what it looks like
- [00:41:37.390]on Zoom when you pull your screen down.
- [00:41:41.040]And I can see every card on there
- [00:41:43.120]and I may be able to get one or two
- [00:41:45.670]more cards in that field.
- [00:41:50.510]For motor imitation will need to be coordinated
- [00:41:53.660]with the parent to provide that physical prompt
- [00:41:56.910]for the errorless and error correction procedures.
- [00:41:59.960]So just like in that one video,
- [00:42:03.140]I told Jennifer you're gonna have
- [00:42:04.930]to put your hands up to her face
- [00:42:07.100]so that will need to happen as the prompt
- [00:42:09.860]for every target imitation card
- [00:42:12.740]or if you're error correcting.
- [00:42:15.260]For match-to-sample, this will also need
- [00:42:17.570]to be be coordinated with parents.
- [00:42:19.850]Parents will need to have these materials
- [00:42:21.850]at home for the student to match
- [00:42:23.760]to the field on the screen,
- [00:42:25.409]or they will need to duplicate items
- [00:42:28.160]at home to present a field and the item to match.
- [00:42:31.920]So you may even have to provide parents cards
- [00:42:35.400]if they're matching similar or identical cards.
- [00:42:38.790]Parent will need to signal you
- [00:42:40.320]to let you know whether or not the student
- [00:42:42.137]got the answer correct if they are matching on the screen.
- [00:42:48.110]Intermediate Unit 1, so IU1 in Pennsylvania
- [00:42:51.690]has developed some really wonderful tip sheets
- [00:42:55.020]for teaching the Verbal Operants
- [00:42:56.560]in the virtual environment.
- [00:42:58.050]And I wanna share these with you
- [00:42:59.350]because they've got them in a file
- [00:43:02.180]that is really pretty easy to access.
- [00:43:11.960]Let me see here, okay.
- [00:43:18.760]So if you see these, they've got general tips
- [00:43:24.026]for just teaching online,
- [00:43:25.220]and then they've got a tip sheets
- [00:43:28.120]that a color coded.
- [00:43:29.290]So you've got blue for Intraverbal,
- [00:43:31.250]green for Tact, red for listener responding,
- [00:43:34.490]and purple for imitation.
- [00:43:38.100]So there's just some good ideas in here
- [00:43:41.300]that you can use when you are presenting online.
- [00:44:02.760]Okay, for error correction.
- [00:44:05.920]The student may respond differently
- [00:44:08.130]to you in a virtual environment
- [00:44:09.990]versus a classroom setting.
- [00:44:11.840]Because of this, error correction may need
- [00:44:14.150]to be modified to maintain instructional control.
- [00:44:17.860]So if you find yourself repeating
- [00:44:20.040]the error correction sequence
- [00:44:21.990]and increasing a student's VR significantly,
- [00:44:25.490]you may want to do something like this.
- [00:44:28.170]So you're holding up a card, you wanna end it,
- [00:44:31.670]prompt it, what are these crackers,
- [00:44:34.750]and then just move on to the next trial.
- [00:44:37.600]Or you can end, prompt, transfer,
- [00:44:39.890]move to the next trial.
- [00:44:41.090]So they miss crackers, you end it,
- [00:44:44.710]what are these crackers?
- [00:44:46.680]They say crackers, what are these crackers?
- [00:44:51.770]And then move onto the next trial.
- [00:44:54.980]Oops, I think I did an extra one in there,
- [00:44:57.350]I'm sorry.
- [00:44:58.183]So yeah end, prompt, transfer, move to the next trial.
- [00:45:01.620]The student's VR may also need
- [00:45:03.095]to be modified when teaching virtually as well,
- [00:45:06.710]just because of that environment change.
- [00:45:08.830]So instead of a VR six you may wanna go down to four.
- [00:45:13.560]You may wanna do some run throughs just
- [00:45:15.440]to see what the new VR is in a virtual setting.
- [00:45:22.040]Okay, so for at-home review.
- [00:45:24.280]To give the student extra practice,
- [00:45:26.300]the teacher can pre-record several short sessions
- [00:45:30.130]using the student's mastered cards.
- [00:45:32.600]So these videos can be uploaded into a site,
- [00:45:35.700]like Schoology, or Google Classroom.
- [00:45:38.490]I know our district is using Canvas
- [00:45:41.240]so they could be uploaded into Canvas
- [00:45:43.410]for the caregiver to access
- [00:45:45.540]and then have the child run through every day.
- [00:45:49.530]When recording practice videos,
- [00:45:51.800]make sure to have at least four seconds
- [00:45:54.010]of time between each SD.
- [00:45:56.870]This will ensure enough time for the student
- [00:45:59.070]to respond with the possibility of lag time
- [00:46:02.200]and the need to stop the video to error correct.
- [00:46:05.220]So you're really gonna have to,
- [00:46:06.560]when you hold up those cards,
- [00:46:07.750]you're really gonna have to count the seconds
- [00:46:09.490]in between just to give a student enough time to respond.
- [00:46:14.770]And the parent enough time to stop
- [00:46:16.480]if error correction needs to happen.
- [00:46:19.640]There's also a natural delay from when you
- [00:46:21.940]present material to when the other person
- [00:46:24.350]perceives the information.
- [00:46:26.380]This delay is longer in a virtual setting.
- [00:46:29.810]A pre-recorded session is a good opportunity
- [00:46:32.660]for paras to get online with caregivers
- [00:46:35.050]and provide feedback and help with error correction.
- [00:46:38.350]So if you noticed back when I talked about
- [00:46:40.930]the schedule in the afternoon,
- [00:46:43.040]the para got online with the child
- [00:46:45.415]and that would be a great time
- [00:46:48.930]for those pre-recorded easies to be gone over
- [00:46:52.100]both with the para and the parent in the room
- [00:46:55.690]and eventually the parent could just take
- [00:46:58.030]that over and do that by him or herself.
- [00:47:02.810]Caregivers will need some training on when
- [00:47:05.010]to give reinforcers during these run-throughs.
- [00:47:07.860]They'll need some knowledge of the child's
- [00:47:09.680]schedule of reinforcement or VR to be able to do this.
- [00:47:14.560]So here's a pre-recorded practice video
- [00:47:17.390]on what it would just look like for you
- [00:47:19.410]to record those easy cards.
- [00:50:00.490]Okay, so that is how a
- [00:50:02.880]pre-recorded easy session can look like
- [00:50:06.790]and those can be uploaded into those sites
- [00:50:08.990]such as Schoology, or Google Classroom, or Canvas
- [00:50:13.520]for students to practice throughout the day.
- [00:50:17.430]This is a link to Schoology, it's free
- [00:50:20.710]for educators and parents.
- [00:50:22.830]Oops, I need to resume share (chuckles).
- [00:50:25.100]It's free for educators and parents.
- [00:50:27.740]The account set-up and the assignment set-up
- [00:50:30.830]is fairly simple.
- [00:50:32.860]Video's can be easily uploaded and assigned
- [00:50:35.530]to individual students and even put into folders.
- [00:50:38.730]Because of this, teachers can have their own folder
- [00:50:41.190]for those Verbal Behavior practice sessions.
- [00:50:45.200]PaTTAN actually had some webinars they gave
- [00:50:49.210]on Schoology back in May
- [00:50:50.790]that I got a lot of this information
- [00:50:53.280]for this webinar from.
- [00:50:55.120]And this link right here shows you how
- [00:50:58.310]to access PaTTAN's conference for supporting
- [00:51:01.860]students with disabilities in virtual environments.
- [00:51:05.280]The main sessions that I watched were
- [00:51:08.420]Session one J that was on read alouds
- [00:51:11.290]for natural environment teaching instruction.
- [00:51:14.140]Session two C was on ABA Intensive Teaching
- [00:51:18.450]and that showed a teacher actually teaching
- [00:51:22.180]online, Verbal Behavior online with her students
- [00:51:25.180]and I found that one very interesting.
- [00:51:27.690]And then Session four J is about
- [00:51:31.290]ABA virtual supports and professional development,
- [00:51:34.910]a lot of the resources that I got from IU one
- [00:51:38.603]came from that webinar.
- [00:51:40.560]I did notice when I got on the other day
- [00:51:42.730]that they've got another one up
- [00:51:45.100]that you actually may be directed
- [00:51:47.130]to first if you create an account
- [00:51:50.310]and it's about teaching now in a virtual environment.
- [00:51:55.100]And that was aired or shown on August 18,
- [00:52:00.470]so it may be worth going in there
- [00:52:02.890]and seeing what they have to offer.
- [00:52:06.220]I have not done that yet, but that is on my list
- [00:52:08.510]of things to do.
- [00:52:12.800]So for at-home review, you wanna plan
- [00:52:15.758]at a minimum, one weekly check-in with caregivers.
- [00:52:19.800]This is to provide feedback on student responding.
- [00:52:23.420]So you'll either wanna join online
- [00:52:25.590]and watch the student engage
- [00:52:26.980]with those pre-recorded easies.
- [00:52:29.100]Give the caregiver feedback on the student's responding.
- [00:52:32.380]So for example if an error has been made,
- [00:52:35.500]the video can be paused, and the caregiver
- [00:52:37.950]can go through that prompt-transfer sequence,
- [00:52:41.170]reinforce, and then move on.
- [00:52:43.380]Or you can have the caregiver send a video
- [00:52:46.180]of the child reviewing those pre-recorded easies.
- [00:52:49.080]And then the teacher can watch the video
- [00:52:51.480]and provide feedback to the caregiver
- [00:52:53.700]in the next session.
- [00:52:57.220]Okay, this is an example of a pre-recorded easy
- [00:53:01.561]being done at home with the parent.
- [00:55:50.260]Oh, oops.
- [00:55:51.720]Hold on a minute, there we go.
- [00:55:57.640]All right, so that was a good example
- [00:55:59.878]of how that at-home learning can happen
- [00:56:02.830]with the parent.
- [00:56:04.834]Paraeducator can also come online
- [00:56:06.940]and show up in the screen and give instructions
- [00:56:10.080]to the parent on what to do.
- [00:56:13.320]So as you can see there are four seconds
- [00:56:16.650]of time in between each FD,
- [00:56:19.280]and then with adding in reinforcement
- [00:56:21.697]and error correction, that at home learning time,
- [00:56:25.860]those easy session, can take a little bit longer.
- [00:56:30.680]Okay, so the teacher will want
- [00:56:32.170]to watch for the following.
- [00:56:35.480]Is the student responding on cue?
- [00:56:37.820]Is the student making errors?
- [00:56:39.900]What is the caregiver doing if the student
- [00:56:42.140]responds correctly or responds with an error?
- [00:56:45.240]And the teacher may wanna engage the caregiver
- [00:56:47.740]in a conversation about offering reinforcement
- [00:56:50.640]about how to stop the video and complete
- [00:56:53.070]that Error Correction Sequence.
- [00:56:58.580]So we can utilize paraeducators when
- [00:57:01.080]we teach verbal behavior.
- [00:57:02.600]So trained paraeducators can run easy sessions
- [00:57:05.840]with students throughout the week.
- [00:57:07.940]Paraeducators who are trained in Intensive Teaching
- [00:57:11.310]can run the the Cold-Probe and other IT sessions.
- [00:57:15.540]You'll wanna make sure that data can be easily
- [00:57:18.110]shared among paraeducators and the teacher
- [00:57:21.250]if multiple people are running
- [00:57:22.750]sessions through the week.
- [00:57:24.370]I would almost recommend just to keep things
- [00:57:27.670]from getting too tricky there,
- [00:57:31.820]to have maybe one paraeducator with one kid
- [00:57:34.650]do it for the entire week.
- [00:57:36.720]But some teachers are very innovative
- [00:57:39.780]and they have found ways to put the
- [00:57:42.500]data sheets online, which is amazing.
- [00:57:46.150]You would still wanna think about how you
- [00:57:48.120]would add in those new cards.
- [00:57:53.540]Okay, for object-sort it is beneficial
- [00:57:56.380]to provide caregivers with a list
- [00:57:58.520]of household items to gather for teaching sessions
- [00:58:03.280]or you may have to provide items to parents.
- [00:58:06.820]Packets of new materials could be dropped off
- [00:58:09.370]at the caregiver's homes or picked up from school.
- [00:58:12.410]So maybe you wanna do a certain set
- [00:58:14.970]of objects for the week,
- [00:58:16.550]and so you've got a bag that goes back
- [00:58:18.470]and forth between school and home
- [00:58:20.290]and you put another set of those objects in the bag.
- [00:58:24.430]It's likely the objects used for imitation
- [00:58:27.790]will not match the items of the teacher
- [00:58:30.380]if the caregiver is looking for these items at home.
- [00:58:33.170]So you'll just wansa be aware if the student
- [00:58:36.830]will be successful with this or not.
- [00:58:39.070]Some students may need those exact
- [00:58:42.619]identical items, and some will be fine
- [00:58:45.940]with not having those.
- [00:58:47.890]This system can be taught just like
- [00:58:49.950]the Card Sort system.
- [00:58:53.900]In this video the student is somewhat
- [00:58:56.570]paying attention to the screen
- [00:58:58.570]but as a teacher you may be online just giving
- [00:59:02.506]the parents instructions and modeling for them,
- [00:59:06.340]and then they'll do the same thing that you do
- [00:59:10.650]because their child may not be able
- [00:59:12.480]to attend to the screen.
- [00:59:14.120]So here is teaching an object-sort program
- [00:59:18.050]in a virtual environment video.
- [01:01:25.700]All right, so sometimes things happen,
- [01:01:29.050]like your daughter walks in the door
- [01:01:31.180]and says hi to you in the middle
- [01:01:33.130]of a teaching session if you're teaching from home.
- [01:01:36.760]Those things will definitely be a part of your day.
- [01:01:40.840]I have a cat right now running across the floor
- [01:01:45.740]that I may have to let out of this room
- [01:01:48.380]so please let me know if he's too loud for you.
- [01:01:52.650]That's just the reality of being online I'm afraid.
- [01:02:04.378]So Intermediate Unit 1 in Pennsylvania
- [01:02:07.210]has these wonderful resources about teaching
- [01:02:10.320]LR Contextual and Initiation Contextual
- [01:02:13.960]in the natural environment.
- [01:02:15.950]They have an activity matrix
- [01:02:17.700]that teachers can provide parents
- [01:02:19.680]so everyday objects can be plugged
- [01:02:21.560]into the child's routine.
- [01:02:23.650]I would like to share what this looks like
- [01:02:27.110]because I think it would be very helpful
- [01:02:30.630]in the home environment.
- [01:02:37.730]Ah, let's see, those are tips.
- [01:02:40.720]Oop it looks like I'm still sharing,
- [01:02:42.710]can you see my screen?
- [01:02:45.860]Yes we can.
- [01:02:46.930]Okay, thanks.
- [01:02:48.430]I thought I paused that and I didn't.
- [01:02:51.040]So I will make that bigger.
- [01:02:55.560]So different things that you may wanna add
- [01:02:57.690]into basic skills program are
- [01:03:01.030]opening and closing catsup bottles,
- [01:03:03.260]opening and closing the kitchen cabinet,
- [01:03:05.440]a book, doors, dresser drawers,
- [01:03:08.560]pulling open a microwave door, a refrigerator door.
- [01:03:12.670]I'm not so sure about the stove door
- [01:03:15.040]unless you can trust that child won't do
- [01:03:17.320]that when the stove is hot.
- [01:03:19.940]A dresser drawer, pulling a kleenex from a box,
- [01:03:24.000]pushing a remote control button,
- [01:03:26.610]these are all things that the child's gonna need
- [01:03:29.160]to learn how to do in their everyday lives
- [01:03:32.050]and so it would be wonderful to be able
- [01:03:33.970]to include some of these things in
- [01:03:36.840]the child's Verbal Behavior program.
- [01:03:49.280]Okay, Mand sessions.
- [01:03:51.500]Our Mand sessions will need to be coordinated
- [01:03:53.740]with caregivers.
- [01:03:55.020]Caregivers will need to present items
- [01:03:57.270]and run through the teaching session with the child.
- [01:04:00.600]So because of this, prior training
- [01:04:02.670]and modeling is recommended.
- [01:04:05.330]You might wanna have a caregiver start
- [01:04:07.860]with a preference assessment,
- [01:04:10.390]as Mand sessions may be more motivating
- [01:04:13.300]to the student when using preferred items
- [01:04:15.480]from around the house.
- [01:04:16.940]Most caregivers will already know
- [01:04:19.700]what is motivating for the child
- [01:04:21.630]and they'll be able to put them in
- [01:04:23.270]that reinforcer box.
- [01:04:25.860]Make sure the child will have the needed
- [01:04:27.710]communication items needed.
- [01:04:30.640]So if you've got an older child who is non-verbal
- [01:04:34.570]but can write you may wanna have
- [01:04:36.317]a paper and pencil handy.
- [01:04:38.590]If you've got a child who relies on pictures,
- [01:04:42.608]and is non-verbal, you may wanna have
- [01:04:44.360]that PEC system handy.
- [01:04:48.460]Okay, so if the child independently make a request,
- [01:04:51.640]reward that request by giving them access
- [01:04:54.070]to the item, activity, or information
- [01:04:56.850]as long as the appropriate behavior
- [01:04:59.560]is exhibited upon request.
- [01:05:01.860]If that request isn't made,
- [01:05:03.400]model that again how you would like the child
- [01:05:06.390]to make the request and then immediately
- [01:05:08.490]deliver that item.
- [01:05:12.510]Here is a parent training example on Manding.
- [01:05:16.600]We've got a within trial transfer
- [01:05:19.144]and a second trial transfer.
- [01:05:22.420]It's important to know that if you've got
- [01:05:24.570]a child that exhibits some problem behavior
- [01:05:27.680]that the second trial transfer will work better
- [01:05:31.200]for that child.
- [01:05:36.460]Let's see here, I can't find my.
- [01:05:52.732]All right.
- [01:07:27.351]All right, so that's how
- [01:07:29.700]to teach a parent how to do a Manding session.
- [01:07:33.260]So the teacher won't know which items in
- [01:07:35.940]the house the child is able to Mand for,
- [01:07:38.350]so the teacher and the parent may wanna
- [01:07:40.550]work together to conduct probes
- [01:07:42.630]to figure out which household items
- [01:07:44.930]a child can Mand for.
- [01:07:46.100]So getting those reinforcement items together,
- [01:07:49.340]holding them up, seeing if a child can say the name
- [01:07:52.020]of those items, and so that's something
- [01:07:55.590]the parent can do with the child.
- [01:07:57.280]Meanwhile the teacher is on the other side
- [01:07:59.380]of the screen taking data on what
- [01:08:01.550]the child can and can't Mand for
- [01:08:04.360]from these probes and that's what can be used
- [01:08:07.140]to structure a Mand session.
- [01:08:09.300]If the child's unable to say the entire word
- [01:08:12.010]of what's being requested, then vocal shaping
- [01:08:15.380]could be used to help the child learn
- [01:08:17.090]how to request using the entire word.
- [01:08:20.020]We'll talk more about that here in a little bit.
- [01:08:26.080]Okay IU1 has some wonderful examples
- [01:08:28.760]that parents can use when working on Manding
- [01:08:31.240]with their children.
- [01:08:33.940]I'll just read one example for you.
- [01:08:36.460]So a parent can present a short clip
- [01:08:38.780]of the preferred television show
- [01:08:40.460]and say play, pause, wait two or three seconds
- [01:08:44.160]to see if the child says play,
- [01:08:46.600]then press play while saying play.
- [01:08:53.090]IU1 has made wonderful resources
- [01:08:55.890]for their teachers who work early learners.
- [01:08:58.640]They have a Mand calendar, Mand target ideas,
- [01:09:02.230]and Mand and data sheets.
- [01:09:04.950]Oop I am not resumed share, so I apologize for that.
- [01:09:08.410]I'm gonna actually pause my sharing again
- [01:09:11.130]and show you what this Mand calendar looks like.
- [01:09:24.976]Ah find it here.
- [01:09:30.650]Okay.
- [01:09:32.000]These are actually what I'm gonna show first
- [01:09:36.490]are natural environment activities
- [01:09:39.920]that you can do to teach Manding.
- [01:09:41.820]So you could teach a child to Mand for a bowl,
- [01:09:44.990]a spoon, cereal, a cup, a mug.
- [01:09:48.180]So these would be great things to do
- [01:09:49.810]during those non-negotiable times as snacks
- [01:09:52.300]so you still have learning happening.
- [01:09:56.137]They can if you involve them in making recipes
- [01:10:00.350]they can learn how to Mand for different
- [01:10:02.630]ingredients in the recipes.
- [01:10:06.850]I'm gonna go back here to this Mand calendar.
- [01:10:17.117]And I'll make that bigger so you can see it.
- [01:10:20.240]There's just different ideas for what parents
- [01:10:24.184]can work on each day in teaching their child how to Mand.
- [01:10:30.200]You can do something new every day.
- [01:10:32.430]You can have a caregiver work on one thing a week,
- [01:10:36.610]it's totally up to you.
- [01:10:37.780]But I love this calendar.
- [01:10:39.680]When I saw this back in May
- [01:10:41.110]and I thought oh my goodness there's
- [01:10:42.770]so many of my preschool teachers
- [01:10:44.670]that could really utilize this Mand calendar.
- [01:10:51.560]And this isn't just for preschool kids,
- [01:10:53.460]it can totally be used for our older kids as well.
- [01:11:00.940]All right.
- [01:11:06.632]So Manding using stimulus-stimulus pairing
- [01:11:09.470]is great way to shape that vocal behavior
- [01:11:12.450]in children who have those limited verbal skills.
- [01:11:17.540]So there are certain steps in being able to do this.
- [01:11:24.740]So if you're child can say cuh for cookie
- [01:11:30.060]you would say the target sound three times,
- [01:11:32.440]so cuh, cuh, cuh.
- [01:11:35.010]Immediately present the cookies while saying cuh, cuh.
- [01:11:39.750]And then hand it to 'em and say cookie.
- [01:11:42.920]And then as the child progresses in being able
- [01:11:46.765]to say something like cook, you would do
- [01:11:51.150]that instead of cuh.
- [01:11:52.290]So you would fade out what they were saying
- [01:11:55.210]and then just shape that vocalization that way.
- [01:12:00.490]So again, once the child has said a sound
- [01:12:03.290]that's closer to the target word cookie
- [01:12:05.630]remember to say that sound as it's
- [01:12:08.580]the closest target sound while presenting the item.
- [01:12:11.920]And then you'll wanna fade out reinforcement
- [01:12:14.560]for any of those previous sounds
- [01:12:16.270]that the child was saying.
- [01:12:18.310]But this would be something great
- [01:12:19.740]to teach parents as they are teaching
- [01:12:22.740]their children how to talk at home as well.
- [01:12:28.000]Teri McGill from the Nebraska ASD Network
- [01:12:32.430]has shared this wonderful document about
- [01:12:36.150]special ED teacher resources,
- [01:12:38.130]online learning and other ideas.
- [01:12:40.490]She has also shared with us things
- [01:12:43.290]to consider when starting the school year.
- [01:12:46.130]This second part is not in your PowerPoint.
- [01:12:50.080]Jennifer I'm wondering if you would be able
- [01:12:52.490]to copy this link and share it in the chat box?
- [01:12:57.690]If not I can do that at the end.
- [01:13:01.110]But I will show you what these resources are.
- [01:13:16.880]Okay, so here's her document
- [01:13:19.560]that she worked on over the summer.
- [01:13:22.060]She's got some great resources in here.
- [01:13:24.660]So thank you Teri.
- [01:13:27.020]She's got, we'll just do Manding examples just
- [01:13:30.050]because we've been talking about Manding.
- [01:13:32.450]She's got videos in here on how parents
- [01:13:35.524]can teach students how to Mand.
- [01:13:39.260]So lots and lost of video examples
- [01:13:42.460]to share with parents.
- [01:13:43.860]Even then if I go back, she's got teaching
- [01:13:49.120]during daily routine.
- [01:13:50.480]She's got lots of videos in there.
- [01:13:57.970]So this one would be great for even our older kids.
- [01:14:00.800]So this how to use, using a routine with a dishwasher,
- [01:14:06.250]folding clothes, sorting plates, wiping tables,
- [01:14:09.170]so lots of good skills that our
- [01:14:11.490]students can learn at home.
- [01:14:14.120]So I would recommend looking through that document.
- [01:14:20.470]And then, let's see here.
- [01:14:26.160]She also has this one,
- [01:14:28.880]things to consider when starting the school year.
- [01:14:31.820]So she's got reinforcement on there, schedule,
- [01:14:35.120]and visual schedules for our kiddos.
- [01:14:38.160]How to begin instruction, keeping socially distant.
- [01:14:43.690]And then skills you'll wanna consider teaching
- [01:14:46.430]for COVID-19.
- [01:14:49.560]So hopefully this one will be in the chat box too
- [01:14:52.417]and if it already isn't.
- [01:15:01.970]Okay, group read alouds.
- [01:15:04.020]This was a great presentation by PaTTON on
- [01:15:07.300]that Schoology site.
- [01:15:09.220]They're another great way to work on
- [01:15:11.220]natural environment training
- [01:15:12.880]and to maintain a previously learned skill.
- [01:15:15.920]Read alouds are great opportunities
- [01:15:19.370]for generalization and exposing students to new skills.
- [01:15:24.800]Oops, let me resume share.
- [01:15:26.500]So you'll have students who may not be
- [01:15:30.560]at the level of some of the other kids in
- [01:15:32.730]a group read aloud but they will be exposed
- [01:15:35.010]to those things that other kids are working on.
- [01:15:39.660]So it's a great opportunity for peer interaction
- [01:15:45.682]and let me see, let me go on here.
- [01:15:47.300]So when you do this, you're gonna wanna
- [01:15:50.040]choose a highly visual book,
- [01:15:51.990]make sure the book can be shown over the screen.
- [01:15:55.470]This will give the teacher a highly visual
- [01:15:58.590]book will give the teacher an opportunity
- [01:16:00.790]to have students practice several different tacts.
- [01:16:04.260]So you may wanna use a site like Epic or YouTube.
- [01:16:08.090]And I'll just share with you again,
- [01:16:10.390]I feel like I'm sharing a lot here
- [01:16:14.640]but I'm almost done.
- [01:16:18.810]This is "Pete the Cat A Pet for Pete"
- [01:16:21.390]and it's an epic book, it's highly visual,
- [01:16:25.440]it's very colorful.
- [01:16:27.300]I even see an array on the screen
- [01:16:29.710]that you can use when asking questions
- [01:16:32.370]about the verbal operants.
- [01:16:34.730]The pages are easy to turn.
- [01:16:38.000]So this is a great site and it is free to use.
- [01:16:49.260]And then choosing high interest stories
- [01:16:51.290]that will keep the student's attention is important.
- [01:16:54.720]And then of course while reading the story
- [01:16:57.080]incorporating those different verbal operants
- [01:16:59.670]and targeting specific operants
- [01:17:02.160]to students who are working on those skills.
- [01:17:07.340]So for example, if I'm going to read
- [01:17:09.887]"Pete the Cat A Pet for Pete",
- [01:17:13.330]I'll just read through some of these.
- [01:17:15.400]I may point to Pete's mom and say,
- [01:17:18.400]Jose what is, I'm sorry I've got my picture over this.
- [01:17:23.320]I might point to Pete's mom's car
- [01:17:26.020]and say, Jose, what is this?
- [01:17:28.250]And then he'll say, it's a car.
- [01:17:31.020]And then for an intraverbal I might ask
- [01:17:34.940]Sarah what is Pete feeding the fish?
- [01:17:38.160]Sarah says, fish food.
- [01:17:40.550]And I may say, everybody say Pete,
- [01:17:43.720]or show me your ears.
- [01:17:45.610]So there's lots of good questions
- [01:17:47.820]that can be asked during a read aloud session.
- [01:17:53.142]From match to sample you can email parents
- [01:17:55.630]the day before and say, I want your child
- [01:17:58.507]to match a cat to a picture of a cat on the screen.
- [01:18:02.790]So can you find maybe a stuffed animal
- [01:18:06.310]of a cat that you can have available
- [01:18:08.660]during this read aloud session?
- [01:18:10.057]And so then I may say, match your cat
- [01:18:12.730]to the cat on the page.
- [01:18:14.830]You can also do feature, function, class.
- [01:18:17.590]So what is something you drive?
- [01:18:19.440]A car.
- [01:18:20.560]Point to something that's round,
- [01:18:22.510]the wheels.
- [01:18:23.920]What is something you can do with a car?
- [01:18:26.800]Drive it.
- [01:18:28.650]So many, many different things you can do.
- [01:18:31.200]You can also invite other teachers
- [01:18:33.610]and students who are familiar
- [01:18:38.910]to the students to do a read aloud.
- [01:18:41.320]So this could be, if you've got a student
- [01:18:43.200]learning remotely maybe they haven't
- [01:18:45.240]seen the Gen ED music teacher in a long time,
- [01:18:49.150]or the art teacher, or maybe they haven't
- [01:18:52.680]seen the adaptive PE teacher in awhile
- [01:18:54.700]and you wanna have them on as a guest.
- [01:18:57.250]So you could prepare them by having them
- [01:19:00.480]come on a week early and watch you teach
- [01:19:03.640]and then you can meet with them,
- [01:19:05.220]come up with some different kinds
- [01:19:07.410]of questions related to the verbal operants.
- [01:19:11.360]And then that person can read the book the next week.
- [01:19:16.130]Some students will have a difficult time
- [01:19:18.360]with being able to sit and attend
- [01:19:20.190]during group time especially if the
- [01:19:22.300]electronic device has mostly used for reinforcement.
- [01:19:26.440]So you'll wanna instruct caregivers
- [01:19:28.440]on differential reinforcement and shaping
- [01:19:31.030]to help students see that electronic device
- [01:19:34.300]as a learning tool and not just as reinforcement.
- [01:19:37.130]So you know maybe a child may only be able
- [01:19:39.700]to attend four to five minutes
- [01:19:42.770]with reinforcement given at specific times
- [01:19:46.870]but then the more times you do it,
- [01:19:49.250]the longer the child's able to sit and attend.
- [01:19:53.980]Okay, so here's that parent training guide
- [01:19:57.040]I was talking about.
- [01:19:59.100]And I'll talk to you about it,
- [01:20:00.650]and then I will show you how to access
- [01:20:03.940]that on the TASN website.
- [01:20:06.500]So the parent training guide includes instruction
- [01:20:09.930]and modeling for verbal behavior.
- [01:20:12.210]If using this outline to train caregivers,
- [01:20:16.040]it's the trainer's responsibility
- [01:20:17.910]to work on that Rehearsal and Performance Feedback part
- [01:20:21.670]with the caregiver.
- [01:20:23.170]So the trainer can set up short sessions
- [01:20:25.440]with the caregiver to go over specific skills
- [01:20:28.270]to be targeted.
- [01:20:29.700]It's recommended that if you're training somebody
- [01:20:33.140]that you copy and paste sections
- [01:20:35.270]of this document and send it via email
- [01:20:38.590]to the caregivers because the whole document
- [01:20:41.840]might be overwhelming.
- [01:20:46.080]It will also be important for the trainer
- [01:20:48.490]to assess the skill level of the caregiver
- [01:20:51.360]and train accordingly.
- [01:20:53.220]So for example, one caregiver may need
- [01:20:55.890]more explicit instruction than another caregiver.
- [01:20:59.380]And when training caregivers,
- [01:21:00.740]remember to pair yourself with reinforcement
- [01:21:03.510]for the caregiver.
- [01:21:04.970]So if the caregiver's practicing a skill,
- [01:21:07.810]and they get it right, just remember
- [01:21:09.400]to say good job, you're doing it,
- [01:21:11.670]you're learning it, let's work on this
- [01:21:14.330]for next week, but you're catching on so fast.
- [01:21:18.870]Show the caregivers data regarding skill acquisition
- [01:21:22.380]so they can visually see what you're doing is working.
- [01:21:25.370]So you may wanna hold up their child's data sheet
- [01:21:28.510]and say, look we've learned five new tacts
- [01:21:31.490]in the last five weeks, look at this graph,
- [01:21:33.920]it's going up, what we're doing is working,
- [01:21:36.380]your child is learning.
- [01:21:38.870]If teaching in a hybrid fashion,
- [01:21:41.440]the teacher may wanna think about
- [01:21:42.990]recording a video of how adult work in the classroom,
- [01:21:46.770]how adults in the classroom work with the child
- [01:21:49.170]and then share that video with the caregiver.
- [01:21:52.390]So I will show you how to access
- [01:21:57.770]this on the TASN website.
- [01:22:02.340]So if you go to you'll wanna
- [01:22:07.260]come over here to TASN projects and click on that.
- [01:22:14.135]And then ATBS used to be up in this corner,
- [01:22:17.490]it has moved.
- [01:22:19.010]So it is now in the middle column,
- [01:22:23.240]towards the bottom.
- [01:22:28.950]so you'll wanna click on that.
- [01:22:33.738]And then this brings up our page
- [01:22:36.560]and you'll wanna go to the blue box
- [01:22:40.200]scroll all the way down to Verbal Behavior Intermediate,
- [01:22:45.410]click on that.
- [01:22:49.150]And then since these items have recently been added,
- [01:22:52.620]you will wanna go clear down to the bottom.
- [01:22:57.730]And I wanna show you real quick,
- [01:22:59.470]here are some Face Mask Resources
- [01:23:01.810]that you can access if you're teaching students
- [01:23:04.760]in the classroom.
- [01:23:06.660]This is about pairing and shaping
- [01:23:08.980]to get students to wear a face mask
- [01:23:11.610]just for a short amount of time
- [01:23:13.040]and then lengthening that time.
- [01:23:14.980]And there are some short videos on how
- [01:23:18.410]to incorporate that into verbal behavior.
- [01:23:22.080]So right here there's a guide for teachers
- [01:23:24.580]providing IT services in a virtual environment.
- [01:23:27.790]This is the document that goes
- [01:23:29.610]with the PowerPoint I'm sharing today.
- [01:23:33.150]And then down here is the parent training guide
- [01:23:36.660]on virtual Intensive Teaching sessions.
- [01:23:39.660]So I will click on that.
- [01:23:42.180]You will go over here to visit.
- [01:23:46.860]And it will take you to that document.
- [01:23:52.720]So up here we just talk about what is
- [01:23:55.650]applied behavior analysis,
- [01:23:57.410]and what are the principles of that
- [01:23:59.050]because verbal behavior is based on ABA.
- [01:24:04.840]And then if we go down here,
- [01:24:07.340]we've got our prompt, transfer, distract, check sequence.
- [01:24:13.380]We talk about a Cold-Probe session,
- [01:24:15.810]there's a video to go with that.
- [01:24:19.964]And then here we start with the verbal operants.
- [01:24:22.820]And so I use the BST model to talk about
- [01:24:26.140]what is a tact, why is a tact important,
- [01:24:29.810]how can a tact be used, how is it implemented,
- [01:24:33.490]and what is the prompt for a tact?
- [01:24:35.930]Right here there are different examples of tacts.
- [01:24:40.810]I have all of this information in a PowerPoint right here
- [01:24:45.950]so you may have parents who are more audible learners
- [01:24:49.960]than visual, so they could just pull up
- [01:24:52.180]that video and listen to it.
- [01:24:55.430]And down here there are examples
- [01:24:59.270]of how to teach a tact body part,
- [01:25:01.740]a tact action, and a tact picture.
- [01:25:05.290]And then so once you send that home
- [01:25:07.030]to the parent, you can check in with them
- [01:25:10.790]and say, can I practice this skill with you
- [01:25:14.700]and can I give you feedback on it?
- [01:25:17.620]Another thing you could do is you could
- [01:25:19.820]send home a bunch of copies of tact cards
- [01:25:24.640]that the caregiver's child uses
- [01:25:28.070]and you can have them practice
- [01:25:29.750]with just those cards, and then practice
- [01:25:32.480]with you over the computer.
- [01:25:37.000]So here's one on listener responding.
- [01:25:41.000]We've got, I'm sorry my cats are fighting
- [01:25:45.780]back there (chuckles).
- [01:25:47.638]We're got some on imitation.
- [01:25:50.100]Echoics.
- [01:25:53.613]Intraverbal.
- [01:25:56.610]Match to sample.
- [01:26:01.150]What is an error correction procedure?
- [01:26:04.620]And then we've got Mand and the different kinds
- [01:26:07.000]of Mands down here.
- [01:26:09.690]And there are also some of the videos
- [01:26:11.820]I shared with you today on Manding.
- [01:26:15.690]Nope, that was a basic skills I separated out.
- [01:26:18.470]But there's a video on Manding here.
- [01:26:21.840]And then there's also some information
- [01:26:24.380]on reinforcement.
- [01:26:26.340]I can re-vamp any of this,
- [01:26:28.250]I can put reinforcement into a BST model
- [01:26:32.750]if that's something you're interested in
- [01:26:35.210]and you wanna send that home for parents.
- [01:26:38.250]This is kind of an ongoing document for me.
- [01:26:40.890]So as you think of things that you want
- [01:26:43.200]your parent to be trained on,
- [01:26:45.030]please email me.
- [01:26:46.560]If I can create less work for you
- [01:26:49.070]I will be happy to do that.
- [01:26:58.550]All right.
- [01:27:00.290]So now we are to the end,
- [01:27:01.920]so here's all of our reference pages.
- [01:27:09.600]And then our resource pages.
- [01:27:20.200]I can't remember if I gave you guys,
- [01:27:22.420]if I got this, I don't think I got this in
- [01:27:24.200]enough time when I sent the PowerPoint out.
- [01:27:27.190]Oops, I'm sorry, gonna resume sharing.
- [01:27:29.940]These are the links to the teacher training videos.
- [01:27:33.290]And Jennifer, I don't think I got these out
- [01:27:35.640]in enough time.
- [01:27:36.473]I don't know if you would be willing
- [01:27:37.600]to copy those and put those in the chat box as well.
- [01:27:42.770]And Mary Ellen if you could resend
- [01:27:44.981]that as a PDF to me I'm sending an email
- [01:27:48.800]to the whole group and those links
- [01:27:50.880]will be included in there.
- [01:27:52.468]Awesome.
- [01:27:53.301]Okay, we'll do that then, so you'll get these links.
- [01:27:57.560]Thank you.
- [01:28:01.290]And then here is my email address.
- [01:28:03.750]If you have questions for me,
- [01:28:06.900]or things you want me to add to
- [01:28:08.420]that parent document, please feel free
- [01:28:10.660]to shoot me an email and I will do that.
- [01:28:17.770]All right that is the end of my presentation.
- [01:28:22.090]Are there any questions I can answer?
- [01:28:25.040]I see there's a lot of things in the chat box
- [01:28:27.240]that I have not checked.
- [01:28:29.340]Mary Ellen one of the questions
- [01:28:30.830]was, can you clarify on how to get
- [01:28:33.100]to the TASN links and information?
- [01:28:35.078]So if you wanna maybe just show that page again.
- [01:28:39.630]I did copy that direct link into the chat box as well.
- [01:28:44.810]If people are able to click on that link.
- [01:28:50.490]But she will show you again how to navigate that.
- [01:28:53.170]I know if you're not familiar with our site
- [01:28:55.552]it does take a little getting used to.
- [01:29:01.330]Yeah.
- [01:29:04.240]Ladies I do wanna let everybody
- [01:29:06.030]know I put the link to, it's a very short survey,
- [01:29:10.260]it's gonna ask you like three questions
- [01:29:11.790]about the webinar today.
- [01:29:13.680]And then once you submit that,
- [01:29:15.560]it will take you to a certificate
- [01:29:17.300]of attendance for today's webinar.
- [01:29:19.330]So that is in the chat box.
- [01:29:21.050]I will not be emailing that out to the group
- [01:29:23.810]so I'll repost it because you know obviously
- [01:29:27.680]it's not gonna go out to people
- [01:29:28.680]who didn't attend the session live.
- [01:29:30.830]So email me directly if you have any difficulties
- [01:29:34.267]with that link.
- [01:29:38.394]All right, so to reach the TASN website
- [01:29:40.220]you'll wanna put in your web browser
- [01:29:48.690]And some of you may be doing that now
- [01:29:50.240]so I'll just wait just to hear a little bit
- [01:29:52.090]to make sure you can get there.
- [01:29:57.240]So
- [01:30:00.460]You'll wanna go over here to the blue box
- [01:30:03.880]where it says TASN Projects.
- [01:30:07.180]And you'll wanna click on that link.
- [01:30:14.660]And then you will scroll down,
- [01:30:18.120]until you find,
- [01:30:27.300]And that is linked to the ATBS site.
- [01:30:34.070]So you will wanna click on this.
- [01:30:40.740]And that will take you to the
- [01:30:42.440]Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports page.
- [01:30:51.730]And then you will wanna go down to,
- [01:30:56.090]there's lots of stuff on here.
- [01:30:57.820]So you'll wanna make sure that you go down
- [01:30:59.860]to Verbal Behavior and it'll be
- [01:31:03.690]the Intermediate Verbal Behavior link.
- [01:31:11.660]And then you'll wanna click on that.
- [01:31:19.280]And then there's lots, and lots
- [01:31:20.940]of awesome things on here for verbal behavior
- [01:31:23.770]so I would recommend just browsing
- [01:31:26.010]through the TASN site if you have time.
- [01:31:31.920]But what I'm showing you is clear at the bottom
- [01:31:34.800]because our newest things are at the end.
- [01:31:40.710]So right here for our COVID-19 resources
- [01:31:45.940]we have FACE MASK RESOURCES,
- [01:31:49.160]so there is a link on here I can show you real quick
- [01:31:54.650]on helping students to wear face masks.
- [01:32:01.410]And it's all about pairing and shaping.
- [01:32:05.030]There's different resources on here.
- [01:32:09.210]Verbal behavior is linked to that
- [01:32:11.430]where we have some videos that you can watch
- [01:32:15.430]and incorporate into your verbal behavior program.
- [01:32:20.260]And there's lots of social narratives
- [01:32:22.270]there at the bottom.
- [01:32:27.920]Also just wanted to let people know
- [01:32:29.240]too that a resource that will be coming out
- [01:32:32.480]in it'll be probably a few more weeks yet.
- [01:32:36.500]But we are working on a virtual resource document
- [01:32:41.900]for giving a VB map as well.
- [01:32:45.310]So for those of you who do VB maps
- [01:32:49.690]and you're in an all online virtual environment
- [01:32:54.040]right now we're gonna give you some ideas
- [01:32:56.830]and some strategies for that.
- [01:32:59.580]There will be some parent information for that.
- [01:33:04.930]And you can access that same thing,
- [01:33:07.628]Mary Ellen you'll just kind of scroll up
- [01:33:09.960]for a minute so we can show 'em
- [01:33:12.120]where they will find that.
- [01:33:13.950]Inn that light blue panel on our page
- [01:33:18.630]that's next to the darker blue panel,
- [01:33:21.100]there's a VB Map page, okay.
- [01:33:23.930]So you don't need to click on it right now
- [01:33:26.340]but we will locate that document
- [01:33:29.060]when it's ready on that page.
- [01:33:32.330]And it will likely be at the bottom as well
- [01:33:35.050]that says providing services,
- [01:33:37.720]or an assessment in the virtual environment.
- [01:33:41.110]So you know just to kinda give some
- [01:33:44.147]of you a heads up on that as some
- [01:33:46.030]of it's' going to be similar to
- [01:33:47.860]verbal behavior, but we're looking
- [01:33:49.860]at independent responding.
- [01:33:51.610]So we wanna really make sure our parents aren't
- [01:33:54.500]prompting in those kinds of situations.
- [01:33:56.510]So there'll be a lot of parent prep before hand
- [01:34:02.190]and a lot of interviewing for you ahead of time.
- [01:34:04.694]So definitely look for that in the
- [01:34:07.140]upcoming month or so on our website as well.
- [01:34:12.250]Just a little tip for you guys
- [01:34:13.800]'cause as I showed you it takes a little
- [01:34:15.720]bit to get to this page.
- [01:34:17.200]You can bookmark this page.
- [01:34:19.290]So when you get here, and I highly
- [01:34:21.130]recommend you do, go to the top
- [01:34:23.610]of your browser, to your bookmarks option,
- [01:34:26.810]and bookmark this page
- [01:34:28.500]because then you can access alll
- [01:34:30.300]of these things pretty quickly.
- [01:34:33.590]So yes, I'm gonna go ahead and stop the recording
- [01:34:35.730]and presenters and I will stay on
- [01:34:38.210]for a few minutes to answer any additional questions.
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